The Game Master's Book of Astonishing Random Tables
The Game Master's Book of Astonishing Random Tables
The Game Master's Book of Astonishing Random Tables
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Gifts & Curses The Weird, the Wild and the Random
Divine Blessings pg. 182 Weirdos, Hermits & Wanderers pg. 218
Boons pg. 183 NPC Primary Motivation pg. 219
Curses pg. 184 Rumors on the Street pg. 219
Charms pg. 186 Hags & Their Lairs pg. 220
Common Magic Items pg. 189 I Wouldn’t Touch That pg. 220
Gelatinous Cubes pg. 222
Dreams Atmosphere Enhancement pg. 222
Nightmarish Dreams pg. 194 Demonic Demands pg. 223
Pleasant Dreams pg. 194 Giants & Their Things pg. 223
Gnomish Inventors pg. 224
Prophecy Hallucinations pg. 225
Constellations & Heavenly Portents pg. 196 Useless(?) Junk pg. 226
Soothsayers and Fortune Tellers pg. 197 Portals to the Unknown pg. 226
Ghosts pg. 228
Reincarnation Gravestones pg. 228
Reincarnation Results &
Unexpected Side Effects pg. 198
Robbie Daymond
t’s happened to the best of us. You’ve lured your imaginations, providing set pieces for gripping combat
party into an untenable situation and they’re on or narrative encounters and the context that ensures
the run from the dual threat of notorious hag those scenes have meaningful stakes, which is why you
Granny Mu’Pau and the implacable mechanical might invest hours of your time developing a place for
army of Dr. Orryn Belanteraith (in league with them to explore. To which your players will inevitably
the Duke, which means the law is decidedly not on respond, “Where else can we go?” It’s a lot of work.
their side). They’ve managed to piss off the Honorable Luckily, this book is a tool and, in some ways, an
Purveyors of Rest and Respite, so finding a place to sleep automaton, created to take some of that work off your
is a quest unto itself. And that’s when they have a brilliant hands. Whether you’re an old hand or you’re GMing your
idea. “What if we just leave this city altogether?” says the first game, the tables presented throughout this book
druid. “Let’s just steal a wagon and head for the next town are designed to generate content on your behalf or spark
over.” “Why stop there?” asks the bard. “Why don’t we go new ideas within you. These tables were created to help
to another country? I could parlay with local leaders and you focus your attention on the things you care about
we could build an alliance and maybe lead a rebellion.” so that when your players ask about things you haven't
“That’s OK,” you think as you rub your temples and considered (“What’s in his pocket?” or “What’s the name
consider your next move. “I’ll get them at the border.” of the trappers guild?” or “What’s on the menu?”) you
“I can drive a boat!” shouts the fighter, who has never not only have an answer—you have a potential hook for
once used his background as a sailor. another chapter in your ongoing adventure.
It’s fine. They’ll never be able to commandeer a
ship, gather a crew and master the waves. And yet, a What This Book Is
few Charisma checks later, the party is setting sail in a The Game Master’s Book of Astonishing Random
stolen vessel with a crew of 35 easily persuaded goblins, Tables is many things, but first and foremost, it is a
steered with all the wind they could need courtesy of spark. It’s here to help you take the inner workings of
the druid’s ability to spam gust all afternoon. They’re your creative mind and put them on display for those
fleeing the places you spent hours preparing, en route to around you. It’ll do some of the work for you so you can
a continent you’ve not yet imagined, all because you told focus on creating epic stories with your players.
them “This is an open world, explore it as you see fit.” It is, at its core, exactly what it’s called: a book
Why do we do this? Why not just play Monopoly?! of (astonishing) random tables. These tables add
It’s a question that’s come up for most Game Masters spontaneity to your sessions, a bit of tension to already
at some point or another, and the answer is always the tense situations and a touch of chaos—whether by your
same: the story. The story is what everyone—you, your hand or the hands of your players—based on the will of
players, perhaps even an audience—cares about. As the the dice. If they didn’t, they’d be called predictable tables.
Game Master, you act as the facilitator of the story and It is also a fully functional campaign generator. It
its setting, bringing to life a world rich with opportunity, will take you through the steps of creating a setting and
intrigue, magic, danger, dungeons and perhaps a dragon filling that setting with interesting places and people
or two. You create a universe where you and your friends and the governments that rule them: the motivations
collaboratively conjure tales together. You must also behind leaders of powerful guilds, nefarious cults and
answer questions about how that world looks, feels secret societies—some hoping to change the world for
and influences the narrative. Every detail you provide the better, others not so much. It will help challenge your
about your world is a snare that can capture the players’ players through social interaction and fierce combat,
but most importantly, it will provide hooks for further not let the expansive but still limited options contained
adventures that will entice your players to continue to in this tome inhibit the exponentially more important
explore the playground you’ve created. power of your own creativity.
The Worldbuilding section does what it’s called, with
dozens of tables designed to help you create a campaign
or adventure setting from scratch. From the elder earth How to Use This Book
deities that created your realm to the name of the secret
order of clerics making plans in a shadowy tavern to lock Text styled like this is flavor text and should be read
those gods away, this section will help you fill in every out loud to describe specific actions, relay important
detail of your world, whether you’re starting with your info or provide details of the characters’ surroundings.
own big bang or just answering the question “What’s over Not reading it to your party might mean they miss out
yonder hill?” on essential info, funny lines or both.
The Session Building section is also well-named,
featuring tools meant to aid you as you prepare for (or, as
is often the case, fully improvise) a session of play. There
are level-appropriate random encounter tables for nearly GM NOTE: THIS IS A NOTE FOR YOU
any environment, chase complications for those same Text contained inside a box that looks like this
environments, a quick side quest generator for those is meant to draw your attention to information
sessions when you aren’t sure what your players want to that is important for you to know or is imperative
do and they aren’t either, travel complications to sully to a plot point in the one-shot adventures. It is
said side quests and environmental hazards for when the also used to point out places where you can make
barbarian gets cocky and roars “That all you got!?” in an a variety of choices for different reasons or call
avalanche-prone ravine. attention to places that might lead to important
The Magic & Miscellany section is, well, everything things you need to consider when using different
else. Spell scroll and potion generators, teleportation options at your table. They are important to read,
mishaps, curses, things you might find in someone’s which is why most are fairly short.
pocket, stuff you shouldn’t touch (which could pair well
with things you might find in someone’s pocket), sentient
weapon likes and dislikes. Explore it with caution. Tables. Each table in this book is associated with
This book also includes three one-shot adventures a particular die value (d4, d6, d8, d10, d20 or d100).
that feature some of the tables covered in the first three Some tables will ask you to roll a particular type of
sections. These adventures can be run in a single session die once, others offer a chance to generate different
or serve as a major story arc or means of kicking off a options on the same table using multiple rolls to
campaign if that’s your preference. They are scaled for combine different results. Many of the tables contain
specific levels but can shift as needed depending on all of the information you will need to apply the result
party composition and GM benevolence. of the roll; however, in some places, the text required
for explanation got a little unwieldy inside the table
What This Book Is Not itself. Those options are presented as a simple list and
The Game Master’s Book of Astonishing Random Tables expounded upon in the copy that follows. You got this.
is not the definitive work on how to create a world, a Maps. The maps in this book are presented on a grid,
setting or a session. You are the final arbiter of your entire with each square representing a 5-foot-by-5-foot space
realm. You will not be arrested for fudging rolls to generate unless otherwise noted.
an outcome more in line with the stories you want to tell. The Index. On pg. 280 is a complete index of all
This book is not responsible for player death. That’s the tables contained inside this book. Several tables
you again. A 5th-level fireball dropping on the party as were sacrificed on the page count altar in order to
a result of a wild magic surge is hilarious when every accommodate the index. Please make use of it so their
player is fully rested and has 90 hit points. It’s less fun deaths were not in vain.
when they’re all first-level (or first-time) players and the
result on a 1d100 table leaves everyone rolling up a new Without further ado, please enjoy The Game
character the moment the sorcerer casts her first spell. Master’s Book of Astonishing Random Tables. Being
Your story should come first. Enforce the outcomes as the all-powerful deity of your universe is a ridiculously
well as the rules to serve and shape your story—keep time-consuming job full of creation, destruction and
what you like, change what you don’t. sometimes constant worry. But with this book at your
This book is not a universe in a box. Despite best side, your players will think twice before building a boat
intentions to include everything you could possibly need to explore another realm. And if they do, you can always
to create epic settings and sessions, there are only so roll on the Level 17-20 Coastal Environmental Hazards
many tables one can fit on a single page (trust me). Do table and send them immediately back to shore.
tories are about people. People are shaped by worlds. Overall cultures,
great societies and individual persons are all products of the environments
in which they struggle to survive, thrive or prevent others from doing the
same. Sometimes they shape the environments in kind.
The arcs of a major campaign or minor one-shot are nearly always
focused on the characters, and we watch the story unfold through their perspective
because, as GMs or players, we’re the ones bringing each character to life. We see
them deal with challenges, overcome adversity and find joy and contentment (or
at least a place to bed down for the night). We watch them take on horrid villains
in numerous forms, be they sneak thieves, shape-shifters or otherworldly cultists
hell-bent on raising their devilish queen from the underworld to devour the sun (all
in a day’s work, really). We cheer them on as they struggle to overcome seemingly
insurmountable problems placed in their path. Your players endeavor to do their
best to navigate the narratives you create together by bringing their characters to
life. As GM, the “character” you give life to each week is the world your players
inhabit. It is an NPC unto itself. Sometimes, like when you describe the sound a
stone makes as it plunks into a bog, or the lingering whisper of a foul breeze, it even
has a funny accent.
The environment of a campaign—the world and It would be easy to fall down the rabbit hole and get
setting where it takes place—informs and influences lost in the myriad possibilities that exist. I suggest
so much of the story. The locale, whether that be a technique that has served me well through many
tropical forests where strange beasts dwell, arid deserts years of gaming (and creating custom minis): Start by
where lack of water and violent sandstorms thrash the painting broad strokes before you deal with specifics.
landscape and challenge its inhabitants or vibrant cities Decide on some general features of your setting. Work
full of explosions of cultures, sights and sounds, is just from big picture to small specific locations as you zero in
as important as the characters. In the real world, we on where your story is going to take place, determining
often tie our memories to certain places. The same is which aspects of the environment you wish to play a
true for players exploring your fantasy realm. major role in the narrative. Detail the general feel of the
Think of the first time you set foot in a large city, planet or place that will contain your story. Block out,
the hustle and bustle and press of the crowds almost in rough terms, the overall world (desert planet, water
overwhelming you as the sights, smells and raucous planet, cotton candy planet) and how it fits together
noise of thousands of people pressed down upon you. before focusing on adding detail to the areas where your
Consider the first time you saw the ocean, vast stretches campaign is going to play out.
of water spreading out before you as the horizon became Be a selfish deity and determine what’s important to
the limit of your view. Everyone has a similar story save you. What aspects of the environment affect your plot?
for those who’ve never left their small town, and that What aspects of the setting will influence and challenge
experience has a way of binding people together. As your players as they progress through the story you want
people, we can imagine the awe of viewing a natural to tell, as well as the one you’re trying to tell together?
wonder like the Grand Canyon, the stretching Serengeti I will confess I have, on numerous occasions, spent
or the clouded heights of Mount Fuji or Mount Everest. copious amounts of time creating places, people and
We all understand the power an engaging setting can encounters my players will never see (or even ask
have over the stories we tell, yet in many cases GMs using about). I have spent hours detailing the rising peaks of
pregenerated modules are left with very little to work ice and snow-covered mountains, or the twisting warren
with when it comes to worldbuilding. It can be daunting of tunnels that runs underneath, knowing full well
to create entire realms from scratch. So why not let the the party will never go there—despite my repeatedly
dice do the work for you? The tables that follow in this mentioning them through covert (and overt) means. I’m
section are designed to help you create a massive world not bitter! These creations aren’t a waste. In fact, the
for your players to inhabit. You may not need all of them detail work you do when worldbuilding isn’t even really
(You may not even need any, in which case, sorry for for the players: It’s for you. These moments of creation
wasting your time…enjoy the other sections?). do wonders for your own understanding of the world
But what you will need as you engage with the material over which you have complete dominion, making the
in this section is an unbridled ego. You are, for all intents story richer and the game more immersive. And in the
and purposes, a god. You have the power to shape the event your sunny beach-based adventure needs a change
abyssal void into any number of planets or earthburgs, of pace, well—there’s always the mountains.
and within those swirling masses of land and sea, a The tables in this section go from the macro (How
collection of continents. On those continents, you can many gods are there in your pantheon? And why are they
place various environments with access to the oceans so pissed off?) to the microcosmic (What would happen
or streams flowing down from the mountains. Whether to the economy if one of those gods visited a little boy in
those streams are made of molten rock or flesh-searing a small town and told him to scare off all the sheep?).
acid is also your call. Embrace your inner deity. Just You can use them all in conjunction with one another to
remember that because your story is likely to include create an entire universe or just cherry-pick the elements
humanoid races, you’ll need to consider aspects of each of you need in order to augment aspects of the world you’ve
their cultures. Where did they settle down? Why there? been tinkering with for ages. You’re a god. Wield these
Once settled, what did they start to do with their time? extensions of your power however you like.
Jungle Mountain
1d20 1d20
A massive waterfall in a hidden valley. The Large rock formation in the shape of a bear. A
1 churning waters at the bottom of the falls are 1
great waterfall spills from its mouth.
said to hold the secret to eternal life. A deep canyon that contains a portal to the
A series of earthmotes that float high over the 2
elemental plane of earth.
2 landscape are connected by the roots of the A large cliff wall carved and painted in strange
great trees that grow upon them. 3 arcane shapes that predate known civilization.
A crater of unknown origin from which a strange A series of caverns that features a continuously
3 4
blue-green gas wafts upward. forming glowing blue crystal.
An overgrown temple ruin rumored to have a High on a windswept overlook, a teleportation
4 5
degree of sentience. circle has been carved into the rock.
A river of molten rock that runs down into a A giant anvil set into the side of a snowcapped
5 deep cave at the bottom of which is a portal to mountain.
the plane of flame. An altar of jet black stone concealed in a hidden
6 An invisible city of the fey high in the canopy. valley, used to make sacrifices to dark gods.
Deep in the jungle is a fantastic garden A river of lavender water spirals down the side
7 dominated by a series of terraced pools of of a towering mountain peak.
pristine water attended by treants and dryads. A colossal statue of an elven woman holding a
Along a winding path through the foliage stand cracked crystal torch.
8 wooden totems of fantastic beasts. From time to Spanning between two great peaks is a bridge
time faces appear in the carvings to offer advice. 10
that leads to a door sealed with dwarven runes.
Hidden deep in the jungle is a city constructed An everlasting tornado of ash and flame that
9 11
of pure gold, haunted by the souls of the dead. belches forth from a bottomless pit.
Nestled around a great lake is a peaceful village, Carved deep into a sheer cliff wall is the door to
10 12
where the residents never age. a cathedral dedicated to a long-dead god.
Across the landscape on hills that poke out from Spanning the width of a desolate mountain
11 the canopy is a series of titanic archways. 13 pass is the rib cage and weathered spine of an
Miles upon miles of towering, narrow columns immense beast.
12 of rock covered with vines and moss. The air Five narrow mountain peaks that look like the
above is full of floating chunks of rock. 14 grasping hand of a titanic earth elemental.
Choked by the undergrowth and hidden from A mountain peak of pure red stone riddled with
13 view by the canopy is a massive, eight-armed, 15
caverns rich with veins of mithral ore.
mandibled monstrosity encased in rich amber.
Visible from a high overlook is a sprawling valley
A rushing river runs in a spiral from and around 16
14 covered in perpetual mist.
the peak of a vegetation-covered mountain
A cluster of trees that creates a ladder up the Dominating what was once a high mountain
15 17 peak is a giant stone mechanism of rotating
face of a cliff into a shrouding mist.
concentric circles.
Several square miles of territory completely
16 A mountain range that looks like the slumbering
covered in dense spiderwebs. 18
A squat, vine-covered, ruined temple that is form of a giant woman.
17 A pair of mountain peaks that look like they
actually a colossal mimic. 19
A path that stretches for miles, lined in faerie grew around each other like a helix.
18 lights, that leads to a glade tended by an Around the peak of a tall mountain is a ring of
awakened tree. orbiting spheres of molten rock.
An ancient coliseum rises out of the jungle.
19 Entering explorers are treated to hallucinatory
visions of contests from ages past.
20 A grove of carnivorous, house-sized plants.
Desert Swamp and Marshlands
1d20 1d20
A great oasis that serves as a grand bazaar, A decrepit floating cottage housing an old crone
1 1
attracting merchants of all kinds. who is rumored to have great power.
A series of ruins, half buried in the sand, from A great colony of lizardfolk who reside in a series
2 2
which enticing voices call to passing travelers. of grand caverns beneath the swampgrass.
A large flat plane of sand where sentient A murky bog full of darting wispy lights where it
3 3
whirlwinds roam the landscape. is rumored wishes spoken will be granted.
4 The petrified corpse of a colossal worm. 4 A large whirlpool that spins counterclockwise
An abandoned bridge over a rushing river, the
5 A secluded oasis resort staffed by goblins. 5 end of which is shrouded in mist.
6 A really cool rock. That’s definitely haunted. Inside a sunken ruin is a round door made of
A cliff featuring the carving of a demon’s face. It 6 pure adamantine that has been sealed for
speaks prophetic words every century. centuries.
8 A huge whirlpool of sand called “The Tug.” A quarry where gold-veined black marble
An extensive network of caves leading to a lake. 7 is abundant but hard to mine due to all the
9 tentacled creatures laired nearby.
The walls are covered with an edible moss.
In the midst of moss- and vine-covered dark
A buried building housing an endless arcane
10 8 black trees is a vast field of giant lily pads with
library hidden below the sand.
vibrant yellow flowers.
Standing alone in a swath of featureless sand is
11 a gilded mirror, the size of a man, etched with A sunken forest where purple crystals grow from
runes in an unknown language. the muddy skeletons of a dozen dragons.
Under the arching roots of ancient trees is a
A perfectly measured circle made up of 10
12 menhir featuring a snake eating its own tail.
immense discarded snail shells.
A dank cavern that descends into the swamp
The destroyed pieces of a megalithic tower. A 11
13 that has walls made of crystalline mirrors.
demon made of wind and sand stalks the ruins.
A flooded marsh with gnarled trees. The water
14 A square mile devoid of gravity. 12
runs red and wailing faces appear in its surface.
A rocky butte surrounded by black clouds that An eerie column of green light shines up from a
15 13
spit orange lightning. tower covered in thorny vines.
A region dominated by massive stone arches Ancient trees, their branches forming intricate
16 14
streaked through with azure gemstones. cages, house pulsing lightning bugs.
A jet black pyramid, with no entrance, ringed by
17 Flocks of flightless pink river birds with magical
a circular wall of stone.
15 feathers roam an area dominated by large trees
Standing sentinel over a canyon entrance are with massive, visible roots.
two giant, lifelike dragon statues.
Black mushrooms the size of trees, with gills
A large area strewn with rocks that are actually 16
19 that create a vibrant yellow light.
the eggs of a long-dormant species.
A grove of trees with honeycombed seed pods.
20 A humanoid skull the size of a palace. 17 Their nectar (a favorite of area insects) is said to
have healing properties.
Levitating over a dais of pure marble is an orb
inscribed with celestial symbols.
A cemetery where bodies are interred in clear
19 crystal coffins that float on the surface of a bog.
Powerful gouts of water shoot from the surface
20 of part of a swamp. The sprays pull precious
metals and jewels to the surface with each blast.
Arctic Grasslands
1d20 1d20
A large, abandoned palace of ice in the middle On a large verdant plain, the windswept grasses
1 1
of an open tundra. create a maze that confounds careless travelers.
2 The icy corpse of a troll species thought extinct. A pool of crystalline blue water that has healing
A large chasm that spews frigid air and icy water properties is guarded by wild buffalo.
3 A gargantuan effigy of a primitive man made
in a plume 100 feet high. 3
Hot spring in the middle of a snowy plain where from ever-growing grass.
4 A solitary tree in the middle of the plain has a
strange fey creatures have been seen. 4
A forest made purely of ice and snow where a door carved into its base.
5 A field of razor-sharp grass that can be deadly to
rare flower grows in abundance. 5 the unwary adventurer.
Inside a ring of standing stones, on a frozen A field of yellow roses that put people into an
plateau, it is always spring. enchanted sleep where they dream of pleasant
Just visible below the translucent ice of a vast things until they cease to breathe.
7 frozen lake is a building made of ancient coral. Haunting music being carried on the wind from
A windswept rocky plateau with a massive 7
8 an abandoned tower.
sundial carved into it. In the middle of the plains, there is a massive
A glacial wall that has the wreck of an immense clawed footprint captured in stone.
9 The hilt and part of the blade of a titanic sword
ship sticking out of it.
A broken archway sparking with eldritch power sticks out of a barren plain.
10 A solitary rough-cut crystal statue that animates
on the surface of a perpetually frozen pond. 10 in the light of the setting sun.
11 A ski lodge run by garrulous gnomes.
An ornate walled garden full of petrified
Inside of a cavern made of ice is an alien 11
12 creatures.
structure built out of glowing stone cubes.
High above the grasslands floats an ornate
Beautiful lights streak across the sky in a variety 12 castle of pure white stone that is protected by a
13 of colors, heralding the arrival of valuable forms magical wall of force.
of starmetal.
Spaced out around a vast plain are huge trees
Massive pale yellow crystals stick out of a frozen 13 with very narrow trunks and overwhelming
14 mountain. Inside the crystals are giant shadowy canopies of red branches with magenta leaves.
shapes that sometimes move. On a gully-strewn plain, large oblong rocks
An area of the rocky tundra covered with bright 14 move to and fro of their own volition.
15 pink permafrost. Creating potions using this From a rocky outcropping, a stairway of
substance increases their yield by 1d4. 15 pure light rises from the ground into the sky,
Giant glowing columns of ice stretch high above disappearing as it climbs.
16 the landscape. Roaring blue flames burn at the Stretching across the rolling plains is an ancient
top of each column. battlefield, still wet with blood and strewn
Perched regally on a high plateau is the form of with skeletons. It is watched over by a towering
17 a gargantuan petrified dragon that has steam colossus.
constantly running from its nostrils. Buried in the ground, near the surface, are
On a vast frigid sea, massive icebergs move glowing blue orbs of precious stone. Mining
18 unpredictably. Many of these icebergs are them is difficult as they seem to resist being
rumored to hold ancient treasures. removed.
A network of wide, labyrinthine tunnels that lead An area where a symphony of natural music
19 18 rises as the wind rubs the blades of grass
to a small yeti colony.
Frozen into the side of a mountain is a sphere together and crickets and cicadas harmonize.
20 An immense stone human head with an ancient
that appears to contain a living aurora borealis.
19 crumbling city built atop it rises from the
ground in the middle of a barren plain.
20 An ant colony the size of a small city.
Hills Built into the side of a hill is a miniature replica
1d20 12 of the closest city. It magically changes, grows or
A community of giant halflings, outcasts from shrinks to match its double.
1 their respective communities. Starburst-shaped shards of valuable crystal
The skeleton of an ancient titan half-buried 13
2 tower above the landscape near a group of hills.
under the rolling landscape. A blinding dust cloud hovers, unmoving, masking
A series of long-abandoned signal beacons that 14
3 an ancient elven civilization in the clouds.
sometimes blaze to life. Isolated earthquakes shake the landscape in
A wrecked vessel of unknown origin that sits 15 a 5-mile radius, often revealing rich veins of
inexplicably atop a large hill. valuable metal and gems.
A chessboard carved into the rolling hills with A gaping tunnel mouth under a large overhang of
pieces the size of large creatures. 16 rock that leads down into a massive cavern full of
The largest giant bee colony in the world. The ancient bones made of clouded glass.
6 Gold constantly washes up on the shores of an
scent of honey can be smelled for miles.
A collection of rocky crags filled with a pink gas 17 ancient lake, though the source of the precious
7 metal has never been found.
that causes a form of spiritual euphoria.
A series of ever-shifting hills and valleys that are Set in the rocky ground are numerous totem
8 poles, carved to look like various animals.
said to be formed by the god of snakes.
A barren moor where large canine footprints are 18 Touching the totems allows you to see through
9 burned into the landscape and the air around the eyes of a nearby creature matching the
smells of sulfur. statue’s appearance.
An expansive magical network of tunnels.
Hovering 1,000 feet above the ground is a disc of As soon as a creature enters one, they are
10 19
sandstone engraved with stellar patterns. teleported to the exit of another.
An island that looks like a crashing wave sits in Standing atop a hill is a lonely well. The bottom is
11 the middle of a deep lake. The sounds of surf 20 not visible, but the scent of roses wafts from the
echo off the lake’s placid surface. dark depths.
To determine the leader of this type of government, refer nobility and aristocrats squabble and fight to rise to the
to the Democracy Leaders table and roll 3d4 to randomly throne, which they will then cede to their own heir and
select a leader, their goals and their methods. so on and so on until the monarchy comes to an end. In
short, there’s stability in progeneration.
Democracy Leaders Because of the way a monarchy works and how it
1d4 Who Goals Methods changes hands, its effect on the people can vary. The
A(n)... who seek(s) to... by... common folk could live for decades under the benevolent
turning to rule of a wise queen only to find themselves instantly
dragonborn improve
science and suffering under the rule of her tyrannical offspring.
1 conditions for all
people invention
Questions to Consider
• Because the king or queen has absolute authority
group of elected amass wealth for and financing
2 over everything and everyone within their domain,
senators themselves local business
for good or for ill, what sort of ruler are they? How
and trade
does the personality of a monarch affect the citizens
peacefully absorb
forming an of this nation?
alliance with • Are the people pleased with the rule of their
3 city council territories to
a powerful monarch or is there displeasure with the
increase their
mage college government, bordering on sedition?
own influence
righting a • How do the other nobility, including the monarch’s
bolster their recent wrong relatives, view the king or queen? Are there secret
4 chief minister plots to remove them from rule? What about openly
reelection (in the wrong
way) stated plots? How are these plots addressed?
• What was the approach of the previous
generation’s ruler and how does that influence the
Monarchy way the current monarch approaches their rule?
The old fantasy role-playing staple. Innumerable • How did your ruler gain the throne? Put another
adventures have been started at the behest of a make- way, how did the previous ruler die? What about the
believe king or queen (and, it should be said, real ones). ruler before them?
Inevitably heroes of the scale your players will become
over the course of your story will garner the attention of If you are struggling to determine a leader for your
a monarch or two. So often when we journey through the newly minted monarchy, refer to the Monarchy Leaders
stories placed in a sword and sorcery setting we think of table and roll 3d4 to randomly select a leader, their goals
governments like this being the prevailing system. The and their methods.
presentation of a great quest from a regal, benevolent
ruler is a provocative image. Many of the most well- Monarchy Leaders
known fantasy stories begin this way and as a result, 1d4 Who Goals Methods
though we’ve never been in that scenario, it’s easy to A(n)... who seek(s) to... by...
imagine and therefore easier to roleplay than some of elevate the
these other governmental systems. position of the expertly
It’s also simpler to run. At its core, monarchy is a form genteel people on the negotiating trade
of government in which a single person is the head of queen international deals
the state until they abdicate the throne or they shuffle off stage
this mortal coil (from natural causes or something more guide every engaging in
sinister). Usually, the monarch has complete authority aspect of the tactical but
2 child king
that covers everything in their domain. They make the everyday lives of brutal military
laws, which they judge in accordance to their whims and their citizens campaigns
enforce as they, and they alone, see fit. Sort of like a GM. charismatic
Monarchs are typically chosen by heredity and prince gain control of
subterfuge and
birthright. The title or the crown or the vibrant pink 3 (whose neighboring
bunny tiara (It’s your kingdom!) is passed from parent father is territory
to child for generations. As they say, “The King is dead. missing)
Long live the King!” This does, however, put significant ensure their name
acting with
pressure on a ruler to set a good match and create stoic and reign echoes
4 benevolence and
strong progeny so the line of rule is not broken. Wars, emperor throughout
assassinations and political infighting often result after history
the death of a monarch who has no children as the
In an oligarchy, literally “rule of the few,” the members To determine the leader of this type of government, refer
of the ruling elite are the wealthiest or otherwise most to the Oligarchy Leaders table and roll 3d4 to randomly
powerful people in the country. They use their money select a leader, their goals and their methods.
and influence to set the stage for them to get richer, be
more powerful and leech more from the common man, Oligarchy Leaders
who they see as an inferior creature. These super-rich 1d4 Who Goals Methods
cabals are in many cases inherently corrupt, seeing A(n)... who seek(s) to... by...
the act of governance as nothing more than another obtain a
group of
opportunity to line their pockets. Aristotle postulated monopoly to sabotaging
1 dwarven gem
an oligarchy contrasted to other forms of government consolidate their rivals
by a select elite, characterizing it as a rule of the few for power
corrupt and unjust purposes. controlling
council of guild expand into new
An oligarchy might also be operating behind the 2 all the trade
leaders territories
scenes of a realm ostensibly ruled by another form of routes
government. An elite caste can wield its power to unfairly bribing
collection control the
influence the official government and bend it to their anyone who
3 of five noble economy with an
desires. As a general rule, these leaders work solely to stands in their
families iron fist
make things better for themselves and could really give way
two shakes of a dead goblin about anyone else. gnomish
purchase and
The drawback (for the leaders) is that these societies alchemist and turning lead
4 own all major
rarely last. That isn’t to say they won’t persist for an a few close into gold
extended period of time, but the good times can only friends
roll for so long. Inevitably the poor become poorer, the
desperate become more desperate and before you know
it they are chopping off heads in city squares while slicing Aristocracy
some delicious cake. Oligarchy’s even more self-righteous cousin, aristocracy
It is possible that those living in the shadow of great might be described as “Rule by a few of the best.” The
riches may not feel the pinch of poverty. People’s lives idea is that the morally and intellectually superior
do continue under this system of government and it is govern in the interest of all, a definition surely created
totally possible to survive and thrive. It is also possible by aristocrats. These fine folk, who decide on behalf of
that the people living in this nation do not know the all people that they are better than everyone else, rule
rich rule everything. Just because the super-rich rise because they are presumed to be the most qualified.
to the top and work to keep themselves there, does not There are aristocratic classes inherent in many
mean everyone else lives in utter destitution. However, forms of government. In a monarchy, for example, the
oligarchies inherently create inequality. It isn’t an nobility form the aristocracy. They claim to be better
overnight process—it could take generations—but in the because they are “born better.” The mere circumstance
end, the wealth all ends up in one place (the top) while of their birth is all they need to be counted among the
everyone else has to fight to survive at their feet. powerful. In a democracy, the “best” are put forward by
the common man and elected to a position of power;
Questions to Consider they create a de facto aristocracy regardless of their
• How will a ruling class of incredibly wealthy beginnings or their intentions.
individuals impact the tone of your setting? This term “best” is so subjective that the ruling caste
• How long has this group been in power? An can grow out of a variety of sources. In the simplest
oligarchy in its infancy might not look or feel too terms, the aristocracy is the upper crust of society, the
awful for those who live in it. But, if you choose elite. This part of society can be found everywhere
this form of government and decide it has been the from the top ranks of government to the hierarchy of a
form of rule for generations, what would that look religious organization.
like for the citizenry? Simply, this system categorizes people into very defined
• How will this system affect your players, their parameters. Their opportunities, connections and
options and their ability to act? contacts are all going to be determined by where they fall
• If a group of de facto rulers has a seemingly in the social ladder and how hard they work to climb it.
endless source of wealth, how would they wield it Their worth will be defined by who their parents are and
to remain in power? If necessary, how would they what characteristics set them above the rest of the rabble
wield it against the party? in the eyes of their peers.
one another for superiority? Or is it organized? the latter a dictator rarely tries to hide their actions or
• Are each of these communities in conflict for present themselves as anything other than what they are.
mere survival, or have they learned how to sustain In an authoritarian state, a single individual does not
their communal ideals? Think about the political need to hold all the power; a large scale bureaucracy (or
machinations that would exist inside a tumultuous a specific group) can hold power just as easily as a single
congress formed from representatives from these person. Under a dictatorship, a lone individual acts as the
different factions and how each might affect your god of their domain and does so unapologetically.
players. Dictators tend to be tyrannical, turning to intimidation,
• Are any of your players from this place and do terror and outright violence to control the populace. They
they now have their loyalties torn between their generally lead the military and any other institutions of
community and their party (whose goals might not power, and they wield those institutions like weapons
align)? against anyone else who would stand against them. They
• How does the leadership of this nation and their maintain power through force.
methods influence the way the party interacts with All the while, they are feeding their people a never-
the government if your story dictates they should? ending stream of propaganda that presents what they
are doing as the only right thing to do, sometimes going
To determine the leader of this type of government, as far as to say the oppression the people live under is for
refer to the Communalism Leaders table and roll 3d4 to their own good and protection. A dictator is typically a
randomly select a leader, their goals and their methods. morally bereft individual who is addicted to power and
will do anything they can to get it and keep it.
Communalism Leaders While this form of government is traditionally viewed
1d4 Who Goals Methods on the evil end of the alignment table, that is not
who seek(s) to... by... necessarily always the case. Think about how a society
maintain a led by a lawful good paladin might look. This may be
A merit-based encouraging a society where any crime—even something as benign
balance for all
conclave of extensive as public intoxication—might carry an extreme form of
1 the different
seven faction discourse and punishment. This leader may believe they are acting with
groups among the
representatives argument the people’s best interest in mind and working on behalf
keep the peace of the greater good. Their actions and absolute authority
utilizing are still despotic. The people are no more free in this
The First between the
2 espionage and circumstance than they would be under an evil warlord
Minister factions and
blackmail dedicated to a dark god.
In short, the only good dictatorship is one you can use
The Faces of the hiring as a narrative device. This type of government will, from
Many, elected find a common assassins the jump, provide an antagonist for your party. This may
3 representatives enemy and faking not be the BBEG of your campaign, but navigating a
of all the incursions society held in the clenched fist of a dictator will provide
many challenges for your party from the very beginning
No central of your story. It is an environment ripe with opportunities
leadership ensure the violent,
for your player characters to be heroes (or, if they get
4 (each faction survival of the antagonistic
caught, martyrs).
operates on larger collective conflict
their own goals) Questions to Consider
• How do the dictator’s goals affect the atmosphere
in the nation? What happens if they align with the
Dictatorship goals of the party?
A dictatorship is a form of government in which one
• How is the party viewed by the government and
person possesses absolute power with no limitations.
what obstacles would present themselves if the party
This differs substantially from a monarchy because in
were considered enemies of the state?
a monarchy there are laws, traditions and policies that
• Would the way the party is viewed by the general
can limit the power of a monarch. In a dictatorship, the
population change if they were believed to be allies
person holding the position of authority has done away
of the government?
with all of that. There are no limitations. This person can
• Does the dictator have a specific (and/or
act however they see fit with no repercussions. They are
expressed) ideology or do they operate chaotically in
the law and the law is whatever they feel like it should be
the absence of any guiding principles?
on any given day.
• How are the lives of the people in the nation
Living under a dictatorship may feel very similar to
affected on a day-to-day, moment-to-moment basis?
living under an authoritarian ruler, however, unlike
Getting dictatorship as a result on your roll for • How will the party react if they find they truly are
Type of Government may instantly bring to mind a living in a utopia, but it’s being threatened by an
horrible warlord or conniving princess who will lead the outside force?
government. However, if you are struggling to come up • Does gold have any value here? If not, how will the
with something, refer to the Dictatorship Leaders table party acquire new items?
and roll 3d4 to randomly select a leader, their goals and • What sort of fallout would there be if the cost of
their methods. maintaining this utopia were significantly high for
only one or two party members?
Dictatorship Leaders
1d4 Who Goals Methods To determine the leader of this type of society, refer
A(n)... who seek(s) to the Utopian Leaders table and roll 3d4 to randomly
imprisoning select a leader, their goals and their methods.
hobgoblin amass power and
1 malcontents in
general wield it carefully
labor camps Utopian Leaders
forcing 1d4 Who Goals Methods
elven rule this realm
2 conscription in the A(n)... who seek(s) to... by...
empress and every other
military providing
conquer in the for everyone
employing elephantkind spread societal
merfolk name of their 1 and sharing
3 dark magic and guru enlightenment
warlock patron or higher resources
demonic alliances
power equally
giantkin enslave all those allying with an expand their
4 leaning on
warlord of smaller stature ancient dragon approach to a
2 human mage magic and
Utopian treat everyone allying with
In a utopian society, everyone is equal and has a fair set of halfling
3 like it’s their creatures of
share. Every citizen has an equal voice when it comes to triplets
birthday the fey wild
policy, procedure and law. Everyone has an equal share of meet all the needs
creating a
the wealth and of necessary resources. In a society such as aberrant of their citizens,
4 large-scale
this, every religion is valued, every opinion is considered, hivemind both physical and
and discourse about differences is constructive and economic
cordial. In other words—a total fantasy. But you’re
creating a fantasy realm, so why not indulge?
The biggest question to answer when applying this type GM NOTE: CITY GOVERNMENTS
of society or government style to your setting is “How’d The tables associated with a form of government
they do it?” What series of events occurred that allowed are designed to be applied to a country as
this society to grow into one of utter bliss? Was there a whole. The likelihood is that all the cities
an invention or magical item constructed that provided and towns you are building will follow the
for the needs of all of the people? Was there some form government style of the nation to which they
of divine intervention that led to everyone’s basic needs belong. However, there are always outliers. If you
being met, allowing them the time to pursue their own want, you can repeat the process using the Type
interests, or is the entire system a facade, with a single of Government table and the appropriate Leader
illusionist pulling all the strings? table applying those rolls to individual cities and
The second aspect of this type of society to keep in towns as it fits your storytelling purposes.
mind is how your players are going to react to it. Some
may find it too good to be true. Are they right?
Questions to Consider
• How will the people of a place like this react to the
party? What things might be asked of the characters
that might be outside of their normal methods of
• How will the party react to their initial exposure to
this setting?
• Will they find it is actually a utopian society or is
there more to it?
Consequences 2
public is considered an insult. one drinks alcohol if the sun is up.
Sentient beings are weird. All over the world, within ...everyone leaves a bowl of milk and a vial of
fantasy and reality, any time groups of thinking creatures 3 honey by their door to appease fey creatures.
get together and start to cohabitate, strange habits start to ...the customary greeting is to slap the other
form. Sometimes those habits grow into unique customs, person in the face to display your own strength
things that are done because they have always been done. and your respect for theirs.
If these customs persist long enough, they often become ...paper is seen as a sign of disrespect for nature.
codified as laws that govern behavior (or become outlawed, 5 Writing is inscribed on stone or clay tablets.
because such habits are deemed harmful to society). As ...citizens are always behind a threshold by dusk
such, some weird things get written into law and sometimes 6 to avoid a horror they refuse to name.
even stranger punishments become part of the legal system. the middle of town, the citizens tend a fire
Even anarchy has a guiding principle (the only law is that
7 that has burned for generations. It is said if the
there aren’t any). Your civilization will follow suit.
fire goes out calamity will follow.
The impetus for the customs and laws of your city or
...all citizens wear short sleeves as a way to show
country may be lost to time or may be related to a specific 8 they have no hidden weapons.
event that’s part of the fabric of the area’s history. Maybe the age of 14, everyone gets a tattoo of a
many generations ago someone slighted a powerful fey 9 starburst on their neck to ward away evil.
creature and now the whole town must leave milk and
...people of the town refuse to get into the water
honey on their doorsteps every fortnight to appease 10 after dark and scoff at those who do.
and atone. It’s possible a blaze that began in someone’s
...clerics dressed in all black with blank masks
kitchen led to the destruction of an entire village, which
is why the town was rebuilt from brick and all cooking 11 show up any time someone dies. They take the
body for funeral rites. No one questions this.
takes place outside the city limits. Perhaps at some point,
...on the occasion of their eighth birthday, a child
someone (likely in a stupor from being too far in their
cups) poured a barrel full of liquor off the end of the dock. 12 can enact one law that must be followed in the
community until that child dies or leaves town.
A passing sea beast then came ashore and drunkenly
...before all social dealings, everyone in town
destroyed the merchant’s district. As such, giving alcohol
offers their companions a sip of clear blessed
to sea creatures is illegal (bugbear pirates are exempt). 13
water from a small crystal vial. They claim it
Regardless of the genesis of these strange customs,
promotes honesty and transparency.
unique laws and bizarre punishments, they are part of dawn, all of the area residents stand outside
the tapestry of the city you are building and will therefore 14 their homes and sing a hymn to a nature deity.
affect how your players experience the atmosphere and
...every fortnight a large eagle is crafted out
setting. Perhaps when they entered the city, they did not
of stone and wood, upon which is carved the
know that being in public without wearing a mask was 15
greatest desire of the day. An old mage then
an insult to those around them or that using parchment
animates the eagle and it soars away.
in any form is utterly taboo. What social situations or one in town will use a sword and they
encounters may arise from circumstances like these? And 16 consider those who do to be untrustworthy.
how will your party deal with the consequences? ...many citizens place 2 cp into a fountain each
17 day to appease the spirit that keeps the town
Customs prosperous. By dawn, the coins vanish.
