As agreed please find attached the Mid Term Exam, you should:
1. Answer ALL questions, Part1 & Part2
2. Use your text book, extra text book, the internet, and other references.
3. DON'T discuss or share, by any means of communication, with any other students (even for those who are marr
will be counted as 'Plagiarism'
4. It is NOT ACCEPTED to just copy and paste from any source, your interpretation and write-up is a MUST to g
5. Reply with your file .xls, of your answer to ME ONLY, to ashraf@ashrafelsafty.com .
6. MUST include your first name and family name WITHIN the file name (ex.: DrAshrafElsafty-E-RM-45D-M
7. Use blue color for your text answers, or just fill in the shaded blocks.
8. Email directly to ME ONLY no later than agreed deadline day and time 26th May 2015, 6:00 pm, otherw
9. Please give every single question the needed high care, as grades are NOT equally distributed among que
Again we are studying to learn, and we are now leveraging our learning capacity and measuring our knowledge le
So please focus on your time and answers to learn while filling the exam.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Ashraf Elsafty
Adjunct Professor, Strategist
Strategic Management & Research Methods.
ESLSCA, MIU, Riti/MsM cairo outreach.
Dr. Ashraf Elsafty
Research Methods
Mid term Exam
Part ONE
Q Part 1:
1 When is Applied research, as distinct from Basic research, useful?
(about 4 lines)
15 How would you define the problem in the following case? (3 lines)
Accounting Gets Radical: The GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles) do an unacceptable job of accounting for the principal
activities of the Information Age companies. Today, investors are in
the dark because the accounting is irrelevant. The basic purpose of
accounting is to provide useful information to help investors make
rational investment, credit, and similar decisions, but today’s most
important assets and activities – intellectual capital and knowledge
work – are totally ignored. Professor Robert A. Howell wants to
reform the accounting system with the goal of making clear the
measurement of how companies produce cash and create value.
22 Exercise 4.2
State the dependent variable.
23 Exercise 4.3
Fill in the below table :
Variable type
24 Exercise 4.5
Fill in the below table :
Variable type
a. The broad problem :
b. Problem statement:
Problem statement.
Problem Definition:
Problem Statement:
Theoretical Framework :
Variable Name
Variable Name
Dr. Ashraf Elsafty
Research Methods
Mid term Exam #VALUE!
Part TWO
Answer, ONLY
Part 2: To be answered at the shaded cells only. Just
on grey
cells only
2 Research done with the intention of applying the results of the findings to
solve specific problems currently being experienced in an organization is
called basic research.
A. true
B. false
6 Ethical conduct applies to the researchers who undertake the research, but
not to the respondents who provide them with the necessary data.
A. true
B. false
7 The main distinction between applied and basic business research is that
the former is specifically aimed at solving a currently experienced
problem, whereas the latter has the broader objective of generating
knowledge and understanding of phenomena and problems that occur in
various organizational settings.
A. true
B. false
9 The first step in research is to know where the problem areas exist in the
organization, and to identify as clearly and specifically as possible the
problems that need to be studied and resolved.
A. true
B. false
A. true
B. false
A. true
B. false
A. true
B. false
a. Independent variable.
b. Intervening variable.
c. Moderating variable.
d. Dependent variable.
27 A conceptual model describes how the concepts in your model are related
to each other.
A. true
B. false
A. true
B. false
A. true
B. false