Leave Policy Dpsa - 084428
Leave Policy Dpsa - 084428
Leave Policy Dpsa - 084428
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
DISPENSATION ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 4
OF ABSENCE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE ........................................................................................................... 9
1. GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
1. SCOPE........................................................................................................................................................... 12
2. AUTHORISATION ........................................................................................................................................... 12
3. PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
4. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 12
VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION) ................................................................................................... 15
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12. ANNUAL LEAVE WITH FULL PAY GRANTED IN EXCESS ............................................................................... 22
ANNEXURE A ......................................................................................................................................................... 40
LEAVE ENTITLEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 40
ANNEXURE B ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
COMPUTED EXAMPLES ..................................................................................................................................... 41
Calculating Annual Leave at Termination of Service ........................................................................................... 41
Calculating Annual Leave: Leave Payout of Unused Leave at the Expiry of the 6 Month Grace Period of a Leave Cycle
..................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Calculating Capped Leave ............................................................................................................................... 48
Calculating Over-Granted Annual Leave ........................................................................................................... 54
Calculating Unpaid Leave ................................................................................................................................ 56
ANNEXURE C ......................................................................................................................................................... 58
LIST OF THE RECOGNISED EMPLOYEE ORGANISATIONS ................................................................................. 58
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1.1. This Part provides transitional arrangements in respect of those changes effected to the
leave system that warrant special attention to facilitate proper/smooth implementation.
1.2. This Part must be read in conjunction with Part 4 of this document.
2.1.2. In order to allow a fair opportunity for the necessary planning and scheduling of
leave for employees concerned, the Minister for Public Service and Administration
made a determination that this provision be effected only with effect from the start
of the new leave cycle, i.e. 1 January 2004.
2.1.3. It is thus required that the relevant Departments of Education in collaboration with
the heads of these institutions and employees concerned do the necessary
planning and scheduling of leave, taking into account the principles of fairness and
equity stipulated in this Determination and Directive.
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arrangements shall apply in the interest of smooth and fair
ii. Registered and enrolled nurses and nursing assistants employed on or after 1
July 2007, qualify for the annual leave entitlement as indicated in category 4(c)
of Annexure A to this Determination and Directive.
A contract worker qualifies with effect from 1 July 2007, for pro rata leave benefits
related to his/her term of contract. Please refer to Part 4 of this Determination and
Directive. Since these changes were introduced in the middle of the 2007 annual
leave cycle and the 2007/09 sick leave cycle the following transitional
arrangements shall apply. :
(b) A contract worker appointed on or after 1 July 2007 qualifies for the
pro rata annual leave entitlement as determined in Part 4 of this
Determination and Directive.
(b) A contract worker appointed on or after 1 July 2007 qualifies for the
pro rata sick leave benefits as determined in Part 4 of this
Determination and Directive.
(b) A contract worker appointed on or after 1 July 2007 qualifies for the
pro rata paid maternity leave benefits as stipulated in Part 4 of this
Determination and Directive.
(b) A contract worker appointed on or after 1 July 2007 qualifies for the
pro rata paid adoption leave benefits as stipulated in Part 4 of this
Determination and Directive.
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1.1. The HR domain of the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) project is an
integral part of the overall IFMS initiative that is aimed at modernising the South African
Government’s current transversal IT systems. The transversal systems to be implemented
as part of the IFMS will, amongst others, support the following functional areas:
1.2. The IFMS covers the full life cycle of an employee within the organisation which includes:
1.2.2. the effective planning and sourcing of human resources and the management of
the employment relationship within the organisation which includes among others
Leave Management and Health and Safety Issues.
1.3. In addition, with the introduction of the IFMS, an employee self service system is
established which will allow employees and their supervisors to perform a number of on-
line human resource (HR) transactions such as applying for leave, viewing and updating
your personal details, etc. It is envisaged that HR management activities, including
decision-making, will be streamlined and enhanced by making relevant management
information readily available. This will improve efficiency by eliminating duplication and
reducing protracted and costly manual processes.
2.1.1. The work schedules of each individual employee must be implemented on the
IFMS to ensure that the employee receives the correct leave entitlements and that
the utilisation thereof is managed according to the correct rules and
circumstances. Work schedules would in this instance constitute employees
prescribed working hours and where applicable shift rosters. It is critical that
departments maintain the work schedules regularly to prevent situations where
employees are unduly deprived of leave benefits or granted leave benefits not due
to them.
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2.2.1. Employees having access to the Employee Self Service facility on the IFMS must
apply electronically for their leave. Supervisors/Managers/Heads of Department
and/or their delegates are required to recommend/not recommend and/or
approve/not approve these leave applications electronically. Where employees do
not have access to the Employee Self Service, they should apply on manual leave
application forms which the Minister for the Public Service and Administration will
determine from time to time. The latter arrangement will apply in respect of those
departments where the IFMS is not implemented.
2.2.2. An employee may be granted annual leave as part of a day or on a pro rata basis
as per paragraph 7 of Part 4 of this Determination and Directive. Employees
having access to the Employee Self Service facility may apply for leave for part of
a day or on a pro rata basis electronically, i.e. annual leave, normal sick leave,
family responsibility leave, pre-natal leave, shop stewards leave contemplated in
Part 4 of this Determination and Directive. Where employees do not have access
to the Employee Self Service facility in departments where the IFMS is
implemented, such employees should apply for such leave on the new Z1 (a) leave
form for capturing on the IFMS. Departments that are not on the IFMS should
continue to keep manual records in instances where the employee utilises leave
for part of a day or on a pro rata basis. No formal applications for such annual
leave were determined in the past. For purposes of proper administration and
management of annual leave utilised for part of a day or on a pro rata basis
employees should in future apply for such leave on the new Z1(a) leave form.
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1.1. Additional definitions were added, i.e. child, month and work day to assist with the
interpretation and application of this Determination and Directive.
2.1.1. Additional provisions were included to improve the effective and efficient
management of annual leave generally and in particular that of shift workers.
2.2.1. It has been agreed in PSCBC Res 1 of 2012 that as part of long service
recognition at attaining 10 years service an employee’s annual leave entitlement
increases from 26 to 30 working days in the leave cycle. Annexure A to this
Determination and Directive has been amended to this extent.
2.2.2. Employees appointed prior to 1 July 1966 and employees of the former Provincial
Administrations and Development Boards (excluding nursing staff) who were taken
over by the Public Service in 1986, 1987 and 1989 respectively and who
previously qualified for 38 days annual leave in terms of the Special PAS” were
entitled to 28 working days annual leave. In the light of the increase of the annual
leave entitlement to 30 working days, the paragraph that dealt with the annual
leave of employees who were taken over from the former Provincial
Administrations and Development Boards and this leave category in Annexure A
became superfluous and is thus deleted.
2.2.3. Employees who have completed 10 years service on a date prior to the signing of
PSCBC Res 1 of 2012 are also eligible to 30 working days as depicted in
Annexure A.
2.2.4. Since the annual leave entitlement is increased in the course of the 2012 annual
leave cycle, Departments are urged to review leave schedules with the aim of
ensuring that employees utilise their leave entitlement before the end of June 2013
(that is the end of the grace period for the 2012 leave cycle) and to avoid
unnecessary claims for leave payouts.
