Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Sem-I
Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Sem-I
Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Sem-I
E) Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of the course, teachers are expected to ensure the
accomplishment of following course outcomes by the learners. For this, the learners are expected to perform
various activities related to three learning domains (Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective) in classroom/
laboratory/ workshop/ field/ industry.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Scheme of Study
Course Course
Board Classroom Lab Notional Total Total
Code Title
of Instruction Instruction Hours Hours Credits
Study (CI) (LI) (TW+ SL) (CI+LI+TW+SL) (C)
2400101 Mathemati
02 01 - 02 05 04
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional/ implement at ion strategies i.e. Lecture (L), Tutorial (T), Case method,
Demonstrations, Video demonstration, Problem based learning etc. to deliver theoretical concepts)
LI: Laboratory Instruction (Includes experiments/ practical performances / problem-based experiences in laboratory, workshop,
field or other locations using different instructional/ Implementation strategies)
Notional Hours: Hours of engagement by learners, other than the contact hours for ensuring learning.
TW: Term Work (includes assignments, seminars, micro projects, industrial visits, any other student activities etc.)
SL: Self Learning, MOOCs, Spoken Tutorials, online educational resources etc.
C: Credits= (1xCIhours) + (0.5xLIhours) + (0.5xNotionalhours)
Note: TW and SL have to be planned by the teacher and performed by the learner under the continuous guidance and feedback of
teacher to ensure outcome of learning.
H) Assessment Scheme:
Assessment Scheme(Marks)
Theory Assessment Term Work& Lab Assessment
Progressive Theory
End Laboratory
Progressive Lab
End Theory
2400101 Engineering 30 70 20 30 - - 150
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
PTA: Progressive Theory Assessment in class room (includes class test, mid-term test and quiz using online/offline modes)
PLA: Progressive Laboratory Assessment (includes process and product assessment using rating Scales and rubrics)
TWA: Term work & Self Learning Assessment (Includes assessment related to student performance in assignments, seminars, micro
projects, industrial visits, self-learning, any other student activities etc.
Separate passing is must for progressive and end semester assessment for both theory and practical.
ETA & ELA are to be carried out at the end of the term/ semester.
Term Work is to be done by the students under the guidance of internal faculty but its assessment will be done internally (40%) as
well as externally (60%). Assessment related to planning and execution of Term Work activities like assignment, micro project,
seminar and self-learning is to be done by internal faculty (Internal Assessment) whereas assessment of output/product/
presentation related to these activities will be carried out by external faculty/expert (External Assessment). However, criteria of
internal as well as external assessment may vary as per the requirement of respective course. For valid and reliable assessment,
the internal faculty should prepare checklist & rubrics for these activities.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
I) Course Curriculum Detailing: This course curriculum detailing depicts learning outcomes at course level
and session level and their attainment by the students through Classroom Instruction (CI), Laboratory
Instruction (LI), Term Work (TW) and Self Learning (SL). Students are expected to demonstrate the
attainment of Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) leading to attainment of
Course Outcomes (COs) upon the completion of the course. While curriculum detailing, NEP 2020 related
reforms like Green skills, Sustainability, Multidisciplinary aspects, Society connect, Indian Knowledge
System (IKS) and others must be integrated appropriately.
TSO 2a. Define concept of function and its types. Unit-2.0 Differential Calculus CO2
TSO 2b. Solve simple problems based on Domain Function and Limit
and range of function. 2.1 Concept of function.
TSO 2c. Evaluate problems of limit function based 2.2 Different type of functions.
on Indeterminate form. 2.3 Domain and Range of function.
TSO 2d. Check continuity of function at a point. 2.4 Concept of Limits and its evaluation.
TSO 2e. Find differentiation of some simple function Continuity
(sinx, cosx, tanx and e^x) by first principle. 2.5 Concept of continuity with simple problems.
TSO 2f. Calculate derivative of given Algebraic, Differentiation
trigonometric and exponential functions. 2.6 Differentiation by first principle.
TSO 2g. Find derivative of sum, product and 2.7 Differentiation of Algebraic, trigonometric,
quotient of given two functions. Exponential and Logarithmic functions.
TSO 2h. Find the differentiation of given composite 2.8 Differentiation of sum, product and quotient of
functions applying the concept of Chain two functions.
rule. 2.9 Differentiation of composite functions by Chain
TSO 2i. Find derivative of Logarithmic, Implicit and Rule.
Parametric functions. 2.10 Logarithmic differentiation.
2.11 Implicit differentiation.
2.12 Differentiation of Parametric functions.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
TSO 5a. Compute probability of given simple Unit-5.0 Probability and Statistics CO5
problems based on Addition and
Multiplication theorem.
TSO 5b. Evaluate Mean, Median and Mode of 5.1 Concept of Probability.
the given data for engineering 5.2 Addition and multiplication theorems of
applications. Probability.
Measure of Central tendency
TSO 5c. Calculate Range, Variance and
standard deviation of given data for
5.3 Mean, Median, Mode.
Measure of Dispersion
engineering applications.
5.4 Range, Variance, Standard Deviation.
TSO 5d. Calculate Coefficient of variance of 5.5 Coefficient of Variation.
given data for engineering
Note: One major TSO may require more than one Theory session/Period.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) Laboratory Experiment/Practical Titles COs
LSO 5.1. Use concept of probability to solve 5. Applications of Probability and CO5
given problems based on Board, related theorems.
Playing card. Applications of Mean, Median, and
LSO 5.2. Calculate the Standard Deviation for Mode for applied problems.
Concrete with the given data.
L) Suggested Term Work and Self Learning: S2400101Some sample suggested assignments, micro project and
other activities are mentioned here for reference.
b. Micro Projects:
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
9. Prepare models using the concept of tangent and normal to bending of roads in case of sliding of a vehicle.
10.Prepare models using the concept of radius of curvature to bending of railway track.
11.Make a short video of duration 5-7 minutes for the use of Derivative to calculate the profit and loss in
business using graphs.
12.Download 5-7 videos based on applications of Derivative to check the temperature variation, to find the
range of magnitudes of the earthquake etc. watch them and write a report to detail out the mathematical
steps involved.
13.Prepare the Charts of formulae showing different forms of straight line for engineering applications.
14.Draw the graph for the standard equations of Circle, Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola on the Chart paper
using any open source software and make a file.
15.Prepare the Charts consisting tree diagram to find probability of given event.
16.Collect the data of world of work and find mean, mean deviation and standard deviation for that data
using any open source software of Statistics and make a soft copy.
17.Download 5-7 videos based on applications of probability for the weather forecast, watch them and write
a report to detail out the mathematical steps involved.
c. Other Activities:
1. Seminar Topics:
Applications of Integral calculus in control systems, dynamics and vibrations.
Applications of Determinant and matrices in graphic design to make digital images.
Application of Determinant and matrices for calculating the battery power outputs.
Application of Vector algebra in engineering mechanics.
Application of limit and continuity to measure the strength of the magnetic field, electric field.
Applications of Derivative for engineering & technology.
Application of radius of curvature for engineering and Science.
Applications of Derivative in economy to compute the level of output at which the total revenue
is the highest, the profit is the highest and (or) the lowest etc.
Applications of Co-ordinate geometry to design of athletic tracks, recreational parks, building
plans, roundabouts, Ferris wheels.
Application of ellipses to be used to orbits of planets, satellites, moons and comets etc.
Probability and statistics: Civil engineering, estimation of model uncertainties, identification of
probability distribution.
2. Visits: Visiting following places would provide students an opportunity to see the application of various
branches of mathematics in different fields. This will also help students to comprehend the career
opportunities available in the field of mathematics.
Visit to a Science museum.
Visit to a mathematics research institute.
Visit to a Data Science Center.
Visit to a mathematics department of a college or university.
Visit to a software company.
Visit to a Space Agency.
Visit to a Gamming Studio.
Visit to a Science library.
Visit to planetarium.
Participation in mathematics competition.
3. Self-learning topics:
Participate in MOOCs based Course on Matrix offered from Foreign University: Methods and
Participate in MOOCs based Course on Differential calculus: Methods and Applications.
Participate in MOOCs based Course on Probability and its Engineering applications.
Participate in MOOCs based Course on Statistics and its Engineering applications.
Watching videos on applications of coordinate geometry to Real world problems.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
M) Suggested Course Evaluation Matrix: The course teacher has to decide and use appropriate assessment
strategy and its weightage in theory, laboratory and Term Work for ensuring CO attainment. The
response/performance of each student in each of these designed activities is to be used to calculate CO
Course Evaluation Matrix
Theory Assessment (TA)** Term Work Assessment (TWA) Lab Assessment (LA)#
Progressive End Theory Term Work & Self Learning
Theory Assessment Assessment Progressive Lab End Laboratory
Assessment (ETA)
COs Assessment Assessment
Assignments Micro Other (PLA) (ELA)
Sem Test Projects Activities*
CO-1 20% 20% 15% 20% 10%
CO-2 15% 20% 20% 20% 15%
CO-3 20% 15% 15% 20% 25%
CO-4 20% 20% 25% 20% 25%
CO-5 25% 25% 25% 20% 25%
Total 30 70 20 20 10
Marks 50
*: Other Activities include self- learning, seminar, visits, surveys, product development, software development etc.
**: Mentioned under point- (N)
#: Mentioned under point-(O)
• The percentage given are approximate
• In case of Micro Projects and End Laboratory Assessment (ELA), the achieved marks will be equally divided in all those COs mapped
with total experiments.
• For CO attainment calculation indirect assessment tools like course exit survey need to be used which comprises of questions related
to achievement of each COs.
N) Suggested Specification Table for End Semester Theory Assessment: Specification table represents the
reflection of sample representation of assessment of cognitive domain of full course.
Total 48 - 70 20 28 22
Note: Similar table can also be used to design class/mid-term/ internal question paper for progressive assessment.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Note: This table can be used for both end semester as well as progressive assessment of practical. Rubrics need to be prepared by
the course teacher for each experiment/ practical to assess the student performance.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Scott A. Surgent
4. Calculus and Analytic Geometry G. B. Thomas, R. L. Finney Addison Wesley, 9th Edition, 1995.
ISBN 978-8174906168
5. Understanding Engineering Mathematics John Bird Routledge; First Edition
ISBN 978-0415662840
6. Advanced Engineering Krezig, Ervin Wiley Publ., New
Mathematics Delhi,2014,
ISBN: 978-0-470-45836-5
7. Mathematics-I Deepak Singh Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd.
ISBN: 978-93-91505-42-4
8. Mathematics-II Garima Singh Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd.
ISBN: 978-93-91505-52-3
9. Consider Dimension and Replace Pi M.P. Trivedi and P.Y. Notion Press; 1st edition (2018),
Trivedi ISBN: 978-1644291795
Note: Teachers are requested to check the creative commons license status/ financial implications of the suggested, online
educational recourses before use by the students.
(c) Others:
1. Online Mathematics Courses.
2. Mathematics Communities and Forums.
3. Mathematics Journals.
4. Mathematics Podcast.
5. Mathematics Tutorials.
6. Mathematics Quizzes.
7. Mathematics Animation.
8. Mathematics Simulations.
9. Mathematics Games.
10. Mathematics Puzzles.
11. Mathematics Brain Teasers.
12. Mathematics Apps.
13. Mathematics Blog.
14. Mathematics Challenges.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
E) Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of the course, teachers are expected to ensure the
accomplishment of following course outcomes by the learners. For this, the learners are expected to perform
various activities related to three learning domains (Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective) in classroom/
laboratory/ workshop/ field/ industry.
Legend: High (3), Medium (2), Low (1) and No mapping (-)
* PSOs will be developed by respective programme coordinator at institute level. As per latest NBA guidelines, formulating PSOs is
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Scheme of Study
Course Course
Board Classroom Lab Notional Total Total
Code Title
of Instruction Instruction Hours Hours Credits
Study (CI) (LI) (TW+ SL) (CI+LI+TW+SL) (C)
03 - 04 02 09 06
Physics- A
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional/implementation strategies i.e. Lecture (L), Tutorial (T), Case
method, Demonstrations, Video demonstration, Problem based learning etc. to deliver theoretical concepts)
LI: Laboratory Instruction (Includes experiments/practical performances /problem-based experiences in laboratory, workshop,
field or other locations using different instructional/Implementation strategies)
Notional Hours: Hours of engagement by learners, other than the contact hours for ensuring learning.
TW: Term Work (includes assignments, seminars, micro projects, industrial visits, any other student activities etc.)
SL: Self Learning, MOOCs, spoken tutorials, online educational resources etc.
C: Credits = (1 x CI hours) + (0.5 x LI hours) + (0.5 x Notional hours)
Note: TW and SL have to be planned by the teacher and performed by the learner under the continuous guidance and feedback
of teacher to ensure outcome of learning.
H) Assessment Scheme:
Progressive Theory
End Laboratory
Progressive Lab
End Theory
Applied Physics- A 30 70 20 30 20 30 200
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
PTA: Progressive Theory Assessment in class room (includes class test, mid-term test and quiz using online/offline modes)
PLA: Progressive Laboratory Assessment (includes process and product assessment using rating Scales and rubrics)
TWA: Term work & Self Learning Assessment (Includes assessment related to student performance in assignments, seminars,
micro projects, industrial visits, self-learning, any other student activities etc.
Separate passing is must for progressive and end semester assessment for both theory and practical.
