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The night of October 31st is a The night of October 31st is a
The night of October 31st is a very special time for witches very special time for witches very special time for witches and ghosts; it’s Halloween, and ghosts; it’s Halloween, and ghosts; it’s Halloween, the short word for Hallows’ the short word for Hallows’ the short word for Hallows’ Evening – the night before Evening – the night before Evening – the night before All Saints Day. On that one All Saints Day. On that one All Saints Day. On that one night of the year, ghosts and night of the year, ghosts and night of the year, ghosts and witches are free to be on witches are free to be on witches are free to be on Earth. Earth. Earth. Well... that’s the traditional Well... that’s the traditional Well... that’s the traditional story, but these days in story, but these days in story, but these days in Britain, Halloween isn’t a Britain, Halloween isn’t a Britain, Halloween isn’t a frightening festival, it’s fun! frightening festival, it’s fun! frightening festival, it’s fun! There are lots of parties There are lots of parties There are lots of parties where people wear masks where people wear masks where people wear masks and costumes; some of and costumes; some of and costumes; some of them make special them make special them make special Halloween lamps, called Halloween lamps, called Halloween lamps, called Jack o’ lantern. First, they Jack o’ lantern. First, they Jack o’ lantern. First, they take out the middle of the take out the middle of the take out the middle of the pumpkin, then they cut pumpkin, then they cut pumpkin, then they cut holes for the eyes, nose and holes for the eyes, nose and holes for the eyes, nose and mouth and finally, they put a mouth and finally, they put a mouth and finally, they put a candle inside the hollow candle inside the hollow candle inside the hollow pumpkin. pumpkin. pumpkin. In America there’s another In America there’s another In America there’s another tradition, it’s called Trick or tradition, it’s called Trick or tradition, it’s called Trick or treat. Young children dress treat. Young children dress treat. Young children dress in Halloween costumes and in Halloween costumes and in Halloween costumes and visit their friends and visit their friends and visit their friends and neighbours, saying Trick or neighbours, saying Trick or neighbours, saying Trick or treat. Then, they should give treat. Then, they should give treat. Then, they should give them a sweet – a treat – if them a sweet – a treat – if them a sweet – a treat – if they refuse, children play a they refuse, children play a they refuse, children play a trick on them! trick on them! trick on them!