Basic 5 Second Term Exam-1
Basic 5 Second Term Exam-1
Basic 5 Second Term Exam-1
DURATION: 2 HOURS _______________________________________________
NAME: _________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Instruction: Answer all _______________________________________________
SUBJECT: HANDWRITING _______________________________________________
(Repeat four times).
In the early days of racing, many tracks were banked or
stopped, to help the cars go faster. There were no safety
barriers, so the races were very dangerous.
Today’s tracks and cars are built with much more thought
for the safety of drivers and spectators. _______________ SUBJECT: QUANTITATIVE REASONING
_______________________________________________ SECTION A:
_______________________________________________ Example
_______________________________________________ 20 65 785
_______________________________________________ 10
_______________________________________________ 4
_______________________________________________ 19 16
_______________________________________________ ?
_______________________________________________ ?
_______________________________________________ 11 5 64 4
_______________________________________________ ? 12
5 11 49 ?
_______________________________________________ ? 144
_______________________________________________ 8 2 12 12
SECTION C: 24. Faith = (a) fast (b) fate (c) path (d) fart (e) fail
Example 25. Those = (a) the (b) dose (c) wheat (d)these (e) this
4 5 ? 8 Section G: circle one word which is a general term that describes
what the other words are:
26. (a) stealing (b) smuggling (c) crime (d) robbery (e) murder
27. (a) accountant (b) doctor (c) teacher (d) barber (e) worker
28. (a) hibiscus (b) rose (c)lily (d) sunflower (e) flower
12 3 9 20 29. (a) boot (b) sandals (c) canvas (d) slippers (e) footwear
30. (a) dictionary (b) book (c) bible (d) pamphlet
3 ? 8 7 (e) encyclopedia
Answer all this section
1) The system of faith, belief and worship practice by the people
5 ? ? ?
before the coming of foreign religion is (a) Islam (b) Christianity
(c) Traditional religion (d) International religion (e) faith
2) Which of the following is not a property of traditional religion?
(a) Magic (b) beliefs (c) food(d) myths (e) objects of worship
HANDS TO HOLD ACADEMY 3) Which of the following is not a traditional occupation?(a) hunting
(b) iron smiting (c) law (d) palm wine tapping (e) wood carving
YEAR: 202__/2__ TERM: SECOND CLASS: BASIC 5 & 6 4) Mallam Amino Kano was born in
DURATION: 2 HOURS (a) Katsina (b) Kebbi (c) Keffi (d) Kano (e) Kwara
NAME: _________________________________________ 5) Osun means (a) god of iron (b) god of water source (c) god of
Instruction: Answer all masquerades (d) god of mermaids (e) god of thunder
SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING 6) The “god of thunder” in Yoruba is called
Section A: Underline the correct prefix in each of the following to (a) Esu (b) Osun (c) Argungu (d) kokuwa (e) Sango
complete the word 7) One of the following is a traditional religion in Nigeria
1. able (a)mis (b)mal (c) aqua (d) in (e) un (a) Judaism (b) Islam (c) Buddiaism (d) Amadioha (e) pagan
2. respect (a)dis (b) mal (c) un (d) mis (e) pro 8) Which of the following is not an ethnic group in Nigeria
3. pure (a) mal (b) im (c) un (d) in (e) um (a) Hausa (b) Yoruba (c) Ijaw (d) Ibibio (e) Latin
4. complete (a) mal (b) pro (c) dis (d) in (e) im 9) Esu means (a) god of water (b) god of the devil (c) God of
5. certain (a) in (b) un (c) mis (d) ir (e)in masquerades (d) god of iron (e) god of the deep
10) A person who wants their country to be politically independent
Section B: Simile- complete the similes by picking the correct (a) patriot (b) nationalist (c) loyal Nigerian (d) Britain
word from the box. 11) The Nigerian presidential election for the year 2023 was held on
(a) 23rd January (b) 25th January (c) 3rd February (d) 26th February
Tiger, Tortoise, coal, church rat, dove, (e) 25th February
blood, ABC, honey, peacock, thunder, lion, 12) Who is the current president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria?
