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English For Nursing I

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Wuji Anggraini, M.Pd
Vision And Mission

Ners Profession Program

A. Vision:

To become an excellent and competitive professional nurse education program in the field of
critical and emergency nursing and able to compete in the global market by 2035

B. Mission

The mission of the Ners Profession Program, Nursing Department, Health Polytechnic,
Ministry of Health, Surakarta to realize the vision that has been prepared is as follows:

1. Organizing excellent and competitive nurse level education programs in the field of
critical and emergency nursing and able to compete in the global market.
2. Organize and develop research that supports the study program's vision and mission to
improve the quality of nursing education and services.
3. Organizing and developing community service based on evidence-based practice in
improving nursing services and community empowerment in the health sector.
4. Organizing accountable education administration with quality assurance.
5. Developing partnership efforts regionally, nationally and internationally in the field of
6. Developing entrepreneurship in the nursing/health sector to support improving the
quality of nursing education


Greetings from the Head of the Nursing Department, Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health,

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Good morning and best wishes for all of

us Healthy Greetings

Praise and gratitude, let us always pray for the presence of Allah SWT for His grace, and with
His permission, this practical learning module can be compiled.

Practical learning modules are teaching media that need to be present in every education,
especially applied undergraduate education and the nursing profession. Nursing Professional
Education is pursued through a learning process that refers to the characteristics of a learning
process that is interactive, holistic, integrative, scientific, contextual, thematic, effective and
collaborative and always centered on student needs. Practical learning modules that are updated
according to conditions in practice facilities or service settings in hospitals and communities
have been well prepared.

It is hoped that the nursing practicum learning module can become a practicum learning medium
that makes it easier for students to achieve competency according to the CPL specified in the
curriculum and achieve a globally competitive profile of graduates from the Surakarta Ministry
of Health Polytechnic Nurses.

We would like to thank the team of lecturers and staff at the Nursing Department of the Health
Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Surakarta, who are always enthusiastic about updating and
upgrading nursing knowledge and working hard in preparing and developing nursing practicum
modules. Hopefully the practical learning module can be utilized by lecturers and students to
optimize the learning process.


Warm regards

Vision And Mission.................................................................................................ii
Table of Content.....................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER I : Greeting and Introduction...................................................................1
1.1 : Greeting..............................................................................................1
1.2 : Introduction........................................................................................2
1.3 : Activity Task 1....................................................................................2
1.4 : Activity Task 2.....................................................................................3
1.5 : Activity Task 3.....................................................................................3
CHAPTER II : Introduction as a Nurse.......................................................................4
1.1 : Useful Expression...............................................................................4
1.2 : Activity Task I.....................................................................................5
1.3 : Activity Task 2...................................................................................5
CHAPTER III : The Hospital Team.............................................................................6
1.1 : Reading and Vocabulary.....................................................................6
1.2 : Comprehension..................................................................................7
1.3 : Word from Text..................................................................................8
1.4 : Writing................................................................................................8
CHAPTER IV : Asking and Showing room in the Hospital.........................................9
1.1 : Vocabulary..........................................................................................9
1.2 : Useful Expression...............................................................................9
1.3 : Activity Task I......................................................................................11
1.4 : Activity Task 2....................................................................................12
CHAPTER IV : Parts of The Body and Health Problem............................................11
1.1 : Vocabulary.........................................................................................11
1.2 : Useful Expression...............................................................................11
1.3 : Activity Task I.....................................................................................12
1.4 : Activity Task 2....................................................................................13
CHAPTER V : Tenses................................................................................................14
1.1 : Simple Present Tense........................................................................15

1.2 : Simple Past Tense...............................................................................16
1.3 : Simple Future Tense...........................................................................17
1.2 : Simple Continous Tense.....................................................................19
1.3 : Simple Present Perfect Tense.............................................................20
CHAPTER VI : In Around The Hospital.....................................................................24
1.1 : Reading and Vocabulary.....................................................................24
1.2 : Comprehension.................................................................................25
1.3 : Word from Text..................................................................................25
1.4 : Further Vocabulary Practice...............................................................25
CHAPTER VII :Part of The Body...............................................................................26
1.1 : Reading and Vocabulary.....................................................................26
1.2 : Vocabulary Practice............................................................................27
1.3 : Comprehension...................................................................................27
CHAPTER VIII : Part of the Body and Health Problem.............................................28
1.1 : Useful Expression...............................................................................30
1.2 : Activity Task I.....................................................................................30
1.3 : Activity Task 2.....................................................................................31
CHAPTER VIII : Asking-Reporting Health Problems And Diagnosing.....................32
1.1 : Vocabulary..........................................................................................32
1.2 : Useful Expression...............................................................................32
1.3 : Activity Task 1.....................................................................................34
CHAPTER IX : Sharing Observation........................................................................35
1.1 : Vocabulary..........................................................................................35
1.2 : Useful Expression...............................................................................35
1.3 : Activity Task 1.....................................................................................36
1.4 : Activity Task 2.....................................................................................36
CHAPTER X : Listening Practice................................................................................38
1.1 : Activity Task 1......................................................................................38
1.2 : Activity Task 2......................................................................................39
1.3 : Activity Task 3.....................................................................................39

