Submarine Cable MV Catalogue
Submarine Cable MV Catalogue
Submarine Cable MV Catalogue
E Being professional and proficient
Introduction Engineering
LS Cable & System is continuously investing in new We offer highly customized cable design solutions in
state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment for our accordance with individual customer requirements
main submarine power cable plant in Donghae at and project-based environmental conditions.
the East coast of Korea. Submarine MV AC cables can be designed with copper
From there, we provide submarine cable system so- or aluminum conductor, XLPE or EPR insulation and
lutions for the (inter)connection of offshore wind, as copper tape or wire screen / radial metallic water barriers.
well as oil and gas platforms and for the grid linkage The three AC phases can be supplied as individual
between two or more countries or a country’s main- single cores or as a combined three-core solution.
land and its islands. Additionally, the cables can be manufactured “com-
Our company has delivered numerous submarine posite” with integrated single or multi mode fiber
power cable products and services to customers all optical units.
around the world, including for projects in Europe, The system can also be adapted to peripheral equip
America, Asia and The Middle East. ment, e.g. for DTS measurement and monitoring.
• HVAC Three Core • HVAC One Core • HVDC MI • HVDC XLPE • MVAC Three Core
• Standards : IEC 60502-2, Electra No. 171, Electra No. 189 or Cigre TB No. 490
• Applied Voltage : up to U0/Um = 18/36kV • Applied Conductor Size : ~ 630mm2
01. Calculations are performed assuming galvanized steel wire armor of 4~6mm diameter.
02. The rating given in the tables should be regarded as indicative only.
03. Three-core cables with cross-sections larger than 630mm2 can be offered on request.
04. Aluminum conductor cables will have a rating of 75~80% for the same size of copper conductor.
Cross-section Diameter of Insulation Cross-section Diameter of Armor steel Outer diameter Cable weight
of conductor conductor thickness of screen core sheath wires diameter of cable (in Air)
95 11.4 3.4 31 33 4 96 16
Cross-section Diameter of Insulation Cross-section Diameter of Armor steel Outer diameter Cable weight
of conductor conductor thickness of screen core sheath wires diameter of cable (in Air)
Cross-section Diameter of Insulation Cross-section Diameter of Armor steel Outer diameter Cable weight
of conductor conductor thickness of screen core sheath wires diameter of cable (in Air)
Cross-section Diameter of Insulation Cross-section Diameter of Armor steel Outer diameter Cable weight
of conductor conductor thickness of screen core sheath wires diameter of cable (in Air)
• Standards : IEC 60502-2, Electra No. 171, Electra No. 189 or Cigre TB No. 490
• Applied Voltage : up to U0/Um = 18/36kV • Applied Conductor Size : ~ 630mm2
01. Calculations are performed assuming galvanized steel wire armor of 4~6mm diameter.
02. The rating given in the tables should be regarded as indicative only.
03. Three-core cables with cross-sections larger than 630mm2 can be offered on request.
04. Aluminum conductor cables will have a rating of 75~80% for the same size of copper conductor.
Cross-section Diameter of Insulation Cross-section Diameter of Armor steel Outer diameter Cable weight
of conductor conductor thickness of screen core sheath wires diameter of cable (in Air)
Cross-section Diameter of Insulation Cross-section Diameter of Armor steel Outer diameter Cable weight
of conductor conductor thickness of screen core sheath wires diameter of cable (in Air)
Cross-section Diameter of Insulation Cross-section Diameter of Armor steel Outer diameter Cable weight
of conductor conductor thickness of screen core sheath wires diameter of cable (in Air)
Cross-section Diameter of Insulation Cross-section Diameter of Armor steel Outer diameter Cable weight
of conductor conductor thickness of screen core sheath wires diameter of cable (in Air)
Power Cable 2-3 Preferred Metallic Sheath Type – Lead, Copper or others ?
Details 2-4 Anti-corrosion Sheath Type - HDPE, PVC or Others ?
2-5 Anti-teredo Layer Required Yes___ or No___
2-6 Other Specific Requirements?
3-1 Maximum Water Depth meter
3-2 Salt Water or Fresh Water
Cable to be Buried or Surface laid at Seabed?
Target Burial Depth meter
3-3 Ambient Temperature at Cable Burial Depth C
Thermal Resistivity of Seabed Soil K.m/W
Tidal Conditions; Current Speed of Water knots
J-Tube or Duct to be used Yes___ or No___
If “Yes” then Inner & Outer Diameter / mm
If “Yes” then Material? (Steel or others)
3-4 Height from Sea Level to Hang-off Platform in mm
J-Tube to be Located inside Tower (External, Internal) Yes___ or No___
Maximum Air Temperature o
Maximum Intensity of Solar Radiation W/m2
Transition Joints required at Landfall Area?
