Thrombocytopenia: in Infants and Children
Thrombocytopenia: in Infants and Children
Thrombocytopenia: in Infants and Children
*Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA; Diagnostic Referral Division, A.I. duPont
Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE.
for other reasons. Patients who have moderate throm- ● Platelet activation and consumption
50!103/!L (30 and 50!109/L) are rarely symptom- ● Platelet sequestration and trapping
ITP is now classified by duration into newly diag- nia. Mothers of infants who manifest unexplained neo-
nosed, persistent (3- to 12-month duration), and natal thrombocytopenia should be investigated for the
chronic (#12-month duration). (2)(3) Whereas ITP in presence of an autoimmune disorder because neonatal
adults typically has an insidious onset and follows a thrombocytopenia can sometimes be the presenting sign
chronic course, ITP in children is usually short-lived, of maternal disease. Clinical signs are consistent with
with about two thirds of patients making full and sus- isolated thrombocytopenia, as in NAIT.
tained recoveries within 6 months of presentation, with The risk of severe thrombocytopenia and ICH is
or without treatment. (2)(3) Children who have persis- greater in alloimmune than in autoimmune neonatal
tent or chronic ITP or who manifest any atypical features thrombocytopenia. Ninety percent of infants born to
should be referred to or discussed with a hematologist mothers who have ITP have safe (#50!103/!L
experienced in the assessment and treatment of children [50!109/L]) or normal platelet counts. (8) The risk for
who have ITP. severe thrombocytopenia in the infant generally corre-
Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) is lates with the severity of ITP in the mother. Neonatal
an uncommon syndrome whose estimated incidence in thrombocytopenia may be predicted if the mother has
the general population is 1 in 1,000 to 5,000 births. The had a splenectomy for treatment of chronic refractory
condition is manifested by an isolated, transient, but ITP, the mother’s platelet count has been less that
potentially severe thrombocytopenia in the neonate due 50!103/!L (50!109/L) at some time during the preg-
to platelet destruction by maternal alloantibodies. NAIT nancy, or an older sibling has had neonatal thrombocy-
occurs when fetal platelets contain an antigen inherited topenia. (8) Platelet counts of infants born to mothers
from the father that the mother lacks. Fetal platelets that who have ITP often decrease sharply during the first
cross the placenta into the maternal circulation trigger several days after birth. The nadir typically occurs at 2 to
the production of maternal immunoglobulin (Ig) G 5 days of age, and infants should be monitored closely
antiplatelet antibodies against the foreign antigen. These during this time. (8)
antibodies recross the placenta into the fetal circulation Autoimmune diseases such as SLE can present in
and destroy the body’s platelets, resulting in fetal and childhood with isolated immune-mediated thrombocy-
neonatal thrombocytopenia (analogous to hemolytic dis- topenia, and the true diagnosis may not be apparent for a
ease of the newborn). In contrast to Rh sensitization, prolonged period of time. Autoimmune diseases occur
NAIT often develops in the first pregnancy of an at-risk more commonly in older children and have an insidious
couple. The most serious complication of NAIT is ICH, onset of symptoms and persistent thrombocytopenia
which occurs in approximately 10% to 20% of affected beyond 6 months from the time of presentation. In-
newborns, with up to 50% of these events occurring in frequently, other autoimmune-mediated cytopenias
utero. (7) The mother of a newborn who has NAIT is present coincidentally with thrombocytopenia. In partic-
asymptomatic, although she may have a history of previ- ular, Evans syndrome is characterized by a Coombs
ously affected pregnancies. Affected newborns typically (direct antiglobulin test)-positive hemolytic anemia in
present with signs consistent with severe thrombocyto- association with immune-mediated thrombocytopenia.
penia, including petechiae, bruising, and bleeding, but Antibody-mediated thrombocytopenia also occurs with
are otherwise healthy. Platelet counts are often less than antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and autoimmune
10!103/!L (10!109/L). The platelet count typically lymphoproliferative syndrome.