Chapter 1

Learning Objective:
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
- Greet other people
- Introduce him/herself


Greeting Respond Meaning
 Hello... Hello, Hi Halo
 Hi... Hello, Hi Hai
 Good morning Good Morning Selamat Pagi
( 00. 01 – 12.00)
 Good afternoon Good afternoon Selamat Siang/ Sore
 Good Evening Good Evening Selamat Malam
 Good Night Good Night Selamat Malam (untuk
( ≥ 23.00) ucapan selamat tidur)


 How are you ? - I am fine
 How are you doing? - I am good
 How is life? - I am okey
 How is your day? - Not so bad

 How is everything? - Not so good

 What’s up? (informal)


 My Name is (complete name)
 You can call me ( nick name )

 I am years old (age)

 I am student in at grade.
 I work in ( ex. Tali Asih Hospital)
 I am as ( e.x enurse in Kasih Ibu Hospital)

ICcome from / I am from ( C ity ,
 I liveou
in nt ry )
U R S E ) (A N
( City, Country)
I live at ( Complete address, Anggrek Street no. 9)

 I like ( what you like to do)

 I like ( ex. I like reading book and love to swim)

1. Name 1. What is your name ? My name is.....

2. Age 2. How old are you I am.......years old

3. Address 3. Where do you live? I live at Jl......
4. School 4. Where do you study? I study in Stikes Tujuh Belas at the
first grade

5. Work/Occupation 5. Where do you work? I work in Jati Husada Hospital
6. Phone number 6. What is your phone My phone number is.....
number ? 081 393 333 231
7. Hobby 7. What is your hobby? My hobby is……

I Live at
Its my Life


Leaf - leaves

 Find three of your friends and Interview them to ask about their personal data!

Name Nick Age Study / Affiliation Where from Hobby



A. Match the question in column A with the responses B.

1. How do you pronounce your last name? a. C-H-A-N-G
2. Excuse me, what ‘s your last name again? b. It’s Mandel with accent on ‘del’
3. How do you spell your last name? c. Well, everyone call me Chuck
4. What do people call you? d. Oh, it’s Amy

B. Listen to the conversation and complete the information about each person
First Name Last Name Where from Studying
Joe The United Sates
Vera Engineering
Minho Kim


 Practice How to greet and introduce yourself in front of the classroom!

Chapter 2

Learning Objective:
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
Introduce him/herself to the patient

Useful Expression

Greeting  Helllo
 Assalamu’alaikum
 Good (Morning/Afternoon/ Evening) Mr/Miss/Mrs

Introducing yourself
 I ‘m nurse ........
and initiating nursing
 I’ll take care of you today

 How can I address you?

Addressing someone  Is it Miss or Mrs.....?
 May I address you with....?

 Please address me with...

Responses  Call me...
 You may address me ....
 Why don’t you call me ....

 Now, I need to visit other patients.
Pre-Closing  If you need (anything/ a
help/something/assistance) please just press the
call button, a nurse will help you


Arrange short conversation based on the expression above and practice with your partner!


Do this in pairs. Ask your partner more about her/his personal information. After asking
your partner, take turn to answer his/her question.

1. What’s your name?

1. .......................................................
2. What’s your hobby?
2. .......................................................
3. Where are you from?
3. .......................................................
4. Where do you live now?
4. .......................................................
5. How long have you been living
5. ......................................................
6. ......................................................
6. Where did you study nursing?
7. .......................................................
7. How long have you studied here?

Chapter 3

Learning Objective:
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
- Understand some vocabulary related to Hospital Team
- Understand a text related to Hospital Team

Key words from the unit

Complete the sentences with the words from the list. qualified
1 areon the bottomgrade. nursing
2 oftenworkinadministration. promotion
3 The new job is a for her. part-time
apply for a
4 Psychiatric nurses in mentalhealth. job
5 You can do a course while you work. auxiliary
6 You need to send a CV when you . rewarding
7 Contact with patients can be very . specialize
8 We are looking for well staff.

