Daily Report 24 Maret 2023
Daily Report 24 Maret 2023
Daily Report 24 Maret 2023
Team MEP B Pekerjaan Partisi & Ceiling : B Pekerjaan Partisi & Ceiling :
1 Supervisor ME 1 1 - Pemasangan hebel toilet - Pemasangan hebel toilet
2 Tukang Listrik 5 5 - Rangka partisi backdrop resepsion - Pemasangan gypsum 2 sisi
Tukang Plumbing
3 4 4 - Pemasangan rangka ceiling R meeting - Pemasangan rangka ceiling R meeting
Tukang AC 2 2 - Pemasangan penebalan J2 - Pemasangan penebalan J2
Start pemasangan rangka di area
- - pengecetan ceilling expose
google home
- Pembersihan area
Total 42 27
Pemasangan hebel toilet Bongkar Ceiling void Pemasang rangka ceiling ruang meeting
A Outstanding item waiting approval from Indosat, we have not order the material :
1 Double Glass Partition & Door Works at Meeting Room and Waiting Lounge
2 Approval chair at Meeting Room : DONE , 20 March 2023
3 Strech Membran ceiling at Marvelous area
4 Approval Material for Furniture
5 Vynil because increase the volume
B Problem at Site :
1 Based on our survey with Pak Yanuar and Pak Asep this Firday, 17 March 2023 , they show us our new panel installation (1) but we need to demolish the existing panel first.
1. To do the demolition we need to track if that panel is still have electrical load or connected to other area. If no then we can shutdown and demolish it, if there is then it will be another thing.
2. Then we also need to demolish the existing cable (2) as many as we can and make it tidy to make space for our new cable installation. Because refer to the design, we need at least put 53 line installation cable inside panel area.
3. Then regarding the tapping point (3) the existing building don’t have 125A TOB and 160A TOB. For your information usually TOB (4) will take 8-10 weeks purchase. And since there is no TOB in contractor scope, please clarify.
b Ada 1 Panel existing yang masih aktif dan masih terkonek untuk penerangan di area Lobby, IOH akan pastikan dan akan merelokasi panel tersebut.
c Kabel - Kabel existing Yang sudah tidak terpakai akan di potong dan di buang , dan yang masih aktif BMKK diminta untuk merapihkan kabel2 existing
e Untuk Produksi ducting & springkler akan di lakukan di area BASEMENT, Lokasi sesuai yang sudah di tunjukan pada site visit 21 maret 2023.
Agar sirkulasi udara dilingkungan area kerja sehat untuk semua pekerja di lapangan
1 Gypsum Partition on Meeting room & Waiting Lounge have already instal 2 side , Please info Cisco to install cabling on this area.