PM 1656 CMD 2

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PM/IS 1656/1

May 2020


Milk Cereal Based Complementary foods
IS 1656:2007

This Product Manual shall be used as reference material by all Regional/Branch

Offices & licensees to ensure coherence of practice and transparency in operation of
certification under Scheme-I of Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity
Assessment) Regulations, 2018 for various products. The document may also be used
by prospective applicants desirous of obtaining BIS certification licence/certificate.

1. Product : IS 1656:2007
Title : Milk Cereal Based Complementary foods
No. of Amendments : 3
2. Sampling Guidelines:
a) Raw material :
b) Grouping guidelines : NA
c) Sample Size : 500g
3. List of Test Equipment : ANNEX - A
Scheme of Inspection and ANNEX - B
4. :
5. Possible tests in a day :
Total protein
Total carbohydrates
Total Ash
Acid insoluble Ash
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
6. Scope of the Licence : “Licence is granted to use Standard Mark as per IS 1656 with the following
Name of the product Milk-Cereal Based Complimentary foods
Any other aspect required as
For age group
per the Standard
PM/IS 1656/1
May 2020



Major test equipment required to test as per the Indian Standard

Sr. No. Tests used in with Clause Reference Test Equipment

1 Bacterial Count(5.7.1) Petri Dish, Autoclave, Incubator (30 ± 1°C),

Water Bath (44 to 47°C), pH Meter, Colony
Counter, Laminar Air Flow, Weighing Balance,
2 Coliform Count(5.7.2) Incubator (35±1°C), (other equipment‟s same as
3. E-Coli (5.7.3) (Same equipment‟s as 2)
4. Yeast and Mould (5.7.6) Incubator(25±1°C), (other equipment‟s same as
5. Moisture (IS 11623 and IS 16072) Flat bottom moisture dishes, Drying Oven,
6. Total Proteins (kjeldahl method) Kjeldahl flask, Kjejdahl distillation assembly,
Glass beads, Erlenmeyer flask
7 Fat (annex B of IS 1656) Analytical Balance, Distillation evaporation
apparatus, Drying oven, Mojonneir flask fat
extracting flask, Water Bath (65±5°C), Fat
collecting vessel
8 Total Ash(annex B of IS 1656) Flat bottom dish, Muffle Furnace, Desiccators
9 Acid Insoluble ash(annex C of IS Muffle Furnace( same as 8)
10 Vitamin A (carr price method) Photo electric Colorimeter(610-620nm)
11 Vitamin C(2-6 Dichlorophenol Same as 10
Indophenol method)
12 Iron (Wong‟s Spectrocholoric Spectrophotometer
method) (Annex D of IS 1656)
13 Crude fibre(IS 10226) Grinding Device, Drying oven, Air condenser,
Heating device, Hot plate and magnetic stirrer,
Muffle furnace Desecrator, Analytical balance
PM/IS 1656/1
May 2020



1. LABORATORY - A laboratory shall be maintained which shall be suitably
equipped and staffed to carry out the different tests in accordance with the methods given
in the Indian Standards.

2. TEST RECORD - All records of analysis and tests shall be kept in suitable forms
approved by the Bureau of Indian Standards.

3. PACKING AND MARKING – The Standard Mark as given in the Schedule of

the license shall be printed on each container of Milk Cereal Based Complementary foods;
provided that the material to which this mark is thus applied conforms to every
requirement of the specification.

3.1 Marking and packing shall be done as per the provisions of the Indian Standard. In
addition In addition, the following details shall be printed on each container:
a) BIS Licence No. CM/L ___________.
b) BIS website details i.e–“For details of BIS certification please visit”

4. CONTROL UNIT – For the purpose of this Scheme, the quantity of milk –cereal
based Complementary foods manufactured continuously in a day shall constitute a
control unit.

5. LEVELS OF CONTROL - The tests as indicated in column 1 of Table 1 and the

levels of control in column 3 of Table 1, shall be carried out on the whole production of
the factory which is covered by this plan and appropriate records maintained in
accordance with paragraph 2 above.

