DHW Acts-1
DHW Acts-1
DHW Acts-1
choosing of the twelfth Apostle to take verily, I say unto you, He that believeth
the place of Judas Iscariot (1:15-26). on me, the works that I do shall he do
also; and greater works than these shall
he do; because I go unto my Father
COMMENTARY (John 14:12). Luke mentioned that
Jesus’ Final Instructions to His before Jesus Christ ascended to
Disciples heaven, He had appeared to His
disciples and proved to the frightened
Luke referred to a “former apostles and disciples that He was alive.
treatise” which he had written to The Lord Jesus Christ was seen by His
Theophilus. This previous paper, which disciples for a period of forty days. The
Luke wrote to Theophilus, was the bodily appearances of the Lord Jesus
Gospel-book that bears his name. Christ after His death are infallible
Theophilus is a name in Greek. It is a proofs of His resurrection. When they
compound of two words: theos which were distraught and discouraged, the
means “God” and philein which means Lord Jesus Christ appeared to them.
“to love”. Hence, the name indicates a He told them to see and touch Him and
lover of God or a friend of God. It is a that He was not a spirit (or ghost), which
proper name. Theophilus probably was has no “flesh and bones” (Luke 24:39).
a Roman official of considerable rank. He even ate fish and honey before them
In the Gospel, Luke accorded him with to prove that He Himself was real. When
great honour when he addressed him as the apostle Thomas disbelieved the
“most excellent Theophilus”, (Luke 1; 3). testimony of the others that they had
Interestingly in Acts, Luke called him seen Jesus alive, the Lord Jesus
simply “O Theophilus” – a term of appeared again to them and told
endearment and probably they had Thomas to touch Him and told him not
become close friends. If Theophilus to be unbelieving. The resurrection of
was a Roman high official, Luke’s Jesus Christ is a vital historic fact and
purpose for writing is to defend the indispensable spiritual truth. The
Christians and their faith against any disciples had seen, touched and
misunderstanding by the Roman handled Him. They did not have to
government regarding the Christian prove it. They simply declared it in their
faith. It seems that Theophilus was messages. This is the emphasis in the
persuaded and it can be correctly book of Acts.
affirmed that he was a believer of Christ.
During this period of forty days
At the very outset, Luke indicated with His apostles, the Lord Jesus taught
that the contents of Acts picture a them the things relating to the Kingdom
continuation of the work of Jesus Christ of God. Note that these apostles were
from his previous dissertation. The not ordinary people in the sense that
phrase “of all that Jesus began both to they had been chosen by God. This is
do and teach” pin-points that whatever very significant. That made them
Jesus accomplished in His brief earthly different from the other disciples. This
ministry was only the beginning, leading also means that their teaching and work
to greater things as recorded in Acts. in behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ would
Jesus declared this when He was with be clearly authorized and authenticated.
His disciples in the Upper Room: “Verily, They were chosen of God to continue
and carry on with the work of the Lord the power and the authority to subdue
Jesus Christ. Jesus explained to them and rule the world. He had declared to
the Kingdom of God. Jesus began His them that “all power is given unto me in
earthly ministry by preaching and heaven and in earth.” One can
teaching concerning the Kingdom of understand their nationalistic
God (Mark 1:14, 15; Luke 4:43). The understanding. They expected their
Kingdom of God is essentially the rule of Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, to
God in the lives of the people of God. overthrow the Roman government and
God is their king. But the Lord Jesus set up an Israeli government to rule the
Christ was not referring to the particular world. But the Lord Jesus Christ’s
aspect of God’s providential government response indicates that God had bigger
of the present world. Indeed, God is plans. It is God’s intention to extend the
sovereign and He could put up or put gospel of salvation to all people, calling
down a Pharaoh or a Nebuchadnezzar. a people out unto Himself beside the
God is indeed in control of the affairs of Jews.
men in this world. But this Kingdom of There would be a literal kingdom
God which Jesus taught them was the of God on earth in the future. The Lord
promise of a literal kingdom on earth in Jesus Christ did not say that they were
which the greater Son of David, who is wrong about their understanding of a
none other than the Lord Jesus Christ, literal kingdom of God on earth. If it
would reign absolutely on earth with were so, the Lord Jesus would have
Jerusalem as the capital (Daniel 7:27; said that. But the Lord Jesus Christ
Isaiah 66:20; Micah 4:1-8). This literal responded by saying that it was not for
kingdom will be established at the return them to know “the times of the seasons,
of the Lord Jesus Christ in all His glory which the Father hath put in his own
and power and majesty! The Lord Jesus power” (1:7). God the Father has set an
Christ told His disciples not to depart appointed time, known only to Him.
