This section describes Application Programming Interfaces (API) and protocols exposed by an E-SDC or used by an
E-SDC to communicate with the other components (TaxCore.API, Secure element Applet, PKI Applet or SD
Card/USB Flash Drive) required to fulfill its primary role – to safeguard a transaction and to transfer the audit
packages to the tax authority’s system.
Accredited POS systems can communicate with the E-SDC using the POS to SDC Protocol.
TaxCore.API is a REST API exposed by a tax authority’s system to E-SDC devices. It provides services used
by the E-SDCs to submit Audit Packages, to notify TaxCore if the online status has been changed and to
receive configuration commands.
Secure Element Applet API
Communication with a Secure element Applet API is performed through standard APDU commands.
File Based Communication
This section contains the description of the File-based communication with E-SDC.
TaxCore.API is a REST API exposed by a tax authority’s system to E-SDC devices. It provides services used by the E-
SDCs to submit Audit Packages, to notify TaxCore if the online status has been changed and to receive
configuration commands.
An E-SDC is authenticated by TaxCore.API using a client digital certificate and an authentication Token.
Communication between a Client and TaxCore.API is carried out via the HTTPS protocol.
The Client is authenticated by TaxCore.API using either a client certificate or an authentication token obtained
from TaxCore.API. To obtain an authentication token, a client certificate authentication has to be successfully
conducted as the first step. For more information see Request Authentication Token.
Once token has been obtained HTTP request must contain TaxCoreAuthenticationToken key in the request HTTP
headers with a valid authentication token as a value.
Authentication Token
E-SDC uses an authentication token when calling the TaxCore API web services. Authentication token is obtained
from TaxCore API by calling the service Request Authentication Token and providing a Taxpayer’s digital
The role of the PKI applet is to support the secure communication and client certificate authentication with
TaxCore.API using HTTPS protocol. The certificate used to establish a secure connection is stored on a smart card
and it can be accessed from the PKI Applet using PKSC#11 API.
The certificate is loaded in the slot / token structure on the PKI Applet.
After the certificate is extracted from the smart card (in DER format) it can be used as a standard X.509 certificate
for TLS/SSL and HTTPS protocols.
Valid PIN is required to read the certificate from PKI Applet using PKCS#11 API. Pin for PKI Applet is the same as
the PIN for the Secure Element Applet.
1. Required Drivers
Smart Cards are programmed with PKI firmware according to GIDS (Generic Identity Device Specification)
standard. Appropriate drivers shall be installed/programmed on an E-SDC in order to enable PKI Applet
Required Drivers
Smart Cards are programmed with PKI firmware according to GIDS (Generic Identity Device Specification)
standard. Appropriate drivers shall be installed/programmed on an E-SDC in order to enable PKI Applet usage.
Windows OS Drivers
GIDS driver is an integral part of Windows OS since Windows 7 SP1, enabling the instant use of a smart card. No
additional driver installation is required.
Linux OS Drivers
In order to use PKI Applet on Linux based OS, a pkcs11 driver from the OpenSC library is required. OpenSC
libraries and tools are freely available on
In the following example, the installation of required drivers, libraries and tools on Debian / Ubuntu flavor of Linux
OS with USB based card reader is shown. It is assumed that OpenSSL is used for TLS/SSL communication.
tar -xf opensc-x.y.z.tar.gz
cd opensc-x.y.z
make install
After the above steps are executed, the certificate shall be accessible from the appropriate slot/token using a
PKCS11 family of functions from the lipb11 library. ENGINE family of functions can be used to load the pkcs11
engine in the OpenSSL.
SDC Section of TaxCore.API is used by any SDCs to establish connection with backend.
Get initialization and configuration information required for normal operation
Submit prepared audit packages
Notify backend of online/offline status
Pull pending commands from backend
Notify backend of command execution results
Request Authentication Token
When requesting the authentication token, a Client authenticates itself with a valid Digital Certificate
(stored in the PKI applet). If the token is successfully created it is returned to the Client as a string. In order
to receive an authentication token, each client must establish a secure connection to “/api/v3/sdc/token”
endpoint on TaxCore.API and authenticate using client digital certificate.