5.1 A sample shall be taken at the packing stage every hour which shall be examined
visually for description, color, absence of dust and extraneous matter; examined by
organoleptic methods for flavour and odour. If the sample does not conform to the
specification in any one or more of these requirements, the material manufactured during
the hour prior to the drawal of sample either be rejected or reprocessed for its conformity
to these requirements of the standard.

5.2 Four samples/control unit before packing and at equal intervals of time shall be taken
for testing moisture. In case of failure of any of these samples, the material in the control
unit be either rejected or reprocessed for rectification of the defect. The material so
reprocessed shall be tested for moisture after every two hours for consequent four such
control unit and when all these samples conform to the requirements of the specification,
the original frequency given in Table 1 for the parameter shall be restored.

5.3Two samples shall be taken from every control unit before packing and at equal
interval of time (one sample to be drawn after every 12 hours in case of 3 shifts operation
& one sample after 8 hours in case of 2 continuous shift operation) and individually
tested for fat, total carbohydrates, bacterial count, coliform count, Escherichia coli and
Yeast and Mould. If any one or both the samples fail to conform to anyone or more of
these requirements as given in the specification, the entire material in the control unit
shall not be marked. The material may, however, be reprocessed and the defect(s)
rectified. Such reprocessed material when tested again shall conform to all the
requirements of the specification.

5.4 One sample from every seventh control unit shall be tested for Vitamin A;
Vitamin C, Iron. One sample from every 15th control unit shall be tested for Crude Fibre.
If anyone sample fail to satisfy the requirements of any one or more of these
characteristics, the corresponding control unit shall not be marked, the material in the
control unit may, however, be reprocessed and the defect(s) rectified. Such reprocessed
material when tested again shall conform to all the requirements of the specification.
One sample from every subsequent control unit shall be tested for the characteristics
where failure has occurred till seven consecutive control units are found meeting the
specification requirements, whereupon the original frequency of testing may be resumed.
In case the production is started after the shut down of the plant, for more than a week‟s
time for any reason, it shall be ensured, before packing and dispatching the material with
Standard Mark that the material is tested and found conforming to all the requirements of
the specification.

5.5One sample shall be tested for Heavy metals and the absence of Staphylococcus,
aureus, Salmonella and Shigella. In case of failure of the sample in any one or more of
these characteristics, the corresponding Control Unit shall not be marked and two samples
from every subsequent Control unit shall be tested for the Characteristics(s) where failure
has occurred till five consecutive Control units are found to meet the specified
requirements, whereupon the original frequency of testing may be resumed. The
requirements for salmonella and shigella shall be tested in the laboratory situated away
from the production area.

5.6One sample from every fourth Control Unit of the same type shall be tested for
proteins, total ash and acid insoluble ash. In case failure of the sample in either of these
requirements, the Control Unit shall be considered unfit for the purpose of marking, the
control unit may, however, be reprocessed and the defect(s) rectified. Such reprocessed
material when tested again shall conform to all these requirements before it is considered
fit for marking. All subsequent Control Units shall be tested for those requirements till
five consecutive Control Units tested conforms to these requirements of the specification.

5.7All ingredients used in manufacturing the product including the optional ones shall be
clean, of good quality, safe and suitable for ingestion by infants. They shall conform to
their normal quality requirements such as colour, flavour&odour. The vitamins and
minerals shall be of good grade. Iron salts should be such as to ensure high bio-
availability of iron. The source of mineral salts and vitamin compounds may be used as
given under clause 5.4.2 of IS 1656:2007. Appropriate records in relation the statement
made in the Para shall be maintained.

5.8Milk-cereal based Complementary foods shall contain a minimum of 20 percent milk

Casien by mass of the product, and a minimum of 5 percent of milk fat of the product. It
shall not contain hydrogenated fats containing terms-fatty acids. It may contain fungal
alpha amylase upto a maximum extent of 0.025 percent by mass. It may also include
amino acids such as lysine, methionine, taurine, carnitine etc. Records for these shall be
maintained by the manufacturers.

5.9Milk-cereal based Complementary foods shall be free from dirt and extraneous matter,
preservatives, added colour, added flavour. It shall also be free from any material which
are harmful to human health. It shall be reasonably free from scorched particles.