ETA & ELA are to be carried out at the end of the term/ semester.
Term Work is to be done by the students under the guidance of internal faculty but its assessment will be done internally (40%) as
well as externally (60%). Assessment related to planning and execution of Term Work activities like assignment, micro project,
seminar and self-learning is to be done by internal faculty (Internal Assessment) whereas assessment of output/product/
presentation related to these activities will be carried out by external faculty/expert (External Assessment). However, criteria of
internal as well as external assessment may vary as per the requirement of respective course. For valid and reliable assessment,
the internal faculty should prepare checklist & rubrics for these activities.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
I) Course Curriculum Detailing: This course curriculum detailing depicts learning outcomes at course level and
session level and their attainment by the students through Classroom Instruction (CI), Laboratory
Instruction (LI), Term Work (TW) and Self Learning (SL). Students are expected to demonstrate the
attainment of Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) leading to attainment
of Course Outcomes (COs) upon the completion of the course. While curriculum detailing, NEP 2020
related reforms like Green skills, Sustainability, Multidisciplinary aspects, Society connect, Indian
Knowledge System (IKS) and others must be integrated appropriately.
TSO 1f. Use dimensional analysis to check the 1.3 Dimensions and dimensional formulae of
correctness of a given equation. physical quantities, Principle of homogeneity of
dimension in an equation
TSO 2a. Explain circular motion and various terms Unit-2.0 Circular and Rotational Motion CO2
related to circular motion.
TSO 2b. Apply the concept of centripetal and 2.1 Circular motion, angular displacement, angular
centrifugal forces in a given situation. velocity, frequency, time period, angular
TSO 2c. Distinguish between translational and acceleration, relation between angular & linear
rotational motion. velocity, linear acceleration & angular
TSO 2d. Explain the terms torque and angular acceleration
2.2 Centripetal and centrifugal forces: banking of
TSO 2e. Apply the principle of conservation of
roads and bending of cyclist
angular momentum in a given situation.
TSO 2f. Find the moment of inertia of a given regular 2.3 Translational and rotational motion, torque and
shape body.
angular momentum, conservation of angular
momentum and its applications
2.4 Moment of inertia and its physical significances,
radius of gyration of rigid body, theorem of
parallel and perpendicular axes (statements
only), moment of inertia of rod, ring, disc and
sphere (hollow and solid)
TSO 3a. Explain the stress-strain curve of a given Unit-3.0 Physical Properties of Matter and Heat CO3
elastic or plastic body.
TSO 3b. Interrelate different coefficient of elasticity. 3.1 Elasticity: Hooke’s law, Coefficient of elasticity;
Young’s modulus, Bulk Modulus and modulus of
TSO 3c. Apply the concepts of surface tension and
rigidity and their inter-relation (No derivation),
viscosity to solve a given engineering
Poisson’s ratio, stress-strain curve, elastic
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Note: One major TSO may require more than one Theory session/Period.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
K) Suggested Laboratory (Practical) Session Outcomes (LSOs) and List of Practical: P2400102A
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) Laboratory Experiment/Practical Titles COs
LSO 1.1. Use Vernier caliper to measure the known 1. Vernier caliper CO1
and unknown dimensions of a given
small object.
LSO 1.2. Estimate the mean absolute error up to
two significant figures.
LSO 2.1. Use screw gauge to measure the 2. Screw gauge CO1
diameter/ thickness of a given object.
LSO 2.2. Estimate the mean absolute, relative and
percentage errors up to three significant
LSO 3.1. Use Spherometer to measure radius of 3. Spherometer CO1
curvature of given convex and concave
LSO 3.2. Estimate errors in the measurement.
LSO 4.1. Determine the spring constant of a given 4. Spring Oscillator CO4
LSO 5.1. Determine the time period of oscillation 5. Bar Pendulum CO2, CO4
of given bar pendulum.
LSO 5.2. Determine the radius of gyration and
moment of inertia about an axis
perpendicular to the plane of oscillation
and passing through its center of mass
of given bar pendulum.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) Laboratory Experiment/Practical Titles COs
14 CO5
Emission Spectra of Hydrogen (virtual lab
LSO 11.6. Determine the wave length of different
spectral lines of Hydrogen spectra
L) Suggested Term Work and Self Learning: S2400102A Some sample suggested assignments, micro project
and other activities are mentioned here for reference.
b. Micro Projects:
1. Make prototype Vernier calipers and screw gauge of desired Least Count,
2. Collect wires of different materials and find the fracture point for required applications
3. Design prototype model to find thermal conductivity of different metals.
4. Prepare model for determining moment of inertia of bodies with different shapes
5. Fiber optics: Demonstrate the phenomenon of total internal reflection.
6. LASER: Prepare model to demonstrate the properties and applications of LASER.
7. Viscosity: Collect 3 to 5 liquids and prepare a working model to differentiate liquids based on viscosity
and demonstrate their applications.
8. Motion: Prepare model of ball rolling down on inclined plane to demonstrate the conservation of
energy and motion of an object in inclined plane.
9. Waves in string: standing waves in string using woofer loudspeaker
10. Use smartphone to measure the different physical quantity with the sensor applications
c. Other Activities:
1. Seminar Topics:
Needs of measurements in engineering and science.
Applications of circular motions in daily life.
LASER: Production & applications in science, industry, medical and defense, holography.
Optical fibers: Construction and application in communication systems.
Synthesis and applications of nanomaterials.
CNT, Graphene and fullerene(C60)
Application of modes of different heat transmission in daily life.
2. Visits:
Visit nearby industry with Instrumentation, production and Laser/optical fibers facilities.
Prepare report of visit with special comments Instrumentation technique and material used.
Visit planetarium, Science city and research institutions for exploring the experimental and
research facilities available.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
3. Self-learning topics:
M) Suggested Course Evaluation Matrix: The course teacher has to decide and use appropriate assessment
strategy and its weightage in theory, laboratory and Term Work for ensuring CO attainment. The
response/performance of each student in each of these designed activities is to be used to calculate CO
*: Other Activities include self- learning, seminar, visits, surveys, product development, software development etc.
**: Mentioned under point- (N)
#: Mentioned under point-(O)
• The percentage given are approximate
• In case of Micro Projects and End Laboratory Assessment (ELA), the achieved marks will be equally divided in all those COs mapped
with total experiments.
• For CO attainment calculation indirect assessment tools like course exit survey need to be used which comprises of questions related
to achievement of each COs.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
N) Suggested Specification Table for End Semester Theory Assessment: Specification table represents the
reflection of sample representation of assessment of cognitive domain of full course.
Total 48 - 70 20 24 26
Note: Similar table can also be used to design class/mid-term/ internal question paper for progressive assessment.
S. Performance Viva-
Laboratory Practical Titles COs
No. PRA* PDA** Voce
(%) (%) (%)
1. Vernier caliper CO1 60 30 10
3. Spherometer CO1 60 30 10
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
S. Performance Viva-
Laboratory Practical Titles COs
No. PRA* PDA** Voce
(%) (%) (%)
12. Fly wheel CO2 60 30 10
PRA*: Process Assessment
PDA**: Product Assessment
Note: This table can be used for both end semester as well as progressive assessment of practical. Rubrics need to be
prepared by the course teacher for each experiment/practical to assess the student performance.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Note: Teachers are requested to check the creative commons license status/ financial implications of the suggested, online
educational recourses before use by the students.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
(c) Others:
1. Fundamentals of Physics, David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jearl Walker
2. Engineering Physics, R.K. Gaur and S. L. Gupta
3. University Physics with Modern Physics, Sears and Zemansky
4. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics by Raymond A. Serway andJohn W. Jewett
5. Physics Laboratory Manual, David H Loyd
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Now a days as an advancement of technology interdisciplinary knowledge is must for the engineering
diploma holders. An engineering diploma holder expected to look after many activities at work place,
which may be of interdisciplinary. Knowledge other than own discipline plays important role in the
development of individual as well as society. This course mainly encompasses the major areas of
mechanical engineering which are being used by engineering diploma holders and are required to
perform tasks such as selection of hand tools, power tools, welding, cutting, manufacturing processes,
IC engines, refrigeration and air conditioning and power transmission drives used for various purposes.
Such skills can be developed by knowing the basic principles of mechanical engineering. The motive of
this subject is to enhance the knowledge & skill level in the interdisciplinary area. This course is
designed in such a way that practical performed in this course will develop these basic skills to perform
well in industry as well as in field work.
E) Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of the course, teachers are expected to ensure the
accomplishment of following course outcomes by the learners. For this, the learners are expected to
perform various activities related to three learning domains (Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective) in
classroom/ laboratory/ workshop/ field/ industry.
CO-2 3 2 1 - 1 - 1
CO-3 3 2 1 - 1 - 1
CO-4 3 2 1 - 1 - 1
CO-5 3 2 1 - 1 - 1
Legend: High (3), Medium (2), Low (1) and No mapping (-)
* PSOs will be developed by respective programme coordinator at institute level. As per latest NBA guidelines, formulating PSOs is
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Scheme of Study
Course Course
Board Classroom Lab Notional Total Total
Code Title
of Instruction Instruction Hours Hours Credits
Study (CI) (LI) (TW+ SL) (CI+LI+TW+SL) (C)
Mechanical Fundamental
Engineering 2425103 of Mechanical 03 - 04 02 09 06
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional/implementation strategies i.e. Lecture (L), Tutorial (T), Case
method, Demonstrations, Video demonstration, Problem based learning etc. to deliver theoretical concepts)
LI: Laboratory Instruction (Includes experiments/practical performances /problem-based experiences in laboratory, workshop,
field or other locations using different instructional/Implementation strategies)
Notional Hours: Hours of engagement by learners, other than the contact hours for ensuring learning.
TW: Term Work (includes assignments, seminars, micro projects, industrial visits, any other student activities etc.)
SL: Self Learning, MOOCs, spoken tutorials, online educational resources etc.
C: Credits = (1 x CI hours) + (0.5 x LI hours) + (0.5 x Notional hours)
Note: TW and SL have to be planned by the teacher and performed by the learner under the continuous guidance and feedback
of teacher to ensure outcome of learning.
H) Assessment Scheme:
Course Title
Progressive Theory
End Laboratory
Progressive Lab
End Theory
Fundamentals of
2425103 30 70 20 30 20 30 200
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
PTA: Progressive Theory Assessment in class room (includes class test, mid-term test and quiz using online/offline modes)
PLA: Progressive Laboratory Assessment (includes process and product assessment using rating Scales and rubrics)
TWA: Term work & Self Learning Assessment (Includes assessment related to student performance in assignments, seminars,
micro projects, industrial visits, self-learning, any other student activities etc.
Separate passing is must for progressive and end semester assessment for both theory and practical.
ETA & ELA are to be carried out at the end of the term/ semester.
Term Work is to be done by the students under the guidance of internal faculty but its assessment will be done internally (40%) as
well as externally (60%). Assessment related to planning and execution of Term Work activities like assignment, micro project,
seminar and self-learning is to be done by internal faculty (Internal Assessment) whereas assessment of output/product/
presentation related to these activities will be carried out by external faculty/expert (External Assessment). However, criteria of
internal as well as external assessment may vary as per the requirement of respective course. For valid and reliable assessment,
the internal faculty should prepare checklist & rubrics for these activities.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
I) Course Curriculum Detailing: This course curriculum detailing depicts learning outcomes at course level and
session level and their attainment by the students through Classroom Instruction (CI), Laboratory Instruction
(LI), Term Work (TW) and Self Learning (SL). Students are expected to demonstrate the attainment of Theory
Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) leading to attainment of Course Outcomes (COs)
upon the completion of the course. While curriculum detailing, NEP 2020 related reforms like Green skills,
Sustainability, Multidisciplinary aspects, Society connect, Indian Knowledge System (IKS) and others must be
integrated appropriately.
TSO 1a. Explain the role of thermodynamics in Unit-1.0 Introduction to Thermodynamics CO1
TSO 1b. Explain thermodynamics systems and its 1.1 Role of thermodynamics in engineering and
types. science,
1.2 Types of thermodynamics systems
TSO 1c. Interpret laws of thermodynamics 1.3 Specific volume, enthalpy, pressure,
TSO 1d. Describe thermodynamic properties, temperature, thermodynamic work
process and cycle thermodynamic equilibrium
TSO 1e. Describe different modes of Heat transfer. 1.4 First law, second law and zeroth of
TSO 1f. Use modes of heat transfer for the given
1.5 Enthalpy of wet steam, superheated steam,
dryness fraction, degree of superheat
1.6 Modes of heat transfer: conduction-composite
walls, combined conduction, convection,
radiation, application of heat transfer modes
TSO.2a Differentiate between two stroke and Unit-2.0 Internal Combustion Engine and Refrigeration CO2
four stroke engines
2.1 Types of internal combustion engines-
TSO.2b Describe construction and working of a
S.I. and C.I. Engines,
given diesel engine.
2.2 Construction and working two stroke and
TSO.2c Describe construction and working of a four stroke petrol engines and two stroke and
given petrol engine four stroke diesel engines
TSO.2d Calculate brake thermal efficiency of an 2.3 BP, heat supplied and brake thermal
IC engines. efficiency of IC engines.
