Study of Gamma-Gamma Coincidence
Study of Gamma-Gamma Coincidence
Study of Gamma-Gamma Coincidence
1 Introduction 3
2 Acknowledgements 4
3 Instrument Design 5
3.1 Scintillator based solid state detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Signal Processing Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2.1 Pre-amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2.2 Shaping Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Multi-Channel Analyzer(MCA): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.4 Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 Software 8
4.1 Key Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2 Additional features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.3 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3.1 Installation on Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.3.2 Installation on Ubuntu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.4 Installation from source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.5 Calibration using 137 Cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6 Experiments 18
6.1 Energy spectrum of 137 Cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.2 To study the effect of distance on total counts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.3 Study of naturally radioactive sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1 Introduction
Nuclear science has immense importance in fields ranging from medical sciences to power gen-
eration, and defence. However, factors such as a lack of indigeneous equipment, high prices,
and highly regulated processes for procurement of sources, has resulted in neglect of a more
hands-on approach to studying this field. Human resource development is integral to economic
and scientific progress in this field, and this requires education at the graduate level and beyond.
Therefore, there is an urgent need to indigenously develop instrumentation for research
and teaching in nuclear physics, as well as work out experiments which rely on easily accessible
apparatus and raw materials without compromising on pedagogical value.
This document explains a device that can measure the energy of gamma particles and also
some of the experiments that can be done using various radioactive sources. It has an ultra
compact design that incorporates the detector, all necessary pulse processing tools, and a 1k
channel MCA in a aluminium enclosure you can hold in the palm of your hand. An adjustable
DAC for theshold setting , and a monitoring output for the shaper signal is included. In
addition, only a computer is required.
2 Acknowledgements
We would like to thank Prof.(Dr.) O.S.K.S Sastri from the Central University of Himachal
Pradesh and his physics education research group for his valuable inputs which have been
essential for developing the instrument from an education perspective for UG and PG labo-
ratories. This instrument has been presented at two international conferences by Jithin BP;
SYMPNP- DAE Symposium held at BARC, and RINP2. Whilst the former exhibited its vari-
ous capabilities, the latter dealt with coincidence experiments carried out with this instrument.
Our gratitude towards Prof Devinder Mehta, and Dr. Ashwini Jain from Panjab University
cannot be expressed enough. Their active support and feedback were essential in the designing
Special mention must be made for the developers of the Python project, and various analytical
and visualization modules such as numpy, scipy, and pyqtgraph, without which software devel-
opment could not have taken the form it has.
Jithin B.P. and O.S.K.S Sastri, “Indigenously developed gamma spectrometer,” in Pro-
ceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 63 (2018) 1072, 2018, pp. 1072–1073. [Online].
Jithin BP and O.S.K.S Sastri, “International Conference on Recent Issues in Nuclear and
Particle Physics (RINP2) Gated MCA technique for demonstration of coincidence phe-
nomena with a set of indigenously developed gamma spectrometers Primary author(s).”
[Online]. Available: https : / / indico . cern . ch / event / 763807 / contributions /
3 Instrument Design
Figure 2: Entire experiment setup of the Gamma Spectrometer ’GammaSpec-1K’. Also shown
is a laptop connected via the USB port with an example spectrum. Signal outputs from the
shaping amplifier are connected to a 50MHz oscilloscope where the nature of this signal is
A labelled graphic of the equipment is provided in Figure 2. The radioactive source is kept
in front of the gamma detector window, and has been removed while taking the photo to show
the window. The oscilloscope displays the output of the shaping amplifier, and is optional. It
is merely used to show students the shaper signal.
The detector used in this instrument has 10mm×10mm surface area with an entry window
of 8mm diameter. The window is covered with a thin aluminium foil to keep out visible light.
3.2.1 Pre-amplifier
The charge generated by an incident bunch of scintillation photons is converted into a cor-
responding output voltage by utilising a charge sensitive preamplifier. The main role of the
preamp is to ensure impedance matching between high impedance at the detector side (i.e.
input), with the low output impedance of the post-processing electronics. This also improves
the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
The output of the Shaping amplifier is a Guassian shaped pulse. The amplitude varies from 0
to 3.3 volts, depending on the deposited energy. The shaping amplifier’s gaussian pulse output
is available on a BNC connector for monitoring purposes (Figure 2). The same buffered signal
goes to the input of the built-in Multi Channel Analyzer.