2.3.1. This Determination and Directive provides that if due to a bona fide error, an
employee had been granted annual leave with full pay in excess of that which
stood to his/her credit at that time; such over-grant must be deducted from the
subsequent leave cycle. In order for such a correction to be effected on PERSAL
and IFMS, the Head of Department must have certified that the error was bona
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fide in nature. A copy of this letter or submission must be presented with the
system change control for the correction of the error.
3.1.1. time frames included for supervisors to dispose of sick and incapacity leave
3.1.2. provisions in respect of the management of shift workers’ sick and incapacity
3.1.3. management of sick leave credits on transfer and change in employment status;
4.1. Part 4 of this Determination and Directive provides amongst others that an employee, who
adopts a child that is younger than two years, shall qualify for adoption leave to a
maximum of 45 working days. For purposes of the interpretation and application of this
provision specific attention is drawn to section 228 of the Children’s Act, 2005 which
stipulates that a child is adopted if the child has been placed in the permanent care of a
person in terms of a court order that has the effects contemplated in section 242. Section
242 of the Children’s’ Act, 2005 stipulates amongst others that -
(a) full parental responsibilities and rights in respect of the adopted child upon
the adoptive parent; and
(b) the surname of the adoptive parent on the adopted child, except when
otherwise provided in the order.
4.1.2. An adopted child must for all purposes be regarded as the child of the adoptive
parent and an adoptive parent must for all purposes be regarded as the parent of
the adopted child.
4.2. Therefore, an eligible employee should provide the Department with a certified copy of the
adoption order to access the adoption leave benefits.
4.3. The provisions applicable to adoption leave are to be applied mutatis mutandis to an
employee who in terms of a surrogacy arrangement is the committing parent. The
surrogacy arrangements are currently dealt with through an order of the High Court. A copy
of such court order would suffice as sufficient proof for a committing parent to access
surrogacy leave.
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5.1. With effect from 1 January 2013 the provisions in paragraph 25.1 of Part 4 of this
Determination and Directive will cease to exist. Henceforth office bearers and shop
stewards of recognised employee organisations shall receive 15 working days paid leave
per annum for activities related to his/her union position.
5.2. The 15 working days shall be pooled per recognised trade union. Office bearers or shop
stewards belonging to the same recognised trade union may apply for leave days from the
5.3. In other words if there are 10 shop stewards in the Department of which 4 belong for
example to the PSA and 6 to NEHAWU-
5.3.1. The 15 working days of each of the 4 shop stewards belonging to the PSA will be
pooled into a pool of 60 working days (4 x15); and
5.3.2. The 15 working days of each of the 6 shop stewards belonging to NEHAWU will be
pooled into a pool of 90 working days (6x15).
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1.1. Except for explicit exclusions by the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997, this
Determination and Directive is applicable to all those that are employed either on full-time,
part-time, permanent or temporary basis in terms of the Public Service Act and fall within
the scope of the PSCBC.
1.2. This Determination and Directive gives effect to clause 7 of PSCBC Resolution 7 of 2000,
as amended by PSCBC Resolutions 5 of 2001, 15 of 2002; 1 of 2007, 1 of 2012 and 2 of
This Determination and Directive is made by the Minister for the Public Service and
Administration in terms of the provisions of section 3(5) (a) and 5 (6) (b) of the Public Service Act,
1994 as amended.
3.1. The purpose of this Determination and Directive is to give effect to, elucidate or
supplement relevant collective agreements on--
3.1.1. the types of leave and circumstances under which the employer may consider
authorizing an employee’s absence from work; and
3.1.2. an employee’s leave entitlement and conditions that the employee must adhere to
access the said entitlement.
4.1. “Annual leave cycle” or “Calendar year” means from 1 January to 31 December of each
4.2. “calendar month” means a calendar month as defined in section 1 of the Public Service
Act, 1994.
4.3. “Casual worker’ means a person employed on a day-to-day basis who is paid a daily wage
and who does not work more than 24 hours a month.
4.4. “Child” means a person who is under 18 years of age unless defined differently elsewhere
in this Determination and Directive.
4.7. “Month” means a month as defined in section 1 of the Public Service Act, 1994. for purposes of calculating pay for unused annual leave and severance
pay, remuneration means the employee’s annual basic salary PLUS 37%
of his/her annual basic salary; and for purposes of calculating capped leave and unpaid leave, remuneration
means the employee’s annual basic salary. for purposes of calculating pay for unused annual leave, unpaid leave and
severance pay, remuneration means the employee’s all inclusive
remuneration package; and
4.9. “Work day” equates to the employee’s number of daily official working hours.
5.1. Employees are entitled to annual leave with full pay during each leave cycle of 12 months,
commencing on 1 January of each year, in terms of Annexure A3, except if appointed after
1 January of each year. The annual leave entitlement of an employee appointed after 1
January of each year shall be calculated proportionally in relation to each full month of
service at a rate of 1, 83 working days if entitled to 22 working days and 2, 5 working days
if entitled to 30 working days annual leave in a leave cycle.4
5.2. Annual leave should be planned and scheduled at least at the start of a leave cycle, i.e.
January of each year.
5.3. For each 15 consecutive calendar days leave taken without pay, the employees’ annual
leave entitlement shall be reduced by 1/24th.
5.4. For the purpose of granting annual leave, working days shall mean Monday to Friday
except for a shift worker for whom a working day means the day(s) she/he is scheduled for
a shift in terms of their shift roster inclusive of Public Holidays, Saturdays and Sundays.
3 Refer to Part 2 for the explanatory note on the application of this provision in relation to the IFMS and Part 3 for implementation notes.
4 Circular E/1/2/2/P dated 18 April 2001.
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5.5. At least 10 working days must be taken as leave days during the annual leave cycle. The
utilisation of this leave must take the service delivery requirements of a department into
account. NOTE: Annual leave should, as far as possible, be taken as consecutive working
5.6. The remaining leave days, if any, must be taken no later than 6 months after the expiry of
the relevant leave cycle, where after unused leave credits shall be forfeited.
5.7. An employee must submit his/her application for annual leave in advance, unless
unforeseen circumstances prevent him/her from doing so.5
5.8. If confronted with unforeseen circumstances which necessitate the utilization of annual
leave, the employee must personally notify his/her supervisor/manager immediately. A
verbal message to the supervisor/manager by a relative, fellow employee or friend is only
acceptable if the nature and/or extent of the unforeseen circumstances prevents the
employee from informing the supervisor/manager personally.
5.9. An employee must submit an application for annual leave personally or through a relative,
fellow employee within 5 working days after the first day of absence. If the employee fails
to submit the application on time or compelling reasons why an application cannot be
submitted, the supervisor/manager must immediately-
5.9.1. notify the employee that if such application is not received within 2 working days,
the leave period will be regarded as unpaid leave; and
5.9.2. inform the Human Resource division, should the employee default on the
notification referred to in par 5.9.1, above,
and the relevant authority shall approve such absence as unpaid leave. The employee’s
supervisor/manager/ Head of Department and/or his/her delegate must within two working
days from receipt of the leave application form recommend/not recommend and/or
approve/disapprove this leave application and submit to the relevant Human Resource
division in the department.
5.10. Failure by the employee to submit his/her application form within the stated periods, or
failure by the supervisor/manager to properly manage it, must be viewed in a serious light
and disciplinary steps against the employee and/or supervisor/manager should be taken.
5.11. Employees must be cautioned timeously if, at the end of the relevant leave cycle, they
have not utilised their leave entitlements.
