NCP PPP Journey Guidelines
NCP PPP Journey Guidelines
NCP PPP Journey Guidelines
These guidelines are for guidance purposes only and do not
constitute an official document, neither legally nor informally.
The contents of these guidelines are meant to provide guidance
for the private sector and do not supersede the Implementing
Regulations of the Private Sector Participation Law, the Private
Sector Participation Law, the Private Sector Participation
Governing Rules or any other legislative or regulatory document
issued by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It
also does not constitute legal advice and cannot be relied upon
or acted upon without reference to the relevant legal provisions.
Disclaimer 1
Table of contents 2
Glossary 3
Advisor A company or person providing professional or advisory services related to a Consortium The contractual relationship between consortium members. It sets out
PPP project. agreement in detail how responsibilities, risks, and rewards will be shared and/or
allocated among the members.
Ancillary contract A contract linked to a PPP contract, which is required for the execution of
the PPP project, entered into on behalf of the government with the private Contract The PSP/PPP contract including any ancillary contracts related to it.
party or any third party.
Contracting The entity/entities responsible for studying and preparing the PPP projects,
Approving authority The entity/entities authorized to issue the necessary approvals for PPP authority (CA) perform activities linked to tendering and awarding PPP projects, enter into
projects, including the approval to tender and award projects, enter into contracts, or exercise any other powers or functions in accordance with the
contracts, or exercise any other powers or functions in accordance with the PSP Law.
PSP Law.
Capital expenditure Initial construction costs plus any expenditure on the constructed PPP Financing agreement Set of documents under which a loan is provided for development of the
(Capex) assets that is not for operation. asset. Includes “loan documents/agreement”, “finance agreement”, and
“debt agreements.”
Commissioning On completion of construction, the process of testing to ensure the private
party has met all preconditions necessary to commence operations. Key performance Indicators (financial or non-financial) to measure progress or success of the
indicators (KPI) private party’s performance during the operating term. These will normally
Competition The competition commission is formed by the Director-Head to oversee vary depending on the contracted services and other attributes of the
commission and manage processes related to tendering, evaluating, and awarding. project and are often included in the contractual arrangement as they may
serve as the basis for payments to the private party.
Concerned entity Ministries, government entities, public bodies, public authorities, bodies
with an independent public juristic personality, or bodies concerned with Letter of intent Document (may or may not be binding) between different stakeholders in
a PPP project subject to the provisions of the PSP Law. This shall include a consortium expressing their interest to be an equity shareholder in the
public sector companies whose contracts are subject to the law. upcoming project and bid as a consortium.
Consortium A group of companies bidding together for a project. In a PPP, this enables Net present value Discounted value of an investment’s cash inflows minus the discounted
(NPV) value of its cash outflows. An investment should have an NPV greater than
companies to bring together all capabilities required for the project
(construction, operation, and financing). zero to be adequately profitable.
Payment Contractual arrangements through which the private party is compensated Request for Proposals Tender document issued to bidders by the contracting authority to request
mechanism in a PPP project. This mechanism outlines the timing, amount, and (RFP) proposals in relation to the PPP project.
conditions under which payments will be made.
Request for A tender document issued by the contracting authority to potential bidders
Written guarantee issued by a third-party guarantor (usually a bank) qualification (RFQ) to evaluate their qualifications and/or capabilities to be qualified to submit
bond provided to the contracting authority. Intended to ensure the private party proposals for the PPP project.
will perform all contractual obligations.
Risk allocation Allocation responsibility for the consequences of risks to one of the parties
in the contract.
PPP A contractual arrangement related to infrastructure or public service which
results in a relationship between the government and the private party
containing the following elements: Risk premium An additional return that investors require above the risk-free rate to
compensate them for more risky investments.
• Duration of the contractual arrangement shall be for a period of (5) years or
Shareholders The document that the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) equity providers
• Private party, pursuant to the contractual arrangement, undertakes works agreement enter into, setting out how they will work together to manage it.
including two or more of the following: design, construction, management,
operation, maintenance, or finance of the assets, whether these assets are
government-owned, or owned by the private party, or both. Special Purpose A legal entity (company) created by one or more shareholders with no
Vehicle (SPV) purposes other than undertaking the PPP project. The SPV will be the
• Qualitative and quantitative allocation of risks between the government and
the private party. private party signatory to the PPP contract.
• Payments owed by or to the private party under this contractual arrangement
are primarily based on the performance of its obligations. Stakeholders Parties with a direct or indirect interest or involvement in the project
or that may otherwise be affected by it. These may include public and
private sector organizations, as well as private individuals, community
Private sector A Public Private Partnership (PPP) project, a divestment project, or both,
participation (PSP) representatives or non-profit bodies.
project depending on the context
PSP implementing Value for money Benefits relative to the costs of procuring a project using a PPP compared
The implementing regulations of the law.
regulations (VfM) to other procurement options. VfM analysis considers whether PPP
provides better value to the public sector than traditional procurement.
PSP Law The Private Sector Participation Law, enacted in 2021.
Please note that relevant definitions used within the glossary have been taken directly from the Private Sector
Participation Law, Implementing Regulations of the Private Sector Participation Law, and The Private Sector
Participation Governing Rules.
