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Ver. 1 JUNE 2020

A leave policy is a document that can serve as a guide not only to the employees but also to the
employer when there is already a need to count the allowable leaves of the workforce. Since this
document is important in the organization of the operations of the business, you should make sure
that you will create a leave policy that works.

Human Resources

Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.0. Annual Leave ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 .Policy .................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 .Pay for annual leave ........................................................................................................................... 8
Other different kinds of leave .................................................................................................................... 8
2.0 Sick Leave ............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.2 Policy ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2. Procedure .......................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3. Sick Leave Pay ................................................................................................................................. 11
3.0 .Rotation Leave .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1. Restrictions on Rotation Leave ...................................................................................................... 11
4.0 Maternity Leave ................................................................................................................................. 12
5.0 Marriage Leave ................................................................................................................................ 13
6.0 Paternity leave .................................................................................................................................... 13
7.0 Study Leave ........................................................................................................................................ 14
7.1 .Policy .................................................................................................................................................. 14
7.2 .Procedure .......................................................................................................................................... 15
8.0 Compensatory Leave ........................................................................................................................ 15
8.1 Overtime Compensation ................................................................................................................... 16
9.0 Compassionate leave ....................................................................................................................... 16
9.1 .Policy .................................................................................................................................................. 16
10.0 Unpaid Leave ................................................................................................................................... 17
10.1 .Policy ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Leave table ................................................................................................................................................ 19

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This policy sets out the various leave entitlement for staff employed by the Qaiwan
Group. There are multiple types of leave applicable within the Qaiwan Group.
These include
 Annual Leave
 Sick leave
 Rotation leave
 Maternity leave
 Marriage leave
 Paternity leave
 Study leave
 Compensatory Leave
 Compassionate leave
 Unpaid leave

In regards to annual leave the Qaiwan group recognize the importance of this type of
leave to the wellbeing of the employee and provides a chance for the employee to
rest, recover and to return to work refreshed and ready to fulfil their duty. Qaiwan
encourages all employees to use their full leave entitlement in the year and make
maximum use of their time off.
In addition to the leaves above, Qaiwan group also recognizes National holidays of
Kurdistan region, which includes the Eid holidays, Christmas days and other relevant
holidays and these are communicated to all in December, prior to the
commencement of the following year.
The Dubai office may follow a slightly different leave schedule and all employees
connected to that office will be advised by December of each year on the year
schedule for leave dates ahead.
Similar – the Baghdad office in Iraq may follow a slightly different schedule than
Kurdistan Schedule and will be informed accordingly of said schedule.

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1.0. Annual Leave

Annual leave refers to the taking of leave during the main period of the contract
within one year.


This policy applies to all locals and expats who are full time employees after successful
completion of their probation period.

Does not apply

It does not apply to part-time employees or service contract provider employees,
unless these are referenced in the contractual agreement at the employment
During the probation period of three (3) months, the new employee can only claim
the following types of leave:
 Compassionate leave for close relative’s death case
 In exceptional cases, unpaid leave can also be considered

The calculation of leave days will date back to the start date of the employee.

1. All Qaiwan employees with eligibility to annual leave are allowed 30 Calendar
days per year unless it’s been referenced differently in the contract of
2. Rotation type contracts can only be applied to Construction/ Commissioning /
Start up phases of projects. Following the handover of the facility and return to
normal operation and maintenance cycles, if the employee wishes to stay and
there is a position available then they must sign a 30-day type contract (non-
rotation) to remain employed in Qaiwan.
3. All the employees working in shifts have 8 to 10 days leave balance during a year,
its different according to business unit requirements.
4. Unless otherwise stated in the individual employment contracts, expat employees
are eligible to take 30 days paid holiday in a calendar year. Depending on the
business requirements, each expat employee can use this vacation days in one
time or split these days into portions in a year, however, Company is obliged to
pay for the initial repatriation costs only. Second and subsequent repatriation
costs are the employee’s responsibility.

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1.1 .Policy

1. All employees must use the HRMS system to book all types of leave.
2. All leave requests must be approved by the line manager responsible.
3. The employee’s absence during this period must not impact the business
4. All employee who does not have access to PC or proper education can co-ordinate
with an HR person who can apply their vacations in HRMS on their behalf.
5. When the employee does not have enough balance to proceed with his\her
vacation, the company will allow them to take the remaining balance as minus and
deduct those days from current month salary, when the employee returns to work
the amount deducted will compensate in the next monthly salaries based on the
accrued balance, this helps the employees to plan their annual vacation.

