JPTC Req Jan 12

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Book not trace due to Publisher not mentioned Department: Computer Science S.No 1 Author's Name Ghose, T.

K Title of Book Computer Organisation and Architecture Publisher TMH Macgraw Hill PHI PHI TMH TMH TMH PHI Oxford Dhanpat Rai Univ Sc.Press PHI Exiting Req. Copies Copies Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Hindi Granth Acadmy S. Chand S. Chand Nil Nil Nil Nil 5 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 3 2 2 2 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2

2 Hwong & Ergg Advanced Computer Architecture Department: Electronics Eng. 1 Jally, E.H Introduction to Telephony and Telegraphy 2 Schwber, W Electronic Communication System 3 Golderg & Wlddis Electrical Measurements 4 Schaum's Series Digital Electronics 5 Schaum's Series Communication Engineering 6 Timar, G.S Microprocessor 2 7 Halt, D.V Microprocessor 2 interfiling Dwivedi, C.K Solid state circuit using with microcontroller 8 9 Padmanbam Electronic Component 10 Ramachander Electronic Component 11 Kapoor, P.L. Electrical Engineering Operational Amplifier and Linear Integrated Circuit 12 Gayakwad, R.A 13 Mottenshead, A Electronic Devices and Circuit 14 Bosshart, W.C Printed Circuit Board Design and Tech. 15 Admirality, E Electronic Technology 16 Denton, Daily Operational Amplifier and Integrated Circuit 17 IIT, Delhi WBLM on Electronic Circuit and Design Charles, A Harper Passive Electronic Component Handbook Department: Mechanical Eng 1 Singh, Sadhu Strength of Material 2 Rajpoot, R.K Strength of Material 3 Punamia Machanics and Material 4 Tikku, S Auto CAD 5 Thomas & Bevem Theory of Machine 6 Grewal, B.S Numercial Methods Department: Physics 1 Saxena & Prabhakar Applied Physics (Vol.1) 2 Saxena & Prabhakar Applied Physics (Vol. 2) 3 Zednor, L.S Physics for technical Education 4 Upadhaya, J.C Classical; Mechanics Department: Chemistry 1 Seth Air Pollution Control 2 Seth Industrial waste and treatment 3 4 Paryavaran Yantriki

Wiley TMH

IIT, Delhi Macgraw Hill Khanna Pub. S.Chand

Khanna Pub.

Himalya Pub.

Harold, Hard & Organic Chemistry - a short course Craine Shukla & Trivedi, 5 Modern Organic Chemistry G.L Department: Communication Skills 1 Einstein, Albert Life and Time

2 3 4 5 6 7

9 10 11 12 13 14

Lincoln, Abraham Power of Oration Gupta, S.M Effective Communication Skill Satya Pub Raman & Mohan Techanical Communication Communicational Skills and Functional Gupta, Sadhana Grammer Lewies, Norman Reading, Spelling, Vocabliery and pronuncetion Roggets The Source of Synoumes and Antonyms The curriculum Somaiya Development Communication Skills for Techanical Publication, Centre, Bhopal Students (Book One) New Delhi The curriculum Development Communication Skills for Techanical Centre, Bhopal Students (Book Two) ) Desai, Vasant Entrepreneurial Development (Vol.1,2,3) Himalya Pub. Gupta, C.B Enterprenership Devlopment Chabra, T.N Entrepreneurship Management Dhanpat Rai CEDMAP Udhyamita Vikash Anand Pub

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

2 10 10 10 2 2



Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

10 10 10 5 5 5


Recommended by Deepak Sharma Deepak Sharma

Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace Not Trace

Kshama Dwivedi Kshama Dwivedi Kshama Dwivedi Veervrat Singh Veervrat Singh Veervrat Singh Veervrat Singh Veervrat Singh Veervrat Singh Veervrat Singh Veervrat Singh Laxmikant Shukla Laxmikant Shukla Laxmikant Shukla Laxmikant Shukla Laxmikant Shukla Laxmikant Shukla Laxmikant Shukla

