Linnaeus After War 00 Frie

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(Portrait after Per Kraffb the Elder, 1774).




Knight of the Swedish Order of the Polar Star, Hon.
Ph.D. (Upsal.)y General Secretary of the Linnean
Society, London; Author of “ Index Kewensisf “ Glossary
of Botanic Terms f “ Index to the Linnean Herbarium f etc.




The following pages have been written to make
known to English readers the monumental “ Life of
Carl von Linne ” by the late Professor T. M. Fries
(1832-1913) by far the most detailed and accurate
account of the great Swedish naturalist ever
The author was admirably equipped for his task.
His father, Professor E. M. Fries (1794-1878), was
born at Femsjo in the same province, Smaland, as
Linne; he spent his scientific career at Lund and
Uppsala and in his household cherished the Linnean
traditions. His eldest son was born at the father’s
birthplace, but, at the early age of four was taken to
Uppsala, where his father was then a professor;
thanks, however, to the Linnean atmosphere main¬
tained in his home, he became imbued with the
phrases and dialect of his eminent predecessor. In
due time, after many years as Docent, he became pro¬
fessor in 1877 in the subjects of botany and practical
economy, with control of both botanic gardens, the
old one having Linne’s house in it; later, when by his
exertion the residence of Linne at Hammerby became
the property of the state, he was appointed the first
administrator. For six years he filled the distin¬
guished office of Rector magnificus, during which time
he gave eight rectorial addresses on the first half of
Linne’s life, and three years after vacating his chair,
he published the life which is the basis of the account
here presented, the result of more than thirty years of
constant research. Thus he was not only nurtured in
the Linnean tradition, but he had access to* the
University records from which he gathered much; he
likewise gleaned from Swedish and other sources
eyery allusion to his great countryman's career. He
visited London several times, as in 1871, 1896 and
1904 when he devoted his time to the examination of
the Linnean MSS. and letters, preserved in the
Linnean Society’s collections. Further, he was able
to make use of the life-work of Dr. J. E. E. Ahrling,
and between the two men, hardly anything escaped
notice. In due course these researches were incor¬
porated in his magnum opus. After 1903 he was still
busily engaged in gathering fresh material; he trans¬
lated and printed unpublished MSS. and by 1907
when the bicentenary celebration of the birth of Carl
von Linne was celebrated in Sweden with great
enthusiasm, he was undertaking the editorship of the
“ Bref och skrifvelser ” (Letters and communications
of and to Linne) of which he lived to complete six
volumes with illuminative notes of the contemporaries
of Linne, which work is still in progress.
Shortly after the issue of the “ Life ” an offer was
made, I do not know by whom, to an eminent London
publisher to bring out an English translation, and I
was asked by Mr. George Murray, at that time
Keeper of Botany at the British Museum, to inter¬
view one of the partners of the firm in question. This
I did, though I could learn nothing of the firm’s
intentions, but could only impress upon them my
readiness to further the project to the utmost of my
power. I heard nothing more of the proposition and
presumed it was declined on account of the extent ot
the work. Since then I have been repeatedly urged
to draw up an adaptation of Professor Fries’s work
for English readers, but pressure of official work has
hitherto hindered my compliance. Now, however,
the time seems opportune to lay before the scientific
and reading public an adequate account of the great
naturalist. I have found myself obliged to adapt the
work, for a complete translation would not only be

very long, but many of the details of persons, places

and things, comprehensible to the Swedish reader,
would need explanation to those of any other national¬
ity. Consequently even when I have closely followed
the original, I have compressed the translation, giving
the sense, I hope, with accuracy, but omitting those
portions which could not be verified by anyone in this
country, or which seemed superfluous, such as certain
details, quotations from minutes, letters, etc. Again,
the original has numerous and copious notes, which
I have incorporated in the text so far as they
are essential to the meaning. Further, the author was
very careful to give references to many inaccessible
sources; I have avoided copying these by adhering to
the form of the author’s volumes, so that any seeker
for references will not find it difficult to note them in
the original. Most of the illustrations have been
omitted, though portraits of Linne, views of his
houses, etc., could not well be passed over. Professor
Fries’s method of using the birth-name “ Linnaeus ”
during the early half of his life, adopting the Swedish
form “ Linne ” from the time of his settling as pro¬
fessor in Uppsala, has been followed. In a letter to
P. Wargentin, dated ioth February, 1764, Linne
says, “ Linnaeus or Linne are the same to me; one is
Latin, the other Swedish.”
I have added a glossary of Swedish titles, a short
history of Sweden during the lifetime of Linne, a
select bibliography and an index. I am confident
that in consequence of the fullness and accuracy of
Professor Fries’s work, this volume will give a better
idea of the life and aims of the Father of Modern
Biology than any previous publication in the English
In conclusion I must express my hearty thanks to
Professor Robert Fries, the author’s son, not only for
his kind and prompt response to my suggested adapta¬
tion of his father’s admirable biography of Linne, but
for constant help and advice during the progress of
the work, by which the volume has so greatly
I have now the pleasing task of recording my
gratitude, in the first case, to my wife, who read
the whole of the manuscript, and, in the second case,
to Mr. John Ramsbottom, Secretary for Botany,
Linnean Society of London, who read it in proof;
from their helpful emendations the present volume
has gained immeasurably.

B. D. J.
By the late Professor T. M. Fries, in his “ Linne,” 1903.

Amongst the Swedes there is hardly to be found

anyone whose life and activity at home or abroad has
been so often described as that of Carl von Linne.
It may therefore be thought a wasted effort to put
forward another biography, as much of it must be a
repetition of well-known facts.
It needed no long investigation to find with
astonishment how much remained for elucidation and
arrangement, and how imperfect and misleading are
all Linnean biographies hitherto published. This
was frankly admitted by Linne’s pupil, Dr. J. G.
Acrel, in his address on relinquishing the presidency
of the Academy of Science in August, 1796, and
the lapse of more than a century has repeatedly
emphasized the fact, that a new, comprehensive and
accurate representation is needed, based upon investi¬
gation of our great countryman’s life and work, as a
legitimate object and a dutiful testimony to his
The reason why no such account has hitherto been
attempted, is due to the difficulties inseparably bound
up with it; the chief difficulty being that the
materials had to be gathered from a very wide field,
and not from Sweden only. It is lamentable that
Linne’s extensive and important correspondence, both
home and foreign, and many of his manuscripts are
now in England, with the Linnean library and collec¬
tions, to the delight of their purchaser and the shame
of Sweden. In addition to these, letters and docu-
ments required for a complete biography are dispersed
over the whole learned world, in public and private
libraries. Nor is this all; the numerous writings,
great and small, which flowed from his pen; the more
prominent of his biographies; the letters from his
contemporaries; his pupils’ notes from his lectures,
and conversations with them; all had to be gone
through, so as to glean from them everything which
could throw light upon material brought together from
other quarters.
Fully conscious of these difficulties, I fear I may
have over-estimated my own powers, when taking upon
myself the burden of producing a new and detailed
“ Linne-biography.” My excuse is, that, animated
by my father’s admiration and love for the “ Flower-
king,” I have for more than thirty years devoted my
time, when other compulsory objects have permitted,
assiduously collecting material for such a work. I am
quite aware that this material, the result of persistent
search, may still be added to, but increasing age
warns me no longer to delay the drawing up of a
narrative, which I wish to put forward as a small
tribute of respect and gratitude to the Master’s
How far I have succeeded, must be left to the
judgment of others. A few remarks as to the
principles I have kept before me during the collecting
and writing of these pages, may be permitted.
Warned by experience of the untrustworthiness of
certain current statements, hitherto considered as
almost infallible dogmas, I have made it a rule,
critically to test everything, even to the smallest
detail. Hence it has been needful to go back to
original sources, particularly official records and other
documents to be found in London, Stockholm,
Uppsala, Lund, Vaxjo and elsewhere. I am
especially indebted to the collections belonging to
the Swedish Academy of Science which were made
by the late Dr. Ahrling, who, by his short biography

of Linne in the “ Nordisk Familjebok,” and his

accurate and invaluable notes in his “ Carl von
Linne’s Swedish works ” 1878-80, has more than any
other person thrown light upon previously dark or
erroneous statements.
During the elaboration of these materials it soon
became clear that I ought not to restrict the account to
those items only which have a direct bearing upon the
events of his life. Any true idea of him, his great
breadth of view, his winning personality and his
powers of work, can hardly be understood without
ascertaining the conditions under which he lived, and
the difficulties of every kind against which he had to
contend. Seen against such a background, his image
appears distinct and striking.
In conclusion it must not be omitted to state that
the period of Linne’s lifetime which is depicted in the
first part of this narration, formed the substance of
eight rectorial programmes, which were published in
Uppsala from 1893 to 1898 under the title “ Bidrag
till en lefnadsteckning ofver Carl von Linne ”
[Contribution to an account of the life of Carl von
Linne]. For the later portion relating to Linne’s
professorship there has been no such preliminary
Th. M. Fries.

September ^ 1903.



DALECARLIA ....... go




COLLEGE •••<•••• 259
XII. linn£ as member of the consistory 264
xiii. linnS’s relation to the scientific community
—AUTHORSHIP and scientific corres¬

XIV. linne’s benefactors and friends . . . 283






in. linn£’s PUPILS. 380








travels OF LINN^US . . . Facing page 1



From a sketch by A. C. Wetterling, about 1820


From a fen-sketch by Linnceus in his Lapland diary


HOFFMAN . ... Facing page 160
Painted about 1737


From Wahlenberg's “ Flora Ufsaliensis,” 1812

LINN&’S HOUSE in UPPSALA . . . Facing page 246

Photographed about 1870


1728 TO 1777.Text page 307


Photographed in iQog


Photographed about 1870

PORTRAIT BY A. ROSLIN, 1775 ... „ 334

From the oil painting at the Royal Academy 0/ Science,


f Library
new yor.,\




The ancestors of Carl von Linne were, as he said,

peasants and priests, plain and simple farmers, who
by dint of thrift managed to procure education for a
son, or even two, to fit them for the church. Thus,
Ingemar Bengtsson (1633-1693), the grandfather of
Linnaeus, had a son, Nils Ingemarsson, who took a
surname from a famous lime-tree—Linnaeus—when
he entered upon his school and university career.
This tree had served the same object when his
cousins derived their surname, Tiliander, Tilia (the
Latin for lime-tree), and the suffix “ ander,” from
the Greek, avjp, cvSpos, a man, familiar to us in the
names of the two Swedes who were successively
librarians to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart.—Daniel
Solander and Jonas Dryander. A third branch of
-C the family assumed the name Lindelius, from lind,
* the Swedish name of the same tree, but possibly it
. may have been taken from their farm, Linnegarden.
The special tree, popularly supposed to supply these
7- three surnames, had acquired a sanctity amongst the
— neighbours, who firmly believed that ill-fortune surely
\ befell those who took even a twig from the grand
v and stately tree. A further and widespread supersti¬
tion was, that if and when one of the three main
branches died, the corresponding family would die
1 A

out. Samuel Linnaeus, in 1778, shortly after his
famous brother’s death, wrote that the tree stood
between Jonsboda and Hvittaryds parish, close to the
southern boundary of Smaland. The twigs which
fell from it, considered dangerous to remove, were
heaped on the roots, which they nourished and kept
fresh. By 1823 it had perished, but its relics over¬
spread a great heap of stones in the cultivated ground.
Nils Linnaeus (1674-1748), after being educated
at home, proceeded with his cousins Tiliander to the
provincial school at Vaxjo, finally journeying to the
University of Lund. Possessing only one daler eight
ore in silver coinage (about two shillings in value),
his poverty soon forced him to seek a tutor’s place in
Denmark, but he afterwards returned to a similar
position in the province of Skane (Scania). At mid¬
summer in 1703 he came home, hoping to obtain
ordination; this he did not obtain, but instead,
received a licence to preach, and in October of that
year he was sent by Bishop Olof Cavallius to assist
Samuel Brodersonius, Rector of Stenbrohult parish,
in the county of Kronoberg, province of Smaland,
succeeding in 1704 to ordination. A few weeks
later he was licensed to become Comminister or
perpetual curate in the parish. In little more than
twelve months he married his Rector’s eldest
daughter, Christina Brodersonia, on the 6th March,
1706, and eleven days later, the young married
couple removed to the official residence at South
Rashult, where, on the 13th May, 1707, Old Style
[23rd New Style], their eldest son was born, and
christened Carl, on the 19th of the same month.
The date of the birth has been disputed owing to
the peculiar state of the Swedish calendar in the early
part of the eighteenth century. In 1696 King
Carl XI., wishing to bring the calendar into accord
with most European countries, ordered the omission
of the 29th February in every leap-year until 1744;
1700 being a common year in the Gregorian reckon-

ing, no difference was made, but it brought Sweden

by one day nearer New Style, and one day different
from Russia. This gradual change was then
abandoned, but the one day's difference was main¬
tained until 1712, when the Old Style was resumed,
the final correction taking place in February, 1753.
Sir J. E. Smith made the not uncommon mistake of

believing that Sweden and Russia employed the same

calendar, and that the 13th May in Sweden corre¬
sponded to the 24th May, New Style; he therefore
enjoined the Anniversary of the Linnean Society,
which he founded, to take place on the 24th May,
really one day later than the true equivalent.
Carl's birth took place in the tenth regnal year
of that intrepid but self-confident King Carl XII.,
who succeeded to the throne of Sweden at the early
age of fifteen. His tender years encouraged Russia,
Denmark and Poland, to unite against him, but his
enemies found him equal to the occasion. Denmark
being defeated, he turned his arms against Russia,
and in the famous battle of Narva in 1700, he is said
to have slain thirty thousand of his opponents, and
made twenty thousand prisoners, though his own
force was under ten thousand. He next dethroned
Augustus of Poland, and set up Stanislas in his place.
So far his career had been brilliant and prosperous,
but in striving to crush Tsar Peter, Peter the Great,
he allowed himself to be manoeuvred into a false posi¬
tion, and sustained a disastrous defeat in the battle of
Pultowa on the 8th July, 1709, practically the whole
of his troops being captured, save a few hundred of
his cavalry. The king, though wounded and carried
in a litter, escaped to Bender in Turkey, where his
violent conduct compelled the Sultan to besiege his
residence. After a captivity of ten months, he was
allowed to return to his own country. He met his
death by a cannon-shot when besieging Fredrikshald
in Norway in 1718, thus, during his short reign of
twenty-one years, reducing the power and prestige of
Sweden from one of great power to practical impo¬
tence. These events occurred during the boyhood of
Linnaeus, to use the name he possessed during more
than two-thirds of his life, and do not appear to have
influenced his career in any degree.
The family did not long remain in the lowly
cottage where he first saw the light, for on the last
day of the year 1707, his grandfather Brodersonius
died, and the chaplain of Vaxjo, Petrus Comstadius,
was appointed to succeed him, but he too died before
taking up the pastorate. A powerful patron, State
Secretary Josias Cederhielm persuaded Carl XII.,
who was then in Poland, to issue a licence for
Commlnister Nils Linnaeus to become Rector of
Stenbrohult, on the 12th August. Through this
LINNic’s birthplace, kasiiijlt
(From a Sketch by A. C. Wetterling about 1820).

arose the favourable circumstance that the pastorate

descended from father to son, or from father-in-law
to son-in-law, for a series of years, Brodersonius being
successor to his father, and being followed by his
son-in-law, and in turn by the latter’s son, Samuel,
altogether making five successions in the family.
On the 31st June, 1709, the removal took place
from South Rashult to the rectory at Stenbrohult,
distant about an English mile by a beautiful woodland
path. In this new abode the parents of Carl
Linnaeus had four other children—one son, Samuel,
and three daughters. All accounts show that the
modest home was the abode of complete affection,
simple habits, and sincere piety. The father, on the
testimony of his younger son, was very honest and
trustworthy, knew nothing of the world’s deceits, dis¬
trusted its fashion and vanity, always friendly, merry
and glad, and very jocose, and by no means vindictive.
If he saw anyone suffering from whatever cause, he
was so tender-hearted that he could not refrain from
tears. His spiritual duties he discharged faithfully
and honestly. At the same time he applied himself
to putting the church and rectory into better order,
both as to the buildings and their surroundings; he
was a good householder and thrifty. (The rectory
was reduced to ashes by a disastrous fire in the night
of the 20th April, 1748.) Assuredly he was not rich
in earthly treasures, but by wise forethought, he
had money to lend, or to buy small pieces of land
in the parish. Besides his rectorial duties, he
had, until 1720, to combine them with the curate’s
The mother’s disposition was, according to her
elder son’s testimony, quick and active. She left
behind her the reputation of living with her husband
in true love, displaying great common sense, for
twenty-seven years and three months, until her death,
and her five children were reared in praiseworthy
fashion. She comported herself so well with high
and low, rich and poor, in the parish and outside it,
that no one could do other than praise her. She
was pious, and kept her house excellently, being
economical and energetic, mild and earnest, and
endowed with high intelligence.
Such was the home from which Linnaeus came,
and therefore his gratitude to his parents and his
remembrance of his happy childhood in that dear
home never waned. In after years, in his printed
writings, and intimate letters to his brother, sisters
and kinsfolk he gave free utterance to his feelings.
He referred with emotion to “ our parents’ tears for
their children passed up above the clouds, and stayed
not till they came into God’s presence, who cared for
their welfare.” With a touch of melancholy he
recalled how “ it commonly happens that the young
ones, hatched in the same nest, fly away as soon as
fledged, each in its own direction, which they seldom
leave together from the same tree,” and that “ fate
had been gracious to his brother and sisters, that they
were vouchsafed to dwell together on their father’s
land, whilst I [Linnaeus] was driven forth far from
my kinsfolk, to live alone as a stranger.” More than
once in after life, he refers to Stenbrohult in his
frequent blending of Swedish and Latin, as his “ ljuva
natale ”—sweet birthplace. Assuredly it deserved
that love, for no fairer spot for the training of a
naturalist could be found than in this broken country
of hill and dale, mixed woodland and a delightful
lake, where deciduous trees grew with pine and fir,
and scarce plants throve round the paths.
During Linnaeus’s tenderest years he was, through
his parents, awakened to pleasure in nature, which
lasted during the whole of his life. Both cherished
a strong love for flowers, especially his father, in
whose relations it seems to have been characteristic.
His uncle and benefactor, Sven Tiliander, whom he
often visited, had travelled in Germany, and devoted
himself to gardening, and at Bremen had laid out a

garden in the style of the period. This interest con¬

tinued undiminished after his return home, and caused
him to lay out a garden at Pjetteryd rectory, to which
his friends in Germany contributed by sending rare
plants not previously cultivated in Sweden. He
inoculated the young Nils Linnaeus with a like devo¬
tion, which ended only with his life. During his
university career he learned—an uncommon attain¬
ment then—the Latin names of certain plants, and
“ had himself laid in with his own hand, fifty plants
in a ‘ herbarium vivum.’ ” He had hardly entered into
his official residence at Rashult, before he began to
employ his leisure hours in laying out a garden “ more
for the sake of the plants themselves, than for any
advantage to himself, and his young, newly wedded
wife, who had till then hardly ever seen a garden, was
delighted with its charm.” In accordance with the
taste of the time, he had, with his own hands, raised
an eminence and a surrounding border round the
field, with plants or shrubs to represent guests, and
flowers to adorn the table.
When he removed to the rectory he was able to
develop his ideas on a larger scale, making “ a fine
garden where formerly there was not a twig, so that
it surpassed all gardens in the province; for in it
were several hundred different foreign plants.” Here
the parents spent their leisure hours, and flowers
became Carl’s first and choicest playthings. It is
also related that “ the father took the little year-old
son out with him sometimes into the garden, putting the
child on the ground in the grass and leaving a little
flower in his hand with which to amuse himself,” also
that “ when the boy was unreasonable and by nothing
else could be pacified, he became silent at once, so
soon as one put a flower into his hand.” When some¬
what older, the child laid out a little garden of his
own, which was always being enlarged, and there he
had in a small plot a sample of all that was found in
the large garden. Still later when he sat as flower
king in the rich Uppsala garden, he recalled his
father’s garden at Stenbrohult, as he had there “ with
his mother’s milk excited his imagination with a never-
extinguished love of flowers.”
But it was not only in the garden that the father
excited the love of plants in his son. “ Carl,” as he
related himself, “ was barely four years old when he
accompanied his father to a picnic at Moklanas, the
promontory which jutted out into Lake Moklen, form¬
ing a bay in front of the church,” in the most
beautiful summer time, and when the guests towards
evening rested in a green meadow, the Pastor told the
company how each flower had its name with specially
remarkable and marvellous characters, describing the
roots of Succisa, Tormentilla and Orchis, with many
others. The boy received these descriptions with
delight, the subject being one so sympathetic with his
temperament. From this time his father had no peace
from the lad, whose demands for the names of plants
came faster than could be answered. He often forgot
the names certainly, whereupon he was admonished by
his father, who threatened that he would never give
him the name of another plant, if he forgot the last;
consequently the boy’s whole care afterwards was to
remember the names, lest he should be deprived of
his most cherished delight.
With increasing age Carl naturally enlarged his
field of observation outside the limits of his garden,
and thus he attained a knowledge which, in after
years, gave such splendid returns. Wonder and love
for his birthplace were early awakened in the child’s
bosom, and the feeling was so strengthened during
his boyhood, manhood and old age, that he could
never think upon it without emotion. “ Stenbrohult
is a church,” he says in one of his autobiographies,
“ furnished with the delightful plants which Sweden
displays, for it lies near the lake Moklen, which here
extends in a quarter of a mile [English mile and three-
quarters] long bay, and almost reaches the foundations

of the church. The level farmlands surround the

church on all sides except the west, where Moklen
displays its limpid waters. A little way off, the fine
beechwoods show themselves towards the south, with
Taxas high hill to the north and Moklanas beyond the
lake to the west. To the east the fields are sheltered
from the north by coniferous woods, and from east
and south are pleasant fields and leafy trees/’ In
another place he says “ the meadows resemble more
the most splendid groves and richest flower gardens,
than their actual selves, so that one may sit in summer
and hear the cuckoo with other different birds’ songs,
insects piping and humming, and at the same time
view the glowing and splendidly coloured flowers.
One cannot but turn giddy at the Creator’s magnifi¬
cent arrangement.” Lastly in yet another place he
declares “ Stenbrohult parish is like a queen amongst
sisters, she has predominance of rare and scarce
plants, which in other localities in the country seldom
or never show themselves. Yes, the Rector’s sur¬
roundings seemed as if they had been adorned by
Flora herself. ... I doubt if there is a spot in the
whole world set out in more pleasant fashion, so
that it is not surprising if I had cause to complain
‘ Nescio qua natale solum dulcedine cunctos ducit et
immemores non sinit esse sui ’ (I know not how the
natal soil draws all with delight, and permits us never
to forget it.) ” To this loved abode he returned from
his journeys as often as was possible, and with great
gladness he sought, and again saw, the rarest plants,
which grew wild in that spot.
With floral playthings soon were blended earnest
things. Book knowledge was early sown, and the
15th February, 1714, was, in its outlook, an important
day for little Carl, as then he received his first tutor,
Johan Telander, of the Gymnasium (1694-1763).
“ Quick intelligence was not wanting, though his
fancy turned mostly to the garden. The mother
forbade this, but the father, tolerant, took his only
boy always under his protection and defence. That
his studies should be less disturbed than at home,
and that its enticements should be withdrawn, the
youngster in September, 1714, accompanied his
teacher to Vaxjo, there to benefit by his private tuition.
On his entrance he was inscribed in the school matri¬
culation as a pupil in the lowest class, and he spent
seven years in the normal studies, being one year more
than the usual time.
“ It is well known that the instruction of the time
was not clement, but on the contrary, very hard.
Thus it was the case with Linnaeus, for in later days
he was accustomed to speak of his first teacher as a
severe tutor, who taught with strokes and not with
enticement, and was little adapted to bringing up
children. He in after years passed the hard judg¬
ment on the Lower School at Vaxjo, that coarse
teachers and coarse methods were in vogue to give
children a taste for science, such as might raise the
hair on their heads. Some amelioration, however,
took place in 1717, when he gained a new tutor,
Gabriel Hook, also from the Gymnasium, who treated
the boy with conspicuous gentleness, though unable
to implant in him a liking for study, for which the
lad already showed an aversion. The result was that
so long as he remained under private tuition, he was
equal in general knowledge to his schoolfellows,
though in his leisure hours, he delighted to gather
flowers in the fields and to teach his comrades about
them, thus gaining for himself, when barely eight
years old, the nickname of 4 the little botanist.’ An
essential alteration took place in 1721 by his being
removed to the Rector’s class, when, according to
established custom, he became free from the tutor’s
superintendence, the result being that he enjoyed his
liberty, and employed his newly acquired freedom
by neglecting his books and rambling about in search
of plants. It may have been that his neglect in great
measure prevailed only at that time of year when the

flowers tempted him to an excursion at large, or that

his quick powers of comprehension atoned for the
wanting industry, or that his comrades in diligence
and attention were not specially better than himself;
suffice it to say, nothing occurred to prevent his trans¬
ference to the Gymnasium at the normal time. Since
the annual examination took place on the 8th-ioth
July> 1723, Carl Linnaeus with fifteen comrades on
the day following, himself the eleventh in order,
passed into the Gymnasium.”
During the period when the young Linnaeus passed
through the lower school, he made the acquaintance
of the man who, without doubt, exercised no small
influence in his development as a naturalist. This
was Daniel Lannerus (1679-1761) who in 1719, was
appointed Rector of Vaxjo school. He was a great
lover of plants, and as he was also an intimate friend
of Nils Linnaeus he gave permission to the little Carl
to go often into the garden and enjoy himself by
eating berries. The Rector asked Carl about certain
plants and whether he knew their names. Linnaeus
answered readily and in turn put questions to the
Rector, thus not only receiving instruction but also
having the opportunity to ascertain the names of many
plants. The Rector’s favour, which increased more
and more, made Carl’s stay at Vaxjo a very pleasant
time, especially as he was introduced by him to Lector
and Provincial-Medicus Rothman, who, taking an
uncommon liking to the lad, gave him permission
to visit his garden, where many kinds of plants were
found. Through this latter acquaintanceship were
awakened thus early thoughts of a medical career.
During the holidays at home, Carl amused himself
with his brother and sisters, made a lancet of wood,
as though he would bleed them, tested their slightest
symptoms by their pulse, and sometimes sought for
plants by which to cure their ailments.
At the Gymnasium the pupils’ freedom was in a
certain degree curtailed, although the object, with
regard to which the studies were directed, was the
same, being regulated by an ordinance of King
Carl XI. Theology was foremost, and the Greek and
mathematical teachers usually ended their days as
pastors, with the exception of those professors of
Logic and Physics, whose subjects were regarded as
leading to a provincial doctor’s career. Everything
pointed to theology dominating studies, so as to pre¬
pare the pupils for priestly functions; therefore it
was hardly an exaggeration in Linnaeus’s words,
“ that no other science was practicable, than that
which made priests.”
It was the cherished wish and expectation of his
parents, especially his mother, that their first born
should become a priest, to which he was destined from
the cradle. Though deep and warm religious feeling
was by no means wanting, this did not agree with his
inclination, for he had no call to become a priest,
and when the then gymnasiast enjoyed a further
extension of liberty, he employed it by an increased
application to his botanical studies. Within the town
of Vaxjo itself he sought what there was to be found,
not neglecting to herborise the many flowers and
mosses on the roofs. Excursions were made to the
Solberg and other places in the neighbourhood, and
the journeys to and from home served also to widen
his knowledge, as he always turned his eyes to the
roadsides to discover flowers, being able to locate
any plant in those five miles (nearly thirty English
miles). It is remarkable that he neither in youth nor
in mature age attained more than an inconsiderable
acquaintance with the flora of his native province.
He said, afterwards, that “ I was a lynx abroad, but
a mole at home, and knew more about Virginia in
North America, the Cape, Ceylon and the East
Indies, than of my own province, which I left before I
was properly awake or able to chase sleep from my
eyes. I had hardly seen more than Stenbrohult, my
birthplace, and Vaxjo, my first school, leaving both

before I was grown up, and since then have only seen
them as a migratory bird, as I only visited them a
few times, when passing to Oland and Skane, and
then without a long stay.” Besides this he busied
himself to gain knowledge from certain old botanic
books, such as Manson’s “ Ortabook,” Til-landz’s
“ Catalogus Plantarum prope Aboam inventarum ”
and Palmberg’s “ Serta Florea Suecana,” which
nevertheless were found “ wretched guides,” with
Bromelius’s “ Chloris Gothica ” and the elder Olof
Rudbeck’s “ Hortus Upsaliensis,” although the latter
were yet too learned for him. Still, whatever these
books were, they tempted him more than schoolbooks,
so that he read them day and night, till he had them
at his fingers’ ends, with extracts from Pliny and
Colerus, chiefly botanical and medical.
His occupation with a “ useless science,” as they
called it, drew the attention of his comrades and
teachers. His exertions were approved, however, by
two of his professors, Lannerus and Rothman, and
even his father, a warm friend of flowers, encouraged
him in these occupations. Partly in order to avoid
hindering him in these pursuits during his summer
holidays, and partly because he knew Carl’s too hasty
disposition, he freed the Gymnasium scholar from
supervising his eleven years old brother Samuel.
The mother also seems to have thought that his time
could not be better employed, and was glad that he
occupied himself with diligence on virtuous tasks,
and not on vicious ones.
During this period it became evident to all
members of the family that their earnest hopes regard¬
ing the ultimate priesthood for Carl must be
abandoned. Linnaeus himself realized that he was
amongst the worst of his schoolfellows in the subjects
of eloquence, metaphysics, morality, Greek, Hebrew
and theology; but on the other hand was always one
of the best as regards mathematics and particularly
physics. Notwithstanding this his knowledge in at
least some of the above named subjects was not below
the general standard, this being proved by many
circumstances. Especially was he good in Latin, for
he had, during his school and Gymnasium period,
applied himself particularly to this subject. The
results appear from the ease with which afterwards
he expressed himself in that language, both in speech
and writing, and this in spite of his own testimony
that in learning languages easily he was never an
adept. On the other hand it may be taken as fairly
certain that his knowledge of theology, Hebrew and
the like, left much to be desired, even though it was
not below the average. He seems to have been
regarded by his teachers throughout his schooldays
as belonging to the medium class. In the prescribed
time he was moved from one division to another, as is
shown by the place he occupied as the eleventh in
order of fifteen which he took among the lower divi¬
sion of the Gymnasium, when in May, 1727, he was
sent up to the University.
Before Linnaeus reached this point, in September
1726, an occurrence happened which determined his
whole career. His father then came to Vaxjo to hear
about his dear son and to consult Dr. Rothman about
a disorder which had troubled him for several weeks.
In the first case, he received information which came
upon him like a thunderclap, and that the expectation
which he had till then cherished, that his son would
become a priest, was instantly destroyed. The pro¬
fessor of whom he inquired, declared emphatically
that his son in the indispensable subjects for an
intended priest was utterly deficient, and the words
seem to have been used, that he was far better fitted
for a workman, a joiner or tailor. Linnaeus himself
at first attached but little importance to this statement,
but in his later autobiographies, when his memory
was failing, he seems to have attached too much
weight to it. Deeply cast down, he afterwards came
to Dr. Rothman, to whom he confided his trouble in

both aspects; and he was not unhelped. Specially

regarding Carl, Rothman declared that “ the pro¬
fessor was right in this, that he could never become
a priest, but on the other hand he was assured that
Carl would become a famous Doctor, by which he
could gain a living equal to that of any priest.” He
went so far as to assure the father sacredly that
amongst all the studying deacons in Vaxjo, there was
not one who gave such hope for his future as his
Carl; and he offered to take him into his house, and
give him private lectures in physiology, etc., while
he would love him as his own child. By this inter¬
view the father was not a little comforted, and gave
his willing consent to the arrangement. The mother,
however, received the news passionately, and in her
distress blamed the garden and its flowers, wherefore
she forbade her younger son, Samuel, on any account
to dare to concern himself with this calamitous syren.
The quick result of this occurrence was, as
related, that the young Gymnasium student received
the advantage of Rothman’s personal instruction.
Gradually there arose between them the most
intimate relations, resembling those of father and
son, which continued unclouded until death severed
the bond. The youth’s previous desire to devote his
future to the practice of medicine, of which botany
at that time was looked upon as an important and
essential part, was strengthened by the teacher more
and more. He chose particularly the “ Lectures on
Boerhaave’s c Institutiones Medicse ’ ” (employed in
the early part of the eighteenth century as a textbook
in almost the whole of Europe), explaining with the
greatest learning to his pupil, who after each lecture
was examined and found to answer readily on every
point that had been set out. He also became Carl’s
first teacher in scientific botany, and showed him that
the knowledge of plants he had till then acquired, did
not correspond to the time’s demands as to scientific
research. “ To know a fluent Latin word or name
for a plant was nothing, but for proper naming of
plants, in describing and classifying, the greatest
weight must be laid upon the structure of the flower
such as was set forth by Tournefort.” His valuable
work “ Institutiones Rei Herbariae ” (Paris, 1700)
seems certainly not available, but in its place the
young investigator was lent Valentin’s “ Historia
Plantarum ” (probably “ Tournefortius contractus,”
Francof. 1715), so that he could copy the figures in
their “ classes plantarum.” Henceforth his whole
effort was to know and refer each and every plant to
its class after Tournefort’s method. Many of the
plants that he had already met with in his home, gave
him trouble enough, as he was not sufficiently a
botanist to disentangle or to> know them.
At last the day dawned when Carl Linnaeus should
quit the scholastic dust of Vaxjo which he had trodden
for twelve whole years. His friends bade good-bye
to him on the 1st May by holding a feast at the
house of Munthe, one of the most respected citizens,
on the night of that day. The following morning he
betook himself to Stenbrohult, taking with him his
testimonial, that is, a Latin notice to the Rector of
the University where his studies should be continued,
which Nils Krok, the then Rector of the Gymnasium,
had drawn up for him.
This certificate has played a notable part in the
description of Linnaeus’s youth, and has caused a
belief in some people on the ground of its supposed
contents, to pass a harsh judgment upon those who
gave it to a youth proceeding to the University as
of an unjust and disgraceful character. Later on, the
document has been presented in its original and true
form—and not in a very free and highly coloured
version, which Linnaeus in his later days, left as a
representation of its contents. All such accusations
must be silenced, and in place thereof, it must be
realized that Rector Krok was a professor very well
disposed to Linnaeus, who did what he could to pre-
pare for him a good reception at the University. “ As
nature,” said he, “ in the .vegetable kingdom offers a
delightful spectacle, when by removal of plants from
one place to another leads to their happy and early
growth, so the Muses by a specially graceful way of
partiality, invite youths with uncommon gifts, some¬
times to change their place of learning, thereby the
more quickly to transpose their studies' sweet nectar
into blood and sap. With this view the High School
Muses call from our Gymnasium Carl Linnaeus, a
specially distinguished youth of a worthy family, that
he may be the more welcome and at his first entrance
may be able to settle himself under their favourable
protection, he seeks to exhibit a testimony of his
studies and his behaviour. To this end I certify that
with regard to morals, he has displayed a godly, good
and honourable disposition; in his studies has applied
unwearied diligence, and has kept himself from all
evil intercourse. Therefore I recommend to you,
Rector Magnificus, and to your patronage, your
favour and good will this well-behaved youth, and
obligingly and obediently beg you, on the ground of
your friendly graciousness to all who are noble, dis¬
creet and virtuous, praying you to take him under
your guardianship and comfort him with your favour.
Your benevolent and paternal tenderness he will
never forget; remembrance of it will ever be retained,
so I, as long as I live, will offer up pious wishes for
your welfare.”
After returning to the paternal home, Carl’s time
was divided between collecting plants and reading
for examination for his entrance to the University.
Then was decided the definite settlement of his future
life’s object by repeated discussions between him and
his parents, who even yet had not given up expecta¬
tions of his entering upon a clergyman’s career. He
himself determined to become a medical man and
botanist and nothing else; his mother was more dis¬
turbed at that, than if her lad changed his religion,
and his father took up a mediating position, though
he, from an economic reason, seemed disposed to
share his wife’s view. An important cause of this
stubborn resistance on the part of his parents
undoubtedly was partly that it was most unusual that
a youth who had passed through the Gymnasium
should choose any other life career than a priest’s or
school teacher’s, and partly the very poor prospect
which a student of medicine enjoyed at that time,
and the scanty income, which, in most cases, awaited
such, after the completion of the relatively long and
expensive student’s course. Whilst these discussions
were taking place, as Samuel Linnaeus relates, “ some
good friends came to Stenbrohult. His father took
them into the garden, where they seated themselves
round a little table and talked, while sundry glasses of
beer were drunk. During this conversation his father
said, ‘ Yes, it always happens that what a man has
delight in, always succeeds.’ Carl, who was present,
took this speech to heart. When the company had
departed and his father had come back to the table,
Carl went to him asking what was that which he had
said when the friends were there? The father, who
was always of happy temper and jocular, asked,
‘ What was it that I said? ’ But Carl, insisting on a
positive reply, was answered. ‘ So far as the liking is
for that which is good, I stand by it.’ Thereupon
Carl said, c Yes, father, but do not urge me to be a
priest, for I have no inclination that way.’ Then the
following objection was raised, ‘ Thou knowest thy
parents’ poor condition, and the study thou wishest to
choose is very costly.’ But Carl caught up his
father’s words and said, c If that is correct, God will
certainly provide the sacrifice. Should I succeed as
I wish, the way will be made for me.’ His father
replied with tears in his eyes and with a troubled
mind, ‘ May God grant you success; I will not compel,
you to follow that for which you have no liking.’
Thereupon it was settled that the course should be
to Lund, because a distant friend, stepson to Carl’s
great-uncle (father’s mother’s brother), the well-to-do
Canon Bonde Humerus, it was hoped might help the
poor student. On the 14th August he began the
journey from Stenbrohult, and on the 17th he arrived
at Lund.”
There his first problem was to seek his former
tutor, Gabriel Hook, now Master of Philosophy, to
obtain from him counsel and enlightenment. First
he must be registered at the University, for which end
he must be examined by the Dean of the Faculty of
Philosophy, which was the custom down to the year
1831. The Dean was the Professor of Rhetoric,
Carl Papke, afterwards Bishop of Lund. After he
had been passed on the 19th August, the same day
he inscribed his name in the matriculation list of the
faculty of philosophy. Accompanied by Magister
Hook, he proceeded to the Rector, and Divinity
Professor, Martin Hegardt, who, after he had read the
testimonial from Vaxjo schools, received the oath
of the student, whose name was then inscribed in the
University Matriculation List. He ought strictly
after this, to have inscribed himself in the Smaland’s
Nation, but he neglected to do so, which was—without
reason—interpreted as his desire to live the life of a
recluse. The reason for this was nothing else than
his unwillingness to subject himself to the then
“ penalism ” or fagging system prevalent at Lund.
This had been entirely forbidden by a royal decree of
the 25th November, 1691, and Professor Dobeln
had, as Rector, in 1717, acted strongly to outroot this
flourishing penalism, which persisted in spite of the
king’s letter styling it “ invincible and diabolical ”;
but at the time of Linnaeus’s arrival at Lund, the
coarsest nuisance and the grossest bullying which were
inflicted by the senior members of the Nations on the
newly arrived country youths were nominally sup¬
pressed, but they still continued. Therefore it was
not uncommon for students newly arrived at Lund
to neglect to inscribe themselves in any Nation.
Linnaeus found a special reason for this, namely, that
he had already, on his arrival, come to the determina¬
tion not to stay more than a year, so that he held it
unnecessary to “ go penal,” and to devote himself to
any Nation, as he was impartial. Probably he calcu¬
lated that when he inscribed himself in Sm^land's
Nation at Uppsala, he would be regarded as a senior
student, and thus escape having to “ go penal,” an
idea which proved correct.
Besides this it was soon seen that the young
student had miscalculated. Shortly before his arrival
at Lund, Dean Humerus died, and thereby his not
groundless hopes of help from his relation were
frustrated. Samuel Linnaeus relates that “ when
Carl came to the town gate of Lund, all the bells
were tolling. He asked someone the cause of this
and was answered ‘ For Professor Humerus/ ” Not
less was the hope dashed—which he had hitherto
cherished—that he would find competent and zealous
professors in medicine and botany. In the latter
subject he found then no academic professor, and
the whole medical faculty was carried on by a single
man, the previously named Johan Jacob von Dobeln,
who was both learned and experienced, but who, as
he himself declared, “ could not procure the new
things which he required, because there were no
means provided for the support of the study of
medicine, nor for Anatomy, Botany or Chemistry.”
He probably too, as the result of age, when Linnaeus
was residing in Lund, had already lost somewhat of
his former strength, whereby he seems to have given
too little regard to private practice and academic
objects. Naturally, Linnaeus attended his lectures, in
the autumn term of 1727, on miscellaneous topics, also
in the spring term of 1728, the subject being then the
“ Physics ” of Budaeus.
Fortunately there was at that time in Lund a man
whose great services to medicine and natural history
in Sweden are both generally known and recognised.
This man was Dr. Kilian Stobaeus (1690-1742). To
avail himself of his instruction was now Linnaeus's
earnest desire; a preliminary step was taken when he,
through Hook’s care, obtained lodging in the house
of Stobaeus, to which he removed on the 21st August,
and where he continued to reside during the whole
of his stay in Lund.
This Stobaeus—assuredly the most eminent of the
five distinguished professors of the same name, who
were at Lund—is described as a “ sickly man, one-
eyed, lame in one foot, constantly troubled with sick-
headache, hypochondria and backache, but neverthe¬
less of unsurpassed genius.” At his house the young
student was enabled to see an excellent museum of
all kinds of natural objects; stones, shells, birds and
herbarium of collected and glued-down plants, such
as he had never seen before. At first he did not
attain his wish to obtain private tuition, for Stobaeus
“ saw the youth, but found neither in appearance,
dress nor habits, anything to recommend him, more
than an ordinary stranger who wished to devote him¬
self to the study of medicine.” For this reason the
only means Linnaeus had to gain his favour, was to
attend Stobaeus’s lectures on shells, which he did in
the company of Benzelius (afterwards Secretary of
State, who died in 1791) and Nils Retzius, later Pro¬
vincial Doctor in Skane, who died in 1757. A good
opportunity for a nearer approach between teacher
and pupil was lost as he himself narrates. Stobaeus
“ had become medical man for the higher ranks in
Skane, and as his consultations gave him no rest, on
one occasion he called Linnaeus to help him by writing
a letter and attending a patient, but Linnaeus’s
unpractised hand in writing caused him to be
How the relations between Stobaeus and Linnaeus,
through a happy occurrence which immediately led
to the most intimate and affectionate relations, may
best be sketched in the latter’s own words. “ I had
no books nor money to buy any, but I became
acquainted with the amanuensis of Dr. Stobaeus, a
German student, David Samuel Koulas (died 1743),
whom I induced to lend me each evening books from
Stobaeus’s library, which I returned each morning
before the doctor rose. This went on for three
months. But Dr. Stobaeus’s old mother, whose bed¬
room was next to mine, noticed that a light was burn¬
ing each night, and thinking that going to sleep with
the light burning made it dangerous on account of
fire, she told her son, who, to avoid so great a danger,
came up at half-past one in the morning, expecting
to find me sleeping with the candle still alight, but
to his surprise found a pile of his own books on the
table by the bedside and myself awake.” Our
youngster related how he had succeeded in getting
them, and returning them in the morning after using
them the whole night. Stobaeus’s angry look at once
was changed to a generous sympathy; he told him to
go to bed immediately, saying that he would himself
lend him his books the next day. From this time
onward he had liberty to take out of Stobaeus’s
library any book he wanted. Stobaeus noted from
this night the youth’s diligence, for he allowed him
to use all his lectures gratis, admitted him to meals
at his table without payment, sent him to visit
patients, and practically treated him as his son. It
was noticed that the young fellow began to distinguish
himself in the University; he learned from Stobaeus
about fossils and shells, received the ground-work of
certain special parts of medicine, while Stobaeus let
him see that if he continued his diligence as he had
begun, he was disposed to make him his heir, so highly
did he esteem him. All this kindness which he
received, Linnaeus reciprocated with the warmest
gratitude and the highest regard. This is shown by
the letters which, after he had left Lund, he wrote to
his generous benefactor; shown also in his auto-
biographies, where he warmly mentions his protector
Stobaeus, “ to whom I am indebted so long as I live,
for the love he bore me, and that he loved me, not as
a pupil, but as if I were his son.”
The influence of this especially distinguished
instruction, with the use of the beloved museum of
Stobaeus soon showed itself. Before everything was
Linnaeus’s endeavour to provide himself with an
arranged herbarium of dried plants secured on white
paper, such as seemed at that time, and far into
that century, the proper thing. For this he visited
not only the little academic garden, but such as
Dr. Hegardt’s in Lund, whence he procured sundry
plants for his “ Herbarium vivum,” among them being
in November, 1727, flowering specimens of Jerusalem
artichoke, Helianthus tuberosus. Besides this, he
undertook, whenever the season permitted, flying
excursions into the neighbourhood, for here one found
entirely different plants from those occurring in
Smaland. He and his companions—for he had by
1728 initiated certain students in botanic matters—
directed their course to Malmo and Lomma, where
one also was able to get fossils from the sands by the
seashore; or to Fogelsang, where nature had its
theatre; here was a high hill of pyrites, and also a
glen through which a stream ran. On both sides
above the brook were thickets where the rarest plants
were to be found. The floral treasures here gathered
were investigated by help of Johrenius’s “ Hodegus
Botanicus,” which Linnaeus had bought as soon as
he became a student, Tournefort’s method not being
These excursions, however, came to a sudden end,
for on a hot day, 26th May, 1728, at Fogelsang his
whole arm swelled up like a log, and Linnaeus was
obliged to go to bed. His condition grew worse,
although Stobaeus employed all his skill trying to
cure the evil. The latter was soon obliged to journey
to Ramlosa to drink the waters, and he parted from
the sick youth with scant hope of his life, but entrusted
the care of him to Veterinary and University Surgeon
Carl Christopher Schnell. The latter “ made a great
incision from the elbow to the armpit/’ after which
his recovery was so rapid, that by the 28th June,
Linnaeus was able to travel homeward to Stenbrohult,
which he reached the day following. That he did
not, after his health was restored and strength
regained, continue his excursions in Skane, he gave
as the reason, that he received a letter from his bene¬
factor Rothman, who urgently insisted that he should
exchange Lund for Uppsala. In Linnaeus’s earlier
autobiographies this illness was ascribed to a virulent
abscess in the right arm, or a seyere inflammation;
afterwards it was attributed to the attack of a small
hair-like worm which found a place in the “ Fauna
suecica,” Ed. II., 503, as Furia inf emails, by many
regarded as a myth. The latest investigator,
Sir Arthur E. Shipley, F.R.S., thinks what probably
stung Linnaeus, was a virulent insect, which might
very well have conveyed some pathogenic germs to
his system, unknown in the time of the great
The summer of 1728 was spent at home busy on
his usual employments, but with this change, that
now he did not occupy himself only with plants, but
also animals and minerals, which became his objects
for later research. He hastened to write to Stobaeus
about his discoveries and sent specimens. His father,
who regarded his son’s career as settled, did not
remark on this, but his mother did; with an almost
pathetic obstinacy, she still clung to the expectation
that his stay at Lund would have resulted in a change
in his plan of life, but when she now saw that Carl
did nothing but glue plants to paper, she became at
last convinced that her desires for her dear son’s
future career were now hopeless.
During the course of the summer the rectory of
Stenbrohult received a short visit from Dr. Rothman.
He strongly stated how much more advantageous it
would be for a prospective physician to study at
Uppsala. The young student embraced the proposi¬
tion with delight, his parents gave their sanction, and
the Rector of Lund was applied to for an academic
testimonial. This was issued on the 6th September
by Arvid Moller, Professor of the Laws of Nature
and of Morals, “ to the well-practised and richly
gifted Carl Linnaeus, Smalander,” with a certificate
that “ he had well conducted himself at the High
School, and that he had with no less industry made
himself beloved by those to whom he was known.”
At the same time his proclivity for the study of
medicine is mentioned “ in which he had enjoyed the
fortunate guidance of Dr. Kilian Stobaeus ” (Dobeln’s
name not being included), henceforth intending public
instruction, wherefore the Rector of the University
“ prays that Almighty God may favour his departure
and future in all his undertakings,” also “ recom¬
mends his praiseworthy endeavours, as strongly as
we can, to the patrons and guardians of Science.”
This testimonial he only received after his arrival
at Uppsala. After he had obtained from his parents
“ ioo dalers in silver \_£j ios.] once for all, as they
could not afterwards further assist him,” he set out
on the 23rd August from Stenbrohult to Uppsala,
which—such were the tardy means of communication
—he reached on the 5th September, a journey of
nearly four hundred English miles.
With this began a new and important stage in the
life of Linnaeus.


1728-DECEMBER, I 73 I)

Upon his arrival at Uppsala, Linnaeus still lacked his

Academic testimonial, and he was unable before he
obtained it, to become inscribed in the University,
whose pupil he now desired to become. How he
spent the weeks during which he awaited the said
certificate, nothing is recorded; probably he did as
other new arrivals, spent at least the first few days
in making himself at home in a strange place, where
he had the intention of remaining for a number of
years. At last, the Lund certificate came, and he
applied to the then Rector, Professor John Hermans-
son, and wrote his name in the register in which new¬
comers to the University noted their contributions to
the University library; thus his signature appears:
“ Carolus Linnaeus, Smolandus.” He paid as pre¬
scribed by law, as “ others than the nobility,” six
dalers in copper [three shillings]. His name was
also inscribed on the same day by the Rector himself
in the University Matriculation List.
With this, Linnaeus had completely exchanged
Lund for Uppsala. The motives which his old
teacher Rothman alleged caused him to take this
step, were principally that Lund University was not
serviceable for his aim in studying medicine, whilst
at Uppsala, there were Professors of Medicine, the
learned Roberg in medicine itself, and the great
Rudbeck in botany; there was a splendid library and
a handsome University garden, with many scholar-

ships, royal or patronal, by which a clever but needy

student of medicine could progress.” From what
follows, we shall find that Rothman by this advice
made himself responsible for the belief, that he
regarded the then existing University’s circumstances
as similar to those during his own life as student.
During the twenty years which had passed since he
left Uppsala, they had greatly changed, and certainly
not for the better.
The professors in the medical faculty were two,
Olof Rudbeck the younger, and Lars Roberg, both
without doubt very distinguished, learned and experi¬
enced men. Since being appointed, they had between
themselves so divided the duties which were then
looked upon as belonging to that faculty, that the
former undertook anatomy, botany, zoology and
pharmacology, while the latter took up theoretic and
practical medicine, surgery, physiology and chemistry.
Rudbeck was the senior, both in age and service, and
was then sixty-eight years old. In his strength, he
had been both a zealous and distinguished teacher.
During his travels in and outside his fatherland—
especially in his journey to Lule Lapland undertaken
in 1695—he had amassed extremely valuable botanic
and zoological collections, with accurate reports. In
collaboration with his father, Olof Rudbeck the elder,
on the great botanic work “ Campus Elysii,” he had
been both a zealous and skilful partner, and his
father’s intention was that he should, after his death,
continue its publication. By this he would have
obtained, without doubt, a very distinguished place
for all time amongst the pre-Linnean botanists.
Unfortunately in 1702 there occurred the great and
destructive fire in Uppsala, which destroyed the
greater part of his collections and notes, also most of
the copies of the two volumes of “ Campus Elysii,”
then printed, with the many thousand woodcuts pre¬
pared for its continuation. It is no wonder that
through these disasters his manifest interest in natural
history, especially botany, cooled considerably. On
the other hand, his liking for another science blazed
up, to which he had already felt himself drawn, namely
When he began to issue his colossal report on the
Lapland journey, he only included the small portion
as far as the Dal-Elf river, in the first and only volume
which appeared, since the mention of the ferryman at
that place led him to the most daring and unrestrained
philological and geographical diversions concerning
“ that cruel and fierce Karen [Charon].” After the
Uppsala fire he devoted himself to his “ Thesaurus
linguarum Asise et Europse harmonious,” a work
“ surpassing the ‘ Atlantica ’ in extent, genius and
boldness,” to quote the words of the elder Fries. In
order to work upon it undisturbed, in 1721 he
requested to have a period of release from lecturing.
The Consistory urged amongst other things, that “ as
Dr. Rudbeck’s late father, during his lifetime, had
published a learned and laudable work to the entire
nation’s lustre and honour, of which the four volumes
were lost in the fire, and now after his death were
appreciated in foreign lands, especially in Denmark,
some have already begun to censure and refute the
same. Both father and son, in the Swedish trans¬
actions, possessed profound science, and as it may be
possible to replace in part what in the forementioned
work was lost, and partly to vindicate it, therefore
his wish should be supported.” To this the king
replied that Professor Rudbeck, “ in recognition of
his long professorial career of thirty-one years, also
in order to complete the work in hand, may dispense
with his public lectures for a giyen period.”
This was respect as well as solicitude for the elder
Rudbeck’s “ Atlantica,” but the continued research
in his usual style which he practised in the medical
instruction in the University was thrust on one side.
The execution of Rudbeck’s remitted lectures
devolved on his son-in-law, Dr. Petrus Martin, who,

however, died on die 27th June, 1727, wherefore Rud-

beck during the succeeding years gave a few lectures,
after which he was accorded an extension of his
release from duty, that he might “ apply all the rest
of his time to completing that philological work, upon
which he had been labouring many years, and that
Medical Adjunct Nils Rosen, should receive the com¬
mission to enter upon the forenamed subject as
deputy.” The latter, at the time when Linnaeus came
to Uppsala, was travelling abroad, and, in his stead,
Elias Preutz officiated, acting as deputy during a
part of Linnaeus’s early studentship. Preutz said of
himself, that in Rosen’s duties he fulfilled his func¬
tions with all diligence to the satisfaction of the
medical professors, but neither Rudbeck nor the
medical students shared that view. How far this
influenced Linnaeus’s career will be set out in the
following narrative.
One of the two ordinary professors in the medical
faculty was, as previously stated, Lars Roberg, a more
than usually gifted man, but who, at the time when
Linnaeus arrived, was almost sixty-five years of age,
consequently no longer possessing the strength and
perseverance necessary for the discharge of his
weighty and extensive duties in a satisfactory manner.
Besides his peculiar temperament, he had a fiery
genius, spoke with special politeness, was an enter¬
taining companion, and full of quaint ideas, but with
these brilliant powers he combined a curious method
of living. In his old age he stretched still further
his contempt for any other than a rich competency,
which he loved more to possess than to enjoy. With
his uncommon powers he seemed moreover to have
greatly withdrawn himself from the prosecution of
his duties, in that he gave private—and less valuable
—lectures, from which he could expect economic
Neither of the medical professors can be acquitted
from the charge of waning energy in teaching, but on
the other hand, it must be admitted that in a great
measure extenuating circumstances may be pleaded on
their behalf. One is—the advanced age of both; for
one, scientific activity in other directions, and, for the
other, a too volatile temperament; also, the wretched
condition in which the institutions were. It must be
conceded that few men would not become wearied, if
(in spite of repeated complaints, reminders and peti¬
tions to remedy the worst evils, and without which
suggested improvements professorial activities were
paralysed) matters continued as before. How did
conditions stand in these respects at Uppsala at this
time ?
In answering this question, we must first concern
ourselves with the University hospital. The means
assigned for its maintenance were so insufficient, that
Roberg was obliged to let a room in it as a public
house or beer-shop, but on account of the great dis¬
turbance and scandal caused thereby, the arrange¬
ment was forbidden by the Consistory after much dis¬
cussion, without any substitute being voted for this
economic advantage. Professor Roberg still lamented
so great discredit to the hospital, and the Consistory
readily agreed to help him, so far as it could; but
until the finances of the hospital revived, the Con¬
sistory could not find a way. Shortly afterwards,
Roberg handed in a document in which he stated
“ that inspection of the fireplaces and chimneys
showed the outhouse to be so unusable, together with
the chimney stack and cooking stoves, that the
servants refused to stay.” As the worthy professor
was then at a loss as to what ought to be done, he
solicited counsel and was advised that the Consistory
should remove these difficulties as far as possible.
Later on, he renewed his complaints, but nothing was
done, except that it was acknowledged to be danger¬
ous to retain people near such conditions that might
also set on fire the largest and finest houses in the
town, “ which misfortune may God graciously avert.”