While there is no universally accepted definition for PPPs, the World Bank
defines a PPP as a long-term contract between the public and the private
party to develop and/or manage public assets or services, where the private
party bears significant risk and management responsibility throughout the
contract’s term, and remuneration is mainly linked to the performance of the
private party and/or the demand of the asset or service. Specifically, PPP is a
method for public sector entities to procure public assets and services. Most
PPP projects involve investment in physical assets. This can either be new
infrastructure, or significant upgrades and renewals of existing infrastructure.
In these Guidelines, the term "private party" is used to describe both individual
companies and consortia of companies that may deliver PPP projects.
Type of Asset Who is Extent
Models Description Duration
Public works and infrastructure are traditionally procured and financed through the procurement owner responsible of PSP
government’s budget. The government body or contracting authority uses its budget to pay EPC & other The contracting authority CA CA Low 0-3 years
for works and assumes full responsibility of the asset once constructed. The contractor will construction (CA) pays for design and
have a responsibility to fix any defects that arise, and may provide security for its liability, contracts construction through its
however, this is only for a limited warranty period following completion. PPPs, on the other budget, takes ownership
and responsibility of the
hand, offer governments another way to procure public works and infrastructure which could
asset upon construction
provide financial and efficiency motivations to the contracting authority and the private
completion. Contractor
party. Table 1 below summarizes the main differences between traditional procurement and is responsible for fixing
PPPs: defects during a limited
warranty period only.
Table 1 - PPP vs Traditional Procurements Traditional Service & CA retains asset CA CA Low 1-5 years
management ownership and funds
contracts capital expenditure,
management while the private party
Traditional procurement PPPs contracts manages operations
and maintenance for 3-5
years, receiving a fixed
fee unlinked to tariff
Separate contracts for construction and O&M One contract for detailed design, construction,
collection and bearing
(if applicable, contracting authority may opt to commissioning, and O&M
minimal risk for asset
do O&M internally)
PPP PPP service & Also known as CA Shared High 5-10 years
management performance-
contracts oriented service and
Project management & integration risk is Project management and integration risk is management contracts.
usually with the public sector normally with the private party Involves operators
assuming added risks
like asset condition
and minor component
replacement, qualifying
EPC contractor has no liability beyond PPP contractor has performance risk for the
as PPPs as they become
warranty period full contract period
longer term and more
reliant on payment and
penalty structures to
incentivize satisfactory
Public sector specifies outputs outcome. Therefore, they
Public sector specifies inputs require significant private
Private party determines inputs
PPP Infrastructure Long term contracts Typically, Shared High 10-30 years
PPP where the private party private party
constructs/replaces, (Depending
Capital funding from the public sector Capital funding usually from the private party
finances, operates and/
on the PPP
or maintains a new
asset (greenfield) or an mode)
existing one (brownfield)
The following table summarizes the general contracting forms under the traditional and PPP with revenues derived
procurement types. Ultimately, the PPP contract sets out the responsibilities for each of the from fees paid by the
CA or directly by users.
parties and allocates the risks between them.
Eventually, the asset
returns to the ownership
of the CA after a specified
14 | PPP Journey Guidelines for Private Sector Participation *Refer to Appendix 2 which provides further detail on the different PPP contract models 15
The following sections provide further detail on the key characteristics of PPPs:
While, in a user-pays model, the private party will collect payments from the users directly
under a tariff or charge, which would have been set out in the contract. These charges are
used to repay the private investor’s investment and profit. Therefore, there is an incentive for
Private Sector Participation Law - Article 1: the private party to drive improvements and efficiency to increase usage as this will translate
to higher levels of profit and a return on investment.
…a qualitative and quantitative risk allocation between the government and the
In both models, the operator also has the responsibility of operating and managing the asset,
private party is one element that determines a Public Private Partnership hence is able to prioritize and innovate in the ways that they deem to be most effective. The
very long-term nature of these contracts allows the private party to operate for a sufficient
period to recover any capital that has been invested in the asset.
It’s important to note that while PPPs offer numerous benefits to the private party, they also Design-Build-Finance- Design-Build-Finance- Design-Build-Finance-
come with challenges and risks that need to be carefully assessed and managed throughout Maintain (DBFM) Operate-Maintain (DBFOM) Operate (DBFO)
the project’s lifecycle.
The aim of this section is to guide potential private parties on how they can identify and
assess upcoming projects and participate in the opportunities they wish to pursue. Tender 2.2
documents and communications relating to the procurement of each project once released
will set out the details of projects and a precise procurement process.
For ease of use, this section summarizes the key tasks and milestones. For more detailed
information refer to Appendix 1- Private Sector Participation in PPP Projects.
Special Purpose
Vehicle (SPV)
and Contract
Expiry and
▶ The QR code provides a list of potential projects and ▶ Furthermore, the private party is advised to understand the
Identify potential
summaries of the key features of each project, its current risks involved, the financial consequences if materialized
2.1.1 projects of interest
stage of implementation, and an indicative timetable for Capabilities and how it may best manage and allocate these risks
the tender. assessment between its partners and its supply chain. To do so, a
preliminary risk assessment can be carried out based on
▶ Potential private parties should review the PPP pipeline to the PPP structure suggested by the contracting authority
identify projects of interest. and taking into account their own risk appetite. The aim
of the assessment is to assess risks against the private
party’s risk appetite to help guide their decision both
around whether to bid and/or whom to partner with. Risk
management policies that the private party may have as
▶ Register with the relevant bidding platform. a corporate entity should guide them on the corporate’s
appetite to risk in relation to a project.