out of stock

Not Trace Ravish Tripathi Not Trace Ravish Tripathi Not Trace Ravish Tripathi Not Trace Pankaj Mishra Not Trace Pankaj Mishra Pankaj Mishra Not Trace Anil Kumar Yadav Not Trace Anil Kumar Yadav Not Trace Anil Kumar Yadav Anil Kumar Yadav Not Trace Bhuvan Tiwari Not Trace Bhuvan Tiwari Bhuvan Tiwari Bhuvan Tiwari Bhuvan Tiwari Not Trace Kavita Chauhan

not trace

Not Trace Kavita Chauhan Not Trace Kavita Chauhan Kavita Chauhan Kavita Chauhan Kavita Chauhan Kavita Chauhan Kavita Chauhan

not trace

Kavita Chauhan Kavita Chauhan Kavita Chauhan Kavita Chauhan Kavita Chauhan Kavita Chauhan

List of Books Required for JPTC , REWA (Session:Jan 2012) Department: Computer Science S.N o Author's Name Title of Book Publisher Exiting Req. Copies Copies Price Total Price Recommended by

Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 6 In 21 1 Perry, Greg Techmidia / Nil 10 390.00 3900.00 Anil Yadav Days 2 Deitel & Deitel Pearson Nil 10 855.00 8550.00 Anil Yadav Visual Basic 6 3 Galvin Wiley India Nil 10 499.00 4990.00 Anil Yadav Operating System 4 Godbale TMH Nil 5 375.00 1875.00 Anil Yadav Operating System 5 Pal, Chodhary PHI Nil 5 325.00 1625.00 Anil Yadav Principal and design of Operating System Millan Covic & Operating System : A Design-Oriented 6 TMH Nil 5 575.00 2875.00 Anil Yadav Crowley Approach 7 Mishra, K.L.P PHI Nil 5 225.00 1125.00 Anil Yadav Theory of Computation 8 Alfred V. Aho Pearson Nil 3 625.00 1875.00 Anil Yadav Compiler :Principle,Technique and Tool 9 Jindal, Ragni Umesh Pub. Nil 3 155.00 465.00 Anil Yadav Compilers Construction & Design Research Methodology: Methods And 10 Kothari, C.R New Age Nil 5 200.00 1000.00 Anil Yadav Techniques 11 Tanenboum PHI 2 2 425.00 850.00 Deepak Sharma Structured Computer Organisation Data Communication and Computer 12 Agrawal, Rajneesh Vikas Nil 5 400.00 2000.00 Deepak Sharma Network 13 Cooper, M Jaico Nil 5 395.00 1975.00 Deepak Sharma The Sprit of C Comdex Hardware And Networking Course 14 Gupta, Vikas Dreamtech Nil 5 349.00 1745.00 Deepak Sharma Kit (With CD) 15 Mcmohan, Richard Introduction to Networking TMH Nil 5 425.00 2125.00 Deepak Sharma 16 Rao, P.V.S PHI Nil 5 325.00 1625.00 Deepak Sharma Computer System Architecture Basics of Operating System Unix and shell 17 ISRD Group TMH Nil 10 315.00 3150.00 Prakash Pandey Prog. 18 Stephen, P Sams Pub. Nil 1 1295.00 1295.00 Prakash Pandey Advanced Unix: a Programmer Guide 19 Kochan, S & Wood P Peason Nil 5 450.00 2250.00 Prakash Pandey Unix Shell Programming 20 Koretsly, S/Sarwar Unix : the text Book Pearson Nil 5 117.00 585.00 Prakash Pandey 21 Sahani TMH Nil 10 350.00 3500.00 Prakash Pandey Data Structure and Algorithm 22 Longsam & Tanenboum Structures Using C And C++ PHI Nil 5 350.00 1750.00 Prakash Pandey Data 23 Drozdek, Adams Cengage Nil 5 399.00 1995.00 Prakash Pandey Data Structure and Algorithm in C++ 24 Lipschutz TMH 2 5 285.00 1425.00 Prakash Pandey Data Structure: Shaum outline series 25 Shukla Wiley India Nil 5 339.00 1695.00 Prakash Pandey Data Structure using C and C++ Programming in C and Data Strutures (with 26 Balaguruswami TMH Nil 10 299.00 2990.00 Prakash Pandey CD) (JNTU Ananthapur, 201 27 Kernighan, B.W PHI 5 5 