(a) Peter Obi (b) Bola Ahmed Tinubu (c) Muhammadu Buhari (d)
queen, pig, egg, rock. Goodluck Jonathan (e) Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe
6. As black as __________ 13) When was the Nigerian governorship elections for the year 2023
7. As fragile as an __________ 8. As poor as a _______ held? (a) 25th February (b) 16th March(c) 18th March (d) 13th
9. As red as ________ 10. As simple as _______ March (e) 14th February
11. As slow as______ 12. As gentle as a______ 14) A system whereby the military controls the activities of the
13. As dirty as_______ 14. As sweet as_______ country is called (a) civilian rule (b) military rule (c) single rule
15. As loud as_________ (d) democratic rule (e) political rule
Section C: Use the words in the brain box to complete each of the 15) The first military rule in Nigeria began on (a) 16th January 1966
(b) 17th November 1993 (c) 30th September 1979 (d) 5th July
Biography Thermometer Skeleton Yolk Shepherd 2003 (d) 11th February 2023
16) General Yakubu Gowon became the second military head of
Diary Fragile Playwright Herbivores Omnivores state after the death of (a) Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe (b) General
Aguiyi Ironsi (c) Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’adua (d) General Sani
following sentences Abacha (e) General Chukwuma Nzeogwu
16. The history of the life of a person is a ______ 17) General Murtala Mohammed took over as military head of state in
17. Something that can easily be broken is ______ (a) June 1993 (b) July 1975 (c) September 1976 (d) January 1933
18. The bony framework of the body is called______ (e) March 1990
19. An instrument used for heat and cold is called ______ 18) Islam as a foreign religion was first recorded in Nigeria in
20. The yellow part of an egg is called ______ (a) 21st century (b) 9th century (c) 16th century (d) 19th century (e)
Section D: Homophones - Circle the word of the same sound but 24th century
with different spelling and meaning 19) The slaves that introduced Islam into Nigeria were from
21. Sea = (a) she (b) see (c) saw (d) stream (e)ship (a) Iran (b) Iraq (c) Arab (d) Mexico (e) Portuguese
22. But = (a) bought (b) belt (c) left (d) though (e) breath 20) The holy book of the Christians is ______ (a) Qur’an (b) Bible (c)
23. Yoke = (a) yoghurt (b) shirt (c) yolk (d) young (e) oat Dictionary (d) Map (e) Law of Moses
21) Christianity was first recorded in Nigeria in the (a) 21st century 5. To prevent a bloated stomach, one should always (a) Avoid
(b) 9th century (c) 16th century (d) 19th century (e) 15th century aerated drinks (b) Avoid having chest pain (c) Eat food that
22) One of the following is not a missionary that helped the spread of can digest better and faster (d) Resist belching and farting
Christianity (a) Henry Townsend (b) Mary Slessor (c) Samuel always (e) See a doctor
Ajayi Crowther (d) Obafemi Awolowo
23) Which man from the following options received the revelation of
Islam? (a) Samuel Ajayi Crowther (b) Alhaji Umaru Musa
Section B: Choose from the options lettered a - e the one
Yar’adua (c) Prophet T.B Joshua (d) Prophet Muhammed (e) Mai that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.
Idris Alooma 6. Ade lives in the rural area (a) City (b) Metropolis (c)
24) The show of strong devotion and loyalty to a nation is referred to Region (d) Town (e) Village
as (a) tolerance (b) nationalism (c) cooperation (d) citizenship (e) 7. The boy’s motive for killing the goat is wrong (a) loaf (b)
patriotism peace (c) piece (d) packet (e) round
25) The first Federal Capital of Nigeria was located in 8. I am anxious to see my result (a) afraid (b) eager (c) glad
(a) Kano (b) Lokoja (c) Niger (d) Abuja (e) Lagos (d) hopeful (e) willing
26) Nigeria was granted full independence on __________________ 9. The government decided to make History a mandatory
27) At what age was Bishop Ajayi Crowther kidnapped? __________ subject in all levels of education (a) compulsory (b) major
28) Christians worship in the ____________________
(c) minor (d) preferred (e) voluntary
29) The holy book of Islam religion is called ________________
30) State four states where Islam is dominant. ____________ 10. Balkis is legally married to Sule (a) accidentally (b)
forcefully (c) happily (d) lawfully (e) reluctantly
HANDS TO HOLD ACADEMY 20. A team has a maximum of three contacts with the ball before
returning the ball over the net to the opponent’s Court in
YEAR: 202__/2__ TERM: SECOND CLASS: BASIC 5 & 6 (a) volleyball (b) basketball (c)football (d) hockey (e)tennis
DURATION: 2 HOURS 21. The table tennis ball is made of
NAME: _________________________________________ (a) celluloid or plastic (b)leather or glass material (d) plastic or
Instruction: Answer all iron material (d) cotton or silk (e) wood
SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 22. Recreational activities that originated from a particular cultural
1. The human blood is made up of (a) water and saliva (b) red and group, community or people are called (a)play (b) exercise (c)
white blood cells, nitrogen, plasma membrane (c) red and white indigenous games (d)ball games (e) traditional occupation
blood cells, plasma, platelets (d) yellow and white blood cells, 23. Which of the following is not a type of indigenous game?
