Issue 2
Issue 2
Issue 2
The Soil Health Card (SHC) Scheme was Suratgarh, Rajasthan. The scheme has been
introduced by the Ministry of Agriculture, introduced to assist State Governments to
Government of India on 19th February 2015 at issue soil health cards to all farmers in the
for which crop, how much fertiliser should Some important indicators such as cropping
be used, and which fertiliser should be used history, water resources or moisture of soil,
Farmers’ output will also grow due to the slope, depth, color and texture of soil etc. are
Soil Health Card Scheme not included
Lack of Coordination among agricultural
Challenges with Soil Health Card Scheme extension officers and farmers
Inadequate soil testing infrastructure Number of soil samples per unit area is
Microbial activity and moisture retention are between scheme officials not based on soil
essential but are missing in the Soil Health variability
Card Language barriers between scheme officials
Many farmers are unable to understand and farmers
the content, thus unable to follow the
recommended practices
A vertical section of the soil through all its layers plant or animal matter cannot be recognized
and extending into the parent rock is known as through naked eye.
soil profile. A soil profile is divided into layers
called horizons. The main soil horizons are A,
B, C and D. A soil profile is a historic record of
all the soil forming processes and forms the
unit of study in pedological investigation. It also
helps in soil classification and forms the basis for
practical studies of soils. A study of the soil profile
is important from crop husbandry point of view,
since it reveals the surface and the subsurface
characteristics and qualities, namely depth,
texture, structure, drainage conditions and soil-
moisture relationships, which directly affect
plant growth. It helps to classify the soils and to
understand soil-moisture-plant relationships. O
horizon is called as organic horizon. It is formed
in the upper part of the mineral soil, dominated
by fresh or partly decomposed organic materials.
This horizon contains more than 30% organic
matter if mineral fraction has more than 50 % clay
(or) more than 20 % organic matter if mineral
fraction has less clay. The organic horizons are Most important for plant growth, the A and
commonly seen in forest areas and generally B horizons are the top two layers of the soil. The
absent in grassland, cultivated soils. A horizon is where there is most soil life and is
O1 – Organic horizon in which the original sometimes called topsoil. Depending on the soil,
forms of the plant and animal residues can the A horizon can be further divided into A1, A2
be recognized through naked eye. or Ao (organic). The surface soil or that layer of
soil at the top which is liable to leaching and
O2 – Organic horizon in which the original
from which some soil constituents have been