TSO.2e Identify simple faults in the given 2.4 Common faults in IC engines, remedial
engine. measures to rectify the faults
2.5 Air pollution due to IC engines.
TSO.2f Suggest remedial measures to rectify 2.6 Heat engine, concept of refrigeration, ton
the given fault of refrigeration, unit of refrigeration, COP
TSO.2g Calculate coefficient of performance and of 2.7 Major components of vapor compression
tonnage capacity of an air conditioning systems, heat pump, Carnot cycle, Carnot
system efficiency,
TSO.2h Explain construction and working of a given 2.8 Types of refrigerants
refrigeration system. 2.9 Types of air conditioning systems -
TSO.2i Describe the troubleshooting procedure of a window, package, central air-conditioning
given refrigeration system and air- systems
conditioning system. 2.10 Domestic refrigerator.
2.11 Basic fault finding in refrigerator and
window air-conditioner.
2.12 Methods of energy saving in refrigeration
and air-conditioning systems.
TSO 3a. Classify engineering materials. CO3
Unit-3.0 Engineering Materials
TSO 3b. Select engineering materials as per the
given situation
Introduction to engineering materials,
TSO 3c. Describe different properties of the given classification of materials
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TSO 3d. Identify the properties of a given material. 3.1 Metallic materials
TSO 3e. Differentiate between metallic and
nonmetallic material Ferrous alloys- carbon steel, low-alloy
steel, tool steel, stainless steel, cast iron
Aluminum alloys, nickel alloys, copper
alloys, titanium alloys,
Magnetic, dielectric and superconducting
3.2 Non-metallic materials
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TSO.4a Select machine tool as per the given job. Unit-4.0 Manufacturing Processes and machine CO4
TSO.4b Use machine tools for the given job. tools
4.1 Basic machine tools.
TSO.4c Explain different operation performed on Introduction to lathe, drill, milling and
the given machine tool. grinding machines.
TSO.4d Select welding equipment for the given job Types of operations / jobs which can be
TSO.4e Explain working of arc and gas welding performed on machine tools listed
TSO.4f Explain brazing and soldering process
4.2 Metal joining processes.
TSO.4g Describe the procedure for casting of given Welding-types, working setup of arc
job. and gas welding, precautions and safety
TSO.4h Explain concept of various metal forming during arc and gas welding.
processes. Brazing and soldering-general set up,
TSO.4i Identify metal forming process for the given
4.3 Foundry- concept, process of casting a
component, applications.
TSO.4j Prepare a simple job with ABS material 4.4 Basic metal forming processes-bending,
using 3D printer rolling, forging and extrusion –concept and
TSO.4k Select suitable 3D Printer and software its application
for the given application with justification. 4.5 Additive manufacturing techniques-
introduction to various additive
manufacturing processes-stereo-
lithography, LOM, FDM, SLS, SLM, Binder
Jet technology, Direct Energy Deposition
4.6 FDM based 3D printer, its working and
construction, Process parameters
Note: One major TSO may require more than one Theory session/Period.
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K) Suggested Laboratory (Practical) Session Outcomes (LSOs) and List of Practical: P2425103
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) Laboratory Experiment/Practical Titles COs
LSO 1.1. Calculate thermal conductivity for 1 Determine the thermal conductivity of a thick slab CO1
thick &composite slab
2 Determine the thermal conductivity of Composite CO1
LSO 2.1. Dismantle and assemble given 3 Dismantle and Assemble two stroke and four CO2
engines stroke petrol engines.
LSO 2.2. Identify the various component in 4 Identify the various processes and components of CO2
IC engines two stroke and four stroke petrol engines.
LSO 2.3. Use trainer to Design and 5 Design and assemble a circuit that extends and CO2
assemble given circuit retracts a single acting (spring return) and double
acting cylinder on a given trainer.
LSO 2.4. Determine the properties and 6 Determine properties of air (Dry bulb temperature, CO2
coefficient of performance. Wet bulb temperature, Humidity)
7 Determine of coefficient of performance and of CO2
tonnage capacity of an Air conditioning system
LSO 2.5. Identify components of 8 Identify the components of refrigeration system CO2
refrigeration system. and air conditioning system
LSO 3.1. Identify the microstructure of 9 Use microscope to identify microstructure of CO3
different materials material
LSO 3.2. Use hardness testing machine 10 Measure hardness of given material using given CO3
hardness tester.
LSO 3.3. Use tensile testing machine 11 Measure tensile strength of given metallic CO3
materials using tensile test method.
12 Determination of tensile properties of CO3
LSO 3.4. Use compressive testing material 13 Determination of compressive properties and CO3
shear properties of unidirectional lamina
LSO 3.5. Use charpy impact machine 14 Use the charpy impact test to measure the CO3
values of the impact energy (also called notch
toughness) of steel samples.
LSOs 4.1 Use lathe machine 15 Prepare a plain turning and taper turning job as per CO4
the given drawing.
LSOs 4.2 Use milling machine 16 Prepare a job on the milling machine as per the CO4
given drawing.
LSOs 4.3 Use of gas & arc welding for given 17 Perform gas welding operation on the given job. CO4
18 Perform arc welding operation on the given job CO4
LSOs 4.4 Use soldering and brazing 19 Perform soldering and brazing operation on the CO4
equipment given job.
LSOs 4.5 Use sheet metal operation for the 20 Prepare a sheet metal product (Funnel) and CO4
given job. report the various parameters for the various
passes during the rolling of the given metal
LSOs 4.6 Use different foundry tools and 21 Select different foundry tools and equipment’s CO4
equipment’s for a given job
LSOs 4.7 Prepare sand mold 22 Identify various stages of casting through CO4
demonstration of Sand-Casting Process.
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Practical/Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) Laboratory Experiment/Practical Titles COs
23 Prepare of a sand mold with a simple pattern CO4
LSOs 4.8 Prepare solid pattern 24 Produce wooden solid pattern as per given CO4
LSOs 4.9 Produce a component using 25 Print one single component on available 3D CO4
available 3D printer printer with PLA/ABS material
LSO 5.1. Identify the various component in 26 Dismantle and assemble different clutches as per CO5
Clutches. the given instruction
LSO 5.2. Select different drives for the 27 Use belt, chain and gear drive for the given job. CO5
given job
LSO 5.3. Determine velocity ratio of given 28 Calculate the velocity ratio for given compound CO5
drives gear train
29 Determine the velocity ratio of a flat belt drive. CO5
LSO 5.4. Identify the various component in 31 Dismantle and Assemble different brakes and CO5
brakes and couplings couplings as per the given instruction
L) Suggested Term Work and Self Learning: S2425103 Some sample suggested assignments, micro project and
other activities are mentioned here for reference.
b. Micro Projects:
Print two pieces of same components using ABS and PLA and compare their strength, surface
roughness, weight, cost.
Build model of different gears from cardboard.
Build model of IC Engine parts from cardboard.
Prepare cast product with wax material
Make models of controls demonstrating their functions at least 3 under guidance of
instructor/teacher in lab/ workshop.
Prepare a given product using arc welding/gas welding.
Market survey on gears and collect information of different types of gear used in machine
equipment, prepare a chart showing different gears and its uses.
Prepare a report on refrigerant used in domestic refrigeration, car refrigeration system etc.
Prepare a report on emission of petrol engine and diesel engine.
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c. Other Activities:
1. Seminar Topics:
Refrigerants used in Commercial air conditioning & Refrigeration system
Properties of PLA and ABS 3D printing materials.
Sheet metal operations and its application.
Recent advancement in brake and its advantages.
Classification of engineering materials and its properties.
Application of solar energy as a power source.
Future scope of renewable energy source as power generation system.
2. Visits:
Visit nearby workshop/industry with sheet metal facilities. Prepare report of visit with special
comments on different operation performed and material used in production.
Visit nearby workshop/industry with welding facilities. Prepare report of visit with special comments
on different joining process used and material.
Visit a nearby dairy plant and prepare a report on process involve in storage of diary product.
Visit a nearby power plant and prepare a report on step involve/equipment used in power
Visit nearby tool room/industry with 3D Printing facilities. Prepare report of visit with special
comments of 3D printing technique used, material used, single component/batch production/mass
production and cost of printed component.
3. Self-learning topics:
3D printing of micro/mini components.
Conversion of CAD file formats into IGES.
Types of nut-bolt/coupling devices/rivets used in industry.
Refrigerant used in commercially available refrigeration and air conditioning system.
Different types of energy sources available in India.
M) Suggested Course Evaluation Matrix: The course teacher has to decide and use appropriate assessment
strategy and its weightage in theory, laboratory and Term Work for ensuring CO attainment. The
response/performance of each student in each of these designed activities is to be used to calculate CO
Course Evaluation Matrix
Theory Assessment (TA)** Term Work Assessment (TWA) Lab Assessment (LA)#
Progressive End Theory Term Work & Self Learning
Theory Assessment Assessment Progressive Lab End Laboratory
Assessment (ETA)
COs Assessment Assessment
Assignments Micro Other Activities* (PLA) (ELA)
Sem Test Projects
CO-1 15% 15% 15% - - 20% 20%
CO-2 10% 10% 10% 25% - 10% 20%
CO-3 15% 15% 15% 25% 33% 15% 20%
CO-4 30% 30% 30% 25% 33% 15% 20%
CO-5 30% 30% 30% 25% 34% 40% 20%
Total 30 70 20 20 10 20 30
Marks 50
*: Other Activities include self- learning, seminar, visits, surveys, product development, software development etc.
**: Mentioned under point- (N)
#: Mentioned under point-(O)
• The percentage given are approximate
• In case of Micro Projects and End Laboratory Assessment (ELA), the achieved marks will be equally divided in all those COs mapped with
total experiments.
• For CO attainment calculation indirect assessment tools like course exit survey need to be used which comprises of questions related to
achievement of each COs.
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N) Suggested Specification Table for End Semester Theory Assessment: Specification table represents the
reflection of sample representation of assessment of cognitive domain of full course.
Total Marks 48 - 70 20 24 26
Note: Similar table can also be used to design class/mid-term/ internal question paper for progressive assessment.
3 Dismantle and Assemble two stroke and four stroke petrol CO2 40 50 10
4 Identify the various processes and components of two stroke CO2 40 50 10
and four stroke petrol engines.
5 Design and assemble a circuit that extends and retracts a single CO2 40 50 10
acting (spring return) and double acting cylinder on a given
6 Determine properties of air (Dry bulb temperature, Wet bulb CO2 40 50 10
temperature, Humidity)
7 Determine of coefficient of performance and of tonnage CO2 40 50 10
capacity of an Air conditioning system
8 Identify the components of refrigeration system and air CO2 40 50 10
conditioning system
9 Use microscope to identify microstructure of material CO3 40 50 10
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Relevant PLA/ELA
S. No. Laboratory Practical Titles COs Performance Viva-
Number PRA* PDA** Voce
(s) (%) (%) (%)
13 Determination of compressive properties and shear CO3 40 50 10
properties of unidirectional lamina
14 Use the charpy impact test to measure the values of the CO3 40 50 10
impact energy (also called notch toughness) of steel
15 Prepare a plain turning and taper turning job as per the given CO4 40 50 10
16 Prepare a job on the milling machine as per the given drawing. CO4 40 50 10
28 Calculate the velocity ratio for given compound gear train CO5 40 50 10
PRA*: Process Assessment
PDA**: Product Assessment
Note: This table can be used for both end semester as well as progressive assessment of practical. Rubrics need to be
prepared by the course teacher for each experiment/practical to assess the student performance.
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9. Tensile testing machine Motor: ¼ HP Single Phase 220 / 110 V AC Supply 11,12
Speed: 100 mm/min and 200 mm/min (Changeable through
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Note: Teachers are requested to check the creative commons license status/ financial implications of the suggested, online
educational recourses before use by the students.
(c) Others:
3D Printing Projects DK Children; Illustrated edition, 2017
Lab Manuals
Users guide
Material science magazine
Manufactures manual
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Communication forms a crucial element in success of any organization or industry in the globalized
economy. The global village gives due weightage to English language and it enjoys a privileged status.
Engineering students with English as a communicative language open for many opportunities across the
globe. This course will develop Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Skills (LSRW) in the students for
effective dissemination of their ideas, projects, patents and researches in the form of presentations, reports,
research papers, memos, circular etc. Additionally, it will help students of diploma in engineering to present
concepts and designs in effective manner along with writing CVs, Group Discussions, Mock Interview
sessions in placements and job recruitments. Though communication skills in SBTE, Bihar largely emphasizes
to communicate effectively in english but communication in hindi is also focused to some extend at diploma
E) Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of the course, teachers are expected to ensure the
accomplishment of following course outcomes by the learners. For this, the learners are expected to perform
various activities related to three learning domains (Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective) in classroom/
laboratory/ workshop/ field/ industry.
CO-1 3 - - - - 3 3
- - - - - 3 3
- - - - - 3 3
- - - - 3 3 3
3 - - - - 3 3
Legend: High (3), Medium (2), Low (1) and No mapping (-)
* PSOs will be developed by respective programme coordinator at institute level. As per latest NBA guidelines, formulating PSOs is
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Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional/implementation strategies i.e. Lecture (L), Tutorial (T), Case
method, Demonstrations, Video demonstration, Problem based learning etc. to deliver theoretical concepts)
LI: Laboratory Instruction (Includes experiments/practical performances /problem-based experiences in laboratory, workshop,
field or other locations using different instructional/Implementation strategies)
Notional Hours: Hours of engagement by learners, other than the contact hours for ensuring learning.
