Maintaining Focus - Toolbox

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Maintaining Focus

Toolbox Topic
Staying Focused
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As we move into a period where there will be an extended break due to the
shutdown and the impending completion of the project, it is imperative that
we all stay focused on the tasks at hand.
All the things that are important to people are on people’s minds and can
serve as a distraction from working safely:
• Spending quality time with your family.
• Seeing friends that you rarely get a chance to catch up with.
• Taking a hard earned holiday.
• Spending time doing the things that you like to do but often don’t get
much of a chance.
These are some of the reasons people come to work.
Losing your focus on safety is the one thing that can take these important
things away from you and it can happen in an instant!

Staying Focused
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• We can quickly become automated at work.

• Jobs and tasks become second nature to us. We often can complete them without
giving much thought to it.

• This automated response to task completion is a natural part of human behaviour, and
can be your worst enemy in terms of staying safe at work.

• To give yourself the best chance of staying safe at work, you need to switch off your
“Autopilot” and concentrate fully on the task at hand.

• This is not always an easy thing to do, as you will naturally want to turn your “Autopilot”

• Rushing to complete projects or trying to meet deadlines can often raise stress levels.

• Resist the urge, keep your mind fully on the job.

Staying Focused
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• Identify and report the hazards in your work area by continually scanning your work

➢ This may sound simple, but by identifying and taking the time to complete a
hazard report, assists in keeping you focused on tasks at hand and safety.

• Use your HSE tools – pre-starts / risk management tools

• Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and maintain a healthy diet.

• Avoid caffeinated drinks.

• Make sure you get an adequate amount of sleep.

• Make Health & Safety Your Priority Goal.

Staying Focused
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• Plan your job and don't take shortcuts. Talk about safety and the risks with your team
mates and Supervisor. A few minutes spent talking about the right way to do the job will
be time well spent.

• Your attitude towards health and safety is a psychological driver of the types of
behaviours that you may exhibit.

• The type of behaviour that you exhibit leads directly to the consequences that you

• Please stay focused on the task at hand while working and go home to your family and

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• Please sign on the sign-off sheet.

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