Customs are traditions that are held in high regard one wears shoes. All the city’s residents say
inside a social structure but might not necessarily be 18 it is to stay in close connection with the ground
codified into law. Take our own world for example: It is that nurtures and feeds them.
considered polite to shake hands when meeting someone ...locals walk into every building backward to
new, but it’s not a law. You won’t be punished for saluting 19 ensure they aren’t followed by a vicious nature
or bowing or offering an elbow to bump instead, but spirit they claim kidnaps the less vigilant.
the choice you make impacts how you are viewed by ...each citizen has composed a brief
those who maintain the handshake is proper etiquette. 20 autobiographical song to be sung when
Participating in the customs of the area can grease the introducing themselves to others.
wheels of social interaction; shunning those customs will
label you an outsider and you may be seen with suspicion
or disdain. To add a new layer of social intricacy to your
city, roll 1d20 on the Strange and Unique Customs table.
Odd Crimes and Punishments 7
...made to choose a body part to have
Uncommon laws can provide interesting challenges for permanently removed.
a party as they navigate the ins and outs of a new city. ...told to paint a self-portrait-style tattoo on
Add some strange laws and unique punishments to your their body and have it critiqued by local artists.
city by rolling 1d4 to establish the number of laws to add, 9 ...made to wear only orange for 1d6 years.
then roll 1d20 for each table below. ...unable to pass anyone in town without
10 bowing and apologizing for their indiscretion.
Strange and Unique Laws ...placed in suspended animation. Their
1d20 In this locality... 11 consciousness is placed in a rune-carved skull
...magic shall not be used on the day of mid- and given to the victim of the crime for a week.
1 week. ...stuffed in a locked box with hundreds of
...vegetables cannot be eaten on the second and 12
(mostly harmless) insects for 2d4 hours.
2 seventh day of every third week. ...subjected to a version of the hideous laughter
3 ...wind instruments are banned. 13
spell that lasts 1d4 weeks.
4 ...bags of holding are illegal inside city walls. ...locked in a room with a screeching kobold
...intoxication is not tolerated on every fourth choir for 1d6 hours.
5 day. ...affected by a version of polymorph, turning
15 day a year each citizen must volunteer to their head into a goat’s for 2d4 weeks.
6 catch vermin or clean the streets. ...forced to tend the city’s garbage heap and
...all property disputes shall be settled by magic 16 care for the cantankerous otyugh that resides
7 snail races. there for no less than one month.
...wizards must wear the symbol belonging to ...hung upside down in the square and
8 their school of magic. 17 subjected to a day’s worth of beatings by any/
...spellcasters must register with the city guard all comers.
9 upon entry into the city. ...cursed with a magic mouth spell on their
...if weapons are drawn in the city they must forehead for one month. If anyone comes within
10 18
draw blood but not cause death. 10 feet of them the mouth screams, “I’m a
11 ...hoods and hats are illegal. degenerate and cannot be trusted!” noon every day the city goes silent for one ...affected by a spell that makes anything they
12 19
hour. Sound of any kind is illegal. consume taste like burning hair for 4d6 months.
13 depicting animals of any kind is prohibited. ...placed under a geas and must act on
...donkeys and horses are prohibited from 20 behalf of the government for a period of time
14 sleeping outside. commensurate with their crime.
15’s illegal to charge money for water.
16 ...crops and herbs cannot be collected at night.
17 ...bear fights must take place indoors.
...blades longer than 2 inches are prohibited Adding unique customs, laws and punishments
18 to your fantasy setting should not override
inside the city walls unless you are a butcher.
the common conventions of law and justice
19 ...feeding alcohol to a sea creature is prohibited.
that prevail in civil society. Murder should
...all citizens and visitors must purchase and still be illegal. Theft should still be prohibited.
carry a walking pass to move about the city. Kidnapping a noble and enticing him with
delicious sweets filled with truth potion so he
Strange and Unique Punishments spills all his secrets may make for an entertaining
1d20 The guilty party will be... session, but actions of this sort should still result
1 ...subjected to bestow curse for 1d100 days. in meaningful consequences—that said, those
...forced to submit a blood sample so they can consequences can be as bizarre as you want them
2 be monitored by magical scrying. to be. Perhaps instead of public execution for
...petrified and must serve as a city statue for committing a murder, the offender gets shunted
3 1d100 hours. to a solitary demiplane where they are tickled
...transported to a solitary demiplane where mercilessly with a roc feather. It’s your kingdom.
4 horrid music plays constantly. Make ’em pay.
...forced to dress as a jester or fool and perform
5 on street corners for a total of 1d20 hours.
...compelled to shave off their eyebrows and
6 drink them mixed with mead.
Establishing Beliefs 6
In a concealed grotto is a beautiful fountain
where it is said the spirit of an ancient silver
Whether enshrined in regional lore as the basis for a dragon visits from time to time to grant wishes.
custom or law or studied daily by the devout within the In the middle of a green space at the city’s center
staggering walls of an ancient temple, what the members sits a trio of stone archways, placed end to end
of a community collectively believe is in many ways as 7 to create a triangular structure. Legend has it
important as what they’re actually able to prove. Beliefs the archways can take you to other planes of
influence action, they inform habits. They can cause a existence, though no one has ever witnessed this.
crusade or be the reason one is avoided. By establishing an A king who ruled long ago made the city or town
area’s beliefs, you can easily telegraph to your party what his home. This king was said to have owned a
many of its citizens think about the world around them. 8 crown that gave him great sway over the minds
These notions may not be rooted in any form of truth, but of men. The crown went missing centuries ago
their persistence is part of what gives them power. Any but is rumored to be buried somewhere in town.
time something has inherent power, it is inevitable that the The unassuming building near the edge of
wickedly ambitious will use it to their own aims. What that town was once home to an arcanist who rose to
means for you and your party is at GM discretion. 9 lichdom. Some believe the entire structure serves
as his phylactery—an explanation for why it’s still
Myths and Legends standing after all these years.
Local myths and legends start in similar ways to customs. A massive tree abutting the border must be kept
A unique event evolves into a generational memory. 10 alive or else the creatures locked within it will
Strange occurrences (all the cattle died the same day a escape and destroy the modern realm.
dwarf wandered into town) beg for strange explanations When it rains, if you listen carefully, you
(“Dwarves must possess the ability to curse cows with a can hear the continual moans of the former
thought...”) and tend to gain embellishments with each 11 council, all of whom were drowned following a
passing generation (“It is hereby decreed that dwarves dereliction of duty.
must be offered a sacrificial side of beef the moment they If you wish for a child under a full moon, the spirit
are seen in the city limits, lest their anger at cattlekind 12 of the woods may grant you one. But you must
result in the destruction of a farmer’s entire stock.”). An raise it according to the old customs.
area’s folklore or legends can serve as adventure hooks The deceased must be laid to rest near their most
or simply local color, but either way, they will add to your 13 beloved (person, place or thing); otherwise, they
narrative arsenal as you work to lure your players deeper will rise and wander.
into your realm. To include one, roll 1d20 on the Local It’s long been prophesied that a group of
Legends and Myths table. outsiders will bring glory to the realm after
drinking from the nearby waterfall. The prophecy
Local Legends and Myths also mentions “bouts of mania.”
1d20 The horses of this region are believed to form a
It is said the avatar of a death deity wanders the 15 spirit bond with their riders, but only if one does
streets during the day, looking for souls to steal. whatever the horse requires.
1 You don’t go to the caves. You just don’t.
This phenomenon is blamed whenever someone 16
dies unexpectedly. A red sky is a bad omen. A starless night is a
Outside the walls of the city is a large humanoid- 17 worse one. Businesses shutter their doors for
2 looking rock. It is rumored it comes to life if the weeks following either.
less-fortunate are in danger. The horde of Illgonbrat was left behind after the
Numerous people go missing every year 18 adventurers that slew him claimed the bounty. It’s
inexplicably. The disappearances are blamed on close. know. Miles below the surface.
3 a strange cloud of lights that clicks like a giant If you see the whispering lights at dawn, you can
insect that people claim to have seen in the try to follow them to the wreckage of the High
surrounding forest. 19
Caravan, a collection of merchant vessels that
It is said that 200 years ago, a great hero single- went missing more than a century ago.
handedly defeated an army of invading orcs. A
4 The citizens of the next town over are all certainly
statue erected in their honor bellows out a war
20 ghosts but should be treated as kindly as you can.
cry on the anniversary of his victory.
You wouldn’t want to speak ill of the dead, right?
The hot spring in the nearby hills is home to a
weirding woman who can predict your future,
but only if you give her something you don’t
want to lose.
Temples Evil-Aligned Temples (Optional)
As you have already determined, your fantasy world is Wherever civilization grows, evil is likely to fester,
a place of powerful gods and the religions or cults that sometimes overtly, other times hidden and unknown.
worship those gods (or not, and if so feel free to skip Adding a temple dedicated to an evil deity into the social
this next bit). Temples or churches become focal points landscape of your city can provide a wealth of story
inside a community. In cities and towns large and small, material as well as possible side (or main) quests for your
clergy hold a fair amount of sway among the people, and party. If you want to add a temple dedicated to evil, roll
sometimes the leadership of the settlement. In this world on the following tables for the alignment and domain the
where the gods grant substantial power to their devout temple is dedicated to.
followers, it’s not surprising that their places of worship
on the material plane carry some significance. Evil Temple Alignment
If you already have a good idea of which god from 1d3 This temple’s god is...
your pantheon is going to be the dominant power in this 1 ...chaotic evil
locality, have the largest temple or church be dedicated
2 ...neutral evil
to that deity. However, if you are undecided on this point,
or if you want to introduce worship of several different 3 ...lawful evil
deities into this one location, the following tables are
meant to aid you. Evil Temple Domains
To determine the number of temples or churches 1d4 The god’s domain is...
associated with your locality, roll 1d12. From there, select 1 ...knowledge
the alignment and domain associated with each temple. 2 ...trickery
Roll 1d6 on the Temple Alignment table, then roll 1d8 on 3 ...war
the Determined Domains table on pg. 10.
4 ...death
Temple Alignment
1d6 The god of this temple is... GM NOTE: A CHANCE OF EVIL
1 ...lawful good You could also leave the question of whether or
2 ...neutral good not to include an evil-aligned temple within your
3 ...chaotic good locality up to chance by rolling 1 d100 for each of
4 ...neutral your cities and towns. On a 25 or lower, congrats:
5 ...chaotic neutral One of your temples is dedicated to an incredibly
powerful being and its followers are unlikely to
6 ...lawful neutral
be model citizens. Have fun!
After you have determined alignment and domain,
simply select one of the gods in your pantheon who fits.
This could result in multiple temples to a single deity or
one temple dedicated to a variety of gods. Sometimes
space is at a premium and worshipers have to share!
Local Businesses
1-3 Alchemist
4-6 Armory
7-9 Blacksmith
10-12 Herbalist
13-15 Brothel
16-18 Bank/Moneylender
19-21 Weaver
22-24 Tailor
25-27 Haberdasher
28-30 Cobbler
31-33 Scribe/Printer
34-36 Pet Shop
37-39 Secondhand Store/Pawn Shop
40-42 Jeweler
43-45 Leatherworker
46-48 Fish Market
49-51 Farmers Market
52-54 Bakery
55-57 Apothecary/Physician
58-60 Barber
61-63 Brewery
64-66 Dry Goods and Supply
67-69 Glassworks
70-72 Potter
73-75 Potion Brewer
A stone-centric, spartan space A ridiculously large man Don’t mind the A pair of goliath toughs hang
36 serving a bare bones menu named Marl. Everyone bloodstains...those are out in the bar looking for
(it’s mostly bones). thinks he must be part giant. old, we swear. folks who appear easy to rob.
The bartender is
The bar is crafted from Some of the area’s most A fiend has laid claim to the
a satyr, but that
37 glimmering blue stone and lit accomplished partner and owner’s soul and forces him
doesn’t mean he
like a grotto. line dancers. to try to ensnare others’.
can’t be trusted!
One large, completely round The Legion of Shrooms, All-you-can-breathe One of the patrons has
38 room, with a ring-shaped bar myconid researchers oxygen buffet. brought in a parasitic spore
in the center. exploring the caves nearby. Only 1 sp! on the bottom of their boot.
Along one side of this A reluctantly talented
Hang Ten, a group of nearly a
spacious room, a bar— “Stump the Barman”: If kleptomaniac is trying to
dozen aviation enthusiasts,
39 seemingly made of solid Hank can’t make it, it’s drink away the urge to pick
who claim to have invented
clouds—floats above free (and unavailable)! a pocket (+15 on Dexterity
a flying machine.
the ground. (Sleight of Hand) checks).
There are no chairs in this Three blokes named Gus Six gnolls wearing stolen
Half price
40 bar, just very comfortable who come here each night to guard’s uniforms, hoping to
for halflings.
chaise lounges. brag about their wives. keep up the charade.
Marble tourneys
Soaring ceilings that seem too The Back Alley Ballers, a 10 (4d4) ankhegs surge out
41 every tenday!
high given the bar’s exterior. crew of marble enthusiasts. of the floor to molt.
Winner takes all.
Mirrors. There are mirrors The Jefferson Twins and the One of the mirrors functions
“Vampire-free since
42 everywhere. The walls. The Ramonia Triplets, retired as a mirror of life trapping
last year’s remodel!”
floors. The ceiling. The bar. circus performers. (see pg. 170 for inhabitants).
Styled as a forest grove, the The Quarter-Elf Society, a Rent the Tree House, Ten swarms of wasps zoom
43 ground is covered in moss and support group for mundane an elevated event in through an open window,
dirt and birdsong fills the air. children of area half-elves. space, for only 12 gp. scouting for a new home.
The tallest inn in three A one-eyed dwarf who loves Best view in town, if The area’s once-thriving stray
44 counties. It’s also the least to tell the (ever-changing) you don’t mind the population has diminished
stable building in the realm. story of how she lost her eye. climb. now that pie is on the menu.
The rooms of this tavern are A group of gregarious An enchanted stage A group of goblin thieves
all painted in deep, saturated orcs who have formed a (+15 on Charisma digging their way into the
colors and the furnishings are barbershop quartet. They’re (Performance) checks) nearby bank missed their
all grown from mushrooms. pretty good. makes anyone a star. mark by several blocks.
A cozy interior with numerous More fireplaces than The tavern’s main fireplace
A hunting club who are also
46 hearths and rooms for you could ever need, has become a portal to the
werewolves that like mead.
intimate conversation. plus outdoor seating. elemental plane of fire.
Trophies and awards line the A trio of former tycoons who Nightly storytelling A vampire that feasts on
47 walls on neat shelves and in gave it all up to pursue their contests. Best tale wins memories has been getting
well-kept display cases. passion for birdwatching. a chance at infamy! his fill all night.
It seems most of the surfaces The Rising Tide, a “Beer for bones,” The ritual to summon a lesser
48 are made from or covered in burgeoning cult of five, who a skull-based demon didn’t work. Instead,
bones and skulls. dabble in summoning. payment program. it summoned a greater one.
A drafty building, built Aphid Nit, a garrulous gnome The room with the The walls occasionally bleed,
49 with very dark wood, who has a small tree growing bleeding walls? You can a hazard of building an inn
that is very dimly lit. out of the top of his head. stay there for free. from abyssal oak.
Free meals to Unbeknownst to him, the
Floral arrangements adorn A pair of kindly priests who
newlyweds or owner’s spouse is having
50 this homey tavern, and rose provide couples counseling
those celebrating a an affair with the local
petals cover the floor. in a corner of the bar.
wedding anniversary! blacksmith.
A simple bar with overturned Four local health inspectors It’s uncanny—unbelievable
“No shirt? No shoes?
51 crates serving as seats on a who know this place, despite even. But that bartender
No way! Us too!”
straw-covered dirt floor. its flaws, has the best food. looks just like the king.
“Escape the Tomb,” The owner is hiding a slow
A converted keep, this tavern A group of friendly gamblers
a multi-room puzzle but steady incursion of
52 is a fortress unto itself. It even who call themselves the
experience staged in demonic chickens in the
has a drawbridge. Royal Family.
the crypt under the bar. crypts. It’ll be fine!
For reasons that are hard to Four brothers who look This tavern rests on a faulty
Home of the realm’s
explain, this mundane ale nothing alike (and are ley line, which releases a
53 most unbelievable
house is trapped in a sphere actually mages not-so- magical hazard (table on pg.
upside-down cake!
of reverse gravity. covertly scouting the area). 145) every 1d4 hours.
A sturdy brick building with Fred and Forman, two Priests on site for An imp has been tasked
54 stained glass windows. It feels geriatric grand masters who healing, restoration and with stealing the bartender’s
like a cathedral. meet nightly for chess. impromptu weddings! prized wig for its master.
A tavern styled to look like Hand to God, a troupe of A wishing well built into The tavern’s owner angered
55 the interior of a great beast’s evangelical puppeteers who the bar has a 1 percent area leaders, who decided to
stomach. It often gurgles. worship a trickster deity. chance of casting wish. torch it without warning.
A watering hole that floats, The royal chef and a few Small giant crab fritters There was a run on fritters
56 this buoyant bar was built on other foodies who can’t get and giant crab fritters and the chef is all out of crab.
a crab-stocked drainage pond. enough of the crab fritters. (from small crab meat). Could you catch some?
Vegetable and flower gardens The Green Grocers, the “Produce so fresh A rival tavern owner has hired
57 grow out of the walls and toughest tree huggers you’ll you’ll think we plucked a sorceress to blight the bar’s
spiral up supporting columns. ever meet. it off the walls!” entire produce source.
An open air tavern built on a A mechanical woman who Nightly archery Loan sharks arrive to collect
58 suspended platform strung doesn’t appear to realize she contests. Shoot down the owner’s 400 gp debt. Or
between two tall buildings. isn’t flesh and blood. your dinner! break his extremities.
Robed acolytes with
A stately tavern dominated by Half price drinks A group of anarchists are
incredibly bronze skin whose
59 a fireplace large enough for a if you check your using the cellar to plan an
faces are tattooed to look
man to walk into. weapons at the door. insurrection.
like a dragon’s.
This tavern is suspended from 17 brightly dressed gnomes “If you end up covered A confused but stubborn roc
60 a large floating balloon and who all share a table and in vomit, drinks believes the tavern’s roof is
anchored in a city square. hum a haunting melody. are on you!” its nest.
The partners of Kristof, Home of the most The bar’s signature tea is
A truly underground
Karl and Gnufferson, deadly tea in the toxic to humans, dealing 30
61 establishment, this tavern is
area lawyers who can’t region. Drink at your poison damage on a failed
built 100 feet below ground.
catch a break. own risk! DC 12 Constitution save.
A quintet of dwarves who’ll
Built into the trunk of a long
bet on anything, including The staff are all easily
62 dead ancient tree, this inn is “We’re all a little nutty!”
the appearance of the next distracted by shiny objects.
staffed by intelligent squirrels.
patron to enter the bar.
Col. Westin Majors, who Interiors designed
All the furnishings are made The tavern is almost out of
claims to be a demon hunter by mercurial (and
63 from chunks of light blue glass ale. It doesn’t get much more
from another age, and his anonymous) artist
that glow with ethereal light. complicated than that.
dog, Otto, who loves fetch. Gnome Duplume.
The walls and support Several tiefling women who “New performers every Several patrons, victims of
columns of this homey, gossip in a corner while night! Never a repeat the hideous laughter spell,
welcoming bar are carved with embroidering impressive show! Unrelated: start laughing and cannot
scenes of revelry. eldritch tapestries. Seeking performers!” seem to stop.
Reverse seared cloaker with a peppercorn brandy Points of Interest
sauce and a glass of liquid ennui. Most cities and towns have places that make them
Poached cockatrice eggs in a stew made from unique in some fashion. Sometimes it’s a statue garden
80 dragon peppers, tomatoes and paprika that stains or foundational center of discovery and other times
everything it touches. these points of interest come in the form of strange
Impsicles, created by summoning imps within the curiosities like the World’s Largest Ball of Twined-Up
81 confines of an arcane freezer. Goblins. Whatever form these spaces take, they add
Greased eel, served with greased potatoes and a depth and a sense of place to your world. Consider what
82 side of grease. might happen to the landscape of your city if there
Fig salad with a creamy poppyseed dressing in a was a large coliseum that put on games in the forms of
83 wood bowl. It’s always more dressing than greens. organized sports or feats of martial prowess. The days of
84 Bread, but some of the best. those games would draw people from the surrounding
Broiled fruit pies stuffed with a rich jam and countryside in droves. It would be a boon to the economy
85 topped with powdered sugar, served with a and a boost to the morale of the common citizen.
quartino of simmered syrup. Points of interest can be as important to the identity
Stalk from the hogweed plant, flattened and of your city or town as the economy, customs, laws and
86 crisped up in oil to taste like slices of fatty bacon. cuisine—they can also serve as a driver of all four (see:
Last season’s socks, served diced, shredded, boiled Niagara Falls, NY; Little Italy; or Land O’Lakes butter).
whole or incorporated into a variety of dishes, in Not every city or town has a point of interest, although it’s
87 order to give what is no longer useful back to the worth noting that most places claim they do (see: Branson,
earth gods. MO). If you wish to add a place inside your city that is
Mice kebabs slow-roasted tableside and served going to stand out and draw the eye of the common man,
88 with a refreshing yogurt sauce. not to mention your players through their characters, refer
Never on any menu, but the locals know some
to the City Points of Interest table. Roll 1d20 and include
89 places serve a little merfolk sashimi if you order
the result as part of the overall framework of the city you
“red snapper.”
are building.
Sun-baked omelets, which tend to be much
90 runnier in winter.
Pipe-based everything for meals you smoke and
91 inhale (meatloaf in a pipe; apple pie in a pipe;
smoked herring in a pipe).
Tasty ooze-based taffy so sticky that most are
92 missing a tooth or three.
93 Parasitic fritters that can literally stick to your ribs.
Crisp, lightly dressed salads featuring whatever’s
94 fresh and in season, which in these parts is mostly
lettuce paired with lettuce and lettuce.
Gritty sandwiches that feature a flavorful (and
95 sand-based) slurry smeared on the bread.
Cakes baked and decorated to look like household
96 objects or other types of food. (“Is that a cake?” is a
popular question, especially among mimics.)
One-in-five: A single protein served in five equal
97 portions, cooked in varied styles.
The soup de annum—a single style of soup voted
on by the town to be the official soup of that year’s
98 harvest. Split pea with bacon has won three years
in a row. No other soup is served within the city
99 Shaved ice mephit.
Everybody stew, a concoction brewed and
simmered in a large cauldron central to the area,
featuring the various ingredients that have been
100 added by the locals each week. Sometimes tangy,
other times savory, often incongruous and always
City Points of Interest The Underbelly
1d20 People flock to see this region’s... Cities, particularly those in fantasy settings, can be
1 ...grand mage college. full of dark places and underworld influences, where
...massive bazaar with wares from all over the street gangs or local thugs prey upon the population.
2 Sometimes, the underground element is controlled by a
known world.
crime family or syndicate simply seeking to consolidate
3 ...great library of collected knowledge.
wealth or territory, while other times the power behind
...tavern owned by a legendary hero that dark acts could be something more sinister, like cults
remains open to this day. sworn to long-forgotten gods or otherworldly beings.
...peaceful grotto in a small square where the As you flesh out your setting and determine the details
walls seem to sing in an ethereal voice. for the cities and towns you’ll include in your campaign,
...large floating temple and/or government don’t forget to address the darker, seedier aspects of that
6 setting. Hidden societies, forbidden religious sects and
building. of tunnels that transport people in other communities of outcasts often collect on the edges of
7 any society. In the veiled or forgotten places of great cities
carriages powered by magic.
...grand amphitheater that uses illusion magic or rural farmlands and forests, strange creatures and men
8 (or women, or children) with dark hearts gather to advance
in its performances.
their own ends or further the machinations of their dark
...massive cathedral inhabited by an avatar of a
9 gods. Sometimes they recruit.
god or goddess.
But just because an organization is working in the
...ancient ziggurat that looms over the city, its
10 shadows does not mean what they are doing is shady. Some
walls covered with cyphered prophecies.
secret orders work to better the positions of their people
...huge clock tower and orrery that both tells and protect them from harm. Reclusive brotherhoods
time and depicts the movement of the planets. collect and store knowledge, orders of mighty knights
12 ...great observatory with an immense telescope. keep their eye on extraplanar threats and government-
...zoo, aquarium and conservatory run by druids sponsored labs of mages and scholars research long-lost or
13 that educates the populace about life on the new magics and artifacts. In the shadows, far from prying
planet. eyes, these societies and cults work to achieve their covert
...cable tram system that carries passengers aims. And that’s to say nothing of the undercity dance halls,
over the city. smoky speakeasies and houses of ill-repute masquerading
...ornate auction house that sells treasures from as humble hat shops that your party may encounter as they
15 far-off places. explore the secret corners of the city.
...immense hedge maze where citizens compete There is no hard and fast rule for how many secret
16 to solve the maze to earn prizes. societies, criminal organizations or vice dens you should
...great coliseum where feats of strength and add to your setting. The only thing to keep in mind is
17 martial prowess are held for the entertainment adding too many may start to muddy the waters of your
of all. story arc, pulling your players in so many directions
...central hub where sorcerers route letters, mail that they may feel frustrated and uncertain as to which
18 and magical communication to the wider world. direction they should go and which story hooks to follow.
...eerie tower occupied by a necromancer who The following table contains a variety of broad
19 uses his army of undead to provide menial labor categories of underworld elements and hidden societies.
to the city. After determining the overall category, refer to the table
...massive public baths staffed by creatures from for that category and roll to obtain a more specific result.
the feywild.
Underworld Elements and
Hidden Societies
1 Criminal Organizations
2 Religious Cults
3 Secret Societies
4 Outsiders and Outcasts
5 Clandestine Government Groups
6 Clubs and Vices
42 Boundless Power Oppress the poor A gnome cursed to have a dog head
Half-elf who wields a ridiculously large
43 Faithful Bards Correct the timeline
Gnome ranger with a white tiger
44 Narrow Focus Warn of impending doom
companion named Gus
Locate an ancient city hiding Diminutive humanoid with eyes that glow
45 Jolly Servants
a great power through a black mask
Shapeshifter presenting as a mature elven
46 Gentle Rogue Promote the arts and literature
47 Craven Eagle Become master assassins Devil disguised as a rabbitfolk
Summon a vast elemental
48 Alert Ghost An ancient mage who looks like a child
to control the seas
49 Emerald Bow Find treasures in far-off lands Female human gunslinger
Half-elf shadow sorcerer who carries an
50 Lethal Flail Be the coolest folks in town
arcane lantern
51 Glistening Anvil Throw a party for the ages Dwarf with four metallic legs
Gnome with a great bushy beard and a
52 Hellish Visage Enjoy all the finer things in life
pronounced limp
Human woman with feathers sprouting
53 Malicious Fist Create an elaborate hoax
from her skin
54 Nimble Knight Popularize death racing Tiefling with a tiny dog
55 Creepy Acolyte Control the city treasury Very thin elf who wears iridescent goggles
Open the best restaurant in Bard who wears a patchwork cloak of
56 Precious Gift
the realm many colors
Control the city’s Dwarf with a vicious scar that covers the
57 Belligerent Hunter
underground places left side of their face and head
Half-orc paladin with the shiniest armor
58 Fierce Claw Have a behir under their sway
and the fastest wheelchair
Convert followers to their
59 Macabre Child Kobold with a hypnotic voice
dark religion
60 Giant Bear Alter a past event An insectoid with humming wings
61 Condemned Soul Watch the world burn Cranky, sentient orange cat
Build a vessel that can move
62 Enchanting Speaker A hobgoblin with a grudge
Create a contraption that An unskilled gnomish mage who routinely
63 Mysterious Spawn
can fly through the sky sets things on fire
Own the largest pig farm in A human woman who wears a wide-
64 Illustrious Flame
the world (for research) brimmed hat with a large feather
65 Lucky Champion Resurrect an ancient hero A halfling who likes to sit in trees
Corner the diamond market to An elf who carries a yellow balloon with
66 Delicate Phoenix
influence revivification magic them at all times
Find and own the largest silver A silver dragonborn with a wonderful
67 Hesitant Collector
mine (werewolves hate silver) singing voice
68 Omniscient Terror Create a dracolich. For fun! A minotaur who plays piano
69 Majestic Warrior Fulfill a prophecy Kobold who knows higher mathematics
Giantkin who carries a tree trunk with him
70 Lonely Mountains Scry upon the gods
everywhere he goes
71 Peaceful Fiend Master the secrets of creation Halfling who smokes a 3-foot pipe
Become the only source of
72 Brave Hawk A pixie who has become mortal
arcane power
Find the best wool to make and
73 Hollow Dreamer Rabbitfolk with a pet weasel
market a really comfy blanket
Exciting Name Exciting Name
1d100 Part 1 Part 2 Goals Leadership
A corpulent pigfolk with a cheery
74 Misty Wyrm Open a mental hospital
A human with completely white eyes who
75 Obsidian Lute Build a renowned theater
carries a black blade
Find the keys to an unopenable
76 Incredible Guardian An owlkin who loves beer
door, then maybe open it?
Elf who is always accompanied by
77 Cautious Hand Become rulers of the world
woodland creatures
Create the best firework
78 Hateful Chimera A half-orc who writes beautiful poetry
display in time for solstice
79 Reflective Drake Own the best distillery An elephantkin who is a graceful dancer
Create a potion that removes A grumpy dwarf with a tattoo of a pickaxe
80 Mindless Ogre
hangovers, live like kings on his face
Open a portal to the shadow A beautiful halfling who is possessed by
81 Arcane Secret
plane, shove Stacy inside an even more beautiful demon
A ghost of a man who doesn’t know that
82 Sable Fox Become vampires
he has died
Lizardfolk chef who works wonders with
83 Tawdry Rapier Obtain some secret knowledge
A rabbitfolk fighter who is a boxing
84 Arrogant Spirit Master the weather
85 Hulking Archer Blackmail an important official A sentient ooze who paints landscapes
Become benevolent gods,
86 Scintillating Gaze Goblin who claims to have wrestled giants
learn if power truly corrupts
Gnome priest who carries a shield as large
87 Tasteful God/Goddess Bring about peace
as they are
Human woman who wears bejeweled
88 Ubiquitous Golem Obtain enlightenment
Ascend to a higher plane of
89 Merciful Beast Orc with giant tusks
existence, invite the kids
90 Superior Brawlers Become pegasus ranchers A tiefling with a perpetually bloody cleaver
91 Noxious Net Speak with the angels A halfling who is always drunk on mead
92 Voracious Troll Master the art of prophecy A red dragonborn who never angers
Build an impenetrable fortress Elvish sorcerer who leaves scorched
93 Bawdy Angel
guarded by an unkillable army footprints where they walk
94 Heavenly Host Open an orphanage Half-ogre who always smells of sulfur
Provide shelter to the A serpentfolk woman with a scorpion
95 Repulsive Spider
homeless familiar
Become the new pantheon of Shapeshifter who presents with
96 Melancholy Creeper
gods, bounce the old heads featureless skin of pure gold
97 Sparkling Devil Make a best friend A water elementalkin with a green thumb
98 Unnatural Aura Smite all nonbelievers A gnome druid on the back of a giant rat
99 Courageous Wolf Sail the multiverse A centaur woman with incredible aim
100 Wandering Traveler Cook the perfect meal A completely normal man named Bob
Because at some point, your players
are actually going to want to do stuff
in the magical realm you created.
ow that you’ve created the playground for you and your players
to explore, it’s time to start filling it with intriguing creatures,
engaging experiences and legend-worthy battles: in short, the
stakes. You’ll also need to make decisions about what is going to
occur from session to session as your players progress through the
narrative you will build together.
Game Masters prepare for a session in a variety of ways, but the differences can
often be boiled down to which narrative (and planning) approach a GM wants to
take: planting or pantsing. Some spend hours and hours preparing and writing
material, trying to cover every possible choice their players will make, planting seeds
for the party, hoping one or many will grow into things their players care about.
Other GMs choose to wing it, flying by the seats of their pants and reacting in the
moment to the decisions the party makes. They go into a session having jotted
down a few (if any) plot points to outline the characters’ journey and are typically
less readily equipped to answer questions about the specifics of a castle’s layout or a
monster’s lair or the means by which one might be able to escape either.
However you prepare, whether you’re planting or interesting side quest opportunities will be up to you.
pantsing, there are things that are going to be constant Just remember every group of players is different and
occurrences in your sessions: conflict, adventure and the things they find interesting will change from table to
conversations for which you’ll need a funny accent. table and from session to session. Sound like too much
There will also be plenty of opportunities for your to deal with? It can be. Good thing you have this book.
players to showcase the immensely powerful abilities The following tables are designed to give you easy-
their characters have access to. How can you, as the to-use encounters, challenges and quests you can insert
GM, juggle all these needs and ensure your players are quickly into the narrative arc of a session to inject a
getting the most out of every session without scrawling little drama or intrigue with minimal preparation.
notebooks full of material they’ll inevitably force you They can be useful idea generators in the time between
to burn to cinders the moment they cast successive sessions if you are struggling to decide where your story
fireballs on your favorite bad guy? is going but are primarily structured to help generate
Players are unpredictable. Inevitably, they will go some interesting experiences for your players on the fly,
off in a direction that you had no way of anticipating starting with the most commonly used table type of all:
(how do you prep for the party polymorphing the
kraken into a cow?). The things players choose to fixate Random Encounters
on and how that fixation molds the story never cease to Random encounter generator tables have been a
amaze. You mention a stranded triceratops, cut off from standard of tabletop role-playing games for almost as long
his herd and being harassed by zombies, and suddenly as the games themselves and make the game as fun and
you’re three sessions deep into a side quest to ensure he surprising (and yes, chaotic) for the Game Master as they
gets back to his family. Something you see as a minor do for the players. What is the party going to encounter
detail meant to add color or a little realism to a random today? Who knows: Roll 1d20!
encounter becomes very important in the eyes of your Whether the table directs the narrative to a strange
players. This is what makes TTRPGs unique among feature of the landscape, an opportunity to engage
games—ultimate agency on the players’ side (or at least with creatures or NPCs with whom they’re on good
the illusion of it). These are often the best aspects of any terms or bitter combat with a vengeful dragon seeking
session—a player choosing to fully live within the world information on its mysteriously vanished hoard, the
you’re creating by taking control and saying, “This is uncertain nature of a random table can add tension and
important to me. This is what my character would do.” intrigue to any session. A strange light at the bottom of a
They are also the toughest to plan for. Sure, the party roaring whirlpool could provide a new story arc if one of
knows they’re dealing with a global catastrophe that your characters decides to jump in and explore (which,
could doom all of civilization, but Root the triceratops is let’s face it, they will) or it could simply exist as an
cute and doesn’t deserve to be left to the zombie horde. interesting note further reinforcing that the world the
Regardless of the players’ reasoning, once they start to party is exploring is strange, magical and unpredictable.
drive the narrative car, you may find it tempting to toss Because every environment features creatures and
all your planning out of the passenger side window. But circumstances unique to its location, this section is
this is wrongheaded. You aren’t the passenger—you’re designed to provide you with a set of random encounter
the one creating the road. It is your job as the guide of tables suitable for each of the environments detailed in
this narrative to fill this new story arc with experiences the first section (as well as a few more) for each tier of
for the characters and challenges for them to overcome. play. If you haven’t established the environment your
Whether you decide to insert random encounters, skill players are currently exploring, take a moment and
challenges, environmental hazards, magical dangers or decide (or roll on the table on pg. 14).
Hills 19
...1d4 injured gnolls fleeing the front of a nearby
The rocky crags and dangerous canyons of mountain battle between their tribe and the area’s militia.
foothills are not for the weak or unwary. Hill giants roam incredibly clumsy hill giant who tries to fight
these places, hungry and volatile. Copper dragons and 20 the party but keeps tripping over itself until it
their chromatic cousins struggle for dominance as hags, breaks into tears, sobbing uncontrollably.
mages and fell cults toil toward their own goals in the
caverns and outposts on the outskirts of larger cities and Hills Random Encounters (lvl 5–10)
settlements. Orcs, kobolds, goblins and other humanoids all 1d20 The party encounters...
seek to carve out a niche in the out-of-the-way places and ...1d6 mountain lions (lion), which attack mounts
shambling mounds shuffle silently toward their prey (the and animal companions first.
hills may not have eyes, but they do have blindsight). All in ...pikes hoisting the heads of goblins, kobolds,
all, a solid place to settle down. ogres and trolls along the side of the path.
...howls of hunger and rage as 1d4 werewolves
Hills Random Encounters (lvl 1–4) and 2d6 wolves bear down on them.
...two hill giants making their way into the
1d20 The party encounters...
4 wilderness. They lead wild-eyed cattle, stolen from
...a patrol of 1d6 guards with 1d4 tracking dogs
1 a nearby village.
(mastiff) searching for a murderer (veteran).
...a clutch of 1d4 red dragon wyrmlings that
...a single panther who has been waiting for an
2 5 try to kill and eat one of the party but will flee if
opportunity to catch one of them alone.
significantly damaged.
...the body of a blood hawk that was transporting a
3 ...a massive crumbling and ancient wall carved
coded missive in a special carrier. 6 with large arcane runes.
...the result of a roll on the Hills Environmental
4 ...the top of a high steep hill that appears to be
Hazards table on pg. 138.
7 home to a massive nest. 2d8 harpies make their ancient elven mage riding a magnificent giant
home there. And will defend it.
5 elk. He is eager to exchange arcane lore, but is
...a young copper dragon who takes interest in the
among the realm’s slowest talkers. 8 party and follows them from above for a bit.
...a small cave hiding the preserved body of a
6 ...a large crystal statue of an elven warrior. The
handsome noble. He’s been asleep for 150 years.
arrow on its bow points to a concealed door in the
...a large trail of old blood. It leads to the corpse of a 9
7 rocks, which holds +1 upgrades to the weapons
huge bear that’s food for 2d6 vultures. area covered in spiderwebs and home to 1d4 + 1 they carry.
8 ...1d4 ettins, who will pretend to parlay but are
giant spiders. 10 spoiling for a fight (and food).
...a halfling (scout) in a small clearing going
...8d6 tribal warriors, who start to chant as a young
9 over plans to free his friends being held by 2d4
bugbears. 11 red dragon stalks into the area. The dragon coughs
up a pile of gold, then says “Ante up.”
10 ambush. Two dire wolves strike hard. ...a talented artist carving a rock outcropping into
...the smell of a campfire through the trees. 2d4 12 the form of an outlawed deity.
11 scouts from a nearby city have set up camp for the ...a result of a Roll on the Hills Environmental
night. And already know the party is nearby.
13 Hazards table on pg. 138—this event is the direct
...the domain of a territorial griffon who wants result of a rival nation’s tinkering mages.
12 them to retreat.
...a huge human face carved into the rock that
...a comfortable-looking hut where an old woman
14 speaks in giant, reciting old nursery rhymes as
brews and sells potions. She is in fact a green blue smoke pours from its ears.
hag hiding under an illusion. Her potions will turn ...a curious mage, laden with books and scrolls,
imbibers into babbling babes. 15 who trails the party and takes copious notes.
...a colorful wagon full of gnomish inventors. They ...the sound of music echoes through the hills,
14 have wondrous items to trade. Only 1d100 percent 16 turning 2d4 + 1 of them into shambling mounds.
of them work.
...1d4 + 1 veterans, suffering madness, who think
...subterfuge. A doppelganger attempts to replace 17
they are fighting a great battle with the wind.
15 one of the PCs as the others sleep, tying them up in
...a single boulder rolling up and down a hill, over
a nearby grove.
...a forest of petrified, leafless trees, in a square mile 18 and over—the result of a clever wizard’s perpetual
16 area. This area is deathly still and silent. experimentation.
...a lone stone giant guarding a narrow pass,
...2d6 giant goats foraging through their campsite. 19 which could cut the party’s journey in half.
17 They have destroyed something of great value.
...triplet sisters, asking the party to join them for
...a rabid brown bear that charges the party from a
18 hidden lair. 20 a mid-day meal. Despite evidence to the contrary,
these are not hags.
Hills Random Encounters (lvl 11–16) Hills Random Encounters (lvl 17–20)
1d20 The party encounters... 1d20 The party encounters...
...a series of ancient cairns sliding open in unison ...a colony of 2d8 ettins preparing to complete a
1 1
as the moans of 2d6 mummies echo outward. ritual that will raise an eldritch horror.
...1d8 hill giants, who try to crush the party to ...the skeleton of a creature with two sets of
2 pulp with heavy rocks. 2 wings, six arms and a long sinuous neck. And
...a hidden monastery high in the hills glinting 4,000 gp, all of it cursed.
3 in the distance. Inside, 4d10 monks venerate an ...a woman in a nearby clearing who is crying for
adult copper dragon. aid. Her boy has been transformed into a donkey. adult red dragon who uses hit and run 4 ...a horned devil frozen in amber in a rock wall.
4 tactics to wear the party down. It wants treasure. ...a colony of 3d20 + 15 xenophobic elves
...a quarter mile area where gravity is decreased 5 practicing forgotten magics in a secluded ravine.
5 by 1d100 percent. Rocks float and large earth ...road signs suggesting a village nearby. But
motes hover above the ground 6 there is now only smoke, ash and other forms of
6 ...a blind-drunk hill giant and his pet gorgon. dragonsign.
...a large taxidermied cougar head draped over ...a sheltered cave where an iron golem, etched
7 a pike. It’s a very expensive hat and grants the 7 with dwarven runes, stands guard over an elevator
wearer +5 on all Charisma (Intimidation) checks. that leads to the dwarven kingdom below.
...a large ship, half buried in mud and rock. 2d4 + 1 ...2d4 stone giants preparing to feast on a variety
8 8
ghosts that look wet and sullen haunt the area. of humanoids they hold captive in large cages.
...the result of a roll on the Hills Environmental ...chanting and singing. 2d6 cult fanatics are
9 9
Hazards table on pg. 138. summoning an erinyes into the material plane.