This is not the place to set out all the reports given
for many years in the Minutes of the Consistory;
enough to show that no clinical teaching was avail¬
able for medical aspirants; neither was it promised,
being entirely excluded from the syllabus of 1728,
and not reappearing during Roberg’s remaining pro¬
fessorial career.
The want of the requisites might have been less felt
if the medical students had opportunities under the
professor’s guidance of visiting patients in their own
homes, a method of teaching which Roberg should in
some measure have employed. There was nothing
of this during Linnaeus’s student life, either because
Roberg tired of it, or the patients were tired of him,
by reason of his increasing covetousness, or his
summary orders.
It was no better as regards the botanic garden,
which, wrecked in the fire of 1702, had never since
been even in a decent state. Certainly Rudbeck and
his colleague Roberg did what they could; both of
them possessing knowledge of, and interest in, botany,
but attempts to improve matters ended unsuccess¬
fully. Thereupon ensued Rudbeck’s practically
complete transition from botany to philology, as
previously mentioned. When it concerned the
gardener “ that he need not have skill in dressing the
garden as is usual, and soberly not to neglect his
duty,” it is not surprising that Linnaeus soon after his
arrival at Uppsala, lamented at the state of the
garden, “ which declines daily, so that now hardly
200 species are to be found in the whole place, and
not more than 100 rarities.” Soon after, Professor
Roberg begged that the Consistory would think about
the botanic garden, which was then in ruins; they
admitted as usual that the business was urgent, but
there it ended.
The conditions as regards anatomy were still more
unsatisfactory, and the requirements of the time for
a hall of anatomy had to be met by the younger Olof
Rudbeck allotting to it an outbuilding in the
Gustayianum. In spite of this during the first ten
years of the eighteenth century anatomical teaching
had sunk to such insignificance as at the present day
is inconceivable. A complaint in 1715 to the Con¬
sistory, resulted in a promise by Professor Roberg
that an anatomic demonstration should be held.
Three years later he issued, for students’ use, his
well-known text-book “ Lijkrevnings-tavlor ” [Plates
for dissections]. That this was followed by autopsies,
is not reported, but it is evident that just before
Linnaeus’s arrival anatomic teaching under the
Adjunct Martin’s guidance had been prosecuted with
no little ardour. It advanced so that the Professor
of Law, Reftelius, lamented in the Consistory con¬
cerning anatomy, that it was prosecuted on the days
and at the hours when public and private lectures
were given, and that youths were thereby kept from
their other exercises. The Consistory therefore
decided that the anatomical demonstrations should
be held only on certain days. Work in the anatomy
school was carried on more diligently since Nils
Rosen’s return from his travels abroad. According
to Dr. Wallin’s account, Dr. Rosen, during the anatomy
lectures, used lights every day in the school, so it was
resolved that Rosen should be informed at once that
lights should not be used, for fear of fire in the
library. It must be taken as a special piece of bad
luck that Linnaeus came up to Uppsala immediately
after Martin’s death, and before Rosen came home
from abroad, thus at a time when there was no instruc¬
tion in anatomy nor in chemistry.
As regards the latter subject, it may be enough to
state that the University did not possess a chemical
laboratory. Chemical lectures were seldom given,
but when they were, the students assembled at the
University apothecary’s, where a few simple chemical
experiments were shown. It was still worse as
regards zoology; not a trace of the collections belong-

ing thereto were available, with the exception of

Professor Roberg’s small collection of rarities,
amongst which were a speckled snake a quarter-ell
[6 inches] in length, with two heads, also a dragon;
whilst in the University library a few zoological
objects were kept, but never utilized for instruction.
To sum up ; it may be said with reason, that a worse
provision for medical teaching could hardly exist.
Linnaeus said that he worked at medicine during the
greatest barbarism at Uppsala. But in considering
this, it can only awaken surprise and wonder, that
almost without guidance, he developed under such
conditions in a few years into a great man and
pioneer, not only in natural history, but also in the
domain of pure medicine. The copiousness with
which the foregoing has been narrated regarding the
disgraceful state at Uppsala, should find its explana¬
tion and excuse in the desire to set out the contrasts
in this aspect. Without knowing how to obtain the
slightest help from teachers such as he formerly
encountered, Linnaeus displays most plainly his
uncommon endowments and energetic mind in
their clearness and greatness against this dark
Naturally Linnaeus did not neglect to make use
of even the crumbs of instruction, which were available
in the medical faculty. During his first year of study,
these were restricted, so far as regards Rudbeck, who,
however, in the autumn term of 1728 gave a few
public lectures on Swedish birds, during which he
reached no further than the domestic fowl and some of
the smaller waders, put forward in a very unpre¬
tentious way. To Linnaeus and probably to the other
hearers, these lectures were of great interest, for, in
the course of them,, Rudbeck showed his drawings of
birds drawn from life in their proper colours. In
the following term, Professor Rudbeck gave three
lectures before Easter on the raptorial birds, and these
were attended by Linnaeus, but when after Whitsun-
tide, Rudbeck gave two lectures in the University
garden, Linnaeus had left the town. These lectures
were the last delivered by Rudbeck, and thus it
happened that during the whole of his student-life,
Linnaeus never had the chance of hearing any botanic
discourse, either public or private.
The instruction afforded by Professor Roberg
during the same period was even more insignificant.
Linnaeus, in the autumn term of 1728, was among the
auditors, and seems to have been dissatisfied when
Roberg confined himself to allowing his audience to
explain in Swedish, Langius’s “ Theses physio¬
logical,” himself making a few annotations, though
privately, for during this term he gave no public
lectures. The spring term following, a change was
made, for before midsummer he delivered four public
lectures on certain questions extracted from the
“ Problemata ” of Aristotle, according to the
principles of Des Cartes. Linnaeus tried to get to
five lectures on practical medicine, but was dis¬
appointed as before, so concluded that it would be
better to buy the book. So it happened in later
terms, for, according to careful notes by Linnaeus, he
failed during the rest of his University career to
obtain better instruction, except a small amount he
received from Adjunct Rosen in 1731. The reason
seems that it was partly due to the absence of proper
teaching, and partly that he was much engaged in
more important work.
Linnaeus’s share of Roberg’s private lectures
brought him into closer connection with the professor,
and it is apparent that he felt himself strongly drawn
to him on the ground of Roberg’s extensive reading,
great ardour, and special methods. On his side,
Roberg displayed to the young naturalist no small
favour, permitted him access to his own library, and
imparted counsel and exposition. With Rudbeck a
little later, he came into closer relations. Both to
him and also to Roberg he showed in the spring term

in 1729, a catalogue of the rarer plants he had met

with in Smaland and Skane.
Of even greater importance for Linnaeus’s early
years at Uppsala, as regards his scientific develop¬
ment, was the acquaintance he made with a medical
student, Petrus Artedi. Like Linnaeus, he had been
destined from his cradle to become a priest avita
premere vestigia [to follow the ancestral traces], but
even when at school, his taste for natural history was
kindled, and also for alchemy, to which he devoted
all his spare time. He left Hernosand’s Gymnasium
summa cum laude in 1724, betook himself to Uppsala
so that he might study divinity as his relations
wished, but soon turned to natural history. In spite
of his father’s exhortations to fly from the tempting
sirens, he entered the medical faculty, and it was
soon said of him, that he was the only medical student
who then had a reputation for vivacity. It is there¬
fore not surprising that Linnaeus, after arrival at
Uppsala, wanted to make his acquaintance, but
Artedi had then gone home to Angermanland, to bid
farewell to his father, then seriously ill. After his
father’s death, Artedi came back to Uppsala, where
he was soon sought out by Linnaeus, who relates, “ I
found him pale, cast-down and tearful; the talk at
once fell upon plants, minerals and animals. The
ideas which he propounded were new to me, and
the knowledge which he disclosed, astonished me.”
Though very different both in stature and tempera¬
ment (Artedi being tall, deliberate and earnest, while
Linnaeus was small, active, hasty, quick-witted) they
struck up a lasting friendship, which not even death
could sever. It became a necessity for them to meet
every day to share their common beloved objects, and
to impart to each other what each had in the interval
gathered or observed. An ardent disposition was
the same in both; both desired to appropriate
knowledge from the entire field of natural history,
but each had with greater predilection devoted him-
self to certain branches. Artedi loved chemistry and
particularly alchemy, as much as Linnaeus loved
plants. Artedi had some previous insight in botany,
just as Linnaeus had in chemistry, but as each
recognized that he could not outstrip the other, he
neglected the other’s subjects. They both began at
the same time on fishes and insects, but as Linnaeus
could not outvie Artedi, he left the subject entirely,
just as Artedi left insects alone; Artedi studied
amphibia, and Linnaeus birds. There was between
them a constant jealousy to keep secret what they
discovered, but that gave way in about three days,
before the temptation to boast to each other of their
The young searchers gained essential help in the
University library, which Linnaeus soon found was
excellent. Besides the array of books which they
had at their disposition, there was a great botanic
treasure preserved in the University, namely the
learned Burser’s precious plant-book, which, in a
hundred and thirty large folio volumes had been bound
by Chancellor Cojet and presented to the library.
Linnaeus did not neglect to solicit permission, nor
had he to wait long, before he made use of so many
books on botany, that he well-nigh surprised the staff
of the library.
An opportunity in another direction, in some
measure completing what Uppsala University could
deliver in instruction, divulged itself at this time and
was embraced eagerly by Linnaeus. Partly to see
Stockholm, and partly to attend some members of the
medical college, he travelled on the 14th January, 1729,
to Stockholm, and there gained intelligence, that at the
end of the same month and beginning of the following
month, there would be an anatomical demonstration
on the body of a woman who had been hanged. This
was an opportunity for inquisitive and curious persons,
also an event of no small importance, and that the
greatest possible use should be made of it, the
Medical College was induced to have it done in the
best way. Special meetings were held that they
should agree how the anatomic event should be
apportioned and who should undertake to demonstrate
the various parts, and as it was known that judgment
had been pronounced on the offender, a petition was
sent up that the execution should take place after the
New Year so that the dissection could happen
conveniently. This was granted, and in a new meet¬
ing it was decided that as regards tickets, all Master-
Veterinary Surgeons should get free tickets under the
great seal of the College to the number of eighteen;
that all Doctors should have free seats, but for all
other spectators or hearers there should be an entrance
fee each time of sixteen dalers in copper coinage
[eight shillings].
This was naturally a great occasion for Linnseus.
He certainly returned on the 19th January to Uppsala,
but on the 29th he came back to Stockholm and
attended the six lectures and demonstrations in the
anatomic room in Sodra Malms Townhall, by the
chief surgeons. He noted how each acquitted himself,
as “ learnedly, elegantly, most learnedly, excellently,”
once only reporting “ moderately.” Encouraged by
the increasing interest in anatomy, after he had
returned on the 23rd February to Uppsala, he pro¬
cured admission to the Anatomic Theatre. The
building was well contrived with seven entrances, but
it lacked a teacher.
Now began a period full of trouble for Linnaeus.
All the money he had from his parents on his departure
for Uppsala, was spent on his journey from Smaland,
university fees and maintenance, two journeys to
Stockholm, with more than a month’s living there,
entrance fees to the dissections, etc., etc. Certainly he
had from the beginning cherished the hope of obtain¬
ing a scholarship, which was quickly realized inasmuch
as on the 16th December, 1728, he received a Royal
Medical Scholarship of the lowest class, but the help
derived therefrom only amounted to ten dalers in silver
[fifteen shillings] in each term. It is probable that the
Stockholm visits exhausted his funds. The coming
term therefore “ was very wretched for him,” and he
began really to suffer want; he had to run into debt for
food, and to go almost barefoot, as he could not sole
his shoes, but had to substitute paper which he laid in
his shoes. The prosperous, childless Roberg could
easily have succoured him, but his friendship was no
longer than his pupil’s purse; it stopped as soon as
Carl’s money was gone. No employment by which
poor youths used to push themselves with the academi¬
cians, could be entrusted to Linnaeus as a medical
student, for at this time it was no honour to study
medicine. No wonder therefore, that he began to
think regretfully how different it had been at Lund;
the prodigal son would have gone willingly to his
Stobaeus again, but he had no money in his purse for
so long a journey of nearly five hundred English miles.
Moreover he feared that Dr. Stobaeus would be
thoroughly displeased when he again saw a youth for
whom he had done so much, and who had left him so
From these economic troubles, which doubtless
weighed more upon his conscience than on that of
many of his comrades, because he was in a high degree
always afraid of debt, he was freed before the end of
the term through the acquaintance, which he had the
good fortune to make, of the old and venerable Dr.
Olof Celsius, an acquaintance which was advantageous
in more than one respect for Linnaeus, and without
which, Sweden might never have reckoned him as
amongst its great men. By means of the help he
received from Celsius, and also the income which
he derived from other sources, Linnaeus’s economic
position hereafter so improved, that he cannot be said
during his remaining student life, to have found him¬
self pressed by difficulties as to subsistence, although
occasionally finding himself in temporary pecuniary
embarrassment. It may be truly said that Linnaeus
was a favoured son of fortune, in view of the fact that
wherever he went, he found hearty friends and
generous patrons, who cleared his path of the severest
economic shocks. The tales related by some of his
biographers that his penury at Uppsala lasted long,
are inaccurate, for his distress lasted only for a few
months. Dean Olof Celsius, D.D., the elder, who
now became a paternal friend and benefactor, was at
that time one of the most eminent and esteemed
professors of the University. Besides a solid and
extensive knowledge in theologic and philosophic
sciences, he possessed a great acquaintance with
natural history especially comprising a lively interest
in botany. In his garden he cultivated many rare
plants, which he had obtained, not only from other
gardens in the country, but also from learned foreigners
with whom he was in correspondence. He took a
special interest in investigating the flora of the province
of Uppland, in which Uppsala is situated, and in 1729
he informed the Royal Society of Science in that town
of his botanic work, which the Society promised to
publish in their Transactions. At the period in
question he seems to have stayed in Stockholm as a
member of the Ecclesiastic Deputation which in
1727, began its work in revising Church law, and
bringing it in consonance with the government of the
“ Frihetstiden ” [Era of Liberty] and partly too, with
the new common law which was also in progress.
This stay in Stockholm explains how it was that
Linnaeus until now, had failed to know him even by
It was during a sojourn at Uppsala in the spring of
1729, more closely stated as 8th April, Old Style, that
Celsius, led by his love of flowers, paid a visit to the
botanic garden, which, although dilapidated, could
still gratify his eyes and mind with some of the
firstlings of spring. There he became aware of an
unknown student sitting and describing certain plants.
Astonished at that unaccustomed sight, he entered
into conversation with him, and asked Linnaeus what
he was writing, if he knew plants, where he came from,
and how long he had been there; enquired the names
of many plants, to which Linnaeus replied with the
Tournefortian nomenclature; he finally asked how
many plants he had dried, the reply being that he had
over six hundred native plants. From this, Celsius
discovered that the young man possessed an insight
into botany, which he had not suspected in any
student, therefore he bade the young man to follow
him home, and when he came to his house, he went in,
by which Linnaeus knew who his interlocutor was.
Linnaeus was dispatched to bring his herbarium,
whereby Dr. Celsius became even more convinced of
Linnaeus’s acquirements in botany. With this meet¬
ing the acquaintance was begun, which developed, in
mutual use and satisfaction, so that Linnaeus had
reason “ to thank God who had so graciously given
him another Stobaeus in Uppsala.”
The first advantage which Linnaeus gained by this
acquaintanceship was, and in consideration of his
small resources it was for him a special benefit—by
his being treated almost as a son in Celsius’s house.
In writing to Stobaeus he said : “ I have plenty to do
here, which has been doubled the last week, as Celsius
has married off his daughter.” Celsius could not fail
to see the poverty of Linnaeus, who remarks, “ that
Dr. Celsius was so good that he invited me (16th July,
1729) to take my meals with him for nothing, which
happened from Midsummer Day till Michaelmas—
when he journeyed to Stockholm—and that twice a
day, gratis. Later he gave me a room in his house
without rent,” and this benefit he enjoyed till the
beginning of the following year. Linnaeus’s economic
position was improved too, by receiving on the 20th
June, a Royal Scholarship in the medical faculty
in the second class, namely 20 dalers in silver [30
shillings] each half-year. Besides this, in the autumn

term, in place of the Adjunct Preutz, the fees came to

Linnaeus, who then lectured in botany, physiology and
chemistry, so that he was able to buy shoes and to
repay the debts which he previously incurred for
sustenance. At the close of the academic year,
16th December, he was promoted to the first class
of the Royal Scholarship with 30 dalers in silver
[£2 5s.], thanks to Professor Rudbeck’s urging, and
in spite of Professor Roberg’s “ intrigues,” though
nothing of this appears in the Consistory’s minutes.
This kindness by Rudbeck for a student almost
unknown to him may be ascribed to this circumstance,
that amongst those who attended Carl’s lectures, was
a son of the Professor, who each evening related to
his father, what he had learned of the acting professor
During this year through Professor Roberg’s
support, an attempt was made to provide him with
a fixed appointment. The minutes of the Consistory
state: “ Student Linnaeus’s application to become
the gardener of the botanic garden in place of the
deceased M. Winge was considered.” In this appli¬
cation it was stated that former gardeners had little
skill in reading or writing, and that through the
troubles of cultivation and those of their households,
the public garden was neglected, as is now visible to
all. That no German garden labourer from Stock¬
holm or cabbage-planter from abroad, should be
appointed to this place, he offered himself to under¬
take the same and declared himself willing to find
and engage a labourer under him, he himself helping
with the day’s work, until the garden should be
re-arranged. Moreover he engaged to draw up a
catalogue of the plants for printing, provided that he
only should have the right to this, and the printer
should not, without his knowledge, print and sell any
This matter was deferred till Professor Rudbeck,
who was then at Surbrunn taking the waters, should
come back. The Professor meanwhile in the autumn
after a stay in Stockholm, probably after his cure,
engaged an excellent, virtuous and intelligent man,
namely gardener Christopher Herman, who had
approved himself during twenty-three years’ service
in good situations. Hereto may be added Rudbeck’s
remark, that he had a better opinion about Linnaeus
than that he should remain in the situation of a
gardener, is certainly not improbable, but not to be
found in the minutes of the Consistory.
But it was not only in an economic aspect that
Linnaeus profited by his intimacy with Celsius. It
was an invaluable advantage that the latter offered
free use of his library, which was rich in botanic books.
Presumably he had also the opportunity of making
use of Celsius’s extensive botanic notes, which testify
to a wide reading in the whole of the literature belong¬
ing to that subject. These notes form four volumes,
preserved in the manuscript department of the
University library.
It was natural that Linnaeus should be specially
eager to know the productions of the three kingdoms
of nature which occurred in the new tract of country
to which he had been transferred. In the castle
garden laid out by Rudbeck, though now in decay,
for the first time he saw some less common plants, and
that to the said garden he paid not merely a hasty
visit, is testified by the plan of it, which is to be found
in his manuscript “ Hortus Uplandicus.” The
gardens also belonging to Olof Celsius and the
apothecary Lambert, yielded welcome contributions
to his herbarium. Besides the excursions taken in
the nearer neighbourhood of Uppsala, it is evident
from his manuscript “ Spolia Botanica,” that more
distant parts were visited.
The first long excursion was at Whitsuntide to the
tract around Dannemora, twenty-eight miles north of
Uppsala and famous for its iron, the best in Sweden,
when he took with him his student comrade, Johannes

Humble, in order to teach him botany. He had good

reason to be gratified with the result, as he discovered
there many plants, which he had not before seen
living, and many of which had not been known
previously in Uppland. These discoveries gave
great joy to Celsius. Of cultivated plants, the
garden and orangery at Leufsta, which were also
visited, showed a few rarities. In the animal world,
a few things of interest were observed, particularly
the shrew mice down in the Dannemora mines, which
were as gentle and tame as dogs, coming and feeding
out of people’s hands. They were held as sacred,
and no one harmed them. A harvest also was
gathered of rare minerals. He wrote to Stobaeus : “ I
was a hundred yards down in the mines, and searched
for stones, of which I had so many, I could easily
have brought away a portmanteau full.” He noted
also the iron workings and the great depth, with ores
and instruments. Here, too, he saw as the greatest
rarity, the fire-machine which Marten Triewald had
introduced, driven by water and air pressure, the only
one at work in Sweden. A short distance farther he
saw Asterby ironworks with tilt hammers; the workmen
being only in their shirts, with socks and slippers on
their feet.
Excursions were, however, principally made in the
company of Celsius. Such a trip took place on the
24th June to Borje parish, about seven English
miles from Uppsala. Celsius betook himself thither
for the single purpose of “ showing ‘ Sceptrum
Carolinum ’ [Pediculans\ to me, but it was not then
in flower; we went over the stoniest place without
doubt in Sweden.” On the 7th September the same
locality was again visited, and the desired plant then
had fully ripe capsules.
Another, and in a botanic sense, particularly
successful jaunt which the two made took place in
June and July when they went to the islands off the
coast, to find out what plants grew there, gathering
twenty-six not previously recorded. That Celsius
was particularly pleased with the result is shown by
his suggesting to the Royal Society of Science the
repayment to Linnaeus of the expenses incurred, which
was done, the payment being actually in excess of the
It was after this specially pleasantly spent summer,
when Carl’s thoughts were devoted to plants, that he
began the duties of the autumn term. These seem
principally to be the determining and describing of
the summer’s harvest, collecting insects from among
tree-mosses, with instructing to other students with
good economic results. “ In November,” he wrote to
Stobaeus, “ I gaye lectures in botany and had many
noblemen and barons besides others among my
audience. I received generally a ducat from each ”
[nine shillings and twopence].
But added to this—and it was not the least
important occupation—he studied diligently for his
own advancement, with assiduous use of the books of
the University, those of Celsius, and his own little
store. It was not a thoughtless, uncritical storing in his
memory of what he found in the old authors’ ponder¬
ous folios, and in the insignificant, long-forgotten
pamphlets, but on the contrary he began to distinguish
for himself the different characteristics, to sort his
collections critically, to notice results thus obtained.
The description which he in old days applied to
himself that “ he wrote briefly and strongly all at
which he laboured; regarding himself entirely as a
born methodizer,” may even be applied to his earliest
youthful writings. It was during that period, when
he first began to write many of the works which he
afterwards elaborated and amplified, formed the
skeleton of the volumes which a few years later were
issued in quick succession, and even made for the
previously unknown young man from the far north, a
great name in the annals of natural history. Who,
reading through these first early attempts, can refrain

from wondering at the widely extended knowledge of

literature, clear exposition, and able conviction of the
correctness of his views, on the part of the twenty-two
years old student ?
Amongst these youthful writings there is one
which deseryes to be spoken of somewhat at length,
especially as it had a considerable influence on the
career and scientific development of Linnaeus. To
understand this rightly we must first remember that
amongst the new principles which at that period began
to be attacked, was that of the sexuality of plants.
What Camerarius, Ray, Grew, Bradley and others
had written upon the subject, was unknown to the
young student, but nevertheless he had read in
“ Actis Lipsiensibus,” a review of Vaillant’s tract on
the sexes of plants, which especially pleased him.
This was the address with which Sebastien Vaillant
on the ioth June, 1717, at the Jardin du Roy in Paris,
began his public lectures, and it was printed in the
following year both in French and Latin. Herein the
sexuality of plants was set forth as an indisputable
fact. Linnaeus was warmly attracted by these new
views and therefore he began to examine flowers for
stamens and pistils, soon finding that they were not
less different than the petals, and were the essential
parts of the flower.
The adoption might have been delayed a little
before presenting his views and observations on this,
but at the end of 1729, an academic treatise came out
with the title “TaVo? <pvrwv. sive nuptiae arborum
. . . praeside Georgio Wallin . . . submittit . . .
Petrus Ugla.” [The marriage of plants . . . under
the presidency of G. Wallin, submitted by Petrus
Linnaeus, who had been plodding away on the
subject, and had no chance of opposing this thesis,
felt himself called upon to enter the lists and there¬
fore wrote some sheets on the true connection, accord¬
ing to botanic fashion. He delivered this little tract

as a New Year’s gift to his benefactor Celsius, and

in his preface he says, “ It is an old custom to awaken
one’s eminent patrons on New Year’s Day with verses
and good wishes, and I also find myself obliged to
do so. I would gladly write in verse, but must bewail
that it is true as the old proverb has it, ‘ Poets are
born not made.’ I was not born a poet, but a
botanist instead, so I offer the fruit of the little harvest
which God has vouchsafed me. In these few pages
is handled the great analogy which is found between
plants and animals, in their increase in like measure
according to their kind, and what I have here simply
written, I pray may be favourably received.”
It is not without interest to note that though written
superficially, these pages show the rapid development
of the young student, his views which most people at
that time would have regarded as bordering upon
insanity being frankly put forward. Its full title
is “ Caroli Linnaei . . . Praeludia sponsaliorum
plantarum in quibus Physiologia earum explicatur.
Sexus demonstratur, modus generationis detegitur, nec
non summa plantarum cum animalibus analogia con-
cluditur. [Preliminaries on the marriage of plants
in which the physiology of them is explained, sex
shown, method of generation disclosed, and the true
analogy of plants with animals, concluded.] After
first setting forth the enlivening influence of the sun
in spring, on all bodies which have been dormant
during the cold winter, and that love animates plants
themselves, the author shows how the old botanists
seemed groping through thick darkness toward sex
amongst plants, but for the most part so unsuccess¬
fully, that one must shudder. Those who wish to
see their points, may refer to the disputation, which
is a compendium of all that the ancients said about it.
On the other hand, later botanists found many
analogies between peculiarities of animal and plant
life, how they suffer the same kinds of sicknesses,
how plants, like many animals, are dormant in winter,

but with returning warmer seasons again awaken to

life; that both plants and animals are barren when
young, most fertile in middle age, but when old, waste
away; that as Malpighi and Grew showed, plants
have vessels, fibres, and numberless other parts, just
like animals. From this the conclusion is drawn,
that in plants also, organs of generation are found,
and this Vaillant set himself to work out. That these
organs are to be looked for in the flower follows from
this, that no fruit is produced without previous flower¬
ing. The parts of the flower such as calyx or petals
play no such role, for many plants are destitute of
them, but yet are fruitful. What the petals specially
accomplish is that they contribute nothing to genera¬
tion, but only serve as bridal beds, so splendidly
devised by the great Creator, but furnished with such
noble wrappings and perfumed with so many sweet
odours, that the Bridegroom and his Bride may there
celebrate their nuptials, with due ceremony. If one
considers the stamens and pistils, one finds that most
flowers possess them in the same flower, while certain
plants have two distinct kinds on the same stalk;
those being sterile which have only stamens, while
those with pistils set fruit. Others again have
stamens and pistils on different individuals. Tourne-
fort noted certain kinds with separate sexes, and
Linnaeus now added a number of others, whose
descriptions he found in various authors. After a
short statement of Vaillant’s views, and an attempt
to show why most flowers are hermaphrodite, he sets
forth Morland’s erroneous opinion which was pre¬
valent, though he could not determine how fertilization
took place, but that it really occurs is evident in so
many cases; in one group of plants with long styles
and short stamens, the styles bend down when the
stamens open and receive the pollen, after which they
rise up again to their former position; that fertilization
fails, or is partial only, if rain washes away the pollen,
as with rye or fruit-trees; that in plants with both
sexes on the same individual, such as maize or Typha,
the male flowers are uppermost so that the pollen may
fall upon the pistils; that if the male flowers are
removed, no fructification takes place; that if, in
hermaphrodite flowers, the anthers are removed, true
seed cannot develop, but they are infertile and never
grow up, though sown in the best soil. Finally is
related the idea that for the formation of seed, there
is the analogy between these seeds, and the ova of
Such in short is the chief contents of this little but
noteworthy memoir, which at once evoked no small
attention. Copies of it were made, so that it rapidly
circulated amongst the students in manuscript. Pre¬
sumably through the young medical student J. O.
Rudbeck, it came under Professor Rudbeck’s eyes,
who so much liked this tract, that he went himself to
Dr. Celsius, merely to ask who the student was, who
had shown so much knowledge in botany. A fair
written copy with scarcely varied title, was communi¬
cated to the Royal Society of Science at its meeting on
the 23rd April, 1730, presumably by Rudbeck. In the
minutes drawn up by Anders Celsius, it appears that
the Society gladly received the author’s ripe studies
and experience in botany, and desired that the said
dissertation might be printed and published.
Another result of this paper was that it surpassed
the boldest expectations. Professor Rudbeck, who
was busy on his great “ Lexicon harmonicum ” and for
its completion had received from the Chancellor many
helpers subsidized by Royal stipends, wanted some
one to undertake instruction in botany, that is, to hold
demonstrations at the end of each spring term, con¬
cerning the plants in the botanic garden. At first
he thought of the acting Adjunct, E. Preutz, who
expressed himself quite willing, but Professor Rudbeck
took him into the garden and noted that Preutz was
not at home there. So he sent for Carl Linnseus, led
him to the garden, examined him long and thoroughly,
and asked him if he would undertake the duties.
Though astonished at the request to a student of
little more than two years standing, to lecture publicly
before so great a university, he yet assented with
respect, provided the Professor ventured to entrust
him with the task. Professor Roberg stoutly opposed
this, that a youth should be let loose on such a confi¬
dential commission, but it happened that no one else
was available. It can easily be imagined that among
the students it would awaken great attention, and
therefore when on the 4th May Linnaeus began his
demonstrations, and during the whole of the following
period from Easter till Midsummer the garden was
filled with auditors : he wrote to Stobaeus that he had
almost always from two hundred to four hundred
hearers, whilst the professors seldom had more than
eighty, and he hoped that he would always acquit
himself with credit.
What was the character of these first lectures of the
young fellow? That they completely met the then
wants and wishes of the students is evident, but how
did he comport himself when compared with the
standard of later times? It cannot be denied that
according to our ideas, they must be regarded as
tolerably lean and scantily scientific; they were
restricted practically to the giving of the names of the
plants in question and their so-called virtues, especially
in medicine, some etymological remarks with a few
anecdotes from classic authors. But the lectures
given by the learned Rudbeck were just of the same
sort, and Linnaeus at the end of his first term, justified
expectations. Moreover, it is very likely that youth¬
ful enthusiasm gave a fresh and brisk grace, which was
appreciated by his audience.
The uncontested progress as teacher which he
thus gained prepared him soon for another advantage
for on the 13th June, Jubilee Day, he removed from
Dr. Celsius’s house to that of Professor Rudbeck, who
was so kind as to permit him to act as tutor to his three

youngest boys, with a salary of 50 silver dalers per

annum [ £ 3 15s.]. He was also to coach a fourth son,
Johan Olof, in medicine in his leisure hours, receiving
an extra 40 dalers [^3] and stipend of 60 dalers
\_£a ios.J, altogether amounting to £11 5s., so
that Linnaeus had now, as he confessed, a sufficient
income through God’s favour. In passing, it may be
stated, that Rudbeck had been thrice married and had
twenty-four children.
As regards the emoluments just mentioned, it was
due to Rudbeck’s appeal to the Great Consistory that
a double Royal stipend should be awarded to Carl
Linnaeus, as one of the most spirited and promising
of the young men folk, and that he should act as
Docent or Assistant Professor, giving as a reason, that
though in poverty he had acted with such energy and
perseverance, especially in botany, that he should be
encouraged by special favours. This was approved
by some of the professors, who, recognizing the merits
of the case, urged the Chancellor to entertain the idea.
Soon afterwards the consent was given, so* that
Linnaeus, during the period of his teaching, was
regarded as the most eminent among the medical
The income now enumerated was not the only
amount Linnaeus possessed at that time, for he had
also earned some by the instruction of students bv
going two or three times each week to give private
lectures in the field to his colleagues. What these
were during the summer term of 1730, appear from
his own notes still extant, which show that not only
medical students, but others also availed themselves
of his guidance. What they paid is also noted; some
did so in money, others, the majority, gave books, such
as Caspar Bauhin’s “ Pinax ”—the actual copy being
in the library of the Linnean Society with the auto¬
graph of the new owner and the date when acquired;
others again gave useful articles, as hats, stockings,
hair-purses, gloves, etc.

Of still greater economic gain was, that Linnaeus

by living in Rudbeck’s house, had daily access to the
excellent library there, and also opportunities for
counsel and explanations from his learned and bene¬
volent principal. With ardent zeal he flung himself
into his botanic and zoologic studies. Doubtless his
duties as teacher came into conflict with his zeal for
research, so that he experienced how precious time
became when it must be applied to others, in order
that the question of bodily requirements should be met.
All went well however, the days were given to work
with his pupils, and the nights to working out his new
system and reform, which he was beginning in botany.
To give a detailed account of all the botanic essays
which at this and succeeding periods were written is
hardly appropriate to our task. Enough to say that
he now began his “ Bibliotheca botanica,” “ Classes
plantarum,” “ Critica botanica ” and “ Genera plan-
tarum,” every moment being thus spent so long as he
was at Uppsala. Zoology also was not overlooked;
the opportunity of steadily going through Rudbeck’s
incomparably beautiful drawings of Swedish birds,
gave him grounds for drawing up a new “ Methodus
Avium sueticarum ” as well as “ Insecta Uplandica
methodice digesta,” as objects for his labours. There
is doubtless much truth in the statement made in his
old age, that he had placed before his mind certain
objectives before he was twenty-three years old, and
had executed all before he came back to Sweden in
Linnaeus’s early effort, “ Sponsalia plantarum,”
has already been mentioned. Partly due to his innate
perception, partly perhaps to his great observation
(called into being by his rapid work), his mental dis¬
position towards flowers was strengthened, especially
with regard to their reproductive parts which
demanded an accurate investigation. Gradually he
was led to think about the subject of systematic
arrangement—something which in his earliest efforts

had hardly come into the question. He then began

to doubt whether Tournefort’s method was sufficient,
so that he set himself to describing accurately all
flowers, referring them to new classes, and reforming
their names and genera in a new fashion. This work
occupied all his time during the summer. These
systematic speculations were combined with another
competitive subject, to which also he earnestly devoted
himself. In his demonstrations in the botanic garden,
he had been asked to compile a catalogue of the
plants, so that his hearers could avail themselves of
it when plants were named, and thus spare themselves
the inconvenience of copying all the names quickly
in the open air of the garden, which might result in
mistakes in names or citations. On the ground of
this modest request, Linnaeus quickly drew up a
“ Hortus Uplandicus,” which he revised and
enlarged time after time after he had visited many
gardens. At the beginning, he made use of Tourne¬
fort’s system, but as early as 29th July, 1730, the
plants were taken in “ methodo propria in classes
distributae ” [arranged in classes according to his own
Concerning this attempt, his German pupil J. C.
D. Schreber remarks, “ that it was only a rough sketch
consisting of twenty-one classes, and as to names, it
was very different from his later efforts/' This judg¬
ment is hardly sound, for even a hasty glance shows
that the guiding principles upon which the classifica¬
tion rested, are the same as those printed later. Small
improvements and changes of names meanwhile were
made in the various versions which succeeded, lead¬
ing to his “ Systema Naturae ” in 1735. Still more so
is the case with his “ Adonis Uplandicus ” which
Professor Rudbeck in the author’s presence presented
to the Royal Society of Science on the nth May,
1731. This paper was greeted by the members with
unstinted applause. Concerning this, Linnaeus wrote
to Stobaeus, “ The Society at first thought I was mad,
but when I explained my meaning, they ceased laugh¬
ing and promised to promote my design.” Thus at
twenty-four years of age, Linnaeus had completed his
sexual system, and by a lucky chance, solved the
problem, which hitherto all other botanists had failed
to solve, namely the promulgation of a clear and easy
scheme, by which the many productions of Nature
could be arranged and found again. This simplicity
formed its strength; at once it thrust aside all the
older, perplexing systems, and to this day it is
recognized as occupying the first place amongst
artificial systems, however many there may be.
Still another production of his authorship at this
time may be mentioned, less for its scientific weight
and importance, than for the circumstances which were
connected with its origin. It has already been related
how Celsius and Linnaeus took two journeys in 1729
to Borje to see a single plant, Sceptrum Carolinum.
In September, 1730, Linnaeus travelled to the same
place and for the same purpose, this time accompanied
by Johan Olof Rudbeck. It is evident that this plant
was regarded with special interest, which, from its
stately appearance, was well deserved. Discovered
by the younger Rudbeck as a boy, who afterwards met
with it by the Lule river during his Lapland journey
in 1695, he had dedicated it to King Carl XII in
yerses to be found in his “ Nora Samolad,” with the
name of “ Carl’s spira ” [Charles’s Sceptre] not long
after the king’s victory at Narva.
When the young J. O. Rudbeck had to put forward
an academic disputation, this plant was chosen as the
subject; till then it lacked scientific description, and
under Rudbeck’s presidency, this thesis would be
brought up as a customary holiday task. J. F.
Bergman and Professor Roberg had produced verses
on the plant, but this stately issue took on a comic
colour when we read on the back of the title page of
the manuscript entry, “ I wrote this dissertation in one
day for thirty dalers in copper (fifteen shillings), there-
fore another has the credit.” It may be observed that
when the manuscript and the printed treatise are com¬
pared, differences in the language are found, for it
was first written in Swedish, but its later form was
in Latin throughout. The question is valid, how far
the said plant is a special genus or if it should be
referred to the old genus P edicularis. One suspects
Professor Rudbeck’s paternal hand, which here and
there altered the young student’s “ day’s labour.”
The whole of this little episode speaks eloquently of
the intimate relation which Linnaeus enjoyed in the
Rudbeckian home.
That Linnaeus throve there is apparent. A
tempting invitation being made to him in October,
1731, to undertake tuition the following Easter at
Archiater Nordenheim’s in Stockholm, he accepted the
proposal, but afterwards revoked it. He found him¬
self specially drawn to his kindly host, and tried to
show his gratitude to his benefactor. Not long after
he had removed to the Rudbeckian household, which
took place on St. Olof’s Day, 29th July, 1730, he con¬
tributed to the celebration of the event by giving to
O. Rudbeck, as a gift, one of the previously mentioned
editions of “ Hortus Uplandicus ” adorned by some
of his own verses. The next year, he presented an
“ Odmjukt offer ” [an humble offering] consisting
of a description of the new genus Rudbeckia. He
had already in his “ Spolia botanica ” given this name
to another genus, namely that which now bears the
name Linncea; this was actually written so at first,
then partially erased, and Rudbeckia substituted, but
the original name is plainly to be discerned beneath
it; further, in “ Methodus Avium” there is a bird
genus named Rudbeckiana, which led to the passage
“ Though all the world be silent, the plant Rudbeckia
and the birds Rudbeckiance sing thy noble name.”
The success which had hitherto attended him
became clouded in some measure by the return of Nils
Rosen from his foreign travels. This man, whom

Uppsala University honoured and still honours as

one of its most eminent physicians, and who is rightly
termed, “ the medical father in our country,” was,
like Linnaeus, a pupil of Stobaeus, who entertained
of him, though young, the highest hopes. When
Rudbeck obtained release from his lectures (p. 28)
the medical faculty resolved with the approval of its
most eminent physician, Casten Ronnow, to move
the Chancellor to appoint Rosen as Adjunct, that is
Assistant to the Professor, so soon as he had com¬
pleted his intended journey abroad, and undergone
“promotion” [graduated]. To this the Chancellor
willingly agreed, and assured the said Rosen that he
should enter upon his duties on his return home, and
then take up his salary. He came back to Uppsala on
the 4th March, 1731, and on the 16th of the same
month began to lecture; soon after, it was decided
that his salary should be reckoned as from the
24th December of the previous year.
Whether Rosen then wished actually to function
as Adjunct, that is, to take care of the instruction
(about which an agreement was made between him
and the medical faculty), is doubtful, but it can hardly
be characterized as improper. On the contrary he
might have been justly liable to censure, had he
desired to withdraw from his duties, and so disappoint
the trust which was shown him by his appointment as
teacher in the University. As regards the parties con¬
cerned, in this case Rudbeck and Roberg, they could
not entertain the idea that a young student should
displace one who for eminent knowledge and skill
well deserved the post. This feeling is so entirely
natural, that one would be astonished by its absence.
All the charges and insults which were directed
against the Uppsala professors and Rosen by thought¬
less memorialists, and afterwards zealously repeated,
are therefore, to use a mild expression, entirely wide
of the mark.
Into the bargain too, Rosen’s return at first caused
no change in Linnaeus’s position as a teacher. During
the spring term of 1731, the former confined himself
to instruction in anatomy, upon which subject he, as
no other practical man was at Uppsala called upon,
was much occupied. It is more than likely that he,
in conformity with his duty, offered himself, or
expressed a wish, in 1731, to hold each spring term
botanic demonstrations, but the fact is, that the
botanic instruction in 1731 was carried out by
Linnaeus. Presumably this was arranged by Rudbeck
before Rosen’s return from abroad.
That year as it happened, since Linnaeus for the
first time fulfilled his commission, a great change in
his affairs had taken place. In the botanic garden,
which he had rearranged according to his own system,
and had enriched by importing rare plants from other
gardens and the country, he was no longer a promis¬
ing youth, but a practical scientific man, full of new
ideas, and eager to put forth the same to numerous and
inquisitive hearers. The exhibition, during a part of
the season of blooming plants and reports of their
properties, was no longer sufficient. Even the
demonstrations themselves had to be conducted in a
different and more scientific and comprehensive way
from his well thought-out “Schema,” which he followed
in demonstrations of plants in the botanic garden.
In connection with this came the introduction of what
had never hitherto been taught at Uppsala, namely,
his botanic theory, which he, later on, enlarged and
reconstructed, publishing it in 1751 as “ Philosophia
Botanica.” When on the 3rd May he began his
lectures, he declared that he proposed to explain his
theory on two days in each week, and on two other
days to give demonstrations on the garden plants. It
cannot be gainsaid that though this was an innovation
in botanic instruction there was little or no opposition,
and therefore Uppsala University must be congratu¬
lated on possessing the service of such a teacher in
botany. But would it have benefited him had he
remained as he was? It will be shown that that
which happened, was the best both for him and for
Already when in the spring the lecture courses
were published for the period from midsummer of
that year to the same time next year, it was decided
that Rudbeck, through Rosen as his deputy, should
give botanic lectures in the botanic garden at four
o’clock in the afternoon. That Linnaeus by this felt
mortified or depressed appears from his letters and
notes at that time.
Immediately after the conclusion of his lectures,
whilst Rudbeck was drinking the waters at a watering
place, he arranged to take a journey to Stockholm
in Rudbeck’s post yacht, a means of travelling much
used and enjoyed by the commonalty, in company
with twenty students, who were now going down after
the end of term. By much labour and exertion, they
succeeded, during a calm, in reaching a small island
named Kofso, on Midsummer Day at two a.m. “ The
sailors and my companions,” he relates, “ went off to
refresh themselves, and sleep, but I landed, and went
to and fro, from side to side, leaving only a yard from
the former path, almost as a man ploughs. I had
hardly completed my course and plucked a leaf of
each plant, before the captain ordered all on board,
as a new breeze had sprung up, but I venture to say
that hardly a single plant had escaped my hand,
except mosses.” A catalogue of eighty species is still
extant, and bears the title “ Flora Kofsoensis.”
On his reaching Stockholm, where Linnaeus had
free lodging with Apothecary Warmholtz, he
employed his time chiefly in visiting the gardens in
the capital and its neighbourhood. He also made an
excursion to Wiksberg, a noted watering place; the
result being his “ Hortus ” and “ Adonis Uplan-
dicus.” Moreover, during this stay in Stockholm, he
did not omit to become acquainted with the medical
cabinet of the Medical College, nor to learn the rudi-
merits of pharmacy in Warmholtz’s laboratory. He
also obtained a large number of shells of different
kinds for his own collection.
By the 24th July he was back at Uppsala. How
he busied himself during the rest of this year there is
not much to relate, but his time was certainly much
taken up by the tuition of the young Rudbecks (p. 49),
private lectures, and writings for scientific journals.
Hereto was observed the promise made to Stobseus
that when he composed botanic works, on which he
worked with burning earnestness, no contract should
be made with ^Esculapius, “ if I am an honest fellow,”
but he made use of Rosen’s private teaching for a
glance into therapeutics. This he found less attrac¬
tive than natural history, even although he lacked
opportunity to visit sick-rooms and learn from patients’
own mouths as formerly. At Lund, “ My natural
history,” he says, “ has now no such free entry, though
sometimes it sneaks in.”
During this period he began also to arrange a
portion of his written discourses ready for printing.
At first he thought of beginning with “ Hortus
Uplandicus ” on which he laboured till the end of July,
1731, in Stockholm, and would have taken from a
bookseller, who undertook to publish it, only a hundred
copies. “ My other lucubrations,” he says, “ I thought
of selling to Germans.” This attempt, like all the
others which he made during succeeding years to find
a publisher, met with no other result than disappointed
hopes. “ First, he sent ‘ Hortus Uplandicus,’ which
passed through many hands, but nobody thought it
worth printing. Upon this he sent out his ‘ Nuptiae
Plantarum’; printing was promised, but where this
manuscript now is, not even the author knows. Now
he received the promise to print the ‘ Fundamenta
Botanica,’ but the medical faculty at Greifswald had
condemned it as ‘ food for cockroaches.’ Luckless
offspring! And what will happen when I appear as
the antagonist of all botanists in the whole world? ”
Before we close this presentation of the life and
activities of Linnaeus at this stage, an addition must
be made of his behaviour to what then was regarded
as the flower of university life, namely public disputa¬
tions. The first time he appeared in such, was on the
26th March, 1729, when he opposed one of Professor
Roberg’s theses on the circulation of the blood.
Another time he did his duty as opponent on the
23rd June, 1730, when Daniel Bonge, under Roberg’s
presidency, set out his treatise on the nature of salmon
and their capture in Osterbotten. According to his
own statement he was respondent on the 27th April,
1731, in a public disputation with holders of Royal
stipends, again under Roberg’s presidency, and on the
25 th of May in the same year, he was tempted to
appear as an extra opponent under the presidency of
Anders Gronvall, Professor of practical philosophy, to
the graduation thesis of Thomas Jerlin, “ On the
ungrateful cuckoo,” and this in such style, “ that they
never forgot it, for both sides showed such vehemence
and passion.” Finally it may be added, though it
belongs to the next spring term, that on the 17th April,
1732, “ Dr. Roberg gave out as materials for disputa¬
tion, ‘ De Libella of Leetstrom ’ [on the dragonfly] and
‘ De Cornus herba ’ of Linnaeus, but, as the latter
remarks, and as Dr. Celsius informed me, Dillenius
having founded the genus, I would not appear,
although the thesis was half-printed, but was revoked.”
To sum up the first year of Linnaeus’s residence at
Uppsala, we find that his teachers put him forward for
stipends, and he was mentioned in the Consistory and
supported by most of the professors as deserving of
recognition, and superior in attainments to his fellows.
But Christmas of 1731 was now approaching and
in consequence of a quick change in his relations to
Rudbeck’s family, he had much to think about. Quite
unexpectedly an event occurred, which made him
resolve to give up his tutorship. In Rudbeck’s house
a “ minx G. B ” [Greta Benzelia] was an inmate, who
so managed matters as to make Rudbeck’s wife take a
dislike to Linnaeus for not keeping his pupils neat.
For this reason he considered himself obliged to
provide himself with another situation.” In another
place he says, that the person who made the mischief
was the unfaithful wife of the librarian Norrelius,
whose conduct gave rise to much scandal: separated
from her husband she went to Copenhagen, lived a
loose life and afterwards died there.
On the 18th December he left Rudbeck’s house
and betook himself to Sm&land to his parents, whom
he had not seen for nearly three and a half years. He
longed to meet them, and they him, specially this
being so with his ailing mother. She had formerly
the belief that he could not become anything above a
veterinary surgeon, but her previously cooled sense
had now changed, and she looked forward with joy
to the hour when the home should receive her first¬
born, who had had the honour of lecturing as a pro¬
fessor, though a student for only two years.
This journey had besides another object, he
wanted to consult his parents about a daring and
important project. How these plans shaped them¬
selves, therefore, will be narrated in the next chapter.


The subject of conversations which they had held

during Linnaeus’s stay with Rudbeck and now renewed
with pleasure, was the latter’s recollection of his own
journey in 1695 to Tornea Lapland. Rudbeck
showed the plants he found there depicted in lively
colours, and often talked about the rare phenomena
and objects he saw on that journey, so that in Linnaeus
there arose an incredible longing for the Lapland
fells. As Rudbeck’s collections were destroyed in
the Uppsala fire of 1702, before they had been fully
worked up, Lapland, from a natural history point of
view, continued almost entirely an unknown land,
this fact assuring Linnaeus of an extensive and grate¬
ful field of work and inciting him to illustrate Lapland
in the three kingdoms of nature. Presumably it was
through Rudbeck that the Secretary of the Royal
Society of Science, Professor Anders Celsius, became
aware that Linnaeus harboured an irrepressible interest
in Lapland. The recently ratified royal ordinances
for the said scientific society embraced a provision
for the investigation of the fatherland in all respects,
and for the society’s members to travel round the
country, so as to take due account, and to engage
suitable men in Sweden to enter on such tasks, Celsius
promising that the necessary funds from the society
should be forthcoming.
A journey, such as this, was then attended with
troubles and dangers so great that one in our time
finds it difficult to realize them. It was regarded as
almost an improper and hazardous project, especially
because of its condition and the prevailing ignorance
in Lapland, the actual dangers from the inhabitants
standing out in a greatly magnified shape. Before a
definite decision was reached, therefore, Linnaeus felt
that he must obtain his parents’ advice and consent.
“ Mother,” relates Samuel Linnaeus, “ dissuaded him,
fearing that so adventurous a journey might cut short
her newly found gladness. She wrote to him with
many reasons against his design, and quoted the old
In thy country born and bred,
By God’s bounty duly fed.
Be not lightly from it led ! *

But father left it to Carl’s own choice. ‘ Thou hast

no more than one life to take care of,’ he wrote, ‘ if
thou find it advantageous to thy future call upon God
for help. He is everywhere, even among the wildest
fells. Trust to Him. My prayers to God shall go
with thee.’ ”
The result of these discussions was that Linnaeus,
on the 15th December, 1731, handed in a long docu¬
ment, addressed to the President of the Royal Society
of Science, State Councillor Arvid Bern. Horn and
the members. Herein he set out “ that as our father-
land, no less than all other flourishing states, are now
provided with scientific societies (who favour and
possess the greatest studies in the entire kingdom),
so it is highly necessary that our Sweden, no less than
other places in the whole world, may ere long pride
itself in every kind of noble science and learning.

♦This recalls the old invocation translated thus by Stopford

Brooke from Cynewulf, about a.d. 750 : —
Hail thou, Earth Mother of Men!
In the lap of the God be thou a-growing f
Be filled with fodder for fare-need of men!
“ I dare say this hymn was sung ten thousand years ago, by
the early Aryans on the Baltic coast.” (Early English Literature,
i. 220.) The Swedish form seems to be a Christianized and later

In the same aspect no one doubts that our country,

whose natural history has hitherto lain in thick dark¬
ness, may also in a short time, boast of its efficiency
through its inquiring members. Lapland first
deserves accurate investigation; a tract highly admired
by poets and historians, both praised and blamed.
The whole of Europe and nearly the whole of the
world have been searched through, but this country
lies wrapped in cruel barbarism, and fabulous tradi¬
tions are current.” Various points of view are
appended, on which investigation should be made,
such as the natural productions of Lapland, the
diseases occurring there, the Lapps’ curious diet and
cooking, their domestic medicine, with numerous
other things which, for the sake of brevity, could not
be specified. As to the zoology of Lapland, probably
many mammals may be discovered, but on the other
hand, there are many of the rarer kinds such as
reindeer, lemmings, gluttons, etc., concerning which
so many errors are recorded, that one would be wearied
in recounting them. There must be a large number
of birds which annually gather together from all parts
of the world, and here, free from disturbance, lay their
eggs and rear their young in peace. As this country
is everywhere traversed by great streams and rivers,
it should follow that here occur many kinds of curious
and hitherto undescribed or unknown fishes, “ and as
to insects, there must be in summer a superabundance
when one recalls, as travellers relate, how the people
are attacked and pestered by them.”
The other two kingdoms of nature have also much
to offer as deserying of closer observation. Plants
are found in Lapland as Professor Rudbeck has
already shown, particularly rare and unknown, such
as the numerous species of willows, which, and with
many others, need description. Similarly we may
also believe that there is no lack of mosses, now so
prized by botanists. As for the mineral kingdom, we
already know of the costly treasures of metals which
Nature has long concealed in her distant chambers
under the Pole star, and this leads one to suspect that
many splendid and useful sorts are to be found when
fortune and industry are allied. Therefore since
these spots are full of iron ore, here should be dis¬
covered valuable mineral waters, serviceable as water¬
ing places, with perhaps other and rarer properties.
Still further would be an opportunity to investigate
what Nature performs in the living body by means
of the especial situation of the country, weather and
the exhalations of the earth, besides the bitter cold
and heat in yearly change, etc.
Linnaeus continues, “ that one sees clearly that no
tract in the world offers a more splendid field for
observation in all three kingdoms of nature, so that
one with a good conscience cannot hold back there¬
from. It is therefore desirable that somebody should
be sent to investigate Lapland, fitly chosen and as
intelligent as the journey requires, else it would be
in vain, if one of other views were sent. For the
purposes of the investigation the following personal
attributes are requisite :
a. He should be a native of Sweden, in order that
foreigners should not usurp what the natives have
paid for.
p. Young and light, that he may run vigorously
up the steep hills, and back into the deep valleys.
y. Healthy, that he with greater ease and comfort
may carry out, each day, his appointed task.
S. Untiring, not only in pleasant times, for
he may come short of food, he must be on foot,
stooping, enduring heat and thirst, with many other
difficulties, it being no pleasure jaunt for a fine
€. Without other duties, for here is constant duty,
to outdo the best.
£ Unmarried, so that he may yenture on the
waters of the rivers, etc., without thinking about
possible fatherless children.

>/• Skilled in the groundwork of natural history

and medicine, that in all these subjects he may have
better insight.
0. Understanding all three kingdoms, perhaps
more difficult to find than a bird of paradise, for
amongst all our botanists there are few who are at
home in the other two kingdoms, but hardly one who
is competent in all.
i. Born a naturalist, not made, for it is remarkable
how they differ when they come to practise, as I can
testify by countless examples.
k. A draughtsman, that he may better describe
by drawings the rare things observed.”
A person so endowed, according to Linnaeus’s
views, would be the best to be sent on the journey of
discovery, “ but there are few here in Sweden endowed
with all these attributes, a fact which I consider it
difficult if not impossible to overcome.” Failing a
better one, he offers himself to undertake the Lapland
journey, as he at least possesses the chief of the
requisites mentioned. He specially wishes to show
that he had sufficient knowledge of botany and
zoology, and declares himself willing, if required, to
submit himself for examination. In mineralogy,
which he studied under Professor Stobaeus, he admits
he was not as expert as desirable, but this want could
be supplied, as he was to stay at Lund for a month or
two to study.
He applied therefore for 600 copper dalers [^15]
for the said journey to Lapland during the next
summer, “ as I then shall be at leisure and free, for
one cannot travel, and pursue my medical studies
without means.” For all the troubles and risks of
the journey he declares that he wishes for nothing
but to have a recommendatory letter from the Royal
Society, securing him a travelling stipend, so that he
may finish his studies.
A few days after delivery of this application,
Linnaeus started, as already stated, to Smaland, where

he spent Christmas and the January following in the

home of his parents. On the 2nd February he went
to Lund to see his dear Stobaeus, and to inform him¬
self in mineralogical matters. This visit proved to
be negative in results, for Stobaeus’s method did not
agree with Linnaeus’s ideas, and his collection, con¬
sisting mostly of fossils, was of no value for the
intended journey. He therefore returned to Sten-
brohult (arriving on the 14th February), and stayed
there till the end of the following month. How he
occupied himself is unknown, except that he wrote
his “ Adonis Stenbrohultensis,” and devoted himself
to medical practice. Amongst those he attended were
his mother, of whose illness he had received intelli¬
gence before leaving Uppsala, and his youngest
sister, who was attacked by small-pox. He had the
pleasure of seeing both restored to health. It is pre¬
sumed that he consulted his parents as to his intended
journey, perhaps also employing a good deal of time
in resting after the last year’s forced labour.
By the end of March spring seemed to have come
to Stenbrohult, whereupon Linnaeus hastened to
Uppsala, where he arrived on the 1st April, but
found severe wintry weather prevailing. This was
not the only misreckoning which there awaited him;
a more serious one was that nothing had been settled
as to his Lapland journey. Since his application to
the Royal Society of Science had been sent in, at
least five meetings had been held, at which both of
Linnaeus’s benefactors (Rudbeck and Celsius) were
present, but not a word was spoken about any support
to Linnaeus for his intended journey, judging from the
silence of the minutes. He was therefore compelled
to send in a new application on the 14th of April,
wherein he recalls his previous letter for permission
for a journey to Lapland, in the ensuing summer, to
elucidate its natural history. Probably because of
what he gleaned from private information, he reduced
his request for pecuniary help to 450 or at least 400

copper dalers [^12 10s. to ,£10], and gave details

based upon mileage.
This document produced the desired result. The
next day, 15th April, a meeting was held when
Linnaeus’s letter was read, and it was resolved that
400 dalers in copper should be granted for travel¬
ling expenses from the Society’s funds. This sum
was obviously too small for the intended object, but
the Society did all that it could, for according to the
accounts, only one daler nineteen ore (about ten-
pence) remained as balance in the treasury. Informa¬
tion of the resolution was sent a few days later to the
President, State Councillor Arvid Horn, who gave
his consent and approbation. Further, the Society
published in the “ Posttidningen ” what had been
decided in order to obtain information about Lapland,
and that Carl Linnaeus had been chosen to investigate
in all three kingdoms of nature, the healthiness and
inconveniences of the country, with a description of
the mode of life and the inhabitants. The agreed
sum was paid over by Anders Celsius on the 26th of
With this the journey became assured, and it only
remained for the unusually long and severe winter
to end. This period of suspense was employed in
necessary equipment. How this was done appears
from Linnaeus’s Diary in which he wrote how he got
his things and clothes together, thus :
“ My clothes consisted of a light coat of West-
gothland linsey (woolsey cloth) without folds, lined
with red shalloon, having small cuffs and collar of
shag; leather breeches; a round wig; a green leather
cap, and a pair of half-boots. I carried a small
leather bag, half an ell in length, but somewhat less
in breadth, furnished on one side with hooks and
eyes, so that it could be opened at pleasure. This
bag contained one shirt, two pairs of false sleeves
and two half shirts; an inkstand, pencase, microscope
and spying glass, a gauze cap to protect me occasion-
ally from the gnats, a comb, my journal, and a parcel
of paper stitched together for drying plants, both in
folio, and my manuscripts on Ornithology, Flora
U plandica and Char act eres Generici. I wore a
hanger at my side, and carried a small fowling-piece,
as well as an octangular stick, graduated for the pur¬
pose of measuring. My pocket-book contained a
passport from the Governor of Uppsala, and a recom¬
mendation from the Academy.”
With such simple plenishing and so scanty a
travelling purse, the young student set out in good
spirits on his long and perilous journey, undoubtedly
the most important one ever undertaken in Sweden,
and it is proper that an adequate description should
here be given. The English reader will find a
detailed account in Sir J. E. Smith’s edition of
“ Lachesis lapponica,” cited in the Bibliography.
On Friday, the 12th May, Old Style, 1732, at
eleven o’clock in the forenoon, when Linnaeus was
twenty-five years old less one day, he left Uppsala.
He rode out by the north customs gate, along the
great north road.
“ It was a splendid spring day; the sky was clear
and warm, while the west wind refreshed one with a
delicious breath. The winter rye stood six inches
high and the barley had newly come into leaf. The
birch was beginning to shoot, and all trees were leaf¬
ing, except the elm and aspen. Though only few of
the spring flowers were in bloom, it was obvious that
the whole land was smiling with the coming of spring.
The lark sang in the sky :
Ecee suum tirile, tirile, suum tirile tractat.
[Lo! it exercises its “ tirile, tirile,” its “ tirile,” i.e., an imitation
of its song.]