Get Initialization Commands
For each new smart card issued by a tax authority, a set of commands is generated, which contain
information necessary for invoice signing (Tax Rates, Verification URL, NTP server etc.).
Notify Online Status
If an E-SDC is online, it shall periodically (once every 1 – 5 minutes) invoke the “Notify Online Status”
operation on TaxCore.API.
Notify Command Processed
After an E-SDC processes commands received from TaxCore.API, it will report the results of execution to
Submit Audit Package
After the invoice audit package is created (explained in the section Creating an Audit Package), it shall be
transferred to TaxCore.API the next time an Internet connection is available.
Submit Audit Request Payload ARP
E-SDC invokes the Start Audit APDU command and receives 260 bytes of data that represent the Audit
Request Payload (ARP). ARP has to be converted to the string using Base64 encoding.
Request Authentication Token
When requesting the authentication token, a Client authenticates itself with a valid Digital Certificate (stored in the
PKI applet). If the token is successfully created it is returned to the Client as a string. In order to receive an
authentication token, each client must establish a secure connection to “/api/v3/sdc/token” endpoint on
TaxCore.API and authenticate using client digital certificate.
Endpoint Example
Development and production environments, as well the environments in different countries, have different URLs.
For this reason, URLs and names in your documentation, code and UI should not be hardcoded but configurable
or extracted from a digital certificate.
Add the following HTTP headers to each request:
• Accept: application/json
The certificate-based authentication is used only to request a token. Request for the authentication token is
periodically invoked to obtain a new token and to verify the date and time.
token string The Token is valid for 8 hours by default. A Client uses the current token when calling
all other services exposed by TaxCore.API.
expiresAt string Date and time of token expiration - in UTC time. When a token expires a Client must
request a new token. If the Client requests a new token while the current token is still
valid, TaxCore will return the current token.
"token": "245ebd69-1438-4dc3-a65b-18f1a527f093",
"expiresAt": "2020-12-23 15:18:33Z"
For each new smart card issued by a tax authority, a set of commands is generated, which contain information
necessary for invoice signing (Tax Rates, Verification URL, NTP server etc.).
Once the commands are processed, E-SDC reports the execution status to TaxCore.API as explained in section
Notify Command Processed.
E-SDC can explicitly require initialization commands, by invoking TaxCore.API service Get Initialization Commands.
1. Add headers "Accept: application/json", "Content-Type: application/json" and header that contains an
authentication token
2. Submit GET request to https://<taxcore_api_url>/api/v3/sdc/commands
Endpoint Example
Development and production environments, as well the environments in different countries, have different URLs.
For this reason, URLs and names in your documentation, code and UI should not be hardcoded but configurable
or extracted from a digital certificate.
Add the following HTTP headers to each request
• TaxCoreAuthenticationToken: <token-value-returned-from-Request-Authentication-
• Accept: application/json
For authentication details please refer to Authentication
The response contains a list of commands that must be executed by E-SDC, as described in section Commands.
If an E-SDC is online, it shall periodically (once every 1 – 5 minutes) invoke the “Notify Online Status” operation on
1. Add headers "Accept: application/json", "Content-Type: application/json" and header that contains
authentication token
2. Add a string “true” or "false" to the body of the request (depending on whether the E-SDC is online or
going offline)
3. Submit PUT request to https://<taxcore_api_url>/api/v3/sdc/status
After the request is sent, TaxCore.API shall return a response with a JSON formatted string containing a list of
commands, as described in section Commands, that an E-SDC shall execute (new tax rates, verification URL, NTP
URL or public key used for encryption). The Command list can be empty.