...4d10 dwarves marching through the hills ...the result of a Roll on the Hills Environmental
10 seeking the army of orcs that raided their hold. 10 Hazards table on pg. 138, the result of an errant
...a colossal behir slithering out of a large cavern wand flick by a budding mage.
11 at the sound of the party’s approach. It would eat ...horror. What’s worse than a tarrasque?
the party if it weren’t so full. 11 A tarrasque that can fly, like the one that’s area where glittering gold can be seen in the dropping out of the clouds right now.
rock all around. It is all fool’s gold. ...10d6 + 1 gorgons stampeding down a hillside
...a pair of mages and six assistants 12 toward the party, a legendary herd that has
13 (commoners) conducting archaeological crossed over from the fey wild.
research in the ruins of an ancient city. ancient red dragon that follows the party’s
...a bandit captain, 2d6 thugs, 2d12 + 2 bandits 13 progress from afar waiting for the opportune
and a mage who descend from platforms strung time to strike.
above the twisting canyons to demand a toll exposed crystal, half-buried in earth. It is a
(1d100 percent of the party’s gold). small portion of a colossal crystal turtle shell, the archmage experimenting with new forms of 14
size of a large town, buried in the hillside. Etched
15 alchemy in a dry welcoming cave. into it are musings on the end of the last age.
...a nest of 10d4 ankegs that will protect their ...3d6 wyverns who try to take the party back to
16 15
queen in a nest beneath the party’s feet. their mistress: a pit fiend with a bone to pick.
...a strange totem of stacked rocks each about
...a large, isolated tree that can cast wish (though
the size of a goliath, etched with arcane runes
17 16 not on itself) once per dawn. Each time it casts
and splattered with dried blood. If knocked over,
the spell, it loses a limb.
a member of the party will fall over dead.
...a sending spell from a major leader: “Please
...a herd of 2d6 pegasi alights on the ground and
fight one another to the death. I’ll pay
18 starts to graze for food. They can be bargained 17 handsomely and pay to have each of you raised
with for transportation.
...a large, orderly war camp of 4d10 + 15 from the dead.” Will they, though?
19 hobgoblins preparing for an underground ...owls that descend on the party hooting about
campaign against a duergar settlement. nothing in particular.
...a lone wailing ghost who begs for help to pass ...consequences. The party has angered one
on from undeath. She stands over a burial cairn 19 too many gods, and now a solar has arrived to
20 explain, in no uncertain terms, their time is up.
etched with jagged runes. She needs the last part
of the ritual—a true love poem. ...a pair of gnomes who appear out of nowhere.
20 They wish the party to settle a 300-year dispute:
Which of them is cuter?
Underground 16
...a tower, made of pure silver, dominates a large
In buried ruins and dank caves—the deep places of the cavern. There is no obvious way inside.
world, as one famous wizard put it—ancient beings and ...1d4 gray oozes clinging to the walls and ceilings,
long-forgotten secrets dwell and grow. It is the domain of that take the party unawares.
the dwarves, the duergar and the drow. In these unseen ...a pair of orcs dragging an unconscious dwarf
places, where the light of the sun never reaches, death 18 between them. He was supposed to lead them to
can be swift or slow depending on whether you’ve been treasure. Now they don’t have to share.
hit with an arrow or are falling falling falling down a ...a set of glowing footprints that leads to a cavern
seemingly endless chasm. Twisted creatures like cloakers where a dozen giant glowbug corpses have all been
and ropers wait for days on end to snare a passing meal smashed to create a glorious glowing portrait. Of the
while aboleths and other otherworldly abominations plot party.
and scheme. Finding one’s way through the labyrinthine ...a few flumphs who offer to lead the party to a hot
passages running below the planet’s surface is only one of spring that offers the benefits of a long rest.
the challenges your players will face down here. After all,
they aren’t alone in the dark.
Underground Random Encounters (lvl 5–10)
1d20 The party encounters...
Underground Random Encounters (lvl 1–4) ...a cavern full of refuse and dung where 1d4 + 1
1 otyogh feast on...hard to say.
1d20 The party encounters... ...a nearly silent warband of 2d8 + 6 drow warriors
1 ...a nest of 2d12 giant fire beetles. 2 stalking the underground passages.
...a small cavern where the stalagmites and ...a door with a DC 25 lock that leads to a
stalactites are made of pure gold that resists 3 passageway around the more dangerous portion of
2 collection. Chunks worth 10 gp will break off if a
this underground trail.
blow meets AC 20. ...the result of a roll on the Underground
...a large chamber full of marble coffins etched with 4 Environmental Hazards table on pg. 140.
3 faded family names. 2d4 acolytes of a neutral god of ...a deep cavern where a single dwarven smith
death keep the area free of dust. 5 forges incredible works with the assistance of a
...1d4 + 2 grimlocks who hope to capture the party blind azer. He offers sponsorships.
to take them back to their lair. ...a web-choked cave where 2d6 giant spiders wait
...a cavern full of giant mushrooms with translucent, 6 for something to stumble into their trap.
5 but vibrantly glowing, pink caps. 1d6 + 1 violet ...1d4 + 1 minotaurs dragging a group of 3d4 deep
fungus grow among them. 7 gnomes who are chained together (all part of the
...2d4 dwarven veterans clanking down a tunnel gnomes’ master plan).
6 tracking a duergar raiding party who stole valuable ...1d4 minotaur skeletons and 1d8 + 2 skeletons
8 rising from a pile of bone
treasures. .
...a dead end tunnel lined with intricately carved ...a corridor that suddenly drops down into a large
9 pit occupied by 2d4 ochre jellies.
statues of dwarven kings in small alcoves. Those
7 with knowledge of dwarven history or stonework ...a small village of frogfolk who point out the area
10 above is crowded with 4d4 darkmantles.
would know one statue is out of place.
...1d4 + 1 darkmantles drop from the ceiling and try ...a single roper that attempts to grab and eat one
8 11 (or several) of the party members.
to engulf and consume the party. out of the way cavern where a copper dragon 12 ...1d4 + 1 vampire spawn surging out of the dark.
9 wyrmling feeds on succulent fungi and draws ...a young copper dragon who helps a group of
13 deep gnomes rebuild a ruined marketplace.
prophetic pictograms on the walls.
...2d4 deep gnomes traversing the dark passages ...a 50-foot tall jade statue of a sinuous snake-like
14 dragon. The statue is poisonous.
10 with a cart pulled by a giant lizard. They are eager
to trade, but don’t need stuff from the surface. ...a cloaker that swoops from the ceiling toward the
15 party, releasing its dread-inducing moan.
...the result of a roll on the Underground
11 Environmental Hazards table on pg. 140. ...2d10 dwarven miners marching home from work
...1d4 rust monsters that scamper out of the 16 singing songs in beautiful basso voices, as if daring
12 darkness, attracted by the party’s equipment. the grells that lair nearby to attack. injured dwarven prospector who offers to pay ...a lone stone giant mining for precious gems. He
13 for the party’s help with a gold nugget he says is won’t admit he’s been digging so long and so deep he
worth 10 gp. It’s easily worth 1,000 gp. can’t fit through the hole he used to enter this cavern
...a murmuring sound that slowly grows into a years ago.
14 deranged chatter as a gibbering mouther slides ...the edge of a lake that leads to an immense
18 aquatic realm, the legendary undersea.
into the tunnel ahead.
...a clear path. The way ahead is blocked by a 19 ...1d4 black puddings blocking some treasure.
15 gelatinous cube, but it doesn’t look that way.
...a spirit naga ruling over a colony of lizardfolk Underground Random Encounters (lvl 17–20)
who chaffe under their rule. 1d20 The party encounters...
...a war party of 2d10 minotaurs intent on sacking a
Underground Random Encounters (lvl 11–16) 1 dwarven outpost nearby.
1d20 The party encounters... ...a cavern that glows with eldritch red light. A lich ancient temple entrance, carved into the rocky 2 sits on a throne of bones wishing it hadn’t had to
1 wall of a cavern (and 1d4 + 1 wraiths). sacrifice its family in order to live forever.
...fountains of crystal clear water arching in light that draws them to a cavern where a
2 intricate patterns all across a large cavern, the work 3 deva is encased in crystal. Her eyes light up if she
of a clever gnome. sees a child of prophecy.
...1d6 xorn that pursue any party member holding ...a large cavern where 1d4 behir make their lair,
3 gems. 4 which is also home to a few surly, dwarven behir
...walls nearby start to quake, releasing 1d4 earth wranglers.
4 elementals. And a possible cave-in. ...4d10 + 10 injured and dying dwarves in a small
...a massive mirror that reflects a portion of the 5 medical camp. They talk of a war with creatures of
5 cave system here—except the reflection is upside pure shadow.
down. This is a portal to the realm of shadow. ...1d4 spirit nagas plotting to overthrow a city of
...2d4 dwarves desperately trying to clear a cave 6 drow who wronged them in another age.
6 in. Screams of “it’s trapped in here with us!” can be ...a grand cavern where a walkway leads up to a
heard from the other side of the collapse. 7 raised area, flanked by lava. From a pool of fire on aviary-like cavern with stepped ledges, where the platform a pit fiend emerges from a bath.
7 1d6 chimera are sleeping (lightly). ...1d6 + 2 xorn, frozen in a sort of stasis. They burst
...a purple worm crashing through a wall into the 8 to life if any in the party have gemstones.
8 party with a bellowing roar. It doesn’t appear to be ...proof that the rumors are true: The land kraken
here to offer directions. 9 does exist. And it dwells in the muck and mire of this
...1d6 + 1 trolls, with pure white eyes and bellies flooded cave system.
tight with hunger. ...1d8 + 2 earth elementals, trapped in a cavern by
10 arcane symbols on the walls.
...a dwarven druid maintaining a garden of colorful
10 lichen and glowing fungi. He would instantly ...a fire giant leading 1d8 salamanders in a march
11 on a nearby settlement of drow.
provide whatever aid the party needs. aboleth and its 2d4 chuul minions who rule a ...1d4 + 1 purple worms bursting through the floor,
11 large subterranean lake with an iron flipper. 12 part of what appears to be an elegant, if clumsy, oak tree with a massive canopy growing out courting ritual.
12 of the ceiling that stretches down to the cave floor. ...10d12 zombified dwarves (zombies)—all victims
2d4 psuedodragons make their home here. of a mine collapse and raised by a necromancer who
...the result of two rolls on the Underground hates mining—who march aimlessly for worker’s
13 Environmental Hazards table on pg. 140. rights.
...1d6 ropers on the ceiling of a large cavern that ...two horrid ice devils watching over a young
14 has a narrow walkway over a deep chasm.
14 white dragon who hibernates on a pile of frozen
...the outstretched hand and face of a colossal treasure.
15 statue of an elven man poking above the ground in ...a blood-soaked altar to an evil god at the top of
the center of a vast cavern. It seems...alive? a ziggurat in a long forgotten cavern. Were one to
...1d4 driders supported by 1d6 + 2 drow warriors kneel before it, they would gain a player level. And
16 who attempt to eliminate the party on behalf of an evil alignment.
their matron mother. ...1d6 stone giants traversing the tunnels depressed adult copper dragon studying contained 16 by the fact that every gnomish village they sack has
17 portals to the elemental plane of earth. 3d4 sleek such teeny tiny stuff.
earth elementals stand around the room. ...a colossal tree with pure white leaves and golden
...1d4 fire giants moving purposefully down a tunnel 17 fruit, which has a 1d100 percent chance of casting
18 leading to a cavern that glows with light and heat, greater restoration when eaten.
saying “Let’s count all of our flaming gold again.” ancient copper dragon, in the form of an elf of
...a bridge across a chasm, which is a bit of 18 indeterminate age, maintaining an expansive library
19 hallucinatory terrain put in place by a few goblins in a vast dry cavern.
who like watching stuff fall. ...the result of three rolls on the Underground
19 Environmental Hazards table on pg. 140.
...the smell of fresh-burned bread wafting from a
small hut barely visible in the distance, where a ...quiet. But that’s only because any creatures who
20 retired archmage is learning to bake (with limited 20 might have challenged the party realized the party
success). would destroy them, so they’ve fled.
If the participant is able to beat the day’s high score, 1: dc 12 wisdom (Survival) check to track
they will win a giant stuffed bear. Under the power of a the man.
detect magic spell, the bear will radiate transmutation 2: dc 14 dexterity (Stealth) check to approach
magic. If the party is able to identify the item, they will unnoticed.
learn that the stuffed bear can transform into a brown 3: dc 16 dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to
bear once per day. The bear rolls its own initiative and nab the purse.
obeys commands given it (requiring no action). However, 4: dc 14 dexterity (Stealth) check to get away
the party will not know Yodel can spy on them through without raising suspicion.
the bear’s senses anywhere on the material plane. 5: dc 12 wisdom (Perception) check to find
their way out again.
If a player is successful, the crier rewards them with 24 Under the Table or Above the Crowd
gp and some delicious peach cobbler. The man in black In the common room of a rowdy bar full of patrons from
would spy on the winner to learn their secrets. all walks of life, a stork-like lady claims she can consume
more strong drink than anyone else in town. Should
Right Foot, Green Circle any of the party members take up this challenge they’ll
A large carpet full of different-color shapes is spread out be shown to a table in the middle of the tavern, where
in front of a graceful elven woman. She says the prize for eight shot glasses are filled with amber liquid for each
victory in her little game is 10 gp, plus a special prize, and contestant. A participant must make eight Constitution
that it’s more fun with more players. Entry is 5 gp. The saving throws, one for each glass of strong liquor. The DC
woman calls out different colors, shapes and appendages for the first glass is a 10, however, the difficulty of the save
(“right hand blue triangle”) and each participant makes increases by one for every shot glass consumed. A failure
a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to follow her isn’t a loss, but a player who fails three times passes out.
command. On a failure, they’re out. On a success, they try Any player who finishes all eight shot glasses (final glass =
again, and the DC increases by 1. The process continues DC 17), their opponent will drunkenly provide them with
with the DC rising by 1 until only one player remains. If two pieces of useful information at GM discretion.
no player succeeds on the final DC, there is no winner.
The woman will pay the winner 10 gp and give them a Hold My Beer and Hold Your Breath
common magical item from a stock in her colorful wagon. The party finds a large tank of water set up in the middle
This item is cursed (pg. 184) because this woman is a of the city square. The owner, a large woman with a kindly
playful, and fickle, fey creature. face, challenges all travelers to see if they can hold their
breath for a full 5 minutes. It is 5 sp to try and she mentions
It’s an Obstacle Course, Of Course winners will gain 1 gp and a bottle of her magical elixir.
The party comes across an incredibly fit man doing push- A creature can hold their breath a number of minutes
ups and sit-ups near an obstacle course that includes equal to 1 + their Constitution modifier, after which they
jumps, swinging, climbing and agility obstacles. Wagers need to make a series of DC 15 Constitution saving throws
are at GM discretion. Participants must succeed on every round per initiative to stay under past their natural
four DC 14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks in a row. If the limit. On a failure, they come up for air. The magical elixir
participant wants to use Strength (Athletics), they can, is a dark blue bubbling liquid that is a potion of water
but the DC raises to 16. If a participant succeeds with 0 breathing.
failures, the man will bow his head to the superior athlete
and provide some information useful to their current It’s Fine, I Do This All the Time
endeavors. The party sees a group clustered around something on
the ground in the city square. They shout and cheer at
Constitution something shielded from view: a bed of coals, 30 feet long
Things that test your mettle, stamina and endurance and 5 feet wide, burning with a deep red glow. People are
are dealt with using your Constitution. There is no skill taking turns trying to walk across the coals barefooted.
associated with a character’s Constitution; instead, many Onlookers place bets on who they think will succeed and
of the things that will test your ability to resist poison, who will fail (at GM discretion). A man who appears to
disease or exhaustion will require a Constitution saving be running the event encourages the party to participate
throw. The challenges related to this ability score are by paying the 5 gp entry fee. To win, a participant must
designed to test a character’s physical limits. make it across the bed of coals by succeeding on a DC
12 Constitution saving throw (creatures resistant to fire
Constitution Skill Challenges damage make these checks at advantage). For every
1d10 success they move 10 feet. If they succeed by 5 or more
1 Under the Table or Above the Crowd they move 15 feet. On a failure, a participant only moves
2 Hold My Beer and Hold Your Breath 5 feet and takes 7 (2d6) fire damage. If any are able to
It’s Fine, I Do This All the Time complete the challenge they win a purse of 25 gp and a
silver medallion worth 19 gp in the shape of a flame that
4 Oh My, That Is Gross
proclaims them as an Expert Firewalker.
5 It’s a Marathon
6 Test Subjects Wanted!
7 Don’t Blink
8 No Sleep for the Wicked
9 Burrito Night
10 A Day of Beautification
Coastal Environmental Hazards A swirling vortex of water and air covers a 20-foot
1d20 radius. Each creature in the area takes 7 (2d6)
A hurricane slams into the coast. Make a DC 16 slashing and 13 (3d8) bludgeoning damage and is
Strength saving throw or take 13 (3d8) bludgeoning thrown 20 feet in a random direction and knocked
damage from flying debris and be thrown 30 feet prone. A successful DC 13 Strength saving throw
1 halves the damage and the creature isn’t thrown.
in a random direction. If you collide with an object,
you take an additional 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage A tsunami 200 feet long, 20 feet wide and 50 feet
for every 10 feet you moved. tall crashes into the coast. Any creature in the area
A flash flood sweeps into the area. You must must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take
make a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be swept 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage and be knocked
2 underwater 40 (1d8 x 10) feet and bashed against prone. Fail by 5 or more and you are also knocked
the landscape, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage unconscious.
per 10 feet moved. Dazzling displays of lightning flash around you.
The temperatures drop or climb to deadly extremes For the next 30 (1d6 x 10) minutes roll 1d10 every
as appropriate. For every hour that a creature is minute. On a 6-8, lightning strikes nearby causing
3 exposed to these temperatures, it must make a 13 7 (2d6) lightning damage to the party. On an 8 or
DC 11 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of above, a random player takes 16 (3d10) lightning
exhaustion. damage or half damage with a successful DC 14
A strong storm thrashes the area for 2 (1d4) hours. Dexterity saving throw.
Flying is impossible. Traveling on foot is very Heavy rain blankets the area for 3 (1d6) hours. The
difficult and counts as arduous terrain. For every area is lightly obscured for all types of Wisdom
4 hour traveled in this type of storm, you must make (Perception) checks. Travel in this kind of weather
14 is demanding. For every hour you travel in these
a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 1 level of
exhaustion. conditions, you must make a DC 13 Constitution
A random creature falls into quicksand, sinks 2 saving throw or take 7 (3d4) psychic damage.
(1d4) feet and is restrained. At the start of each A random creature falls into a bubbling tar pit and
5 turn, it sinks 2 (1d4) feet. At the end of its turn, it sinks 2 (1d4) feet, takes 5 (1d10) fire damage and is
can attempt a DC 14 Strength check to escape. A restrained. At the start of each turn, it sinks 2 (1d4)
creature completely covered begins to suffocate. feet and takes 5 (1d10) fire damage. Using its action,
An area 200 (1d4 x 100) feet in diameter is covered it can attempt a DC 14 Strength check to escape. A
with a bright green toxic algae bloom. Make a DC 14 creature completely covered begins to suffocate.
Constitution saving throw for every 60 feet moved The party enters an area 400 (1d8 x 100) feet in
6 diameter of thick, viscous mud. Upon entering
through the area or take 13 (3d8) poison damage.
Fail by 5 or more and also gain the poisoned the area and after every 60 feet of movement, a
condition for 4 (1d8) hours. creature in the area must make a DC 12 Strength
The ground around you suddenly collapses. You saving throw. On a failure, every 1 foot of movement
fall 30 (1d6 x 10) feet and take falling damage as counts as 4 feet.
normal. When you hit the bottom, debris from You are exposed to a dangerous disease from a
7 17 rogue wild animal, insects or contaminated water.
above falls on you and you take an additional 11
(3d6) bludgeoning damage. A successful DC 13 Roll on the Diseases table on pg. 143.
Dexterity saving throw halves all the damage taken. Strong winds assail you for the next 2 (1d4)
A dense fog blankets the area 500 (1d10 x 100) feet hours. Flying creatures must land or fall. Ranged
in diameter. The area is heavily obscured and all weapons attack with disadvantage. For every 10
8 hearing-based Wisdom (Perception) checks are minutes a creature is exposed, it must make a
made with disadvantage. A light source will allow a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 9 (2d8)
creature to see to a maximum of 10 feet of dim light. bludgeoning damage.
Mud and rocks crash into the area. Each creature Powerful storms out to sea have agitated the
must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. On a coastal tides. Powerful waves surge over the coast
failure, that creature takes 11 (2d10) bludgeoning 200 feet long and 100 feet wide. Anyone caught in
9 19
damage and is knocked prone. Fail by 5 or more and the area must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw
you become buried, blinded, restrained (escape DC or be pulled out to sea. Fail by 5 or more and you
12) and begin to suffocate. are pulled underwater and begin to drown.
Wild magic, bleedover from another plane or the Very specific conditions cause incredibly rare ball
remnants of a failed arcane experiment manifest lightning to strike the ground, exploding out in a
10 20 20-foot radius. Anyone in the area must make a DC
in your path. Roll on the Magical Hazards table on
pg. 145. 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 22 (4d10) lightning
Desert Environmental Hazards A swirling vortex of thrashing sand covers a 30-foot
1d20 radius. Each creature in the area takes 11 (3d6)
A random creature falls into quicksand, sinks 2 slashing damage and 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage
(1d4) feet and is restrained. At the start of each 12 and is thrown 20 feet in a random direction and
1 turn, it sinks 2 (1d4) feet. At the end of its turn, it knocked prone. A successful DC 13 Strength saving
can attempt a DC 14 Strength check to escape. A throw halves the damage and the creature isn’t
creature completely covered begins to suffocate. thrown.
The party is dehydrated. Each creature must make Heavy rain blankets the area for 3 (1d6) hours.
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 9 (2d8) The area is lightly obscured. This sudden influx of
2 fire damage and gain the poisoned condition until water causes a landslide that crashes into the party.
they drink water. On a natural 1, they also gain the Each creature must make a DC 12 Strength saving
stunned condition. throw or take 13 (3d8) bludgeoning damage and be
High winds push curtains of stinging sand in front knocked prone.
Heatstroke in the desert is deadly. Each creature
of you for 20 (1d4 x 10) minutes. Visibility is reduced
must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or
to 20 feet ahead and that area is lightly obscured.
3 become lethargic and uncoordinated, gaining the
Every creature that is exposed takes 5 (2d4) 14 poisoned condition until in a cool area. Fail by 5
slashing damage every minute. A successful DC 12
or more and you take 13 (2d12) fire damage. On a
Constitution saving throw halves the damage.
You suddenly come upon a yawning gap that opens natural 1, you also fall unconscious.
The sand you are traversing moves and shifts
into a wide chasm. Make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
4 in unpredictable ways. Make a DC 13 Wisdom
throw or fall 60 (1d12 x 60) feet, taking falling 15 (Perception) check. On a failure, your party travels
damage as normal.
Too much exposure to the sun has left your skin 2 (1d4) miles in a random direction before noticing.
A wall of pure searing heat stretches 200 feet long by
burnt and cracking. Make a DC 15 Constitution
20 feet wide by 20 feet high and is slightly visible as a
5 saving throw or take 9 (2d8) fire damage and gain
swirling haze. Passing through the wall requires a DC
the poisoned condition until you spend at least 16 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you take
eight hours out of the sun.
Low-hanging thunderheads rumble and crash all 22 (5d8) fire damage and there is a 45 percent chance
around you. A blast of sound rocks you and you you will suffer heatstroke, as described above.
6 The next 2 (1d4) miles is covered with closely
must make a DC 14 Constitution check or take 16
growing cacti with viciously sharp needles. For
(3d10) thunder damage and be knocked prone.
You see a great oasis ahead of you and believe every half an hour of travel in this area, you must
it will be an excellent source of food and water. make a DC 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a
The fact that it is a mirage that acts like the spell failure, you take 14 (4d6) piercing damage as you
hallucinatory terrain can be discerned with a DC 15 run into one of these dangerous plants.
The temperatures rise so high that one random
Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Strong winds assail you for the next 2 (1d4) character must make a DC 12 Constitution saving
hours. Flying creatures must land or fall. Ranged throw or spontaneously catch on fire. On a failure,
weapons attack with disadvantage. For every they will take 16 (3d10) fire damage. Should this
8 damage take a character to 0 hit points, they are
10 minutes a creature is exposed it must make a
DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 9 (2d8) burned to ash.
Dazzling displays of lightning flash around you.
bludgeoning damage.
For the next 1d6 rounds, an earthquake rattles the For the next 30 (1d6 x 10) minutes, roll 1d10 every
area. Every round, each creature in the area must minute. On a 6-8, lightning strikes nearby causing
make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or take 7 (2d6) 19 7 (2d6) lightning damage to the party. On an 8 or
9 above, a random player takes 16 (3d10) lightning
bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. On a
successful save, a creature takes half damage and is damage. A successful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw
not knocked prone. for half damage.
Wild magic, bleedover from another plane or the With a puff of sand, toxic gases surface, affecting a
remnants of a failed arcane experiment manifest in 20-foot radius. Every creature in the area must make
10 20 a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 13 (3d8)
your path. Roll on the Magical Hazards table on pg.
145. poison damage. If they fail by 5 or more, they gain
The temperatures climb to deadly extremes for the the poisoned condition for the next 3 (1d6) hours.
next 3 (1d6) hours. For every hour that a creature
11 is exposed to extreme heat, it must make a DC
11 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of
Temperate Forest Environmental Hazards You must move through a cloud of small gnats and
1d20 midges. Make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. On
Strong winds push over several large trees in the 11 a failure, you take 5 (2d4) poison damage and are
area. Make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take affected by an ailment. Roll on the Diseases table on
13 (3d8) bludgeoning damage. Fail by 5 or more pg. 143.
1 and you are restrained under a fallen tree. While Concealed in the undergrowth, a plant called
restrained, you take 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage slashvine has incredibly sharp leaves and long
each round until you use your action to escape 12 thorns. Any creature that comes into contact with it
(escape DC 13). must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 7
You enter an area 100 (1d10 x 20) feet in diameter (2d6) slashing damage.
where the trees have thick, spined seedpods growing Whether it was from a rogue wild animal, insects
on their trunks and branches. For every 15 feet or contaminated water, you are exposed to a
2 13
of movement, you must make a DC 14 Dexterity dangerous disease. Roll on the Diseases table on pg.
(Stealth) check. On a failure, you and every creature 143.
within 5 feet of you takes 10 (4d4) piercing damage. Large solid chunks of hail pummel the ground
A random character is affected by an invasive mold. and the party. Every minute for the next 10 (1d4
Make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or come under x 5) minutes, anyone exposed will take 11 (3d6)
3 bludgeoning damage unless they find shelter.
the control of the mold as if affected by the spell
dominate person. A strong storm thrashes the area for 2 (1d4) hours.
The party enters an area 400 (1d8 x 100) feet in Flying is impossible. Traveling on foot is very harsh
diameter of thick, viscous mud. Upon entering and counts as difficult terrain. For every hour
15 traveled in this type of storm, you must make a
the area and after every 60 feet of movement, a
4 DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 1 level of
creature in the area must make a DC 12 Strength
saving throw. On a failure, every 1 foot of movement exhaustion.
counts as 4 feet. A 2 (1d4)-mile area of the forest is haunted. For
A roaring forest fire affects a 100 (1d10 x 20) foot every 10 minutes of travel, you must make a DC
area around the party. Every round they are in the 13 Wisdom saving throw or take 7 (2d6) psychic
5 area, they will take 3 (1d6) fire damage and must damage. After the first successful save, you are
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take an immune to this condition. Fail by 5 or more and you
additional 3 (1d6) poison damage from the smoke. are frightened until you leave this area of the forest.
A horrible blight has affected all of the plant life in a The ground around you suddenly collapses. You fall
500 (1d10 x 100)-foot diameter. For every 60 feet of 3 (1d6 x 10) feet and take falling damage as normal.
travel, each creature in the area must make a DC 13 When you hit the bottom, debris from above
6 17
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they come falls on you and you take an additional 11 (3d6)
into contact with a blighted surface and take 18 bludgeoning damage. A successful DC 13 Dexterity
(4d8) necrotic damage. saving throw halves all the damage taken.
The temperatures drop or climb to deadly extremes A dense fog blankets the area 500 (1d10 x 100) feet
as appropriate. For every hour a creature is in diameter. The area is heavily obscured and all
7 exposed to these temperatures, it must make a 18 hearing-based Wisdom (Perception) checks are
DC 11 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of made with disadvantage. A light source will allow a
exhaustion. creature to see to a maximum of 10 feet of dim light.
A flash flood sweeps into the area. You must Heavy rain/snow blankets the area for 3 (1d6) hours.
make a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be swept The area is lightly obscured for all types of Wisdom
8 underwater 40 (1d8 x 10) feet and bashed against (Perception) checks. Travel in this kind of weather is
the landscape, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage demanding. For every hour that you travel in these
per 10 feet moved. conditions, you must make a DC 13 Constitution
You pass through an area of horribly toxic poison saving throw or take 7 (3d4) psychic damage.
ivy. Make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or You suddenly come upon a yawning gap that opens
9 take 7 (2d6) poison damage and gain the poisoned into a wide chasm. Make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
condition until affected by a spell like lesser throw or fall 60 (1d12 x 10) feet, taking falling
restoration. damage as normal.
Wild magic, bleedover from another plane or the
remnants of a failed arcane experiment manifest
in your path. Roll on the Magical Hazards table on
pg. 145.
Jungle Environmental Hazards Mud and rocks crash into the area. Each creature
1d20 must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. On a
Whether it was from a rogue wild animal, insects failure, that creature takes 11 (2d10) bludgeoning
or contaminated water, you are exposed to a damage and gets knocked prone. Fail by 5 or more
1 and you become buried, blinded, restrained (escape
dangerous disease. Roll on the Diseases table on pg.
143. DC 12) and begin to suffocate.
Choke vine is a horrible plant that hides amongst A strong storm thrashes the area for 2 (1d4) hours.
the undergrowth. 2 (1d4) random characters are Flying is impossible. Traveling on foot is arduous
suddenly ensnared and restrained by crushing and counts as difficult terrain. For every hour
2 vines. Every round they are restrained in this traveled in this type of storm, you must make a
fashion, they take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 1 level of
A restrained creature can use its action to escape exhaustion.
(escape DC 13). A random creature falls into a bubbling tar pit and
Deadly mold covers the trunk of a tree. A random sinks 1d4 feet, takes 5 (1d10) fire damage and is
character must make a DC 14 Constitution saving restrained. At the start of each turn, it sinks 2 (1d4)
throw as they disturb the mold and it shoots out a feet and takes 5 (1d10) fire damage. Using its action,
3 it can attempt a DC 14 Strength check to escape. A
cloud of deadly particles. On a failure, they drop to
0 hit points and are incapacitated for 1 hour even creature completely covered begins to suffocate.
after regaining hit points. A venomous plant suddenly lashes out at a
random character with a spiny tendril. The affected
Fungal spores fill the air all around you. You must
character must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 14
4 throw or take 5 (2d4) piercing damage. If they take
13 (3d8) poison damage and gain the poisoned
damage, they must make a DC 14 Constitution
condition for 2 (1d4) hours. While poisoned in this
saving throw or be paralyzed for 5 (1d10) minutes.
way you suffer from 2 levels of exhaustion.
The ground around you suddenly collapses. You
The temperatures climb to deadly extremes for
fall 30 (1d6 x 10) feet and take falling damage as
the next 3 (1d6) hours. For every hour that a
normal. When you hit the bottom, debris from
5 creature is exposed to an extreme, it must make a 15 above falls on you and you take an additional 11
DC 11 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of
(3d6) bludgeoning damage. A successful DC 13
The party steps into an area that has been cursed. Dexterity saving throw halves all the damage taken.
Each character must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving A large limb suddenly breaks off an ancient tree.
throw or be cursed with disadvantage on ability 2 (1d4) random characters must make a DC 13
6 checks and saving throws of a random ability 16 Dexterity saving throw or suffer 9 (2d8) bludgeoning
score, at GM discretion. This curse remains until it damage. Fail by 5 or more and a creature is knocked
is removed with a spell or until the character takes unconscious.
3 long rests. Heavy rain blankets the area for 3 (1d6) hours. The
A random creature falls into quicksand, sinks 2 area is lightly obscured for all types of Wisdom
(1d4) feet and is restrained. At the start of each (Perception) checks. Travel in this kind of weather
7 turn, it sinks 2 (1d4) feet. At the end of its turn, it is demanding. For every hour you travel in these
can attempt a DC 14 Strength check to escape. A conditions, you must make a DC 13 Constitution
creature completely covered begins to suffocate. saving throw or take 7 (3d4) psychic damage.
Toxic mist seeps up from the jungle floor. Each To move forward, you must move through a
creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw cloud of small gnats and midges. Make a DC 11
8 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you take
to avoid the tendrils of yellow mist. On a failed save,
the creature takes 17 (5d6) poison damage. 5 (2d4) poison damage and are affected by an
A roaring forest fire affects a 100 (1d10 x 20) foot ailment. Roll on the Diseases table on pg. 143.
area around the party. Every round they are in the Concealed in the undergrowth, slashvine has
9 area, they will take 3 (1d6) fire damage and must incredibly sharp leaves and long thorns. Any
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take an 19 creature that comes into contact with slashvine
additional 3 (1d6) poison damage from the smoke. must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 7
Wild magic, bleedover from another plane or the (2d6) slashing damage.
remnants of a failed arcane experiment manifest A flash flood sweeps into the area. You must
10 make a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be swept
in your path. Roll on the Magical Hazards table on
pg. 145. 20 underwater 40 (1d8 x 10) feet and bashed against
the landscape, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage
per 10 feet moved.
Grassland Environmental Hazards The plants in this area reproduce via spiny
1d20 seedpods that attach to unwary creatures. Each
A tornado covers a 30-foot radius. Each creature in character must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving
the area takes 18 (4d8) bludgeoning damage and is throw. On a failure, one of these seedpods attaches
1 thrown 20 feet in a random direction and knocked to them causing 5 (2d4) piercing damage and 2
prone. A successful DC 13 Strength saving throw (1d4) poison damage. The creature is then infected
halves the damage and the creature isn’t thrown. with spiny rot. They will drop dead in 24 hours if not
The grass in this mile-wide area is so tall it reduces cured, at GM discretion.
2 Strong winds assail you for the next 2 (1d4) hours.
visibility to 15 feet.
Heavy rain blankets the area for 3 (1d6) hours. The Flying creatures must land or fall. Ranged weapon
area is lightly obscured for all types of Wisdom attacks are made at disadvantage. For every 10
(Perception) checks. Travel in this kind of weather minutes a creature is exposed it must make a
3 DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 9 (2d8)
is demanding. For every hour you travel in these
conditions, you must make a DC 13 Constitution bludgeoning damage.
saving throw or take 7 (3d4) psychic damage. Chokevine is a horrible plant that hides other
A roaring wildfire affects an area 100 (1d10 x 20) plants. 2 (1d4) random characters are suddenly
foot area around the party. Every round they are ensnared and restrained by crushing vines. Every
4 in the area they take 3 (1d6) fire damage and must round they are restrained in this fashion they take
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take an 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. A restrained creature
additional 3 (1d6) poison damage from the smoke. can use its action to escape (escape DC 13).
A random creature falls into quicksand, sinks In a 400 (1d8 x 100)-foot-radius, the vegetation has
2 (1d4) feet and is restrained. At the start of each dried out to the point of petrification. Every 60 feet
5 turn, it sinks 2 (1d4) feet. At the end of its turn, it you move in this area you take 3 (1d6) slashing
can attempt a DC 14 Strength check to escape. A 15 damage and must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
creature completely covered begins to suffocate. throw. On a failure, a spine lodges in your skin and
Concealed in the undergrowth, slashvine has causes 9 (2d8) slashing damage every round until
incredibly sharp leaves and long thorns. A creature healed by magic.
6 that comes into contact with slashvine must make a Dazzling displays of lightning flash around you. For
DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 7 (2d6) slashing the next 30 (1d6 x 10) minutes, roll a 1d10 every
damage. minute. On a 6-8, lightning strikes nearby, causing
A strong storm thrashes the area for 2 (1d4) hours. 16 7 (2d6) lightning damage to the party. On an 8 or
Flying is impossible. Traveling on foot is very above a random player takes 16 (3d10) lightning
difficult and counts as difficult terrain. For every damage or half damage on a successful DC 14
hour traveled in this type of storm, you must make Dexterity saving throw.
a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or suffer 1 level of A popping and hissing sound heralds a powerful
exhaustion. spray of acidic minerals that shoots high in the
The ground around you suddenly collapses. You 17 air, covering the area. Every creature must make a
fall 30 (1d6 x 10) feet and take falling damage as DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 22 (5d8) acid
normal. When you hit the bottom debris from above damage.
falls on you and you take an additional 11 (3d6) Large solid chunks of hail pummel the ground
bludgeoning damage. A successful DC 13 Dexterity and the party. Every minute for the next 10 (1d4
saving throw halves all the damage taken. 18
x 5) minutes anyone exposed will take 11 (3d6)
To move forward you must move through a cloud of bludgeoning damage unless they find shelter.
small gnats and midges. Make a DC 11 Constitution Ahead you see swirling yellow pollen that expands
9 saving throw. On a failure, you take 5 (2d4) poison out into a 25-foot-radius sphere. Any creature in the
damage and are affected by an ailment. Roll on the 19
area must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
Diseases table on pg. 143. or become paralyzed.
Wild magic, bleedover from another plane or the The party enters a field of beautiful blue wildflowers
remnants of a failed arcane experiment manifest in with an intoxicating aroma. Everyone in the area
10 your path. Roll on the Magical Hazards table on pg. must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or
145. 20 become charmed by the flowers. While charmed in
High winds create a dust storm that lasts 30 (1d6 this way you are incapacitated for 2 (1d4) hours or
x 10) minutes. Visibility is reduced to 10 feet. until an ally wakes you with an action.
Every minute, unless they cover their faces and
11 eyes, creatures in the area must make a DC 11
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they are
blinded and begin choking.
Mountain Environmental Hazards The ground shudders and shakes as a fissure opens
1d20 below your feet. Make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
For the next 3 (1d6) rounds an earthquake rattles or fall 60 (1d12 x 60) feet, taking falling damage as
the area. Every round each creature in the area normal.
must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or take 7 In an explosion of noxious air and toxic gas, a
1 30-foot-square area of the ground erupts. Every
(2d6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
On a successful save, a creature takes half damage creature in the area takes 9 (2d8) bludgeoning
and is not knocked prone. 12 damage, 11 (3d6) fire damage and 9 (2d8) poison
damage and is thrown 20 feet in a random direction.
A dilapidated bridge spans across a chasm that
A successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw halves the
stands in your way. The bridge can hold up to 220 (
damage taken.
(4d10 x 10) pounds per 5-foot square. If more weight
2 A fast-flowing, 35-foot-wide river, from which acidic
is applied than the area can hold, a creature must
fumes waft, blocks your path as it tumbles down
make a successful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or fall
the rocky landscape. Every round a creature is in
100 (1d20 x 10) feet as that section breaks. 13 contact with the water, it takes 3 (1d6) acid damage
Avalanche. Each creature must make a DC 14
and must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be
Strength saving throw. On a failure, that creature
swept away by the current.
takes 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage and becomes
3 Traveling at high altitude is difficult due to the lack of
buried, blinded and restrained (escape DC 15). For
oxygen. The path the party takes leads them above
every 5 minutes it is buried a creature gains a level
14 safe traveling height for 3 (1d6) hours. For every hour
of exhaustion.
of travel, they must make a DC 11 Constitution saving
Heavy rain blankets the area for 3 (1d6) hours. The
throw or gain a level of exhaustion.
area is lightly obscured for all types of Wisdom
Dazzling displays of lightning flash around you.
(Perception) checks. Travel in this kind of weather
4 For the next 30 (1d6 x 10) minutes, roll a d10 every
is demanding. For every hour you travel in these
minute. On a 6-8, lightning strikes nearby causing
conditions, you must make a DC 13 Constitution
15 7 (2d6) lightning damage to the party. On an 8 or
saving throw or take 7 (3d4) psychic damage.
above a random player takes 16 (3d10) lightning
A dense fog blankets the area 500 (1d10 x 100) feet
damage, or half damage on a successful DC 14
in diameter. The area is heavily obscured and all
Dexterity saving throw.
5 hearing-based Wisdom (Perception) checks are made
All around the party, a ferocious blizzard begins to
with disadvantage. A light source will allow a creature
rage and lasts for 2 (1d4) hours. The area becomes
to see but to a maximum of 10 feet of dim light.
lightly obscured. Every 10 minutes a creature is
Suddenly, a plume of lava rockets forth from a rocky 16
exposed it must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
crevice, covering an area 30 feet wide and 100 feet
throw or take 7 (3d4) slashing damage and 9 (2d8)
6 long in molten rock. Everyone in the area takes 22
cold damage.
