Golok StoreShree Caitanya Mahaprahu Prayers Lord Shiva

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Shree Shiva­Ashtakam

(The glorification of 8 verses to Lord Shiva)

Karpoor gowram karoona­avtaaram, samsaar saaram bhujagendr haaram

Sadaa vasantam hridayaar vinde, bhavam bhavaanee sahitam namami
Our humble salutations to Lord Shiva, whose complexion is like that of camphor, who is
the incarnate of compassion and who is the essence of the world. He wears the king of
serpents as His mala and forever dwells in the lotus­like heart. We bow to Shiva and
Composed by Shree Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu from the Shree Caitanya Carita by
Shree Murari Gupta.
Please note after these verses I have attached some information called “How
Vaishnavas (Devotees of Lord Krishna) worship Lord Shiva”.
A very quick note on who Caitanya Mahaprabhu really is: ­ Shree Krishna Caitanya
Mahaprabhu, the great teacher of love of God and the founder of the congregational
chanting of the holy name of the Lord, advented Himself at Shree Dham Mayapur (this
sacred place is about 130 km north of Kolkata) on Full Moon evening in the year 1407.
Mahaprabhu is the expansion of Shree Shree Radha­Krsna. This time however He
appeared as a great devotee of the Lord in order to preach to the people in general, as
well as to religionists and philosophers, about the transcendental position of Shree
Krishna, the primeval Lord and the cause of all causes. The essence of Mahaprabhu
teachings is simply that Lord Krsna who appeared in Vrndavana as the son of Nanda
Maharaja is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is therefore worshippable by all.
During His brief stay on this planet of 48 years He preached widely and His preaching
was most effective. A very quick note on who Murari Gupta really was: ­ The word
gupta means “hidden”, so the name Murari Gupta indicates that Murari (Shree
Chaitanya Deva) had secretly taken up permanent residence in his heart. Shree Murari
Gupta, possessed extraordinary humility. He had a personal lifelong relationship with
Lord Caitanya. Shree Murari Gupta was actually Shree Hanumanji himself...
Namo namas te tri­dasheshvaraaya
Bhootaadi naathaaya mrdaaya nityam
Gangaa­ tarangotthita­baala­candra
Coodaaya gauree­nayanotsavaaya //13//
I perpetually offer obeisances unto you, the Lord of the thirty primal devas, who are the
original father of created beings, whose character is gracious upon whose head which is
created by the sickle moon, the Ganga springs, and who are a festival for the eyes of
Gauri, the fair goddess.
Su tapta caameekara candra neela
Padma pravaalaambuda kaanti vastraih
Sunrtya rangeshta vara pradaaya
Kaivalya naathaaya vrsha dhvajaaya //14//
I offer my obeisances to you who resemble a molten gold, who are dressed in garments
coloured like a group of budding blue lotuses or lustrous rainclouds, who bestow the
most desirable boon to your devotees by your delightful, who offer shelter to those who
seek to become one with the transcendental effulgence of Godhead, and whose flag
bears the image of the bull.
Sudhaamshu soorya agni vilocanena
Tamo bhide te jagatah shivaaya
Sahasra shubhraamshu sahasra rashmi
Sahasra sanjittvara tejase ‘stu //15//
I offer my obeisances to you who dispel darkness with your three eyes – the moon, the
sun and fire – and thus cause auspiciousness for all the living entities of the universe,
and whose potency easily defeats thousands of moons and suns.
Naagesha ratnojjvala vigrahaaya
Shaarddoola carmaamshuka divya tejase
Sahasra patropari samsthitaaya
Varaangadaa mukta bhuja dvayaaya //16//
I offer my obeisance to you, whose form is brilliantly illuminated by the jewels of
Ananta­deva, the king of snakes, you who possess divine potencies and are clothes in a
tiger­skin, who stands in the midst of a thousand­petalled lotus and whose two arms
are adorned by lustrous bangles.
Su noopuraaranjita paada padma
Ksharat sudhaa bhrtya sukha pradaaya
Vicitra­ratnaugha vibhooshitaaya
Premaanam evaadya harau vidhedi //17//
I offer my obeisances to you who bestow happiness to you servitors as you pour upon
them the liquid nectar flowing from your reddish lotus feet, upon which charming ankle
bells ring. Obeisances unto you who are adorned by an abundance of gem. Please endow
Me today with pure love for Shree Hari (Krishna).
shree raama govinda mukunda shaure
shree krishna naaraayana vaasudeva
Ity aadi naamaamrita paana matta
Bhrn gaadhi paayaakhila duhka hantre //18//
“O Shree Raam! O Govinda! O Mukunda! O Shauri! O Krsna! O Narayana! O
Vaasudeva!” I offer my obeisances unto you, Shree Shiva, who are the monarch ruling
over all the bee­like devotees who are mad to drink the nectar of these and other
innumerable names of Shree Hari, and who thus destroys all grief.
Shree naaradaadyaih satatam sugopya
Jijnaasitaayaashu vara pradaaya
Tebhyo harer bhakti sukha pradaaya
Shivaaya sarvva gurave namo namah //19//
I offer my repeated obeisances to you Shree Shiva, who is forever inquired of
confidentially by Shree Narada and other great sages, who very easily bestow boons on
them, who bestows the happiness of Hari Bhakti to those who seek boons of you, who
