functions for arbitrary targets and architectures, based on translation of the C code of the Source Code FMU into C
advanced physical models of the underlying system. code that can be processed by build tools from Bosch for
engine control software. After inspection of the source
1.2 State of the art of FMI in AUTOSAR code generated by three different Modelica tools certain
In a case study by Bertsch et al. (2015) it has been patterns were identified, such as: moving declarations to
demonstrated that it is possible to wrap the C code from a public or private headers, exclusion of functions from,
Source Code FMU (Functional Mock-up Unit), that has e.g., stdio.h and math.h (ISO/IEC 2018-06) which are
been generated from a Modelica (Modelica Association not supported on embedded devices, taking care of proper
2021-02) physical model, as AUTOSAR ASW-C assignment of float values and avoiding implicit type
(Application Software Component) and to execute it on a casts. This process had been automated to a large extent,
Bosch ECU. This study also revealed the conceptual but made assumptions on the structure of the code and was
weaknesses of FMI when it comes to embedded finally still relying on the expertise of an embedded
automotive software and safety critical applications. software developer to inspect the translated code and to fix
The probably most obvious weakness roots in the remaining issues before further compilation.
purposeful design of FMI being a standardized interface This involved procedure illustrates that, if the generator
without being directive about the implementation of of the C code is not giving any guarantees on its code, then
interface functions, except of which entry level files to it is very difficult, if not impossible, for the consuming
provide and which headers to include. In contrast to that, tool to enforce these afterwards. From a workflow
the widely accepted rules of the Motor Industry Software perspective, it is also highly objectionable when only after
Reliability Association (MISRA) are very specific about importing and processing of an FMU deficits are revealed
how a function is to be implemented in the C language to that have to be addressed by the exporting tool.
avoid ambiguities and runtime exceptions, while ensuring All these issues are only about just compiling the code;
readability of the code. The goals of maximum flexibility but to fulfill the requirements of an embedded software the
for the exporting tool to produce any kind of simulation following aspects regarding the behavior and resource
code to be wrapped into a black box running on a personal demand of the code have to be addressed as well:
computer (PC) vs. high quality embedded production code • Limited data memory and code memory.
being subject to thorough code reviews before being
deployed to a dedicated target according to a certified • Limited computation power of the target.
procedure are contradicting. FMI is not designed to • Limitations on supported data types: 32-bit vs. 64-bit
provide production code and binaries that are ready to floating-point precision, fixed-point arithmetic etc.
satisfy the requirements of automotive embedded software
quality gates. There are no mechanisms for the traceability • Static memory allocation only.
of the code and no attributes about the used compilers and • Guaranteed exception freeness: Programs never fail
compiler settings to ensure the repeatability of the build due, e.g., unavailable/busy external devices, writing
process of a binary targeting a dedicated application in a read-only memory, accessing multi-dimensions out-
specific runtime environment with the type of of-bounds, running out of stack memory etc.
microcontroller already defined.
The prototypical tooling developed by Bertsch et al. • Guaranteed execution time within the limits of the
(2015) enhanced by Neudorfer et al. (2017) is focusing on available target system resources and the minimal
the technical aspect of translating a Source Code FMU sampling period required for correct physical
into an AUTOAR SW-C. The aspects of which meta data behavior.
has to be provided to support an end-to-end tool chain • Proper error handling: Handling of Not a Number
from the original model to the deployed binary is not (NaN) (IEEE 2019-07), mathematical functions that
discussed and remains as an unresolved issue of the are undefined for some arguments, linear systems
prototypical work not intended for productive usage. without unique solution etc.
In terms of code quality Bertsch et al. (2015) state that
none of the inspected source codes of the evaluated tools • In bound guarantees of signals.
fulfilled their requirements and that the “C-code from Simulation code generated by today’s FMU generating
many commercial tools is not suitable to run on an ECU tools is optimized for runtime performance on a PC. The
due to its size and complexity since it was not intended to memory required by the FMU is allocated dynamically.
run on an embedded system”. The sizes of the data and program code are not considered
The tooling presented by Bertsch et al. (2015) translates limiting factors and therefore not minimized. This renders
in a first step the FMI modelDescription.xml file into existing FMI solutions unsuited for application in the
a corresponding AUTOSAR .arxml file, based on a embedded domain.
number of design decisions made on the desired For co-simulation FMUs (CS-FMU) there are no
representation as SW-C. The second step involves the restrictions for the type of solver being used. For real-time
applications, variable-step-size solvers are not suitable, as that is maintained and further developed in a separate
they cannot guarantee the execution time on an equidistant Modelica Association Project. Entirely new concepts are
time grid. Event handling and non-linear algebraic loops introduced, but at the same time, a high degree of
are particularly challenging, since self-evident unbounded consistency with FMI has been achieved. Whereas FMUs
iterative solutions of such cannot be used; instead, such are ready-made “consumer” products for exchanging
have to be expressed as upper-bounded iterative simulation models, an FMU for embedded systems
algorithms with execution time guarantees. If this is not (eFMU) is a shared development workspace for step-wise,
possible, the system is not suited for embedded real-time. semi- and full-automatized refinement from a high-level
Hence, the consumer of an FMU fully depends on the intermediate representation of a sampled algorithm (in the
modeler and exporting tool to have made appropriate GALEC language, see Section 2.4) to an implementation
choices in setting up the model and making the settings for of the algorithm for an embedded target. The development
the solver and the compiler to meet the basic runtime of a single eFMU is shared between varying eFMI tools
requirements. An FMU by itself gives no guarantees and developers. Throughout its development, the eFMU
further processing can rely upon. very likely is in intermediate stages not suited for
Furthermore, FMUs are expected to run in a simulation simulation. The developed final solution can be wrapped
or co-simulation environment that provides exception by a respective FMI interface such that it behaves like a
handling mechanisms. Messages may be dumped into a regular FMU. Doing so, the outer FMI shell allows any
log file in case of exceeded value ranges based on the FMI supporting tool to load and execute the eFMU as CS-
assert statements in the code for the simulation engineers FMU, accessing the actual production code through
to verify that they can trust the results. In safety critical appropriate wrappers. This enables verification and
applications, there is no second attempt. The software validation (V&V) of the target code in a Software-in-the-
must guarantee exception free execution and a predictable Loop (SiL) environment without restricting the target code
behavior under all circumstances. FMI does not provide to satisfy a static C interface.
any means to cope with this requirement.