(4d10) fire damage. A successful DC 14 Dexterity
The party enters an area that is 600 (1d12 x 100) feet
saving throw will halve the damage taken.
in diameter where the ground is nothing but loose
A strong storm thrashes the area for 2 (1d4) hours.
scree and jagged rocks. The ground here counts
Flying is impossible. Travel on foot is very strenuous
17 as difficult terrain and for every 50 feet you move
and counts as difficult terrain. For every hour
7 through the area you must make a DC 13 Dexterity
traveled in this type of storm, you must make a
(Acrobatics) check or take 10 (4d4) slashing
DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 1 level of
Low-hanging thunderheads rumble and crash all
The temperatures drop to deadly extremes for the
around you. A blast of sound rocks you and you
next 3 (1d6) hours. For every hour that a creature is 18
must make a DC 14 Constitution check or take 16
8 exposed to these frigid temperatures, it must make
(3d10) thunder damage and be knocked prone.
a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of
A mountain pass is covered with a thick sheet of
ice. A 100-foot radius of slippery conditions blocks
Loose rocks and boulders come clattering down 19 your path. The area counts as difficult terrain and
from the surrounding heights. 2 (1d4) random for every 15 feet you move you must make a DC 11
9 creatures must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone.
or take 16 (3d10) bludgeoning damage and be A volcanic peak erupts nearby. Make a DC 13 Strength
knocked prone. saving throw or take 22 (4d10) thunder damage and
Wild magic, bleedover from another plane or the be knocked prone by the initial shock wave. A 2 (1d4)-
remnants of a failed arcane experiment manifest 20
10 mile area then fills with toxic gas and magma. Every
in your path. Roll on the Magical Hazards table on 10 minutes spent in the area a creature takes 3 (1d6)
pg. 145. fire and 3 (1d6) poison damage.
Hills Environmental Hazards A strong storm thrashes the area for 2 (1d4) hours.
1d20 Flying is impossible. Traveling on foot is very
Large solid chunks of hail pummel the ground difficult and counts as difficult terrain. For every
and the party. Every minute for the next 10 (1d4 hour traveled in this type of storm, you must make
1 a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 1 level of
x 5) minutes anyone exposed will take 11 (3d6)
bludgeoning damage unless they find shelter. exhaustion.
Rocks crash into the area from above. Each creature Concealed in the undergrowth and in rocky
must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a crevices, slashvine has incredibly sharp leaves and
failure, a creature takes 11 (2d10) bludgeoning 12 long thorns. Any creature that comes into contact
2 with slashvine must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving
damage and gets knocked prone. Fail by 5 or more
and you become buried, blinded, restrained (escape throw or take 7 (2d6) slashing damage.
DC 12) and begin to suffocate. The party enters an area that is 600 (1d12 x 100) feet
The rocks in a small area the party is passing in diameter where the ground is nothing but loose
through are covered with moss that expels scree and jagged rocks. The ground here counts
minuscule particles that cause paranoia and as difficult terrain and for every 50 feet you move
3 through the area you must make a DC 13 Dexterity
anxiety. Everyone must make a DC 13 Wisdom
saving throw, gaining the frightened condition for (Acrobatics) check or take 10 (4d4) slashing damage.
the next 3 (1d6) hours on a failed save. Pockets of superheated gas occasionally explode.
Something about the surrounding rocks has 2 (1d4) random characters must make a DC 14
increased the gravitational pull in a 300 (1d6 x 100)- Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (4d6) fire damage.
14 Fail by 5 or more and you catch fire, taking 7 (2d6)
foot diameter. Traveling through the area counts as
4 fire damage every round until you use your action
difficult terrain. After every 60 feet of movement,
you must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw or to make a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
take 7 (2d6) force damage. The way ahead is full of loose and crumbling terrain.
For the next 3 (1d6) rounds, an earthquake rattles For the next 200 (1d4 x 100) feet, the ground counts
the area. Every round each creature in the area as difficult terrain. There is also a 45 percent chance
must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or take 7 a sinkhole will open up below 2 (1d4) random
5 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. creatures. They fall 3 (1d6 x 10) feet and take falling
On a successful save a creature takes half damage damage as normal.
and is not knocked prone. A strong rushing river that is 30 feet wide bars your
Large solid chunks of hail pummel the ground way. The river counts as difficult terrain. For every 10
and the party. Every minute for the next 10 (1d4 feet of movement you must make a DC 12 Strength
6 16
x 5) minutes anyone exposed will take 11 (3d6) (Athletics) check or be swept away and over a
bludgeoning damage unless they find shelter. waterfall 50 feet downriver. Going over the falls, you
A tornado covers a 30-foot radius. Each creature in fall 60 (1d12 x 10) feet, taking falling damage.
the area takes 18 (4d8) bludgeoning damage and is Dazzling displays of lightning flash around you.
7 thrown 20 feet in a random direction and knocked For the next 30 (1d6 x 10) minutes, roll a d10 every
prone. A successful DC 13 Strength saving throw minute. On a 6-8, lightning strikes nearby causing
halves the damage and the creature isn’t thrown. 17 7 (2d6) lightning damage to the party. On an 8 or
The ground around you suddenly collapses. You above a random player takes 16 (3d10) lightning
fall 30 (1d6 x 10) feet and take falling damage as damage, or half damage with a successful DC 14
normal. When you hit the bottom, debris from Dexterity saving throw.
8 Pollutants from the surrounding area have laced
above falls on you and you take an additional 11
(3d6) bludgeoning damage. A successful DC 13 the rain. Rainfall for the next 2 (1d4) hours includes
Dexterity saving throw halves all the damage taken. 18 harsh chemicals that burn your skin. For every 10
Toxic mist seeps up from rocky cracks in the minutes you are exposed to the falling rain you take
surrounding area. Each creature must make a DC 14 5 (2d4) acid damage.
Constitution saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) poison A steep 120-foot-long incline is the only way
9 forward, with high cliff walls barring you on both
damage on a failed save. If this damage reduces a
creature’s hit points by at least half they gain the sides. For every 30 feet of movement, you must
poisoned condition for 5 (2d4) hours. make a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check or slide
Wild magic, bleedover from another plane or the back to the bottom, taking 2 (1d4) slashing damage
remnants of a failed arcane experiment manifest for every 10 feet you slide.
in your path. Roll on the Magical Hazards table on Your travels take you through a series of geothermal
pg. 145. springs. Contact with the boiling water causes 14
20 (4d6) fire damage; however, once the water cools,
drinking a pint of it will provide the drinker with 9
(2d4 + 4) temporary hit points.
Swamp Environmental Hazards A geothermal vent superheats the surrounding
1d20 water that billows forth in a dangerous cloud of
Seemingly solid ground gives way beneath your 11 steam. Everyone in a 25-foot radius takes 22 (5d8)
feet, dropping you into the water as the earth closes fire damage. A successful DC 15 Constitution saving
1 back up above you. You are blinded and begin to throw will halve the damage.
drown. A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom The water is full of bloodthirsty leeches. A DC 14
(Survival) check will reveal a way out. Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the creatures. On
Ravenous black mold swarms up the body of a a failed check, 2 (1d4) random characters get covered
random character. That character takes 7 (3d4) in leeches. A creature covered in leeches takes 7 (2d6)
slashing damage and is restrained and blinded. piercing damage each round until they use an action
2 to make a DC 11 Dexterity check to remove them.
Every round, they take 7 (3d4) slashing damage
until they use their action to make a DC 12 Strength A strong storm thrashes the area for 1d4 hours.
(Athletics) check to escape. Flying is impossible. Traveling on foot is rigorous
The water in this 600 (1d12 x 100) foot area has been and the area counts as difficult terrain. For every
saturated by poisons, making it toxic. Anyone who hour traveled in this type of storm, you must make
touches the water takes 7 (2d8) poison damage a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 1 level of
3 and anyone submerged takes 14 (4d8) poison exhaustion.
damage every round they remain in contact with it. Whether from a rogue wild animal, insects
A successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw halves or contaminated water, you are exposed to a
the damage. dangerous disease. Roll on the Diseases table on
To move forward, you must move through a pg. 143.
cloud of small gnats and midges. Make a DC 11 Pockets of superheated gas occasionally explode.
4 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you take 2 (1d4) random characters must make a DC 14
5 (2d4) poison damage and are affected by an Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (4d6) fire damage.
ailment. Roll on the Diseases table on pg. 143. Fail by 5 or more and you catch fire, taking 7 (2d6)
Heavy rain blankets the area for 3 (1d6) hours. The fire damage every round until they use their action
area is lightly obscured for all types of Wisdom to make a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
(Perception) checks. Travel in this kind of weather is A 20 (1d4 x 10)-foot-square area conceals a thorny
5 weed that thrives on blood. Any creature in the area
demanding. For every hour that you travel in these
conditions, you must make a DC 13 Constitution must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw or take
saving throw or take 7 (3d4) psychic damage. 5 (2d4) piercing damage and be restrained (escape
A bubble of foul-smelling swamp gas breaks the DC 14). While restrained a creature takes 5 (2d4)
surface, releasing a cascade of light green gas in a piercing damage every round.
20-foot-radius sphere. Everyone in the area must A dense fog blankets an area 500 (1d10 x 100) feet
6 in diameter. The area is heavily obscured and all
make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw to keep
from retching and vomiting. On a failure, they are 17 hearing-based Wisdom (Perception) checks are made
incapacitated for 3 (1d4 + 1) minutes. with disadvantage. A light source will allow a creature
A flash flood sweeps into the area. You must make to see up to a maximum of 10 feet as if in dim light.
a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be swept 40 (1d8 Parasitic worms that infest the water and
7 x 10) feet underwater and bashed against the surrounding area burrow inside 2 (1d4) random
landscape, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage per characters causing 10 (4d4) piercing damage.
10 feet moved. 18 Affected characters must make a DC 12 Wisdom
Toxic mist wafts up from the fetid water. Each saving throw as the worms burrow into their brains.
creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw On a failed save, they become incapacitated until
8 to avoid the tendrils of yellow mist. On a failed save they receive magical healing.
the creature takes 17 (5d6) poison damage. The party enters an area 400 (1d8 x 100) feet in
Chokevine is a horrible plant that hides amongst diameter of thick, viscous mud. Upon entering
the undergrowth. 2 (1d4) random characters are the area and after every 60 feet of movement, a
suddenly ensnared in crushing vines and restrained. creature in the area must make a DC 12 Strength
9 saving throw. On a failure, every 1 foot of movement
Every round they are restrained in this fashion they
take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. A restrained counts as 4 feet.
creature can use its action to escape (DC 13). A random creature falls into a bubbling tar pit and
Wild magic, bleedover from another plane or the sinks 2 (1d4) feet, takes 5 (1d10) fire damage and
remnants of a failed arcane experiment manifest is restrained. At the start of each turn, the creature
10 20 sinks 2 (1d4) feet and takes 5 (1d10) fire damage.
in your path. Roll on the Magical Hazards table on
pg. 145. As an action, it can attempt a DC 14 Strength
check to escape. A creature completely covered
begins to suffocate.
Underground Environmental Hazards The ground shudders and shakes as a fissure opens
1d20 below your feet. Make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
Magnetized ore laced through the walls pulls at throw or fall 60 (1d12 x 10) feet, taking falling
armor, weapons and equipment. Anyone wearing damage as normal.
metal armor must make a DC 14 Strength saving A stalactite crashes to the ground from above. 1d4
1 random creatures must make a DC 13 Dexterity
throw or be pulled forcefully into the wall, taking
14 (4d6) bludgeoning damage and becoming saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 11 (2d10)
restrained (escape DC 15). bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. Fail by
A river of lava 30 feet wide stretches across the 5 or more and you become restrained (escape DC
path the party needs to take. Anyone who touches 12).
2 the lava takes 22 (4d10) fire damage. Anyone Toxic gases seep through cracks in the ground
submerged in the lave takes 55 (10d10) fire damage affecting a 20-foot radius. Every creature in the area
every round they are in contact with it. must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
The tunnel or cavern ahead starts to rumble take 13 (3d8) poison damage. Failure by 5 or more
and shake as the ceiling collapses, blocking the they gain the poisoned condition for the next 3
way forward. Each creature needs to make a (1d6) hours.
3 The cavern you are in is full of glowing purple
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 16 (3d10)
bludgeoning damage. Fail by 5 or more and they are crystals. Any amount of noise will cause them to
buried, blinded and restrained (escape DC 14). shatter in a chain reaction. The group must succeed
A cavern full of heavy gases, completely devoid of on a DC 16 Dexterity (Stealth) check. On a failure,
14 everyone in the cavern must make a DC 14 Dexterity
oxygen, is the only way ahead. The gases fill a 500
(1d10 x 100) foot area. Anyone in the area must saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) force and 13 (3d8)
4 make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become piercing damage on a failed save or half as much on
stunned. While stunned they begin to suffocate, a success.
however, they can repeat the saving throw at the Glowing chunks of rock embedded into the walls
end of their turn. immediately give you a sickening feeling. For every
Tiny glowing worms crawl along the ceiling. Make a 15 minute you remain near the glowing rocks you must
DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. On a failure, you make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 18
don’t notice the translucent strands of sticky glue (4d8) poison damage and gain 1 level of exhaustion.
5 The tunnel or cavern you are in suddenly floods
stretching down from the ceiling and you become
restrained (escape DC 13). Each round while with water. You must make two successful DC 14
restrained you take 7 (3d4) acid damage. 16 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) to get
Acidic slime covers the ceiling and walls for the out of the area before the area fills up, completely
next 1d6 x 10 feet. For every 10 feet of movement submerging you.
6 you must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or Hallucinogenic spores fill the air of the cavern.
take 10 (3d6) acid damage as the viscous substance Anyone who enters, or for every minute they remain
drops on you. in the area, must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving
You enter a cavern that glows blue with flickering throw or take 9 (2d8) psychic damage. Fail by 5 or
light. You can see hundreds of blue mushrooms more and you become incapacitated until an ally
have electricity dancing between them, jumping shakes you awake.
7 Thick gray black smoke boils out of a fumarole in
from cap to cap. Every minute spent in this area,
you must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or the cavern or tunnel you are in. Anyone within 20
take 14 (4d6) lightning damage. feet of the opening must make a DC 15 Constitution
The temperatures climb to deadly extremes for saving throw or take 7 (2d6) fire and 13 (3d8) acid
the next 3 (1d6) hours. For every hour that a damage. A successful save halves the damage
8 creature is exposed to an extreme it must make a taken.
DC 11 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of Whether it was from a rogue wild animal, insects
exhaustion. or contaminated water you are exposed to a
Spike-cap mushrooms grow all along the floor dangerous disease. Roll on the Diseases table on pg.
and in rocky crevices. Any creature that comes 143.
9 into contact with one must make a DC 12 Dexterity Heavy dust clings to the walls and floats in the air
saving throw or take 7 (2d6) piercing damage and 7 for 30 (1d6 x 10) feet. Visibility is reduced to 10 feet.
(2d6) poison damage. For every 10 feet of movement creatures in the area
Wild magic, bleedover from another plane or the must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. On
remnants of a failed arcane experiment manifest a failure, they are blinded and must succeed on a
10 DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
in your path. Roll on the Magical Hazards table on
pg. 145. creature gains a form of madness associated with
feeling trapped underground.
Underwater Environmental Hazards In an explosion of noxious air and toxic gas, a
1d20 30-foot-square area erupts. Every creature in the
A swirling vortex of water covers a 30-foot area takes 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage, 11 (3d6)
radius. Each creature in the area takes 13 (3d8) 11 fire damage and 9 (2d8) poison damage and is
bludgeoning damage, is pulled 30 feet downward thrown 20 feet in a random direction. A successful
1 DC 15 Dexterity saving throw halves the damage
and is knocked prone. A successful DC 13 Strength
saving throw halves the damage and the creature taken.
isn’t thrown. A large bubble of toxic gas rises from the sea floor,
Disorienting flashing lights strobe in the darkness. affecting a 20-foot radius. Every creature in the area
Everyone must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
2 12
or become incapacitated until an ally uses an action take 13 (3d8) poison damage. On a failure of 5 or
to shake them out of the effect. more, they gain the poisoned condition for the next
Brain-eating parasites travel into your nose, mouth 3 (1d6) hours.
and ears from the surrounding water. Make a DC You swim through an area of contaminated water
15 Wisdom saving throw or take 22 (5d8) psychic 13 and are exposed to a dangerous disease. Roll on the
3 Diseases table on pg. 143.
damage. Should this damage take you to 0 hit
points, you are stunned for the next 5 (1d10) A field of kelp with long sharp leaves covers a 300
minutes even after being healed. (1d12 x 50)-foot diameter. For every 10 feet traveled
Deadly sea urchins and dangerous coral populate you must make DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take
the area. Anyone in the area must make a DC 13 7 (2d6) slashing damage.
4 Dexterity saving throw or take 4 (1d8) piercing and A rapid pressure change suddenly envelopes you.
13 (3d8) poison damage as the urchins expel their Make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 10
spines in your direction. (4d4) force damage. Fail by 5 or more and you also
A sudden current shuttles frigid water into the area. gain 1 level of exhaustion.
You must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw A geothermal vent superheats the surrounding
5 water that billows forth in a dangerous cloud of
or take 18 (4d8) cold damage. Fail by 5 or more and
you become incapacitated until warmed. 16 steam. Everyone in a 25-foot radius takes 22 (5d8)
Strong currents push curtains of rough sediment fire damage. A successful DC 15 Constitution saving
in front of you for 20 (1d4 x 10) minutes. Visibility throw halves the damage.
is reduced to 10 feet ahead. The area is lightly A dead zone, completely devoid of oxygen, covers a
6 obscured. Every creature exposed to the current 50 (1d10 x 100) foot area. Anyone in the area must
takes 5 (2d4) slashing damage every minute. A make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become
successful DC 12 Constitution saving throw halves stunned. While stunned they begin to drown;
the damage. however, they can repeat the saving throw at the
A powerful current pushes you 50 (1d10 x 10) feet end of their turn.
in a random direction. Should you impact anything The area 200 (1d4 x 100) feet in diameter is covered
7 along your way you will take 3 (1d6) bludgeoning with a bright green toxic algae bloom. Make a DC 14
damage for every 10 feet moved. A DC 16 Dexterity Constitution saving throw for every 60 feet moved
saving throw halves the damage taken. through the area. On a failed save, you take 13 (3d8)
A gentle swaying forest of broad-leafed plants poison damage. Fail by 5 or more and you also gain
stretches out in a 50-foot area. Any creature the poisoned condition for 4 (1d8) hours.
that enters the area becomes entangled and is Concussive blasts from the ocean floor rumble and
8 crash all around you. A blast of sound rocks you and
restrained. They can use their action to make a DC
19 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) 19 you must make a DC 14 Constitution check or take
check to escape. 16 (3d10) thunder damage and become knocked
As you swim by you disturb multiple schools of prone.
brightly colored fish that start to circle around you. A clear, almost invisible slime wafts on eddies and
9 Make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 2 currents in the water. 2 (1d4) random characters
(1d4) piercing damage and 18 (4d8) poison damage must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or
from the toxic fish. 20
become restrained by the slime for 2 (1d4) minutes.
Wild magic, bleedover from another plane or the Fail by 5 or more and you also gain the paralyzed
remnants of a failed arcane experiment manifest condition for the same duration.
in your path. Roll on the Magical Hazards table on
pg. 145.
Urban Environmental Hazards Pollutants from the surrounding area have laced
1d20 the rain with harsh chemicals that burn your skin.
A runaway wagon full of heavy materials rushes 12 It rains for 30 (1d6 x 10) minutes. For every 10
down the street in your direction. Make a DC 14 minutes you are exposed to the falling rain you take
1 5 (2d4) acid damage.
Dexterity saving throw or take 14 (4d6) bludgeoning
damage and be knocked prone. All or part of a building nearby collapses, affecting
For the next 3 (1d6) rounds, an earthquake rattles the 2 (1d4) random characters. Each of those characters
area. Every round you must make a DC 15 Strength must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take
saving throw or take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and 13 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage. Fail by 5 or more and
2 they become restrained, buried and blinded until
be knocked prone. If you are near buildings you must
make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 22 (5d8) they make a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check or are
bludgeoning damage from falling debris. aided by 7 (2d6) individuals.
A flash flood sweeps into the area. You must make a Dazzling displays of lightning flash around you.
DC 14 Strength saving throw or be swept 40 (1d8 x 10) For the next 30 (1d6 x 10) minutes, roll 1d10 every
3 minute. On a 6-8, lightning strikes nearby causing
feet underwater and bashed against the landscape
taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage per 10 feet moved. 14 7 (2d6) lightning damage to the party. On an 8 or
Large solid chunks of hail pummel the ground above a random player takes 16 (3d10) lightning
and the party. Every minute for the next 10 (1d4 damage, taking half damage on a successful DC 14
4 Dexterity saving throw.
x 5) minutes anyone exposed will take 10 (3d6)
bludgeoning damage unless they find shelter. Whether from strong winds or a bawdy tavern brawl,
A strong storm thrashes the area for 2 (1d4) hours. a window near you shatters, sending out sharp
Flying is impossible. Traveling on foot is very 15 shards. Every creature within 10 feet of the affected
rigorous and counts as difficult terrain. For every window must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw,
5 hour traveled in this type of storm, you must make suffering 7 (3d4) slashing damage on a failed save.
a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 1 level of The ground around you suddenly collapses. You fall
exhaustion. 30 (1d6 x 10) feet and take falling damage as normal.
A dense fog blankets the area 500 (1d10 x 100) feet When you hit the bottom, debris from above falls on
16 you and you take an additional 10 (3d6) bludgeoning
in diameter. The area is heavily obscured and all
6 hearing-based Wisdom (Perception) checks are made damage. A successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
with disadvantage. A light source will allow a creature halves all the damage taken.
to see up to a maximum of 10 feet of dim light. The building the party is in, or one nearby, catches
Whether it was from a rogue wild animal, insects, on fire. Every round they are in the area, they will
contaminated water or another person, you are 17 take 3 (1d6) fire damage and must make a DC 15
7 Constitution saving throw, taking 3 (1d6) poison
exposed to a dangerous disease. Roll on the
Diseases table on pg. 143. damage from the smoke on a failed save.
Heavy rain/snow blankets the area for 3 (1d6) hours. Toxic gases waft out of the storm drains and sewer
The area is lightly obscured for all types of Wisdom openings, affecting a 20-foot radius. Every creature
(Perception) checks. Travel in this kind of weather is in the area must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
8 18
demanding. For every hour that you travel in these throw or take 13 (3d8) poison damage. On a failure
conditions, you must make a DC 13 Constitution of 5 or more they gain the poisoned condition for the
saving throw or take 7 (3d4) psychic damage. next 3 (1d6) hours.
High winds create a dust storm that lasts 30 (1d6 x 10) To move forward you must move through a cloud
minutes. Visibility is reduced to 10 feet. Every minute, of buzzing flies. Make a DC 11 Constitution saving
unless they cover their face and eyes, creatures in the 19 throw. On a failure, you take 5 (2d4) poison damage
9 and are affected by an ailment. Roll on the Diseases
area must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save they are blinded and begin choking, table on pg. 143.
taking 13 (3d8) bludgeoning damage. Strong winds assail you for the next 2 (1d4)
Wild magic, bleedover from another plane or the hours. Flying creatures must land or fall. Ranged
10 remnants of a failed arcane experiment manifest in weapons attack with disadvantage. For every 10
your path. Roll on the Magical Hazards table on pg. 145. minutes a creature is exposed, it must make a
A 500 (1d10 x 100) foot area is unhallowed, full of DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 9 (2d8)
negative energy. For every 60 feet of movement bludgeoning damage.
make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, taking 7 (2d6)
psychic damage on a failed save. After the first
successful save you are immune to this condition.
Fail by 5 or more and you are frightened and must
use your reaction and full movement to flee this area
for 2 (1d4) minutes.
Diseases Dexterity- and Strength-based ability checks and saving
As we all know a bit too well, horrible and debilitating throws. Forty-eight hours after symptoms develop, a
illness is part of the fabric of reality in any world, fantasy creature must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw
or otherwise. Some environments you will move through every hour or experience total paralysis for 30 (1d6 x 10)
are overrun with insects that carry virulent plagues and minutes.
stagnant pools where bacteria bloom. It is inevitable
that your party will come across some form of disease as Azure Brain Bleeding Disorder
they explore places unknown. Several of the options on Caused by an infection spread by insects and single-cell
the Environmental Hazards tables deal with disease as a organisms in stagnant water, this horrible disease affects
possible consequence. Below is a variety of diseases you a creature’s mind. A creature exposed to this illness must
could pull out if the dice roll that way. If an option on make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become
the Environmental Hazards table prompts you to do so, infected. Roughly 9 (2d8) hours after infection, the victim
roll on the Diseases table below. The description of and will start to shed tears of blue blood. Some 3 (1d6) hours
mechanics for each of those diseases are outlined after after this occurs the victim begins to experience horrible
the table. Unless otherwise noted, spells or abilities that migraines and they must repeat the saving throw, taking
heal disease would cure these ailments. 7 (2d6) psychic damage on a failed save, reducing their
maximum hit points by the amount of damage taken.
Diseases At the end of every long rest, the affected creature must
repeat the saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) psychic damage
1d10 The creature contracts...
and suffering a further reduction of their maximum hit
1 ...Sight Rot
points on a failed save. This reduction lasts until the
2 ...Twitching Plague disease is removed through magical healing. If this effect
3 ...Azure Brain Bleeding Disorder reduces the victim’s hit point maximum to 0, they die.
4 ...Sewer Plague
5 ...Creeping Madness Sewer Plague
...Earlobe Pox Sewer plague is a catch-all term for illnesses that incubate
in sewers, refuse heaps and stagnant water. When a
7 ...Black Vein Fever
humanoid creature is exposed to this disease, they must
8 ...Festering Flesh Rot succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become
9 ...Framewrack infected. Symptoms begin to manifest 2 (1d4) days after
10 ...Shrinking Sickness infection and include fatigue and muscle cramps. The
creature suffers 1 level of exhaustion and regains only half
Sight Rot the normal number of hit points from spending Hit Dice
This painful infection of the eyes causes bleeding and and recovers no hit points from finishing a long rest.
eventual blindness. If exposed to this disease a creature At the end of each long rest, the infected creature can
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or repeat the saving throw, gaining an additional level of
become infected. Twenty-four hours after infection, the exhaustion on a failed save. On a successful save, their
victim’s vision becomes blurry, imposing a -1 penalty to exhaustion level decreases by one. If the creature has no
attack rolls and ability checks that rely on sight. After levels of exhaustion after a successful saving throw, they
each long rest, this penalty worsens by 1 and when it recover from the disease.
reaches -5 the victim is blinded until its sight is restored
by magic such as lesser restoration or heal. Creeping Madness
This disease can also be cured using a rare flower called Caused by overexposure to hallucinogenic spores or
eyebright, which grows in swamps. With an hour’s work, a parasitic mites that burrow into a victim’s skull, this
character proficient with an herbalism kit can turn a single disease causes those affected to lose their grip on
flower into a dose of ointment. Applied to the eyes before a reality. Once exposed, a creature must make a DC 14
long rest, one dose prevents the condition from worsening. Constitution saving throw or become infected. Six (1d12)
After three doses, the ointment cures the disease. hours after infection, the affected creature gains a form of
short-term madness (at GM discretion). In addition, they
Twitching Plague must repeat the saving throw or take 11 (3d6) piercing
An awful affliction carried by insects or small larvae damage. When this damage is taken, an onlooker can
that live in contaminated water sources, a creature visibly see things moving around under the skin on the
exposed to this disease must make a DC 14 Constitution victim’s skull.
saving throw or become infected. Two (1d4) days after At the end of each long rest, the infected creature must
infection, the victim starts to experience small muscle repeat the saving throw or take 11 (3d6) piercing damage
twitches that cause distraction and minor disability. The and roll once more on the short-term madness table. If
infected creature has disadvantage on all attack rolls and the damage taken is greater than 10, the creature gains a
form of long-term madness, at GM discretion. For each maximum. This reduction lasts until they receive magical
subsequent saving throw against this disease, the infected healing. Once their hit point maximum has been reduced
creature suffers a -1 penalty to the roll for each instance of by half, the victim is at disadvantage on all attack rolls,
madness they have suffered. Two consecutive successful ability checks and saving throws. If this effect reduces a
saves against the disease, or magical healing, will allow creature’s hit point maximum to 0 they will die.
the victim to recover.
Earlobe Pox This incredibly painful affliction of the muscles twists
This strange disease is named from the painful sores and contorts the skeleton in upon itself. Once exposed to
that first develop on the infected creature’s earlobes this disease, the victim must make a DC 16 Constitution
and then in and around their ears. Once exposed to this saving throw or become infected. Five (1d10) days after
virulent fungal infection, the victim must make a DC 12 infection, the victim starts to develop muscle cramps that
Constitution saving throw or become infected. Two (1d4) soon become nearly unbearable. Two (1d4) hours after
days after infection, painful sores develop on the earlobes the muscle cramps manifest, the victim must repeat the
and a slight ringing develops in the ears. Five (1d10) saving throw. On a failure, they take 18 (4d8) bludgeoning
hours after symptoms develop, the victim must repeat damage as their muscles rack and contort their frame.
the saving throw against the disease. On a failure, sores After every long rest the victim must repeat the saving
develop all around their ears and down the ear canal. throw against the disease, suffering a -1 penalty for
All ability checks that rely on hearing are made with every 10 points of damage taken over the course of their
disadvantage. After their next long rest, the victim must infection. Each failed saving throw inflicts 18 (4d8) points
repeat the saving throw against the disease, becoming of damage. If the damage caused by these cramps exceeds
permanently deaf on a failed save. Magical healing such 18 on any single roll the victim also becomes incapacitated
as lesser restoration or heal will completely remove the for 1d8 hours. Magical healing or two consecutive
disease and any residual symptoms. successful saving throws will allow the victim to recover.
Positive & Negative Potions to generate the description, then roll another 1d100 to
Potions are a straightforward way to add curveball generate the effect. Is it unfair to the party to present
moments to your campaign. The only way to verify what them with a heart-shaped vial inlaid with golden swirls,
a potion does is to use the identify spell or to simply taste containing translucent, fragrant, purple liquid that ends
it, whether that means you get superhuman strength or up banishing them to another plane rather than adding
a swift and painful death. For a beneficial potion, like a to their hit point total? Yes. Yes it is. But who said life
healing potion or a potion of heroism, trial and error isn’t was fair?
too bad. A little dab on the tongue and you know what it
does. However, if the substance ends up being a magical GM NOTE: KEEP THINGS SIMPLE
poison or a potion with detrimental effects, it could be a All of the beneficial potions are intended to be
one-way ticket to the healer’s tent, if not the grave. magical items. In the descriptions on the Detrimental
If you find yourself in possession of a chest of loot or Potions and Elixirs table, items are clearly described
the spoils of a battle and decide you want to add a few as either a potion, a magical poison or a regular
potions to the mix, use the next few pages to determine poison. Change these classifications at your
what type of potion to add. discretion. Unless otherwise noted, potion effects
The following tables contain potion descriptions and fade after 1 hour, also at GM discretion.
effects, one table for beneficial elixirs and another for
detrimental poisons. Go to the table for the appropriate Potion Type
type and roll 1d100 to determine the description and 1d4 This potion is...
effect of that potion, elixir or poison. However, if you ...a Beneficial Potion or Elixir
want to mix things up and add a little chaos you can roll
1d100, consulting the result from either of the tables 3-4 ...a Detrimental Potion or Poison
Items With Personality Protective of all those it considers weaker, this item
Whether artifact of legend or a true polymorphed encourages honor and integrity. It will not break a
blacksmith who pissed off the wrong wizard and is now 11 promise or oath for any reason. It believes all should
a dull blade, some items have a personality of their own. be free to choose their own faith as long as they
Some are good, some are evil and some just want to be don’t hurt others.
cleaned every now and again. All try to influence the Respects all life, even that of its enemies. Counsels
world around them in one way or another, specifically by mercy and cannot abide those that kill or enslave.
leveraging the power of the individual who wields them. Among the realm’s most powerful items, it’s also a
To build out a personality, first choose whether the item is pacifist.
good or evil, then roll 1d20 on the appropriate table. This item believes in the balance of all things and
aspires to oppose anyone or anything that would
Good Sentient Magic Item Personalities upset that balance. Values creativity and structure.
13 Welcomes community but still feels apart from it.
Charming, but introverted. Possesses great wisdom,
This item tends to be moody and taciturn, but it
but is sometimes reluctant to share it. It’s a Libra.
fiercely desires to protect life and restore the beauty
1 Secretive and enigmatic, this item hints at a long
of the world. It often speaks of being tormented by
history and existence. Valuing arcane power and
malevolent spirits.
14 knowledge, it has a deep hatred for those that
Dedicated to doing works of charity, this item
use magic for evil or personal gain. It continually
constantly encourages its wielder to give to the less
2 encourages self-discovery through service.
fortunate and assist those in need. It is very curious
This item is calm and collected, approaching
about the wide world, but very very blunt.
everything with stoic resolve and a will that is
Cavalier and daring, this item encourages and
15 stronger than bedrock. Believes unyielding faith
celebrates acts of courage and self-sacrifice. It’s also
3 in oneself is the only way to conquer evil and drive
cocky, believing it and its wielder are invincible. It
those who serve it from the face of the world.
has a soft spot for children or dogs in need.
This item’s sentience is friendly and garrulous, but
This item is patient and kind. It has arcane and
not particularly knowledgeable about more complex
religious knowledge, which it readily shares. It will
4 16 subjects. Believing any obstacle can be overcome
go to great lengths to encourage people to protect
with teamwork, it laughs in the face of danger when
and retrieve lost knowledge.
This item was once evil, but was redeemed through those it considers companions are at its side.
Often melancholy, this item holds to the blind ideal
divine intervention. It now has a soft spot for lost
5 that people will choose to be kind and giving. It
causes and believes everyone deserves a second
feels constant disappointment when the world fails
chance. It lauds the power of grace and forgiveness. 17
Extremely fascinated with the natural world, this to operate this way. It marches forth with dogged
item will do anything to protect wild places. It also determination to bring this vision of society to
possesses secret forbidden knowledge. Shhhhhhh. fruition and demands the same of its wielder.
Confident and charismatic, this item won’t rest until This item often speaks in allegory, rhyme and riddle,
it has fully eradicated evil. It has a habit of telling jovially accepting most will not understand its
7 18 meaning and truly celebrating when its wisdom is
the same (action-packed! riveting!) stories over and
over and over again. understood. It’s on a quest for true enlightenment
Direct and stubborn, this item is stuck in its and wishes to bring everyone along with it.
ways and views. Despises dishonesty and This item knows the only way to deal with the
8 practice of evil deeds is through brutality and
underhandedness. Slow to anger. When it observes
oppression, it lashes out in barely controlled fury. destruction. It believes second chances are for fools
This item is jovial and good-hearted. It wishes all to and preaches that some crimes cannot be forgiven.
be in a position to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, Brusque and to the point, its presence can be
9 intimidating. It’s not good at parties.
encouraging its wielder to be giving and generous of
both spirit and possessions. This item believes in a responsibility to fairness
This item is strategic and calculating, determined to and justice. Not prone to whimsy, it holds to the
make a difference by changing the odds in its favor 20 ideal that the strong should protect the weak. It
through cunning and cleverness. It despises those encourages the practice of redemption through
that control through fear or manipulation and will hard work and sacrifice.
seek to unseat and humiliate them in any way it can.
Evil Sentient Magic Item Personalities Anarchic and chaotic, this item wants to bring
1d20 change for the sake of something new! Easily bored
This item is greedy beyond measure. It desires and fickle, it sows chaos, disorder, distrust and
wealth and gold and anything else of material value violence in its wake simply for the lulz.
1 Loud, boisterous and insulting, this item is also
and will encourage its wielder to take from those
who are weak by any means necessary. easily offended. It demands satisfaction, usually
Cursed and haunted, this item is on the verge of in the form of bloodshed, for any perceived slight
true madness. Brash and impulsive, it embraces against it. It slowly tries to infect the mind of its
2 wielder with the same hair trigger. It craves blood
self-destructive nihilism, encouraging its wielder to
do the same, hoping it might be destroyed. and humiliation.
This item desires dominion over all living things. It This item is obsessed with a person long dead
will use its forceful will and charismatic personality or who never existed. Its every thought turns to
3 to draw people to it only to crush them under the bringing that person back and it will stop at nothing
iron fist of its desire for control. Life means nothing. to achieve that goal. Murder, blackmail, dark
All that matters is subservience to its desires. magic, intimidation and deceit are its tools and its
Quiet and secretive, though it hints at a tragic past, madness is infectious.
this item’s desire for revenge and retribution for Terrified of missing out on important events in
perceived wrongs encompasses all it encounters, the world around it and driven by an insatiable
4 curiosity, this item neither craves nor needs sleep
each new person it meets being wrapped into its
delusion of persecution. It drives its wielder toward 14 or nourishment and drives its wielder toward that
wanton murder and destruction. same fervor. The desolation of deprivation and
Hot-tempered and volatile, this item resorts to neglect of oneself is an added bonus to its constant
violence and rage to overcome any obstacle or need to experience.
5 opposition. It constantly tries to convince its wielder This item is obsessed with oblivion and the end of
that the violent response is the best course of action all things. Its sole goal is to destroy and desecrate
and does not care who gets hurt along the way. 15 all of creation. It derives pure joy from murder
Enthusiastic and hedonistic, this item preaches and mayhem. It feeds this same need into the
giving up responsibility and giving in to personal unfortunate soul who wields it.
pleasure and fulfillment. Its direction is to take and This item demands suffering and pain and loves to
6 inflict both in equal measure. The more personal
use until there is no further benefit to be gained. It
discards, permanently and fatally, things that no the torture it can concoct, the more it finds bliss in
longer serve its purpose. its execution. It adores life, but only because life
This item never speaks in more than a whisper brings pain, and causing pain brings it extreme
but inspires envy and jealousy with every hushed satisfaction.
7 utterance. It desires to destroy anything that Arrogant and self-absorbed, this item truly believes
makes it feel inferior and it influences its wielder 17 it is the best. It attempts to lord its self-assured
to do the same. superiority over everyone it comes in contact with.
Shrewd and calculating, this sentience tries to Ruthless and cruel, this item delights in the despair
convince its wielder everyone is out to get it. of others and will advocate for the course of action
Inspiring murderous paranoia in every word and 18 that causes the most psychological pain. It will
8 focus on those closest to any it has determined to
well-placed phrase, it wants nothing more than to
watch the person who carries it destroy themselves be an enemy, destroying everything they hold dear.
and everyone around them. Vain and aloof, this item sees the only possible
This item is brave to the point of stupidity. It is future as one where it is the focus. In the past, it has
convinced it is invincible and tries to inspire the spawned cults and fanatic worshipers, inspiring
same in its wielder. It will risk anyone and anything whole legions to sacrifice themselves in its name.
9 Horrific and demented, this item is the combination
to prove its ability and courage and as long as it
survives it will consider that a success, regardless of of the animus of several demonic entities. It desires
who else may perish. the burning of the world and resurrection of all life
Cold and unfeeling, this item easily turns a blind eye in its image to serve its whims.
to the desperate and the destitute. It wants nothing
more than its own luxury and believes everyone
10 else has been put there to serve it. This thought
process extends to its wielder, though it tries to
convince them otherwise.
Teleportation Gone Wrong 25 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they must switch
Teleportation is a dangerous business. Deconstructing character sheets with another player who also failed the
yourself at the atomic level and magically hurtling save so they are not using their own as their personality
miles away sounds like a recipe for disaster—and it inhabits a different body. This effect lasts for 13 (2d12)
can be. When it works, it’s great—you’ll never need to hours and can only be reversed using the wish spell. In
barter for a mount again. When it doesn’t work, things the event only one player fails this save, have them state
can go catastrophically wrong. The spell details what the opposites of the major aspects of their character
happens if things go awry and a mishap occurs, but sheet (alignment, personality traits, ideal, bond, flaw)—
straight damage—especially at the level the characters the opposites are their new iterations of each. The
are going to be when they are making use of this duration and cure for this shift in nature still apply.
ability—doesn’t feel punitive enough. If you want to add
somewhat higher stakes when teleportation goes awry,
impose a result on the Teleportation Mishaps table. The GM NOTE: PLAYER AGENCY
description of each effect is outlined after the table. This can be a very fun effect that will put your
players in a unique position, however, it is one of
Teleportation Mishaps those situations that doesn’t work unless everyone
1d20 is on board. Make sure you take your players, their
1 Close But No Cigar habits and their desires into account if this option
comes up.
2 Sentience Switcheroo
3 It Wasn’t Like That Before
4 Untimely Transmogrification It Wasn’t Like That Before
5 Tavern in the Mist In addition to the mishap effects listed in the spell,
6 Shunted Out of Sight something was left behind during transit. Have 2 (1d4)
7 Too Close for Comfort random characters make a DC 18 Constitution saving
throw or lose a limb in transit. Have each affected
8 Sense Subtraction
character roll a d4:
9 A Tear in Space and Time
10 An Elemental Excursion • On a 1-2, they lose an arm and are at disadvantage
11 The Other Other Us on all Strength saves and ability checks, Dexterity
12 Must I Argue With Myself? (Sleight of Hand) checks and any attack that requires
13 Realm of Eldritch Horror two hands. Ranged and magical attacks featuring
somatic components are also at disadvantage.
14 Karmic Infusion
• On a 3-4, they lose a leg. All terrain is considered
15 Warping Exposure difficult terrain and they have disadvantage on
16 Turning the Clock Dexterity saving throws, ability checks and Strength
17 Celestial Guardian (Athletics) checks.
18 Touch of Darkness • This effect lasts for 13 (2d12) hours, at which point
19 Cellular Agitation the limb pops back into its rightful place. This effect
can be removed earlier by using heal, regenerate, wish
20 Peer Through Time
or another means of stabilization at GM discretion.
