Jute Drawframe and Spinning Frame

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Draw Frame

Types of jute
Conventional Modern
Draw Frame Draw Frame

Push Bar Spiral

Variable draft
Draw Frame Draw Frame draw frame

Double Tripple
Orthodox High Speed Threaded Threaded
Jute Drawframe

(1) Drafting the finisher card sliver to a count
suitable for feeding the spinning frames
DR. MD (2) Reduction of weight irregularities by doubling
Zahidul (3) Straightening the fibres and laying them along
the sliver axis so that when they come to be spun
Islam on the spinning frame they will be evenly drafted
and twisted to form an acceptable yarn.
What is Drafting?
To examine the behaviour of the fibres during drafting,
the simplest case will be considered first, where there
are two sets of rollers involved-a feed pair and a
drawing pair. The jute sliver enters the machine
through the nip of the feed or retaining rollers and then
passes forward to the drawing rollers. Because of the
greater linear speed of the latter, the material becomes
drafted, the exact amount of drafting being determined
by the relative surface speeds of the two sets of rollers.
General outline of Drawframe
• Reach is the distance between the two sets of rollers
• the reach, is longer than the fibre being drafted
• if it were not so then a number of fibres would be gripped by
both sets of rollers at the same time and be broken.
• As a result of this comparatively long distance there is always
a large number of fibres which are gripped neither by the
retaining rollers nor the drawing rollers. These are called
Drafting wave
A floating fibre is held in situ by entanglement with its neighbours and
inter-fibre frictional forces. W hen a long fibre has its tip gripped by the
drawing rollers it immediately accelerates to the speed of these rollers
and, because of this fibre entanglement and inter-fibre friction, some
of the short fibres lying alongside will be dragged forward and
prematurely drafted. This process is cumulative so that a clump of short
fibres is drafted too soon, producing a thick place in the sliver.
Moreover, this action causes a deficiency of floating fibres in the
drafting zone with the result that a thin place follows on after a thick
place. This alternate thick and thin place is termed drafting wave.
Basic Structure
Definition Impact
• The distance from the • Excessively over:
center point of the retraining •C % ↑
roller to the bite or nip point
of the pressing & drawing • W astage ↑
roller is known as reach. • Breakage ↑
• Reach length is generally 14 • Floating fibre ↑
-16 inches.
• Excessively under:
• Reach = Reed + Allowance
•C % ↑
• > the longest fibre length in
the sliver. • W astage ↑
• Breakage ↑
1. Shorest Nip
2. Longest Nip
Faller bar Lead%
Definition Impact

• The difference in the • Faller bar lead% is

surface speed of faller generally 10-15%.
bars over the surface • This lead should not
speed of retaining more or less. If tension
roller to give sufficient on sliver is not
tension to the sliver is appropriate, gill pin will
known as faller bar not enter into the
lead. sliver.
Faller bar Lead%
• Impact on high lead% :
• Fibre breakage ↑
• Thick thin place ↑
• Unevenness ↑
• Floating fibre ↑
Faller bar lead% =
Surface speed of faller bar −
Desirable Features: Jute Draw
1. ✔An ideal method of pinning the gill pins must
enter and leave the sliver as nearly
perpendicular as possible.
2. ✔Small lead of gills or fallers to avoid undue
tension on the sliver between the faller bars and
retaining rollers.
3. ✔Shortest possible nip is to give maximum
possible control of fibres in the drafting zone.
Desirable Features: Jute Draw
4. ✔ Freedom of movement of fibres in the drafting
5. ✔ Reliability of working parts
6. ✔ High speed of faller permeability maximum
7. ✔ Less noise of fallers when working
Roller Drafting
•The ratio between the surface
speed of drawing roller and front
retaining roller is called drafting.
Surface speed of drawing roller is
higher than the surface speed of
front retaining roller. So draft
occurs, the process of draft is
called drafting.
• C:\Users\ASUS\Videos\TrimmedClip Drafting.mp4
Effect of drafting
Drafting, therefore, is closely connected with sliver regularity and
because of the variability of fibre length found in jute slivers and the
imperfections of the draft control mechanisms each drafting operation
increases the amount of irregularity present. This it does in two ways. If
the entrant sliver contains a weight irregularity with a wave-length of 4
in. and it is drafted 4 times, then the delivered sliver will have an
irregularity with a wave-length of 4 X 4 = 16 in. In addition, the action
of drafting will have imposed ed further irregularities on the material
and while the basic wave-length may be 16 in. there will be minor
irregularities added to it. Thus, as the sliver progresses through the
drawing stages its irregularity pattern becomes more and more
Gill Pin: Gill pin is a type of pin which is set to the faller bar

