DLDM Assignment - Tutorial - QB - MCQ - (DIV B)

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KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon


Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Assignment – I

1. What is Digital Signal, Digital Circuit ? Explain all Gates (Universal).

2. Describe a Number System (Hexadecimal, Octal, Decimal and Binary).
3. Comparison between all Bit Microprocessor ?
4. What is Logic Function? Describe a K-MAP

5. What is Error ? Describe all error Detecting and Correcting Code

KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Assignment – II

Q1. Minimize the following expression and realize using universal gates.

A. Y = Σm (0, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15)

B. Y=πM(0,2,3,5,7)

Q.2 Explain half adder and full adder.

Q.3 Implement full adder using 8:1 multiplexer

Q.4 Solve the following Equations

A. (B+A) (B+D) (A+C) (C+D) = BC + AD

B. (A+B) (A+C)

Q.5 Implement the following expression using K-Map and design using basic gates.

A. F1(A,B,C,D) =∑m (0,2,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15)

B. F1 (A,B,C,D) = =∏M (0,1,3,5,7,9,12,13,14,15)
KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Tutorial – 1

Q1. State and Explain Demorgan’s theorem.

Q2. Explain basic gates and Draw pin diagram of AND gate.

Q3. 1) Convert (101.11) 2 = (? ) 10 2) Convert (13.25) 10 to ( ? ) 2

3) Convert (12345) 10 = ( ?) 8 4) Convert (965.198) 10 to ( ? ) 8

Q.4 Explain Laws of Boolean Algebra.

Q. 5 Construction of basic gates using universal gates NAND and NOR

Tutorial – 2

Q1. What is K-Map ? Explain its type with design.

Q.2 Difference between SOP and POS in Digital Logic.

Q.3 Simplify the following KMAP using universal gate.

1. F (P, Q, R, S) = πM (3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13)

2. F(A, B, C, D) = ∑m(1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 3, 5, 12)
3. F(A, B, C, D) = ∑m(0,4,6,8,10,15)

4. F(A, B, C, D) = ∑m(0,1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,13)

Q.4 Simplify the following Boolean functions, using four-variable maps:

a) F(w, x, y, z) = ∑ (1, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15)

b) F(A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 15)

Q.5 Design 16:1 multiplexer using 4:1 multiplexer.

KCES’s College of Engineering and
Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Tutorial – 3

Q.1 Design combinational logic circuit that will generate the square of all the combinations
of the three bit binary number represented by A2, A1, A0.

Q.2 Design binary to gray code convertor.

Q.3 Design a logic circuit to convert the BCD to Excess -3 code.

Q.4 Design the combinational circuit whose inputs are four bit binary number and output are
2’s complement of input number.

Q.5 Design full adder and full subtractor using 3:8 decoder.

Tutorial – 4
Q.1 Difference between combinational and sequential circuit

Q.2 Explain One bit memory cell (or Basic Bistable element)

Q.3 what are the differences of flip-flop and Latch?

Q.4. Explain SR and JK flip flop in detail.

Q.5 What are the advantages of Master Slave (MS) flip flop? Also explain the working of

MS JK flip flop.

KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor


Tutorial –5

Q.1 Explain the difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous counter in details.

Q.2 Convert the following flip flop.

a) SR flip flop to JK flip flop

b) JK flip flop to T flip flop
c) D flip flop to T flip flop
d) SR flip flop to T flip flop

Q.3 Draw and explain the Ring Counter using JK flip flop

Q.4 Design a sequence generator for the sequence 1010 using shift register.

Q.5 Write short note on Johnson Counter.

Tutorial – 6

Q.1.Draw and explain the circuit diagram of 4 bit shift register with serial left shift.

Q.2 Draw and explain 4 bit bidirectional shift register.

Q.3 Explain with neat diagram working of 3 bit up down synchronous counter.
KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Tutorial – 7
Q1.What is microprocessor? State the features of microprocessor.

Q2. Compare between 8 bit, 16 bit and 32 bit microprocessor.

Q3. With the neat diagram explain the architecture of 8086 microprocessor.

Q4. Explain stack and stack pointer.

Q5. Explain memory structure in detail.

Tutorial – 8

Q1. Explain timing diagram and execution diagram.

Q2. Explain I/O ports.

Q3. Draw and explain pin diagram of 8086 microprocessor.

Q4. Explain the flag registers in details.

KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor


Tutorial – 9

Q1. Explain addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor.

Q2. Explain classification of instruction set.

Q3. Explain memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O.

Q4. Explain in brief 8086 interrupts.

Tutorial – 10

Q1.What is assembly language? Explain in details.

Q2. Draw block diagram of 8257.

Q3. Explain DMA in detail.

Q4. Explain even and odd memory banks of 8086 microprocessor.

KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Question Bank
Note: Figures to the right indicates full marks of respective question

Question Question Marks


1 Explain Laws of Boolean algebra.

Design using basic gates only.

3 Draw the IC diagram of NOR gates.

4 Convert (377)8 into hexadecimal.

5 Why NAND and NOR gate is called universal gate.

6 Construction of basic gates using universal gates(NAND).

7 Construction of basic gates using universal gates. (NOR).

8 Implement full subtractor with two half subtractor and one OR gate.

9 Explain different types of number system

10 Implement EX-Or and EX-NOR gate in universal gate.

KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Question Bank

Question Question Marks


1 Implement the following Boolean function using 4:1 multiplexer

F(A,B,C) = ∑ ( 0,1,3,4,8,9,15)

2 Explain half subtractor and full subtractor.

3 Explain decimal to BCD encoder with logic symbol and truth table.

4 Explain BCD adder with example.

5 Implement full adder with two half adder and one OR gate.

6 Explain the parity generator and checker in detail.

7. Explain SOP and POS in detail.

8. Explain decimal to BCD encoder with

9. Design BCD subtractor with example.

10. Design logic circuit to convert BCD to Exceess-3 code.

KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Question Bank

Question no. Question Marks

1 Differentiate between Combinational circuit and Sequential circuit. 06

2 Differentiate between Latches and Flip flops. 06

3 Explain sequential circuit in detail. 06

4 Explain different types of Level triggered and edge triggered. 04

5 Explain one bit memory cell in detail. 05

6 What is shift register and explain types of shift register. 06

7 Explain 06

a) SR Flip flop b) JK flip flop c) T Flip flop d) D Flip flop

8 Convert 06

a) SR flip flop to JK flip flop b) SR flip flop to T flip flop

c) SR flip flop to D flip flop d) JK flip flop to SR flip flop

e) JK flip flop to T flip flop f) JK flip flop to D flip flop

9 Explain MOD counter. Design MOD- 10 counter 06

10 Design 3 bit synchronous UP counter using D flip flop 06

KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Question Bank

Question Question Marks


1 Explain pin diagram of 8086 microprocessor 06

2 Explain memory structure of 8086 microprocessor. 06

3 What are the four categories of segments explain with neat diagram? 06

4 Explain stack and stack pointer. 04

5 Explain I/O port of 8086 microprocessor in detail. 04

6 Explain the memory structure of 8086 microprocessor. 04

7 Explain flag registers of 8086 microprocessor in details. 06

8 With a neat diagram explain the architecture of 8086 microprocessor. 06

9 Explain timing diagram and execution cycles of 8086 microprocessor. 04

10 What is clock and reset circuit. 03

KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Question Bank

Question Question Marks


1 What are assembly language program development tools? Explain with 06


2 What is addressing modes ?Explain 8086 addressing modes in detail. 06

3 What are conditional and control flags in 8086? 06

4 Describe the difference between the instructions: 06

(i) MOV AL,0DB H (ii) MOV AL,DB H

5 What is the difference between minimum and maximum modes of 06


6 Explain the concept of segmented memory? What are its advantages? 06

7 Explain the concept of Direct Memory Access (DMA). 06

8 Explain the DMA controller 8257? 06

9 Explain in brief 8086 interrupts. 06

10 Explain even and odd memory bank of 8086 microprocessor. 06

KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Multiple Choice Question Bank


1 What is the Truth Table?

a) It is a table representing what output will one get for a given input.

b) It is a table representing what input and output will be given by a given

Boolean operator.

c) Both of these

d) None of these

Answer. C. Both of these.

2 What will be the output of the given logic gate?

a) NOR b) NAND c) AND d) OR

Answer b) NAND gate.

3 What combination is a NAND gate?

a) NOT AND b) NOT OR c)NOT NOT d)None of these

Answer a) NOT AND.