water oil (e) blue cells and plasma (a) taekwondo (b)Ayo (c) dambe (d) langa (e) kokuwa
2. An action that moves an object or changes in uniform motion on a 24. The indigenous game that involves using plant seeds or small
straight line is referred to as (a) Air (b) Force (c) movement (d) stones on a curved wooden box with six shallow holes per side is
rotation (e) revolution called (a) itu okwe (b) kokuwa (c)langa (d)dambe (e) ijakadi
(a) rope /leaf (b) can (c) bottle (d) basket (e) carton
5. Eggs can be packaged using
SECTION B (a) cans (b) tins (c) cellophane wrappers (d) box (e) crates
25. _______________________ is a fertilized egg that is already 6. The packaging, protecting, arranging, packing, and beautifying of
taking the form of a human being. processed farm produce into finished products for marketing
26. The human heart has ________ chambers purposes and possible consumption is called (a) Preservation (b)
arranging (c) protecting (d) packaging (e) wrapping
27. The maintenance carried out to repair damages on a piece of
7. Damages of farm produce during transportation are reduced
equipment is called __________
through (a) proper packaging (b) beautification (c) good cars
28. Ayo is an indigenous game called ________________ in the Igbo (d) plenty of bags (e) big trucks
culture 8. Farm produce such as rice beans and maize are packaged using
29. The group of individuals involved in operating, handling (a) buckets (b) baskets (c) bags (d) bottles (e) crates
maintenance and installation of computers are called _________ 9. The method of packaging where farm produce is put in airtight
30. Microsoft is a ____package containers is called
(a) presentation (b) word (c) word processing (a) Canning (b) bagging (c) tightening (d)crate use (e) Cartons
31. The position where the cursor is blinking is called (a) 10. Pepper as a farm produce can be packaged using
blinking point (b) cursor (c) insertion point (a) bottles (b) crates (c) cartons (d) calabash (e) baskets
32. Microsoft Word is an example of ______ software (a) 11. Tins/cans are used to package processed agricultural produce like
application (b) utility (c) system (a) Eggs (b) tomatoes (c) potatoes (d) vegetables (e) yam tubers
12. Packaging helps (a) product loss (b)microbial growth (c)proper
Write the keyboard shortcut for the following tasks in Microsoft identification (d)proper misplacement of products (e)insect
Word. infestation
33. To paste a text, press _____keys on the keyboard . 13. Which of the following are processed farm products from cassava
34. To copy selected text, press _______keys on the keyboard and maize? (a) rice, beans (b) garri, Pap (c)yam, wheat (d)
35. To underline a text, press ___________ keys on the keyboard golden morn, baked beans (e) flour, wheat
36. To bold a text, press _________keys on the keyboard. 14. The planning or thinking in advance on how food will be eaten to
37. To cut selected text, press _________keys on the keyboard. get a balanced diet is called
(a) appetizer (b)meal planning (c) lunch (d) breakfast (e) super
Give three examples of word-processing packages 15. What are the three main meals of a day?
38. i. ________________________________ (a)lunch, buffet, supper (b)breakfast, early, supper (c)breakfast,
39. ii.________________________________ lunch, dinner (d)appetizer, dessert, dinner (e) morning food,