5.12. An employee’s application for annual leave should not be unreasonably refused. An
application for annual leave should take the service delivery requirements of a department
into account.
5.13. Any refusal of annual leave must be confirmed in writing, stating the reasons and
arrangements for rescheduling of the annual leave.
5.14. If, due to the employer’s service delivery requirements, an employee’s application for leave
is denied and not rescheduled, such leave must, upon request, be paid out to the
5 Refer to Part 2 for the explanatory note on the application of this provision in relation to the IFMS
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employee at the end of the 6 months’ period referred to in 5.6 above. Employee requests
for payment of unused leave credits must be:
5.15. With effect from 31 January 2018 employees, suspended as a precautionary measure
while investigations into allegations of misconduct are being completed or employees who
have been suspended as a sanction as a result of misconduct within the 6 months
(paragraph 5.6 above refers) after the expiry of the relevant leave cycle and who could not
utilise their unused annual leave credits, must upon request, be paid out such annual leave
credits at the end of the 6 months’ period referred to in 5.6 above. Employee requests for
payment of unused leave credits must be-
5.16. Heads of Department shall, at the end of the relevant 18 months’ period, report to the
relevant legislature on the number of employees denied annual leave, reasons for such
denial and the amount paid in this regard.
5.17. The 50% leave entitlement, or any portion thereof, which was due to employees for the
period 1 July 2000 to 31 December 2000, and which could not be utilised before 30 June
2001, shall be added to the number of leave days accrued prior to 1 July 2000. This
provision is a once off arrangement only in respect of those cases where no leave payouts
have been effected.
6.2. Non-teaching staff at schools and training institutions must take at least 22 of the 27 or 30
working days annual leave, whichever is applicable, during the period for which a
school/training institution closes for the holidays. The remaining 5 or 8 days, whichever is
applicable, may be taken when the institution is in operation.
6.3. The annual leave entitlement should, in these circumstances, be regarded as the
minimum. Therefore, if an employee is not required at the institution during the period(s)
when the institution closes for holidays, an employee may utilise his/her annual leave
entitlement and/or paid time off granted by the employer.
6.4. The head of the institution should ensure that his/her decisions are based upon the
principles of fairness and equality in determining the leave roster for the employees
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6.5.1. Annual leave and holidays constituting time off should be planned and scheduled
for at least at the beginning of a leave cycle, i.e. January of each year.
6.5.2. Considering that most schools/training institutions do their strategic planning and
year programmes for the subsequent year usually towards the end of the previous
leave cycle. The planning and scheduling of annual leave and holidays
constituting time off can also commence at that stage.
6.5.3. Planning and scheduling should take place in collaboration with the head of the
institution and the employees concerned.
6.5.4. As for periods of time off during institution holidays the following could be taken
into account- For the concept of ‘if an employee is not required at the institution during
the period(s)’ refer to paragraph 6.3. If an employee is not required during
the institution holidays, the institution may not require from that employee
to report for duty, except in extenuating circumstances which have a direct
bearing on operational/ service delivery requirements of that institution. Attention needs to be given to activities or services that need to take place
or be delivered during the period when the school/institution closes for
holidays. It could be considered to schedule and present formal training for all non-
teaching members of staff during some of these periods. A roster of time off should be developed to give each member of staff a fair
opportunity to time off, in the event where activities are to take place or
services have to be rendered.
6.5.5. For purposes of paragraphs 6.1 to 6.4 above, the employer shall ensure in the
case of an institution presenting a combination of courses e.g. semester and
trimester courses, that the annual leave and periods of time off of non-teaching
staff rendering a support service to the academic staff, will be aligned with the
dispensation applicable to the said academic staff.
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7.1. Employees who are appointed after the commencement of an annual leave cycle shall be
entitled to annual vacation leave on a pro rata basis determined as a fraction of the
entitlement as per Annexure A.
7.2. For purposes of utilising leave entitlements, fractions or decimals must be utilised as they
are. In other words fractions or decimals must not be rounded off.
7.3. Departments must keep manual records of the utilisation of annual leave taken for part of a
day. After reaching the prescribed daily number of working hours, the employee must
complete and submit a leave form.6
7.4. For purposes of converting fractions/decimals of leave entitlements into working hours the
following formula(s) should apply:
60 x B = C
For example: Employee with 3.6 hours leave credit (see example above)
In other words the employee with 7.45 days’ leave credits has 7 days, 3 hours and 36
minutes leave
6 Refer to Part 2 for an explanatory note on the application of this provision in relation to the IFMS
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7.5. For purposes of leave payouts, fractions or decimals must be used as they are in the
formula provided for in paragraphs 9.4 and 10.4 of this Determination and Directive.
7.6. Unused fractions and decimals lapse at the end of the six months period referred to in
paragraph 5.6 above.
7.7. If an employee’s annual leave entitlements changes, e.g. from 22 to 30 working days per
annum after ten years satisfactory service, the unused fractions or decimals must also be
carried over to the new leave category and be administered manually.
8.2. Annual leave should be planned and scheduled, as far as possible, at the beginning of a
leave cycle, i.e. January of each year in conjunction with the shift roster.7
8.3. As in the case of other employees, utilising annual leave counts towards the completion of
an employee’s prescribed work week.
8.4. If an employee takes unplanned annual leave for a day(s) he/she was scheduled for a
8.4.1. the employee’s annual leave is counted according to the work days the employee
is scheduled for shifts;
8.4.2. he/she does not forfeit the off duty periods (conversely referred to as off days) that
results from the design of the shift roster.
8.5. If the employee applies for annual leave in advance in accordance with the leave schedule
such leave must be taken into account in the scheduling of shifts. The employee must not
be scheduled for (a) shift(s) for the duration of the period of annual leave in which case the
granting of annual leave will be counted as working days which shall mean Monday to
9.2. The leave cycle remains unchanged, therefore, requests and motivations for leave
payments in respect of leave credits mentioned in 5.14 and 5.15 above shall be lodged by
no later than 31 July in respect of each year. If an employee failed to apply for the payment
of such unused leave credits at the aforementioned due date such unused leave credits
shall be forfeited.
7 Refer to Part 2 for the explanatory note on the application of this provision in relation to the IFMS
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9.3. Payment of annual leave credits shall be calculated using the employee’s remuneration.
9.4. For all terminations in respect of personnel without any capped leave, leave pay-outs shall
be computed in terms of the following formula:
{(A - B) + (C - D)} x E
X x Y
Where –
C= represents the pro rata leave entitlement in the current leave cycle
(Calculated according to the formula in A above)
9.5. For personnel who still have unused leave credits at the expiry of the 6 months period
mentioned in 5.6 above and who complied with the provisions of paragraph 5.14 and 5.15
above, leave pay-outs shall be computed in terms of the following formula:
(A - B) x C
X x Y
Where –
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X= number of completed months of service; and
9.6.1. On or after 31 July 2016 and who has unused annual leave credits which s/he
could not use as a result of the suspension in respect of the previous leave and/or
expired previous leave cycles may make a written request for a leave payout in
respect of such unused annual leave credits; and/or
9.6.2. Subsequently, dismissed shall also receive a leave payout for the unused annual
leave credits in respect of the previous leave and/or expired previous leave cycles
which s/he could not use as a result of the suspension.
