Vitocrossal 300 TDM

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Technical Data Manual

for use by heating contractor


Vitocrossal 300, CT3 boiler

with Vitotronic control

Product may not be exactly as shown

Vitocrossal 300
CT3 Series
High efficiency, gas-fired condensing boiler
for natural gas or liquid propane
with vertical Inox-Crossal heat exchanger surfaces of corrosion-resistant stainless steel.
For operation without low limit on boiler return water temperature.
For closed loop hot water heating systems with
maximum supply water temperatures of 210°F (99°C)
for a maximum operating pressure of 30 psig.
Heating input: 638 to 3361 MBH
187 to 985 kW

5285 871 - 05 01/2016

Product Information Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data
Vitocrossal 300

The benefits at a glance:

Supply / Return H Vertical Inox-Crossal heating surfaces for high
104° F / 86° F operational reliability and long service life.
(40° C / 30° C) - Easy dispersal of condensate through vertical gas
Curve 0.5 flues; therefore no concentration of condensate.
- Increased self-cleaning effect through smooth
Design stainless steel surfaces.
Boiler Efficiency in %

Supply / Return H Highly efficient heat transfer and high condensation

167° F / 140° F rate through
(75° C / 60° C) - heat exchanger surfaces which intensely turbulate
Curve 1.4
the flue gas flow
- boiler water and hot gases flowing in counterflow.
Supply / Return
H Efficiency up to 98.3% through intensive condensation.
194° F / 158° F
The flue gas temperature is only approx. 9-27°F
(90° C / 70° C)
(5-15°C) above boiler return temperature.
Curve 1.8 H Clean combustion – through perfect match of burner
and boiler, low combustion chamber loading and
System Partial Load in % straight-through combustion chamber.

Note: Vitocrossal 300 boiler efficiency dependent on

system heating water return temperatures and load

H Two return connections – providing separate connection

for heating circuits with lower return temperature.
This leads to increased hot gas condensation.
Boiler Water / Supply Temperature

H Easy handling in boiler rooms through particularly low

build height and weight; also available in sections.
H Easy installation and elimination of wiring mistakes
with Viessmann prewired plug-in system.
H Heating boiler, heating system control, domestic hot
water storage tank and all other Viessmann system
technology components are coordinated to one
another. All components are design-matched for quick
H Economical and safe heating system operation through
Vitotronic digital control system with communication
Tailored to every need, covering all known control
strategies and applications.
R Standard LON BUS for complete integration into
Po oom
int S building management systems.
Te et-
mp Outdoor Temperature Possible integration into the Vitocontrol control panel.
5285 871 - 05

Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data Table of Contents

Product Information VITOCROSSAL 300 ....................................................2

The benefits at a glance: ........................................2
Cut-Away Section ......................................................5

Technical Data Technical Data ...........................................................6

Boiler Model ..........................................................6
Input (oil) ..............................................................6
Output .................................................................6
Combustion efficiency ...........................................6
Thermal efficiency ................................................6
Boiler output .........................................................6
Boiler standby loss at maximum input.......................6
Dimensions - boiler as shipped .................................6
Boiler support frame ...............................................6
Boiler Model...........................................................7
Weight .................................................................7
Overall weight complete with insul. and control
(less burner) ..........................................................7
Boiler water content ...............................................7
Heat exchanger surface .........................................7
water-cooled .........................................................7
Max. operating temperature ....................................7
Max. operating pressure .........................................7
Flue gas resistance ................................................7
Boiler connections..................................................7
Vent pipe ..............................................................7
Flue gas values ......................................................7
Pressure at boiler flue outlet ....................................7
Dimensions ...........................................................9
Boiler Model CT3 ...................................................9
Recommended Minimum Service Clearances ................10
Mechanical room .................................................10
Minimum clearances to combustibles .....................10
Pressure drop (primary circuit) ...................................11
Recommended Flow Rates ....................................11
5285 871 - 05

Table of Contents Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data

Standard Equipment Standard Equipment .................................................12