falls in the first few days after birth, but then rises over the Drug-induced thrombocytopenia is a rare cause of
next 1 to 4 weeks as the alloantibody concentration thrombocytopenia in children. Medications begun
declines. In families who have an affected infant, the rate within the past month are more likely to be the cause of
of recurrence is as high as 75% to 90%, and thrombocy- the thrombocytopenia than medications that have been
topenia in the second affected child is always as or more taken for longer periods of time. Drug-induced throm-
severe than in the first. (7) bocytopenia is typically caused by drug-dependent anti-
Neonatal autoimmune thrombocytopenia also can bodies formed against a new antigen on the platelet
occur. This disorder is mediated by maternal antibodies surface that is created by drug binding to a platelet
that react with both maternal and infant platelets. This surface protein. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia,
pathologic mechanism occurs in maternal autoimmune which can be associated with severe thrombosis, is due to
disorders, including ITP and systemic lupus erythemato- the formation of antibodies against the heparin-platelet
sus (SLE). The diagnosis usually is apparent from the factor 4 complex. The platelet count in heparin-induced
mother’s medical history and maternal thrombocytope- thrombocytopenia is usually only moderately decreased.
Although this condition is more commonly seen in rhage requiring rapid and repeated red blood cell trans-
adults, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia has been fusions may lead to thrombocytopenia due to a “wash
described in children. Other drugs commonly used in out” phenomenon.
pediatrics that can cause thrombocytopenia include car-
bamazepine, phenytoin, valproic acid, trimethoprim/
sulfamethoxazole, and vancomycin. Support for the di-
one third of the platelet mass is normally sequestered in
agnosis of drug-induced thrombocytopenia is provided
the spleen at any given time. A greater proportion of
by resolution of the thrombocytopenia within approxi-
platelets are sequestered in patients who experience hy-
mately 1 week of withdrawal of the offending drug.
persplenism, reducing the number of circulating platelets
and leading to thrombocytopenia. The survival of plate-
lets in persons who have hypersplenism is normal or near
tients who experience disseminated intravascular co-
normal. It is the pooling and unavailability of platelets
agulation (DIC) and the microangiopathic disorders
“trapped” in the spleen that is the problem. Leukopenia
hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) and thrombotic
or anemia also may accompany a low platelet count
thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), thrombocytopenia
caused by hypersplenism. Conditions in this category
occurs because of systemic platelet activation, aggrega-
tion, and consumption (Table 2). More localized platelet
activationandconsumptioncontributestothethrombocy- ● Chronic liver disease with portal hypertension and
topenia seen in Kasabach-Merritt syndrome (KMS), ne-
congestive splenomegaly. Occasionally, isolated throm-
crotizing enterocolitis (NEC), and thrombosis in infants
bocytopenia may be the initial manifestation of this
and neonates. In infants who have KMS, thrombocyto-
type of chronic liver disease. The platelet count is
penia results from shortened platelet survival caused by
typically in the range of 50 to 100!103/!L (50 to
sequestration of platelets and coagulation activa-
100!103/L) and usually does not represent a clinically
tion in large vascular malformations of the trunk, extrem-
important problem.
ities, or abdominal viscera. Cutaneous vascular lesions ● Type 2B and platelet-type von Willebrand disease.
are noted at birth in approximately 50% of patients.
Thrombocytopenia in this disorder is caused by in-
Detection of visceral lesions requires imaging studies. All
creased removal of platelets from the circulation. In-
patients have severe thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogen-
creased binding between larger von Willebrand factor
emia, elevated fibrin degradation products, and fragmen-
multimers and platelets leads to the formation of small
tation of red blood cells on PBS.
platelet aggregates that are cleared from the circula-
NEC is a syndrome of gastrointestinal necrosis that
tion, resulting in a lower platelet count.
occurs in 2% to 10% of infants whose birthweights are ● Malaria with hypersplenism. This diagnosis should be
less than 1,500 g. Thrombocytopenia is a frequent find-
considered in any child who has fever, splenomegaly,
ing and can result in significant bleeding. In the early
thrombocytopenia, and a history of recent travel to an
stages of NEC, declining platelet counts correlate with
endemic area.
the presence of necrotic bowel and worsening disease.