▶ Interested parties can also register on NCP’s investor portal.
This is important as NCP will notify registered companies
Register with ▶ In general, PPP projects require expertise across finance,
when the status of the project changes and will refer to
relevant bidding legal, technical, construction, operation, maintenance, and
2.1.2 the list when organizing any market sounding and pre-EOI
platform other areas, making it unlikely one private party will be
able to fulfil all of these. As a result, the most common way
to bid for a PPP project is for the private party to join with
▶ By registering as an investor on NCP’s investor portal, the
others in a consortium.
private party will be able to contact NCP, request meetings
and find additional project details.
▶ The private party should decide how they wish to
participate and may consider various roles and associated
strategies in forming and/or joining a bidding consortium.
This may include:
2.2 | Project assessment
o Pro-active, lead role: seeking out potential partners, and
driving the process of participation.
▶ The contracting authority may undertake a market
sounding to solicit feedback from potential investors, o Pro-active, consortium member: Identifying entities and
financiers and other private parties on the proposed PPP companies that are likely to lead consortia and reach out
project, structure, and its procurement. 2.2.3 Partnerships to them as a potential partner.
▶ Potential private parties that have registered their interest o Passive: Ensuring interest and presence is known in the
through the NCP investor portal may be invited to market and awaiting consortium leaders to reach out.
participate in market sounding exercises.
▶ The private parties can connect with one another through
▶ It is important to note that the market sounding is part various channels. The Ministry of Investment and the
2.2.1 Market sounding of the structuring of the project, not the official tender Chamber of Commerce offer opportunities to link potential
process. The participation does not place any obligation consortium partners or sub-contractors. Furthermore,
on the contracting authority or on the potential private registering with the Ministry of Investment allows access
parties in any future tender and should not be interpreted to training and project insights. International conferences
as providing any advantage or special treatment in the hosted by PPP organizations, chambers of commerce, and
tender itself. Similarly, not participating in the market diplomatic missions also offer networking opportunities.
sounding will not disadvantage any private entity. However, These events attract a range of companies, from those
participation in the market sounding gives interested experienced in PPPs in the Kingdom to those entering
parties the opportunity to interact with contract authorities from other regions or new to the PPP market. Interested
and gain more insights into the project as well as give parties may also look at who may have submitted
feedback to them. expressions of interest for similar previous tenders.
▶ Once SOQs have been submitted, the contracting o An undertaking that they will comply with the RFP
authority will review submissions and publish a list of process and an undertaking that no comments or
prequalified bidders on their website in addition to suggestions will be expressed except under the
contacting them directly and naming them on NCP’s procedure set out in the RFP.
investor portal.
o Undertakings and representations that the bid
documents are correct and valid and relevant
authorizations for the person(s) signing the proposal
1 2 3 4 5
Technical Issue list of from the consortium members.
Issue RFP Investors & financial Best and shortlisted
conference proposal
Final Offer bidders o Confirmation of any timebound validity of the bid.
Payments Payments
▶ Once the PPP contract is signed, known as commercial
close, the SPV will execute financial agreements, known
as Financial Close. The SPV holds ultimate contractual Operation and
responsibility, however it may ‘pass through’ the rights and Construction/ EPC User charges
(If Applicable) Maintenance
obligations of the contract to its appropriate downstream Contractor
partners (refer to figure 5 below). Some of the elements
that will be passed through are the responsibilities and
obligations, risks, and cash flows, which will all be enabled
through various agreements including: Users
o Shareholder agreements
o Financial or debt agreements
o Construction or EPC contracts (single contractor or Figure 1 - PPP Project Structure Example
group acting as a joint venture)
o Information to be collected Mobilization and ▶ The role of the EPC contractor is mainly to purchase the
o Frequency & content of reports construction materials, services and equipment required to construct
o KPIs the facility/asset, to perform, co-ordinate and manage the
construction works, to commission and test the facilities
▶ The private party will also need to regularly interface and to manage warranty issues.
Performance & risk
2.5.2 with and provide stipulated performance indicators to
the contracting authority to enable monitoring of service
delivery, allowing parties to take actions to correct any
▶ Moreover, the private party will be required to report ▶ Once the construction activities have been completed,
updates on risks and mitigation plans to the contracting the EPC contractor will carry out all the activities related to
authority regularly. mechanical completion (including related tests) to make
sure that the facility is ready for commissioning.
Note: In addition to deductions, non-compliance with KPIs
could warrant other responses such as the issuing of warnings, ▶ The private party/SPV would usually review test records
formal notifications, step-in clauses or contract default and and instruct the EPC contractor to develop snag lists and
termination. operation and maintenance manual.
2.5.6 Commissioning
▶ Once EPC contract is signed, the EPC contractor will review ▶ Once the manuals are approved by the private party/
concept designs and tailor them to develop detailed SPV, representatives from the SPV may conduct run-ins
designs. and operational testing as per the commissioning plan to
identify any defects.
2.5.3 Detailed design ▶ The output of the detailed design process is a set of
drawings, specifications, standards, procedures, and ▶ Once all defects are addressed, the EPC contractor will
material requisitions that can be used to procure the acquire the remaining statutory approvals and completion
materials, equipment and services required to commence certificates from the related statutory body.
Access to information: Market sounding allows the private party to gain insights into
upcoming PPP opportunities and projects in the pipeline. They can obtain relevant
information about the project’s scope, requirements, and timelines, which can help them
make informed decisions about whether to pursue the opportunity or not.