5.10As there is no suitable and easily workable method at present for determination
Vitamin D, Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Nicotinic acid content of a product like milk –
cereal based weaning foods, the manufacturers would be required to maintain a record
showing the quantity of these „Vitamins‟ added to each batch. A register shall also be
maintained separately giving details of added vitamins. The total quantity of these
materials in stock, the quantity used in each batch and the balance in stock shall also be
recorded. (See note 3 under Table 1)

5.11In respect of all other Clauses of the specification, the factory shall maintain controls
to ensure that the product conforms to the various requirements of the specification.

6. HYGIENIC CONDITIONS - The factory shall maintain clean and hygienic

condition as given in IS 2491. All the processing equipments should be properly cleaned
and care should be taken to prevent infestation.

7. REJECTION - A separate record shall be maintained giving information

relating to the rejection of units of Milk-cereal based Complementary foods which do not
conform to the specification and the method of their disposal. Such material, if packed in
containers, shall in no case be stored together with that conforming to the specification.
Disposal of non-conforming product shall be done in such a way so as to ensure that there
is no violation of provisions of BIS Act, 2016.
May 2020


(Scheme of Inspection and Testing)

(1) (2) (3)

Test Details Test Levels of Control
(or) S: Sub-
Clause Requirements Test Method No. of Frequency Remarks
Clause Reference Samples

4, 5.1 to 5.4 Description 4, 5.1 to 5.4 IS 1656 R One Every hour See 5.1 of STI
5.6 Flavour and Odour 5.6 -do- R One -do- -do-
5.7.1 Bacterial Count - IS 5402 R Two Each Control Unit See 5.3 of SIT
5.7.2 Coliform Count - IS 5401(Part 1) R Two -do- -do-
5.7.3 Escherichia Coli - IS 5887 (Part 1) R Two -do- -do-
5.7.4 Staphylococcus - IS 5887 (Part 2) One Once in a month See 5.5 of SIT
Aureus S
5.7.5 Salmonella and - IS 5887 (Part 3) & IS 5887 One -do- -do-
Shigella (Part 7) S
5.7.6 Yeast and Mould IS 5403 One Each Control Unit See 5.3 of SIT
count S
Table 1 5.8
Sr Moisture - IS 16072 (Routine Purpose) R Four Each Control Unit See 5.2 of SIT
i) &IS 11623 (Reference
ii) Total Protein - IS 7219 R One 4th Control Unit See 5.6 of SIT
iii) Fat Annex B IS 1656 R Two Each Control Unit See 5.3 of SIT
iv) Total Carbohydrates AnnexC IS 1656 R Two Each Control Unit See 5.3 of SIT
v) Total Ash Annex B IS 14433 R One 4th Control Unit See 5.6 of SIT
vi) Acid Insoluble Ash Annex C -do- R One 4th Control Unit See 5.6 of SIT
vii) Vitamin A - IS 5886 R Two Every 7th Control Unit See 5.4 of SIT
viii) Vitamin C - IS 5838 R Two -do- -do-
ix) Iron Annex D IS 14433 R Two Every 7 Control Unit See 5.4 of SIT
x) Crude Fibre - IS 10226 (Pt 1) - - *
xi) Added Vitamin D - IS 5835 - -
xii) Thiamine - IS 5398 - -
xiii) Riboflavin - IS 5399 - -
xiv) Niacin - IS 5400 S One Once in a month See 5.5 of SIT
xv) Folic Acid - IS 7234 S One -do- -do-
xvi) Zinc 15 IS 1699 S One -do- -do-
xvii) Copper 15 IS 1699 Heavy
xviii) Heavy Metal

a) Lead - IS 12074 S One -do- -do-

b) Arisenic - IS 11124 S One -do- -do-
c) Tin 17 IS 2860 S One -do- -do-
d) Cadmium 15 IS 1699 S Two Every 7 Control Unit See 5.4 of SIT

Note-1: Whether test equipment is required or sub-contracting is permitted in column 2 shall be decided by the Bureau and shall be
mandatory. Sub-contracting is permitted to a laboratory recognized by the Bureau or Government laboratories empaneled by the
Note-2: The control unit and levels of control as decided by the Bureau are obligatory to which the licensee shall comply with.

Note-3: The manufacturers would be required to maintain a record showing the quantity of these „Vitamins” added to each batch/C.U (See 5.10)

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