Physics Syllabus (Sem-5)

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Credit distribution of the

Course Title & course Eligibility Pre-requisite
Code Criteria of the course
Lecture Tutorial Practical
Elements of
Class XII pass
Modern Physics
with Physics and
4 2 0 2 NIL
Mathematics as
main subjects
DSC – 5

This course introduces modern development in Physics. Starting from Planck’s law, it develops
the idea of probability interpretation and then discusses the formulation of Schrodinger
equation. This paper aims to provide knowledge about atomic physics, hydrogen atoms and X-
rays. It also introduces concepts of nuclear physics and accelerators

After getting exposure to this course, the following topics would be learnt.
● Main aspects of the inadequacies of classical mechanics as well as understanding of the
historical development of quantum mechanics. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle and its
applications, photoelectric effect and Compton scattering
● The Schrodinger equation in 1-d, wave function, probability and probability current
densities, normalization, conditions for physical acceptability of wave functions, position
and momentum operators and their expectation values. Commutator of position and
momentum operators.
● Time Independent Schrodinger Equation, derivation by separation of variables, wave
packets, particle in a box problem, energy levels.
● Modification in Bohr’s Quantum Model: Sommerfeld theory of elliptical orbits
● Hydrogen atom energy levels and spectra emission and absorption spectra.
● X-rays: their production and spectra: continuous and characteristic X-rays, Moseley Law.
● Basic Properties of Nuclei, nuclear binding energy, semi-empirical mass formula, nuclear
force and meson theory.
● Types of Accelerators, Van de Graaff generator, linear accelerator, cyclotron, synchrotron



Unit - I (8 Hours)
Origin of Quantum Theory: Black Body Radiation and failure of classical theory, Planck’s
Quantum Hypothesis, Planck’s Radiation Law, Quantitative treatment of Photo-electric effect
and Compton scattering. Wave properties of particles: de Broglie hypothesis, Group and Phase
velocities and relation between them. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, Gamma ray
microscope thought experiment, Position-Momentum Uncertainty, consequences of
uncertainty principle.

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Unit - II (7 Hours)
The Schrodinger Equation: The Schrodinger equation in 1-d, statistical interpretation of
wave function, probability and probability current densities. Normalization, conditions for
physical acceptability of wave functions with examples, position and momentum operators and
their expectation values; Commutator of position and momentum operators

Unit – III (5 Hours)

Time Independent Schrodinger Equation: Demonstration of separation of variable method
for time independent Schrodinger equation: Free particle wave function, wave packets,
application to energy eigen values and stationary states for particle in a box problem, energy

Unit – IV (5 Hours)
Atomic Physics: Beyond the Bohr’s Quantum model: Sommerfeld theory of elliptical orbits;
hydrogen atom energy levels and spectra emission and absorption spectra
Correspondence principle
X-rays: Method of production, X-ray spectra: Continuous and characteristic X-rays, Moseley

Unit – V (5 Hours)
Basic Properties of Nuclei: Introduction (basic idea about nuclear size, mass, angular
momentum, spin), semi-empirical mass formula, nuclear force and meson theory.
Accelerators: Accelerator facility available in India: Van de Graaff generator, linear
accelerator, cyclotron (principle, construction, working, advantages and disadvantages),
discovery of new elements of the periodic table

Essential Readings:
1) Concepts of Modern Physics, A. Beiser, 2002, McGraw-Hill.
2) Modern Physics, R. A. Serway, C. J. Moses and C. A. Moyer, 2012, Thomson Brooks Cole,
3) Schaum’s Outline of Modern Physics, R. Gautreau and W. Savin, 2020, McGraw Hill LLC
4) Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, S. T. Thornton Rex, 4th edition, 2013,
Cengage Learning
5) Introduction to Modern Physics, R. Meyer, Kennard, Coop, 2002, Tata McGraw Hill
6) Physics for scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, Jewett and Serway, 2010.
7) Learning Modern Physics, G. Kaur and G.R. Pickrell, 2014, McGraw Hill.
8) Modern Physics, R. Murugeshan, S Chand & Co. Ltd
9) Schaum's Outline of Beginning Physics II | Waves, electromagnetism, Optics and Modern
Physics, Alvin Halpern, Erich Erlbach, McGraw Hill.
10) Theory and Problems of Modern Physics, Schaum’s outline, R. Gautreau and W. Savin, 2nd
edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
11) Quantum Physics, Berkeley Physics, Vol.4. E. H. Wichman, 1971, Tata McGraw-Hill
12) Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications, A. Ghatak and S. Lokanathan, 2004,
Macmillan Publishers India Limited
13) Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, D. J. Griffith, 2005, Pearson Education
14) Concepts of nuclear physics, B. Cohen, 2003, McGraw-Hill Education
15) Atomic Physics, Ghoshal, 2019, S. Chand Publishing House
16) Atomic Physics, J. B. Rajam & foreword by Louis De Broglie, 2010, S. Chand & Co.

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17) Nuclear Physics, S. N. Ghoshal, S. Chand Publishers
18) Atomic and Molecular Physics, Rajkumar, RBSA Publishers

Additional Readings:
1) Six Ideas that Shaped Physics: Particles Behave like Waves, T. A. Moore, 2003, McGraw
2) Thirty years that shook physics: The story of quantum theory, G. Gamow, Garden City,
NY: Doubleday, 1966.


(15 Weeks with 4 hours of laboratory session per week)

Mandatory activity:
● Sessions on the review of experimental data analysis, sources of error and their estimation
in detail, writing of scientific laboratory reports including proper reporting of errors.
● Application to the specific experiments done in the lab
● Familiarization with Schuster`s focusing; determination of angle of prism.

At least six experiments to be performed from the following list

1) Measurement of Planck’s constant using black body radiation and photo-detector

2) Photo-electric effect: photo current versus intensity and wavelength of light, maximum
energy of photo-electrons versus frequency of light
3) To determine the work function of material of filament of directly heated vacuum diode.
4) To determine the Planck’s constant using LEDs of at least 4 different colours.
5) To determine the wavelength of the H-alpha emission line of Hydrogen atoms.
6) To determine the ionization potential of mercury.
7) To determine the value of e/m by (a) Magnetic focusing or (b) Bar magnet.
8) To show the tunneling effect in tunnel diodes using I-V characteristics.
9) To determine the wavelength of a laser source using diffraction of a single slit.
10) 10. To determine the wavelength of a laser source using diffraction of double slits.
11) 11. To determine angular spread of He-Ne laser using plane diffraction grating
12) One innovative experiment designed by the teacher relevant to the syllabus.

References for laboratory work:

1) Advanced Practical Physics for students, B. L. Flint and H. T. Worsnop, 1971, Asia
Publishing House.
2) A Text Book of Practical Physics, I. Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th edition, 2011, Kitab
3) Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th edition,
reprinted, 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers.
4) A Laboratory Manual of Physics for Undergraduate Classes, D. P. Khandelwal, 1985, Vani
5) B.Sc. Practical Physics, H. Singh, S Chand & Co Ltd
6) B.Sc. Practical Physics, G. Sanon, R. Chand and Co.

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