Reading and Vocabulary

A big hospital is like a small town; it needs thousands of people to make it work. All
these people are organized into teams and each person in each team has a rank and often a
specialism. In the past, the health care team’s chain of command was simple: doctors made
decisions and gave senior nurses orders. Senior nurses then instructed junior nurses, and so
on. Things are changing. In many countries nurses have much more responsibility than they
once had.
One thing is not changing; it is still a doctor who is in charge of a patient’s treatment.
In Britain, that doctor is called a consultant. Next in line to the consultant is the registrar.
Consultants and registrars train the junior doctors who are called house officers or interns.
Junior doctors work the same long, unsocial hours that nurses do on the wards. The most
senior nurses are nursing officers; they are administrators. Then come ward managers who
supervise staff nurses and students.
It is not only doctors and nurses who deliver treatment and care; there are many
other specialists too. For example, there are physiotherapists who specialize in exercises to
treat injury or dysfunction and occupational therapists who help patients manage every-day
living. There are also many people the patient does not meet like lab technicians doing the
tests and pharmacists dispensing medicines.
Like any town, a hospital has teams of office staff and ancillary workers such as
porters, orderlies, technicians, drivers, cleaners, receptionists and cooks. Every team is
essential for the delivery of treatment and care. This includes the volunteers who, without
pay, raise money for the hospital and run shops, cinemas, libraries and restaurants.

Use the information in the text to complete the sentences with a, b or c.
1. A hospital is like a small town because .
a. it’s busy.
b. it’s full of different kinds of people.
c. there are so many buildings.
2. The difference between now and the past is that .
a. nursing is easier.
b. nurses make more decisions.
c. nurses work harder.
3. Consultants and nursing officers are both .
a. senior staff.
b. house officers.
c. in charge of a patient’s treatment .
4. Ward managers are .
a. nurses.
b. office workers.
c. senior doctors.
5. Lab technicians and pharmacists .
a. deliver treatment and care.
b. work in the background.
c. help the specialists.
6. Hospital volunteers are .
a. sometimes needed.
b. paid well.
c. essential.

Word from text
Match each verb 1–7 to a suitable phrase a–g. The first one is done for you.
1. specialize a. new staff
2. train b. unsocial hours
3. make c. a busy department
4. dispense d. injuries and dysfunctions
5. run e. quick decisions
6. work f. in paediatrics
7. treat g. medicines


Read the example personal profile and write a similar one about yourself, explaining:
• whyyou became anurse
• what you are doingnow
• your careerplans.

Example of Personal Profile

When I was a child I wanted to be an accountant because mathematics was my
favourite subject at school. I was no good at science and not very good with people, so
I thought that nursing was not for me. But when I was sixteen my grandmother got
very ill. I watched the nurses care for her as she slowly died, and I realized that I
wanted to be like them.

When I left school I applied to train as a nurse. A training college accepted me and I
started the course two years ago. I am still training and getting experience. I know that
nursing is not right for everyone, but personally I love it.

For the past two months I have been working in a children’s ward. It’s a wonderful
experience and I’m going to specialize in paediatrics as soon as I can. I’m ambitious
and I want to go as high in my chosen career as possible

Chapter 4

Learning Objective:
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
- Use expression related to giving direction
- Give direction to certain place in the hospital


Surrounded by Right Deed end Turn

In the middle of Left One way U-turn
Directly opposite Intersection Straight ahead Corridor
On the right- hand of Parallel to Roundabout Sidewalk
On the left hand side of Corner Close to

Useful Expression

Visitor/ Patient: How to ask for direction

Could you tell me how to get to...?

Can you tell me where...is?
I’m looking for...how can I can get there?
Excuse me, can you tell me the way to... please?

How to give simple directions

 Walk down........................................
 Go along this.....................................
 Go up stairs,
Until you find.....................................
 Then you turn right/left.....................
 Take the first turn on the right.
 Take the second road on the left.
 Then turn left/right at the next T-junction
 Turn left at the traffic light.

Showing a place/ a room

It is...........................................

On the left/right side of ..............

Next to...........................
At the opposite of.......
At the corner of...........
Just before..................
Across from................



Reception Squash

Art Studio

From Main Gate, go straight throgh car park. Then you turn left through squash courts..
The room is at the corner.