When about eight miles had been traversed, the

woods began to increase. The sweet lark which had
hitherto delighted our ears, left us, another bird, the
redwing, taking its place, which sang its sweetest from

the fir tops, emulating the nightingale, the master

These extracts from the first pages of his diary show
the fresh and hopeful feeling of the spring in the
breast of the solitary horseman.
The first, and also the last part of the narrative, has
little of interest to detain us; we therefore pass on to
his arrival at Gafle, with a fresh passport from the
Governor there, and thence through Gastrikland.
The most noteworthy fact met with was that at
Hamrange everybody spoke of a rare tree which grew
in a croft by the road, seen by many, but recognized
by none. Some said it was an apple tree, cursed by
a vagrant witch. Linnaeus hastened next morning by
sunrise to see this rarity, which to his astonishment
was only an elm, showing that Ulmus was not a
common tree in those parts.
Passing through Halsingland and approaching
Medelpad, he fell in with some of the people he
expected to meet on his journey, namely seven Lapps
who were driving sixty to seventy reindeer. In reply
to the question how they came to be in the low country
they answered, speaking good Swedish, that they had
been born by the sea, and hoped to die there.
Hardly had Medelpad been entered when he
received new tidings from the fells, namely that two
ptarmigan were seen by the roadside, but not within
range of gun, so he contented himself with a sight
of them through his telescope. Next he noticed great
quantities of Aconitum septentnonale, which seemed
as abundant as heather. He was tempted here to
leave the high-road for a time in order to ascend the
highest hill in Medelpad, called Norbykullen. Hav¬
ing tethered his horse to a runic stone, and accom¬
panied by a guide, he went up on the western side,
mostly on his knees. Up here the natives had
a “ look-out ” for the Russians, with an extensive
view over the sea. Here was also a beacon ready to
be lit, whenever the enemy should come in sight.
They descended by the steepest, southern side,
collecting by the way all kinds of rare plants, and
finding an owl’s nest with three young ones.
Continuing northward the journey was not exempt
from unpleasantness; not a single horse did he mount
which did not fall under him, once or repeatedly, and
on one occasion he hurt himself so that he could
hardly mount his steed again. He found his collec¬
tion of minerals too troublesome to carry, so at
Hernosand he had them packed ready to be sent to
The road followed the coast, where Linnaeus sighted
the fragments of a wreck. By the evening he reached
Sundsvall and then proceeded to Fjahl, where, on the
18th May, Ascension Day, he stayed, partly for the
festival, partly to rest his wearied and shaken body.
The next day he resumed his way and made a visit
to a cave in the Brunasberg, where it was said, a
felon lodged for a year or more, without disturbance.
Soon after he left Medelpad and its sandy roads, and
entered Angermanland, where big and deep streams
showed themselves, and were troublesome to cross.
Passing quickly by Hernosand he ferried over
the great Angermanland river, which here forms
a bay.
The next day, 20th May, Linnaeus encountered
an event which might easily have ended his journey.
The road lay alongside a steep and high mountain,
the Skulberg, in which there was said to be a cavern.
He wanted to go there, but the natives said it was
impossible; however, with great difficulty he got a
couple of fellows to go with him to show the way.
They ascended chiefly by dragging themselves up by
the bushes, or stones. He was following one of the
men, who was scrambling up a steep cliff, but when
he saw the other man getting up better, he started to
join the latter. Hardly had he stepped a yard to one
side, when the first fellow dislodged a stone, which
fell past him, with fire and smoke; a narrow escape

from death. Directly afterwards another stone came

tumbling down, whether by design or accident
Linnaeus knew not. At last they reached the vaulted
cavern, which was fourteen feet high, eighteen broad,
and twenty-two deep.
The ride on the main road was continued. Im¬
mediately Schulaskog was reached winter was
encountered for the third time, and when he passed
over the boundary into Vesterbotten, hardly a flower
was to be seen. The dwarf birch was abundant but
showed no sign of leafing.
On the 24th May he reached Umea, a little town,
well rebuilt after being burnt by the enemy. Governor
Grundel was visited at his house, where Linnaeus was
received with great politeness. He was fond of
natural curiosities and had many to talk about; his
garden was shown to be well furnished, though
potatoes only grew here as small as walnuts, and
tobacco seeded only under the greatest care. When
Linnaeus left Hernosand, he had with him a general
order to officials commanding them to help him on his
way, and to allow him to pass unhindered through
their country and forests, accompanied by Lapp guides
who spoke Swedish.
Until now Linnaeus had followed the road without
special difficulties (if one exclude heavy rain, squalls
and cold, with weariness resulting from a fortnight of
constant riding). At Umea he was obliged to seek
the quickest way to Lapland. It was in vain that the
natives tried to dissuade him, stating that it was
impossible for him to get to Lycksele in the spring,
in consequence of the floods in the extensive marshes,
which then form rivers too formidable to be crossed.
Linnaeus stood firm in his resolution and comforted
himself with Solomon’s word, that nothing was
impossible under the sun. He admitted that he
wished to explore Lapland’s southern parts, having
the impression that the southern fells ought to possess
a greater number of rare plants than the northern.
It was, however, during his journey in 1734, two
years afterwards, that he realized his error.
On the 26th May he started from Umea to get
to Lycksele Lapland. The journey now became
different from its beginning, for it rained hard and con¬
tinued to do so till the following midday. This how¬
ever was, relatively, an inconsiderable discomfort, as
also the circumstance that he could not hire a horse
quite so easily. Still worse, the track became bad,
and it was hazardous to life to sit his horse, which
stumbled between the stones at each step. He was
now travelling in byways, “ where no devil could find
him again.” He began to lose heart for want of a
companion and also tired of being shaken on horse¬
Such was the first day, the second being no better.
He started at midday, but found the going so bad,
that he never experienced its like, and all the elements
seemed against him. The track lay over stones inter¬
laced with tree roots; there were holes full of water,
added to by rain and springs rising out of the ground.
Branches of trees sodden with rain hung down into
his eyes. The small birches were bowed down; the
ancient pines which had kept each other up for years
now lay tumbled crosswise so that he rode with great
difficulty over the path. The frequent streams were
very deep and the bridges over them so rotten that
Linnaeus kept his seat on a stumbling horse at his
peril. To complete his troubles, he had to ride
without a saddle, using a cushion instead; there was
no bridle, but instead was a rope round the underjaw
of the beast, and in this manner he travelled towards
the fells. On the second day he reached Tecksnas.
The third day he came to Grand, whence he
should have gone by boat to Lycksele. This was
made, however, impossible, partly because of strong
winds, and partly because the watermen went to
prayers till eleven a.m. This was so late in the day
that he would not be able to reach Lycksele, more than
thirty miles away, by daylight, also there was no inn
on the way, where one could rest. Linnaeus, however,
was not cast down by this delay, for he had an
opportunity of describing a newly shot beaver.
The next day the journey upstream from Grand
began in a “ hap ” or Lapp boat, the voyage continu¬
ing yery pleasant, past forests on each side, in
delightful weather; red-shanks and other wading
birds ran on the banks and swans sported with each
other. By and by the Lapland boundary was passed,
and rapids rendering it impossible to sail up, the
characteristic fashion of overcoming these impedi¬

ments was employed. Landing below the force, the

rower took his knapsack on his back, took up the slight
boat, balanced it on his head, and carried it above the
rapids, running so that “ not even the devil could
overtake him.” Linnaeus went after, carrying his own
things, but not neglecting to note the animals and
plants which he saw by the wayside. A catalogue of
the plants observed by the “ Tuken ” [Tuggan] force
is specially noteworthy, as for the first time the name
Linruza appears, whilst in other places it was recorded
under the pre-Linnean names of Campanula serpilli-
folia, Nummularia norvegica and the like.
On the 30th Linnaeus reached Lycksele, where
he was hospitably received by the Rector, Ola Gran,
and his wife. They showed themselves solicitous for
Linnaeus’s comfort, and tried to persuade him to stay
with them until a greater number of Lapps should
come to Lycksele, be interviewed by the traveller^and,
by announcement from the pulpit, should themselves
be informed of the nature and object of his journey.
Without this, disaster might happen, as the Lapps
were apt to shoot at anyone taking them by surprise;
they had even put a gun to the priest’s wife’s chest,
when she had on one occasion gone amongst them
without warning. The following day, which was Whit
Sunday, no Lapp came to church, because the pikes
were spawning, these fish being their harvest. How¬
ever, many Lapps came a week later, otherwise they
would have been fined fifteen shillings each, with
enforced attendance at church on three Sundays. A
further reason was given that the spring floods were
imminent with consequent difficulties.
Sunday service was attended in the church, which
was built of wood, and was so “ wretched that when it
rained the wet came in, and the benches being low,
one had to sit in a cramped position.” After this,
Linnaeus again started, Sorsele being his destination;
and at first the journey was pursued without trouble.
As happened repeatedly afterwards, our traveller
recorded his dissatisfaction at the way in which the
forests were treated. Damage ensued from neglect,
so that instead of there being big forests of pine the
trees were allowed to fall and rot, being prostrated
by the storms, although some were certainly of good
growth. He wondered why tar and pitch were not
obtained from them, so that these forests might
produce some return.
The journey now became more difficult, and
Linnaeus’s companion, a Swedish settler, had to go
into the stream and drag the boat after him for miles
together. It was therefore necessary to seek a Lapp
who could help them. Several Lapp dwellings were
found empty, and Linnaeus became so tired that his
companion had to go alone on his quest. At last a
Lapp was found who could not speak a word of
Swedish, but he took them to his “koja” or tent, and
regaled them with fish and plain water, all that was
to be obtained at that time of year, and then guided
them to his nearest neighbour. They were thus
passed on from one Lapp to another, till they reached
the river Juktan, a tributary of the Umea.
The abominable conditions now reached such a
pass that the young naturalist found himself in a
most deplorable state. Wading over the river up to
the middle in cold water, they could not reach bottom
in the deepest part with a pole, but were obliged to
use it as a bridge to pass over in peril of life.
Immediately afterwards they came to extensive
marshes, through which they waded a Swedish mile
(nearly seven English miles) with great trouble, their
clothes being saturated with icy water, though the
frost was still unmelted in places. Linnaeus at this
point became disheartened, and began to regret having
undertaken such a journey. To add to their distress,
rain and strong winds set in. At six a.m. they deter¬
mined to rest, and lit a fire to dry their drenched
clothes; the north wind chilled them on one side, the
fire roasted the other, and mosquitoes attacked them
on all sides. No parson could describe a worse hell
than this; no poet could paint the Styx as being so
hideous. Linnaeus stayed by the fire while his
companion tried again to find another Lapp. He
wanted nothing more than to go back downstream,
but distrusted the hap, as his body was neither iron
nor steel. The Lapps are born to endure evils, as
birds to fly, though Linnaeus pitied them. This spot
was called Lycksmyren, but he thought it should be
renamed Olycksmyren, i.e., Luckless Marsh.
The travellers waited till two p.m. for the Lapp, who
returned utterly wearied, having searched many native
dwellings in vain, but with him came a being, Linnaeus
\H 4%

doubting whether it was a man or a woman. “ It

turned out to be a woman, small, with face blackened
with smoke, brown glittering eyes, black eyebrows,
hair as black as pitch, and hanging down all round her
head; a red flat cap, grey petticoat, with bosom like a
frog skin, pendulous breasts, with brass rings as adorn¬
ment; a girdle round her waist, and boots on her feet.
She appeared like a Fury, but spoke briskly and with
pity. ‘ Oh, you poor fellow, what unlucky fate has
brought you here, where I have never seen any
stranger. How did you get here and what do you
want? You see our dwellings and understand how
hard it is for us to get to church.5 I asked her howr
I could go further, either forward or any way, except
the way I came. ‘ No, you must go back the way
you came, there is no other, you cannot avoid it. Nor
can you proceed, for all the streams are in strong
flood. We cannot help you on your journey, for my
husband is ill, who otherwise might take you to our
neighbour, six miles off, who might perhaps aid you,
but I think it would be entirely useless.5
“ I asked, how far was it to Sorsele. 4 That I don’t
know,5 she answered, 4 but you could not get there
in less than a week.5
44 I already felt sick with fatigue, through carrying
my own effects, for the Lapp only bore the boat. I
was exhausted by wakeful nights, and much water
drinking, for only fish, often teeming with maggots
and unsalted, was afforded me for my sustenance, for
I had come to an end of the dried reindeer-meat
(indigestible without bread) which the priest’s mother
had given me. I wanted to find folk who ate broth,
and cared not if salmon ran up the stream. I asked
if she had any food for me. 4 No, unless you will
have fish.5 I looked at the fresh fish, which was
swarming with maggots in its mouth, which stayed my
hunger at the sight, but did not strengthen me. I
asked for reindeer tongue, which the natives dry
and sell. 4 No,5 was the answer. 4 Any reindeer
cheese? ' ‘ Yes, but about six miles off.5 ‘ If you
had some could I buy it?’ ‘Yes, I don't want you
to die of hunger in my country.' On coming to their
tent I found three cheeses lying under a roof without
walls; I took the smallest, which I paid for.
“ I was obliged to go back the way I came, which
I never desired. At last we came to our boat again,
and going downstream rapidly, I lay and dried myself
in the sunshine. The next day our boat split in the
force, my stuffed birds floated away, but my diary,
happily, was in my belt. The Lapp fortunately came
up, and waded to land; the axe had gone, but he got
a pole and laid it over the chasm. Our clothes were
first taken over, then I stripped and followed with
the pole. We pursued our way hungry and tired,
passing through dense forests. From another Lapp
I obtained fish, and then reached a settler's house,
where they broiled half-dried salmon over embers,
which I found delicious.''
Finally Linnaeus reached the priest’s house, haying
been without bread for four days, and allayed his
hunger. His journey was continued to Umea, which
he reached on the 8th and remained till the 12th June.
His course was now set for Skelleftea and then to
Pitea, which was gained late on the 15th. The only
noteworthy thing which happened was that he suc¬
ceeded in shooting a hawk-owl, which hitherto
unknown bird was described and sketched. The way
was pleasant, through splendid forests; the inhabitants
obtaining their chief income from firewood and tar.
The discomforts endured by Linnaeus while on his
unfortunate travels in Lycksele Lapland induced him
to rest a little. He stayed in Pitea till the 21st June.
That which surprised him most was that he found
in the borgmaster’s little garden a specimen of
Hyoscyamus carefully cherished and regarded as a
rarity. Besides, he made excursions outside the
town, and amongst the skerries, but the results were
not great. It was the same with the Lulea new town,
which he quickly quitted as there was nothing to
detain him. Then he went to old Lule by sea, as
there was not a horse to be had. There he remained
till the 25th June, and occupied himself with examin¬
ing a medicinal spring, also studying botany and
The summer in all its splendour had now come,
the weather being fine and sunny. Trees and bushes
rushed into leaf, amongst them being the numerous
willows of the north, not hitherto seen by Linnaeus.
“ Though the summer is shorter here than elsewhere,
it is more delightful. Never in all my days have I
felt livelier than now.”
It was now time to start for the fells. In a big
boat towed upstream by four or five fellows (to whom
he had to pay as much as they demanded) by the 28th
June he arrived at Storbacken on the river Lulea,
where he crossed the Lapland frontier, and hence by
a long and tedious way on foot to Jockmock. Here
it was that Linnaeus for the first time had a glimpse
of snowclad fells, though still far distant. Evidently
he looked at them after he left Jockmock and reached
Randijaur, for at the former place he regarded them
as nothing but obtuse and long high mountains, which
reared themselves one over the other. Farther on, he
saw, on the 1st of July, the midnight sun, which he
thought was not the least of Nature’s miracles.
“What foreigner would not wish to see it?” After a
pause at Kedkevara, where a silver vein was formerly
worked, he came to Qvickjock, where the famous
pastor’s wife, Pastorinna Grot, received him kindly.
Here he obtained a Lapp, who served him as inter¬
preter and guide, and to whom he gave a week’s
food for the festival which awaited him among his
fellow Lapps.
So on the 6th July, he drew towards the fells, the
first he ascended being Vallivare. What he saw there
surpassed his boldest expectations. He thought him¬
self in a new world, not knowing whether he was in
Asia or Africa, for the character of the soil, the
situation, and the plants were strange to him. Nearly
all the plants which he had met with on his journey
were here found in such abundance, that he was
frightened, and it seemed more than he could manage.
During the succeeding days, so long as he remained
among the fells, he was constantly encountering plants
he had never seen before, as his sketches in his diary
testify. As to the animal world, he became acquainted
with lemmings, char, alpine ptarmigan and others.
Reindeer were the object of his eager interest and
accurate observation; he had good opportunities for
their study, as the Lapp huts near which they were
to be found were as innumerable as the forests, form¬
ing a crowd like ants in an ant-heap.
Accompanied by his interpreter from Qvickjock,
who was annoyed by Linnaeus stopping here and there
for plants, he directed his course still further among
the fells, where he had to live by favour of the Lapps,
subsisting on what he could obtain from them. He
did not neglect to note and sketch when necessary all
that pertained to the Lapps’ way of living, clothing,
illnesses, etc. It seems that he quite enjoyed this
strange world, so full of noteworthy objects and
occurrences, even though he was compelled to reconcile
himself to such poor food as was set before him, and
to endure the lack of cleanliness, which sometimes
even took away his appetite. He also complained of
the flies being excessively troublesome.
During these wanderings he paused a little now
and then, and by the ioth of July, he reached the lake
Virijaur. Here he met with an adventure which
might have been fatal. As he passed over a snow-
field, which a stream had undermined, he broke
through and would have fallen to the bottom had he
not luckily saved himself, but only half-way, by the
grip of his hands. His companion hastened to a
Lapp hut near by, and he was drawn up by a rope
little injured, although wet and so severely bruised

on the thigh that it was painful for a month

Next day the frontier between Sweden and Norway
was passed, all covered with snow. A violent storm
set in with sleet and hail, which stuck like an icy crust
on his back, and the force of the wind was such that
the travellers were not only driven forward, but often
blown down and driven on some distance. Once he
was rolled over a distance equal to a musket-shot till
he brought up against a projection. Happily the
wind was easterly, but had it come from the opposite
direction progress would have been impossible.
After tramping about twenty miles, a change took
place. The streams from the melting snow ran west¬
ward, bare rocks stood out, and soon the sea was seen.
The landscape seemed to be a miniature garden when
thus viewed from the heights. When at last they
came to lower regions, Linnaeus welcomed the change
from the frozen fells to the warm valley, where he
sat down and ate wild strawberries. Instead of snow,
green plants and flowers were seen; in place of violent
wind there came a beautiful scent of flowering clover;
Linnaeus was able to drink cow’s milk and to refresh
himself with food, and to sit on a chair. But at the
same time he could not fail to see that the two Lapps
who accompanied him showed no sign of fatigue, but
on the contrary, began to run and play. To explain
this, he propounded the query, “ Cur lappones adeo
pedibus celeres?” i.e., Why are the Lapps so swift
of foot? and in his diary he set down his answer,
giving as reasons—“ shoes without heels, exercise
from childhood, meat diet, moderation in food and
drink, small stature, etc. He accounted also for their
good health by the pure air, well cooked food, pure
water, peaceful lives, and absence of fermented
It was Sorfjorden in Norway which was reached by
Linnaeus, where in its innermost bay he busied himself
by investigating the sea animals and plants. On the
14th July, he started to reach the celebrated Mael¬
strom, and was received by Pastor Johan Rasch, a
travelled man. The next day he proceeded to the
entrance of the fjord, and met with an adventure.
He was creeping along after strawberries, when he
noticed a Lapp with a gun presumably after birds, but
took no notice, till a musket-ball struck a stone in
front of him, the Lapp vanishing when Linnaeus drew
his hanger. This attempt on a peaceful stranger
showed their fear of witchcraft and their distrust of
all who were not known to them. Another specimen
of this feeling is thus recounted by Linnaeus : “ I
showed some sketches in my book to a Lapp; he
seemed frightened, snatched off his cap, bowed his
head, and struck his hands on his breast, mumbled
some words, and seemed as if about to swoon.”
Other instances are named by the diarist of the diffi¬
culties in keeping the Lapps to their work, and
preventing them from deserting.
The following day a return towards Lule Lapland
was begun in summer heat. Up the steep fellsides
they went, seeming never to gain the top, wet through
with sweat, till they began to stiffen with frost.
Linnaeus slipped into a stream which had made its
way under the snow.
The next day they traversed the glaciers on the
Swedish side, but encountered a thick fog, which
delayed progress, till they came upon the track of a
reindeer which was followed, and they escaped from
their dangerous position.
It was four days later, on the 20th of July, that
the travellers reached Qvickjock and there stayed
three days; Linnaeus enquiring about the life of the
Lapps, their habits, house-gear, care of reindeer,
hunting, diseases and the like. On the 26th July,
they reached the pearl-fishery of Purkijaur, which he
wished to see close at hand. As no boat was avail¬
able, they made a raft, but the semi-darkness pre¬
vented a clear view of their course across the river.

Further, the tree-trunks, forming the raft, began to

work loose, and it was with difficulty they avoided the
force; but luckily, in the end they reached the island
where the fishery was established.
The fishers used rafts of five long balks each ten
to twelve feet long, and fastened with birch withes,
a stone being used as an anchor. The mussels lay
in clear water near the force, and standing on the
forepart of the raft, the fisher used a wooden twelve-
foot pair of tongs to drag up the pearl-mussels. Few
pearls rewarded the search, most of the animals being
without any, and these were thrown away.
Resuming the march, a new adventure occurred.
Coming to a place where a forest fire had raged some
days before, they found the tree stumps and ant-heaps
still smouldering. Without foreseeing danger they
went on, but a breeze sprang up, and the burnt trees
began to fall. It was impossible to stand still be¬
cause of the smoke; once, a tree fell between Linnaeus
and his guide, but at last they passed the dangerous
place. The next trouble which followed immediately,
was a plague of small, blood-thirsty flies, fiercely
stinging, and not to be blown away; they swarmed on
their clothes like a black covering, and could not be
beaten off. Finally on the evening of the 30th they
reached Lulea, intending to go on at once to Tornea,
but the whole of the next day they had to remain
indoors, as a violent thunderstorm with heavy rain
prevented their starting. It was not till the 3rd
August that they reached Tornea, where Linnaeus was
hospitably received in his house by Rural Dean
Abraham Fougt.
In these comfortable quarters Linnaeus stayed till
the gth, resting after his exertions, but also investi¬
gating the vegetation round the town. He particu¬
larly tried to discover the source of the epidemic
disease of cattle, by which fifty to a hundred were
lost annually, doubting whether it arose from some
peculiar water or grass. He found that it came from
a superabundance of the poisonous water-hemlock,
Cicuta virosa, in the meadows. As remedy he advised
the digging out and uprooting of this plant, which
could be done by a girl in a month’s time, and the
result would be the saving of a large sum each year.
On the day above mentioned, Linnaeus betook
himself to Kemi, but when he reached the inn, he
could get neither horse nor food, so he returned to
Tornea, and some days later reached Kalix by water.
In Kalix Linnaeus made the acquaintance of
Circuit Judge Michael Eurenius Hoijer, a noble and
learned gentleman who accompanied him back to
Tornea and thence to certain neighbouring copper and
iron mines. Meanwhile severe frost came on, show¬
ing that autumn had set in, and as a visit to Torne
Lapland was desirable, Linnaeus used the same boat
back to Tornea and spent a further six days with the
judge, making notes of all that he observed. Whilst
at Kalix he became known to the mine surveyor,
Seger Svanberg, with whom he had spent some days at
Qvickjock. This official offered to teach Linnaeus the
art of assaying, an offer which was eagerly accepted,
he, in his turn, standing as godfather to Svanberg’s
new-born son. Only a few lines in his diary record
his ten days’ hard work on “ Ars docimastica,” which
proved most valuable, later on, in Uppsala.
It was now time to journey homeward, there being
three ways open, by sea to Stockholm, or by land,
either on the east or west coast of the Gulf of Bothnia.
The road along the coast of Finland was chosen as
being new country; he learned the Finnish names for
such things as he thought he should want, and thus
equipped himself for his journey.
In cool and rainy weather he set out, passing
through Uleaborg, Gamla Karleby (Old Charles¬
town), Jakobstad, Nya (New) Carleby, Vasa, Chris¬
tina, and Bjorneborg, till on the 30th September he
arrived at Abo. During this forced march, very few
observations could be recorded in the Diary, beyond
the conditions of the houses, such as blackened, sooty
doors and holes in place of windows. There was
always a nauseous smell of sour “ sik ” [gwyniad, a
fish], and the rooms were so hot, that his nose was
nearly scorched off, and so smoky, that his eyes were
constantly running. He noted with regret the ex¬
tensive moors, exclusively covered with heather which
defied eradication. The natives declared that two
plants would destroy the world, namely, heather and
Linnaeus remained in Abo till the 5th October,
and then journeyed by Aland and Grisslehamn,
reaching Uppsala on the 10th at one in the afternoon.
It was not surprising that this journey thus briefly
sketched, should awaken great interest in Sweden,
and not the least because of the kindly reception
which so greatly helped the young naturalist. With¬
out the explanations and help of every kind, which
were so generously given him, the result of his travels
would not have been so rich and valuable as they
proved to be. Only in one place, Jockmock, where
the clergyman and the schoolmaster wondered why
the Royal Society should have sent a young student
to search through Lapland, when older and more
competent men could be entrusted with that enter¬
prise, was there any unpleasantness. The conver¬
sation he had with these two worthies is amusing.
The chaplain held that the sky was solid; that Nostoc
was a plant [by accident he was right here], with
similar notions, and when Linnaeus attempted to put
the matter in a true light, they laughed derisively
and considered him mad.
A report of this journey was presented to the
Royal Society of Science at its meeting on the 9th
November. The minute drafted by Dr. N. Rosen
runs thus : “ Herr Linnaeus’s account of his journey
to and from Lapland, with its perils and labours, was
read; it included the history of novelties in all three
kingdoms of nature, which he supported with his
Catalogue.” Presumably this “ Catalogue ” was the
“ Florula lapponica” issued in the Society’s “ Acta ”
for 1732, practically the earliest work of Linnaeus to be
printed, as well as the first in his Sexual System. This
report embraced his account of the black ironsand in
all the rivers, the pearl-fishery at Purkijaur, twenty-
three new willows, a grass resistant to the greatest cold,
forage plants (which coloured butter deep yellow),
the Lapps’ love-potions, on the moxa, zoological
details, ten kinds of bread used when grain fails in
Norrland and Norway, and many similar observations.
Later, on the 10th February, 1733, were also pre¬
sented reports on the fatality amongst the cattle in
Torne, on the Aconitum in Medelpad which is eaten
by the inhabitants, and on a certain moss in the
forests. The last was Polytrickum commune, which
Linnaeus’s companion stripped from the ground it
covered and used as bed and coverlet, found to be
most comfortable. Another proof of the value set on
the Lapland journey was that when Professor Roberg
was visited, the latter hastened to write a long nar¬
ration on the journey from Linnaeus’s dictation.
Accounts of this expedition reached foreign
parts; already after the departure from Uppsala a
Hamburg journal, “ Niedersachische Nachrichten,”
noticed this event, and in the same paper, after his
return, appeared a brief statement of it, and the news
that the “ Flora lapponica ” and “ Lachesis lap-
ponica ” were in preparation. Also, a Nuremberg
journal published a report from London that J. J.
Dillenius had communicated the news to C. J. Trew,
himself learning it from Anders Celsius, whom he
had met in London; further, Celsius himself sent a
letter to Trew, when he had reached Berlin. To the
same effect a Copenhagen print, “ Nya Tidender om
laerde og curieuse Sager ” [News about learned and
interesting matters] alluded to the same subject, but
only in October, 1734, two years after the conclusion
of the journey, a striking commentary of the slow
communication in those days of events in the scientific
If we now put the question: Did this Lapland
travel really deserve the many eulogies, which even
persist to this day? For answer, an emphatic “ Yes ”
must be given. One has only to go through his diary
to be astonished that it was possible for a person so
poorly equipped in every respect as Linnaeus was, in
practically an unknown region, not only to travel so
far, but also to take such good observations. These
latter dispersed so many false impressions and filled
so many gaps, that even at this period the diary must
be regarded as a masterpiece. Surprise is awakened
when one sees the warm interest which the traveller
took in most varied objects, giving a constant and
acute attention which included Nature’s productions,
the inhabitants’ economic circumstances, habits and
uses, the various diseases occurring in different parts,
and the customary household details, the language
and sports of the Lapps. The sketches also testify
to a striking, sometimes playful, sometimes poetic
In the first place, must be noted the matters re¬
lating to the domain of botany. If one measures the
extent of the collections, they may be treated as
extremely scanty, for hardly anything not absolutely
required was collected to check the accompanying
notes. But these descriptions from living material
possessed a great value, forming a basis upon which
was written the “ Flora lapponica,” a work highly
estimated then, and yet recognized as of permanent
value. This is due to the fact that not only was much
of this material new, but it was accompanied by inter¬
esting facts concerning biology and geographical
distribution and their application to different objects.
This work, drawn up by Linnaeus, is the only one
of considerable length and entirely founded on the
observations taken during the Lapland journey. A
few other notes were issued in smaller publications,
though many are incorporated in later works, such
as “ Fauna suecica,” “ Flora suecica,” “ Species plan-
tarum,” and “ Systema Naturae.” Much information
was also imparted in his lectures, which were
diligently taken down by his hearers. In many cases
we can only wonder at his sound ideas and conceptions
of the future. For instance, when enjoying the pure
fresh air, the pellucid delicious water, he wrote : “ In
the dogdays it is usual to travel to some medicinal
spring for those who seem to need it. I can say,
that for many years, thank God, I have enjoyed fairly
good health, though sometimes oppressed and some¬
what low in spirits, but as soon as I came to the fells,
I gained new life, and as it were, a heavy weight was
taken off me. I spent a few days in Norway, and
there felt heavy; but as soon as I got to the fells, I
became at once revivified. For those who have
opportunity it would be better for them to come here
to drink snow water, rather than to stay in thick
weather, by marshy medicinal waters.” Linnaeus
thus perceived in advance our present day high
alpine sanatoria.
As regards Linnaeus himself, this journey was of
the greatest importance and value. It was clear that
thereby his energy was increased, his scientific out¬
look enlarged, his powers of observation sharpened;
in a word, his development took a great step forward
to the end which he was ultimately to reach. It is
true, that the hardships he underwent were such that
he declared “ he would not take such a journey again
for 2,000 platar [^300] ” but the troubles were past,
and the memories remained imperishable during the
rest of his life.
When Linnasus came back to Uppsala with his
treasures, there was one thing which specially
troubled him, namely—his economic position. It
has previously been mentioned that though (p. 65)
he estimated that his expenses would amount to
600 copper dalers, he only obtained 400. Moreover,
he underestimated the mileage, and on his return
found that he had traversed 672 Swedish miles, 150
on foot [respectively 4,793 and 996 English miles]
and the time had increased from 20 weeks to 6 months.
Even allowing that a part of these distances were so-
called Lapp-miles (that is, according to the guide’s
fancy), it is evident that the money was far too little.
A great advantage was the hospitality he met with
among Swedes, Norwegians and Finns. In Tornea
and again in Abo, he was forced to borrow respectively
fifty and fifteen shillings. Both during and after his
travels, he must have been calculating how to improve
his economic position. He was “ highly recommended
for the Piper scholarship,” but as this was founded
exclusively for Lund students, which University
Linnaeus had left, it is not easy to understand the
ground of his hopes. He had sent in his statement
of expenses soon after his report to the Royal Society
of Science, and later on an amended return, showing
a deficit of 211 silver dalers [^15 16s. 6d.] but the
Society regarded this as being too heavy a sum to
refund. Finding himself saddled with debt, he
exclaimed “ thus are Swedes rewarded,” though he
challenged the whole world to accomplish a similar
journey at the same cost. The Society then promised
to give him a recommendation to Count Horn, but the
intended journey to his house did not take place.
The Royal scholarship (p. 40) which he had hitherto
enjoyed, now ceased (in spite of the wishes of the
medical faculty), as by its constitution it could not be
continued after the spring term of 1732. But another
scholarship existed, the Wrede, from which he hoped
to get something to help him at Uppsala. No
ordinary scholarship was vacant, but it was a custom,
when the income exceeded the stipend, to bestow the
surplus on needy students. An appeal supported by
eight other students in Latin prose and verse was
made to the Consistory in November for this surplus,
but a competitor was in the field, namely, Olof Muren.
The result was that Linnaeus by ten votes to three,
received this gift, amounting to 30 platar [^4 2s. 6d.]
for the half-year; an attempt to upset this arrangement
in favour of Muren, being resisted by the Consistory
in the following February. During the remainder of
1732 he worked on his collections, and at Christmas
travelled home, arriving on Christmas Eve. His
parents were saying grace before meat, and received
him with delight. He had plenty to tell of his adven¬
tures, but feared that this would be the last time he
should see his mother. This thought was prophetic,
for in the following June he recorded that “ his dearest
and most pious mother passed away, in his absence,
to his indescribable anguish, care and loss.”


IN DALECARLIA (i 733~34)

After the year 1732, which proved so momentous

for Linnaeus, he continued a member of Uppsala
University for two more years. There is no occasion
to record how he employed himself in his professional
medical instruction, except that it seems to have been
of an entirely unsatisfactory character. One of the two
professors, Rudbeck, was enjoying a prolonged
freedom from his chair, engaged on his great
philological work; the other, Roberg, was for six
months in 1733, released from lecturing on account
of his rectorship, and during the remainder of that
year, he confined his instruction to materia medica,
and (as the University lacked a chemical laboratory)
to demonstrations in chemical operations, including
fireworks, with useful experiments. By this time
Linnaeus could not feel tempted by such a programme.
Adjunct Rosen continued his anatomical lectures with
energy and skill, but Linnaeus had already taken in all
that was necessary, and he naturally did not attend
the lectures in botany delivered by Rosen in the
botanic garden during May and June. Clinical
instruction was suspended, no doubt because of the
academic hospital’s miserable condition.
Under such circumstances Linnaeus spent all his
time and his uncommon powers of work in scientific
research, and in teaching natural history to students
who desired to avail themselves of such help. In the
former case, he devoted himself energetically to his
“ Flora lapponica,” but nevertheless because of his
own observation and study of earlier authors, he drew
up some smaller works, hoping to find some benevolent
publisher who would disseminate his new ideas
throughout home and foreign countries. In the course
of the year, he had finished fourteen memoirs; some
already named; but others may now be mentioned, as
“ Systema botanica,” “ Philosophia botanica,” with
augmentation to nearly four hundred fundamental pro¬
positions ; “ Harmonymia botanica,” correcting many
errors in genera and species, “ Characteres generici,”
“ Species plantarum,” and “ Diseta naturalis,” showing
how careful diet conduces to the prolongation of life.
The teaching Linnaeus imparted in the early part
of the year, does not seem to have been very profit¬
able. Probably he did not consider himself justified
in spending much time herein, for at the close of the
spring term, he expected a new payment of the Wrede
scholarship surplus, but in this, he found himself
unhappily mistaken. After the death of the Academic
Treasurer, J. Landberg, in the early part of the year,
much time passed before the accounts of the
University could be brought into such a state as
to decide whether a surplus existed or not. Thus
Linnaeus found himself in pecuniary embarrassment,
and ultimately it was shown that no surplus would be
available during that or the following year. This
money trouble was, however, modified by a student,
C. F. Mennander, a recent acquaintance, who paid
him for lectures on Natural History.
These economic difficulties spurred him on to
energetic teaching. When spring approached
Linnaeus found twenty auditors, resulting in 49 silver
dalers [about £3 14s.], and according to custom,
various botanic excursions took place under his leader¬
ship, yet he was still unable to get out of debt for his
Lapland journey, though he thus had a little allevia¬
tion of his poverty.
Linnaeus spent the summer of 1733 at Uppsala,
and during this period he began a series of lectures
on mineralogy, lasting a month. Probably this
suggested to him to employ his knowledge of assaying
ores and minerals, which he gained under Svanberg
the previous year. He therefore drew up a brief
handbook, “ Vulcanus docimasticus,” and with the
approval of the academic authorities, issued a notice
inviting attention to it. In this he maintained the
importance of the subject, especially in a country rich
in metals and minerals, undertaking to explain matters
so that his hearers could afterwards perform the
experiments. For this, including materials and imple¬
ments, his fee was only thirty copper dalers [fifteen
shillings] whilst other teachers charged ten times that
amount. Those who wished to take part were invited
to the lodgings of Linnaeus in the house of the widow
Rodde, whose husband, the academic dancing master,
had died in 1712.
The result was entirely satisfactory; both the
subject, which was new to the University, and the
lectures, attracted as many as his room could hold, so
that by December he had received 200 silver dalers
[,£15], and amongst the audience were several
notable personages, including Adjunct Rosen.
After the heavy work of term, Linnaeus considered
himself entitled to use some of his unaccustomed
wealth upon a little travel. He left Uppsala on the
20th December and stayed at Falun in the province
of Dalecarlia, as the guest of his friend and fellow-
student, Claes Sohlberg, who liberally entertained him
in his father’s house. “ Dalecarlia’s sirens,” he wrote
to Mennander, “ have tempted me to forget both
friends, cares, reflections, troubles, home, studies, and
time! I cannot close my ears to their songs; without
joking, I have enjoyed myself extremely well.”
However, the main object of this excursion was
not the pleasures of the place, but to gain opportunities
of increasing his insight into mineralogy and mining.
He stayed therefore some time at Falun, exploring the
mines and studying the smelting; he also visited
certain mines in the district, and in his notes names a
dozen facts which appealed to him as remarkable.
His impressions he summarized thus:

Nothing is more splendid than Steelwork;

>j extensive Copper smelting;
>> rational Ironwork;
>> speculative j) Stiernsund;
}> rich Norberg;
)j horrid Fahlund [Falun].
The last named concerns the mines exclusively.
He went down into them, and describes his sensations.
“ The whole way was by wooden ladders, mostly in
twenty steps apiece, and perpendicular. Two ladders
were often fastened together, which swung about,
some slanted, but most were upright. The ways
[drifts] were narrow every way, so that one had to
stoop or go on all fours, often striking one’s head
against the roof, which showed crystals of vitriol, or
were entirely black; it blew cold and strong till near the
bottom, so that a windmill could work. Out of the
mine a constant smoke ascended. Never has a poet
described a Styx, nor a theologian a hell so awful, as
that seen here, for upward rises a poisonous, stinging,
sulphurous smoke, which taints the air all round, and
so corrodes the ground that no plants can grow in the
neighbourhood. Below, it is unspeakably dark, never
shone upon by the sun, chambers filled with steam,
dust and heat, till at 450 ells deep [876 feet] one
reaches the solid hard earth. Here are more than 1,200
sun-fugitives, condemned to metalliferous work. The
drifts are dark with soot, the floor of slippery stone,
the passages narrow as if burrowed by moles, on all
sides incrusted with vitriol, and the roof drips corro¬
sive vitriolic water. The miners are naked to their
waists, with wool respirators over their mouths to pre¬
vent inhaling smoke and dust. Sweat pours from them
like water from a bag.”

How glad and satisfied was Linnaeus when he came

up unharmed from the mine, appears from his final
paragraph thus:
“ Thou, great Creator and preserver of all, who
On Lapland fells permitted us to ascend
so high;
In Falun mines permitted us to descend so
On Lapland fells showed me day without
In Falun mines showed me night without day;
On Lapland fells allowed me no surcease from
In Falun mines allowed me no surcoase from
On Lapland fells allowed me in one place to
see all seasons;
In Falun mines allowed me not one of the four
In Lapland bore me unharmed through so
many vital perils;
In Falun bore me unharmed through so many
perils to health.
Praise all that Thou hast created,
from beginning to end.”
At the end of February, Linnaeus left Falun and
reached Uppsala on the ist March, 1734, where his
first work was to arrange his collection of minerals
and rewrite his “ Systema lapidum ”; his meetings now
constituted a series such as never had been got to¬
gether at Uppsala, not even in the University, so that
his room, which served both as dwelling and museum,
attracted no small interest. “ You should have seen
his museum,” wrote his friend, J. Browallius, “ which
was available for his audience, it would have struck
you with surprise and delight. The ceiling he had
adorned with birds’ skins, one wall with a Lapp cos¬
tume and other curiosities, while a second boasted
medical books, with physical and chemical instru¬
ments and stones. The upper part of a corner was
occupied with tree-branches, with thirty different
kinds of tame fowl, and in the window stood big pots
of rare plants. Besides, one had the opportunity of
seeing his collection of dried plants pasted on paper,
all collected in Sweden, and amounting to more than
three thousand kinds, wild or cultivated, to which
must be added the Lapland rarest plants also dried
and pressed. Furthermore were a thousand species
of insects, and about as many of Swedish minerals,
placed on wide shelves and in the most pleasing way
arranged after Linnaeus’s own system, founded in
accordance with his observations.”
That this magnificence should attract pupils is
quite natural. This term he taught not only general
botany, but also dietetics, a science which he believed
he had himself found to be built hitherto on fallacious
principles, and therefore needed to be reformed. As
a foundation for this he drew up his “ Diasta
naturalis,” with seventy-five rules, after an introduc¬
tion in which preceding authors were severely judged.
Of his predecessors he considered Sanctorius the only
one worthy of note, the others being Hippocrates,
Celsus, Hoffman, Boerhaave, and six hundred others
whose writings on diet (with so many rules for health
that they cannot be reckoned) only proved the truth
that “ medice vivere est pessime vivere ” [to live by
medicine is to live horribly]. The reason is, that
doctors have taken mankind as possessing the
machinery of clockwork, not recognizing that he is an
intelligent animal. So if you would live long, live
as an animal of your kind should, especially in our

A Swede builds like an Italian;

,, takes snuff like-a Spaniard;
,, dresses like a Frenchman;
,, eats like an Englishman;

A Swede drinks like a German;

„ smokes like a Dutchman;
,, takes brandy like a Russian.

It cannot escape notice on reading through the

introduction that it bears the stamp of dejection and
bitterness. That he actually cherished such feelings,
is plain from his own notes written at this time.
Although his economic condition was not pressing,
one may take the end of the spring term of 1734 as
the most anxious period of his richly varied joys and
The reasons for this seem to have been many.
One of the weightiest was certainly the doubt and
unrest concerning the future which awaited him.
He could not avoid the thought that the years were
passing, thus diminishing his joy in study. He was
now twenty-seven years of age, and had been seven
years a student. It was his constant desire to remain
at Uppsala as a teacher, but doubted whether to aim
at this object or to earn his living as a practising
physician. In this latter profession there remained the
obstacle that he had not passed any examination, nor
had he been promoted Doctor of Medicine. That he
had latterly considered the matter, appears from his
thesis written in August 1733, in which was put for¬
ward a new hypothesis as to the cause of intermittent
fevers. He afterwards used this thesis in Holland
in 1735 for winning the doctorate. According to law,
this should have been obtainable in Sweden, where
the academic statutes permitted both Uppsala and
Lund to set up doctor’s promotion, but of old the idea
had established itself in Sweden that only in a foreign
land was the doctorate valid. It was therefore an
urgent necessity for him to undertake a journey
abroad, perhaps lasting some years, so as to prosecute
his medical studies and provide himself with a
diploma as Doctor of Medicine.
There was also another reason why Linnaeus

should wish to make such a journey. He had now

lying ready, at least in outline, many scientific
treatises on which he had spent much labour; these
with glad certainty of victory, he hoped would reform
natural history from the very bottom, and at the same
time ensure for himself a place as a valued member
of the scientific society of that time. But one thing
was wanting. He had vainly endeavoured to find a
publisher at home or abroad, but hearing from a fellow
countryman that Dr. Christ. Nettelbladt, Professor of
Law, had settled in Greifswald, he dispatched to him
the first part of his “ Fundamenta botanica,” with the
view of its being printed, though the outlook was not
very favourable. Nettelbladt did his best, but be¬
yond printing preliminary notices in certain German
journals, he could do nothing more, but recommended
application to the Dutch publishers.
A journey abroad was therefore needed, but that
required money. Whence was it to come? It was
only by denying himself that he had gained his edu¬
cation, helped by some little practice of medicine, but
now the economic outlook was considerably darkened.
True he was the supposed recipient of the Wrede
scholarship surplus, but from that he had no income,
no means being at hand to pay it. Attempts were
made to get some other scholarship. In accordance
with the prevailing custom of soliciting the powerful
influence of “ most noble patrons,” Linnseus applied
to the Governor of Umea, Gabriel Gyllengrijp. This
person made a most humble appeal to the King, that
some scholarship should be given to the needy
student, specifying two stipends or scholarships, but
these were hampered by special restrictions, so the
appeal came to nothing.
The Governor here mentioned had recently been
appointed to a post in West Bothnia, and, anxious to
improve the conditions in that province, consulted
Linnseus upon the methods of achieving this, result¬
ing in a report upon crops which could be cultivated
there. This attempt failed, as neither the Lapps nor
settlers would try any new methods. Gyllengrijp
again appealed to the King asking that Linnaeus
might be commissioned to undertake a new journey
to Norrland and Lapland, but this also was
After a long period of friendship between the two
pushing and competitive young men, Carl Linnaeus
and Nils Rosen, a cloud now arose between them. In
a wordy quarrel a sharp word fell which made a deep
impression on Linnaeus, so that he, rightly or wrongly,
now saw an adversary in Rosen, willing to damage
his future and to put hindrances in his way of gaining
a living by instruction. The misunderstanding did
not last long, these unhappy feelings being gradually
dissipated. Among those with whom Linnaeus be¬
came acquainted during his visit to Falun, was the
Governor, Baron Nils Esbjornson Reuterholm. He
heard Linnaeus give an account of his Lapland jour¬
ney, and being charmed, suggested that he should
travel through Dalecarlia at the Governor’s expense,
and describe it as he had done Lapland.
How delighted Linnaeus was at this is hardly
credible. Without delay he made arrangements for
the journey and hastened to Falun, where he enjoyed
the hospitality of Reuterholm, and not only received
all that was wanted, but also a generous sum for the
journey’s prosecution.
Already the ample funds for the journey made the
Dalecarlian trip entirely different from the poorly
equipped Lapland one, but other differences may be
given. No one had accompanied Linnaeus to Lap-
land, but in this case, certain of the Uppsala students
offered to accompany him at their own expense. He
therefore formed a society with laws for orderly
The members of the “ Societas itineraria Reuter-
holmiana ” were eight in number, whose posts were
assigned as follows :

Carl Linnaeus, of Smaland, President;

Reinhold Nasman, of Dalecarlia, Geographer;
Carl Clewberg, of Halsingland, Physicist and
lngel Fahlstedt, of Dalecarlia, Master of the
Claes Sohlberg, of Dalecarlia, Quartermaster;
Erik Emporelius, of Dalecarlia, Zoologist and
Petrus Hedenblad, of Dalecarlia, Adjutant;
Benjamin Sandel, American, Treasurer.

The document relating to these official titles and

functions was drawn up, and sealed with the seal of
the President.
This division of labour proved singularly well
adapted, and the President kept a strict watch that
every member did his duty. Each evening they
assembled and reported what each had noticed, after
which the President dictated to the Secretary what
should be recorded. He himself could scarcely be
expected to bear every detail in mind, but through
the travellers’ eagerness and ability, which could not
be sufficiently praised, he received valuable help in
the task which he had undertaken to carry out.
It was on the 3rd July, 1734, that the travelling
society and its attendants (in all ten men and as many
horses) left Falun in youthful gaiety, to put on record
a tract of country which in many respects was still
terra incognita.
The first day’s travel was to Bjursas, the country
for two miles round Falun being composed of loose
stones, due to the noxious vapours from the copper
mines; cattle did not thrive, but the inhabitants had
their rich compensation from the underground wealth.
Next succeeded some undergrowth of pines, then
pines and firs in the moist spots. The next day
took them to Rattvik. Travelling was good, but the
country folk were not at home, so their animals were
in difficulties for food. Once when the horses were
allowed to eat the grass near an empty house, the
travellers were accosted by a peasant from a neigh¬
bouring cottage, carrying an axe, and fiercely angry;
he attacked them as violators, threatening to rouse
his friends. Neither reason nor money availed, but
at length he gave way on payment of three dalers
[four shillings and sixpence].
Kjerfsas was the next stage, examining on the way
three silver mines and a marble quarry. Next day
at a wayside inn they could get nothing for their
wants, so they hastened onwards to Orsa. The
greatest impression made upon the party was the
wretched state of the people working the grindstones,
who seldom attained the age of forty, due to the dust
being taken into their lungs; this was so usual that
no remarks were made upon it. They were surprised
at seeing two old men in church, but they were told
that they were not quarrymen, but a tailor and a shoe¬
maker. Near Gulleras they were told of an extra¬
ordinary tree, which flowered on the death of Carl
XII. (30th November, 1718); the country folk called
it an elm-tree; they found on travelling to investigate
that the smallest child knew where it grew; on reach¬
ing it, it proved to be a common lime-tree, a proof that
this species was rare in the province.
The party noted with regret how miserably the
forests were neglected, and how little use was made
of them. Thus they found that pines were felled
solely for their bark, being food for man and beast;
the trunks were allowed to rot, as no use was made
of the wood. This state of things was found prac¬
tically throughout the tour, and Linnaeus pointed out
that these logs could be dragged to the Dal-Elf river
and floated downstream for sale.
The next day, 7th July, was Sunday, and after
service, the party was invited by the rector, Magister
Schedvin, to dinner, the host proving to be a superior
kind of man. Towards evening they passed on to

Mora, where they stayed over the following day,

enjoying the hospitality of the seventy-five-year-old
sub-dean, Johan Emporelius, father of the zoologist
of the party. After looking over his fine library, and
noting the local dresses and customs, they saw
through the rectory window a young cuckoo in the
nest of a wagtail, and the foster-parent feeding the
On the 9th they bade farewell to the liberal rector,
climbed Gafshusberg, passed by Vestberg (having
no time to visit it), and late in the evening, after much
wandering and trouble in crossing a river, they came
to Prestgarden. A curious custom here was observed,
namely on certain pines about 120 lists were nailed
up; one pine having 56, another 35, a third 14, and
so on. Each “ list ” was 9 inches long, 3 fingers
broad, and black with cut letters; they were notices of
deaths; the oldest date being 1670, thence to the
present day. Each village had its tree.
As usual the clergyman took them in; in Alfdalen
he was Eric Nasman, father of one of the party, and
the record in the diary is “ hospitalise He was a
man who kept abreast of the time, and was the first
to plant potatoes in Alfdalen, sharing them with the
country folk, to vary their diet of bark-bread, or malt-
dust bread. Runic letters were still in use here, the
only spot where this old writing persisted. Hykieberg
was climbed, described and an inscription cut on a
pine, 11 July, 1734. In 1722 an academic thesis by
Z. Holenius mentioned the rare plants found here.
At noon the march was resumed, and a forest, more
than thirty miles in extent, had to be traversed to
reach Sarna; the good road now ceased and a rough
stony one followed. It was past midnight before they
reached Sarna, where they were housed at the priest’s,
Gabriel Floraeus. Next day was Sunday. The
people here (more allied to the Norwegians than to
the Swedes) were not on good terms with the inhabit¬
ants of Alfdalen, whom they nicknamed “ bellowers ”
on account of their cries at funerals; the compliment
being returned by the epithet of “ soft ones.”
The pastorate was reckoned at 169 square miles
[about 1,127 English square miles], only one being
cultivated [40 square miles]; the tenants paid nothing
to the crown, and Linnaeus thought it would be better if
Lapps were there instead, as their reindeer in summer
do not harm the meadows, and in winter do not eat
On the 15th an excursion was made to Stadjan
mountain, over rough country. After the ascent the
weather turned cloudy with rain. Gnats abounded,
and when a fire was lit in a cattle-shed, the heat was
overpowering, while the smoke hurt the eyes and
lungs. Finally the fire, which was quenched with
difficulty, burned an opening in the dry boards of the
roof. The unfavourable weather continued the next
day, and the party took shelter in some cowsheds in
Grofveldal. Early on the morning of the 19th they
started for Grofvel Lake, where they slept. Ill
provided with food, the party shot ptarmigan and
caught fish, but their bread was all gone.
On the 20th July they crossed the Norwegian
boundary and reached an estate, Mugga, where they
had to stay over the Sunday, in bad weather. The
party then started for Roraas, the quartermaster going
in advance to secure accommodation. He applied to
Hans Brendal, the deputy of the mine-surveyor and
burgomaster, and through him, who was most obliging,
they obtained good lodgings.
On the 26th, they turned homewards; after cross¬
ing the frontier, they climbed the mountain, Svuckus-
tot. A toilsome scramble landed them on the top,
whence a splendid prospect rewarded them. Bad
weather still prevailing, thunder, lightning, strong-
wind and rain drove them down to the Lake Grofvel
once more, where they passed the night in a shed.
On the 28th they tried to get to inhabited parts,
though the track was abominable, but they saw 100

wild reindeer. That night was spent in a cattle-shed

at Idre. Their fell journey was now ended, and soon
they met with the first quarter-mile post [if mile,
English] and thus knew they had regained the haunts
of civilization; next night they were at Sarna rectory.
Wearied with the ceaseless difficulties, the travel¬
lers rested the next day and part of the following
one. After a short journey, they stopped in the forest
of Hostakallan for the night; the gnats plagued them,
and at dawn heavy rain made the tent worse inside
than outside, “ as the raindrops were fewer outside
than in.” They struck south towards Lima, and in
the afternoon, the rain ceasing, a boat took them down
the river, to their great content. Late in the day they
came to Sahla, and the next day, 3rd August, they
voyaged to Transtrand, where they found a singular
personage, Lars Dahl, who was the chaplain there,
garbed poorly, simple in gestures, of wise discourse
and learned, though neglected by the world. Passing
Lima, Malung, and Appelbo to Nas, without noting
any remarkable things, they reached Falun on the
17th, in the last stage encountering a silly woman,
who took them for thieves, and thus the end of the
expedition resembled the beginning. The journey
had taken six weeks and three days, the total distance
being reckoned at 313-J quarter miles [a little more
than 518 English miles].
There can be no question that Linnaeus and his
young comrades had well carried out their commission.
As the diary shows, they had open eyes for everything
and open ears for what they could hear from trust¬
worthy persons. Naturally the credit belongs chiefly
to Linnaeus, whose knowledge of nature’s various
dominions, and his experience gained in other jour¬
neys, with his planning, his conception, accuracy, and
scientific balance, were certain to lead to nothing else
than a good result.
Nevertheless, all the expected results were not
attained: this applies chiefly to the botanic part.
Before Linnaeus’s memory stood the rich alpine flora
of Lapland, and he expected something even better
from Dalecarlia; only one phanerogam, Utricularia
minor, was met with in this expedition which had not
been previously known as Swedish.
It does not follow that the results obtained were
without value and interest. This was the first actual
investigation towards a knowledge of the plant-world
of this province, and at the same time reduced pre¬
vious sketches to their proper value. Petrus Ugla,
who responded for the thesis “ De nuptiis arborum ”
which had a considerable influence on Linnaeus’s
career, had in this same year, 1734, issued a memoir
“ De praefectura naesgardensi Dalecarliae,” in which
according to Linnaeus, the author shows an unheard-of
example of the danger of attacking a science with
insufficient knowledge (“ illotis manibus ”—i.e., un¬
washed hands, being his actual expression), and he
further points out that Petrus Ugla had included
many plants only occurring in glass-houses or culti¬
vated, which have never been found wild in Sweden.
In consequence of this thesis Linnaeus wrote his
“ Flora dalecarlica,” though it was not published until
1873, a hundred and thirty-nine years later.
The zoological output is somewhat similar, only
one single insect and one bird, Picus tridactylus, as
related by Linnaeus himself. “ In the year 1734 when
we came upon the Dalecarlian fells, I heard below in
the forest between the fells, an uncommon note of a
bird, which was afterwards shot; it was different in
plumage and shape to other woodpeckers, and was
not described or named by any author.” In one or
two places, pearl mussels were met with; beavers were
abundant in Sarna; in Alfdalen they spoke of a four-
footed fish, which ran up trees; he thought it might be
a water lizard. He was able to complete his account
of the Oestrus which he had met with in Lapland.
Lemmings were not seen, but in the Lima churchbook
was found a remark that in 1636 a day of prayer was

held because of the innumerable lemmings which

came down and devastated the fields and meadows in
the parish.
A larger collection was made of minerals. These
seem to have been specially looked for and therefore
received particular attention in the first report drawn
up by Linnaeus on his return to Falun, namely, his
“ Pluto suecicus,” which, besides his previously men¬
tioned “ Systema lapidum,” can be taken as the first
sketch of “ Regnum lapidum 55 appearing in his later
“ Systema Naturae.” His note concerning the primi¬
tive method by which the peasants procured an ex¬
cellent iron from the native ore, is interesting.
Besides the natural history, observations were
made on the people’s ways of life, costumes, dwell¬
ings, economics, cooking, farming, hunting, fishing,
diseases, medicines, marriage customs, dances, and
the like. Undoubtedly its value may be recognized
as written at a time when the old levelling civilization
had as yet hardly affected the habits and customs
handed down from father to son. Linnaeus seems to
have got on well with the inhabitants, both educated
and uneducated, which accounted for the generous
hospitality accorded. But he was less pleased with
some of the food, as when in spring each household
salted down blood lymph, and then buried it in the
forest for winter store as “ grovefish.” Still less did
he like the chewing-gum prepared with garlic, which
was chewed by the women in church as the finest
After his return to Falun, Linnaeus remained some
time the guest of the Governor Reuterholm, in whom
he saw “ a pattern to all who study to love, under¬
stand, show favour and exercise fine judgment.”
Soon he was busy in authorship; his first care being
to fair copy his “ Flora dalecarlica,” which he handed
to the Governor on August 25th, “ who was greatly
pleased with the description of his tour and its arrange¬
ment, and invited him to stay some time with him to
instruct his sons in Natural History.” The impression
made upon the Governor by the report of the expe¬
dition resulted in his permission to his sons and their
tutor to undertake a similar journey in the following
summer. The regard and affection entertained for
their teacher by his pupils are shown in the warm¬
hearted, elegant Latin letter written during this trip,
on the ist September, 1735, from Roraas, to their
teacher, then in Holland.
Immediately after the completion of the report,
he began the composition of his “ Pluto suecicus.”
What finally induced him to take up this work was
that in Falun he could thereby impart instruction.
He succeeded in his endeavours and gave much de¬
light to the mining industry. This new “ Vulcanus
docimasticus ” was the ground-work for a course of
lectures on assaying in the hired mining Assay
Office, to a numerous audience. Each paid a fee of
12 to 13 silver dalers [18s. to 19s. 6d.] which quickly
brought in a sum of 101 dalers {_£*] ns. 6d.] He
also started the practice of medicine, and succeeded
in making a modest addition to his income. Pre¬
sumably this was the medical occupation which
induced him to draw up still another work, “ Najades
suecicae ” concerning the Swedish medicinal springs.
It may be added that as Governor Reuterholm had
a fine library of choice books on economics, travels,
etc., to which Linnams had free access, it is easy to
see that he did not lack work. But this did not debar
him from the social life which, as an esteemed guest,
he enjoyed with the town’s foremost families, so
naturally he throve amazingly, and thought that in
Falun he had come into a new world where everybody
loved and favoured him. Then, too, the summer’s
pleasant journey aroused a desire to undertake simi¬
lar ones to other parts of the country. He considered
that each province had its peculiarity, and considered
how each might be improved to the advantage to
Sweden if all the provinces were investigated and
each made to help the other. He therefore hastened
to invoke the help of Governor Gyllengrijp, who
readily undertook to further the aims of Linnaeus as
to cultivation in West Bothnia, by sending a humble
memorial to the appropriate committee of the Riksdag,
renewing his previous petition to the King, and pray¬
ing that for two years an annual sum of 300 silver
dalers [£22 10s.] might be assigned to Linnaeus in
order to carry out his plan under the inspection of
himself as governor. Although a polite answer was
returned, nothing was done, as the Riksdag had
abruptly closed its labours.
Linnaeus was thus forced to devise new plans, as
he did not want to go back to Uppsala. Amongst the
friends he had made in Falun was the domestic
chaplain and tutor in Governor Reuterholm’s house¬
hold, named Magister Johan Browallius. In their
familiar talk, the pastor insisted with emphasis, that
there was nothing to be done unless Linnaeus went
abroad and obtained the degree of Doctor, when he
could return home and settle down to practice. This
seemed feasible, as Linnaeus by his lectures and prac¬
tice had now some means, and further, that the father
of his comrade Cl. Sohlberg, who was State Inspector
of Mines, had promised him an annual sum of 300
copper dalers [£7 10s.] if he would take his son
with him and look after him abroad; Governor Reuter-
holm offered him pecuniary assistance “ without re¬
turn,an offer which Linnaeus, however, could not
accept. In the end he resolved to travel abroad to
be promoted Doctor of Medicine, intending to return
as soon as he should be able to earn his living as a
medical man.
This resolution made, Linnaeus left Falun,
probably in November, for Uppsala, there to provide
the necessaries for the journey. In the first place, he
must undergo an examination in Divinity, which took
place on the 24th November, with Dean Olof Celsius
and Professor G. Wallin as examiners, afterwards
receiving the certificate for the one single examination
which Linnaeus underwent in a Swedish University.
This was done, as according to a Royal decree each
student desirous of travelling out of the kingdom,
must pass the said examination, before he could get
his travelling passport.
Provided with this aitestatum and with an
academic testimonial from the rector, Professor
Schyllberg, Linnaeus started on the 23rd November
for Stockholm, where he spent a fortnight; he then
received his passport, witnessed the Riksdag’s
adjournment, and on the evening of the 15th left
Stockholm for Uppsala, which he reached the next
The following days were given up to taking leave
of his friends and patrons, and getting open
testimonials from Rudbeck and Celsius. He then
occupied himself in packing, and left the town on the
19th December, 1734.