40. iii._________________________________ afternoon food, night food
16. Meals eaten in the morning are called
(a) lunch (b)supper (c)breakfast (d)dessert (e)brunch
17. One of the following is first served at meals to raise the appetite
(a)appetizers (b) desserts (c) lunch (d)menu (e) supper
18. Which of the following are taken after meals to aid digestion?
(a)menu (b)appetizers (c)desserts (d) breakfast (e)brunch
19. The sewing lines made by stitching to join materials are called (a)
needlework (b)stitches (c)thread (d)seam (e) thread line
20. Which of the following is a type of seam? (a) fallen seam (b) run
and fell (c) knotted seam (d) spiral seam (e) Togo seam
21. A meal that contains all the food nutrients for nourishment and
the growth of the body is called (a) good food (b) nourishment (c)
balanced combination (d) balanced diet (e) packaged food
22. What class of food is contained majorly in cassava, rice, corn, and
yam? (a)fat and oil (b) protein (cc vitamin (d) carbohydrate (e)
mineral salt
23. An afternoon meal is called
HANDS TO HOLD ACADEMY (a) break (b) supper (c) lunch (d) brunch (e) dinner
24. The following are the types of seams except for
(a) pull and tight seam (b) plain /open seam (c) run and fell seam
(d) French seam (e) print seam
25. The process of passing a threaded needle in and out of two pieces
Instruction: Answer all of cloth in order to make a design is called (a) sewing (b)
SUBJECT: PREVOCATIONAL STUDIES stitching (c) seaming (d) needlework (e) French seam
1. Which of the packaging items should be used to keep small yam
tubers? (a) basket (b) cotton (c) cellophane (d) creates (e) bottles SECTION B
2. All of the following are reasons for packaging except 26. State two farm produce packaged using can
(a) farming, clearing, cultivating (b) for beautification of farm _____________________________________________________
produce (c) to make farm produce appealing to buyers (d) to _____________________________________________________
reduce loss (e) to protect produce from microbacteria __________________________________________________
3. What method of packaging involves the use of bottles? 27. State the six (6) classes of food.
(a) canning (b) bagging (c) use of crates (d) baskets (e) bottling
4. Which of the following is not a packaging item?
_____________________________________________________ 3. One of the following is a value that promotes peace
_____________________________________________________ (a) Corruption (b) nepotism (c) greed (d) humility (e) backbiting
__________________________________________________ 4. All these are characteristics of tolerance except (a) accepting
28. _____________________________________________________ others as they are (b) forgiveness (c) respect for one another (d)
_____________________________________________________ love (e) tribalism
__________________ are the three types of seams 5. Principles strongly held by Nigerians that have been embedded in
29. Vegetables are a good source of _________________________ our system are known as (a) national unity (b) national things (c)
national values (d) principles (e) traditional values
30. What is transplanting? _________________________________ 6. The act of working together towards a shared aim is known as
(a) greed (b) sharing (c) team player (d) cooperation (e)indiscipline
_______________________________________________________ 7. “To err is human, to forgive is divine” Who made this statement?
31. When is transplanting best done? (a) Nnamdi Azikiwe (b) Alexander Pope (c) Pittacus (d) Obafemi
_________________________________________________ Awolowo (e) Herbert Macaulay
32. What are tuber crops? ________________________ 8. The spread of information, ideas, goods, and services around the
_____________________________________________________ world is called (a) transportation (b) information (c) globalization
_____________________________________________________ (d) technology (e) messages
________________________________________________ 9. Which of the following is an influence of external culture on our
33. Give the first 2 steps involved in planting tuber crops cultures? (a) farming (b) shrine worship (c)use of English dresses
a. _________________________________________________ (d) traditional religion (e) polygamy
b. _________________________________________________ 10. A ______ is a relationship that will not put both the boy and the
34. Define Menstrual Hygiene. _____________________________ girl in health and social problems both now and in the future.
________________________________________________________ (a) friendship (b) courtship (c) healthy boy/girl relationship (d)
______________________________________________________ carefulness (e)health insurance
35. Define Home Accident. ________________________________ 11. STDs means (a) stomach tract disease (b) sexually transmitted
________________________________________________________ diseases (c) transmitted sexual diseases (d) (e) sexual diseases
______________________________________________________ 12. One of the following is the danger of an unhealthy boy/girl
36. Mention 2 changes each in males and females during puberty: relationship.
Male: I. _______________________________________________ (a) hip enlargement (b) unwanted pregnancy (c) strong bones(d)
development of pubic hairs (e) body transformation
Male: II. _______________________________________________ 13. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of an unhealthy
Female: I. _______________________________________________ boy/girl relationship?
(a) marriage (b) unwanted pregnancy (c) contacting sexually
Female: II. ______________________________________________ transmitted diseases (d) health damage (e) dropping out of school
37. Define Food Preservation. ______________________________ 14. Which of the following is a way of promoting our culture?