O bjectives & Functions M echanism

•Control of fibre floating • Frictional resistance

speed • Frictional resistance
•Control of fibre gulping • Pin penetration
• Pin jerking
• To produceone sliver fromtwo or more sliver iscalleddoubling.I
t isdone bydoubling plate.
Doubling reducethesliver irregularity

Effect of doubling

In jute slivers the count varies from place to place along the
length of each strand and there are also differences in the
general count level from one sliver to another. These
differences in count fall into a definite pattern which can be
defined statistically by the N ormal Distribution. If one took a
length of sliver and cut it up into sections of, say, 1 ft and
weighed them, one would find that the distribution of count
followed a bell-shaped pattern
Effect of doubling
Effect of Doubling

If one takes two or more such slivers whose weight varies according to
the normal distribution and doubles them together then the variation
in the count of product is always less than that of the individuals. The
amount by which the variation falls depends upon how many slivers are
doubled together, in fact the variation falls according to the square root
of the number of doublings.
Effect of doubling
Effect of doubling
Figure shows the distribution of count after 2, 3, or 4 slivers have been
doubled together (the narrower and taller the bell-shape, the better
and more uniform is the sliver).
Description of doubling mechanism

Doubling may be carried out by placing two or more slivers together at

the feed end of the machine and entering them on to one set of gill-
pins or by uniting the slivers as they emerge from the nip of the
drawing rollers in which case there is only one sliver on each set of pins
in the drafting zone. The former situation holds for the lighter counts of
sliver at the last drawing passage but in the earlier ones only one sliver
can be accommodated on the pins and doubling takes place at the
front of the machine. There is, however, another reason for doubling at
the front of the machine and this is connected with the faller-bar slubs.
Description of doubling mechanism
Figure shows the plan view of a first drawing frame with four doublings has
been shown. After the individual slivers have been drafted they are doubled
together on a plate between the drawing rollers and the delivery rollers
called the sliver doubling plate. This is a cast iron plate roughly 1 in. in section
running across the front of the machine. Slots with rounded edges are cut in
the plate at an angle of 45 degrees to the line of the frame, through which
the slivers can pass so as to change their direction. In the set of four
doublings one sliver comes straight out of the drawing nip towards the
delivery rollers but the other three are turned through 45 degrees and pass
along the back of the plate to another 45 degrees slot. W hen they pass
through this second slot they are laid down on top of one another and are
now travelling toward the delivery rollers. The four doubled slivers now pass
through the delivery nip where they are consolidated into one sliver and
leave the machine
Best draft worst draft
• The faller-bar pitch and the path length on the doubling plate are
fixed by the machine designer and the only variable left under the
control of the producer is the draft. W hen the draft is changed the
fallerbar slub wave-length is altered and hence the number of wave-
lengths on the sliver doubling plate is changed, as in the example
above. If the pitch of the slots in the doubling plate is P, the faller bar
pitch p, and the draft d, then for any number of doublings the 'worst'
draft, i.e. that one leading to peak-on-peak doubling, is given by,
•Faller Bar Slub
Ideall Condition To-be
Ideally Actual
• the pins should • but because of the
accompany the sliver dimensions of the bars
right up to the nip of and the rollers this is
the drawing rollers so not possible and there
that even the very is a gap with no fibre
shortest fibres are control at all just at the
controlled until the last most critical zone in
minute the whole drafting
• Figure shows how the distance between
the point at which the faller-bars must
drop out and the drawing roller is
determined by the drawing roller
diameter and the thickness of the
faller-bar.While the machine is running,
this distance, the front reach (Nip), varies
between two extremes depending on the
pitch of the faller-bars.
Figure 7.2
• For instance, in Figure 7.2, if the diameter of the
drawing roller is 2 in. then the pins on the faller-bar

may not be able to approach nearer than,say in.

