CarT Cells
CarT Cells
CarT Cells
T cells engineered to express HIV-specific chimeric antigen re- CD4-based CAR T cells were tested in three clinical trials in HIV-
ceptors (CARs) represent a promising strategy to clear HIV-in- seropositive individuals,4,8–10 but this strategy was aborted owing to
fected cells, but to date have not achieved clinical benefits. A negligible clinical efficacy. Several factors may explain the lack of or
likely hurdle is the limited T cell activation and persistence minimal antiviral efficacy, such as limited CAR activity in the absence
when HIV antigenemia is low, particularly during antiretrovi- of an intracellular co-stimulatory signaling domain, low expansion,
ral therapy (ART). To overcome this issue, we propose to use a and minimal persistence of CAR T cells owing to insufficient expo-
cytomegalovirus (CMV) vaccine to stimulate CMV-specific sure to HIV antigens because CAR recipients remained on ART, or
T cells that express CARs directed against the HIV-1 envelope the susceptibility of CD4 CAR-expressing T cells to HIV infection.
protein gp120. In this study, we use a GMP-compliant platform Of note, a low level of these first-generation CD4 CAR T cells was de-
to engineer CMV-specific T cells to express a second-generation tected a decade later in these recipients, suggesting that long-term
CAR derived from the N6 broadly neutralizing antibody, one of persistence is possible.11 Since then, CARs have been optimized by
the broadest anti-gp120 neutralizing antibodies. These CMV- adding the co-stimulatory domains CD28 or 4-1BB, and in the setting
HIV CAR T cells exhibit dual effector functions upon in vitro of B cell malignancies, have shown improved efficacy and persistence
stimulation through their endogenous CMV-specific T cell re- with promising therapeutic results.12–15 In addition, a series of
ceptors or the introduced CARs. Using a humanized HIV broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) directed to the HIV-1 enve-
mouse model, we show that CMV vaccination during ART ac- lope glycoprotein gp120 were identified in HIV-infected non-pro-
celerates CMV-HIV CAR T cell expansion in the peripheral gressors and used to develop bNAbs-derived CAR T cells that
blood and that higher numbers of CMV-HIV CAR T cells efficiently kill gp120-expressing cells in vitro.16,17 To limit the emer-
were associated with a better control of HIV viral load and gence of resistance to HIV, these bNAb-based CAR T cells should be
fewer HIV antigen p24+ cells in the bone marrow upon ART effective against nearly all strains of HIV. Notably, Huang et al.18
interruption. Collectively, these data support the clinical devel- isolated a bNAb named N6 that potently neutralizes 98% of HIV-1
opment of CMV-HIV CAR T cells in combination with a CMV isolates including 16 of 20 that evolved to circumvent common mech-
vaccine in HIV-infected individuals. anisms of resistance. As a current best-in-class for bNAbs targeting
the CD4 binding site, we hypothesize that N6-derived CAR T cells
represent a promising strategy to redirect T cells to HIV-infected
INTRODUCTION cells, enforcing specificity and minimizing the likelihood of immune
Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) achieves undetectable
plasma viremia,1 but fails to cure HIV infection owing to the persis-
tence of a latent virus reservoir containing replication-competent Received 10 August 2021; accepted 10 April 2022;
HIV-1.2 Alternative cellular immune strategies of adoptive immuno- 5
These authors contributed equally
therapy have been proposed using either expansion of endogenous 6
These authors contributed equally
HIV-specific T cells or autologous T cells or natural killer redirected
Correspondence: Xiuli Wang, T Cell Therapeutics Research Laboratory, Depart-
to HIV-infected cells.3–5 The first-generation of HIV CAR T cells was
ment of Hematology and Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation, City of Hope Na-
developed almost 25 years ago by engineering the extracellular tional Medical Center, 1500 East Duarte Road, Duarte, CA 91010-3000, USA.
domain of the CD4 receptor on the surface of T cells.6,7 These E-mail:
344 Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development Vol. 25 June 2022
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
escape. However, the lack of HIV antigens in individuals on ART, or improve T cell persistence and efficacy.24 The 4-1BB co-stimulatory
until HIV rebounds upon analytical treatment interruption, remains domain was selected as it has been shown to increase CAR T cell
a major challenge for CAR T cell activation and persistence in vivo. It persistence25 and to promote a central memory phenotype26 in
may require high CAR T cell number to achieve therapeutic benefit, various animal studies,27,28 including a humanized mouse model of
as currently tested in a CD4-based CAR T cell clinical trial HIV.29 A truncated human epidermal growth factor receptor
(NCT03617198). Another approach to enhance CAR T cell persis- (EGFRt) was added to the CAR construct to serve as an element for
tence involves the engagement of viral antigens as stimulatory factors immunomagnetic purification, cell tracking by flow cytometry and
for CAR T cells.19 This strategy has been evaluated for other diseases immunohistochemistry, and potential in vivo cell ablation with the
using Epstein-Barr virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) en- anti-EGFR antibody cetuximab.30 After approximately 15 days of
gineered to express CARs targeting GD2+ neuroblastoma cells20 in vitro expansion, the final T cell products contained on average
or CD30+ tumors of neural crest origin,21 or using influenza A matrix 38.16% ± 8.87% EGFR+ CAR T cells, of which 69.63% ± 16.63%
protein 1-specific T cells modified to express CD19 CARs targeting B were CD4+ and 31.57% ± 17.76%, were CD8+ T cells (mean ± stan-
cell malignancies.22 These virus and CAR-bispecific T cells demon- dard deviation [SD]; n = 4) (Figure 1B shows representative FACS
strated superior survival and antitumor activity compared with plots). We examined whether N6-CAR T cells elicited cytotoxic func-
non-virus-specific CAR T cells, possibly owing to a more potent co- tion by performing a 96h killing assay against 8E5-gp120 cells. These
stimulation of virus-specific T cells after engagement of their native 8E5-gp120 cells were obtained by engineering 8E5 cells to express
T cell receptors. Our group has also shown that cytomegalovirus eGFP-ffLuc and then sorting for co-expression of eGFP and surface
(CMV)-specific T cells expressing CD19 CARs exhibited enhanced gp120 (Figure S1). N6-CAR T cell products and 8E5-gp120 cells