For example: From Main Gate, go straight throgh car park until you find squash court .
Then you turn left. The room is a wide one.


1. Emergency room 6.VIP Unit

2. Laboratory 7. Class II
3. Poloclinic 8. Nurse station of VIP Unit
4. Class 1 9. Cashier
5. Canteen

Refer to the site map above. Make a communication exchange to show the direction. The
starting points are as follows.
1. The security to maternity unit
2. The nurse station in ICU to the canteen
3. The security to the toilet (between dispensary and radiology)
4. The emergency room to the lift
5. The polyclinic to the pediatric ward (on the 2nd floor)
6. The waiting room to the children playground (on the 2nd floor)
7. The operation room to ICU (opposite the physiotherapy unit)
8. The entrance to the Class 1
9. The nurse station (near the lift on 2nd floor) to the laboratory
10. The emergency room to admission

Chapter 5
TENSES (waktu)
Learning Objective:
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
1. Understand the usage of simple tense(present, past, progressive, future, perfect)
2. Change the sentense into negative and interogative form

 Verb Tense tells you when the action happens. There are three main verb tense: present,
past, and future. Each main tense is devided into simple, progressive, perfect, and perfect



PRESENT finish/ am/is/are have/has Have/has

finishes finishing finished been finishing
PAST finished was/were had finished Had been
finishing finishing
FUTURE will finish will be will have Will have been
finishing finished finishing


Bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan bahwa pekerjaannya dilakukan pada waktu
sekarang sebagai suatu kebiasaan, kebenaran umum.

Pola Kalimat :

(+) S+ V1 (es /s orang ketiga tunggal (she, he, it)+O… 15

1). She goes to hospital everyday
2). They go to hospital everyday

(-) S + does/do not + V1 + O…

1). She does not go to hospital everyday

2). They do not go to hospital everyday

(?) Does/do + S + V1 + O…

1). Does she go to hospital everyday

2). Do they go to hospital everyday

- They, we, I, you = Verb tanpa ‘s’ They go to hospital
‘do’ in negative (-) and interogative

They do not go to hospital everyday

Do they go to hospital everyday
- He, she, it = Verb tambah ‘s’ atau ‘es’ She goes to hospital everyday
‘does’ in negative (-) and interogative

She does not go to hospital everyday

Does she go to hospital everyday

Waktu sekarang sebagai kebiasaan, dinyatakan dengan keterangan waktu seperti :

• Every day : setiap hari
• Every week : setiap minggu
• Every month : setiap bulan
• Every year : setiap tahun
• Every Friday : setiap hari Jum'at
• On Friday : setiap hari Jum’at

• Twice a week : dua kali seminggu
• Once a week : sekali seminggu
• In the morning : di pagi hari
Adverb of Frequency
• Always : selalu
• Sometimes : kadangkala
• Usually : biasanya
• Seldom : jarang-jarang
• Often : seringkali
• Never : tidak pernah
• Hardly ever : hampir tidak pernah


Bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan “pekerjannya” dilakukan pada waktu lampau.
Pola Kalimat :
(+) S + V2 + O ....

I took the medicine last night

The students went to laboratory yesterday

(-) S + did not + V1+ O...

The students did not go to laboratory yesterday

(?) Did + S + V1
Did the students go to the laboratory yesterday

Pada waktu lampau itu dinyatakan dengan kata keterangan waktu seperti :
• yesterday : kemarin
• the day before yesterday : kemarin dulu
• two days ago : dua hari yang lalu
• three months ago : tiga bulan yang lalu
• many years ago : bertahun-tahun yang lalu
• last night : tadi malam

• last month : bulan yang lalu
• last week : minggu yang lalu
• last year : tahun yang lalu
• Last Friday : hari Jum’at yang lalu
• this morning : tadi pagi
• formerly : dahulu


Untuk menyatakan peristiwa, kegiatan atau tindakan yang akan terjadi di masa
Pola Kalimat :

(+) S + will/shall / be (is, am, are) going to + V1 + O...

She will send the letter tomorrow

Nina is going to visit Bali next week

The patients are going to drink the medicine tomorrow

(-) S + will/shall /be (is, am, are) going to + not + V1 + O...

She will not send the letter tomorrow

Nina is not going to visit Bali next week

The patients are not going to drink the medicine tomorrow

(?) will/shall /be (is, am, are) going to + S + V1 + O....

Will she send the letter tomorrow?

Is Nina going to visit Bali next week ?

Are the patients going to drink the medicine tomorrow?