to the nip of the drawing rollers. This means that

there is always at least in. of

uncontrolled sliver.
• In the Figure,one bar has just dropped out of the sliver
and therefore if the pitch of the pins is,say, in. then
Slub Story
• The result of thisvariable distance front reach( NIP)isto allow
uncontrolleddrafting and,witha material like j ute where there are many
extremelyshort fibresin the sliver,the formation of what maybe termed
faller bar drafting waves,or more simplyfaller-
bar slubs.('
Slub'isa general
termusedto denote a thickclumpof fibresin a sliver or a yam.)
• Pitch of Faller bar: The distance between the
one row of pins of one faller bar to pins of next
faller bar is called pitch of faller bar.
• Pitch of Faller: The distance between two
adjacent pins in a faller bar is called pitch of
• Pitch of the screw: The axial distance between
two adjacent threads on a screw is called the
pitch of the screw.
Pitch, Lead, Thread
Pitch Vs Lead
Push bar drawframe
In this class, the fallers have specially cranked ends
which run in slides on the machine frame. The fallers
are driven by a large carrier wheel at the back of the
machine. The earlier models had collars on each
faller-bar which bore against each other but in
modern frames the bars bear across the full width,
the bar behind pushing the bar in front-hence the
Spiral drawframe
In this method of faller-bar propulsion there are two
spiral screws on each side, one set directly above the
other. The ends of each faller-bar are cut to fit into the
grooves on the spiral so that as the screws rotate they
drive the faller-bars along.
Push bar drawing machine
Draft gearing of push bar drawing
Draft calculation
Spiral drawing frame
Modern spiral frames are all double-thread or triple-thread) i.e.
there are two or three complete spirals cut in each screw. The
length of one complete spiral is the lead and the distance between
adjacent spirals, the pitch. Faller-bar speed = r.p.m. of screw x lead
Lead = number of screws x pitch
Double threaded screw spiral drawframe
Double thread, one revolution of screw moves fallers a distance equal
to the lead. 2xpitch
Triple threaded spiral draw frame
Triple thread, one revolution of screw moves fallers a distance equal to
the lead. 3xpitch
Push Bar Vs Spiral Draw Frame
Features Push Bar Draw frame Spiral Draw frame

Double threaded: 400/min

Faller bar drop rate 850/min
Triple threaded: 650/min

Lead% 4-10% 1.5-4.5%

Driving mechanism Carrier wheel Screw

Noise Less Noisier

Pin density Less More

M/C stage 1st 2nd / 3rd

Delivery package Roll/ Can Can

Cleaning Less More

Quality Not better Better

Production More Less

Application Coarser yarn Finer yarn

• The process by which before loading of sliver in
delivery can, a certain number of convolutions are
given to the sliver or fibre to increase cohesion and
strength is called Crimping.
• To increase cohesion force among the fibres,
• To increase strength of fibre,
• Easily handling the sliver
• To reduce twisting the sliver in can
• To easily withdraw the sliver from can
• To reduce sliver breakage during spinning

Advantages Disadvantages

• Strength of sliver ↑ • Q uality ↓

• Productivity ↑ • Fibre arrangement deform
• Easy handling • Fibre configuration deform
• Easy withdraw process
• Ends down rate ↓
• W astage% ↓
Crimping mechanism
Crimping mechanism
The sliver leaves the nip of the drafting rollers and passes down
the sliver plate into the nip of a pair of fluted delivery rollers, the
upper one of the pair being spring-loaded and positively driven
through a wide-pitch gear from the lower one. The sliver is
driven into the box where it meets a metal finger or lid hanging
down into the box. The finger impedes the motion of the sliver
and the box quickly fills, when more sliver enters at the back the
lid of the box is forced up by the mass of sliver inside the box
and the sliver at the front of the box can come out; this, of
course, is a continuous process, although the
delivery of the crimped sliver is not steady and the sliver
spurts out at an irregular rate from second to second.
During its sojourn in the box the fibres in the sliver
become 'concertinad' and take on a permanent crimp or
wave. The length of time any particular piece of sliver
remains in the crimping box can be regulated by means of
small weights which can be added to the finger, a heavy
weight requiring a greater mass of sliver in the box to lift
it up and, hence, developing greater crimp in the fibres.
C an trum pin g
• The process of arranging large amount of sliver in the
delivery can by applying pressure of packing block is called
can trumping or can packing arrangement.