antitumor activity and persistence in CD19+ tumor-bearing NSG were cocultured at various effector-to-target (E:T) ratios. Flow
mice upon in vivo stimulation with a CMVpp65 vaccine.23 Similarly, cytometric analysis of the remaining target cells demonstrated that
here we test the concept that bispecific CMV-HIV CAR T cells, stim- N6-CAR T cells, normalized to mock T cells, efficiently killed 8E5-
ulated with CMV vaccine to enhance CAR T cell activity, can expand gp120 cells (Figure 1C). In a separate experiment, N6-CAR T cells
and retain anti-HIV function. were co-cultured at various E:T ratios with purified gp120-negative
or gp120-positive 8E5 cells. Efficient and gp120-specific killing was
In this study, we used peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) observed against gp120-positive 8E5 cells, but not against the
collected from HIV-seronegative (HIVneg) or seropositive (HIVpos) gp120-negative 8E5 cells (Figure S2). Finally, only gated EGFR+
donors on ART to manufacture at clinical scale CMV-specific CAR T cells from a mixed T cell population, but not the gated
T cells engineered to express a second-generation CAR containing CAR-negative T cell fraction, exhibited proliferative capacity after
the single-chain variable fragment (scFv) of N6, with the 4-1BB co- stimulation with 8E5-gp120 cells (Figure 1D). Flow cytometric
stimulatory and CD3z intracellular signaling domains. CMV-HIV analysis revealed that these stimulated N6-CAR T cells maintained
CAR T cell products derived from HIVpos donors were mostly sustained memory (CD62L = 66.07%; CD127 = 51.42%; and
CD8+, making the gene-modified T cells naturally resistant to HIV CD27 = 87.02%, average of three donors), and low exhaustion fea-
infection. CMV-HIV CAR T cell products demonstrated in vitro tures (programmed cell death-1 [PD-1] = 10.84%, lymphocyte-activa-
potent and specific effector functions upon stimulation with gp120 tion gene-3 [LAG-3] = 0.26%, and T cell immunoglobulin and mucin
or CMVpp65 antigens. We also evaluated the safety of the cell prod- domain-3 [Tim-3] = 4.71%, average of three donors) (Figure S3).
uct by assessing the potential off-target of the N6-scFv-Fc on healthy
human tissues. Finally, using a humanized mouse model for HIV N6 scFv-Fc does not cross-react with normal human tissues
infection, in vivo stimulation during ART with CMVpp65 peptide- To assess the potential off-target effects of N6-CARs, immunostain-
pulsed autologous PBMCs was shown to accelerate CMV-HIV ing with soluble N6 scFv-Fc was performed on normal human tissues.
CAR T cell expansion in the peripheral blood. An inverse relationship As expected, a concentration-dependent immunostaining was
was found between CMV-HIV CAR T cell number and both the observed using either the N6 scFv-Fc or a positive control (the anti-
plasma viral load and the percentage of cells expressing HIV-1 p24 gp120 bNAb VRC01 obtained from the NIH HIV Reagent Program)
antigen in the bone marrow. Altogether, these proof-of-concept ex- on 8E5-gp120 cells, but not on gp120-negative leukemic KG-1a cells
periments suggest that N6-based CAR immunotherapy using (Figure S4). Then, N6 scFv-Fc was used for pan-immunostaining on
CMV-specific T cells in combination with a CMV vaccine warrants 37 frozen human tissues from three unrelated normal donors
clinical evaluation in people living with HIV (PLWH). (Charles River Labs, CRL study no:20182940). The immunopatholog-
ical analysis did not reveal membrane signals on these tissues. How-
RESULTS ever, cytoplasmic staining was observed in epithelial cells in the
N6-CAR T cells exhibit potent effector functions in vitro esophagus (mucosa), kidney (renal pelvis), pituitary (adenohypoph-
We first developed novel N6-based CAR T cell products by trans- ysis), salivary gland (ducts), skin (sweat glands), thymus (epithelial-
ducing primary T cells isolated from HIVneg donors with a lentiviral reticular), and ureter (mucosa) and in the colloid in the thyroid.
vector encoding a CAR containing the scFv of the bNAb N6 (Fig- The binding to cytoplasmic sites is considered of little to no toxico-
ure 1A). The IgG4 spacer between the scFv ectodomain and the trans- logic significance owing to the limited ability of antibody-based
membrane domain was mutated to prevent Fc receptor binding and therapeutics to access the cytoplasmic compartment in vivo.31,32
Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development Vol. 25 June 2022 345
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Overall, the immunohistochemistry staining analysis supports the CliniMACS Prodigy Cytokine Capture System (CCS) by stimulation
low risk of clinically relevant off-target tissue cross-reactivity of N6- with a PepTivator overlapping CMVpp65 peptide pool, followed by
CAR. labeling with Catchmatrix reagent and anti-IFN-g microbeads.
IFN-g+ cells were then isolated via magnetic selection in the
CMV-HIV CAR T cells can be manufactured at clinical scale from CliniMACS Prodigy system (Figure 2B shows representative FACS
HIVneg and HIVpos donors plots). CMV-specific T cells (IFN-g+CD3+) from HIVneg donors
CMV-specific T cells were isolated using a GMP-compliant were enriched from 4.33% ± 3.46% to 74.71% ± 9.17% of the total
CliniMACS Prodigy automated closed system as previously viable T cells (mean ± SD; n = 6) (Figure 2C). Similarly, IFN-g+
described33,34 and transduced with lentiviral vector encoding N6- T cells from HIVpos donors were enriched from 1.91% ± 0.94% to
CAR (Figure 2A). Briefly, PBMCs were collected from CMVpos 67.28% ± 17.04% of the total viable T cells (mean ± SD, n = 7) (Fig-
HIVneg or HIVpos donors on ART (Table S1) and processed in the ure 2C). Unlike CMV-specific T cells isolated from HIVneg donors
346 Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development Vol. 25 June 2022
Figure 2. Clinical scale manufacturing of CMV-HIV CAR T cells derived from HIVneg and HIVpos donors
(A) Manufacturing workflow to generate CMV-HIV CAR T cells as described in the Methods. (B) Representative FACS plots of CMV-specific T cells isolated from an HIVpos
donor before and after IFN-g+ cell enrichment using the CliniMACS Prodigy platform. (C) Flow cytometric analysis of the percentage of enriched IFN-g+ CMV-specific T cells
and their relative CD4 and CD8 expression. n = 6–7 donors per group. (D) Growth curves of total cell number in final products derived from HIVneg (n = 6) and HIVpos (n = 7)
donors over approximately 15-day expansion. The expansion curves in presence of ARVs (darunavir and enfuvirtide) are presented with red dotted lines. (E) Flow cytometric
analysis of the percentage of CMV-HIV CAR T cell in the final cell products and their relative CD4 and CD8 expression. n = 6–7 donors per group. (F) Total number of CMV-HIV
CAR T cells in each final cell product.