Endpoint Example
Add the following HTTP headers to each request
• TaxCoreAuthenticationToken: <token-value-returned-from-Request-Authentication-
• Accept: application/json
• Content-Type: application/json
For authentication details please refer to Authentication
The list of commands will be obtained only if the string "true" is submitted in the request
The response contains a list of commands that must be executed by E-SDC, as described in section Commands.
After an E-SDC processes commands received from TaxCore.API, it will report the results of execution to
1. Add headers "Accept: application/json", "Content-Type: application/json" and header that contains
authentication token
2. Add a string “true” or "false" to the body of the request (depending on whether the E-SDC successfully
processed commands)
3. Submit PUT request to https://<taxcore_api_url>/api/v3/sdc/commands/{commandId}
Endpoint Example
here>/api/v3/sdc/commands/{commandId} 205A-4CBF-AD0C-6617D42AE466
Development and production environments, as well the environments in different countries, have different URLs.
For this reason, URLs and names in your documentation, code and UI should not be hardcoded but configurable
or extracted from a digital certificate.
Add the following HTTP headers to each request
• TaxCoreAuthenticationToken: <token-value-returned-from-Request-Authentication-
• Accept: application/json
• Content-Type: application/json
For authentication details please refer to Authentication
1. Add headers "Accept: application/json", "Content-Type: application/json" and header that contains an
authentication token
2. Add an Audit Package as a JSON message to the body of the HTTP POST request
3. Submit POST request to https://<taxcore_api_url>/api/v3/sdc/audit
After the request is sent, TaxCore.API responds with a JSON formatted text containing a status of operation and a
list of commands that an E-SDC shall execute.
Values for sdcDateTime and all other fields (see Create Invoice) must match the values submitted to the Secure
Element for digital signing (see Sign Invoice in Fiscalization), as well as the values in the verification URL (
In case the field Request.Item.Name exceeds the defined maximum length (see Create Invoice), its value is
In case the field Request.DateAndTimeOfIssue is out of range (see Create Invoice), its value is replaced with
a null value.
Endpoint Example
Development and production environments, as well the environments in different countries, have different URLs.
For this reason, URLs and names in your documentation, code and UI should not be hard-coded but configurable
or extracted from a digital certificate.
Add the following HTTP headers to each request
• TaxCoreAuthenticationToken: <token-value-returned-from-Request-Authentication-
• Accept: application/json
• Content-Type: application/json
For authentication details, please refer to Authentication.
Request that must be generated and sent by SDC is described in this section Format of the Audit Package.
"key": "VGhpcyBJcyBLZXkK...",
"iv": "VGhpcyBJcyBJVgo...",
"payload": "VGhpcyBJcyBQYXlsb2FkCg...",
"invoicenumber": "QWERASDF-QWERASDF-54515"
"key": "VGhpcyBJcyBLZXkK...",
"iv": "VGhpcyBJcyBJVgo...",
"payload": "VGhpcyBJcyBQYXlsb2FkCg..."
The response contains a list of commands that must be executed by E-SDC, as described in section Commands.
AuditDataStatus {
status (integer, optional) = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']integerEnum:0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
commands (Array[Command], optional)
Data Fields
status - returned after TaxCore.API unpacks and verifies audit packages. If all verifications are successful, the
status should have the value 4. Other values can help E-SDC developers rectify problems with audit packages.
Their meanings are the following:
• 0 - Invalid audit package - TaxCore API failed to decrypt the received audit package. The possible reasons
are: the received file is corrupt, has no content, the file is encrypted using the wrong TaxCore public key,
• 1 - Invoice cannot be stored - the received invoice is probably valid, but due to the internal server error
TaxCore.API is unable to store it
• 2 - Signature is invalid
• 72 - E-SDC sent the wrong TIN or SignedBy or RequestedBy fields when signing this invoice
• 69 - Invoice contains TaxItem for a label that does not exist in the tax rate group named in
• 70 - Invoice contains TaxCounters (in internal data) for CategoryOrderId which does not exist in the tax
rate group named in Result.TaxGroupRevision, i.e. E-SDC sent a non-existing CategoryOrderId to
the secure element
• 73 - Invoice contains SDC time (result.sdcDateTime) that is in the future compared to the time of
invoice arrival to TaxCore.API. The gap is greater than the allowed tolerance period.