Despite the fact that one can find ways to translate the
1.4 eFMI Workflow
C code from a Source Code FMU to compile and being Key differentiator of the proposed eFMI workflow (see
executed on an embedded target, one has to state that FMI Figure 1) is a multistep approach reflected by different
has no means to guarantee that the source code fulfills types of so-called model representations that are stored in
basic prerequisites for embedded real-time execution, nor containers within the same eFMU. Each model
does it provide a rich enough model description to support representation addresses a different aspect and refinement
an end-to-end build chain in terms of traceability, step of a physical model to embedded software in the
transparency and repeatability of the process. development process. The intention is to provide an
automatable workflow, where the model representations
1.3 eFMI vs. FMI can be generated, with tool-supported refinement along
eFMI helps to overcome the shortcomings of FMI, the “Transform” boxes in Figure 1.
explained in Section 1.2, for the development of The Algorithm Code model representation (see Section
embedded software based on physical models. eFMI is not 2.4) provides a target independent, intermediate
just an extension of FMI; it is an orthogonal, new standard representation for upper-bounded algorithmic
ECU, Realtime-PC,
AUTOSAR (Adaptive), ...
Figure 1. eFMI workflow with its different model representations (red boxes).
computations. It serves as code generation target for independent modeling and simulation environment, e.g., a
(physics-based) modeling tools, allowing them to Modelica tooling (Modelica Association 2021-02). Such
concentrate on the general concern of finding a sequence original models can be described by (unsorted) equations,
of computations that satisfies real-time constraints, i.e., is algorithms or functions, which have to be transformed to
algorithmically well-defined with an upper-bound of eFMI Algorithm Code model representations. This
computational steps. requires a causal, discretized algorithmic solution to be
Such algorithmic solutions are further refined to actual found for the acausal physics equations – hence the
implementation code that is best suited for a specific target modeling environment must provide a GALEC code
environment in terms of performance, memory generation backend (see Section 2.6).
consumption, software architecture and applicable rules Mathematically, an algorithmic solution can be
and regulations by Production Code model described as a sampled input/output block with one
representations (see Section 2.5). For a single Algorithm (potentially varying) sample period 𝑇 𝑡 𝑡 for the
Code container, several Production Code containers can whole block. Inputs 𝒖 𝒖 𝑡 and previous block
be given to address varying target platforms, e.g., internal states 𝒙 are provided at sample time 𝑡 whereas
alternative chip sets or customer specific code guidelines. outputs 𝒚 𝒚 𝑡 and new states 𝒙 are computed in
For each production code, arbitrarily many compiled the block (see Figure 2).
binaries, tailored for embedded system integration within
a specific ECU/target platform, can be included via Binary
Code model representations (see Section 2.6). Besides
defining a target specific build and integration, Binary
Code containers can also protect intellectual property by
only providing the binaries as such without sources.
Figure 2. Mathematical description of an algorithmic
Finally, validation and verification (V&V) is covered solution as supported by eFMI Algorithm Code model
by means of Behavioral Model model representations (see representations and the GALEC language.
Section 2.3), which allow to store reference results for
later back-to-back testing of other model representations All variables of the block have a defined type and all
like Production and Binary Code containers. statements of the block are sorted and explicitly solved for
Starting from an Algorithm Code container, there is no a particular variable. Functions are provided to execute the
further stringent order in which traceable containers must relevant parts of the block, especially to initialize it
be provided or updated throughout eFMU development (Startup() function) and to perform one step
iterations. This enables full flexibility in the software (DoStep() function).
development process supporting all kinds of model and To find an upper-bounded algorithmic solution for
software sharing schemes for OEMs and suppliers, with acausal equation systems is a non-trivial task, with
eFMI as open standard giving maximum freedom in the reasonable solution strategies highly depending on
choice of tools. An eFMU is a standardized workspace for characteristics of the original modeling language. The
collaborative development of embedded solutions from eFMI Standard therefore is not covering, or in any way
(physical) models. restricting on how to find suited solutions; it solely
concentrates on defining how such solutions must look
1.5 Structure of the paper like (see Section 2.4) to be processable by further eFMI
This paper gives a coarse introduction to the basic tooling like production code generators.
concepts of the eFMI Standard (Section 2) and highlights
the achieved goals in terms of readiness and applicability 2.2 eFMU Container Architecture
to industrial grade problems (Sections 3, 4), before The basic file structure of eFMUs is:
summarizing the future work and the conclusions /eFMU ; eFMU root directory
(Sections 5, 6). /<directories> ; Model representations
/schemas ; eFMI XML Schema definitions
2 eFMI Standard __content.xml ; eFMU content-manifest
The following description of the eFMI Standard is The only mandatory file is the eFMU content-manifest
according to version 1.0.0-alpha.4 (EMPHYSIS 2021-07) (__content.xml) at the root of the eFMU folder. In
published in February 2021; on the same web page an addition, an eFMU includes the XML Schema files
example eFMU can be downloaded. defined by the eFMI Standard (/schemas) to become
self-contained; these XML Schemas restrict the structure
2.1 Mathematical description of eFMI and content of the manifests of the varying eFMI model
As described in Section 2.6, the starting point of eFMI representations and thereby enable automatic processing
workflows are typically physical models for some of eFMUs and their content. All other directory and file
names within an eFMU can be freely chosen by the tools
generating and processing the varying eFMI model the-Loop FMUs. To execute these FMUs, they must be
representations. The directories containing some model extracted from the respective model representation –
representation, like an Algorithm Code or Production manually or by a tool. If an eFMU is organized according
Code container, are denoted in the eFMU content- to package format (3), a selected FMU from a model
manifest, which also lists the type of model representation representation has to be copied to the root level so that the
and other meta information like checksums. Each model eFMU behaves as an ordinary FMU and can be simulated
representation further supplies its own manifest according by any FMI tool.
to its type of representation; manifests of model
representations typically list all files of the representation, 2.3 Behavioral Model Representation
their checksums and other representation specific meta The Behavioral Model representation of eFMI is designed
information, like the in- and outputs of GALEC programs to describe functional and behavioral aspects of the
(Algorithm Code containers) or the compiler settings used original (physical) model/system/controller with the goal
to produce some binary code (Binary Code containers). of enabling the validation of other generated model
The structure of a typical eFMU could look like this: representations within the same eFMU. The central
/eFMU question is how to define and include reference behavior
/BehavioralModel for varying model representations and their respective
manifest.xml ; Container manifest software? As an example, one can think about a controller
<other files> model in Modelica represented by ordinary or differential
/AlgorithmCode algebraic equation systems that shall be exported as
manifest.xml ; Container manifest eFMU. Reference result data may be important for several
<other files> use case scenarios, e.g. simulation runs of the controller
/ProductionCode_Generic_C_Float32 model in a Modelica tool:
manifest.xml ; Container manifest
<other files> • with a complex variable step-size integration
/ProductionCode_Generic_C_Float64 algorithm to define a highly accurate reference
manifest.xml ; Container manifest solution,
<other files> • with a fixed step-size algorithm like the Explicit
/ProductionCode_Autosar_Float32 Euler method and a fixed step-size to get a reference
manifest.xml ; Container manifest solution of the discretized sampled data system,
<other files>
/schemas • in different model setups like open and/or closed
__content.xml ; eFMU content-manifest loop scenarios to cover a broad range of possible
input value combinations,
An eFMU can be packed in different formats.