Boiler Control Alternatives Boiler Control Alternatives .........................................12
For single boiler systems:......................................12
For multi-boiler system (up to 4 boilers): .................12
For single- or multiple-boiler installations:
Custom control panels ..........................................12

System Design Considerations System Design Considerations ...................................13

Venting ..............................................................13
Condensate and its disposal ..................................13
Design notes regarding draining condensate ............14
Combustion air supply ..........................................14
Warranty ............................................................14
System layout .....................................................14
Water quality ......................................................14
Oxygen diffusion barrier under floor tubing ..............14
Boiler/Burner start-up ...........................................15
Sound attenuation ...............................................15
Airborne noise attenuation ....................................15
Anti-vibration measures ........................................15
Seismic restrainer ................................................15
Burner Alternatives ...................................................16
Weishaupt Burners - Linkage-less version ................16
Riello Burners ......................................................16

5285 871 - 05

Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data Product Information
Cut-Away Section

Two return Stainless steel Stainless steel Wide diameter Highly effective,
connections Inox-Crossal water-cooled water walls 4 in. (102 mm)
arranged above heat exchanger combustion – proper gravity wrap-around
each other surfaces chamber circulation insulation

Product may not be exactly as illustrated

5285 871 - 05

Technical Data Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data
Technical Data

Boiler Model CT3-17 CT3-22 CT3-28 CT3-37 CT3-46 CT3-57 CT3-72 CT3-89
Input MBH 638 846 1071 1389 1726 2160 2702 3361
(kW) (187) (248) (314) (407) (506) (633) (792) (985)
Output*1 MBH 626 827 1044 1350 1675 2094 2616 3252
(kW) (183) (242) (306) (396) (491) (614) (767) (953)
Combustion efficiency % 98.3 97.8 97.4 97.2 97.1 96.9 96.8 96.7
Thermal efficiency % 98.1 97.7 97.4 97.2 97.1 96.9 96.8 96.7
Boiler output at MBH 554 734 930 1206 1502 1879 2351 2924
176/140°F (80/60°C) (kW) (162.3) (215.3) (272.6) (353.3) (440.2) (550.7) (689.0) (857.0)
158/122°F (70/50°C) MBH 576 763 966 1253 1561 1953 2443 3038
(kW) (168.7) (223.7) (283.2) (367.1) (457.4) (572.2) (716.0) (890.4)
104/86°F (40/30°C) MBH 607 805 1019 1321 1645 2059 2575 3203
(kW) (177.8) (235.8) (298.6) (387.1) (482.2) (603.2) (754.8) (938.7)
Boiler standby loss Btu/h 2566 2818 3064 3583 4299 5240 5753 6633
at maximum input W 752 826 898 1050 1260 1536 1686 1944
176/140°F (80/60°C) % 0.40 0.33 0.29 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.21 0.20
158/122°F (70/50°C) Btu/h 2139 2347 2552 3047 3583 4367 4794 5753
W 627 688 748 893 1050 1280 1405 1686
% 0.34 0.28 0.24 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.18 0.17
104/86°F (40/30°C) Btu/h 856 938 1020 1143 1433 1747 1918 2211
W 251 275 299 335 420 512 562 648
% 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07
Dimensions - boiler as shipped in. 59c 62c 66 69 72a 78a 82a 90
(p) Length (door removed) (mm) (1516) (1594) (1675) (1751) (1829) (1985) (2095) (2289)
q) Width 1 (max. shell width) in. 27 27 27 31b 31b 31a 37b 37b
(mm) (684) (684) (684) (800) (800) (800) (951) (951)
(r) Height*2 (max.) in. 697/8 71d 71a 79f 79f 79f 88 88
(mm) (1773) (1808) (1811) (2023) (2023) (2023) (2235) (2235)
Overall dimensions in. 64a 67b 70b 73b 76c 83 85b 93a
(s) Overall length (mm) (1636) (1714) (1795) (1871) (1949) (2105) (2172) (2366)
(t) Overall width in. 40 40 40 44b 44b 44b 49 49
(incl. insulation and control) (mm) (1016) (1016) (1016) (1132) (1132) (1132) (1249) (1249)
(u) Overall height in. 797/8 81d 81a 935/16 935/16 935/16 101c 101c
(to top of installed header) (mm) (2027) (2062) (2065) (2370) (2370) (2370) (2585) (2585)
(v) Width (upper with jacketing) in. 34b 34b 34b 39 39 39 45d 45d
(mm) (874) (874) (874) (990) (990) (990) (1147) (1147)
(w) Width (lower with jacketing) in. 31b 31b 31b 36 36 36 39 39
(mm) (798) (798) (798) (914) (914) (914) (990) (990)
Boiler support frame in. 35a 38e 41b 47a 50 56a 56a 64d
(x) Length (mm) (895) (975) (1055) (1200) (1270) (1430) (1430) (1630)
(y) Width in. 27a 27a 27a 32b 32b 32b 35b 35b
(mm) (690) (690) (690) (800) (800) (800) (900) (900)
(z) Height in. 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c
(mm) (70) (70) (70) (70) (70) (70) (70) (70)