The primary mechanism of thrombocytopenia appears
to be platelet destruction, although the destruction is Decreased Production
not caused by laboratory-detectable DIC in most cases. Impaired platelet production may be due to loss of bone
Thrombosis in infants and neonates is often accompa- marrow space from infiltration, suppression or failure of
nied by thrombocytopenia. A thromboembolic disorder cellular elements, or a defect in megakaryocyte develop-
should be considered if the thrombocytopenia cannot be ment and differentiation. In this setting, examination of
explained by other conditions. the bone marrow generally shows decreases in the num-
ber of megakaryocytes. Causes of marrow dysfunction
tracorporeal therapies, such as extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation, cardiopulmonary bypass, hemodialysis, and ● Infection
apheresis, is associated with mechanical destruction of ● Cyanotic heart disease
platelets, which may result in thrombocytopenia. Ex- ● Bone marrow failure or infiltration
change transfusion also may reduce platelet number by ● Nutritional deficiencies
loss in the exchange effluent. Severe ongoing hemor- ● Genetic defects
Table 2. Disorders of Systemic Platelet Activation and Consumption
Downloaded from at Instituto Nacional de Pediatria on January 22, 2015
Disseminated intravascular Pathologic activation of coagulation Complication of underlying y Thrombocytopenia Only effective therapy is Varies, depending on the
coagulation (DIC) mechanisms, resulting in illnesses such as sepsis, y Fragmented RBCs reversal of underlying underlying disorder
extensive microvascular asphyxia, meconium y Prolonged PT, aPTT cause. and the extent of the
thrombosis leading aspiration, severe y Decreased plasma fibrinogen intravascular
to ischemia and end-organ respiratory distress y Increased FDPs Temporizing measures include: thrombosis, but
damage. syndrome, extensive • Platelet transfusions for regardless of cause is
trauma. bleeding, severe often grim, with 10%
Consumption of platelets and thrombocytopenia to 50% mortality.
coagulation factors and Symptoms include bleeding, • FFP to replenish
activation of fibrinolysis result in hypotension, increased coagulation and
hemorrhage. vascular permeability, and antithrombotic factors
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome Most cases preceded by episode of Seen predominantly in y Thrombocytopenia Supportive care. Mortality rate is 5% to
(HUS) bloody diarrhea due to verotoxin- children. Usually preceded y Fragmented RBCs 10%. Most survivors
producing Escherichia coli by episode of bloody y Increased BUN, creatinine Dialysis, as needed, until recover without major
O157H7. diarrhea. y Normal PT, aPTT evidence of recovering renal consequences. Small
y Normal plasma fibrinogen function. proportion of patients
Verotoxin enters bloodstream, Onset of illness characterized y Normal FDPs develops chronic renal
attaches to glomerular by pallor and oliguria with Antibiotic treatment not
recommended because it insufficiency.
endothelium, and inactivates the thrombocytopenia and
metalloprotease ADAMTS13, laboratory evidence of may stimulate further
responsible for cleaving very large microangiopathic verotoxin production.
multimers of vWF. Uncleaved hemolytic anemia and Platelet transfusions may
vWF initiates platelet aggregation ARF. worsen outcome.
and activation, resulting in
network of microthrombi in If diagnostic uncertainty
kidneys that lead to between HUS and TTP
fragmentation of RBCs, because of neurologic or
consumption of platelets, and other nonrenal involvement,
tissue ischemia. plasma exchange
Less common form without diarrhea
possibly due to factor H
deficiency with uncontrolled
complement activation and
thrombosis after minor
endothelial injury.
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic Most commonly associated • Thrombocytopenia y Thrombocytopenia Daily plasma exchange using Mortality rate $95%
purpura (TTP) with inhibition of ADAMTS13 • Microangiopathic y Fragmented RBCs FFP reduces anti- for untreated cases
by autoantibodies. As in HUS, hemolytic anemia y Elevated LDH ADAMTS13 antibodies and but 10% to 20% for
without proper cleavage of vWF, • ARF y Increased BUN, creatinine replenishes concentrations patients treated early
spontaneous coagulation occurs. • Neurologic symptoms y Normal PT, aPTT of the enzyme. May be with plasma
In TTP, a network of • Fever y Normal plasma fibrinogen needed for 1 to 8 weeks exchange.
microthrombi in multiple organ y Normal FDPs before laboratory values
systems results in clinical and ARF and neurologic y Decreased (<5% of normal) normalize. Approximately 30% of
laboratory findings. Rarer form symptoms may not be ADAMTS13 activity patients experience a
called Upshaw-Schülman present initially. Fever y Detectable inhibitors of Upshaw-Schulman syndrome relapse within 10
syndrome is a genetically uncommon. Only ADAMTS13 patients receive FFP every years of the first
inherited dysfunction of thrombocytopenia and 2 to 3 weeks to maintain attack.
