Effevtiveness of Leadership Styles
Effevtiveness of Leadership Styles
Effevtiveness of Leadership Styles
The purpose of this research was to investigate how leadership styles impact on
employee retention and job performance. In this study, three main variables
consist in conceptual framework. They are independent variables (autocratic
leadership style, democratic leadership style and laissez -faire leadership style),
intervening variable (retention) and dependent variable (individual employee
performance). A sample of 150 respondents has been randomly selected from the
Jeans knit (Pvt) Ltd., of india. Sample was selected by using simple random method
and primary data was collected through structured questionnaires. Respondents
were asked to indicate their preference on five point Likert scale.
Graphs and tables were also used for data presentation.
1.Rotundo and Rotman (2002) defined that job performance was defined as
actions that contributeto organizational goals and that are under the individual’s
control. According to Otley (1999)performance in organizations can be separated
in organizational performance and job performance. Employee performance is
also known as job performance. Otley (1999) also stated that, the performance of
organization depends on the performance of employees (job performance) and
other factors such as the environment of the organization.
3. Rowe and Guerrero (2011) stated that leadership is about influence—the ability
to influence your subordinates and your peers in a work or organizational context.
Without influence, it is impossible to be a leader. Of course, having influence
means that there is a greater need on the part of leaders to exercise their
influence ethically.
4. Porter et al., (2006) described that leaders get things done through people. They
set the direction and get other people to follow them.
In this study, there are two main functions that leaders bounded to be perform.
The first one is employee retention which is a challenge for organizations as the
skillful employees are valuable resources for organization and the second function
is employees' performance. As employee retention strategies have a positive
effect or relationship to employees' job performance, the leader from the
organization should practices retention strategy which able to remain employee
to increase the level of job performance. Therefore, it is also important for
organization to attain the highly potential employees in the recruitment process.
However, it is more imperative for the leaders to retain the highly performance
employees of the organization in order to benefit from the investment already
made in them such as training and development programs.
Many organizations are facing the challenge of retaining their highly resourceful
employees. As Organizations are operating in highly competitive environment, it
is very importance to retain their highly performance employees in order to
achieve competitive advantages within the industry. The management team has
to control the problems of employees quitting the organization. Price (2001)
observed that the role of leadership and a supervisor is crucial in employee
retention and argued that employees leave the managers/ supervisors, not the
organization. The behaviors of a leader can effect on employees' feeling about
the organization and job satisfaction and their performance. Employees will leave
the organization when they are not satisfied with their job.
Productive employees are the lifeblood of every business. Farooqui and Ahmed
(2013) also stated that employees are the assets of the organization especially
employees with technical skills are highly appreciated or encouraged in the
manufacturing units. Therefore, skillful and high performance workers are
necessary for high quality production as organization depends on these skillful
workers for achieving the production goals of the organization.
Therefore, retaining highly skill employees play a vital role in the industry in order
to survive in the highly competitive world apparel market. The management and
leaders of the company must try to retain potential employees and improve the
performance of employees for efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.
According to the nature of industry, leaders should apply appropriate leadership
style to retain top performer employees within the company. Therefore,
leadership styles, employee retention and performance have become an area of
concern for researcher. Hence, the researcher has chosen Jeans knit Garment to
observe this area. The present study mainly focuses on the determinants of
impact of leadership style in employee performance by analyzing intervening
effect of retaining the high performance employees with reference to leading
garment factory in bangalore Jeans knit pvt ltd.
There are two types of research objective. They are general objective and specific
objectives which are given below.
Research Questions
There are two types of research question. They are general question and specific
questions which are given below.
Great leaders grant opportunities for workforce to exploit their aptitudes and
strengths, and support them every step of the way. Leaders encourage vastness,
not for their own personal gain, but for the betterment of the citizens they lead.
Jim Collins (2001) refers to these individuals as "Level 5 leaders." although not
every leader has all five levels of leadership, in this particular level leader has all
of the qualities of other levels listed as follow: Level 1 - extremely competent
person, Level 2 - contributing team member, Level 3 - capable manager, and Level
4 - an effective leader (p. 20).