Understanding government objectives: Through market sounding, the private party can
understand the government’s objectives and priorities for the project. This insight helps
align the private party’s proposal and strategy with the government’s goals, increasing the
chances of a successful bid.
Opportunity to influence project design: Engaging in market sounding gives the private
party an opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions on the project’s design,
structure, and risk allocation. By voicing their input, the private party can potentially
influence the final project terms and make the project more attractive and feasible from
their perspective.
Early risk assessment: Market sounding allows the private party to identify and assess
potential risks associated with the project at an early stage. This enables them to develop
risk mitigation strategies and ensure that the project remains financially viable and
attractive to investors.
Furthermore, registering on the portal allows the interested private party to signal their Early project assessment: The private party can gauge the feasibility and competitiveness
interest in the project to NCP and, in addition to receiving communications in relation to the of the project early, which helps the private party focus their efforts on projects that align
project, potentially be invited to participate in market sounding exercises. with their capabilities and objectives.
Please refer to Section 2 “PSP Plan & the Implementation Prioritization” of the Implementing Competitive advantage: Engaging in market sounding allows the private party to gain
Regulations of the Private Sector Participation Law for more information. a competitive advantage over potential competitors. They can tailor their proposal and
strategy based on the insights gained during market sounding, which improves their
chances of submitting a compelling bid.
Market intelligence: Market sounding provides valuable market intelligence, allowing the
private party to understand the competitive landscape and the interests of other potential
bidders. This information can help them position themselves effectively during the
procurement process.
When assessing PPP opportunities, the private party should consider factors
such as alignment with its capabilities and experience, future projects within
the contracting authority’s portfolio that may provide scale and/or synergies,
and the extent to which it could find partners to collaborate with. This would
help the private party identify any capability gaps to make informed decisions
both around whether to bid and/or partner.
Moreover, a key characteristic of PPP projects is the sharing of risks such that they are
managed and mitigated by the party with the most appropriate knowledge and resource.
Therefore, the private party is encouraged to understand the risks involved, the financial
consequences if materialized, and how it may manage risks. To do so, a preliminary risk
assessment can be completed, based on the PPP structure suggested by the contracting
The aim of the assessment is to assess risks against the private party’s risk appetite to
help guide their decision both around whether to bid and/or whom to partner with. Risk
management policies that the private party may have as a corporate entity should guide
them on the corporate’s appetite to risk in relation to a project.
In general, PPP projects require expertise across finance, legal, technical, construction, There are several ways for
operation, maintenance, and other areas, making it unlikely one private party will be able to companies to connect with one
fulfil all of these. As a result, the most common way to bid for a PPP project is for private party another to partner and form a strong
to join with others in a consortium. consortium of expertise. Within the Kingdom,
the Ministry of Investment (MISA) and the Chamber
The private party should decide how they wish to participate and may consider various roles
of Commerce can be useful to connect potential consortium
and associated strategies in forming and/or joining a bidding consortium. This may include:
partners or sub-contractors. The private party can register with the
MISA to receive access to training sessions and insights into delivering
Pro-active, lead role: Seeking out potential partners, and driving the process of projects. Moreover, conferences organized by international PPP bodies,
participation. chambers of commerce, embassies and consulates can also be a great way to
Pro-active, consortium member: Identifying companies that are likely to lead network with international players. A variety of companies are likely to utilize such events
from those who have experience of delivering PPPs in the Kingdom, to those who are looking
consortia and reach out to them as a potential partner.
to enter the market having delivered PPPs in other jurisdictions, and those who are looking
Passive: Ensuring interest and presence is known in the market and awaiting to enter the PPP market for the first time. Interested parties may also look at who may have
consortium leaders to reach out. submitted expressions of interest for similar previous tenders.
An Expression of Interest (EOI) document will be prepared and published to attract interest
from interested parties. In general, the EOI stage follows the following process:
* The procurement process and approach may vary but will be set out in the RFP phase.
Once the EOI is published, bidders should read the requirements carefully and start
The Implementing Regulations of the Private Sector Participation Law - preparing a response accordingly. The EOI documents will contain:
Article 70:
Summary of the project and expected schedule
PSP Project shall be tendered through public competition at the following phases:
Information on the EOI and how it should be submitted
From the EOI, the bidder should understand why the project is being tendered and what it
involves, the essential public needs it will fill, the chosen delivery model and scope of services,
Expression of Expression of
Pre-qualification Pre-qualification
RFPof Phase RFPIssurance
Pre-qualification Issurance
RFP Phase
Investors Investors
Response to Response to
Issue list of Issue list
Investors of
Response proposed
to risk
Issue allocation, and any background information on policies, laws or regulations
list of
EOI % Financial %
Pre-qualification Award
Financial % Award
Interest phase phase of EOI conference EOI interesred bidders
EOI associated
ancial Award
Technical Bids
Interest phase phase Interest phase phase
of EOI conference of EOI
EOI conference
interesred bidders with
interesred the project. There should also be an indicative timeline within the EOI to give
nical Bids
Technical Bids
02 03 potential bidders an idea as to what to expect in terms of the next stages of completing the
tender process. The EOI request will not set out full details of the project as that will follow in
Expression of Pre-qualification RFP Phase the subsequent RFQ and RFP stages, but bidders will know enough to determine whether
Interest Phase Phase they want to participate to the next stage and are able to drop out at any time before bid
Potential bidders will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). This may be part
of their EOI submission or subsequently before the prequalification stage.