ADAMTS13. microangiopathic adequate concentrations of
hemolytic anemia without functioning enzyme.
other apparent cause
required to suspect
aPTT%activated partial thromboplastin time, ARF%acute renal failure, BUN%blood urea nitrogen, FDP%fibrin degradation product, FFP%fresh frozen plasma, LDH%lactate dehydrogenase, PT%prothrombin time, RBC%red blood
cell, vWF%von Willebrand factor
hematology thrombocytopenia
superficial ecchymoses. Patients who have thrombocyto- performed at the site of indwelling catheters, drains, and
penia may also have persistent, profuse bleeding from incisions or areas of previous trauma. Table 4 lists the
superficial cuts. Petechiae, the pinhead-sized, red, flat, “red flags” in the history and physical examination of
discrete lesions caused by extravasation of red cells from children who have thrombocytopenia that should lead to
skin capillaries and often occurring in crops in dependent consideration of diagnoses other than ITP.
areas, are highly characteristic of decreased platelet num-
ber or function. Petechiae are nontender and do not Laboratory Evaluation
blanch under pressure. They are asymptomatic and not The laboratory evaluation of thrombocytopenia begins
palpable and should be distinguished from small telangi- with a CBC and evaluation of the PBS. Although a dying
ectasias and vasculitic (palpable) purpura. Purpura de- skill for most general practitioners, the ability to assess
scribes purplish discolorations of the skin due to the the PBS accurately is invaluable in the evaluation of
presence of confluent petechiae. Ecchymoses are non- children who have thrombocytopenia or other hemato-
tender areas of bleeding into the skin that are typically logic abnormalities. Consultation with a hematopatholo-
small, multiple, and superficial and can develop without gist or experienced laboratory technologist may be use-
noticeable trauma. Ecchymoses often have a variety of ful.
colors due to the presence of extravasated blood (red or The CBC should be examined closely for the platelet
purple) and the ongoing breakdown of heme pigment in count and mean platelet volume (MPV) as well as for
the extravasated blood by skin macrophages (green, yel- evidence of any other cytopenias (anemia or leukopenia).
low, or brown). A platelet count that does not make sense clinically
This pattern of bleeding differs from that of patients should be confirmed before undertaking extensive eval-
who have disorders of coagulation factors, such as hemo- uation to be sure that thrombocytopenia exists and the
philia. Patients who have thrombocytopenia tend to have finding is not due to artifact or laboratory error. Spurious
less deep bleeding into muscles or joints, more bleeding thrombocytopenia can be caused by improper collection
after minor cuts, less delayed bleeding, and less postsur- or inadequate anticoagulation of the blood sample, re-
gical bleeding. In addition, patients who have coagula- sulting in platelet clumps that are counted as leukocytes
tion factor disorders tend not to have petechiae. Al- by automated cell counters. Once thrombocytopenia
though rare, bleeding into the central nervous system is has been confirmed, an MPV that is significantly higher
the most common cause of death due to thrombocyto- than normal suggests one of the macrothrombocyto-
penia. When such bleeding occurs, it is often preceded by penia syndromes. A mildly elevated MPV is consistent
a history of head trauma. with a destructive cause. A low MPV is typically seen in
patients who have Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS)
Evaluation gene mutations.