Figure 4: Flow diagram for the dual parameter MCA used for coincidence measurements.
Threshold Setting: Input pulses are only accepted if the amplitude exceeds a threshold
value (to reject low energy peaks which might not be due to gamma rays) which is set to 65
channels. This can be set via a 12-bit, software controlled DAC. If you see a sharp peak to
the extreme left of the spectrum, it indicates high electrical noise which needs to be rejected.
Open the bottom-right menu, and raise the threshold value to a channel which exceeds the
noise peak.
4 Software
The software CNSPEC is capable of plotting the acquired data in real-time and has a host
of utilities for data analysis. The open-source software is written in the Python programming
language, and employs a variety of powerful utilities such as Numpy, Scipy, and PyQtGraph
for various mathematical and visualization purposes.
It acquires the data from the hardware, and plots it in the form of a histogram showing channel
number (corresponding to peak voltage proportional to deposited energy) on x-axis, and the
number of events received at each channel on the y-axis, as shown in Figure 5.
Analytical features incorporated as of now in the software are 3-point calibration, fitting with
Gaussian plus low-energy tail (Lorentzian part) to obtain peak information, and a summation
utility to obtain the total number of counts corresponding to a peak. It also has data-loggers
to automatically estimate half lives of peaks based on pre-selected channel regions.
Figure 5: Open-source software provided with the Gamma Spectrometer ’CNSPEC’. The
software is compatible with our range of Alpha Spectrometers, Gamma spectrometers, and
multi-channel analyzers. The spectrum shown is from 212-Bismuth, an alpha particle source,
and a gamma spectrum screenshot is shown in Figure 6
(A) Start Histogram : The hardware will start sorting input pulses into their respective bins
(B) Stop Histogram : The hardware will ignore all pulses until the next start command is
(C) Clear Histogram: The energy spectrum stored in the hardware will be cleared , along
with the plot.
(D) Update : Energy spectrum is fetched from the hardware , and plotted on the screen. An
auto-update option is also provided for repeating this at 0.5 Second intervals [Analytical
tools are disabled in the auto-update mode].
(E) Auto-Update : Automatically fetch spectrum in fixed intervals. These are also automat-
ically added to the spectrum history section.
(H) Pulse Counter : Shows total input pulses in real time. It can be used to determine if an
update is necessary. Clicking on the counter resets its value to 0.
(L) Region Selection : Add or remove graph region selectors used for defining regions for
fitting, summation etc.
(M) Gaussian Fit : A selection region can be added and relocated to accommodate a peak.
The peak can be fitted against a standard gaussian function to extract parameters such
as centroid, FWHM, and amplitude. If the theoretical energy value of the peak is already
known, the centroid value can also be used to utilize it as a reference point to calibrate
the plot.
A low energy tail can also be added to the fitting function to accomodate attenuation by
scattering agents.
(N) Obtain total events present inside a selected region. At least one region must be present
on the graph in order to use this.
(Q) Add a manual point for calibration (channel vs energy in keV). You must first click on
the relevant peak in the graph (this places a red marker next to the peak ) to identify it.
(R) Click on this button to open a spreadsheet with numerical values for the histogram. The
spreadsheet will allow saving the data in raw form, or as an image.
(T) Channel vs energy table. If only a single pair is specified, the origin coordinate is also
used to make a 2 point calibration.
(U) Apply the calibration to the histogram. The polynomial is shown below the button.
(W) Spectrum History : The entire spectrum is saved into an array every time it is fetched
from the hardware. In the differential spectra mode, new events recorded in each spectrum
is used, and this allows for analysing various parameters such as centroid shifts, and half
(X) Various different analysis options, including a 3D growth profile plot is available.
(Y) The analysis results are displayed in a table, and can also be saved into a collection of
files into a directory.
The ’SAVED PLOTS’ tab displays thumbnails of saved data. Select the appropriate
directory, and click on any plot to load it to the main tab. You can then use the math
utilities to further analyze your saved data.
and half-lives once adequate data is available. The auto-update button must be selected
for the logger to work.
2. Threshold setting : Allows users to ignore low energy channels which under electrically
noisy environments can accumulate counts unrelated to gamma rays.