TW: Term Work (includes assignments, seminars, micro projects, industrial visits, any other student activities etc.)
SL: Self Learning, MOOCs, spoken tutorials, online educational resources etc.
C: Credits = (1 x CI hours) + (0.5 x LI hours) + (0.5 x Notional hours)
Note: TW and SL have to be planned by the teacher and performed by the learner under the continuous guidance and feedback
of teacher to ensure outcome of learning.
H Assessment Scheme:
Progressive Theory
End Laboratory
Progressive Lab
End Theory
2400104 Skills (English) 30 70 20 30 20 30 200
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
PTA: Progressive Theory Assessment in class room (includes class test, mid-term test and quiz using online/offline modes)
PLA: Progressive Laboratory Assessment (includes process and product assessment using rating Scales and rubrics)
TWA: Term work & Self Learning Assessment (Includes assessment related to student performance in assignments, seminars,
micro projects, industrial visits, self-learning, any other student activities etc.
Separate passing is must for progressive and end semester assessment for both theory and practical.
ETA & ELA are to be carried out at the end of the term/ semester.
Term Work is to be done by the students under the guidance of internal faculty but its assessment will be done internally (40%) as
well as externally (60%). Assessment related to planning and execution of Term Work activities like assignment, micro project,
seminar and self-learning is to be done by internal faculty (Internal Assessment) whereas assessment of output/product/
presentation related to these activities will be carried out by external faculty/expert (External Assessment). However, criteria of
internal as well as external assessment may vary as per the requirement of respective course. For valid and reliable assessment,
the internal faculty should prepare checklist & rubrics for these activities.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
I) Course Curriculum Detailing: This course curriculum detailing depicts learning outcomes at course level and
session level and their attainment by the students through Classroom Instruction (CI), Laboratory
Instruction (LI), Term Work (TW) and Self Learning (SL). Students are expected to demonstrate the
attainment of Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) leading to attainment
of Course Outcomes (COs) upon the completion of the course. While curriculum detailing, NEP 2020
related reforms like Green skills, Sustainability, Multidisciplinary aspects, Society connect, Indian
Knowledge System (IKS) and others must be integrated appropriately.
J) Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Units: T2400104 The details of TSOs and units for
communication in english is mentioned in Part – A while communication in hindi is mentioned in
Part – B in the following table.
Major Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) Units Relevant
Part -A (English) Unit-1.0 Communication CO1
1.1 Communication: Role, Relevance, Elements CO2
TSO 1a Define communication and its different forms. (Context-Sender-Message-Channel-Receiver-
TSO 1b. Explain the elements of communication with Feedback)
examples. 1.2 Process / Stages: Ideation- Encoding,
TSO 1c. Explain the linkages between different
Selecting Proper Channel, Transmission,
stages of communication with the help
Receiving, Decoding, Giving Feedback
of a diagram.
TSO 1d. Apply the principles of effective 1.3 7 Cs / Principles of Effective Communication:
communication and state two examples of Considerate, Correct, Concrete, Concise,
communication. Clear, Complete. Courteous
TSO 1e. State eight examples for explaining different
1.4 Barriers to Communication: Physiological,
types of barriers to communication.
TSO 1f. Identify the barriers of communication. Physical, Psychological, Mechanical,
TSO1g. Suggest the ways to overcome/minimise Semantic/Language, Cultural. Overcome/
barriers to communication. minimize Barriers
TSO 2a. Distinguish formal and informal Unit- 2.0 Types of Communication CO3
TSO 2b. Illustrate the types of Formal 2.1 On the basis of organizational structure:
Communication with examples. Formal (Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal),
TSO 2c. Define verbal & non-verbal communication. Informal (Grapevine)
TSO 2d. Explain advantage of oral and written
2.2 On the basis of method of expression:
TSO 2e. Interpret non-verbal codes. Verbal-Oral & Written communication.
TSO 2f. Explain the role of tables, charts & graphs in Non-Verbal Communication and its
communication. Codes- Kinesics, Chronemics, Proxemics,
Haptics, Vocalics/Paralanguage, Artifacts,
TSO 2g. Differentiate Intrapersonal and
Interpersonal Communication with Graphic and Visual Communication
examples. 2.3 On the basis of number of people involved:
TSO 2h. List the advantages and disadvantages of Intrapersonal Communication,
Group Communication. Interpersonal Communication, Group
TSO 3a. Prepare a glossary of new words from the Unit-3.0 Reading Comprehension CO4
given texts. CO5
Comprehension, vocabulary enhancement and
TSO 3b. Summarize the given texts in your own
grammar exercises based on the reading of the
following texts:
TSO 3c. Recognize the types of sentences in
the given texts.
TSO 3d. Find out idioms and phrases used in the Section-1 (Prose)
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TSO 4a. Form new words adding prefix and suffix Unit-4.0 Vocabulary and Grammar CO4, CO5
to the given root words.
TSO 4b. Write synonyms and antonyms of the 4.1 Word Formation: Prefix, Suffix, Acronym
given words. 4.2 Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, One Word
TSO 4c. Use the given idioms and phrases in your Substitution, Idioms and Phrases
own sentences. 4.3 Technical Jargons -Related to the respective
TSO 4d. Distinguish between acronym and program
abbreviation. 4.4 Parts of speech
TSO 4e. Prepare a list of technical jargons of your
4.5 Time and Tense
respective branch.
4.6 Transformation: Voice, Narration, Removal of
TSO 4f. Identify the parts of speech of the specific
words in the given sentences. ‘Too’, Question Tag
TSO 4g. Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms 4.7 Punctuation
in the given sentences.
TSO 4h. Transform the given sentences as directed.
TSO 4i. Punctuate the given paragraphs.
TSO 5a. Write the precis of the given passage with Unit-5.0 Professional Writing CO5
suitable title.
TSO 5b. Draft letters and applications for the 5.1 Precis Writing
given purpose. 5.2 Business Letters / Applications
5.3 Drafting E-mails, Notices, Memos, Circulars
TSO 5c. Compose E-mails, Notices, Memos, and
Circulars. 5.4 Report Writing: Project and Event/ Incident
Report Writing
TSO 5d. Prepare reports of the projects of your
respective branch.
TSO 5e. Write a report on the events organized in
your institute.
Part -B (ह िं दी) Units-1: सम्प्रेषण ससद्धान्त एवं व्यवहार CO1
TSO 1a सम्प्रेषण कौशल का अर्थ स्पष्ट कर सकेंगे . CO2
TSO 1b भाव एवं सम्प्रेषण में अंतर बता पाएँ गे . 1.1 सम्प्रेषण : पररचय , अर्थ एवं पररभाषा CO3
TSO 1c सम्प्रेषण की प्रक्रिया का उल्ले ख कर सकेंगे . 1.2 सम्प्रेषण की प्रक्रिया एवं तत्त्व
TSO 1d श्रवण अक्रवव्यक्ति, वाचन और लेखन की 1.3 सम्प्रेषण के प्रकार : औपचाररक एवं
अवधारणा को स्पष्ट कर सकेंगे . अनौपचाररक, शाक्तिक एवं अशक्तिक
TSO 1e सम्प्रेषण कौशल के क्रनधाथ रक तत्ों का क्रववे चन 1.4 प्रभावशाली सम्प्रेषण के क्रसद्ां त एवं
कर सकेंगे . सम्प्रेषण व्यवधान
TSO 1f प्रभावशाली सम्प्रेषण के क्रसद्ां तों का समावे श
अपने वाताथ लाप में कर सकेंगे .
TSO 2a तकनीकी कौशल एवं व्यव्हार कौशल Unit-2 : व्यावसासिकउत्कृष्टता हे तु व्यव्हार कौशल CO1
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TSO 3aपक्रित गद्ां श एवं पद्ां श से प्राप्त नयी शिावली Unit-3 : पाठ-बोध : शब्दावली पररवधध न एवं CO4
क्रवकक्रसत कर पाएँ गे व्याकरण अभ्यास
TSO 3b क्रदए गये कहाक्रनयों, कक्रवताओं एवं क्रनबं धों का 3.1 नमक का दरोगा , ईदगाह – मुंशी
सारां श अपने शिों में क्रलख पाएँ गे . प्रेमचंद
TSO 3c क्रदए गये कहाक्रनयों, कक्रवताओं एवं क्रनबं धों में 3.2 बात (क्रनबं ध)- प्रताप नारायण क्रमश्र
प्रयु ि मुहावरों एवं अलं कारों को बता पाएँ गे . 3.3 वह प्रदीप जो क्रदख रहा है क्रिलक्रमल
TSO 3d कक्रवताओं का भावार्थ स्पष्ट कर पाएँ गे . दू र नही ं है – रामधारी क्रसंह क्रदनकर
3.5 नर हो न क्रनराश करो मन को –
मैक्रर्लीशरण गु प्त
3.6 कबीर के दोहे -काल्ह करे सो आज
कर , जाक्रत न पूछो साधू की , ऐसी वाणी
TSO 4a अपनी शाखा से सम्बक्तित तकनीकी शिावली का Unit-4 : शब्दावली एवं व्याकरण 2 Hrs CO4
चयन कर पाएँ गे . CO5
TSO 4b पयाथ यवाची एवं क्रवलोम शिों से सम्बं क्रधत शिावली 4.1 सामान्य शिावली
तै यार कर सकेंगे . 4.2 प्रशासक्रनक शिावली
TSO 4c क्रदये गये गद्ां शों में क्रवराम क्रचह्ों का सही प्रयोग कर 4.3 शि भे द, अनेक शिों के क्रलए एक
पाएँ गे . शि
4.4 क्रवराम क्रचन्ह
4.5 मुहावरें एवं कहावतें
TSO 5a क्रदए गये क्रदए गये गद्ां शों का सं क्षेपण कर Unit-5 : ले खन कौशल CO5
पाएँ गे .
TSO 5b क्रवक्रभन्न प्रकार के पत्ों, आवे दनों ,सू चनाओं, 5.1 सार- लेखन
क्रवज्ञक्तप्तयों को क्रलख पाएँ गे . 5.2 औपचाररक एवं व्यवसाक्रयक पत् लेखन
TSO 5c अपनी शाखा से सम्बं क्रधत प्रक्रतवे दन लेखन कर
5.3 प्रारूप ले खन – सू चना, क्रनक्रवदा
पाएँ गे .
लेखन, प्रक्रतवे दन लेखन, बायोडाटा
TSO 5d अपने सं स्र्ान में हुए आयोजनों का प्रक्रतवे दन
क्रलख पाएँ गे .
Note: One major TSO may require more than one theory session/period.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
K) Suggested Laboratory (Practical) Session Outcomes (LSOs) and List of Practical: P2400104 These
practical are common for both Part – A and Part -B.
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) Laboratory Experiment/Practical Titles COs
LSO1.a Identify the emotions of the speakers. 1 Emotions of the speakers. CO1
LSO3.a Solve the language puzzles based on the 3 Language puzzles. CO1
audio transcript.
LSO4.a Repeat words on language lab software after 4 Repetition of words CO1
listening to them.
LSO5.a Summarize the excerpt in their own words. 5 Summarize the excerpt. CO1
LSO6.a Answer the questions based on the listening 6 Listening excerpt CO2
LSO7.a Differentiate the sounds of minimal pairs, 7 Sounds of minimal pairs, syllables and words etc. CO2
syllables and words etc.
LSO8.a Pronounce the words/ sentences correctly 8 Phonetic transcription. CO2
based on the phonetic transcription.
LSO9.a Read out the words and sentences on the basis 9 Stress and intonation. CO2
of stress and intonation marks put.
LSO10.a Apply the paralanguage codes in verbal 10 Paralanguage Codes CO2
dialogues to show the different emotions.
LSO11.a Integrate the non-verbal codes in their verbal 11 Non-verbal Codes CO2
LSO12.a Correct the verbal and non-verbal presentations 12 Feedback on Presentations CO2
of their peer while giving feedback.
LSO13.a Differentiate the sounds of minimal pairs, 13 Syllables and Words CO2
syllables and words etc.
LSO14.a Locate the dictated words from the excerpt. Dictated words CO3
LSO15.a Arrange the correct and logical sequence of the 15 Jumbled Sentences. CO3
jumbled sentences.
LSO16.a Read the given the texts aloud with proper 16 Pronunciation. CO3
pause and proper pronunciation.
LSO17.a Compare the point of view with their peers. 17 Point of view of Self and Peers CO4
LSO18.a Identify the main ideas of the excerpt 18 Main ideas of the excerpt CO4
LSO19.a Prepare a list of technical jargons and register 19 Technical Jargons CO5
specific to their program /industry.
LSO20.a Write the specifications of the machines/ 20 Specifications of the machines/ equipment CO5
equipment available in the workshops / labs.
LSO21.a Write a report on the projects of their respective 21 Report on the Projects CO5
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
L) Suggested Term Work and Self Learning: S2400104 Some sample suggested assignments, micro project
and other activities are mentioned here for reference.
1. Visit your institute’s library/ web search and enlist the books, journals and magazines related to your
respective branches to prepare bibliography consisting name of the authors, title of the books,
publication and place of publication.
2. SWOT Analysis: Analyze yourself with respect to your strength and weaknesses, opportunities and
threats with respect to your communication.