*1 Tested to AHRI BTS-2000 “method to determine efficiency of commercial space heating boilers”.
*2 Boilers CT3-17, 22, 28 are shipped with header attached (u) - see overall height dimensions and add 4 in. (100 mm)
for the wood blocks as per transportation height.
5285 871 - 05

Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data Technical Data
Technical Data (continued)

Boiler Model CT3-17 CT3-22 CT3-28 CT3-37 CT3-46 CT3-57 CT3-72 CT3-89
Weight lb. 1012 1114 1202 1671 1759 1995 2706 3014
boiler shell (kg) (459) (505) (545) (758) (798) (905) (1230) (1370)
front cone (includes combustion lb. 413 413 413 490 490 490 600 600
chamber door) (kg) (187) (187) (187) (222) (222) (222) (273) (273)
Overall weight complete with lb. 1228 1352 1455 1962 2064 2322 3014 3344
insul. and control (less burner) (kg) (557) (613) (660) (890) (936) (1053) (1370) (1520)
Boiler water content USG 71.3 78.2 87.2 129.5 140.8 150.6 199.2 221.9
(L) (270) (296) (330) (490) (533) (570) (754) (840)
Heat exchanger surface ft.2 85.0 107.6 123.8 176.5 200.2 245.4 316.5 383.2
water-cooled (m2) (7.9) (10.0) (11.5) (16.4) (18.6) (22.8) (29.4) (35.6)
Max. operating temperature °F 210
(°C) (99)
Max. operating pressure psig 30
kpa (207)
Flue gas resistance “w.c. 0.40 0.56 0.64 0.80 0.88 1.08 1.20 1.32
Pa (100) (140) (160) (200) (220) (270) (300) (330)
Boiler connections in. 2b 2b 3 4 4 4 5 5
boiler supply (BS) & return (BR1) (mm) (65) (65) (80) (100) (100) (100) (125) (125)
Boiler return (BR2)*3 in. 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4
(mm) (50) (50) (50) (75) (75) (75) (100) (100)
Safety supply in. 1a 1a 2 2 2 2 2b 2b
(mm) (32) (32) (51) (50) (50) (50) (65) (65)
Boiler drain in. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Condensate drain in. b b b b b b b b
Vent pipe in. 8 8 8 10 10 10 12 12
internal Ø (mm) (201) (201) (201) (251) (251) (251) (301) (301)
Flue gas values*4 °F 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113
Temperature (at a return (°C) (45) (45) (45) (45) (45) (45) (45) (45)
temperature of 86°F (30°C)
- at rated input
- at partial load °F 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104
(°C) (40) (40) (40) (40) (40) (40) (40) (40)
Temperature (at a return °F 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167
temperature of 140°F (60°C) (°C) (75) (75) (75) (75) (75) (75) (75) (75)
Mass flow rate (of flue gas) lbs/h 704 928 1179 1531 1903 2380 2979 3705
(kg/h) (320) (422) (536) (696) (865) (1082) (1354) (1684)
Gas volume of combustion ft.3 8.83 9.92 12.00 15.90 18.40 21.54 40.61 42.73
chamber and heat exchanger (m3) (0.250) (0.281) (0.340) (0.450) (0.521) (0.610) (1.150) (1.210)
Pressure at boiler flue outlet Pa 0 -3 0 -5 0 0 0 0
- at partial input
- at maximum input Pa -3 -4 -2 0 0 0 0 0