6. Due to the 24/7 operation of the Qaiwan group, your leave may be rejected where
your experiences is required. The Qaiwan Group will assist on approving
alternative dates when this occurs.
7. Earned leave is calculated as calendar days, it means every day is counted in the
calculation of leave days except public holidays like EID’s etc.
8. For shift staff it is calculated as working days.

Leave Policy
Title Details
Earned days per month The employee earns 2.5 days for every month that is

Using full balance each The Employee should use up all their annual leave balance
year in the same year.

Where the employee Normal working employees can carry over a maximum of
cannot use the days due five (5) days into the following year until 31st March , then
to Qaiwan requirements the calculation will return to zero and you lose these days
in the one year and won’t be compensated

We may require you to take (or not to take) holiday on

particular dates, including when the business is closed,
particularly busy, or during your notice period.

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Accrued days Qaiwan will not compensate for any days accrued.

Return to work early Where an employee is requested to return to work earlier

than planned due to a business requirements, then the
unused days will be returned to the employee to be used
later plus any expenses incurred in returning back will be
fully covered by the Company on receiving receipt.

On leave and claiming  Fraudulently using sick leave to extend annual leave is not
sick leave accepted
 You cannot claim sick leave during your annual leave
 To allow for certain situations where an employee gets
sick or has an accident then, Sick leave can only be applied
for following the end of the annual leave period.
 All sick leave must be registered in HRMS for approval.

Final exit notice and When an employee is on final exit then no annual leave can
leave be taken and any remaining leave days accrued will be paid
as part of end of service payment.

Unpaid leave and earned Where an employee is on unpaid leave then the Employees
leave are not entitled to any earned leave during this period.

Unauthorized leave No employee is allowed to leave the company without

permission from their Manager/ Supervisor. In the event
that this occurs, it will lead to serious disciplinary action
being taken against the employee as per the following :

First offence

First warning letter + 1 day salary will be deducted based

on each day absent.

Second offence
Second Warning letter + (2) two days salary will be
deducted based on each day absent.

Third offence
Termination from position

Earned additional days Qaiwan Group closely follows the Iraq and Kurdish Labour
based on years of service law :
For Morning workers

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 Following Five Years’ service, the company will
add two additional paid leave days per year

 After Ten years’ service the company will add an

additional (2) two days each year.

 After Fifteen Years’ service, the company will add

another additional 3 days each year.

So after 15 years’ service the employee is entitled to 37

Calendar Days leave each year.

Half days leave For all full time employees, a half days leave equals (4)
four hours in one day and can be applied for in an urgent
circumstance to leave the facility and attend to any urgent
This will be deducted from the employees annual leave
balance and must be approved by their manager/
supervisor in advance.

Half days leave shift For shift base workers, a half day leave equals to 6 hours
workers and may apply upon availability of replacement and direct
managers approval, and the leave will be deducted from
his annual leave balance once applied on HRMS.

Booking leave in one Currently Qaiwan group use Calendar day’s calculation.
Based on Calendar day calculations, when an employee
books leave for a period then all days within that period
are counted including weekends The leave will be
continuous until the employee returns back to position

Scenario 1
Employee wishes to apply for leave from a Sunday to the
following Wednesday week. This will be for 11 days.

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The employee cannot book from Sunday to Thursday and
then use a second booking from Sunday to Wednesday.
It must be booked all in one go as one block of leave.

If the employee splits the leave into two separate blocks

then this will be rejected.

Working days –Calendar Qaiwan Group has the right to change Calendar days to a
days normal work day’s system at any time and employees will
be advised well in advance.

1.3. Procedure

How you apply for Annual leave

 Plan and discuss the leave schedule with your manager/ Supervisor first before
applying through the HRMS system and get approval verbally.
 Then register in HRMS and the workflow will send the request to the manager for
 Once approved, then HR will action your leave request.

Using HRMS
1. Open HRMS
2. Login and Password
3. Choose e Request Tab
4. Choose Leave Request
5. Select Annual Leave from the drop down
6. Then dates from and to
7. Reason for the leave – can be annual leave
8. Save and send for Approval button
9. Then Submit.