The delineation of Linnaeus’s career and activity

during his student years at Uppsala, as previously
narrated, is so far incomplete in that it does not give
any account of his relations to the nation club to which
he belonged. It is not specially important, but for
understanding his student life, a short statement of it
may be given.
It has already been stated on p. 29 that Linnaeus,
during his stay at Lund, neglected to inscribe himself
as a member of any nation, the reason being his
intention to remain only a twelvemonth at Lund, and
his wish to escape the continuous, mortifying, and
time-wasting “ penalism ” (fagging) which existed in
spite of a Royal decree forbidding it. At Uppsala
the conditions were essentially better, so he found
himself obliged to inscribe himself of some nation as
he intended to study there for a series of years; for
without such inscription he would not have been able
to obtain any scholarship, of which he was in the
greatest need. He therefore became a member of the
Smaland’s nation, being admitted on the 25th Sep¬
tember, 1728, as from the University of Lund, after
payment of 27 copper dalers [13s. 6d.] to the nation’s
By this, Linnseus not only attained membership of
the SmMand’s nation, but also entire freedom in the
privileges such as taking part in disputations, posting
and delivery of letters, and so on. Because of his
previous academic life at Lund, he was entitled to be
styled Dominus in place of Monsieur or simply Sieur,
as were newly matriculated students from Vaxjo.
His membership was confirmed in November.
At that time the nation’s activities were unde¬
veloped, a contributing cause being the want of a
common room. The few meetings had to be held in
the Inspector’s house, or some other place. Actually,
the only material bond of the club was, that in 1645,
an iron chest was obtained to contain all their records,
consisting of valuable papers relating to loans,
pledges, elegies, and academic theses. In the spring
term of 1733, Linnaeus borrowed thirty copper dalers
(fifteen shillings), pledging an article of silver as
security, which debt was redeemed the following
The officers who conducted the business, and had
oversight of the younger members, were, besides the
Inspector, the seniors and the eldest of the juniors.
Not long before the arrival of Linnaeus it had been
decided that the juniors had no vote until they had
been three years in the University.
Judging from the minutes of the few meetings, the
proceedings do not seem to have been extensive or
interesting. Generally most of the time was devoted
to an oration or disputation on a given thesis, in which
the older members displayed reading and dialectic
powers. These orations were usually designated as
“ elegant,” but as much of the disputations were
confined to philosophy, they did not appeal to Lin¬
naeus. He was more likely to note the exhortations
and proposals, that the officers should have the charge
of the younger members in church, so that no clamour
should occur near the pulpit, and that none of them
should be notified to the Consistory for improper be¬
haviour. All such rules Linnaeus caused to be
observed when he became tutor to the young
Rudbecks. After his return from Lapland, he, in
common with his compatriots, had to listen to a letter
from the Chancellor, exhorting students to read
Wolffius and Leibnitz with caution, and to beware of
new views which might be hurtful to them. The
Inspector congratulated them on their dislike of such
dangerous novelties. This warning, so far as it
affected him, though belonging still to the young
members of the nation, led in June, 1730, to a summons
of the brotherhood, and during the following years,
gave cause for repeated debates. As the years went
on, Linnaeus, like others of his province, gained re¬
gard and influence. In the spring term of 1733, he
obtained his own key of the nation’s hired bench in
church, the second one behind the Professor’s sons,
an honour which at the time was highly prized, and
for which a donation of 24 ore in copper [twopence]
was readily paid. At the same time, he was chosen
as secretary, which post he retained during the whole
of that year. Next, he was pronounced Senior, an
honour which nevertheless made him (each time he
was absent from Uppsala) disburse two dalers in
copper [a shilling] fro felici reditu [for happy return],
and later on, to take part in the customary observances
on the admission of new members. The meetings of
the members were not entirely confined to grave
subjects, but also embraced convivial gatherings.
Linnaeus shared in these relaxations, as such oppor¬
tunities were rare in Uppsala. For the nation’s
festivals the hours were—to begin at one p.m. and to
close at nine p.m.; the Inspector was to be present with
the Seniors, but the Juniors were not to claim the same
equality. Regulations as to disputes were in force,
and if the disputants failed to observe them, they
were liable to be expelled. No member was to wear
a sword or other dangerous weapon. If a new mem¬
ber broke a glass, he must make good the damage.
These extracts from the nation’s statutes, may give
an idea of the students’ life during the residence of
Finally the minutes of a meeting of the 25th
November, 1734, show that the Curator proposed that
their countryman and senior student of medicine, Carl
Linnaeus, should be awarded a testimonial. The vote
was carried with the good wishes of all for his
With this the sketch of Linnaeus’s student life is
closed, and in some respects it would be superfluous
to add more. In most biographies, an important
place is given to the so-called intrigues and perse¬
cutions with which he had to contend while at Uppsala,
and to the bitterness which was thereby kindled in his
mind and wellnigh ruined him. It is therefore need¬
ful to dwell shortly upon these occurrences. Most
biographers also supply more or less dark reports,
without giving the facts on which they rely; others
are so contradictory, that one refutes the other. We
may take, however, what is written by E. M. C. Pontin,
who took the task of unmasking these jealous perse¬
cutors of the young student. A lecture was given to
an important audience in 1849, and afterwards pub¬
lished in the “ Aftonposten,” in which he states:
“ It was poverty that hitherto had hindered Lin¬
naeus in his work, which now was interrupted by envy.
One became aware that the young and unnoticed
Linnaeus threatened to surpass those of privileged
merit. This was sufficient for pettiness, ill-will, and
intrigues, and their instrument was Nils Rosen.
“To drive Linnaeus from the teacher’s chair which
he so worthily filled, Rosen wove a web of cabals
wherewith to entangle influential people in the
capital. These means succeeding, Linnaeus was
forbidden to give lectures on the ground that he had
not undergone valid examination; and never did
outcry achieve a more brilliant triumph. Linnaeus
was crushed. On the first realization of the methods
employed to ruin him, and under the first impulse of
a righteous wrath, Linnaeus tried to draw his sword
on Rosen, to redress, according to the custom of the
time, the wrong under which he suffered. This act
of youthful effervescence enabled Rosen to give the
final blow to Linnaeus. Charged with breaking the
regulations against duelling, the authorities in
Uppsala were unanimous in banishing him from the
“ What was this youth, sent down from the uni¬
versity for violent conduct, with the piety and heart
of a child, to do?
“ Linnaeus went to hide his pain amongst Lap¬
land’s desert fells, and in spite of persecution, still
laboured for science, from which people with ample
means wished to exclude him.
“ Returned from his travels, Linnaeus sought to
obtain the newly-founded Medical Adjunctship at
Lund; but his enemies were not idle. Rosen was the
medical man at the same health resort where Count
Karl Gyllenborg, Chancellor of Lund University,
drank the waters. This circumstance Rosen em¬
ployed with great skill, and succeeded in snatching
that morsel of bread from Linnaeus. Once again,
and that the last time, Linnseus tried to obtain a
living, this time as Docent; but Rosen did not rest
even now. Through the archbishop, whose niece
Rosen had married, he managed, by means of the
Chancellor of Uppsala University, Count Cronhielm,
to get a prohibition, SO' that no Docent should be
taken on to the medical faculty.
“ Thus it was thought that Linnaeus’s future would
he hopelessly destroyed, and no Celsius appeared to
rescue him.
“ But when the need was greatest, help was nigh,
and with reason this man, who constantly wandered
amongst precipices, surrounded with hate and threat¬
ening dangers, took as his motto, ‘ Numen adest,’ God
is present.
“ A letter from the Governor Baron Reuterholm
proved Linnaeus’s salvation. It summoned him to
the same province which formerly saved Sweden, etc.”
[an allusion to the army raised by Gustaf Vasa in
What we infer from this quotation—and herein all
who speak of “ persecutions ” against Linnaeus agree
—is that the University Adjunct, Dr. Nils Rosen, is
pointed out as the hateful persecutor, who did not
spare even the most paltry and infamous methods to
attain his object. The mainspring of his atrocious
conduct may have been, as Linnaeus saw, a strong
feeling of pride and ambition, and a fear that Lin¬
naeus was a dangerous competitor for the professor’s
chair, when the aged Rudbeck should quit the same.
(Rosen was born in 1706, student at Lund 1720,
Adjunct at Uppsala 1728, M.D. at Harderwijk in
Holland 1730, professor at Uppsala 1740, and died
Before we proceed to examine these accusations
with which some endeavoured to blacken Rosen’s
reputation, a glance must be given to the position
which he held at the beginning of 1730 at Uppsala
University. It has already been stated (p. 29) how
he became Adjunct in the medical faculty, and after¬
wards undertook a long journey abroad, during which
he enjoyed the instruction of Boerhaave and other
eminent physicians and naturalists. Returned to
Uppsala during the spring term of 1731, he began at
once with great energy to carry on instruction in
anatomy (until then neglected), to the students’
benefit and satisfaction. At the same time he became
the only and most eminent physician in practice at
Uppsala, as well as the most distinguished teacher.
From 1732 and onwards, he discharged the require¬
ments of his time in irreproachable fashion, including
lectures and demonstrations in botany. In short, he
was then almost the only one who continued instruc¬
tion in the medical faculty, and that in a very service¬
able way.
This was generally recognized both in Uppsala
and elsewhere. So much so that when Kilian
Stobaeus in the early part of 1732, exchanged his
chair of natural history for history pure and simple,
Lund’s Consistory offered him the vacant post by a
heavy yote, although he had not sought the appoint¬
ment. On this ground, Rosen demanded a higher
salary, which the governing body readily accorded.
What he ultimately became does not properly come in
here, but it may be well to recall that Carl von Linne,
Johan Ihre, Torbern Bergman, and Nils Rosen von
Rosenstein, in the later half of the eighteenth century,
were the most distinguished men of the University,
the last as practising physician earning a reputation
which still remains unfaded.
With these facts before us, we are justified in
asking whether it is reasonable to suppose that such
a man should be frightened of competition in some
future opening for a professor of medicine, with an
unexamined, non-graduated student, who, however,
certainly possessed for his time, wonderful knowledge
in natural history; that he, apart from the simplest
considerations of honour, should lend himself to
such paltry intrigues ? This question is the more
justified, as otherwise Rosen is always noted as pos¬
sessing in high degree a noble and straightforward
personality. It cannot be overlooked that on the
same page as Rosen is painted as the most hateful of
the spiteful and irritating backbiters as a true deity
of Tartarus, he is praised as a noble, peaceable man,
possessing great amiability.
Still another question may be put—that as in
Uppsala there were two professors in the medical
faculty, both being septuagenarians and past work, it
might be hoped that both Ros£n and Linnaeus (pro¬
vided the latter gained his medical doctorate) would
soon become their successors. Could it be supposed
that Rosen should think it necessary, by a dishonour¬
able act, to ruin the future of a young man, whose
eminent ability and capacity he had praised? Of
Rosen’s contemporaries, one declared that he had
never heard an unkind judgment pass his lips, during
many years’ intimacy; another, that he was most
humane, being humanity itself; a third, that he was
in all respects tender-hearted, and had a special dis¬
like of contention, persecution and slander. Being
no one’s enemy he himself had no enemy, and had
adopted as his motto sine spinis, without thorns (an
allusion to his own name).
The answers to these self-evident representations
are clear. They ought in truth to have led Linnaeus’s
biographers to greater care and reflection, before
throwing out these accusations against his honour and
After these general remarks we now pass on to a
more detailed definition of these accusations. We
may first fix upon the oft related story of the “ duel,”
or as it may better be described, as an attempt at
murder. With a marvellous confusion of ideas,
people have sought to lay the blame upon Rosen,
whilst for Linnaeus’s asserted action, extenuating cir¬
cumstances have been found.
We may first of all point out, that about this
“ duel ” not a single word occurs in any of Linnaeus’s
autobiographies, nor can any mention of it be gleaned
from contemporary accounts, letters and the like,
though such an occurrence would certainly have be¬
come a cause celebre. It was first mooted after
Linnaeus’s death, about sixty years later, and that in
a German biography, in all other respects trustworthy,
namely Stover’s “ Leben des Ritters Carl von Linne,”
where it is given thus :
“ A young man, Nils or Nicolaus Rosen, became
Linne’s rival. Laying a complaint before the
Academic Senate he urged that according to the
statutes, Linnaeus should be forbidden to lecture.
He was called before the Consistory, when many of
the members were favourable to him, but Rosen
giving strong reasons, and as the law could not be left
unobserved, the desired prohibition was granted.

“ This was a blow which at once blasted Linnaeus’s

hopes. ... No wonder therefore that he became in¬
tensely moved; his anger became fury; he forgot
himself and his own welfare and all consideration.
When Rosen came out of the Consistory, he rushed
insanely upon him, drew his sword, and was about to
strike him down, when he was happily stopped by the
“ This event naturally evoked the greatest interest,
and Rosen, who possessed a permanent post in the
University, reported it. In conformity with the regu¬
lations, Linnaeus should have been banished from
Uppsala, but happily, through one of his benefactors,
this was prevented. Olof Celsius exerted himself on
Linnaeus’s behalf . . . and succeeded in reducing
the punishment to temporary banishment, Linnaeus
thus obtaining forgiveness, but no help. Llis
impetuous temperament urged him to desperation, all
his thoughts turning to stabbing Rosen, if he should
meet him in the street.”
No confirmation of this violent attack by a student
on an Academic Professor, and consequent punish¬
ment, can be gained from the Academic Minutes of
the Consistory at this period. They are preserved
complete, and in them are to be found full reports of
all occurrences, sometimes yery unimportant. But in
all these minutes for the entire period of Linnaeus’s
student life, not a single word is made known, that
he became liable to any reproach or punishment in
any way. Certainly the name of Linnaeus often
occurs in these minutes, more so than that of any
other student, but always with the expression of the
heartiest goodwill, and with the most flattering ex¬
pressions. just as little is found the slightest des¬
cription of Linnaeus being summoned to the Con¬
sistory, or of the yielding of that body to Rosen’s
demand. It can therefore be asserted with absolute
certainty that the whole story of the duel and banish¬
ment is a complete fabrication.
The most just explanation is that this period is to
be taken as 1731, when Linnaeus (since Rosen had
returned from his travels and began his academic
teaching) was hastily and unexpectedly dismissed
from his commission to lecture in Rudbeck’s place,
and through hasty temper, which he could not control,
came nearly being sent away by the University. But
against this may be recalled Linnaeus's own words :
That as he knew from the beginning the recommend¬
ation for a student to lecture was only a measure of
emergency (to stop simply as soon as the ordinary
professor should return to Uppsala) he declared his
readiness to give place to Rosen. Rudbeck opposed
this as he regarded Rosen as not possessing the requi¬
site knowledge. Either he had not the opportunity
of proving this, or, what is more likely, Linnaeus,
before Rosen’s arrival, had already begun the
spring lectures as Rudbeck’s deputy; it is certain that
it was thus stated in the Consistory. However that
may be, it is a fact that previous to Rosen’s return,
he delivered the botanic lectures, with no reasonable
grounds for bitterness, but really with contentment.
As Linnaeus was, in the autumn term of 1731, an
interested and satisfied pupil of Rosen in practical
medicine, it shows that there was no friction between
Naturally, some rebuke must have been given
if Linnaeus had really made himself guilty of
violent attacks. The alleged punishment clearly be¬
longs to other peculiar circumstances. It is certain
that he received from the Royal Scientific Society
as large a subsidy for his journey as it was able to
give, so that his earnest wish to undertake a Lapland
journey might be realized. Also, that he received an
invitation to become a member of the said Society.
Truly a gentle and not especially dreadful
Whilst Linnasus was absent in Lapland during the
period for botanic lectures, there could be no collision

between him and Rosen. The instructions for obser¬

vations which the former drew up, and the honourable
judgment which the minutes of the said Society
record, show that no “ inexpiable hate ” or even a
diminished friendly relation, existed between them.
We now pass to 1733, when Linnaeus, during the
spring term and the whole of the summer, imparted
special instruction, no prohibition being made against
it. Had he then, as formerly, laid himself open to
the previously mentioned attacks, he would have been
guilty of a manifest and impudent lie, for in a letter
dated October of that year to Governor Gyllengrijp
in his catalogue of merits he says: 1. “ I have occu¬
pied myself at the University in a quiet, sober and
Christian way, so that nobody can convict me of the
smallest offence; I have never been summoned before
a judge, nor have I molested anyone in the least.”
After writing this letter, and at the express wish of the
academic authorities, he held his assay lectures, pre¬
viously mentioned, when he, a student, had the satis¬
faction of numbering amongst his pupils Adjunct
Rosen, a very gratifying occurrence. Still less can
certain biographers, such as Stover, Pulteney, Gistel
and others, ascribe the “ duel ” to the close of this
year and regard his journey to Falun and district
as a kind of forced banishment from the University.
Linnaeus, on the contrary, gave an entirely different
reason, namely that he was especially devoting him¬
self to mineralogy and was endeavouring to devise
an arrangement of minerals, which could not be
better studied than in the mining districts. Further¬
more, if a prohibition had been granted it is doubtful
if he could have delivered private lectures in the
spring of 1734, not only on topics of natural history,
but also on dietetics. Also the fact remains that six
months later he received a testimonium academicum
specially noted in the University minutes as a <c hand¬
some ” one, an exceptional notification. Such testi¬
mony would certainly not have been given by grace
and favour to one who had recently, in dire want,
undergone banishment from the University.
To leave the enquiry, one may hope that the whole
story of the duel, dismissal, etc., may be looked upon
as completely refuted. But it does not follow, that
as already mentioned (p. 98) no dispute took place
between Linnaeus and Rosen, although in the
earliest Linnean autobiographies there is no account
of it. This is related in somewhat contradictory
terms as happening in two different years, 1733 or
1734, the later date being the more probable. The
more extensive report is as follows :
Rosen, who perfectly realized that the young
fellow had a considerable collection of recorded
observations, and saw that if he were not repressed,
he would in time become a formidable competitor for
the botanic chair after the aged Rudbeck, went to
Linnaeus and asked him to lend him his manuscripts.
When he was refused, he had recourse to threats,
cursing and swearing, that if Linnaeus did not lend
them, he would persecute him as long as he lived.
Linnaeus, scared, lent the first volume, but when Rosen
had copied it, he refused to give it back unless he
received the second. This was a thunderbolt. Lin¬
naeus, though realizing that his whole system and
collections would be ruined if that single volume
were missing, after long thought, decided not to con¬
sent, although Rosen begged, promising that the first
volume should be given back on loan of the other.
Poverty and oppression quickly made Linnaeus
take a resolution. He determined that as Samson
took his revenge by killing himself and his enemies,
so he might thus act against his unfriendly acquaint¬
ance, whose slander he felt painfully every hour. But
Professor Oelreich from Lund, at that time a pupil of
Linnaeus in botany, “ dissuaded him, showing that no
evil happened without the Lord’s permission, that to
endure it was the safest, and that though He punished,
He comforted. Linnaeus changed his mind, praised

his persecutor, and rendered thanks to the Creator.”

From another autobiography we learn that “when
Dr. Rosen married the Archbishop [Steuchius’s] niece
he obtained an authorization from Chancellor Cron-
hielm that no Docent should eyer be received in the
medical faculty to the prejudice of the Adjunct. The
hands of Linnaeus being thus tied, his only means of
support were denied him.” On enquiring into this
statement, it is regrettable that only one side is repre¬
sented. “ Audiatur et altera pars” to hear both
sides, is an old rule, and it were to be wished that it
could be applied here, especially as one of the two
disputants can by no means be viewed as a perfectly
trustworthy witness concerning the thoughts and in¬
tentions of the other. It is the more desirable here,
as the autobiographies of Linnaeus drawn up in his
later years, must be read with a certain amount of
caution, especially one published by Ad. Afzelius and
therefore the best known. On close investigation, it
shows itself to contain many erroneous statements.
This is partly due to the length of time between the
occurrence of the events, and the narration of them,
when Linne had only his failing memory to trust to,
and partly because of the want of attention that the
authorities showed to the public, when otherwise they
might have solved guesses, reports, misconceptions
and suspicions. Add to this, that Linnaeus, in none
of his autobiographies refrained from employing
strong, sometimes too strong, words in his represent¬
ations, so that one must set limits to these manifest
tendencies. Written, not for publication, but for his
children, they described the chief events in the
father’s life, giving also a timely warning to the
children, that they should not allow themselves any
revenge for wrong suffered because the Allwise
Omnipotent God will ever give the victory to the
right and good. He, by his “ Nemesis clivina,” also
showed that punishment awaited each who trans¬
gressed God’s ordinance, when by harm to another.
one sought worldly advantage. As a sample of ex¬
travagant language, take his statement that at Falun,
Dr. Moraeus became envious of the practice Linnaeus
obtained in a few weeks, although the latter admitted
that his future father-in-law was a prosperous man
and was weary of a laborious profession. This
accusation of envy resembled his language concerning
Now let us consider the above-mentioned ordi¬
nance which the Chancellor of the University is
reported to have issued; it is difficult to guard against
the thought that the whole statement is entirely
founded upon gossip or a failing memory. Enough
that it is narrated only in the most untrustworthy auto¬
biography, without, in spite of all research, being
confirmed in any way. The Chancellor’s archives,
preserved in the Riksarkives in Stockholm, show no
trace of any such restriction of a Docent in medicine.
On the other hand, in the yalid academic constitution
of 1665, it is laid down that only graduates possessed
the fotestatem docendi (the right to teach), and that
only by permission previously obtained of the Dean
of the faculty, whilst such teaching by a student was
entirely forbidden. Though the commission extended
to Linnaeus (then only a student in the medical
faculty) to instruct in botany and assaying, was thus,
strictly speaking, illegal, it was excused on account
of existing circumstances, and on the term ending,
those rights lapsed. That he, during succeeding
terms, gave private lessons was owing to the fact that
the faculty or Greater Consistory willingly shut their
eyes to this illegality.
In the spring term of 1734, Linnaeus gave lectures,
for which he never received permission, on the subject
of dietetics, thereby trespassing in Rosen’s domain, a
proceeding which can be regarded as still more
improper for a student, as the academic regulations
then in force, considered payments for lectures as a
contribution to an Adjunct’s scanty salary. It is quite
possible that Rosen and Roberg did not quite consent
to the new views in this science which Linnaeus
advanced and afterwards partially abandoned. Thus,
if one wished to prevent Linnaeus from giving private
instruction, there was no necessity to invoke the aid
of the Archbishop or of the Chancellor, but to use a
simple application of the academic regulations. That
Linnaeus, as reported, made some attempt to become
a Docent, is also incredible, as his name as a university
professor does not appear in the then existing statutes.
Neither in the University transactions nor in Lin¬
naeus’s own notes does one find any hint of such a
If one might venture a guess how the quarrel
between the two arose, it may be gathered from the
following :
When in May, 1734, Rosen should have begun his
teaching in botany, he applied to Linnaeus, in whose
assaying lectures he had taken part, with the request
that he might study the principal contents of these
botanic manuscripts, of which he had doubtless heard
from Rudbeck, Roberg, O. Celsius and others.
Linnaeus, who cannot be acquitted of a certain
amount of suspicion, refused, and in consequence a
dispute arose between these two young men of nearly
equal age. Rosen may in this have pointed out upon
what slender foundations rested Linnaeus’s right to
teach, and that it would be easy to deprive him of this
means of self-support. Startled by this, Linnaeus
gave up one of his botanic manuscripts, but when he
found that a copy had been made of it, he determined
to lend no more, and to this he adhered, in spite of
more or less eager attempts at persuasion from Rosen.
That the latter took measures to put certain threaten-
ings in train, after the warm contention, is not certain,
and in any case they would have been in yain, as
Linnaeus a short time after quitted Uppsala.
That this quarrel left any bitterness with Rosen is
nowhere stated, but it was otherwise with Linnaeus. He
was, as he himself said, frceceps in iram> quick to anger,
and grief and irritation were kindled in him when
he thought of the poverty, despair, and anxiety which
he believed awaited him. These feelings encouraged
thoughts of a violent revenge, but these were stemmed
by an old friend’s persuasions, who appealed to those
warm religious feelings, which from childhood had
permeated the whole being of Linnaeus. “ God
should become my ayenger,” said he, and added
“ since then all went well with me.” He clearly
entertained feelings of revenge, as shown in his
“ Nemesis divina,” quoted at the close of this volume,
but conquering them, he acknowledged that every¬
thing prospered with him.
Evidently it is from the confession of this flaming
wrath by Linnaeus that well-meaning and uncritical
biographers derived their material for the whole
“ duel ” story, and all its supposed consequences, not
considering that it is a long step between hasty
thoughts and violent actions. Besides it is evident
from Linnaeus’s own words, that he did not long
cherish bitter feelings against Rosen, but that facile
\placabatur, he was easily appeased. This is shown
by the greetings which he sent during his residence
abroad to Rosen, and their familiar mutual letters at
the time when Rudbeck was about to vacate his
Linnaeus’s relations with Rosen are well shown in
the Mcecenatibus et faironis mentioned among his
patrons, in the dedication to his doctoral thesis in
Holland where Rosen’s name occurs, and two years
later in Linnaeus’s “ Corollarium,” which he dedicated
as devota mente, Viro illustri D. Nicolao Rosen
alone. It appears incredible that Linnaeus should
have acted thus, had his soul been full of bitterness
and ill-will, unless he were guilty of cringing
Another story accuses Rosen of having induced
Count Carl Gyllenborg to prefer J. G. Wallerius to
Linnseus as Adjunct at Lund. Now if Rosen
dreaded Linnaeus as a competitor for Rudbeck’s chair
when it became vacant, would he not willingly have
seen him settled at Lund, awaiting old Professor
Dobeln’s resignation or death?
It was widely known at this period that the medical
faculty at Lund was in an unsatisfactory state. The
University’s powerful Chancellor, Carl Gyllenborg,
had, so far back as 1731 (that is, before he knew Rosen
as a physician), sent in a humble memorial to the
State Secret Committee, stating that Lund needed
an Adjunct. This produced no result, but in the
following spring, the Consistory was astonished to get
a precept from the Chancellor, requiring them to
appoint Johan Gottschalk Wallerius, Adjunct in
Medicine at Lund. As no funds were available for
stipend, the Consistory was moved to permit him to
receive a double Royal Scholarship. This was
effected in May, 1732, and Wallerius remained in this
post at Lund till 1741. He left on account of some
unpleasantness, partly due to his delay in writing a
disputation, partly due to his marriage. His first
thesis did not appear till 1740, and in the next year he
stood as a competitor against Linnaeus, as will be
shown in due course.
If it be asked, what share Rosen had in instituting
the Adjunctship and in nominating Wallerius, it is
evident that Count Gyllenborg’s decision was taken
before Rosen came home. In the summer of 1731
he was drinking the waters of Wiksberg, near Soder-
talje, but that the newly arrived Rosen was physician
there, is not certain, indeed hardly credible. It is,
however, certain that when Gyllenborg was living in
Stockholm, he was his medical attendant. That they
conversed on medical topics and that Wallerius was
recommended by Rosen may be regarded as correct.
It thus appears, (1) that any measures for the
post of a medical Adjunct at Lund was not granted;
(2) that no such place could be allotted until vacant;

(3) that if Linnaeus in 1733 announced himself as

seeking it (no such application can be found), he came
too late, for Wallerius received his warrant in May,
1732; also (4) that the “morsel of bread,” which
Linnaeus was supposed to have lost, was only the
double Royal Scholarship, that is to say, less than the
income from the surplus of the Wrede Stipendium,
which he was counting upon.
To put another point: which of the two, Linnaeus
or Wallerius, was the best fitted for the post of
Adjunct? It is apparent that the former was pre¬
eminent in botany and zoology, while the latter had
greater experience in practical medicine, owing to his
long enjoyment of Rosen’s instruction. Add to this,
that Linnaeus was only a student, while Wallerius was
a qualified Master in Philosophy. The former had
never held a disputation, but the latter had done so
on three occasions, the last time being on a medical
subject, wherein he had showed high merit. Thus
no thought of injustice can be imputed to Linnaeus.
The future also showed the high attainments of
Wallerius, as he became one of Uppsala’s most
celebrated and eminent professors.
Rosen has been reproached for his proposal put
forward in 1730 concerning the promotion of doctors
in medicine. Linnaeus mistakenly took this to be
directed against him personally, and regarded Rosen
as the originator of an intrigue. In this respect it is
easy to perceive that the latter was innocent. Prob¬
ably Linnaeus was misled by loose and distorted
reports. The actual state of things was thus : In the
academic constitutions the faculty was recognized as
having the right to promote to the doctorate. On this
ground, Lund had once, in 1689, granted this dignity.
At Uppsala, in 1680, the Chancellor had submitted—
that a Licentiate (graduate) should be promoted to
Doctor, with the sanction of the authorities, but the
faculty raised difficulties, and the project fell through.
In 1697, however, the day for such promotion was
fixed, but difficulties arose. The consequences were,
that an understanding was formed, that the degree of
doctor of medicine should only be obtained abroad.
At this time the Medical College at Stockholm
suggested an alteration, asserting that many Swedes
who received the doctor’s diploma abroad, went pre¬
ferentially to such universities. The college now
therefore urged that the Swedish Universities should
be empowered to grant degrees, after due examin¬
ation. Rosen had the slenderest share in this
suggestion, as he was engaged in a lively conflict with
the said college, which was decided, after examination
by the King, in Rosen’s favour.
The academic Consistory was blamed, as well as
Rosen, for its action against Linnaeus when even his
benefactors, Olof Celsius and Rudbeck, were thought
in the end to have failed him and his just cause. The
chief charges against it were, that the professors had
met Rosen’s desire, to apply both old and new regu¬
lations, thereby rendering relief to his wounded
vanity. In other words, the members of the academic
Consistory were thought to have gladly seized the
opportunity to rob Linnaeus of his right to teach,
whereas they only vindicated the annoyance they felt
at seeing their auditorium empty, while a young man,
raised up and idolized by the academic youths, re¬
ceived their vociferous confidence and “ conducted
them round Flora’s delightful flowery field as the
interpreter of Nature, unmindful of interpreting
Cicero and Demosthenes.”
It may at once be pointed out, that not a single
word in the slightest degree can give support to these
accusations in any of Linnaeus’s notes, letters, or
printed writings; they are exclusively the unrestrained
fantasy of the author here cited. Thoughtless repe¬
titions have not been wanting, but even these, on
reflection, should have been discarded, when they
wrote such statements as “ The fathers in Uppsala
were at one to drive Linnaeus from the University,”
when as a fact they did not even condemn him to the
most modest punishment.
What was the reason of the empty audience
chambers? Linnaeus, as Rudbeck’s deputy, gave in¬
struction by lectures on plant demonstrations, from
two to four times a week in the afternoon from the
beginning of May to Midsummer, and arranged
botanic excursions into the country twice a week
during the same period with the addition of a few
paying members. It is hard to see that this should
have resulted in all the professors having to lecture to
bare walls, especially as according to that year’s list of
lectures, none were held at the same time as those
of Linnaeus, and nearly all in the forenoon. Far from
any ill-will being shown to Linnaeus in the academic
records, he was mentioned more often with commend¬
ation than any other student, and his services as Rud¬
beck’s deputy were specially acknowledged. The
Consistory even tried to support him by stipends as
already mentioned. After he had quitted the Uni¬
versity, an applicant for the surplus of the Wrede
stipend had for answer, that he must wait until the
said scholarship was vacant. That Linnseus did not
receive the travelling scholarship did not depend
upon any ill-will, but simply that it was not vacant, and
moreover he was not eligible for it.
The accusations, calumnies, and spite, which for
more than a century have been lavished on Linnseus
from named or nameless <£ enemies, envious persons
and persecutors,” have now been subjected to close
scrutiny. It seems to us high time to reduce these
accusations to their true value, so that future
biographies may be spared the erroneous statements
which have too long been taken for confirmed truths.
Linnaeus’s student days offer so much instruction, up¬
lifting and wonderful, that one is not obliged to
illuminate them with an invented martyrdom. It
must be a duty and pleasure for his biographers to
remove the ugly blemishes, with which unreflecting
people have tried to defile his character and actions.
If during this period he really had enemies, and if
this were the real reason for his travels in Lapland
and Dalecarlia, his stay at Falun and so on, then
assuredly they directed his progress in science in so
fruitful a manner, that not even his best friends and
helpers could have devised a better or happier result.
With what feelings Linnaeus himself looked back
upon his student years at Uppsala appears from the
words which, on his hour of departure, he wrote in
his diary :
“ 1734, Dec. 19. At eight in the morning I said
good-bye to Uppsala Academy, to which Almighty
God so marvellously conducted me, living now in
difficulty, now in enjoyment, now in poverty, now in
abundance; now in blame, now in honour. To Thee,
Great God, be thanks.”
The journey which was now entered upon was not
to foreign parts, many reasons inducing Linnaeus to
go to Falun. Through rain and sleet the way lay to
Sala silver workings, which he reached on the 20th,
quite cold and frozen, where he received the hospi¬
tality of Assayer Stockenstrom for a couple of days.
Next he arrived at Hedemora and lodged with sub¬
dean Anders Sandel, resuming his travels the next
day, and arriving at Falun on Christmas Eve. Here
he was a guest in Inspector Sohlberg’s house, where
the whole of Christmas passed in the greatest pleasure,
the festivities being continued till past Twelfth Day.
It must not be supposed that all his time was given
up to pleasure. On the contrary, he devoted himself
with great energy to the revision of certain of his
writings, which he was taking with him. He has
recorded that he made a new edition of “ Systema
mineral.,” began “ Sponsalia plantarum,” and com¬
pleted his “ Flora dalecarlica ”; besides this, he wrote
letters, visited the sick, and investigated a mineral
However, it was something quite different which
took the most important place in Linnaeus’s thoughts.
During the preceding autumn in conversation with
Johan Browallius, the latter pointed out that to provide
means for foreign travel, the best way would be to
marry some rich girl, who would make him happy.
This theoretically pleased Linnaeus, but he made no
attempt to carry out the plan. Now during this
Christmas, he met with the eighteen-year-old maiden,
Sara Elizabeth Moraea, who seemed very attractive,
and he soon began assiduously to wait upon her. Thus
in his jottings in an almanack, he has noted that on
the 2nd January, 1735, he called on her in his Lapp
costume, and again on the 3rd, when the parents were
out; on the 10th and other visits, and on the 15th he
was a guest of the Assay Master in Falun, with his
sweetheart, and finally on 16th he records a delightful
day spent with her. His feelings for the chosen one
apparently did not escape the notice of others, for
when he on the 19th was the guest of the artist Trygg,
it went so far that the host or some of the company
wagered two cans of Rhine wine, if a christening did
not happen in four years.
Now began unrest and trouble. The young girl
and Linnaeus noted that if he had first gained the
parents’ esteem, no one else would have become his
affianced. But he now had to encounter difficulties.
Her father was the town physician in Falun, Assessor
Dr. Johan Moraeus, learned, experienced, and well
to do. He liked Linnaeus extremely, and so was
often visited by the latter. Moraeus had repeatedly
declared that the practice of medicine, with regard to
income was more precarious than any other profession,
therefore he had resolved that none of his children
should follow it. This, with the consciousness of his
own narrow economic position, could only awaken
despair in Linnaeus, a simple student. He realized
that he was a poor man who could not maintain a wife,
while she was wealthy. He knew that she was courted
by many eligible suitors, but to cast her out of his
thoughts was impossible. A decision must be made.
After long thought he made a declaration to her
parents asking for the love of their dearest child.
This happened on the 20th January, but the answer
was withheld till the 27th, for though the father, who
entertained the best hopes for Linnaeus, had not the
heart to refuse him, the mother cherished other ideas.
When Linnaeus at last received the desired yet
dreaded answer, he found to his surprise, that it sur¬
passed his boldest expectations, but the wedding was
not to take place till three years after his departure
on his foreign travels. During the suspense he had
not failed to visit his beloved, and on the 22nd he
gave her the betrothal ring.
The month which followed seems to have been
taken up with a lover’s usual thoughts and occupation,
exchanging visits with friends and acquaintances.
Visits to the father and mother-in-law elect, did not
become fewer, and on the 3rd February he gave a
written declaration of fidelity. Meanwhile the hour
of parting drew near. The 18th and 19th were
employed in leave-taking and in receiving congratu¬
lations and presents. He had agreed with his intimate
friend Browallius to take charge of his sweetheart’s
letters, while he was living abroad.
It was on the 20th February that Linnaeus and his
travelling companion, Claes Sohlberg, set out from
Falun, provided with the usual passports from the
Royal Council. As to their equipment, we only know
that Linnaeus had at least the chief of his manuscripts,
and his Lapp costume, which in Holland afterwards
occasioned much attention. His means, he himself
reported, consisted of 260 silver dalers (less than
f£ 20), an amount less than he had reckoned on before¬
hand. He had expected to receive from Inspector
Sohlberg an annual allowance of 300 copper dalers
\£y ios.] and he had a claim on the two Sohl-
bergs of 30 platar [£4 ios.] due on their
agreement for assaying. But when the journey was
begun, these 300 dalers were forgotten; and he
received only 12 platar \_£i 16s.] as remuner¬
ation. He could not draw back from the journey
as arrangements had been made, nor could
he reproach the old man, the Inspector, who had
boarded and lodged him for half a year. He there¬
fore committed himself unto God’s hands, who had
directed him so wonderfully hitherto, and determined
to serve his travelling comrade with all fidelity,
knowing that God repays according to one’s deserv¬
ing. He had his savings, the income from his medical
practice, a contribution from Moraeus as a token of
affection, and a little purse from his betrothed. He
reflected on his father’s assurance of the help of the
Almighty when he went to Lund, and now he
committed himself to Providence.
Journeying south, progress was slow, as they
stopped to inspect mines and works, but they reached
Jonkoping at last, where they paused for four days.
The next stopping place was Vaxjo, where Linnaeus
was entertained for five days by his old teacher, Roth¬
man, and the Governor; then he reached his old home
at Stenbrohult, where he found his old father, brother
and sisters. The mother had died since his last visit,
and the house was in confusion.
Here Linnaeus and Sohlberg stayed for a whole
month, recording few notes. His father since his
wife’s death was much depressed, and, dreading the
future, committed the youngest daughter and his
library to the care of Linnaeus, in case of his own
demise. He also lamented that he could not add to
the travelling purse of his son, though fearing that
Carl, on account of his scanty means, might have to
remain abroad. All that Linnaeus asked of his father
was a soft skin, which he made into a money belt.
On the 15th April he bade his sixty-year-old father
and the family farewell, setting out in splendid
weather, and amid all the signs of spring; they
reached Helsingborg on the Sound two days later,
procured passports to cross the channel, and went on
board at half-past five of the 19th. Thus was begun
the journey abroad from which Linnaeus returned three
years later, not as an insignificant student, but as one
of that period’s eminent naturalists, a celebrated and
esteemed man of science.


(APRIL, 1735—JUNE, 1738)

At that time Helsingor was the central point for

Scandinavian transit outwards. This took place
exclusively by sailing boats, and as the traffic could
not be regulated as are modern tourist passages, it was
necessary to take advantage of any vessel sailing to
the desired port of arrival. In this respect Helsingor
offered the best opportunities, as all sailing craft had
to call there for the local customs.
To await events Linnaeus and his companion took
lodgings for several days. They employed their time
in seeing the town and environs, having as guide the
Swedish Consul Slyter. A few plants were noted,
but in other respects there was nothing noteworthy.
The town, though well built, had houses of brick-
nogging with tiled roofs and pumps everywhere.
They particularly noticed the soldiers in red uniform.
Linnaeus was least pleased with the inhabitants, and
recalling the kindness and generosity enjoyed in
Norway, he recorded that the people here were
entirely different from those in the north.
Their intention was to sail direct to Holland, but
hearing of no yessel bound thither the plan had to be
altered. Both travellers eventually embarked on the
Liibeck “ The Travelling Tobias/’ which with sixty
other vessels of different nationalities was waiting for
a favourable wind. The food was worse than in the
town, though as costly. Rye bread as white as wheat
bread and chestnuts were good, and they had porridge
for dinner and supper. Only French wine was drunk,
and although of fair quality Linnaeus wearied of it,
and longed for pure water.
At last at dawn of the 24th, the wind came from
the north-west, and it was amusing to see how all the
vessels in the Sound in one instant hoisted sail and
raised anchor. The journey was now south, and land
was soon out of sight. Linnaeus himself escaped sea¬
sickness, to which fact he ascribed his use of the
sailors5 customs to lying fore and aft (not athwart) and
of drinking sea-water. His companion was ill, and
there was little pleasure in sailing, as the ship lay
over on her side, and one became afraid of every
lurch. Meanwhile all went well, and on the 26th the
vessel anchored at Travemiinde. The journey was
continued by road to Liibeck, which was reached at
noon. “ Here it was most splendid summer, the
country was a paradise consisting of leyel fields and
splendid cornfields, with beech and oak woods in the
valleys. The heaths were adorned with gorse with
its fine yellow flowers.55
A couple of days were spent in Liibeck, where,
however, there was nothing to be gathered of medical
or biologic interest, the doctors there being of small
repute as scientific men. There were, however, a few
things to attract his attention, as for instance in the
streets there were four-sided lanterns on poles, which
burned all night, and at every street corner there were
pails of water to extinguish fires. On Sunday they
went to church, but complained of the long psalms
which were sung. The men were garbed in black,
with black capes, though it was not raining.
At six a.m. on the 28th, the start was made from
Liibeck in a diligence drawn by six of the biggest
riding horses, and at six p.m. they gained Hamburg,
though not without a little adventure. The driver had
taken his team so near a cornfield, that the farmer was
moved to strike him and knock him off his horse.
When the quarrel had lasted an hour, Linnaeus
advised the peasant to sue the driver at law, and not
to delay the post. The red-faced fellow turning upon
him with his axe, Linnaeus would have tackled him,
but was prevented by the other passengers.
The travellers halted at Hamburg till the 16th May,
and here Linnaeus enjoyed himself, visiting the pretty
gardens and other noteworthy places. At the same
time he made acquaintance with the resident naturalists,
who showed him much politeness, entertained him well,
lent him books, showed him their collections, and drove
him round in and outside the town to see libraries,
museums and gardens. The first visit was naturally to
Johann Peter Kohl, who in his “ Hamburgische
Berichte ” had already made known the name of
Linnaeus among the learned. He was remarkably
polite and showed him every attention: Linnaeus had
also the pleasure of reading his own name many times
in the said “ Berichte,” and always mentioned with
respect. Among others who entertained him may be
named, Gottfried Jacob Jaenisch and Johann Heinrich
von Spreckelsen, Licentiate in Law, in whose beauti¬
ful garden were many exotics and orange trees. He
had a large number of books on botany in his library,
and also possessed so many fossils that Linnaeus had
never before seen so large a collection. Johann Alb.
Fabricius, Doctor of Theology, showed him his extra¬
ordinarily extensive library, many rooms being lined
with books in place of tapestry. The great drug
merchant, Natorp, took him to his house, where he saw
numerous preserved lizards and snakes and many other
rare things. But he did not omit to take a survey of
notable buildings in the town, such as the Exchange,
the Synagogue, and the old Reformed Church which
was then turned into a vast wine-cellar, etc.
It is plain that Linnaeus found himself very happily
situated in the splendid town of Hamburg, with its
fortifications, fine houses, handsome people, pleasant,
lively, and French in manner. The reverse side was
the disagreeable pervading smells, or rather stinks, the
result of neglected cleansing, and the immorality which
was not restrained but openly practised in the dis¬
orderly houses between Hamburg and Altona, “ where
flutes, oboes, dulcimers, trumpets and waltzes were
constantly heard.”
What was the impression made by the young
Swedish student, hardly of mature years, on the noted
naturalists in the foreign town? The answer to this
question is found in a long article in the “ Ham-
burgische Berichte.” Here are given some titles of
the works which Linnaeus had brought with him to get
printed, also a description of his collection of nearly
one thousand rare insects, found in Lapland and
Dalecarlia; a picture of his complete Lapp costume
with the magic drum belonging to it, whose use was
described, and so on, which awakened the liveliest
interest and the greatest surprise.
His thoughts and deductions were methodically
recorded, and that he possessed an uncommon judg¬
ment in conjunction with an inborn power of
observation, is certain. His ardour, endurance, and
energy were unusual. In the desire to search out and
discover such things as had hitherto remained hidden
from the sharpest eyes, in all that appertained to the
three kingdoms, he had few equals. Moreover he was
active in reading and noting, and thus had acquired
great experience and such well-founded insight in many
directions, that he, though only twenty-eight, in this
respect stood out from many older persons. His
intellectual precedence was adorned by an equal
excellent temper, for amongst learned men he was
distinguished for modesty, together with a natural
straightforwardness, love of truth, genuine piety,
readiness to oblige, free also from envy or jealousy, and
possessing a constant great love for mankind.
Everyone was pleased, and probably Linnaeus
would have stayed longer in Hamburg, where the
libraries and museums had so much of novelty to show
him, but he felt himself obliged to continue his journey.
Among the chief objects in natural history in Hamburg
was a seven-headed snake or “ hydra ” which had in
the year previous been drawn and described in Seba’s
“ Thesaurus.” This monster was stated to have had
its place on the altar of a church in Prague, which in
1648 was Konigsmark’s share of booty; after his death
it was inherited by Count Bjelke, and after changing
fortunes, at last came to Hamburg, where it was kept
in the collection of Burgomaster Johann Anderson
and his brother. Many said it was the only one of its
kind in the world, and thanked God that it had not
multiplied. It was related that the Danish King
Frederick IV. vainly offered 30,000 thalers [^4,500],
but since then the price had sunk to 10,000 florins
and 4,000 rixdalers [nearly /'goo]. At the time when
Linnaeus was in Hamburg, negotiations were being
carried on to sell it for 2,000 thalers [/300].
Naturally, Linnaeus was particularly anxious to in¬
spect this marvel, and by Kohl’s help succeeded. It
only needed a short examination of the beast, whose
movements were ostensibly actuated by seven differ¬
ent brains, for Linnaeus to exclaim, “ Great God, who
never put more than one clear brain in one of thy
created bodies.” He perceived at once that the heads
with their gaping jaws and the two feet provided with
claws, belonged to- weasels, and that the whole cover¬
ing of the body consisted of snake-skin pasted thereon.
Evidently this hydra was just the opposite of that
certified in Seba’s work as “ Nullement l’ouvrage de
l’art, mais veritablement celui de la nature.” Lin¬
naeus saw that it was doubtless made by the monks as
a representation of the dragon in the Apocalypse, and
that the learned people, both old and young, in their
credulity, had been deceived. This conception was
not disturbed by the second visit which he made on
the day before he left Hamburg.
That he did not refrain from telling of his dis¬
covery was natural, and equally natural was it that
thereby the outrageous price set upon it fell at once
to nothing. Linnaeus and his friends feared that the
Burgomaster on his part would make trouble about
it. So, probably on the advice of Dr. Jaenisch, who
Linnaeus afterwards declared was his only true friend
in Hamburg, he decided to continue on his journey.
His fear of Anderson’s “ revenge ” may, however,
have been superfluous, as the unveiling of the deceit
does not seem to have occasioned great remark. At
least Kohl relates shortly after, in a letter to Linnaeus,
that since his departure, nothing more was heard
about the Hydra; for it might be in the owners’ in¬
terest for the unpleasant discovery to be buried in
It was the 16th May when Linnaeus and his travel¬
ling companion bade farewell to their friends in Ham¬
burg and prepared to depart. They took their way
to an inn in Altona, then a Danish town close by, and
the next day early they stepped on board the Ham¬
burg vessel, paying one ducat [9s. 2d.] each for
passage to Amsterdam.
The yoyage began in a grievous storm of rain,
succeeded by adverse wind which forced them to
anchor during Whitsuntide; Whit-Monday they went
to church, which was decked with leaves like a forest,
hiding even the pulpit and altar. Naturally, oppor¬
tunity was taken to make observations in natural his¬
tory, noting that the frogs croaked far louder than in
Sweden, and each had its own voice. Some sang as
if they were lately fed, and some so badly, that one
might die of melancholy.
Sailing was resumed on the 20th, but the wind was
unfavourable and progress slow, and more than once
they were able to go ashore and obtain some objects
of interest. Passing the coast of Groningen and
West Friesland on the 30th, they practically left the
sea, but, having experienced a violent thunderstorm,
it was not till the 2nd June that they reached Amster¬
dam. Here Linnaeus spent a few days sightseeing
and visiting Jan Burman and Seba; he was surprised
at Burman’s extensive library and Seba’s incompar¬
able apothecary’s establishment. Then they travelled
across the Zuyder Zee to Harderwijk, arriving early
the next morning.
Harderwijk, a small town in Gelderland, then
boasted a university, which was greatly frequented by
foreigners, especially Swedes, wishing to obtain the
degree of Doctor of Medicine. Here not only Lin¬
naeus’s teacher and benefactor, Rothman, but Rosen,
and most of the then members of the Collegium
medicum in Stockholm, had obtained the same
dignity. This may have been the reason that made
Linnaeus prefer this university to Leyden, which
undoubtedly could claim to possess more eminent
professors, both in medicine and natural history. A
contributory reason may have been that Harderwijk
did not require long residence, and thus demanded
less economic sacrifice.
On the day of arrival, Linnaeus looked over the
University and called on the Professor of Mathe¬
matics, J. H. van Loms. On the 7th of June O.S.—
18th N.S.—his name was inscribed in the Album
studiosum of the University, and on the same day he
was sufficiently and sedulously examined in general
medicine. He took as his subjects two aphorisms of
Hippocrates, upon a diagnosis, prescribed for the
treatment of a case of jaundice, when he, with deep
learning, encountered all the questions concerning
doubtful points and arguments; the result being that
he was declared Candidate of Medicine. His thesis
already prepared in Sweden, “ Hypothesis nova de
febrium intermittentium causa ” [New hypothesis as
to the cause of intermittent fevers] in which he sought
for the causes of ague in certain parts of Sweden being
so frequent, by assigning the drinking of clayey water
as the determining act—he had previously left for
inspection in readiness for his examination, with Pro¬
fessor Jan De Gorter, who returned it on the 19th,
marked as usual, “ imprimatur.” The same day,

though Sunday, it was handed to the printer, who so

hastened his labours, that it was presented on the
24th, when the author calmly responded to the re¬
marks of the official opponent. When thus, in every
respect, he made manifest “ a praiseworthy education
and distinguished medical knowledge,” he was on the
same day invested by the rector of the University, the
previously mentioned Professor De Gorter, with
delivery of a gold ring, a silk hat, and a diploma,
promoted to the position of Doctor of Medicine, and
thereby recognized as having, after the usual declar¬
ation, the right to advance to the upper (or doctor's)
chair, publicly to justify medical treatises, to teach
the craft of a physician, to visit the sick, to prescribe
for them, to hold disputations, to promote for gradu¬
ation with all other kindred matters, to exercise the
duties of a physician. In addition there were com¬
mitted to him all powers, privileges, dignities, pre¬
rogatives, and doctoral insignia, which by law and
custom in any university whatever, were extended
to an actual lawfully-promoted Doctor of Medicine.
The same day his name was inscribed in the Album
doctorum; following this De Gorter signed his name,
also expressing his good wishes in his tc brief,” and
Linnaeus departed from Harderwijk. Naturally he
did not omit to inform his friends at home of the rapid
progress made.
Until this time Linnaeus had done particularly
well on his journey, but now he had spent all his
money. He would gladly have gone home direct, but
money was wanting, so he accompanied his comrade,
Cl. Sohlberg, to Leyden, where he intended to pursue
his medical studies, inasmuch as he did not care to
apply to his prospective father-in-law, full well
knowing his disposition. Their course was through
Amsterdam, a short halt being made there to visit
Professor Burman again and look at the nurseries.
The way continued by Haarlem to Leyden, where they
arrived on the 29th June. Linnaeus inscribed his
name as studying in the University, in whose album
it remained as late as 1739.
Unquestionably it now looked black for Linnaeus,
so far as the realization of his hopes to get the books
he carried with him printed. What helped him was
the same quality which had already stood him in good
stead in Lund, Uppsala and Falun, namely his great
power of winning confidence. To push forward his
new, and for that time, daring, almost revolutionary
scientific views, his devoted friends did not hesitate,
though with no small trouble and sacrifice, to try and
smooth his path. He had not been long in Holland,
but he had had time to secure many such friends,
some of whom may now be mentioned, because
they came to exercise a considerable influence on
Linnaeus’s career.
One of these was a senator in Leyden, Dr. Jan
Fredrick Gronovius, whose keen interest in natural
history gained for him the testimony that “ he was the
most inquiring man Linnaeus had met in Holland, and
his herbarium had not its equal.” On returning Lin¬
naeus’s visit, Gronovius saw his “ Systema Naturae ”
in manuscript, with great astonishment. Being well
to do, he wished to publish the same at his own ex¬
pense, and a common friend, Isaac Lawson, a learned
Scot, who had travelled much but was then in Leyden,
joined in the same request. Linnaeus thankfully
accepted this offer; it was put in hand on the 10th
July, but the printing progressed very slowly, lasting
into December. Thus this celebrated work, the
naturalist’s golden book, saw the light, and at once
displayed the author to be of sharp intelligence, with
insight, and a courageous reformer of system in all
three kingdoms of nature. As to its extent, it was
extremely modest, only eleven printed folio pages,
but its great worth appears from this circumstance, that
during Linnaeus’s lifetime, no fewer than sixteen ever-
increasing editions or reprints came out. In the
preface, dated 23rd July, 1735, Linnaeus openly

declares that if an interested reader should gain profit

from this little work, he had exclusively to thank
Gronovius and Lawson; and these thereby not only
laid the foundation of Linnaeus’s world-wide repu¬
tation, but secured for themselves the warm gratitude
of all naturalists.
A still more eminent and influential helper was
gained by Linnaeus. This was no other than the
venerable old man, Herman Boerhaave (1668-1738),
regarded in the whole of Europe as the chief medical
oracle of the time, “ Hippocrates redivivus.” The
position which he had filled with so great renown in
medicine, botany and chemistry, he had, it is true,
relinquished in 1729, but he still continued (till a
short time before his death) to impart medical instruc¬
tion, for which advantage pupils came from all
countries to Leyden. Also for botany, in which
science he had engaged as author, he retained a warm
interest, and great was his pleasure when once a week
he betook himself to his country seat outside Leyden,
and there, free from other vexations, he could refresh
his mind in working in his “ arboretum ” or park,
where grew every kind of tree that could bear the
Clearly Linnaeus would not willingly have left
Holland before meeting with this great man of
science. His immense reputation as practising phy¬
sician caused him to be overwhelmed by patients
seeking advice; his abundant wealth made it possible
for him to confine the number of his visitors within
measurable limits, without regard to their condition
or means, and even these were admitted in turn, a
measure which his age and decreasing strength de¬
manded. Unfortunately it was generally reported
that his servant for his own profit only admitted those
who could or would employ jingling methods of
Conscious of his own weakness in this respect,
Linnaeus despaired of getting his wish fulfilled, but
by advice of Gronovius, he decided to make an
attempt by letter, craving the favour of an audience.
This succeeded beyond expectation; after a weeks
waiting, the great Boerhaave received him with great
kindness and wrote in his “ brief ” as follows :







Leijd^e, 17 f 35.

