Roland Belgrave Cat II
Roland Belgrave Cat II
Roland Belgrave Cat II
vintage photography
Pioneers of Photography II
Early Travel and Exploration
Please see descriptions for the photographs at the back of this catalogue.
Cover | 2. FENTON, Roger. The Valley of the Shadow of Death. c.1856. £17,500
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Pioneers of Photography II
Early Travel and Exploration
34. DE CLERCQ, Louis. Gateway of Hebron and Jaffa [Bab-el-Khalil], Jerusalem. c.1859. £1,750
44. BEATO, Felice. The Rumi Darwaza and Imambara, Lucknow. c.1858. £1,750
56. OAKELEY, Richard Banner. Halebid, sculptural study, Hoyaslesvara temple, Tamil Nadu. c.1856. £2,500
71. DISDERI, Andre, Adolphe, Eugene. Chinese artefacts from the Summer Palace, Peking. c.1861. £6,500
75. Photographer unidentified. Hong Kong with the Peak in the distance. c.1880. £750
In addition to this are the sketches and watercolours showing personal 8. Photographer unidentified.
views inside the officers tent and other compositions giving an insight Arch of Constantine, Rome, Italy. c.1865.
that is unique to this album. A rare and personal account of the Albumen print.
Crimea War. 210 by 270mm (8¼ by 10¾ inches).
[ref: 1130 ] £550 Oscar Gustave Rejlander was a pioneering Victorian art photographer
and an expert in photomontage. His collaboration with Charles
13. KUHN, Heinrich. Darwin on The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals
Walter at Easel. c.1912. assured him a position in the history of behavioural science and
Bromoil transfer print. psychiatry.
290 by 400mm (11½ by 15¾ inches).
Rejlander became a painter and went to Rome in the 1840’s. He
[ref: 1009 ] £2,500 earned his living from being a portrait painter. It was in England that
he learnt photography, in Henneman’s Studio in Regent street. Based
14. KUHN, Heinrich. in Wolverhampton and later having a studio in Hamstead, London
Farmhouse, The Village of Reitz, Germany. c.1908. 1861-3.
Bromoil transfer print on Japanese tissue.
295 by 240mm (11½ by 9½ inches). [ref: 1010 ] £750
32. HOLMES, Randolph. The views were published by the Autotype Company as carbon prints
Pathan woman, Afghanistan. c.1910. and also by Mansell & Co as albumen prints. It is the latter which is
Bromoil print. Photographer’s credit and title in negative. more valuable and is the copy shown here.
290 by 225mm (11½ by 8¾ inches). Gernsheim. pp.68, number 517.
The distinctive flat, circular turban of the Sonar caste, who were [ref: 1147 ] £1,250
goldsmiths identifies this portrait.
42. BOURNE, Samuel.
[ref: 1116 ] £4,500 The Kaiser Pasund, Lucknow. c.1870.
Albumen print. Photographer’s credit and number in negative.
38. Photographer unidentified. 240 by 290mm (9½ by 11½ inches).
Indian gentleman, Bombay. c.1850.
Salt print. [ref: 1048 ] £750
240 by 180mm (9½ by 7 inches).
43. BEATO, Felice.
[ref: 1117 ] £4,750 Ruins of the Baillee Guard Gate, Lucknow. c.1858.
Albumen print. Titled in manuscript.
39. NEWLAND, John William. 255 by 300mm (10 by 11¾ inches).
Indian gentleman, Calcutta. c.1855.
Quarter-plate daguerrotype. Hand-tinted in gilt mount and morocco [ref: 1052 ] £1,750
case, photographer’s studio stamp.
95 by 80mm (3¾ by 3¼ inches). 44. BEATO, Felice.
The Rumi Darwaza and Imambara, Lucknow. c.1858.
F.W. Baker was the manager at Newlands of Calcutta, later setting up Albumen print. Titled in manuscript.
on his own in 1857. Newland himself was killed in the Indian Mutiny 255 by 300mm (10 by 11¾ inches).
in 1857. Whether this particular daguerrotype was taken by Baker or
Newland is not sure but daguerrotype portraits of Indian sitters by [ref: 1053 ] £1,750
this studio are extremely rare during this period.
45. BOURNE, Samuel.
[ref: 1137 ] £5,750 View from Palace in the fort, Lahore. c.1870.
Albumen print. Photographer’s credit and number in negative.
40. Photographer unidentified. 230 by 295mm (9 by 11½ inches).
Kaduganawwa Pass, Sri Lanka. c.1880.