The activities involved in the EOI, pre-qualification and RFP stages of the procurement are
If the contracting authority decides to organize an investors conference, potential bidders
described in greater detail in the following sections.
will have the chance to attend and ask questions to gain better understanding of the project.
Thereafter, bidders must prepare their response and submit it within the timeline stipulate in
the EOI. A list of interested bidders will be published on the contracting authority’s website in
addition to the NCP’s investor portal.
Prequalification ▶ General information on the bidder and its consortium members, if applicable.
Potential bidders can then choose to participate and respond in the form of submitting a ▶ Administrative and legal structure and the certificates of incorporation of the
statement of qualification (SOQ), which allows the contracting authority to assess whether bidder and its consortium members, including:
the bidder is sufficiently qualified to participate in procurement. The prequalification process
is summarized below: o Full description of the individuals and bodies of which a bidder is composed.
o Roles and responsibilities performed by every member of the consortium.
o The persons or bodies that will provide SOQ.
o Property rights of the members of the consortium.
o Controls or conditions on changes in equity.
Issurance of Investors Submit Issue list of o Employees who are appointed for the PSP project.
RFQ conference SOQ prequalified
bidders ▶ Evidence of meeting the following by the bidder:
The RFQ will mainly cover the following: o The ability to execute the PSP project.
RFQ Timeline and preliminary project timetable. o Solvency and the ability to fund the project.
o Experience with comparable projects that included the essential elements
SOQ submission instructions including what the SOQ should contain, minimum
of PSP such as financing, design, construction, ownership, operation and
requirements, required format, and where to submit it. Also specifies the
deadline, beyond which submissions won’t be accepted.
o The ability to fulfil requirements of shares and financing, if any.
Point of contact for bidder inquiries and clarifications.
o Previous experience in the development of projects, including success and
Description of pre-SOQ inquires process including the schedule for receiving and
innovation, and addressing their social and environmental impacts.
addressing bidders’ inquiries.
o Experience in human capital development, transfer of technology and capacity
Explanation as to how bidders’ data, documents, and intellectual property rights will be
and promotion of local content.
o Understanding of public sector services and PSP project needs and the ability to
A description of the PPP project including contracting authority’s expectations, interact and work with public sector entities.
project site and other relevant information.
o Ability to manage risks throughout the PSP project and maintain quality of
services and infrastructure.
It is advisable to formalize the consortium prior to preparing and submitting the bid From a technical perspective, the bid submission requirements may comprise,
response to help ensure the consortium operates effectively and members understand amongst other things, an assessment of costs, technologies, outline designs and
operating methods.
the structure and individual responsibilities. At this stage, the consortium is formalized
through signing a letter of intent or a memorandum of understanding which sets out Within the technical information provided, there will be information about any
the consortium members’ intention to bid for the project together. These agreements specifications, standards, or requirements that the contracting authority
may not be binding; however, the contracting authority may request the consortium requires bidders to adhere to and respond to. The RFP will clearly outline all
members to sign a more binding agreement at this stage called “consortium agreement”. the technical information that is required to be submitted, enabling the bidder
to undertake a thorough technical evaluation of the project.
It is also recommended that bidding consortia implement a clear governance structure
It is important that the technical bids have been endorsed by any downstream
including naming the lead. Setting up a steering committee as a mechanism for decision
contractors who will be undertaking the construction of the asset and operating
making during the bid-preparation process may help ensure decisions are made with the and maintaining it once commissioned. They will be the ones responsible for
consideration for all partners. A clear governance structure also helps in the resolution of delivery and so need to agree to what has been put into the bid response.
any conflicts or disputes that may arise between partners who potentially have different
interests and/or priorities.
The consortium should also develop and agree the structure of the project vehicle for
implementation should the contract be awarded to them at the end of the bidding
process. This should include the development of a matrix of contracts which outlines the
obligations of the different parties, the level of risk they will assume and manage, and
remuneration they will receive.
Moreover, preparation and submission of bids will result in costs being incurred by
members of the consortium. Therefore, prior to bid preparation getting underway, it is
also important that an agreement is reached on how bid related costs will be shared
between consortium members. Contracting authorities will not compensate successful
or unsuccessful bidders for their bid related costs. Moreover, as per article 13 of the PSP
law, if the contracting authority cancels the tender process, no bidder will be entitled
to any compensation unless NCP’s board of directors decides otherwise based on the
contracting authority’s recommendation.
Once RFP documents and responses to CQs have been reviewed, bidders should
start carrying out their due diligence and preparing their responses with the help of
transaction advisors. This may include participating in site/project visits that may be
offered and detailed by the contracting authority in the RFP package.
To help guide bidders prepare a compelling response, the RFP documents outline the
required technical, legal, and financial requirements:
Legal consultants will also start reviewing project agreements in case the
contracting authorities allow for comments or mark-ups.
It must be noted that the legal information provided will also outline the required
approvals that the preferred bidder will be responsible for; including consents,
permits, licenses and minimum environmental standards as outlined by the relevant
In the financial section of the bid, project cost estimates, financing requirements
and the financial model (if applicable) will have to be provided.
Bidders will be required to outline the general financing structure including the
debt and equity proportions. They may be required to secure letters of
commitment from their lenders as part of their submission, known as “comfort
letters”. Moreover, interest rate hedging strategies may also be required.