A fabulous account was published that Linnaeus

gained admission by sending a copy of his “ Systema,”
but as the above was written on the 5th July, and the
printing of it did not begin till the nth of the same
month, and ended on the 13th December, it is mani¬
fest that this account is entirely false.
A few days after this, they met again in Boer-
haave’s arboretum, “ a paradise, Holland’s miracle,
whose like no mortal can imagine,” and in the walks
round it, Linnaeus was able to show his insight in
botany and its literary history. An old tradition,
which is not intrinsically unlikely, and is to some
extent supported by Linnaeus’s own words, exempli¬
fies an episode from this remarkable meeting. In
the garden stood, it is said, a tree which Boerhaave
regarded as a rarity, that had not yet been described
by any naturalist. To his complete astonishment
Linnaeus declared that it was well known to him, and
that it grew abundantly in Sweden; further, it was
not only not undescribed, but was included by Vail-
lant in his great “Botanicon Parisiense” as “Crataegus
folio subrotundo laciniato et serrato.” This Boerhaave

himself disputed, as he had in 1727, on the sugges¬

tion of the English botanist, William Sherard,
obtained the said work. Nevertheless, as Linnaeus
stood to his statement, the book was sent for, and the
description of the tree was found and confirmed. It
was the White Beam, which in the greater part of
Europe does not occur in a wild state.
It is certain that Linnaeus at his first meeting with
Boerhaave made so good an impression, that he found
in him a friend whose benevolence was not evanes¬
cent, but on the contrary, remained warm and
unchanged to Boerhaave’s last hour. After his death,
Linnaeus was able to say, “ With Boerhaave I have lost
the most devoted friend, the most obliging teacher,
the best benefactor. The memory of my medical
father Boerhaaye, I shall ever hold constantly in
The first testimony of Boerhaave’s estimation of
Linnaeus’s work in botany, and his unquenchable love
for it, was his offer to send him to the Cape, there
to collect plants for two years, for the University
garden in Leyden, and afterwards proceed to
America. He promised that he should travel free,
and on his return should enjoy the status of a Pro¬
fessor with suitable emolument. The offer was
unquestionably tempting, but before deciding, Lin¬
naeus consulted his friends in Sweden, particularly
Olof Celsius. The latter suggested a plan for a visit
to his friend Dillenius in England, and as Linnaeus
was well versed in assaying, he urged an application
to Peter Collinson in London, who would provide a
suitable post in America, where the English had mines,
and added, that if this project fell through, he ought to
conduct a diligent correspondence with Dillenius.
Celsius seems to have discouraged the projected jour¬
ney, as he well knew it would not suit him. But before
this letter came, Linnaeus had determined to decline
the offer, with the excuse that he could not bear hot
climates, having been brought up in a cold one; the
K •
true reason, however, was that his affianced bride in
Sweden held him back. (“ Sweden ” was the name
of Moraeus’s country house outside Falun.)
During this period of uncertainty, Linnaeus found
himself tolerably active. At one time he went to the
seashore and botanized, then to Amsterdam, back to
Leyden, to Utrecht to view the University garden,
and next day once more to Leyden. He then decided
to go back to Sweden without delay, but when he
went to take leave of Boerhaave the latter advised
him by no means to quit Holland at once, as he in¬
tended, but to settle down and live in the Nether¬
lands. However, as Linnaeus meant to pass through
Amsterdam to Sweden, he begged him to call on
Burman. The latter was born in the same year as
Linnaeus, at twenty-one years of age became Professor
of Botany and manager of the Botanic Garden at
Amsterdam, and died in 1780.
The next day, 2nd August, he started for that
town, and hastened to discharge Boerhaave’s
instructions. During their conversation Burman
asked what plants in his herbarium Linnaeus wished
to see. “ I should like to see many, perhaps all,” was
the answer, “ but I do not know what you possess.”
On which Burman handed him a dried plant with the
remark that it was rare. Linnaeus took a flower,
moistened it in his mouth, examined its parts, and
declared it to be a Laurus. “ That is no Laurus,”
said Burman. “ Yes,” answered Linnaeus, “ and a
Cinnamomum into the bargain.” “ True, it is a
Cinnamomum,” admitted Burman, and then Linnaeus
gave reasons for uniting both genera. So the talk
went on, the result being that Burman asked Linnaeus
if he was willing to help him in working up Ceylon
plants on which he was then engaged. He also
offered him a fine room, service and board, and
Linnaeus closed with the offer till the following year.
As he at the same time received a bill of exchange for
200 silver dalers [,£15] from Sohlberg, he could view

in peace at least the near future, and further found to

his delight, the opportunity of printing in Holland the
treatises he had ready. On the 9th August he handed
his “ Bibliotheca botanica ” to the press, and soon
after his “ Fundamenta botanica”; the former being
dedicated to J. Burman, “ as a lasting remembrance
of the special friendship and kindness with which he
treated me during the time when this work was in
preparation.” Recreation during this strenuous period
was provided by his enjoying himself in looking over
Burman’s work on Ceylon plants, and diligently
visiting the Hortus medicus at Amsterdam.
During one of these visits, there happened an
occurrence which in high degree recalls the first
meeting of Linnaeus and Olof Celsius in the Uppsala
botanic garden in the spring of 1729. While he was
living in Holland he had certainly heard of the
Director of the Dutch East India Company, Georg
Clifford, LL.D., a very wealthy man, who took a
particular delight in botany, and had set up an
incomparable botanic garden on his estate between
Leyden and Haarlem, the maintenance of which
costing him annually 12,000 gulden [,£1,000]. He
believed that this said garden could not be materially
different from many others, “ which cover the highly
cultivated Holland,” so that he neglected to visit the
same. When one day he was wandering round the
medical botanic garden, he was accosted by an entirely
unknown person. This happened to be the said
Clifford, who invited Linnaeus to pay a visit in the
company of Burman to his country house at Harte-
camp, to take the foreign plants and rare animals there
into closer observation.
For the kindness thus displayed to an unknown
foreigner, Linnaeus had to thank Boerhaave. The
latter was Clifford’s physician, and on one of his visits
to obtain relief for his hypochondriac trouble,
Boerhaave declared: “You cannot live a happy life
unless a physician is daily with you to watch over
your meals and the rest of your diet, etc., and to
carry out my advice, if anything more serious should
happen.” On Clifford declaring that he would
willingly take that adyice if only such a physician
could be obtained, Boerhaave answered, “ There is a
Swede whom I can recommend, and being a botanist
as well, he can look after your garden also.”
The visit to Hartecamp took place on the 13th—
14th August, and Linnaeus’s boldest anticipations
were surpassed. “ My eyes,” he says in a dedication
to Clifford, “ were enchanted by so many natural
objects, of masterpieces supported by art, alleys,
plant-beds, statues, ponds and artificial mounts and
labyrinths. Your menageries delighted me, full of
tigers, apes, wild hounds, Indian deer and goats, South
American and African swine; with these mingled
flocks of birds, American hawks, various kinds of
parrots, pheasants, peafowl, American capercailzies,
Indian hens, swans, many sorts of ducks and geese,
waders and other swimming birds, snipe, American
crossbills, sparrows of diverse kinds, turtle-doves, with
innumerable other species which made the garden
re-echo with their noise.
“ I was astounded when I stepped into the plant-
houses, full as they were of so many plants, that a son
of the north must feel himself bewitched and struck
with wonder when he thought of the distant lands
from which they were brought. In the first house
were kept many kinds of flowers from southern
Europe, such as Spain, south of France, Italy, Sicily
and Greece. In the second, treasures were found
from Asia, such as cloves, Poinciana, mangosteen,
coco-palms and other palms as well. In the third,
Africa was represented with its peculiar, not to say
scientific plants, such as Aloe and Mesembryanthemum
with their numerous forms, carrion-flowers, euphor¬
bias, Crassula and Protea species, etc. Finally in
the fourth house were cultivated the delightful natives
from America and other parts of the New World;
great numbers of Cactus, orchids, crucifers, yams,
magnolias, tulip-trees, calabash-tree, arrowroot, Cassia,
acacias, tamarinds, peppers, Anona, manchineel,
cucumber-tree, and many others, and encompassed by
these, pisang (Musa), the stateliest amongst all the
plants of the world, the magnificent H ernandia, silver¬
leaved Protea and the valuable camphor-tree. When
I afterwards came into the truly royal residence and
into the most instructive museum, whose collections
spoke no less of their possessor’s renown, I felt, as
a foreigner, quite transported, because I had never
seen their equal. My earnest wish was that I might
lend a helping hand to their preservation.”
Linnaeus’s feelings and wishes being as stated,
Clifford was no less eager to see Boerhaave’s plan
realized, and all the more, as he had received a letter
from Gronovius candidly and sincerely setting forth
the great advantage he would obtain by Linnaeus
taking charge and regulating the herbarium, and the
rest of the natural productions, as well as drawing
up a Hortus hartecamfensis. He remarked the
peculiarity about Linnaeus, that he knew the Indian
plants, which he had never seen, as soon as he had
opened a flower and counted its parts. This set him
wondering, and he therefore came forward with his
proposition, that Linnaeus should exchange Amsterdam
for Hartecamp. Notwithstanding the great desire
Linnaeus had for this change he considered himself
bound by his engagement with Burman, and the latter
seems to have been little disposed to relinquish his
newly acquired, helpful coadjutor. In a visit to
Clifford’s rich library, Burman, with delighted
astonishment, beheld the second volume of Sloane’s
great work, “ A Voyage to the Islands Madera . . .
and Jamaica,” and gave utterance to his great
pleasure. “ I have two copies of it,” Clifford hastened
to say, “ and I will give you one, if you will give up
Linnaeus to me.” The decision was now left to the
latter. After a journey to Leyden on the 18th of
August, probably to take the advice of Boerhaave, he
accepted the offer, and bound himself to remain at
Hartecamp over the winter, on condition that he
should have free board, housing and a salary of i ,000
florins per annum [^83 6s. 8d.]. The next day he
made haste to inform his friends at Falun, Inspector
Sohlberg, Magister Browallius, and naturally, Sara
Lisa Moraea. On the 13th September he removed
to Hartecamp and took up his duties. His principal
conducted him into the plant-houses in which were
certain plants unknown to Linnaeus, especially some
from the Cape. After investigation he was able to
assign names to some, but others he declared were
still undescribed, which highly pleased Clifford. His
own contentment Linnaeus expressed in a letter to
Gronovius, describing himself as being in a paradise.
Burman and Clifford were not the only persons
who wished to make use of the young Swede’s know¬
ledge and industry. It has already been mentioned
(p. 138) that the rich apothecary, Albert Seba, was
living in Amsterdam, where he had a fine and
valuable collection of illustrated works. He was now
engaged in prosecuting the same, but old age, ill-
health, and perhaps inaccurate views, put hindrances
in the way, causing him to turn to Linnaeus for help.
But Linnaeus, now engaged by Clifford, could not
undertake the commission, and besides, the third
volume next to be printed, was on the subject of
fishes, least liked by Linnaeus. Circumstances, how¬
ever, enabled him to make use of one of his friends,
an Uppsala comrade, Petrus Artedi. He had left
Sweden about the same time as Linnaeus to pursue his
studies abroad. He first went to England, where the
naturalists, especially the celebrated Sir Hans Sloane,
received him with the greatest kindness and gave him
opportunity in his own and other museums and
collections to add to his already considerable know¬
ledge concerning fishes, then a scarcely known class.
He stayed in England until he found himself obliged

by his diminishing funds to go to Holland. During

a visit by Linnaeus to Leyden, the two friends met
unexpectedly on the 8th July, and tears in the eyes
of both testified to their emotion at the unforeseen
meeting. Each had much to impart to the other
since they last met, about works and future plans.
Artedi’s greatest wish was to obtain the degree of
Doctor in Medicine, but as his means were nearly
exhausted, he saw no possibility in a foreign land of
obtaining food, clothes and needed books, so was
thinking of returning to Sweden. “ But Linnaeus
comforted him, that he was no longer at Uppsala
under restriction and persecution, and prophesied that
if he would be careful all would be well.” He
persuaded him to go with him to Amsterdam, where
they visited Seba, with the happy result that Artedi
was installed as Seba’s helper, and he so diligently
devoted himself to describing the fishes, which were to
be included in the volume of Seba’s work now in
course of preparation, that only a few remained
Linnaeus thereupon returned to Hartecamp, but
as soon as the preliminaries to his “ Fundamenta
botanica ” were finished, he hastened to Amsterdam
to meet his friend. Artedi, generally of few words,
produced all his manuscripts which he had never
shown before, went through them and said that as
soon as Seba’s work was finished, he would take up
the final revision and polish the same, so that they
could be printed before his homeward journey.
Although Linnaeus was much engrossed by other
objects, Artedi was unwilling to part from his friend,
“ but,” he says in the preface to Artedi’s “ Ichthyologia,”
“ had I known that this was to be our last talk, I could
have wished it had lasted longer.”
A few days later, on the 27th September, Artedi
was invited to Seba’s house to supper, where he stayed
in happy conversation with many fellow guests till
late at night. On his homeward way in the darkness,
and not being well acquainted with the neighbourhood,
he fell into the “ gracht ” (canal) at one a.m. and was
Not till three days later did Linnaeus learn through
Sohlberg of his friend’s sad fate, when he hastened to
Amsterdam to be at the funeral. Seba, whom he
visited, paid 50 florins [£4. 3s. 4d.] towards the
expenses. “ When I saw,” he relates, “ the lifeless,
stiffened body, and the froth upon the pale blue lips;
when I recalled my oldest and best friend’s unhappy
fate; when I remembered how many sleepless nights,
wearisome hours, journeys and expenses, the departed
had undergone, before he attained such a measure of
knowledge as to be able to compete with any, I
burst into tears, when I foresaw that all this learning,
which should have secured for him and his country
immortal honour, threatened with annihilation; I felt
that the love I cherished for my friend compelled me
to fulfil my promise that we once mutually exchanged,
namely, that the survivor should publish the other’s
But here arose difficulties. Artedi’s relatives in
Norrland, to whom Linnaeus applied, gave him full
right to take over the manuscripts left, but the
landlord in whose house Artedi lodged, definitely
refused to give them up, until his preferential claim
was fully paid. An attempt to induce Seba to
liquidate the debt, did not succeed, and a public
auction was arranged, threatening the dispersal of the
collections. In his vexation Linnaeus applied to
Clifford, who willingly paid the requisite sum. Thus
it became possible for Linnaeus, though with much
trouble, to give to the world the fruit of his friend’s
many years’ work, and at the same time by publishing
Artedi’s “ Ichthyologia sive opera omnia de piscibus ”
to ascribe to him the honour of being the actual
founder of a scientific system of fishes on a large
scale. In later years he founded the genus Artedia
in his friend’s memory, upon an umbelliferous plant,

one of a group to which Artedi had devoted much

Linnaeus was now living with Clifford, forgetting
his native land, friends and kindred, oblivious of past
and future cares, for two untroubled years, which he
himself was accustomed to denote as his most pleasant
years. Formerly living in narrow or straitened
circumstances, he could not at first realize it as both
unusual and delightful to be able to live like a prince,
having everything he wanted, splendid lodging, grand
gardens and glasshouses, a fine library, with liberty to
order all plants which were wanting in the garden, and
to buy any books which were not in the library. He
was enabled to say “ Others must travel home for the
sake of money. I am afraid to do so for the same
reason; here I can do as I like, but not so at home.”
His relations with Clifford and his family being most
cordial, he was like a son in the house.
He now applied himself with ardour to arranging
the herbarium at Hartecamp and added to it many
dried plants. To increase its contents, each month
he visited the gardens at Amsterdam, Utrecht and
Leyden, the last especially yielding him many
rarities. Supported by the skilful gardener, Dietrich
Nietzel, he had great success in his efforts. Already
in January, 1736, he succeeded by clever management
in getting the pisang (Musa) to flower for the first time
in Holland. This was inspected by practically all in
the land, even the most distinguished, and Boerhaave
himself came to receive a demonstration by Linnaeus
of this, then held to be the finest of all plants. He
drew up a small volume on its cultivation, entitled
“ Musa Cliffortiana,” by which every gardener after¬
wards was able to induce it to flower. By his
direction the plant was established in rich soil, water
being withheld for many weeks, after which it was
deluged as if by tropical rains, to which treatment it
responded. The next year it flowered twice as freely
at Hartecamp, and produced fruit.
Linnaeus did not spare his activities this year, for
knowing how to use his time, worked night and day
to amplify the notes which he had sketched out at
Uppsala. Quite early in his stay with Clifford, his
“ Systema Naturae,” “ Fundamenta” and “ Bibliotheca
botanica ” were in the press, but before these were
completed, he began the final revision and printing of
two other works (both of which are to-day considered
classics) and thoroughly confirmed the great reputation
the young author had already secured. One was
“ Genera plantarum ” dedicated to Boerhaave, who
afterwards expressed himself in the most flattering
terms about this work, “ as displaying to the astonished
reader unceasing industry, uncommon consistency,
and unequalled learning,” and “ Flora lapponica ”
which was admittedly that whose publication both in
and outside Holland was awaited with the greatest
eagerness, as on it he had bestowed especial care and
attention. It has already been mentioned (p. 86)
that after his Lapland journey he was busily occupied
at Uppsala with drafting this flora, but the manuscript
thus prepared in Holland underwent a thorough and
time-consuming revision, by which not only its
extent, but its scientific value was considerably
increased, which can be proved by comparison of the
manuscript, now at Uppsala, with the printed volume.
Its publication was effected with special difficulties
and very great expense, but willing helpers were
found, and even a society formed in Amsterdam, to
undertake the plates. Linnaeus hoped that it would
be issued early in 1737, but he feared it might be late
in the year, before that happened. Both “ Flora ”
and “ Genera plantarum ” were dated 1737.
During this work, and probably through consulta¬
tion with Artedi, there arose in Linnaeus a great
desire to visit England to see the large museums there
and to make acquaintance with its most eminent
naturalists. He hoped also to find plants there for
Clifford’s garden. The latter readily gave per-

mission and means to undertake this journey, but did

not wish Linnaeus to stay away too long. The agree¬
ment was made that the journey should not take more
than eight weeks, of which two were reckoned for
outward and homeward voyages. This agreement was
soon found impossible to keep. On the 21st July,
Amsterdam was left, and after a visit to Boerhaave’s
country seat and Leyden, Linnaeus arrived at
Rotterdam on the following day. On his departure
the wind was so unfavourable, that it required nearly
a whole week to get to London. On landing, he
took up his abode with the pastor of the Swedish
church, Tobias Bjork, in Princes Square, near
Ratcliff Highway.
Amongst those first visited by Linnaeus, was the
President of the Royal Society, Sir Hans Sloane,
who, for bringing together his world-renowned natural
history museum, had of his own private means spent
no less than ,£50,000, and so more than any other
mortal had gathered a museum whose equal was
not extant. To this protagonist amongst English
naturalists, Linnaeus brought with him a recom-
mendary letter from Boerhaave, in which he testified
to his great appreciation of Linnaeus, and ascribed to
him a more than prophetic power. “ Linnaeus, who
brings you this letter, is particularly worthy of seeing
you, and of being seen by you. He who sees you
together, will look upon a pair of men, whose
like can hardly be found in the world.” Sloane
invited Linnaeus to go through certain “ herbaria
viva ” on the 27th July, amongst them being those
which belonged to Plukenet, Petiver and Camell.
On the day after, he visited the museum of the Royal
Society in Dr. Cromwell Mortimer’s company.
Another acquaintance which Linnaeus especially
longed to make, was with the administrator of the
Apothecaries’ garden at Chelsea, Philip Miller; who
conducted him at once through the garden and
showed him its rarest plants, employing the then
long-syllabled names. Linnaeus, who had come to
recognize the unsuitability of these names, and who
probably found it difficult to speak Latin with an
Englishman, maintained a reserved silence, which
Miller conceived as due to ignorance. “ This
Clifford’s botanist does not know a single plant ” was
the judgment he formed and expressed to an expert,
who reported it to Linnaeus. When on the next day,
Miller employed the same kind of names, Linnaeus
thought he ought to point out the existence of other
names, more accurate and shorter, which should be
used, and gave an instance, whereupon Miller took
offence and became unfriendly, but this ill-humour
soon passed away.
From London, Linnaeus travelled to Oxford,
where he saw Sherard’s herbarium, library and the
University garden. His judgment on the collection
of dried plants was that it excelled all others in
European, but he was less impressed by the exotics.
He was kindly received by Dr. Thomas Shaw,
Divinity Professor, who had travelled in Barbary and
was especially charming, as he considered himself a
disciple of Linnaeus, after reading his system with
much enjoyment. Linnaeus longed most to become
acquainted with Dr. Dillenius, the then Sherardian
Professor of Botany. His surprise therefore was
great, when on his visit to him he was received so
haughtily, that he was scarcely invited to step in.
Linnaeus heard also, before he was admitted, that the
professor remarked to James Sherard, who was
present: “This is he who is bringing all botany into
confusion.” A walk in the garden, however, was
taken, and then Dillenius burst out with little angry
remarks and contemptuous gestures. Linnaeus, not
allowing this behaviour to frighten him, stayed with
him three days, but was hardly permitted to see a
single plant.
During this walk in the garden Linnaeus noticed
I'Antirrhinum minus which was unknown to him,
so he asked what it was. “ Don’t you know that? ”
answered Dillenius. “ Yes, if I may take a flower, I
will say at once.” “ Take it,” said Dillenius, and the
answer was at once forthcoming. As no improvement
in his entertainment showed itself, and Linnaeus’s
travelling expenses beginning to dry up, he determined
to betake himself homeward. As he was unversed in
the English language, he asked Dillenius to let his
servant order a carriage for the following day, wishing
to pay for it in his presence. “ I could then no longer
put up with it,” said Linnaeus, “ but desired as the
only favour from him, to explain why he thought I
was bringing botany into confusion.” Dillenius
refused, but when Linnaeus became pertinacious
and continued, “ Why was he now so angry with me
when formerly he was polite ? ” “ Step in with me,”
he cried suddenly, and took up the first printed sheets
of Linnaeus’s “ Genera ” which Gronovius, in his
innocence, had forwarded to him. On almost every
page N.B. (nota bene) had been written, and on
Linnaeus asking why, the answer came, “ Yes, in your
book there are many erroneous genera like N.B.”
Linnaeus disputed this, but declared that if the
opposite were shown, he would gladly correct it.
Instead of arguing, they began to examine the
flowers and by dissection to judge which was right;
finally coming to a perfect agreement when Linnaeus’s
statements were found to accord with nature, though
not with the old writers. As a consequence Dillenius
admitted that “ Genera plantarum ” was not written in
order to oppose him, the result being that Linnaeus
had to leave his travelling companion, and remain for
a whole month. From that time forward they were
hardly apart for two hours while Linnaeus was at
Oxford, and when he at last left that city, Dillenius
embraced him and parted from him with tears, having
before that invited him to live and die there, as the
professorial salary was sufficient for both. On part¬
ing, he presented him with a copy of his “ Hortus
elthamensis ”; also all the living plants which Linnaeus
wished to have for Clifford’s garden.
He wanted also to have some plants from the
Chelsea garden, so on his return to London, he again
paid a visit to Miller. The latter, however, kept
away, and it was not till the evening that Linnaeus met
with him. He was then in a good temper and willingly
agreed to give him plants. It was therefore with great
satisfaction that Linnaeus prepared for his return to
Holland. Others in England he records having met,
were G. D. Ehret, Professor John Martyn, and Peter
Collinson. Sir J. E. Smith mentions as a tradition
that Linnaeus was so enchanted with the gorse in full
flower on Putney Heath, that he flung himself on his
knees before it, but as the gorse is a spring flowering
plant, and Linnaeus was only in England in late
summer, the tradition is unfounded. Gorse, Ulex
europceus, is unable to stand the Swedish winter, and
already on p. 135 has been mentioned his record of
noting it near Hamburg.
Now came a time of strenuous labour, for it was
necessary to begin that work which more than any other
should preserve the remembrance of his activity at
Hartecamp and Clifford’s generous love for botany.
So “ Hortus Cliffortianus ” was attacked as Clifford
ardently desired, for he knew that Linnaeus would stay
to finish it, and guessed that otherwise he would soon
go back to Sweden. For its beautiful appearance
Clifford spared no expense, Linnaeus on his part dis¬
playing a marvellous power of work. Almost alone he
wrote this sumptuous volume, correcting the press
himself, all within nine months, which might have taken
others years to do. This was not all, for realizing that
when it came out, many would wonder at the new
names employed, he applied himself in the evenings,
when tired of the “ Hortus,” to writing and publishing
his “ Critica botanica.” He lamented that he could
not devote as much care to its latinity as he wished, as
he had been persuaded by Boerhaave to issue it

speedily. Further came the authorship of his works

“ Corollarium,” “Methodus sexualis,” and “Viridarium
Cliffortianum,” the translation into Latin of his friend
Browallius’s “ Thoughts on Natural History/’ with a
preface by the translator, and the completion of his
“Flora lapponica” and “Genera plantarum ” which
were begun before he visited England. The result
was that his books, which bear the date of 1737, con¬
sist of nearly 500 pages in large folio, and more than
I, 350 pages in octavo with 46 plates. If that be
marvellous, it is still more so if one takes into account
the scientific value of the said works and the great
influence which they exercised on reforming and
developing botany. It will further be seen that the
said year 1737 did not end before he was busily
engaged with writing and printing other and important
Linnaeus was fully justified in declaring that he had
carried through an amount of work, which before had
hardly been witnessed. Although we cannot definitely
adduce all the objects he undertook at that time, it is
possible to set forth the extensive, constant and varied
correspondence which he conducted with naturalists in
many countries. Among those with whom he inter¬
changed letters, we may note such men as Johann
Ammann, botanical professor at St. Petersburg, A. E.
Buchner at Halle, Dillenius, Fahrenheit, the celebrated
physicist, J. Gesner, professor at Zurich, Albert von
Haller, the world renowned physician and naturalist
at Gottingen, J. E. Hebenstreit, professor of medicine
at Leipzig, L. Heister, professor of botany at Helm-
stedt, F. C. Lesserus, C. T. Ludwig at Leipzig,
F. O. Mencken, a Polish Court Councillor, P. H. G.
Moehring, doctor of medicine in Jena, Fr. Boissier de
la Croix de Sauvages, medical professor at Montpellier,
J. Scheuchzer, professor and musician at Zurich, J. G.
Siegesbeck, botanic demonstrator at St. Petersburg,
Sir Hans Sloane, C. J. Trew, medical doctor at Niirn-
berg, and many others, not to mention his Dutch
friends with whom his correspondence was specially
animated. It is true that sometimes these letters only
contained notes about a few plants, or well-turned com¬
pliments, with which letters then abounded, but usually
they contained many scientific details, accurate explana¬
tions which were asked for, and extensive inquiries and
sources of information. In whatever case it was, it
demanded considerable time, especially as Latin was
the only language, accept in letters to Sweden, which
Linnaeus could employ.
During this hurried, nervous work the only recrea¬
tion which Linnaeus allowed himself, was a visit
occasionally to Amsterdam, where Burman lived, and
there he was always welcome, and where he interested
himself with Ceylon and African plants: also to Leyden,
where he sometimes listened to Boerhaave’s lectures,
or took part in a disputation, whether Linnaeus’s method
was the best. Liberal hospitality was afforded by
Botanical Professor Adrian van Roijen, by Lawson and
particularly Gronovius, in whose household he was an
intimate friend. There was always a room placed at
his service, and he was invited to celebrate the host’s
birthday and Christmastide. Friendly reproaches were
sent to him from Gronovius’s wife, when he once failed
in his promise to spend several days at their house, and
when there to add to their amusement by donning his
Lapland dress, an offence which could only be atoned
for by a speedy visit. After such an event, Gronovius
could not refrain from telling, with a certain pride, how
all his friends talked about his guest, and how he could
hardly go out without meeting someone, who in the
choicest language, would ask after Linnaeus, his travels,
and his Lapland journey. It is quite evident that what
Linnaeus had to relate about Lapland and the Lapps
(about whom at that time the most fantastic and laugh¬
able representations were current) attracted eminently
flattering attention. A journey to Lapland then
seemed uncommon, and was regarded as united to great
dangers and fatigue, such as, in our days, a voyage of

(Portrait by M. Hoffman, painted about 1737).


discovery to the world’s most inaccessible regions

would entail. A testimony to this is the portrait, the
oldest one extant, of “ C. Linnaeus e Lapponia redux ”
in Lapp costume, painted by the eminent artist Martin
Hoffmann, during his residence in Holland.
At Hartecamp he lived “ in the best circumstances
a mortal could wish for ”; he had all the services of
cook and other servants, and could entertain those who
paid him visits, with all festive liberality. He could
also undertake what excursions he wished, and could
drive through Amsterdam streets with a carriage and
pair of horses. Nevertheless he began to be troubled
with home sickness, principally induced by over-strain
and the feeling of being a foreigner, from which he could
not free himself, for “ his genius was so little for speech
that he never learned Dutch, though he lived for nearly
three years in Holland.” Especially during the period
when Clifford and his family were away from Harte¬
camp, and consequently he was alone with servants and
his work, he felt himself “ a solitary monk, penned up
within two walls.” Dutch habits and customs and the
whole temper of the people did not seem to suit him,
so that his health suffered. “ From all this occupation
he was so worn out in the autumn of the year, that he
could no longer endure the Dutch air,” and found “ that
the Dutch climate is not long wholesome for a, Swede.”
Though he saw that he was not justified in stopping his
strenuous work in such desirable circumstances, as rich
collections, garden and library at Hartecamp, his
decision ripened to leave Clifford and betake himself
home to his expectant bride.
This decision he imparted to his host, who would not
allow him to leave for some weeks, suggesting that he
should remain at his expense at Leyden, to hear Boer-
haave before the botanic chair at Utrecht became
vacant. After the anticipated death or resignation of
the aged Serrurier, who was past eighty, Linnaeus
would be certain to succeed him, and Clifford mean¬
while would pay him a salary. All persuasion, how-
ever, was in vain; he determined to go back in spite
of all offers, all comforts and honours in the
place where all botanists sought him as an oracle,
for Linnaeus’s sweetheart drew his mind towards
With feelings of the warmest gratitude, to which
he gave handsome expression in the preface to “ Hortus
Cliffortianus,” he took farewell on the 7th October,
1737, of his “one botanic Maecenas” Clifford from
whom he had received, besides his agreed salary, a
sum of 100 ducats [^23 10s. iod.] on account of the
“ Hortus Cliffortianus.” His intention was to go to
Paris and stay a short time there, after that to travel
into Germany and visit Ludwig at Leipzig, and Haller
at Gottingen, especially to work up mosses with the
latter, and then to go straight home. In writing to
Haller, he expresses his fear that he would not be able
to come to him very soon, as he wished to stay at
Leyden, and there bid adieu to> his friends and
This fear was justified. Professor van Roijen was
aghast that Linnaeus should so soon leave the place,
and offered him every advantage if he would remain
with him for half a year, to put the academic garden in
order, to help him in his work, and demonstrate
“ Fundamenta botanica.” Boerhaave, Gronovius and
others, who wanted to keep Linnaeus permanently in
Holland, did their utmost to upset his plans of travel,
and as a result, he decided to remain in Leyden to the
end of February, 1738. What caused so much hesita¬
tion was the fear that Clifford would probably be hurt,
as indeed he was, but Linnaeus endeavoured to excuse
himself by stating that he remained for no other reason
than to honour himself and his worthy friend Mijnheer
Clifford. This was in a certain degree consonant with
truth, as the relations between Clifford and Linnaeus
would be publicly made known in so brilliant a
University, and would further honour the name of
Linnaeus, as he had in “ Hortus Cliffortianus ” and his

other writings, shown his connection with so famous a

garden as that of Clifford.
The administrator of Leyden’s botanic garden was
Boerhaave, who arranged it after his own system.
This was ignored by others, and Professor van Roijen
had quite decided to abolish it and take up the
Linnean. It was for this that Linnaeus’s help was
wanted, and 800 florins [,£66 13s. 4d.] assigned for it.
There was no complaint to bring against van Roijen,
and there was no cause to seek a motive for this
resolve. There was a report that Boerhaave had
suggested the marriage, with a dowry of a million
gulden [more than ,£85,000], of his only daughter and
Linnaeus; but it was only a mere rumour, and without
any support; she subsequently married Count Toms.
Meanwhile Linnaeus would not permit of this shock
to one who had been so good to him, but as Boerhaave’s
method was not to remain, he helped van Roijen to
work out a special one. The plants were reviewed by
van Roijen and Linnaeus, who also contrived new
names, and arranged the details of instruction in the
new philosophy. To Linnaeus’s delight he found that
the pupils at Leyden would hear his “ Fundamenta”
publicly explained.
The reasons why Linnaeus considerately tried to
avoid wounding Boerhaave’s feelings are easy to see.
As already set forth he was indebted to him for much
kindness, benefiting by his public and private lectures,
and receiving from him clinical instruction at the
hospitals. Not long before also Boerhaave had given
him a new and striking testimony as to his confidence
in him. In the year 1737 there was a vacancy in the
medical service in Surinam, which could be filled by
Boerhaave, who, however, offered it to Linnaeus,
pointing out that his predecessor had within five years
amassed several “ tons of gold ” [a ton= ;£ 1,400], as
the only doctor in the place. He also tried to lure
him by an account of the splendid plants that could be
found in so fine a climate, but love for his affianced
bride held Linnaeus back. Then Boerhaave allowed
him to propose the most suitable man for the post,
because no one knew the young Doctor better than
himself, and thus Johann Bartsch of Konigsberg
became the possessor of the post, a small, handsome,
quick, learned and methodical young man, an intimate
friend of Linnaeus, who had taught him not only botany
but entomology. He started on the 2nd October for
Surinam, but most unfortunately sickened and died a
few months after his arrival. Linnaeus, who called
the genus Bartsia after him, sharply complained of
the brutal conduct of the Colonial Government, which
caused the death of this amiable young man. Another
Swede, Tiburtius Kiellman, befriended both by
Sohlberg and Linnaeus, became Bartsch’s successor,
but he too soon died in that unhealthy climate.
The good relations which prevailed from the first
meeting between Boerhaave and Linnaeus were never
clouded, but continually became more intimate. This
was shown when Linnaeus, shortly before his departure,
came to bid farewell to his old teacher. The latter
was seriously ill of dropsy, accompanied by asthma, so
that he could not lie down in bed, but had to sit
propped up. For some time, no one was admitted to
his room; Linnaeus being the only exception. He
came to kiss his great teacher’s hand, with a sorrowful
“ Vale ” [Good-bye], but the sick old man had still so
much strength that he carried Linnaeus’s hand to his
lips, and kissed it in return, saying: “ I have lived my
time and my years are done, what I could do, I have
done. God preserve thee for what remains. What
the world asked of me it had, but it asks far more
yet of thee. Farewell, my dear Linnaeus.” Tears
prevented more, but when Linnaeus went home to his
lodgings, Boerhaave sent him a fine copy of his
Chemistry. He fell asleep soon after, on the
23rd September, 1738.
In Leyden, with its brisk life and busy interchange
with many educated persons, Linnaeus prospered. He

was inducted into a club, where Dr. J. F. Gronovius,

Dr. van Swieten, himself, Isaac Lawson, Lieber-
kuhn, a big and stout Prussian, who had matchless
microscopes, J. Kramer, a fast and careless German, a
student in all the faculties (with incomparable genius
for remembering everything which he had heard or
read), with J. Bartsch, were members. When they
were gathered together, it was the duty of the host to
demonstrate something in his province, as Gronovius in
botany, van Swieten in practical medicine, Linnaeus
in natural history, Lawson in history and antiquities,
Lieberkuhn in microscopical subjects, Kramer in
chemistry, and Bartsch in physics. That Linnaeus
was the active spirit in this society, appears from a
letter of Gronovius to his friend Dr. R. Richardson of
North Bierley, in Yorkshire, in which he states: “ Last
winter we had a most excellent club or union which
met each Saturday, with Linnaeus as President. Some¬
times we examined minerals, other days flowers, insects
or fishes. We made such progress that with the help
of his tables [Systema Naturae] we could refer each
fish, plant or mineral to its genus, and subsequently to
its species, although none of us had seen it before. I
consider these tables to be of the highest value, and
everybody ought to have them, hanging up in his study,
like maps. Boerhaave values this work highly, and
they are his daily recreation.”
Other work of Linnaeus in Leyden consisted chiefly
in drawing up and printing his “ Classes plantarum ”
and his deceased friend Artedi’s “ Ichthyologia,” both
of which came out in 1738. He also helped Gronovius
with his “ Flora virginica ” in which Linnaeus’s
principles were embodied. According to his custom
he was very busy here, but not to that degree as in his
last days at Hartecamp, with soul and body in ceaseless
toil. From this it resulted that at Leyden, though
he no longer lived as splendidly as a king, he became
stouter and lively, though he still laboured abundantly.
His economic condition was excellent, as he lived well
at Professor van Roijen’s expense, receiving money
from him as he had from Clifford. Besides, he had in
the wealthy Lawson a liberal friend, who often asked
Linnaeus if he wanted money, and when he answered
“ No,” he would press 60, 80, ioo gulden [£5,
£6 13s. 4., £8 6s. 8d.] on Linnaeus, saying that
he had enough for himself, for he had had the fore¬
thought to save.
So the time passed till the spring, when at Easter
he received unwelcome news from home. His friend
Browallius, appointed professor at Abo, was asserted
by another friend (presumably Mennander) to cast
amorous glances at Sara Lisa Moraea, and when the
time fixed by Assessor Moraeus for Linnaeus’s stay
abroad had passed, Moraeus considered himself no
longer bound by his promise concerning his daughter.
Linnaeus would have hurried back, but was held back
by a bad ague. As soon as he recovered, he was
invited by Lawson and some Englishmen to a little
oyster feast, at which he ate only a single oyster and
drank one cup of good wine. The following day,
however, he was down with cholera, and Dr. van
Swieten had to employ all his skill to save him.
Hardly had he somewhat recovered, though still
tottering, than he received a visit from Clifford, who
still felt somewhat offended, because, according to his
account, if Linnaeus wished to stay in Holland with
a salary, he, as willingly as anyone else, would have
given it. That his dissatisfaction was not deeply
rooted, appears from this, that on seeing Linnaeus so
weak, he invited him to go back with him to Harte-
camp (pointing out the risk of travelling in his feeble
condition), and resume his former happy life, to walk
about as he pleased, and he would give him a ducat
a day [nine shillings and twopence] as long as he liked.
This generous offer was gratefully accepted, and about
two months were quietly spent, when Linnaeus had so
far recovered, that he could once more think about
his Paris journey. “He did not fully regain his health

until he had bidden good-bye to Holland, and reached

Brabant, when his body in one day felt renewed, and
free from a heavy burden.”
If we cast a glance backward on what Linnaeus
effected during his stay in Holland, we cannot fail to
be struck with astonishment; no similar case can be
furnished in the history of botany, nor in the annals of
any other science. During the short time of two and
a half years, there were published, besides smaller
treatises, no fewer than twelve or fourteen works for
the development of botany, the majority being epoch-
making. It is true that many of them were already
prepared during his student years, but they had to
undergo a thorough revision and reworking in the light
of greater library help which was available in Holland;
and others, especially that gigantic work, “ Hortus
Cliffortianus,” had to be finished and printed in the
midst of other and time-consuming duties. All these
testify to a power of work and untiring industry, which
must awaken unstinted wonder. It is therefore from
no boastful self-love, but with justifiable self-conscious¬
ness that he gave expression, not for the general public,
but for his intimate friends and in his autobiographies,
when he truthfully says: “ One may judge of the
amount of work that I accomplished in Holland: where
I wrote more, discovered more, and reformed more in
botany than anyone had done before in his whole
lifetime ”; and in another place—“ He who sees what
botany was before my time, and what it now is, since
I began to write, would hardly recognize it; I have
changed all and have been the greatest reformer in
that science that ever existed.”
But even with his genius power for work and
perseverance such as Linnaeus displayed, it would not
have been possible to accomplish so much without
fortunate circumstances. It has been shown how he
was helped by the quiet of Hartecamp, with every
requisite scientific assistance at hand, and relieved of
all economic worries, in order to work exclusively upon
that which appealed to his soul’s most stirring
dictates. One must also ascribe his great success to
gaining powerful and devoted friends, who willingly
took upon themselves everything which would have
crippled his activity, and who by advice and deed,
contributed to those departments in which he was not
versed. The man to whom Linnaeus was deeply
indebted, was J. F. Gronovius, who “ laboured for him
night and day, year in, year out, on the correction of
his work, and made it what it was.” He who reads
his many letters to Linnaeus while in Holland can
only marvel at the perseverance and self-sacrifice
with which he devoted himself to the duty of proof¬
reading, seeing the work through the press, enduring
the many disagreeables which printer, engraver, and
publisher caused him. One instance may be cited of
his care and industry: for the correction of only one
plate in “ Flora lapponica,” he spent six days, and at
last gladly reported that it was beautifully printed.
Neither did he confine himself to mere mechanical
details, for he subjected the manuscripts to a close
and intelligent scrutiny. This led to many and long
letters, in which small incongruities were pointed out,
suggestions for changes in expression, additions
hinted at, errors corrected, and so on. It must
undoubtedly be maintained, that without the aid of
Gronovius the nervously and abruptly drafted works
of Linnaeus would no doubt have exhibited many
blemishes from which they are free. Similar help, if
not so extensive, was derived from Bartsch, especially
on the “ Flora lapponica,” Lawson, Burman and van
Roijen. It happened as though a young foreigner sat
in the Clifford library as a king, and had a whole staff
of diligent and experienced helpers, who took charge
of the fulfilment of his wishes and orders.
If Linnaeus in this aspect can be reckoned
fortunate, it was certainly in a high degree owing to
his lucky appearance at the right moment. The
work to which naturalists now applied themselves,

after the long sleep of the Middle Ages, was eagerly

prosecuted, and had produced a very important litera¬
ture. Unhappily it was credulous, uncritical, and
without guiding principles, the works producing the
impression of being written in a rude and rough way.
Science had sunk to the greatest barbarism, in which
confusion and arbitrary opinion reigned together.
The time for a thorough reformation was ripe. The
reformer must enter with undaunted courage,
putting aside what was false in the teaching of
the predecessors, and substituting for the discarded
statements, such as were supported by accurate
observation and irrefutable principles. It was order,
clarity, and easy comprehension for which people
longed, and this not least in the matter of system,
when many, troubled and confused by the numerous
unsuccessful and unworkable attempts at systems,
declared that alphabetic arrangement of natural
objects was the only satisfactory one. A reformer
now appeared in Linnaeus. He came, well versed in
the subject, suave in method, as a deliverer from the
universal confusion. He furnished simple, well-
founded laws to classify the differences of Nature
with such clearness and simplicity, that this revolution,
due to his writings, took place without violent rupture
or bitter disputes. Naturally, many older men
thoughtfully shook their heads at such novelties,
having special objections to both principles and
details, but these objections led to no open polemics.
With earnest or joking utterances, a correspondence,
without bitterness or heat, was entered upon with
Linnaeus, usually ending with recognition of the
value of the new views, except on a few minor points.
It is not to be wondered at that the younger men
(practically as a body), crowded round Linnaeus, and
soon he was universally greeted with praise in
contemporary publications from such leaders as
Boerhaave, Haller, Burman, Dillenius, Gronovius,
Sauvages, Gesner, Ludwig and others, who, generally
speaking, recognized Linnaeus as a great and rising
light, and as a prince amongst the botanists of his
age. A public acknowledgment of Linnaeus’s services
was made by the Academia Imperialis Leopoldino-
Carolina Naturae Curiosorum, which on the 3rd
October, 1736, elected him as a member, and accord¬
ing to the regulations, bestowed upon him the name
of “ Dioscorides secundus.” As another testimony to
the great regard in which he was held, was Haller’s
suggestion that he should succeed him as professor at
Gottingen, as he himself intended to return soon to
his native Switzerland.
Amongst the praises which the young Swede
received from various countries, there was one un¬
favourable criticism. It was from the demonstrator
of botany at St. Petersburg, J. G. Siegesbeck, who
entirely unexpectedly came forward as his opponent,
basing his claims on his work published in 1737,
“ Botanosophiae verioris brevis sciagraphia ” [Short
outline of true botanic wisdom]. In this he attempted
to demolish Linnaeus’s published views on the sexu¬
ality of plants, with the system founded upon it, and
among other arguments, he put forth the plea that
God would never, in the vegetable kingdom, have
allowed such odious vice as that several males
(anthers) should possess one wife (pistil) in common,
or that a true husband should, in certain composite
flowers, besides its legitimate partner, have near it
illegitimate mistresses; and he complained that so
unchaste a system should be taught to studious youth.
That Linnaeus felt himself unpleasantly astonished
at this unfavourable criticism is the less surprising,
as the writer, a short time before, was in friendly
correspondence with him. Linnaeus had named a
genus after him and intended to visit St. Petersburg,
where he had been invited to stay with Siegesbeck as
his honoured guest. Meanwhile, he did not consider
himself obliged to reply to this stupid and lying
volume (and also he was hindered by illness). In
this resolve he was confirmed by Haller, who wrote,
“ that he could just laugh at Siegesbeck and his
like ”; an opinion shared by Boerhaave, Gleditsch,
and many others. A short history of the quarrels
belongs to the next period of Linnaeus’s life.
It was in the month of May 1738, that Linnaeus
left Hartecamp for the second time, and at Leyden
took leave of his friends, amongst whom were pro¬
fessors of various faculties. The journey was by
Antwerp, Trefontain, Mecheln, Brussels, Bergen,
Valenciennes, Cambray, Peronne, Roye and Pont
St. Maxence to Paris, calling for nothing worth
notice. “ As soon as he came into Brabant, he saw
that he had come out of a garden into a scanty pas¬
ture, where the people were ill-favoured, and the
houses wretched. In Brussels, where the Kaiser’s
sister was living, he saw fine fountains in the streets,
the valuable Arsenal, and observed the Papist religion
in its highest ceremonies. At Bergen there was a
strict examination, for no one was permitted to pass
with more than 50 livres [about £ ],
2 but Linnaeus
happily was admitted, possessing a couple of hundred
ducats [about £ ].
94 In this town, though not large,
there were eleven apothecaries. At Valenciennes,
Linnaeus’s trunk was sealed, as he had with him a
number of new books, carrying with him a copy of
each one which he had published in Holland.
In Paris, Linnaeus hastened to visit Antoine de
Jussieu, the Professor of Botany, who showed himself
very obliging, and constantly offered him hospitality.
As he was fully occupied in the practice of medicine,
he passed on his guest to his brother, the demon¬
strator of plants, Bernard de Jussieu. This one also
showed Linnaeus the greatest kindness and liberality
each day. Through him he became acquainted with
the botanist d’lsnard, the entomologist Reaumur,
the late Tournefort’s fellow-traveller, Aubriet, with
whom he discussed butterflies, the widow of Vaillant
the botanist, and the mathematician Clairaut, who
astonished him by conversing in Swedish. An inti¬
mate friendship was formed with V. La Serre, a
physician and naturalist, and a close friend of the
Jussieus. Special value was attached to his intro¬
duction to a lady, the clever Mile. Madelaine Fran-
^oise Basseporte, who had a situation in the botanic
garden as botanic painter to the King, although con¬
versation must have been difficult, as Linnaeus spoke
no French, and she neither Latin nor Swedish.
Naturally Linnaeus did not neglect to see the most
notable things in Paris, such as Versailles and the
neighbourhood, but most of the time was given to
scientific employments. Linnaeus went oyer the fine
botanic garden to see the herbaria of the Jussieus,
Tournefort, Vaillant, Surian, and others, with
d’Isnard’s great collection of botanic books, where he
found so many unknown to him, that he saw he could
bring out a new edition of “ Bibliotheca botanica,”
with twice as many titles as his former one. He also
took part in B. de Jussieu’s excursions with students,
and tradition relates an episode during one of them.
The students played the joke (though it seldom suc¬
ceeded) of asking Jussieu to name plants from mutil¬
ated or artificially made-up specimens from bits of
different plants—applied to the foreign botanist to
name a strange plant, but he, taking the opportunity
to pay a compliment to his French friend, referred
the students to him by saying it must either be God
or Jussieu who could name it. Special enjoyment
came from a trip to Fontainbleau at Jussieu’s expense,
when La Serre was of the party. During this trip,
which lasted several days, he saw the rarest plants in
France, and amongst them nearly all Vaillant’s
figured orchids in full flower.
A very pleasant and flattering surprise was pre¬
pared for him during his Paris visit. On the 24th
June Linnaeus was the guest of President Du Fay at
the Academie des Sciences. After the meeting, he
was requested to wait a little, and then he was in-
formed, that the Academie received him as a Foreign
Correspondent. More, the President intimated that
if he chose to become French, the Academie would
appoint him a member with an annual pension, but he
remained faithful to his fatherland.
After Linnaeus had achieved all that he wanted
from a scientific point of view, he began to think
about his return journey, for his object was not to
learn French habits or foreign languages, as time is
never more dearly bought than when one travels
abroad merely to study languages. It was known
that Linnaeus’s habits did not give him time to study
these, but nevertheless he did well in conversation
everywhere. His stay in Paris, which was intended
to last a fortnight, was extended to a whole month,
and his purse had so diminished, that he found him¬
self obliged to forego a journey to Germany, and pass
direct, by the cheapest way, to Sweden. After re¬
ceiving on the 18th June from P. A. Fleming, the
Swedish Minister, an open recommendation, he
travelled to Rouen. Thence he sailed with a fair
wind to the Cattegat, when the wind suddenly turning,
he landed at Helsingborg to visit his old father once
again. He was received with extreme joy at Sten-
brohult, where he put into the old man’s hands the
many books he had published on the subject in which
his father had so much pleasure. After a couple of
weeks resting at home, he continued his journey
direct to Falun, to greet his fiancee, who had waited
for him nearly four years. Then followed a formal
betrothal, and a month later, he journeyed to Stock¬
holm, there meaning to spend his life.



It was in September 1738 when Linnaeus, by the

advice of his future father-in-law, settled in Stock¬
holm as a practising physician. As he was quite
unknown, nobody ventured to entrust his life to an
inexperienced doctor, so that he often doubted as to
his future. He who had everywhere abroad been
honoured as “ Princeps botanicorum,” was at home
a Klimius, come from the underground regions (a
reference to Holberg’s well-known “ Niels Klim’s
underground journey,”) that had he not been in love,
he would infallibly have left Sweden.
It was only the want of opportunity that stood in
the way of the realization of his plans. At that time
Linnaeus was intimate with A. von Haller, always
changeable and restless, who was seriously thinking
of quitting his professorial chair at Gottingen, and
returning to his beloved native country, Switzerland,
a project he ultimately carried out. In November of
the same year he advised Linnaeus, “of whom Flora
hopes more than of any other botanist,” to come to a
milder climate, and promised when he himself was
recalled to Switzerland, which he hoped would be
soon, he would take care that Linnaeus should be his
successor at Gottingen. “ I have,” he said, “ already
consulted those who have the entire disposal of the
post.” This letter, sent by the medium of a travelling
German priest, only reached Linnaeus on the 12th
August, 1739, when circumstances had substantially
improved, so that his answer was really a refusal, but
full of gratitude to the renowned man, who showed
such proofs of regard and kindness. “ It is impossible
to express in words my gratitude, but so long as I
live, your name will always be cherished.”
Several months thus passed, without any real
improvement in his prospects. Only one encourage¬
ment occurred, on the 27th September he was chosen
a member of the Scientific Society of Uppsala.
“ Laudatur et alget ”—he is praised but starved—■
being an utterance he frequently employed at that
As patients did not seek him, he determined
to seek them. He began to frequent the quarters
of the city where he saw young fellows suffering from
chest complaints and indulgence in fast living, sad
and depressed. He exhorted them to be of good
courage and drink a measure of Rhine wine, assuring
them that he could cure them in a fortnight. When
two of them, who had consulted physicians without
success, ventured to entrust their case in his hands, he
cured them at once. To their comrades’ amazement
they began again to enjoy their wine, declaring that
Linnaeus was an eminently skilful practitioner; con¬
sequently in a month’s time he had most of them
under his care. His credit then rose in cases of
epidemic, small-pox and agues, the result being that
he gained such an extensive practice, that he was busy
from seven in the morning to eight at night, with
hardly time to eat. “ This augments my purse, but
takes up all my time, so that I have not an hour for
my best friends ”; and in the new year he recorded
that he had each day from forty to sixty patients.
This fame as a skilful physician, particularly in
chest disorders, was not without an important influ¬
ence on Linnaeus’s future. “Among his patients was
a court lady who suffered from an irritating and
obstinate cough, and for its relief was ordered pills
of tragac^nth which she was to have at hand to use