10.2. The number of accrued leave days prior to 1 July 2000 shall be converted to working days
using the following formula:
A X 5
Where -
10.3. The payouts in respect of such leave credits shall be made in the event of:
10.3.1. Death;
10.3.2. Retirement; or
10.4. The leave payout in respect of personnel with capped and audited leave credits shall be
determined in the following manner:
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{[(A-B) + (C-D)] x E + (F x G)}
A = represents the full annual or pro-rata leave entitlement in the previous leave
C = represents the pro rata leave entitlement in the current leave cycle
E = represents the employee’s remuneration (levels 1-10 annual basic salary plus
37% and MMS the all inclusive remuneration package) as at the last day of
G = represents the employee’s remuneration (levels 1-10 and MMS the annual
basic salary only) as at the last day of duty
10.5. The Head of Department shall determine whether there are periods, which are unaudited,
and in such instances, the employee’s leave payout shall be paid on the basis of 6 days
per completed year of service up to a maximum of 100 days in respect of the unaudited
leave period. The formula in calculating the payout in respect of these days shall be as per
paragraph 10.4 above.
10.6. The Head of Department shall determine procedures and measures in keeping with service
delivery needs, on how employees will be allowed to utilise their leave credits accrued prior
to 1 July 2000 over and above the normal annual leave entitlements as per Annexure A.
11.2. If an employee dies and has not nominated a beneficiary, the leave payout may be paid:
11.2.2. If there is no spouse/life partner, in equal shares for the benefit of minor and other
children (including legally adopted children) of the deceased who, at the time of
his/her death, were fully dependent on the employee; or
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12.1. An employee may not be granted annual leave with full pay in excess of that which the
employee is entitled to in terms of Annexure A plus capped leave in respect of persons
who were in service prior to 1 July 2000.
12.2. If due to a bona fide error, an employee had been granted annual leave with full pay in
excess of that which stood to his/her credit at that time, such over-grant must be deducted
from the subsequent leave cycle.8
12.3. If an employee who has been over-granted annual leave with full pay exits the Public
Service, that portion of the over-grant, which exceeded his/her normal annual, leave credit
on his/her last day of duty must be regarded as an overpayment that must be recovered
from him or her. The latter overpayment should be determined according to the following
12.4. If an employee exits the Public Service during an annual leave cycle after utilising all
his/her annual leave for the leave cycle, the provisions of 12.3 above shall apply.
13.3. The provisions in paragraphs 13.1 and 13.2 apply mutatis mutandis in the case of
employees who are appointed on contract and who secures a permanent appointment in
the Public Service and vice versa.
14.2. It is incumbent on the employee to utilise and manage his/her normal sick leave
responsibly and with circumspect.
14.3. An employee must submit his/her application for sick leave in respect of clinical procedures
in advance, unless the treating practitioner certifies that such procedures have to be
conducted as an emergency.
14.4. If overcome by a sudden illness or injury, the employee must personally notify his/her
supervisor/manager immediately. A verbal message to the supervisor/manager by a
relative, fellow employee or friend is only acceptable if the nature and/or extent of the
illness/injury prevents the employee to inform the supervisor/manager personally.
14.5. An employee must submit an application for sick leave personally or through a relative,
fellow employee within 5 working days after the first day of absence. The employee’s
supervisor/manager/ Head of Department and/or his/her delegate/must within two working
days from receipt of the leave application form recommend/not recommend and/or
approve/disapprove the application and submit to the relevant Human Resource division in
the department.
14.6. If the employee fails to submit an application within the period indicated in paragraph 14.5,
above, the following arrangements apply:
14.6.1. The employee’s manager/supervisor must immediately notify the employee that if
such application is not received within 2 working days, the leave period will be
regarded as unpaid leave or annual leave. If the employee fails to submit the
application on time or compelling reasons why an application cannot be submitted,
the supervisor/manager must immediately inform the Human Resource division
and the relevant authority shall approve such absence as unpaid leave or annual
leave if the employee consents. The employee’s supervisor/manager/ Head of
Departments and/or his/her delegate must within two working days from receipt of
the leave application form recommend/not recommend and/or approve/disapprove
this leave application and submit to the relevant Human Resource division in the
14.6.2. Failure by the employee to submit his/her application form within the stated
periods, or failure by the supervisor/manager to properly manage it, must be
viewed in a serious light and disciplinary steps against the employee and/or
supervisor/manager should be taken.
14.8. If -
14.8.2. an employee during his/her normal sick leave period, who has been absent from
work on more than two occasions during an eight-week period, must
regardless of the duration of the sickness or injury, submit a medical certificate
stating that the employee was unable to work for the duration of the employee's
absence on account of sickness or injury. The 8-week period shall be a calendar
period and commences on the first day of an employee's absence due to sickness
or injury. Any subsequent day of absence due to sickness or injury after the
above-mentioned period must then be regarded as the first day of the next 8-week
period. If the employee fails to submit the required medical certificate, the Head of
Department must notify the employee that if the prescribed medical certificate is
not received within 2 working days, the sick leave period will be regarded as
unpaid leave or annual leave. If the employee fails to submit the medical certificate
on time, the relevant absence must be covered by annual leave (with the
employee’s consent) and/or unpaid leave if insufficient annual leave credits are
available or if the employee failed to notify the Head of Department of his/her
choice. Failure by the employee to submit his/her medical certificate within the
stated period must be viewed in a serious light and disciplinary steps against the
employee should be taken.
14.8.3. Sick leave may also be granted in respect of periods where an employee must be
quarantined or isolated for at least 10 consecutive days.
14.9. If an employee falls ill while on annual leave with full pay, such leave may be converted to
sick leave provided that a certificate from a registered medical practitioner or person listed
in paragraph 17.1 hereunder is submitted to substantiate that he/she is ill.
14.10. For every 15 consecutive calendar days leave taken without pay, an employee’s sick leave
entitlement must be reduced by 1/72nd per sick leave cycle.
15.2. An employee who has exhausted his/her normal sick leave, referred to in paragraph 14
above, during the prescribed sick leave cycle and who according to the treating medical
practitioner requires to be absent from work due to a temporary incapacity, may apply for
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
temporary incapacity leave with full pay on the applicable application form prescribed in
terms of PILIR in respect of each occasion.
15.3. For an employee’s application for temporary incapacity leave to be considered, the-
15.3.1. employee must submit sufficient proof that she/he is too ill or injured to perform
his/her work satisfactorily;
15.3.3. employee is in accordance with item 10(1) of Schedule 8 to the Labour Relations
Act, 1995, afforded the opportunity to submit together with his/her application
15.4. An employee must submit his/her application for temporary incapacity leave in respect of
clinical procedures in advance, unless the treating medical practitioner certifies that such
procedures have to be conducted as an emergency.
15.5. If overcome by a sudden illness or injury, the employee must personally notify his/her
supervisor/manager immediately. A verbal message to the supervisor/manager by a
relative, fellow employee or friend is only acceptable if the nature and/or extent of the
illness or injury prevents the employee to inform the supervisor/manager personally.
15.6. An employee must submit an application for temporary incapacity leave personally or
through a relative, fellow employee or friend within 5 working days after the first day of
absence. The employee’s supervisor or delegate must within two working days from
receipt of the leave application form recommend/ not recommend the application and
submit to the relevant Human Resource division in the department.