• in other test scenarios to test specific
1. The eFMU root directory is a standard directory in the features/requirements of the controller – like unit
file system. This is useful to hold an eFMU in a text- tests in software development – and
based version control system, such as git or SVN.
• all the tests may be run using the floating-point
2. The eFMU root directory is zipped with the eFMU- precision typically used in offline simulations of 64-
content and is stored in a zip-file with the extension bit or/and the more common precision for embedded
.efmu. This is useful to ship or distribute an eFMU. systems of 32-bit.
3. The eFMU root directory is path extra/org.efmi- To structure this variety of possible reference data a rather
standard inside a standard FMU. The path is simple format with only two hierarchies (scenarios and
defined according to the current FMI-3.0-beta.1 pre- scenario parts) has been designed: An eFMI Behavioral
release of the FMI specification (Modelica Model representation consists of scenario parts grouped in
Association 2021-04). With attribute activeFMU one or more use case scenarios. Each scenario part
inside the eFMU content-manifest it is defined which represents a single behavioral aspect of the original model
of the Algorithm, Production or Binary Code given by different time dependent input/output data in a
representations is used as basis of the FMU. This comma-separated values (CSV) file, e.g. a closed loop
package format is useful to ship or distribute an scenario with an Explicit Euler discretization of the
eFMU for Model/Software/Hardware-in-the-Loop controller model. Absolute and relative error tolerances or
(MiL/SiL/HiL) simulation by further FMU tooling. time dependent lower and upper bounds can be defined for
Note, that Algorithm Code, Production Code and Binary each variable in the Behavioral Model manifest, to
Code representations can optionally store associated account for deviations resulting from discretization
FMUs. For example, Algorithm Code representations can methods, implementation data types and floating-point
store a Model-in-the-Loop FMU and Production Code imprecision.
representations for different targets can store Software-in-
Since variable names as well as data types might differ retrieving the fraction part of a real or checking if such is
between the different eFMI representations within the Not a Number (NaN) (IEEE 2019-07).
same eFMU (e.g., different production code variants (C2) Explicit language semantics: No implicit casts
might map GALEC variables to different C identifiers to between integer and real, no hidden side effects and no
satisfy naming conventions of varying target default arguments; simple name space without shadowing,
environments), every variable of a Behavioral Model overloading or polymorphic functions. These restrictions
container is linked with its corresponding variable of the are kind of language-enforced MISRA C:2012 rules.
Algorithm Code container such that reference result data (C3) Multi-dimensional arithmetic: Support for
can be provided easily and fully automatic for each model vectors, matrices and higher dimensions with respective
representation. This means for example, that later added scalar and matrix multiplication, addition etc. Production
Production Code containers can be automatically tested code generators can leverage on (C4) to map multi-
using existing Behavioral Model containers thanks to the dimensional operations to efficient implementations, for
trace-links between variables of the manifests of example Streaming SIMD Extensions 4 (SSE4) machine
Behavioral Model and Production Code containers to the instructions (Intel Corporation 2021-06).
manifest of the Algorithm Code container. (C4) Powerful static evaluation: GALEC expressions
A typical validation approach consists of the execution are separated into three kinds: (1) declarative sizes, (2)
of compiled eFMI production or binary code with input algorithmic indexing and (3) algorithmic runtime
data from the CSV files. These simulation results are computations, with the former two being subject to static
compared with the expected output data of the Behavioral evaluation for mandatory well-formedness analyses.
Model representation according to the given error Algorithmic indexing hereby includes for-loop iterators
tolerances or bounds to validate the contained eFMI and static evaluation of their ranges. Indexing expressions
representations against the “behavior” of the source of the can depend on loop iterators but must not refer to any other
generated eFMU. This approach enables tools (such as variables for their value. Otherwise, statically evaluated
testing tools) to perform a fully automatic validation of expressions can be arbitrary complex, including calls of
other eFMI representations (Algorithm Code, Production built-in functions.
Code and Binary Code representations) within an eFMU
(C5) Upper-bounded: GALEC programs must be non-
w.r.t. behavioral and functional equivalence to the
recursive; the only iteration construct are for-loops,
physical model using a back-to-back testing approach.
which according to (C4) can be unrolled. Thus, every
program can be unfolded to an iteration-free sequence of
2.4 Algorithm Code Model Representation
conditional assignments defining an upper bound of
All containers in an eFMU are related to the Algorithm algorithmic steps. This characteristic enables worst time
Code container of which exists exactly one in each eFMU. execution analyses and advanced optimizations.
It provides a high-level intermediate representation of a (C6) Computational-safe: The static unfolding-
sampled algorithm by means of a GALEC block and a characteristics of (C4) and (C5) are used to guarantee all
description of the block’s interface by means of an XML indexing is within bounds. Production code generators can
manifest. The manifest is used by other containers to trace avoid dynamic memory allocation, optimize the memory
their dependencies on the block and avoid processing mapping and eventually ensure a target’s resources are
GALEC programs if just in need of a description of the always sufficient for exception-free program execution.
block interface. The GALEC block can define any kind of
(C7) Control-flow integrated error signal handling:
finite sampled computation that is subject to embedded
Language constructs to signal errors and handle signaled
integration (controller, virtual sensor etc.). In terms of the
errors using ordinary control-flow conditions. All
Modelica language, a GALEC block is a causal solution
potentially signaled errors must be handled or explicitly
for the sampled system defined by a clocked partition.
exposed to the runtime environment; they cannot slip
GALEC is a new imperative programming language through unnoticed. Automatic error signal propagation
part of the eFMI Standard. Its name is an abbreviation for enables delayed error handling, avoiding the need for
guarded algorithmic language for embedded control. It is immediate checks of each operation that might fail.
an intermediate representation between the (physics)
(C8) Safe floating-point numerics: Guaranteed quiet
modeling and embedded programming domains.
NaN and infinity propagation according to IEEE 754-2019
GALEC Characteristics: The language characteristics (IEEE 2019-07), with relational operations signaling pre-
C1-11 of GALEC, making it a suitable intermediate defined errors when called with NaN arguments. Such
representation between modeling and embedded software, integration with the error signaling concept of (C7) means,
are: that NaNs can never slip through unnoticed.