4.3 Installation
The software has been packaged for Windows as well as Ubuntu.
Download the setup file from, and follow the instruc-
tions to install it.
Download the deb file from, and install it using a package in-
staller such as Gdebi.
4.5 Calibration using Cs
137 60
Figure 7: Single point calibration using Cs, and linearity check with Co
Cs source has a single photopeak, and can be used to apply a single point calibration
which is composed of a scaling factor only. Higher order calibration polynomials can be gener-
ated using multi-peak sources such as 60 Co.
place the source in front of the window, and acquire the corresponding spectrum by
clicking ’start’, and waiting for a sufficient spectrum to build up.
Click on update to fetch the latest spectrum from the hardware, or select the ’auto-update’
Insert a selection region around the photopeak, and ensure that it covers this peak
After a succesful fit , the software will show the parameters in a dialog box.
In the pop-up window that is now displayed, enter the known energy of the peak against
the channel number extracted from the peak. For Cs-137, it is 662 keV.
You will observe that the X-axis now displays energy units rather than channels, and that
the photopeak’s position is centered around the calibration value you had supplied.
Finally, you may clear the spectrum, and repeat with an unknown source to determine
its energy.
Cs enriched source is commonly employed for single point calibration purposes since it
produces a single photopeak at a known energy. However, since single point calibrations are
not equipped to correct offset errors, it is advisable to use a source with at least two gamma
emissions at known energies, such as 60 Co. We can now cross-check if our calibration remains
linear over the entire range of 2 MeV.
Figure 8: Two gamma spectrometers placed with a Na-22 positron source in the middle. The
dual MCA carries out the data acquisition
5.2 Calibration using Na
N a source has a photopeak at 511keV from positron annihilation, and a high energy peak
at 1275. We will use the 511keV peak for calibrating the dual MCA. Higher order calibration
Figure 9: Single point calibration using 511 keV peak from Na
place the source in front of the window, and acquire the corresponding spectrum by
clicking ’start’, and waiting for a sufficient spectrum to build up.
Click on update to fetch the latest spectrum from the hardware, or select the ’auto-update’
select the first input trace (Labelled 1), which has a black outline.
Insert a selection region around the 511keV photopeak(labelled 2), and ensure that it
covers this peak
Figure 10: Spectrum after single point calibration using 511 keV peak from Na
After a succesful fit , the software will show the parameters in a dialog box.
In the pop-up window that is now displayed, enter the known energy of the peak against
the channel number extracted from the peak.
Now select the second trace( from the menu labelled 1), and move the region to cover
the 511keV peak from trace 2 (red colour)
Figure 11: Coincidence spectrum from N a shown as a heat map and a surface plot
Figure 12: Coincidence gate applied for 511keV events from B shows the high energy 1275 keV
events getting rejected
6 Experiments
Using this equipment, one can study the decay patterns of various radioactive elements. It is
also possible to study the energy loss of gamma rays in materials, by using attenuators. One
can also carry out dosimetry applications, or r12 dependence of counts. In this section we explain
several experiments that can be done with this equipment.
6.1 Energy spectrum of Cs
Cesium 137 is a radioactive isotope that emits gamma rays at 662 keV. Its monoenergetic
nature makes it ideal for single point calibration. The results of this experiment have been
shown in Figure 9 in the previous section.
[1] Jithin B.P. and O.S.K.S Sastri, “Indigenously developed gamma spectrometer,” in Pro-
ceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 63 (2018) 1072, 2018, pp. 1072–1073. [Online].
Figure 13: Spectrum acquired from 1gm of monazite sand over a period of 14 Hours. The
source was separately analyzed, and contained 330becq of thorium 232, and 30becq of natural
[2] Jithin BP and O.S.K.S Sastri, “International Conference on Recent Issues in Nuclear and
Particle Physics (RINP2) Gated MCA technique for demonstration of coincidence phe-
nomena with a set of indigenously developed gamma spectrometers Primary author(s).”
[Online]. Available:
[3] J. Bhagavathi, S. Gora, V. Satyanarayana, O. Sastri, and B. Ajith, “Gamma Spectra of
Non-Enriched Thorium Sources using PIN Photodiode and PMT based Detectors,” Physics
Education, vol. Manuscript, 2020.