Keterangan waktu(time signal) yang digunakan dalam Present Future Tense adalah
sebagai berikut:
 tonight : malam ini

 tomorrow : besok
 the day after tomorrow : lusa
 two days later : dua hari lagi
 next month : bulan depan
 next week : minggu depan
 next year : tahun depan
 next time : lain kali
 this afternoon : nant sore

1. Pc⭲dapat ata" pcíkiíaa⭲ saja, Bisa tcíjadi bisa j"ga tidak.

HAL yang belum pasti atau keputusan yang baíu dibuat saat bicaía.
2. Ib" Qaki⭲ apa Qa⭲g bc⭲aí-bc⭲aí aka⭲ tcíjadi kaíc⭲a mclikat kcadaa⭲
sckaía⭲g Qait" si a⭲ji⭲g maíak.
mc⭲Qataka⭲ íc⭲ca⭲a Qa⭲g s"dak dip"t"ska⭲ scbcl"m⭲Qa.
Rc⭲ca⭲a pasti. “I am going to visit my gíandpaíents…….”

Digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung saat

Pola Kalimat :

(+) S+ to be (is, are, am) + V1-ing + O…

Betty is studying English now

(-) S+ to be (is, am, are) +not +V1-ing +O…

Betty is not studying English now

(?) To be (is, am, are) + S+V1-ing+O

Is Betty studying English now?

Keterangan waktu (adverb of time) yang sering digunakan dalam Present Continuous
Tense :
 Then = ketika
 now = sekarang
 right now = sekarang ini
 at present = pada waktu ini;sekarang ini
 at this moment = pada saat ini
 today = hari ini
 still = masih
 this morning = pagi ini
 this afternoon = sore ini
 this evening = malam ini
 tonight = malam ini

Bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan bahwa pekerjaannya dimulai pada waktu lalu
(indefinite time) dan pada saat diucapkan “sudah selesai dan ada hasilnya”

Pola Kalimat :

(+) S + has/have+ V3 +O…

I have taken a medicine

(-) S+ has/have-not + V3 + O…

I have not taken a medicine

(?) Has/have + S + V3/been + O…

Have you taken a medicine?

Answer: Yes, I have

No, I have not/ I haven’t

Keterangan waktu (adverb of time) yang sering digunakan dalam Present Perfect Tense
 Already : sudah selesai
 never/ever : tidak pernah/ pernah
 since : sejak
 for : selama
 not...yet : belum
 finally : akhirnya
 once/twice : sekali/dua kali
 three times : tiga kali
 at last : akhirnya


Make some example of sentences ( positif, negatif and interogatif) of each tenses
above !

Choose one of the suitable word in the branket
1. I.....a bath every morning . (take / takes )
2. Class. . .at 9.00 every day. (begin / begins)
3. My friend and I. . .home at 3.00 every afternoon . ( go / goes)
4. Sam....me to dinner once a month . (invite / invites)
5........the moon go around the earth? (do/does)
6........Venus and pluto go around the sun?(do/does)

Complete the blank with arranging the word in the branket

7. Pablo...at the library every evening . (study, usually)
8. The students ...English in the classroom. (speak , always)
9. My sister like tea, but she...coffee. (not, like)
10. Sally is healthy, He...cigarettes. (not, smoke)
11. Tomorrow she(write)...an email to her cousin in Brazil.
12. Anita (write, not) ...an email to her parents tomorrow .
13. (you, write).....an email to someone tomorrow?
14. Bill ( arrive )....here three days ago.
15. I (know) ....Siska for ten years. I have known...


1. They ... badminton every weekend

a. play
b. plays
c. playing
d. played
2. "What is your plan for this
weekend?" I . . . my brother."
a. will visit
b. will have visited
c. have visited
d. visited
3. My father always ... Taekwondo every week.
a. Is practicing
b. Practicing
c. Practices
d. Practice
4..........the meeting take place in your office yesterday?
a. Don’t
b. Does
c. Do
d. Did
5. Do your father and mother.......in a hotel?
a. Staying
b. To stay
c. Stays
d. Stay
6. Does your friend.......about this problem?
a. Understood
b. To understand
c. Understands
d. Understand
7. Yesterday,the students......the map of Indonesia.
a. learn
b. are learning
c. had learned
d. learned

8. The parmacist....the medicines. So, I do not need go to the pharmacy.
a. dispenses
b. dispensed
c. is dispensing
d. has dispensed
9. Look, the students . . . football in the field now.
a. play
b. are playing
c. were playing
d. plays
10.........have studied English
a. my friend
b. my friend and I
c. She
d. Budi’s friend
11. The baby...................for three hours.
a. has sleeping
b. has slept
c. has sleep
d. has been slept