This then enters the approval cycle and your manager will review your remaining
days and then either approves or rejects followed by justification. . You will receive
an e-mail confirming or rejecting with a reason. Finally the approved leave is
processed for Payroll purposes on the 22nd of the month.

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On Return from Leave
In order for the system to calculate your return, you must follow the followings
steps on return of leave. All returns are processed in the HRMS system

How this works

 Login to HRMS
 Login and password
 Go to e Requests
 Then click on Resume from Leave
 Select the leave item and then confirm your back this then sets the return date
in the system for Payroll purposes
 This is also recorded on the workflow for your manager to approve.

1.3 .Pay for annual leave

When Annual leave is due, it is calculated on the full salary of the employee.
 When Annual Leave is en-cashed, it is calculated on total salary
 When Annual Leave is applied for during the due on termination or
resignation, it is calculated on the full salary of the employee.
 Dishonest claims or other abuse of this policy will be treated as
misconduct under our disciplinary procedure.

Other different kinds of leave

2.0 Sick Leave

Sickness absence can vary from short intermittent periods of ill-health to a continuous
period of long-term absence and have a number of different causes (for example,
injuries, recurring conditions, or a serious illness requiring lengthy treatment).

We wish to ensure that the reasons for sickness absence are understood in each case
and investigated where necessary. In addition, where needed and reasonably
practicable, measures will be taken to assist those who have been absent by reason.

Managers have a specific responsibility to ensure the fair application of this policy and
all members of staff are responsible for supporting colleagues and ensuring its success.
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It’s important that if an employee is feeling sick then they are better to remain at home
rather than spreading the infection at the work place and possibly infecting others and
causing operational issues to the availability of the companies’ manpower.
As such, the following procedures have been designed to apply to all employees, to
ensure a fair and consistent approach towards all employees. Sick leave balance is 30
days per year. Dishonest claims or other abuse of this policy will be treated as
misconduct under our disciplinary procedure.

It will be transfer to the following year; this process is applied for 6 years of service.

This policy is applicable to full time employees.

Entitlement to paid sick leave

An employee must complete the probation period before, then they are entitled to
certified sick leave not exceeding the capped calendar days.

2.2 Policy

The number of days of sick leave taken may be continuous or interrupted

Once the Sick leave / medical report is received then the sick leave will be accepted as
sick leave and registered in the system a paid days apply.
If the employee does not provide a medical report of sick leave, then these leave days
will be processed as Annual leave days instead until a medical report is provided to
prove otherwise.

 Employees have thirty (30) days sick leave per annum provided it’s covered by
a medical certificate from an approved physician.
 Any additional days over the collected balance must be booked as unpaid leave.
 Employee cannot add sick leave in the middle of annual leave period
 Employee can only add sick leave to the end of the normal annual leave.
 If you are undergoing an elective or cosmetic surgery or procedure, for which
you will be absent from work, any entitlement to company sick pay AND will
be subject to receipt of satisfactory medical evidence. This medical evidence
will need to be in the form of a report from your doctor or a specialist
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confirming that you are undergoing the procedure on medical advice. You may
be required to take annual leave for any absence related to a purely elective

2.2. Procedure

To register for sick leave officially, the employee must provide a properly stamped and
signed medical certificate covering the absence from work for the periods stated.
The employee can also visit the company doctor who will assess the employee and if
the employee is too sick to come to duty then this covers the employee for 2 days
Following the first two days, the employee must then obtain a certificate from an
approved medical doctor outlining the following:
 The nature of the illness
 Confirming that the employee is too sick to come to work to fulfill all or partial duties
 Indicating the expected return date to return to work
 Signed and stamped by the Physician

In a serious case where the employee has a long term sickness then for any illness
over 10 days they are required to bring a medical certificate signed by a medical
committee of three doctors confirming the diagnosis of the employee and
recommending further sick leave days and an expected day to return to work . This
is as per the Iraqi and Kurdish labour law.
The employee must complete the process by applying for sick leave on return in the

 Go to HRMS
 Choose E Request
 Choose Leave application
 Choose Sick Leave Iraq
 Dates from and to
 Add in a scan of the medical certificate

This is then added to the workflow and sent to the supervisor for approval and then
goes to payroll for processing.
The employee must inform his immediate supervisor of the illness immediately, the
nature of the illness and the expected return to work.