• Can capacity: To arrange more sliver in deliver
• Frequency of doffer: To increase efficiency of
machine due to less change of can
• Work load: To reduce work load
• Frequency of piecing: To reduce piecing up the
sliver as a result quality of sliver improved
C an tru m p in g -
M echan ism
When the delivered sliver from drawing
frame reaches a certain height inside the
sliver can, the packing block begins to
press it. As more and more slivers enter
in the can, the block rises automatically
to allow space to the sliver until the can
is full. The packing block rod is
retained by a projection engaging a
spring-loaded rack. After a full can has
been replaced by an empty one, the
spring-loaded rack is released by a catch
from top position and then the packing
block returns to its lowest position.
Design of best draft
A numerical ex ample will perhaps
help to clarify this statement
Consider the doubling plate shown in above Figure
1. Suppose that the four slivers are issuing from the
drawing rollers
 W ith a faller-b ar slu b w ave-len g th of 2
in . (this cou ld arise from a faller p itch of
in . an d a draft of 4 on the fram e).

 W ith a faller-b ar slu b w ave-len g th of 2

(arise from a faller p itch of in . an d a

draft of 5 on the fram e).
For a faller-bar slub wave-length of 2 in. (arise from
a faller pitch of in. and a draft of 4 on the frame).
• Sliver A has a path length of 8 in. and since the wave-
length is 2 in. there will be 8/2 =4 complete waves in this
length of sliver.
• Sliver B has a path length of 16 in. in which there will be
8 complete waves,
• C has a path of 24 in. with 12 waves in it, and
• D has a path of 32 in. containing 16 waves.
• Thus at the uniting point, K, the four slivers will come
together with the peaks of each wave-length coincident
and the resulting sliver will be more irregular than
either sliver A, B, C, or D.
For a faller-bar slub wave-length of 2 in. (arise from a
faller pitch of in. and a draft of 5 on the frame).
•Sliver A will have =3.2 waves,
•Sliver B will have = 6.4 waves,
•Sliver C will have =9.6 waves,
•Sliver D will have =12.8 waves.
If the pitch of the slots in the doubling
plate is P, the faller bar pitch p, and
the draft d, then for any number of
doublings the ' worst'draft, i.e., that
one leading to peak-on-peak doubling,
is given by,

= ,

h , h .
For two or more doublings, the
‘best’ draft, i.e. giving peak-
trough doubling, is given by

( + )
and for three doublings

( + )

H-Drawing Pressing Roller B-Back

g Roller
a te te
D- Front
P a
e ry g Pl Retaining
eli blin G-Drawing Roller
I-D Dou Roller