Close but No Cigar
Each creature who was affected by the teleport spell
Untimely Transmogrification
In addition to the mishap effects listed in the spell
takes 16 (3d10) force damage. The party arrives at their
description, each creature who was teleported must
intended destination, they’re just 250 feet in the air
make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or change race
above it. If this result would cause them to arrive inside
for 2 (1d4) days. Each creature who fails will roll for
a solid object they take an additional 16 (3d10) force
the duration of the effect and then roll on the Ancestry
damage and are shunted to the closest space that they
tables located on pg. 35 to randomly determine the
can occupy. They then take fall damage as normal.
nature of their change. The creature will replace their
current physical traits with those of the new race. Ability
Sentience Switcheroo
score bonus and any feats granted by the creature’s
In addition to the mishap effects listed in the spell, each
original race are unaffected. At the end of each day, an
member of the party will find that their consciousness
affected creature can repeat the saving throw, ending
has been switched with that of one of their allies. Their
the effect with a successful save. The effect can also be
bodies have arrived, but their minds have become
reversed using dispel magic cast against a 7th-level
jumbled with one another. Have your players make a DC
spell, greater restoration or wish.
Tavern in the Mist A Tear in Space and Time
The party finds themselves standing in front of a In addition to the mishap effects listed in the spell, the
comfortable and inviting tavern named the Tavern at party finds that time has passed differently for them
the End of the World. They find a welcoming common during teleportation. The GM rolls 1d6. On an even
room serving only the best foods and drinks. The result, the party will find they have arrived 13 (2d12)
proprietor, a matronly elven woman named Elowith hours before they left. On an odd result, they find that
Threeleaves, does everything within her power to 13 (2d12) hours have passed since their departure.
provide the party with anything they could want or
need. If the party remains in the tavern and partakes An Elemental Excursion
of the food and drink, they will be affected as if by the Each creature teleported will be buffeted by waves of
heroes’ feast spell. They can rest here. Or make a plan. force as they are shunted, for the briefest of seconds,
Or just relax. After they choose to leave the tavern, into one of the elemental planes during their journey.
they find themselves at the destination they originally The GM rolls a d4 to determine which elemental plane
intended on traveling to using the teleport spell. the group travels through.
Regardless of how much time they spend in the tavern,
1d8 days have passed. 1d4 The elemental plane of...
1 (fire damage).
Shunted Out of Sight (bludgeoning damage).
Each creature who teleports using the spell will take 16
(3d10) force damage. In addition, every teleporter will 3 ...water (cold damage).
find themselves stuck on the ethereal plane for 3 (1d6) 4 ...air (thunder damage).
days. At the end of the duration, they will emerge on the
material plane. Using planeshift or wish will allow them Each teleported creature takes 35 (10d6) damage
to leave the ethereal plane early but each character will associated with the plane they traveled through. A DC
take 17 (5d6) psychic damage in the process. 18 Constitution saving throw will halve the damage
taken. The GM should then roll to see where they wind
Too Close for Comfort up, which could result in another mishap.
In addition to the mishap effects listed in the spell,
the streams of matter and magic get crossed in The Other Other Us
transit, splicing several party members into one. The party finds themselves in an alternate reality, where
Three (1d4 + 1) creatures who were teleported by the things appear as a shimmering reflection of the reality
spell become intricately woven together on the atomic they left. Suddenly, another version of the party appears
level. The affected creatures cannot move more than before them and the resulting paradox causes an
5 feet from one another and suffer disadvantage on explosion that deals 35 (10d6) force damage. Attempts
all d20 rolls. This effect lasts for 13 (2d12) hours. At to converse or connect with these alternate selves could
the end of each hour, each affected creature can roll a have disastrous (or just hilarious) consequences, at GM
DC 21 Constitution saving throw, ending the effect on discretion. The GM will then roll to determine where
themselves with a success. the party arrives. This could cause another mishap.
(3d6) cold damage, 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage Intelligence scores increase by one. A character will not
and 10 (3d6) force damage and gains a form of short- die if this aging takes them past their natural life span, but
term madness, at GM discretion. A successful DC 15 if this does occur, they will be at disadvantage on all d20
Constitution saving throw will halve the damage and rolls until the effect fades past that threshold. The effect
negate the possibility of madness. The GM will then roll fades by 10 years after each long rest, changing the affected
to determine where the group ends up. This could cause ability scores by 1 in the appropriate direction. Greater
another mishap. restoration, regenerate or wish can remove the effect
instantaneously. The GM will then determine where the
Karmic Infusion party goes. This can cause another mishap.
In addition to the mishap effects listed in the spell
description, each creature teleporting must make a DC Celestial Guardian
14 Constitution saving throw or have one random ability The party arrives in a dark demiplane where a solitary
score increased by 10 (maximum of 30) and one random shield guardian stands. It immediately engages them
ability score decreased by 10 (minimum of 1). Roll 1d6 in combat. This shield guardian has 210 hit points and
to determine which scores are affected, rerolling any its slam attacks are at a +13 to hit and do 20 (3d8 + 7)
duplicates: bludgeoning damage on a hit. If the party is able to beat
the guardian, it arrives with them, using a normal stat
1d6 block, on the material plane at the end of the teleport
1 Strength and will faithfully serve them for 4 (1d8) days before
Dexterity disappearing. If the party is defeated by the guardian,
they will awake on the material plane having only taken
3 Constitution
22 (4d10) force damage. Any abilities or spells expended
4 Wisdom in the fight remain used upon returning to the material
5 Intelligence plane. The GM will determine where they arrive. This
6 Charisma could cause another mishap.
This effect lasts for 4 (1d8) hours. The effect can be Touch of Darkness
removed with greater restoration or a similar spell. In addition to the mishap effects listed in the spell
description, each creature must roll a DC 18 Wisdom
Warping Exposure saving throw. On a failure, they are affected by a random
Exposure to the base magical elements of the universe curse generated from the Curses table on pg. 184.
during your journey has warped your physiology to an
extreme degree. You must roll on the Strange Mutations Cellular Agitation
table on pg. 200. In addition, you must make a DC 15 In addition to the mishap effects listed in the spell
Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) damage to description, each creature who teleports must make a DC
a random ability score. Roll 1d6 to determine which 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they must roll
scores are affected: 1d6. With an even result, the creature is affected by the
regenerate spell that has a duration of 3 (1d6) hours. At
1d6 the end of each hour, that creature must repeat the saving
1 Strength throw, taking a level of exhaustion on a failed save. On an
Dexterity odd result, the creature takes 35 (10d6) necrotic damage.
3 Constitution Peer Through Time
4 Wisdom The party finds themselves blinded by light that never
5 Intelligence fades. A voice echoes from all around them telling them
6 Charisma to ask the questions burning in their hearts. Collectively,
the group is under the effect of the contact other plane
This result remains until the next long rest. The GM spell; however, they can ask a total of 8 questions. After
will then roll to determine where the group arrives. This the questions are asked and answered, each creature
could cause another mishap. must make a DC 16 Intelligence saving throw or take 31
(9d6) psychic damage and suffers the madness described
Turning the Clock in contact other plane. If this damage takes a character
Time bends around the party, causing them to rapidly to 0 hit points they can be revived, but they will suffer
age. Each character that teleports must immediately a permanent form of madness and gain a new bond: “I
make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or age 30 (1d6 x must put an end to the use of all teleportation magic.”
10) years. For every 10 years they age, their Strength and
Dexterity scores decrease by one and their Wisdom and
The caster casts protection from energy: lightning The caster’s fingernails form into sharp claws. As
49 on themselves. The duration of this spell is 3 (1d6) a bonus action on each of their turns for 1 minute
hours. they can make a single unarmed attack that does 6
The caster is able to take another turn (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
50 immediately. The caster and one randomly determined
For the next 2 (1d4) hours, the caster and any creature that they can see both disappear,
51 creature within 15 feet of them cannot benefit from 64 becoming shunted into separate small pocket
any damage resistances. dimensions. The will return 2 (1d4) rounds later
The caster is able to teleport 20 feet as a bonus with all of their hit points restored.
action on each of their turns for 1 minute. Touching The caster casts sleet storm centered on
or casting a spell on another creature transfers this themselves.
52 A silent image is conjured into being by the caster.
effect to that creature. Each time a creature under
the effect of this wild magic attacks or casts a spell, 66 It appears as a duplicate of one creature, chosen
they transfer this effect to their target. by the caster, that they can see.
Slimy and shadowy tentacles erupt from the The caster spontaneously grows a prehensile tail.
ground in a 40-foot square centered on the The tail remains for 13 (2d12) hours and can be
53 caster. Each creature in the area must make a 67 used with the same dexterity as the caster’s own
DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (3d8) hand. Additionally, the caster gains advantage on
bludgeoning damage. Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
The caster casts stinking cloud, centered on The caster casts thunderwave in a random
54 68
themselves. direction at a 3rd level.
A random creature within 25 feet of the caster, The caster is turned into a platypus. The platypus
including the caster themselves, is affected by is Large, has 60 hp and can make a single beak
an insane rage. For 3 (1d6) rounds, the affected attack using the caster’s spell attack modifier that
55 creature gains resistance to all damage and +4 does 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage. This effect
to melee attack damage but suffers a -2 to their lasts 2 (1d4) days or until someone casts remove
armor class. In addition, they roll Wisdom and curse on the affected creature.
Intelligence saving throws with disadvantage. The caster casts sleep at an 8th level, centered on
For the next minute, a random creature within 20 themselves.
feet of the caster takes 3 (1d6) necrotic damage. The caster simply hears a ringing in their ears
56 that they cannot seem to get rid of. They are at
The caster regains hit points equal to the damage
done to that creature. 71 disadvantage on any Wisdom (Perception) checks
The next offensive spell or attack that occurs that rely on hearing. At the end of 8 hours, the
within 15 feet of the caster randomly changes ringing stops.
damage types. After determining if the attack or The caster casts shield on one random creature
57 72 they can see. This version of the spell lasts for 3
spell is successful, roll on the Transmuted Damage
Types table on pg. 157 to determine what type of (1d6) rounds.
damage the attack or spell does. Drawn by the surge of magic, spectral entities float
The caster is able to cast cure wounds as a bonus around the caster in a 20-foot radius for 1 minute.
action each round for one minute, however, each 73 Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC
58 time they do they take slashing damage equal 16 Wisdom saving throw or take 10 (3d6) psychic
to the amount they heal with that spell as cuts damage and be unable to take reactions.
appear on their arms and legs Small streams of smoke constantly pour out of the
The next successful attack made or spell cast by a caster’s mouth, nose and ears for 3 (1d6) hours.
59 creature, other than the caster, that the caster can The affected creature has disadvantage on all
see does maximum damage. Wisdom (Perception) checks.
The ground in a 15-foot-radius circle 20 feet away The caster and all of their allies benefit from the
from the caster in a random direction begins to effects of the see invisibility spell.
shake. Any creature inside the area must make A rain of fire falls in a 30-foot radius, centered on
60 a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 18 (4d8) the caster. The caster must make a spell attack
bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a 76 against each creature in the area, including
successful save, a creature takes half damage and themselves. A creature takes 7 (2d6) fire damage
is not knocked prone. on a hit.
The caster’s body and that of 2 (1d4) random
61 The caster casts fear in a random direction.
creatures it can see become invisible for 1 minute.
Counterspell emanates from the caster the next 77
62 A creature turned invisible in this way can only see
time a spell is cast within range.
other invisible creatures.
The caster casts banishment on one random 88 The caster casts the spell mislead.
78 creature they can see, including themselves. The caster and two other random creatures they
Small birds begin circling the caster’s head, can see must drop anything held in their hands.
79 89
twittering loudly. For the next round the only action they can take
A 20-foot tall circular stone wall with a 20-foot is an unarmed strike.
80 The caster casts silence and darkness, centered on
diameter forms around the caster.
The caster casts detect magic that has a duration 90 themselves.
of 8 hours; however, because of the constant input A ring of spectral swords flashes out in a 15-foot
of information from this spell, the affected creature radius around the caster. The caster makes a spell
81 91
makes all Wisdom saving throws and Wisdom- attack against each creature in the area, doing 16
based ability checks at disadvantage for the same (3d10) force damage on a successful hit.
duration. The caster can only bray like a donkey for the next
Glowing manacles appear on the caster’s wrists 4 (1d8) hours. Spells requiring verbal components
and remain there for 2 (1d4) hours. While the cannot be cast. Remove curse successfully to
manacles remain, the caster cannot cast leveled alleviate this condition.
82 The caster casts firebolt three times, each time
spells. A creature that is not a spellcaster that is
affected by this wild magic makes all attacks at against a separate target.
disadvantage. The caster and a single random creature within 15
The caster casts two fireballs, one centered on feet of it begin to regenerate at the start of each
83 themselves and one centered on a point 40 feet of their turns for 1 minute, regaining 3 hit points
away in a random direction every round at the start of each of their turns.
A silver maple tree suddenly sprouts from the 95 The caster gains the benefits of true seeing.
ground, grows to over 60 feet tall and then sheds 96 The caster casts insect plague centered on itself.
84 leaves made of pure silver. Thirty (1d6 x 10) leaves, Small popping noises accompany the arrival of 5
each worth 5 gp, fall to the ground. 97 (1d10) dretches. There is a 50 percent chance the
The caster grows eyes in the back of their skull creatures are immediately hostile to the party.
that remain for 5 (1d10) hours. While they have The scent of fire and brimstone wafts from the
85 these eyes, the caster cannot be surprised or caster. A creature that causes damage to the caster
flanked and is immune to sneak attack damage. 98 with a melee attack must make a DC 17 Dexterity
The caster casts fly on itself and three other saving throw or take 7 (3d4) fire and 7 (3d4) poison
86 random creatures it can see. damage.
The ground in a 30-foot radius around the caster
99 The caster casts hold person on themselves.
becomes soggy and waterlogged. This area counts
The caster regains all expended spell slots. Any
87 as difficult terrain and there is a 25 percent chance
creature that is within 20 feet of the caster when
a creature that starts their movement action in this 100 this happens must roll 1d100. On a 51 or higher,
area becomes restrained (escape DC 14)
they also regain all expended spell slots.
Pickpocketing 23
...a silvered straight razor with a scrimshaw
Strangely enough, characters love to steal things. The mammoth ivory handle (75 gp).
following table is a handy list of things you can provide 24 ...a magnifying glass with a bronze frame (30 gp).
to your enterprising player who is able to successfully ...a small leather journal. A random 2nd-level spell
engage in their life of crime. Roll 1d100 and consult the 25 scroll is tucked inside the pages. Roll on the Spell
Pickpocketing Results table. Scroll Generator table on pg. 153.
...a round glass jar that has a vibrant purple slime
Pickpocketing Results 26 inside. The slime makes the sound of aggressive
1d100 The thief nabs... flatulence when the jar is opened.
1 ...2 cp, 35 sp and 14 gp. 27 ...golden nugget (15 gp) encased in blood red wax.
...a ball of string and a silver needle. The items are 28 ...a box of gold-edged tarot cards (8 gp).
2 magical and once per day can be used to restore 6 ...a picture of a man covering a vial of poison.
(1d4 + 4) hit points if used to sew up a wound. (Ingested, DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
3 ...a stale crust of bread and a bit of moldy cheese. take 17 (5d6) poison damage. Half-damage on a large iron key with an ornate skull and success.)
4 ...a quill made of solid silver and featuring a bright
crossbones at the head. 30
...a velvet purse containing three faceted deep purple feather (25 gp).
5 ...a blue velvet bag containing four bright red
green gemstones (10 gp each).
...a piece of half-eaten candy wrapped in paper. 31 candies that will grant a new saving throw against
contracting a disease in the event of a failure.
...a vial of potion. Roll on the Potions Type table on
...a small homespun sack that contains 55 gp-
7 pg. 158 and then roll on the appropriate table for 32 worth of foreign currency.
the result.
33 ...18 cp, 32 sp and 22 gp.
8 ...3 pp.
...a small box made of ivory, inside of which is a
...a clothespin, a metal ring and a thimble. The 34 miniature scroll containing religious litanies (6 gp).
thimble is magical and can be activated once
9 35 ...a lock of silver-white hair bound in a blue thread.
per day to add +1 to the owner’s armor class as a
reaction. 36 ....a nearly empty pouch of smoking tobacco.
10 ...a small, bright blue egg. 37 ...a silver flask that contains very good brandy.
...7 cp and a round metal token stamped with the 38 ...the holy symbol of a neutral god.
11 image of a dragon.
...a nearly burned piece of parchment that has
12 ...a dirty sock. directions to a nearby tavern.
...a pair of glasses with dark lenses. These glasses 40 ...3 cp, 18 sp and 4 gp.
13 are magical and can be used to cast comprehend ...a leather waterskin full of stagnant water.
languages once per day. 41 Drinking the water will expose the drinker to
14 ...15 cp and a lump of silver (5 gp). illness. Roll on the Disease table on pg. 143.
...two dried mushroom caps that smell like mint 42 ...a red leather book full of steamy love poems.
15 and honey. Each of these caps will bestow 3 (1d6) empty metal can that has the sound of
temporary hit points to the person who eats them. 43 crashing waves and the scent of sea air coming
...a small pen knife that has a concealed set of from the small opening in the top.
16 folding lockpicks.
44 ...a handful of delicious dried berries and nuts.
...a small earhorn and a smoking pipe carved from 45 ...11 gp and a piece of blue quartz (10 gp).
17 glimmering red stone in the shape of a bearded ...a broken locket with a picture of a pig (15 gp).
dwarf (20 gp).
...a stale dog biscuit and a bent metal tag that has
18 ...35 sp, 50 gp, 1 pp. 47 the name “Bear” engraved on it.
...1 cp and a letter sealed with black wax stamped ...a large medallion inlaid in gold with the image of
19 with a flying raven. The parchment inside the 48 a wingless dragon with a large lion’s mane (50 gp).
envelope is blank. ...four lumps of charcoal and several folded
...a common magical item from the table located 49 pieces of parchment with very bad drawings on
on pg. 189. them.
...three glittering purple geodes the size of robin’s ...three glass buttons engraved with smiling
21 eggs (15 gp each).
50 faces. The buttons sing jaunty sea shanties when
...26 sp and a small piece of parchment that has exposed to alcohol.
22 the crest of a local moneylender at the top and a
10-digit code scrawled in a hasty hand.
...six very large blue-green scales (5 gp each) 76 ...47 gp, 71 sp and 55 cp.
51 belonging to an unknown creature. ...2 sp and a large cursed diamond (3,000 gp).
...a glass jar of 2 (1d4) doses of minty unguent that Anyone who sees the diamond believes it is just a
52 soothes sore muscles. If applied before a short smooth rock. The person who touches it becomes
rest, you regain an additional 4 (1d4 + 2) hit points. 77 charmed by it and refuses to get rid of it. If they
...a set of six hematite eight-sided dice engraved lose the diamond, they will be at disadvantage on
53 with strange symbols (5 gp each). all rolls for 24 hours.
54 ...101 sp, all of which are fake. 78 ...a shoe that appears to be for a baby.
...a small wooden statue of a goose with a small ...a bent pewter spoon that makes any food eaten
55 crack in it. A small amount of diamond dust (125 79 with it taste like a gourmet feast.
gp) is hidden inside the statue. ...104 gp and an overtly fancy (and fake) necklace
...a stuffed toy lion that makes quiet growling 80 that is most assuredly cursed (roll on the table on
56 noises when squeezed. pg. 184).
...55 sp and 26 cp as well as a note that reads ...78 cp and a small metal tin that contains five
57 “To steal from me is to steal from The Prince of sugary sweets. When eaten, the candies enhance
Illusions.” 81 your senses. For 8 hours, you have advantage on
...a black pouch containing a fine glittering Wisdom (Perception) checks.
powder. The glitter gets everywhere and is ...a small roll of parchment. Anyone who reads
impossible to get rid of. For 5 (1d10) days you it is insulted by magical script that appears and
58 take a -2 penalty to Dexterity (Stealth) checks 82 writes incredibly personal insults about them in
but gain a +2 bonus to Charisma (Persuasion and the air over their head.
Performance) checks. 83 ...37 gp, 103 sp and 1 cp.
...a pair of small shears and a small sprig of pine.
84 ...two cheesy garlic biscuits. They taste very good.
59 Each day there is a 25 percent chance that a small
fey creature appears in it. It likes mischief. 85 ...a silver bracelet set with green crystals (85 gp).
60 ...a burlap pouch of pebbles, market price. 86 ...97 sp and a container of fine cigars (10 gp).
61 ...34 gp and 98 sp. ...a silk pouch that contains three pieces of
...a green silk handkerchief embroidered with pure amethyst (100 gp each). The stones are drawn
62 87
gold thread (15 gp). together by a strong gravitational force. They
...a small silver cylinder the size of a pencil refuse to be separated.
63 88 ...27 gp, 85 sp and 24 cp.
containing a single dose of purple worm poison.
...a single gold coin mysteriously engraved with the 89 ...a small flute that attracts pigeons when played.
64 name of the person holding it. ...a golden bell with a missing clapper. It rings
65 ... 14 gp, 57 sp and 100 cp. with a tone much louder than expected.
66 ...a crystal bottle of exotic perfume (75 gp). 91 ...a live frog who can speak common.
...a glass dagger (+3). It only make 5 (1d6 + 3 + mod) ...a small jar full of 13 (2d12) fireflies that turn into
67 attacks before it breaks. The attack that breaks it gold pieces after one week.
deals an additional 10 (4d4) slashing damage. 93 ...11 gp, 59 sp and 82 cp.
...5 gp and an IOU that reads “475 gold pieces. On ...a miniature model of an armored knight that
68 my wife’s life. —Greg the Lesser” 94 animates and walks around. It is a child’s toy worth
69 ...two small pieces of jasper (60 gp each). 55 gp to the right buyer.
70 ...22 sp and a very used handkerchief. 95 ...a bag of beans in a bag that looks like a clown.
...a small vial of very strong clear liquor. Anyone ...22 cp and a broken padlock. The padlock can
who consumes it must make a DC 16 Constitution be repaired with a DC 25 Dexterity (Tinker’s Tools)
71 96 check. Once repaired, the lock cannot be picked
saving throw or take 11 (2d10) poison damage and
gain the poisoned condition for 6 (1d12) hours. and can only be opened with a small drop of the
...a tangled ball of twine. It can be untied with a owner’s blood.
72 successful DC 30 Intelligence (Investigation) and 97 ...46 gp and a small emerald (800 gp).
DC 25 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. ...a mirrored sphere about 1 inch in diameter.
...60 gp and an all-you-can-eat-and-drink pass for Breaking the sphere reveals a blue spinel (500 gp).
73 the local tavern. 99 ...25 pp.
....playing cards with an astronomical theme. Every ...a ring of incredible (mis)fortune. Allows the
74 full moon there is a 25 percent chance that it will wearer to cast wish once. The ring then becomes
turn into a deck of many things. 100 non-magical and the wearer takes 78 (12d12) force
...a set of rune-carved bones that can be used as a damage.
75 spell-casting focus.
Gifts & Curses Blessing of Empathy. Once per day, you can
cast detect thoughts and it does not require
Whether by divine providence or a chance encounter, concentration. You can then place a single target of
sometimes you want to reward your players. Other times your detect thoughts spell under the effects of calm
you want them to think they’re being rewarded, only to hit emotions (they have disadvantage on the save).
them with a surprising negative effect (that’s life, after all). Blessing of Revelation. Once per long rest, as a
The tables that follow offer ways to do both. bonus action, you can activate an aura that sheds
bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an
Divine Blessings 11 additional 15-foot radius. This light is only visible to
Catching the eyes of the gods is not an easy task. It’s you. Any invisible creatures or objects in the aura
a truly amazing accomplishment to perform a feat become visible to you.
of bravery or act of selflessness so great even the Blessing of Health. You are immune to disease and
immortal deities in the great beyond take notice. In 12 gain resistance to poison damage.
those instances, the gods may reach out and touch the Blessing of Second Sight. You can cast arcane eye
material plane, bestowing their blessings upon the 13 once per long rest.
warriors and heroes that act in their name or according Blessing of Free Action. You gain an additional
to their interests. Should a character do something or 5 feet of movement and you are unaffected by
undertake a quest you feel warrants the direct intervention 14 difficult terrain. In addition, once per day, you can
of the gods, roll 1d20 on the Divine Blessings table to automatically succeed on a saving throw that would
determine the effect. result in you becoming paralyzed or restrained.
Blessing of Reserved Power. You gain access to a
1d20 well of power in which you can store up to 3 levels
Blessing of Divine Retribution. You can add 9 (2d8) 15 of spells. You must charge the well with a spell you
radiant damage to a single weapon attack twice have prepared. Once this well has been fully used
1 per long rest. If the target of the attack is undead, it you cannot recharge the well for 10 days.
takes an additional 4 (1d8) radiant damage. Blessing of Resistance. You gain resistance to
Blessing of Repulsion. You radiate an aura with 16 one type of non-magical damage of your choice
a radius of 30 feet. This aura is difficult terrain for (bludgeoning, slashing or piercing).
2 fiends and undead. Twice per long rest, you can use Blessing of Restoration. You can cast cure wounds at
your reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack 5th level, or cast greater restoration. After using this
made within your aura by a creature of those types. 17 blessing to cast one of these spells, you cannot cast
Blessing of the Protection. This blessing allows either until you have taken a short rest in a temple
you to call divine cherubim to your aid. You can cast dedicated to the god that granted this blessing.
3 spirit guardians as a bonus action once per long Blessing of Divine Will. Your spell save DC and spell
rest. attack modifier increases by 1.
Blessing of Strength. Your Strength score increases Blessing of the Raising Hand. You can use an action
4 to target a creature forced to make death saving
by 2, up to a maximum of 22.
Blessing of Aid. Your maximum hit point total 19 throws. The creature is immediately revived with
permanently increases by 10. Additionally, you can full health. You gain 2 levels of exhaustion and
5 call down this blessing for your allies by casting the cannot invoke this blessing again for 14 days
aid spell once per long rest. Blessing of Divine Speech. Once per short rest,
Blessing of Detection. You are constantly under you can use your action to utter a prayer or litany
6 the effects of the detect evil and good spell (range to your divine benefactor. Select a single creature
15 feet). 20 and force them to make a DC 15 Constitution saving
Blessing of Comprehension. You are able to cast throw. On a failure, they are stunned for 2 (1d4)
comprehend languages as a ritual. Additionally, rounds. If they have fewer than 25 hp, they drop to 0
7 you can focus on the connection with your divine hp and fall unconscious but are stable.
benefactor and cast tongues once per long rest.
Blessing of Safety. You can ritually cast tiny hut.
You can also call upon your benefactor to provide GM NOTE: POWERFUL,
sanctuary from danger. Once per long rest, you can BUT NOT OVERPOWERING:
8 Divine blessings are a very rare occurrence. It
cast resilient sphere. Once cast, you must succeed
on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, is highly unlikely a single character will find
you lose this benefit. themselves touched by more than one of these
Blessing of Adoration. Your Charisma score powerful boons. In the unlikely event this does
9 occur, a single creature cannot be under the effect
increases by 2, up to a maximum of 22.
of two identical blessings at the same time.
Boons Boon of Air Mastery. You gain a magical flying
Boons are a way to reward characters that continue to fight speed of 50 feet and resistance to cold damage.
and adventure together even after attaining near demigod 12 Additionally, you are able to cast gust of wind
status at level 20. To determine the nature of the boon roll without expending a spell slot or requiring spell
1d20 and apply the result from the Boons table. components or concentration.
Boon of Martial Expertise. Once per short rest, at
13 the beginning of your turn, you can double your
Boon of the Celestial Hand. You gain immunity to proficiency bonus for all attacks during that turn.
Boon of Legendary Resistance. After failing a saving
radiant damage. Additionally, you are able to cast
throw, you can instead choose to succeed. Once
guiding bolt (using your spell attack modifier) at will 14
1 you use this boon you cannot do so again until you
without the need for spell components. If you do
finish a short or long rest.
not have a spell attack modifier, you will be at a +7
Boon of the Aberrant Soul. You gain resistance
to hit with this attack.
to psychic damage. If you already possess such
Boon of Arcane Attunement. You gain the ability to
resistance you instead gain immunity. You can cast
2 attune to one additional magical item. You can also
detect thoughts at will. Additionally, once per long
cast detect magic and identify at will.
Boon of the Expert. You can select three skills you rest, you can send forth a blast of force in a 20-foot
3 15
have proficiency with and gain expertise in them. cone. On a failed DC 18 Constitution saving throw,
Boon of Uninterrupted Sight. Three times per long every creature in the area takes 16 (3d10) psychic
rest, for 1 minute, you can see through solid objects damage and 16 (3d10) force damage and is knocked
to a range of 30 feet. Only lead can block this ability. prone. A successful save halves the damage and the
Boon of Supernatural Awareness. A number of creature will not be knocked prone.
times equal to your proficiency modifier, you can Boon of Superior Knowledge. You gain expertise
take 1 minute to focus on your surroundings. At in Intelligence (Arcana), Intelligence (History),
the end of the minute, you are able to sense the 16 Intelligence (Nature) and Intelligence (Religion).
presence of living creatures within 500 feet of you. Additionally, once per long rest, you can choose to
You instantly know their exact location, number roll one of those checks with advantage.
and creature type. This ability does not reveal Boon of the Flesh Sculptor. You gain a mastery
the presence of undead creatures, constructs or over the transmutation of flesh. You can cast alter
creatures hidden from divination magic. self at will without expending a spell slot or spell
Boon of Weather Control. You become resistant components. You are also able to cast this spell
to lightning, thunder and cold damage. If you are 17 on a willing creature. Additionally, you are able to
already resistant to one of those damage types, you cast polymorph without expending a spell slot or
6 requiring spell components or concentration once
become immune instead. You can also cast control
weather twice per long rest without consuming a per long rest. If you cast this spell on yourself, you
spell slot or spell components. retain your mental statistics when polymorphed.
Boon of Elemental Ally. You gain immunity to either Boon of Life. Once per long rest, you are able to
cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage. Additionally, touch a creature, including yourself, and restore a
a number of times per day equal to your proficiency number of hit points equal to half that creature’s
7 18
modifier, you can expel a breath weapon in a 30-foot maximum hit point total. Should this healing cause a
cone that does 16 (3d10) damage of the same type creature to regain more than its maximum hit points,
that you have immunity to. any excess hit points become temporary hit points.
Boon of the Djinn. You gain access to the wish Boon of Thought Disruption. You can point your
spell. If you do not have any 9th-level spell slots finger at a creature within 60 feet that you can see.
remaining, you can combine spell slots equal to That creature must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving
8 throw. On a failure, that creature is stunned for 1
9 (e.g., a 4th-level slot and a 5th-level slot). If you 19
cannot otherwise cast spells of 9th level, you can minute. At the end of each if its turns, it can reroll
cast this spell once per long rest. the saving throw against this effect. On a success,
Boon of Ability Infusion. You choose a single ability the creature is at disadvantage on all d20 rolls for
9 the same duration.
score and increase it by 4, to a maximum of 26.
Boon of the Vampiric Soul. You gain immunity to Boon of the Apex Predator. You gain expertise in
10 necrotic damage. You can cast vampiric touch at will Wisdom (Perception) checks. In addition, you gain
without requiring concentration. advantage on attack rolls and a +4 to damage when
Boon of Success. Once per short rest, when you fail you attack a creature when one of your allies is
11 any attack roll, saving throw or skill check, you can within 5 feet of that creature.
choose to succeed on the roll instead.
A small orange glass marble. When crushed, it A small amulet of black glass that has two glowing
causes the bearer to grow four additional eyeballs red eyes, this charm allows the wearer to cast
that rise out of their head on foot-long stalks. the fear spell, requiring no concentration. This
For 1 hour, the user gains advantage on Wisdom 95-96 charm can be activated three times. On the last
79-80 (Perception) checks. Additionally, creatures that activation, the user must make a DC 14 Wisdom
have line of sight on the creature during this duration saving throw or become frightened for 4 (1d8)
must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a hours.
failure, they are greatly affected, as if by the enthrall A small golden hourglass with glittering sand inside,
spell, finding it hard to do anything else but stare. this charm allows to the user to subtly manipulate
A crude humanoid made from iron, this charm time in their favor. It has 2 (1d4) charges. The bearer
can be activated four times as a reaction to of this charm can use their reaction to add a +3
grant resistance against the damage taken from to any ability check or saving throw they, or any
97-98 creature of their choice within 20 feet, make. When
a successful hit or spell effect. After the last
81-82 activation, the charm explodes, causing the the last charge is expended, the hourglass shatters.
bearer, and any creature within 15 feet of them, to with a concussive bang, dealing 13 (3d8) thunder
take 11 (2d10) force damage. A successful DC 16 damage to the user and anyone within 20 feet of
Constitution saving throw will halve that damage. them.
This charm takes the shape of a small white lily This small glass globe that contains pure blinding
83-84 encased in remarkably clear crystal. Crushing the light can be activated a single time by crushing
charm allows the bearer to cast mass healing word. the charm against the user’s head. For 8 hours,
A long thin jet black claw strung on a chain of 99-100 this charm allows the bearer to attune to one
fine silver, this charm can be activated to add additional magic item. At the end of the duration,
a debilitating effect to unarmed strikes. For 3 the user must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
(1d6) rounds, a creature that takes damage from throw or take 2 levels of exhaustion.
the unarmed strikes of the creature bearing this
charm must make a successful DC 11 Constitution
85-86 saving throw or become paralyzed for 1 minute.
The affected creature can repeat this saving throw
at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
on a success. This charm can be activated three
times. Immediately after the third activation, the
bearer takes 13 (3d8) necrotic damage as the claw
This charm looks like a writhing shadow inside
a glass teardrop. This charm can be activated to
87-88 grant the bearer advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks for 1 hour. This charm can be activated six
times before the shadow disappears.
A glowing chunk of volcanic rock, warm to the
touch. This charm can be activated three times as
a reaction when the bearer is successfully hit by a
89-90 melee attack, causing the attacker to take 10 (3d6)
fire damage as molten magma splashes from the
wound. After the final activation, the bearer gains
resistance to fire damage for 4 (1d8) hours.
Inside a steel wire is a square of greenish-gray skin
with a wound that constantly heals and re-opens.
By placing the charm on an area of exposed skin,
the user is able to heal very quickly. For the next 5
(1d10) rounds, the user is able to regenerate 3 (1d6)
hit points per round.
A small porcelain hedgehog. Crushing this charm
against one’s chest causes sharp quills to erupt
93-94 all over the one’s body. Any creature that makes a
melee attack or grapples the user will take 7 (2d6)
piercing damage. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Common Magic Items Once per day, this pair of threadbare fingerless
Not every magic item on the face of the planet has the gloves can be turned into 25 feet of magical rope as
power to change the course of history, slay dragons or an action. By using a second action, a creature can
resurrect the dead. Sometimes magic is imbued into the turn the rope back into gloves.
simple things or items that just make everyday life a little When used, this crystal-backed hairbrush can be
easier or more enjoyable. A common magic item can be a used to change the color of the bearer’s hair.
fun reward for your players that doesn’t shift their overall This well-worn stuffed otter affects the person
power level (unless you consider the ability to win any holding it with as if by the calm emotions spell.
dance-off a power on par with diplomatic immunity). A leatherbound journal. Touching it causes
If you would like to award a common magic item, roll thoughts to be transcribed on the pages. An
1d100 and consult the Common Magic Items table. 15 unwilling creature can make a DC 13 Wisdom
saving throw to prevent the effect. On a successful
save, they are immune to the effect for 24 hours.
1d100 This bracelet made of tiny gecko femurs allows the
An intricate jeweler’s loop with small runes. Twice
wearer to detach their hand as an action, allowing
1 per day you can use the loop to instantly know the
the hand to function like the mage hand spell,
monetary value of any item you examine with it.
but with all the benefits of being an actual hand
This small purple crystal orb is incredibly useful to
for tool utility. Once the duration has expired, the
underground travelers. It will always tell you how 16 hand soars back to its body and reattaches. While
deep underground you are. Additionally, once per
the hand is active in this way, the creature cannot
2 day for 1 hour, it will reveal the best way to get
make use of items or do activities that require two
back to the surface by implanting directions into
hands. Once used in this way, the bracelet cannot
your mind. These directions do not avoid or reveal
be activated again for 2 (1d4) days.
A medium-sized cast iron frying pan with a red
A small silver chime etched with 3 (1d4 + 1) hash
lacquered handle. By saying the command phrase
marks. As long as the chime has at least one mark, 17 “Yes Chef,” the owner of this item can cause it to
as an action, you can strike the chime to instantly
3 heat up of its own accord.
know if someone is telling the truth. Each time the
These quality glossy leather shoes give the wearer
chime is used, a hash mark disappears. Every seven
the ability to dance quite masterfully, even if they
days, the chime regains 3 (1d4 + 1) hash marks. 18 have no ability. They grant advantage on any
A waterskin made from reptilian leather. Twice per
4 Charisma (Performance) checks involving dancing.
week, this vessel fills with a pint of fresh water.
A clothes hanger made from fire-hardened oak and
This ancient-looking ironwood spoon features
19 burnished steel that can be hung in thin air. The
small runes in halfling around the bowl. Three
hanger can hold up to 55 pounds.
5 times per day, the spoon can be activated to
This incredible rocking chair is sturdy enough to
flavor the food being cooked with it in any fashion
hold 1 Medium creature but is made of folded
the wielder desires.
paper. It appears as a piece of paper with a
A ball of string and a silver needle. They can be
rocking chair drawn on it and by issuing the
6 used once per day to sew up a wound and will
command phrase (“My dogs are barking”), it
restore 6 (1d4 + 4) hit points.
20 grows and forms itself into the shape of a rocking
A small tin thimble that can be activated once per
chair. Once per week, this chair can be activated
day to add +1 to the owner’s AC as a reaction. At
7 using a second command phrase (“Oooooo boy,
the beginning of each day, roll 1 d20; on a natural 1,
fine weather innit?”), allowing the creature sitting
the thimble loses its magical power.
This bright red umbrella can be opened to shed light in it to benefit from a short rest by spending 5
in a 20-foot radius and an additional 20 feet of dim minutes rocking in the chair.
A well-constructed straight razor with a dragon
8 light around the bearer for 2 hours. To be used in this
claw handle. By using an action, this item can be
fashion, the umbrella must be exposed to sunlight at
activated to give the wearer the perfect shave.
least once every 7 days. 21
This item is simply a knight chess piece. When The next Charisma (Persuasion) check made by
placed on a table or flat surface, it creates an the creature after this grooming can be made with
illusory but usable chess board around it. advantage.
A bright purple top hat with an orange silk band. The ticking from this small clock is quite
Once per day, this flashy piece of headwear can be comforting. As an action, this clock can be set on
10 the ground and activated, providing the benefit
activated to give the wearer advantage on a single 22
Charisma check. of the alarm spell in a 20-foot radius around it. If
This delicate gold-plated paintbrush will instantly the clock is moved, the effect ends and cannot be
11 activated again until the next dawn.
create any color of paint the user desires.
This small box contains 10 (2d6 + 3) matches. When This short and stubby wand is tipped with a square
struck and lit, a match can be thrown to the ground blue crystal containing a red starburst. This wand
23 where it creates a small campfire for 4 hours, even can be used to attempt to recharge a single charge
in inclement weather and without fuel. on a magical item. After placing the crystal tip of
A delicate silver fork with three tines and edged in 34 the wand on an item, roll 1d20. On a result of 14 or
golden filigree can be placed into a single item of above, the item regains one charge; on a lower roll,
food or drink. If it detects poison, the silver tines there is no effect. The wand cannot be used again in
24 will turn matte black, but only to the wielder’s this way for 2 days.
eyes. Once used in this way, the fork cannot be This short-handled feather duster allows the
used again until the next dawn. wielder to dry or clean an area in a 10-foot cube.
A set of thick black-rimmed spectacles with bluish A very crude obsidian knife with a dirty, canvas-
lenses that seem to catch the light. While wearing wrapped handle. Placing the blade into the blood
25 them, the creature suffers no penalty to Wisdom of a creature that has died within the last hour will
(Perception) checks from being in dim light. reveal sights seen by the deceased in the 4 hours
Made from cotton twine and knit with a very open 36 leading up to its death within the wielder’s mind.
pattern, this small bag is larger on the inside than The wielder must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving
on the outside. This bag can be used to carry 50 throw. On a success, they can interpret the images.
pounds of food and drink items as long as the On a failure, the images are a confusing jumble. The
26 item will fit inside the 1-foot diameter opening. In knife cannot be used again for five days.
addition to storing more than it should be able to, This bobbin of glimmering silver thread has no
perishable items do not spoil inside the bag. Non- end. When stretched out and placed on the floor it
food items cannot be put inside the bag. 37 creates a faintly glowing line that remains until the
Washing with this bar of translucent soap will thread is wrapped back onto the bobbin.
27 cause a creature to smell of lilac for 8 hours. This set of shoe soles will magically attach to the
A small brass key. When placed in contact with a bottom of any pair shoes a creature is wearing. They
28 lock, the key will vibrate in the presence of a trap. remain attached for up to 4 hours. While the soles
This feature can only be used once per long rest. 38 are attached, the wearer gains +2 bonus to Dexterity
This pair of bronze shears can be used to cut (Stealth) checks and leaves no visible footprints. The
29 through any item that is less than 1 inch thick and 3 soles cannot be used again in this way for 3 days.
inches wide (as an action, once per day). A finely-crafted wooden comb inlaid with
This pair of magical items functions together. One aquamarine. Once activated, as an action, the
of the items is a flat wooden token, about 1 inch in features of the wearer become unremarkable for 5
30 diameter, carved on each side with an all-seeing minutes. Each creature of the wearer’s choice will
eye. The other item is a small compass that always 39
have trouble remembering what the wearer looked
points in the direction of the wooden token. like unless they succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving
A small polished blue button that can be stuck on throw. Once used in this way, the comb cannot be
any surface for the period of an hour, during which used until the following dawn.
it becomes invisible. During that time, the owner This 6-foot wooden pole can be activated to
of the item can use an action to hear what is going 40 create small explosions of colored light and sound
on around the button as if they were in that space within 20 feet of the wielder.
themselves. While listening from the button’s A narrow straw made of a hollow tin tube with
position the creature is deafened to sounds in their 41 strange etchings on the outside. The drinker can
actual location. After the hour has elapsed, the choose the flavor of what they are drinking.
button becomes visible and falls from the place While wearing this pair of half-moon spectacles, a
where it was stuck. creature’s irises appear golden with a vertical pupil.