Cables to be Direct Buried or Installed in Pipe?
Required Burial Depth of Cable meter
3-5 Soil Temperature at Burial Depth o
Thermal Resistivity of Land Soil K.m/W
Materials of Pipe? (Steel or others)
Inner / Outer Diameter of Pipe / mm
4-1 Cable Route Length in Total km
4-2 Number of Circuits ccts
4-3 Required Shipping (or Delivery) Length(s) km
4-4 Scope of Work – Turnkey or Cable Supply Only?
ISO 9001
E-mail :
Yichang, China
Daka, Bangladesh
Dubai, UAE
(Bawal, India) s
(Gurgaon, India)
(New Delhi, India)
(Sydney, Australia)
Branches Subsidiaries
Address : 12nd ~ 17 Fl. LS Tower, 127 LS-ro, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do 14119, Korea
Beijing Office(Beijing)
Abu Dhabi Office(U.A.E.) LSCA(U.S.A.) : Marketing and Sales Tel. +86-10-5761-3166 Fax. +86-10-5761-3160
Tel. +971-4-344-4662 Fax. +971-2-674-8781 Tel. +1-201-944-2005 Fax. +1-201-503-8130 Shenzhen Office(Shenzhen)
LSCAU(Australia) : Marketing and Sales Tel. +86-755-8275-0470~1 Fax. +86-755-8275-0545
Dubai Office(U.A.E.)
Tel. +971-4-344-4662 Fax. +971-2-674-8781 Tel. +61-2-9460-0255 Fax. +61-2-9460-0355 Guangzhou Office(Guangzhou)
Tel. +86-20-8326-6321 Fax. +86-20-8326-6270
Singapore Office(Singapore) LSCU(U.K.) : Marketing and Sales
Tel. +65-6342-9162~3 Fax. +65-6342-9165 Tel. +44-20-8545-2640 Fax. +44-20-8545-2643 LS-VINA(Vietnam)
Tel. +84-31-354-0141 Fax. +84-31-354-0142
Lima Office(Peru) LSCJ(Japan) : Marketing and Sales Production : EHV, LV/MV, ACSR, OPGW, SCR
Korea Operations
Tel. +51-1-434-6433 Tel. +81-3-6205-7188 Fax. +81-3-6205-7187
LSCV(Vietnam) Headquarter
Jakarta Office(Indonesia) LSCD(India) : Marketing and Sales Tel. +84-61-356-9140 Fax. +84-61-356-9148 Tel. +82-2-2189-9114
Tel. +62-21-797-4140 / 4013 Fax. +62-21-799-3071 Tel. +91-11-4106-4242 Production : Low Voltage Cable, UTP
Gumi Plant
Manila Office(Philippines) LSHQ(China) LSCM(Malaysia) Tel. +82-54-469-7114
Tel. +63-2-899-6169 / +63-2-962-2250 Fax. +63-2-962-2250 Tel. +86-717-667-7777 Tel. +60-4-588-9609 Fax. +60-4-588-9607 Production : Power Cable up to 500kV, OHTL, OPGW, Data Cable,
Production : EHV, LV/MV, Overhead Transmission Line, Production : Magnet Wire RF Feeder System, Copper Rod, Magnet Wire
Daka Office(Bangladesh) Industrial Specialty Cable & System
Tel. +88-015-3410-0356 LSCI(India) Indong Plant
LSCT(China) Tel. +82-54-469-1053
Gurgaon: Marketing & Sales
Tel. +86-22-2699-7618 Fax. +86-22-2695-7617 Production : Industrial Cable & Module, Optical Cable, Aluminum Materials
Tel. +91-124-428-5800~4 Fax. +91-124-428-5805
Production : Magnet Wire
Bawal Donghae Plant
LSCW(China) Tel. +91-128-426-4267 Fax. +91-128-426-4364 Tel. +82-33-820-3114
Tel. +86-510-8811-9000 Fax. +86-510-8534-5341 Production : RF Feeder Cable, Network Solution, EHV, LV/MV, OPGW Production : Submarine Cable, Industrial Specialty Cable
Production : Automotive Wire & Cable, Bus Duct, Electroncic Wire & Cable, Tube, ACF,
Accessories for EHV Cable System China R&D Center R&D Center
Tel. +86-717-667-7777 Tel. +82-31-450-8114
Jun. 2017
2017 LS Cable & System Ltd. All right reserved