Gebo Presentation
Gebo Presentation
Gebo Presentation
Gebo is a multi-Chain wallet in development by the team behind the Opus Dei Money (OPD)
DeFi protocol. Gebo is being developed on the same principles as the OPD DAO (Decentralised
Autonomous Organization), NFT's-oriented, privacy and open-source.
The team is working on a new approach to NFT's, tokenisation of assets and joint ownership
of these assets. Gebo will allow users to use coins and tokens (including NFT's) between
different networks, including Centralized Hybrid Government blockchains.
Why there is a need for another DeFi or a wallet?
Direct and/or collective voting, ownership and usage transferring between these vaults without registration
Create and store of cial documents as NFTs (ID-, travelling, and (if it is allowed by the user).
other documents), or allow minting by your doctors, lawyers or
even a government in a separate vault inside the Gebo wallet. Digital signature and a multi-sig tech
ownership) users buy, store, sell and move NFTs between different The rst wallet for NFT-documents, CBDC-challenges