Report 4

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Research Training

School of Physics, Faculty of Sciences

Industrial University of Santander
We build future


Cristian Alberto Rojas Ortiz. 2215140 – Student - Industrial Engineering.
Loren Daniela Ramírez Estupiñán. 2215130 - Student - Industrial Engineering.
Luna Sofia Jaimes Murillo. 2215118 – Student - Civil Engineering
Wilmer Gerardo Jaimes Ortiz. 2215114 - Student - Civil Engineering.

“The most wonderful thing about science is that it's alive”

Richard Feynman


In this research project we studied the movement of a slider on an air rail under the influence
of a constant force, in which Newton's second law was evidenced, which states that the force
applied to an object is equal to its mass multiplied by the acceleration (F=m*a), in order to
verify the validity of this, the movement of the body was experimented with a constant
velocity disregarding the greatest amount of external forces, ideally using the air rail in order
to minimize the friction between the mobile and the rail. The acceleration is directly
proportional to the net force applied to an object, the mass in this plays an important role
since this is the constant of proportionality of this law, the mass will also have an important
role in this research report, since we will be testing with this, through a series of
methodological steps in which the velocities and accelerations of a slider varying the
magnitudes of a hanging mass were measured experimentally and calculated analytically.

Research Training
School of Physics, Faculty of Sciences
Industrial University of Santander
We build future


The document is conformed up of six components: Methodology, where the will be described
the procedure and equipment; Treatment of data, the use will be give of the data obtained in
the laboratory; Analysis of results, the interpretation to will given to the treatment results;
Conclusions, where we will have a final premise of reasoning taking into account the
previous points; References, where the bibliographies used for the preparation of this report
will be cited.
In situations where objects move together, it may be easier to study them as a whole and not
as separate objects. In the Physics Laboratory, the behavior of two bodies joined by a rope
was studied: A slider on a frictionless air rail and a hanging mass suspended at the end of the
same rail. Newton's second law is used to describe and understand the motion of this system.
friction force is a contact force between the object and the surface, therefore, this study looks
for a way to depreciate this force, an air rail is used for this purpose so that the slider is
suspended above the surface, and friction is neglected, since the ideal for the study of motion
in Newton's second law is that the minimum amount of external forces act. The main
objective of this practice was to study the movement of a body, in this case of the slider under
the influence of a constant force, in particular, the acceleration of the system was determined
by varying the mass of both the pulley and the slider. When analyzing accelerations
experimentally, forces and masses of the system, the directly proportional relationships stated
in Newton's second law were established.


The following elements were used to carry out the practice described below: A slider, an air
rail, two photocells, a balance, a single flap, a rope, a pulley, a mass holder together with
several masses of different values.
• The air rail was leveled, in order to avoid tilting when positioning the slider.
• The length of the slider was measured. The data were recorded.
• The pulley was positioned at one end of the rail.
• The weight holder and the slider are joined by means of a thread, so that the thread
passes through the pulley and the weight holder is suspended.
Research Training
School of Physics, Faculty of Sciences
Industrial University of Santander
We build future

• Photocells were placed on the air rail. These take the time at the moment when the
slider passes under them.
• Masses were added to the weight holder and slider. Data were recorded in a table.
• The slider is freely positioned on the air rail. Due to the external force to which it is
subjected, the slider moves. The times t1 and t2 were taken to find the instantaneous
velocity, and the time t3 was taken to find the experimental acceleration.

Image 1. Air rail, slider and Image 2. Pasco universal interface.


Image 3. Air pump.

Image 4. Fins of different sizes.

Research Training
School of Physics, Faculty of Sciences
Industrial University of Santander
We build future


Speed (m/s) Mass (g)

v1 v2 ma mb

A 0.96 1.36 17.7

B 0.6 1.08 1.46 201.1 18.7

C 1.11 1.53 20.6

Table 1. Data recorded in the laboratory.

Test (m/s) acceleration
V1 V2

0.97 1.36 0.77

B 1.08 1.46 0.80

C 1.11 1.53 0.92

Table 2. Experimental acceleration

Research Training
School of Physics, Faculty of Sciences
Industrial University of Santander
We build future

Experimental Theoretical Margin of error

Test acceleration acceleration (%)
(m/s2) (m/s2)
A 0.77 0.79 2.5
B 0.8 0.83 3.6
C 0.92 0.91 1
Table 3. Margin of error


Newton himself used the term mass as a synonym for quantity of matter. Therefore, it is
vitally important to be clear about the difference between mass and weight. Mass is a property
of a body, it is a measure of its inertia or amount of matter and weight is the force exerted on
the body by the force of planet Earth.

The acceleration that exists in the body is the main reason why the velocity changes over
time, also due to the constant force that is applied to it by the air pump. Calculations are
made to find the experimental acceleration, thus it is evident that when the weight of the
hanging masses increases so does the acceleration. The force to which it is subjected is
greater. There it is expected to compare with the theoretical value that was registered and to
be able to find a margin of error between each value of the acceleration.


In conclusion, it was possible to achieve the main objective of the experiment, which was to
prove Newton's second law, since it was demonstrated that as the hanging mass increased,
the force that it experienced grew because it is the product between the mass and the
acceleration, in the same way it was possible to understand that it is necessary to have a good
precision and to make the calculations at the moment of doing the practice, This is where
small acts such as the correct measurement of the masses to be used, a good configuration in
the Sparkvue application, among others, come in.

Research Training
School of Physics, Faculty of Sciences
Industrial University of Santander
We build future


Fernández, J. L. (s.f.). FisicaLab. Obtenido de FisicaLab:

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