from Jerusalem. Most of them were This is God’s prerogative. He did not
fishermen and they were from Galilee. want His people to know the hour and
They were to wait in Jerusalem for the day of the coming event. But the Lord
coming of the Holy Spirit. John, the Jesus Christ continued to say that they
baptizer, baptized them with water, a
would receive power after the Holy Spirit
baptism unto repentance. But “not many came upon them. The word “power” is
days thence” (about ten days) they translated from the Greek word
would be baptized “with the Holy Ghost “dunamis”. It has a wide range of
(Spirit)”. meaning. It means that the disciples
The disciples asked the Lord would be empowered with ability,
Jesus Christ (1:6): “Lord, wilt thou at this wisdom and strength. Their mission or
time restore again the kingdom of mandate was to be witnesses of the
Israel?” The disciples knew the Holy Lord Jesus Christ. The Greek word
Scriptures. Israel then was under the translated “witnesses” here is derived
rule of Emperor Caesar and the from the root word “martus” from which
Romans. They came to recognise and the English word “martyr” was formed.
acknowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ It strongly suggests that being witnesses
is their Messiah who would come and of the Lord Jesus Christ, the disciples
reign. They came to know that He has must be willing to endure persecution
leader of the disciples. The disciples Peter and the apostles found two
who were gathered together numbered men who met the criteria. They were
one hundred and twenty. Peter Joseph who was also known as
proposed that another disciple be Barnabas and whose surname was
chosen to fill the position left vacant by Justus; and Matthias. Then they prayed
the betrayer Judas. Peter based his to the Lord (1:24, 25): “Thou, Lord,
proposition on Psalm 69:25: “Let his which knowest the hearts of all men,
habitation be desolate, and let no man shew whether of these two thou hast
dwell therein,” and on Psalm 109:8: “His chosen, That he may take part of this
bishop-rick let another take.” Peter ministry and apostleship, from which
interpreted these psalms to apply to Judas by transgression fell, that he
Judas. He said that the Holy Spirit had might go to his own place.” After they
spoken these words through David. had prayed, they cast lots and the lot fell
David spoke these words metaphorically on Matthias, who was then numbered
to describe his experience, but Peter among the twelve. The casting of lots
applied them literally to Judas. It was was sanctioned by Scriptures in the Old
not without basis that Peter understood Testament (Leviticus 16:8; Numbers
these portions of Scriptures in this way. 26:55; Proverbs 16:33). But this practice
Just before the Lord Jesus Christ is not used after the Holy Spirit has
suffered and died, He quoted Psalm come to indwell every believer.
69:4 to prepare His disciples for what However, the choosing of another to
would happen to Him (John 15:25). So, replace Judas was done prayerfully with
Psalm 69 foreshadowed the rejection of a correct understanding of the Word of
the Lord Jesus Christ’s by the religious God and finally, they committed to God
leaders and the betrayer Judas’ suicide. to make known His choice to them.
Having quoted Scriptures to
support his proposition, Peter spelt out PRACTICAL VALUE
the qualifications of the disciple who
was to be numbered as one of the Our study of Acts will accrue
twelfth. He stipulated that he must be much spiritual benefits for us as we
one who had been with them since the travel through life in this world as
time when John the Baptiser was pilgrims bound for the heavenly abode
baptising in the river Jordan to the time where God our Father and the Lord
of Christ’s ascension. He must be a Jesus are. Luke wrote Acts in defence
witness with them of Christ’s of the Christian faith. Like Luke, a
resurrection. This shows Peter’s Gentile believer, who was convinced of
understanding of the position of the infallible proofs concerning the
apostleship. The resurrection of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we should
Lord Jesus Christ is vital to the Christian be strong and steadfast. We should not
faith. Luke records that the apostles be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus
testified with great power to the Christ for we truly serve a living Saviour
resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. If who has ascended to Heaven and
Christ were not raised from the dead, promised to return in power and
the Christian faith is nothing and Christ’s majesty. We should look expectantly
disciples are the most miserable people and desire earnestly for the second
(1 Corinthians 15:17-19). coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And
e. An Area of Service to the Lord