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Linux / Unix Servers: Linux / Unix servers are getting more popularity like as web server, often with

Apache web application server installed. Examples of these servers are Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Debian,
and CentOS.

✍🏾Monitoring Servers: monitoring server helps to keep track of all information of traffic that are
following over the network, and it also keeps record of all request and replies of all clients and servers,
without getting any disturbance those functions.

Real-Time Communication Servers: Real-Time Communication Server is also known as “Instant

Messaging Server (IMS)”, and it allows multiple users to exchange their information instantaneously.

✍🏾Telnet Servers: It allows to all users to log on to host machine and perform their tasks while working
on remotely computer terminal.

✍🏾Virtual Servers: These servers are taking server world by storm. Old types of servers are used in the
operating system, but virtual server is used on the specialized software that is known as “Hypervisor”.
Each hypervisor is capable to run thousand of virtual server at a time.

✍🏾Exchange Servers: This type of server is used for large scale organizations because it is more reliable
and secure. Main objective of this server is to Microsoft Exchange provides email, calendar and contacts
on your computer system, phone and web browser.

✍🏾Lync Servers: This is real time communication server program that is delivering multiple features like
as instant messaging service, VoIP, call conferences (audio/video), PSTN connection with using of third
party gateway.

✍🏾SharePoint Servers: SharePoint server is enabled with all functionality of SharePoint Foundation and
as well as other features and abilities like as Enterprise Content Management, business intelligence,
enterprise search, personal sites, and Newsfeed.

✍🏾SQL Servers: SQL server is an Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that is designed by
Microsoft for providing enterprise environment.

✍🏾Windows Servers: Windows server has many versions like as Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 which
are offering thousand of new capabilities such as virtualization, networking, storage, user experience,
cloud computing, automation, and more.

Functions and Uses of Server

Main function of server is to access, hold and transfer all files and data from other computer machine
over the computer network. Local network is used for making connection with multiple computers, in
small scale organizations.

Another function: All devices of server are configured for getting listen to all requests from client
machines over the network connections. This functionality is presented like as part of operating system
that is run on all applications.
Server is also capable to perform other tasks like as one request and response that is enabling with
identifying identify of all requestors; client machine must be granted permission to access all data and
other resources.

For example: Apache web server responds to browser requests over the internet through other
additional applications, and Apache is installed on top layer of operating system.

✍🏾Print Servers: Print server helps to control several Printers along with various software applications,
networking devices otherwise other computers. Mainly, this server is used for large offices because
where multiple guys are required to printing. Printer server gets print jobs instructions from your PCs
and transfers these jobs to right printers.

✍🏾DNS Servers: It stands for “Domain Name Server”, and this server has enlarged database of IP
addresses with their linked Hostnames. On the DNS servers, to operate special software program as well
as they make to communication with each other with the help of appropriate protocols.

✍🏾Database Servers: Database server allows clients send SQL requests as messages toward server and
finally output of your query are come back over the network.

✍🏾List Servers: List servers deliver best service for managing Enlarge email lists, and these types of
servers offer interactive discussions openly for public that provide announcements, newsletters or

✍🏾Mail Servers: It helps to send and stores all emails over corporate networks via LANs, WANs and
across the Internet.

Audio/Video Server: This server helps to deliver multimedia abilities for various websites by helping user
to transfer streaming multimedia data.

✍🏾Online Gaming Servers: Today, gaming servers are getting more popularity because these servers
help to establish connections of thousand of gamers around of world with using of external server for
getting to access all gaming data. For example – Xbox live

Chat Servers: Chat server offers better environment for people for sharing their informative data as well
as it also offers real time discussion board capabilities.

✍🏾Fax Servers: Large companies use this FAX Server because it helps to reduce all inbound and
outbound telephone resources as FAX server is an ideal solution.

✍🏾Groupware Servers: Groupware is special type of software program that is developed for those
people who want to work with each other in a virtual environment without their place limitations.

✍🏾IRC Servers: IRC stands for “Internet Relay Chat”, and it contains several independent networks of
servers which are permitted users to make connection with each other through IRC network.