A thorough history and physical examination and judi- The PBS should be examined to estimate the platelet
cious use of laboratory testing can lead to the appropriate number (1 platelet/high power field%platelet count of
diagnosis in most patients (Fig. 2). Patients should be $10!103/!L [10!109/L]), determine the platelet
questioned about past and current bleeding symptoms, morphology and the presence or absence of platelet
including bruising with little or no trauma, nosebleeds, clumping, and assess whether there are associated white
blood in the urine or stool, gum bleeding, bleeding with and red blood cell changes. Large platelets suggest either
surgical or dental procedures, or excessive menstrual an ongoing platelet destructive process leading to the
bleeding. Duration and onset of the bleeding symptoms production of younger and larger platelets or the pres-
may help determine whether the cause is acquired or ence of a congenital macrothrombocytopenia syndrome.
congenital. If thrombocytopenia is due to an acquired Small platelets in the appropriate clinical setting suggest
cause, the onset of symptoms may be linked to a specific WAS. The presence of schistocytes suggests a micro-
trigger (eg, infection). Congenital thrombocytopenia angiopathic process such as DIC, HUS, or TTP. Sphero-
should be considered in patients who have a prolonged cytes suggest autoimmune hemolytic anemia coupled
history of asymptomatic abnormal platelet counts or a with immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (Evans syn-
family history of thrombocytopenia. drome).
In children who have suspected or known thrombo- Other tests may be useful in determining the cause of
cytopenia, the skin, gingivae, and oral cavity should be the thrombocytopenia but are generally performed based
examined carefully for evidence of bleeding. In hospital- on suggestive findings from the initial history and phys-
ized patients, careful examination for bleeding should be ical examination and laboratory testing. A positive direct
Coombs test suggests an autoimmune process in a pa- Screening tests for inherited disorders associated with
tient who has evidence of hemolysis as well as spherocytes thrombocytopenia should be considered in patients who
on the PBS. For patients who have persistant or chronic experience chronic thrombocytopenia, especially in the
ITP, antinuclear antibody, serum immunoglobulins presence of short stature or other congenital anomalies.
(IgG, IgA, IgM), and antiphospholipid antibodies Platelet antibodies can be detected by a variety of
should be considered. Fibrin degradation products and assays. Although many of these assays have high sensitiv-
fibrinogen measurements are useful to diagnose intravas- ity, they lack specificity and are not indicated or per-
cular coagulation. formed routinely to confirm the diagnosis of acute ITP in
If the PBS results are consistent with a microangio- children.
pathic process, additional tests should be considered, A bone marrow examination is not necessary in most
including serum lactate dehydrogenase and creatinine to cases of isolated unexplained thrombocytopenia in chil-
assess for HUS or TTP. HIV testing should be consid- dren. In general, a bone marrow examination is indicated
ered because thrombocytopenia may be the initial disease when clinical signs or symptoms suggest either marrow
manifestation in as many as 10% of patients who have infiltration or failure. These findings include pancytope-
HIV infection. If clinical suspicion or local prevalence is nia; the presence of blasts on the PBS; and the presence
high, tests to identify hepatitis C viral infection or Heli- of systemic symptoms such as fever, fatigue, weight loss,
cobacter pylori infection should also be considered. or bone pain. A bone marrow examination also is indi-
Table 5.
Initial Treatment for Newly Diagnosed Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) With
Significant Bleeding or Risk of Bleeding
Treatment Mechanism of Action Response Rate Toxicities Comments
● ● ●
Corticosteroids Reduces antibody production Up to 75% achieve platelet Behavioral changes No curative benefit known
Dosing varies from prednisone ● Reduces reticuloendothelial response, depending on ● Sleep disturbance ● Often, a drop in platelet
2 mg/kg per day orally for system phagocytosis of dose; response to therapy ● Increased appetite count after steroids
subcutaneously weekly and eltrombopag, an orally limited. Use currently when drugs are stopped is
Eltrombopag 25 to 75 mg active, nonpeptide restricted to refractory common. Used to keep
up to 1 g/day for 3 days) and a single dose of IGIV roids, IGIV, and anti-Rho(D) immune globulin (Table
(1 g/kg) is also appropriate. Emergency splenectomy 5). Several studies have shown that the duration of
may be considered in cases of refractory ITP accompa- symptomatic thrombocytopenia is shortened by any of
nied by life-threatening hemorrhage. these three interventions compared with no treatment.