________________________________________________________ (a) cultural festivals (b) refusing to speak our language (c)
______________________________________________________ destruction of cultural artifacts (d) removal of cultural day from
38. Give 2 reasons for Preserving food: schools (e) ban of cultural festivals
I. __________________________________________________ 15. The relationship that involves getting to know each other properly
II. _________________________________________________ before marriage is called (a) friendship (b) couple’s timeout (c)
marriage (d) unhealthy relationship (e) courtship
39. List 2 ways to maintain safety in the home: 16. When a man has never been married in his entire life, he is
I. ______________________________________________________ referred to as a
II. _____________________________________________________ (a) little boy (b) spinster (c) bachelor (d) husband (e) flirt
40. What is Puberty? 17. The buying and selling in the market to get money is known as
_____________________________________________________ (a) trade by Bata (b) marketing (c) buying (d) export (e) import
_____________________________________________________ 18. Which of the following is a way of managing finance?
__________________________________________________ (a) saving money in Calabash (b) saving money on the ground
(c) keeping money in financial institutions (d) keeping money in
warehouses (e) trusting one man with our money.
19. A site of attraction where tourists go for pleasure, relaxation, and
entertainment is called
HANDS TO HOLD ACADEMY (a) museum(b) tourist site (c) bar (d) hotels (e) sports center
YEAR: 202__/2__ TERM: SECOND CLASS: BASIC 5 & 6 20. A person who engages in prostitution is referred to as (a) illegal
work (b) malpractice (c) forgery (d) duplicate (e) impersonation
21. A crime of faking documents to deceive people is referred to as
NAME: _____________________________________________
(a) pimp (b) madam (c) prostitute (d) rapist (e) wanderer
Instruction: Answer all
22. Food fraud has to do with (a) selling of fake drugs (b) selling of
SUBJECT: NATIONAL VALUES EDUCATION unwholesome or bad food (c) selling of fake documents (d)
selling the best food in the market (e) throwing away expired food
1. The moral principles, beliefs, and accepted standards of a person products
or social group are known as 23. One of the following is a way of engaging in food fraud
(a) respect (b) Value (c) beliefs (d) Values (e) culture (a) proper packaging (b) changing expiry dates if expired food
2. The willingness to accept the opinions, beliefs, and customs of (c) registering under NAFDAC (d) the use of SON (e) placing
others even if you do not agree with them is called (a) Values (b) manufacturing date
tolerance (c) cooperation (d) likeness (e) agreement
24. A person who causes trouble or violence in the community is
referred to as (a) street security (b) cultist (c) street fighter (d) 1. Simplify √ 25 × √ 144 (a) 17 (b) 48 (c) 60 (d) 300 (e) 720
trouble maker (e) hooligan 2. Simplify 6 × (4 +4) + 7 × (20 ÷ 5) (a) 1224 (b) 96 (c) 124 (d) 16
25. A crime of sexual assault with a person who does not want to use (e) 28
force and intimidation is referred to a
3. Using BODMAS, solve 2.5 + 12.6 × (1.9 – 1.0 ) (a) 13.59 (b)
(a)rapist (b) malpractice (c) forgery (d) rape (e) prostitution
12.3 (c) 23.45(d) 13.09 (e) 0.9
26. One of the following is not a way of managing our tourist
area/site (a) employing manual security (b) use of cameras as auto 4. Express 30 as a product of its prime factors (a) 2 ×2 × 5 (b) 2
security (c) allowing tourists to walk around anyhow and steal (d) ×3 × 5 (c) 2 ×2 × 3×5 (d) 2×3 × 3×5 (e) 2 × 3×3 × 5
use of tourist guides (e) placing directions in major zones 5. Simplify 30k to 90k as a ratio in its lowest term (a) 1k:2k (b)
3k:2k (c) 5k:15k (d) 1k:3k (e) 4k:3k
SECTION B 6. Find the percentage decrease from 500 to 400 (a) 17% (b) 48%
27. The two basic religions brought as a result of external influence in (c) 20% (d) 300% (e) 70%
Nigeria are_________________________ 18 8
28. A woman who has never been married in her entire life is called a 7. Change 72% to a fraction in its lowest term (a) (b) (c)
25 25
29. The crime that involves stealing from a person or people is known
18 1
(d) 4 (e)