✍🏾News Servers: News server helps to serve as a distribution and delivery source for several public
newsgroups, approachable over the USENET news network.

Open Source Servers: From your underlying open source server operating system to the server software
that help you get your job done, open source software is a critical part of many IT infrastructures.
✍🏾Proxy Servers: It plays role as middle layer in between client machine and external server to purify all
requests, and it helps to improve its performance and share connections.

✍🏾Transaction Servers: Transaction server helps to execute SQL statements which are getting success or
fail in the form of unit. Application based on the transaction servers are known as “On-line Transaction
Processing (OLTP)”.

✍🏾Cloud Servers: This server works as virtual server that is placed in the cloud computing platform like
as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. These types of servers are more scalable, fastest, and highly

✍🏾NTP Servers: NTP stands for “Network Time Protocol”. All networking devices must be accurate
synchronized. It manages all timekeeping regulations, and so this server has accurate GPS and atomic

Iterative Servers: This server has ability to manage one request at once. It receives one incoming
connection, and executes it then finally disconnects this connection. When it process one request then
other connections are blocked for that particular port.

✍🏾Root Servers: Root server is also known as “Root Name Server”, and it is designed for DNS root zone.
This server is capable to respond directly to requests to get access all records which are hold in the root

✍🏾Mainframe: Mainframe computer is capable to manage all computing tasks, so you can say that that
is also original server.

What is Server in Networking

Server means highly performing computer machine that helps to deliver many resources, data, or
services to another remotely machine, called as the “Client” over the different types of network like as
local area network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN).

Servers are capable to run on several types of computer systems, but sufficient hardware should be
supported as per demanding of your servers. For example, web servers help to run large amount of web
pages in the real time, but this server needs fastest processor and sufficient RAM to manage massive
“Load” without getting slow down.

Server software is designed for target specific kind of server, in which hardware is not major concern.
You can convert your PC into a server with using of suitable software. For example, if you allow PC to
make connection over the home network then it is designated as print server, file server or more.

Server needs minimum necessary two software components like as operating system and Application.
Operating system plays role as a platform that helps to run different server applications. It delivers
access to their hardware resources and produces many dependency services which are depended on the

Server’s operating system also provides better communication environment in between clients and
server application. Operating system is assigned IP address of server and fully qualified domain name.

Types of Servers
There are three different types of server with their examples. Explain each one:

👉🏿Tower Servers: This server like as normal desktop computer system, but it contains several server
hardware components. Today, tower servers are available in various kinds of shapes that is offering
plenty of processing power, and you do not need buy any other additional mounting hardware.

👉🏿Rack Servers: This server is placed in the horizontal rack. Multiple servers can be installed in this
single rack mount server chassis. Main objective of developing it is to host and control enterprise
solutions, and these types of server are used in data centers.

👉🏿Blade Servers: Traditional computer servers hardware is enlarge as well as using heavy other parts of
server. But now these days, by removing hard disk, internal cooling, and ongoing miniaturization of
computing parts, so these types of servers are converted into single slim server called as a “Blade

Other Types and Examples of Servers

Here, we spread light on the different types of examples of server, below explain each one:

✍🏾Application Servers: Mainly, application servers are used to make connection in between database
server and client machine, so it is also known as “Middleware“.

✍🏾Web Servers: It delivers static content to web browsers by loading a file from a disc. When users try
to open any website on their browsers over the network then all data is exchanged in between browser
and server with using of HTTP.

✍🏾Client Servers: Client server like as special software that helps to fulfills all requests which are coming
from client machine or another machine.

Dedicated Servers: This type of server is designed to meet requirement for specific network otherwise
client. For example: User pay rent for server and internet connections for running websites on the
webhost. Now this server will not perform other task instead of that.

✍🏾FTP Servers: It stands for “File Transfer Protocol”, but it is traditional technology. FTP delivers secure
file transfer in between multiple computer systems.

✍🏾File Servers: These servers allow saving and distributing files, so all clients and users have permission
to share file hold on the server. File server hardware are designed for getting more maximize read and
write speed for growing its performance.

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