V Hemu 29211
V Hemu 29211
V Hemu 29211
Neyveli Units 23
Corporate Office 07
Barsingsar Project 03
NTPL /Tuticorin 06
NUPPL, Kanpur 05
Regional Office / Chennai 02
Regiona[ 0ffice / Chennai - Commercial 02
Regional 0ffice / New Dethi 02
Tatabira Project 04
South Pachwara - Dumka
3.2.2.The Upper age timit is retaxable by l0 years for PWDs (13 years for PWDs betonging to OBC-NCL
& 15 years for PWDs betonging to SC/ST categories). For Ex-servicemen, the upper age timit is
retaxable as per Govt. of lndia rutes. at[ the cases of relaxation maximum age [imit is 58 years as on the crucial date.
3.2.4. Retaxation in Upper age limit to SC I St 1 0BC(NCL) Candidates is not applicabte for
consideration against unreserved posts.
Selection of candidates wit[ be based on percentage of marks scored by them in ]ntermediate examination
of CA/CMA, as the case may be.
5.1. Reservation and relaxations for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/EWS/PwBD (degree of disabitity 40%
& above) & Ex-serviceman candidates witl be as per Government of lndia guidetines.
5.2. Category (EWS/SC/STIOBCI PwtsD /Ex-servicemen) once fitted in the ontine application form wi[[ not
be chahged and no benefit of other category witt be admissible later on.
5.3. Candidates claiming to betong to any particular category shat[ necessarity furnish a vatid EWS /
/ /
.0BC(l.lCL) l'SC ST / Disatltity Ex-acrl'ice;nen cer.tiflcalc, es.the cess nnsy be, issu:d hrr lha
Competent Authority.
5.4. The EWS/ OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates are required to submit requisite certificate in the
latest prescribed format of Government of lndia, issued in the current Financial Year.
5.5. ln case sufficient numbers of candidates are not avaitabte to fitt up training stots reserved to any of
the reserved categories (OBC-NCL / SC I ST IEWS categories), unfilted training stots may be fitted
up with the candidates betonging to unreserved category or other reserved categories Ohis norm is
proposed in order to ensure effective utilization of att the training stots).
6.1. lnterested candidates meeting the above requirements may appty 0NLINE and uptoad
scanned copy of foltowing certificates in NLCIL Ontine apptication portal in career page of
NLCIL website (www.nlcindia.in):-
5.1.1. Recent passport size Colour photograph, taken after 01/09 /2022.
Copy of Community Certificate (appticabte to
PDF or JPG 250 KB
SC/ST/EWS/0BC -NCL Categories onty)
7.1. Candidates shoutd have registered their narnes in lnstitute of Chertered Accouniants of lndia or
lnstitute of Cost Accountants of tndia.
7.2. Candidates shoutd not have undergone any similar training elsewhere.
7.3. Comptetion of training does not entitle the trainees any right for temporary or permanent job in NLC
lndia Limited.
?.4. Candidates are informed that apptying for engagement as lT (Finance) shatt not give them any right
to be engaged as trainee in the company.
7.5. Besides payment of stipend, the trainees witt be provided residentiat accommodation (unfurnished)
on sharing basis at nominal rent, subject to avaitabitity.
?.6. Everything being equat, preference witt be given to the Project affected Persons (PAPs) of NLCIL.
7.7. Onty lndian Nationats are etigibte to appty.
7.8. Candidates can contact the Hetptine No.04142-255135 between 10:00 Hours and 17.30 Hours on att
working days. Candidates are hereby advised not to contact telephone numbers of any other officiats
/ divisions and avoid disturbing others.
7.9. The appointment of selected candidates wi[[ be subject to being found Medicatty Fit as per the
prescribed heatth standards of NLCIL and they witt be required to produce a Medicat Fitness
Certificate from a Government Registered MedicaI Practitioner at the time of Certificate verification.
7.l0.Candidature of a registered candidate is tiabte to be rejected at any stage of selection process or
after selection or on joining of training, if any information provided by the candidate is fatse or if not
found to be in conformity with etigibitity criteria mentioned in the advertisement, the Candidate's
training will be terminated.
7.11. Selected candidates witl be engaged for a period of one-year training in a phased manner based on
the vacancies arising in the Company.
7.12.Any [ega[ proceedings in respect of any matter of ctaim or dispute arising out of this advertisement
and / or an application in response thereto can be instituted onty in Chennai and the Courts /Tribunats
/ Forums (Jurisdiction Courts) at Chennai shall have sote and exctusive jurisdiction.
0NLINE Registration Starting Time & Date : 10:00 hours on 0l-04-2023
0NLINE Registration Ctosing Time & Date : 17:00 hours on22-04-2023
REGD. 0FFICE: NLC lndia Limited, No.135, EVR Periyar High Road, Kitpauk, Chennai- 600010
C0RPORATE 0FFICE: Btock-l, Neyveti-607 801, Cuddatore District, Tamil Nadu Website:
www.ntcindia.in / emait: ontine.recruitment@nlcindia.in / Phone: 04142-255135.