thereby create auspiciousness and are thus the guru of everyone.
Shree gauree netrotsava mangalaaya
Tat praana naathaaya rasa pradaaya
Sadaa samutkantha Govinda leela
Gaana praveenaaya namo ‘stu tubhyam //20//
I offer my obeisances to you who are a festival of auspiciousness of the eyes of Gauri,
you who are the lord of her life­energy, who bestows rasa and are expert in forever
singing songs with eagerness of the pastimes of Lord Govinda (Krishna).
Etat shivasyaashtakam adbhutam mahat
Shrnvan hari prema labheta sheeghram
Jnaanam ca vijnaanam apoorvva vaibhavam
Yo bhaava poornah paramam samaadaram //21//
A person who lovingly hears with rapt attention this wonderful eightfold prayer to
Shree Shiva can quickly gain Shree Hari­Prema as well as transcendental knowledge,
the realization of that knowledge and unprecedented devotional potency.
Iti stuvantam utsukaah
Shivasya bhrtyaa vara maalya gandhaih
Vibhooshayaam aasur anuttamaangam
Tato bahirveshmasu sannivishthah //22//
After Lord Gaura thus praised Maheshvara (Lord Shiva), the servants of Shree Shiva
very enthusiastically ornamented Gauranga’s unparalled from with sublimely fragrant
flower­garlands, and the Lord then became settled nearby.
Bhakta arpitaannam bubhuje tato ‘sau
Suptvaa mudaa tatra nishaam ninaaya
Praatah samutthaaya sa krsna leelaam
Gaayan sukhenaapi babhoova poornah //23//
There Mahaprabhu ate some food offered by the Bhaktas and passed the night in that
place resting happily. Rising early in the morning, his heart again began overflowing
with delight as He sang songs describing the Lilas of Shree Krsna.
Pathed ya ittham stavam ambhujaaksha
Krtam puraareh purushottamasya
Premaanam evaatra labheta nityam
Sudurlabham yan muni deva vrndaih//24//
If one recites with devotion this glorification of the transcendental personality, Lord
Puraari, as composed by the lotus­eyes Shree Caitanya Mahaprabhu, one can obtain
here and now the eternally relishable pure love for Lord Krsna, which is very rarely
achieved by the hosts of the sages and devas.
Thus ends the Eighth Sarga entitled “Darshana of Mahadeva,” in the Prakrama of the
great poem Shree Caitanya­Carita.
How Vaishnavas (Devotees of Lord Krishna) worship Lord Shiva.
Vaishnavas (Devotees of Lord Krishna) and Vrajavasis (the people born in Vrindavan,
India) celebrate by seeking Lord Shiva's blessings and worship him in his form as a
Gopi (Female cowherd girl) at the ancient temple of Gopishwara in Vrindavan. "It is
said, vaishnavanam yatha sambhu: Lord Shiva is the best of devotees of Lord Krishna.
In Vrindavan there is Lord Shiva's temple called Gopishwara. The gopis used to
worship not only Lord Shiva but Katyayani (Durga) as well, but their aim was to attain
the favour of Lord Krishna. A devotee of Lord Krishna does not disrespect Lord Shiva,
but worships Lord Shiva as the most exalted devotee of Lord Krishna. Consequently,
whenever a devotee worships Lord Shiva he prays to Lord Shiva to achieve the favour of
Krishna and he does not request material profit." (Purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 4.
24.30.) Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur offered these prayers wriiten for
Gopishwara Mahadev when he visited the Lingaraj temple in Bhubaneshwar on June
22nd, 1922:
Vrindavanvani­pate jaya soma soma
maule sanandana­sanatana­naradeya
gopishvara vraja­vilasi­yuganghri­padme
prema prayaccha nirupadhi namo namas te
"O Lord Shiva, O gatekeeper of Vrindavan! O you who are accompanied by Uma
(Parvati)! O you who carry the moon in your hair! O lord worshiped by Sananda­kumar,
Sanat­Kumar and Narada Muni! O Gopishwar, the worshipable deity of the gopis!
Desiring that you bestow upon me love for the divine couple, Shree Shree Radha
Madhava, who perform joyous pastimes in Vraja, I offer my obeisances unto you again
and again." (Srila Vishwanatha Chakravarti's Shree Sankalpa­kalpadrum, cited in vol.
7 of Shree Krishna Kathamritam).
It is related that Lord Shiva desiring to witness the Rasa Lila is stopped from crossing
the Yamuna River in Vrindavan by Vrinda­devi. Lord Shiva protests this refusal of
entry, saying he is a great devotee of Lord Krishna and should be allowed to participate
in His most wonderful pastime with the Gopis. Vrinda Devi’s response is firm: "Krishna
is the only male in the rasa­lila."
Lord Shiva, not to be outdone, submerges himself in Yamuna­devi, non­different from
love of Lord Krishna, and emerges as a Gopi. Now qualified as feminine, he gains an
exclusive inside view into the Rasa play of Lord Krishna and the gopis. The other
Devas, including Lord Brahma, may only witness and shower flowers from outside the
realm of Vamsivata on Yamuna shore. The Deity of Gopishwar Mahadev, worshipped in
a small temple near Vamsivata, is a lingam ­­ one of four important Shiva­linga shrines
in Vraja.
Each night the lingam is transformed as he assumes the semblance of a gopi's face,
replete with nose ring and other feminine ornaments in a most colourful attire. The
ensemble is different every day of the year. Lord Shiva resides forever in Vrindavan as
Gopishwara Mahadeva, the dearest devotee of Krishna, and thus participates in all the
Lord's unending Lila.
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