Although bidders may begin the process of finance raising during bid
preparation, the conclusion of finance raising will only happen once the contract
is awarded to the consortium. Before they provide the project with financing,
lenders will want to ensure that the project risk set-up is robust, to ensure
that they will be protected against the adverse effects which may arise if project
risks materialize. This usually means that Financial Close can only take place after
commercial close.
Finally, bidders maybe required to prepare and submit a financial model for the
project. This will be detailed in the RFP documents. If a financial model is
required, a series of assumptions (financial and economic) will have to be made.
Within the bid documents, there should be a standardised form where inputs
can be recorded to be submitted alongside the model. Moreover, there are
general requirements that the model should meet including consideration for
any relevant regulations, recording notes when complex formulas are involved,
and specific outputs that the model needs to produce such as financial
projections. Finally, the model should contain some sensitivities which should
have been run and need to be identified, for example inflation.
▶ A financial proposal in a separate sealed envelope and the name of the bidder and Once bids are submitted, the competition and evaluation committees will commence the
the term “financial proposal” shall be displayed thereon. evaluation process in a specific order as follows:
o Listing reservations, conditions, comments or other qualifications in their Technical bid Financial bid
proposals or the RFP. evaluation evaluation
▶ The evaluation ▶ The evaluation
▶ An acknowledgement that the representations provided by the bidder in response committee will committee will
Bid opening inspect the financial
to the RFP including any documents submitted with its proposal to the work inspect the technical
bids to ensure bids to ensure
team, may be considered part of the contractual obligations in the PSP project. A special committee
formed by the completeness of completeness of
contracting authority will submissions submissions
▶ An acknowledgement that no change has been made to the composition of the open the submitted bids ▶ Thereafter, technical ▶ Thereafter, financial
bidder, its organizational structure, and the proposed activity of the bidder and bids will be evaluated
bids will be evaluated
that it is still a qualified bidder. If such a change is made, information and details based on the bid based on the bid
of such a change shall be clarified and the documents containing such a change evaluation criteria evaluation criteria
shall be submitted. explained in the RFP explained in the RFP
documents documents
▶ Evidence that the bidder and its affiliates have a proper legal status in the country
of incorporation.
o An acknowledgement that the cost incurred by the bidder in the 1. The ability of a bidder to implement the PSP project.
preparation and submission of proposals is in accordance with the RFP.
o An acknowledgement that the government and the contracting 2. The amendments to the draft contracts suggested by a bidder.
authority shall not bear the cost incurred by the bidder in preparation
and submission of the proposal. 3. The following elements shall be considered in PPP projects:
o An undertaking that the bidder and its affiliates have never been
involved in collusion, conflict of interest, bribery, conspiracy, fraud, or
misrepresentations and that no penalties or restrictions have been
imposed on them.
▶ Any further undertakings or documents that are required under the RFP.
o The procedures for quality management, efficiency, and compliance with ▶ Details of insurance and its variables.
operational requirements. ▶ Bank support details including a commitment letter, structure, and hedging
o Procedures for managing operational issues. strategy.
Preferred and reserve bidders may be requested to extend the validity of their bid bonds; if
the timeline stipulated in the RFP documents was found insufficient. Thereafter, the preferred Private Sector Participation Law – Article 18:
bidder will be contacted to discuss the negotiation requirements including the time and “After obtaining written approval from the contracting authority, a private party may:
place of negotiations. Once negotiations have been concluded and parties are willing to
proceed, the preferred bidder will be sent a negotiation log to sign within 10 days followed ▶ Enter into financing agreements for the works and services linked to the PSP
by the letter of award. In the meantime, contract and relevant ancillary agreements will be project with banks or financing entities, provided that the private party shall solely
finalized by the contracting authority. bear the responsibility for all obligations and disputes arising therefrom, unless
It must be noted that although business case documents are approved by the Council of otherwise agreed upon by the contracting authority and the private party after the
Ministers prior to the bidding stage, award is conditional on obtaining necessary approvals if approval of MOF.
updates to the business case documents resulting from negotiations are deemed necessary.
▶ Pledge an asset owned by it in the PSP project for obtaining finance for the works
Moreover, approvals will have to be sought from the Ministry of Finance if certain rights have
and services linked to the project. In all cases, the private party may not sell or
to be given to the preferred bidder such as:
pledge any state-owned asset.
▶ Allowing the private party to directly collect charges from the beneficiaries as outlined in
the PPP contract, for its own benefit. The contracting authority or MOF, with the approval of the approving authority, may
enter into direct agreements with any other party related to the PSP project or make
▶ Allowing the private party to collect public revenues, such as fees and taxes related to the commitments thereto, which specify the rights and obligations of such parties 15”
PPP contract, on behalf of the State’s Treasury.
▶ Allowing the private party to directly collect public revenues, either entirely or partially,
as specified in the contract, and retain them for its own benefit as agreed upon in the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
When the preferred bidder is ultimately awarded the contract, they will usually be required
to form a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to formalize the partnership arrangements with its
Financial Close
consortium members, and to contract with the contracting authority to deliver the project.
If external finance is used, there will be a separate process for financial closure to be
completed. Whilst this will consist mainly of negotiations between the preferred bidder and What is a SPV?
their proposed lenders, the contracting authority may become involved too. For instance,
A SPV is a legal entity/company created by the private party/shareholders for the purposes of
there may be a direct agreement between the contracting authority and the lenders covering,
undertaking the PPP project. The SPV will be the private party signatory to the PPP contract.
among other things, the consequences of early termination of the contract.