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that had similar proportions of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells (42.34% ± EGFR + CAR T cells derived from either HIVpos or HIVneg donors
20.30% and 46.18% ± 18.86%, respectively), CMV-specific T cells (Figure 3D).
from HIVpos donors had a higher content in CD8+ cells (78.04% ±
9.21%) as compared with CD4+ cells (25.59% ± 12.19%; mean ± CMV-HIV CAR T cells exhibit HIV and CMV antigen-specific
SD) (Figure 2C). This observation is consistent with previous reports effector functions
showing that PLWH have a higher proportion of CD8+ CMV-specific We first showed that CMV-HIV CAR T cells from HIVneg donors
T cells as compared with HIVneg individuals.35,36 Of note, the overall were specifically cytotoxic against gp120-expressing cells by perform-
composition in memory T cell subsets was similar between CMV-spe- ing a 96-h long-term killing assay using 8E5-gp120 cells as target cells
cific T cells isolated from HIVneg and HIVpos donors (Figure S5). (Figure 4A). We then evaluated if the CMV-HIV CAR T cells were
Recovered IFN-g+ T cells (approximately 1 106) were then trans- reactive to CMV antigen stimulation via signaling of their endoge-
duced with the N6-CAR lentiviral vector at MOI 3 to generate nous CMV-specific T cell receptors (TCR). A proliferation assay by
CMV-HIV CAR T cells and expanded in the presence of IL-2 CTV dye dilution showed that CMV-HIV CAR T cells proliferate
(50 U/mL) and IL-15 (1 ng/mL) for approximately 15 days. To assess only when co-cultured with CMVpp65 peptide-pulsed autologous
the effect of endogenous reactivation of HIV, we first expanded the PBMCs (CMVpp65-PBMCs) as antigen-presenting cells (APCs), or
CAR T cells in the absence of antiretroviral drugs (ARV). At the with LCL-OKT3 cells that engage all the TCRs, but not when exposed
end of the culture, the total cell number was 209.5 106 ± to KG-1a cells or media (Figure 4B). Accordingly, higher IFN-g
97.62 106 for HIVneg donors and 13.49 106 ± 12.17 106 for expression was measured in CMV-HIV CAR T cells after overnight
HIVpos donors (mean ± SD) (Figure 2D). ARV (43 nM darunavir stimulation with either LCL-OKT3, CMVpp65 PBMCs, or 8E5-
and 279 nM enfuvirtide) were supplemented to the medium during gp120 expressing cells, as compared with stimulation with KG-1a
the CAR T cell expansion of three HIVpos donors to inhibit HIV repli- cells or media (Figure 4C). As expected, CMV-specific T cells only ex-
cation. This cocktail was shown to prevent HIV replication in vitro pressed IFN-g after stimulation with LCL-OKT3 cells and
(Figure S6A), without affecting lentiviral transduction efficiency (Fig- CMVpp65-PBMCs, but not with 8E5-gp120 cells, KG-1a cells, or me-
ure S6B) and cell expansion (Figure S6C). Interestingly, the three best dia (Figure 4C). The relatively low IFN-g expression in CMV-HIV
cell expansions from HIVpos donors (64.1106, 237.2106, and CAR T cell products after overnight stimulation with 8E5-gp120 sug-
269.53106) occurred in the presence of ARV (Figure 2D, red dotted gests that the CAR T cells are slowly killing their target cells.
lines). Thus, with ARV, HIVpos donor cells can expand as well as
HIVneg donor cells. To further explore the difference between prod- Similarly, we assessed whether CMV-HIV CAR T cells derived from
ucts made from HIVneg and HIVpos donors, transduction efficiency HIVpos donors maintained their effector functions. CMV-HIV CAR
was assessed by measuring EGFR expression with flow cytometry in T cell products were predominantly CD8+ and were reactive to
the final cell products. Similar EGFR expression levels were observed CMVpp65 antigen stimulation, as shown by their high IFN-g expres-
in cell products derived from HIVneg (24.68% ± 18.34%) and HIVpos sion after overnight stimulation with CMVpp65 PBMCs (Figure 5A).
donors (21.45% ± 12.65%; mean ± SD) (Figure 2E). As expected, In addition, we observed dose-dependent cytotoxicity (Figure 5B)
CMV-HIV CAR T cells from HIVpos donors consisted of a higher against 8E5-gp120 cells after both short-term (24 h, left) and long-
percentage of CD8+ cells (86.46% ± 16.52%) as compared to CD4+ term (96 h, right) co-cultures. We observed better cytotoxicity with
cells (10.49% ± 6.62%), whereas the proportion of CD8+ and CD4+ 96-h co-culture than 24 h, supporting the optimal killing kinetics
cells within CMV-HIV CAR T cells manufactured from HIVneg do- with 96 h in the context of HIV CAR and gp120 target. After 24 h
nors was 61.35% ± 40.63% and 43.07% ± 42.56%, respectively and 96 h co-culture, T cell products and CAR T cells had similar
(mean ± SD) (Figure 2E). Finally, we assessed the final number of low exhaustion phenotype (Figure 5C), was similar to its final product
CAR T cells manufactured per campaign (Figure 2F). The average indicating our CMV-HIV CAR T cells remain functional and potent
CAR T cell number in HIVpos-derived cell product expanded in pres- after target engagement (Figures 3C and 3D). Cytotoxicity of the final
ence of ARV was 34.19106. cell product against HIV infected cells was further assessed by co-
culturing for 7 days CMV-HIV CAR T cells or CMV-CD19 CAR
Aanalysis of T cell memory subsets in the final T cell products T cells derived from the same donor, with HIVNL4-3-infected
showed that HIVneg donor-derived cell products had 19.03% ± eGFP+ Jurkat cells at various E:T ratios (Figure 5D). Compared
24.52% CD27+CD45RA+ stem cell memory T cells (Tscm), 18.92% ± with CMV-CD19 CAR T cells, CMV-HIV CAR T cells were cytotoxic
27.40% CD27+CD45RA central memory, 18.78% ± 22.41% against HIV-infected cells. In the same experiment, HIV-1 p24 levels
CD27 CD45RA+ effector memory RA(TEMRA), and 43.26% ± were measured by ELISA in the cell supernatants and showed a
37.37% CD27 CD45RA effector memory T cells (Tem) (mean ± decrease in p24 release in the presence of CMV-HIV CAR T cells,
SD) (Figure 3A). In comparison, HIVpos donors-derived cell products as compared to CMV-CD19 CAR T cells (Figure 5E). Finally, higher
contained fewer Tscm (1.71% ± 2.39%) than those from HIVneg donors. levels of p24 were detected in the supernatant of HIVpos donor-
Similar observations were made when looking at the cell memory subset derived CMV-CD19 CAR T cells as compared with CMV-HIV
composition within the EGFR+ CAR T cells (Figure 3B). Finally, only CAR T cells derived from the same donor (Figure 5F). Since the
low expression levels of the exhaustion markers LAG-3, PD-1, and only source of HIV in these cultures is from the HIVpos donor, who
Tim-3 were observed in the final T cell products (Figure 3C) or in was aviremic at the time of blood collection, this result suggests
348 Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development Vol. 25 June 2022
Figure 3. Phenotypic characterization of CMV-HIV CAR T cell products derived from HIVneg and HIVpos donors
T cell memory markers: CD27+CD45RA+ Tscm, CD27+CD45RA central memory (Tcm), CD27 CD45RA+ effector memory RA (TEMRA), and CD27 CD45RA Tem were
analyzed by flow cytometry after INF-r enrichment (A) and in the final CAR T cell products (B). Exhaustion markers (LAG-3, PD-1 and Tim-3) were analyzed by flow cytometry in
the final cell products (C) or within the EGFR+ CAR T cell fractions (D). Lines indicate means ± SD; n = 2–6 donors per group.
