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From "anytime, anyplace" for "any-one" to "anytime,

INTERNET OF anyplace" for "any-thing," the connectedness is

THINGS The focus now lies on Internet of Things (IoT) related

technologies, as these are widely regarded as one of
Keshav S Kulkarni [4AD21CD023] the future's most promising tactics and one of the
Kruthika R [4AD21CD024] most significant infrastructures for their development.
M G Chaitra [4AD21CD025] The primary goal is to facilitate communication and
Maanya P [4AD21CD26] integration between the online and offline worlds.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is regarded as the
ABSTRACT cornerstone of the future Internet and is anticipated
The Information and Communications Technology to facilitate sophisticated communications and
(ICT) heavily influences our day-to-day actions. It has intelligent operations of gadgets, smart items,
become a crucial component of our daily systems, and services. It is true that there has been a
infrastructure, promoting the integration of various new revolution in communication technology,
devices in diverse fields. From personal computing meaning that everything will have a unique
and surveillance to smart homes, entertainment, identification so that it can be addressed, from tires
transportation, and video streaming, the applications to hairbrushes. The Internet of Things has not yet
are expansive. The Internet, as a vital living entity, is been precisely or widely defined. "Based on the
continuously adapting and evolving, paving the way for traditional information carriers, including the
new technologies, applications, protocols, and Internet," is how defines it. Internet of Things (IoT) is
algorithms. With wireless communication trends a network that connects common physical things with
rapidly advancing, innovation in Internet connectivity unique addresses to enable intelligent services, similar
and mobile broadband is continually growing. Devices to a telecommunication network. The definition of
that operate without infrastructure have become the Internet of Things (IoT) was proposed by the
commonplace, smarter, more potent, connectable, author in. It is based on standard communication
smaller, less expensive, and simpler to set up and protocols and refers to a global network of
install. networked devices that are uniquely reachable. The
term "Internet" is derived from the words "things"
INTRODUCTION and "Internet."
Without the Internet, how would the world be? It is But the real power of IoT lies in its capacity to link a
hard to fathom a situation like this that we have wide range of heterogeneous devices, such as
never witnessed. The Internet is becoming a more commonplace items, embedded smart sensors,
and bigger part of everyone's life these days, both context-aware calculations, conventional computing
personally and professionally. We work with a variety networks, and smart objects with varying sizes,
of gadgets on a daily basis, including smart-phones, designs, systems, protocols, and levels of intelligence
sensors, mobile computers, and other smart objects. and application. These entities possess the ability to
New ICT and enterprise systems technologies are interact and operate together to gather, produce,
greatly impacted by these and other IoT-related handle, and share data via management systems and
technologies. It was first referred to as the "Internet applications housed on data centers or network
of Computers"; this name was then altered to the clouds.
"Internet of People"; more recently, as ICT has
advanced quickly, it has come to be known as the VISION AND CONCEPT
"Internet of Things." Various gadgets and smart The number of Internet-connected objects will
objects are included into the Internet of Things (IoT) surpass the number of people in the near future. Our
to broaden its reach and make it more accessible. surroundings' objects will all be connected to the