All ITP therapies are temporizing interventions intended
Thrombocytopenia Associated With Other for rapid reversal of a real or perceived risk for significant
Cytopenias hemorrhage. They do not need to be continued until
Patients who have pancytopenia with systemic symptoms normal platelet counts are reached. Therapy is targeted
or significant findings on examination should be evalu- to increase the platelet count above a threshold (usually
ated carefully in a timely manner because they are at #20!103/!L [20!109/L]) that stops bleeding or
increased risk for a serious disorder that may require eliminates the risk of serious bleeding. (6) Platelet trans-
urgent intervention. Consultation with a pediatric hema- fusions are indicated in patients who have ITP only in
tologist should be strongly considered. Treatment of the the setting of life-threatening bleeding, such as ICH.
identified underlying primary disorder guides subse- Because of accelerated platelet destruction in ITP, plate-
quent management. For such patients, maintenance of a let transfusions result in a relatively limited rise in the
safe platelet count may be only a small part of the overall platelet count of very short duration (measured in hours
treatment plan. or even minutes) that may be adequate for the immediate
hemostasis required in the setting of ICH but otherwise
Isolated Thrombocytopenia is of no benefit.
The most likely diagnosis in an otherwise healthy child Almost all children who develop ITP are treated in the
who has isolated thrombocytopenia is ITP. Most patients ambulatory setting. Patients who require pharmacologic
do not have serious bleeding (including those whose intervention with IGIV or high-dose intravenous corti-
platelet counts are &10!103/!L [10!109/L]). ICH is costeroids are usually hospitalized for an average of 1 to
extremely rare, with an incidence of 0.1% to 0.5%. Al- 3 days. Platelet counts are monitored once or twice
though treatments for childhood ITP may reduce the weekly, depending on the clinical situation and severity
severity and duration of the initial thrombocytopenic of the thrombocytopenia. When recovery of platelet
episode and presumably the risk of bleeding, they do not counts is detected, the interval between platelet count
appear to affect the eventual recovery rate. Up to two assessment may be lengthened. Monitoring should con-
thirds of children who have ITP recover within 6 months tinue until the platelet count has returned to normal and
of presentation with or without treatment. (3)(5) is stable.
Most experts agree that pharmacologic intervention Approximately 20% to 30% of children who present
is not generally needed for children who have mild-to- with ITP eventually develop chronic ITP, defined as
moderate thrombocytopenia (platelet counts #30! persistent thrombocytopenia beyond 12 months from
103/!L] 30!109/L]) because they are unlikely to have the time of presentation. Patients who have chronic ITP
serious bleeding. Exceptions to this policy include chil- are usually clinically indistinguishable from those who
dren who have concomitant or preexisting conditions have acute ITP at presentation. Children younger than
that increase their risk for severe bleeding and children 10 years of age are more likely to have remissions than
undergoing procedures likely to include blood loss. (6) older patients. Children whose bleeding manifestations
For patients whose platelet counts are less than last more than 14 days are substantially more likely to
30!103/!L (30!109/L), treatment recommendations develop chronic ITP.
are based on the presence and severity of associated All children who have persistent (3 to 12 months) or
bleeding or the risk thereof. Although there is no defined chronic (#12 months) ITP should have their cases re-
means to predict which children who have ITP will suffer viewed and managed by a pediatric hematologist. Indi-
from an ICH, retinal hemorrhages and extensive muco- viduals who have chronic ITP should undergo evaluation
sal bleeding or “wet purpura” have been reported to that includes bone marrow examination to exclude other
precede and possibly predict spontaneous ICH. (4) causes of thrombocytopenia. In chronic ITP, platelet
Thus, any individual who has ITP and actual or obvious counts tend to range between 20 and 75!103/!L
potential for significant bleeding requires immediate (20 and 75!109/L); consequently, many patients re-
treatment, regardless of the platelet count. quire no or only intermittent treatment for episodes of
When therapy is indicated, the primary treatment significant bleeding or increased risk of bleeding.