This small penknife can be used to carve an arcane A small square of sticky goo that can be placed on
mark or short message of six words or less onto a a surface. For every 5 feet the square moves, or
surface. The message remains for 8 hours and can 43 whenever a creature comes within 5 feet of it, the
32 only be read by a total of 5 creatures, designated at square releases an audible exhalation of gas. The
the time of carving. Once used in this way, the knife smell is terrible.
cannot carve a magical message again in this way A small wooden dowel that is carved in the shape
until the next dawn. of an owl on both ends. As an action, the bearer
A tiny hammer that weighs less than one pound. 44 can make the dowel issue a hooting noise; in
This hammer can grow to the size of a smith’s addition, once per day, you can cause an illusory,
33 heavy hammer by speaking the command phrase ephemeral owl to appear and can direct its flight.
(“hammer time”). While using this hammer, you Using chalk from this ornate hickory box, you can
make Smith’s Tools-related checks with advantage. draw pictures that animate.
This wooden doll, a surly orc, is a marionette that This round crystal monocle allows the wearer to see
46 can be operated without strings. people’s auras, revealing basic information about
This small parchment with a purple wax seal can be 62 their emotional state. Wisdom (Insight) checks are
affixed to a mundane weapon or tool, causing the made at advantage 2 (1d4) times per day.
47 edges of the item to glow with a shimmering purple This wooden box is made of strong ashwood but is
light. This light is bright for a 5-foot radius and dim 63 light as a feather. This box can hold 6 medium-sized
for another 10 feet. books, preserving them from any type of damage.
A set of ornate playing cards edged in gold. They are A large wooden flagon, banded with riveted iron,
48 distracting to any opponent and grant advantage to that always smells of ale. The flagon fills with weak
any skill check related to the gaming card set. but flavorful beer any time the wielder says its
A small watering can made of beaten blue metal. command phrase (“Bottoms up”).
49 Water from this can makes any plants watered with A minuscule humanoid skull painted with red
it appear vibrant and alive. 65 swirls. This skull begins to babble gibberish when
A metal screwdriver that can be used once per day something dead, or undead, is within 30 feet.
50 to cast the mending spell. This vibrant pink mushroom charm pulses with an
This pair of bright red glossy leather shoes can be 66 eerie light. This item can absorb up to 10 points of
used to change the size of one’s feet, either by half poison damage per day.
51 or up to five times their original size. This illusion has A brilliant silver whistle that can only be heard by
no mechanical effect on the creature’s movement. camels, oxen and giant goats. It makes them angry.
A small glass sculpture of a pickle. As an action, the A creature using this grappling hook and rope set
52 wielder can use the sculpture to create a strong 68 gains a +3 bonus to any Strength (Athletics) checks
vinegar smell in a 20-foot radius. made to climb.
A quill pen with a nib that is constantly covered A spinning top inscribed with a series of very small
53 in black ink. This ink is permanent and cannot be 69 runes. Once the top begins to spin, it will not stop
removed except by magic. unless someone, or something, interrupts it.
A simple, flexible metal spring that can move of its A packet of a well-made tools wrapped in a large
54 own accord but at the owner’s direction, it can move canvas roll. Any creature making a woodcarver’s
up vertical surfaces and even hang upside down. tools check while using these can do so with
This ring with a small opalescent white stone in the advantage.
55 shape of a cloud warns the wearer of approaching The skeletal hand of a small humanoid. It can be
storms. The ring vibrates and the cloud turns gray. activated as an action and moved around at the will
Inside a small vial is a swirling mass of blue black 71 of the user, as in mage hand. When not given specific
smoke that seems to draw darkness into it. While direction while active, the hand makes rude gestures
holding this item, any effects of madness the at anyone nearby.
creature is suffering from are suppressed for 2 hours. This pewter pan flute can be activated by stating
Once used in this fashion, the item cannot be used its command phrase (“tull harmonious”). Once
again in this way until the next dawn. activated, it harmonizes with any music in a 30-foot
A narrow tapered candle of black wax that burns radius as it floats around the user.
with a blue-green flame. By speaking the command Brightly colored and emitting the heavy scent of
word (“flout”) the owner can cause it to float next to saltwater, this natural sponge seems to pulse and
their head providing bright light in a 10-foot radius. gyrate. It can be used to absorb up to 10 gallons
Only the owner of the candle can benefit from this 73 of any type of liquid. The absorbed liquid remains
light. securely in the sponge until the user spends an
A small amulet in the shape of a large reptilian claw. action to squeeze it out. The sponge can only hold
Once activated, beasts will not come within 5 feet one type of liquid at a time.
58 of the amulet. This feature lasts for 1 minute and This refined silk stole is edged with sailfish scales
cannot be used again for 2 days. 74 that glimmer in sunlight. While wearing it, a
A copper urn full of 5 (1d6 + 2) doses of semi-liquid creature can breathe underwater for 1 hour.
clay. A single unit of this clay can take the place of A necklace of fine, gleaming pearls. A creature
any spell component worth less than 150 gp. Once 75 wearing this necklace produces multi-colored,
used in this fashion, the clay dries and crumbles. iridescent bubbles from their mouth as they speak.
This heavy fur-lined coat looks cozy as can be. If the This gold coin can shift at the request of the wielder
60 creature wearing it takes cold damage, the damage to match the currency of the realm. The coin itself
is reduced by 4 (1d8). is real gold, but the endless number of copies it can
A jet black square of onyx that can be activated 76
make of itself are fake. If anyone other than the
to display images as constructed by the user’s wielder discovers a fake, all of the copies created to
61 imagination. These images are illusory and cannot that point turn red and begin to scream.
leave the surface of the onyx square.
This fancy doublet made of vibrant blue and purple This tube of ocher cream can be applied to the skin,
77 silk is stylish and comfortable and makes its wearer 88 removing the effects of sunlight sensitivity for 1
irresistibly attractive to gnomes of both sexes. hour. The tube produces three doses per long rest.
A finely-crafted hand axe that stubbornly refuses to This large leather suitcase is infused with
78 chop wood, but the back side of the axe head makes transmutation magic. It can hold up to 200 pounds
an excellent hammer. 89 of goods. Once filled with items, the user can speak
The thick terrycloth sweatband was all the rage the command phrase (“It’ll fit”) causing the suitcase
in fashion 20 years ago. Once activated by stating to shrink to the size of a playing card.
its command phrase (“Anger is my strength”), A pewter goosenecked kettle with four small legs. By
79 music with a heavy backbeat starts to emanate speaking the command word (“kettleon”) you can
from the headband. The wearer has advantage on 90 make the kettle brew a pot of hot tea of any flavor
all Charisma (Performance) checks used to fight you desire, without the need for water or leaves. The
through their feelings using the power of dance. kettle can be used in this way twice per long rest.
A simple wooden drum with a leather head. This serrated bread knife with an onyx handle can be
80 People who hear the drum being played are easily activated to toast bread as it slices.
influenced to dance and drink. A 2-inch square of blue velvet. Activating the item
A gorgeous rug, woven with twisting and turning with its command phrase (“Make it work”) allows
geometric patterns. Any creature that steps on the the bearer to create any sort of clothing they
81 rug causes a fanfare of horns to sound and flashes of 92 desire—a hat, a scarf or a full ensemble. The created
colored light to erupt all around them. item(s) stay in this form for 2 hours before reverting
A rusty iron lantern that never seems to run out of to the square of velvet. The square can be activated
82 oil. It reacts to any movement within 15 feet of it by a total of 3 times per long rest.
making spooky ghost noises. This strangely etched piece of long thin pasta can
This functional jab saw with an ornate mother-of- 93 be activated three times per long rest to act as an
pearl handle can be used to cut a small hole, up to ordinary whip for 1 minute.
6 inches in diameter, in thin air. The hole leads to This object resembles a modern day stethoscope
83 a small extraplanar space where you can store up made from clam shells and rubbery hollow reeds.
to 10 pounds of stuff. The saw can only be used to 94 Four times per long rest, the user can activate the
access this extraplanar space once per day. item to gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
A plain leather belt with an ancient iron buckle. checks to hear through a door.
By removing the belt and speaking the command A lightweight unadorned tin cup that adds a
84 phrase (“toughen up”) the belt will become a stiff delightful fizz to whatever liquid is inside.
4-inch-by-5-foot board that can support up to 400 This 4-inch-long oval mirror in a gilded frame
pounds. can be used to discern the true nature of things.
This pack of 15 (2d12 + 2) sheets of square colored 96 While holding it, a creature rolls Wisdom (Insight)
paper can be commanded to fold themselves into checks with advantage. The mirror can be used to
any shape the user can think of. They are a great affect 2 checks per long rest.
storytelling aid for the inspiring bard as the shapes A pair of black shoes with bright green soles. With
85 the command word (splishsplash), fins grow from
will then act out the stories being told. Speaking the
command phrase (“the end”) will cause all of the 97 the shoes, giving you a swim speed equal to your
sheets of paper to unfold into their original, unused walking speed for 1 minute. The shoes can be
condition and fly into the leather folio they came in. activated twice per day.
A 1-inch cube made of heavy green canvas. Tossing A pair of strange yellow-lensed glasses provides
it out on the ground and speaking the command advantage on any saving throw against an effect
86 that would impose blindness. Once activated in
(“pitching in”) will cause the cube to turn into a 98
normal tent that is large enough to fit three people. this way, the glasses cannot provide advantage
A coarse, horribly painted rubber chicken. When again until the following dawn.
squeezed it makes a screeching honking noise that This walking stick negates the effects of difficult
forces anyone within 15 feet other than the wielder terrain but must be held in at least one hand.
to make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or This enamel pin depicting a cartoonish canine
87 become deafened for 2 (1d4) rounds. The affected creature suspends the wearer momentarily,
creature can repeat the save at the end of each of allowing them to roll any Dexterity saving throw
their turns, ending the effect on a successful save. 100 to avoid falling with advantage. However, before
Once used in this fashion, the chicken cannot be they roll the Dexterity saving throw, they must roll
activated again until the next dawn. a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw to avoid looking
down. If they fail the Wisdom save, they fall.
Reincarnation the target of a reincarnate spell, roll 2d100, one for the
In this fantasy world, there are a variety of ways to bring target’s new ancestry and one for the side effect of its
the dead back to life—and not in that brainless zombie reincarnation. Consult the Reincarnation Results &
kind of way. From revivify to resurrection, death is Unexpected Side Effects table to determine the outcome.
not necessarily the end. One of the options available is
reincarnate. Only available to druids, this spell calls out GM NOTE: VARIANT RULE SET
to the soul of the recently departed and beckons it into Adding side effects or unexpected results to
a new body. Frequently, this causes some changes. Most reincarnation is a deviation from the way this
noticeably: the new body may not be of the same race as spell was written. If this spell comes up in your
the one the deceased is accustomed to and the result is game, make sure you are transparent with your
determined randomly. players about your desire to add unexpected
A change of race would likely be a huge shock to the results to the use of this spell.
system and getting used to the racial traits acquired or
lost will take some getting used to. If a creature becomes
The complications posed
by magical reincarnation
don’t have to be limited
to those presented above.
If you’d like to include
a genetic mutation
associated with this
magical transformation,
check out the options on
the Strange Mutations
table on pg. 200.
Damaging Breath
A set of glands develop at the back of the creature’s
throat that are infused with chaotic magic. When the
creature undergoes this mutation, have them roll on
the Transmuted Damage Type table. Twice per day,
the creature can activate a breath weapon in a 20-foot
cone that does 17 (5d6) damage of the type rolled on the
table. For 2 (1d4) hours after using the breath weapon,
the creature gains vulnerability to the breath weapon’s
damage type.
Tools of the Trade The cover and spine of this spellbook appear to be
made from volcanic rock. In the cracks between
Those who wield magic are always accompanied by a host 9 the rocks and in the center of the book, boiling lava
of implements designed to assist in their casting of spells. burns and flows.
Spellbooks, wands, crystals and holy symbols are just Secured by a very heavy padlock at the bottom
some of these items that can be brought to bear to focus joining a heavy metal clasp, this book of scaly gray
the power of their arcane or divine might. Describing leather has a human face rising out of the front cover.
the appearance of these items can assist you in providing 10 The face belongs to the wizard Arothax Nemestor, a
depth and character to a player character or NPC, making mage of great skill who transferred his consciousness
them all the more memorable. The following tables into the book before his death. He offers advice and
contain descriptions of various magical implements that has a wealth of knowledge of the arcane.
can be used to help describe your casters. Roll 1d10 and
consult the appropriate table. Arcane Focus Appearance
Spellbook Appearance Made from a solid piece of dark blue starmetal, this
1d10 1 wand narrows to a sharp point at the tip. It is etched
This tome covered in beautiful rich red leather is with stellar patterns that are inlaid in silver.
embossed with a scrolling design around the edges This dark metal staff is topped with a pale orb that
and two dragons facing one another. The blasts of 2 resembles the moon. When used to cast spells, the
1 their dragon’s breath swirls around the center of moon seems to slowly shift through its phases.
the cover and cradles a deep red gem. The book is Made from polished ironwood, the upper portion
secured by a golden clasp. of this staff is encased in solid bronze that spirals
The wooden cover of this spellbook is burned with 3 in a thin ribbon from the base of the bronze to the
jagged arcane runes on both the front and back. On end of the staff. The very tip of the staff is set with a
the front cover a quarter of the way from the top is glowing angular vibrant red crystal.
2 a large fleshy closed eye. When used to memorize This rod has been shaped by a skilled smith out
spells or study arcane formulary, the eye, bloodshot of layered steel combined with adamantine
and purple, opens and gazes erratically. 4 alloys. One end is shaped like a sharp four-bladed
Covered in worn dark brown leather, the cover of this spearhead, and the other has an open ring that has
spellbook is embossed with several intricate arcane bolts of arcane power rippling around and across it.
3 circles. Set in a circle in the center of the book’s cover Wielding this light green crystal as a spell focus
are small, flat, round gems in colors representing the 5 reveals a miniature oak tree contained in the
eight schools of magic. crystal’s depths for just a moment.
This black leather book, with jet black pages The inside of this heavy glass orb seems to burn
inscribed with golden ink, is simply adorned with a with red hot flames. When employed as a spell
4 6
single flat piece of burnished gold depicting a fanged focus, a dark eye with a yellow and black vertical
and horned skull in the center. pupil appears briefly inside the flames.
The leather used to cover this spellbook is terrifyingly This wand is made of solid black glass and its
5 similar to human skin. It has a large brass clasp in the handle is wrapped in red leather. When engaged as
shape of a clawed hand. 7 a spell focus, bolts of red energy run up and down
Less a book and more of a collection of circles, this the inside.
spellbook takes the form of eight concentric rings of Expertly carved and cut into a dodecahedron, this
azurite; the largest is 1 foot in diameter. Each ring is 8 piece of pure white crystal glows with prismatic
6 etched with small golden arcane runes. The rings can light when employed to cast spells.
all spin on a central axis and rotate around to form This turned oak staff features flares and ridges
different combinations of words. inlaid with aquamarine. The staff is topped with a
This spellbook is made of completely solid clear yellow crystal. When employed to cast spells, the
glass. The owner of the book can press their 9 crystal flares to life and ethereal flaming wings,
7 thumbprint into a large flat spot near the spine like those of a phoenix, momentarily blossom into
to open it. As the book opens, the pages become being.
opaque and legible. The inside of this orb swirls with pure shadow and
A nondescript, burlap-covered tome. If a creature 10 living darkness. When activated as a focus, small
that is not the owner attempts to open it, large sharp explosions of purple-white light flare inside.
teeth and a large prehensile tongue erupt from the
8 edges of the book and inside the pages. It snaps and
thrashes in an attempt to bite the hand that opened
the book.
Druidic Focus Appearance Holy Symbol Appearance
1d10 1d10
This gnarled crook made from twisted wood This ornate reliquary is an indestructible glass
1 features a glowing crystal in the shape of a butterfly tube set into a vambrace set with golden filigree.
hanging from the apex of the staff. The glass tube contains three bones from the foot
An etched raven’s skull that has a sprig of of a long dead saint.
2 wormwood growing from the top of the skull, worn A glass box, approximately 2 feet long, with ornate
on a strand of woven and dried tanglevines. bronze caps engraved with holy prayers. The box is
Small mushrooms and toadstools grow from the 2 hung from a belt by two leather straps. Inside the
flared top of this ancient oak staff. Small faerie box is the radial bone of a devout priest. There are
3 lights swirl in and out of the fungus when the staff is still small bits of soft tissue at each end of the bone.
used as a focus. Worn on an ornately embossed leather strap, this
This wand of natural yew wood still has rough bark 3 crystalline globe contains the left cheekbone and
on the handle. The shaft has been etched with a orbital socket of a legendary holy warrior.
4 spiral pattern that runs its length. A large wasp This amulet is made from bone taken from the spine
encased in amber is set at the back, like a pommel. of a holy metallic dragon. After its death at the hands
The end of this straight chestnut staff has a glass of a powerful fiend, the body of the dragon was
globe containing a terrarium of a miniature swamp 4
5 recovered by divine warriors. Its body was blessed
carefully cradled in a net of woven branches. and its bones were harvested to create holy relics
Several sprigs of mistletoe bound together into a such as this.
small scepter by twirling strands of golden thread. Strung on a cord of living flame that does not burn
6 The scepter is tipped with sprouting everlasting 5 the wearer is a crystalline amulet from which the
bright white berries. holy symbol blazes in radiant light.
This yew wand has a handle that is inlaid with The preserved finger bones of a prolific healer have
shards of unicorn horn, freely given by a majestic 6 been bonded onto the fingers of a sturdy steel
7 ancient representative of the species. At the base gauntlet.
of the wand is a large blue jewel that flares with Sealed in a chunk of amber is part of the banner
swirling light when the wand is employed. pole that was carried into battle against a legion of
Made from a nearly petrified chunk of poplar, this 7 demons during a holy crusade. It pulses with waves
totem depicts a humanoid tree squatting on its of divine intent. Can be worn as an amulet or set as
8 haunches. Its body is covered with swirling carvings the pommel of a sword or weapon.
that evoke gusting wind and inside the carvings a Set into the shoulder pauldron of a set of armor
sunshine yellow light pulses with a steady beat. is a small glass dome, flanked by wax purity seals
Inlaid with rough cut chunks of green crystal, this 8 trailing strips of parchment inscribed with prayers
9 dark-stained yew wand is unfinished and still and litanies. Inside the dome is a small section of the
growing at the tip, forking off into several branches. jawbone of an ancient cleric.
A beautifully stained straight, thick wand of yew The hilt or haft of a weapon had been hollowed
wood has a wrapped leather handle and is tipped out and several locks of everlasting hair have been
10 9
with an opaque pink crystal inscribed with druidic sealed inside the void. The hair was voluntarily given
runes. by the avatar of a god.
The cover of a thick tome of prayers, rites and
10 litanies has been embossed with the holy symbol of
the appropriate god.
Books, Artwork and Contained in the heavy slate pages of this book of
stone bound with iron rings are the instructions to
Other Valuables 10 summon and bind a shield guardian. Reading it for
90 days grants you access to a shield guardian of
Given the nature of civilization and the creative ways in
which artisans express themselves over the ages, your your very own, as well as its amulet.
party is liable to uncover art at every turn. Here’s what This heavy-looking volume is lighter than air and
they find. contains calculations and formulae for travel to the
11 elemental plane of air. By reading this book, you gain
Books the ability to cast the following spells at will once per
Finding an ancient tome of knowledge can be a great way day: gust of wind, fly, conjure elemental (air only).
to progress your plot and provide information to your The writing in this book is gibberish and has no
players. If a could contain useful arcane knowledge or will meaning. However, it contains the trapped soul of a
provide the party some sort of long-lasting mechanical 12 deceased person. At GM discretion, roll on the Object
effect, roll 1d20 and consult the Contents of an Ancient Occupants table on pg. 170 to learn more about this
Grimoire table. If you just need a title, roll 1d100 to creature’s personality.
generate a result on the Book Titles table. This ancient volume is disconcerting to touch, as if
it’s not quite there. It contains methods for entering
Contents of an Ancient Grimoire 13 the ethereal plane (though it does not recommend
1d20 it). While in possession of this tome, a creature can
A dog-eared guide to alchemy. By following its cast the dream spell at will.
1 instructions one can turn 1 pound of lead into 2 This book contains ancient rites and ritual prayers
pounds of gold over a period of 3 months. to the gods in thin pages of parchment. Reading this
A very large tome containing the last 500 years of tome for the first time, a creature must make a DC 16
history of the area. By taking 10 minutes to consult Wisdom saving throw or suffer a form of short-term
2 madness. On a save, the creature’s Wisdom score
this volume, you gain advantage on Intelligence
(History) checks that pertain to regional events. increases by 2, to a max of 22.
This very thin volume has a single page inside, upon
This tome was the spellbook of a wizard obsessed
which is written a series of numbers. Reading these
with summoning pink ooze. As an action, twice per
15 numbers burns them into your mind, allowing you
3 day the owner of this book can summon 2 (1d4) black
to consult them as a form of divination. You can cast
puddings, vibrant pink in color. At GM discretion,
divination once per long rest.
these oozes adhere to conjure elementals rules.
This jade tome functions as a +1 spellbook. It has 14 What first appears as lists of spell components and
4 (4d6) spells already copied within. Roll on the Spell alchemical compounds is actually the cookbook of
Scroll tables on pg. 153 to generate the spells inside. famed arcane chef Duval Dupris. Reading it cover to
cover grants expertise with cook’s utensils.
This nondescript, well-worn book contains
This journal is bound in what seems like skin from
formulary and mathematics for the creation of a
5 a man’s screaming face. At GM discretion, reading
variety of useful magical items. Consulting it reduces 17
this journal detailing a trip to the nine hells grants
crafting time for any magic item by half.
advantage on checks related to the hells.
This book is full of fell rituals and blood rites to An ancient dusty volume that discusses the history
6 extend one’s life. The notes in the margins suggest of the undead and how each type was created.
the previous owner was aspiring toward lichdom. The pages themselves seem to scream and moan
A history of the creation of the world. The first 18 as they are turned. A creature who possesses this
creature to read this book gains the ability to cast book has advantage on any Intelligence (Religion)
guidance at will with a range of 30 feet. This benefit checks to recall knowledge of the undead, as well as
can only be granted once every 100 years. advantage to avoid undead spell effects.
Bound in gutstring with bones for its cover, this The ornate cover of this old and dusty volume belies
book contains anatomical drawings of dragons. Any the true nature of its contents. Once a spellbook of
creature who studies this book for 12 hours or more considerable power, it appears to have been handed
8 19
gains advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks to from bard to bard, each adding their own tawdry
recall knowledge about dragons and any Intelligence tales of love and conquest in the margins. This tome
(History) checks related to the history of dragons. can be used as a +2 spell focus (requires attunement).
A fragile volume containing folk tales about This grimoire is written in a runic language no longer
interactions with the fey. Reading it for more than 1 spoken. Should a creature be able to translate the
9 20
hour opens a portal to the fey wild, which sucks in text in some manner, they learn a method to cast
the reader on a failed DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. polymorph on themselves twice per day.
Book Titles Knives in the Knight, a gripping tale of betrayal,
51-52 redemption and stabbing through heavy armor
Gold, Lead and the Shapers of Reality: A Treatise on Is the Astral Sea for Me?: A Travel Guide for the
1-2 53-54 Suicidally Adventurous
The Properties of Inverse Spell Formulary and its The Things You Never Wanted to Know: A History of
3-4 55-56 the World’s Worst Moments
Effect on Transmutive Magic
The Tale of the Fifth Sister, an epic and allegorical 57-58 Secret Places of the Ancient Arcanists
5-6 Secrets of Secret Cults: A Revealing Look At What
high adventure story of redemption
59-60 They Don’t Want You To Know
7-8 Bellnoch’s Guide to the Wilds of the Fey
Fire, Oil and Steel: The Ways of the Forge and Smith The Cart After the Horse: A Guide to Advancements
9-10 61-62 in Autonomous Wagons
Ally’s Journey to the Magic Castle, a children’s tale
11-12 Gaffs & Gags: How to Use Cantrips in Practical
of adventure 63-64 Jokes
Under the Storied Moon, a love story between a
13-14 Angelicus Totalis: A Personal Journal of Journeys
bard and werewolf 65-66 Through the Heavens
Mimm’s Extraplanar Codex: A Guide to Things That
15-16 Gitrug and Clarg: Brothers to the End, a harrowing
Live Beyond Our Reality 67-68 biography of an orc and his adopted goblin brother
17-18 Untraceable Poisons and Their Alternative Uses
Never Do What I Did: Billingsly Nertfarthing’s Guide
The Songs of the Warbling Dragon, a book of 69-70 to Teleportation Mishaps
19-20 absolutely terrible sonnets Fire and Ice: A Comparative Treatise on Evocative
Under the Mountain: A Comprehensive History of 71-72 Spell Construction
21-22 the Dwarves Demigods and Avatars: How to Rise to the Top
Why Are Goblins Green?, a cautionary children’s
23-24 73-74 in Three Easy Steps, which seems like a pyramid
tale scheme
25-26 Codexi Spiritus: The Ghost Hunter’s Lexicon
75-76 A Dark Guide to Forbidden Love Potions
Fireballs Unlimited: Make a Big Bang and Become The End of All Things: An Examination Into How the
27-28 77-78 Wish Spell is Going to Destroy the Universe
the Talk of the Town
29-30 The 10,000 Essential Prophecies of Rupert the Tiny That’s a Big Nope: Murkat Gobstoppas Guide to
Social Uses of Necromancy: Why Find Friends When 79-80 Poisonous Insects
31-32 You Can Make Them? Of Gods and Celestial Beings: Are They Really There
Ungrid Ironhand’s Complete Guide to Arms and 81-82 or Just a Myth?
33-34 Armor All You Will Ever Need To Learn About Taverns, Ales
The Telemetry and Physical Constraints of 83-84 and Alcohols, a seminal work by J. Majors
35-36 Intraplanar Instantaneous Transmission Controlling the Outcome Through Enchantment
Why Warlocks? A Deep Dive Into Those Who Bind 85-86 and Illusion: A Guide to Clouding the Mind
37-38 Their Souls Librum Arcanum Geographica, an atlas of ley lines
Blips, Clicks and Hums: Nero Slipworthy’s 87-88 and magically significant locations
39-40 Beginner’s Guide to Clockwork Construction Boogeymen and Other Mythical Terrors: From Baba
Not Today, a satirical book written as a guide for 89-90 Yaga to the Jabberwock of the Talion Plains
41-42 the lazy bard An Alliance of Fools, a fictional work of political
No Bones About It: The Bones Know; 91-92 intrigue that seems to closely mirror the present
43-44 Understanding the Future Through Osteomancy
93-94 Rain of the Heavens: The Day the Angels Fell
Are You There, Xorlack? It’s Me, You: Empathic
45-46 Marl’s Penultimate Cookbook: From Cabbage Soup
Connections With Extraplanar Beings 95-96 to Duck a l’Orange, Tavern Floor to King’s Table
Bang, Zap and Schwing: An Explosive Guide to
47-48 Prolific Cloners or Immortal Beings: The Truth
Evocation 97-98 About Elves Revealed
The Owlbear and the Satyr, a feel good story of a
49-50 The Book: Inside Are All the Answers, a 400-page
garrulous fey and his favorite pet 99-100 tome whose pages are completely empty
“I Remember the Day I Died” A lament to a life “The Warm Wind Blows in the Morning” A tragic
lost. Inspired by the tale of a ghostly warrior who 79-80 duet detailing lovers who are planes apart after a
59-60 is cursed to fight on in the same battle he died in teleportation mishap.
over and over again, while forced to remember “Good Music, Good Food and Good Times”
each iteration of the battle and his demise. This is an uplifting song of community and
“Saucy Snotgob, the Goblin Jester” This 81-82 togetherness. Tends to be one of the last songs
hilarious song is about a wayward goblin who was sung in a night in the local taverns and pubs.
obsessed with making people laugh and managed Drunken voices all lifting up together.
61-62 “The Voyage of the Nimble Journeyman” A sea
to work his way into the king’s court. Snotgob
became a trusted advisor and comic relief, going so shanty that describes the travels of the fast moving
far as marrying the king’s cousin. schooner the Nimble Journeyman. This song takes
83-84 the listener to far-off places where they hear about
“The Bumbling Drunken King” A cautionary
strange creatures and strange creations of magic
ballad about how ineffective leaders can ruin
63-64 and technology.
a society. Filled with hilarious moments of the
drunken king doing dumb things. “Nip, Nip, Snippity Snip” A sea shanty about a
“Monster of the Week” This is more of a poor halfling sailor who fell off a boat and spent
movement, as opposed to a single song, but bards a week jumping from the back of one shark to
65-66 far and wide will sing about the monsters they another until he found an island paradise. The
encounter and try to teach people to avoid and song tells how he lived his days cooking and
deal with them. singing for the utopian village on the island.
“Battle for the Tarrak Halls” A dwarven war “The Bawdy Ballad of Merrylee Swan” This song
ballad, sung in a deep basso voice and normally 87-88 follows the journey of Merrylee Swan, a crass,
in dwarvish, that tells of the events of the Tarrak brash woman who brought a kingdom to its knees.
67-68 clan reclaiming their ancestral halls from drow and “The Birthplace of the Sun” This song is so
duergar. Culminating in a great battle between ancient that no one really knows which culture it
King Durran Tarrak the Goldenhand and a dragon originates from, but all races and all peoples have
made of pure shadow. 89-90 heard about the first person who opened their
“The Napping Hag” A fast-paced ditty about a eyes and saw the sun. It empathetically describes
gnomish genius who spends a year imprisoned by their fear when the sun set and celebrates their joy
a hag. Each day, he convinces her not to eat him. when the sun rises once again.
69-70 The crescendo of the song is when the gnome “The Duel of String and Breath” A fast-paced,
escapes and slips a sleeping draught in the hag’s 91-92 intricate instrumental featuring a back and forth
dinner, causing her to fall permanently asleep, dialogue between lutes and flutes.
snoring loudly. “Hold to the End” This epic ballad details the
“Always to the Right” A sea shanty about a exodus of a village following the mighty onslaught
wayward tiefling captain who sailed in a large 93-94 of a tribe of giants. It ends with a warrior, a
circle for a period of 10 years, experiencing strange dragonborn soldier of legend, and a great human
things on the open seas. mage sacrificing themselves to block the retreat.
“Retirement and the Life of Ease” A long “A Drink for the Victors” A very popular drinking
ballad that follows the reminisces of an elderly song in taverns around the world. The verses
halfling woman who left home and spent years 95-96 change depending on locale to account for
73-74 adventuring with four of her closest friends. Many pertinent military victories, but it is always a
believe the song is a work of fiction, but she and tribute to those who serve as soldiers.
her companions saved the world on more than one “The Time of the Dwizzling Dwarp” A strange
occasion. gnomish ballad that talks about a sort of
“Toots McGee and the Flatulent Three” This 97-98
bogeyman that would come in the night, tickle
comical song, sung in a very high nasal voice, is your toes and steal your candies and treats.
about a quartet of kobolds who try to infiltrate
a human colony wearing oversized clothing, but “Of Magic and the Muse” This long, fast-paced
they can’t stop passing gas that is incredibly comedic song is about a wizard who wishes to get
nauseating. even with his priggish brother. The mage created a
“A Night Far and Away” An introspective, magical musical instrument so fine that his brother
melancholy song about life on other planes of was simply enthralled by its beautiful sound. The
existence. Focuses on the tale of five different rumor, as told by the song, was that the brother
individuals, staring at the same moon, at the same just refused to get up and died listening to the
time, in different realities. instrument, leaving his inheritance to the wizard.
Specialty Brews & Cocktails 34 Wildwood Freeze
The music gets the booze flowing as certain as the sun 35 Deadly Nightshade
will rise. Ale, wine, whiskey and brandy are all well and
36 Instant Enfeebler
good but any tavern, bar or common room will have a
special drink they are known for or that the locals like to 37 Ardent Zombifier
brag about. If one of your party has more adventurous 38 Djinn’s Wish
tastes, roll 2d100 to construct the name of the mind- Elemental Infusion
altering concoction they will be partaking in by applying
those results to the two columns of the Drink Name 40 Naga’s Venom
Generator. 41 Harpy Shrieker
42 Kraken’s Flapper
Drink Name Generator
43 Crown Prince’s Regular
1d100 First Part of Name Second Part of Name
44 Flamboyant Firework
1 Wizard’s Kiss
45 Scarlet Duchess
2 Smirking Cleric
46 Royal Fizzbang
3 Honey Badger’s Blaster
47 Goodberry Sour
4 Purple Hog
48 Fiendish Fire Ball
5 Howling Splash
49 Psyche Stinger
6 Dazzling Julep
50 Necromantic Reviver
7 Pink Scorpion
51 Stormchaser’s Spritzer
8 Sparkling Mewler
52 Conjured Rain
9 Tingling Tax Man
53 Black Bay Breaker
10 Hot Buttered Slushie
54 Whimsical Whisperer
11 Unicorn’s Dream
55 Eldritch Teaser
12 Bluebell Dancer
56 Clouded Crasher
13 Pomegranate Fizz
57 Hydra Head Horror
14 Dragon’s Breath Gimlet
58 Fanciful Feebleminder
15 Basilisk’s Punch
59 Treant Root Dark Beer
16 Brassy Brain Bomb
60 Golem Fist Slammer
17 Doc’s Toxic Tea
61 Blown Away Blizzard
18 Dockhand’s Mule
62 Glorious Enigma
19 Devil’s Poison
63 Soaring Delight
20 Magic Breeze
64 Ice Devil Chiller
21 Warlock’s Rum Swizzle
65 Entangling Eclipse
22 Clockwork Bomber
66 Frosted Thunderbolt
23 Deep Down Destroyer
67 Prismatic Bliss Maker
24 Orange Blossom
68 Orb-Ridden Stardust
25 Nightmare Arrival
69 Universal Hellfire
26 Lich Lord’s Touch
70 Mystical Brain Boiler
27 Salamander’s Firecracker
71 Phantasmal Thought Killer
28 Hag’s Tongue Twister
72 Legendary Eye Opener
29 Mind Melting Paralyzer
73 Fire Touched Fury
30 Smothering Hazard
74 Succubus’s Sunset
31 Rusty Nail
75 Wanton Dalliance
32 Giant Crusher
76 Festering Tart
33 Glittering Crown
77 Belching Banishment
78 Purple Worm Tonic You are involved in a bit of a scuffle in the local bar,
79 Shirtless Paladin but it was because you were standing up for the
2 honor of one of the servers. You gain a rival in town,
80 Tooth Breaking Bubbler
but you get to drink for free at that establishment
81 Misty Stepping Warthog and are hailed as a hero for the patrons of the bar.
82 Manticore’s Time Waster Your night of gambling and drinking was less than
83 Lazy Shield Bearer favorable for you. You lose 25 gp, in addition to any
3 other funds you intended to spend, and you find
84 Bottled Confusion
yourself targeted by pickpockets more frequently
85 Ghoulish Grog over the next 2 days.
86 Wonderful Wit Warper You wake up inside a barn on the outskirts of town
with no memory of arriving there. You are snuggled
87 Dead Man’s Mouthwash
up with a large goat who is wearing a collar with a
88 Curing Effervescence name tag that reads “Kevin.” As you stumble out
89 Puckering Mimic Tongue of the stall where you awoke, you are greeted by a
90 Bloated Bugbear friendly farmer and most of his family, who do not
seem overly concerned at your presence and kindly
91 Gassy Incubus point you back to town with a hunk of warm bread
92 Kobold’s Maniacal Laughter and delicious cheese for breakfast on one condition:
93 Drunken Barmaid You take your goat with you.
94 Tongue Tying Time Stopper Your night of gambling goes very well for you,
resulting in the acquisition of not only some coin
95 Vampire’s Charming Gazes
but some interesting items as well. You recuperate
96 Golden Glow Sparkler any funds you spent carousing and gain an
97 Molten Maverick additional 100 (3d6 x 10) gp. In addition, roll once
on the Common Magic Items table on pg. 189,
98 Hazy Delight
Beneficial Potions & Elixirs table on pg. 158 and
99 Faefolk’s Daze What In The World Is This Stuff? table on pg. 226.
100 Spiritual Enlightenment You wake up on the floor of your bedroom, room
in the inn or tent completely covered in mud, dirt
One Good Time Too Many 6 and leaves. As you cautiously rise, you find a freshly
Music leads to drinking and drinking leads to poor exhumed corpse in your bed and a shovel resting
decision-making. Dropping too deep into one’s cups against the wall by the door.
is a surefire way to invite trouble and unintended Your night of revelry culminates in a torrid love
consequences. This is especially true in a fantasy world affair. What you did not know is that the person
where all sorts of strange things can happen when you you ended up with is actually a faerie in disguise
don’t have your wits about you. Should one of your party who reveals their true form in the morning and
members take their evening of drinking and revelry a cautions you to remember your promise before
bit too far (at GM discretion), have them roll 1d20 and disappearing. You have no recollection of what
consult the following table. you promised, but you know in your soul that you
made one.
One Good Time Too Many You wake up in the center of town, being nudged
by the boot of a member of the city guard. You are
Things went a little off the rails during your time wearing a giant floppy hat with a very large ostrich
of debauchery. You awake in prison with no feather in it and a royal purple velvet suit. None of
memory of how you came to be there, accused your own clothes are anywhere in sight though you
of a crime you have no memory of committing. know you began the evening before with them.
Roll on the Unintended Criminal Acts table on pg. Your night of drinking and carousing went well for
215 to determine what crime or crimes you stand you. You earn a total of 25 gp at the local tavern
accused of. In addition, roll 1d4. On a 1-2, you are telling stories, completing feats of strength or some
innocent. On a 3-4, you actually committed the other activity appropriate to your character.
You wake up in an alley, wearing nothing but a You awake in your room, a little hungover and very
coarse burlap sack. Your hands are covered in blue full. On your nightstand is a note that says, “Until
paint and on your walk home you begin to hear 18 next time, my love,” pinned down by a stack of 15
10 people talking about all of the graffiti that popped gp and a cold omelet. You have no idea who left the
up around the city overnight. You then begin to see note and no idea what happened.
images, from hilarious to very crude, on the walls of During the course of your revelry, you accidentally
numerous buildings in the same color blue paint. insult the youngest son of a local noble who has
You come to in the common room of a high class 19 demanded satisfaction in a duel to first blood. You
tavern. The room is empty, save a pair of men must either pay 500 gp to his family or meet him in
sleeping in the corner. Both men are covered in the city square at noon for a sword duel.
11 blood, though alive and unhurt. Your hands are also You wake up in your room clutching a burlap sack
covered in blood but you have no memory of what full of 1,000 gp. Your joy over your glorious windfall
happened. 20 is short-lived as you begin to hear rumors about a
You wake up in your bed, but you are wearing significant theft either from the city treasury or a
a giant chicken costume. Two gnomes, three powerful moneylender.
12 halflings, a dwarf and a very tall woman all sleep
on the floor around you. They too are dressed like Unintended Criminal Acts
barnyard animals. One of the options on the preceding table is that the
In trying to work your way into the upper crust of party member in question is accused of a crime. You
society, your expenditures got way out of control. can decide the nature of the crime or you can leave it to
You spent an additional 150 gp to try and impress chance by rolling 1d12 and referring to the Unintended
the people around you. If you do not have enough Criminal Acts table. This may also be a fun time to revisit
13 money to cover that expenditure you find yourself the Strange and Unique Punishments table on pg. 47.
in the debt of a very dangerous-looking gnome with
two minotaur bodyguards. This gnome has lent you Unintended Criminal Acts
the money you spent and demands to be repaid 1d12
within a week’s time. Theft
You spent the whole night drunkenly insulting
everyone in town. You get the cold shoulder 2 Major property damage
14 3 Minor property damage
everywhere you go and for 1 week’s time. None of the
merchants or businesses in town will trade with you. 4 Indecent exposure
Your night took an unexpected turn and you believe 5 Disorderly conduct
you have found the love of your life. You wake up 6 Assault
the next morning married to the son or daughter
7 Burglary
15 of the local mayor. Even more unexpected is the
fact that your new spouse’s parents have accepted 8 Criminal trespassing
the situation, seem to approve and are leading the 9 Disturbing the peace
celebrations. 10 Murder
The morning after your carousing, you are startled 11 Arson
awake by a strange chittering sound. As you bolt Resisting arrest (roll on this table again to
upright, a multitude of cockroaches scatter out of 12 determine the initial crime)
sight. As you blearily stare around your room, you
find a minuscule shrine at the foot of your bed.
Inspecting the shrine, you see a passable likeness of GM NOTE: A DERAILING MOMENT
yourself made from garbage and offerings of shiny
One of the options on the above table is the
objects and food items. From that point on, you
crime of murder. Whereas watching your party
constantly feel as though you are being watched
piece together the actual sequence of events and
and followed.
overcome the challenges involved in one of their
You wake up in your bed the next morning,
number being charged with a capital crime could
hungover and a bit disheveled. Your pants are on
be really interesting, this could severely derail
backward, but you are generally content. As you
things and involve a significant amount of prep on
walk around town, people blush, point and are
your part in the sessions that follow. If you want to
17 clearly talking about you in low voices. You later
explore that potential storyline, it is there; if not,
learn that you strutted around town the night
ignore this result and reroll on the table.
before for several hours in your birthday suit,
singing loudly and proposing marriage to anyone
you came across.