120.00 600.00 Prakash Pandey The C Programming Language Department: Electronics Eng. 1 Das & Bisvas Principle of telephony UBS Nil 3 350.00 1050.00 Kshama Dwivedi 2 Tomasi, W Electronic Communication System TMH Nil 3 685.00 2055.00 Kshama Dwivedi 3 Puri, V.K Digital Electronics Circuit and system PHI Nil 3 275.00 825.00 Kshama Dwivedi 4 Jain, R.P Modern Digital Electronics TMH 5 10 350.00 3500.00 Kshama Dwivedi Fundamentals Of Microprocessor And Ram, B Microcomputers 5 Dhanpat Rai Nil 15 245.00 3675.00 Veervrat Singh 6 Ayla, Keeneth Cengage Nil 5 350.00 1750.00 Veervrat Singh 8051 Micro compiler 7 Mazidi Pearson Nil 5 425.00 2125.00 Veervrat Singh 8052 Micro compiler and assembly Prog./ The 8051 MicrocontrolEmbedded Systems: Using Assembly and C, 2/e 8 Mathur, P TMH Nil 5 450.00 2250.00 Veervrat Singh Introduction to Microprocessor 9 Gupta, M.L Electrical Engineering Material S.K. Kataria Nil 5 230.00 1150.00 Veervrat Singh Operational Amplifier and Linear Integrated Circuit 10 Coughlin, R.F Pearson Nil 5 315.00 1575.00 Laxmikant Shukla 11 Dhir, S.M Electronic Component and Materials TMH Nil 10 275.00 2750.00 Laxmikant Shukla 12 13 Maini, A.K. Electronic Projects for Beginners Pustak mahal Nil 5 190.00 950.00 Laxmikant Shukla 14 Bhattacharya, S.K Experiment in Basic Electrical Eng. New Age Nil 5 295.00 1475.00 Laxmikant Shukla 15 16 Smitih,P Problems in Electrical Engineering CBS Nil 5 160.00 800.00 Laxmikant Shukla 17 Hubscher, K Electrical Engineering basic Technology New Age Nil 5 200.00 1000.00 Laxmikant Shukla 18 Horowitz, W.H Art of Electronics Cambridge 5 5 795.00 3975.00 Laxmikant Shukla Department: Mechanical Eng 1 Ramamurthan, S Strength of Material Dhanpat Rai 5 10 395.00 3950.00 Ravish Tripathi 2 Khurmi, R.S Strength of Material S.chand Nil 10 525.00 5250.00 Ravish Tripathi Theory of Machines 3 Khurmi, R.S S.Chand Nil 10 625.00 6250.00 Pankaj Mishra 4 Ratan Theory of Machine TMH 5 5 395.00 1975.00 Pankaj Mishra Theory of Machines 5 Bansal Laxmi pub Nil 10 540.00 5400.00 Pankaj Mishra Department: Physics 1 Brijlal & Subramanyam S.Chand Nil 10 195.00 1950.00 Anil Kumar Yadav Numercial Examples in Physics Mathematical Method for Physics and 2 Hobson, Riely Cambridge Nil 4 995.00 3980.00 Anil Kumar Yadav Engineering 3 Rajan, J.B S. Chand Nil 4 425.00 1700.00 Anil Kumar Yadav Atomic Physics 4 Naidu, S. Mani Pearson Nil 4 335.00 1340.00 Anil Kumar Yadav Applied Physics 5 Beiser, A Mgraw Hill Nil 4 893.00 3572.00 Anil Kumar Yadav schaum outline of Applied Physics 6 Griffiths, David Pearson Nil 4 450.00 1800.00 Anil Kumar Yadav Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 7 Encyclopedia of Applied Physics (3 Vol. 8 Singh Manpal Anmol Pub. Nil 1 3600.00 3600.00 Anil Kumar Yadav Set) 9 Katiyar, R.L Campus Books Nil 4 1000.00 4000.00 Anil Kumar Yadav Fundamental of Modern Physics Department: Chemistry 1 2 Rao, C.S Rao,M.N Environmental Pollution Control Engineering New Age Air Pollution TMH Nil Nil 4 4 225.00 900.00 Bhuvan Tiwari

out of stock

out of stock

out of stock

out of stock

out of stock 9780521139878 81-219-1809-X 9788131724958 out of stock 9780071426114 9788177582307 9788126130863 9788187815457 9788122418354 9780074518717