when necessary. This lady was playing at cards with

the Queen Ulrika Eleonora, when she was obliged to
take a pill from her box. On the Queen asking what
it was, as she herself had a cough, she was given her
excellent physician’s name; Linnaeus was called in,
and his prescription having the desired effect, he be¬
came known and consulted among the highest ranks
of society.”
This had the further consequence, that Linnaeus
in Stockholm, as in other places where he stayed,
found an influential and zealous protector, who in
every way smoothed his path. This was the well-
known Count Carl Gustaf Tessin, the head of the
“ Hats ” party and Speaker of the Nobility in the
Riksdag. He took the liveliest interest in art and
science, and making acquaintance with the young
physician, heard of the great celebrity which he had
gained in other countries by his many writings. This
was enough for Tessin to seek for State help to secure
support for him till he could earn sufficient remuner¬
ation. He called Linnaeus to him, to ask if he had
any request to make to the Riksdag, being sure that
the authorities would regard it as a pleasure to favour
a Swede who had so greatly distinguished himself in
foreign parts. When Linnaeus asserted that he had
nothing to ask, he told him to think it over till the
next day and to come again. Encouraged by this,
Linnaeus, on the 24th of November, presented a
request addressed to the Secret Committee of the
Riksdag in which he related his attainments in
Natural History. He further stated that, while
abroad, he had published fourteen works on botany,
which were used by the Leyden University, so that
now he applied for a grant for his support, and until
this was supplied, asked for some public appointment.
No specified sum was named nor the source from
which it might come. A new friend, Captain Marten
Triewald, urged that as Linnaeus understood miner¬
alogy, he should apply for 100 ducats [about
£47] yearly from the Mining College, as that award
was then vacant. Tessin approved of this, providing
the paper for a formal “ Pro Memoria ” in that day’s
sitting, 7th December; it was put forward by the Land-
marschalk, Tessin, and sent up with his approval.
In the end Linnaeus was awarded a grant of 600
silver dalers [^45] such as Captain Triewald had
in 1726, on condition that the students of the Mining
College should receive lectures from him on miner¬
alogy in the winter, and in the summer on botany.
The application was supported by many influential
members, and finally in the following March, it was
granted without opposition. In consequence Lin¬
naeus was often styled Royal Botanist, though not
officially so named.
This economic advantage was not the only thing
for which Linnaeus had cause to thank Tessin. He
offered him a room in his palace which he himself had
occupied as a bachelor, with board, so that he was no
longer solitary. Linnaeus gratefully accepted this
offer, taking up his abode there until he married.
Here, amongst the crowd of notabilities, he was play¬
fully named “ The Hats’ Archiater,” and his medical
practice became so increased, that “ it was as large
as that of all the other doctors put together,” to use
his own expression probably an exaggeration.
Tessin delighted in Linnaeus’s gratitude, and was
unceasing in doing his utmost for him. A short time
later, Vice-Admiral Ankarcrona sent for him to
enquire if he were desirous of the post of physician
to the Admiralty in Stockholm, which was vacant by
the death of Dr. N. Boij, which occurred on the 1st
January 1739. He further promised that if he agreed,
his name should be presented alone. Finally he was
appointed by the King, with a salary of 2,700 copper
dalers [£6j 10s.] annually, this appointment not
being questioned by the medical college.
Among the many acquaintances Linnaeus made at
this time, was Captain Triewald, already mentioned,
who was now set upon establishing a Scientific
Academy publishing in Swedish, and discussed
his project with Baron Hopken, Jonas Alstrom (after¬
wards Alstromer) and Baron S. C. Bjelke. As a
result of these deliberations an invitation was sent out
for a meeting at nine a.m. in the lecture room at the
Riddarhus [Knights’ or Nobles’ House] to start the
said Royal Academy of Science for the investigation
of Mathematics, Natural History, Economics, Trade,
Useful Arts, and Manufactures.
Such was the modest beginning of this famous
institution, which has now so powerfully developed,
and contributed so much to the progress of science
in Sweden.
One of the duties of the five persons above
mentioned in founding the Academy, was to decide
by lot who should be the first President, and this fell
upon Linnaeus. Thus it happened that within a
month he became a public lecturer at the Riddarhus,
physician to the Admiralty with a salary, and first
President of the Academy.
Thus everything had gone well with him in Stock¬
holm, surpassing his boldest hopes. He had won
both respect and income, amounting annually to 9,000
copper dalers [^225] so now he trusted that
the time had come for his marriage. On Trinity
Sunday, 17th June, he started from Stockholm for his
future father-in-law’s house (“ Sweden ”) at Falun,
where the wedding was celebrated on the 26th June,
according to the old time customs and rejoicings, the
bridegroom being greeted by verses upon his system
as having obtained in Dalecarlia “ a monandrian
lily ”; an allusion to the Linnean system, as of a
single-stamened, or “ one-man ” flower. This mar¬
riage was followed in due course by the birth of a son
on the 20th January 1741, who was baptized with the
name of Carl. He was able to say, that with the good’
fortune he now enjoyed, thanks to God and Count
Tessin, he lived in great enjoyment and comfort.
Hard work was his portion, as his numerous private
patients, and his naval duties, caused his position to
be no sinecure. The naval hospital contained from one
hundred to two hundred sick, demanding his care with
only the help of two assistants. Linnaeus not only de¬
voted himself to consideration for the welfare of those
committed to his care, but earnestly sought for simple
methods of care, beginning to form a garden, chiefly
for raising medicinal plants. At the same time he had
opportunities for autopsy, and he became one of the
first pathologic anatomists in his country, which led
during his time, to great development in the medical
faculty at Uppsala.
Then too he had his lectures to deliver, in 1739
and 1740, on botany and mineralogy according to the
season. He not only spoke from his chair, but in¬
vited his hearers to excursions in field and meadow,
and rich flower gardens round about. As to
mineralogy, he remarked in early spring, that
zoological subjects were not yet available, being still
in their winter sleep, some in southern lands, some
in deep waters, and some in holes and corners of
forests. All the flowers were in their winter-quarters
and “ were sleeping with the bears/’ The subject,
however, drew so large an assembly when he lectured
on the rock specimens of the Mining College, that
Triewald’s room could hardly hold them all, to
Linnaeus’s great surprise.
The young Academy demanded no little time,
especially that being the case during the first four
months when Linnaeus was President, thus com¬
pelling him to do his very best in many different
directions. Difficulties were so much the greater, as
Sweden had not hitherto possessed such an institu¬
tion, consequently it had more or less to serve as a
model. It is true that at Uppsala since 1710, there
existed Sweden’s first scientific society, named the
Royal Scientific Society, and the Academy had to
form, as it were, a complement to it. The former
acted as a link between home and foreign naturalists,
Latin being the medium of language, and the sub¬
stance being pure science; the latter, however, was
imparted to the natives in Swedish reports, consisting
of those that were valuable from the economic point of
view. The Academy consequently in its early days
had almost the same objects as the present Agricul¬
tural Academy. The original name proposed was
“ Economic Scientific Academy/' but on the advice
of Anders Celsius, it was changed to that now in use.
The regulations entailed but little trouble, as they
were drafted by Hopken. It was necessary to obtain
a large number of suitable members, and under the
presidency of Linnaeus, there were thirty such elected,
among these being many of his supporters, such as
Governor Reuterholm, Dean Olof Celsius, Pro¬
fessors Anders Celsius, Roberg and Klingen-
stierna, Assessor Moraeus, and others. That the
weight of Linnaeus's influence was employed in these
early selections is shown by a minute recording that
he was shortly obliged to leave the capital (to be
married) and that during his absence none should be
elected, to which the members agreed.
More difficult than obtaining members was to
provide for expenses, particularly for the printing of
the Transactions, which had to be published. The
wealthier gave liberal contributions, Linnaeus and the
less well-to-do offering each his ducat [9s. 2d.],
while others, the President amongst them, after a part
of the Transactions had appeared, gave some copies
of their works for sale. Even presents in kind were
made, as for instance furniture, and on the 20th June,
Linnaeus presented a copy of his “ Hortus Clifforti-
anus " and two Chinese books on Rice and Silkworms,
which had been given to him by a supercargo of the
East India Company, thus making a beginning to¬
wards the present rich library. Others made gifts to
the Riksmuseum as at present constituted.
Still further activity was displayed by Linnaeus to
obtain contributions to the Transactions. He set an
example in his “ Report on planting, founded on
Nature/5 In his speech on relinquishing the presi¬
dency, he counted up eighteen observations on diverse
subjects by fifteen members.
Linnaeus had a strong influence in this direction.
Pure science was less frequently in evidence, but
much discussion took place on such subjects as to how
stones became loose in the earth, or on mountains,
and if they came from the Flood. The diminution
of the water-level was also discussed.
Much time was taken up by matters of organiza¬
tion, details of printing, ceremonies at the meetings,
and sending an application to the King to prevent
any reprinting from the Transactions, also making a
device for the title-page, which by Linnaeus’s sugges¬
tion was the representation of an old man planting a
palm-tree, with the inscription: “For efterkom-
mande ” [For those who come after]. For style, either
in Latin or Swedish, Major Pihlgren was chosen, as
being proficient in Swedish, to read through the
papers passed for printing. He himself felt weak
in Swedish, therefore he strongly urged that the
mother-tongue should be purified and trimmed before
At the end of September, 1739, the time came for
Linnaeus to lay down his office, and according to the
rules, to deliver a short discourse on doing so. But
Linnaeus, instead, delivered a formal oration, “ On
curiosities in insects,” which set the example for all
succeeding presidents. At the request of the mem¬
bers this speech was printed at the expense of the
Academy. The satisfaction given by Linnaeus as
President was shown by the fact, that when a new one
for the last quarter of 1740 had to be chosen, Linnaeus
was one of the four named, though the lot fell upon
After Linnaeus had ceased to be the official leader
of the Academy’s labours, during his stay in Stock-
holm he continued to work hard for its success. He
rarely missed a meeting, until his contributions
numbered ten, in addition to small paragraphs.
Amongst these may be mentioned an observation
from Dr. Wallerius on Gadflies on cattle, and another
on Meadow-Sweet, Spircza jilipendula, which he
suggested should be used as food in place of almonds.
Definite decision as to the latter was postponed until
Linnaeus in the summer of 1740 made experiments on
it, but the paper was declined on the ground of gross
blunders and mistakes. It may be taken that the
savage attack which Wallerius soon afterwards made
upon Linnaeus, to be related later, had its origin in
this rejection.
The quick success of the Academy naturally
gladdened Linnaeus as well as the other founders.
Two years after its foundation, it was able to add the
epithet “ Royal ” to its title. It was also recognized
by the “ Standerna,” or Estates of the Realm, as an
authority, and questions were referred to it for its
opinion. Thus the Commercial Committee wished
for its verdict upon the native plants which might be
serviceable as drugs, and a catalogue of such was
drawn up by Linnaeus, for which he was thanked.
The Manufacturers’ Committee put the question
regarding the freedom from customs which the
apothecaries enjoyed and the importation of foreign
drugs, asking that they should be limited to a
specified amount, but it was decided not to alter the
regulations until equally good drugs should be raised
in the country. For this reason Linnaeus’s fear of
ill-will on the part of the apothecaries passed away,
and the said catalogue was soon afterwards published
in the Transactions.
If we now put together what has previously been
told of Linnaeus’s activity during his stay in Stock¬
holm, one cannot refrain from recognizing that it was
astonishing. Yet there still remains something for
his authorship besides that already enumerated. On
his arrival in the capital he announced his intention
to refrain from writing, and especially to let his
botany rest. “ They laugh/' he says in a letter to
Haller, “ in Stockholm at my botany. How many
sleepless nights and weary hours have I spent on it,
but with one accord they say, that I have been over¬
come by Siegesbeck.” He found himself challenged
not to let this attack pass without an answer, but he
would not, without the counsel of his foreign friends,
appear against the least worthy of his opponents. In
his friend Mennander he found a person who was
willing to appear on the title-page as author, if only
Linnaeus himself wrote the refutation. In the mean¬
time nothing came of this, as subsequently the intimate
bond of friendship was again formed between him
and Browallius (against whom, rightly or wrongly, he
had formerly harboured distrust), for he came forward
as a champion on the scientific field. In the year
1739 appeared at Abo the work “ Examen epicriseos
in systema sexuale Linnaei auct. Siegesbeckio ” (Ex¬
amination of the determination in Linnaeus's sexual
system of Siegesbeck) in which the statements in the
named “ Epicrisis " were reduced to their true value.
Much of it, and that the most important, was undoubt¬
edly from the pen of Linnaeus. Similar in some
respects was the condition under which J. G.
Gleditsch published his “ Consideratio epicriseos
Siegesbeckianae " (Consideration of the Siegesbeckian
determination) in 1740 in Berlin. This author, even
before he began corresponding with Linnaeus, felt
himself induced to write his answer, and to impart
the views of other naturalists by his criticism of
Siegesbeck's polemic.
About the same time that Browallius’s pamphlet
was printed at Abo, there came out another in
Stockholm, which indeed did not bear Linnaeus's
name, but which in reality came from his pen, and
was seen through the press by him. At that time
there was living in Karlscrona, Assessor J. E. Ferber,
who in 1711, laid out a large garden on his estate at
Agerum, which Linnaeus himself nexer saw, but
whose riches had awakened the admiration of both
Swedes and foreigners. An account of the plants
there cultivated seemed desirable, and it would be the
first book published in Sweden in which the Linnean
system was followed. But although Linnaeus himself
gave the proper shape and scientific value to itL he
considered it would be improper to usurp the credit,
and so much the more, as his old friend and bene¬
factor, Rothman, had drafted the work, as well as
written a preface of fourteen pages, in which he
declared his judgment on the method of arrangement
used in this catalogue.
In the preparation of this little treatise there were
three concerned: Ferber, Linnaeus and Rothman.
To these may be added a fourth. In a letter to Olof
Rudbeck, dated 15th March, 1739, Linnaeus begged
him to read through and amend it, as the censor of
books in Stockholm could hardly be induced to pass
a botanic work, but all blame would be avoided if this
were done. Submitting it to Rudbeck’s approval as
to how far Rothman’s utterance should be supported,
as it seemed quite too flattering. But Rudbeck shared
Rothman’s views, and his judgment therefore stood.
During the time which followed this publication,
Linnaeus was so immersed in medical practice, that
he had no time to think about plants; and he was not
entirely dissatisfied in that he found that “ ^Esculapius
bestowed good fortune, but Flora only Siegesbecks.”
More than once he had had thoughts of selling his
collections, but better economic conditions awakened
new interest in botany, the result being the issue of
a new and enlarged edition of his ££ Systema naturae ”
in 1740, dedicated to Tessin, “which shall praise the
name of my great Maecenas’s name when we are
silent.” Also he printed two new editions of his
££ Fundamenta,” in 1740 in Stockholm and 1741 in
To this stage of Linnaeus’s writings may be added
two papers which he contributed to the Scientific
Society at Uppsala for its Transactions: one on
“ Animals observed in Sweden,” and another on
“ Known orchids.” According to a letter to Tessin
in 1740, he had besides, a tract ready to be printed that
summer in Holland, probably Gronovius’s “ Index
supellectilis lapidea” (Lugd. Bat. 1740; ed. II. 16.
1750), said by Linnaeus to be almost wholly his own.
Such was his literary activity at a period when he was
nearly overwhelmed with a multitude of other time-
consuming duties.
It was not long, however, before he began to find
his extensive medical practice as an oppressive
burden, and longed for a return to the quiet world
of botany. The success he had met with as a lecturer
awakened his old desire to work as a university
teacher, his future plans concentrating more and more
upon obtaining the professorial chair of the aged
Rudbeck. If he could not obtain that post, he was
ready, whenever Haller called him, to move to
Gottingen, if he could take his little wife with him.
This was only in case of necessity, for he desired
most of all to labour in the medical faculty at Uppsala.
Officially, conditions were similar to those of his
student time. Olof Rudbeck the younger was still
professor, but enjoyed continuous vacation to work at
his great philological work, “ Lexicon harmonicum,”
while Adjunct Rosen, now physician in ordinary to
the King, and Assessor in the Medical College, was
appointed his deputy. It was printed in the list of
lectures year after year unaltered, that he would
lecture on anatomy and botany, also that Professor
Roberg would publicly lecture on Human Physiology
and Characters of Diseases, sometimes on Chemistry.
Actually the official promises were not fulfilled. Old,
and with weakened powers, Roberg seldom lectured
in public, and never in private during later years,
while Rosen, though appointed to discharge Rud-
beck’s duties, had been obliged to take up some of
Roberg’s. The result was that he neglected some of
the topics which properly belonged to Rudbeck’s
part, so that Chancellor Gustaf Bonde, when in
February, 1738, made himself acquainted with
University conditions, desired to know, if any botany
was taught. Rudbeck answered that Assessor Rosen
was responsible for that duty, but he did not know
if any lectures had been delivered during the past
two years or not. To the question, if anatomy was
often taken up, the information was given that
Assessor Rosen was specially diligent in this par¬
ticular. Rosen also taught physiology, pharmaceutic
chemistry and physics, and thought this perfectly
right, these sciences being the right arm for a surgeon,
“ whilst botany was a velvet cuff which adorned it.”
Rudbeck’s perfectly truthful answer to the
Chancellor’s question concerning botanic teaching,
gave rise to a long and very bitter quarrel, that laid
bare the slack control reigning in many directions,
to the detriment of important academic duties. The
signal for this was given by Rosen, when, in March
1738, he tendered an application to the King that he
should be appointed as a third ordinary professor with
Adjunct’s salary. He made this appeal on the ground
of many years’ valuable service in the University, and
might have attained his object without trouble,
although some (Rudbeck and both O. and A.
Celsius) favoured Linnaeus’s appointment, because in
his application he had not referred to Roberg’s slack
method of discharging his duties. The medical
faculty, to whom this application had been remitted,
referred it to the Consistory. A whole year was taken
up in consideration of various details; but at length
Rosen’s desire was approved by a majority. Rudbeck
declared he could not see why the Consistory had
made their decision so promptly, nor could he under¬
stand what duties were to be assigned to Rosen,
should he teach botany; on oath and conscience he
could testify that Dr. Linnaeus, who had lived in his
(Rudbeck’s) house as tutor, was more eminent and
more fitted for the post. Roberg also interposed
difficulties, and the result was, that the third
professorship was not instituted. Probably it was
seen that both the chairs would soon be vacant.
At the request of the University Chancellor, the
Estates declared that in case of old age or other
reason, a professor might resign, but enjoy his salary
during life. The Chancellor, then Count Carl
Gyllenborg, requested the University to state if the
students were likely to suffer by the age and weakness
of professors. It was easy to see that the Chancellor
earnestly wished that both Rosen and Linnaeus should
become professors at Uppsala, presumably by the
resignation of the veteran professors.
This affair was not remarkable for any especial
promptitude in the Consistory; after many delays,
Rudbeck declared that he did not think he should be
included amongst those who could not discharge their
duties, as although he was now eighty years of age,
he was still in full vigour, and was daily at work
upon his “ Thesaurus harmonious.” He still could
teach, if a deputy were appointed in order that the
other important matters he had in hand might be
completed and printed. Roberg also demurred to the
Chancellor’s suggestion, and two other professors,
Gronwall and O. Celsius, aged respectively sixty-eight
and sixty-nine, protested against being superseded.
Thus no one admitted the weakness of old age,
and the Consistory had to declare its belief, that both
Rudbeck and Roberg were able to discharge their
duties, in spite of their great age. This statement
was combatted by Rosen, who hastened to inform
Linnaeus, that the two professors in question were
regarded by the Consistory as coming under the rule
concerning resignation. They protested vehemently
and so furiously, that he (Rosen) had never seen
the like.
So this “ consilium abeundi ” had no result, either
with Rudbeck or Roberg. In the end, the question
resolved itself into a complaint against Rosen, who
did not deny the neglect of lecturing in the botanic
garden, but asserted that there was no material there
for his lectures. Upon this Rudbeck remarked that
at first there was plenty to lecture on, as shown by the
fact that Martin and Linnaeus, shortly before, had
been able to teach successfully; further, that so
recently as 24th October, 1739, there were actually
two hundred and eighty flowers in the garden ; although
he admitted a decline since that time. He also
declared that he (Rudbeck) was not to blame, as he
had been specially allowed to work on his philological
books, while Rosen had been appointed his deputy;
further that an incompetent gardener had been put
in charge. It is plain that in 1730, there was no
prefect of the garden, but it was left to the four
gardeners who quickly succeeded each other to the
In this unedifying quarrel Linnaeus was so far
involved, that each of the disputants in turn solicited
his help. Evidently uneasy about the bad state of
the garden, Rosen hastened to send a letter to
Linnaeus asking him for good advice. On his side,
Rudbeck travelled to Stockholm to beg the loan of
Linnaeus’s “ Adonis Uplandicus,” which showed by
plans and descriptions the former poor condition of
the garden, and the many plants at present in it to be
used for demonstration.
This volume had but little effect on the quarrel,
but Rudbeck, wearied with wrangling, withdrew his
statement concerning Rosen. An improvement,
however, in the management took place at this time.
At the beginning of 1739 the gardener, Samzelius,
died, and at the Consistory, Rudbeck produced a
letter from Linnaeus, urging the appointment to the
vacant post of the skilful Dietrich Nietzel, whom he
had known at Hartecamp and had greatly valued his
work. The Consistory at once replied to Linnaeus
with the request that he should offer the appointment
to Nietzel on advantageous terms. The offer was
accepted, and Sweden secured the services of this
extremely skilful and diligent man, who afterwards
contributed to the world-wide reputation of the
Uppsala garden. He arrived at the end of June,
with many rare trees and plants, and threw himself
energetically into his work. Soon after the garden
had taken on an improved appearance, Rudbeck
died, after ten days’ illness, on the 23rd March, 1740.
Thus the chair of botany, anatomy and other
departments at length became vacant. On the
28th April, Linnaeus sent in his application,
recounting his scientific merit and experience. Rosen
and Wallerius did not delay to make similar
According to academic constitutions, these applic¬
ations were referred to the medical faculty, that is to
say, to the surviving member, Roberg. Because of
his unquestionable merit, he assigned the first place
to Rosen, the second to Wallerius, also on the ground
of his long service at the University, and the third
place to Linnaeus, for his European reputation in
In the Consistory which discussed the question
two months after Rudbeck’s death, opinions were
divided; most members put Rosen first, only
Professor Roberg, A. Celsius and Dean O. Celsius
preferring Linnaeus. The votes appeared thus:
Rosen, 12 first, 2 second and 1 third; Linnaeus, 3, 6
and 6; and Wallerius, 6 in the second and 8 in the
third place, with one vote for Professor Sporing at
Abo, although he was not a competitor.
It cannot be denied that both those who supported
Rosen, and those who preferred Linnaeus, had good
reasons for their choice. For the vacant professor¬
ship, the chief objects were botany and anatomy;
Linnaeus’s overwhelming superiority in the first
was balanced by Rosen’s in the second. While
botany at that time was a main subject in the medical
curriculum, it would have been unjust to overlook the
nine years Rosen had acted as deputy.
Following the practice prevalent at the time, to
bespeak a patron’s recommendation, Linnaeus applied
to Tessin, then in Paris; for a single word to Count
Gyllenborg would have a powerful effect. Tessin
hastened to carry out this wish, the result being that
the Chancellor so arranged between the competitors,
that Rosen should fill the vacancy and that Professor
Roberg, when he resigned on account of his age,
should be succeeded by Linnaeus, and that both should
exchange functions. These views were submitted to
the King for his approval.
Before this appointment took place, on the
ioth July, 1740, the other medical chair in Uppsala
in consequence of the Chancellor’s powerful action
became vacant by the resignation of Professor Roberg,
he stipulating that he might still continue to live in
the little hospital house, which he had built at his
own expense. The Chancellor at once wrote agree¬
ing in the main, and on the 3rd of May Roberg sent
in his application to the Consistory, which was
approved finally by the King.
To this chair, now at last vacant, Linnaeus put in
his application on the 13th of July, shortly specifying
what he had recently set out on his own behalf.
It might be thought that this would readily be
arranged, as Linnaeus was the sole applicant for the
place, but this did not prove to be the case. When
the matter came before the Consistory, Professor Asp
brought up a request from the Vice-Chancellor that
Linnaeus and any other applicant, should, according
to the Constitution, produce proof of his competence,
either by disputing or any other suitable means.
The majority of the Consistory agreed to this, but
would not be content with any theses being printed
or written, evidently showing that these professors
wished to satisfy themselves as to Linnaeus’s power
to speak Latin.
To this the Chancellor without delay replied that
Linnaeus had been a teacher for years in Uppsala,
and that according to the testimony of many learned
men in Europe, hardly any Swede had attained so
great renown, and hoping that matters would be taken
in hand without delay. The Consistory briefly
discussed this, but considered the presence of the
Vice-Chancellor was necessary; on his arrival he
stated that he did not willingly depart from his former
opinion, as based on good and safe grounds, but only
sought the best method of preventing any incompetent
person being appointed to the University, as he must
preside and carry on the duties which belong to the
chair, etc. Then it was decided to send a new letter
to the Chancellor, asking why the previous decision
was maintained, pointing out that Linnaeus had
gained abroad the highest esteem in botanic matters,
which did not properly belong to this chair.
The opposition which the Consistory showed by
being disposed to negative the Chancellor’s order,
began to fail. Two meetings were held to justify the
decision arrived at, and at the last one, Rector
Frondin admitted that he was somewhat uneasy, feared
his Excellency’s displeasure, and wished to escape
signing the letter. Professor A. Celsius thought it
advisable to agree with the Chancellor’s reply.
Dean Celsius and Professor Roberg held the same
view, while Professor Beronius considered it inadvis¬
able to oppose a man, a Swede, whose name was
regarded throughout Europe as illustrious, pointing
out that in a recent instance, Linnaeus, without being
asked to show credentials, received the votes of all.
Finally it was resolved to send the letter to the
Chancellor, the Rector signing it, though very
This refractory conduct of the Consistory towards
the Chancellor had this result: that a new aspirant
for the post appeared, Adjunct Dr. J. G. Wallerius,
who in his application declared his readiness to
submit a specimen of his capacity; this application
stood over awaiting the Chancellor's intervention.
That the latter would be satisfied with the action
of the Consistory was inconceivable. He hastened
to inform the King of what had taken place, and to
beg his Majesty’s most gracious warrant and com¬
mand. The matter was referred to the Chancellery,
and this body demanding an explanation from the
Consistory, pointed out that this question had been
grievously mishandled. The Chancellery demanded
a reason for their disregarding for the first time
a paragraph in the academic constitution of the
Consistory by unanimously supporting Linnaeus in
his claim for the then vacant chair to which Rosen had
been lately appointed. The answer was simple, that
the Consistory deemed it superfluous to require a
proof by disputation, for his competence could be
inferred from his published papers. For the new
rule that Linnaeus should defend in Latin some
printed or written thesis, the Consistory had only this
weak excuse to offer, that it did not understand that
he was proficient or experienced in those studies which
belonged to Roberg’s professorship, and they also
pleaded the need of keeping a strict hand over those
who wished to escape delivering proofs. To this
Professors A. Celsius and Beronius added their
opinion, sharply criticizing the procedure adopted.
In the paragraph above referred to, it is clearly
stated, that the applicant for a vacant professorship
shall produce proof by disputation or by some other
satisfactory method, which latter clause had been
excluded by the Consistory. What was specially
requisite for a University teacher was erudition,
particularly in the Latin tongue. Dr. Linnaeus was
invited only to dispute, to know if he understood
Latin; but they were satisfied that he could write it,
as all his books had been published in that language,
and that he was accustomed to speak it, was known
from the fact that he had passed through Vaxjo
Gymnasium and had been heard to “ oppose ” at
Uppsala. The Consistory admitted their forgetfulness
of a clause in the Constitution, and finally consented
that proof should not be asked of Dr. Linnaeus.
As a result of this correspondence the King
declared that Linnseus should be freed from what the
Consistory demanded of him, but other applicants
must submit theses. Consequently, not only was
Wallerius to furnish a thesis, but also the recently
promoted Dr. Abraham Back, who now, at the eleventh
hour, announced himself as an applicant.
What the Consistory really thought about their
shifty procedure, cannot now be determined, but it
soon became manifest that an attempt was being
made to shut out Linnaeus from the coveted post.
To obviate this, at the end of 1740 or beginning of
1741, he printed a small tract entitled “ Orbis eruditi
judicium de Car. Linnaei, M.D., scriptis ” (The judg¬
ment of the learned world on the writings of C. L.).
In this he collected the judgments of many of the
most eminent naturalists, prefixing a short history of
his life, and a list (twenty-one in all) of the writings
he had published. Amongst the witnesses quoted
were Boerhaave, Sloane, Albert von Haller, and Ant.
de Jussieu; altogether there were five Germans, five
Netherlanders, two Swiss, four French, and as many
English, their praise not being scanty, nor stinted.
This small tract became a sharp weapon, of which
Linnaeus and his friends made good use; without it,
possibly Uppsala University might have lost the
honour of numbering him among its teachers.
In February, 1741, Wallerius gave in his material
for his thesis, but rumours began to circulate as to
the contents, that they were simply an attack upon
Linnaeus. Rosen, as the only member of the medical
faculty, had passed the thesis, and remarked that
although it upset Dr. Linnaeus’s works, he did not

for his part find anything therein against the work of

God, the general state, or good manners, and there¬
fore could not see what should hinder the disputation
from being held. This was the prologue to a tragi¬
comic play, which created general scandal, not only
in Uppsala, but also in wider circles.
The 27th February, 1741, was the day appointed
for the disputation on “ Decades binae thesium medi-
carum 55 (Two decades of medical theses). Only a
preliminary glance is needed to find that its contents
were nothing but a detailed attack directed against
Linnaeus’s “ Systema Naturae,” “ Flora lapponica,”
and before all, his graduate disputation. That in one
or two small things Wallerius was right cannot be
gainsaid; but on the other hand, on other points it
was obviously incorrect, petulant, and mean. More¬
over, one notes a tone of spite with a desire to distort
statements and to slander rather than to honour an
author, thus betraying his lack of learning and
experience. The writing aroused great displeasure,
even the title, “ Jussu Max. Ven. Senatus Acad.,”
giving offence, as it was stated to have been used by
order of the Consistory. This title had never before
appeared on a disputation. In thirty-eight pages,
Linnaeus’s name occurred between sixty and seventy
Under such circumstances, and apprehending that
the act would be of an unusual character, the students
filled the largest auditorium of the University in great
numbers. At first all was quiet and normal, but when
the first opponent, after an hour’s speech, gave no hint
of ending, the students, who were prepared for some¬
thing different, showed their impatience by stamping.
Rosen, who for the first time as Dean, should have
kept order, seems to have been irritated, and as the
disputation went on, his bad temper increased, so that
time after time he broke out against both audience
and the other opponents. First among these Professor
Beronius (if he might be termed an opponent) rose

and soon showed himself a strong disputant, who took

the author to task for not observing the rules which
Christian love and good manners prescribed. Rosen
.vainly interrupted more and more heatedly, declaring
that all the arguments that Beronius brought forward
were “ scommata ” (derisive and wounding ex¬
pressions), inept, childish, unbecoming in a theologian,
so far forgetting himself as to apply the epithet of
“ opponens impudissimus ” to Beronius, at which
some of the students showed their displeasure by
shouting. Even Wallerius, calm at first, afterwards
gave vent to his feelings by stamping and uttering
derisive cries. The students took sides, and shouted
approval or the reverse. Beronius, who seems to
have preserved an unruffled temper, went on ignoring
the Dean’s order to be silent, and turning to the
students, quoted with unequalled effect from the
“ Orbis eruditi,” begging them to remember that
Linnaeus was an honour to their country. He related
his struggles against poverty in his student days, and
his constant trust in God’s wonderful providence, to
which speech the students listened in silence with
bowed heads.
When Beronius ceased, Mag. Carl Clingenberg
continued the discussion, but declared himself only
a friend of Linnaeus and not an expert. The contest
between the speaker and Rosen increased in heat, and
the students then began to stand on the benches,
jumped, stamped, laughed and shrieked, whilst the
Latin abuse flowed on. Said one who was present,
“ Never did I hear such an amount of abuse in Latin,
nor so coarse.” It went so far that many in the
audience tore up their copies of the thesis, and after
the end of the Act, the floor was covered with frag¬
ments. It was a complete academic scandal, in which
all those concerned were more or less to blame.
Naturally after the storm were heavings as of the
sea. Rosen, certainly, during the disputation had
gone so far, that the audience suspected him of having

encouraged Wallerius in this attack on Linnaeus,

because anticipating disgrace in his office as Dean, he
found himself compelled to seek succour from the
Consistory. First of all complaint was made against
Clingenberg, as having himself transgressed the rules
of the academic constitution and of good order, while
Beronius being accused of much the same, he denied
the charge, the Consistory refusing an enquiry as
tending to show partiality. Rosen then declared that
as this decision diminished his authority as Dean, he
could not permit Dr. Back to put forward his dis¬
putation, lest another disturbance should arise. The
Consistory decided that an intimation should be given
to the students exhorting them to behave well during
future dispensations, and a similar proclamation was
issued to the “ Florentissima juventus academica.”
Evidently the Consistory thought that the incident
should now close. It was therefore an unpleasant
surprise to receive a letter from the Chancellor inti¬
mating his displeasure at not receiving a report on
recent events, which he had heard of by private letters.
Ultimately, it was decided to send a reply in the most
humble terms, stating that the Consistory regarded
these occurrences with extreme regret, but that they
could not furnish a detailed account, owing to the
confusion which prevailed at the time, but they had
requested the Dean and opponents to furnish reports
which should be forwarded as soon as possible.
The Chancellor did not wait long; only a fortnight
later, he reminded them that the reports were still
delayed, and that the regulations required all vacant
posts to be filled in a certain time. He therefore
called upon them to make a suggestion as to who
should fill Roberg’s vacancy, and to forward it to him.
After further discussion the affair was closed, Linnaeus
soon after being appointed professor and Wallerius
filling the post of adjunct, with a caution.
While these things were happening in Uppsala,
another question arose in the capital, which might

have prevented Linnaeus being ranked as one of the

professors at Uppsala. The Riksdag [Parliament]
decided to send travellers, at the State expense, to
certain parts of southern Sweden, and this arrange¬
ment coming before the House of Nobles, fear was
expressed that as Linnaeus was applying for a chair
at Uppsala, the public service might suffer by his
being unable to undertake any commission. Count
Gyllenborg considered that so thoroughly equipped
and learned a man would be more useful to the nation
on such an expedition than if he gained the desired
post; but events proved otherwise.
As previously mentioned, the Chancellor had
urged the Consistory to make a speedy decision con¬
cerning the vacant professorship. It finally resolved
to put forward three names, Linnaeus, Sporing and
Wallerius, the Chancellor naturally approving the
first-named. On the 7th May, he was able to inform
the Consistory that His Majesty two days before
had appointed Linnaeus as Professor of Practical
On the 23rd May a letter from Linnaeus was read
enclosing (1) a copy of the King’s warrant to succeed
to Roberg’s place; and (2) a copy of the order of the
Estates of the Realm authorizing him to travel
through Oland and Gotland to investigate their
natural productions. Linnaeus remained at Stock¬
holm until the 15th May, when he began his journey,
returning on the 29th August. For a month longer
he stayed in the capital, and on the 6th October
removed to Uppsala, there to remain for the rest of
his days.
In a letter to Sauvages at this time Linnaeus
wrote : “ Through the grace of God, I am being now
freed from the wretched practice in Stockholm. I
have obtained the post which I have so long desired :
the King has appointed me Professor of Medicine
and Botany at the University of Uppsala, and thereby
again given me to botany, from which I have been
exiled for three years, spending that time among the
sick in Stockholm. Should life and health be vouch¬
safed to me, you will, I hope, now see me perform
something noteworthy in botany.”
He kept his word; during more than a third of
a century, Uppsala became, through Linnaeus’s
activity, the central point for the study of natural
history, especially botany.


COAST, 1746; SKANE, 1749.

The appointment as Professor in Uppsala is a note¬

worthy boundary line in Linnaeus’s career, which is
thereby divided into two parts of nearly the same
length, but of differing qualities. The former, which
has hitherto been described, may be taken as his
“ Sturm und Drang ” period, during which, often
under untoward conditions, he laboured with youthful
energy, rising from an undistinguished position to
one of world-wide reputation, and in various countries,
helped by their sympathy, acquired devoted friends
and warm-hearted benefactors. Over the whole of
this period rests therefore a poetic glamour which
entrances both biographer and the general public.
The later period, on the other hand, though most
important and not wanting in episodes which arouse
admiration, are to some extent somewhat prosaic.
Here we find Linnaeus living a quiet, little¬
changing life, in an honourable and secure position,
engaged in teaching and strenuous research work.
He was no longer the young enthusiast, obliged to
fight undauntedly for recognition of his new ideas,
but the generally received master, whose word was
law, and round whose chair a crowd of eager enquirers
gathered to find nature interpreted. That these
changed circumstances, in a certain sense stamped
their mark on his person and life, is quite natural,
though he remained substantially the same, as
youthfully ardent and gaining the love of all those
with whom he came in contact.
A connecting link between the two stages of
Linnaeus’s life is found in the three journeys he made
in his native land by public commission. The first
of these took place at the junction of the two periods
of his life, the two latter at a later time were shorter,
but all three display the same qualities of rich results,
so that they may be regarded as direct continuations;
together forming a whole, and as such, a short account
of them must be given.
Amongst the many persons Linnaeus met in his
Stockholm life was the bank public prosecutor, G. A.
Rutenskold, a member of the Manufacture and
Trade deputations, who succeeded in getting Linnaeus
appointed to visit Oland, Gotland and other places
to report upon their natural productions, likely to
prove of use to the State. The journey was estimated
to take three months. As soon as the Estates had
sanctioned the project, Linnaeus began his prepar¬
ations, similar to those for Dalecarlia, and to find
some young men ready at their own expense to
accompany him and help him in his task. Those
selected were: P. Adlerheim, notary of the Royal
Mining College; J. Moraeus, “ auscultant ” in the
same; H. J. Gahn, mine-owner; G. Dubois, student
of medicine; F. Ziervogel, royal apothecary; and S.
Wendt, student in botany and medicine. All showed
themselves diligent, especially Moraeus and Gahn,
signing and promising on their honour not to draw
back from the rules which Linnaeus had made.
On the 15th May Linnaeus and his companions
left Stockholm to ride to Kalmar. The spring was
well advanced, most trees being in leaf; the cuckoo
was heard and swallows were seen. They rode
quickly and paused for the night at Svalbro inn,
where they suffered from want of horses, fires, and
good beds. The next day they passed Nykoping,
and the day after reached Norrkoping, there visiting
a sugar factory and a tobacco spinning shop, operated
by children. Though dust troubled them afterwards
on the roads, the boundaries of Smaland were reached,
where the peasants spoke the dialect familiar to
Linnaeus in his boyhood. Vaxjo was visited, and
Linnaeus hastened to call on his old teacher Rothman,
and others. Hence the journey was rapid to Kalmar,
but food was hard to get, and only by entreaties at the
apothecaries could they procure any. They had been
able to gather morels in the forests.
Their intention was to cross over the Sound on the
next day, but a succession of cloudy, cold and dreary
days, with strong winds following, the travellers
hardly ventured out of doors, much less crossed the
sea. Nevertheless on their short excursions they
were successful in finding near the castle, a plant
locally called “ Mannablod ”—man’s blood—which
proved to be Sambucus Ebulus, our own “ Dane-
The bad weather continued, but tired of Kalmar,
they resolved to pass over to Fargan, a small town
in Oland, which they soon reached, aided by a strong
south-west wind, and stayed there for three weeks.
They at once saw that the island was different from
the mainland, and few naturalists had previously
collected there save O. Rudbeck, senior, gathering
Helianthemum celandicum and Euphorbia palusiris,
and the physician J. Linder hurriedly taking Adonis
v ernalis and Viola odorala.
In splendid weather, the party passed on to
Borgholm, where Linnseus was delighted to see a
multitude of orchids; here too, a quarry which yielded
pavement stones (flags) and many fossils was in¬
spected. Next, the west coast southward was
searched,* where they found fine woods and abund¬
ance of flowers. One tired with the world’s shifting
state and desirous of enjoying a quiet retreat, could
not find a more agreeable one.
On the 6th June they reached Kastlosa. Here
they wished to investigate the place where coal was
said to have been found, but the people tried all they
could to prevent them, though with politeness and
fair speech. The journey was therefore continued to
Mockleby, and its alum quarry with its twelve strata,
where, during the past two years, a fire had been
burning among the store of alum-shale. Linnaeus
thought that Oland would have the curious appear¬
ance of a fiery mountain in Sweden, should the
flames spread and kindle the whole of the unworked
During the work of investigation, Linnaeus had
the ill-luck to be struck by a bit of broken rock from
the cliff, which bruised him on the left ankle, and if
he had not been on the alert, the bone of his leg might
have been hurt, and his foot crushed; he was carried
back to the inn at mid-day to rest his contusion.
But Linnaeus not being able to rest, caused a
giant’s grave to be dug up, in which many bones were
found, to try and discover if the people in former
times were taller than now. As the result of several
measurements, he concluded that the men whose
bones these were, were evidently four ells long—six
feet tall. They resumed their journey, but had to go
farther than they intended, as the inhabitants, though
forewarned, were afraid of the party. Ultimately the
Comminister at Ahs took them in, but the pain
Linnaeus suffered prevented his having a single
minute’s sleep, no remedies being procurable.
The next day was Sunday, and a resting day. In
spite of all the minister could say, the people believed
the party to be spies, and to guard against ill-
treatment, they engaged a guide.
After nursing his foot for two nights and a day,
Linnaeus went forward, to the southernmost point of
Gland’s coast, and then by extensive sheep pastures,
northward by the eastern coast, to where the road
ended. Many fine botanic and zoologic discoveries
were made, and Linnaeus was gladdened to come
upon the notable bird, the avocet. A cave of some
interest was visited, and the customs of the place as
to fishing, quarrying, lime- and tar-burning, agricul¬
ture, etc., noted. They saw with interest the women
knitting stockings as they walked. Oppressive laws
forbidding the natives to sell the Oland ponies, the
breeding of them had almost ceased, and the bearing
of firearms was also forbidden in order that the
peasants should not shoot the deer. Both red deer
and fallow deer had been introduced and had spread
themselves over the whole island, doing much
mischief, wild pigs also being a pest.
Gaxa, where they arrived on the 13th June, was the
starting point for Gotland, but as the post yacht would
not start for some days, Linnaeus made an excursion
to the little island of Blakulla or Jungfrun (the
Maiden). Strong wind hindered the passage at first,
but when it had moderated, the rowers told a tale of
the witches who visited the island and raised storms.
After hard work by everybody, they reached the island,
narrowly escaping disaster against the rocks.
The impression the island gave was not favour¬
able, for it was very steep and the bushes so grown
together that it was hard to climb, but from the top a
wide prospect was obtained. After noting the plants
they returned to Gaxa late at night.
To get to Gotland was not easy, the only craft for
the transit being so wretched, as to be absolutely
dangerous. The party therefore remained for several
days on Oland, and going to the northernmost point,
observed the scanty growth on the sand dunes. They
found plants that were new for Sweden, with insects
and fossils, also an abundance of the ant-lion. At
last they were able to hire a sailing boat to pass over
to Gotland.
The party embarked on the 21st June, the sail was
hoisted at nine in the evening, when the sun sank
below the horizon. The next morning at two o’clock,
having been well carried forward by a south-west
wind, they cast anchor at Visby, where they were
Devoting a couple of days to seeing Visby, they
were shown some “ giants’ bones ” which proved to be
whales’ bones. Thence the party journeyed by the
west coast to Bunge with success in botanic results,
including Cladium Mariscus. Many fossils were
noticed in the cliffs, but the roads were bad, even
dangerous for the horses. Seal flesh was eaten fresh,
salted or dried, seal fat was used instead of
butter, and sea birds abounded. The use of Elymus
arenarius was noted for binding sand-dunes. The
east coast was then followed to Hoburg, with its
weathered rocks, and they discovered Coronilla
Emerus for the first time in Sweden. Turning north¬
ward, on the 25th July, the party visited Karloarne
[Charles Islands] with good results in animals and
plants. Intending to pass over to Oland, they de¬
clined to entrust themselves to the post-yacht as being
too dangerous, but after waiting a week, they hired a
boat, and in a strong wind with some risk they reached
Oland, afterwards crossing to Kalmar, where the
party broke up. Linnaeus was tired with his two
months of travel, but went on to Vaxjo and then to
Stenbrohult, arriving on the 9th August, greeting his
old father, his sisters and brother, for the last time as
he expected. With Moraeus, Gahn and Dubois, who
now joined him, they travelled homeward, by Jon-
koping, Vadstena, and Medevi with its celebrated
medicinal waters, there meeting Carl De Geer, the
entomologist; next to Orebro, where Linnaeus called
upon his benefactor, Governor Reuterholm, and
through Arboga to Uppsala. After twenty-four
hours, Linnaeus went to Stockholm, the entire journey
having taken fifteen weeks, his expenses being
returned at 536 silver dalers, 221 for posting and 315
for food [respectively ^40 4s., £ 16 ns. 6d., and
£23 12s. 6d.].
As soon as he completed this journey, he had to

take up his duties as professor, and the numerous

duties which then devolved upon him obliged him to
postpone the other journeys. It was not until the
close of 1745 that he found time to print his account
of his travels in 1741. The West Gothland journey,
in 1746, was entered upon with only one companion,
E. G. Liidbeck, who acted as secretary throughout.
Two other friends went with them during the first
fortnight, for their health’s sake only.
At Vesteras he noted with pleasure the methods
employed by Bishop Kalsenius to interest the school
children in astronomy and natural history. At Orebro
he visited Governor Reuterholm. Kinnekulla was
reached on the 19th June, and investigated during
four days; Lidkoping, Skara, and Hojentorp, where
the establishment of Jonas Alstrom and his sheep
farm were inspected. The rainy and boisterous
weather, however, hindering observation, they jour¬
neyed on to Falkoping, where they rested on Sunday,
29th June. Three days later they visited a peasant
named Syen, reputed as being famous for healing
diseases, but found that he had no knowledge of
medical practice, only using certain drugs, which
amazed Linnaeus. At Allestad there was an English¬
man, Dr. Blackwell, who had come to Sweden on a
visit at an opportune moment when national economy
was the rage and to teach it. (In 1747 he was executed
in Stockholm for plotting high treason, but the charge
was based on unsatisfactory grounds. His wife is
known for her illustrated work on plants, “ A curious
Herbal,” London, 1737-39, 2 vols., folio.) They
visited Boras, rebuilt after a disastrous fire in 1727,
which was found to be full of industries, then
Alingsas, in the West Gothland fells, well known for
its wool manufacture, energetically pursued by Jonas
Alstrom, thence to Goteborg [Gothenburg] which
Linnaeus described at length, mentioning many
inhabitants whom he visited. A week later the
journey was directed to Bohuslan, with Marstrand
and Uddevalla, where many interesting objects were
found. Next came Trollhattan, but its waterfall did
not much impress Linnaeus, who had seen the Lap-
land rivers; then by Hunneberg to Vanersborg,
turning homeward by Wermland, Karlstad and
Filipstad, where there was not much to record; then
through Nora and the ironworks of Wedevag, where
the travellers were hospitably entertained by Count
Jacob Cronstedt at his estate of Fullero. On the
nth August the travellers reached the boundary line
of Uppland, and in the evening they came to Uppsala.
The account of this journey appeared in the spring
of 1747, but before that, Linnaeus was commissioned
to undertake yet another journey, at the public
expense, this time to the southern province of Skane
(Scania). This time Linnaeus stipulated to be accom¬
panied by a paid amanuensis, and eventually they set
out on the 29th April, O.S. (10th May, N.S.) They
were joined by the student Olof Soderberg, and
during a portion of the time by the Lund student,
Lars Aretin, as a companion of Soderberg. This
time Linnaeus travelled with greater comfort than
previously, as he bought a coach to journey in, rather
than to ride on horseback. Orebro and Vaxjo were
again passed through; and Linnaeus spent three days
at Wirestad with his sister Anna Maria, her husband
being Linnaeus’s old tutor, Gabriel Hook; thence he
came to Stenbrohult, on the 15th and 16th May, with
a feeling of melancholy. “ Here,” he says, “ I found
the birds vanished, the nest burnt, and the young
scattered, so that I could hardly recognize the place
where I was brought up, and where my late father
laid out his garden. I, who twenty years before
knew every inhabitant, now found hardly twenty left,
who were youngsters during my childhood, and they
were now with grey hair and white beards,” but he
had the joy of seeing his only brother occupying his
father’s place, as rector of the parish.
Since the date of his eldest son’s last visit to the

old home, Nils Ingemarsson Linnaeus had died at the

age of seventy-four. Concerning the latest years of
his life and his departure, the following account is
given by his son Samuel, who succeeded his father in
November, 1749.
“ When he heard in 1741 that Carl, his elder son,
had made so good a marriage and had been appointed
Professor, that a medal was struck in 1746, suc¬
ceeded by the title of Archiater in 1747, the old man
was overjoyed and often said, ‘ I have had so many
tokens of God’s grace and goodness towards my
children, one after another, to gladden me, that I
cannot die.’ In 1748 he became very ill, and as he
lay sick in bed, he ordered all his children who were
at home to place themselves the day before he died
by his bedside. All four of us had to place ourselves
in order of age. Carl’s place was vacant, but there
were present Anna Maria, the pastor’s wife in Wire-
stad; Sophia Juliana, the pastor’s wife in Ryssby;
Samuel, adjunct to his father; and lastly, Emerentia,
wife of C. A. Branting. Our late father, looking long
at his children, said : ‘ Carl is absent. He has caused
me great joy. God has blessed my five children, all
have gladdened me, and none have caused me
sorrow. Now I desire to bestow mv fatherly bene¬
diction before I go from you. Carl is absent.’
Afterwards he left his blessing for him, and for his
whole house and family, and placing his hands upon
each of them, hoped for a happy meeting in heaven.”
On the 17th May, 1749, the journey began in
Skane, towards Kristianstad, where Linnaeus stayed
four days, noting the sand-dunes and their flora.
Then to Rabelof on an excursion to Balsberg in
company with N. Retzius, observing the fossil oyster
shells. At Tunbyholm Linnaeus had a little adven¬
ture, the only one in his journey, with the testing of
a divining rod. When the Secretary took a forked
branch of hazel, one of the company hid his silver
tobacco-box, another his watch, and Linnaeus cut up
a turf and hid his purse under it, a mark of the place
being a tall buttercup close by. The Secretary
searched with his rod for nearly an hour, but when at
the end of the vain experiment, Linnaeus went to take
up his purse, the diviner had so trampled the grass,
that the spot could not be recognized. Finally one
of the company put his finger on the spot and drew
out the purse, which had ioo ducats [nearly ^48]
in it.
At Lund he stayed for two days, 10th and nth
June, then on to Malmo, and spent a week there,
observing the rare plants and trees in the gardens in
that mild climate. In heavy rain and strong wind,
the journey was continued to Trelleborg, then to
vSkanor, Falsterbo and Ystad, back through Lund to
Helsingborg, and by Kristianstad again, with six
days’ sojourn at Stenbrohult and at Ryssby with Lin¬
naeus’s sister and her husband, Johan Collin. Here
he bade farewell to all the well-remembered places
and plants. In this last visit, Linnaeus had the good
fortune to find Isoetes lacustns for the first time in
Sweden, which had escaped his notice in his boyhood.
On the 7th August he started on his return to Uppsala,
which he reached six days later.
Thus was concluded this journey, during which he
had enjoyed much fine weather in contrast to his West
Gothland trip, and he ended his account of the fair
province, by recounting its favourable climate and
products compared with the more northern parts.
In the course of these three journeys, he made
many observations on the products of agriculture,
trade, and customs he had noticed, bearing in mind
the commission he was fulfilling. Economic and
medicinal plants also were laid before the public in
reports or tracts previous to the publication of his
three volumes. He also touched upon the geology
of the places visited, all this being written in a fresh
and naive style, even if a little weak at times. These
statements are a gold mine for the present-day

student in acquiring a knowledge of Sweden gleaned

from the country folk in the middle of the eighteenth
century. The complete relation of his travels was
received with warm approval. But a slight misunder¬
standing arose between him and his patron, Baron
Harleman, as to the account given of paring and
burning the turf, which led to the cancelling of one
of the printed leaves, and the substitution of a
modified statement, an occurrence which 4vexed
Fresh work and new progress soon dissipated this
vexation, but although the Riksdag desired him to
investigate other parts, he did not undertake any
similar task again. “ Often have I ventured on the
sea to fetch gold from Ophir; I have come back with
broken powers, wrecked ship, and torn sails, and were
I to venture out again, I might easily be lost ” was his
expression in a letter to Wargentin, the secretary of
the Academy of Science.




On the 25th October, 1741, the Rector of Uppsala

University issued a Latin invitation addressed to all
and sundry to attend in the Caroline audience hall on
the 27th at nine a.m. to hear the Latin lecture, with
which the newly appointed Professor, Carl Linnaeus,
would enter upon his duties. The lecture was on the
discoveries which could be made, and the benefit
which might result from natural history travels in
Sweden, and he took the opportunity of imparting the
most important details which he had himself observed
in similar journeys. After this, with the accustomed
ceremonies, the new Professor took the oath and
placed himself at the table amongst his colleagues.
With this, his professorial activity began. There
was, however, this abnormality, that he and his fellow
professor, N. Rosen, were appointed to teach science
in those departments in which each was weak, whilst
the other was eminent. They therefore presented a
joint appeal to the Chancellor, begging that their
lectures should be so ordered that Rosen should
undertake Practical Medicine, Anatomy, Physiology,
Pathology, and Pharmaceutic Chemistry, whilst Lin¬
naeus should teach Botany, Metallurgic Chemistry,
Semiotics (Pathology combined with symptoms).
Dietetics, and Materia medica, also to superintend the
botanic garden. As the Consistory approved this
exchange of duties, the Chancellor confirmed it on
the 21st January, 1742, on which day Linne attained
the place he had so ardently desired.

His first discourse after installation was held on

the 2nd November, 1741, and he continued thus to
the end of 1776 with never slackening industry, so
that except during the time that he was absent from
the town, ill, or hindered by other causes, he did not
neglect a single lecture. On the contrary, he gave
to his pupils’ instruction more time than he was
obliged to by law. Without fear of an unfavourable
judgment therefore, he was able to say: “ With what
energy I have prosecuted my professorship, I leave
others to judge.” His eagerness or rather delight in
teaching was so great, that when at the close of the
spring term, shortly before Midsummer, he felt
himself overstrained by the many labours, the feeling
lasted only a couple of weeks, when he complained
that he was as weary of the holidays as he was
formerly tired with work.
The statutory lectures were delivered at ten a.m.
in the Gustavian building, usually in its largest hall,
but sometimes in the botanic garden, so as to have
abundance of plants to show, without having to carry
them backwards and forwards. He never omitted,
when he had opportunity, to show the Musa, which
was specially dear to him since his days at Hartecamp.
At the same time as these public statutory
instructions, were given his private coaching lectures,
which took place in his own house. He gave these
partly because of his own zeal and his pupils’
expressed wishes, and partly for the pecuniary gain,
which gave a welcome increase to his scanty stipend.
With both these lectures and teachings, Linnaeus,
especially at the beginning of his professorial career,
had occasion to rejoice at the large audience, so large
as to awaken astonishment. Although he was Pro¬
fessor in the medical faculty and at first had very few
pupils to examine, he had among his numerous
audience, so many belonging to other faculties, that
few of his colleagues were so successful. In some
subjects, such as the medicaments derived from
animals, the attendance fell to twenty, yet when the
lectures dealt with the system of diseases, or the
philosophy of botany, the auditors rose to fifty or
sixty. Still greater numbers came when natural
history, especially zoology, was discussed; but without
contradiction, the most attractive subject was dietary.
For instance, in the spring terms of 1748 and 1756,
the numbers were respectively 144 and 101, but
Linnaeus declared that he had double the audience
than the stated figures, and that at a time when the
total number of students at Uppsala did not exceed
600. The highest figures seem to have been reached
in 1760, with no fewer than 239 students on the list,
probably due to the Pomeranian war (the students
being immune from conscription), and at its height,
reached 1,500.
It is not so easy to determine the number of those
who took part in the coaching lectures; only for the
spring terms in 1748 and 1754 can accurate figures
be supplied, respectively 165 and 88, but one of his
pupils relates that late comers had to stand in the
lobby, because of the crowd. Although during the
whole of his career, the entire number of matriculations
in the medical faculty amounted only to 344, alto¬
gether his pupils must have reached many thousands.
This flourishing state of things was due to many
coincident causes. The long period when this subject
was treated by aged professors, created an impulse at
this time when it was handled by Linnaeus, with his
lively and pleasant teaching. A brother professor,
D. Melanderhjelm, relates that botany was presented
as a new and unknown thing, and the fashion was to
run after a new subject. To see a flower from the
Cape or from Asia, monkeys and snakes from Africa,
and parrots from South America, in Sweden, was to
see a miracle, which no one but Linnaeus could show.
The book of Nature had till now been closed to the
students who came up for divinity or classical
languages; but through Linnaeus’s teaching, obscurity
was cleared away, and the rich fields of Nature were
illuminated before their eyes. He was a skilful
guide who threw a new light over natural objects.
Further, to have been a student “ under Linne ” was
a memory for life, and each one wished to take with
him from the University, the proud title of haying
been “ Linne’s pupil/’
Another weighty cause of his success was that
during the Era of Liberty, began a reigning utili¬
tarianism, or a desire to make the most of the country’s
productiveness. Those who were intended for the
priesthood, saw that they would succeed better by
acquiring some knowledge of natural history and
medical science. Their note-books were as text¬
books, and in after life became valuable.
For his own part, Linne (to use the Swedish form
of his name), though belonging to the “ Hats ” party,
quite sympathized with his students’ views in their
desire to attain to a useful knowledge for their
country’s welfare.
There is still another reason to be assigned for his
popularity, namely his sympathetic personality. He
had an almost magic power of attraction while possess¬
ing a charming personality, and as he was fresh and
lively in his teaching, it formed a contrast to the dry
reading of a written lecture, which then, and for long
after, most of the professors inflicted upon their
hearers. The best representations of his lectures are
obtained in the sketches which some of his pupils
gave. Thus J. G. Acrel remarks: “ In the pro¬
fessorial chair he had a special eloquence peculiar to
himself, and although he was helped neither by a
powerful nor melodious voice, nor by particularly
winning utterance (for he spoke the Smaland dialect)
he never failed to interest his hearers in the highest
degree. He seemed to give expression in his short
sentences to the weight by emphasis he gave his
meaning, so that it was impossible for anyone to fail
to be convinced of what he argued. He who heard
him discourse on the introduction to his ‘ Systema
Naturae/ on God, Man, Creation, Nature, etc., was
more moved than by the most eloquent sermon.
With this power of convincing, he had the advantage
of an incomparable memory and a clearness of
thought, so that he could deliver from a few notes on
a scrap of paper, a long oration or a lecture. His
lectures were rarely written on a larger sheet than a
strip of paper, which he held folded up between his
fingers, and with his thumb marked the latest place
where he stopped/' This completely agrees with S.
Hedin’s report, from which the following is extracted :
“ He mingled quickness and thoroughness so mar¬
vellously, that both curiosity and understanding were
satisfied. If Linne spoke of the Creator's power and
majesty, reverence and wonder were depicted on all
faces; if he talked about dietary, he permitted his
hearers to laugh unrestrainedly, when depicting the
then fashionable whims, and with easy and delightful
humour, he imparted the most useful wisdom
concerning the care of health and its preservation."
There was something more yet which attracted
pupils to him, namely, the botanic excursions which
he conducted with his pupils in the neighbourhood of
Uppsala. These celebrated “ Herbationes Upsali-
enses" (in which not only plants, but animals,
minerals, and all that they could capture, were
explained by him) are thus recounted by a participant
therein, J. G. Acrel, thus : “ The botanic excursions
which he instituted each summer, were not less
enlightening and amusing for youth, than useful in
kindling a desire for Natural History. They took
place according to a certain order, as defined in his
‘ Herbationes Upsalienses,’ to eight places round the
town. At this time he had no fewer than 200 to 300
members who accompanied him afield, all clad in an
easy suit of linen and provided with everything
necessary for collecting plants and insects. From
his auditors he himself chose certain recognized

officials; for instance an Annotator, whose task was to
take down from his dictation, in case something new
was found; another was Fiscal, who had the superin¬
tendence of the discipline of the troop, that nothing
unusual should occur; others were marksmen, to shoot
birds, etc. The gathering was always at some agreed
place, where he himself was among the first, ready to
set tasks to those who came late. For each excursion,
certain resting places were appointed, and here, when
the scattered students were gathered, the Professor
lectured on the best things collected. After *the
youths from morning till evening, eight a.m. till nine
p.m. (until his increasing age shortened the time to
five—seven hours), had enjoyed themselves thus,
they marched back to the town, the Professor at their
head, with French horns, kettledrums and banners,
to the botanic garden where repeated “ Vivat Lin¬
naeus ” closed the day’s enjoyment. This cheeriness,
rejoicing and ardour amongst the young men, attracted
not only foreigners but up-country people to share in
these delights.
The places where the annual excursions were
taken, were Gottsunda and Vardsatra, Ultuna and
Liljekonvaljeholm, Haga, Danmark and Nontuna,
Old Uppsala and Vitulfsberg, Vaxala with Jalla and
Tornby, Husby with Borje and Kattinge also;
finally, the far distant Jumkil, where “ Sceptrum
Carolinum ” \_Pedicularis Sceptrum\ was the chief
floral treasure; these places are shown in the accom¬
panying map. The streets of the town and open
places offered weeds and wayside plants which there
flourished. Sometimes the expedition was to Funbo-
Lofsta, whose owner was Linne’s friend and admirer,
Baron Carl Sten Bjelke, who not only showed his
considerable cultures, but generously entertained the
glad and hungry crowd. Reports still in existence
testify to the fire which Linne knew so well how to
kindle in his pupils. Even the most insignificant
plant or animal had something worth speaking about,
its properties or life-history or its use in practical life,
or its application as interpreting other obscure factors
in nature; and he did not neglect to spice his remarks
with humorous episodes, which contributed to the
interest. This sketch of Linne’s method of teaching
applies to the first two decades of his professorship,
concerning which he himself admitted that science had
now reached the summit. After this a decline became
noticeable. After Linne had botanized for so many
years with his pupils, both his bodily and mental
powers began to fail. The result was that though he
continued to be surrounded with devoted pupils, they
latterly consisted of such as made natural history their
main study, or else belonged to the medical faculty
and obliged to undergo examination in Linne’s
departments. Naturally he saw this with some
melancholy; he said, “ It is with science as with
Cynosurus cczruleus; one marks its beginning, but it
spreads all round.”
Through Linne’s teaching and writings, natural
history both at home and abroad had gained many
friends and earnest workers, but at the same time the
throng, formerly so thick round his chair, lessened.
But quality had superseded quantity. Those belong¬
ing to other faculties fell off, but there were not
wanting others who gave themselves heart and soul
to biology. These were increased by many foreigners,
and in spite of the difficulties of travelling at that
period and of speaking foreign languages, they came
over to receive from Linne’s own lips, the solution of
Nature’s riddles. The fame of his extraordinary
power of teaching had spread widely, so that from
far distant lands, even North Africa, Siberia and
America, people came to the little, unpretentious
town of Uppsala. Nothing like it had been seen
before; it aroused notice, gladness and pride in the
whole country, his brother professors glorying in
the reputation gained for the old seat of learning,
even though feelings of envy could not be suppressed.
The town’s inhabitants were satisfied with their gains,
as the visitors were not merely hasty trippers, but
often remained for several years.
Linne saw this recognition of his scientific merits
with gladness and pride, and it is certain that he
bestowed upon these foreigners endless trouble and
even involved himself in pecuniary sacrifices. Many
of them were entertained at his table, and payment
for lectures was left for their discretion. Thus when
the German Giseke, on taking leave, gave him a
Swedish banknote, Linne roundly refused to accept
it, till after Giseke’s repeated requests he said: “ Now
tell me truly, can you afford it? Do you require this
money for your journey home ? If the former, give it
to my wife, but if you are straitened, so help me
God (iita me Deus, Linne’s usually confirmative
expression), I will not take a single farthing from you.”
In the same manner he would not take the smallest
sum from Ehrhart, whose teacher he had been for
years. “ You are a Swiss and the only Swiss who has
come to me. I will not take anything from you, but
you have given me the pleasure of teaching you what
I know gratis.” The same tale is told of the Danes,
Fabricius and Zoega, and it seems to have been his
rule with all foreign pupils, unless they evidently had
plenty of money; further he helped diligent students
and provided them with stipends or occasional gifts
from the University funds. He looked upon the
foreigners as his beloved children and was to them a
tender father. For him it was sufficient and at the
same time a pleasant enjoyment, to exchange views
with those who really loved his science, and who had
reached a certain measure of insight, as for such
conversation he had otherwise but little opportunity in
Uppsala. It was a pleasure for him to show his
countrymen how highly he was esteemed abroad.
But it cannot be said that he had no advantage
from his coaching; on the contrary, wealthy pupils,
it is true, according to their discretion, often gave
generously, sometimes in princely fashion. Thus he
received for a course of lectures which he conducted
for the Russian Barons Demidoff not less than
3,500 dalers [^262 10s. if in silver or ^87 10s. if in
copper], but these teachings were specially intensive,
as in September, 1760, he devoted three hours daily
to them : at ten o'clock, botany, at eleven, zoology, and
at twelve, mineralogy.
Their lodgings in Uppsala during term, were in
the neighbourhood of the botanic garden, that is, in
the least pretentious part of the town, Svartbacken,
where were mostly low timber houses, on whose
thatched roofs such plants as Linne gave the name
tectorum, as Crepis, Bromus, etc., found a favour¬
able site. During the summer, on the other hand, they
obtained quarters in the humble peasant cottages in
the vicinity of Hammarby, where convenience was
reduced to a minimum. At stated times daily lectures
were held, and in consequence of Linne's ignorance of
current foreign languages, exclusively in Latin, in
which he easily expressed himself, though not always
in classic diction or construction. The superlearned
laughed compassionately at his “ Svartback’s Latin,”
as in his eagerness, he did not give proper regard to
the niceties of the Latin grammar, correctness of
meaning weighing more than words. He owned his
weakness in Latin, but also declared that he would
rather have three slaps from Priscian, than one from
Nature—Malo tres alapas a Prisciano quam unam a
Of the relations between Linne and his pupils, the
best account is from one of them, afterwards the
celebrated entomologist, Fabricius. “ For two whole
years, 1763 and 1764—Linne being then in his fifty-
sixth and fifty-seventh years—I had the happiness of
enjoying his teaching, his guidance, and his intimate
intercourse. No day passed that I did not meet him,
hear his lectures, often spending several hours with
him in friendly talk. In summer we three foreigners,
Kuhn, Zoega and I, accompanied him into the
country. In winter we lodged close to him, and he
came to see us almost every day in his short, red
dressing-gown, green fur cap, and pipe in hand. He
generally came for ‘ half an hour,' but stayed one or
even two hours, his conversation being extremely
animated and pleasant. Either it consisted of
anecdotes of the learned in his science, whom he
had met at home or abroad, or he cleared up our
doubts and questions in science. He laughed heartily,
and his face beamed with gladness and high spirits,
which plainly showed how ready his soul was for
society and intimacy.
“ Still happier was our life in the country. We
lived about three-quarters of a mile from his house at
Hammarby in a peasant’s cottage, where we had
established ourselves after our own fashion, and had
our own household.” (They constantly had their
meals with the Linnean family.) “ He (Linne) in
summer rose early, usually about four a.m. About
six o’clock, as his dwelling house was being built, he
came to breakfast with us, and lectured on natural
orders as long as we liked, generally from ten a.m.
onwards. Afterwards we went about noon to the
rocks near by, which, under his guidance, provided
sufficient occupation and interest. Towards evening
we went to his garden, and later on we played at
trisett [£ three sixes ’] with his wife, her favourite card
“ On Sundays the entire family was with us at our
place, and sometimes we let a countryman come with
an instrument looking like a violin [hurdy-gurdy], when
we danced in the barn to our great contentment.
Truly our balls were not particularly brilliant, the
company not numerous, the music wretched, but we
danced in turn minuets and polkas and enjoyed
ourselves not a little. The old man, looking on,
smoked his pipe with Zoega, who was delicate, and
even he himself, though rarely, danced a Polish dance,