options for the newly diagnosed patient are corticoste- A small percentage of pediatric patients who have ITP
PIR Quiz
Quiz also available online at
1. A 4-year-old boy is brought to the office with a 3-week history of bruising. He has had no other
complaints. He has mild bruising but no petechiae and no mucosal bleeding. His physical examination
findings are otherwise normal. Laboratory results include a white blood cell count of 8.4$103/"L
(8.4$109/L), hemoglobin of 13.4 g/dL (134 g/L), and platelet count of 31$103/"L (31$109/L). The most
appropriate management is:
A. High-dose intravenous corticosteroids.
B. Intravenous anti-D.
C. Intravenous gamma globulin.
D. Observation.
E. Oral corticosteroids.
2. A 4-year-old girl presents with a 5-week history of bruising but is otherwise well. On physical examination,
the only abnormal finding is increased bruising and scattered petechiae. Her platelet count is 29$103/"L
(29$109/L), hemoglobin is 9.5 g/dL (95 g/L), and white blood cell count is 2.1$103/"L (2.1$109/L). The
most appropriate next step is to:
A. Administer antibiotics.
B. Observe the child.
C. Obtain antiplatelet antibodies.
D. Obtain Ebstein-Barr virus titers.
E. Perform a bone marrow aspiration.
3. An 18-month-old girl has a blood count performed at a health supervision visit. The child is well and her
physical examination findings are normal. The laboratory calls because the platelet count is 1$103/"L
(1$109/L). The hemoglobin is 13.5 g/dL (135 g/L), white blood cell count is 7.6$103/"L (7.6$109/L), and
absolute neutrophil count is 3.9x103/"L (3.9$109/L). The most appropriate next step is to:
A. Measure immunoglobulins, antinuclear antibody, and antiphospholipid antibodies.
B. Measure prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times.
C. Perform a bone marrow aspiration.
D. Refer to a pediatric hematologist.
E. Repeat the platelet count.
4. A 6-year-old boy who has known chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura is involved in a motor vehicle
accident and arrives in the emergency department unresponsive. Emergency computed tomography scan of
the head reveals a large subdural hematoma. The child’s blood type is A-negative. The platelet count is
1$103/"L (1$109/L). You administer a platelet transfusion and high doses of intravenous
methylprednisolone and begin intravenous gamma globulin. During the emergency craniotomy, it is difficult
to control the bleeding. The most appropriate next therapy is:
A. Anti-D immune globulin.
B. Cyclophosphamide.
C. Emergency splenectomy.
D. Plasmapheresis.
E. Rituximab (anti-CD 20 monoclonal antibody).
5. A 7-year-old girl presents with a 3-day history of bruising and an episode of epistaxis lasting 30 minutes.
On physical examination, the only abnormalities are scleral icterus, widespread bruising, and cutaneous as
well as mucosal petechiae. Laboratory results include a platelet count of 3$103/"L (3$109/L), hemoglobin
of 7.8 g/dL (78 g/L), white blood cell count of 12.9$103/"L (12.9$109/L), absolute neutrophil count of
8.8$103/"L (8.8$109/L), and mean corpuscular volume of 86 fL. Urinalysis is negative for red blood cells.
The most appropriate next study is:
A. Antiplatelet antibodies.
B. Bone marrow aspirate.
C. Direct antiglobulin (Coombs) test.
D. Flow cytometry on peripheral blood.
E. Serum blood urea nitrogen and creatinine assessment.
The caption for Figure 2 in the article entitled “Focus on Diagnosis: Urine Electrolytes” in
the February issue of the journal (Pediatr Rev. 2011;32:65– 68) is incorrect. The correct
caption should read, “A graphic illustration of a positive urine anion gap, with the number
of unmeasured anions exceeding the number of unmeasured cations. When this situation
occurs in the context of metabolic acidosis, it is consistent with renal tubular acidosis,
indicating an impaired ability to excrete protons in the urine as ammonium.” We regret the
The caption for Figure 1 in the article entitled “Sacral Dimples” in the March issue of
the journal (Pediatr Rev. 2011;32:109 –114) is incorrect. The correct caption should read,
“Solitary dimple whose location is greater than 2.5 cm above the anus indicated the need
for further evaluation. . . .” We regret the error.
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Deborah M. Consolini, Thrombocytopenia in Infants and Children, Pediatrics in Review. 2011;32;135 (American Academy of
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42 Pediatrics in Review
Thrombocytopenia in Infants and Children
Deborah M. Consolini
Pediatrics in Review 2011;32;135
DOI: 10.1542/pir.32-4-135
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Pediatrics in Review is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly
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