*3 Boiler has two return connections - the heating return with the lower temperature should be connected to the boiler
return BR1.
*4 Values for calculating the size of the flue system based on 10% CO2 for natural gas. Flue gas temperatures
measured as gross values at 68ºF (20ºC) combustion air temperature. The details for partial load refer to an output
of 30% of rated input. Calculate the flue gas mass flow rate accordingly when the partial load differs from that
stated above (subject to the burner mode).

 For information regarding other Viessmann System Technology componentry, please reference documentation of
respective product.
5285 871 - 05

Technical Data Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data
Technical Data (continued)

Legend Note: - Dimensions p through z shown above are listed on

V Vent pipe connection page 6.
SH Female connection R½ in. for air vent and pressure - Minimum shipping dimensions: use “o” in the table
gage below, and height, width q or y (which ever is larger)
D Drain in the diagram above.
CD Condensate drain
BR 1 Boiler return 1 *1 The minimum combustion head length of 5½ in.
BR 2 Boiler return 2 (140 mm) must be maintained. When a burner with
BTS Boiler temperature sensor a shorter combustion head is used, all functions
BD Boiler door with burner connecting flange including combustion results must be verified. The
BS Boiler supply maximum combustion head length must also be
IO Inspection opening observed so that the burner on the hinged combustion
SS Safety supply for pressure relief valve chamber door can swing into service position. Radius
OP Observation port (boiler from CT3-17 - 28: of door hinge to outside combustion head: 18¾ in.
offset by 90º) (476 mm).

5285 871 - 05

Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data Technical Data
Technical Data (continued)

Boiler Model CT3-17 CT3-22 CT3-28 CT3-37 CT3-46 CT3-57 CT3-72 CT3-89
a in. 28d 28d 28d 29f 29f 29f 29c 29c
(mm) (715) (715) (715) (751) (751) (751) (755) (755)
b in. 11c 11c 11c 12c 12c 12c 14a 14a
(mm) (298) (298) (298) (325) (325) (325) (363) (363)
c in. 20b 20b 20b 22c 22c 22c 25a 25a
(mm) (518) (518) (518) (577) (577) (577) (644) (644)
d in. 62c 64a 64c 73 73 73 80b 80b
(mm) (1594) (1631) (1644) (1854) (1854) (1854) (2043) (2043)
e in. 76e 78 78f 88c 88c 88c 97 97
(mm) (1940) (1980) (1996) (2254) (2254) (2254) (2463) (2463)
f in. 7 7 7 8 8 8 10 10
(mm) (177) (177) (177) (200) (200) (200) (250) (250)
g in. 9 9 9 9b 9b 9b 11 11
(mm) (227) (227) (221) (241) (241) (241) (280) (280)
h in. 31b 33b 33b 36a 36a 36a 38 38
(mm) (802) (852) (852) (921) (921) (921) (965) (965)
j in. 7 7 7 7d 7d 7d 8 7/ 8 8 7/ 8
(mm) (180) (180) (180) (182) (182) (182) (225) (225)
k in. 10 10 10 11a 11a 11a 14 14
(mm) (257) (257) (257) (284) (284) (284) (360) (360)
l in. 51a 53 53 59 59 59 63c 63c
(mm) (1299) (1349) (1349) (1500) (1500) (1500) (1621) (1621)
m in. 7b 7b 7b 7b 7b 7b 7c 7c
(mm) ) (194) (194) (194) (190) (190) (190) (197) (197)
n in. 5b 5b 4c 3 3 3 2b 2b
(mm) (141) (141) (121) (79) (79) (79) (65) (65)
o in. 37 40 42b 42b 45b 51b 55a 63
(mm) (942) (1020) (1081) (1079) (1157) (1313) (1405) (1599)
(split boiler in. (L) 47 50 53 59 62 68 76 76
shipping length) (mm) (1200) (1270) (1346) (1500) (1573) (1727) (1930) (1930)
Recommended in. (W) 35 35 35 39 39 39 43 43
Boiler Pad (mm) (889) (889) (889) (990) (990) (990) (1092) (1092)
in. (H) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
(mm) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100)
5285 871 - 05