Albumen print, pasted on original mount, titled in manuscript. [ref: 1149 ] £650
230 by 270mm (9 by 10¾ inches).
46. BOURNE, Samuel.
[ref: 1018 ] £550 Ancient temple at Byjnath, Kangra. c.1870.
Albumen print. Photographer’s credit and number in negative.
290 by 235mm (11½ by 9¼ inches).
48. BOURNE and SHEPHERD. Loose plates by Bourne and Shepherd from ‘The History of the
Maharaja of Udaipur and Courtiers. c.1875. Imperial Assemblage at Delhi’ held on the 1st January, 1877, to
Albumen print. celebrate the assumption of the title of empress of India by her
210 by 270mm (8¼ by 10¾ inches). Majesty the Queen.
Oakeley paid a visit to Halebid in southwestern India in 1856, where Oakeley paid a visit to Halebid in southwestern India in 1856, where
he took a number of waxed paper negatives, later published as he took a number of waxed paper negatives, later published as
albumen prints in his ‘The Pagoda of Hallibeed, Illustrated by fifty-six albumen prints in his ‘The Pagoda of Hallibeed, Illustrated by fifty-six
photographic views’. photographic views’.
[ref: 1057 ] £450 A rare image of the photographer’s assistant on the right, holding
what looks like a wet-plate holder in his hand.
Bhooteas, Darjeeling. c.1870. [ref: 1099 ] £1,250
Albumen print.
205 by 150mm (8 by 6 inches).
A good album of early photographs of China, Hong Kong and Japan, Adolphe Disdéri photographed the galleries of the Far-Eastern
including a six-part panorama of Macao and a two-part panorama collection, exhibited in Empress Eugénie’s Chinese Museum. Many of
of Yokohama. Other views include Shameen, Daibootz, Kamakura, those Chinese items at the Château of Fontainebleau were artefacts
Katasie and Inosima. looted from the Summer Palace in Peking during October 1860; The
Chinese Museum at Fontainbleau was not opened until June 1863
It is very rare to have a Floyd album in such good condition. however Disderi, a well known photographer would have had access
to what can be considered as the first collection of valuable Chinese
‘Floyd (1834-c.1900) had a long and distinguished photographic career objects to be bequethed to the French Nation. These pictures are a
in China producing work of a very high standard and operating, for rare and precious testimony to the Opium Wars.
a time, one of the most successful studios in the Far East. In the late
1860’s Floyd was John Thomson’s major competitor in Hong Kong.’ This particular composition shows a number of jade plaque’s, censer’s,
His studio was located at 62 Queen’s Road, Hong Kong from April figures and other objects.
1867 until May 1869. (see Bennett, T. History of Photography in China,
Western Photographer’s 1861-1879, London: Quaritch, 2010, pp.7-18). [ref: 1154 ] £6,500
Floyd was also a successful portraitist, as shown by numerous carte- 72. Photographer unidentified.
de-visite’s he made of Chinese and western subjects. He created Des Voeux Road and the waterfront, Hong Kong. c.1870.
landscapes and mementoes of events (eg hurricanes), assembled as Albumen print.
portfolios in bound albums or pasted on cards with printed captions. 220 by 280mm (8¾ by 11 inches).
By 1868 his studio listed one hundred and fifty views of Hong Kong
and Macao. [ref: 1044 ] £350
His studio was sometimes known as The Firm. Floyd took over the 73. Photographer unidentified.
studio in 1868 however it was actually a collection of photographic Queen’s Road and Central Market entrance, Hong Kong. c.1880.
negatives that had been put together since 1859 by various Albumen print.
photographer’s. These included Weed, Howard, Beato, Miller, 215 by 275mm (8½ by 10¾ inches).
Thomson and Halsey. (Hacker, Arthur and Wattis Fine Art Hong
Kong, A Rare Photographic Record of the 1860’s, 1997). W.P Floyd [ref: 1073 ] £850
himself sold his company in 1874, a year after this album is dated.
74. Photographer unidentified.
[ref: 1105 ] £35,000 The Peak Tramway and Union Church, Hong Kong. c.1880.
Albumen print.
200 by 260mm (7¾ by 10¼ inches).
[ref: 1076 ] £750 An early twentieth century view of Hong Kong, looking down from
the Peak onto Kowloon Bay. Might be by the studio of Afong.
76. Photographer unidentified.
Hong Kong, looking towards Kowloon Bay. c.1880. [ref: 1106 ] £3,500
Albumen print.
200 by 270mm (7¾ by 10¾ inches). 82. Ikeda (attributed to).
Tianjin, China. c.1880.