• 74 - Invoice contains Reference time (request.referentDocumentDT) that is in the future compared
to the invoice's SDC time (result.sdcDateTime). The gap is greater than the allowed tolerance period.
• 75 - Invoice contains SDC time (result.sdcDateTime) that is in the past compared to the time of
invoice arrival to TaxCore.API. The gap is greater than the allowed tolerance period.
• 79 - Audit Package with a field(s) Request.payment[].Amount that does not fall within the range
predefined in the system. The audit package is rejected.
• 80 - Audit Package with a field(s) Result.TaxItem[].Amount that does not fall within the range
predefined in the system. The audit package is rejected.
• 81 - Audit Package with a field(s) Request.Total[].Amount that does not fall within the range
predefined in the system. The audit package is rejected.
• 82 - Audit Package with a field(s) Result.totalAmount that does not fall within the range predefined
in the system. The audit package is rejected.
• commands - contains a list of commands that E-SDC should execute, as described in section Commands.
If status 4 (Invoice is verified) is received from TaxCore.API, that audit package should immediately be deleted
from the E-SDC's local storage (see Creating an Audit Package). If any other status is received, the audit package
must not be deleted.
The E-SDC should try to resubmit an audit package to TaxCore.API. only if it receives status 1 (Invoice cannot be
stored) from the TaxCore.API. If any other status is received, the audit package should not be resubmitted.
"status": 0,
"commands": [
"commandId": "3930CEEF-F637-444D-8295-F629D6E482D3",
"type": 1,
"payload": "",
"uid": "ABCD1234"
Submit Audit Request Payload - ARP
E-SDC invokes the Start Audit APDU command and receives 260 bytes of data that represent the Audit Request
Payload (ARP). ARP has to be converted to the string using Base64 encoding.
E-SDC invokes the Amount Status APDU command and receives the current sum and limit for the secure element.
1. Add headers "Accept: application/json", "Content-Type: application/json" and header that contains
authentication token
2. Create a request structure as per the below model and add it to the body of the HTTP POST request
3. Submit POST Request to https://<taxcore_api_url>/api/v3/sdc/audit-proof
Endpoint Example
here>/api/v3/sdc/audit-proof proof
Development and production environments, as well the environments in different countries, have different URLs.
For this reason, URLs and names in your documentation, code and UI should not be hardcoded but configurable
or extracted from a digital certificate.
Add the following HTTP headers to each request
• TaxCoreAuthenticationToken: <token-value-returned-from-Request-Authentication-
• Accept: application/json
• Content-Type: application/json
For authentication details please refer to Authentication
JSON structure as defined in section Format of the Audit-Proof Request
ProofOfAuditRequest {
auditRequestPayload (string),
"auditRequestPayload": "d4A/iLtwmDYeZyacm/nDlCF...",
"sum": 11034,
"limit": 100000
For a detailed description of APDU communication, APDU commands data structure and particular bytes meaning,
please refer to ISO/IEC 7816-4 standard.
Commands are grouped into three categories based on the type of usage:
1. General
2. Fiscalization
3. Audit
Important Notes
1. All APDU commands are sent to the Smart Card using T1 communication protocol
2. All amounts or counter values are submitted to/received from the Secure element using Big-endian. Big-
endian is an order in which the "big end" (most significant value in the sequence) is stored first (at the
lowest storage address)
3. P1 and P2 values considered in the request processing when,
1. Select Applet Command
2. force using CRC for Data in APDU transimission
4. PIN is sent in ASCII hex format from SE applet version 3.2.2.
5. CRC is available from SE applet version 3.2.5, and it is optional to use.
General Commands
Secure Element Applet is installed as a non-default applet on a smart card. Before any APDU command is
invoked, the applet is selected using the standard Select command.