(C1) Target independence: Arithmetic and algorithms (C9) Safe built-in functions: Rich set of safe built-in
are on an ideal machine, with built-in functions for functions for casting, numeric limits, rounding,
abstract handling of target dependent operations like trigonometric operations, 1/2/3D interpolation, solving
systems of linear equations etc. If arguments are out of
range, the error signaling of (C7) is used to denote so and input Real u[10] (min = -1.5, max = 1.5);
returned values are precisely defined (typically NaN or output Real y[20] (min = -1.0, max = 1.0);
infinity) to avoid undefined, implementation dependent, parameter Real tP; // tunable parameter
behavior; in line with (C8), NaN arguments are preferably parameter Real tV[20];// tunable parameter
silently propagated.
(C10) Call-by-value semantic with well-defined side
// Internal block variables and functions:
effects: Function arguments are passed by value; and,
parameter Real dP; // dependent parameter
although an imperative language, GALEC has well-
Real M1[20,10] // state
defined side-effect rules that guarantee (1) each
(min = -1.0, max = 1.0);
expression is free of competing side effects and (2) which
Real M2[10,20] // state
statements are mutual independent. Production code
(min = -1.0, max = 1.0);
generators can leverage on these characteristics for
function checked_transpose
automatic, lock-free program parallelization and to avoid
signals UNDERFLOW, NAN [[...]];
unnecessary copying of multi-dimensional values. function sum [[...]];
(C11) Block life-cycle with well-defined layers of
modification: GALEC supports a layered modification public
concept distinguishing constants from semi-constant // Block interface functions:
tunable parameters from dependent parameters, method Recalibrate
parameters from block in- and outputs and such from inner signals INVALID_ARGUMENT [[...]];
states. Only tunable parameters and inputs can be directly method Startup [[...]];
changed by the runtime environment, but only in-between method DoStep
two sampling steps, never while sampling. Whenever signals NO_SOLUTION_FOUND [[...]];
tunable parameters are changed, dependent parameters end Controller;
must be recomputed based on the new tunable parameters
only (Recalibrate() interface function); dependencies First, the block interface variables that can be set (inputs
on states, in- or outputs are forbidden. In addition, and tunable parameters) and read (outputs) by the runtime
initialization is clearly encapsulated (Startup() environment are declared. Like any variable, such can be
interface function) with mandatory data-flow analyses multi-dimensions and ranged. E.g., y is an output vector
guaranteeing every block variable is assigned an initial of size 20, with each of its elements in the range [-1.0, 1.0].
value based only on literal values or already initialized Then the section with the internal block variables and
variables. Initialization code can contain arbitrary functions follows, first the dependent parameters, then the
complex algorithms; its clear encapsulation enables static states and finally functions. Note, that any errors a
evaluation. The actual sampling code, which computes function can signal to callees are part of its interface.
new outputs for given inputs considering the current block checked_transpose for example can signal
state, is encapsulated in the DoStep() interface function; UNDERFLOW and NAN error signals. Finally, the section
its implementation must not change inputs nor parameters. with the block interface functions follows. These are
All block interface functions automatically saturate Recalibrate(), Startup() and DoStep(). Note,
variables with declared ranges (ranged variables) at the that in the example, a sampling step can signal that no
very beginning and ending of their execution. This solution has been found via the NO_SOLUTION_FOUND
guarantees, for example, that inputs and outputs are signal; the signal is used in the example to denote that a
always within their ranges when DoStep() starts and fallback controller has been used due to an unexpected
terminates, yielding the behavior of a saturated controller. error. The INVALID_ARGUMENT of the Recalibrate()
Not only block interface variables are saturated, but also function is used to denote to the runtime environment that
inner states if respectively ranged, or ranged parameters given new tunable parameters are invalid and another
when recalibrating. The whole block life cycle is formally recalibration is required. Of course, these error signals are
defined via a state machine. just examples; the interface functions of other blocks may
For details, readers are encouraged to consult the public signal different, or no errors at all.
alpha draft of the eFMI specification (EMPHYSIS 2021- Assume checked_transpose is defined as follows:
07). function checked_transpose
GALEC Example: To give at least a glimpse on how signals UNDERFLOW, NAN;
GALEC programs look like, particularly error handling, a input Real In[:, :];
short artificial example is given in the following. A typical output Real Out[size(In, 2), size(In, 1)];
GALEC block looks like the following ([[...]] denotes algorithm
removed code snippets): for i in 1 : size(I, 1) loop
for j in 1 : size(I, 2) loop
block Controller
Out[j, i] := In[i, j];
// Block interface variables:
// Signals NAN if any argument is NAN:
if absolute(In[i, j]) < set; if so, the signals are automatically unset. In the
epsReal() * self.dP example’s case, all error signals are handled. The or
then condition is optional; it is used in the example to check if
signal UNDERFLOW; any value of the block’s output vector y is NaN or +/-∞
end if;
via the allFinite built-in function. Error signal checks
end for;
are ordinary control-flow conditionals and can be
end for;
combined with any other if, elseif and else
end checked_transpose;
conditioned branches. In the example, errors might be
Its in- and output are any matrices of reversed signaled by the checked_transpose call or the
dimensionality. If used in a context where the output is not solveLinearEquations call. The latter built-in
an 𝑛 𝑚 matrix for an 𝑚 𝑛 input, static dimensionality function fails with a predefined error if the linear equation
analyses will fail with an error (cf. (C6)). The for-loop system Ax = b cannot be solved, with A being its first
uses the matrix dimensions to traverse all elements; it argument, b the second and x its result. Note, that in the
computes the transpose of In in Out. Thereby every example, the first argument is computed using multi-
element is checked to be non-zero around an epsilon based dimensional arithmetics: the scalar dependent parameter
on the target machine’s minimal precision (epsReal() dP is multiplied to the 20 10 matrix M1, the resulting
built-in function) and the block’s dependent parameter dP; 20 10 matrix in turn is multiplied to the 10 20 matrix
the latter is accessed directly via self.dP. If the check M2 yielding a quadratic 20 20 A matrix as required by
fails, UNDERFLOW is signaled. The < check itself will solveLinearEquations. Finally, DoStep() will
signal NAN if any of its arguments is NaN. This behavior according to (C11) implicitly, at the very end, saturate the
is guaranteed by GALEC (cf. (C8)). Since neither of both block output y and all elements of matrices M1 and M2 to
signals is handled within checked_transpose, both be in the range [-1.0, 1.0], as it will implicitly saturate the
must be exposed to callees as denoted in the function’s block input u to be in range [-1.5, 1.5] at its very beginning
interface (the signals UNDERFLOW, NAN; following (since these block variables are declared with ranges). Of
the function name). course, only non-NaN values can be saturated; NaNs stay.