K-Delivery Roller Pl

F-Faller Bar E-Carrier Wheel

Passage Diagram of 1st Draw Frame

Problem:3 finisher card supply to 2 firstr drawing frames. Calculate the
Phe speed o the back roller of the drawing frame required to keep the
cards and drawing frame in balance. Each finisher card produces 400
lbs per hour of 16 lbs/100 yds. Sliver. Drawing frames 2 heads, 2
deliveries per head, doubling 2 ends into 1.
Solution: Production of 3 finisher card per hour=400x3=1200 lbs/hour.
Therefore, material at the feed of each drawing frame per hour
=1200/2=600lbs per hour
Therefore, 600 lbs/60=10 lbs/minute
Therefore, the length of sliver available per minute to feed to each
100 ×3
drawing frame=10x =187.5 ft/minute
• Total deliveries from each drawing frame=N umber of heads x
deliveries per head=2 x2=4
• Doubling=2
• Therefore number of slivers feed in the drawframe=2 x2x2
Therefore surface speed per minute of the back roller
=23.44 /
• Problem: A high speed type of push bar first drawing frame, 2 heads,
2 deliveries per head, doubling 2 ends into one is being feed with 16
lbs/100 yds sliver. If drawing frame draft is 4 and the back roller
surface speed is 23.44 ft/min. Calculate
• lbs/100 yds from the drawing frame.
• Production per hour of the drawing frame.
2 8
• Solution: 16 × = h
4 100
• Delivery speed per minute=23.44 x4=93.76 ft/min
• Total number of deliveries=2 headsx2 deliveries per head
• Therefore total length of sliver delivered per hour
93.76 ×4×60 yds
3 hour
Delivered sliver 8 lbs/100 yds
93.76 ×4×60 8
Therefore production per hour= ×
3 100
=600.2 lbs/hour
• A high speed push bar drawing frame, 2 heads, 2 deliveries per head
doubling 2 ends into one produces 600 lbs/hour of 8 lbs/100 yds
sliver. Drawing frame draft=4, pitch of faller =1/2 inces
Faller bar lead=10% ;calculate the faller bar drops/minute
Solution: production per minute=600/60=10lbs
Total no of deliveries=2x2=4
10 100
Delivery speed per minute= × ×3×12 =1125 h /
4 8
Surface speed of back roller=1125/4=281.25 inches/minute
• Faller bar lead 10%
• Faller bar speed per minute=281.25x =309.375
• Faller drops/minute=309.375 ×2=618.75 ≈619
• Problem: W hat would be the required draft in the first drawing frame
to obtain 8.1 lbs/100yds sliver from the following particulars:
Breaker card dollop wt= 34 lbs
Breaker card draft=12
Breaker card clock length=13 yds
Ends on finisher card feed =12
Finisher card draft=18
Drawing frame doubling 2 ends into 1
Moisture and evaporation loss and short fiber waste from breaker card
feed to drawing frame delivery=8.5%
34 ×100 ×12 ×2×91.5
Answer: =8.1
13 ×12 ×18 × ×100
34 ×100 ×12 ×2×91.5
Drawing frame draft= =3.283 say 3.3 lbs
13 ×12 ×18 ×8.1 ×100
Problem: A high speed push bar drawing frame 2 heads, 2 deliveries
per head doubling 2 ends into 1 produces 600 lbs per hour. The
machine is feed with rolls of sliver from the finisher card. Each roll
weighs 30 lbs of 14 lbs/100 yds sliver. Surface speed of the back roller is
30 feet per minute. Find out the efficiency of the drawing frame?
100 ×3
• Solution: Length of sliver in each roll=30x ft
100 ×3
• Time to finish feeding the roll length= 30x =21.42 minutes
14 ×30
Therefore, 30x8=240 lbs feed in the machine in 21.42 minutes
30 ×8×60
• Calculated production per hour= =672.3 lbs
Actual production per hour=600 lbs
600 ×100
Therefore, machine efficiency= =89.25%
Jute spinning frame
• To reduce the number of fibres in the cross-section according to
the count of the yarn.
• To impart twist to form the final yarn structure, and
• To wind the yarn on a bobbin maintaining proper yarn tension
Working Principle
• Drafting z one of all jute spinning frames have two sets
of rollers ( retaining and drawing)along the whole length
of the machine. The backroller is known as retaining
roller & the front one as drawing roller. Drawing pressing
rollers ( synthetic/ rubber coated commonly known as
cots)are placed on drawing roller with proper loading
facilities to grip the fibers during processing.
Working Principle
• Due to high fiber length variation, different mechanisms like, a)
Breast plate and intermediate roller ( slip draft system)
, b)Apron
and pressure plate ( Apron draft system) and c) Grooved
intermediate roller (Slip draft for coarse count)are employed in
between retaining and drawing rollers to control the movement of
short floating fibers during drafting.
Working Principle
• After drafting the fiber fleece emerging out of drawing roller nip is
twisted with the help of flyer and twisted yarn is wound on a
bobbin rest on a bobbin carrier of dead spindle type. The flyers
may be of two legged or tubular ( Baux ter)type depending on the
type of spinning frame. Usually tubular flyers are used in Apron
Draft spinning frame;however, it can also be fitted with the slip
draft spinning frame.
Working Principle
• Flyer gets its motion from the motor via pulleys and
cylinder and having constant speed throughout full
doff. The rotational movement of bobbins depends on
the yam tension, which varies on different factors like
doff position, rotation of flyer etc. Spinning tension for
a particular count of yarn spun on a fix ed flyer speed
can also be controlled by shifting the felt bobs situated
below the bobbin carrier and by changing the number
of wrappings of the yarn on the Flyer leg.
Working Zone
All type of spinning frames consists of few z ones as:
 Creel z one:Where finisher drawing cans (sliver of 25 to 30
hours feeding capacity)are placed in a manner to feed individual
spindle of the spinning frame.
 Drafting Zone:where j ute fibers are subj
ected to drafting
thereby reducing the number of fib in the cross-
section as well as straightening and paralleliz e the
fibers, and