Technical Data Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data
Recommended Minimum Service Clearances

To enable convenient installation and maintenance,

observe the stated clearance dimensions. Maintain the
z minimum clearances where space is tight. In the factory
set condition, the boiler door opens to the right. You can
w relocate the hinge bolts so that the door can open to the
20 in. 20 in.
v Mechanical room
(500 (500
mm) mm)
H Do not operate when air is polluted with halogenated
B hydrocarbons (e.g. as in aerosols, paints, solvents and
cleaning agents)
H Prevent very dusty conditions
H Prevent high levels of humidity
H Prevent freezing and ensure good ventilation
Length of 8 in.
burner (200 mm)

A Boiler
B Burner

Boiler model CT3-17 CT3-22 CT3-28 CT3-37 CT3-46 CT3-57 CT3-72 CT3-89
V in. 28 28 28 35 35 39 45 45
(mm) (711) (711) (711) (889) (889) (991) (1143) (1143)
W in. 62b 65c 69 72 75 81a 85a 93a
(mm) (1593) (1671) (1752) (1828) (1906) (2062) (2172) (2366)
X in. 36b 39a 43a 59 59 59 59 59
(mm) (930) (1000) (1100) (1500) (1500) (1500) (1500) (1500)
Y in. 40 40 40 44b 44b 44b 49 49
(mm) (1012) (1012) (1012) (1128) (1128) (1128) (1243) (1243)
Z in. 41a 41a 41a 45a 45a 45a 48 48
(mm) (1048) (1048) (1048) (1149) (1149) (1149) (1219) (1219)

Minimum clearances to combustibles

Boiler model CT3-17 CT3-22 CT3-28 CT3-37 CT3-46 CT3-57 CT3-72 CT3-89
Top 6 in. (150 mm)
Sides 6 in. (150 mm)
Flue As per vent manufacturer’s specifications
Front 6 in. (150 mm)
Floor combustible
5285 871 - 05

Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data Technical Data
Pressure Drop (primary circuit)

The Vitocrossal 300 boiler is only suitable for heating

systems with pumped heating water.
Pressure drop

Flow rate

A CT3-17 to -22
B CT3-28
C CT3-37 to -57
D CT3-72 to -89

Recommended Flow Rates

Boiler model CT3-17 CT3-22 CT3-28 CT3-37 CT3-46 CT3-57 CT3-72 CT3-89
20°F ∆t GPM 61 81 103 134 166 208 260 323
40°F ∆t GPM 31 41 52 67 83 104 130 162
11°C ∆t L/s 3.9 5.1 6.5 8.5 10.5 13.2 16.5 20.4
22°C ∆t L/s 2.0 2.6 3.3 4.2 5.3 6.6 8.2 10.3

Note: ∆t = temperature difference

This boiler does not require a flow switch.
5285 871 - 05

Standard Equipment Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data
Standard Equipment

Note: Boiler controls and burners are purchased Standard equipment of installation fittings includes:
separately. Please see Price List for details. H low water cut-off
H safety header (c/w 30 psig pressure relief valve, air
Boiler body and fitted boiler door with burner plate, fitted
vent and pressure gage)
clean-out cover and fitted mating flanges incl. gaskets on
all connectors, with flue gas collector. H drain valve
For tight spaces, Vitocrossal 300 can also be delivered H product documentation
in sections. The front of the combustion chamber can
be removed on site, be brought into the boiler room and
refitted there. IMPORTANT
H 2 cartons with insulation
Ensure specific regional, provincial, or state requirements,
H 1 carton containing boiler control unit such as fuel train and additional safety control
H 1 water connection pipe fitted to the boiler skid requirements etc., are known before the product order is
(from CT3-37) placed, to determine proper burner selection and pricing.
H 1 burner plate pack
H 1 carton of installation fitting