3. Conduct interview of an eminent personality and write a report on it.
4. Deliver a seminar for 10-12 minutes using PPT on the topic given.
5. Prepare your individual time-table for a week and prioritize your activities.
6. Visit any historical places/ offices / farms/ industries / development sites etc. nearby your city and
prepare a report on it.
b. Micro Projects:
a) Book review – students should read a book and then write his reviews about the book and
present it in the class.
b) Interview of any successful person in your locality in context with his life journey, inspiration
social contribution, role model and keys to success.
c) Prepare register of technical jargons of the industry related to their specific branch.
c. Other Activities:
1. Arrange a Blood Donation Camp in collaboration with a blood bank and prepare a communication
plan for the same.
2. Organize a cleanliness campaign in your campus premises and nearby places prepare hoardings,
boards, collages, posters for the same.
3. Organize a campaign on educational awareness in the nearby places prepare advertising campaign for
the same.
4. Self- learning topics:
M) Suggested Course Evaluation Matrix: The course teacher has to decide and use appropriate assessment
strategy and its weightage in theory, laboratory and Term Work for ensuring CO attainment. The
response/performance of each student in each of these designed activities is to be used to calculate CO
attainment. This matrix has been prepared considering both Part – A and Part -B.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
N) Suggested Specification Table for End Semester Theory Assessment: Specification table represents the
reflection of sample representation of assessment of cognitive domain of full course.
Unit Title and Number Total Relevant Total ETA (Marks)
Classroom COs Marks Remember Unders Application &
Number (R) tanding above (A)
Instruction (s)
(CI) (U)
(Part - A) 5 CO1, 10 3 3 4
Unit-1.0 Communication CO2
Theory and Practice
Unit- 2.0 Types of Communication 5 CO3 8 2 2 4
(Part-B) 2 3 1 1 1
Units-1: सम्प्रेषण ससद्धान्त एवं CO1,
व्यवहार CO2
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Total 48 70 20 20 30
Note: Similar table can also be used to design class/mid-term/ internal question paper for progressive assessment.
16 Pronunciation. CO3 30 60 10
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Relevant PLA/ELA
COs Performance Viva-
S. Laboratory Practical Titles
Number (s) PRA* PDA** Voce
(%) (%) (%)
18 Main Ideas of the Excerpt CO4 30 60 10
PRA*: Process Assessment
PDA**: Product Assessment
Note: This table can be used for both end semester as well as progressive assessment of practical. Rubrics need to be
prepared by the course teacher for each experiment/practical to assess the student performance.
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आधुक्रनक क्रहंदी व्याकरण और रचना डॉ वासु देवनंदन प्रसाद भारती भवन पक्तिकेशन
1. https://www.academia.edu/37871134/COMMUNICATION_SKILLS_1ST_YR_2_pdf
2. https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Courses/Butte_College/Exploring_Intercultural_Communicatio
3. http://muhamadjaelani35.blogspot.com/2014/11/inquiry-letter-order-letter-
4. https://www.slideshare.net/sundaredu/barriers-of-communication-53545680
5. https://allpoetry.com/where-the-mind-is-without-fear
6. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46561/ode-on-solitude
7. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44644/a-psalm-of-life
8. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/42891/stopping-by-woods-on-a-snowy-evening
9. https://www.hindisamay.com/content/
10. http://kavitakosh.org/
11. https://bundelkhand.in/maithilisharan-gupt/nar-ho-na-nirash-karo-man-ko
12. https://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/92/up-from-slavery/1575/chapter-3-the-struggle-for-an-education/
13. https://oursmartstudy.com/english-chapter-1-class-12-pdf-download/
14. https://ve-iitg.vlabs.ac.in/Listening%20Skills(Procedure).html
15. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/109104031
Note: Teachers are requested to check the creative commons license status/ financial implications of the suggested, online
educational recourses before use by the students.
(b) Others:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
E) Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of the course, teachers are expected to ensure the
accomplishment of following course outcomes by the learners. For this, the learners are expected to perform
various activities related to three learning domains (Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective) in
classroom/laboratory/workshop/field/ industry.
CO-2 3 - - 3 - 1 -
CO-3 3 1 1 3 - 1 2
CO-4 3 1 1 3 - 1 2
CO-5 3 - 1 3 - - 2
CO-6 3 - 1 3 2 1 3
Legend: High (3), Medium (2), Low (1) and No mapping (-)
* PSOs will be developed by respective programme coordinator at institute level. As per latest NBA guidelines, formulating PSOs is
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Scheme of Study
Course Course
Board Classroom Lab Notional Total Total
Code Title
of Instruction Instruction Hours Hours Credits
Study (CI) (LI) (TW+ SL) (CI+LI+TW+SL) (C)
2415105 and
- - 04 02 06 03
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional/implementation strategies i.e. Lecture (L), Tutorial (T), Case method,
Demonstrations, Video demonstration, Problem based learning etc. to deliver theoretical concepts)
LI: Laboratory Instruction (Includes experiments/practical performances /problem-based experiences in laboratory, workshop,
field or other locations using different instructional/Implementation strategies)
Notional Hours: Hours of engagement by learners, other than the contact hours for ensuring learning.
TW: Term Work (includes assignments, seminars, micro projects, industrial visits, any other student activities etc.)
SL: Self Learning, MOOCs, spoken tutorials, online educational resources etc.
C: Credits= (1 x CI hours) + (0.5 x LI hours) + (0.5 x Notional hours)
Note: TW and SL have to be planned by the teacher and performed by the learner under the continuous guidance and feedback of
teacher to ensure outcome of learning.
H) Assessment Scheme:
Progressive Theory
End Laboratory
Progressive Lab
End Theory
Engineering Drawing
2415105 and Graphics
- - 20 30 20 30 100
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
PTA: Progressive Theory Assessment in class room (includes class test, mid-term test and quiz using online/offline modes)
PLA: Progressive Laboratory Assessment (includes process and product assessment using rating Scales and rubrics)
TWA: Term work & Self Learning Assessment (Includes assessment related to student performance in assignments, seminars, micro
projects, industrial visits, self-learning, any other student activities etc.
Separate passing is must for progressive and end semester assessment for both theory and practical.
ETA & ELA are to be carried out at the end of the term/ semester.
Term Work is to be done by the students under the guidance of internal faculty but its assessment will be done internally (40%) as
well as externally (60%). Assessment related to planning and execution of Term Work activities like assignment, micro project,
seminar and self-learning is to be done by internal faculty (Internal Assessment) whereas assessment of output/product/
presentation related to these activities will be carried out by external faculty/expert (External Assessment). However, criteria of
internal as well as external assessment may vary as per the requirement of respective course. For valid and reliable assessment,
the internal faculty should prepare checklist & rubrics for these activities.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
I) Course Curriculum Detailing: This course curriculum detailing depicts learning outcomes at course level and
session level and their attainment by the students through Classroom Instruction (CI), Laboratory
Instruction (LI), Term Work (TW) and Self Learning (SL). Students are expected to demonstrate the
attainment of Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) leading to attainment
of Course Outcomes (COs) upon the completion of the course. While curriculum detailing, NEP 2020
related reforms like Green skills, Sustainability, Multidisciplinary aspects, Society connect, Indian
Knowledge System (IKS) and others must be integrated appropriately.
J) Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Units:
Major Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) Units Relevant
TSO 1a. Use Drawing Instruments to prepare 2D Unit-1.0 Basic Elements of Drawing CO1, CO2
drawings manually.
1.1 Methods to use different Drawing Instruments
TSO 1b. Use different lines and annotations for a and supporting materials.
given situation.
TSO 1c. Draw engineering scale for the given 1.2 Different lines and conventions in engineering
situation. drawing.
TSO 1d. Choose appropriate scale factor for the
1.3 Engineering scales and applications: Reduced,
drawing as per given situation.
enlarged & full size (only Plain scale)
TSO 1e. Dimension the given geometric figure using
IS SP-46 standard. 1.4 Dimensioning techniques: types and
TSO 1f. Draw the given regular geometric figure applications of chain, parallel and coordinate
with tangents and normal. dimensioning as per SP-46.
TSO 1g. Draw selected engineering curve.
1.5 Regular Geometrical figures, Tangency
1.6 Engineering Curves: only Ellipse and Parabola
using concentric circle method, rectangular
method and Eccentricity method when focus
and directrix are given.
TSO 2a. Explain the different types of projections & Unit-2.0 Orthographic Projections CO1, CO2,
their uses. CO3
2.1 Concept and applications of Orthographic,
TSO 2b. Draw the orthographic projections of Perspective, Isometric and Oblique Projections.
different objects 2.2 Orthographic Projection: First and Third angle
TSO 2c. Convert pictorial views into orthographic
views 2.3 Draw orthographic views of simple 3D entities
containing lines, circles and arcs with
axis/orientation parallel and/or perpendicular
to the projection planes only. Problems should
be restricted up to three views Front
view/Elevation, Top view/Plan and Side views
only using First Angle Method only.
TSO 3a. Explain the Isometric Projection, Isometric Unit-3.0 Isometric Projection CO1, CO3,
view and Isometric Scale. CO4
3.1 Introduction to isometric projection.
TSO 3b. Draw isometric dimensioning on the given
isometric view. 3.2 Isometric scale and Natural Scale.
TSO 3c. Explain the Methods of constructing 3.3 Isometric view and isometric projection.
isometric drawing 3.4 Illustrative problems limited to Isometric
TSO 3d. Draw Isometric View of the given object projection of objects containing rectangular,
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
TSO 5a. Use computer aided drafting software for Unit-5.0 Basic Computer aided Drafting CO1, CO2,
creating the institute Drawing Template. CO6
5.1 Basics of AutoCAD or any other drafting
TSO 5b. Use computer aided drafting software for software–interface, screen layout, starting
creating the given simple 2D entity. commands from menus, command line.
5.2 Coordinate system, Angular measurements,
Point specification.
5.3 Drawing aids - Grid, Snap, Ortho, Osnap, Units,
Limits, Layers, Linetype.
5.4 Opening and Saving drawing files.
5.5 Creating User Defined Templates.
5.6 Methods of Selecting and deleting Objects.
5.7 Undo and Redo.
5.8 Creating basic drawings objects - lines, arc,
circles, ellipses, polyline and polygons.
TSO 6a. Use computer aided drafting software for Unit-6.0 Advanced Computer aided Drafting CO1, CO2,
creating orthographic views of the given CO3, CO4,
6.1 Modify commands ‐ erase, copy, move, rotate,
object. CO6
scale, stretch,
TSO 6b. Use computer aided drafting software for
creating isometric views of the given object. 6.2 Array: concept and applications.
TSO 6c. Print the given drawing (using institute 6.3 Controlling Drawing display
template) on A4/A3 sheet. 6.4 Text and Dimensioning
6.5 Layers: concept and application
6.6 Drawing orthographic vies using drafting
software with principles mentioned in Unit 2.
6.7 Drawing isometric views using drafting software
with principles mentioned in Unit 3.
6.8 Printing and plotting of drawings.
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Note: One major TSO may require more than one Theory session/Period.
K) Suggested Laboratory (Practical) Session Outcomes (LSOs) and List of Practical: P2415105
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) Laboratory Experiment/Practical Titles COs
LSO 1.1. Use manual drawing instruments 1. Geometric Construction: CO1, CO2
LSO 1.2. Draw simple 2D entities using Draw set of lines with different conditions
manually drawing instruments. (two problems).
Draw circle and arcs with different geometric
conditions and constraints (two problems).
Draw polygons by general methods (Triangle,
square, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon)
(Three problems).
LSO 2.1. Draw conic sections using manually 2. Construct ellipse using four center method, CO2
drawing instruments. arc of circle method and rectangle method.
LSO 2.2. Use different methods of Construct parabola using rectangular
construction of ellipse and method, and parallelogram method.
LSO 3.1. Apply concepts of orthographic 3. Draw Orthographic projections of following using CO3
projection in drawing the given first angle method:
simple object on drawing sheet. A pentagonal pyramid is placed in first
LSO 3.2. Visualize the three views related to quadrant with its axis parallel to H.P. and V.P
the given object based on its shape A frustum of a hexagonal is placed in first
and orientation. quadrant with its axis perpendicular to H.P.
and parallel to V.P
Different objects having cylindrical surfaces,
(three views of each object, total six
LSO 4.1. Apply concepts of orthographic 4. Draw Orthographic projections of domain specific CO3
projection to draw three views of objects (three views of each object)
given domain specific object/ (Two problems).
LSO 5.1. Use concepts of Isometric projection 5. Draw Isometric view of simple objects having plain CO4
to draw the given simple object and slanting surface by using natural scale.
with slant surface. (Three problems)
LSO 6.1. Visualize the 3D shape of the given 6. Convert the orthographic views of an object to CO3, CO4
object. isometric view.
LSO 6.2. Convert the given 2D figures/views (Two problems)
into 3Dobject.
LSO 7.1. Draw free hand sketches of the given 7. Draw free hand sketches/conventional CO5
domain specific object/component representation of your domain specific
components (Six problems)
LSO 8.1. Draw 3D free hand sketches from 8. Draw free hand sketch of isometric drawings CO5
the given isometric shape. (prepared in Sr. No. 05) without using any
LSO 9.1. Draw 3D free hand sketches of the 9. Given the 3D model of an object, student will try to CO5
given real object/component. imagine the three views and draw them with free
hand in the sketch book.