12. Miss Rina….......us English since 2004.

a. was teaching
b. has taught
c. is going to teach
d. taught
13…..........You and Ahmed at the library last night?
a. Were
b. Did
c. Are
d. Do
14. We.......to aceh two weeks ago
15. Our teacher not standing up right now
a. is
b. are
c. am
d. was
Chapter 6

Learning Objective:
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
- Understand some vocabulary related to in Around the Hospital
- Understand some term related to ward/department in hospital

Key words from the unit

Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

1. The pharmacy medicines. transport
2. Take the to get to the next floor. waste
3. Go along this and through the doors. lift
4. We use for patients who can’t sit up. dispenses
5. is next to the main entrance. mortuary
6. Each bed produces 4.5 kilos of each day. reception
7. Dead patients are taken to the . stretchers
8. Porters heavy equipment. corridor

Reading and Vocabulary

Some hospitals specialize in particular conditions like cancer or psychiatric illness.

Other hospitals specialize in particular types of patients like geriatrics, children or the
terminally ill. However, the best known type of hospital is the general hospital which deals
with almost everything, has ambulance crews and beds for both intensive care and long stay.
A big general hospital has many different specialist departments. Identifying
departments can be confusing because different hospitals use different names for the same
thing. For example, one hospital may have a ‘children’s unit’ which a different hospital calls
‘Paediatrics’. ‘Accident and Emergency’ (A&E) in one hospital is called ‘Casualty’ in another.
There are many other examples. The department that specializes in heart problems, is
sometimes called ‘Coronary Care’. Others call it ‘Cardiology’ or ‘Cardiovascular medicine’.

Nephrology, the department that treats illnesses of the kidney is sometimes called ‘the Renal
Unit’. Gastroenterology (digestive system) is sometimes ‘the Department of Hepatology’.
Hospital staff often use abbreviations for departments. For example, they refer to
‘Obs and Gynae’. This is a department combining Obstetrics (pregnancy), and Gynaecology
(women’s reproductive organs). They call Otolaryngology, ‘ENT’ (ears, nose & throat), mostly
because it is much easier to say.


a. What three types of hospitals are mentioned in the text?

b. Which is the most common type of hospital?
c. Why are hospital department names confusing?
d. Which two departments mentioned in the text, deal with the gastrointestinal tract?
e. How many departments is‘Obs & Gynae’?
f. What is a common name for the Otolaryngology Department?

Find terms in the text that mean the same as a-g. The first one is done for you.
a. mental health problems psychiatric illness
b. elderly people
c. people who are dying
d. paramedics
e. treatment for critically ill patients
f. stomach and intestines
g. uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes

Further Vocabulary Practice

Match department names 1-6 with parts of the body a-f.
Department name Parts of the body
1 Coronary Care a tonsils
2 Gynaecology b cervix
3 Obstetrics c bowel
4 Gastroenterology d heart
5 ENT e kidneys
6 Nephrology f placenta

Chapter 7
Learning Objective:
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
- Understand some vocabulary related to Part of the Body
- Identify Part of Body in English

Reading and Vocabulary


Yo will need to learn the name of internal (inside the skin), exsternal body part and its
function. Here are the basics to get you started.

Inside the head is the brain, which is responsible for thinking. The top of person’s scalp is
covered with hair. Beneath the hairline at the front of the face is the forehead. Underneath te
forehead are the eyes for seeing, the nose for smelling, and the mouth for eating. On the
outside of the mouth are the lips, and on the inside of the mouth are the teeth for biting and
the tongue for tasting. Food is swallowed down the throath. At the side of the face are the
cheecks and at the sides of the head are the ears for hearing. At the bottom of a person’s face
is the chin. The jaw is located on the inside oh the cheeks and chin. The neck is what attachec
the head to the upper body.

Upper Body
At the top and front of the upper body, just below the neeck is the collar bone. On the front
side of the upper body is the chest, which in women includes the breasts. Babies suck on the
nipples of their mother’s breast. Beneath pinethe ribcage are the stomach and waist. The
navel, more commonly reffered to as the belly button, is located here as well. On the inside of
the upper body are the hearth for pumping blood and the lung for breathing. The rear side of
the upper body is called the back, inside which the spine connect the upper boddy to the lower

Jam tangan = watch.../ wrist watch

Upper the Limbs (Arms) join—join= sendi

The arm are atttached to the shoulders . Beneath this area is called the armpit or underarm.
The upper arms have the muscles known as triceps and biceps. The joint halfway down the
arm is called the elbow. Between the elbow and the next joint, the wrist, is the forearm.
Bellow the wrist is the hand with four fingers and one tumb. Beside the tumb is the index
finger. Beside the index finger is the middle finger, followed by the ring finger and the little
finger. At the ends of the fingers are fingernails.