PIN verification is a method that “unlocks” a card for invoice signing and other operations protected by
PIN code. Depending on the SE applet version, PIN is sent in decimal or hex format with ASCII encoding,
and it is sent as an array of byte digits.
Returns 259 bytes data structure represents public card key (256 bytes modulus and 3 bytes exponent).
This key is used to encrypt Audit packages.
Secure Element Specific APDU Error Codes
This table contains the expected error codes and descriptions that a caller may encounter while working
with the Secure Element Applet.
General Commands
Secure Element Applet is installed as a non-default applet on a smart card. Before any APDU command is invoked,
the applet is selected using the standard Select command.
The availability of specific commands, as well as their content, depends on the secure element (SE) version. You
can use the Get Secure Element Version command (see below) to check the version of the SE you are using.
Select Applet
As previously mentioned, the Smart Card has two applets installed. This command selects the Secure Element
Applet and routes subsequent APDU commands to it.
APDU Request
APDU Response
Request: 00A4040010A000000748464A492D546178436F726500
Response: 9000
APDU Request
Example 1:
Request: 8808040000
Example 2:
Request: 8808000000
Example 3:
Request: 8808000000
If APDU Command status (SW1SW2) is OK (0x9000), consider forward instructions operation is completed.
From the SE version 3.2.5, optionally, CRC can be calculated and used for data verification. If CRC is not used, the
command is the same as in the previous applet version.
APDU Request
APDU Response
Command Data:
Response: 9000
Command Data:
Response: 9000
Export Certificate
This command exports the taxpayer certificate in a DER format. This certificate contains location data that is
present on the textual representation of an invoice.
APDU Request
SE IsoCase Class Instruction P1-P2 Command Command Expected
Version Length Data Length
(Lc) (Le)
APDU Response
Request: 88040400000000
From the SE version 3.2.5, optionally, CRC can be calculated and used for data verification. If CRC is not used, the
command is the same as in the previous applet version.
APDU Request
APDU Response
SE Version Response Data SW1SW2
Request: 88150400000000
Response Data
Request: 8815010200
APDU Request
Request: 8816040000
Response: 05 9000
PIN Verify
PIN verification is a method that “unlocks” a card for invoice signing and other operations protected by PIN code.
Depending on the SE applet version, PIN is sent in decimal or hex format with ASCII encoding, and it is sent as an
array of byte digits.
decimal format - PIN is represented as 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04.
ASCII hex format - PIN is represented as 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34.
APDU Request
Sign Invoice
Signs invoice and returns fiscalization data for a submitted invoice.
From the SE version 3.2.5, optionally, CRC can be calculated and used for data verification. If CRC is not used, the
command is the same as in the previous applet version.
APDU Request
APDU Response
Command data:
8 20 Taxpayer ID Hex encoded byte array, leading bytes filled with 0x00.
Taxpayer ID value can consist only of ascii printable
characters. Zeros can be added only on the left side.
MSB are sent first
Taxpayer ID = 928615467,
Byte array = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x39, 0x32, 0x38, 0x36, 0x31,
0x35, 0x34, 0x36, 0x37}
(byte 0x37 is sent last to SE)
57 1 Number of tax categories Defines the number of tax categories which appear on
the invoice (value between 0 and 26). The following data
structure Tax Categories must be repeated exactly this
number of times.
58 8 Tax Category (1) The first Tax Category (mandatory if Number of tax
categories > 0)
66 8 Tax Category (2) The second Tax Category (mandatory if Number of tax
categories > 1)
Tax Categories:
58 [1] [Tax category ID] The first tax category’s OrderID, as explained in Tax Rates
section (mandatory if Number of tax categories > 0)
59 [7] [Tax category amount] The first total tax amount for the category specified in
preceding field Tax category ID (mandatory if Number of
tax categories > 0)
66 [1] [Tax category ID] The next tax category’s OrderID (mandatory if Number of
tax categories > 1)
67 [7] [Tax category amount] The next total tax amount for the category specified in
preceding field Tax category ID (mandatory if Number of
tax categories > 1)
Response data:
Command Data:
Command data:
8 20 Taxpayer ID Hex encoded byte array, leading bytes filled with 0x00.