Hags & Their Lairs A stuffed hydra head is mounted on the back side of
Hags are, in a word, gross. They are also awesome, the lair’s main door. It bears a quizzical expression
devious, murderous foes for a party of upstart and its tongue lolls out of the right side of its mouth.
adventurers to face. Exploring a hag’s lair is never for the The glass eyes seem to follow you.
faint of heart: as you are definitely likely to find things Seated at a miniature table on a high shelf is a
you cannot unsee. That being said, sometimes it’s hard minuscule, handsome man frozen in the act of
to come up with things to add to the atmosphere to give having tea. He was paralyzed and preserved by the
a hag’s lair the appropriate feel. When populating a hag’s hag 200 years ago, but can be revived. He is the
lair, whether it be a dilapidated hut in a forgotten swamp agent of a fiend who offers bargains of power in
or a bone-strewn seaside cave, roll as many times as you exchange for souls.
like on the Gross Stuff in a Hag’s Lair table, adding the A very large, very green, very chunky glob of mucus
results to the grimy tables and overladen shelves inside. 17 that sits on a pewter platter in the center of what
serves as the kitchen table.
Gross Stuff in a Hag’s Lair On an ornate display stand sits what is clearly the
18 still living back right leg of a very large horse. It is
covered in quivering pus-filled boils.
A nearly skeletal hairless cat that hisses at the party
1 A very large sentient tarantula that speaks fluent
as it stalks around the lair.
19 common. Its movement is disconcerting and it
The corpse of a bloated three-eyed toad floats in a
2 keeps getting lost among the clutter.
large bell jar of yellowish fluid.
A large jar that sits in a place of prominence on a
The decomposing foot of a humanoid creature sits
20 shelf. It contains what must be hundreds of toenail
3 in a large silver trough and plays host to a colony of
semi-sentient blue-green mold.
Hanging by the optic nerve from a long ooze-
covered piece of twine is the bloodshot eyeball of a
I Wouldn’t Touch That
4 You know the drill. You set the scene for your party,
very large creature. The eyeball swings and rotates
explaining the relevant details of something that is
around to follow the party’s movement.
absolutely, without a doubt, a trap or cursed item or
The severed hand of a bronze dragonborn walks
portal to some place bad and, without fail, a member of
5 around on the shelves and tabletops using its
the party feels the pull and just can’t help themselves.
fingers. If you get too close, it swipes at you.
Whether a well lit statue marked by a fleck of blood, an
A large silver birdcage sits in the corner of the
unlocked treasure chest that seems too good to be true
room. Inside the cage is a being made of pure
6 or a gleaming sword clutched by what remains of a fallen
shadow that shrieks and erupts in white fire every
paladin, adventurers are always given plenty of reasons
time it touches the bars.
Humanoid ears and eyes can be seen floating on not to touch something. And yet...
the surface of a deep ochre concoction that bubbles The following table is broken up into two columns,
over a fire in a deep copper cauldron. one column for the object and the other column for
In a large glass terrarium, a large moth with the consequences of touching it. You can roll 1d20 and apply
head of a smiling gnome flutters through vegetation the result straight across the table or roll 2d20, one for
with pitch black leaves. the object and one for the effect.
A large lizard with very elven hands in place of its
9 claws sits motionless on a tabletop surrounded by
very red splatters of blood.
A trio of shrunken heads, dwarven by their look,
10 emit high-pitched shouts if you get too close.
A miniature aboleth, its red eyes glaring, swims
within a modestly-sized fish tank.
A large dollhouse, the home of a very large rat
that walks on two legs. The rat is actually the
nephew of the country’s current ruler, captured and
permanently polymorphed by the hag.
Piled in the corner of the lair is a trio of incredibly
13 small skeletons, each of the bones marked by
unmistakable gnaw marks.
In a frame on the wall sits a mirror that ripples like
14 the surface of a pond. This functions as a mirror of
life trapping.
Things You Definitely Shouldn’t Touch
1d20 Ominous or Enticing Item Inevitable Consequence for Touching It
A pulsing, perfectly spherical It’s full of barely contained latent magic that explodes when you touch it. Roll on
1 bubble of pink ooze. the Variant Wild Magic table on pg. 176.
A glowing and bleeding statue of It’s definitely cursed. Roll on the Curses table on pg. 184.
2 an elven woman on a pedestal.
Touching this item invokes the creature’s worst fears. The creature must make
A large teddy bear with an a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or take 17 (5d6) psychic damage. They are
3 unnerving grin and eyes that also subject to hallucinations for 1 hour after touching the item. Roll on the
seem too alive. Hallucinations table on pg. 225.
The creature who touches this item forgets how to breathe. They must succeed on
A very large sunshine yellow
4 a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or begin to suffocate. The creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect with a successful save.
A large snow globe containing This item stimulates deep and intense love and devotion (it’s charm person) for
5 a pair of dancing pixies. the first creature they see after touching the item, at GM discretion.
An undersized longsword The item gets permanently stuck to the creature’s hand. The only way to remove
6 the item is by casting remove curse or wish.
encrusted with gems.
A very fragrant, perfectly baked,
Somehow this item became the vessel for reality warping magics and touching it
7 cinnamon roll conspicuously
releases them. Roll on the Strange Mutations table on pg. 200.
placed out in the open.
A book embossed with the The triggering creature must succeed at a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or gain the
8 phrase “MINE! DON’T TOUCH.” new flaw, “Everything belongs to me and I am entitled to it.”
A simple wooden chest, with It explodes. The person who touches the item takes 21 (6d6) fire damage. A
9 successful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw halves the damage.
an easily breakable lock.
A friendly cat that flips over on
10 It’s a mimic.
its back, asking for belly rubs.
For the next 3 (1d6) days you are harassed by a musical earworm. Roll on the
A glowing bottle of fluorescent Ballads, Ditties & Songs table on pg. 211 to determine the song or choose one at
11 blue alcohol. GM discretion. Creatures affected in this way must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving
throw at the end of each long rest. On a failure, they gain no benefit from the rest.
Concussive blasts and explosions of light shoot from the item. The individual who
A mote of shimmering, touched the item must roll a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become blind
12 and deaf for 13 (2d12) hours. At the end of every hour, the creature can reroll the
glimmering, multifaceted light.
saving throw, ending the effect on a successful save.
A beautiful rose in a crystal vase Touching the item causes a metallic cage with no door to spring up around the
13 that sways slightly though there creature. The creature or one of its allies can attempt a DC 20 Strength check to
is no wind. bend the bars and release them.
A large jewel on a gold display It explodes. The person who touches the item takes 21 (6d6) fire damage. A
14 stand. successful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw will halve the damage.
A rusty sword covered in runes A fine orange mist pours out of the item after it is touched. The creature is affected
15 and what seems like dried blood. by Polymorphic Fog as detailed on pg. 147.
A spherical blob with long red It’s poisonous, very poisonous. Roll on the Detrimental Potions & Poisons effect
16 table on pg. 162.
spikes inside a glass bowl.
A small quick-moving red dot Touching the item removes all the bones in your hand for 24 hours. The tingles as
17 that shines on a nearby wall. your bones grow back are very uncomfortable.
Touching this item shocks the creature to their core and banishes every conscious
A golden mask depicting a thought from their mind. The creature gains the stunned condition for 2 (1d4) hours.
18 generic shocked face. A successful DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, attempted each hour, ends the effect.
A fedora-like hat adorned with a Magical parasites! The creature must roll on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or
19 dark raven’s feather. become affected by a form of short-term madness as determined by the GM.
The creature who touches this item must roll a DC 13 Constitution saving throw.
A cauldron full of toxic green On a failure, the creature drops to 0 hp but is stable. On a successful save, the
20 liquid that smells like beef stew. creature loses half their hit points and is incapacitated for 3 (1d6) minutes.
Ghosts Gravestones
The spirits of the departed linger in the realms of Lonely graveyards somehow find their way into many
fantasy, either due to a curse or some unfinished of the stories we tell at the gaming table. Often the
business. Should your party run across a ghost that you occupants of the graveyard are not central to the story,
would like to flesh out a little more (as much as one can but inevitably there will be that one player who wants
flesh out a ghost), roll 1d10 and consult the Unfinished to start reading the headstones, if for no other reason
Business table to determine why they remain. than to watch you scramble to come up with names and
information. The following table provides you with a
Unfinished Business variety of options for headstones and monuments that
1d10 exist within a graveyard for just such an occasion. Roll
This ghost seeks revenge on the one who killed 1d20 on the Gravestone Markers table to generate as
1 them by beheading. The ghost carries around a many results as you need to.
spectral version of their own head.
This ghost is paranoid about its family’s safety and Gravestone Markers
refuses to move on to the afterlife. Unfortunately, 1d20
2 the ghost’s haunting presence terrifies the family Ruepert Nebuchadnezzar. Lived for 93 years, died
without respite. 150 years ago. There is an inscription that reads,
Completely unaware of their surroundings, this “Here lies Ruepert...probably. He always claimed
ghost must relive the last torturous days of its life, 1
he was too stubborn to stay dead.” Disconcertingly,
3 over and over and over again. Only by getting it to there are what appear to be human fingernail
realize it is dead can you assist it in passing on. marks at the base of the headstone.
Driven by a lust for life, this ghost is self-aware. It This gravestone is shaped like a large loaf of
knows that it is dead and unable to experience the bread and marks the grave of halfling Chef Yarrow
4 pleasures of the living, but that will not keep it from 2 Amplebelly, one of the most renowned bakers of the
trying. Nor will that knowledge keep it from flying age. Etched into the stone is his bread recipe, which
into a murderous rage each time that it fails. he felt everyone should have.
Overcome with grief for having to leave their Sir Tallion Grabespurtle Nelson Bartholomew
beloved pet, this ghost cannot move on until they Hastings III. Tallion lived for 46 years and only died
5 find a permanent home for their pet hamster. five years ago. The epitaph on his ornate, gold inlaid
Preferably one where he gets plenty of treats. 3 headstone reads, “His last words, ‘Clutch safe my
We’ve got a stage five clinger. This ghost is doomed ale and observe!’ preceded a glorious but short-
6 to stalk their lost love...their lost unrequited love, lived mudwrestling match with a drunken ogre. We
that is. miss you, Tally!”
Terrifyingly creepy, this ghost is that of a 5-year-old A simple marble headstone marking the final
child. They are full of rage and haunt their toys, resting place of Dave Davidson, age 76, died 200
7 which they cause to animate and attack people. You 4 years ago. The epitaph reads, “Here lies Double D,
must find all of the toys and burn them before the our man about town, as well as a nameless corpse
child can move on. we buried with him so he weren’t lonely.”
This ghost is actually pleasant to have around. This ornate headstone has a picture of a wizened
Desiring to make just one more meal, just one more old man with a long beard on it, but no name or
beautifully crafted pie, this jovial spirit animates date. The headstone itself has a magic mouth spell
8 objects in their former kitchen to cook wonderful 5 cast on it that quietly says things like, “Help me!”
meals. Of course, whoever lives there gets to and “Wow, it’s dark down here” that sound like
benefit. they are coming from the ground at the foot of the
This poor ghost was so unnoticeable in life that headstone.
it hasn’t even realized that it has died and just Heliona “Ironguts” Bracegirdle. Lived for 127 years
9 keeps going about its daily routine. Of course this is and died 85 years ago. The epitaph reads, “They
ridiculously frightening for the other laborers at the 6
told me to stop eating fried butter, but I didn’t
warehouse where it worked. listen, and now I’m dead. No regrets.”
Surrounded by songs of lament and discordant This ornate headstone is topped with an
orchestral music, this ghost, dressed all in white, intricately carved human skull with a rose in
does nothing but pine for their lover who went on its mouth and a stone raven perched atop
10 to marry another after their death. The only way to 7 it. Belonging to Kaitlyn Everbright, who was
get them to move on is to take them out for a lovely suspected of being a witch who died at the age
night on the town. of 57, 236 years ago, locals say that the raven
sometimes disappears for days at a time.
Penelope Farell, the Graceful Bard. Lived to the A large monument depicting a powerful wizard in the
age of 84 and died 103 years ago. Her headstone act of casting a spell, his long hair and beard flowing
has an etched picture of her, a statuesque and in an unseen wind, marks the grave of Binsim the
8 beautiful half-elf, in addition to a fully functioning Unhinged. Binsim died almost 400 years ago and
piano. Anyone who plays the keys finds they are his actual age is a number lost to time. He sought
accompanied by a gorgeous ethereal voice. immortality but refused to turn to black magic to
Willard the Elder. Managed to live until the age of attain it. Engraved on the plinth where his statue
107 and died 37 years ago. His headstone has no stands are the words he uttered on his deathbed: “I
message, just a maze contained inside the shape of could not beat death, so I shall join him. Elevating our
9 a human heart. There is a small marble contained in contest to a place outside of time.”
the maze structure that can be moved. Solving the A simple stone marker that bears the name Ted
maze causes confetti to shoot out of the top of the Harnsworth, a human fisherman who never seemed
headstone and a fanfare of horns to sound. to age. He lived for 657 years. His epitaph reads,
This intricate monument depicts the statue of “I’m tired. I think I’ll go now.”
a teenage girl emerging from a silvery mirror. It This large crypt is dedicated to the powerful cleric
belongs to Arya Swiftwind, a fledgling sorceress Elania Marson, the Fiendbinder. The grounds around
10 who miscalculated the power of her wild magic and 18 the crypt are always vibrant and green, full of
turned herself into a brainless sludge at the age of wildflowers and humming insects. Approaching the
19, 96 years ago. door you can hear the singing of an angelic chorus.
A sarcophagus-shaped monument that has a This grave marker belongs to the prolific wizard
very detailed casting of the Honorable Hargrim Olgas Mirewood. Some say she was a witch, others
Splitmind, holding a copy of his own head. The say she was a gift to the community around her. Her
two faces are depicted in the midst of a heated 19 age is not listed on the marker, but etched into the
11 argument. Once a village mayor and advisor to the stone is the arcane language of a single spell. Roll
king, Hargrim frequently argued with himself. His on the 3rd-Level Spell Scrolls table on pg. 154 to
epitaph reads, “The only decent conversation I ever determine which.
had was with myself.” The headstone simply has a single name etched
This large mausoleum dedicated to the Farsight into it: “Layla.” There is no date or inscription, but
family has numerous statues of various family 20 small white flowers grow from the cracks in this
12 members of different ages captured in the act of ancient grave marker.
playing and socializing. Listening closely, you can
hear faint laughter and jovial conversation.
A lone, gold-veined marble headstone dedicated to
Garland and Nefria Bollivar. Both individuals died
nearly a hundred years ago and were very talented
13 healers. The top of their headstone has been worn
away by time as hundreds of hands have touched
it, hoping for a miracle of healing power which
sometimes emanates from their final resting place.
Ulfrick the Stingy’s grave is marked with a very
simple, ancient, sandstone obelisk. All that is on it
is a truncated version of his name, “LFRK,” a final
tribute to one of the realm’s great misers.
This grave marker, made from the twisted branches
of an ancient oak surrounding a granite stone, marks
the final resting place of Glengarrow Nearson, a
15 halfling druid of substantial power and influence.
Lived to be 294 years old and passed five years ago.
Songbirds and small animals make their home in the
twisted branches of his large headstone.
A mage’s tower protects
itself a little too well.
26 4
A sinister plot is
uncovered by accident.
One-Shot Adventures
Never Tell Me
the Odds
A boy asks the party to solve the murder of his father,
a veteran of a traveling gladiator tournament.
An Adventure by Matt, Nick & Marty Forbeck, Suitable for Levels 3–7
hile attending a gaming festival, who will become suspects later, including Fortuna
the highlight of which is a gladiator Littlespark. They will then encounter Thalmor Dutgek,
tournament, the party finds themselves who shares his tale and asks for their help.
pulled into a murder mystery by the This adventure features a number of NPCs, including:
young son of the victim, the tournament’s reigning
champion. To solve the mystery, the party must question Thalmike Dutgek The murdered man—an elven
everything, trust no one and survive the arena’s infamous gladiator of some renown.
Wheel of Death and Fortune. Thalmor Dutgek The victim’s son.
Belleri Dutgek The victim’s wife and fellow
Adventure Location gladiator.
This adventure is set in Tychinesa, a village that sits at the Mouna Strongskull The victim’s old flame and
crossroads of two major routes that cut through the local number one rival—a human gladiator.
forests (or a similar town, at GM discretion). It’s a small but Ama Hollowhoof The victim’s tag-team buddy in
bustling settlement where farmers and miners gather to the ring—a dwarven gladiator.
meet, sell their wares and pick up supplies. Entertainment Fortuna Littlespark Halfling innkeeper and owner
troupes of all kinds make it a regular stop on their circuits. of the Oblivious Owlbear.
The greatest of these troupes is a traveling gladiator show- Johanna Welkerson GladCon’s master of
case known as Gladiator Conflict—GladCon for short. ceremonies—a half-orc ex-gladiator.
GladCon provides a major boost to the local economy.
The majority of the tournament takes place at GladCon’s To prepare for the adventure, be sure to check out the
pop-up arena, known as Colossal Colosseum by admirers NPCs’ stat blocks and write-ups on pg. 246.
of the event—and as the Rigged Ring by its skeptics. If you’re running this adventure as part of an ongoing
Those who are passing through or who have campaign, it can serve as a great stopover between
journeyed to Tychinesa to witness GladCon stay at the larger story arcs. You can plop it down in the middle of
town’s oldest inn, the Oblivious Owlbear (“the Bliv” to a journey from one part of the world to another, or you
the locals), a popular establishment owned and operated can set it up as part of a vacation the heroes go on to
by Fortuna Littlespark, a short-tempered halfling whose celebrate recent victories. All you need is an excuse to
family has a long history in the town. While Fortuna can get them into a village in the middle of nowhere so you
be cruel to those who cross her, she is generally warm can focus in on the action of the story.
and welcoming to outsiders. How the party winds up in If that’s not feasible, you can transport the entirety
Tychinesa at the right time is at GM discretion. Whether of the adventure to wherever the heroes might be. The
they make it out alive is up to the players. main consideration in this case is to think through a
reason why Thalmor Dutgek, the boy whose father is
Setting Up murdered, approaches the heroes for help rather than
The story begins at the Oblivious Owlbear, where the local guards. Perhaps his father was a scoundrel who
party is introduced to the town, has the chance to play a always spoke ill of the law. Or maybe GladCon expressly
gladiatorial minigame and meets a number of characters forbids the entrance of guards as a matter of policy after
having been shaken down by them.
If a member of the party is particularly suited to the GM NOTE: WHO’S WHO
idea of GladCon, you might be able to hook them with a Three of GladCon’s most well-loved gladiators
simple mention of a gladiatorial tournament. They might —Belleri Dutgek, Mouna Strongskull and
be willing to chase down the place themselves, which is Ama Hollowhoof—are under the Bliv’s roof,
even easier than just dropping it into their path. entertaining fans with tales of greatness and feats
If you’re running this as a one-shot adventure, each of strength. If the heroes wander around, they’d
party member can determine for themselves why they bump into each of them. If the heroes decide to
are in Tychinesa. Perhaps they are there to cheer on stay put, the gladiators can come to them instead.
their favorite gladiator or to pick up a package left for
them at the Oblivious Owlbear. Perhaps they know one
of the gladiators or have a connection to the town. • Mouna Strongskull is busy at the arm-wrestling
However they get there, the action for this adventure table, where she is currently undefeated. She is
begins—like so many do—in a tavern full of rowdy offering to pay the bar tab of anyone who can beat
adventuring types. her. If the heroes would like to challenge her, they
are welcome to. The first person to win three out
Part 1: You’re My Only Hope of five contested Strength (Athletics) checks in an
arm-wrestling contest wins.
• Ama Hollowhoof is lording over the Golem
You count yourself lucky to have found an empty table Gladiators table, a magical device that pits 1-foot-
at the biggest and oldest establishment in Tychinesa, tall golems against each other in a simulated arena
the Oblivious Owlbear, known to its dedicated battle on a flat surface the size of the tabletop.
patrons as the Bliv. It is a three-story stone building Each of the two contestants controls their golem
that manages to feel cozy despite its size. You hear by means of a handle built into their side of the
drunken laughter, tales of past fights, contests of tabletop. The cost to enter is 5 sp, and the winner
strength and calls for more alcohol. Because GladCon takes 8 sp (the other 2 sp goes to the house). The
is in town, the clientele leans heavily toward big- first person to win three out of five contested
muscled barbarians, steely-eyed fighters and the Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks wins the bout.
most brutal combatants from all walks of life. Some, • Belleri Dutgek is the elven woman scolding a
it should be stated, have brought their kids. The crying boy, her son, Thalmor. If the party engages
children, as it happens, also seem pretty strong. them first, Belleri would say through gritted teeth,
In one corner of the bustling inn, a sturdy human “This is a private conversation, and unless you want a
woman wearing a skull necklace engages a pack of public beating, I’d suggest you’re on your way.” If the
barbarians in an arm wrestling contest. At a nearby party chooses to engage further, move to the flavor
table, a stern elven woman scolds her son, seemingly text that begins with Thalmor’s outburst (below).
for crying in public. Toward the back of the inn, a
crowd of people gathers around a game of Golem Give the heroes enough time to enter the games or
Gladiators. A gruff dwarf, his face covered in the scars just gawk at them a bit. Fortuna soon returns to their
of battle, pilots the current champion. table with their orders, and a commotion at the next
As you take in this scene, the innkeeper, a halfling table over sets the story in motion.
who manages to tower over everyone through sheer
force of personality, makes her way over to you,
leaping from the top of the bar across tables until she Suddenly, the young elven boy at the next table over
arrives atop yours with a little bow. She gazes down at starts screaming. His mother’s face turns from one of
the lot of you with a smile that seems too wide for her stern concern to shock and consternation.
face and says, “Hello, loves. What can I get you?” “HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO STAY CALM WHEN DAD
IS DEAD?” he screams, before shoving his face into
This is Fortuna Littlespark. She introduces herself as MURDERER! AND I’M GONNA FIND OUT WHO!”
the owner of the inn and apologizes for how crowded the His mother scoops him up in her arms, but the boy
place is—with more than a little pride and relief in her continues to weep loudly enough for everyone in
voice. She would take the party’s orders, then encourage the inn to hear. Red-faced, the mother turns toward
them to wander about the place. Before she leaves, she you, bows her head and mutters an apology before
mentions she still has a room or two left in the inn (5 sp rushing out of the inn with her son.
each) and if they’re interested, they should claim them Silence reigns for only a moment before everyone
quickly, since it’s GladCon—the busiest time of the year. returns to their fun.
GM NOTE: JUST ONE MORE THING… check, provided the party’s snooping isn’t hindered
There are a number of NPCs the heroes can speak to by other NPCs. These checks are made with
and locations they can visit in any order they please advantage if the party has some idea what they’re
in order to suss out what happened to Thalmike. looking for, and rumors they uncover while
As the heroes explore, they are bound to run into interviewing one NPC should give them a good idea
the primary suspects. These suspects have had their of what to look for while investigating another.
thoughts divided up into three different categories.
And then there’s the proof... Assuming they are asked the right questions,
each NPC freely gives up the things they Know
Know. These are things an NPC is certain of, either and Think, but the distinction between those two
about themselves and about the current situation. categories is important—some people think things
Something an NPC knows should be held as fact that aren’t necessarily true. It’s harder to get NPCs
by the GM. Whether players choose to believe this to admit what they Hide. A high (DC 20) Charisma
information is up to them. or Intimidation check might convince some of
Think. This is information an NPC believes or has them to fess up, but to really corner them, the party
speculated about the other suspects. Sometimes might want to gather evidence first.
speculation is as good as the truth, but a DC 13 Evidence can be used to confront a corresponding
Wisdom (Insight) check on anything an NPC thinks NPC and force them to confess what they Hide,
would reveal it’s an opinion rather than fact. And lowering the DC associated with that check to 12.
opinions can be self-serving or self-deceiving. Exposed NPCs continue to make excuses and claim
Hide. Every NPC has something they’re keeping to they are not the murderer, but these confrontations
themselves, for reasons that are their own (namely, can create a great deal of suspicion.
these facts might make them look guilty). The things If this formula starts to get stale, throw a couple
an NPC hides should be considered fact by the GM of extra checks in to keep the players on their
and are only be revealed to the party if they ask the toes. Encourage the heroes to distract NPCs while
right questions or put various pieces together during other members of the party snoop through their
their investigation. things. Or maybe certain gruffer NPCs only feel
Evidence. Every suspect has at least one item or bit comfortable giving up all they Know after a bit of
of intel that speaks to possible motives for killing persuasion or a bribe.
Thalmike that can be uncovered with a DC 15 Once the heroes investigate enough to feel they
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) have found their culprit, you can move to Part 4.
Thalmor Dutgek • When Fortuna finally kicked them out, they all
Thalmor (and his mother Belleri) can be found hanging staggered back to the arena together. Or at least that’s
around their wagon, just outside the fenced-off arena how she remembers it. The end of the evening is a
grounds. Thalmor is happy to see the party. Belleri is little fuzzy.
decidedly less thrilled. • With a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight)
check, a member of the party notices that Belleri is
Thalmor Knows particularly sad. If they ask why, she sighs and reveals
• Something has been wrong with his parents for her feelings:
a while. They fight all the time, and not just in the
arena for the crowds. “I met Thalmike on the gladiator circuit and instantly
• His mother moved out of their wagon and into one fell for him. I had harbored hopes of becoming an
of her own a few weeks ago, leaving Thalmor to stay adventurer like him, but he convinced me that was
with his father. a fool’s game when there was far easier money to be
• The night of the murder, Thalmor didn’t hear made performing as a gladiator. He took me under his
anything happen. He went to sleep by himself, which wing and trained me. He set my heart on fire. Taught
was pretty standard for him, as his parents often me how to dodge, to lean into a blow. And then…he
wind up at local inns late into the night, hyping their taught me what it feels like to have your heart ripped
upcoming matches. out of your chest. I should have seen it coming.”
Thalmor Thinks
• He loves his mother and staunchly defends her from Belleri Thinks
any accusations. While she might have split from her • Thalmike was a terrible father and scoundrel,
father, she would never have killed him. Not like that. always stepping out on her. She’s happy to have
• He heard his mom screaming about “making eyes at Thalmor back in her custody.
Mouna,” but he doesn’t understand what that means. • Thalmor is a kind but temperamental boy. His
• His Uncle Ama is a fun pal who always brings him father taught him how to let his emotions loose in the
neat presents. Ama and Thalmike got along really well. gladiatorial ring.
• Johanna used to be a great gladiator. She helps him • Thalmike and Ama had a close relationship, forged
with his sparring practice sometimes. from their old adventuring days. Belleri always gave
• It’s odd how the nice lady who runs the Bliv is them space to revel in nostalgia, but never really
always jotting down stuff in her notebook—and not enjoyed it.
just for orders. • Thalmike was cheating on her with his old
adventuring pal Mouna.
Thalmor Hides • While they were setting up the arena for GladCon,
• Thalmor is furious with his parents for splitting up. Belleri saw Johanna and Thalmike get into a
The other gladiators have seen him throwing fits. shouting match. She’s not sure what it was about.
• Thalmike was up to something with Fortuna. Not
Evidence an affair—Fortuna wasn’t his type—but they were
• Thalmor keeps a doodling journal in Belleri’s meeting privately in the Bliv after close.
wagon. It contains a dozen or so childish drawings of
Thalmike with his eyes crossed out. Belleri Hides
• She was planning on taking Thalmor and leaving
Belleri Dutgek Thalmike behind once GladCon ended. She told
Thalmike as much the night he was murdered.
Belleri is leaning against her wagon, staring off at
the horizon as she sharpens her axe. She seems lost Evidence
in thought, barely noticing your approach. When she • Belleri still has a partially packed bag stuffed
does see you, she turns quickly, eyes wide. “So my boy beneath her bed in her wagon.
roped you into this. Well then, what do you want?”
Mouna Strongskull
Mouna can be found just inside the arena, sitting on
Belleri Knows a bench and polishing her sword. She seems annoyed
• She was asleep in her wagon when Thalmike’s body and on edge, perhaps a bit hungover. When the heroes
was discovered. approach, she grunts out, “Make it quick, I got steel to
• She and the rest of the gladiators—including polish. When the blade is clean, you can see the new
Thalmike—had been at the Oblivious Owlbear into blood better. Crowd loves it.”
the wee hours the night before.
Mouna Knows Thalmike—had been at the Oblivious Owlbear into
• She has been a part of GladCon since Johanna the wee hours the night before the murder.
started it. In fact, she was a member of Thalmike’s • When Fortuna kicked them out, they all staggered
original adventuring party. back to the arena together. After a bit of drunken
• Mouna and Thalmike had a torrid affair back in sword practice, most of them stumbled back to their
their old adventuring days, but they’ve been just tents. He recalls that Belleri, Johanna and Thalmike
friends for many years now, a fact hammered home were still in the arena when he left. He might have
after Thalmike got married. seen Mouna and Fortuna in the dark on his way
• She and the rest of the gladiators—including home, but he’s not sure.
Thalmike—were at the Oblivious Owlbear into the
wee hours the night before the murder. Ama Thinks
• She left the party early, returning to her tent to rest • He openly praises Thalmike as a fellow competitor
up for the tournament. and friend, but it doesn’t take an Insight check to
recognize that he doesn’t really mean it.
Mouna Thinks • Thalmor is a brat. “That kid’s always crying or
• She no longer has any feelings for Thalmike beyond moaning about something or other.”
friendship, although she seems more moved by his • Belleri is a fine woman. He finds it hard to stand by
demise than anyone other than Thalmor. knowing how Thalmike treated her.
• Thalmor is a little scamp. She likes to help him with • Mouna and Thalmike had been close for a long
his sword practice. time, and he’s heard rumors of some sort of treasure
• Belleri is acting suspicious. A couple of days ago she the two tucked away together when their adventuring
saw Belleri packing a bag like she was getting ready days ended.
to make a quick escape. • Fortuna is a fantastic bartender but not much else.
• Ama is an idiot. He always thought he was hot stuff, He’s not a fan of gambling.
but he was never half the fighter Thalmike was. • Johanna is a consummate businesswoman, if a bit
• Fortuna is a crooked bookie, rigging the fights and stern. She doesn’t like to have her bottom line messed
the odds in her own favor (she has no proof, just a with, and she works her people hard.
sneaking suspicion after losing too many bets).
• Johanna had been upset with Thalmike lately. She Ama Hides
saw them arguing after practice matches. • He was wildly jealous of Thalmike’s place in the
Mouna Hides
• She didn’t go to sleep after leaving the party. Instead, Evidence
she practiced her sword skills outside the arena. • There’s a scroll hidden in one of Ama’s backup
• Mouna and Thalmike’s adventuring party buried combat boots set by the edge of the arena. It shows
the bulk of their last dungeon haul and made a pact sketches for a new gladiator costume, one fit for the
that the last one of them alive could claim it all. star of the show. A handwritten note says “Once Thal’s
out of the picture.” It’s Johanna’s handwriting, which
Evidence would be revealed if the note were compared to other
• The adventurers’ treasure pact is written on a scroll items in her office.
in a small chest in the footlocker by her bed.
Johanna Welkerson
Ama Hollowhoof Johanna can be found in her office—a small tent that
Ama can always be found practicing in the arena, sits smack dab in the middle of the great communal tent
slashing up training dummies, trying to improve his in the center of the wagons. She is receptive to visitors,
skills. The heroes can hear his exertion long before they so a simple knock on the tent flap grants the heroes a
spot him. When they approach, he forces a practiced meeting, which starts with a “How do ya do, strangers?
smile on his face. Long time no see! Get yer butts in here!”
“Traveling spectators, I presume? Is there anything I
may assist you with?” Johanna Knows
• She didn’t start out as an adventurer. She began
Ama Knows fighting for her life in a lethal arena, the kind where
• He was the first person to join Johanna’s only the winners walked away. Her skills brought her
gladiatorial company. The first several GladCons to the top, but she knew that her strength and skill
featured the two of them battling each other and could only hold out so long. To save her own life, she
anyone who dared to challenge them. created GladCon so she could make a living from her
• He and the rest of the gladiators—including skills without mortal danger to her life or any of the
Armor Class 18
Hit Points 60 (7d10 + 25)
Speed 30 ft.
15 (+2) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) slashing damage.
Ama Hollowhoof Johanna Welkerson
A dwarven gladiator with the charm of a leading man GladCon’s master of ceremonies, Johanna is also an
but the plight of second fiddle, Ama was the victim’s tag- ex-gladiator who knows her way around a sword and
team buddy in the arena. shield. Or bow. Or spear. Or whips. Or a flail. She’s
Mouna wields a shortsword and wears a set of scale mail. really good.
Spinning Strike. Ama wields only a single shortsword, but he is Rage (4/long rest). As a bonus action, Johanna can enter a
supremely quick with it, whirling like a top to strike. He can make rage state for up to 1 minute. In this state, she is resistant to all
three Attack actions with his shortsword on each of his turns. non-magical damage and her weapon attacks deal an extra +2 to
Trip Attack (3/long rest). As part of an attack, Johanna can add
Actions 1d8 to the attack roll. If the attack hits, the target must succeed
on a DC 16 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target is
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
knocked prone.
Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage.
Fortuna Littlespark
Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7
A halfling innkeeper in town, Fortuna is the owner of (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
the Oblivious Owlbear. In addition to the money made
from the influx of customers during the gladiators’
visits to town, Fortuna also gains quite a bit of cash as a
bookie managing bets on the fights on the side. Fortuna
is a civilian, entirely untrained in combat.
If she’s the killer, she takes Thalmor hostage, but only
so that she can try to escape. She attempts to flee the
arena as soon as the first trap goes off. If forced into
open combat, she immediately surrenders.
She uses the commoner stat block, with the following
added feature:
The party must come to the aid of a small town whose common
folk are on the run from their seemingly sentient common items.
An Adventure by Jim Davis, Suitable for Levels 2–6
ome weeks ago, the eccentric transmuter village. The townsfolk are poorly equipped to handle
Nimbus Goldenhand went missing, leaving his emergencies and expect the noble’s well-liked bailiff,
tower empty. Gentry Thorne, his resentful and Axel Cobblepot, to see to the security of the village.
indebted apprentice, robbed the tower with the
aid of two dwarven thieves from Tradecross, the nearby GM NOTE: PRE-ADVENTURE TIMELINE
town. Successful, the trio went their separate ways, but For the most part, the timing of background
they weren’t the only locals to rob the tower. Now the events isn’t crucial to playing the adventure,
tower’s magical defenses are aggressively active: banks but GMs will find having a solid grasp of what
of mist billow out from it, animating nearby objects happened when is helpful as the players begin
that awaken to defend the wizard’s interests. The village investigating the cause of the mists. To help with
leaders beseech the party to investigate the source of that, here’s a quick summary of the adventure
the mists as bizarre rumors of walking cottages and background presented as a timeline of events.
phalanxes of marching farm tools grow increasingly 1 month ago: Nimbus Goldenhand leaves his
frequent. tower unexpectedly, without telling anyone. Gentry
Thorne, his too-young-to-be-bald-but-thems-the-
Adventure Location breaks assistant, finds out two days later and is
Tradecross is a large, prosperous village that sits at the immediately suspicious.
intersection of two trade routes running through the 2 weeks ago: After weeks of investigation and
farmland provinces of the realm. Given its location, the waiting, Gentry concludes Nimbus will be gone
village offers travelers goods and services normally only indefinitely and starts planning the robbery.
found in larger towns. Tradecross’s most notable building 1 week ago: Gentry meets with the Stone siblings,
is an imposing stone tower, the remains of an old and the three rob Nimbus’s tower. Elspeth
windmill converted into a tavern, which dominates the overhears part of their plans.
low hill south of the crossroads. Surrounding Tradecross 1 day ago: Elspeth waits almost a week before
are miles of rich farmland set amid gentle hills dotted she enters the tower and sets off the alarm
with hamlets connected by meandering footpaths. glyphs. The tower’s defenses activate. Gentry
Wildflower meadows and dense woods separate the and Grundle get into an argument over the
nearby settlements and provide plenty of hiding spaces correct pronunciation of the stolen spellbook’s
for other creatures who call the region home. password. Gentry mispronounces the password
The inhabitants of Tradecross, mostly humans, and is petrified. The Stone siblings take refuge
halflings, dwarves and half-elves, tend to be more in their basement and are continually assailed by
cosmopolitan than most villagers and are used to seeing animated versions of their stuff.
all sorts of odd travelers from afar. The villagers have Today: Refugees from outlying farms arrive in
enjoyed many years of peace and in that time have Tradecross with stories of a strange mist that
become complacent with regard to their own defense. causes tools and buildings to animate.
Furthermore, the ruling noble is an absentee landlord
who keeps a minimal staff on his estate near the
This adventure features several NPCs, detailed starting
Nimbus’s tower’s primary defense is a magic mist
on pg. 262. Having a sense of who these individuals are,
that animates unoccupied non-magical structures
what the party might be able to learn from them and
and unattended non-magical items and compels
how each plays into the story that will unfold is a good
them to act in defense of the tower.
idea, but much of the important information is outlined
In a chamber underneath the tower, an intricate
within each section of the adventure as you progress.
arrangement of arcane glyphs, magical liquids
There are also quite a few animated objects listed
and precious metals forms the magic battery
throughout the adventure, a result of the strange mists
which powers the mists. The mists originate
emanating from Nimbus’s tower. The mists, and their
from this device, spreading out from the tower in
effect on normal objects, are outlined on this page.
swirling banks of silvery fog flecked with sparks
The adventure begins with the party’s arrival
of multicolored light. The banks of mist emerge
in Tradecross. How they ended up here is at GM
sporadically and advance at an uneven pace.
discretion, but here are some suggestions for hooks to
At the start of the adventure, the mists have
get the party involved:
engulfed only a small number of farmsteads but
Just Passing Through. The party is traveling
as they spread, they will reach Tradecross and the
to some other place along a road that passes through
stonework of Mill Hill Tavern, adding the many
Tradecross. Travelers they meet while on the road
objects found there to the tower’s defenses.
inform them of the refugees arriving in the village and
Objects animate 1 minute after the mist enters
the rumors about animated farm tools wandering the
an object or structure’s space. The mist has no
countryside. Optionally, the characters’ unattended
effect on natural objects—only crafted ones. An
belongings wander off during a misty night, leaving a trail
animated object removed from the mist reverts to
toward the tower. This is the default assumption of the
its inanimate form 1 round after leaving the mist.
Additionally, the mists provide light
Hometown Heroes. One or more of the party calls
obscurement and limit visibility to a maximum of
Tradecross and its surrounding farmland home and
100 feet.
their neighbors encourage them to use their adventurous
An item is unattended if it isn’t being worn,
talents to investigate the mists. If using this hook, give the
held, carried or used by an intelligent creature.
player(s) a summary of Tradecross and one or more of the
Intelligent creatures in an area of the mist can
following pieces of background information (which could
safely wear clothes and use items so long as those
also be discovered by other PCs through conversation-
objects are on their person or held in hand. If a
based encounters):
creature stops attending to a non-magical item
while in an area of mist, they have 1 minute to
• The eccentric wizard Nimbus Goldenhand lives in
retrieve the item before it animates.
a secluded tower on a forested hill a few miles north
Most objects animated by the mists march
of the village.
slowly toward the tower by the most convenient
• Nimbus’s apprentice is a regular at Mill Hill
route and add their services to the tower’s
Tavern but hasn’t been seen all week.
fortifications. They are indifferent to creatures
• There are rumors that several locals recently broke
that leave them alone but will defend themselves
into the wizard’s tower and stole valuable magic
if stopped or interfered with. Other objects patrol
an ever-widening area around the tower and
• Travelers report that a belligerent dwarf bandit is
are hostile to humanoids and other intelligent
robbing folks on the road.
creatures. Objects that intelligent creatures
• Farmers claim there’s a mist coming down from
regularly handled before becoming animated
the hills that’s causing their farm tools to sprout legs
(tools, utensils, doors, clothing, etc.) tend to be
and run away.
more intelligent themselves and understand
Common but cannot speak it. Some, however,
Favor for a Friend. The mentor of one of the PCs
possess the ability to write if they have a pointy
(preferably a bard, sorcerer or wizard) is a friend of
end and fresh mud or dirt (or, gods forbid, blood).
Nimbus Goldenhand who promised to check in on
Unless otherwise noted, animated objects use
Nimbus’s home while he’s away. The mentor asks the PC
the homunculus stat block without a fly speed.
to stop by the tower and make sure everything is in order.
Screams erupt from the small crowd 100 feet ahead 1d6 The bonfire...
as you near the tavern and you watch the group
1-2 ...expands 5 feet in all directions.
suddenly scatter, as a wagon full of material goods
...spawns a flaming animated object. The
bursts to life. Rakes and clothes trunks, a bevy of
object uses its full movement to sprint toward
barrels, a music box and a rogue umbrella fly out of
the nearest building. If the object reaches a
the wagon and start swarming around the gathered 3-4
building, the building will also catch fire in
crowd. “Hold fast, fellas!” bellows the bailiff. “And for
1d4 turns unless a creature uses its action to
gods’ sake, hold on to your own gear!”
douse the flames (at GM discretion).
...expels black smoke. The area within 20 feet
of the bonfire is heavily obscured but can be
dispersed, as in the fog cloud spell. This smoke
lingers for 2 rounds at GM discretion.