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2.3. Sick Leave Pay

The sick leave is calculated on basis of full salary.

Return from leave

Upon return from Sick leave, the employee must complete the return to work
procedure in HRMS.
 Goo HRMS
 Goo e Request
 Choose Resume from Leave
 Choose the leave to return form
 Return date
 Submit

A request is then sent to the line manager or supervisor for approval and recorded.
This tracks the number of days the employee has taken and is used for processing the
payroll once approved by HR.

Upon return to work, the employee must coordinate with their team and ensure that
they are up to date with the operations and work missed due to their absence.

3.0 .Rotation Leave

The normal leave for Single and Married Status employees is thirty days (30) paid leave
every twelve Months.

3.1. Restrictions on Rotation Leave

This type of leave is only allowed for Project work, construction / commissioning of
projects sector, all other employees must follow the single Return Leave system.

Rotation leave is allowed only for single status employees.

For Rotation leave

Due to the nature of construction and commissioning, longer hours of working are
expected to meet the deadlines. In this way, the leaves provided reflect this effort.

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The employee needs to pre book their rotation leave well in advance before leaving and
must be pre- approved by the Manager before the employee can leave.

4.0 Maternity Leave

The maternity policy outlines the entitlement and eligibility of the Company female
employees to statutory maternity rights and benefits. The policy sets out the
procedure for applying for maternity leave, keeping in touch during the leave period
and returning to work thereafter. Full time Female employees are eligible for
maternity leave from the hiring date as per Iraqi and Kurdish labour law.
This policy doesn’t apply to employees under probation period.
Maternity entitlement varies depending on work location. Below table sets the
entitlement depending on the labour law applied to both UAE and Kurdistan, Iraq,
based employees.
 Employee must complete Maternity Leave Request through the HRMS and
forward it to the Line Manager/Department Head for authorization.

 Female Employee are entitled to 72 days paid leave maternity leave + eighteen
(18) days unpaid leave.

 Female employee to provide there (3) months advance notice of going on

maternity leave

 A Female Employee may begin her maternity leave thirty (30) days before the
projected date of delivery and may take the remaining days after delivery
provided this is covered in a medical note from the Doctor concerned.

 The medical service may extend the period of leave referred to above for up
to 3 months in the case of a difficult childbirth, the birth of more than one
child, or the appearance of complications before or after delivery. Days which
exceed the length of the leave provided for in subsection (1) shall be counted
as unpaid leave, unless the woman is subject to the Law on Pensions and Social
Security for Workers.

 Maternity leave will not be deducted from any other leave for which the woman
employee is entitled for.
 Annual leave earned may be added to maternity leave.
 The employee cannot claim sick leave during the maternity leave.
 The female employee should inform her Line Manager of the pregnancy and
delivery expected due date so the business can plan to work in her absence.
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 Handover opportunity for the replacement worker prior to the start of
maternity leave.

5.0 Marriage Leave

Marriage leave is leave time allowed for the newly married employee to enjoy time
off during their wedding celebrations.

All full time employees of the Qaiwan group can avail of this leave policy.

Notification of Marriage leave

Any employee who wishes to go on Marriage leave must give 30 days prior
notification to their manager/ supervisor so that cover can be arranged.

Marriage leave days

This specific leave allows for five (5) days leave and is paid leave.
*Note – The employee can add additional days leave to married leave using the
employees normal annual leave for a maximum of two weeks (5 days Married leave
and 9 days maximum annual leave added on) provided the manager/ Supervisor can
provide cover for the employee going on leave.

6.0 Paternity leave

Male employees are entitled for one day as paternity leave to support their wife and
new born.

Apply for Paternity leave through HRMS
 Go to HRMS
 Login and password
 E Request
 Leave Request
 Leave Form
 Choose Paternity leave request
 Date from and to
 Submit

Return from Paternity Leave

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Upon return from paternity leave, the employee should make a Leave Resumption
update in the HRMS in the normal way for Line manager approval. This counts the days
taken for payroll purposes.

7.0 Study Leave

Study leave is granted to allow the employee to properly read and be prepared for
their exams and Qaiwan supports this as the employee must be rested before
attempting the exams.
Study leave has two important purposes.
 First, through supporting employee to pursue a range of projects seen as valuable
and relevant to the Company and to the individual, it is an important strategy to
augment the standing and reputation of the Company and that of the individual.
 Secondly it is an important strategy in the Company's commitment to "attract,
develop and retain high quality employee.