in which he excelled all us youngsters. Unless he

saw that we were cheerful, and even noisy, he feared
that we were not enjoying ourselves. Those days
and hours will never be forgotten, their remembrance
being delightful to each one. He was also my
teacher, and with grateful heart I recall how much I
have to thank him, both for his instruction and for
his gracious behaviour.”
Fabricius was not alone in these feelings of
respect, affection and gratitude; but to this witness
we owe many valuable expressions of regard, printed,
or in letters to Linne, both father and son. A
particularly handsome testimony was given by one of
the Demidoffs. When the Swedish prisoners of war
passed by St. Petersburg on their return home in 1790,
he met some of them, giving them help and in other
ways showing his kindness, in order to make manifest
his gratitude, as he said, for the pleasant time, which
he, as Linne’s pupil, had spent in Sweden.
As may be seen from the above, he practised his
oft-repeated rule of life: “ Mingle your joys some¬
times with your earnest occupation ” (Interpone tuis
interdum gaudia curis). Work was for him his
principal aim, finding in it his chief pleasure, and
even after lectures, he would spend some hours in
steadfast investigation and authorship. But it is hard
to understand how he could go through such bodily
and mental toil, when one calculates the time he
devoted to teaching. An extract from a letter to his
intimate friend, Back, in 1761, will show this. “ I
lecture five hours each day: at eight o’clock with
Danes; at ten, publicly; at eleven and twelve, with
Russians; at two, privately with Swedes. On
Wednesdays and Fridays three hours are spent in
proof reading on my c Fauna.’ The rest of the time
is hardly enough for writing additions to the same
work; I have no time to think about myself, so
I write till two in the morning.” On another occasion,
in 1766, he writes: “ My dear fellow, do not talk about
a trip to Drottningholm [a palace near Stockholm], I
now have my chief lectures, public, private and most
private, the last to Danes, Russians, Germans, and
others, who come hither from distant parts to listen
to me.” And during the holidays when his colleagues
were enjoying entire quiet at watering places to
restore their health, he was writing in 1771, when he
had completed his sixty-fourth year: “ I am in
obscurity at Hammarby, but have to lecture eight
hours a day to my foreigners, and more, if it
ust as his pupils took home pleasant memories,
so did their teacher retain similar recollections. An
exception must be made in the case of the first who
came, Henri Missa, from Paris, who, provided with a
recommendatory letter from Haller, in August, 1748,
found himself listening to Linnaeus in botany. This
event caused great attention, for never before had a
student come from France to Uppsala University.
He was received with open arms, and was thus
described: “ Missa is fairly quick, and has an incredible
temper. He is poor, does us no credit, but one must
teach him so that others may follow. He is here for
a year. I have boarded him, which sum I reckon at
600 dalers [^45], in addition to advancing him money;
I shall not spare my instruction.”
By the beginning of the next year there was a
change in Missa’s behaviour. After a visit to Stock¬
holm, he declared that botany should no longer detain
him, and he would go back to France. He attacked
Linne, who wrote, “ He boarded with me for two days
and since then I have not seen him. He repaid me
the money I lent him, but went away without any
thanks for the long period I had maintained him, when
I had done more for him than a brother or a Swede,
and now he slanders me, as I have heard from several
people. So I harboured a snake in my bosom, but
did not know it.” Thus happened the unfortunate
parting between them, to Linne a great trouble; and

among his pupils he thenceforth never mentioned

Missa, whose after fate is unknown.
The delight and satisfaction to which the many
foreign visitors to Uppsala gave expression, was
balanced by the trouble experienced from Th. E.
Nathorst from Silesia, who was registered in 1755,
but did not prosecute his studies.
There was a prospect of trouble, which, however,
did not take place, when the rich Russian noblemen,
Matthaeus Aphonin and Alexander Karamyschew, at
the Tsar’s expense, came to Uppsala to study in
October, 1761, and there throve so well, that the
former stayed till 1769 and the latter till 1767.
Although they did not show great diligence, they
readily joined in every kind of frolic, and Karamyschew
especially seems to have been very popular among
the other students, notably when in 1766 his
disputation was accompanied by eight congratulatory
epistles, in French, German, Russian, Latin (prose
and verse) and Swedish.
There was much excitement in 1762 when the
Russians were personally abused by some townspeople
and badly used. The Rector at once enquired into
the matter, and punishment of some days’ prison fare
and fines was imposed upon the offenders, and a
reprimand issued warning all that the credit of the
University was imperilled by such disorders. The
Russians were again in trouble in 1769 during some
wedding festivities, and on at least two other occasions
their escapades were brought before the Consistory.
In the Appendix will be found a complete list of
Linne’s foreign pupils, but certain others stood in such
intimate relation to their teacher, as to deserve special
First may be named the German, J. C. D. Schreber.
In 1758 he was corresponding with Linne, who said
of him, that he was a quick fellow, who wrote little,
but liked mineralogy and sent many fine insects. In
1760 in spite of the war, Linne bespoke the influence
of the Chancellor to enable Schreber to reach Sweden,
which was effectual. The newcomer intended to
enjoy Linne’s teaching during the summer and in the
autumn to offer himself for examination for M.D.
But he was found so well grounded, so extraordinarily
quick in biology, and possessing such ready insight,
that no one in the medical faculty had previously met
with his equal, so that he passed in June, with special
approbation, and in the same month was promoted
Doctor. During the summer he heard lectures at
Hammarby, after which he went back to Germany;
afterwards remaining in permanent communication
with Uppsala; he also edited the second editions of
“ Materia medica,” and “ Amoenitates Academicae.”
Another in whom Linne felt great interest, was
P. D. Giseke, who came to learn direct about
natural orders. He sent to Linne a copy of his
dissertation “ Systemata plantarum recentiora,” for
which Linne returned a most friendly letter, begin¬
ning: “You want to get from me the characters of
natural families: I confess that I cannot give such.”
Giseke spent the summer of 1771 at Hammarby, in
constant touch with Linne, spending so much time,
that when he took leave of “ optimus senex ” (the most
worthy old man), he was reminded that no pains for
him had been grudged. On being asked what would
satisfy his teacher for what he had received, he was
told: “What you please.” Twenty years later he
joined with Fabricius in a volume on the subject of
natural orders, but that came out after their teacher’s
The only Englishman among these was John
Rotheram. At the end of June, 1773, he arrived at
Uppsala, and was registered in the University and
the Smalands Nation. Some time after he fell ill,
but was carefully nursed by the wife and daughters of
Linne, as a warm letter of thanks from his father in
1774 testified. After that he seems to have become so
intimate in Linne’s home, that he was one of the two
at the bedside when the great naturalist passed away.
During his stay at Uppsala he learned to speak
Swedish fluently, and was one of the few who became
friends with the younger Linne. On his return to
England, he had a sharp exchange of words with
Daniel Solander, when the latter called the young
Linne “ a thoroughly worthless fellow/’ He wrote
later, “At last it was with little better than mutual
abuse, when we bade each other good-bye.”
How he prosecuted his studies at Uppsala is now
hard to say. It is, however, certain that he was a
loyal listener to Linne’s lectures, passed the several
stages of examination, and was promoted Doctor in
1775. He fared so well at Uppsala, that though he
had finished his course of studies, he stayed on, and
his father wrote complainingly to Linne that his son
would not come home. In the spring of 1778, after
the death of Linne, he submitted a thesis “ De
Variolis ” [On smallpox] soon after which, he returned
to England and became Professor of Physic in the
University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
Friedrich Ehrhart takes a special place amongst
the rest of the foreign pupils. He had not received
any university training, but was dispenser at an
apothecary’s in Hannover, when, attracted by some
Swedish scientific writings, he determined to betake
himself to Sweden. First he had occupation for six
months at the Court Apothecary’s in Stockholm, where
he found himself so happily placed, that “ if he had
not left his dearest maiden in Hannover, he would
have probably remained in the beautiful country of
A desire to listen to the lectures of Linne and
Torbern Bergman, drew him meanwhile to Uppsala,
where he first served a year with the university
apothecary, but afterwards kept himself for two and
a half years, entirely free at his own expense, during
which he became intimately acquainted with C. W.
Scheele, T. Bergman, and many other eminent men,
He was Linne’s pupil from the 20th April, 1773, till
the 26th September, 1776, much enjoying the tuition,
though he lamented that he had not come before,
when the late Archiater himself took excursions in the
fields of that fine country. “ My teacher had already
aged, and expected the end and dissolution. If I
questioned him about cryptogams, he answered
frankly, that he had for thirty years studied such
plants, but must now give their investigation and
determination over to others. I often went with
doubts to Hammarby and turned back to Uppsala
with my questions unsolved.”
Few pupils perhaps have been so diligent as he.
Every day he spent his free hours in excursions to the
surrounding districts, but Sundays he usually passed
in the botanic garden; especially during the holidays
he went, often accompanied by other pupils, from
early morning till late at night into the meadows,
forests, marshes and bogs, seeking plants. His dis¬
coveries he imparted to Linne, who showed him
special favour, and he did not scruple to remark upon
certain points in his teacher’s works. Linne was at
first astonished, but after a day or two’s thought cried
out, “You are right.” “And when in his house at
Hammarby, I took leave of him and lamented that it
would be the last time I should see him, he pressed
my hand once more and said, ‘ Write to me; I trust
you entirely.’ ”
Returned to Germany, Ehrhart first settled in
Hannover, then in Herrenhausen, and was appointed
botanist to the English King, and Prince Braun¬
schweig Luneberg; he published many botanical
works, so that he must be reckoned as one of Linne’s
most distinguished pupils. The remembrance of his
residence at Uppsala remained as a brilliant episode.
When in 1790 he brought out a list of wild plants round
Uppsala, he penned a warm-hearted passage of the
innocent delight and quiet enjoyment he experienced
there, with Linne, “ the divine Linne.”
There are, and always have been, teachers who
fulfilled their duties implicitly, but never came into
intimate relationship with their pupils. Linne was
not of that number, for it was for him a true joy when
an enquiring young man came to him with questions.
“ A professor,’5 said he, “ can never better distinguish
himself in his work than by encouraging a clever
pupil, for the true discoverers are among them, as
comets amongst the stars.” Thus he established
round him a close intimate circle of students, for
whom he showed a fatherly regard. A sketch of his
relations with this select band must be touched upon,
but in a brief fashion.
In the first place we must look at the numerous
youths, who, incited by Linne’s stories of nature’s life
in foreign lands, betook themselves in high spirits and
burning zeal to the quest of natural objects. We
must remember the great perils which then were con¬
nected with such journeys, and the scanty appliances
which could be got together for such enterprises.
Many of Linne’s “ apostles,” as he loved to call them,
these naturalist pioneers, suffered a martyr’s death,
but that did not prevent others from offering them¬
selves to similar tasks, to the same hunger, the same
struggle, the same death; an everlasting memorial to
their memory, cere ferennius.
The first of these was Christopher Ternstrom.
Although belonging to the divinity faculty, he had
for years accompanied O. Celsius and Linne on their
botanic excursions, by which he had advanced so far
in botany, that “ no one in the kingdom could be
compared with him except Kalm.” His ardour did
not diminish, after he had been ordained, and though
married, and a father, he begged to be allowed to sail
to the East Indies, partly as priest, but also to
botanize, which permission he obtained through
Admiral Ankarcrona. Linne gave him instructions,
and he was especially charged to procure a tea plant
in a pot, or at least seeds of it; to take thermometric
observations, and obtain living gold-fish for the
At the beginning of 1746 he went to Gothenburg
to embark, but before sailing, a disastrous fire broke
out in the town, destroying more than a quarter of it.
Letters came from him from Cadiz, but the next
intelligence was that he died at Pulo Candor on the
5th December, 1746.
Linne was terribly grieved, not only for the lost
hopes of scientific results, but for the widow and
orphans; he tried to procure some help for them, and
said that the widow accused him of having enticed
her husband away, thus making her a widow. He
wished to publish Ternstrom’s observations, but
finding no opportunity for that, the genus Tern-
strcemia was founded in memory of his former
Before Ternstrom had started, Baron Sten Bjelke
had urged that a naturalist should be dispatched to
some country in the same latitude as Sweden, with a
view of introducing plants for food, medicine or
manufacture. The most suitable land seemed to
Linne to be North America, where Morus rubra if
brought over, might supply food for silkworms and
so set up a new industry. For this expedition, his
pupil Pehr Kalm was selected, he having previously
travelled in Sweden, Finland and Russia, with good
results. The difficulty was to provide funds for a
long trip, but ultimately help came from the univer¬
sities of Uppsala and Abo, as well as from a
manufacturers’ union, chiefly through Linne’s
At last Kalm, accompanied by a gardener, L.
Jungstrom, journeyed to Gothenburg; after sailing,
the vessel was driven into a Norwegian port by stress
of weather, so that he did not reach England till
17th February, 1747. He was forced to remain here
till the 5th August, but spent his time botanizing
round London, reaching Philadelphia on the
15th September. After extensive travels, he quitted
America on the 13th February, 1751, and came to
Stockholm the 3rd June. While frequent letters had
passed between Linne and Kalm, an illness which
attacked Linne soon after, caused a delay in Kalm’s
visit to Uppsala with his large collection of dried
plants and seeds. Amongst these may be mentioned
Vitis hederacea, the Virginian creeper.
Kalm had scarcely begun his travels, before plans
for another expedition were in progress. Among the
then Uppsala students was Fredrik Hasselquist, who
had distinguished himself in his studies, and of whom
Linne wrote in eulogistic terms to the Academy of
Science—that he was modest, polite, cheerful, and
intelligent, but very poor. In his lectures, Linne had
mentioned Palestine as one of the countries not
sufficiently known, and this fired Hasselquist with the
desire of travelling thither. He confided his wishes
to his teacher, who felt himself obliged to point out
the long distance, the many toils and dangers, the
great expense which stood in the way, as well as his
weak health and tendency to consumption. All was
in vain, he was determined. By Linne’s hard work
the funds were collected, and a free passage to
Smyrna was granted on a vessel belonging to the
Levant Company.
With the small sum of 1,890 dalers in copper
£\1 5s.] Hasselquist set out on the 7th August
from Stockholm, and on the 26th November, landed
at Smyrna, where he obtained quarters with his
relation, Consul General Rydelius, there spending
the winter. In the following March he travelled
inland, and in May went to Egypt, where he stayed
till March, 1751. His collections were rich, but his
means were exhausted, till Linne and O. Celsius the
younger, induced the Consistory to grant two more
stipends, Hasselquist thus receiving assistance by this
means, in all four faculties, an event which never
occurred before or since. Linne redoubled his
efforts, and by personal appeals collected in one week
more than 7,000 dalers in copper [^175].
By this reinforcement Hasselquist was enabled to
prosecute his journey. In March, 1751, he travelled
to Palestine, explored a part of Arabia, and a large
part of Syria, for a short time staying in Cyprus,
Rhodes, and Chio, and then on to Smyrna, with a
valuable store in all three ^kingdoms of nature. But
he was immediately obliged to hurry from the un¬
healthy Smyrna to the village Bagda, where “ our
beloved Dr. Hasselquist, like a lamp whose oil is
consumed, died on the 9th February, 1752, at six in
the evening, to the grief of all who knew him.”
To the heavy sorrow which this event roused in
Linne, there came trouble about the fate of the
collections and notes. It appeared that Hasselquist
had incurred a debt of 14,000 copper dalers [^350],
and for this, the collections and manuscripts were
seized in pledge. Linne doubted the justice of the
claim, but saw that something must be done to avoid
a “ double death, that not only had the traveller
vanished, but his work threatened to vanish also,
which would not be creditable to the nation among
all who love science.” He turned therefore to Baron
Hopken, and also to A. Back, saying, “ My heart
bleeds every time I think about Hasselquist’s
collections. It is a great sum ... it is dark for me.”
Linne’s lamentation was not without result. In
November, Back gave him to understand that the
Queen, in consequence of his appeal and those of
Tessin and Hopken, was disposed to pay the sum
demanded. Linne’s delight found expression in his
reply to Back. “ If the Queen redeems Hasselquist’s
collection, Her Majesty is a goddess and my brother
[Back] an angel.”
The following year the collections came to Drott-
ningholm Palace. Linne, who was summoned
thither, grew giddy on beholding so many novel
things at one time. Later he received the scientific
notes, and his estimation of them made him exclaim
“ God bless the incomparable Queen. All gener¬
ations should praise Her Majesty, who rescued them
from the fire.” The manuscripts were delivered by
the Queen’s orders to Linne, to be set in order and
published, which resulted in Hasselquist’s “ Iter
palaestinum, eller resa till Heliga Landet.” [Pales¬
tine journey, or travels to the Holy Land] to which
were added the letters received from Hasselquist by
The “ In Memoriam ” oration was pronounced in
1758 by Abraham Back, earning Linne’s high praise.
Twenty years later Back did the same office for Linne
Soon after Ternstrom’s departure, the unwearied
patron of Linne (C. G. Tessin) took steps for further
investigations in foreign lands. After testing certain
candidates, Carl Fredrik Adler was sent to the East
Indies in 1748, but the result was trifling. Much
better returns came from the two ships’ chaplains,
Pehr Osbeck and Olof Toren, who sailed in different
ships from Gothenburg in 1750, and both came back
on the same date, 26th June, 1752, two years later.
The former’s warm interest and power of observation
had been often noticed by Linne. The voyage went
well, four months and a half being spent in China.
After his return he was invited to undertake another
expedition, but as his health had been impaired, he
decided to stay at home, and by Linne’s influence he
was appointed Court Chaplain, afterwards becoming
pastor in Halland, which post he held till his death
in 1805.
There is less to be said about Olof Toren. He
sailed for Surat, and visited China, collecting many
plants. Upon his return, he printed a short account
of his yoyage, and died soon after in 1753.
The first place in Linne’s affections for his
“ Apostles ” was held by Petrus Lofling, “ his most
beloved pupil.” Born at Tolfors in Gastrikland the
20th January, 1729, he, unknown to his parents,
registered in the medical faculty, and formed a lasting
friendship with another student, J. O. Hagstrom, who
thus described Lofling. “ He came to Uppsala
quite young, of such simple manners as might be
taken for stupidity. During his first year he was
intimate only with me, who, like him, had come from
the fells. When he first came to my rooms, he fell
upon my herbarium to search through it. This
pleased me immensely, and we were together day and
night. His father wished him to become priest, but
he had no liking for that profession. I was senior to
him by some years, so I advised him not to devote
himself to logic, metaphysics or Greek, which had
robbed me of much time. He made such rapid
progress in botany, that he was worthy to be tutor to
Linne’s son. As to his character, I can frankly say,
on my conscience, that his soul was graced with
virtue, pious, just, loving and quick at grasping
nature’s many secrets. He was tall, like Kalm, of
manly and pleasing aspect, and was also bright
and healthy.”
Among Linne’s many pupils and attendants in his
excursions, Lofling principally attracted his teacher’s
attention. He found his way to Linne’s heart, and
was taken into his teacher’s house as companion to
his son.
That Lofling gladly accepted this post was
natural. He attended lectures, formed friendships
with the most intellectual of the students, was early
and late in the botanic garden and at meal-times
plied his teacher with questions. “ He lived with
me in the greatest confidence,” records Linne, “ for he
had a mind pure as gold without any dissimulation
in speech or gesture. He was never effeminate nor
fastidious in food or clothing; he could sleep on the
hardest bench or softest bed.” This evident kindness
spurred Lofling on to deserve it, and in 1749 he
put forward the famous disputation, “ De gemmis
arborum ” (On the buds of trees), which showed his
This relation continued. “ In the year 1750,”
relates Linne, “ when I began my ‘ Philosophia
botanica,’ I had so severe an attack of gout as to
cherish little hope of surmounting it, but as soon as
the illness began to diminish, I was obliged to get
my dear Lofling to hold the pen, whilst I dictated
from my bed, till the book was done, and as he always
asked questions on what he did not understand, at
the end he was thoroughly grounded in the subject/’
It was decided that he should travel in Arabia and
the East Indies, but the vessel sailing before the
funds were secured, the project was altered to the
investigation of Spain, as its flora, though known for
its rarities, as a whole was practically unknown. “ It
is lamentable that a cultivated European land should
remain in so barbarous a state as regards botany,” was
the remark of an Englishman, Robert More, when on
a visit to Madrid; by the good offices of the
Spanish Ambassador to Sweden, the Marquis de
Grimaldi, it was arranged that a pupil of Linne
should be sent to that country.
“ Lofling was in my mind,” wrote Linne, “ and he
was not averse from the prospect.” By special effort
he succeeded in gaining the degree of Magister and
at once entered upon his journey, his old teacher
bidding him a tender farewell. He was provided
with a free passage to Portugal. After two months’
voyage, he arrived in that country, and began his
search for plants. He passed on to Madrid, where
he fixed his headquarters for two years, his earliest
task being to overcome the jealousy of the local
botanists, in which he succeeded. Many letters were
sent home, and many plants also, as the Linnean
herbarium shows.
At the end of this period, an expedition to Spanish
South America was organized, including four pro¬
fessors, as many skilled attendants, four surgeons and
minor officials. Lofling was appointed head of the
botanic department, and had as helpers, two young
surgeons and two expert artists.
All went well at first; after a visit to the Canaries
the expedition in May, 1754, reached Cumana, which
offered a rich harvest to the botanist. A few months
later he was attacked by ague, with four relapses
which took away his strength. Nothing more
was heard from him, till a report came from Spain
that he had died on the 22nd February, 1756, at the
Mission Station of Merercuri in Guiana, of a fever
due to the climate.
When Linne recovered from the shock of this
disaster, he determined to raise a literary memorial to
the memory of his darling pupil, which resulted in
the “ Iter hispanicum ” published in 1758 by Linne.
In the preface the editor gave full expression to his
deep grief at the loss of so promising a life : “ Lofling
sacrificed himself for Flora, and its lovers—they
miss him! ”
Amongst the unexplored lands to which Linne
specially desired to send a pupil, was the Cape of
Good Hope, with its rich and peculiar flora. Marten
Kahler was selected, and money was provided, but the
opposition of the Dutch government prevented the
arrangement. Finally in May, 1753, he was sent to
Italy and Sicily, but met with hindrances throughout.
He waited in Denmark a long time for a passage;
then followed a five days’ storm in the North Sea, when
the cabin was flooded, and his apparatus, books and
clothes were destroyed, he having to lash himself to
the mast, where he remained two days and nights
without food. After mishaps of many kinds, the
anchor was dropped at Bordeaux, whence he wrote to
Linne concerning his want of money, saying he did
not dare to go further without reinforcement of his
At Marseilles, reached after an escape from
pirates, he was obliged to stay till the end of May,
1754, partly from poverty, partly from illness, but he
sent home from there a chest of natural objects, which
was captured by pirates. On his way to Naples he
collected many plants and insects, but again was
attacked by fever. An encouraging letter was
received here from Linne, also financial help from
Wargentin, secretary of the Academy of Science, and
from Back. The new year was fraught with fresh
pecuniary troubles and illnesses, but an opportune
remittance from Wargentin enabled him early in 1756
to leave Naples for Rome. From here he started for
home chiefly on foot, reaching Sweden at the end of
May, when he was kindly welcomed by Linne.
Kahler and Dr. Hallman dined with Linne, who noted
One was big, the other modest;
One was talkative, the other silent;
One was empty, the other solid;
One was untrue, the other true.
Kahler became Admiralty physician at Karlskroma,
where he died in 1773 at the age of forty-six.
These unhappy events cooled Linne’s ardour for
sending collectors abroad. “ The deaths of many
whom I have induced to travel have made my hair
grey, and what have I gained? A few dried plants,
with great anxiety, unrest, and care.” But this mood
soon vanished, and from 1746 till Linne’s death,
hardly a couple of years passed without finding one
or more of his pupils investigating foreign countries.
Among this later class of Linne’s “ Apostles ” we
must first name Daniel Rolander, who had come into
notice by his observations on the life-history of certain
insects. Linne engaged him as tutor for his son.
He had some misgivings about Rolander, for though
proving himself a theologian and entomologist, he
was not apt at research.
In the summer of 1754, when Linne heard from
Back that a Swede settled in Surinam was disposed to
show some hospitality to a young naturalist, Linne’s
eagerness flamed up anew. The Swede proved to be
Carl Gustaf Dalberg, at that time revisiting Sweden.
Finally Rolander was recommended for the post.
From Count C. De Geer, 600 dalers [^15] were
received for equipment, and provided with instructions,
he started at the end of 1754 or the beginning of the
next year.
Little is recorded of what followed, but he was
detained by illness at Amsterdam, only getting to
Paramaribo in June, 1755, which he quitted in the
following January. Dalberg tried to persuade him
to stay longer, but he pleaded his weak health, dislike
of the climate, and weariness of working in the heat.
Thus Linne’s hopes of Rolander’s success were
blighted, the only thing he had sent to the Uppsala
garden being specimens of the Cochineal cactus,
referred to later; and he complained that “ Rolander,
that ungrateful pupil, gave him nothing of his
collecting,” but delivered them to Court Marshal De
Geer, who afterwards presented Linne with a store
of rare plants.
It soon appeared, however, that Rolander was less
ungrateful than unfortunate. Before long he was
seen to be disordered in mind. This showed itself
chiefly in the fact that he brought home some grey
seeds and said they were pearls, fine pearls, and even
though their shells were fractured, he guarded them
as being precious. On other topics he spoke sanely,
even studying Materia medica in Stockholm, till
Linne found him incompetent. Afterwards he went
to Denmark to sell his pearls, which were, however,
stolen, then he lived in Skane upon charity, and died
in Lund in 1793.
One of Linne’s cleverest pupils was Anton
Rolandsson Martin, who had a long struggle against
poverty, with experience of suffering, and of dis¬
appointed hopes, but found in his teacher a faithful
helper and comforter. Born in Livland in 1729, he
became student in Abo, but moved to Stockholm, and
in the autumn of 1756 he went to Uppsala, where he
was kindly received by Linne, who promised to make
a distinguished man of him and to procure him a
stipend. The Academy of Science received in 1756
an invitation from the Greenland Company to send
a young naturalist to the Arctic Sea, and Linne
selected Martin as the most suitable for the whaling
voyage, and thus he became the first Scandinavian
polar naturalist.
His departure from Gothenburg was made in
April, 1758, with Spitsbergen as the goal and return
was made on the 21st July; he had only landed on
two islands, where no plants were in flower; so he
collected birds, some hitherto undescribed, and Linne
judged that he had done all for which he had had
opportunity. Undismayed by his former hardships,
he started over the mountains to Trondhjem; in the
autumn he was at Bergen collecting both plants and
animals, and then went by sea to Malmo and Uppsala.
In the spring term of 1761 he graduated Candidate in
Medicine, but soon after fell ill, and a leg had to
be amputated. His remaining days were spent in
Finland, where he lived partly on the funds from the
Academy of Science, and partly on his earnings as
tutor. He was always diligently observing, and
many of his papers were published in the Transactions
of the Academy. He died early in 1786.
Following the chronological sequence of the
travellers for natural history we now come to Pehr
Forskal, who, born in Helsingfors, studied at Uppsala,
and then at Gottingen, where he devoted himself to
oriental languages, under the celebrated Michaelis, but
without neglecting botany, chemistry, physics and
philosophy. On his return to Sweden, he published
a political treatise, which the government considered
pernicious, and his prospects in Sweden being clouded,
he embraced an offer to join a Danish expedition to
the East. Sailing on the 4th January, 1761, from
Copenhagen, Marseilles, Malta, Smyrna and Con¬
stantinople were visited; Alexandria being reached in
October. Clothed as a peasant to escape marauding
Bedouins, he roamed round Cairo, and was successful
in making a good collection of new plants. He then
travelled by Suez and Jeddah to Arabia Felix, finding
a hundred novel species and thirty new genera. Soon
afterward he was stricken with plague at Jerim, where
Carl Niebuhr, sick himself, had the grief to watch him
die, on the nth July. Forskal had previously sent
a small book, relating his discoveries and ready for
printing, to Denmark, where it was seen through the
press by Niebuhr, the sole survivor of the expedition.
The genus Forskolea botanically commemorates the
ill-fated discoverer of a very distinct genus.
A journey of quite a different character was
undertaken by Clas Alstromer. Born in 1736, he
was sent by his father, the well-known Jonas
Alstromer, to Uppsala to study economics, under the
guidance of Linne, Wallerius, and Berch. He had
the opportunity in 1760-4 to embark on extensive
travels through Spain, Italy, France, England, etc.;
finding his letter of recommendation from Linne of
immense use, and sending in return many plants,
seeds and shells. He became Baron in 1778, and
died in 1794.
In the year before Forskal quitted Sweden,
Daniel Solander also left it. He was born at Pitea in
1733, became student at Uppsala in 1750, where he
was constantly at Linne’s house; he travelled in his
native province in 1756 for plants, which are still to
be seen in the Linnean herbarium, and the Consistory
put on record their estimation of his diligence and
He also was attracted to the investigation of
foreign lands. The zealous London naturalists, John
Ellis and Peter Collinson, had requested Linne to
send some of his pupils to encourage the study of
natural history in England. For this, Solander, the
best of his disciples after Lofling, was selected. He
came here in 1760, and after three weeks in London,
reported on his good prospects; he became a thorough
Englishman and never again saw his fatherland. He
was appointed to a post in the British Museum, and in
1764 was installed as librarian to Sir Joseph Banks,
with whom afterwards he sailed round the world with
Lieutenant J. Cook in the Endeavour. On their
return in 1771 he accompanied Banks to Iceland,
a trip taken when their intention to sail again with
Cook had become impossible.
Linne complained that his old pupil never sent
him a single plant or insect from the voyage of the
Endeavour, but he overlooked the fact that the whole
of the collection belonged to Banks, who had incurred
great expense in equipment. Further, it was hoped
that Linne might be persuaded to visit England, to
inspect and help to name one thousand two hundred
new species with a hundred genera, and a multitude
of animals, fishes, insects and mollusca.
The grateful and affectionate regard Solander
entertained for his former teacher, was shown by his
reception of the younger Linne in London in 1781
and 1782. Although he had no great estimation of
him as a naturalist, he neglected no opportunity to
further his studies, and even nursed him during a
severe illness. When an article by Fabricius appeared
in the “ Deutsches Museum ” which Solander con¬
sidered defamatory of the Linnean household, he
bought up all the copies he could find, and destroyed
them, to prevent a misconception being spread
abroad. It was therefore a heavy trial for the younger
Linne, when an apoplectic stroke, in 1782, suddenly
ended his countryman’s life.
Forskal and Rolander, already mentioned, as
tutors to the son, gained special instruction from the
father; and now a third may be added, Johan Peter
Falck, also an “ apostle.” At first meant as a
companion of Forskal in his Arabian journey, it was
found impossible to arrange that; he therefore was
dispatched in 1763 to St. Petersburg, where he
became administrator of the rich museum belonging
to the Imperial Body Physician Kruse. But constant
hypochondria and ill-health, due to a sedentary life,
embittered his existence.
Kruse had died before 1765, so Falck was offered
a position in the Collegium medicum, with super¬
intendence of the medical garden, but he could
not support the prospect of continuing in Russia. In
1768, J. J. Lerche nominated him as naturalist for an
expedition first intended for Persia, but afterwards
changed for Orenburg. He started on his journey,
but was stopped in Moscow by a complication of
disorders till his health was somewhat restored.
Finally in 1772 he was found dead in his bed, from a
pistol shot in his head, self inflicted.
Anders Berlin after finishing his academic studies,
came to London in 1770, where he was most kindly
received by Solander, and engaged by Banks as an
assistant at ,£80 salary, which post he held till J773,
when he accepted an invitation to visit the Guinea
coast, as a scientific helper to Smeathman, a young
Englishman, who had gone thither a year earlier.
He was delighted with the vegetation and sent some
plants to Linne, but the unhealthy climate claimed
him as a victim a short time later.
The next of Linne’s pupils to be considered, is
Carl Peter Thunberg, who had a double claim on
Linne’s good-will, as a zealous naturalist and as
a Smalander. In 1770 he went to Paris, but stayed
so long abroad, that he only came home in 1779, when
Linne had been dead fifteen months.
This happened because the open letter of
recommendation he had from Linne, operated so
advantageously that in Holland he was induced to
undertake a long voyage as far as Japan, which land
was at that time closed to all nations except the
Dutch; therefore to gain entrance, Thunberg had to

enter the Dutch Company’s service as surgeon. He

first travelled to the Cape of Good Hope, spending
1772 to 1775 in research on its flora and fauna,
discovering three hundred new species. After this
he voyaged to Japan, touching at Java on his way.
Returning at the end of 1776 with a second stay in
Java, he gave seven months to Ceylon, thence to
Holland, where he was offered a professor’s chair at
Leyden, and by England and Germany back to his
native land. He kept up correspondence all the time
with Linne, and supplied him with so many plants that
his old teacher admitted he had never benefited so
much from any other traveller. Before he died in
1828, he had occupied the chair of botany at Uppsala
forty-five years, in succession to the younger Linne.
Thunberg had a worthy competitor in Anders
Sparrman. When only seventeen, he in 1765 had
served as ship’s surgeon on a voyage to China under
C. G. Ekeberg. He embarked again in 1772 for the
Cape, and pushed his enquiries vigorously. At the
close of that year, Captain James Cook, on his
second voyage round the world, on board the Resolu¬
tion,, touched at the Cape. He was invited to
accompany the Forsters, father and son, and went
with them to New Zealand. Returning to the Cape
after sailing six thousand nautical miles, he renewed
his quest after Cape plants for eight months longer.
He was back in Sweden in 1776, but was quite worn
out with his labours. Nevertheless, he ventured
again in 1787 to Africa, became Professor of Natural
History in Stockholm in 1790 and Assessor to the
Medical College in 1803, dying in 1820.
Joran Rothman, son of Johan S. Rothman, Linne’s
benefactor at Vaxjo, after taking his degree of M.D.
at Uppsala, failed as a physician in Stockholm, but
was selected by the Academy out of three applicants,
to investigate Barbary, starting in 1773. The result
justified Linne’s fears; the promises of the native
envoy were not fulfilled, and the money ran short, but
an excursion towards the Atlas Mountains yielded
some botanic results. He returned to Stockholm in
1776, in broken health, and, two years later, died as
Assessor to the Medical College.
Another of Linne’s pupils was Johan Andreas
Murray, who without doubt became a star of the first
magnitude in botany. Born in 174° at Stockholm,
his father being chaplain to the German colony there,
he became student at Uppsala in 1756, and Linne
soon discerned in him one of his most diligent and
clever pupils. A close friendship was formed, as
between father and son, which was only ended by
death. Murray took his degree as Licentiate at
Uppsala, and proceeding M.D. at Gottingen, became
Professor of Medicine there in 1764, with super¬
intendence of the botanic garden, and died in that
place in 1791.
During a visit to Sweden in 1772, noticing an
interleaved copy of the twelfth edition of the “ Systema
Naturae,” he begged Linne to bring out a new edition,
but the reason he alleged for not doing so, was want
of time; however, he put the volume into Murray’s
hands, with permission to print it if he felt so inclined.
Murray agreed, found a publisher in Germany, and
astonished his old teacher, when the book was printed
in 1774, by sending him a handsome sum for author¬
ship, received by Linne with great satisfaction.
After Linne’s death, he issued another edition of the
“ Systema vegetabilium,” the fourteenth. Linne was
much touched by Murray naming him godfather to
his little girl Carolina.
There were many pupils who deserve mention
here, but the number must be restricted to a few
more. Johan Otto Hagstrom distinguished himself
by drawing up a list of the plants eaten by various
farm animals. From 1754 his time was taken up by
his duties as provincial physician in East Gothland, but
he produced his “ Pan apum,” a small work on the
flowers affected by bees, to which Linne added a

preface; later he wrote to the author, “ I have read

your c Pan apum ’ eight times and I can say it is a
Another pupil was Johan Gustaf Wahlbom, who
showed himself worthy of the post he obtained at an
early age, as Adjunct in 1748, and M.D. in 1751 ; in
the latter year being appointed Professor of Natural
History at Lund. He increased his knowledge in
Germany, and on his return home, settled in Kalmar
county as provincial physician up to 1794.
About the same time as Hagstrom and Wahlbom,
Erik Gustaf Liidbeck was living at Uppsala, and by
his devotion to natural history endeared himself to
Linne. He served as secretary in the Linnean
journey to Skane, and later, in 1756, was installed in
the newly established chair of Natural History at
A still greater eminence in science must be
allowed to Peter Johan Bergius. After studying two
years at Lund, he came in 1749 to Uppsala, where,
attracted by Linne’s lectures, he gave himself up to
biology. After concluding his academic studies in
1761, he became Professor of Natural History and
Pharmacy in Stockholm, and Assessor in the Medical
College in 1766. With his brother Bengt Bergius,
he raised a memorial to his generosity by a large
donation to the Academy of Science, which is now
extant, with its library and collections, as the Bergian
Upon settling in Stockholm P. J. Bergius took up
medicine, and speedily became famous as a physician.
After a little coolness between them, caused by adverse
criticism by Linne on a paper written by Bergius on
the Soja bean, the old cordial relations were resumed,
and Linne greatly pleased Bergius by the gift of
duplicates from his herbarium. Linne also praised
Bergius’s volume “ De plantis Africanis,” and in return
received many heaths from him.
J. A. Murray’s younger brother, Adolf, was born in
1751, and when only thirteen, became a student at
Uppsala, where his progress was so marked, that in
1768 he was prosector in Stockholm, and in 1770, at
the age of nineteen, lectured in the place of Professor
R. Martin. He was promoted M.D. in 1772, on the
last occasion when Linne officiated as promotor. Dur¬
ing an extensive tour in Europe, hearing bad accounts
of Linne’s health, he gave full expression to his sorrow
in one of his letters. Upon his return, he found the
old Professor still alive, and by his influence he was
instituted as the first Professor of Anatomy in Uppsala
Erik Acharius was Linne’s last pupil. Born in
Gavle in 1757, he was inscribed as student at Uppsala
in 1773, and disputed on “ Planta aphyteia ” in 1776,
the last occasion when Linne was Praeses. He
travelled afterwards in the New World, but his famous
lichenological works belong to a later period. He
died in Vadstena in 1819.
Finally may be named a man who was never a
student at Uppsala, but was occasionally connected
with Linne, who exercised so great an influence over
him that he may justly be counted in the ranks of his
pupils. This was Anders Jahan Retzius, “ The giant
in learning,” because to him there was “ nothing un¬
known, nothing unheard, nothing new.” Thus he
wrote in his “ Prodronus Florae Scandinavicae ”: “At
the most, I have been only twenty hours with that
incomparable man, but I seem to have had as great
advantages as of two years’ coaching. I fancied that
in the Linnean method were many defects, but in my
youthful bashfulness I was ashamed to ask his help in
explaining them. But those were golden and priceless
hours during which I conversed with the world-famous
old man! ”
With this is closed the sketch of Linne’s pupils and
his relation to them. The words of one of our most
distinguished naturalists, Elias Fries, may be quoted:
“ What Gustaf Adolf and his heroic band in a political
aspect were for Sweden, Linne and his pupils were for
natural science. Each nation has had its heroic age
in the world’s history; and each science which has
won development has had its chivalrous period. In
botany, it is the Linnean period which has left its
mark, and now we may with reason, and with slight
alteration, quote a poet’s words:
There is no age which lets its memories sleep:
No land like ours, with memories so deep!

linn£ as administrator of the botanic garden and


Simultaneously with the exchange that Linne made

with Rosen, he took over botanic instruction, and also
assumed the superintendence of the botanic garden.
Keeping in mind the rich and costly gardens he had
seen in Holland, England and France, he set himself
to transform the little, marshy Hortus Upsaliensis to
one which should vie with any of the foreign ones, and
that in spite of its situation, unfavourable climate,
poor soil, narrow limits, and poverty-stricken economic
relations, and what is more, he succeeded.
In what condition the Uppsala garden was in 1740
has already been told (p. 189), though the dawn of a
better day showed itself when the skilful gardener
D. Nietzel came, and a few improvements were begun
by Rosen. Linne took it as a happy omen that the
enlargement of the garden was sanctioned by the Con¬
sistory. He was not long in grappling with the work,
first setting out the need of a glasshouse or orangery,
the soul of a garden, for raising seeds and growing
plants and trees from southern lands, and for harbour¬
ing them against the attacks of wintry weather. The
sum of 5,226 copper daleors [^130 13s.] was assigned
for the building of a house 32 ells long [63 feet] and
also for “ the dwelling house of the Prefect, at present
a sad spectacle, more like an owl’s nest or robbers’ cave
than a Professor’s abode.” This being approved by
the Consistory, Court Intendant Harleman designed
it, and in 1743 the orangery was completed with its
LiNNfi’s HOUSE in uppsala (Photographed about 1870),
two wings. At the same time, the old stone house
which was built by the elder Rudbeck, after the
disastrous fire of 1702, with iron doors and joists,
instead of wood, was pulled down, and a new one built,
with larger windows and rooms, and the added luxury
of plaster ceilings. The Chancellor agreed that
Professor Linnaeus should occupy the house rent free,
and soon after he moved into it, living there till his
death. The garden was remodelled according to the
French fashion, with straight paths, flower quarters,
borders, clipped hedges, etc., which showed a striking
contrast to the old one, which was almost without plan.
Hereby the garden and its buildings received the
arrangement which was retained during Linne’s time.
Only a few slight alterations were made in 1775, in
consequence of damage by a storm. By degrees more
land was added to the extent of the garden, up to 1771,
but the accession of plants during Linne’s prefectship
were so great that everything was greatly crowded.
A good idea of the garden may be obtained from
“ Hortus Upsaliensis ” of 1745, and in an interleaved
copy belonging to Linne, we find instructions as to
sowing seeds and the conduct of the garden, which
throws additional light upon the state of things in the
middle of the eighteenth century. One of the wings of
the orangery was the dwelling house of the gardener,
whilst Linne’s work-room at the other end of the
garden, commanded a view of the whole. The total
number of plants rose from 200 to more than 3,000.
In the year 1742, 567 plants were sown; in 1743,
500; and in 1744 more than 1,000. These
additions came mostly from Linne’s numerous
correspondents, till in 1747, the gardener had to quit
the orangery wing, which was converted into a plant-
house. By 1762, Linne was able to say that no botanic
garden in Europe was so rich as that of Uppsala in
plants of all kinds. In 1761 came a chest of living
plants from Governor Tulbagh at the Cape, and in
1769, from the same source, “a splendid collection of

dried plants and bulbs.” The Empress Catherina II.,

in 1773, sent several hundred sorts of seeds collected
by Gmelin, Pallas and others in the Russian service.
Linne, at an earlier date, had declared that he was
body and soul in the garden, and his love for it never
waned. He urged his friends to come to Uppsala at
certain times, when it showed itself at its best. To the
then current belief that the garden should be a nursery
for medicinal plants, as it belonged to the medical
faculty, Linne protested that it was a living library of
plants for the public to learn their names, to follow
their development, to observe their metamorphoses,
and to become acquainted with their smell and taste,
as a good means of noting their application to medical
uses. Economic plants too were cultivated and
observed, in order that native plants might take the
place of imported products. He further endeavoured
to acclimatize plants, such as a substitute for tea, which
he hoped might be grown as readily as lilac; and also
made repeated attempts to procure a living tea-plant.
If he succeeded, he thought the Chinese would lose
100 tunns of gold annually, each tunn valued at
'£ 1,400. A report that tea-plants were in actual
cultivation was investigated, when it was found that it
was only Salix repens, “ as different from the tea bush
as a peacock from a crow.” His delight was great
when he learned that two living specimens had reached
Gothenburg from China. They arrived safely at
Uppsala, but proved to be a species of Camellia.
At last the day came when Linne’s earnest desires
were realized. Captain C. G. Ekeberg wrote that he
had several tea-plants at Gothenburg. He had followed
Linne’s instructions, that “ seeds should be sown in
a pot, when starting home from China, and treated as
if in a forcing house.” In his reply to Ekeberg, he
burst out rapturously: “ But living tea trees! Is it
possible? Is it the true tea tree? But I am certain
it will not come unharmed to Uppsala; fate is against
it. I am old, but were I sure it was the genuine plant,
I would venture to Gothenburg and bring it myself in
my hands to Uppsala. I beg you, Captain, by all that
is sacred, to give it the most pious care.” The first
sending miscarried, and Linne had to wait for the few
remaining specimens. He thought it would be best
for some poor fellow in Gothenburg to bring it by hand.
“ He could come in a fortnight, it is only 50 miles [332
English miles]. I will pay him 100 copper dalers
[£2 ios.] for his trouble. If I could, I would pay ten
times as much, but a large family hinders me.” The
wife of the Captain travelled to Uppsala in a covered
carriage, and during the entire journey held the box
containing the tea-plants on her knees, finally handing
her precious burden to Linne, who hastened to spread
the glad news to his correspondents. The young
plants throve at first and even flowered, but soon
showed themselves unable to withstand the climate,
thus destroying all their hopes. The last time they
were mentioned was in 1769; but they must have died
soon afterwards, to Linne’s great grief, as he wished
to “ shut the door by which all the silver in Europe
goes out.”
This was not the only loss of a plant from a distant
land which Linne suffered, but on the contrary many
such perished owing to the Swedish winter’s darkness,
and the damp of the glass-houses. He usually met
such misfortunes with resignation, probably knowing
that “ three Uppsala gardens would not hold them all.”
But there was one sad occurrence which deeply grieved
him, when the gardener received from Rolander a
living cactus from Surinam with the cochineal insect
on it. Linne at that moment was presiding at a dis¬
putation, and “ the gardener who received the plant,
saw it swarming with vermin, which ought to be cleaned
away, which he did so thoroughly that not one insect
was left.” As soon as the Archiater [Linne] had
arrived home, he asked if the expected cactus had come
and if any maggots were on it. “ Yes,” said the
gardener, “ it was full of maggots, so I cleaned them
all off.” “ The deuce! You have done much mischief
with your officiousness,” answered Linne; but what
was done, was done, and Linne’s hope of establishing
the cochineal in the orangery was blasted. This
troubled him so much, that he had megrim forthwith;
one of the severest attacks he had ever experienced.
In consequence of Linne’s exertions many trees of
Russian and North American origin have been widely
distributed, many of them being now common in
parks and gardens, such, for instance, as Vitis
hederacea, Virginian creeper; Acer Negjmdo, ash¬
leaved maple; Ptelea trifoliate,, shrubby trefoil;
Dielytra spectabilis, bleeding heart; and many more.
Of special importance were many of economic value.
Naturally the majority of visitors to the garden were
Swedes, but eminent men coming from foreign
countries found Linne an entertaining guide. Among
them may be named Frederick Calvert, Lord Balti¬
more, who came in 1769, and was so delighted at the
sight, that he not only sang Linne’s praises in his
“ Gaudia poetica,” but also sent him a splendid gold
snuff-box of 100 ducats in value [^48] and a “ neces-
saire ” of silver yalued at 12,000 dalers [^300]. By
1744, the requirements for heating the stoves amounted
to sixty loads of wood from the University forests, and
nine furnaces were installed, in place of the five
previously existing. The labourers in the garden,
through Linne’s influence, had their wages doubled.
For the maintenance of the garden with very
restricted means, a skilful and trustworthy gardener
was essential. He had such in the person of Nietzel
(see pp. 153, 188), who worked till his death in 1756.
Through Linne’s efforts Nietzel had not only his
salary raised, but received the title of “ Inspector ” to
distinguish him and to assimilate his position to that
of “ Exercitie ” master in the University. A further
instance of the esteem in which he was held is, that
when he left behind him a weak-minded widow, who
had caused him great trouble, and a young daughter,
Linne took the latter into his own house, where she
lived for several years. An account of this dis¬
tinguished cultivator will be found in the “ Gardeners’
Chronicle,” III. lvii. (1915) p. 359.
Upon Nietzel’s death, a period of anxiety and hard
work for Linne supervened. Owing to the dear times
a suitable gardener could not be obtained, the stipend
available being only that of a day labourer. Conse¬
quently Linne had to act as his own gardener, every
day in the week, day and night. It was not until 1758
that any improvement took place.
A Demonstrator was needed for the garden, and
ultimately the younger Linne was appointed, at that
time eighteen years old. This action of Linne has
been blamed, but though it cannot be denied that the
appointment was peculiar, no better person at the time
was available. He lived in the garden itself, and from
his tenderest years was familiar with its administration.
At first and for an indefinite period the salary was of
the scantiest, whilst no small sacrifice of time and
trouble was required. He had listened to his father’s
lectures, demonstrations, and herborizations, from the
time he could walk, so that no one of his years could
compete with him in botany. In the autumn he was
awarded a small royal stipend, and in the following
year, was to serve as an amanuensis with increased
remuneration and perquisites.
The young Linne entered at once upon his duties,
his father sparing no pains to encourage him as a
botanist. He did not, however, seem to take his duties
very seriously, this being evident from the descriptions
he drew up of rare plants, and his intention to bring
out a second volume of his father’s “ Hortus
Upsaliensis ” was never fulfilled. As an instance of
his idea of his duties, the following list drafted in 1772
may serve:
The Demonstrator’s objects must be:
1. To teach students the parts of animals and
2. To teach them the terms in the vegetable and
animal kingdom.
3. To draw up correct descriptions of animals and
4. To discharge the herborizations when the
Professor is prevented from doing so, by age,
sickness or other cause.
5. Daily to see after the garden, and to report to
the Prefect [Linne].
6. To compile lists of plants in the garden, and
the results of sowing, with their respective
7. To have in readiness plants from the garden
and field for demonstrations.
8. To keep the museum so that nothing may be
9. To keep the accounts of the garden.
10. If the Professor should be ill, to lecture in his
place on natural history and botany, in public.
To obtain a skilled gardener seemed impossible,
but a substitute was found in L. Broberg, spoken of by
Linne as at first having little insight, but an ardent
disposition, so that he daily improved in a marvellous
degree. Seeing the need of studying in other
countries, he obtained leave of absence, his salary being
continued for the support of his family, with a contribu¬
tion for his travelling expenses. During his absence,
a German named Hancke acted as deputy, but as soon
as the war in Germany had ended, and he felt free
from war-service, he went back to his native land.
Linne then had no assistant but Lofgren, an old man,
and further help had to be supplied for the wants of
the garden.
During his absence Broberg visited the larger
gardens in Denmark, Holland, and Germany, and on
his return, Linne was so pleased with his progress that
the Consistory appointed him Academic Gardener,
and as such he remained during Linne’s lifetime.
A controversy which caused much annoyance to the
Prefect, and much writing, was the question of the
stable manure obtained from the University stables,
to be used in the garden. The Royal Castle gardens
in Uppsala were at that time worked by a gardener
named Burman, who managed to intercept much of
the manure for his own use in forcing vegetables and
melons for sale, to the prejudice of the botanic garden.
Linne protested against this breach of contract. After
each order by the Consistory, Burman managed to
evade it, and on four occasions, Linne had to appeal
to the Consistory. These irregularities might have
gone on further, had not Burman died in 1764. His
successor tried to copy Burman’s action, but was
stopped in 1768.
The younger Rudbeck had begun to maintain
a zoological department in the garden, which Linne
decided to increase. In 1747, the Crown Prince gave
a living Indian bear; in 1751, sundry birds; in 1754,
guinea-pigs; and in 1757, a matchless cockatoo. In
after years there came an ape, a monkey, and four
kinds of parrots, also a young ourang-outang, and gold
fish. New contributions still came, so that in 1769,
there were eight monkeys, an Indian bear, an aguti,
guinea-pigs, five parrots, musk ducks, peacocks, guinea-
fowl, and other animals. The Queen Lovisa Ulrika
gave a cassowary which lived long in the garden, and
the King was also a generous donor.
These animals, especially the monkeys, and the
observation of their mode of living, provided much
amusement for Linne. Among the birds, parrots were
his favourites, one especially entertaining him greatly.
It used to sit on his shoulder, sharing his meals.
When therefore the parrot felt hungry it would say,
“ Mr. Carl, it is twelve o’clock.” It had taught itself
another trick; when anyone knocked at the door, it
would imitate Linne’s voice and say, “ Sti’in ” [Step
in] to the astonishment of the entrant who found no
one in the room. The parrot sat still and silent, but
when the visitor went out and knocked again, the trick
was repeated. One of the garden staff, old Lofgren,
had the habit when going in, to blow his nose loudly;
one day he was amazed at the parrot crying out,
“ Blow your nose/’
Linne himself bore the cost of keeping these
animals until the Consistory made an allowance for that
Before leaving the subject of the garden, there is
one matter worth mention, a by-product of Linne’s
activity, namely the alteration which he made in the
thermometer. Actually the centigrade thermometer in
constant use is not that of A. Celsius, but of Linne.
Both of them divided the difference between freezing
and boiling points into ioo°, but Celsius made
o° boiling point, and ioo° the freezing point, whilst
Linne started at o° as zero and freezing point, working
up to ioo° as boiling point. The explanation is easy;
the physicist Celsius had his point of view, the botanist
for plant-cultivation reversed it, as we now find the
centigrade thermometer, having zero as the fatal
freezing point, is of the greatest importance.
The first time in which Linne in print mentions
his thermometer, is in the disputation, “ Hortus
Upsaliensis,” which was discussed on the 16th
December, 1745. Already in June of the previous
year he had ordered one such from the skilful
instrument-maker, Daniel Ekstrom in Stockholm, but
it was broken on the way to Uppsala. After repeated
reminders and through the help of Elvius, to his great
delight in the beginning of November, he received a
new one, “ excellently made/’ A thermometer was
regarded at that time in Uppsala so remarkable an
instrument that the Consistory decided to order one
when they saw the one belonging to Linne, which had
cost 5 platar [15s.]. In the Uppsala observatory
from the 1st April, 1747, daily observations were
begun by O. P. Hiorter, and from that date the ther¬
mometer made its victorious way throughout the
civilized world. In foreign lands it became known
as Linne’s or Stromer’s thermometer in distinction to
that of Celsius, sometimes as the Swedish, which
name, or “ mine,” was used by Linne.
It must not be omitted to mention that there was
another one made (differing somewhat from Linne’s)
by a little known man, Christin, a Frenchman, two
years before Linne had introduced his. It was
shown at the meeting of a scientific society in Lyons
on the 9th May, 1743, but was so little thought of
even in the fatherland, that observations by its means
were only reported in 1754, after that remaining prac¬
tically unknown. It may be regarded as a fact, that
Linne, during his residence in Holland, had prepared
and used a thermometer graduated in his own fashion,
for as it was depicted in the frontispiece to his “ Hortus
Cliffortianus ” in 1738, it cannot be denied that Linne
was earlier than Celsius, who only published his plan
in 1742.
It now remains to consider the fate of the garden,
the pride of Linne and of the University. If one
visits the place, it is found that the original glass¬
house is still hardly changed as to its windows. Since
it became alienated from its original purpose, it was
used by the East Gothland nation, then as the Univer¬
sity’s “ Sloyd ” workshop, and now the Archaeological
Museum occupies it.
In the unchanged garden, one may trace the
remains of the tanks and clipped hedges which were
extant in 1840-50, but the former are now filled up
and the latter cut down; but it is to be hoped that the
old garden may long be kept as it is, and remain
planted as a healthful spot in this ill-favoured part of
the town. (At the time of writing it has been piously
restored by the Swedish Linnean Society, and the
Professor’s house is now, 1923, a museum.)
Even in the time of the Rudbecks, the position
was complained of, because of its dampness, and even
in Linne’s time, it not being satisfactory, he exerted
himself to improve the soil and prevent flooding.
Still, it was natural that as his strength declined and
age increased, the garden showed signs of dilapi¬
dation. The younger Linne relates, “ that his late
father became tired of the garden in his later years,
and was so annoyed by the Consistory, that he ceased
to deliver the seeds he received, but kept them him¬
self, the garden thus losing its renewals, and the
animals died.” He set himself to renovate the place,
but lacked his father’s energy and enthusiasm; further,
a lengthy foreign tour, and then illness, prevented
him from succeeding.
His successor, C. P. Thunberg, was a diligent
prefect, who induced Gustaf III. to allot to him a new
botanic garden in the higher part of the town, where
the foundation-stone was laid, a century after Linne’s
birth, to honour his memory.
Most of the plants were transferred from the old
to the new garden, but some remained until recent
times. In 1850 there were about forty species of
undoubted Linnean origin; by 1903, the number had
fallen to three, besides a black poplar near the
entrance, which in its turn succumbed in 1911. Of
the plants transferred, there were, in 1877-99, when
Professor T. M. Fries was prefect, several old laurels
(bay trees), fusticia Adhatoda; Prumis Laurocerasus,
cherry laurel; Taxus baccata, yew; Cupressus sem-
pervirens, Thuja occidentalism mulberries, white and
black, almonds and myrtles; the last three dying in
1890, in spite of every care to prolong their existence.
A hop-garden was laid out by Linne at the wish
of the Consistory near the university building, for
brewing; elsewhere he advocated tree-planting. In
1710, for the first time in Uppsala a plan was
suggested of establishing a natural history museum,
when Dr. Lars Roberg stated that among other ways
of benefiting the academic hospital, he had the idea
of arranging the articles presented to him in a museum
or natural rarities room, to which Librarian Benzelius
would contribute the gigantic bones from Dr. O.
Rudbeck’s whale, two thigh bones and other things
given by himself. The project was approved by the
Consistory. This natural curiosity chamber, eventu¬
ally formed, aroused so little attention, that after
Roberg’s death in 1742, a dispute arose between the
Consistory and Roberg’s heir, Madame Eenhielm,
about its proprietorship, which led the Consistory to
desire that a proper chamber should be formed, after
the proprietorship had been decided. After many
discussions, it was determined to place these objects
in Professor Mathesius’s house, being sealed in 1746
by the Uniyersity, and there they remained till 1752,
when rent being demanded for the past years, the
University declared that these objects were theirs.
There was also another small collection housed in the
Library (but practically inaccessible), including the
Burser herbarium, and a Swedish collection formed
by Gabriel Holsten.
Linne (who must be regarded as the founder of
the University zoological collections) began, after he
became Professor, to present objects, many of which
he described in theses. In September, 1744, he had
the pleasure of declaring that the Chancellor, Count
Carl Gyllenborg, had presented specimens preserved
in spirit; and other gifts from Prince Adolf Fredrik
followed. In 1746, a shell cabinet was given by
Councillor E. Petraeus. Within the next few years
there came additions from the Swedish members
of the East India Company, Lagerstrom and
Alstromer. These were at first lodged in the top floor
of the Professor’s house in the garden, but were soon
removed to the orangery, where means had to be
devised to protect them from damp. Unhappily
these means were adopted too late, as the inventory
made after Linne’s death showed that the stuffed
animals were injured by moth or damp.
While Linne, especially early in his professorial
career, showed himself active in promoting the zoo¬
logical museum, he was also engaged in getting

botanical specimens. He induced the Consistory in

1758 to buy Patrick Browne’s Jamaica collection for
600 copper dalers [^15], but meanwhile he had
bought it through Peter Collinson for £% 8s., and
when on its arrival at Uppsala he found it to consist
of more than 1,000 rare plants, he “could only
marvel that the English should let so excellent a
collection of rarest American [West Indian] plants go
out of their country in return for 100 platar ” [^15].
He was so engrossed with these plants, that, not avail¬
ing himself of the sum provided by the University, he
added the plants to his own herbarium at his own
expense, and devoted himself so eagerly to their
study, that he remarked, “ I am forgetting friends,
relations, house and fatherland.”
There must also be mentioned a small collection
of drugs wanted for the lectures on Materia medica,
which were bought out of a small grant from the
Consistory, with a hundred tin boxes for their
preservation. An amanuensis was also provided; in
the spring term of 1763 it was J. P. Falck, and in the
succeeding autumn term, J. Elmgren, who filled the
The establishment of this museum gave rise to a
small university reform. When Linne reported that
Prince Adolf Fredrik had given a splendid collection
of all kinds of Indian animals, fishes, insects, etc.,
and for their cataloguing, he asked for the loan
of certain books from the library to be returned in a
fortnight, as it was impossible for him to carry bottles
to the library. At first this request was refused, but
Linne applied to the Chancellor, and in the end
gained permission to borrow the volumes. But this
permission did not please Anders Norrelius, the
librarian, and in various ways he hindered the loan,
till he was ordered by the Consistory to carry out the
King’s order, when the librarian at last gave way.