LSO 10.1. Use computer aided drafting 10. Prepare a template for your institute of A-4 size CO6
software to create and modify a with title block and institute logo.
LSO 10.2. Insert any picture in the existing
AutoCAD drawing
LSO 10.3. Insert text in the existing AutoCAD
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) Laboratory Experiment/Practical Titles COs
LSO 11.1. Use computer aided drafting 11. Computer Aided Drafting: Use the software to CO6
software to create and modify draw following simple 2-D entities using Draw
simple 2D entities. commands individually
LSO 11.2. Use computer aided drafting Draw circle and arcs with different geometric
software to create and modify conditions and constraints (two problems).
circles and arcs with different Draw polygons (Triangle, square, pentagon,
geometric conditions and hexagon, heptagon) (Three problems).
LSO 12.1. Use computer aided drafting 12. Use the software to estimate Area, Perimeter, and CO6
software to calculate Area, Centroid for the given 2D entities like Circle,
Perimeter, and Centroid of the Pentagon, Trapezium, hexagon and 2D entity with
given 2D entity arcs and spline curves using ‘Enquiry’ and ‘List’
LSO 13.1. Use computer aided drafting 13. Use the software to draw four domain specific CO6
software to draw complex 2D complex 2-D entities assigned by the teacher using
entities. Draw, Edit and Modify commands
LSO 14.1. Use computer aided drafting 14. Use the software to draw orthographic views of CO3, CO6
software to create and modify 2D A pentagonal pyramid is placed in first
entities. quadrant with its axis parallel to H.P. and V.P
LSO 14.2. Use computer aided drafting A frustum of a hexagonal is placed in first
software to create and modify the quadrant with its axis perpendicular to H.P.
given orthographic views. and parallel to V.P
Different objects having cylindrical surfaces,
(three views of each object, total six problems)
LSO 15.1. Use computer aided drafting 15. Use the software to draw isometric views of three Co4, CO6
software to create and modify the 3D objects containing lines, arcs, circles, holes, ribs
given isometric entities. and slots
L) Suggested Term Work and Self Learning: S2415105 Some sample suggested assignments, micro project and
other activities are mentioned here for reference.
a. Assignments:
1. Sketch progressive and parallel dimensioning.
2. Prepare a list of industrial and household components in which conic curves are used and justify the
utility of these curves.
3. Write the equations for parabola in different quadrants and observe the effect of changing eccentricity
in case of parabola.
4. Exercises on drawing orthographic views of engineering domain specific simple parts.
5. Exercise on drawing isometric views of different objects.
6. Exercises on converting the orthographic views of an object to isometric view.
7. Exercise on missing views.
8. Exercises on creating simple digital drawings, orthographic views and isometric views.
9. Each student should explain at least one problem for construction and method of drawing in
sheet/computer to all batch colleagues. Teacher will assign the problem of particular sheet to be
explained to each student batch.
10.Each student will assess at least one sheet of other students (May be a group of 5-6 students identified
by teacher can be taken) and will note down the mistakes committed by them. Student will also guide
the students for correcting the mistakes, if any.
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b. Micro Projects:
1. Through experimentation, justify that the eccentricity of an ellipse is 1.
2. Cut a Cardboard/Thermocole cone with various section planes to get circle, ellipse, parabola and
3. Explore the applications of engineering curves in different fields of engineering and prepare a short
4. List the shapes and curves you are observing around you in real life with name of place and item. (For
Ex. ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, cycloid, epicycloids, hypocycloid, involute, spiral helix).
5. Cut triangular, square, rectangular and circular shaped Cardboard/Thermocole pieces and observe them
by placing in different positions with respect to the protection planes.
6. Take a medium sized hexagonal nut and draw its isometric projection.
7. The teacher will assign one set of orthographic projections and ask the student to develop 3D
Thermocol models of the same.
8. Prepare an A4 digital drawing template of your institute with title block and institute logo.
9. Each batch will collect 5 components/circuits/items specific to their branch and draw their orthographic
views using AutoCAD software.
10.Download 5 videos on shortcuts used in AutoCAD, watch them and write a report to detail out the steps
involved, Commands used.
c. Other Activities:
1. Seminar Topics:
Standard symbol and conventions used in engineering drawings related to your branch/domain.
Commercially available other Computer Aided Drafting Software.
Compatibility of AutoCAD drawings compared to Conventional Drawing.
3. Self-learning topics:
M) Suggested Course Evaluation Matrix: The course teacher has to decide and use appropriate assessment
strategy and its weightage in theory, laboratory and Term Work for ensuring CO attainment. The
response/performance of each student in each of these designed activities is to be used to calculate CO
Course Evaluation Matrix
Theory Assessment (TA)** Term Work Assessment (TWA) Lab Assessment (LA)#
Progressive End Theory Term Work& Self Learning
Theory Assessment Assessment Progressive Lab End Laboratory
Assessment (ETA)
COs Assessment Assessment
Assignments Micro Other Activities* (PLA) (ELA)
Sem Test Projects
CO-1 - - 05% - - 05% 16%
CO-2 - - 05% 20% 20% 05% 16%
CO-3 - - 20% 20% 20% 15% 16%
CO-4 - - 20% 20% 20% 15% 16%
CO-5 - - 15% 20% 20% 20% 16%
CO-6 - - 35% 20% 20% 40% 17%
Total - - 20 20 10 20 30
Marks 50
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*: Other Activities include self- learning, seminar, visits, surveys, product development, software development etc.
**: Mentioned under point- (N)
#: Mentioned under point-(O)
• The percentage given are approximate
• In case of Micro Projects and End Laboratory Assessment (ELA), the achieved marks will be equally divided in all those COs mapped
with total experiments.
• For CO attainment calculation indirect assessment tools like course exit survey need to be used which comprises of questions related
to achievement of each COs.
N) Suggested Specification Table for End Semester Theory Assessment: (Not Applicable)
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
S. Performance Viva-
Laboratory Practical Titles COs
No. PRA* PDA** Voce
(%) (%) (%)
12. Use the software to estimate Area, Perimeter, and Centroid for CO6 40 50 10
the given 2D entities like Circle, Pentagon, Trapezium, hexagon
and 2D entity with arcs and spline curves using ‘Enquiry’ and
‘List’ commands.
13. Use the software to draw four domain specific complex 2-D CO6 40 50 10
entities assigned by the teacher using Draw, Edit and Modify
14. Use the software to draw orthographic views of CO3, CO6 40 50 10
A pentagonal pyramid is placed in first quadrant with its
axis parallel to H.P. and V.P
A frustum of a hexagonal is placed in first quadrant with its
axis perpendicular to H.P. and parallel to V.P
Different objects having cylindrical surfaces, ribs.
(three views of each object, total six problems)
15. Use the software to draw isometric views of three 3D objects CO4, CO6 40 50 10
containing lines, arcs, circles, holes, ribs and slots
PRA*: Process Assessment
PDA**: Product Assessment
Note: This table can be used for both end semester as well as progressive assessment of practical. Rubrics need to be prepared by
the course teacher for each experiment/practical to assess the student performance.
P) Suggested Instructional/Implementation Strategies: Different Instructional/ Implementation Strategies may
be appropriately selected, as per the requirement of the content/outcome. Some of them are Improved
Lecture, Tutorial, Case Method, Group Discussion, Industrial visits, Industrial Training, Field Trips, Portfolio
Based, Learning, Role Play, Live Demonstrations in Classrooms, Lab, Field Information and Communications
Technology (ICT)Based Teaching Learning, Blended or flipped mode, Brainstorming, Expert Session, Video
Clippings, Use of Open Educational Resources (OER), MOOCs etc.
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Note: Teachers are requested to check the creative commons license status/ financial implications of the suggested, online
educational recourses before use by the students.
(c) Others:
1. Bureau of Indian Standards, Engineering Drawing Practice for Schools and Colleges IS: SP-
46, BIS, Government of India, Third Reprint, October 1998; ISBN: 81-7061-091-2.
2. AutoCAD e manual
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Mechanical Workshop is a basic practical engineering course. Knowledge of basic workshops such as
wood working shops, fitting & machine shop, sheet metal shop, welding shop, black smithy and is
essential for students to perform duties in industries and field agencies. This course will help the
students to develop practical skills by performing various practical tasks using various hand tools,
equipment and machinery in the respective shops, which will be useful in many fields like workshop,
home and agriculture, construction etc. Job making in the workshop develops an attitude of teamwork
and safety awareness. This course provides industrial environment in educational institutions.
E) Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of the course, teachers are expected to ensure the
accomplishment of following course out comes by the learners. For this, the learners are expected to
perform various activities related to three learning domains (Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective) in
classroom/laboratory/workshop/field/ industry.
CO-2 3 2 2 3 2 - 2
CO-3 3 2 2 3 1 - 1
CO-4 3 1 1 3 1 1 1
CO-5 3 3 2 3 1 - 1
Legend: High (3), Medium (2), Low (1) and No mapping (-)
* PSOs will be developed by respective programme coordinator at institute level. As per latest NBA guidelines, formulating PSOs is
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
CI: Classroom instruction (Includesdifferentinstructional/implementationstrategiesi.e.Lecture(L), Tutorial(T), Case method,
Demonstrations, Video demonstration, Problem based learning etc. to deliver theoretical concepts)
LI: Laboratory Instruction (Includes experiments/practical performances /problem-based experiences in laboratory, workshop,
Notional Hours: Hours of engagement by learners, other than the contact hours for ensuring learning.
TW: Term Work (includes assignments, seminars, micro projects, industrial visits, any other student activities etc.)
SL: Self Learning, MOOCs, spoken tutorials, online educational resources etc.
C: Credits= (1xCIhours) + (0.5xLIhours) + (0.5xNotionalhours)
Note: TW and SL have to be planned by the teacher and performed by the learner under the continuous guidance and feedback of
teacher to ensure outcome of learning.
H) Assessment Scheme:
Progressive Theory
End Laboratory
Progressive Lab
End Theory
2425106 - - 20 30 20 30 100
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
PTA: Progressive Theory Assessment in class room (includes class test, mid-term test and quiz using online/offline modes)
PLA: ProgressiveLaboratoryAssessment(includesprocessandproductassessmentusingratingScalesandrubrics)
TWA: Term work &Self Learning Assessment (Includes assessment related to student performance in assignments, seminars, micro
projects, industrial visits, self-learning, any other student activities etc.
Separate passing is mustforprogressiveandendsemesterassessmentforboththeoryandpractical.
ETA & ELA are to be carried out at the end of the term/ semester.
Term Work is to be done by the students under the guidance of internal faculty, but its assessment will be done internally (40%) as
well as externally (60%). Assessment related to planning and execution of Term Work activities like assignment, micro project,
seminar and self-learning is to be done by internal faculty (Internal Assessment) whereas assessment of output/product/
presentation related to these activities will be carried out by external faculty/expert (External Assessment). However, criteria of
internal as well as external assessment may vary as per the requirement of respective course. For valid and reliable assessment,
the internal faculty should prepare checklist & rubrics for these activities.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
I) Course Curriculum Detailing: This course curriculum detailing depicts learning outcomes at course level and
session level and their attainment by the students through Classroom Instruction (CI), Laboratory
Instruction (LI), Term Work (TW) and Self Learning (SL). Students are expected to demonstrate the
attainment of Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) leading to attainment
of Course Outcomes (COs) upon the completion of the course. While curriculum detailing, NEP 2020
related reforms like green skills, Sustainability, Multidisciplinary aspects, Society connect, Indian
Knowledge System (IKS) and others must be integrated appropriately.
K) Suggested Laboratory (Practical) Session Outcomes (LSOs) and List of Practical: P2425106
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) Laboratory Experiment/Practical Titles COs
LSO 1.1 Use relevant wood working tools and 1. 1.1 Prepare one simple job of wood CO-1
instruments as per given job. working comprises of marking,
LSO 1.2 Undertake wood working operations like cutting, plaining and finishing as per
marking, cutting, plaining and finishing etc. given drawing/sketch.
1.2 Prepare any two wooden joints safely
LSO 1.3 Prepare given wooden joints as per given as per given drawing using suitable
sketch / drawing. tools-
- Mortise joint
- Dovetail joint
- Half lap joint.
- Cross joint
- Tenon Joint
- Bridle joint
LSO 2.1 Prepare list of relevant tools, equipment, 2. 2.1 Selection of different fitting tools, CO-2
machines and measuring instruments used in equipment, machines and measuring
fitting shop as per given situation. instruments in a given situation.
2.2 Prepare one simple fitting job (square
LSO 2.2 Perform marking, cutting, filing, punching, of 50 mm side /square of 40 mm side
drilling, and finishing operations as per given with 5mm drill at Centre) comprises
fitting job safely. of marking, filing, punching, drilling,
and finishing as per given
LSO 2.3 Select relevant single point cutting tool and drawing/sketch.
associated parameters for a given turning job.
2.3 Prepare given step turning / taper
turning job as per given sketch/
LSO 2.4 Undertake turning operations economically
and safely in a given situation
LSO 3.1 Select suitable joining process in a given 3. 3.1 Prepare simple job of joining by using CO-3
situation. suitable joining process as per given
LSO 3.2 Use Personal Protective Equipment in 3.2 Prepare a Butt joint / lap joint using
welding shop. gas welding as per given sketch /
drawing safely.