15.7. If the employee fails to submit an application within the period indicated in paragraph 15.6,
the following arrangements apply:
15.7.1. The employee’s manager/supervisor must immediately notify the employee that if
such application is not received within 2 working days, the sick leave period will be
10The Health Risk Manager is a company of multi-disciplinary medical experts, specializing in occupational medicine, which will be
appointed by the dpsa and National Treasury. The Health Risk Manager will assess and advice the HOD in respect of an employee’s
application for inter alia incapacity leave.
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
regarded as unpaid leave or annual leave. If the employee fails to submit the
application on time or compelling reasons why an application cannot be submitted,
the supervisor/manager must immediately inform the Human Resource division
and the relevant authority shall approve such absence as unpaid leave or annual
leave if the employee consents. The employee’s supervisor/manager/ Head of
Department and/or his/her delegate must within two working days from receipt of
the leave application form recommend/not recommend and/or approve disapprove
this leave application and submit to the relevant Human Resource division in the
15.7.2. Failure by the employee to provide his/her application form within the stated
periods, or failure by the supervisor/manager to properly manage it, must be
viewed in a serious light and disciplinary steps should be taken.
15.8. The Head of Department, must within 5 working days from the receipt of the employee’s
application for temporary incapacity leave-
15.8.2. refer the application with all the supporting evidence immediately to its Health
Risk Manager in accordance with the PILIR for an assessment and advice-
(b) which steps, if any, in accordance with the procedures contained in item
10(1) of Schedule 8 to the Labour Relations Act, 1995, read with clause
7.5.1 of PSCBC Resolution 7 of 2000, as amended by PSCBC Resolutions
5 of 2001 and 15 of 2002, are necessary;
15.9. The Head of Department may request the employee, if s/he has consented thereto in
his/her application form, as part of the process contemplated in sub-paragraph 15.8.2,
above, to subject him/herself for one or more medical examinations by medical
practitioners of the employer’s choice and for the employer’s account. If the employee fails
to honour the appointments for such medical examinations, the employee shall be held
responsible for any fruitless expenses incurred;
15.10. The Head of Department must within 30 working days after receipt of both the application
form and medical certificate referred to in paragraph 15.3.2, approve or refuse the
temporary incapacity leave granted conditionally. In making a decision, the Head of
Department must apply his/her mind to the medical certificate (with or without describing
the nature and extent of the illness or injury) contemplated in paragraph 15.3.2, medical
information/records contemplated in paragraph 15.3.4 (if the employee consented to
disclosure), the Health Risk Manager’s advice, the information supplied by the employee in
terms of paragraph 15.3.3 (if any) and all other relevant information available to the Head
of Department and based thereon approve or refuse the temporary incapacity leave
granted conditionally, on conditions that the Head of Department may determine, e.g. to
return to work, etc.;
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
15.11. The Head of Department may on the basis of medical evidence gathered during its
investigation approve the granting of additional incapacity leave days on conditions that he
or she shall determine. The Head of Department may for this purpose grant conditionally
further temporary incapacity leave.
15.12. The Head of Department, if applicable and as soon as possible, must after the receipt of
the Health Risk Manager’s advice, decide on the possibility of securing alternative
employment for the employee, or adapting his/her duties or work circumstances to
accommodate his/her incapacity or alternative employment and, as soon as possible,
approve and implement an action plan for this purpose.
15.13.1. approves the temporary incapacity leave granted conditionally, such leave
must be converted into temporary incapacity leave; or
15.13.2. refuses the temporary incapacity leave granted conditionally, s/he must
notify the employee in writing-
(c) that s/he must notify the Head of Department in writing within 5
working days of the date of the notice to him/her, whether or not the
period of conditional incapacity leave must be covered by annual
leave (to the extent of the available annual leave credits) or unpaid
leave and that, if s/he fails to notify the Head of Department of his/her
choice, the period will be covered by unpaid leave; and
(d) the employee may, if he/she is not satisfied with the Head of
Department’s decision, lodge a grievance in terms of section 35 of the
Public Service Act.
15.14. The Head of Department must cover the period of absence, referred to in paragraph
15.13.2 (c) in accordance with the employee’s written notification or, if the employee fails to
notify that the Head of Department in terms of that paragraph or the annual leave credits
are insufficient, the relevant period of absence must be covered by unpaid leave.
15.15. As regards the management of shift workers pertaining to normal sick leave and temporary
incapacity leave the provisions contained in paragraph 8, above, apply mutatis mutandis.
15.16. If an employee passes away after submitting an application for temporary incapacity leave
a decision on such application must be made where the information provided is sufficient.
However, where a decision cannot be made due to a lack of information the Head of
Department or his/her delegate must approve such application for temporary incapacity
leave and close the application. Any decision must take into account the recommendation
from the Health Risk Manager.
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16.1. An employee shall not directly access or apply for permanent incapacity leave. The Head
of Department may grant an employee up to a maximum of 30 working days’ permanent
incapacity leave once she/he has, following the assessment and investigations
contemplated in par. 15.8.2, determined that the employee’s condition is of a permanent
16.2. The Head of Department must during the period referred to in paragraph 16.1 and in
accordance with the advice from its Health Risk Manager ascertain the feasibility of and
implement its plan of action contemplated in paragraph 15.12., above, in respect of-
16.3. An employee, whose degree of incapacity has been certified as permanent but who can
still render a service, may be transferred to an alternate appropriate vacant post without a
reduction in benefits.
16.4. In instances where the employee’s transfer entails retraining or retooling, the employer
must take requisite resources (time and financial) and potential returns into consideration
before approving transfer.
16.5. The transfer of an employee should ensure the optimal utilisation of his/her competencies
and must not compromise service delivery.
16.6. If both the Head of Department and employee are convinced that the employee will never
be able to render an effective service, the employee/employer may proceed with the
process of termination of service on account of continued ill-health in terms of section
17(2)(a) of the Public Service Act, as amended.
16.7. The Head of Department may extend the period of permanent incapacity leave referred to
in paragraph 16.1 by a further 30 working days in order to finalise processes already
commenced. If the processes set out in this Determination and Directive is not completed
within the 60 working days, the Head of Department must report the case to the Director-
General: Public Service and Administration together with a report explaining the reasons
for the delay.
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17.2. The registration details of service providers could be confirmed with the above-mentioned
17.3.6. If the patient has given informed consent for it to be disclosed, a description of the
nature and extent of the illness or injury in layperson’s language.
17.3.7. Whether the patient is totally indisposed for duty or whether the patient will be able
to perform less strenuous duties in the work situation.
17.3.10. A clear indication of the identity of the practitioner or person who issued the
17.3.11. The initial and surname in block letters, and the registration or practice number of
the practitioner who issued the certificate.
17.4. If the practitioner or person uses pre-printed medical certificates, wording not applicable to
the patient must be deleted.
17.5. The Head of Department must accept medical certificates that do not describe the nature
and extent of an employee’s illness for sick leave taken during the normal sick leave
cycle, i.e. 36 working days in a 3-year cycle. The employer may request from the
employee a medical certificate describing the nature and extent of the illness before
granting sick leave, if the employee abuses the system during the normal sick leave period
of 36 working days (e.g. a pattern of regular sick leave on Mondays or Fridays). If the
employee fails to submit the required medical certificate, the Head of Department must
notify the employee that if the prescribed medical certificate is not received within 2
working days, the sick leave period will be either regarded as unpaid leave or annual leave.
