Class Xii Legal Studies

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General Instructions:
The question paper contains 4 sections - A, B, C and D
Section A - Multiple choice questions (1 Mark each)
Section B - 2 marks
Section C - 3 marks
Section D - 5 marks
Internal choice is given in the paper, there is no overall choice.

SECTION A (1 mark each = 10 marks)

1. In one line, any one reason why Senior advocates refuse to accept judgeship. (1)

2. ________ is the highest judicial authority below a High Court Judge. (1)

3. Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution elevates the authority of
fundamental rights?

a. Article 14
b. Article 32
c. Article 12
d. Article 13 (1)

4. Match the following :

Column I Column II
A. Freedom of speech I. Article 26
& expression
B. The Preamble II.1992
C. National III. Sovereignty
Commission & integrity
for minorities of India
D. Freedom to IV. Basic
manage religious Structure
a. A(I), B(IV),C(II),D(III).
b. A(III),B(I),C(IV),D(II).
c. A(III),B(IV),C(II),D(I)
d. A(II),B(III),C(I),D(IV) (1)

5. In the following lines, we see an example of a confession–

“I have finished with her and her daily quarrels”
What is this kind of confession? Which landmark judgment are we referring to? (1)

6. Mention the two cases that gave rise to the principle of Absolute liability in India by the apex
court of the country.
The National Human Rights commission has the powers of a civil court and can summon and
enforce the attendance of any person & examine him/her on oath. True or False.

7. Explain how deterrence is one of the purposes of tort law. (1)

8. What is Article 39-A in the Indian Constitution? (1)

9. Briefly explain the CVC.

Directive principles are largely of the nature of economic and social rights.
True or False. (1)

10. ‘Am I never to hear the truth?’ ‘No, my lord, merely the evidence.’
Determine the source of the aforementioned sentence-

a) Practical guide to crime by Peter Murphy

b) Practical guide to evidence by Peter Murphy
c) Practical guide to crime by Peter Drury
d) Practical guide to evidence by Peter Drury (1)

SECTION - B (2 marks each = 22 marks)

11. Write a short note on the Munsiff Courts in India (2)
12. "Aaftab Poonawala is accused of murdering Shraddha Walkar"
i)What kind of offense is this ?
ii) is it a bailable offense ? (2)
13. How does an agreement qualify as a contract? (2)
14. Explain the Doctrine that states that a party to a transfer cannot accept or reject in a single
transaction with an illustration. (2)
15. Write a brief note about the first Public Interest Litigation listed in 1979. (2)
16. What is the exception to a minor entering a contract? (2)
17. Arjun sees an expensive pen belonging to Ajitesh lying on a desk in school. Greed crept into
Arjun’s mind and he hid the pen on the classroom cupboard after wrapping it in a piece of paper.
His intention was to take the pen home but he forgot to take it.
Stating the provisions of Section 378 of IPC, decide whether Arjun is guilty of theft or not? (2)
18. With the help of an illustration explain what exchange is under Section 118 of the Transfer of
Property Act. (2)
19. Who all does the National Human Rights Commission consist of ? (2)
20. What were the two gas leak incidents related to the principle of Absolute liability? (2)
21. How is trespass to chattels different from conversion? (2)

SECTION C (3 Marks = 18 Marks)

22. "The independent status of judiciary and roles to be performed by it can be understood as two
sides of the same coin”. Explain the reasons for granting a special status to the judiciary in this
context. (3)
23. Define a 'Lok Adalat'? Which method of adjudication is followed by the Lok Adalat? Why
should the concept of lok adalats be promoted? State any two values that it fosters in the judicial
system. (3)
24. Explain any 3 kinds of intentional torts.
Give an introduction to Contracts and distinguish them from agreements. (3)
25. "These principles endeavor to minimise income inequalities and to eliminate inequalities
based on status,facilities,and opportunities amongst both individuals and groups of people".

a. What are these principles called?

b. Under which Article & part of the constitution does it come under?
c. The provisions of these principles are enforceable by any court of law.
(True or False). (3)
26. What does ‘only by procedure of law’ mean in ‘right to life of personal liberty '? Explain
with the help of an example.
Differentiate between Mediation and Arbitration. (3)
27. What are the rights of a person accused of crimes? (3)

SECTION D (5 Marks each = 30 Marks)

28.. How did the right to education become a fundamental right?

Describe the procedure of impeachment. Has this process been successful in the history of
Indian judiciary? Elaborate. (5)

29. How many members does the National Commission for women consist of? Write any 6
functions and powers of this commision.
The Preamble proclaims the rights and freedoms, provisions of which are contained in the
Constitution in various parts and clauses aimed "to secure to all its citizens" those rights and
freedoms. Expand. (5)

30. There are several legislations dealing with criminal law, however, there are two that are
considered most important. Explain. (5)

31. Explain the cases mentioned below :

i) Donghue v Stevenson
ii) Balfour v Balfour and
iii) Gajadhar v Rombhaee
What is the difference between Lok Adalat and Administrative Tribunals? (5)

32. This property consists of any invention, artistic work, literary work, design , symbol etc.
Identify this type of property and write about its various types. (5)

33. Vidyut Supply Board (VSB) owned and managed the supply of electricity in the city. On a
particular stormy night, a live wire snapped off and came down in a service lane.
Alok, a scooterist, who happened to pass through that street at night got electrocuted and died.
His family sued the Vidyut Supply Board for compensation.

Stating the observations of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the M.C Mehta Vs. Shri Ram Foods
and Fertilizer Industries, decide on the liability of VSB and validity of the claim of Alok's heirs.


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