Boiler Control Alternatives

For single boiler systems: For multi-boiler system (up to 4 boilers):
H without Vitocontrol control panel H without Vitocontrol control panel
Vitotronic 100 (type GC1/GC1B) Vitotronic 100 (type GC1/GC1B) and LON module
for constant boiler water temperature or outdoor reset for modulating boiler water temperature in conjunction
mode in conjunction with an external control unit with an external control unit (BMS).
(BMS). H with Vitocontrol control panel
Vitotronic 300 (type GW2/GW2B)
Vitotronic 100 (type GC1/GC1B) and LON module
for modulating boiler water temperature with mixing
for modulating boiler water temperature for each boiler
valve control for a maximum of two heating circuits
of the multi-boiler system and Vitocontrol-S MW1/
with mixing valve.
Vitotronic 300-K MW1B for multi-boiler system, outdoor
H with Vitocontrol control panel reset mode and mixing valve control for a maximum
Vitotronic 100 (type GC1/GC1B) of 2 heating circuits with mixing valve and additional
and Vitotronic 200-H, type HK1M/HK1B for additional
Vitocontrol-S MW1/Vitotronic 300-K MW1B, control heating circuits with mixing valve.
panel with outdoor reset mode and mixing valve control
for a maximum of 2 heating circuits with mixing valve For single-boiler or multiple-boiler installations:
and additional Vitotronic 200-H, type HK1M/HK1B for Custom control panels
addtional heating circuits with mixing valve.
Custom control panels for residential or commercial
applications are designed and manufactured by Viessmann
to suit any customer’s specific requirements. Custom
control panels can have features such as pool heating,
hot tub heating, snow melting, telephone tie-in,
integration with Building Management Systems,
as well as several other functions. Please inquire.
5285 871 - 05

Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data Boiler Control Alternatives
System Design Considerations

Venting The following manufacturers may be contacted for

suitable stainless steel chimneys:
The Vitocrossal 300 boiler is a category IV positive
pressure condensing boiler. Each boiler must be vented
individually. M&G / Duravent ICC - Industrial Chimney Co.
Depending on the boiler return water temperature, the flue
gases in the boiler are cooled down into the condensation Selkirk Canada Corporation Novaflex
or dew point area of the flue gases. Where they exit the Web:
boiler, they reach a relative moisture of 100%. The flue Wesmech Technical Sales Van-Packer Co. Inc.
gas temperature is between 9 and 27°F (5 and 15°C) Web:
higher than the boiler return water temperature. Security Chimneys Enervex Inc.
Therefore, depending on the connected heating system, International Ltd. (formerly Exhausto)
the flue gas temperature can be between 77 and 200°F Web:
(25 and 93°C). Due to the low flue gas temperature Centrotherm InnoFlue
and the resulting minute updraft conditions, as well as the Web:
additional condensation of the flue gases in the venting
system, the vent system must be properly designed and
suitable materials must be selected. The chimney must
be gas and water tight.
Use an AL29-4C® special stainless steel venting system
(UL/ULC/CSA listed for category IV) for vertical venting

Flue gas temperature gross

Amount of condensate
of the Vitocrossal 300 boiler.
e g as t t
Flu ll inpu
at f
gas load
F l u e l
Do not use PVC or CPVC material for venting the at p
Vitocrossal 300 boiler.

Condensate and its disposal

During the operation of the boiler, the amount of
condensate to be expected can be read from the diagram
below. Boiler water return temperature
The values given are approximate amounts occurring
under practical conditions. Not included in the diagram
is the amount of condensate occurring in the vent pipe
and chimney system. The condensate from the chimney
system can be collected together with the condensate
from the heating boiler and be disposed of into a floor
drain. The condensate will be between 3 and 4 on the pH
scale. If local building requirements demand neutralizing
the condensate before disposal, contact Viessmann
Manufacturing Company Inc. for a correctly sized
neutralization tank. The treated condensate will show pH
values of between 6.5 and 9 and can then be disposed
of into the waste water system.