Assume the sampling function is: Tool challenges: A Modelica tool (or any other
modeling tool) targeting GALEC for code generation can
method DoStep
concentrate on the actual computation by leveraging on its
high-level abstractions for multi-dimensional arithmetic,
self.M1 := sum(self.u) /
whereas embedded tooling benefits from the inherent
real(size(self.u, 1)) * self.M1;
language guarantees every GALEC program will satisfy
self.y := solveLinearEquations( and these are of uttermost importance for embedded
self.dP * self.M1 * self.M2, software (like guaranteed termination with upper-bound
self.tV); of algorithmic steps or exception-freeness). Of course, a
self.M2 := checked_transpose(self.M1); major challenge for Modelica tools is to actually find an
// Catch any error signals upper-bounded causal solution for a given acausal
// or NaN/∞ in self.y: equation system; this is a non-trivial task with many
if signal or not(allFinite(self.y)) then challenges on developing suited integration schemes.
[[ ...fallback controller code... ]] Once developed, respective approaches are however
// Expose use of fallback controller: naturally/conveniently expressed as GALEC programs.
end if; 2.5 Production Code Model Representation
end DoStep; The previously described formal representation of a
At the very end of all computations, a simple conditional control algorithm in the GALEC language must be
control-flow checks for any kind of errors, and in case of transformed into executable code for a target machine. For
any error, uses some fallback controller and signals its the generation of this code (production code) there are
many degrees of freedom. In contrast to FMI, eFMI does
usage by exposing the NO_SOLUTION_FOUND signal to the
not enforce a strict code and API format but allows the
runtime environment. This delayed error handling is
actual Production Code representation of an algorithm to
achieved by the conditional:
be adjusted to the context in which the code is to be
if signal or not(allFinite(self.y)) integrated into. The container architecture of an eFMU
allows to hold several such Production Code model
The if signal construct can be used to check for any,
representations. An integrator of production code can pick
only specific or any except certain error signals (if
the one that is suitable for his integration context.
signal, if signal in E1, E2, …, En and if
The integration context determines several
signal not in E1, E2, …,En respectively). The body
characteristics including the available bit size (e.g. integer
of the check is executed if any of the checked signals was
as well as single or double precision floating-point), This scheme allows multiple, independent instances of the
different data interfaces (e.g. functions without arguments block to be allocated by the runtime environment
working on global data vs. functions with arguments), (DoStep itself is stateless).
target and compiler specific optimization, as well as A third architecture could be the AUTOSAR Classic
completely different platforms (such as e.g. AUTOSAR Platform. Here, variables are accessed using macros
vs. plain C code). The different production codes for the provided by a centrally generated middleware.
same GALEC program and their integration contexts are Note, that independent of the software architecture,
described in their respective manifest. Each manifest many characteristics of GALEC (e.g. no need for dynamic
contains all information to enable an integration of its memory allocation, bounded execution time with bounded
production code into a test or execution environment. loop iterations) are intrinsically also properties of derived
We would like to illustrate the impact of the integration production code.
context onto the actual production code by giving Other characteristics such as the handling of error
alternative C18 (ISO/IEC 2018-06) code realizations for signals or the support of multi-dimensional arithmetic let
the GALEC example of Section 2.4. In the first “software more room for production code generating tools to exploit
architecture”, all block variables are realized as global different solution alternatives and are not straightforward.
variables: For multi-dimensional arithmetic, specific libraries could
float u[10]; be included, and for error signal handling a low-level
float y[20]; mapping using bit masking logic can be performed in the
transformation process from GALEC to production code.
float tP; The representation of error signals using bit-masking
float tV[20]; logic, for example, allows for fast (simultaneous) check of
float dp; several conditions and the efficient setting and resetting of
float M1[20][10]; all concerned signal values. A GALEC snippet like
float M2[10][20];
if signal in OVERFLOW, NAN then
y := y + 1.0;
unsigned int DoStep(void)
end if;
unsigned int signals = 0U; could be translated into C18 production code like
if ((signals & 0x6U) != 0U)
return signals; /* NO_SOLUTION_FOUND? */
/* First, reset the checked signals: */
In the second architecture below, the input-output notion signals = signals & 0xfffffff9U;
of the block is mapped to an input/output of the DoStep /* Then, proceed with body: */
function itself and the block state (parameters and inner y = y + 1.0F;
states) is encapsulated in a passed struct which must be }
allocated by the embedded runtime environment (note that with proper encoding of the signal values for OVERFLOW
the block state and output are passed by reference, thus are and NAN in bit positions 2 and 3.
writeable by DoStep):
For multi-dimensional arithmetic and interpolation
typedef struct routines, usually libraries optimized for the target platform
{ will be used. The production code generator has to make
unsigned int signals; sure that used data structures of matrices and vectors
float tP; match the format of the used libraries. Furthermore, the
float tV[20]; production code generator has to take care that the value-
float dp; semantic of the GALEC language is preserved by taking
float M1[20][10]; adequate precaution like copying data when using library
float M2[10][20]; algorithms that alter the input data (e.g. when solving
} BlockState; linear systems). Data flow analysis on the GALEC
program enables optimizations that can avoid unneeded
void DoStep( copy operations. Operations that are “simple/atomic” in
BlockState* const state, GALEC code (like chained arithmetic expressions on
const float const u[10], multidimensional elements) may require a “flattening” in
const float y[20]) the generated production code and a proper non-trivial
{ management of intermediate results.
state->signals = 0U; In the example of Section 2.4, the multi-dimensional
[[...]] arithmetic expression
self.y := solveLinearEquations( example, such description files are the .arxml files
self.dP * self.M1 * self.M2, shipped with the software component.
for example requires to store the intermediate result of 2.6 Binary Code Model Representation
multiplying the scalar dP with the 20 10 matrix M1; the The eFMI Binary Code model representation contains
resulting 20 10 matrix has to be multiplied with the 10 binaries that have been derived from a Production Code
20 matrix M2, yielding a temporary 20 20 matrix which representation for a dedicated target architecture. It mainly
is passed as A argument to solveLinearEquations. serves two purposes:
Other optimizations on the production code generator 1. Support the creation (build process) and integration
side include analysis of value ranges to be able to omit of binaries on an embedded ECU target.
unnecessary saturation operations for in-, outputs and
states in case it can be determined that the values are 2. Protect intellectual properties when software
always within bounds. artifacts are shared in a collaborative development
Another aspect of the production code generation step process with multiple parties.