that the therapeutic product can eliminate detectable HIV after intraperitoneal (IP) injection, and on day 12 initiated on a 3-week-
endogenous reactivation. We next tested whether CMV-HIV CAR long oral ART regimen (emtricitabine, tenofovir, raltegravir), which
T cells have the potential to control HIV viremia and expand in vivo decreased the plasma viral load from low to undetectable levels. On
in response to CMVpp65 vaccine in a humanized mouse model of day 21, during ART, two cohorts were treated with a single infusion
HIV. of low dose CMV-HIV CAR T cells (0.1 106 EGFR+ T cells), and
either with or without CMVpp65 immunization on day 28. A group
CMV-HIV CAR T cells exhibit anti-HIV activity in a humanized of mice was treated with high dose CMV-HIV CAR T cells (1 106
mouse model of HIV EGFR+ T cells) followed by CMVpp65 vaccine on day 28. Two con-
HIVneg donors were used to generate high numbers of CMV-HIV trol cohorts included mice treated with CMV-negative T cells
CAR T cells. The HIV-infected NSG humanized-PBMC (NSG hu- (1 106 cells) from the same HIVneg donor, either with or without
PBMC) mouse model, summarized in Figure 6A, was established CMVpp65 vaccine on day 28. CMV-HIV CAR T cells were well toler-
by transplant with autologous PBMCs in 3- to 5-week-old NSG ated in all the mice, and no differences in body weight and tempera-
mice (day 0). On day 7, mice were challenged with HIV-1 BaL via ture were observed between the groups (Figure S7). At day 28, when
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Figure 4. Effector functions of CMV-HIV CAR T cells derived from HIVneg donors
(A) Specific cytotoxicity against gp120-expressing target cells was determined by culturing CMV-HIV CAR T cell products with eGFP+ 8E5-gp120 or eGFP+ KG-1a cells at
different E:T ratios 2:1, 1:1, 1:2 or 1:5) for 96 h followed by immunostaining for CD3 and eGFP. Percentages of remaining eGFP+ tumor cells were measured by flow cytometry
and cytotoxicity was calculated. N = 5. (B) CMV-HIV CAR T cell products were labeled with CTV and cultured for 8 days with CMVpp65 peptide-pulsed and 3,500 rads
irradiated PBMCs (CMVpp65-PBMC), 8,000 rads irradiated LCL-OKT3 or KG-1a cells or media. CMV-HIV CAR T cell proliferation was determined by CTV dilution. Repre-
sentative data of four donors are shown. (C) CMV-HIV CAR T cell or CMV-specific T-cell products derived from the same donor were stimulated overnight with CMVpp65
peptide-pulsed autologous PBMC (CMVpp65-PBMC), LCL-OKT3, 8E5-gp120, KG-1a cells or media. Cocultures were stained for surface CD8 followed by intracellular
IFN-g. Representative data of three different donors are shown.
mice were on ART before vaccination, high dose of CMV-HIV CAR 42, after ART interruption and viral rebound, mice that received
T cells was found to significantly control HIV plasma viremia both a high dose of CMV-HIV CAR T cells and the CMVpp65 vac-
compared to control T cell- and to low dose CAR T cell-treated cine were the only cohort with controlled plasma viremia compared
mice (Figure 6B). EGFR+ CAR T cells were then measured in the pe- with vaccinated or unvaccinated low dose CAR T cell-treated mice
ripheral blood (Figure 6C), and for each mouse, the slope of the linear (Figure 6D). This suggests the importance of CAR T cell dose such
regression lines for EGFR+ CAR T cell number/mL between day 33 that the CMVpp65 vaccine-driven expansion of low dose CAR
(i.e., the final day of ART) and day 42 (i.e., 9 days after ART interrup- T cells was not sufficient to reach a therapeutic effect when viremia
tion) transformed to a log10 scale was calculated (Figure S8). The was high. CAR T cells were also detected in the bone marrow of
mean slope, which represents the rate of expansion of CAR T cells af- mice at sacrifice (Figure 6E), and, notably, an inverse relationship
ter interruption of ART, was significantly higher for the two vacci- (p = 0.045) was observed in the frequency of T cells with active
nated CAR T cell-treated groups, compared to the unvaccinated HIV-1 infection (i.e., p24+ T cells) versus the frequency of EGFR+
low dose CAR T cell-treated cohort. This suggests that the vaccine CAR T cells in the bone marrow, suggesting a CAR-mediated reduc-
induced CAR T cell expansion even after ART interruption. At day tion of HIV-infected cells (Figure 6F).