The SPV shareholders are usually the consortium members. However, not all consortium
members may opt to be SPV shareholders. For instance, a construction contractor might
prefer to participate as a nominee contractor, concentrating solely on construction tasks
rather than taking on the comprehensive involvement expected of SPV members in PPP
project implementation.
The provisions outlined in the consortium agreement will be mirrored in the SPV’s
Private party constitution and the project contracts. The arrangements within the consortium agreement,
Government department or Provide equity as part of the finance including working procedures, sponsor rights and duties, and risk and reward distribution
contracting authority structure and can include project developers, for the PPP project, will be addressed in the establishment documents of the SPV and other
Procures the PPP and manages the contract engineering or construction companies, contracts related to the PPP project.
from the public sector’s point of view, which infrastructure management companies,
usually includes monitoring and regulating and private equity funds. They are also Modifications to the legal structure, capital reduction, share sales, amendments in
the performance of the private party. responsible for delivery of the PPP and hold shareholder proportions, mergers, splits, acquisitions, addition of new shareholders, or
contracts directly with other partners as ownership transfers of the SPV are not allowed unless specifically authorized by the contract.
In any case, shares of the SPV cannot be transferred until construction or development is
finalized and project operation begins, except with the contracting authority’s approval.
Construction or EPC contractors Provide loans as part of the financial structure
Contracted by the private party to deliver of the PPP and may include commercial
the construction phase of the PPP project. banks, multilateral and bilateral development
This is often a subsidiary of one of the equity banks and financial institutions, and
investors. institutional investors such as pension funds
or insurance companies.
▶ Construction or EPC contracts (single contractor or group acting as a joint venture) Construction & contract management
▶ Operations and maintenance contracts EPC and O&M contracts are signed as soon as the SPV is formed, and construction and
contract management will commence thereafter. Responsibility for monitoring and
▶ Insurance contract and guarantees (where applicable)
management of the primary contract will lie primarily with the contracting authority,
The diagram below illustrates the standard contractual interfaces and financial flows in a ensuring contract requirements set out are monitored and enforced.
typical private-financed PPP project structure.
Please note that the contracting authority may decide to assign the function of monitoring
the private party’s implementation of the PPP project to a third party in accordance with the
Risk transfer is an important aspect of PPPs and therefore partial or total transfer of the
provisions of the contract.
construction and O&M performance risks are passed down to the construction contractor and
O&M operator. It is common for one or both of the contractors providing construction or O&M
To support the contracting authority to manage and monitor the contract effectively, specific
to also be shareholders in the SPV or subsidiaries of the shareholders. Other shareholders
responsibilities must be outlined for the private party within the contract.
may include financial investors.
▶ Effective communication and engagement within the project team and with all external For the avoidance of doubt, it is the responsibility of the private party to provide the contracting
stakeholders (government, supply chain, public, etc.) authority with the right information.
Risks should be monitored closely throughout the construction and operation of the project to
It is natural for changes to occur over the life of the contract given that the length can be as
ensure that they do not materialize and impact the overall delivery of the project. This includes
much as 30 years. These changes could be proposed by the contracting authority, suggested
ensuring allocated risk responsibilities are put into practice during the implementation phase
by the private party or be required because of unpredicted external factors. It is essential to
of the contract.
review and understand the contract to ensure that the process for accepting or rejecting these
changes is carefully managed and documented by contract managers on both sides. The private party will be required to report updates on risks and mitigation plans to the
contracting authority regularly. It may also find that effective monitoring and management of
Please note that when changes are proposed, it is advisable that they be clearly documented service performance is crucial to help ensure contractual compliance. Output specifications,
based on evidence and data collected. The contract manager should be able to clearly performance measurement systems, and deduction methods for inadequate performance
demonstrate to decision-makers the impact on the project if the change is made, as well as outlined in the payment mechanism determine how payments to the private party are
any consequences or risks that may materialize if the change is not implemented as described. calculated and how deductions are applied.
Having sufficient data to back-up the rationale for making the change is essential and the
private party should endeavour to have good information management practices to allow this The contracting authority will develop and maintain a contract management plan measuring
to be drawn out as necessary. performance against key performance indicators (KPIs). Accordingly, the private party will need
to regularly provide stipulated performance indicators to enable monitoring of service
delivery, allowing parties to take actions to correct any decline in service delivery.
Please note that in addition to deductions, non-compliance with KPIs could warrant other
responses such as the issuing of warnings, formal notifications, step-in clauses or contract
default and termination.
The state of the asset during hand-back is really determined by its maintenance and operation
during its life cycle. While private party usually create capital replacement plans for assets,
systems, and equipment during the life of the asset, if on assessment it is evident that the asset
does not meet the hand-back requirements, then the private party must set up a remedial plan
to bring it up to the necessary quality to avoid any dispute with the contracting authority. The
plan could include:
▶ Inspection plans post remediation to ensure work has been completed properly
To handle financial risks, PPP contracts might demand a hand-back reserve account. This
account accumulates funds equal to a percentage of the yearly revenues/payments, which
could be used to cover any unexpected repairs or necessary investment to meet the hand-back
conditions obligation before or just after handing back the facility to the contracting authority.