is to make the generated production code accessible and The first purpose is achieved by providing (a) the actual
interpretable by consumers of it in subsequent phases like binaries and (b) the relevant build information like
testing or integrating into an ECU SW. With the large compilation and linking steps to create these binaries for a
degrees of freedom in generating production code for a certain target platform. (b) is done in the manifest of the
given GALEC program, the structure of the production respective Binary Code container and can also be used to
code may vary greatly, but must be described rebuild the binaries in case they are stale due to later
unambiguously at least in the interface parts and must be production code changes, whereas production code cross-
made accessible to anyone who would like to interact with referencing with mandatory checksums enables to
it. This is made possible by the Production Code manifest, automatically deduce if binaries are stale. Note, that
which precisely describes the code structure and interfaces existing compiler and linker information of production
(e.g. types, variables, functions) as well as their code manifests can be referenced and further refined by
association to the corresponding elements of the GALEC the manifests of Binary Code containers, enabling a
code. This association is important to map information stepwise specialization and dedication towards a target
available only on the GALEC level also to the production platform. Integrators can use the build information to
code elements and enable traceability of the multi-step integrate the binaries on their embedded target ECUs.
generation process. For example, stimulation data in a Additionally, the manifest can list run time compliance
Behavioral Model container that is mapped to GALEC information such as execution times and further
block variables can be applied also to their counterparts in information relevant for the integration (e.g., a calibration
the production code, or attributes of these variables (like file describing memory addresses and value ranges for
ranges, units) can be associated to their respective calibration).
production code counterparts. The required cross- Intellectual property protection is achieved by
referencing between different eFMU containers, e.g., to removing the source code of the Algorithm Code and
the manifest of the Algorithm Code container, uses a Production Code containers a Binary Code container is
unified referencing scheme. derived from, such that they are left with their manifest
Besides the integration interface, Production Code files only. Doing so, binary implementations can be shared
manifests give, for example, a precise description of the without exposing actual source codes to third parties,
target (like target language, target platform, target type, whereas the meta information required for embedded
compiler and linker options) and the code files that make software integration are still provided by the manifests.
up the production code. The content of such code files is An example for the stepwise derivation of dedicated
described in terms of XML elements and attributes like binaries is the AEBS demonstrator mentioned in
Includes, TypeDefs, Macros, Variables and Functions Section 4.1, where a generic production code is refined
with FormalParameter and ReturnParameter, including with integration code for the AUTOSAR Adaptive
both a mapping to target specific realizations (e.g. target Platform, from which eventually platform-specific
types) as well as a “backward” reference to the binaries with accompanying AUTOSAR Adaptive
corresponding elements in the Algorithm Code container. Platform manifests are generated.
With the help of the meta information of Production
Code manifests, other widely used standards like 3 eFMI Readiness
AUTOSAR and FMI can be supported. In case of an
AUTOSAR platform, the code files are complemented
with specific description files that contain all information
3.1 eFMI Tool Support
to integrate the production code w.r.t. the used AUTOSAR The EMPHYSIS Consortium (EMPHYSIS 2021) with its
standard. In case of the AUTOSAR Classic Platform for 25 partners from Belgium, Canada, France, Germany and
Sweden covered the entire value chain from vendors of impressively shows the maturity of the tool prototypes and
modeling and simulation tools, code generators and V&V their compatibility.
tools over embedded software developers and integrators
to automotive Tier 1 suppliers and OEMs. This allowed to 3.3 Performance Benchmarks
develop the eFMI specification along with reference Performance benchmarks of the generated production
implementations that have been thoroughly tested (cf. code against state of the art manually implemented C
Section 3.2) and applied to challenging industrial solutions have been conducted. The target was the Bosch
applications (cf. Section 4). Multicore ECU MDG1 (Rüger et al. 2014). Six test cases
By the end of the project in February 2021, already 13 addressing known difficulties of physical models on ECUs
different tools covering the entire eFMI workflow plus the by using automatic model to code transformations have
open source eFMI Compliance Checker were available as been contributed to the eFMI_TestCases library. In the
prototypes. Soon after the official release of the eFMI following, these test cases are denoted by their IDs in
Standard, these tools are expected to be available on the eFMI_TestCases; the addressed challenges, in ascending
market. order w.r.t. difficulty, are:
3.2 Test Cases and Coverage • DC motor speed control with PID controller
(M03_B): Minimal footprint of code with saturated
A set of dedicated test cases has been extensively used for inputs and outputs.
testing the eFMI workflow with implementations in
different prototype tools during the EMPHYSIS project. • Air system controller (M15_A): Stiff ODE with
Most of the test cases are part of the Modelica library delay operator.
eFMI_TestCases that has recently been published under a • Drivetrain torque controller based on inverse model
3-Clause BSD license (Modelica Association 2021-07). A (M04_A): Linear inverse physical model.
few other test cases are AMEsim models or manually
implemented Algorithm Code containers. For each of the • Inverse slider crank (M10_B): Non-linear inverse
test cases automatically generated reference results are physical model (DAE Index-1).
provided in respective Behavioral Model containers. • Reduced order model of a thermal heat transfer
By altogether 48 test cases (including variants) the (M16_A): Efficient handling of matrix operations
following partially very advanced features are covered: and large two-dimensional maps.
non-linear inverse models, feedback linearization based
controllers, explicit and implicit integration schemes, • Ideal rectifier (M14_A/B): Advanced symbolic
event-based re-initialization of continuous states, neural transformation to derive a compact state space form.
networks, error handling, implicit saturation and All models are tested in an open loop setup using the
important built-in functions like solving linear equation recorded data from their Behavioral Model container as
systems as well as 1-D and 2-D interpolation tables. Each stimulus. The execution time is captured based on the
feature is supported by at least one eFMI prototype tool CPU ticks elapsed, right from the start of calling the model
generating Algorithm Code containers. interface function (e.g. DoStep) until the function
All generated Algorithm Code containers have been execution is completed (note, that the MDG1 ECU enables
successfully imported by the involved production code precise and reliable counting of elapsed CPU cycles
tools. For each Algorithm Code container, two production without any caching effects). As they have a significant
code variants have been generated: A double precision impact, boundary and error checks are considered.
floating-point (64-bit) and a single precision floating- Boundary checks saturate the in- and outputs to their limit
point (32-bit) version, each with respective values. Error handling will check for non-plausible values
implementations of higher-level built-in functions. like NaN and infinity. More details are provided in
A testing tool chain has been set up to automatically Armugham et al. (2021).
check all generated production code variants, create test
harnesses, compile the code, execute it and compare the 120% 110%
results with the reference results contained in the 100%
Behavioral Model containers of each eFMU with respect 80% 67%
to given error tolerances. In total, 538 execution runs are 60% 43% eFMU
necessary to assess all production code variants generated 40% Manual
by the varying combination of tools along the eFMI 20%
workflow. More than 96% of these runs successfully 0%
passed. The unsuccessful tests are all a result of a currently
incomplete initialization mechanism in one test case and
its variations that will be the subject of investigation in Figure 3. Run time measurements of eFMU production
future work. Nevertheless, the very positive test rate code with respect to manually coded solutions
The results of the performance benchmarks are shown in ECU have been counted for both the eFMI workflow and
Figure 3. In 4 out of 6 examples (counting M14_A and the manual development for the six benchmark examples.