4 XOR circuits can be constructed using

a) OR gates only b) AND, OR gates c) AND, NOT gates

d) AND, NOT and OR gates

Answer d) AND, NOT and OR gates

5 NAND & NOR are considered to be Universal gates because they are capable
of performing the logical functionalities concerned to _______.

a) AND gate b) OR gate c) NOT gate d) d. All of the above

ANSWER: d. All of the above

6 Which among the below stated boolean expressions do not obey De-Morgan's
theorem ?
a) X+Y = X . Y b) X.Y = X + Y c) X.Y = X+Y d) None of the above

ANSWER: c) X.Y = X+Y

7 The given hexadecimal number (1E.53)16 is equivalent to ____________

a) (35.684)8 b) (36.246)8 c) (34.340)8 d) (35.599)8
Answer: b) (36.246)8

8 Convert (0.345)10 into an octal number.

a) (0.16050)8 b) (0.26050)8 c) (0.19450)8 d) (0.24040)8

Answer: b) (0.26050)8

9 2's complement of 1011011 is

a) 0100011 b) 0110101 c) 0100011 d)0100101

Answer: d) 0100101

10 Suppose the output of an XNOR gate is 1. Which of the given input

combination is correct?
a) A = 0, B' = 1 b) A = 1, B = 1 c) A = 0, B = 1 d) A = 0, B = 0
Answer: d) A = 0, B = 0

11 Representation of hexadecimal number (6DE)H in decimal:

a) 6 * 162 + 13 * 161 + 14 * 160 b) 6 * 162 + 12 * 161 + 13 * 160
c) 6 * 162 + 11 * 161 + 14 * 160 d) 6 * 16 2 + 14 * 161 + 15 * 16 0
Answer: a) 6 * 162 + 13 * 161 + 14 * 160
12 Convert the binary number 1001.00102 to decimal.

a) 90.125 b) 9.125 c) 125 d) 12.5

Answer: b) 9.125

13 The subtraction of these binary numbers 101001 – 010110 would generate:

a. 010010 b. 011001 c. 100110 d. 010011

Answer: (d) 010011

14 The DeMorgan’s Law would state that:

a. (AB)’ = A + B b. (A+B)’ = A’*B c. (AB)’ = A’ + B d. (AB)’ = A’ + B’

Answer: (d) (AB)’ = A’ + B’

15 Which of these number systems has a base of 16?

a. Decimal b. Binary c. Hexadecimal d. Octal

Answer: (c) Hexadecimal

16 Solve the network in the figure given below for X.

a) A + BC + D b) ((A + B)C) + D c) D(A + B + C) d) (AC + BC)D

Answer: b) ((A + B)C) + D

KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Multiple Choice Question Bank


1 The excess-3 code for 584 is given by

a) 100010110111 b) 100001110111 c) 100010010110 d)100001010110
Answer: a) 100010110111
2 The Minterms for four variables
a) 8 b) 16 c) 2 d )1
Answer: b) 16
3 The number of inputs in a half adder is?
a) 8 b) 2 c) 11 d) 32
Answer: b) 2
4 How much input and output needed for demultiplexer?
a) Many outputs to one input b) One input many outputs
b) One input one output d) None of these
Answer: b) One input many outputs
5 Which of these is the basic building block of all the arithmetic logic units in
all the digital computers?
a. Subtractors b. Demultiplexer c. Attenuator d. Adders
Answer: (d) Adders
6 Which of the following logic expressions represents the logic diagram shown?