• Twisting and Winding Zone: Where drafted fiber strand is

twisted and then wound on a bobbin with the help of flyer and
• The majority of jute yarns are spun from
finisher drawing sliver. Spinning from rove
is confined chiefly to the finer counts
of yarn ( 173 Tex, 5 lb/sp or less).
• The advantage of using crimped sliver is an
economic one, for the cans of finisher drawing
sliver hold sufficient material for 25-30 hr
spinning compared with about 5 hr supply on a
bobbin of rove. As a result of this increased
package size, less labor is required for
material handling.
Drafting Zone
• All jute spinning frames have two sets of rollers extending
along the whole length of the machine-the retaining rollers
and the drawing rollers. Each of these sets consists of a
positively driven member and a pressing member,
between which the fibers are gripped. The draft operates
in the usual way (by attenuating the material and reducing
its count).
• The drafting system used in jute spinning frames are of
following types:
• (a) Slip-draft system : used in Pitch 4 ¼ inch spinning
• (b) Apron-draft system: used in 4 ¼ inch spinning frame;
• (c) Tongue and Groove (V-roller) drafting system: Used in
5 ½ inch spinning frame).
Double apron drafting system
Twisting and winding-on section of a jute
spinning frame
Brief Description of Spinning Frame
•From Finisher draw sliver having
usually has a MR about 26% yarn
must be spun and have the correct
count during dispatch.
•During spinning some 25% of the sliver
moisture will be evaporated and
•During the subsequent processes of
winding and in storage a further 15-25
per cent will be lost.
• The yarn must be doffed at a coarser count
slightly to allow for these post-spinning
moisture losses.
• For this reason the draft must be reduced
by a certain amount that depends upon the
moisture level before, during, and after
• It is customary to arrange for the yarn to
have the correct count at 14 per cent
moisture regain.
 Twist take-up increases the yarn count and
therefore the draft must be increased to
allow for this.
 The amount of take-up depends on the
degree of twist but for normal twist factors
it is be tween 2 and 2.5 per cent.
Calculation Of The Required Draft
S (100 + Ry + O) (100 + T)
• D= × ×
Y (100 + Rs + O) 100
• Where S is the sliver count,
• Ythe yarn count at Ry % regain,
• Ry the yarn regain% at which the yarn will be of
the correct count,
• Rs the finisher drawing sliver regain%,
• 0 the oil content% (on dry fibre basis),
• T the twist take-up%,
• D the spinning draft.
•For example, 150 lb/sp finisher
drawing sliver, with a regain of 25
per cent is to be spun into 8 lb/sp
yarn which will have the correct count
at 14per cent regain. The twist take-
up is 2 per cent, and the oil content
is 6 per cent.
•What spinning draft is required?
•What will the yarn count at the frame
be if the regain of newly spun yarn is
19per cent?
What spinning draft is
(100 + + ) (100 + )
• = × ×
(100 + + ) 100