Internet in one way or another. A vision beyond the security, remote monitoring & controlling, chain
confines of existing networks would be possible supplying, and asset tracking are examples. End-user
thanks to the integration of the physical and ICT also benefits from this technology in many
worlds. People exchanging information or gaining applications such as wearable objects, home
access to it will not constitute the communication. It automation and smart cars. Three technology
will involve machines interacting with other machines elements work together to increase the significance
on behalf of human beings. Many communication of M2M: (i) the growth of domestic and commercial
devices and technologies, including cell phones (GSM machinery appliances integrated with potent yet
to HSDPA), satellite, Ethernet, WiFi, WiMAX, affordable CPU units, (ii) the Internet's incorporation
Bluetooth, ZigBee, and so on, would integrate with as a standardized distribution network, and (iii) the
M2M capabilities and become a part of the Internet of falling cost of wireless technologies. These days, a
Things greater range of heterogeneous devices and smart
things may be accommodated by the Internet of
Transition from M2M to IOT- Things (IoT), which is built on IP-based networks. It
The phrase "machine to machine" (M2M) can also handle and analyze massive amounts of data
encompasses a wide range of technologies that enable transferred while maintaining a scalable and smooth
electrical or mechanical equipment to establish communication.
connections with one another and freely automate
measurement and data transfer over wireless Table 1: IoT Units Installed Base by Category.
networks. A little hardware module embedded in a Source: Gartner Inc.
major, larger device—like a sensor, monitoring
system, car, air conditioner, security camera, or alarm
system—is the essential part of machine-to-machine
(M2M) communication. These devices typically need
to connect with other devices in the network. In
actuality, there aren't many differences between this
little module and the transceiver or communication
radio circuits found in smart-phones and other smart
devices. The distinction is that an M2M device does
not need these objects' display, camera, or other The IoT industry is expected to be worth over
capability. It can carry out the communication and 1trillion by 2024 (Global Data). Alongside IoT
data sharing procedure without human intervention investment, IoT revenue is expected to grow year-
or manual help. over-year between 2019 and 2030. The IoT market is
M2M and IoT are generally comparable. M2M has a currently worth approximately $800 billion. It is
more industrial meaning, although IoT is more widely expected to grow to almost $1.1 trillion at a CAGR
used in the consumer market. The two acronyms of 13% in 2024.
refer to the same paradigm and are interchangeable in
the larger context of ICT. However, the M2M
The five key tiers that comprise the IoT architecture
technology has been growing significantly and affects
define every feature of an IoT system. These layers
every aspect of our life. Different industrial and
are the application layer, middleware layer,
business domains such as computer, food,
perception layer, network layer, and business layer.
agricultural, electrical, mining, oil and gas, extremely
The IoT architecture comprises a perception layer at
make use of the M2M communications in several
the base that is made up of physical devices such as
applications. Machine maintenance, measuring,
barcodes, RFID chips, and sensors and more tangible

items linked to an Internet of things network.

Information is gathered by these devices and then
sent to the network layer. The information from the
perception layer is transmitted to the information
processing system via the network layer. This
information transmission can occur by any wired or
wireless medium, including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G/4G,
and others. The middleware layer is the next level
layer. This layer's primary responsibility is to process
data from the network layer and make judgments
using the output of ubiquitous computing. Next, the Fig-1 A generic function module of IoT system.
application layer uses this processed data for
worldwide gadget administration. A business layer sits
atop the architecture and is responsible for managing
the apps, services, and IoT system as a whole. The
application layer's data and statistics are visualized by
the business layer, which then uses this information
to develop future objectives and tactics. Moreover,
IoT architectures can be changed based on the
requirements and application domain.
There are a few key functional blocks in charge of
processing, audio/video monitoring, storage
management, connectivity problems, and I/O
activities. When combined, these functional blocks
create an effective Internet of Things system, which is
Fig.-2 Working structure of IoT.
necessary for peak performance. Despite the fact that
various reference architectures have been put out Scalability, modularity, interoperability and openness
Despite the technical specifications, these remain far are the key design issues for an efficient IoT
from the industry standard architecture that is architecture in a heterogeneous environment. The
appropriate for the global Internet of things. IoT architecture must be designed with an objective
Therefore, in order to meet the demands of the to fulfill the requirements of cross domain
Internet of Things worldwide, an appropriate interactions, multisystem integration with the
architecture still needs to be built. The figure- potential of simple and scalable management
1depicts the general functioning structure of an IoT functionalities, big data analytics and storage, and user
system. It illustrates how the Internet of Things friendly applications. Also, the architecture should be
depends on specific application factors. IoT gateways able to scale-up the functionality and add some
are crucial to IoT communication because they enable intelligence and automation among the IoT devices in
connectivity between IoT servers and devices for a the system.
variety of applications.
Numerous real-world services and applications,
including digital healthcare, remote health monitoring,
smart cities, intelligent transportation, home
automation, smart agriculture, and industrial
automation, are examples of IoT. Multiple sensors are

