Better Practice5 Opt 1
Better Practice5 Opt 1
Better Practice5 Opt 1
Hapa hatcheries
Below the brain of a fish is a gland called the pituitary, which controls the spawning of fish. It is
removed, crushed in distilled water and injected into the fish muscle to stimulate the fish to spawn. You
can also buy chemicals such as Ovaprim (from Syndel Lab, Canada, which is marketed by Glaxo in India),
Ovatide (from Haemmo Pharma, Mumbai) and Wova-FH (from Wockhardt, Mumbai).
The fish should be carefully selected. Males should be fully mature (1.5-2.0 kg in weight and
2+ years in age) and should ooze milt at the slightest pressure on the belly. Females (2.5-3.5
kg in weight and 3+ years in age) should have a bulging abdomen and swollen, reddish vent.
The fish are kept in the breeding hapa with two males to each female, preferably 1:1 by weight. After
four to six hours, the female is injected with a first dose of crude pituitary extract at 3-4 mg
extract/kg body weight in the evening.
Remove the broodfish
When the eggs are water hardened and the embryo starts twitching, the brood fish are carefully
taken out without damaging the eggs. The eggs are collected, measured to assess the quantity and
the percentage of fertilization determined.
Take a 10 ml container, fill it with eggs and pour them gently into a shallow dish. Count
the total number of water-hardened eggs in a sample. Those which are transparent are
good eggs but those that are white and opaque are dead. Repeat this two more times with
two more 10 ml lots of eggs.
You can work out how many good eggs you have in total by measuring the total volume of eggs:
{Depending on the size and age of brood fish, there are often around 20 Indian major carp water-hardened
eggs/ml and 500 Indian major carp spawn/ml.}
The eggs are then transferred to the double-
walled hatching hapas where they are
uniformly spread over the inner hapa,
60,000-75,000 in each hapa.
The hatchlings have a large yolk sac which provides the necessary food for the young to grow. This
sac is fully absorbed within 72 hours. Before this the hatchlings are collected and measured, both to
determine the hatching rate and the total quantity of the spawn (the same way the eggs were
tested above). The spawn is either sold to others for rearing or stocked in nurseries.