Cet305 Geotechnical Engineering-Ii, December 2023
Cet305 Geotechnical Engineering-Ii, December 2023
Cet305 Geotechnical Engineering-Ii, December 2023
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(Answer all questions; eoch question corries 3 marks) Marks
I' Explain the term earth pressure at rest along with a practical example J
2 Excavation was being carried out for a foundation in a plastic clay with a unit 3
weight of 22.5 kN/m3. Failure occurred when a depth of 8.lm was reached. What
is the value of cohesion if the angle of internal friction is 0o.
3 Explain any 6 factors affecting bearing capacity of soil 3
Determine the net ultimate bearing capacity using Skempton's equation. The soil
is clay with a cohesion of l0 kN/m2.
5 Outline the maximum and differential settlements as per Indian standards. 3
(Answer onefull questionfrom each tfridute, each question carries 14 marks)
Module -1
I I a) List out any 4 factors affecting the selection of foundation. 4
b) A retaining wall of l0 m height has sandy backfill with voids ratio of 0.65, angle l0
"of internal friction of 30o and a specific gravity of 2.65. The water table is at a
depth of 3m from the ground surface. Determine the magnitude and point of
application oftotal active earth pressure.
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12 a) What are shallow foundations? Explain any 3 types of shallow foundations with
neat sketches I
b) A retaining wall 8m high with a smooth vertical back retains a clay backfill with
angle of intemal friction of 15", cohesion of 15 kN/m2 and unit weight of
l8 kN/m3. Calculate the total active thrust on the wall assuming that tension cracks
may develop to full theoretical depth.
Module -2
13 a) Explain the following terms using suitable diagrams:
i) General shear failure
iD Local shear failure
iiD Punching shear failure
b) Compute the safe bearing capacity of a continuous footing 1.8 m wide and located
at a depth of 1.2 m below the ground level in a soil with unit weight of 20 kN/m3,
cohesion of 20 kN/m2. Assume factor of safety as2.5.What is the permissible load
per metre run of the footing? Take Nc : 17.7, Nq : 7.4 and N7: 5.
14 a) Compute the safe bearing capacity of a square footing l.5m side located at a depth
of I m below the ground level in a cohesionless soil of density 20 kN/m3. Assume
a factor of safety of 3 and that water table is at a great depth. Also compute the
reduction in safe bearing capacity of footing if water table rises to ground level.
Take Nc : 17.7, Nq : 7.4 and Ny: 5.
b) A strip footing l.5m wide with its base at a depth of I m is resting on dry sand
stratum. Take unit weight as l7 kN/m3, saturated unit weight as 20 kN/m3,
cohesion = 0, Nq : 65.34 and Ny = 77.2. Determine the ultimate bearing capacity
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and 50 cm sides respectively. Columns are 6m apart and safe bearing capacity
of the soil is 200 kN/m2. The bigger column carries a load of 2000 kl.{ and smaller
column carries a load of 1500 kN. Design a suitable size of the footing so that it
does not extend bevond the face of the columns.
Module -4
t7 a) Explain using suitable sketches, any 3 methods to rectiff tilts during installation
of a well foundation.
b) Explain the test setup of IS pile load test using a neat diagram. Also explain its
18 a) Explain negative skin friction and its cause. How can it be eliminated? 4
b) Explain the static method for determining the load carrying capaclty of driven piles l0
in sand. Determine the ultimate bearing capacity of soil along the length of a
concrete pile of diameter 45 cm driven into sand of loose to medium density to a
depth of 15 m. Take Nq : 16.5. Assume the water table at a great depth. The
following are the properties:
Average unit weight of soil is 17.5 kt,l/m2, angle of internal friction of 30', lateral
earth pressure coefficient of 1.5.
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