Lower Body
Below the waist, on left and rigt, are the hips. Betweeen the hips are the reproductive organs,
the penis(male) or the vagina(female). At the back of the lower body are the buttocks for
sitting on. They are also commonly reffered to as the rear end or the bum (especially with
children). The internal organs in the lower body include the intestines for digesting food, the
bladder for holding liquid waste, as well as the liver and the kidneys. This area also contains
the woman’s uterus, which holds a baby when a woman is pregnant

Lower Limbs (Leg)

The top of the leg is called the thigh, and the join in the middle of the leg is the knee. The
front of the lower leg is the shin and the back of the lower leg is the calf. The ankle connects
the foot to the leg. Each foot has five toes. The smallest toe is often called the little toe while
the large one is called the big toe. At the ends of the toes are toenail.

Vocabulary Practice

 Make a group consist of 4-5 students

 Divide group to find some vocabulary related to
1. Head 3. Lower Body
2. Upper Body 4. Lower Limbs
 Find a picture/ draw a picture and show its name of part of body.


Make 10 question and its answer based on text above!

Learning Objective:
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
- Understand kinds of health problem
- Express the location of pain in the body



to have + noun an ache sprained
to ache a pain stiff
to hurt a bruise sore
to throb a rash painful
to itch a cut dizzy
to irritate a scar fainted
to injure a swelling injured
a graze
a sting
a bite

Description of “ache, pain, hurt, injured, throb, and itch”

ache (v): merasa sakit yang tidak terlalu, tetapi berlangsung terus menerus
• I‟m aching all over
• Her eyes ache from lack of sleep

ache (n): rasa sakit
 Mom, I‟ve got a tummy ache
 Muscular aches and pains can be soothed by a relaxing massage <>message
• Bellyache/stomachache: sakit perut

Pain (n): suatu rasa yang dialami tubuh akibat suatu penyakit atau luka atau tindakan
• She was clearly in a lot of pain
 He felt a sharp pain in his knee
• Patients suffering from acute pain
• The booklet contains information on pain relief during labor
• This cream should help to relieve the pain

Painful (adj): terasa sakit

• Is your back still painful?
• My ankle is still too painful to walk on

Hurt (v): menyebabkan terasa sakit secara fisik, terluka

• He hurt his back playing squash
• Did you hurt yourself?
• My back is really hurting me today
• Strong light hurts my eyes

Injured (adj): melukai, luka, menyebabkan luka

• He injured his knee when playing hockey
• She injured herself during training

Throb (v): terasa sakit berdenyut‐denyut

• His head throbbed painfully
• My feet were throbbing after the long walk home

Throb (n): sakit yang berdenyut

• My headache faded to a dull throbbing

Sore (adj): sakit, perih (bisa karena infeksi atau gerakan yang berlebihan)
• I have a sore throat
• His feet were sore after the long walk
• My stomach is still sore after the operation

Itch (v): gatal

• I itch all over
• Does the rash itch?
• This sweater really itches

Useful Expression

 Would/Can you show me/point at the location of your pain?

 Show me where the location of your pain is?
 Where is the pain?
 Is it (your pain) in your + (part of the body)?
 Do you feel pain in your + (part of the body)?

Translate into communicative English using the words given below

1. (pain) Saya merasakan sakit sekali di lutut saya

2. (hurt) Pergelangan kaki saya nyeri

3. (throb) Kepala saya pusing berdenyut‐denyut

4. (itch) Punggung saya terasa gatal

5. (injured) Jari tangan saya terluka

6. (sore) Tenggorokan saya sakit

7. (hurt) Sinar yang sangat terang akan menyakitkan mata

8. (ache) Kaki saya sakit karena terlalu banyak berlari

9. (pain) Saya merasa sakit disini

10. (painful) Punggung saya terasa sakit sekali

Because ……..sentence= Because she is sicks

Because of ……clause = Because of her sikness

Make a conversation between a nurse and patient !