Note: The “amount of condensate” and the “flue gas

temperature gross” graphs are independent of each
5285 871 - 05

System Design Considerations Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data
System Design Considerations (continued)

Design notes regarding draining condensate Warranty

The condensate drain to the sewer connection must be Our warranty does not cover damages resulting from the
able to be inspected. following:
Route it with a gradient and equip the pipe with a P-trap; - Operation with contaminated fill and supplementary
also provide suitable facilities for taking samples. feed water.
The bottom drain should be located below the anti-
- Operation with contaminated combustion air.
flooding level of the flue gas collector box.
- Exposing the boiler to pressures and temperatures
Condensate drains must only be made from corrosion higher than its certified rating.
resistant materials (e.g. fibre reinforced hoses). Never
use any galvanized materials or those containing copper See warranty sheet for details.
or black iron for pipes, connectors, etc. Install a P-trap in
the condensate drain to prevent flue gases from escaping. System layout
Ensure that the domestic drainage systems are made from The boiler water temperature limit is factory set to 167°F
materials which are resistant to acidic condensate such as: (75°C).
The boiler water temperature limit can be increased
H Stoneware pipes by altering the adjustable high limit to increase the supply
H Hard PVC pipes water temperature.
H PVC pipes To minimize piping losses of the system, however,
Viessmann recommends that the radiation and domestic
H PE-HD pipes
hot water production in the system be designed for
H PP pipes a 158°F (70°C) boiler supply water temperature.
H ABS/ASA pipes
H Stainless steel pipes Water quality
H Borosilicate pipes Treatment for boiler feed water should be considered in
areas with known problems, such as where a high mineral
Combustion air supply content and hardness exist.
The boiler must not be located in areas or rooms where
Total output (MBH) Total Hardness (ppm as CaCO3)
chemicals containing chlorine, bromine, fluorine,
or other corrosive chemicals are stored. Examples include > 1 Total 680 200
refrigerants, bleach, paint, paint thinner, hair spray, > 680 to 2050 150
cleaning solvents, water softener salt, etc.
The combustion air must not be contaminated with any > 2050 2
amount of the above mentioned chemicals.
In areas where freezing might occur, an antifreeze may be
Boiler should never be installed in areas where excessive added to the system water
dust, high humidity, or risk of frost exist. Ensure adequate to protect the system.
ventilation and supply of fresh combustion air.
Please adhere to the specifications given by the antifreeze
Consult your local Viessmann sales representative with manufacturer. Do not use automotive silicate-based
uncertainties in regard to a suitable boiler installation antifreeze. Please observe that an antifreeze/water
location. mixture may require a backflow preventer within the
This boiler/burner unit needs clean fresh air for safe automatic water feed and influence components such
operation. Provisions for combustion and ventilation air as diaphragm expansion tanks, radiation, etc. A 40%
must be made at time of installation. For gas or propane antifreeze content will provide freeze-up protection to
installations, use the “Natural Gas Installation Code CAN/ -10°F (-23°C). Do not exceed 50% antifreeze mix ratio
CSA-B149.1 or B149.2” (Canada), or “National Fuel Gas and do not use antifreeze other than specifically made
Code ANSI Z223.1” (USA), and/or provisions of local for hot water heating systems. System also may contain
codes. components which might be antifreeze manufacturer.

The sizing methods outlined in the aforementioned codes Oxygen diffusion barrier under floor tubing
should be used when installing a round duct to supply
The boiler warranty does not cover pressure vessel failure
combustion air from the outside.
resulting from corrosion caused by the use of underfloor
plastic tubing without an oxygen diffusion barrier.
Such systems without oxygen diffusion barrier must
have the tubing separated from the boiler with a heat
exchanger. Viessmann always recommends the use of
underfloor plastic tubing with an oxygen diffusion barrier.
5285 871 - 05

Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data System Design Considerations
System Design Considerations (continued)