If the employee fails to submit the medical certificate on time, the relevant absence must
be covered by annual leave (with the employee’s consent) and/or unpaid leave if
insufficient annual leave credits are available and if the employee failed to notify the Head
of Department of his/her choice. Failure by the employee to submit his/her medical
certificate within the stated period must be viewed in a serious light and disciplinary steps
against the employee should be taken.
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17.6. For purposes of temporary incapacity leave the employer only accepts medical certificates
issued and signed by practitioners registered with the Health Professional Council of South
Africa and who are legally certified to diagnose and treat patients. Such medical certificates
must describe that the illness or injury is temporary and, if the employee has given his/her
informed consent, the nature and extent of the employee’s illness or injury. The provisions
contained in paragraph 17.3 above, applies mutatis mutandis in respect of such medical
17.7. The employer must, in accordance with the constitutional rights to privacy, the Code
of Conduct in the Public Service Regulations treat at all times any information
regarding the medical condition of an employee with the necessary respect and
confidentiality. Such information may therefore not be disclosed to any other person(s)
not authorised to receive such information. If an employee discloses such confidential
information of one employee to any other unauthorized person, it must be viewed in a
serious light and disciplinary steps against the transgressing employee should be taken.
18.1.1. consult a doctor, therapist, etc. for reasons related to the employees
health/wellness, or
18.1.2. go for training related to a disability, e.g. a blind employee who has to get training
with his/her guide dog, or
18.1.3. go for maintenance work for equipment used as a result of his/her disability, the
Head of Department may grant such employees time off in terms of the sick leave
provisions. 11
18.2. Where an employee is absent for a part of the day, the Head of Department could
manually record such time off until a full day is completed as sick leave. 12
18.3. The Head of Department may require the necessary proof of such events or occurrences
to properly monitor the utilisation of sick leave.
18.4. Fractions of sick leave entitlements may be converted using the formula in par.7.4 above.
18.5. An employee shall retain his/her sick leave credits in respect of a particular sick leave
cycle, when the employee-
18.5.2. is appointed in terms of the Public Service Act, 1994 without a break in service.
11 Refer to Part 2 for an explanatory note on the application of this provision in relation to the IFMS
12 Refer to Part 2 for an explanatory note on the application of this provision in relation to the IFMS
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19.1. An employee who, as a result of his/her work, suffers an occupational injury or contracts an
occupational disease, shall be granted occupational and disease leave for the duration of
the period they cannot work.
19.2.1. brings a claim for compensation against the third party; and
19.2.2. undertakes to use compensation (in terms of the Compensation for Occupational
Injuries and Diseases Act of 1993) received to recompense as far as possible for
the cost arising from the accident.
19.3. The Head of Department shall take reasonable steps to assist an employee to claim
compensation according to 19.2 above.
19.4. When an employee is injured on duty or contracted an occupational disease the employer
must pay the employee’s medical expenses in terms of the provisions of the Compensation
on Occupational and Injury and Disease Act, The employer may, depending on the
circumstances, recover certain expenses in the event where a third party was involved in
the accident. Please refer to the guide: “Application of the Compensation for Occupational
Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) In the Workplace: A Guide for Government
Departments” for further details.
20.2. An employee can utilise a full day or part of a day for pre-natal leave. The Head of
Department shall maintain a system to record episodes where the employee utilised part of
a day. One day’s pre-natal leave shall be deducted once the duration of absences equates
the employee’s prescribed daily working hours.13
20.3. An application for pre-natal leave should be supported by reasonable proof that the
employee attended a doctor’s appointment and/or went for tests related to the pregnancy.
20.4. An employee who has used all her pre-natal leave may, subject to the approval of the
Head of Department, apply to use available annual leave and/or unpaid leave.
20.5. Absences related to medical complications during the pregnancy will be covered by sick
20.6. All other maternity leave provisions, as defined in this Determination and Directive on
Leave of Absence, remain applicable.
13 Refer to Part 2 for the explanatory note on the application of this provision in relation to the IFMS.
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21.1. Employees are entitled to 4 consecutive calendar months’ maternity leave to commence:
21.1.1. at any time from four weeks before the expected date of birth; or
21.1.2. on a date from which the attending medical practitioner certifies that it is necessary
for the employee’s health or that of the unborn child.
21.2. It is preferable that an employee commences her maternity leave at least two weeks prior
to the expected date of birth. However, the service delivery requirements of a particular
Sector may require different arrangements with regard to the period and stage at which
maternity leave, with due consideration of the employee and her unborn child’s health and
safety, should commence.
21.3. For at least six weeks after the birth, no employee may commence with normal official duty
unless the attending practitioner certifies that the employee is fit to do so.
21.4.1. the baby is born prematurely and is hospitalised during maternity leave; or
21.4.2. the baby becomes ill and is hospitalised for a period longer than a month during
the maternity leave.
21.5. The provisions contained in paragraph 21.4 are only applicable to an employee, who
chooses to interrupt her maternity leave in these circumstances.
21.6. If an employee referred to in paragraph 21.4.1 and 21.4.2 above, chose to interrupt her
maternity leave and failed to return to work after the six weeks mentioned in paragraph
21.3 above, such a period must be covered with annual leave or unpaid leave if she does
not have enough annual leave available.
21.8. Employees, who, during the third trimester of their pregnancy, experience a miscarriage,
still birth or termination of the pregnancy on medical grounds, shall be eligible for six
consecutive week’s maternity leave14, where after, 21.7.1 shall apply in the event of a
medical complication.
21.9. Provisions in 21.8 above shall also apply to an employee who experiences a miscarriage,
stillbirth or termination of pregnancy on medical grounds after the commencement of
maternity leave. The period prior to the miscarriage, stillbirth or termination of pregnancy
shall be regarded as special leave with full pay.
22.2. If both spouses or life partners are employed in the Public Service, both partners will
qualify for adoption leave provided that the combined leave taken does not exceed the 45
working days mentioned in 22.1 above.
22.3. The above provisions apply mutatis mutandis to an employee who in terms of a surrogacy
arrangement is the committing parent.
23.2. Employees shall be granted 5 working days leave per annual leave cycle for utilisation if:
23.3. The number of family responsibility leave days taken according to 23.1 and 23.2 above
shall not exceed five (5) days in an annual leave cycle, unless special circumstances
warrant further leave at the discretion of the Head of Department.
23.4. With effect from 1 January 2013 the provisions in paragraph 23.1 to 23.3 will cease to
exist. Employees would henceforth be entitled to the following family responsibility leave
23.4.1. 5 working days family responsibility leave per annual leave cycle for utilisation if
the employee’s spouse or life partner gives birth to a child; or the employee’s
child, spouse or life partner is sick; and
23.4.2. 5 working days leave per annual leave cycle for utilisation if the employee’s child,
spouse or life partner or an employee’s immediate family member dies.
23.5. Immediate family member for purposes of paragraph 23.4.2 means the employee’s parent,
adoptive parent, step-parent, parents-in-law, sister- and brother-in-law, grandparent, child,
adopted child, stepchild, grandchild or sibling. For the purposes of this provision “child”
means the employee’s son or daughter, and where applicable son- or daughter-in-law, of
any age. The granting of family responsibility leave must be taken with due consideration
of the employee’s cultural responsibilities.
23.6. An application for family responsibility leave shall be supported by reasonable proof.
23.7.1. For the purposes of paragraph 23.6, a child with severe special needs is a child
who has a mental, emotional or physical disability, certified by a medical
practitioner, which requires health and related services of a type or amount
beyond that required by children generally. For the purposes of this provision
“child” means the employee’s son or daughter of any age.