350 Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development Vol. 25 June 2022
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Finally, in a separate experiment, we assessed whether CMV-HIV controllers?44 One approach, tested in HIV-infected individuals on
CAR T cells derived from an HIVpos donor could migrate to the ART (NCT03485963 and NCT04561258) uses ex vivo expanded
bone marrow, as memory T cells from the bone marrow are long HIV-specific T cells that are able to recognize multiple HIV
lasting and persist long after the dissipation of circulating anti- epitopes.5 However, this approach may still be limited by the lack of
gen-specific memory T cells.37 EGFR+ CAR T cells (50 103) continuous viral antigens which is required to stimulate and maintain
were infused into hu-PBMC-NSG mice 14 days after engraftment the T cell number necessary for a prolonged effect, while avoiding im-
of HIV-challenged PBMCs (day 0) and in the absence of ART. mune escape by HIV. The engineering of T cells with a CD4-based CAR
On day 55, EGFR+ CAR T cells were detected in the peripheral has been developed to overcome the potential for HIV resistance. The
blood and in the bone marrow. As anticipated, these CAR early studies of these first-generation CAR T cells produced no
T cells were mostly CD8+ (Figure 7A). Importantly, they still ex- convincing anti-HIV effect but were safe.4,8–10 The in vitro and in vivo
pressed the memory cell markers CD62L and CD27 (Figures 7B potency was significantly improved with the development of second-
and 7C). Thus, these results demonstrate CMV-HIV CAR T cells generation CD4-based CAR T cells14,26,27 that are being currently tested
derived from an HIVpos individual can establish persistent T cell in the clinic (NCT03617198). An alternative approach to design HIV-
memory in the marrow of HIV-infected mice. No significant differ- specific CAR T cells16,17 relies on scFv of gp120-specific bNAb.45 A
ence in HIV viral load was observed in the peripheral blood (data study even combined both gp120-and CD4 CAR T cells to induce in vivo
not shown), possibly owing to the limited number of infused CAR expansion in non-human primates after gp120 antigen pulsing.46 A bis-
T cell and the high level of active HIV infection at the time of CAR pecific anti-HIV CAR T cell that responds to endogenous signals could
T cell infusion. solve the problem of in vivo maintenance of T cell levels over the long
period that is likely required for a functional cure.44 Our CMV-HIV bis-
Altogether, these data demonstrate that CMVpp65 vaccine stimulates pecific CAR T products are shown in this study to be responsive to both
CMV-HIV CAR T cell expansion during ART, and that these cells can CMV and gp120 antigenic stimulations, in vitro and in vivo, and could
traffic to the bone marrow, and locally control viremia, in a CAR meet this requirement. We first showed that CMV-HIV CAR T cells
T cell dose-dependent manner. These data demonstrate the feasibility from HIVneg donors maintain the capacity to proliferate in vitro in
of our therapeutic approach and support the development of a clinical response to a CMV vaccine through TCR stimulation47 and to specif-
trial using N6-based CAR immunotherapy combined with a CMV ically target gp120-expressing cells. To assess if CMV-HIV CAR
vaccine to efficiently eliminate gp120-expressing cells in PLWH T cells can control HIV reactivation in vivo, we then optimized a hu-
with the potential for long-term treatment interruption. manized mouse model of HIV on ART and administered CMV-HIV
CAR T cells from HIVneg donors followed by CMVpp65 vaccination.
DISCUSSION As expected, we found that CMV-HIV CAR T cells expanded faster
The CTLs response is a key component of host immunity against HIV upon administration of the CMVpp65 vaccine compared with unvac-
infection.38 It is believed that viral control in HIV-infected individuals, cinated mice.23 Notably, we found that mice that received both a high
which in “elite controllers” can suppress viral loads for years without dose of CAR T cells and the CMVpp65 vaccine showed control of
ART, is mediated largely by HIV-specific CD8+ T cell responses that plasma viral load compared with untreated HIV-infected mice, suggest-
exert continuous suppression of the HIV reservoir.39–41 A study sug- ing that CMV vaccine-stimulated CAR T cells are not losing their
gests that this prolonged suppressive immune pressure alters the char- effector function in vivo owing to exhaustion. The vaccine-driven
acteristics of the latent virus within the reservoir, gradually selecting for expansion of a low dose of CMV-HIV CAR T cells was, however, not
defective latent virus that results in a population of infected cells with an enough to exert an anti-HIV activity in the peripheral blood. We also
inability to reactivate.42,43 Thus, a strategy for a functional HIV cure observed a CAR T cell dose-dependent control of the frequency of
maintains that suppression of latent virus infection requires T cell im- p24+ T cells in the bone marrow, suggesting that CMV-HIV CAR
munity that is both effective and prolonged. How best to duplicate this T cells have potential to traffic to this site and to eliminate HIV reser-
effective and sustained control mechanism observed in elite voirs. Unfortunately, this mouse model is limited by the occurrence
Figure 5. Effector functions of CMV-HIV CAR T cells derived from HIVpos donors
(A) Representative FACS plots of CMV-specific T cells enriched from an HIVpos donor and transduced with a lentiviral vector expressing N6-CAR (n = 7). The transduction
efficiency was assessed on day 7 by measuring EGFR expression in T cells. The CMV-HIV CAR T cell products were then stimulated overnight with CMVpp65 peptide-pulsed
autologous PBMC and analyzed by flow cytometry for the expression of IFN-g, CD3, CD4 and CD8. Representative data of three different donors (n = 3) are shown. (B, C)
Specific cytotoxicity was determined by co-culturing CMV-HIV CAR T cells (n = 3) with eGFP+ 8E5-gp120 or eGFP+ KG-1a cells at different E:T ratios (2:1, 1:1, or 1:5) for 24 h
(n = 2) and 96 h (n = 3) followed by immunostaining for CD3, EGFR as well as LAG-3, PD-1 and Tim-3 exhaustion markers. Percentages of remaining eGFP+ tumor cells were
measured by flow cytometry and cytotoxicity was calculated as described in Methods. The graph presents the cytotoxicity of CAR T cells from two or three donors against
8E5-gp120 target cells at different E:T ratios. (D) CMV-HIV CAR T cells or CMV-CD19 CAR T cells were manufactured from the same HIVpos donor and cultured with HIVNL4-3-
infected eGFP+ Jurkat cells at different E:T ratios (1:1, 1:2, and 1:4) for 7 days. The cytotoxicity of the CAR T cell products against HIVNL4-3-infected eGFP+ Jurkat cells was
calculated and normalized to an untreated control well. The levels of HIV p24 in the cell supernatants on day 7 were measured by ELISA and normalized to the p24 levels in the
control condition at an E:T ratio of 1:1 (E). (F) CMV-HIV CAR T cells and CMV-CD19 CAR T cells were manufactured from an HIVpos donor on ART. Levels of p24 were
measured in the culture supernatant by ELISA after 20-day expansion and normalized to the p24 level in supernatant of CMV-CD19 CAR T cells. Data from one HIVpos donor
are shown in (D), (E), and (F).