•Spinning draft:
150 (100 +14 +6) (100 +2)
• = × ×
8 (100 +25 +6) 100
150 120 102
• = × × =17.51
What will the yarn count at the frame
be if the regain of newly spun yarn is
19per cent?
(100 + + ) (100 + )
•Draft, = × ×
(100 + + ) 100
(100 + + ) (100 + )
• = × ×
(100 + + ) 100
•@Yarn Count:
150 (100 +19 +6) (100 +2)
• = × ×
17.51 (100 +25 +6) 100
oPrinciple of Twisting Winding
oGeometry & Features of Twist-
Geometry of Twisting Section
• In this system, the twist is imparted in the yarn by revolution of a two-legged
flyer or a cylindrical tube known as Baxter flyer. This is the popular system of
spinning in the jute industry. By using the Baxter flyer, higher spinning speed
can be attained as compared to two-legged flyer.

• Jute spinning frames insert the twist by means of overhung flyers, either two
legged or Baxter suspended above the bobbins (Fig. q.8). There is no
positive drive to the bobbins and the bobbins are made to rotate by the yarn
pull. The flyers are carried on ball bearing wharves mounted in the front of
the frame. The part of the wharf projecting above the mounting assembly is
called the 'cap'. The wharve is driven by a cotton or nylon tape from the main
cylinder of the machine.
• The yarn passes down from the nip of drawing rollers to
the top of the wharve cap where it enters a central hole
and continues to run down through the wharve. At the exit
of the hole a ceramic disk is cemented to protect the metal
from the abrasive action of the yarn. The flyer legs are
screwed on to the wharf so that they may be replaced if
necessary. The legs themselves are tapered towards their
tips to reduce centrifugal 'throw-out'. The flyer legs have a
small 'eye' at the foot through which the yarn passes on to
the bobbin.
• As the flyers are designed to run at high speeds they must
be dynamically balanced otherwise any eccentricity would
ultimately damage the whole assembly and could cause a
serious accident.
• The simplest relationship between flyer speed,delivery speed,and twist is
• T = n/v
• where,T is the turns of twist per unit length,n the flyer speed,and v the delivery
• This equation,however,must be. modified in the ·light of twist take-up. If a
ribbon of untwisted fibers is rotated about its own axis and twist inserted then it
inevitably becomes shorter as the fibers assume a spiral formation. The amount
by which the structure reduces in length is known as the 'take-up' and is
expressed as a percentage. Thus

• −
(Untwisted length −Twisted length )
• = ×100
untwisted length
• The exact amount of take-up depends up the twist angle in the yarn;the greater
this angle the more take-up there is.
Twist Take-Up
Brief Description of Twist Multiplier
lb/sp and tex and
turns/in turns/cm
• Sacking weft 10·0 23·0

• Hessian weft 10·5 24·3

• Hessian warp 11-5 26·2

• Carpet yarns 12·5 29·0

• Sacking warp 13·0 30·2

• The bobbins rotate around central dead spindles
which are set vertically in the builder.
• As the builder moves up and down the bobbins
alternately rise into and withdraw from the
flyers and this reciprocating movement, combined
with the rotation of the flyers about the
bobbins, winds the yarn on the bobbin in a
continuous spiral.
• Notice that when the builder is at the top of
its traverse the yarn is winding on at the
bottom of the bobbin and vice versa.
• Case #1: As the builder moves up= bobbins rise
to the flyers= the yarn is winding on at the
bottom of the bobbin
• Case #2: As the builder moves down = bobbins
withdraw from the flyers=the yarn is winding on
at the top of the bobbin
• and this reciprocating movement, combined with
the rotation of the flyers about the bobbins,
winds the yarn on the bobbin in a continuous
As the builder moves up= bobbins rise to the flyers= the
yarn is winding on at the bottom of the bobbin