23.8. Employees who have used all their family responsibility leave may, subject to the approval
of the Head of Department, apply to:
23.9. Family responsibility leave may be taken for part of a day. For example an employee who
takes three hours off to attend to a family responsibility would use only three hours of their
family responsibility leave entitlements.
23.10. For purposes of utilising family responsibility leave entitlements, fractions or decimals must
be utilised as they are. In other words fractions or decimals must not be rounded off.
23.11. Departments must keep manual records of the utilisation of family responsibility leave
taken for part of a day. After reaching the daily number of working hours of attendance
prescribed the employee must complete and submit a leave form. 16
24.2. An employee who has used all his/her paternity leave may, subject to the approval of the
Head of Department, apply to:
24.2.1. use his/her part or all of 5 working days family responsibility leave provided for in
paragraph 23.4.1, above; or
16 Refer to Part 2 for an explanatory note on the application of this provision in relation to the IFMS
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25.1 A special leave policy shall be negotiated in the relevant sectoral bargaining council.
25.2.1 circumstances and conditions under which special leave is granted; and
25.2.2 as far as possible, events for which employees shall be granted special leave.
25.3 The policy may provide paid leave for such requirements as study, examinations, military
service, resettlement due to a transfer, collective bargaining or other labour relations
requirements, participation in sports, sabbaticals where appropriate or any other purpose.
26.2 With effect from 1 January 2013 the entitlement for shop stewards contained in paragraph
26.1 will be increased to 15 working days.17
26.3 The 15 working days shall be pooled per recognised trade union. Office bearers or shop
stewards belonging to the same recognised trade union may apply for leave days from the
pool. A list of the recognised employee organisations are attached at Annexure C.
26.4 The Head of Department shall appoint an administrator of the pool. The administrator
should preferably be the Human Resource Manager of the Department. The Head of
Department shall develop standard operating procedures to ensure that the utilisation of
the pool is properly managed, recorded and monitored to ensure that the leave days
available in the pool is not exceeded and/or abused.
26.5 A shop steward may apply for leave from the pool in respect of the recognised employee
organisation she/he belongs to only. An individual shop steward may apply due to the
union activities attached to his/her union position for either less than or more than 15
working days in a leave cycle. However, the shop stewards accessing the same pool of
leave may not exceed the total number of leave days available in the pool.
26.6 Shop steward leave may only be utilised for activities related to the employee’s union
position. All applications for this type of leave must be submitted in writing on the
prescribed leave application form or electronically18, together with supporting
26.7 The employee’s supervisor shall liaise with the Labour Relations Manager and Human
Resource Manager to validate the employee’s involvement in a union activity/business and
whether sufficient credits are available in the leave pool.
27.1 If an employee has utilised all his/her annual leave with full pay, the Head of Department
may grant him or her unpaid leave.
27.2 Only in exceptional circumstances shall the Head of Department grant the employee more
than 184 calendar days of unpaid leave in a period of 18 months.
27.4 For purposes of calculating unpaid leave, the following formula applies:
Where -
B = represents the number of days annual leave without pay (i.e. calendar
NB: Departments are urged to ensure that the employment of casual workers is in terms of
the agreement. Existing employees appointed as casual workers for longer than 24 hours
per month, must be translated to temporary19 employees with immediate effect.
Refer to clause 11 of PSCBC Res 1 of 2007
20 Refer to clause 11 of PSCBC Res 1 of 2007
21 Refer also to the Determination on Interns and Learners
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
29.1 Annual leave:
A temporary employee shall at the beginning of his/her contract period be granted annual
leave that is proportional to his/her term of employment at a rate of one-twelfth of the
annual leave credit applicable to the employee category (as per Annexure A), per calendar
month of service.
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30.1 Except in exceptional circumstances, the employee may not stay away from his/her place
of duty unless an application for leave of absence has been lodged in writing or
electronically22 and he/she has been informed by the Head of Department that the
application has been approved.
30.2.1 Leave forms are submitted for all absences and all outstanding leave forms are
followed up.
30.2.2 All leave taken is captured on a daily basis and there are no backlogs in respect of
each annual leave cycle.
30.3.2 The leave entitlement of the employee referred to in paragraph 30.3.1 in respect of
annual leave, normal sick leave and family responsibility leave should be reduced
with the leave benefit granted (annual leave payouts included) plus the pro rata
portion for the duration of the break in service.
22 Refer to Part 2 for an explanatory note on the application of this provision in relation to the IFMS on page 7
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
1 January to 30 April 2012 amounting to 8.64 working
days (2.1623 x 4 months); and
30.5.1 If a disabled employee needs periods or time off to fit, adjust or maintain
equipment to enable the employee to perform his/her job, it should be treated in
terms of paragraph 18 above.
23 At the time of that the leave payout was made the employee was only entitled to 26 working days.
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Leave Entitlements
5. Other employees:
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
The employee resigns with effect from 1 April 2008, the employee’s remuneration on the last day
of duty is R102 750 (in other words R 75 000 (annual basic salary) + R27 750 (in respect of the
37%)), s/he falls in the 22 working day leave category and has taken at least 10 working days’
The cash value in respect of unused leave credits should be computed in the following manner:
A= represents the full annual or pro rata leave entitlement in the previous leave cycle
(Pro rata leave entitlement calculated as X x Y
C= represents the pro rata leave entitlement in the current leave cycle (Calculated
according to the formula in A above)
E= Represents the employee’s remuneration (i.e. annual basic salary plus 37%)
Use the given information on the employee’s leave category to determine A. In the event of a full annual
leave entitlement, use Annexure A and in the event of a pro rata leave entitlement (in the previous leave
cycle)25, use the formula in STEP 3 below.
This formula is in terms of paragraph 9.6 of the Determination issued by the MPSA.
The pro rata leave entitlement in this regard is in respect of employees appointed after a leave cycle has commenced
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
Use the given information to determine B (Leave taken in the previous leave cycle) and D (Leave taken
in the current leave cycle).
Use the formula in STEP 1 above to determine C (pro rata leave entitlement in the current leave cycle
beginning 1 January 2008 up to and including the last day of duty).
X= represents the number of completed months in the current leave cycle; and
Y= represents the annual leave entitlement per leave cycle as per Annexure A)
In other words: = 3 x 22
= 5.5 days
Compute the cash value of leave credits available in the following manner:
{(A - B) + (C - D)}26 x E
= R6 896.92
26 The sum total of A – B and C - D must not exceed the maximum number days annual leave an employee is entitled to as depicted in
Annexure A to this Determination.
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
The pro rata leave credits in this EXAMPLE derive from the leave credits in the current leave cycle
beginning from 1 January 2008 to 31 March 2008.
The member resigns with effect from 1 November 2007, the all-inclusive salary package on the
last day of duty is R369 000 per annum, he falls in the 30 working day leave category and taken
at least 5 working days’ leave.
The cash value in respect of unused leave credit should be computed in the following manner:
A = represents the full annual or pro rata leave entitlement in the previous leave cycle (Pro rata
leave entitlement calculated as X x Y
C= represents the pro rata leave entitlement in the current leave cycle (Calculated according
to the formula in A above)
Where –
Since the termination of service happens after the expiry of the 6 months period, information on A and B will be represented by 0.
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
Y = Normal annual entitlement as per Annexure A.