Study leave provides periods of release from regular work and administrative duties
for the primary purpose of exam, study and scholarly work. It may also incorporate
conference attendance and/or postgraduate study to complete a higher degree. It may
also be used by employee to look at developments in their field of expertise or to
engage in a period of professional practice to keep side by side of professional
All full-time employees are eligible to apply for this leave type.

The company will grant seven (7) working days as study leave per annum as per the
following criteria.
 The employee is committed to using the seven days properly
 Is assessed to have the ability to benefit from and complete the reason proposed in the
study leave application.
 Dishonest claims or other abuse of this policy will be treated as misconduct under our
disciplinary procedure.

7.1 .Policy
The line manager will be responsible for the assessment and recommendation of the
leave application. Approvals must be obtained by division or department head. The
responsible figure must review and assess all requests adequately as part of their
concerned and rightful duty.
Any additional leave required for study purposes will have to be taken as paid leave or
if no balance remains as unpaid leave.
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Study leave will apply for the period of the study
In case where the Company has nominated an employee to attend a conference,
training or course, the days away from work will not be treated as Study leave, but will
be considered as business paid days.

7.2 .Procedure
Employee must plan and discuss the study leave with their line managers. Employee
must complete Study Leave Request through the HRMS in the normal way and forward
it to the Line Manager/Department Head and Plant manager for authorization.
Return from Study Leave
Upon return from leave, the employee should make a Leave Resumption update as
normal in the HRMS for Line Managers approval.

8.0 Compensatory Leave

There is one type of compensatory leave in Qaiwan Group called overtime

compensatory leave. The maximum accrual rate is 120 hours for overtime
compensatory leave.
Employees are either paid for overtime work or are compensated with overtime
compensatory leave – if agreed upon by the employee and the department before
overtime is worked.
Overtime is defined as work that is required beyond 48 hours in the workweek.
For all overtime calculation, use the table below:

Overtime rates

For normal working times from 6 1 Hour worked = 1.5 Hours. compensation
am to 9 pm.

For normal working hours 1 Hour worked = 2 Hours Compensation

between 9 pm and 6 am.

For company holidays for all For every hour worked = 2 Hours compensation

For Weekend overtime for normal For every hour worked = 2 Hours compensation or
employees. can take compensatory time off instead of payment of
For Shift basis employees
1 Hour worked =1.5 Hours compensation.

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For Expats overtime during the week For every hour worked = 1 Hour compensation
and company holidays\ weekends

8.1 Overtime Compensation

Where an employee agrees to accrue overtime compensatory leave as an alternative

to payment, he or she may be credited with up to a maximum limit of 120 hours of
overtime compensatory leave that is, 80 hours of overtime worked on the basis of
one and one-half hours of leave for each hour worked.
Upon reaching the 120-hour limit of overtime compensatory leave, employees must
either receive cash for additional hours of overtime worked or use up some accrued
overtime compensatory leave before receiving further overtime compensatory leave
It’s highly recommended that employees use overtime compensatory leave as soon
as possible after it is earned and within the same year of accrual.
 If an employee has credited compensatory leave accrued and is reassigned to a
different department/ Business unit then the overtime compensatory leave credits
must be cashed out before they move to the new position if they have a different
budget – if it’s the same budget, then this is not required.
 For local employees if does not have the opportunity to take accrued compensatory
leave before the end of the year due to business requirements then the manager can
make a request for HR to pay this accrued leave cash before the end of the year. for
expat employees if balance not used till end of the year only 5 days will transfer to
the next year.
 Where an employee resigns from position then all accrued compensatory leave which
is recorded for them will be encased for finals service payment.

9.0 Compassionate leave

Compassionate leave is designed to help you deal with traumatic personal circumstances
such as the death of a close relative

This will be applicable to all employees at Company’s discretion on emergency
or necessity grounds.

9.1 .Policy
Approved Compassionate Travel must be supported by documentary proof
either prior to or following the period of travel.