activated in every application area to autonomously predict the stakeholder’s future actions and interact
collect data, provide information, and start and run accordingly. Home automation systems use image
services with the least amount of human involvement. detection and facial recognition models that are
embedded in an intelligent control system connected
Improving life quality is the primary goal of
to different sensors such as light sensors, motion
incorporating IoT technology into practical sensors, water leak sensors, smoke sensors, and
applications. For instance, IoT applications are utilized CCTV cameras. These devices communicate with
in the smart city services domain to improve smart each other through a gateway that is distributed
energy utilization, increase city safety, and facilitate throughout a home area network. The home control
efficient mobility. However, IoT technology has made system will connect different subsystems that
remote medical monitoring systems available in the cooperate in modeling the stakeholder’s actions and
the environment’s information such as temperature,
healthcare industry, giving doctors more authority.
humidity, noise, visibility, and light intensity to
On the other hand, IoT technology has introduced enhance the learning process. For example, lights and
remote medical monitoring systems in the healthcare AC temperature can be controlled and automated to
domain which empower physicians to provide adapt to the stakeholders’ needs and their
superior care to patients. movements in the home environment. This would
conserve energy while also effectively monitoring
1. Smart City- energy consumption. Research on home automation
IoT technology assists cities to enhance mobility is not restricted to energy optimization; it involves
services, improve public safety, and control and health monitoring and security measures. By using
automate household systems. Intelligent innovative IoT technologies, we can connect to
transportation, for example, focuses on solutions that surveillance cameras in the home environment via a
manage road infrastructure and improve route mobile device.
planning for drivers. Furthermore, it provides
innovative solutions to monitor and manage traffic 4. Industrial Sectors-
systems using smart traffic signals and sensors, Industrial IoT leverages IoT capabilities in business
throughout the road network to smooth the traffic and economic sectors to automate previously
flow and reduce congestion. The concept of smart complex manual operations in order to satisfy
city services is not restricted to transportation, but consumer needs and reduce production costs.
also involves other aspects of human life, such as Warehouse operations, logistical services, supply
public safety, green and clean environment, smart chain management, and agricultural breeding can have
grid, efficient delivery of municipal services and machine-to-machine (M2M) intercommunication to
connecting the physical infrastructure to the digital ensure optimal industrial operations. This smart
world. In the following we shed the light on some of agriculture system monitors and analyzes the
these aspects. environmental parameters using soil moisture and
harvesting sensors such as ZigBee, EnOcean, Z-wave
2. Home Automation- and ANT. These sensors are automated to diagnose
Home automation and control systems are essential the status of a plant and gather this data through an
components of smart cities and have played a IoT platform to take the proper action such as when
significant part in the advancement of our home to irrigate in consultation with a weather forecasting
environments. They have several applications for service available in the Cloud; thus ensuring the
different usage at home, such as entertainment and efficient use of water resources.
smart living, surveillance, and safety management
Home automation is described as a standard home 5. Healthcare-
environment equipped with IoT technological IoT sensors and devices shifted the landscape of
infrastructure to provide a safe and comfortable portable and wearable medical devices from fitness
lifestyle. Home automation is based on an intelligent, and wellness devices to medical-grade devices
self-adaptive system that analyzes and evaluates qualified for usage at hospitals and healthcare
stakeholder behaviors and has the capability to providers. This shift accelerated the integration of