Taxpayer ID value can consist only of ascii printable
characters. Zeros can be added only on the left side.
MSB are sent first
Taxpayer ID = 928615467,
Byte array = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x39, 0x32, 0x38, 0x36, 0x31,
0x35, 0x34, 0x36, 0x37}
(byte 0x37 is sent last to SE)
57 1 Number of tax categories Defines the number of tax categories which appear on
the invoice (value between 0 and 26). The following data
structure Tax Categories must be repeated exactly this
number of times.
58 8 Tax Category (1) The first Tax Category (mandatory if Number of tax
categories > 0)
66 8 Tax Category (2) The second Tax Category (mandatory if Number of tax
categories > 1)
Tax Categories:
58 [1] [Tax category ID] The first tax category’s OrderID, as explained in Tax Rates
section (mandatory if Number of tax categories > 0)
59 [7] [Tax category amount] The first total tax amount for the category specified in
preceding field Tax category ID (mandatory if Number of
tax categories > 0)
66 [1] [Tax category ID] The next tax category’s OrderID (mandatory if Number of
tax categories > 1)
67 [7] [Tax category amount] The next total tax amount for the category specified in
preceding field Tax category ID (mandatory if Number of
tax categories > 1)
Response data:
Command Data:
Amount Status
Returns 14-bytes-long data structure (7 bytes for sum SALE and REFUND, and 7 bytes for Limit Amount)
APDU Request
APDU Response
Request: 8814040000
APDU Request
APDU Response
Request: 88070400000000
From the SE version 3.2.5, optionally, CRC can be calculated and used for data verification. If CRC is not used, the
command is the same as in the previous applet version.
APDU Request
APDU Response
Depending on the Internal Data, the total length of the structure is 565 or 821 bytes. For versions **3.2.5 or
later** if CRC is used, the total lenght can be 569 or 825 if CRC is added.
4 256 Crypted Internal Data The length of Crypted Internal Data can
be 256 or 512 bytes
Request: 88120400000000
Response: 565 or 821 bytes + 9000
Request: 88120102000000
Start Audit
Notifies the Secure element that the audit process has been initialized by E-SDC.
Secure element returns an encrypted message that shall be submitted to TaxCore as the content of the field
auditRequestPayload of audit-proof request.
From the SE version 3.2.5, optionally, CRC can be calculated and used for data verification. If CRC is not used, the
command is the same as in the previous applet version.
APDU Request
APDU Response
Request: 88210400000000
Request: 88210102000000
End Audit
Notifies the Secure element that the audit process has been finalized by TaxCore. If APDU Command status is OK
(0x90 0x00) consider the audit operation is completed.
From the SE version 3.2.5, optionally, CRC can be calculated and used for data verification. If CRC is not used, the
command is the same as in the previous applet version.
APDU Request
APDU Response
Command Data:
Command Data:
0x6302 Verify PIN PIN verification failed – wrong PIN code 2100
0x6304 Sign Invoice Maximum number of tax categories exceeded SDC related
0x6305 Sign Invoice Secure Element amount has reached the 2210
defined limit. The Secure Element is locked and
no additional invoices can be signed before the
audit is completed.
0x6306 End Audit End Audit is sent but there is no active Audit SDC related
0x6310 Verify PIN The number of allowed PIN entries exceeded 2110
0x63FF Sign Invoice A Secure Element counter has reached its limit. SDC related
The Secure Element must be replaced.
0x6700 End Audit Data must be 256 bytes long SDC related
0x6A80 End Audit Proof of Audit command payload provided as SDC related
APDU Command Data does not match the latest
Start Audit one which Secure Element expects.