352 Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development Vol. 25 June 2022
Figure 6. CMVpp65-driven expansion of CMV-HIV CAR T cells and dose-dependent control of HIV viremia in hu-PBMC-NSG mice on ART
(A) NSG humanized PBMCs (hu-PBMC) mouse model of HIV on ART and experimental design. HIV-infected mice on oral ART were treated with a low dose CMV-HIV CAR
T cells (0.1 106 EGFR+ T cells), with or without CMVpp65 vaccine, or a high dose of CMV-HIV CAR T cells (1 106 EGFR+ T cells) with CMVpp65 vaccine on day 28. Mice
treated with CMV-negative T cells (1 106 cells) from the same HIVneg donor, with or without CMVpp65 vaccine, were used as controls. (B) HIV viral load in the peripheral
blood on day 28. Additive models with the baseline HIV viral load (day 21), log10CD3, log10CD4 and treatment group were considered, and the best model was chosen based
on Akaike information criteria. This model included treatment groups only so analysis of variance followed by the Tukey method for all possible one-sided comparisons (family-
wise error rate = 0.05) was used to assess if there were treatment differences among the control (T cell-treated mice), low-dose and high-dose CMV-HIV CAR T cell-treated
cohorts; ***p < 0.001; **p = 0.002; n = 8–17/group. (C) Flow cytometric analysis of EGFR+ CAR T cell expansion in the peripheral blood between day 33 and day 42. n =
8/group. Note that one female mouse in the low-dose CAR T + vaccine group did not have a day 42 measure and was not included in this analysis. (D) HIV viral load in the
peripheral blood on day 42, after vaccine stimulation and ART interruption. The best model was an analysis of covariance including log10CD3, log10CD4 and treatment group
followed by the Tukey method for all possible one-sided comparisons. **p < 0.01, *p = 0.03; n = 6–8/group. (E) Flow cytometric analysis of the frequency of EGFR+ CAR
(legend continued on next page)
Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development Vol. 25 June 2022 353
Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development
of graft-versus-host disease and does not allow long-term CAR T cell In summary, we have designed and manufactured at clinical scale a
persistence studies.48 Interestingly, in a non-human primate model, an- novel bispecific CMV-HIV CAR T cell that confers anti-HIV speci-
imals treated with simian immunodeficiency virus-specific CAR T cells ficity to T cells that have immunologic and antiviral responses both
expressing the follicular homing receptor CXCR5 maintained lower in vitro and in vivo. This CMV vaccine-driven approach to enhance
viral loads and follicular viral RNA levels than untreated control ani- expansion and maintenance of these CAR T cells deserves clinical
mals. These findings hold promise of CAR T cell therapy for the durable evaluation. The CMV Triplex vaccine, which is an investigational vac-
remission of HIV.49 cine made using a modified vaccinia Ankara platform containing
CMV antigens, has been shown to be immunogenic, safe and effective
Unlike other immunotherapies that require additional gene engineer- at expanding CMV-specific cells when used in healthy individuals59
ing to protect CD4+ CAR T cells from HIV infection,16,50–52 most of or marrow transplant patients.60 This vaccine is currently being eval-
our HIVpos donor-derived gene-modified T cells are CD8+ T cells and uated in PLWH.61 As the level of in vivo expansion upon TCR and
thus naturally resistant to HIV infection. The PBMCs used from HIV- CAR stimulation is unknown, we plan to start with a low cell dose
positive donors are capable of supporting HIV infection but, within (25 106 autologous CMV-CAR T cells per participant) to assess
the combination of T cells, it is not known if the CAR T cells them- the safety and feasibility of our approach. Our studies here demon-
selves become infected. However, if ARVs are used during strated that we were able to generate sufficient CMV-HIV CAR
manufacturing this aborts any HIV infection (data not shown). In T cells within a 14-day ex vivo expansion period without further stim-
this regard, we found that the cell expansion from HIVpos donors ulation. We have the capacity to generate more CAR T cells for higher
was lower compared with HIVneg donors if performed in the absence dose levels by using simultaneously two Prodigy platforms. The short-
of ARV. For this reason, we have optimized the ex vivo culture con- ened ex vivo expansion of CMV-HIV CAR T cells could prevent dif-
ditions by adding ARV during the manufacturing, leading to better ferentiation and promote effector functions after infusion. We hope
cell expansion and showing the feasibility of clinical scale production this approach will help to achieve sustained immunologic control of
of the CMV-HIV CAR T cells under good manufacturing practice HIV-1 infection in the absence of ART.
(GMP) guidelines. We found that HIVpos donor-derived CMV-HIV
CAR T cells maintain in vitro cytotoxicity against various gp120-ex- MATERIALS AND METHODS
pressing cells (8E5-gp120, HIVNL4-3-infected Jurkat cells and autolo- DNA constructs
gous T cells) and the ability to proliferate and secrete IFN-ɣ upon The N6-CAR construct was modified from the previously
stimulation with CMVpp65-PBMCs, suggesting bifunctionality spe- described CD19-specific scFvFc:z chimeric immunoreceptor.62
cific for both HIV and CMV. These cell products also express low The HIV:41BB:z/EGFRt-epHIV7 lentiviral vector contains the
levels of exhaustion markers. Finally, we found that HIVpos-derived granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) re-
CMV-HIV CAR T cells were able to migrate to the bone marrow of ceptor-a chain signal sequence (GMCSFRss), which enhances
HIV-infected NSG humanized-PBMC mice and still maintained CAR surface expression, the CAR sequence consisting of the VH
expression of early memory cell markers.51 and VL gene segments of the N6 bNAb, the IgG4 hinge with
two site mutations (L235E; N297Q) within the CH2 region, the
Regarding the induction of HIV resistance during CAR T cell therapy, CD4 transmembrane and 4-1BB co-stimulatory domains, the cyto-
we have chosen the gp120-specific bNAb N6 because it has been shown plasmic domain of the CD3z chain,24 the ribosomal skip T2A
to neutralize in vitro HIV strains that are resistant to other antibodies of sequence, and the EGFRt sequence as previously described to allow
the same class.18 However, N6 has been used in a simian model and for CAR T cell enrichment, tracking, and potential cell ablation
shown to induce resistant SHIV indicating a cautionary note.53 Addi- through ADCC.63 The full CAR sequence is available upon
tional information regarding the risk of resistance induction will come request. The lentiviral vector encoding eGFP and ffLuc was created
from the study of N6LS (i.e., N6 modified to extend its half-life in by removing the STOP codon in the eGFP open reading frame
serum) in HIV-1 infected adults (NCT04871113). It remains to be from pFUGW (Addgene plasmid #14883) and inserting a P2A-
determined whether the N6-based CAR T cell strategy will be safe in ffLuc-STOP cassette in frame with eGFP.