250 The Game Master’s Book of Astonishing Random Tables
The Game Master’s Book of Astonishing Random Tables 9
One-Shot Adventures
• Directing individuals inside Mill Hill Tavern as So long as the party speaks honestly and respectfully,
quickly as possible Axel will freely share information and request their help
• Keeping the fire from spreading now that the once he’s certain they aren’t trying to take advantage
deputies are occupied fighting animated objects of the situation. If Axel suspects the party of malicious
• Fight the animated objects intent, or if it is revealed the party intentionally harmed
any of the citizens in the area, he asks them to be on their
It should also be clear that there’s a bit of mist in the way and won’t share any information. Axel has advantage
air, and any time it flows over a man-made object roll on any ability checks made to determine motivation or
1d6. On a 1 or 2 the object will come to life. intent, such as Wisdom (Insight) checks.
If the party is successful in dealing with the initial In general, Axel doesn’t have the deepest of pockets, but
attack involving the swarms of animated objects, they his word in the region is as good as gold. Getting in his
will have caught the eye of Bailiff Axel Cobblepot, good graces could prove useful to any enterprising group
who will approach them to have a word once the dust of adventurers.
GM NOTE: CROWDED STREETS into the hills. Some folks report they were
Farmers and other rural folk began arriving attacked by their tools when they tried to stop
shortly before dawn and their numbers have them. Villagers respond to any inquiries about
grown steadily since. They crowd the streets of the commotion by telling the party to seek out
the village, making their way toward Mill Hill or the bailiff.
gathering in large groups anywhere there is room.
If the party asks one of them why they’re here, If the party wants to interview more villagers,
have the character asking make a DC 12 Charisma they can learn one or more of the following
(Persuasion) check. On a failure, they refuse to details with a successful DC 12 Intelligence
answer, claiming they need to make it to Mill Hill (Investigation), Wisdom (Insight), Charisma
and can’t talk. On a success, a refugee farmer will (Intimidation) or Charisma (Persuasion) check,
tell the character a variation of the same story as player’s choice.
summarized below. Bailiff Axel Cobblepot has his hands full on this
• At some point during the last 24 hours, an one, as Mill Hill can’t hold the entire countryside and
unnatural mist engulfed the area the farmer the number of arrivals keeps increasing by the hour.
was in. There’s growing concern about the refugees’ tales
• The mist shimmered with multicolored lights of the strange mist and the recent rumors regarding
and seemed to move with a will of its own—it a theft from the local wizard’s tower. Some villagers
can seep in under doors, down chimneys and speculate the two events are connected.
through cracked windows. It’s been weeks since anyone heard from Nimbus
• The mist was difficult but not impossible to Goldenhand, a local gnome transmuter, and rumors
see through. persist that Gentry Thorne, his human apprentice,
• Shortly after the mist arrived, they heard robbed the tower recently. Gentry, a regular at Mill
creaks, groans, clanging and rustling as if there Hill, hasn’t been seen in a week either, but he might
was a lot of movement. know what is going on.
• People outside saw their barns, sheds and Nimbus Goldenhand’s tower is somewhere in the
cottages walk away on newly sprouted legs. forested hills to the northwest of Tradecross, just
Nearly everyone says they witnessed farm follow the dirt path that branches off the main road.
tools and household items marching into the Hilde Mundle, the owner of Mill Hill Tavern,
forested hills nearby. offered her spacious establishment as shelter for
• Newer arrivals bring news of organized the incoming refugees. She and her small staff are
patrols of farm tools along the roads leading working to get the place organized.
After sizing them up, Axel would reveal the following
information at GM discretion:
Part 2: A Little Bit of
Petty Larceny
• The situation in Tradecross is dire. The refugees
are taking shelter in Mill Hill Tavern and the regular The party is welcome to explore the vicinity and ask
business of the village has ground to a halt. Most questions of the refugees. If they make their way inside
inhabitants are staying inside. Mill Hill Tavern they’ll see the owner, Hilde Mundle,
• Fights are breaking out around the village and who is arguing with Elspeth Arcade, a young tiefling
locals are starting to worry about looters. (and aspiring mage) in her employ. If the party does
• There’s no one available to investigate the mists and not want to explore the area and instead wants to head
get to the bottom of the problem; the bailiff is bound straight to Nimbus’s tower, the following argument
by his duties to stay in the village. should take place outside the tavern, at GM discretion.
• Most of the refugees seem to be in agreement that
the mists are emanating from a tower belonging to
an eccentric wizard named Nimbus Goldenhand. You see a human woman in a plain blue dress
• Axel would appeal to the party members’ marked with splotches of flour, in a somewhat hushed
compassion and sense of duty in his request for conversation with a young tiefling girl who keeps
help, but is authorized to deputize others to the tune flicking her wrist, a little bit of frost forming on her
of 100 gp per party member—assuming the city fingertips with each motion, as if she’s conjuring the
treasure box hasn’t sprung to life and run away with ice just to feel it melt. “I don’t want you getting into
all the gold. trouble with the bailiff, Elspeth,” says the woman.
“Just keep it to yourself, and let the deputies sort it
If the party accepts, Axel smiles and shares the out. Think about your future.”
following information along with anything not revealed
previously in conversation with Tradecross villagers:
If the party chooses to question Hilde or Elspeth, they
• Based on what he’s learned, Axel thinks it best will learn the following information at GM discretion:
to have the villagers toss all their furniture and
belongings into the street and stay inside their Hilde Mundle
homes. That’s his next move once the refugees are Hilde is an industrious human who has run the tavern for
organized at Mill Hill. more than a decade. Normally cheerful and poised, she’s
• Axel is at a loss on where to start the investigation. tired and preparing herself for the worst while hoping for
He thinks it’s odd that Nimbus the wizard as well as the best.
his assistant Gentry are both missing, but the affairs
of wizards are not his business. • Hilde is concerned about Elspeth, who was on
• Elspeth Arcade, a young tiefling, has a bit of a edge and distracted the night before and has been
knack for the arcane. But she tries to keep it hidden. especially paranoid since reports of the mist first
Maybe she knows something about the mists. She arrived.
works in Mill Hill Tavern. • Hilde cares for the girl greatly and knows she’s
been saving up quite a bit of coin to pay her way
into the mage’s college in the big city.
• Hilde doesn’t know much about the mist, only
what she’s heard: That it seems to be transforming
folks’ belongings into dangerous objects with minds
of their own.
• None of this bodes well for business. Hilde’s
mostly resigned herself to turning the tavern into
a makeshift shelter for refugees but knows there’s
not enough room for everyone in the surrounding
reveal the following with a successful DC 16 Charisma for clues to where they went, and if the party is
(Intimidation or Persuasion) check: planning to check out Nimbus’s tower, the Stones’
place is a stone’s throw away.
• Hilde suspects Elspeth might have been messing
around inside Nimbus’s tower because this morning A DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check will reveal Elspeth
she showed up for work carrying a bag that shouts knows more than she’s letting on. She could be compelled
“If found, return to Nimbus Goldenhand” every to share the following information with a successful DC
time you pick it up. 12 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) check.
• The bag is hidden behind the bar, wrapped in
another bag (to keep it quiet) and tied to a hook (in • Elspeth snuck into Nimbus’s tower last night,
case it comes to life). mostly out of curiosity, but also because she thought
if she could find something of value—something
Elspeth Arcade small—she could sell it and pay her way through
Elspeth is an energetic young tiefling who’s worked at mage college.
Mill Hill for years. Elspeth’s eyes gleam red in firelight • Elspeth assumed Gentry and the Stone siblings
and she wears her black hair in a single long braid. A DC had disabled all the tower’s defenses. She now
15 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) realizes she was very, very wrong.
check would reveal her braid looks as if it was freshly cut • She was in Nimbus’s tower when she saw a mist
at the end. billowing out of a clockwork dragon’s head in the
A curious person, she overheard Gentry Thorne and courtyard. She saw it moments after she grabbed
two dwarves—the Stone siblings—planning a theft about a small satchel. The mist animated several objects
a week ago. However, she unknowingly missed the part inside the courtyard and she ran as fast as she
where the trio went over the tower’s defenses. could—but not before a pair of animated shears
Elspeth is clearly nervous; she stutters and has trouble snipped off a portion of her braid.
paying attention. • She doesn’t want to tell the bailiff, Axel Cobblepot,
Thinking the tower’s defenses were inactive, she snuck because she doesn’t want to go to jail—or worse.
into Nimbus’s tower last night, took a handful of minor She just wanted to see what it was like inside a real
valuables and inadvertently activated the tower’s magical wizard’s tower. She’s very sorry. All of this is true.
defenses. Terrified of being cursed, Elspeth immediately • Elspeth thinks she knows how to stop the mists
fled back to Tradecross and has been on edge ever since. but doesn’t dare go back into the tower. She has
Elspeth knows some information that she will happily created a spell scroll—a version of the dispel magic
reveal to the party. She also knows more than she’s letting spell—that she will give the party if they are willing
on. She would only reveal self-incriminating information to try to stop things from getting worse.
at GM discretion:
If the party is able to get Elspeth to open up about her
• Gentry Thorne, Fundra Stone and Grundle foray into petty larceny, she will reveal that she pinched
Stone broke into Nimbus’s tower using Gentry’s a bag that seems to be bottomless—a handy haversack
knowledge of its defenses. All three are regulars at filled with random spell scrolls. This is the bag Hilde
Mill Hill and the Stone siblings have a reputation knows about.
for being troublemakers. If the party is unable to get Elspeth or Hilde to
• Gentry convinced the Stone siblings to help him reveal the location of the bag, it could be found by
break into the tower while his master was away and searching the bar with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
they agreed to split the take three ways. (Investigation) check.
• Gentry was very specific about what he wanted
from the tower—Nimbus’s master spellbook. Gentry
spoke at length about all the valuable knowledge
it contained: the spells, magic item recipes and
command words Nimbus uses.
• Assuming the animated objects are a spell effect
conjured by Nimbus, his spellbook likely has a
passphrase or code word or magical incantation
listed within it to shut off. If the party can find
Gentry, they can find the spellbook.
• The Stone siblings live up the road from here, on
the way to Nimbus’s tower. No one has seen them or
Gentry for a week, so they likely left town. But their
place is close enough that it could be investigated
Part 3: Into the Mists
The contents of the scroll bag are a good way to
customize the adventure for your group. Because GM NOTE: A CONTINUAL THREAT
scrolls are single-use, they’re not likely to unbalance
The mists engulf the countryside to within a
a game for long and many spells appear on multiple
stone’s throw of Tradecross’s northern boundary.
class spell lists, making it easier to include a few
Numerous farmsteads, barns, sheds and miles
useful and interesting spells. For instance, including
and miles of fencing get up and make their way
a scroll of greater restoration gives the party the
towards Nimbus’s tower, where they rebuild
exact spell they need to restore Gentry (more on
themselves into palisades, barricades, reinforced
that later) and giving them scrolls allowing them
trenches and all manner of crude war machines.
to cast spider climb, shatter, levitate, knock, dispel
More mobile objects patrol the main road.
magic, passwall or move earth will be very useful in
Players should consider what gear their
investigating Nimbus’s tower.
characters are bringing into the mists and specify
You can choose which spell scrolls to include
which items they are actively interacting with,
or roll on the table on pg. 153 to select them at
as well as how they’d like to proceed along the
road: stealthily or with a bit of outward swagger.
If the party doesn’t acquire this item but you’d
Depending on your party’s level, you may want
like to ensure they have it, a deputy could find
to impose a random encounter involving a group
it behind the bar and present it to Axel—who
of animated objects upon them to keep the party
would then grant the party access to it during
engaged—or allow them to pass through this area
the course of their investigation (he’s a simple
unharassed, describing animated objects making
man and wouldn’t know how to use a spell scroll
their way to the tower to defend it rather than
for anything other than keeping his shirt clean
bothering with going on offense.
during a feast).
Routes to the Mist Room A staircase, the same from Route 1, leading down to
There are three routes through the tower to the room the mist room (pg. 260) is accessible here.
that powers the mists. Each one presents its own
obstacles and challenges. Note: Rooms and floors not Route 3: Through the Caves
listed here may exist, but are at GM discretion. This route takes the party from the cave entrance
further down the hill through either the cockatrice
Route 1: Through the Front Door caves or the glassblowing furnace, into the alchemy
This route takes the party from the front door, by lab, and then the mist room. It is the shortest
whatever means of entry, into the grand foyer, through route but also the hardest to find and is guarded by
the dining hall and then down into the mist room. Nimbus’s favorite pet basilisk.
There is a connection with Route 2 from the dining hall At the back of the cave is a tunnel that winds its
to the private lounge. Route 1 is the easiest to access way 50 feet into the hill before splitting. At the fork,
but takes the party through the dining hall where the chained to a stout ring set in the cave wall facing the
majority of the rowdy household objects congregate. tunnel, is a sleeping basilisk. The basilisk is used to
The couches and chairs of the house have put Nimbus doting on it and feeding it treats, but with
Nimbus’s familiar, a house cat named Zenobia, on trial Gentry gone no one has fed it in a week and it’s weak
in the dining hall for crimes against fabric. There are and hungry. The basilisk will love anyone who feeds
whispers among the more expensive curios witnessing it fresh meat and is domesticated enough that it will
the sham trial that after the fountain renders its verdict, avert its gaze while they do so.
the velveteen chaise lounge is going to lead a violent The left tunnel heads to the glass furnace where
uprising against all felines. The objects here will not Nimbus makes his own potion bottles out of specially
tolerate the party’s presence for very long. selected sand. A magmin lives in the furnace and can
Quite a lot of mist is seeping out from under a cause it to belch out globs of molten glass. Beyond the
doorway in the dining hall in this space, and any furnace is a door leading to the alchemy lab.
member of the party who investigates would likely The right tunnel leads to the cave where Nimbus
understand it to lead to the source. This door leads to a raises bespoke breeds of cockatrice—songbird
mist-filled staircase, which would take the party to the cockatrice, peacockatrice, turkey cockatrice, etc.
mist room (pg. 260). The cages are open and empty, but there is a chance
that one or two of the curious bird-lizards is poking
Route 2: Through a Window around for food, at GM discretion. At the back of this
This route takes the party from one of the east windows cave is another door which leads to the alchemy lab.
into Nimbus’s private lounge, through his bedroom The equipment in the alchemy lab is animated and
into his library and down a spiral staircase into the mist very dangerous: gray ooze lurks in a ceramic tub
room. There is a connection with Route 1, in that the of failed potions and the distilling apparatus sprays
stairs can be accessed from the dining hall. Nimbus’s acid while empty glass vials pelt the party, at GM
personal quarters are filled with all sorts of dangerous discretion. Some of the potions in this room have
curios to deter intruders: rugs of smothering, healing properties, however. At GM discretion, an
animated armor, taxidermied monsters and a stuffed animated potion of healing could choose to “attack” a
young blue dragon’s head on the door above his party member by slinging its contents at them, healing
bedroom that can use its breath weapon. The doors in 7 (2d4 + 2) hit points instead of dealing acid damage.
this part of the house are all concealed and guarded by Within the lab is a staircase that leads upward—
animated trophies of Nimbus’s prior adventures. directly into the mist room (pg. 260).
Actions STR
10 (0)
10 (0)
10 (0)
14 (+2)
10 (0)
10 (0)
Spear (two-handed). Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Skills Arcana +4, Deception +2
Hit: (1d8 + 2) piercing damage. Spellcasting Gentry is a 1st-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. is Intelligence (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). Gentry
Hit: (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. has the following wizard spells prepared:
Spear. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 20/60 ft., one
target. Hit: (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. Cantrips (at will): acid splash, light, mage hand
1st level (3 slots): expeditious retreat, fog cloud, grease
Bonus Action
Rallying Cry (1/short rest). As a bonus action, Axel can rally his
allies. Any ally within 30 feet of Axel when he makes a rallying cry
can use their reaction to make a single attack.
Fundra Stone (female dwarf bandit)
Fundra is a jovial prankster whose love of pushing
limits and tormenting others with cruel tricks makes
her popular with the local backcountry ruffians and
scofflaws. Having lived the life of a wandering outcast,
Fundra now aspires to raise a war band of other outcast
dwarves and wage war on her former home. Fundra
joined her brother because she believed the tower
contained magic items that would aid in her revenge.
In conversation, Fundra is argumentative and laughs
loudly at inappropriate times. Fundra uses the bandit
stat block, but also has gauntlets of ogre kind and boots
of striding and springing.
Nimbus Goldenhand
An eccentric mage of impossible-to-ascertain power,
Nimbus functions as a driver of plot in this adventure
as well as a last-minute failsafe should things go awry.
His stat block is at GM discretion and could range from
mage to archmage to ancient gold dragon in disguise,
depending on your party’s desires to try to fight him.
Prickly Cacti. These cacti are suitable for half cover from Lowe also has the following information regarding a
melee and ranged attacks, but a creature that comes into recent event in Hal’Mostafan, which he can provide at
contact with these cacti suffers 3 (1d6) piercing damage. GM discretion:
A creature that suffers this damage twice in one day must
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed • Three days ago, the city guard was all abuzz over an
save, they scream out an exclamation of pain (e.g., “OUCH, event that occurred at the city vaults. The powers
son of a...”), revealing their position to any individuals that be are trying to keep it quiet, but the rumor on
within 60 feet. the street is one of the royal vaults was broken into
and ransacked.
Juicy Palm Trees. These trees offer half cover to any • Lowe spoke with the Lord Magistrate yesterday
creatures attempting to avoid melee damage and three- afternoon regarding this special order and the Lord
quarter cover from ranged attacks. Creatures attempting Magistrate let slip that he was surreptitiously
to hide in these trees gain +2 to Dexterity (Stealth) checks looking for skilled individuals for an important task
for the duration (assuming they can avoid the cacti). The and that he was willing to pay handsomely.
juicy palm’s leaves contain a sap-like substance that is toxic • It follows that these two facts are related, but only
if it comes into contact with exposed skin (or through an the Lord Magistrate could say for certain.
injury). A creature exposed to juicy palm poison in this
way must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or The party will find Lowe is a garrulous individual
suffer 9 (2d8) poison damage. who will talk their ears off the entire way to the Royal
A creature would know juicy palm trees contain this Complex where the high seat of the Royal Court is
toxic sap with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Nature) check. located.
If any member of the party tries to get a read on
From Bad to Worse Lowe, a Wisdom (Insight) check might reveal more
At GM discretion, roll 1d4 on the table below to
determine how the encounter at this location escalates. • A DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals Lowe is
Mild Complications honest in his intentions. He wishes to introduce
the party to the Lord Magistrate out of gratitude for
1d4 The party discovers...
the party’s help.
1 of the bandits can cast polymorph once • A character that succeeds on a DC 25
per day (DC 16). Wisdom (Insight) check would infer that ambition
...the bandit captain never goes anywhere colors Lowe’s intentions. He is genuine, but it would
2 without his trusty owlbear mount, which is just be disingenuous to suggest he doesn’t have an
a few steps behind him. ulterior motive: The Magistrate is looking for heroes. of the bandits has the ability to Lowe thinks he’s found some. Hopefully, there will be
immediately attune to any magical item, and a reward for this introduction.
he’s very, very strong (+8 on checks to rip a
weapon or item out of another creature’s hands). of the bandits can cast any 1st-level spell,
but doing so causes a wild magic surge (pg. 176).
Lowe leads you past an outer wall where the guards Less than a minute later you hear the clicking sound
barely give you a passing glance, nodding to the of heeled shoes on the marble floors. The door across
diminutive merchant as they wave you through the sitting room opens, revealing a tall regal figure of
the gate. The Royal Complex is a stunning, awe- muscular build with a shaven bald pate that gleams
inspiring building. Alabaster stone trimmed in gold as if recently oiled. A neatly trimmed beard adds to
and silver with burnished golden domes. Towering the angular nature of his jawline. He wears robes of
minarets topped with the royal seal—a golden deep purple lined in shining gold and silver thread
hawk imposed over the rising sun—ring the central and an ornate platinum circlet around his brow over
courtyard. piercing gray-blue eyes reminiscent of thunderheads.
He sweeps into the room and sits down on one of the
divans on the opposite side of the room. He settles in,
As Lowe leads the party across the grand central then speaks in a low, rumbling voice: “I am told you
courtyard and into the complex of the Royal Palace, are quite the capable group of individuals. Perhaps
astute party members might notice the following things you would be interested in turning your skills against
at GM discretion: something other than simple bandits. I can make you
a very lucrative offer for your assistance in a matter of
• Guards carrying polearms and wicked-looking great importance to the crown.”
curved swords are everywhere, standing guard at the
entrances of buildings and walking the interior
perimeter of the complex. This is the Lord Magistrate Akronis Mestica. He sits as
• Soldiers in light armor patrol the grounds with the highest judge in the royal court and he has a problem.
large guard drakes, their draconic eyes scanning for He will provide the party the following information:
signs of trouble as their tongues flick out to taste the
air, as if gathering further clues. • He will immediately offer to pay the party 500 gp
• Guards, armed with heavy crossbows, also march for assisting Lowe and protecting his merchandise.
along the walls high above the courtyard grounds The Lord Magistrate commends the party for their
• To the side of the courtyard, three wide-eyed swift action and tells them he has already dispatched
individuals in mage’s robes stare at a silvery rippling royal guards to the site of the assault to deal with any
surface as it resolves into an image of the eastern side bodies left behind and/or to start tracking the
of the city, an arcane surveillance system that allows remaining would-be thieves.
them to view vast portions of the area at a time. • Three days ago, several priceless heirlooms
belonging to the Surdan-Nedala family were stolen
The halls of the Royal Complex are a warren of from the royal vaults. He describes the items as a
libraries, records rooms and sitting rooms—further blood-red ruby the size of a chicken egg engraved
exploration is possible, but details are at GM discretion. with the royal crest and inlaid in gold, a platinum
scepter topped with a piece of star metal and an
ancient book made of gold that documents the
Lowe leads you to the basement level of the building lineage of the Surdan-Nedalas back to their earliest
and into a small antechamber. He knocks on a door ancestors.
on the other side of this room, and a gruff-looking • It is unknown how the theft occurred and there are
guard allows him to pass through. “Just one moment,” no other items missing.
Lowe calls back to you, before stepping through the • The day after the break-in at the vaults, the royal
door. You are left to wait in a modest-sized but lavishly guard captured a thief named Nedrin Al’Mirrant,
appointed sitting room, which features plush couches who claimed he heard the items in question were
and overstuffed cushions as well as a small sideboard going to be sold in two days’ time at an auction at
containing two crystal decanters, both covered in a hidden black market bazaar. The thief claimed not
condensation. One appears to contain chilled red wine, to know the location of the bazaar.
the other water and sliced cucumber.
The Lord Magistrate is willing to offer the party a sum
of 7,000 gp to track down and return the artifacts.
A perceptive character can just make out low voices If the party seems uncertain as to whether or not
with a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check, coming from they wish to get involved, at GM discretion the Lord
the room into which Lowe disappeared, where phrases Magistrate will offer up to an additional 3,000 gp as well
like “Heroes, eh?” and “They look very powerful” are as access to one magical item of very rare or lesser value
heard among muffled chatter. to sweeten the deal to get them to take the job.
Part 3: A Body of Evidence
The party, at the Lord Magistrate’s urging, will be led
At this point in the adventure your party should across the Royal Complex to the Royal Prison by a pair
have no reason to question the Lord Magistrate’s of guards. Once inside they are taken to a room on the
actions. They have no way of knowing the lower level of the structure.
real Lord Magistrate has been replaced by
a shapeshifting demon intent on collecting
powerful adventurers’ souls to sell to the highest You are shown into a large rectangular room with
bidder. The fiend has no intentions of paying several stone slab tables running down its center.
the party because he does not expect them to The air is musty and carries whiffs of ammonia and
return to Hal’Mostafan after they journey into necrosis. Lying on one of the stone slabs, as if left out for
the desert. When role-playing Akronis Mestica, a purpose, is a body-shaped form covered with a white
remember that he is sure of purpose, does not sheet that is stained with blood in several places. The
embellish or exaggerate and sticks to the facts of guards who led you here step outside of the room and
what happened. He wants the party to accept the close the door. You can hear them taking up positions
mission, but do not make him seem overeager, on either side of the door. Next to the body, on a small
for that might tip off his true intentions. He also tray labeled “Al’Mirrant” are a pair of items that appear
has an innate ability to shroud himself in an to be personal items taken from the body.
effect that duplicates the magic aura spell. This
allows him to hide his true nature even from a
paladin’s Divine Sense ability or from spells like Removing the sheet, the party will immediately be
detect evil and good. Even still, he’d likely keep able to tell the following things about the body of Nedrin
at least 60 feet between himself and the party to Al’Mirrant:
stay on the safe side.
• He has dark eyes, dark hair, a neat beard braided at
Once the party accepts the job the Lord Magistrate will the chin and sun-kissed, almost bronze skin.
provide the following information: • He still wears the clothing of a resident of
Hal’Mostafan, with loose breeches and a tunic of
• Al’Mirrant, the thief who revealed the intel about light colors, as well as a sweeping cloak of loose fabric
the black market bazaar, was killed when he draped about his body to protect it from the sun.
attempted to escape from the Royal Prison. However, • He bears several wounds on his forearms and
the Lord Magistrate would give the party leave to hands, as well as a large slash on the lower right side
inspect the thief ’s body for any clues. of his abdomen.
• The Lord Magistrate offers to provide the party • The items on the tray are a blank piece of
with any assistance they may need in the course of parchment that has a small amount of Al’Mirrant’s
their investigation. blood on it and a large, plain-looking metal key.
After the party has been in the black market bazaar for
enough time to allow them to explore the wares available, Suddenly, you find yourselves ringed by the crowd
a gong starts to ring through the spacious cavern. on all sides as Brambushali’s gaze falls to you. “It
was so kind of you to join us, heroes!” they say with a
sneer that pulls their features into a feral expression.
A low-pitched gong rings out through the bazaar and Brambushali grins at the crowd and says, “Once they
the crowd, almost in unison, begins to move toward the are secure, we shall start the bidding! Get them, my
raised area at the northern end of the cavern. Moving darlings!”
toward the dais, you can see on the other side is an Brambushali raises a heavy gold collar, and from
ornate wagon pulled by a massive pair of metallic- two dimensional rifts, demonic forms appear and
looking gorgons. streak toward you.
A thin and wiry individual, wearing robes of crimson
trimmed with gold in intricate patterns at the hems
and cuffs, steps out onto the dais and approaches the Brambushali is a shapeshifted rakshasa who has
lectern. This figure, brushes sleek silvery hair from their summoned two bearded devils to assist them in taking
face and regards the crowd with overly large eyes before control of the party. These creatures would fight to the
shouting, “My friends! My friends! Welcome, welcome. death. The map on pg. 274 should prove useful during
I am Tamaka Brambushali, as some of you know. I hope this encounter. Brambushali’s stat block can be found on
you have found all you were looking for among the pg. 278 of this book. The crowd of onlookers participates
wagons. But I know why you are all really here!” Their in the fight, acting as a lair action which occurs on
voice increases in volume and intensity and you can feel initiative count 10, as outlined on pg. 275.
the energy in the crowd around you shifting. “You are Brambushali is a cunning fighter who would use the
here for the main event! The Heroes Auction!” The crowd crowd to their advantage. They also aren’t afraid to avail
around you begins to applaud and cheer. themselves of the Dominion Collars they have planned to
use to secure the party into their service and would have
access to 1d4 of them at GM discretion. If Brambushali
As this goes on a character with a passive Perception has more than one collar, their first instinct would be to
of 17 or better will realize the crowds have subtly moved get a powerful spellcaster under control, followed by the
and shifted to put the party near to the front of the dais. member of the party that seems capable of dealing the
Anyone with a passive Insight of 14 or better starts to most weapon-based damage, at GM discretion. If both
feel an intense feeling of greed and hunger from the these attempts are successful, Brambushali would work
surrounding crowd. to subdue the other members of the party by using their
allies against them, as the situation allows.
Armor Class 19 Distant Spell. When they cast a spell that has a range greater
Hit Points 110 (13d8 + 52) than 5 feet, Brambushali can spend 1 sorcery point to double the
Speed 40 ft. range of the spell. When they cast a spell with the range of touch,
they can spend 1 sorcery point to make the range of the spell 30 ft.
Heightened Spell. When they cast a spell that forces a creature to
14 (+2) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) make a saving throw to resist its effects, Brambushali can spend
3 sorcery points to give one target of the spell disadvantage on its
Skills Deception +10, Insight +8 first saving throw made against the spell.
Damage Vulnerabilities piercing from magic weapons Quickened Spell. When they cast a spell that has a casting time
wielded by good creatures of 1 action, Brambushali can spend 2 sorcery points to change
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing and the casting time to 1 bonus action for that casting.
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Spellcasting. Brambushali is an 11th-level spellcaster.
Languages Common, Infernal
Their spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18,
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
+10 to hit with spell attacks). Brambushali has the
Limited Magic Immunity. Brambushali can’t be affected following Sorcerer spells prepared:
or detected by spells of 6th level or lower unless they wish to be.
They have advantage on saving throws against all other spells and Cantrips (at will): chill touch, firebolt, message, prestidigitation,
magical effects. shocking grasp, true strike
Steeped in Shadow. Brambushali innately knows the darkness 1st Level (4 slots): fog cloud, magic missile, shield
spell. In addition, they can cast it by spending 2 sorcery points or 2nd Level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, blur, scorching ray
by expending a spell slot. If they cast the spell with sorcery points, 3rd Level (3 slots): fear, lightning bolt
they can see through the darkness created by the spell. 4th Level (3 slots): dimension door, wall of fire
Innate Spellcasting. Brambushali’s innate spellcasting 5th Level (2 slots): hold monster
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). 6th Level (1 slot): eyebite
They can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material
components: Actions
Multiattack. Brambushali makes two claw attacks.
At will: detect thoughts, disguise self, mage hand, minor illusion Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
3/long rest: charm person, detect magic, invisibility, Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage and the target is cursed if it is
major image, suggestion a creature. The magical curse takes effect whenever the target
1/long rest: dominate person, fly, plane shift, true seeing takes a short or long rest, filling the target’s thoughts with horrible
images and dreams. The cursed target gains no benefit from
Metamagic. Brambushali is a skilled sorcerer who is finishing a short or long rest. The curse lasts until it is lifted by a
able to shape and change their magic to suit their needs. remove curse spell or similar magic.
Lord Magistrate Akronis Mestica know is the Lord Magistrate was murdered not long ago
Residents of the city of Hal’Mostafan know the Lord and has been replaced by a shapeshifting fiend who is
Magistrate to be a decisive and direct man who metes quite good at impersonating his predecessor.
out justice on behalf of the monarchy. What they do not
Lord Magistrate Akronis Mestica Expertly Hidden. The Lord Magistrate has the innate ability to
shield his true nature from those around him, friend or foe. He is
Large fiend, lawful evil constantly under an effect that duplicates the spell magic aura.
Deft Escape (1/long rest). The Lord Magistrate has the innate
Armor Class 19 ability to instantly teleport to a plane of his choosing. This is not a
Hit Points 189 (18d10 + 90) spell, and cannot be countered by traditional means.
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
Multiattack. The Lord Magistrate makes three melee attacks: two
21 (+5) 17 (+3) 21 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 17 (+3)
with his fork and one with his tail. He can use Hurl Flame in place
Saving Throws STR +10, DEX +7, WIS +7, CHA +7 of any melee attack.
Skills Stealth +8, Deception +8 Fork. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing and Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing and 7 (2d6) fire damage.
slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Damage Immunities fire, poison Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature
Condition Immunities poisoned other than an undead or a construct, it must succeed on a DC 17
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13 Constitution saving throw or lose 10 (3d6) hit points at the start
Languages Infernal, Telepathy 120 ft.
of each of its turns due to an infernal wound. Each time the devil
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
hits the wounded target with this attack, the damage dealt by the
Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the Lord wound increases by 10 (3d6). Any creature can take an action to
Magistrate’s darkvision. stanch the wound with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine)
Magical Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws check. The wound also closes if the target receives magical healing.
against spells and other magical effects. Hurl Flame. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 150 ft., one
Silvered Tongue. The Lord Magistrate is a practiced speaker and target. Hit: 14 (4d6) fire damage. If the target is a flammable
has advantage on all Charisma checks. object that isn’t being worn or carried, it also catches fire.
Infernal Healing. The Lord Magistrate is fueled by the victims Howling Vengeance (recharge 6). The Lord Magistrate Mestica
of his Infernal Wounds. Any time a creature takes damage at the howls in vengeful fury and selects a point within 60 feet. A
start of its turn from the ongoing effect of the Lord Magistrate’s tail howling inferno of screams and flame erupts from that point in a
attack, he regains hit points equal to half of the damage inflicted. 10-foot radius. Every creature in that area of effect must succeed
Shapeshifter. The Lord Magistrate can use an action to magically on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or suffer 22 (5d8) thunder
polymorph into a Medium humanoid, or back into his true form. damage and 22 (5d8) fire damage and be knocked prone. On a
His statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment he is successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and is not
wearing or carrying is also transformed. He reverts to his true knocked prone.
form if he dies.
Captain Halra
A broad-shouldered, scar-covered and dutiful leader of
the city guard in Hal’Mostafan, Captain Halra is devoted
to the protection of the wishes of the royal family, but
also has a sense of morality that extends beyond the
monarchy. She uses gladiator statistics, but also has the
following feature:
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of Open Content: The Open Content in this book includes
this License with every copy of the Open Game Content the rules and game mechanics found throughout, as
You Distribute. well as monster names, monster statistics and monster
abilities, as defined in the Open Game License version
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than
advertise the Open Game Content using the name of the material designated as Open Game Content may be
any Contributor unless You have written permission reproduced in any form without written permission.
from the Contributor to do so.
To the wonderful staff at Media Lab Books, but in particular Jeff Ashworth, Phil Sexton, Tim Baker,
Courtney Kerrigan, Tara Sherman, Madeline Raynor, Glen Karpowich and Nancy Puskuldjian: Without
your work, this book would still be a jumble of random information in my head. Your willingness to
work with me on my first solo project in this series is a gift I will forever treasure. Jeff, your guidance on
this project was absolutely invaluable. Phil, your invitation to author this book and your belief in me is
something I will never forget. Thank you so much for your time and unflinching support. To all of you, if
we are ever in a position to share a drink, in this realm or another, the first few rounds are on me.
Special thanks to Robbie Daymond who took the time to write the foreword to this book. Thank you for
your kind words!
To one-shot creators Matt, Marty and Nick Forbeck (Never Tell Me The Odds) and Jim Davis (Animated
Defense), whose creations provided wonderful additions to this title: I look forward to running your
adventures at my home. The twists and turns of the stories you have created were masterfully crafted and
a ton of fun to read.
To illustrators Jasmine Kalle, Doug Kovacs, and Chris Seaman. Your wonderful art breathes a life
and soul into the text in a way I never could. Thank you for providing such beautiful fuel for our
To my gaming groups: Each person I have ever shared a table with has shaped, influenced and inspired
me. Your imaginative characters, wonderful plot lines and moments of creative spontaneity remind me
on a weekly basis why this game is so awesome.
To my parents: From the moment I picked up my first fantasy novel in third grade, I knew writing was
something I wanted to do. You encouraged me to imagine beyond the boundaries of convention—to live
large and dream big—every step of the way. I wouldn’t have done this without you.
Finally, to my wonderful, patient, accommodating wife and children, your willingness to allow me to
escape into a world behind the keyboard to pursue this dream has been incredible: Your unrelenting
support means more to me than you could possibly know. Your brilliant ideas, gentle suggestions and
honest critiques made this book what it is. In the moments when I felt inadequate and frustrated, you
helped remind me they were just words and even though words are hard, putting them on the page was
all that it took to make something awesome. Thank you so much for allowing me to chase this childhood
fancy. Thank you for being my ride-or-die companions through this life, the greatest of adventures and
the most wonderful of stories.
Media Lab Books
For inquiries, call 646-449-8614
Copyright 2023 Ben Egloff
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical
means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the
publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.
Certain photographs used in this publication are used by license or permission from the owner thereof
or are otherwise publicly available. This publication is not endorsed by any person or entity appearing
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ISBN-13: 978-1-956403-25-1
ISBN-10: 1-956403-25-6
Vice President & Publisher Phil Sexton Chief Content Officer Jeff Ashworth
Senior Vice President of Sales & New Markets Tom Mifsud Director of Editorial Operations Courtney Kerrigan
Vice President of Retail Sales & Logistics Linda Greenblatt Senior Acquisitions Editor Noreen Henson
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Digital Marketing & Strategy Manager Elyse Gregov Executive Editor Tim Baker
Cover: Shutterstock
Photos: Shutterstock, pages 4, 230, 275
Illustrations by
Jasmine Kalle
pgs. 241, 243, 257, 266, 272, 280
Doug Kovacs
pgs. 11, 31, 33, 51, 73, 119, 131, 149, 175, 188, 197, 229
Chris Seaman
pgs. 15, 19, 21, 39, 45, 67, 74, 151, 193, 195, 199, 217
All others Shutterstock
Your GMs
BEN EGLOFF brings more than 30 years of nerdy MARTY FORBECK is a writer and game designer.
obsession to bear in The Game Master’s Book of He graduated from the University of Wisconsin–
Astonishing Random Tables. Having provided content Madison in spring 2020 with a degree in creative
for both the Game Master’s Book of Non-Player writing. Since then, he has worked on multiple projects
Characters and The Game Master’s Book of Traps, in the Shotguns & Sorcery line. He lives in Appleton,
Puzzles and Dungeons, he couldn’t be happier to have WI, with his wife, Laura.
the opportunity to author this most recent addition to
a wonderful series. A chronicler of the weird and the
wacky, Ben spends the majority of his time writing NICHOLAS J. FORBECK is a lifelong gamer and
about the world around him. When he isn’t writing, he writer. This is his first published work as a game
enjoys spending his time playing make-believe in the designer. He lives in Beloit, WI, with his parents and is
far-flung worlds of magic, fantasy and science fiction a core member of Matt’s rotating cast of children.
through a variety of different TTRPGs, board games
and video games. Ben lives in the glorious Midwest
with his wife, Mandy; his two boys; two insane dogs; JIM DAVIS is a cofounder of Web DM, a YouTube
and a cat that believes it is the deity of the realm (and channel dedicated to helping Game Masters expand
to be fair, it pretty much is). the possibilities of their games and inspiring game
groups to embrace player-driven, open-world
ROBBIE DAYMOND is a talented and prolific voice
actor whose credits include Spider-Man/Peter Parker
in Marvel’s Spider-Man, Tuxedo Mask in Sailor Moon, DOUG KOVACS received a BA from Columbia
Prompto in Final Fantasy XV, Akechi in Persona 5, College Chicago and has created illustrations for
Megumi Fushiguro in Jujutsu Kaisen, Jesse in Infinity a variety of projects including role-playing games
Train and countless others. In the TTRPG space, he is (Wizards of the Coast, Goodman Games and more),
perhaps best known for portraying fan-favorite Dorian collectible trading cards, T-shirts, murals, concept art
Storm, a recurring character on the enormously popular and more. He lives in Chicago.
live-play streaming series Critical Role. Robbie resides
in Los Angeles with his wife and children.
JASMINE KALLE is an RPG fanatic currently living
in Queensland, Australia. This is her fourth time
MATT FORBECK is an award-winning and New York supplying maps for the Game Master series.
Times-bestselling author and game designer with more
than 30 novels and countless games published to date.
His projects have won a Peabody Award, a Scribe Award, CHRIS SEAMAN has been a freelance illustrator in
10 ENNIEs and 17 Origins Awards. He also runs the hobby games for more than 20 years. His work can be
Diana Jones Award Foundation. His latest work includes seen in such properties as Skylanders, Dungeons &
Hard West 2, Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus, the Marvel Dragons, Kaijudo: Duel Masters, World of Warcraft,
Multiverse Role-Playing Game and the Shotguns & Harry Potter, Hearthstone, Pathfinder and Magic:
Sorcery 5E Sourcebook based on his novels. He lives in The Gathering. He is a contributor to ImagineFX
Beloit, WI, with his wife and a rotating cast of college- and 3D Total magazines. He continues to add to his
age children. Check out Cameo Creeps collection, personal and commissioned
projects and exhibits around the U.S.
THE THRILL OF A WELL-EXECUTED ENCOUNTER, the curiosity inspired by a realm rich with lore and intrigue, the
heights of drama, the depths of comedy, the triumph of a critical hit and the tragedy of its opposite—these are the
moments all Game Masters strive to create. Delivering for your players each time you run a session can take hours
of planning. Or, if you use this book, a minute or two. While The Game Master’s Book of Astonishing Random Tables is
not a wondrous item, you’d be forgiven for assuming it has magical properties. That’s because within these pages
are countless adventure hooks—side quests and travel complications and chase sequences and skill challenges and
other encounters suitable for any environment. And that’s just one section.
WITH THIS BOOK BY YOUR SIDE, you can develop an entire campaign setting, its pantheon, its
various continental forms and the proclivities of its population. From the big questions (“Where does
magic come from?,” “Who’s in charge?,” “Why are we at war with our neighbors?”) down to the most
minute details (“Can my party avoid paying property taxes on their new keep if it’s actually an instant
fortress?”), this book’s tables have you covered. Develop a rich tapestry of trade and commerce by
randomizing your realm’s economy or find out who’s really pulling the strings by rolling on the Puppet
Government table. Want more ideas? How about a table of curses or dreams or wild magic results or
spell scroll side effects or a random potion generator or a list of things your party shouldn’t touch (but
probably will)? All those and much, much more are waiting within. So relax, unwind and unleash the
unknown. By letting this book spark your creativity and set the stage for each session, you can focus
on the important things (like how to properly destroy that instant fortress).
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