نسخة 1
نسخة 1
نسخة 1
What Is a Cavity ?
A dental cavity is a hole in a tooth. This is usually caused by a bacterial
infec;on of a tooth that eats away at the enamel. The bacteria thrive
in an acidic and sugary environment, which allows .them to penetrate
deeper into a tooth
How Did I Get a Cavity?
A dental cavity is caused by either a tooth being broken or cracked or
invasion by bacteria. Several factors play a role in the development of
cavi;es. This includes saliva flow, saliva quality, diet, pH of the mouth,
acidity of the diet, sugar intake, fluoride use as well as oral health
maintenance rou;ne including brushing, flossing, mouthwash use
and regular professional dental .visits
5-Late-night eaDng
When you eat late and go to bed without brushing, food par;cles
remain in.5 your mouth overnight. This gives bacteria ample ;me to
produce acids and cause tooth decay
Other foods beneficial to your oral health include firm and crunchy
fruits and vegetables, such as apples, pears, and carrots. Ea;ng these
types of foods creates more saliva, which helps wash .away food
par;cles out of the crevices in your teeth, gums, and tongue
Fruits and vegetables are also high in water content. The water
content helps dilute any sugars, that, when combined with the
bacteria in your mouth, can turn into acid that can damage your
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