LSO 3.3 Perform gas welding operations in a given 3.3 Prepare a Butt joint / lap joint by arc
situation to prepare joint safely.
welding using suitable welding
parameters as per given sketch /
LSO 3.4 Prepare given welding joint safely using arc
drawing economically and safely.
welding in a given situation.
3.4 Prepare simple job using soldering/
LSO 3.5 Carryout soldering / brazing operation(s) as brazing operations as per given
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) Laboratory Experiment/Practical Titles COs
per given job. drawing.
LSO 4.1 Select suitable sheet metal tools, machinery / 4. 4.1 Prepare one sheet metal job using CO-4
equipment for given used as per cutting, bending, edging and joining
requirements. operations as per given drawing.
4.2 Prepare a sheet metal rectangular
LSO 4.2 Select suitable sheet metal operations in a tray of dimension of 300X100X50
given situation. mm.
4.3 Prepare any one utility job of sheet
LSO 4.3 Perform relevant sheet metal operations metal using suitable sheet metal tools
such as shearing, bending, drawing, squeezing,
and operations.
snipping, riveting, grooving etc.to prepare
utility jobs safely as given sketch/ drawing.
LSO 5.1 Select suitable black smithy tools and 5. 5.1 Selection of various black smithy CO-5
operations to complete jobs as per tools, equipment, machines and
requirements. measuring instruments used as per
given situations.
LSO 5.2 Perform various operations safely to prepare 5.2 Prepare S shaped hook from given MS
given black smithy job(s). rod of length 220mm and diameter 6
mm in black smithy shop.
LSO 5.3 Follow safety procedures and use personal 5.3 Prepare a garden trowel, sickle, and
safety equipment during black smithy.
shovel as per the instruction provided
by the instructor
L) Suggested Term Work and Self Learning: S2425106 Some sample suggested assignments, micro project and
other activities are mentioned here for reference.
a. Assignments: Questions/Problems/Numerical/Exercises to be provided by the course teacher in line
with the targeted COs.
b. Micro Projects:
1. Visit different classrooms and prepare a list of wooden joints used in sitting furniture.
2. List the various lathe operations and their applications used in machine repairing shop.
3. Visit nearby welding shop and prepare a list of welding consumables used for various types of welding.
4. Observe small agricultural equipment used nearby you and repair it.
5. Prepare a list of different types of sheets with specification available in market.
c. Other Activities:
1. Seminar Topics:
Safety practices and use of personal safety equipment in workshops.
Different types of machines tools and their functions used in workshops.
Operating precautions and safety norms for various types of machine and tools in workshops
2. Visits:
Visit any nearby machine shop / carpentry shop / fitting shops /welding shops and sheet
metal workshop and prepare a report.
Make a detailed market survey of local dealers for procurement of workshop tools, equipment
machinery and raw materials.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
3. Self-learning topic:
M) Suggested Course Evaluation Matrix: The course teacher has to decide and use appropriate assessment
strategy and its weightage in theory, laboratory and Term Work for ensuring CO attainment. The
response/performance of each student in each of these designed activities is to be used to calculate CO
N) Suggested Specification Table for End Semester Theory Assessment: (Not Applicable)
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
S. Performance Viva-
Laboratory Practical Titles COs
No. PRA* PDA** Voce
(%) (%) (%)
punching, drilling and finishing as per given drawing/sketch.
5. Prepare given step turning / taper turning job as per given sketch/ CO-2 30 60 10
6. Prepare simple job of joining by using suitable joining process as per CO-3 60 30 10
given sketch.
7. Prepare a Butt joint / lap joint using gas welding as per given sketch / CO-3 40 50 10
drawing safely.
8. Prepare a Butt joint / lap joint by arc welding using suitable welding CO-3 40 50 10
parameters as per given sketch / drawing economically and safely.
9. Prepare simple job using soldering/ brazing operations as per given CO-3 30 60 10
10. Prepare one sheet metal job using cutting, bending, edging and joining CO-4 50 40 10
operations as per given drawing.
11. Prepare a sheet metal rectangular tray of dimension of 300X100X50 CO-4 30 60 10
12. Prepare any one utility job of sheet metal using suitable sheet metal CO-4 30 60 10
tools and operations.
13. Selection of various black smithy tools, equipment, machines and CO-5 60 30 10
measuring instruments used as per given situations.
14. Prepare S shaped hook from given MS rod of length 220mm and CO-5 30 60 10
diameter 6 mm in black smithy shop.
15. Prepare a garden trowel, sickle, and shovel as per the instruction CO-5 30 60 10
provided by the instructor.
PRA*: Process Assessment
PDA**: Product Assessment
Note: This table can be used for both end semester as well as progressive assessment of practical. Rubrics need to be prepared by
the course teacher for each experiment/practical assess the student performance.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
3. Wood working tools Marking and measuring tools, saw, claw hammer, mallet, chisels, 1,2
planers, squares
4. vice Carpentry vice 200 mm, bench vice 100mm, pipe vice 100 mm 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
6. Fitting tools Ball pen Hammers(500g), cross pean hammer, chisels, files, 3,4,5
hacksaw, surface plate, punch, v block, angle plate, try square,
marking block, steel rule, twist drills, reamers, tap set, die set of
suitable sizes
7. Surface plate 600x900 mm grade I All
Welding machine 20 KV, 400 A Welding current, welding cable 400 amp, with all 6,7,8
8 accessories
9 Soldering and brazing Solder. Soldering iron (35 W) soldering wick, magnifying glass, wire 9
equipment cutters, brazing torch, aluminum brazing rod,
10 Gas welding and hand Welding torch, welding tip, pressure regulator, oxygen and 7,8
tools acetylene gas cylinder and cutting kit with cylinder and regulator,
spark lighter
11 Arc welding and hand Electrode holder, cable connector, chipping hammer, earthing 6,7,8
tools clamp, wire brush.
12 Sheet bending and Mild steel automatic metal sheet bending machine (size 0.5 mm-20 10,11,12
cutting machine mm X 1000 mm -6300 mm), compound saw (blade diameter 305
mm, power consumption 1520 W, 4000 RPM)
13 Sheet metal and hand Snip, shears sheet gauge, straight edge, L/T square scriber, divider 10,11,12
tools trammel, punches, pliers, stakes, groovers, limit set
14 Black smithy tools and Anvil (WEIGHT-167 lbs, horn-73/4”, face length-10”, rear-71/2”), 13,14,15
equipment hammer (double face sledge hammer10 kg), scaling hammer,
chipping hammer, tongs (500g ,flat nose size 15 inch) open hearth
,air blower (60 hp capacity 40000 m3/hr.), swage block (14X14X5
inch material iron )
15 Fire extinguisher A, B, C type with capacity of 5 kg and 10 kg of CO2 type All
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Note: Teachers are requested to check the creative commons license status/ financial implications of the suggested, online
educational recourses before use by the students.
(c) Others:
1. Kents Mechanical Engineering Handbook, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
2. Workshop practice Handbook.
3. Lab Manuals.
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Non- Examination Course Semester- I SBTE, Bihar
E) Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of the course, teachers are expected to ensure the
accomplishment of following course outcomes by the learners. For this, the learners are expected to perform
various activities related to three learning domains (Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective) in classroom/
laboratory/ workshop/ field/ industry.
After completion of the course, the students will be able to-
CO-1 Demonstrate good values and ethics in the day to day activities and at workplace.
CO-2 Identify a set of values and ethics related to fair professional practice.
F) Suggested Course Articulation Matrix (CAM):
Programme Programme Specific
Outcomes(Pos) Outcomes*
Course (PSOs)
Outcomes PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PSO-1 PSO-2
(Cos) Basic and Proble Design/ Engineering Engineering Project Life Long
Discipline m Developmen Tools Practices for Management Learning
Specific Analysis tof Solutions Society,
Knowledge Sustainability
CO-1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CO-2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CO-3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Legend: High (3), Medium (2), Low (1) and No mapping (-)
* PSOs will be developed by respective programme coordinator at institute level. As per latest NBA guidelines, formulating PSOs is
G) Teaching & Learning Scheme:
Scheme of Study
Classroom Instruction Notional Hours Total Total
(CI) (TW/ Activities+ SL) Hours Credits
L T (CI+TW/ Activities) (C)
Ethics 01 - - 01 01
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Non- Examination Course Semester- I SBTE, Bihar
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional/implementation strategies i.e. Lecture (L), Tutorial (T), Case
method, Demonstrations, Video demonstration, Problem based learning etc. to deliver theoretical concepts)
LI: Laboratory Instruction (Includes experiments/practical performances /problem-based experiences in laboratory, workshop,
field or other locations using different instructional/Implementation strategies)
Notional Hours: Hours of engagement by learners, other than the contact hours for ensuring learning.
TW: Term Work (includes assignments, seminars, micro projects, industrial visits, any other student activities etc.)
SL: Self Learning, MOOCs, spoken tutorials, online educational resources etc.
C: Credits = (1 x CI hours) + (0.5 x LI hours) + (0.5 x Notional hours)
Note: TW and SL have to be planned by the teacher and performed by the learner under the continuous guidance and feedback
of teacher to ensure outcome of learning.
H) Course Curriculum Detailing: This course curriculum detailing depicts learning outcomes at course level and
session level and their attainment by the students through Classroom Instruction (CI), Laboratory Instruction
(LI), Term Work (TW) and Self Learning (SL). Students are expected to demonstrate the attainment of Theory
Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) leading to attainment of Course Outcomes (COs)
upon the completion of the course. While curriculum detailing, NEP 2020 related reforms like Green skills,
Sustainability, Multidisciplinary aspects, Society connect, Indian Knowledge System (IKS) and others must be
integrated appropriately.
Note: One major TSO may require more than one Theory session/Period.
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Non- Examination Course Semester- I SBTE, Bihar
I) Suggested Activities and Self-Learning: Reading books related to values and ethics/Epics/ Daily news and
discussions in group
a. Assignments: Preparation for group discussion, panel discussion, role play, case study, seminar, skits
(c) Others:
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Sports or Physical Education, Yoga and Meditation is an integral part of a person’s overall well-being and
is imperative for a healthy mind and body balance. So, it is necessary that every educational institutes
should lay ample emphasis on including sports, yoga and meditation as a necessary part of education,
however, it depends on how it is introduced in the curriculum makes all the difference. Sports, Yoga and
Meditation plays a very important role in overall Well-being for a good personality, develops value system,
sense of friendliness, feeling of togetherness thereby developing team spirit and mutual cooperation. Its
also plays a major role in reducing level of stress/anxiety and add to the mental toughness. Looking to the
ample benefits there is need to inculcate sports, Yoga and meditation as a day to day habit and imparting
education related to physical education is more critical than ever before.
E) Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of the course, teachers are expected to ensure the
accomplishment of following course outcomes by the learners. For this, the learners are expected to perform
various activities related to three learning domains (Cognitive, Psychomotor and Affective) in classroom/
laboratory/ workshop/ field/ industry.
Legend: High (3), Medium (2), Low (1) and No mapping (-)
* PSOs will be developed by respective programme coordinator at institute level. As per latest NBA guidelines, formulating PSOs is
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional/implementation strategies i.e. Lecture (L), Tutorial (T), Case
method, Demonstrations, Video demonstration, Problem based learning etc. to deliver theoretical concepts)
LI: Laboratory Instruction (Includes experiments/practical performances /problem-based experiences in laboratory, workshop,
field or other locations using different instructional/Implementation strategies)
Notional Hours: Hours of engagement by learners, other than the contact hours for ensuring learning.
TW: Term Work (includes assignments, seminars, micro projects, industrial visits, any other student activities etc.)
SL: Self Learning, MOOCs, spoken tutorials, online educational resources etc.
C: Credits = (1 x CI hours) + (0.5 x LI hours) + (0.5 x Notional hours)
Note: TW and SL have to be planned by the teacher and performed by the learner under the continuous guidance and feedback
of teacher to ensure outcome of learning.
H) Assessment Scheme:
Progressive Theory
End Laboratory
Progressive Lab
End Theory
Sports, Yoga
2400008 and - - 10 - 06 09 25
Note: Prefix will be added to Course Code if applicable (T for theory Paper, P for Practical Paper and S for Term work)
PTA: Progressive Theory Assessment in class room (includes class test, mid-term test and quiz using online/offline modes)
PLA: Progressive Laboratory Assessment (includes process and product assessment using rating Scales and rubrics)
TWA: Term work & Self Learning Assessment (Includes assessment related to student performance in assignments, seminars,
micro projects, industrial visits, self-learning, any other student activities etc.
Separate passing is must for progressive and end semester assessment for both theory and practical.
ETA & ELA are to be carried out at the end of the term/ semester.
Term Work is to be done by the students under the guidance of internal faculty but its assessment will be done internally (40%) as
well as externally (60%). Assessment related to planning and execution of Term Work activities like assignment, micro project,
seminar and self-learning is to be done by internal faculty (Internal Assessment) whereas assessment of output/product/
presentation related to these activities will be carried out by external faculty/expert (External Assessment). However, criteria of
internal as well as external assessment may vary as per the requirement of respective course. For valid and reliable assessment,
the internal faculty should prepare checklist & rubrics for these activities.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
I) Course Curriculum Detailing: This course curriculum detailing depicts learning outcomes at course level
and session level and their attainment by the students through Classroom Instruction (CI), Laboratory
Instruction (LI), Term Work (TW) and Self Learning (SL). Students are expected to demonstrate the
attainment of Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Lab Session Outcomes (LSOs) leading to attainment of
Course Outcomes (COs) upon the completion of the course. While curriculum detailing, NEP 2020 related
reforms like Green skills, Sustainability, Multidisciplinary aspects, Society connect, Indian Knowledge
System (IKS) and others must be integrated appropriately.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes S.