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Compassionate Leave/Travel is leave that’s granted to attend a funeral of a
family member or close relative and is granted as per the following:
 Three (3) calendar days for the death of a 1st degree relative.(Wife, husband,
father, mother, children)
 Two (2) calendar days for the death of a 2nd degree relative. (Grandparents,
grandparents’ in law, brother, sister, son’s child)
 One (1) calendar day for the death of a 3rd degree relative. (Uncle, Aunt,
brother and sister’s child, brother and sister in low)
 Compassionate leave may be up to six (6) days.
 The Company does not provide the Employee and any authorized
accompanying dependents with tickets for compassionate leave.
 The Company may, however, arrange for tickets to be purchased by the
Company for the Employee and his authorized dependents. The Employee
shall bear any such ticket costs in full.
 Compassionate leave will be limited to one trip per nominated relative.

The Employee must plan and discuss the compassionate leave with his line
managers as soon as is possible and before they leave the facility. The employee
will need permission to leave and will be granted. We recognise that it may not
always be possible to request compassionate leave in advance.

Employee must complete Compassionate Leave Request through the HRMS and
forward it to the Line Manager/Department Head for authorization.

Return from Leave

Once the Employee returns from compassionate/ Condolence leave then the
employee should action a leave Resumption update in the HRMS for Line Managers

10.0 Unpaid Leave

As there are many circumstances that can occur in life and in some cases can’t be
foreseen or documented in advance, employees may apply for unpaid leave on
necessity grounds as determined by the Company at its sole discretion.

Employee may be eligible for unpaid leave subject to approval at company’s
discretion on necessity grounds after completion of the probation period and after
utilize all his entitled leave balance if any.

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The employee may apply for seven (7) calendar days per annum in one month of unpaid

10.1 .Policy
Authorized Leave without pay:

Unpaid leave is not normally granted. In exceptional cases, when an employee has
utilized the annual leave entitlement and unforeseen circumstances require additional
leave to be taken, a maximum of 30 calendar days leave without pay during one year
may be granted.
Unpaid leave – means basic salary and all work related allowances are not paid to the
Such extensions need approval from line managers (with input from HR Manager)
up to seven (7) days and from the CEO/ Plant Manager for a longer period.
Unauthorized leave without pay
An employee, who takes time off without prior approval or returns late from an
authorized leave, shall have all such time deemed as unauthorized leave and shall not
receive pay for such time unless the employee can verify that such absence was beyond
the employee’s control and documentary proof needs to be provided where applicable.
Any unauthorized leave shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
termination from employment unless the employee can prove that such absence
was beyond the employee’s control. The employee must provide a resumption date
to the line manager.
Employee must plan and discuss the leave with their line managers
Employee must complete Unpaid Leave Request through the HRMS and forward it to
the Line Manager/Department Head for authorization.
Return from Leave
Upon return from leave, the employee should make a Leave Resumption update in the
HRMS for Line Managers approval as normal.

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Leave table
The following table indicates the leave types, when leave should be applied for and
resumption day.

Type Kurdistan, Iraq United Arab Emirates

Approved days Advance notice Approved days Advance notice

15-30 30 days 15-30 30 days
7-14 7 days 7-14 7 days
Annual 3-6 5 days 3-6 5 days
1-2 2 days 1-2 2 days
Sick days, total in  15 days full pay
respect of every year of 30 days full pay  next 30 days half pay
service annually  subsequent periods,
without pay
Maternity 72 days full pay 45 days 3 months
+ 3 months
18 days unpaid
Paternity 1 day 1 week 5 working days 1 week

Compassionate/ Max. to 6 days from 1 1 day If applicable Max. to 1 week -

Condolence Leave up to 3 days
Marriage - -
5 days Paid leave 30 days

30 days Immediate 7-14 7 days
Emergency leave notification to line 15-30 30 days
without pay manager
Compensatory leave Morning
8 Hrs. = 1 Day
12Hrs = 1 Day

All leave requests must be approved by the line manager/department head through
the HRMS except the unpaid leave, Marriage leave, maternity leave, paternity leave
and study leave which need to be approved by plant managers also.
 Note: expatriate employees are not entitled to maternity, paternity or marriage leave.
 At the end of every month, regardless of leave type, GHRD will review leave taken and
compare with payroll processing data
 AWOL (Absence without leave) will be not accepted without formal approval of
Manager, Such reasons could be, but not limited to, emergency cases such as
sudden illness to employee or family member

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