a) X=AB’+A’B b) X=(AB)’+AB c) X=(AB)’+A’B’ d) X=A’B’+AB

Answer: d) X=A’B’+AB
7 3 bits full adder contains ________
a) 3 combinational inputs b) 4 combinational inputs
c) 6 combinational inputs d) 8 combinational inputs
Answer: d) 8 combinational inputs
8 The design of an ALU is based on ____________
a) Sequential logic b) Combinational logic c) Multiplexing d) De-Multiplexing
Answer :b) Combinational logic
9 How many 3-line-to-8-line decoders are required for a 1-of-32 decoder?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d)8
Answer: c) 4
10 Convert BCD 0001 0010 0110 to binary.
a) 1111110 b) 1111101 c)1111000 d) 1111111
Answer: a) 1111110
11 Which of the following expressions is in the product-of-sums form?
a) (A + B)(C + D) b) (AB)(CD) c) AB(CD) d) AB + CD
Answer: a) (A + B)(C + D)
12 Which of the following is an important feature of the sum-of-products form
of expressions?
a) All logic circuits are reduced to nothing more than simple AND and OR
b) The delay times are greatly reduced over other forms.
c) No signal must pass through more than two gates, not including inverters.
d) The maximum number of gates that any signal must pass through is
reduced by a factor of two.
Answer: a) All logic circuits are reduced to nothing more than simple AND
and OR operations.
13 The binary numbers A = 1100 and B = 1001 are applied to the inputs of a
comparator. What are the output levels?
a) A > B = 1, A < B = 0, A < B = 1
b) A > B = 0, A < B = 1, A = B = 0
c) A > B = 1, A < B = 0, A = B = 0
d) A > B = 0, A < B = 1, A = B = 1
Answer: c) A > B = 1, A < B = 0, A = B = 0
14 Which of the following expressions is in the sum-of-products form?
a) (A + B)(C + D) b) (AB)(CD) c) AB(CD) d) AB + CD
Answer: d) AB + CD
15 A decoder can be used as a demultiplexer by ________.
a) tying all enable pins LOW
b) tying all data-select lines LOW
c) tying all data-select lines HIGH
d) using the input lines for data selection and an enable line for data input
Answer: d) using the input lines for data selection and an enable line for data
KCES’s College of Engineering and Management Jalgaon

Subject: BTES405: Digital Logic Design & Microprocessor

Multiple Choice Question Bank


1 The primary difference between a counter and a register is
a) A counter has the capability to store n bit of information whereas a register has one
b) A register counts data.
c) A register has no specific sequence of states.
d) A counter has no particular sequence of states.
Answer: c A register has no specific sequence of states.
2 In an 8 -bit Johnson counter sequence, how many states orbit patterns are possible?
a) 240 b) 228 c) 232 d) 220
Answer: a) 240
3 A JK flip-flop in the toggle mode has:
a. K = 1 and J = 1 b. K = 1 and J = 0 c. K = 0 and J = 1 d. K = 0 and J = 0
Answer: (a) K = 1 and J = 1
4 _____ is a digital circuit that is capable of storing only a single bit.
a. Flip-flop b. NOR gate c. XOR gate d. Register
Answer: (a) Flip-flop
5 Which of the following is not a property of Sequential circuits?
a) Memory is required b) Slower in work c) Depends on past values
d) Easy to design

Answer: d) Easy to design

6 Which of the following is not valid type of shift register?

(a) SISO b) SIPO c) LIFO d) PISO

Answer: c) LIFO
7 The output of a sequential circuit depends on
a) Present inputs only

b) Past outputs only

c) Both present and past inputs
d) Present outputs only

Answer: c) Both present and past inputs

8 The only difference between a combinational circuit and a flip-flop is that ______
a) The flip-flop requires previous state
b) The flip-flop requires next state
c) The flip-flop requires a clock pulse
d) The flip-flop depends on the past as well as present states
Answer: c) The flip-flop requires a clock pulse
9 Both the J-K & the T flip-flop are derived from the basic _____________
a) S-R flip-flop b) S-R latch c) D latch d) D flip-flop
Answer: b) S-R latch
10 Sequential circuit contains
a) No memory element b) At least one memory element
c) All inputs applied simultaneously d) None of the above
Answer: b) At least one memory element
11 D flip flop is used as
a) Differentiator b) Divider circuit c) Delay switch d) All of these
Answer: c) Delay switch
12 T Flip flop is used as
a) Transfer data circuit b) Toggle switch c) Time delay switch d)None of the above
Answer: b) Toggle switch
13 Following flip flop is used to eliminate race around problem
a) R-S flip flop b) Master slave J-K flip flop c)J-K flip flop d) None of the above

Answer: b) Master slave J-K flip flop

14 The minimum number of flip flops required to construct a mod 64( divide by 64) ripple
counter are
a) 4 flip flops b) 6 flip flops c)16 flip flops d)64 flip flops
Answer: b) 6 flip flops
15 The type of register in which data is entered into it only one bit at a time, but has all data bits
available as output, is
a) serial in serial out register

b) parallel in serial out register

c) serial in parallel out register

d) parallel in parallel out register

Answer: c) serial in parallel out register

Reference Book:
1. M. M. Mano, Digital logic and Computer design, Pearson Education India, 2016.

2. Kumar, Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, Prentice Hall India, 2016.

3. R. P. Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, McGraw Hill Education, 2009.

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