[ref: 1077 ] £650 Albumen print.
210 by 270mm (8¼ by 10¾ inches).
77. Photographer unidentified.
Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong. c.1880. [ref: 1082 ] £650
Albumen print.
210 by 275mm (8¼ by 10¾ inches). 83. Ikeda (attributed to).
The Club, Victoria Road, Tianjin, China. c.1880.
[ref: 1078 ] £850 Albumen print.
210 by 270mm (8¼ by 10¾ inches).
78. Photographer unidentified.
The end of Government Pier, showing cricket club, looking towards [ref: 1083 ] £650
central, Hong Kong. c.1880.
Albumen print. 84. Ikeda (attributed to).
210 by 280mm (8¼ by 11 inches). Tianjin, China. c.1880.
Albumen print.
[ref: 1079 ] £650 210 by 280mm (8¼ by 11 inches).
Studio names include those of Pun-Lun, Cheong-Heng & Wing- [ref: 1140 ] £875
Chong, Ye-Chung and F. Schoenke.
106. Photographer unidentified.
[ref: 1155 ] £5,500 Russian Embassy, Korea. c.1900.
Silver Gelatin Print.
101. AFONG, Lai. 215 by 290mm (8½ by 11½ inches).
Chinese actors in full costume. c.1868.
Albumen print. Very rich dark tones. [ref: 1102 ] £650
180 by 230mm (7 by 9 inches).
107. Photographer unidentified.
[ref: 1022 ] £1,850 In the vicinity of Shanghai. c.1880.
Albumen print.
102. Photographer unidentified. 205 by 270mm (8 by 10¾ inches).
Unidentified temple, China. c.1880.
Albumen print. [ref: 1089 ] £650
250 by 200mm (9¾ by 7¾ inches).
108. SAUNDERS, William.
[ref: 1074 ] £650 City Wall, Shanghai. c.1870.
Albumen print. Rich dark tones.
150 by 205mm (6 by 8 inches).
[ref: 1072 ] £650 The album is a mix of Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and New Zealand itself. Place
names shown are Mount Alexander, Flagstaff Hill, West Coast Road,
110. DUFTY, Francis Herbert. Wellington, Russell Bay, Milford Sound, Auckland, Lake Wanaka, Wet
Fiji Islanders. c.1875. Jacket Arm, Lake Hawea, Dusky Sound.
Carte-de-Visite. Albumen print,
photographer’s studio stamp on verso. Burton Bros was the most important nineteenth century photographic
studio and was based in Dunedin, New Zealand. It was founded by
“Big head” mountain men (kai colo), probably from Namosi, wearing Walter John Burton (1836-1880) in 1866 as the Grand Photographic
the huge wigs of human hair (ulumate) for which they were famous. Saloon and Gallery and was situated in Princes Street, Dunedin.
These warriors were justifiaby feared by their coastal neighbours, Burton was a member of a prominent family of printers, bookbinders
who retaliated by stigmatising their name to mean “bushwhackers”. and photographers based in Derby, England, whose firm (John
The men pictured here wear only malo loincloths. The seated men Burton and Sons) was founded by their father John Burton, and also
wear pigs’ tusks (bati ni vuaka). The standing man wears a civa pearl- included his other brothers, Alfred Henry (1834-1914), Oliver (b.
shell and holds a rootstock club with a fibre-bound handle (waka 1841), and John William Burton (b. 1845).
Despite the partnership’s success, it ended as early as 1877, largely
[ref: 1013 ] £750 through personal differences caused by Walter Burton’s heavy
drinking. Alfred was joined by his younger brother John and
employed other talented photographers such as George Moodie and
Thomas Muir, while Walter set up an independent studio. In 1880,
Walter committed suicide, and John, saddened, returned to England.
Alfred Burton continued to business with Moodie and Muir as his
partners until retiring in 1898. He died in Dunedin in 1914. Moodie
and Muir continued to run the firm under the same name until its
eventual closure in 1916.
114. HUEBNER, Goerge. A very rare illustrated book on this major Mexican port. To have such
Vistas de Para Brazil. 1898. early photographs of Veracruz during a volatile period of Mexico’s
Oblong 4to (255 by 180mm). Twenty-seven albumen prints (120 by history is an important historical visual record.
165mm.), all titled with photographer’s name on each album page,
One three-part panorama of Belem (485 by 120mm). Contemporary [ref: 1054 ] £3,500
green morocco, titled in gilt, rubbed in places, album pages
marginally soiled.
Edicao de George Huebner.
vintage photography
PHONE: 44 (0)7810 718791