Patient: Call a nurse, state your complaint

Nurse: Ask what the problem is

Nurse: Repeat patient’s expression for sure

Nurse: Ask patient to tell the location of the pain

Patient: Tell nurse where you feel the pain

Chapter 9
Learning Objective:
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
- Ask questions about patiens’ health problem
- Report about the nursing diagnose
- Report the symptoms of a health problem


Break Waterworks In a bad shape Dribble

Bother Constipation Not in any shape Clammy
Bowel Movement Lassitude Bloated Mumps
to itch a cold Blow a nose
to irritate sneeze smallpox
to injure sniffle Measles

Useful Expression
Nurse’s question to check the patient’s complain/ condition

1. What’s your problem?

2. How are you feeling today?
3. What makes you call me?
4. What’s your chief complaint?
5. What’s troubling you?
6. What’s the matter with you?
7. What’s wrong with you?
8. What seems to be bothering you?
Patient’s expression about symptomms and phisical problem.

1. I Have + (a part of body + ache)

a toothache
a headache
a earache
a backache
2. I have (sore + a part of body)
a sore throat
a sore foot
a sore knee
a sore arm

3. I have / get + kinds of phisical problem

the measles
the flu
a cold
bloody vomit and stool
bowel movement
a bad cough
4. I feel + kinds of phisical problem
cold and clammy
in bad shape

5. I experience + kinds of phisical problem

low back pain
difficulty breathing
cold and clammy

6. I sufferr from + kinds of certain illness

7. I sprained my (possesive) + joint/bone problem


Nurses’ report/diagnose/how to report about patients’ condition/complaint

 He / she complains about his/ her + part of the body
Has + health problem
Suffer from + health problem
 He/She may have ..... + disease/health problem
seems to have

Make a conversation between a nurse and a patient!

Patient: Call anurse, state your complaint

Nurse: Ask what the problem is

Nurse: Repeat patient’s expresson for sure, and tell the patient
that you will report his/her condition to specialist

Chapter 10
Learning Objective:
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
Help patient to express and identify feeling


pale daydream suffocate bouncy

tense tired moan stiff
painful rigid groan sigh
afraid of... gasp contempt bruise
tender swollen

Useful Expression
Study and practice these useful expressions

 You look......
 Your(part of the body) looks.... uncomfortable when.......V(ing)
with your(part of the body)
 You seem to have + ( a problem with+ a part of the body)
+ (a health probem: such as stomachache, a chest pain)

- She/he looks pale


Practice the substitution drill below

1. You look...
2. Your....looks....
Skin sallow
Eyes reddish
Nail yellowish
3. You seem uncomfortable when...
moving your hand
changing your clothes
4. You look uncomfortable with your...


Make into groups consist of 6 participants

• Cut pictures available in supplementary material below
• Observe their expressions
• Share your observations to each of them
• Show each picture to the class, and tell your observations

Learning Objective:
After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:
Identify the message that deliver by patient, nurse or doctor


Listen to these conversation and complete the patient’s data below

Date of Birth
Phone Number
Marital Status
Next of Kin
(Phone Number)
Disease / Pain

Answer the question based on the audio

1. Had Mr. Hudson been a hospital and what was the disease?
2. What is the occupation of Mr.Hudson?
3. How old is Mr. Hudson?
4. Have Mr. Hudson Married?
5. What is the problem of Mr. Hudson and how long he feel it?


Complete the text below based on the word on the audio!

Recently VOA's reporters have explored some of the issues facing health care systems around the
world. Today we talk about three separate issues with one thing in common: they all involve
One problem is counterfeit medicines. These can be difficult even for highly trained
A to identify. Counterfeit drugs are made to look and feel like the real medicines whose
names they are B . But they do little or no good, and in some cases might be harmful.
Patients also miss the chance to take C .
D says an E ten percent of the drugs sold worldwide are
counterfeit. In developing countries, however, twenty-five percent or more of the medicines taken
are believed to be counterfeit.
It is difficult to identify who makes these drugs or where. But many experts believe
F in India and China are involved. The W.H.O. has created a group to better
G the safety and quality of medicines in H .

1. Developing countries 5. The world health organoization

2. Enforce 6. The real medicines
3. Criminals 7. Sold under
4. Estimated 8. Medical professional


Nursalam. 2009. English in Nursing- Mid wifery Science and Technology. School of Nursing,
Faculty of Nursing Airlangga University
Pratiwi, I Dewi & Herlianita, Risa. 2011. English for the Professional Nurse(Book I). Malang:
School of Nursing Muhammadiyah University of Malang
Richard, Jack C. New Interchange: English for International Communication. Cambridge
University Press.



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