humans while evading immune escape mechanisms of HIV. In case
of resistance in a N6-CAR T cell trial, the CAR construct could be Clinical scale production of CMV-HIV CAR T cells
modified to include other approaches to dual-targeted CAR T cells to Fresh blood products were obtained from CMVpos HIVneg donors
decrease the potential for virus immune escape.54–58 (StemCell Technologies, Vancouver, Canada) and HIVpos donors
T cells in the bone marrow at the time of sacrifice. The data was transformed using a logit transformation. ANOVA followed by the Tukey method for all possible one-sided
comparisons (family-wise error rate = 0.05) was used to assess if there were treatment differences among the CAR T cell-treated cohorts; **p < 0.01; *p = 0.02; n = 7–8/
group. (F) Percentage of EGFR+ CAR T cells in the bone marrow plotted against the percentage of p24+ T cells in the bone marrow. Staining for surface antibodies (CD45,
CD3, and EGFR) were performed as in panel (C), while intracellular p24 HIV-1 antigen was stained with KC57-FITC antibody after fixation and permeabilization. The simple
least squares model with only percent of EGFR+ CAR T cells was best, both percent of EGFR+ CAR T cells, and percent of p24+ T cells were transformed using a logit. Box
and whisker plots were used to present the data in (B), (D), and (E). The black box represents the quartiles and black line represent the quartiles and median and the plus sign
represents the mean, and values outside the whiskers are considered outliers.
354 Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development Vol. 25 June 2022
Figure 7. Distribution and phenotype of HIVpos donor-derived CMV-HIV CAR T cells in a humanized PBMC-NSG mouse model
Flow cytometric analyses of EGFR + CAR T cells 6 weeks post-CAR T cell infusion. (A) Frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and (B) CD62L+ and (C) CD27+ within the EGFR+
CAR T cell fraction. Lines represent means ± SD; n = 5.
on ART (Zen-Bio Inc, Research Triangle Park, NC) (Table S1). All expanded. Acute myeloid leukemia cell line KG-1a (CCL-246.1) cells
procedures were performed in accordance with the Declaration of were purchased from ATCC and maintained in 10% FCS IMDM me-
Helsinki Protocols (KC15TISI0494). CMV-specific T cells were iso- dium and used as negative target cells. LCL-OKT3 cells were gener-
lated on the CliniMACS Prodigy and CCS (Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch ated as previously described and served as positive T cell stimulator.23
Gladbach, the Netherlands) according to the manufacturer’s instruc- Cells were grown in complete medium supplemented with 0.4 mg/mL
tion. Briefly, PBMCs were isolated and purified by density gradient hygromycin. eGFP+ Jurkat cells were infected with the HIVNL4-3 and
centrifugation over Ficoll-Paque (Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala, Swe- maintained in culture for 2 weeks. HEK293-eGFP-ffLuc-gp160 cells
den). After PBMCs (109) were added to the application bag con- used as positive control cell lines for the tissue cross-reactivity study
nected to the tubing set, the CliniMACS Prodigy device automatically were obtained by stably transfecting HEK-293T cell lines with
performed successive processes, including sample washing, antigen C97ZA012 gp160 construct to express the cell surface gp160 (eventu-
stimulation with PepTivator CMVpp65, Catchmatrix labeling, anti- ally cleaved into gp120 and gp41 HIV-1 envelope proteins). Banks of
IFN-g microbead labeling, magnetic enrichment, and elution. all cell lines were authenticated for the desired antigen/marker
CMV-specific cells and non-CMV-specific cells were eluted in sepa- expression by flow cytometry before cryopreservation, and thawed
rate bags after magnetic enrichment. After overnight rest in RPMI cells were cultured for less than 3 months before use in assays.
medium containing 10% human AB serum (Gemini Bio Products,
Sacramento, CA), IL-2 (50 U/mL) and IL-15 (1 ng/mL), recovered Cytotoxicity assay
IFN-g+ cells (approximately 1 106) were transduced at MOI 3 CAR T cell products (2.5 105) and eGFP-positive target cells (8E5-
with the research (for HIVneg donors and HIVpos donors #551 and gp120, 8E5, LCL-OKT3, or KG-1a) were cocultured at various E:T ra-
#552) or GMP-grade (for HIVpos donors #553, #572, #573, IEQR#2, tios of total T cells:target (2:1, 1:1, 1:2 or 1:5) for 4 days. Cocultures
IEQR#3) lentiviral vector HIV:41BB:z/EGFRt-epHIV7. Fresh culture with LCL-OKT3 and 8E5 or KG-1a were used as positive and negative
medium and cytokines were added every other day for approximately target controls. The cells were stained with anti-CD3 antibody. The
15 days. ARVs (43 nM darunavir and 279 nM enfuvirtide) were added percentages of viable eGFP+ CD3– tumor cells were measured using
twice per week during the expansion of HIVpos #573, IEQR#2 and multicolor flow cytometry. The percent of cytotoxicity was calculated
IEQR#3 derived CMV-HIV CAR T cells. Cultures were maintained as following: 100% – (% of remaining tumor cells in CAR T cell
at 37 C under 5% (v/v) CO2. group/% of remaining tumor cells in mock T or negative target
groups). eGFP+ HIVNL4-3-infected Jurkat cells (2.5 105) were cocul-
Cell lines tured with CMV-HIV CAR T cells at various E:T ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:4)
The 8E5 cells contain a single defective proviral genome of HIV and for 7 days. Cells then were stained with Viability Dye eFluor 450 (Mil-
therefore are not infectious but express most of the HIV viral proteins tenyi Biotec) for flow cytometric analysis of viable eGFP+ cells.
