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Structural Organisation in Animals

Animal tissues

 Based on the function they perform, animal tissues are classified into four types.

 Epithelial tissue

 It forms the outer covering of the external surfaces, internal cavities, and organs of the
animal body.

 There are two types of epithelial tissues: simple epithelium and compound epithelium.

 Simple epithelium – It is composed of single layer of cells.

o Squamous epithelium – found in the inner lining of mouth, oesophagus, blood vessels,
lung alveoli
o Cuboidal epithelium – found in the lining of kidney tubules and ducts of salivary gland
o Columnar epithelium – found in the inner lining of intestine and stomach
o Ciliated epithelium – found in the inner lining of bronchioles and fallopian tubes

 Some columnar or cuboidal epithelium gets specialised for secretion and are called
glandular epithelium.

 They may be unicellular as in goblet cells or multicellular as in salivary glands.

 Glands are of two types – exocrine with duct and endocrine without duct.

 Compound epithelium – It is composed of several layers of cells. It provides protection

against chemical and mechanical injuries.

Connective tissue

 It is specialised to connect various body organs.

 It is classified into three types:
 Loose connective tissue
 Areolar tissue – It forms a framework for epithelium.
 Adipose tissue – It acts as a storage site of fat.

 Dense connective tissue – Based on the orientation of fibres, dense connective tissue is
divided into two types: dense regular tissue and dense irregular tissue. Dense regular
tissue includes tendons and ligaments.

 Tendons are strong, non-elastic structures that connect muscles to bones.

 Ligaments are elastic structures that connect two bones together.

 Specialised connective tissue – It includes cartilage, bone, and blood.

 Cartilage provides support and flexibility to various body parts. It is found in tip of nose,
outer ear joints, etc. Cells of this tissue are called chondrocytes.

 Bones provide shape and support to body. Cells of this tissue are called osteocytes.

 Blood is a fluid connective tissue containing plasma, RBC, WBC, and platelets.

Morphology of Earthworm

 Earthworm (Pheretima posthuma)

 Animal is cylindrical in shape with more than hundred short segments.

 The first body segment is called peristomium, which contains mouth.

 Oesophagus runs from 5-7 segments and muscular gizzard runs from 8-9 segments.

 The 5th – 9th segments contain four pairs of spermathecal apertures.

 Segments 14th, 15th, and 16th are thick and glandular. This region is known as clitellum.

 S–shaped setae are embedded in each body segment except for 1st, last, and clitellar
segments. It helps in locomotion.

 Typhlosole is located between 26-35 segments and is a characteristic feature of intestine. It

increases the absorption area in intestine.

 A pair of male genital pores is located on 18th segment while a single female genital pore is
on 14th segment.

 Earthworms are hermaphrodite (bisexual). Earthworm is protandrous i.e., male organs

develop earlier than female organs.

 Circulatory system is closed containing blood vessels, capillaries, and heart.

 Excretory organs are called nephridia and these are of three types-

 Septal nephridia – present from segment 15 to last segment

 Integumentary nephridia - present from segment 3 to last segment

 Pharyngeal nephridia - present in segment 4, 5, and 6

 Earthworms are used in the process of vermicomposting.

Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)

 Body is covered by chitinous exoskeleton.

 Body is divided into head, thorax (contains three segments), and abdomen (contains 10

 Cockroach has biting and chewing type of mouth parts. It consists of

 labrum, which forms upper lip
 a pair of mandibles
 a pair of maxillae
 labium, which forms lower lip

 The digestive system of cockroach includes hepatic caeca, which is located at the junction
of foregut and midgut, that secretes digestive juices.

 Malpighian tubules are located at the junction of midgut and hindgut. They act as excretory

 Respiration occurs by tracheae, which open towards exterior through spiracles.

 Circulatory system is open.

 Cockroach is uricotelic. They excrete nitrogenous waste in the form of uric acid.

 Cockroach has mosaic type of vision with less resolution and more sensitivity.

 Cockroaches are dioecious. A pair of testes lies in 4th, 5th, and 6th segments while a pair of
large ovaries is extended from 2nd – 6th abdominal segments.

 Digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, excretory, and reproductive systems are well-

 Frog respires on land by lungs. It is known as pulmonary respiration. It respires in water

through skin. It is known as cutaneous respiration.

 The main excretory organ is kidney.

 Frog is ureotelic animal. It excretes nitrogenous waste in the form of urea.

 Frog shows sexual dimorphism. The male reproductive organ is a pair of testes and female
reproductive organ is a pair of ovaries.

 The fertilization is external and development is indirect in frog.

 They undergo the phenomenon of metamorphosis.

Egg Tadpole Adult frog

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