Probably a new Start Audit was initiated after
this one was ended.
0x6A80 Sign Invoice The tax category order id exceeds the maximum 2310
allowed for the Secure Element.
0x6F00 End Audit APDU Command Data cannot be recognized as SDC related
a valid Proof of Audit
File-Based Communication
This section contains the description of the File-based communication with E-SDC.
File-based communication between TaxCore.API and E-SDC is foundation of Local Audit process.
• UID (folder)
o audit packages (file)
o UID.arp (file)
• UID.commands (file)
• UID.results (file)
The above structure displays files for all individual file transfers (copy audit files from E-SDC, upload commands
to E-SDC, and transfer commands result from E-SDC). It is used here for explanatory purposes. Each individual file
transfer includes only the files specific for that transfer.
SD Cards or Flash Memory Drives Format
Each E-SDC shall work with the following file system formats of SD Cards and USB Flash drives:
E SDC is Configured Using Initialization Commands from an SD Card
JSON file containing all pending commands must be stored in the root of the external disk volume and
named {UID}.commands (e.g D:\\YJ37C9Z9.commands)
E SDC Stores Audit Files on SD Card or USB Drive
An E-SDC shall perform an audit automatically once an SD Card or USB drive is inserted. If any commands
are received on the same medium, they shall be executed before the proceeding with the Local audit.
E SDC Executes Commands Received via SD Card or USB Drive
An E-SDC shall process commands automatically upon insertion of SD Card or USB Flash drive. Command
execution takes precedence over a Local audit.
E SDC Stores a Command Execution Result to the SD Card or USB Drive
After commands have been executed, E-SDC must generate a JSON file named {UID}.results. The result
must be in format described in paragraph Commands Execution Results in Commands. It is stored in the
root folder on the SD Card/USB drive.
• FAT32
Commands File
JSON file containing all pending commands must be stored in the root of the external disk volume and named
{UID}.commands (e.g D:\\YJ37C9Z9.commands)
Command file may be generated and downloaded from either Taxpayer Admin Portal (by taxpayers) or the
internal back office portal (by tax authority officers).
"commandId": "GUID",
"type": 0,
"payload": "Command Specific Json as string",
"uid": "string"
Audit files must remain stored in E-SDC's local memory until it receives a Proof-of-Audit command from
All files shall be stored in the folder(s) named after the UID(s) of the secure element(s) which created them.
Example: G:\BJ3PN1S9\, where G is the root of the SD card/USB drive and contains audit packages created by
the secure element with the UID BJ3PN1S9.
If the folder(s) do not exist, an E-SDC shall create new one(s) - one for each UID.
All audit package files stored in E-SDC's local memory, no matter which secure element was used to create them
shall be copied to the appropriate folder(s). Audit package files must be named using the following convention:
Depending on whether the smart card secure element is connected to the E-SDC, the folder named after its UID
may contain one {UID}.arp file. The content of the {UID}.arp file is described in Submit Audit Request
Payload - ARP.
• UID folder
o audit package files
o UID.arp
Dumped audit package files must be created by secure element(s) from the appropriate target environment, e.g.
if the Local Audit is performed for the production environment, only audit package files created by the
production environment secure elements can be dumped on an SD Card or USB Drive. This is done in order to
avoid uploading audit packages to environments which do not recognize the UIDs created for different
JSON file containing all pending commands must be stored in the root of the external disk volume and named
{UID}.commands (e.g D:\\YJ37C9Z9.commands).
• UID.commands
E-SDC shall execute only those commands with the same UID as UID assigned to the digital certificate of the
Secure Element (stored in the SerialNumber field of the certificate subject).
Command types and the structure are explained in section Commands.
Example: G:\BJ3PN1S9.results
where G is the root of the SD card/USB drive and BJ3PN1S9 is an example UID of the smart card in use
If file with the same name exists on the SD Card/USB drive, it must be overwritten.
• UID.results