Laboratory Experiment/Practical Titles COs
(LSOs) No. Number(s)
LSO 1.1. Perform various sports 1. Track & Field: Running, Jumping, walking and Throwing, Cycling CO1
activities for overall growth Event to develop Endurance, Speed, Strength, Agility, Flexibility
and development etc
LSO 1.2. Select suitable sport activities 2. Aerobics and Gymnastics to develop Strength, Agility and
as per your need. Flexibility
3. Net/Wall Sports – Volleyball and Basketball to develop
Endurance, Speed, Strength, Agility and Flexibility
4. Striking & Fielding sports like Cricket, bowling, Hockey, Football
Baseball etc. to develop Endurance, Speed, Strength, Agility,
Flexibility and Coordination
5. Racket Game- Tennis, Badminton, Table tennis etc to develop
Endurance, Speed, Strength, Agility and Flexibility
6. Outdoor games: Kho-Kho and Kabaddi and cycling develop
Endurance, Speed, Strength, Agility and Flexibility
7. Indoor games: Chess and Carrom, Swimming, Boxing, Karate
Weightlifting, Power Lifting, Physique Training, Archery, Roller
Skating etc to develop concentration.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes S.
Laboratory Experiment/Practical Titles COs
(LSOs) No. Number(s)
8. Prepare and organize Adapted Sports for various levels of
physically challenged and impairments.
LSO 3.1. Prepare diet chart for optimal 17. Prepare a diet chart for the given sport.
health and wellbeing CO3
LSO 3.2. Use health monitoring device 18. Measure heart rate and heart function with health monitoring
19. Measure blood sugar and blood pressure
LSO 3.3. Use different equipment’s 20. Use massage therapy equipment, Hot and cold therapy
equipment, Ultrasound therapy equipment
LSO 3.4. Identify your own threshold 21. Determine the taste threshold for three different sensations-
and identification level for sweet salty and sour
different taste Stimulations
LSO 3.5. Check the given sample for 22. Determine the moisture content in the given sample of oil/fat
conformance to the standard
for moisture content.
LSO 3.6. Purity tests of oils/fats 23. Determine the impurities in the given sample of oil.
LSO 3.7. Acidity test in given sample of 24. Determines the acid value and free fatty acids in the given sample
fat/oil of oil/fat.
LSO 3.8. Check whether any given 25. Determine the peroxide value in the given sample of fat or oil.
samples of oils/fats conform
to the standard.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
L) Suggested Term Work/ Activities and Self Learning: S2400008 Some sample suggested assignments, micro
project and other activities are mentioned here for reference.
b. Micro Projects:
Identify and synthesize the factors that influence health in various situations (05 situations). Prepare a
report with details of situations and solutions to remove the factors.
Visit different sports club, gyms, and schools and identify various measure taken by them for Fitness and
wellness of students/ members
Visit different sports club, gyms, and schools and identify various measure taken by them for Fitness and
wellness of physically challenged students/ members
Identify which type of stress, anxiety and depression students are facing and steps and solutions to
overcome this.
c. Other Activities:
1. Seminar Topics:
Identify the health-related challenges in current time and able to apply the preventive measures.
Role of peers, community and media in health and wellbeing in each level
Knowledge and skills required to preserve community health and well-being
Effect of yoga and meditation in maintaining fitness.
Methods to involve physically challenged students /members in all levels in sports, yoga and meditation
in community.
2. Visits: Visit nearby sports complex, Gyms, stadium etc and prepare a report on hygiene maintenance,
medical facilities available, facilities available for physically challenged members, facilities available for
old aged members, tools and equipment available and training facilities.
3. Self-learning topics:
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
M) Suggested Course Evaluation Matrix: The course teacher has to decide and use appropriate assessment
strategy and its weightage in theory, laboratory and Term Work for ensuring CO attainment. The
response/performance of each student in each of these designed activities is to be used to calculate CO
Course Evaluation Matrix
Theory Assessment (TA)** Term Work Assessment (TWA) Lab Assessment (LA)#
Progressive End Theory Term Work & Self Learning
Theory Assessment Assessment Progressive Lab End Laboratory
Assessment (ETA)
COs Assessment Assessment
Assignments Micro Other (PLA) (ELA)
Sem Test Projects Activities*
CO-1 - - 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
CO-2 - - 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
CO-3 - - 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%
Total - - 10 10 05 10 15
Marks 25
*: Other Activities include self- learning, seminar, visits, surveys, product development, software development etc.
**: Mentioned under point- (N)
#: Mentioned under point-(O)
• The percentage given are approximate
• In case of Micro Projects and End Laboratory Assessment (ELA), the achieved marks will be equally divided in all those COs mapped
with total experiments.
• For CO attainment calculation indirect assessment tools like course exit survey need to be used which comprises of questions related
to achievement of each COs.
N) Suggested Specification Table for End Semester Theory Assessment: (Not Applicable)
S. Performance Viva-
Laboratory Practical Titles COs
No. PRA* PDA** Voce
(%) (%) (%)
1. Track & Field: Running, Jumping, walking and Throwing, Cycling CO1 30 60 10
Event to develop Endurance, Speed, Strength, Agility, Flexibility
2. Aerobics and Gymnastics to develop Strength, Agility and 30 60 10
3. Net/Wall Sports – Volleyball and Basketball to develop 30 60 10
Endurance, Speed, Strength, Agility and Flexibility
4. Striking & Fielding sports like Cricket, bowling, Hockey, Football 30 60 10
Baseball etc. to develop Endurance, Speed, Strength, Agility,
Flexibility and Coordination
5. Racket Game- Tennis, Badminton, Table tennis etc to develop 30 60 10
Endurance, Speed, Strength, Agility and Flexibility
6. Outdoor games: Kho-Kho and Kabaddi and cycling develop 30 60 10
Endurance, Speed, Strength, Agility and Flexibility
7. Indoor games: Chess and Carrom, Swimming, Boxing, Karate 30 60 10
Weightlifting, Power Lifting, Physique Training, Archery, Roller
Skating etc to develop concentration.
8. Prepare and organize Adapted Sports for various levels of 30 60 10
physically challenged and impairments.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
S. Performance Viva-
Laboratory Practical Titles COs
No. PRA* PDA** Voce
(%) (%) (%)
9. Shat Karmas CO2 40 50 10
Tratakam, Jala-Neti, Sutra-Neti, Vamana Dhauti, Danda Dhauti,
Agnisara, Nauli
10. Perform following asanas with correct posture: 40 50 10
Ardha-Padmasana [virasana], Ardha-Halasana, Pavana-
Muktasana, Naukasana, Ardha-shalabhasana, Shalabhasana,
Makarasan, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana
11. Perform following asnas with correct posture: 40 50 10
na, Padmasana, Siddhasana, Bhadrasana, Swastikkasana,
Vajrasana, Supta-Vajrasana, Yoga-Mudra
Brahma-Mudra, Simha-Mudra, Shanmugi Mudra, Viparithakarani-
Mudra, Ashwsini-Mudra, Suriyanamaskar
13. BANDHAS 40 50 10
Jalandhara-Bandha, Jihva-Banda, Uddiyana Bandha, Moola-
14. PRANAYAMAS 40 50 10
Nadi-Shuddhi, Nadi-Shodhana, Suryabhadana, Ujjayi, Bhastrika
Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama, Sitkari , Sitali , Kapalabhati
15. MEDITATION -Silent Meditation 40 50 10
18. Measure heart rate and heart function with health monitoring 40 50 10
19. Measure blood sugar and blood pressure 40 50 10
24. Determines the acid value and free fatty acids in the given sample 40 50 10
of oil/fat.
25. Determine the peroxide value in the given sample of fat or oil. 40 50 10
Note: -All the above Games can be selected from the list of SGFI/AIU/IOA
PRA*: Process Assessment
PDA**: Product Assessment
Note: This table can be used for both end semester as well as progressive assessment of practical. Rubrics need to be
prepared by the course teacher for each experiment/practical to assess the student performance.
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Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
5. Racket Game Complete Tennis Kit, Table Tennis Kit and badminton kit 5
7. Indoor games Complete Chess kit, Carrom kit, Swimming kit, Boxing kit, Karate 7
kit, Weightlifting kit, Power Lifting kit, Archery kit and Roller-
Skating kit
8. Physique Training Cardio Machines- Treadmills, Elliptical Trainers, Exercise Bikes, 7
Rowing Machines, Indoor Bikes, Vibration Machines, Steppers
Recumbents Dumbbells, Multi-Purpose Bench, power rack,
Adjustable Dumbbell Set 2 x 3-10 kg, Exercise mat, resistance
band, balance trainer
9. Sports and wellbeing Fusion Wheel – all-in-one portable wheelchair gym, Pedal 8
equipment’s for exerciser, Deluxe hand exerciser, Greeper sports shoelaces, Active
physically challenged Hands, Ramble Tag Guidance Aid, Cat Tongue Grip Tape
and impairments. Adaptive Cycling- Straps, Leg/ Foot Adapters, Prosthetics,
Steering Dampener, Handlebar Adapters, HANDCYCLING-
Wheelchairs, Bike-On Handcycles, Trikes, Racing Wheelchairs,
Trikes, Recumbent Bikes, All-terrain Handcycles, Mono Cycling,
Hand Bikes - Off-Road, Cross Country, Racing, Downhill
Archery - Field Tripod and Quad Mounts (Archery & Gun), In-Line
Draw-Loc, Mounts (Archery & Gun), Stands (Gun), Mounts
(Archery & Gun) Binoculars and Rests (Gun), Crossbows (Archery),
Wheelchair Platform Stabilizing Crutch Poles, Dampeners,
Crossbows (Archery), Hands free shooting rest (Gun)
Bowling: ramp, roll assist
Fitness: Anti-Gravity Treadmill, LapMat for Wheelchairs, Strike
Assist, Adaptive Treadmill
Page- 9
Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
1. Practical Applications in Sports Nutrition Heather Hedrick Fink, Alan E. Jones & Bartlett Learning (2020)
Mikesky ISBN No: 978-1284181340
2. Massage and Medical Gymnastics, Lace, M. V. London: J & A Churchill Ltd.
3. ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing Gary Liguori LWW; (2021)
and Prescription ISBN-13: 7871710789-879
4. Essentials of Strength Training and Javair Gillett Human Kinetics, (2021)
Conditioning ISBN-13: 7779170979-879
5. Practical Applications in Sports Nutrition Heather Hedrick Fink, Alan E. Jones & Bartlett Learning, (2017)
Mikesky ISBN-13: 7194707181-879
6. Health Fitness Management Mike Bates, Mike Spezzano, Human Kinetics, (2019)
Guy Danhoff ISBN-13: 74104-879 12230
7. Yoga for Every Body: A beginner’s guide Luisa Ray, Angus Sutherland Vital Life Books (2022)
to the practice of yoga postures, ISBN-13: 7718717008-879
breathing exercises and meditation
8. Science of Yoga: Understand the Ann Swanson )1078( ,re silbuP KD
Anatomy and Physiology to Perfect Your ISBN-13: 7471478119-879
9. Mudras for Modern Living: 49 inspiring Swami Saradananda Watkins Publishing (2019)
cards to boost your health, enhance your ISBN-13: 7797791797-879
yoga and deepen your meditation Cards
10. Principles and Methods of Adapted Kristi Roth, Laurie Zittel, Jean Jones & Bartlett Learning, (2016)
Physical Education & Recreation Pyfer, David Auxter ISBN-13: 978-1284077810
Page- 10
Diploma in Civil Engineering (Rural Engineering) Semester - I SBTE, Bihar
11. Adapted Physical Education and Sport Joseph P. Winnick, David L. Human Kinetics, (2016)
Sixth Edition Porretta ISBN-13: 7481177111-879
12. Counselling Skills in Applied Sport Paul McCarthy, Zoe Moffat Routledge, (2023)
Psychology: Learning How to Counsel ISBN-13: 7011181198-879
13. Basic Counselling Skills: A Helper's Manual Richard Nelson Jones Sage Publication 2012, New Delhi.
14. Advancements in Mental Skills Training Maurizio Bertollo, Edson Filho, Routledge, (2020)
(ISSP Key Issues in Sport and Exercise Peter Terry ISBN-13: 0177777199-879
15. The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Martha Davis, Elizabeth A New Harbinger Self-Help
Workbook Robbins, Matthew McKay, Workbook (2019)
Eshelman MSW
16. Patanjalis Yoga Sutras Swami Vivekananda Fingerprint Publishing (2023)
Prakash Books India Pvt Ltd, New
ISBN-13: 8114407077-879
Note: Teachers are requested to check the creative commons license status/ financial implications of the suggested, online
educational recourses before use by the students.
(c) Others:
1. https://www.yogajournal.com/yoga-101/philosophy/good-read
2. http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/38171- Yoga Philosophy
3. https://yoga.ayush.gov.in
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