Boiler/Burner start-up Flue gas silencers are generally only required where higher
Vitocrossal 300, CT3 boilers with Weishaupt or Riello noise protection measures are called for. Whether or not
burners may require start-up by Viessmann. Please inquire a flue gas silencer is required can be difficult to predict,
with your local Viessmann sales representative to obtain because of the complexity of the creation and propagation
details regarding the necessary prerequisites of boiler/ of flame noise, the interaction between the burner, boiler
burner start-up procedures. and the flue gas system as well as the operating mode
(flue gas system operating with positive or negative
IMPORTANT It is advisable, therefore, to assess the noise emission
into the neighborhood and to consider the sound pressure
To minimize delivery lead times, please ensure that
level measured at the flue gas system outlet. It should
critical technical information is provided at time of order.
be considered at the planning stage whether silencers
Viessmann will not process an order without site-specific
might become necessary later.
information regarding available voltage and gas pressure.
In addition Viessmann recommends that gas pressure In planning for its possible use, it is important that
information be provided in writing by the local gas utility. sufficient space for the flue gas silencer is available
behind the boiler.
Sound attenuation Good engineering practice mandates that the exhaust
Please consult a professional engineer who is specialized pressure drop of the silencer be included in the vent size
in noise attenuation for advice. calculation.
The burner/boiler systems, circulation pumps and other
auxiliary equipment used in heating systems generate Anti-vibration measures
noise. This noise is transferred from the boiler room via Anti-vibration supports can be field supplied as an
floorboards, ceiling and walls to neighboring rooms and economical and effective solution to combat noise
via the flue gas system as well as the ventilation air and generated.
exhaust air apertures into other rooms and into the open, When sizing such supports, take the entire operating
where they may cause a nuisance. weight of the boiler system and, when using longitudinal
To avoid this from happening, additional protective anti-vibration brackets, the condition of the supporting
measures may be required which should be considered surface into consideration.
at the design stage. Subsequent measures to reduce Effective anti-vibration measures are particularly important
noise nuisance frequently require extensive effort and when installing boilers into an attic. Compensators may
expenditure. be used to physically separate the combustion equipment
from the building.
Airborne noise attenuation
These should be installed into the boiler flow, return
Frequently, modern boilers are equipped with silencer
and safety pipe and as near as possible to the boiler.
hoods or sound insulated ventilation air inlet housings.
Additional silencer hoods may be used where more Also insulate any braces or hanging arrangements,
stringent anti-noise measures are required. These if installed, against sound/ vibration transmission to the
measures may be implemented later with minimal effort. building.
Silencer hoods are offered (usually by the burner
Seismic restrainer
manufacturer) for various levels of noise attenuation
and are generally designed and built in accordance with Viessmann offers an engineered seismic restraining
specific system conditions (boiler type, fuel supply, kit for compliance with local seismic requirements
building characteristics). for buildings and structures. Please contact your local
Viessmann Sales Representative for more details.
For larger systems, it may be necessary to route the
ventilation air through a sound-insulated channel, in order
to avoid noise nuisance outside the building.
5285 871 - 05

System Design Considerations Vitocrossal 300, CT3 Series Technical Data
Burner Alternatives

Printed on environmentally friendly

Weishaupt Burners *1 - Linkageless version

(recycled and recyclable) paper.

Boiler model CT3-17 CT3-22 CT3-28 CT3-37 CT3-46 CT3-57 CT3-72 CT3-89
Fully modulating Model WG20 WG30 WG30 WG40 WG40 WM-G 10/3 WM-G 10/3 WM-G 10/4

Riello Burners *1

Boiler model CT3-17 CT3-22 CT3-28 CT3-37 CT3-46 CT3-57 CT3-72 CT3-89
Fully modulating Model G750*3 G900 RS28/M RS38/M RS50/M RS50/M RS70/M RS100/M
burner *2

*1 Only the Weishaupt (low-NOx and standard head) and Riello (standard head) burner models stated are CSA certified
with the Vitocrossal boiler series as indicated on the boiler rating plate.
*2 Burners are available in 2-stage and fully modulating versions.
*3 Single stage burner only.

 Contact your local Viessmann sales representative for details.

Technical information subject to change without notice.

5285 871 - 05

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