as _________________________________________________ 5 2
30. A person who commits the crime of rape is referred to as a______ 1
31. Define Civic value. _____________________________________________ 8. Convert to percentage (a) 20% (b) 50% (c) 70% (d) 60% (e)
________________________________________________________ 100%
9. Express 2000 k in Naira (a) ₦ 20 (b)
32. Define nation. ________________________________________
________________________________________________________ ₦ 50 ( c ) ₦ 100 ( d ) ₦ 30 ( e ) ₦ 200
________________________________________________________ 10. The currency of Ghana is (a) Naira / Kobo (b) Cedis / Pesewas (c)
33. What is ethnicity? _____________________________________ Rand/ Cents (d) Dollar/ Cents (e) Pound/ Pence
________________________________________________________ 11. Convert 5minutes to seconds (a) 600sec (b) 300sec (c) 50sec (d)
________________________________________________________ 180sec (e) 120sec
34. What is constituted authority? ____________________________ 12. How many hours make up a full day (a) 12hrs (b) 48hrs (b) 24hrs
________________________________________________________ (d) 60hrs (e) 6hrs
________________________________________________________ 13. The periodic measurement of the interval between two
35. List 2 duties of citizens to constituted authority. measurements in the course of nature is referred to as ____ (a)
I. __________________________ II. second (b) moment (c) time (d) interval (e) measurement
___________________________ 14. Write 3:20pm as a time in the 24hrs clock (a) 12:20pm (b)
36. Mention 4 attributes of cooperation: 15:20pm (c) 22:15pm (d) 20:03pm (e) 11:00pm
I. ________________________ II. ________________________ 15. A meeting began by 10:30am and ended at 4:30pm. How long did
III. ________________________ IV. ________________________ the meeting last? (a) 5hrs (b) 6hrs (c)4hrs (d)10hrs (e) 3hrs
16. Find the area of a rectangle whose length is 9cm and breadth is
37. Define international conflicts. ________________________ 5cm (a) 5 cm2 ( b ) 50 cm2 ( c ) 45 cm2 ( d ) 1 0 cm2 ( e ) 40 cm2
________________________________________________________ 17.
38. List 2 areas in which gender discrimination occurs: X 5cm what is the value of x
___ 3cm
II. (a) 2cm (b) 4cm (c) 7cm (d) 8cm (e)16cm
________________________________________________________ 18. The longest side of a triangle is known as (a) adjacent (b)
__ diagonal (c) hypotenuse (d) opposite (e)right angle
19. Find the perimeter of a triangle with sides 5cm, 7cm and 9cm (a)
39. Mention 2 telecommunication systems in Nigeria: 12cm (b) 14cm (c) 16cm (d) 21cm (e) 23cm
I. ______________________________ II. 20. A fraction whose denominator is always 100 is called (a) ratio (b)
__________________________ percentage (c) proportion (d) decimal (e) none
40. Define Labour force 21. Solve + 11 = 30
______________________________________ 22. If the area of a square is 36 cm 2 , find the perimeter of the square
(a) 36cm (b) 24cm (c) 12cm (d) 6cm (e) 4cm
________________________________________________________ 23. If n2 – 2 = 623, find the value of n (a) 20 (b) 15 (c) 5 (d) 25 (e)
HANDS TO HOLD ACADEMY 24. Find the H.C.F of 75 and 100 (a) 15 (b) 25 (c) 20 (d) 10 (e)5
YEAR: 202__/2__ TERM: SECOND CLASS: BASIC 5 & 6 25. How many months having 31 days lie between the fourth and
DURATION: 2 HOURS eleventh months of the year? (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) 2
NAME: _________________________________________
Instruction: Answer all
SECTION B: SUBJECTIVE _______________________________________________
26. The amount of space that a shape or an object occupies is referred _______________________________________________
to as _______________________
27. Write 6784g in kilogram (kg)
28. If 15 packets of sweets weigh 1800g, what is the weight of 1 _______________________________________________
packet of sweet? ________
29. Find the value of¿ ¿2
30. The powers to which specific numbers are raised is defined as
5. Convert 11 L to millilitres =
6. How many 4 L gallons are needed to fill a tank holding 112 L?
7. Calculate the volume of a sphere with radius 7cm.
8. The radius of the base of a cylinder is 6cm and the height of the
cylinder is 20cm. Calculate the:
I. area of the base of the cylinder.
II. volume of the cylinder.