remote patient monitoring in hospitals to chain optimization at Procter & Gamble. Nearly after
accommodate patients with chronic diseases. 2 decades, the goals of using IoT applications and
Therefore, numerous efforts have been conducted to their expectations are on the rise, demanding
advance remote patient monitoring (RPM) systems proactive and active decisions made on sensor data
with the help of well-established IoT infrastructures collected in real-time. Accordingly, data analytics
and standards in the healthcare domain. The RPM permits various applications to focus on performing
systems are expected to match or exceed the real-time diagnoses, predictive maintenance,
performance of the existing monitoring and automated decision-making, and theoretically
examinations administered at hospitals and healthcare improving the productivity and efficiency of the
facilities. For example, continuous heart rate intended applications. Meanwhile, modern stream
monitoring and immediate heartbeat detection processing engines (e.g., Apache Kafka and Apache
necessitate patients to be hospitalized and/or Pulsar) come with built-in APIs ready for data
connected to a Holter monitor or similar devices for analytics integrations.. Moreover, most cloud services
long-term cardiac diagnosis. However, this setup provide ready-made end-to-end event processing and
would hinder patient mobility due to the limitations real-time data analytics tools (i.e., Google DataFlow).
of the existing devices in terms of size and the
number of attached wires. Moreover, hospitals
dedicate significant resources to providing long-term
cardiac monitoring that, in some cases, is unavailable,
especially in low or middle-income countries.
Therefore, RPM systems effectively reduce death
from chronic diseases (e.g., heart diseases, diabetes).
IoT platforms and devices significantly accelerated the
development and integration of RPM systems into
existing healthcare infrastructures. To that extent, a
typical RPM implementation constitutes various
services but is not limited to data acquisition,
tracking, communication, automated analysis,
diagnoses, and notification systems.
Fig-3 IoT Application Domains - Description and
6. Sensor Data Analytics- Examples.
In recent years, the IoT domain has witnessed
increasing interest by the research community and
rising demands from the industrial sector to embed CONCLUSION
real-time data analytics tools into the core of IoT The IoT is a cyber-physical system that integrates
standards. While the real value proposition of IoT is billions of heterogeneous devices and smart objects.
shifting from providing passive data monitoring and These things are enabled by various technologies such
acquisition services to autonomous IoT applications as identification, embedded sensors, intelligent
with real-time decision-making services. management, protocols, data storage/processing
Consequently, real-time data analytics is no longer an /analytics, etc. A wide range of IoT applications have
add-on service and has become integral to any IoT been adopted and deployed in the last few years. In
application rollout. For example, remote patient this paper, an overview study of the Internet of
monitoring (RPM) and real-time data analytics have Things is presented introducing the vision, concepts,
significantly contributed to enhancing ECG features and the promise future. Brief discussions of
monitoring and enabling healthcare providers to gain the main technologies, the newly developed
24/7 access to their patients remotely, especially for protocols, and the most common applications of the
patients with coronary diseases. However, sensor IoT are provided. The research directions/future
data acquisition and collections are mapped as the challenges are listed for more efforts in the near
foundation of IoT. The main goals of IoT application future. The report emphasizes the importance of the
at the early stages were to collect and monitor power-efficiency and time-synchronization as future
significant information regarding specific applications trends that, we believe, need a significant focus and
as initially proposed in 1999 while developing supply more investigations. The major contribution of this

paper is that it brings the main aspects of the IoT and

its relevance together in one paper, presented in a
straightforward manner. It is believed, the IoT will
continue to grow as a disruptive technology that
changed the world and it will never be the same
again. There is a continuously increasing reliance on
IoT technology in different sectors of our life for its
convenience and innovative applications stemming out
of it. Individuals and enterprises started to gain
confidence in the technology and overlook or ignore
the downsides of its security and privacy aspects.
However, we also believe that the emergence of Edge
computing in its different forms and shapes has
contributed to lower the adoption barriers of IoT
and increased interest in its technology and smart
services. We anticipate that in the next few years IoT
will continue to penetrate deeper in various sectors
and tape into more industrial and governmental

“The Internet of Things (IoT): An Overview”
Antar Shaddad Abdul-Qawy, Pramod P. J, E. Magesh,
T. Srinivasulu (KU College of Engineering and
Technology, Kakatiya University, Warangal, India)

“Internet of Things is a revolutionary approach for future

technology enhancement: a review”.
Sachin Kumar, Prayag Tiwari and Mikhail Zymbler.

“Revisiting the internet of things: New trends,

opportunities and grand challenges.”
Field Grand Challenge Article 2022.

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