Heart Cam TOP

Lever Upward

Chain Upward

Quadrant Anti
Pulley Clockwise

Builder Upward
As the builder moves down = bobbins withdraw from the flyers=
the yarn is winding on at the top of the bobbin
Mechanism of Building Motion
The builder is suspended on short lengths of chain which
are attached to pulleys keyed to a shaft running along
the whole length of the frame. Brackets from the builder
carry sleeves which run up and down on columns to give
steadiness and stability to the motion. The traversing
movement is obtained from a lever at one end of the
frame which is made to rise and fall by a heart cam
underneath it.
Mechanism of Building Motion
The length of the traverse depends on
i. the throw of the cam,
ii. the length of the lever following the cam, and
iii. the diameters of the quadrant pulleys
marked Aand Bin the Figure)
There are turnbuckles in the linkage connecting the lever
arm to the pulley shaft so that the position of the builder
relative to the flyers and bobbins can be adjusted.
The builder should change direction j
ust at that moment
W in din g
Winding is a process which provides yarn as spools and cops for the
requirement of beaming and weaving operations. There are two types of
winding :
• (i) Spool Winding
• (ii) and Cope Winding
(i) Spool Winding
• In Spool Winding yarn is produces for warp (the longitudinal yarn). Spool
winding machine consists of a number of spindles. There is wide
variation in the number of spindles per machines from one make to
another. Productivity of spool winding depends on the surface speed of
the spindle and machine utilisation.
• Spool winding machine uses the bobbins contain smaller length of yarn.
This machine wound the yarn into bigger packages known as 'spool'. The
Spool are used in making sheets of yarn to form warp portion used during
interlacement of weaving.
(ii) Cop Winding
• Cop Winding machine obtain yarns from the spinning machines. The
spinning bobbins is placed on a suitable pin on top of the cop machine
and yarn tension is maintained by means of a small leaver. The yarn on
Principle of Winding
•❶ Bobbin leading principle (For cotton spinning)
•❷ Flyer leading principle (For jute spinning)
Bobbin leading principle
(NB > NF)
• In Bobbin leading the bobbin winds it round
itself and the bobbin speed is always more
than the flyer speed. But the speed of
bobbin decreases as it gets larger in
Bobbin leading principle (NB > NF)
Flyer Leading Principle
(NF > NB)
• In flyer leading the flyer wraps the roving
upon the bobbin. in this the speed of bobbin
is constant but always less than the flyer.
Flyer leading principle (NF > NB)
Flyer Leading Principle (NF > NB)
Relationship of twist, yar count and twist
change pinion
• Twist per inch of yarn varies from count to count of yarn. Basically,
ligher or finer the yarn, the more the twist per inch and vice-versa.
Twist for different yarns having the same degree of twist varies
inversely to the square root of the count
• More twist low yarn count
• Less twist, high yarn count
• Problem: if 9 lbs/spindle has 4 tpi. W hat will be tpi for 16 lbs/spindle
yarn;both yarn having the same degree of twist.
Let y be twist for 16 lbs. yarn
√ 16 4
Then =
√ 16 × =√ 9×4
4 × =3×4
Therefore Y =3
• Again more twist, smaller TCP
Less twist, bigger TCP
N ow twist has the inverse relation both with the square root of yarn
count and TCP. Therefore, square root of yarn count has direct relation
with TCP.
Prblem: 48 teeth TCP for 9 lbs/spindle yarn. W hat TCP for 16
lbs/spindle yarn?
Let Y be the TCP for 16 lbs. Yarn
√ 9 48
Then =
√ 16
Or, √ 9× = 16 ×48
3Y =4×48
Therefore Y =64
• More draft light yarn or low yarn count
• Less draft, heavy yarn or high yarn count
• Inverse relation
• Thus draft is inversely related to both yarn count and DCP. Therefore
Yarn count is directly related to DCP.
• Therefore, Low yar count small DCP
• H igh Yarn count big DCP
Problem: 8 lbs yarn 40 teeth DCP in use
12 lbs yarn what DCP to be used.
8 40
40 ×12
therefore, Y = =60
Problem: W hat will be the production for 8 hours working of a spinning
frame of 100 spindles with particulars as below
RPM of flyer=3301
Sliver from finisher drawing frame 0.5 lbs/100 yds
Spinning frame draft=9
Spinning frame efficiency 80%
Spinning count=0.5 × =8
3301 ×0.8 ×100 ×60 ×8×8
• =583.9
36 ×14400

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