415.00 1660.00 Bhuvan Tiwari

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

De, A.K Khopkar, Sharma, B.K Sharma, B.K Banerji Samir K Jerry,March Sharma, B.K

Environmental Chemistry Environmental Pollution Analysis Water Pollution Soil & Noise Pollution Environmental Chemistry Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms And Structure Industrial Chemistry Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry Advanced Practical Chemistry Advanced Practical Inorganic Chemistry

New Age New Age Krishna Prakashan Krishna.. Prakashan PHI Wiley India Krishna Prakasha Krishna Prakashan Pragati Prakashan Krishna Prakashan TMH TMH Random House Ballantine Books Penguin Penguin

Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

20 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 25 10 2 5 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 5 5 20 10 10 2 2

200.00 4000.00 Bhuvan Tiwari 175.00 1750.00 Bhuvan Tiwari 195.00 100.00 125.00 780.00 Bhuvan Tiwari 400.00 Bhuvan Tiwari 500.00 Bhuvan Tiwari

599.00 2396.00 Bhuvan Tiwari 795.00 3180.00 Bhuvan Tiwari 195.00 780.00 Bhuvan Tiwari out of stock 9789350063231 9788185842837 9788182831209

10 Agrawal, O.P 11 Yadav, J.B 12 Raj, Gurdeep

345.00 1380.00 Bhuvan Tiwari 225.00 900.00 Bhuvan Tiwari

13 Joseph, Benny Environmental Studies 14 Richard T.Wright, Environmental Studies Department: Communication Skills 1 2 3 4 Hawking, Stephan A Brief history of Time Sagan, Carl Kalam, A.P.J Kalam, A.P.J COSMOS Ignited Mind India 2020: A Vision For The New Millennium

225.00 5625.00 Bhuvan Tiwari 250.00 2500.00 Bhuvan Tiwari 934.00 1868.00 Kavita Chauhan 550.00 2750.00 Kavita Chauhan 250.00 1250.00 Kavita Chauhan 299.00 1495.00 Kavita Chauhan 325.00 1625.00 Kavita Chauhan 299.00 598.00 Kavita Chauhan not trace imported 9780553380163 9780349107035 out of stock 9780670049288 9780140278330 9788181900845 9788172235024 9789380190167 9780140188547 9788184082241 9788172247492 out of stock

Karadi 5 Lala, R.M Nil Beyond the last blue mountain Tales Company 6 Lahiri, Jhumpha Harper & Collines Nil Interpreter of Melodies Naryan, R.K & Short Stories of R.K. Narayan Themes And Satyam 7 Nil Sharma, D Technique pub. 8 Tagore, R.N Nil The Postmaster: Selected Short Stories Penguin 9 Tolstoy Nil Collected Long And Short Stories Indiana 10 Anand,M Nil Greatest of Short Stories Jaico Pub. Perfection 11 Henry, O Nil The last leaf Learning 12 Sharma, Neeta Nil Communication Skills Stya Pub. Technical Communication - Principles And 13 Sharma, Sangeeta Oxford Nil Practice 14 Sen, Leena PHI Nil Communication Skills 15 Bulkey, F.K S.Chand Nil Dictionary (Eng to Hindi) 16 Oxford Oxford Nil Dictionary (Eng to Hindi)

700.00 1400.00 Kavita Chauhan 299.00 1495.00 Kavita Chauhan 175.00 875.00 Kavita Chauhan 295.00 1475.00 Kavita Chauhan 174.00 175.00 870.00 Kavita Chauhan Kavita Chauhan

285.00 2850.00 Kavita Chauhan 225.00 2250.00 Kavita Chauhan 325.00 650.00 Kavita Chauhan 425.00 850.00 Kavita Chauhan

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