M14_B as one), there is at least one eFMI tool chain setup The comparison of the results shows that in those cases
that outperforms the manual implementation. based on a component-oriented modeling (M03_B,
In case of M10_B, the manually derived solution of the M04_A and M10_A) with a high level of reuse, the eFMI
inverse slider crank mechanism did not show a stable workflow took about 10 times less effort. For M15_A and
behavior unless two of the state variables were computed M16_A the models have been implemented from scratch
in double precision, while the auto-generated solution in Modelica based on a known state space formulation, but
worked fine in single precision due to a more appropriate still gave a gain by a factor of 2.0 and 1.2 respectively.
state selection. This stresses the high business value of eFMI for
The eFMU derived from the component-oriented embedded software development especially for advanced
rectifier model (M14_A) did not lead to the desired most physics-based control functions.
compact and efficient formulation of the problem but gave
very good results after reformulating the problem in the 4 eFMI Applications
Modelica code (M14_B).
The reduced order model (ROM) of a thermal heat 4.1 EMPHYSIS Demonstrators
transfer test case (M16_A) has been processed by the tool The developed demonstrators, presented to the ITEA
chain starting from a manual implementation of the matrix review board on Feb. 10, 2021 and summarized in the final
equation system in GALEC code. As discussed in Agosta, demonstrator report of EMPHYSIS (2021-08), illustrate
et al. (2019), rigid scalarization, as applied by today’s the application of the eFMI tool chain in concrete and
Modelica compilers, leads to an undesired code realistic usage scenarios. These cover the domains vehicle
expansion. Here is room for improvement of the GALEC dynamics, powertrain (internal combustion engine,
code generating tools. However, as the results show, the battery electric vehicle, hybrid electric vehicle) and
GALEC language is expressive enough to formulate this thermal systems and they are applied to advanced non-
type of problem in a way that can be handled by the linear controllers, model-based diagnosis, virtual sensors
production code generating tools in a highly efficient way and HiL simulation.
(the manually written GALEC code leverages on multi-
Renault demonstrated in two applications how a neural
dimensional arithmetic to avoid scalarization of the two-
network trained by a high-fidelity model can be integrated
dimensional maps of the test case).
as very accurate approximation into the embedded
3.4 Code Quality Assessment software running on a car by using the eFMI tool chain.
DLR-SR realized an advanced vertical dynamics
For all the test cases in Section 3.1, the code quality of the controller and observer for semi-active damping (see
generated C code has been assessed by a static code Figure 4) using an inverse non-linear model and a non-
analysis tool to find runtime issues such as variable linear Kalman filter running on a small series ECU in real
overflows, possible division by zero, array index out of driving tests. Never before for the institute, C code derived
bounds, etc. or prove their absence. Also, the compliance from a Modelica model has been directly integrated into
of the code with the MISRA C:2012 rules has been the application software as in this case from the generated
checked. A static analysis is sound, but not necessarily eFMI Production Code container.
complete. Hence, checked errors and rule violations are
GIPSA-lab demonstrated how eFMI can be utilized to
never overlooked, but may yield false alarms. Manual
derive a parametric Non-linear Model Predictive
inspections resolved many of the false alarms so that in the
Controller (pNMPC) and deploy its production code to a
402 Production Code containers finally only 1% definite
dSPACE MicroAutoBox II ECU. The developed
errors and 9% rule violations were detected. The main part
controller uses a neural network model to predict the
of rule violations was detected in the implementations of
future behavior of the car like the response of chassis and
built-in functions not being in the focus so far. It was
wheel to a given road profile and suspension parameter;
assumed, that target-specific libraries realizing built-in
this prediction is used for suspension control.
functions will be used. Since then the tool prototypes have
been further improved aiming for a full coverage of the Volvo Cars demonstrated the development of an
MISRA C:2012 rules relevant for generated code. embedded virtual sensor for electric machine control
based on a Modelica transmission model. The virtual
3.5 Gain in Productivity sensor provides vehicle state estimation used to mitigate,
e.g., backlash in the electric driveline, and thereby
Aiming to put the time saving of an automated tool chain increase the overall performance of the whole electric
into perspective of the overall development effort of an driveline. The transmission model physics comprise non-
embedded function, the working hours for modeling, linearities and discrete events for handling brake-torques
implementation in C and validation of the results on the at low speeds, resulting in a stiff discontinuous system
with mixed equations that has been successfully
Figure 4. High fidelity vehicle model and advanced non-linear semi-active damping controller.
transformed by Modelica-tooling to a real-time suited jittering even at a very small step-size of 0.1 ms with
GALEC solution. Explicit Euler.
Dassault Systèmes demonstrated the generation and By using a Rosenbrock method of order 1 (Hairer 1996)
validation of an AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform this problem could be drastically relaxed towards a jitter
component starting from a Modelica model via a seamless, free behavior at a fixed step-size of 0.1 ms and robust but
eFMI-based tool chain, for an advanced emergency slightly jittering at a step-size of 10 ms. Compared to
braking (AEBS) controller. The AEBS controller is Explicit Euler, the Rosenbrock method therefore enables
modeled in a classic block-diagram style with embedded a factor 100 lower sampling rate, enabling the usage of the
physics. The blocks include enabled subsystems and dual-clutch transmission model for embedded1 real-time
signal locks, whereas the side effects of such are correctly simulation for the very first time.
handled using Modelica state machines. According to Mercedes-Benz AG, this result was
considered a big progress towards using eFMI to derive
4.2 OEM Advisory Board Feedback: Dual- very accurate plant models for SiL, HiL and embedded
clutch Transmission Demonstrator observer applications in a seamless fashion from a high-
The EMPHYSIS project has been accompanied by the so- fidelity system simulation. It was confirmed that there is
called OEM Advisory Board with representatives from currently no better automated solution available for this
European and Japanese automotive OEMs. During half- task. As of today, a dedicated real-time model must be
day workshops, intermediate results of the project have derived and individually fitted for each application
been presented and discussed. An OEM Advisory Board causing significant repeated effort.