If the contracting authority re-tenders the project (or just the O&M), the private party will be
required to co-operate to ensure a smooth handover to any new contractor.
As well as the transfer of the physical asset on expiry of the contract, associated data and
intellectual property rights that belong to the contracting authority will also need to be
transferred back.
Presented below are a range of typical models the private party may engage in PPPs
through. There are multiple variants and naming conventions used in different jurisdictions
and interchangeably (e.g., DBFO and BOT). Please refer to the RFP and other tender
documents in relation to the project which shall set out the roles, and responsibilities of the
private party.
Build–operate–transfer (BOT)
In the build-operate-transfer (BOT) model, the private party finances and constructs the
infrastructure asset and then transfers ownership of the asset to the public entity after
a defined period of operation. Over the period of operation, the private party recoups its
investment in the asset and then transfers the asset to the public sector.
Overall, the key difference between BTO and BOT contracts is the time at which the asset Design–Build–Finance-Operate (DBFO)
ownership is transferred to the public entity. Under the BTO model transfer is completed on The design-build-finance-operate (DBFO) model is very similar to the DBFOM model. Under
completion of construction, meaning that during operation the private party is equivalent to both DBFO and DBFOM, a single entity is responsible for designing, building, financing, and
that of an O&M contractor. However, the private party retains their economic ownership of operating the infrastructure asset. However, In DBFOM, the private party is also responsible
the asset over a defined period of operation. for maintaining the asset which can incentivize the private party to prioritize the quality and
longevity of the asset, as well as to manage costs effectively over the long term. This is why
Design–Build–Maintain (DBM) DBFO is not as widely used as DBFOM.
The design-build-maintain (DBM) is a model where the private party is responsible for the
design, construction, and maintenance of the infrastructure asset whilst the public sector Design–Construct-Manage–Finance (DCMF)
is responsible for its funding and financing. Once construction is completed, the public The design-construct-manage-finance (DCMF) contracts are just alternative terminology for
entity will be responsible for operating the asset while the private party will perform routine DBFOM. The private party would usually construct the asset based on specifications from the
maintenance and/or repairs for the duration of the contract; ensuring the asset meets the public entity and leases it back to them.
availability or project usability requirements as stipulated in the contract. DBM projects
are designed to provide a streamlined approach to project delivery, with a single entity Rehabilitate-Own-Operate (ROO)
responsible for the design, construction, and maintenance of the infrastructure asset. The rehabilitate-own-operate (ROO) contracts involve an already existing asset within
the government’s portfolio. The private party will rehabilitate and improve the existing
Design–Build–Operate (DBO) infrastructure asset, such as a road or a bridge, and then operate it. The contracting authority
The design-build-operate (DBO) involves a single entity responsible for the design, will transfer the ownership of the asset to the private party which will own it in perpetuity
construction, and operation of an infrastructure asset. In some instances, operate means both (unlike ROOT where it will own the asset for a defined period; typically, 15 to 25 years). Aspects
operate and maintain. As a result, DBO is very similar to the DBM model. The main difference of terms under this contract type are similar to build-own-operate (BOO) contracts.
between DBO and DBM is that the private party in a DBO model assume responsibility of
operations and thus generating revenues from user fees.
Cash Flows
Cash Flows
PPP Other
Project Assets PPP
Different parties within the finance structure will have different perspectives on the use of Generally, investors prefer limited recourse project finance as it limits their risk, but they
non-recourse project finance. For equity investors, it allows for the effective management of should ensure that debt/equity ratio is not too high as it may cause misalignment between
project risks and limits their exposure, whilst also enabling them to undertake projects which investor and public sector interests. While project finance induces lenders to focus on project
are larger than what they could have undertaken under alternative financing structures. assets, implement better due diligence and provides an additional layer of protection to
Lenders will need to ensure they have undertaken a rigorous due diligence on the project, the public interest through step-in rights, lenders often require more credit support from
focusing particularly on the cash flows and contractual structures. Additional forms of security shareholders or third parties. Before the 2008 financial crisis, monoline insurance companies
or guarantees from project sponsors or governments could be required to mitigate their risk. were commonly used for this purpose. In some cases, lenders will ask for step-in rights if
there is a default.
There has been success in the use of Islamic finance within PPPs which has motivated project Hedging arrangements
sponsors (equity investors) to continue to seek both Islamic finance and conventional finance. Fluctuations in interest rates can impact expenses, potentially leading to higher investment
costs due to increased interest during the construction phase, or elevated ongoing costs
Government support during amortization. To manage the unpredictability of interest rates, the private party can
In certain instances, the government may be willing to provide non-contractual letters enter into interest-rate hedging arrangements by utilizing financial instruments like interest
of comfort in support of the private party securing the required financing of the project. rate swaps.
Moreover, there are several national development funds such as the real estate development Swap rates in PPP refer to the rates at which parties exchange or "swap" cash flows based
and national infrastructure funds which aim to support certain sectors in the Kingdom by on different types of interest rates. In a PPP project, there can be various types of financing
providing innovative financing programs and enhance private sector participation in projects. involved, including fixed-rate and variable-rate debt. Interest rate swaps are financial
Please refer to the websites of these funds to understand what level of support can be contracts that allow one party to exchange the interest cash flows of a fixed-rate loan with
provided for PPP projects. the interest cash flows of a variable-rate loan, or vice versa. This is done to manage interest
rate risk exposure and potentially reduce financing costs.