Leadership qualities can be found in anyone and leaders can appear from
anywhere, however, there are definite practices and obligations that make people
leaders. According to the authors, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner (2002), five
practices for exemplary leadership are identified.
Entrenched within these five practices are ten commitments that serve as a
guide for how leaders accomplish astonishing performance in an organization.
The five practices and corresponding commitments are as follows:
b. Experiment and take risks by constantly generating small wins and learning
from mistakes
4. Enable others to act
Organizational Culture
Employee Performance
The majority of companies to this day fail to notice a very powerful tool in their
arsenal called recognition. Furthermore, there is a confirmed association between
workplace satisfaction and employee appreciation, as recognition being the most
valuable way to promote corporate aim, thereby creating memorable
appreciation experiences one can tie an employee to the organization (Gostick &
Elton, 2001 p. 18-19).
Recognition presented in many ways; the dilemma is that majority of
managers assume they are recognizing their staff when they really are not doing
so. Incentives, bonuses, and benefit are not forms of recognition alone; they only
become recognition when they are awarded for a job well done. In order to count
as recognition, the message must be clear; managers need to enlighten the reason
someone is being awarded a plaque or other form of rewards for example.
Without rationalization for why and a foundation for how, employees do not
comprehend, and then the effort at recognition becomes a washed out
A number of managers plainly do not pay adequate attention to their workers to
know how well and precise they carry out their tasks.
Maybe they do not know enough about the employee's job to determine
whether they are performing well or not, and therefore cannot recognize. Other
managers are afraid that employees will think they are insincere in their efforts at
recognition or that they will unintentionally "play favorites" recognizing some
while forgetting others (Branham, 2005).
Age Frequency
Age Frequency
17-22 23-27 28-32 33-37 38-42
democratic leadership styles still has a positively and significantly effect on job
performance. Laissez-faire leadership style has also positive significant on
employee performance. However, autocratic leadership style has also no
significant effect on job performance and retention.
When it comes to the retention, only democratic leadership style has positive
effect retention, autocratic leadership style and laissez-faire leadership style
have no significant relationship with employee retention. Further, the result
shows that there is no significant evidence to prove that employee retention has
an effect on the performance.
However, the finding of this study reveals somewhat different result. The finding
in this research was that there is no relationship between retention and
employee performance. The reason for this is that, in the nature garment
industry, especially production employees don’t have an intention to retain for
longer period in the organization. Retaining production employees in the
garment factory can be determined not only by leadership styles but also by
some other social factors such as facility, social background and family affairs of
employees. Majority of production employees are from rural area. They are
uneducated and poor people. They came to organization in order to collect the
money, not for the intention to retaining long time in the organization. Even
though they are high performance, they don’t have strong intention to retaining
long time in the organization. Moreover, there are less opportunities of growth
for workers in textile sector because workers are less or uneducated, semi-skilled
and have less personal relationships in industry. That is why, the empirical finding
confirms that employee retention and performance has no relationship in this
On the other hand, there are different types of employees in the work
environment. Some are lazy, avoid responsibility and avoid the work as much as
they can. This types of employees need to coerce and control by the
managers/supervisors. Some are motivated, interest their job. Some are high
experienced, skillful, knowledgeable. In this case, managers/supervisors have to
give autonomy to those employees. However, some are unexperienced,
manager/supervisor needs to closely monitor to those employees (McGregor,
1960 as cited in Mat, 2008). Hence, managers/supervisors apply the suitable
leadership style based on the situation they face.
In this study, the researcher applied quantitative research method and 5 point
Likert scale to measure the impact of different leadership styles according to the
nature of the industry. Leader needs to apply relevant leadership style according
to the situation they face. In this study, the researcher examined influence of
three leadership styles; autocratic, democratic and laissezfaire on employee
individual performance by analyzing inventing effect of leadership styles on