including gp120. 8E5 (CRL-8993) cells were purchased from ATCC
(Manassas, VA) and maintained in RPMI 1640 (Irvine Scientific, Proliferation assay
Santa Ana, CA) medium supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated CAR T cell products (2.5 105) were labeled with 0.5 mM CellTrace
FCS (Hyclone Laboratories, Inc, Logan, UT). To generate 8E5 cell Violet dye and cocultured with 8,000 cGy-irradiated stimulator cells
lines expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) and LCL-OKT3, 8E5-gp120 and KG-1a, or autologous CMVpp65-peptide
firefly luciferase (ffLuc), 8E5 cells were transduced with a lentiviral pulsed PBMCs which had been 3,500 cGy-irradiated at 1:1 ratio for
vector encoding eGFP-ffLuc, and GFP+gp120+ cells were sorted and 8 days. Cocultures with LCL-OKT3, KG-1a cells, and media were
Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development Vol. 25 June 2022 355
Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development
used as positive and negative controls. The proliferation of CD3+ and similar engraftment and gender proportions across groups. On day 7,
EGFR+ populations was determined using multicolor flow cytometry. mice were challenged with HIV-1 BaL via IP injection. Longitudinal
blood collections were performed using retro-orbital bleeding on
Intracellular IFN-g staining anesthetized mice and peripheral blood cell populations and plasma
CAR T cell products (105) were activated overnight with LCL-OKT3, viral loads were analyzed periodically using flow cytometry and quan-
8E5-gp120, or KG-1a cells (105) in 96-well tissue culture plates, or titative real-time PCR. Mice that did not engraft huCD45+ cells
with CMVpp65 peptide-pulsed autologous PBMC cells (105) in the (defined as >30 cells/mL huCD45+ cells in peripheral blood) were
presence of Brefeldin A (BD Biosciences, Franklin Lakes, NJ). The excluded for analysis. Mice showing severe signs of graft-versus-
cell mixture was then stained with anti-CD8 antibody, anti-EGFR host disease were immediately humanely euthanized.
antibody cetuximab, and streptavidin to analyze surface expression
of CD8 and CAR, respectively. Cells were then fixed and permeabi- Oral ART therapy
lized using the BD Cytofix/Cytoperm kit (BD Biosciences). After fix- Infected mice with detectable viral infection (defined as >103 cp/mL
ation, the T cells were stained with an anti-IFN-g antibody. Cells were of HIV in blood) were treated orally for 3 weeks with ART composed
then analyzed using multicolor flow cytometry on MACSQuant of drugs that block new infections, without inhibiting viral pro-
(Miltenyi Biotec). duction in infected cells. The ART regimen consisting of Truvada
(tenofovir disoproxil fumarate [300 mg/tablet], emtricitabine
Mice [200 mg/tablet; Gilead Sciences, Foster City, CA]) and Isentress (ral-
Studies were performed with male and female NOD.Cg-Pr- tegravir 400 mg/tablet (Merck, Kenilworth, NJ), scaled down to the
kdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NSG) mice (JAX stock #005557) aged 3– equivalent mouse dosage using the appropriate conversion factor,
5 weeks at the initiation of studies. Mice were group housed in was administered in a drinking water formulation (sweetened water
individually ventilated cages (OptiCages, Animal Care Systems) gel, Medidrop Sucralose, ClearH20). For 400 mL Medidrop, 1/2 Tru-
on corn-cob bedding (‘Bed-o’-Cobs 1/8 in., The Andersons, Mau- vada tablet, and 1/2 Isentress tablet were crushed to powder and mixed
mee, OH) with a square nestlet and PVC tube provided for enrich- by shaking bottle to a homogenous solution; medicated water was
ment. Mice were allowed free access to rodent chow (LabDiet changed weekly. Doses of ART drugs were calculated based on previ-
5350) and autoclaved acidified reverse osmosis purified water ous studies using the same delivery system.64
(pH 2.4–2.8) in bottles. After inoculation with HIV, mice were
housed under animal biosafety level-2 conditions, group housed CMV-HIV CAR T cells and in vivo CMVpp65 stimulation
in static disposable cages (Innocage, Innovive, San Diego, CA). Mice received CMV-HIV CAR T cells (0.05–1 106 EGFR+ T cells),
The room temperature was held at a range of 68 F –79 F and CMV-negative T cells (1 106); or autologous PBMCs as control
the room humidity range was 30%–70%. Mice were designated T cells by retro-orbital injection under general isoflurane anesthesia.
as specific-pathogen-free for mouse rotavirus, Sendai virus, pneu- Autologous PBMCs were pulsed with CMVpp65 peptide mix (#PM-
monia virus of mice, mouse hepatitis virus, minute virus of mice, PP65, JPT Peptide Technologies, Berlin, Germany) as APCs as
mice parvovirus, Theiler murine encephalomyelitis virus, mouse CMVpp65 vaccine. When indicated, mice received CMVpp65 pep-
reovirus type 3, mouse norovirus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis tide-pulsed and irradiated (3,500 rads) autologous CMV-negative
virus, mouse thymic virus, mouse adenovirus types 1 and 2, mouse PBMCs (5 106) by retro-orbital injection under general isoflurane
CMV, polyomavirus, K virus, ectromelia virus, Hantavirus, Pros- anesthesia.
pect Hill virus, Filobacterium rodentium, Encephalitozoon cuniculi,
and Mycoplasma pulmonis, Helicobacter spp., Clostridium pili- Statistical analysis
forme, and free of any endo- and ectoparasites. Mice were main- Analyses were performed using Prism (GraphPad Software Inc.) or R
tained in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of version 4.0.265 and are described in the individual figure legends. A
Laboratory Animals in a facility accredited by the American significance level of 0.05 was used for all analyses.
Association for the Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care. All
experiments were performed according to the guidelines of the SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION
Institutional Animal Committee of the Beckman Research Institute Supplemental information can be found online at
of the City of Hope, IACUC 16095. 1016/j.omtm.2022.04.007.
356 Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development Vol. 25 June 2022
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