usage scenario – a virtual sensor for a dual-clutch The eFMI container architecture with its built-in
transmission – has been defined and a corresponding traceability and safety mechanisms has been praised by all
demonstrator implemented and evaluated in close members of the OEM Advisory Board as making eFMI a
collaboration between EMPHYSIS partners and the promising candidate to become the prescribed format for
experts at Mercedes-Benz AG that provided the plant embedded software deliverables in OEM supplier
model of the dual-clutch transmission. collaborations. Especially for advanced functions like
The objective of the virtual sensor is to use the physical observers, the proposed eFMI workflow was considered
model of a dual-clutch transmission to estimate the torque as game changing technology to revolutionize the
of clutches during shifting to avoid, for example, clutch embedded software development.
over-burn and improve the driving-comfort during
transmission shifting. The used transmission model had 5 Future Work
been derived from an existing high-fidelity system From the very beginning of the EMPHYSIS project
simulation model used in the product development of (Lenord, 2019), also an Equation Code model
Mercedes-Benz AG; the most challenging system representation has been investigated as an optional first
properties for a real-time application are therefore intermediate target representation for acausal equation-
preserved. This includes the stiff dynamics of a hydraulic based modeling tools. The motivation is that on the one
piston being tightly coupled with the discontinuous mode hand Algorithm Code model representations can be
switching behavior of the clutches due to Coulomb generated from such a standardized, universal – but still
friction, yielding a mixed equation system with undesired simple – equation language, whereas on the other hand
further equation analysis tooling could be integrated to
The model has been used for real-time simulation by solution that can be deployed on the embedded device; this
Mercedes-Benz AG before, but not for developing a software became possible only with eFMI.
refine equations or derive system characteristics of interest are encouraged to join MAP eFMI, leverage on the already
in the embedded domain like fault-behavior/safety, developed tooling and foster the eFMI ecosystem.
numeric stability etc.
To that end, a collaborative working group between Acknowledgements
EMPHYSIS partners and the Modelica Language working
group has been formed, with the objective to define a This work is the result of the European ITEA3 Call2
proposal of a standardized Flat Modelica language as EMPHYSIS (project number 15016). The work was
basis for a more restricted equation code language. A funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and
subset of Modelica keywords and a modified grammar Research (BMBF, grant numbers 01|S17023(A-H)),
have been proposed (Modelica Association 2021-06). Sweden’s Innovation Agency (VINNOVA, project
number: 2017-05121), the French Directorate General for
By implementing a prototypical Flat Modelica parser
Enterprise and the Belgian agency Flanders Innovation &
and pretty-printer for a non-Modelica tool within a few
Entrepreneurship. The authors are responsible for the
person months, it was demonstrated that other, already
content of this publication.
existing equation-based modeling tools (with their
The authors would like to thank the members of the
existing model representations, analyses capabilities and
EMPHYSIS OEM Advisory Board: BMW, Mercedes-
code generation back ends) can be integrated into the
Benz AG, Mazda, Volvo Trucks, JSAE for their use case,
acausal modeling process with comparatively small effort.
feedback and directions and the numerous persons that
This early prototype tooling has been applied to two Bosch
have worked in the EMPHYSIS project on the
use cases: (1) inversion of a plant model of a drivetrain
development of the eFMI Standard and/or evaluated it
and (2) structural analysis of a thermal system to evaluate
with tool prototypes, benchmarks and test cases as listed
the detectability of system faults (EMPHYSIS 2021-08).
in appendix A of the eFMI specification.
The work on a standardized Flat Modelica language
and Equation Code model representation is planned to be
continued and incorporated into a later version of the References
eFMI Standard. Agosta, Giovanni, Emanuele Baldino, Francesco Casella,
Stefano Cherubin, Alberto Leva and Federico Terraneo
6 Conclusions (2019). “Towards a High-Performance Modelica Compiler.”
In: Proceedings of the 13th International Modelica
This paper presented eFMI, a new workflow and open Conference. Modelica Association, pp. 313–320. DOI:
standard for the automatic generation of embedded 10.3384/ecp19157313.
software from physical models. The novelty of eFMI is its Armugham, Siva Sankar, Christian Bertsch, Karthikeyan
tooling-open, standardized exchange format by means of Ramachandran, Oliver Lenord and Kai Werther (2021).
a container architecture with various standardized, “eFMI (FMI for embedded systems) in AUTOSAR for Next
traceable model representations for behavioral reference Generation Automotive Software Development”. In:
Symposium on International Automotive Technology 2021.
results, abstract algorithmic solutions, actual production
SAE International. Accepted March 31, 2021.
codes and target-specific binary codes, bridging the gap AUTOSAR Consortium (2021). AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open
between physics-modeling and embedded software. System ARchitecture). URL: http://www.autosar.org/.
A broad set of test cases, including technically Bertsch, Christian, Jonathan Neudorfer, Elmar Ahle, Siva
challenging models, has been used to rigorously test and Sankar Arumugham, Karthikeyan Ramachandran and
crosscheck the developed prototypical eFMI tools and Andreas Thuy (2015). “FMI for Physical Models on
their interoperability in the eFMI workflow. Together with Automotive Embedded Targets”. In: Proceedings of the 11th
performance benchmarks and code quality assessments, a International Modelica Conference. Modelica Association,
high level of maturity has been testified. pp. 43–50. DOI: 10.3384/ecp1511843.
EMPHYSIS (2021). EMPHYSIS (Embedded systems with
The eFMI container architecture, with its various model
physical models in the production code software). URL:
representations, has been successfully applied to industrial https://emphysis.github.io/.
usage scenarios. Automotive OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers EMPHYSIS (2021-07). Functional Mock-Up Interface for
confirmed the benefits of the proposed workflow over the embedded systems (eFMI). Version 1.0.0-alpha.4, Tech. rep.:
state-of-the-art development processes in terms of EMPHYSIS Consortium. URL:
repeatability, traceability and overall gain in productivity https://emphysis.github.io/downloads.
for embedded software development. EMPHYSIS (2021-08). eFMI for Physics-Based ECU
The work of EMPHYSIS and the eFMI Standard is Controllers. Tech. rep. D7.9, EMPHYSIS project
continued in a new Modelica Association Project eFMI deliverables: EMPHYSIS Consortium. URL:
(MAP eFMI), successfully founded by core partners of the https://emphysis.github.io/downloads.
EMPHYSIS project. The work to further develop the Englert, Tobias, Andreas Völz, Felix Mesmer, Sönke Rhein and
Knut Graichen (2019). “A Software Framework for
eFMI specification towards a first official release
Embedded Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Using a
according to established Modelica Association processes Gradient-Based Augmented Lagrangian Approach
has already started. Companies and other organizations