In other words: = 10 x 30
= 25 days
Use the given information to determine D. (Leave taken in the current leave cycle).
Compute the cash value of available leave credits using the following formula:
= 20 x R369 000
= R 28 306.88
The sum total of A – B and C – D must not exceed the maximum number of days annual leave entitlement as depicted in Annexure A of
this Determination.
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
Calculating Annual Leave: Leave Payout of Unused Leave at the Expiry of the 6 Month Grace
Period of a Leave Cycle
The employee has unused leave credits at the expiry of the 6 months period at the end of 30
June 2008, the employee’s remuneration on the last day of June is R102 750 (in other words R 75
000 (annual basic salary) + R27 750 (in respect of the 37%)), s/he falls in the 22 working day
leave category and has taken at least 10 working days’ leave.
The cash value in respect of unused leave credits should be computed in the following manner:
(A - B) x C29
A= represents the full annual or pro rata leave entitlement in the previous leave cycle
(Pro rata leave entitlement calculated as X x Y
C= Represents the employee’s remuneration (i.e. annual basic salary plus 37%)
Use the given information on the employee’s leave category to determine A. In the event of a full annual
leave entitlement, use Annexure A and in the event of a pro rata leave entitlement (in the previous leave
cycle)30, use the formula in STEP 3 below.
Use the given information to determine B (Leave taken in the previous leave cycle)
This formula is in terms of paragraph 9.7 of the Determination issued by the MPSA.
The pro rata leave entitlement in this regard is in respect of employees appointed after a leave cycle has commenced
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Compute the cash value of leave credits available in the following manner:
(A - B) x C
= 12 x R 102 750
= R 4729.32
The employee has unused leave credits at the expiry of the 6 months period at the end of 30
June 2008, the all-inclusive salary package on the last day of duty is R369 000 per annum, he
falls in the 26 working day leave category and taken at least 10 working days’ leave.
The cash value in respect of unused leave credit should be computed in the following manner:
(A - B) x C
A = represents the full annual or pro rata leave entitlement in the previous leave cycle (Pro rata
leave entitlement calculated as X x Y
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Use the given information on the employee’s leave category to determine A. In the event of a full annual
leave entitlement, use Annexure A and in the event of a pro rata leave entitlement (in the previous leave
cycle)31, use the formula in STEP 3 below.
Use the given information to determine B. (Leave taken in the current leave cycle).
Compute the cash value of available leave credits using the following formula:
Cash value = (A - B) x C
= 16 x R369 000
= R 22 645.50
The pro rata leave entitlement in this regard is in respect of employees appointed after a leave cycle has commenced
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
Calculating Capped Leave
The employee retires or dies or is medically boarded with effect from 1 August 2007, the
employee’s remuneration on the last day of duty is R268 520 (in other words R 196 000 (annual
basic salary) + R72 520 (in respect of the 37%)), s/he falls in the 26 working day leave category
and has taken at least 10 working days’ leave with 200 days of capped leave which has already
been converted into working days
The cash value payable in respect of capped and audited leave at termination of service should
be computed as follows:
A= represents the full annual or pro rata leave entitlement in the previous leave cycle
(Pro rata leave entitlement calculated as X x Y
C= represents the pro rata leave entitlement in the current leave cycle (Calculated
according to the formula in A above)
E= Represents the employee’s remuneration (i.e. annual basic salary plus 37%)
G= represents the employee’s remuneration (levels 1-10 the annual basic salary only)
as at the last day of duty
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Use the given information on the employee’s leave category to determine A. In the event of a full annual
leave entitlement, use Annexure A and in the event of a pro rata leave entitlement (in the previous leave
cycle)32, use the formula in STEP 3 below.
Use the given information to determine B (Leave taken in the previous leave cycle) and D (Leave taken
in the current leave cycle).
Use the formula in STEP 1 above to determine C (pro rata leave entitlement in the current leave cycle
beginning 1 January 2007 up to and including the last day of duty).
X= represents the number of completed months in the current leave cycle; and
Y= represents the annual leave entitlement per leave cycle as per Annexure A)
In other words: = 7 x 26
= 15.16 days
Use the given information to determine F. Convert capped leave into working days using the following
formula (if not programmatically done already):
Where -
The pro rata leave entitlement in this regard is in respect of employees appointed after a leave cycle has commenced
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Compute the cash value of leave credits available in the following manner:
Cash value = {[(0 - 0) + (15.16 - 10)] x R268 520 + (200 x R196 000)}
40 585 563.20
R155 670.82
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EXAMPLE 6: Middle Management Service (MMS) Employees
The employee retires or dies or is medically boarded with effect from 1 August 2007, the
employee’s remuneration on the last day of duty is R369 000 (all inclusive package), s/he falls in
the 26 working day leave category and has taken at least 10 working days’ leave with 200 days of
capped leave which has already been converted into working days
The cash value payable in respect of capped and audited leave at termination of service should
be computed as follows:
A = represents the full annual or pro rata leave entitlement in the previous leave cycle (Pro rata
leave entitlement calculated as X x Y
C= represents the pro rata leave entitlement in the current leave cycle (Calculated according
to the formula in A above)
G= represents the employee’s remuneration (MMS - the annual basic salary only) as at the
last day of duty
Use the given information on the employee’s leave category to determine A. In the event of a full annual
leave entitlement, use Annexure A and in the event of a pro rata leave entitlement (in the previous leave
cycle)33, use the formula in STEP 3 below.
The pro rata leave entitlement in this regard is in respect of employees appointed after a leave cycle has commenced
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Use the given information to determine B (Leave taken in the previous leave cycle) and D (Leave taken
in the current leave cycle).
Use the formula in STEP 1 above to determine C (pro rata leave entitlement in the current leave cycle
beginning 1 January 2007 up to and including the last day of duty).
X= represents the number of completed months in the current leave cycle; and
Y= represents the annual leave entitlement per leave cycle as per Annexure A)
In other words: = 7 x 26
= 15.16 days
Use the given information to determine F. Convert capped leave into working days using the following
formula (if not programmatically done already):
Where -
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Compute the cash value of leave credits available in the following manner:
Cash value = {[(0 - 0) + (15.16 - 10)] x R369 000 + (200 x R280 440)}
R222 435.46
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
Calculating Over-Granted Annual Leave
An employee has been over-granted 10 days leave. The employee’s annual basic salary plus
37% at that stage is R83 656:
R 83 656 x 10 days
R 836 560
Note: The value in Rand must not be rounded off. Annual leave over-granted is calculated as
working days.
A member has been over-granted 10 days leave. The member’s all-inclusive salary package at
that stage is R 369 000
R3 690 000
Note: The value in Rand must not be rounded off. Annual leave over-granted is calculated
as working days.
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Determination on Leave of Absence in the Public Service
Calculating Unpaid Leave
An employee has taken 15 calendar days unpaid leave. The employee’s annual basic salary at
that stage is R83 656:
B = represents the number of days annual leave without pay (i.e. calendar
R1 254 840
365 = R3 437.91 (value in Rand of leave taken without pay)
Note: The value in Rand must not be rounded off. Leave without pay is calculated as calendar
A member has taken 15 calendar days unpaid leave. The member’s all-inclusive remuneration
package at that stage is R 369 000:
B = represents the number of days annual leave without pay (i.e. calendar
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R5 535 000, 00
Note: The value in Rand must not be rounded off. Leave without pay is calculated as
calendar days.
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