Upon his installation as Professor, Linne became a

member of the medical faculty, though it consisted
only of the two professors, each having in alternate
half-years to officiate as Dean. The first time he
had to serve was in the spring term of 1742, when he
displayed his talent and his courage for arrangement.
Until then the faculty having no minutes taken
regularly, Linne hastened to provide a minute-book,
which he wrote up himself till 1758, when the professor
who was not acting as Dean officiated. He also pro¬
cured a seal, representing two Serpents, one holding an
egg, the principle of life, the other a skull, typifying
physiology; in the field, plants as materia medica, dis¬
playing the motto, “ His servamus urbes ” (With these
we keep cities). The plants depicted were Frankenia,
Rudbeckia, Rosa, Linncea, after the prefects of the
garden, Franken, Rudbeck, Rosen and Linne.
The brunt of the work of the faculty fell upon
Linne, as his colleague, Rosen, was too occupied to
give much time to it, partly from his extensive practice
in Uppsala, and partly because of his position as Body
Physician to the King, being liable to sudden summons
to the court.
Rosen’s successor, Samuel Aurivillius, was Linne’s
colleague till 1767. His death, besides causing Linne
great sorrow, compelled him to administer the affairs
of the hospital single handed, until he induced Dr. J.
Sidren to share the burden. The selection of a per-
manent Professor occasioned much anxiety to Linne,
as the three applicants seemed to him of equal merit,
but it resulted in Sidren receiving the appointment,
Linne enjoying to his dying day the help of his former
pupil, now become his colleague. As Adjunct, J. G.
Wallerius (see p. 194) was appointed, till he became
Professor of Chemistry in 1750; he was in turn suc¬
ceeded by Sidren (see above) and then by J. G. Acrel,
who afterwards came into prominence on the death of
Shortly after his appointment as Professor,
Wallerius sent a request to the Chancellor, that he
should have a seat in the medical faculty. As the
faculty demurred, it led to the decision that all students
undergoing examination in philosophy, should pass in
chemistry, before promotion as Doctor. The expenses
of the hospital and staff were at this period estimated
by Linne at 4,500 copper dalers [^225]. A dispute
ensued between Linne and Aurivillius on certain points
of administration, but it was the only one with a brother
professor during Linne’s service. Although an addi¬
tional teacher was not then granted, yet before Linne
died, he had the satisfaction of seeing his plans carried
out, the first Professor of Surgery and Anatomy under
the new rules being his pupil Adolf Murray, who filled
the post with distinction till his death in 1803. The
examinations in the medical faculty before the
appointment of Rosen and Linne, had become
inefficient, but now great changes were effected under
their supervision. Discussions were, however, con¬
tinued long afterwards as to the best methods to be
adopted for testing the fitness of students coming up
for examination, especially those closing the period of
study by promotion, i.e., being granted the degree of
doctor. The ceremonies attending the degrees at first
being simple, became more elaborate by 1749.
One question which came into the early years of
Linne’s professorship, was the provision of a chemical

As regards Linne’s relations to the Medical College,

an attempt was made to bring the University into closer
connection. After the war with Prussia had ended in
1762, many surgeons came back to Uppsala, and
others took degrees at Greifswald, entitling them to
practise in Sweden; these latter aroused Linne to
recommend a further examination of their powers, to
prevent “ unworthy ” medical men from being
appointed, from Greifswald, Abo or even Lund. In
1776, a deputation waited upon the King, at Drottning-
holm. Linne, then an invalid, was taken in a carriage ;
and when with uncertain steps he entered the presence
chamber, carried away by his earnestness and forgetful
of the laws of ceremony, he broke out with: “ That
must never be, Your Majesty, it would destroy the
University and Science. I could never survive such
a calamity/’ The King, surprised at such an unex¬
pected statement, asked Professor J. Sidren what was
meant, and was briefly informed of the circumstances,
upon which the King smiled, and went forward to
Linne, patted him on the shoulder and said, “ That
shall not happen; go home in peace and quietness.”
This was the last and perhaps the greatest service Linne
rendered to the faculty, to which he more than anyone
else imparted distinction and honour.
Another medical question which Linne followed
with great interest and some disquiet, was the dispute
between the Medical College and the so-called Surgical
Society, conducted with some asperity in 1750-60.
Not in Sweden only was there a sharp distinction
between physicians and surgeons. The operative
section of medical men was regarded as of inferior
training. A compromise was finally reached, by which
expert surgeons should study medicine, and physicians
should acquire a good amount of surgical insight.
The Surgical Society’s reputation sank until in 1797 it
was dissolved. A pupil of Professor Acrel, named
D. Theel, who applied for a stipend, was supported
by Linne, but opposed by his colleague Aurivillius,
and finally the Consistory awarded the stipend to
Theel, who afterwards earned an excellent reputation
as a skilful surgeon, and in 1772 was appointed by the
King to be Supervisor of Surgery in the kingdom.
The most striking testimony to the sound views of
both Linne and the Medical College, was the award
of a doctor’s degree to Professor Olof Acrel, after¬
wards known as the “ Father of Swedish Surgery,”
although he had not graduated at a University.
Linne’s strong approval was shown in the minutes of
the College, alike honourable to his memory, and to
that of Acrel. This was approved by the Chancellor.
There must also be recounted the help afforded by
Linne in the preparation of a new pharmacopaea. The
existing one dated from 1686, and had become
obsolete. The necessity for a new one was evident,
in that the old one had many remedies taken from
animals, which later physicians had discarded.
The initiative was taken by Linne. Although
approved by the Medical College in 1757, the work
languished until taken up by Back single-handed in
1761, but it was not published till 1775. This con¬
tained remedies derived from native plants, which
practice had been advised long before by Linne, as
shown in his thesis “ Plantae officinales ” in 1753.
Specially interesting was the garden established by
the Medical College in the grounds of the newly
instituted Seraphim Hospital. It became a botanic
garden after Peter Johan Bergius, a pupil of Linne,
was made Professor of Natural History and Pharmacy,
and although not lasting long, it was the origin of the
garden still flourishing, known as the Bergian Garden,
near Stockholm.
Linne was also instrumental in framing the laws
of veterinary surgery in Sweden, due to his early
observations in his Lapland and later journeys. The
first occupant of the special appointment was a pupil
trained by Linne, Erland Tursen. An outbreak of
disease in cattle, involving much loss, hastened matters,

and it being resolved to dispatch a trained man to

France to learn the methods there adopted in such
cases, P. Hernquist was chosen, upon the warm recom¬
mendation of Linne. Hernquist became known as the
“ Father of Swedish Veterinary Science.”


In one of his autobiographies, Linne wrote that “ he

never missed a single lecture, but he considered Con-
sistorial matters as different, and further Consistory was
neither his delight nor object, for he was intended for
other matters.” From these expressions a false idea
has been derived that he left the burden of the work in
that department to his brother professor. That this is
erroneous may be seen from the fact, that from his
installation to the middle of 1776, when bad health
forbade him to leave his house, he was present at one
or the other Consistories no fewer than 1,902 times,
long or short as the case might be. Of course he could
not attend when he was away from Uppsala on
scientific travels, or when hindered by sickness, or
presiding at disputations. One single case of “ school-
sickness ” in 1751 occasioned so much remark, that
Back, uneasy about it, enquiring of Linne, found that
he had had a megrim for twenty-four hours, but was
now quite well, and was busy on his “ Species
plantarum,” having finished “ Polyandria.” Assidu¬
ous work compelled him in 1768 to beg leave of
absence, readily granted by the Chancellor. On other
unavoidable absences, the Academic Secretary was
despatched to ascertain his vote by word of mouth.
Even in 1777, when he was feeble, both in body and
mind, he was able to send his vote by the same means
to the Consistory. So energetic and quick-witted a
man was not likely to neglect his part in deliberations,
and he did not refrain from giving his opinions frankly.

Amongst the important questions which during

Linne’s time had to be considered by the University,
undoubtedly were those concerned in organization,
methods of instruction, examination, the professors’
duties, and other related matters, which were of the
foremost importance. Linne took the greatest interest
in them, as his entrance into the professorial chair
took place when far-reaching changes were in contemp¬
lation. He wrote, “Now our laws are given to us:
i. No professor to go a mile [nearly seven English
miles] outside the town without the Chancellor’s per¬
mission. 2. If any are hindered from attendance for
a day he shall pay six platar [eighteen shillings].
3. Anybody beginning a day later than the beginning
of term, shall lose a quarter’s salary. 4. To continue
lecturing from 28th January till 23rd June, from 1st
September to 20th December. 5. To count the
students, and note those absent. 6. To examine the
pupils. 7. Each month to give an abstract of his
teaching.” It was also suggested that the national
clubs should open, and the medical faculty be called
up, and closed, as parts of the philosophical faculty.
Linne looked upon these novelties as tending to the
alteration of universities into gymnasia. For his part
he had lectured as much each term as the current
regulations required, and further had not spared time
nor trouble for the benefit of the University, but had
done all voluntarily with heart-felt pleasure and com¬
petition with his comrades, but if he were compelled,
it would cost more now to lecture once, than in a week
formerly. Ambition can drive one, but with these
rules all stimulus would be taken away; neither Haller
nor Boerhaave were driven to their eminence, but
attained that by inducements.
Linne also disapproved of the lengthened terms,
by which the professors were robbed of the time they
required, partly for the study of new works, partly for
authorship; the latter was especially important as he
regarded himself as of greater service to the public by
his writings than if he lectured one day in the year, or
every day. His dissatisfaction was so great, that he
declared, “ If I had no family, I would long since have
accepted the English invitation (though little do I love
the nation), but Oxford is still open to me.”
The dreaded inconveniences, however, proved to
be fewer than was feared. Certainly he and his
colleagues had to give in monthly reports of their
lectures and term lists of their hearers, but these
caused them little trouble. The new regulations were
gradually relaxed or abandoned, as experience showed
their unsuitability or the impossibility of their strict
enforcement. Various events also prevented the new
laws being observed, such as journeys to Stockholm,
partly by order of the King, partly for University
needs, etc. Then too, in the case of so indefatigable
a lecturer as Linne, the regulations could hardly
apply; and further, it was impracticable for the
Chancellor to peruse the lists always, even if marked
to show uncommon diligence on the part of certain
students. Thus the University reform of 1740 fell
into desuetude.
Amongst the discussions in which Linne took part
were those on new posts in the University, such as
those for chemistry, physics, and metallurgy, but these
need not detain us, as they belong to academic
The question of disputation was also discussed;
before theses were printed they had to be submitted to
the Consistory, and with an abstract sent to the
Chancellor, who decided whether they should be
printed or not. According to the constitution, all dis¬
putation had to be in Latin, but in 1758, one in
Swedish was permitted, but in the main Latin was
A political contest arose upon the death in 1747 of
the old Chancellor, Carl Gyllenborg. At a meeting
of the Consistory on the 14th February, Professor D.
Solander, of the “ Caps ” party, announced the Chan-

cellor’s death, and at the same time intimated that a

new Chancellor should be chosen, in the belief that
his party would gain an easy triumph. The “ Hats ”
present (Linne among them) demanded delay, first out
of regard to their recent loss, secondly, for a few days
reflection, but in vain. The “ Caps ” gained their point
by eleven votes to five, naming Samuel Akerhielm as
the Chancellor. Linne’s view was that the Crown
Prince should become Chancellor, as best for the
University, but failed to carry the motion. The victors
were not slow to act; a letter was dispatched to
Akerhielm, who was willing to accept the post, and
another letter was addressed to the King asking for
confirmation of the vote. On the 24th a further meet¬
ing was held, and the letter to Akerhielm sent off, but
on the next day, before a reply came, a new vote was
taken, and the Crown Prince was unanimously elected,
a letter being sent to him which was acknowledged.
What was the reason for this rapid change ?
The Council of State, in which the “ Hats ” pre¬
dominated with Count Tessin as their chief, had been
informed by Linne how matters stood, and a com¬
munication to the victorious section of the Consistory
being made, caused them hurriedly to throw their new
chief overboard. The King had meanwhile appointed
Adolf Fredrik as Chancellor, and Akerhielm wrote
thanking the Consistory for its flattering offer, which,
however, he found himself unable to accept in opposi¬
tion to his future King. The installation of the
Crown Prince took place with the customary
Four years later the Crown Prince ascended the
throne, and after considerable negotiations, C. Ehren-
preus became Chancellor, as Count Tessin was too
much occupied with affairs of State, to undertake the
academic duties.
The minor questions in which Linne was involved
as a member of the Consistory cannot be told here,
but it may be put on record how that body enforced
discipline amongst the students, checking their
exuberance at weddings, or dinners of the various
nations, sternly forbidding nightly disturbances, break¬
ing windows, and collisions with the town police. The
Inspectors of the Nations were warned to keep order
amongst their members. The grosser instances of
rough behaviour came specially before the Consistory,
such as a disturbance (or almost a riot) at a wine-
seller’s, named G. Kahler, which was characterized by
stone-throwing, sword strokes on the ground, etc.
Kahler was fined 500 dalers [£12 10s.], two students
condemned to a week’s bread and water, and one was
ordered to lose his sword, because he at night had
struck sparks with his sword from the stones in the
street. At another time, a student had abused the fire
watchmen, called them “ sausages,” and acted as if
he were hungry and was eating one. As the accused
had previously been condemned to death (though the
sentence was commuted to eight days bread and water),
he was now sentenced by the Consistory to perpetual
relegation in disgrace, i.e., sent down.
The first half of 1772 was noteworthy for disturb¬
ances among the students; one, who was convicted for
abuse of a fire watchman, unseemly language, blows,
and stone-throwing, was condemned to “ lose life and
goods ”; two of his companions who resisted his
arrest, were sentenced to twelve days’ imprisonment
and to be fed on bread and water, many similar cases
being recorded.
It was during this tumultuous time that Linne in
the later half of the same year, 1772, became Rector,
for the third time. It was noteworthy for the fact that
no student was charged, no card-playing took place,
and there was no masquerading nor disorder. Nobody
had ever experienced such a quiet time, the reason
being the respect and love which the students cherished
for the old Linne. After he had relinquished his
Rectorship with the accustomed ceremonies, all the
Nations deputed their chiefs to thank him, and to ask

him to print his speech, the Chancellor closing the

proceedings by his recognition of the praiseworthy
behaviour of the young students.
But all pleasant hopes of reformation were doomed
to fail; in the next half-year the disturbances were in
full swing again.
Another occurrence which gave great pain to Linne,
was in the case of Prosector J. G. Rothman, son of
his old benefactor at Vaxjo. He had been allowed to
travel abroad, but not having returned two months after
his leave had expired, did not respond to the admoni¬
tions addressed to him. He was at last condemned to
be dismissed from his post, for neglecting his duties.
Linne was appointed Rector, as previously stated,
three times, for half a year each time, namely in 1750,
1759, and 1772, and each following half-year as
Pro-rector, and President of the Lesser Consistory.
During Linne’s third Rectorship, Gustaf 11 I/s
revolution occurred, ending the Era of Liberty.
Other duties discharged during his professoriate,
were superintending the granting of stipends or
scholarships, inspection of methods for extinguishing
fires in his own neighbourhood, cataloguing the so-
called Cabinet of Arts, the direction of the academic
poor box, and approving of timber to be felled on the
University property.

linne’s relation to the scientific community-


On the 23rd September, 1741, Linne informed the

Academy of Science, that as he intended to go to
Uppsala and remain there, he besought the Academy
to permit him to continue his contributions to its
Transactions; the President, J. Benzelstierna, assured
Linne of its good-will and its concurrence in the
desire announced, ending by wishing the Professor
a happy journey.
It might have been supposed that with this
Linne would have ceased to be the soul and main¬
spring of the Academy, but this was not the case. It
is true, that it was rarely he had the chance of
attending the meetings, but his warm interest in it
was shown by the lively correspondence kept up
between him and the secretaries, P. Elvius and P. W.
Wargentin, until old age and illness interfered.
From this time he was only present on seventeen
occasions, the last time being in 1774, but his reports
on many kinds of papers were numerous and frequent,
and his advice was freely given, either in criticism or
encouragement. During his residence in Uppsala,
he sent in no fewer than forty-two important papers,
the total published in the Transactions amounting to
fifty-two. Many of his pupils contributed articles at
his instance. The Academy had been endowed with
a capital fund by Court Intendant F. Sparre for two
annual awards for papers tending to the public benefit,
and Linne had to adjudge the merits of the competing
papers. In 1762 the question proposed was, “ How
caterpillars which do harm to fruit trees by devouring
blossoms and leaves, can best be destroyed.”
Eleven answers were received, several being from
Academicians, such as De Geer, Back and Bergius;
the first prize was assigned to Torbern Bergman,
whilst four other replies were each printed and
rewarded with a silver medal.
When the notes containing the names were
opened there was one signed “ C. N. Nelin, N.
Minist.,” an unknown person, and it has been con¬
jectured that under this name Linne concealed
himself; but this cannot now be ascertained. Linne
in 1765 sent in a memorial urging support for C. A.
Clerck, that he might be enabled to publish his
specially valuable work on rare insects, as the author
was by sickness and economic stringency in want
of such help; the result being that many of the
Academicians readily became patrons of the book. In
August Linne wrote to Wargentin, that the industrious
Clerck had closed his eyes in death. “ May God
induce the Academy to continue to value his work, so
that it may not come to nothing, for Science has never
seen more elegance.” After Linne’s active support of
the Academy, it was not surprising that it should
desire to have a portrait of its illustrious member, and
Per Krafft the elder was commissioned to paint it
during a stay in Stockholm; Linne declared it could
not be bettered, his family and contemporaries also
agreeing that it was admirably like, and it is un¬
doubtedly the favourite presentment of the great
Swedish naturalist of all those which are extant. (it
is shown in the Frontispiece of this volume.)
Besides the Academy of Science, there was
another learned society of which Linne was a member,
almost ex officio, the Royal Scientific Society at
Uppsala. He had been elected in 1738, but his first
attendance at a meeting was in 1741, when he had
settled in Uppsala. The Secretary was the famous
Anders Celsius, but during his long travels abroad,
matters had fallen into arrears. Celsius dying in
1744, Linne acted as his deputy, until later in the
same year he became definitely the Secretary.
Among the perquisites of the office, was free postage,
granted by the King, and this explains Linne’s
request in a letter to Arduino, in 1764, that all letters
may be sent to him as Secretary, so as to spare him
postage at about a ducat each letter. [Nearly ten
The state of the Society was at this time unsatis¬
factory. Most of the members abstaining from the
meetings, the papers for the “ Acta ” were few and
dull, the accounts and property diminished, and the
two banknotes which represented all the effects of the
Society disappeared. It was Linne’s problem to
bring affairs into better order, and vigorous steps were
taken. It was determined that all who had not sent
contributions in two years to the Acta at the next New
Year should be removed, and a fine of ten copper
dalers [five shillings] imposed on each absentee from
a meeting.
The result was that in 1744, a new volume was
brought out, with a paper by Linne on Orchids, and
another on Belgian fishes by Gronovius; the following
years showing improvement, though not permanent.
From 1750 to 1755 nothing was published, and Linne
induced friends abroad to join, but finally gave up the
secretaryship in 1765? Carl Aurivillius succeeding
him. . Eight years later a new volume came out
containing two of Linne’s contributions; and John
Ellis’s paper on Dioncza muscipula.
In 1762 he was appointed one of the eight foreign
members of the French Academy, the first time a
Swede had been selected for that honour. The
foreign societies which had thus distinguished him,
were: Germany (Academia Naturae Curiosorum,
1738), Montpellier (1743), Florence (1755), London
(Royal Society, 1753, and Society of Arts 1762),
Trondhjem (1766, the first foreigner chosen), Celle
(1767), Philadelphia (1770), Flushing (1771), Rotter¬
dam (1771), Edinburgh (1772), Bern (1772), Siena
(1773)* “ I am weary of corresponding with so many ”
was his not unnatural remark.
The Royal Bible Commission in 1773 appointed
Linne as one of the Commissioners, and he went
through the Swedish version to see where it needed
correction as to Botany or Zoology. The few
emendations he induced his fellow-commissioners to
adopt did not compensate for the time he devoted to
the service.
Dr. J. M. Hulth’s admirable and accurate
bibliography cited later, frees one from a detailed
enumeration of Linne’s works, but a rapid survey will
be expected here of the more important books. In
1735 his “ Systema Naturae” came out, as already
mentioned on p. 142 followed by a second, sixth,
tenth, and twelfth editions, the intermediate numbers
being due to other editors. The thirteenth and
fourteenth were styled “ Systema vegetabilium ” and
edited by J. A. Murray. The tenth edition (1758-9)
forms the foundation of binomials for zoologists.
Then followed “ Genera plantarum,” with six editions,
and in 1753 his “Golden Book,” “Species plantarum,”
which he began in 1746 and laboured night and day
upon till 1748. Then he paused, and as he confessed
to Back, he “ wanted to show his competence to the
world, had he only had time to complete it.”
This feeling did not last long, and a year later he
informed Back that he was progressing, that he
reached Poa in a week; five months later he had
reached Icosandria. Early in 1752 he was engaged
on Syngenesia, and in August of the same year, he
thankfully recorded that he had finished writing the
whole book. He considered it his best work,
embracing eight thousand species and many varieties,
and it is a book which botanists sorely needed and

fully appreciated. It retains a foremost place in

every botanic library as the starting point of the
modern usage of specific names in place of a long
Latin descriptive phrase, a single word being sufficient
to denote the particular plant meant. Linne took no
special pride in these “ trivial ” names as they were
first called; he admitted that he was not the first
to employ them, and that it was only like putting a
clapper in a bell. The second edition came out in
1762-3, and two Mantissae in 1767 and 1771.
Another work of far-reaching influence was his
“ Philosophia botanica ” which he dictated to his
pupil Lolling while recovering from a severe illness
(p. 233). It was this volume which J. J. Rousseau
declared had “ more wisdom in it than the biggest
folios, in it there is not a single useless word,” and
L. C. Richard said that though each winter he read
it through, in his seventieth year he found it new and
fascinating. It was printed abroad ten times and
translated into German, English, French and Spanish.
Specially noteworthy is his “ Flora suecica ” 1745,
of which an enlarged edition came out in 1755; it was
not a mere dry catalogue of plants, but embraced
their properties and application. A similar book
was the “Fauna suecica” with 850 species in 1746,
and in the second edition with nearly 1,600. The
following can only be named—“ Flora zeylanica,”
1747; “ Hortus Upsaliensis,” 1748; “Materia
medica,” 1749; “Bibliotheca botanica,” Ed. II.,
1751; “Museum Tessinianum,” 1753; “Museum
Reginae Ludovicae Ulricae,” 1764; Prodromus Musei
Regis Adolphi Friderici,” 1765; “ Clavis medicinae,”
1766. (See Appendix : Bibliography.)
Some of the above may be regarded as the product
of his work as a teacher; but the following are still
more closely connected with that other sphere of his
work, namely the academic disputations which bear
his name. According to the regulation which then
prevailed, and even to 1850, everyone who would
undergo the examination for Candidate in the faculty
of philosophy, such as medical men, must dispute pro
exercitio, and afterwards before promotion, pro
gradu. The former disputation in most cases was
entirely the work of the Professor, who occupied the
chair as Praeses. To ascertain how many of these
disputations, 186 in number, came from Linne’s pen,
is now impossible, but as regards a few, from the
author’s own words, as well as the subject, such as
Lofling’s “ Gemma arborum,” Soderberg’s “ Pandora
et Flora rybyensis,” Tillseus’s “ De varia febrium,”
were the outcome of the respondents’ own studies and
observations. But even these have Linne’s stamp,
his imprimatur, as he read them through, before
completing, correcting and printing them.
How this was done in most cases is known from
the statement supplied by his pupil J. G. Acrel. “ All
disputations he wrote by dictation, partly in Swedish,
partly in Latin; to put these in order was the function
of the respondent, and although he did not worry
himself about the Latinity, he let his pupils know
whether their task was well done or the reverse. To
draft such a disputation required hardly three hours,
as it was nothing else than a lecture on the subject
which the respondent indicated.” Of course all could
not be so easily performed, for it often required
considerable trouble and scholarship from the
respondent, though the most important part was to
turn out a passable Latin version. With this it was
usual for him to assume the “ authorship, with a
flattering mention of the Prseses’s ” learning and
The worthiest of these disputations, together with
academic orations and programmes, Linne collected
and published under the general title of “ Amoenitates
Academicae,” which came out during his lifetime in
seven volumes, 1749-69; three later volumes were
edited by Schreber with a new edition of the former
All the foregoing were of purely scientific import
and were consequently written in Latin, then the
universal speech of the learned. But Linne also
published a considerable number of works in his
mother tongue, among them being his accounts of
his travels in the southern parts of Sweden, as well as
smaller popular writings, such as deprecating the
general use of spirits, appearing in the media of
people’s almanacks. They were written in a simple
style, almost childlike in their naive expression, but
with touches of genius. Nevertheless, many of his
writings remained unprinted during his lifetime, a
considerable number reaching publication in recent
years, many of them in the possession of the Linnean
Society and elsewhere. His own important works
were interleaved and copiously annotated. He gave
much time to a “ Lexicon ” ultimately published by
J. M. Brurset in Lyons as a “ Dictionnaire portatif
d’Histoire Naturelle.” His last work was intended
as “ Mantissa III, when illness finally put an end to
his labours.
Closely connected with his authorship was his
scientific correspondence; practically the whole of the
letters he received are preserved in the Linnean
Society’s archives, and are in course of publication,
but many of Linne’s own letters despatched to distant
lands, have certainly been lost.
Among his most active correspondents may be
mentioned J. Burman, J. F. Gronovius, and A. van
Roijen, with Francois de la Croix de Sauvages,
Professor of Medicine at Montpellier. Our own
countrymen P. Collinson, Thomas Pennant and John
Ellis in London, and on the Continent, J. G. Gmelin,
for many years in the Russian service, A. Gouan of
Montpellier, J. E. Gunnerus, Bishop of Trondhjem,
Baron N. J. von Jacquin of Vienna, J. V. Rathgeb,
Austrian Minister in Venice, and D. Vandelli,
professor in Lisbon.
Special mention must be made of Albert v. Haller,
who for many years was intimate with Linne till the
lapse of years caused coolness and even estrangement
between them. The first sign of this breach of
friendship was caused in 1746, by one expression in
“ Flora suecica55 to which Haller took exception, in
spite of all that Linne could do to disarm bitterness.
Haller’s self-love was deeply wounded; but even as
late as 1760, Linne persevered with his endeavours to
placate his former friend, though vainly. Linne kept
to his principle not to embark in disputes, but to let
others decide between them. “ After we are dead,
children who now are playing will be our judges;
and he refrained from reading Haller’s attacks,
although in his old age, he was stirred to the depths
by Haller publishing confidential letters and pointing
out errors in Latinity.
Now what was the reason of Haller’s implaca¬
bility? He accused Linne of aping Adam by naming
all animals afresh, and of being an autocrat in botany
and zoology, while Linne was lamenting that Haller
regarded himself as an infallible Pope, his restless
misguided disposition driving him to decry Linne’s
merits, and refusing to hear him praised. “ Judging
impartially,” says a most competent critic, Dr. O. E.
Hjelt, “ in the lamentable severance of two such
distinguished men, Haller seems to deserve the
greater blame, and in spite of his splendid powers and
extent of knowledge, he was at times subject to the
demon of ambition. In the wonder and respect which
were accorded him in his lifetime, in the excessive
praise and flattery which he constantly received, lay
a temptation, stronger perhaps than for any other
person.” It was perhaps his misfortune to live at the
same time as Linne and to work in the same field.
“ They resembled,” said Back, “ in botany, Caesar and
Pompey. One, our Linne, suffered no equal, and
the other, Haller, suffered no greater one, or the
Linne had a constant habit of naming new genera
after many of his correspondents, pupils or older
botanists. He considered it a great mark of distinc¬
tion, and those who received it from him, took it as
a most flattering favour. It has been suggested that
in thus bestowing names he, in some measure, detected
a spiritual likeness between them and their names.
In a certain degree it was so, as for instance, he gave
the name Bauhinia to a genus with a peculiar two-
bladed leaf, in memory of the eminent brothers
Bauhin; then Commelina with flowers having two
large and one small perianth-segment, from three
brothers Commelyn, two eminent and the third
insignificant as naturalists; whilst Plukenet, known as
displaying bizarre ideas, has his name bestowed on
a plant with very irregular flowers. In many cases
there is not the slightest reason to allege this
occurrence, and before everything, one must strongly
dissent from the repeated statement, that Linne gave
the names of his friends to beautiful and stately
plants, whilst he branded his opponents by giving
their names to ugly or insignificant ones. Linne
considered no plant ugly or insignificant; even the
humblest was regarded the same as the stateliest.
Boerhaavia, Forskolea, Loeflingia, Kcenigia and
others were so called after persons for whom he had
the heartiest good-will, though they are unpretentious,
while Adansonia, bearing the name of an opponent,
is one of the grandest trees in existence. Another
misapprehension is with the genus Buffonia, at first
and by accident published as “ Bufonia ” and there¬
fore acclaimed as a reference to Bufo, a toad—an
entirely unwarranted assumption.
He hated unnecessary words, and he himself
wrote briefly and impressively, all his works showing
system; his style was original, usually succinct, with¬
out a needless word in a description, often compressing
into two lines more than his predecessors did in page-
long descriptions. His striving after brevity increased
as he grew in years, so that the purely scientific works
of his later period are wanting in the poetic touches
which adorn his youthful “ Flora lapponica.” “ Nulla
dies sine tinea ”—“ No day without a line,” was one
of his mottoes, and he acted up to it.
In 1755 he was surprised to get a letter from M.
Manetti, Professor of Botany in Florence, who had
previously written in opposition to him, stating that
the more he studied plants themselves, the more he
became convinced of his previous mistakes, and as
a pledge of this he asked Linne to accept the diploma
as member of the Florentine Society. The Pope,
Clement XIII. (Rezzonico) had forbidden the intro¬
duction of Linne’s writings into the Papal States
(because he had divided the arrangement of animals
in a different way from Moses), but in 1774, through
the influence of Cardinal de Saladas, Clement XIV.
(Ganganelli) instituted a new botanical professor,
Minasius, giving him orders to put forth Linne’s
views in his lectures.
During the last twenty-five years of his life, Linne
hardly ever alluded to his opponents except in a
playful way, showing that he was not deeply hurt.
Even Siegesbeck, who more than anyone else had
wounded him, was afterwards spoken of by him with
pity. There is a story extant that Baron Sten Bjelke,
who was procuring seeds for Linne in Russia, wrote
on a packet of seeds of Siegesbeckia orientalis, instead
of that name, Cuculus ingratissimus ” [the most
ungrateful cuckoo]. The packet happened to fall
into the hands of Siegesbeck, to his great annoyance,
and it cost much trouble to smooth over the irritation
thus caused.
Sickness and vexations of various kinds tempted
him to follow the example of a colleague, to live in
peace and quietness, or, to devote himself to medical
practice, which was better from an economic point of
view. Many times he compared his own constant
activity to that of Professor Mathesius : “ He has
rested his body, I have murdered mine; he has gained
all that I have done, but spared his body and mind.”
Such a period of depression occurred in 1748, when
he threw his pen away and declared that hereafter
he would only publish a few dissertations. One of
these disturbing causes was a letter from Harleman
“ which nearly killed him, and his sleep was broken
during two months after,” because he had been
accused secretly by one whom he had greatly helped.
Another “ death-blow ” was that the State Chan¬
cellery issued an order that no Swede should print or
publish anything abroad, in pain of a fine of 1,000
silver dalers [,£75], which was clearly aimed at Linne.
A third annoyance was that Linne had a disputation
5< De curiositate naturali in laudem Creatoris ” [Of a
natural curiosity in praise of the Creator] which his
best friend Halenius publicly opposed. After this,
Linne never trusted in any priest, to whom he had
previously shown a disputation. A further light is
thrown upon this affair by the theological minutes of
the 30th June, when it was alleged that the disputation
contained statements which did not accord with
sound doctrine; but the decision being made that it
was not injurious to theological truth, the faculty
decided that the Dean should pronounce that verdict
before the University, and so ended the inquisition.
Linne practically treated this occurrence as a trifle,
not alluding to it in his autobiography, nor even in
his confidential letters to Back. Although he ex¬
pressed himself dissatisfied with the conduct of the
affair, yet he soon resumed his customary methods.
It has been previously related (p. 112) that
Smaland’s Nation in 1734 wished their countryman
“ much success in his travels and enterprises.” Nearly
seven years later, he was installed as professor, and
naturally the Nation did not hesitate to congratulate
him on the honour thus acquired, resolving to make
him a present in the shape of a silver drinking cup,
costing 313 dalers 16 ore in copper [£6 17s.] which
was gratefully received.
The connection between Linne and Smaland’s
Nation thus renewed, was still further confirmed,
when on the 24th November, 1744, after the death of
A. Celsius, he was elected Inspector, the other four
competitors being Winbom, Solander, Ekerman, and
Ihre. He accepted the honourable office gladly, and
for the third of a century he discharged his duties in
so fatherly a fashion, that the relations between them
were neyer clouded. All members were expected to
attend the gatherings several times each year, Linne
himself as Inspector being present at no fewer than
116, and as the funds of the Nation did not permit the
hiring of an assembly room, these meetings usually
took place in the house of the Inspector. Usually an
oration was given by one of the seniors, characterized
as “ beautiful ” or “ neat,” listened to with general
delight, and sometimes recorded to the Nation’s
honour. These were on various subjects, national
events being naturally included. The assumption of
the Crown Prince Adolf Fredrik as Chancellor in
1747 was specially celebrated, the proceedings lasting
from nine in the evening till three the next morning.
Linne’s wife and many distinguished ladies were also
present. In 1769 another rejoicing took place on
account of the successful inoculation for small-pox on
the Royal children. Occasionally these gatherings
were in honour of some esteemed member, as in 1765,
of Andreas Neander, celebrating his long service as
university book-keeper, an address being presented to
him commemorating his piety, diligence, virtue, and
The Inspector had also to warn the members
against cards, dice, and other practices, of bad habits
such as the haunting of beer shops, etc., to warn them
that lectures must not be missed, and to exhort them
to observe the regulations against fire.
During his long Inspectorship, only once did a
case occur of a Smalander being summoned to the
Governor’s court. The old penalism (pp. 29, 109) was
abandoned upon Prince Adolf Fredrik becoming
Chancellor, but a modified form of “ service ” on the
part of new members still obtained. The seniors
were admonished to train the novices in good ways,
such as to remain at home at night, etc. The total
number of members inscribed during Linne’s In¬
spectorship was 308, many of them becoming
distinguished in after life, such as C. P. Thunberg,
D. Rolander, P. J. Bergius, C. M. Blom, S. A. Hedin,
the eminent Latinist Hakan Sjogren, Jonas Aspelin,
J. Hagsdorn the Orientalist, J. D. Roberg, and
many more.
As testimony to the affectionate regard in which
the Inspector was held may be mentioned the
“ honoraria ” which was given him. The first sum,
which had been intended for Anders Celsius before
he died, was handed to the new Inspector in 1744.
Such gifts took place every three years, and in 1778,
after the death of Linne, it was awarded to his widow.
A special visit was paid to Hammarby to inaugurate
the stone edifice which Archiater Linne had built in
a fortnight on a small eminence for his cabinet of
natural history. (See p. 328.)
During the last two years of Linne’s life, his
health had so failed as to make it impossible to hold
a meeting, even in his absence, yet the good feeling
which he had implanted continued, and the respect
and gratitude to their fatherly friend never failed, nor
has it since, the Nation recording with pride his
services as member and Inspector.

linne’s benefactors and friends

There can be few persons of whom it can be said as

of Linne, that he had no personal enemy, and still
fewer, who, .through all the scenes of life, have been
so fortunate as he to meet with warm-hearted bene¬
factors, who, impressed with wonder at his genius and
splendid scientific works, felt themselyes bound to
him with affection and respect by his sympathetic
personality. Among those whom he had nearest to
his heart may be named Carl Gustaf Tessin and
Abraham Back.
How Linne had to thank Tessin for his first
successes in Stockholm has already been told (p. 176).
His eagerness to work for Linne’s advancement was
no hasty flame, soon slackening, but continued to
burn as clearly all his life. It was he who was
responsible for Linne’s appointment as Professor,
and it was his influence at Court which led to Linne’s
receiving the title of Archiater and the Order of the
Polar Star. The admiration and affection he cherished
for Linne were so great and so generally known, that
some of their friends in 1746 resolved to honour them
both by striking a medal with Linne’s bust on the
obverse, and a Latin inscription on the reverse, which
stated that C. Ekeblad, A. Hopken, N. Palmstjerna,
and C. Harleman, dedicated the said portrait to Carl
Gustaf Tessin and immortality.
Not satisfied with the ordinary expressions of
gratitude to “ My most gracious Master,” “ My great
Apollo,” “ Mine and Svea’s welfare,” Linne felt
himself obliged to give his feelings public utterance.
This he did by dedicating to Tessin many of his most
important works, beginning in 1740 with the second
edition of his “ Systema Naturae/5 This was repeated
in all the editions he himself issued, declaring that if
in that work anything should be found tending to the
advancement of science, one had exclusively to thank
Tessin as the creator of his success. The latter, on
his side, when the tenth edition appeared in 1758-9,
showed his appreciation by haying a specially beauti¬
ful medal struck, with Linne’s bust as before, and on
the reverse the three Swedish crowns, intended to
symbolize the three kingdoms of Nature; the first
having heads of animals, the second having flowers
and fruits, and the third being charged with crystals
and stones, with rays of light streaming upon them
from above, and for the inscription “ Illustrat.55
What in the course of years brought these great
men of different surroundings into close relationship,
was the interest Linn6 awakened in the statesman,
even amidst the turmoils of political strife. After¬
wards, when the great days of his power had passed,
and (in consequence of economic discomfort) Count
Tessin lived quietly, separated from the great world’s
strife and endeavour at his beloved Akero, their
friendship continued as a never drying spring of trust
and refreshment. From his early days he had eagerly
collected books, coins, etc., but all these were thrust
into the background for his collections of natural
objects, chiefly minerals and petrifactions, which he
had with great sacrifice of time and money amassed
at home and abroad. His museum became so rich,
that Linne was induced to superintend, to put in
order, and to compile a catalogue with numerous
plates and remarks, which was printed in 1753 in
folio, entitled “ Museum Tessinianum.55 Although
drawn up by Linn6, it was dedicated to him by Tessin
“ as he alone should have the honour, and I owe to
him for this all my gratitude.55 True, holidays were

the occasions on which Linne visited him at Akero,

when the two veterans, each esteeming the other,
wandered round the castle's beautiful neighbourhood,
or busied themselves in the mineral cabinet, adorned
with Linne’s portrait.
During the thirty or more years that Linne and
Tessin were thus united, the latter’s condition had
undergone a change. After being the absolute ruling
chief of the “ Hats,” and one of the most powerful
men in the realm, he had been induced, partly from
choice, partly from necessity, to withdraw entirely
from public life. Many who previously bowed before
him afterwards regarded him with indifference or
contempt, but Linne was not one of these. He
deeply regretted his benefactor’s adversity, and with
inward respect he still reverenced his personal great¬
ness. In a New Year’s letter in 1762, shortly after
Tessin’s fall, Linne wrote: “After twenty years
sailing on a raging sea, envy awakened tempests, but
he happily came with ship and cargo into a quiet
haven,” and “ The Children of Israel, who every year
celebrated the day when God’s Almighty arm by the
hand of Moses, delivered them from Egyptian bond¬
age, have taught me every year to celebrate the day
in 1738, when the grace of God raised me, through
your Excellency, from my congenital poverty to an
advantageous position, in which I can provide for and
shelter myself and mine. You are deserving, there¬
fore, my praise, honour and gratitude, which my
children will continue after me, so long as they are
upon this earth.” In 1770, he similarly gave ex¬
pression to his feelings of enduring thankfulness to
the author of his advancement. The last letter
reached Tessin on his death-bed, and a week later he
quietly passed away, aged seventy-five.
The Count had always owned that he was no
botanist, but his Countess, Lovisa Ulrika Tessin, was
an admirer of that science, which fact Linne learned
at the end of 1752, through Back. It was at her
instigation that Linne’s pupil J. J. Haartman published
his teacher’s “ Indelning i Svenska orteriket ” [Intro¬
duction to Swedish Botany], in 1753, dedicated to his
patroness, and as she loved the cultivation of flowers,
many rarities found their way from Uppsala to the
garden and plant-houses at Akero.
Next to Tessin, the Crown Prince, Adolf Fredrik
(afterwards King), and his consort, Lovisa Ulrika,
must be mentioned as Linne’s powerful supporters.
The first meeting took place in 1744, when the Prince
paid his first visit to Uppsala, the Rector and four
Professors (among them Linne), being deputed to give
them a most humble greeting on their reaching the
boundary of the county. Two years later, the Prince
came again, when Linne was the recipient of a special
mark of distinction, His Royal Highness bestowing
upon him two gold medals—many of the academic
notabilities only receiving one. Soon after he
dedicated his “ Westgota resa ” to the Princess.
This intercourse with Royalties was not transient,
but became permanent. In Sweden there was a
practice of collecting, and as many new curiosities were
constantly arriving in the kingdom, influential persons
were continually increasing their stores. There was
therefore nothing surprising that the Princess should
share the prevailing taste, the beginning being made by
the purchase of a splendid collection of shells and
insects, bought in Holland, thus laying the foundation
of the natural history cabinet at Drottningholm. Linne
was summoned to describe them, in April, 1751.
In that year Adolf Fredrik ascended the throne,
and the Queen’s conversation with Linne awaking
the King’s desire to form a similar collection
of his own, three years later, Linne declared that
“ His Majesty’s cabinet has become the largest in
the world; it would be hard to add anything to it.”
Linne was commissioned to describe these treasures,
and he entered upon the task with so much briskness,
that he wrote to Back, “ I have been writing night and

day in His Majesty’s cabinet, so that my eyes smart,

and I can hardly shut them.” At length the work was
finished and Linne’s duties at Ulriksdal, where the
cabinet was housed, were ended by the publication of
the book, which was to “ perpetuate his name as the
battles of Charles XII.’s did in the reign of that
Naturally after the “ Museum Regis ” came out,
“ Museum Reginas ” must follow; and Linne began the
work with the same feverish haste he was accustomed
to show. The “ Prodromus ” was printed in 1764, and
contained the accounts of shells and insects, but not
those of the corals, crystals, or the rich gathering of
metallic ores. The reasons for the delay were many,
partly because of the issue of other and voluminous
works, and partly because of the continual increase
by purchase or gift.
Linne received many signs of Royal favour;
namely, the appointment as Archiater, and the decora¬
tion of the Polar Star—these were mainly due to
Tessin, but his ennoblement was a special mark of
grace from the King. So far back as 1753, Linne
received a gold ring with inset ruby from the Queen,
who further delighted the Professor by asking after his
son, and if he showed any love for natural history;
and she promised that when he was older, he should
travel over Europe at her expense, which greatly
delighted the father. In 1765 he wrote to Back, that
His Majesty had made him a splendid gift of sixteen
big chests containing plants from South America,
preserved in spirit, admirably preserved.
From his youth, Linne was a Royalist, so it is not
surprising that he dedicated his “ Species plantarum,”
“ the fruit of my best and most of my life,” to the King
and Queen.
The same affection and admiration for Linne which
were manifested by Adolf Fredrik and his Queen were
shown also by their son Gustaf III., both as Crown
Prince and King, but on account of Linne’s advancing
age, the display of it was not so often made. One
event which gladdened Linne was that in 1769, the
Crown Prince, Gustaf, visited Hammarby to inspect
Linne’s museum. In 1774, Linne had experienced
the “ first death-messenger/' an apoplectic stroke, and
by the close of the year found himself weak and with¬
out wish to work, but at Christmas, His Majesty sent
a collection of plants from Surinam in hogsheads of
spirit. Linne at once left his bed and received new
life in examining and describing the plants, about two
hundred in all. The next year the King travelled from
Ekolsund to Uppsala to visit Linne and no one else,
and stayed with him the whole afternoon. They never
met again, but later on it will be shown that Gustaf III.
did not forget his old subject.
An admirer of Linne, who had at least intended to
raise a monument to his honour, was the Margravine
Carolina Louise of Baden Durlach, born Princess of
Hesse-Darmstadt, who proposed to issue 10,000 plates
illustrating all the plants in “ Species plantarum ”
at a cost of 90,000 ducats [,£44,745]. A beginning
was made without Linne’s knowledge, but he first heard
of it from the Swede, J. J. Bornstahl, an eminent
orientalist (1731-1779), who stated that a skilful French
engraver was at work upon it. “ All the Veronicas
are ready, quite beautifully done, for the Princess has
sufficient insight in this. She is not only skilled in
botany, but also in art; she examines every plate,
corrects every fault, and alters every variation; then
she colours all in life-like tints, so that this work
becomes the most accurate and splendid in botany.”
A plate was sent to Linne as a proof, with the promise
that the Princess would carry out his corrections and
remarks. She even said that if he and his son would
come to Carlsruhe they should be well lodged, and
have all the comforts of Hammarby. The same
Princess had amassed an incomparable museum, but
had nothing in it from Sweden. Linne wished to
reward the young Princess’s enthusiasm, and sent to

her a drawing of a handsome, undescribed, exotic plant,

to which he had affixed the name Carolina princeps,
which immensely pleased her. In spite of this, the
work soon stopped, presumably on account of its great
cost; and the Princess died in Paris in 1783, at the
age of thirty-two.
Particularly helpful in furthering Linne’s plans
with regard to the institutions, whose administrator
they were, were the Chancellors of the University.
The help of Count Carl Gyllenborg’s powerful in¬
fluence obtaining his chair at Uppsala has already been
recorded (p. 196) as well as the help he gave in the
matter of restoring the botanic garden and museum.
Linn6 realized that in him he always had a steadfast
supporter, and it was therefore with great grief that
he learned of his patron’s fatal illness in 1746. Time
after time he wrote to Back concerning him; but his
condition becoming worse, Linne wrote, “ Almighty
God help the good old man, who has done so much
good to mankind. If the University should lose him,
it will never have another Count Carl in our time, and
hardly in our children’s,” and a month later he
lamented, “ With the great Chancellor I have lost
immeasurably.” He had dedicated to him during his
life, “ Flora suecica,” and the second edition of it was
dedicated to his memory nearly ten years after his
Still more was he drawn to Count Anders Johan
von Hopken, with whom he had close connection
during his residence in Stockholm. Linne entertained
a sort of veneration for him. “ If we only had him as
Chancellor,” was his wish in 1753, and that desire was
fulfilled in 1760. How he discharged his high function
may be learned from this, that during his four years of
office, Linne dedicated to him no fewer than three
works, “ Fauna suecica,” 1761; “ Genera morborum,”
1763; and “Genera plantarum,” Ed. VI., 1764; and
he had previously dedicated “ Philosophia botanica ”
to him on its issue.
The short time which Hopken had as Chancellor
prevented any deep impression being made by him in
University matters, but it was with Linne that he
chiefly consulted on such subjects.
At the time when Linne felt worn out with the
duties of his chair, Hopken confessed to him that he
too was weary of the Chancellorship. In 1763 he
wrote, “ Would that all the Archiater’s colleagues were
like him, more devoted to science than to schemes
and intrigues/' and later, “ among the advantages he
had enjoyed during office, he counted his acquaintance
with Linne.”
When Hopken withdrew from political and
academic strife to his estate of Ulfasa, the corres¬
pondence between him and Linne became closer, as
shown by many warm expressions in Hopken’s letters.
In 1774 he wrote, “ I long for Uppsala, not indeed for
its own sake, but that I might have the pleasure of
talking with the Archiater.”
Linne’s most intimate friend, however, was
Abraham Back (1713-1795). They first became
acquainted in 1740, when both were candidates for the
Chair of Medicine at Uppsala, and thence began a
friendship so warm, intimate and unclouded, that a
similar instance can hardly be found. Their truly
brotherly love showed itself in many ways; in 1774
Linne noted, “ Each time he stayed in Stockholm, he
lodged with his best and truest friend, Archiater Back,
as with his bodily brother.” The evenings and much
of the nights were spent in talk, earnest or playful, and
so refreshed was Linne on such occasions, that he
could write, “ Ever since I was at Stockholm I have
been livelier, better for work and quicker; before, I
was depressed and melancholy, and could do nothing.”
Back had contrived the visit to be so enjoyable, that
he willingly tried to tempt Linne to come again
It was not only the personal meetings which made
the friendly ties between them, but the intimate cor-

respondence during thirty-five years, in which each

confided his pleasures and sorrows, hopes and fears,
intentions and happenings to the other. About 520
letters are extant from Linne, though many have
probably been lost. On the other hand all letters from
Back except fifteen of early dates, have not been
traced. Probably this was due to the fact that all the
correspondence was entrusted to Back for his funeral
speech on his beloved friend, and presumably he kept
his own letters when he returned those of Linne.
These letters show in the liveliest manner the
thoughts which were occupying Linne’s mind at the
time of writing. It has already been stated (p. 193)
that Back was a competitor for the post which Linne
obtained in 1741, and after that date, he undertook a
journey abroad, returning in 1745, when he became
Assessor in the College of Medicine. In 1748, he
bought a court practice for 14,000 dalers [,£1,050],
“ far too dear,” thought Linne, “ it grieves me and the
whole modest world.” The next year he became body
physician, and in 1752, President of the College, to the
intense delight of Linne, who would therefore “ break
the necks of some bottles of wine and drink from
them, even if that gave him a megrim.”
Back’s position as acting body physician at court
made him an intermediary in such matters as purchases
for the Royal Collections, or Linne’s visits to the
palaces of Drottningholm and Ulriksdal. Linne
invited Back to show to the Royal family the move¬
ment of the stamens of Berberis when touched with a
pin, “ in the same way as [Back] felt the pulse of a
damsel after the method of Paracelsus; see and
marvel at it! ”
The most diverse matters were handled by Linne
in his letters, including his friend’s affairs. He took
the greatest interest in the news that Back had become
engaged to a certain lady, and hastened to convey his
hearty congratulations, but more trustworthy com¬
munications showed that this engagement was mere
rumour. However, at the end of 1754? Back really
became betrothed to Anna Charlotta Adlerberg, the
wedding being celebrated in March the year after.
Linne, not being able to be present, meant to have
had a quiet celebration at home, but the apothecary,
D. W. Bottiger, persuaded him to be present at a
formal collation, when healths were drunk and the
festivities lasted till one o’clock next morning, when
Linne and his wife went home. Soon after, the newly
wedded pair visited Linne at his Uppsala house.
This change in Back’s mode of life did not in the
least disturb the old friendship. On his Stockholm
visits Linne was so hospitably received by Back and
his wife that he soon came to call the latter “ Sister ”—
having long before called Back “ Brother ”—the
intimate form of address in Sweden. It was therefore
with the keenest sorrow that he heard of her death in
1767, and a long and most sympathetic letter to the
bereaved husband testified to his deep feeling at
Back’s loss.
Affection for the parents continued also for their
children. On the first being born Linne was invited
to become godfather, which position he gladly accepted,
and afterwards frequently referred to the little maid,
who, however, died early. When a son was born, he
was baptized Carl Abraham Back, and in due time he
had as his tutor one of Linne’s pupils, D. H. Soder-
berg. Unhappily, the son, inheriting his mother’s
tendency to consumption, died in 1776, at the age of
sixteen. At this time Linne was laid aside by repeated
strokes of apoplexy, and his attempt to console his
friend only resulted in a few sentences, “ Farewell.
I am Brother’s, Brother is mine, constant to death,
Broth-” this pathetic fragment closing the long
friendship. By some mischance this letter, addressed
to “ M : sr Abrah. Brach,” was never despatched, but
being found amongst Linne’s papers after his death,
was sent to Back by the younger Linne thirteen
months after it was penned.

Back’s remaining children enjoyed with their father

the constant affectionate attention of Linne. Many
times he urged their visits to Hammarby in order to
enjoy the fresh air: “ Let the poor little ones who have
no mother, enjoy themselves with my girls this
delightful summer.” Back had the pleasure before his
death of seeing two of them grown up and married.
In 1772 Back invited the entire household of Linne
to come to Stockholm for the coronation of Gustaf III.;
his wife and three younger girls went, but Linne was
too busy to accompany them. On their return he
wrote that they would never forget the time they had
had, nor would he during “ his short days.” Needless
to say that Back was a welcome guest at Uppsala when
he did come, and in 1775 he paid what proved to be a
farewell visit, for the old friends never saw each other
Among Linne’s friends from his student days were
two with whom he remained in close companionship
till death closed the bond. Both attained high office
in the church, and played a considerable part during
the Era of Liberty. These two were Johan Browallius
and Carl Fredrik Mennander.
It has previously been recorded that the former
had an influential share in Linne’s career (p. 107).
In 1737, he was appointed Professor of Physics in Abo
University. His love for natural history was main¬
tained even when in 1746 he became Professor of
Divinity, and in 1749 Bishop of Abo, which latter
office he filled most successfully. An opponent of
Linne was J. G. Siegesbeck (p. 170), who wrote
condemning the sexual system root and branch, while
Browallius took up the cudgels in his friend’s behalf.
In his “ Examen epicriseos in systema plantarum
sexuale Cl. Linnaei ” (see p. 183), he doughtily
defended Linne’s arrangement, no reply to this being
Another debate on “ Vattuminskingen ” or decrease
in water level, started by Anders Celsius in 1743, and
maintained by O. von Dalin, the historian, was
attacked by Browallius on the ground of his own
observations, which conflicted with Celsius’s state¬
ments. Linne, on the other hand, took Celsius’s side,
till convinced by Browallius to the contrary. His
name is perpetuated by the genus Browallia, concern¬
ing which there has been some misunderstanding.
How this arose seems unknown, although it was
current in 1835, and exposed by H. E. Richter in
his “ Codex Linnaeanus ” that year, but also recorded
by Augustin in the “ Botaniska Utflygter,” 1 (1843),
p. 150; the most blatant exposition known to the
writer is that related by “ X,” in the “ Gardeners’
Chronicle,” III. x. (1891), p. 188, thus:
“ The great botanist Linnaeus had amongst his
numerous acquaintances a certain friend named John
Browall, who was very humble in his relations with
Linnaeus, and, having adopted his new sexual system
of botany, wrote an article against Siegesbeck defend¬
ing that system. Linnaeus, in acknowledgment of his
friend’s services, dedicated to him a genus of a single
species, naming it Browallia demissa. Shortly after¬
wards, Browall, having been made Bishop of Abo,
assumed the pomp and dignity of a great magnate, and
Linnaeus, having discovered a second species of this
genus, named it B. exaltata.
“ This excited the wrath of Browall, who proceeded
to write pamphlets against Linnaeus, denouncing him
in the most severe language. Later on, Linnaeus dis¬
covered a third species differing slightly from the
original outline of the genus, which he named alienata.
The two men were never afterwards reconciled to each
other, and thus we have preserved in the nomenclature
of this genus an historical incident to which future
generations of botanists will look back with consider¬
able interest.”
The genus was instituted by Linne in his
“ Genera plantarum ” in 1737, but first provided with
the specific name arnericana in 1753, when the
“ Species plantarum ” came out. In 1759 appeared
the tenth edition of the “ Systema Naturae ” with a
revision of the plants, the genus Browallia then having
three species, B. alienata, B. demissa and B. elata; all
these being first published four years after the death
of Bishop Browallius in 1755, who consequently never
knew this enlargement of his genus, and therefore the
whole of the legend is shown to be baseless.
The other friend, Mennander, having left Uppsala
for Finland in 1737, became Master in Philosophy,
taking the place of Browallius in 1746 as Professor of
Physics. He then passed to the faculty of divinity,
and from 1757 to 1775 was Bishop of Abo. How
warm was Mennander’s liking for natural history was
displayed by his support of P. Kalm and A. Martin
as naturalists in the Finnish University.
Frequent letters between Linne and Mennander,
which correspondence began when both were students,
were continued during life, till in 1775, the latter
becoming archbishop, removed to Uppsala, but a few
months later Linne was so broken in health and
spirits, that he could no longer enjoy conversation
with his trusty friend.
Another friendship formed during Linne’s Stock¬
holm residence, was with the then Captain Augustin
Ehrensward, one of the earliest members elected into
the Academy of Science, who in 1740 became its
secretary. As both belonged to the “ Hats ” party,
the relationship between them was specially cordial,
a testimony to it being the fine copper-plate portrait
of Linne arnica manu in the same year prepared
by Ehrensward. Their paths separated when Linne
removed to Uppsala, each going his own way, but
afterwards when Ehrensward came to Finland to
fortify Sveaborg and other places, and to form the
Swedish fleet of galleys, the friendship was renewed.
From the Uppsala garden he introduced the culti¬
vation in Finland of the grass Glyceria aquatica, but
his sanguine hopes about its success were not shared
by Linne. Applying for a tutor for his son, “ Will
you/' he wrote, “ provide me with one, who has not
studied divinity, oriental languages, nor metaphysics,
but has given his mind to other important sciences?
I would gladly choose a botanist.” The death in
1772 of the then Count and Field-Marshal Ehrensward
severed the connection between these veterans.
Another friend who has been mentioned before
was Court Intendant Baron Carl Harleman. The
friendship began when plans for the restoration of
the Uppsala garden were prepared by Harleman, and
continued when the castle, the cathedral, and similar
works were taken in hand. It was by his initiative
that Linne was commissioned, for economic reasons,
to undertake his Skane journey. Linne wrote to
Back in praise of his friend's endeavours for the
economic improvement of the country, and it was to
him that in 1749 Linne’s “ Materia medica ” was
dedicated. Harleman’s death in 1753 deeply grieved
the survivor. “ God help us, who now will be our
Harleman? ”
A comrade in the Academy of Science was
Baron Carl Sten Bjelke, Assessor, afterwards Aulic
Councillor in Abo Court of Appeal. He was devoted
to botany, having an uncommonly accurate knowledge
of grasses. In 1744, with Kalm, he travelled in
Russia, and in consequence, Linne received from him
a rich collection of dried plants from that country,
more than two hundred in all, those from Siberia being
nearly all new and undescribed. How grateful Linne
was for this gift appears from his remarks dated 1745.
Most East Indian plants are now in my hands; all
of Ceylon, more than two thousand in number, I am
examining without ceasing. There is a genus
Bielkea, a rare grass, which shall thank the Baron for
his love for botany, and shall make him known on the
sun’s rising upon his return to Sweden.” Bjelke
settled at Lofsta on his estate in the parish of Funbo.
There he busied himself in the introduction of new
supplies for fodder and food, Linne being often a
welcome guest there, but the pleasant intercourse was
ended in 1753, the Baron dying in that year, aged
Similarity of pursuits united Linne with Charles
De Geer, who became known by his accurate and
sensational observations on the habits and develop¬
ment of insects. In 1739, when only nineteen years
old, he became one of the first members of the
Academy of Science, and at the age of twenty-eight
was a corresponding member of the French Academy.
Later, in 1750, he was appointed Court Marshal,
gaining the title of Baron in 1773. His valuable
museum and library at Leufsta readily tempted Linn6
thither, and in return, De Geer, sometimes accom¬
panied by his wife, visited Hammarby or Uppsala.
Nils Rosen von Rosenstein must also be reckoned
amongst Linne’s most intimate friends. It has
already been recorded (p. 123) that strained or cold
relations existed between them in earlier years, but
they eventually became good comrades, with mutual
regard for each other’s attainments, working in
harmony for elevating medical study in the University.
How this close intimacy arose was related thus by
Linne: “In May, 1764, I was attacked by a
dangerous pleurisy, from which I was rescued by
Rosen’s faithful services, whereafter I entertained
an incredible friendship for him.” That this was no
hastily kindled feeling of gratitude, as quickly cooled,
is shown by Linne’s references in his letters to various
friends. The year following Linne’s illness, Rosen
being severely attacked by the so-called Uppsala
fever, it was then the turn of Linne, who attended him
night and day for two months with the happiest result.
Rosen afterwards removed to Stockholm, but when
in consequence of repeated illnesses, he presaged his
approaching death, he came back to Uppsala, which
he reached in a very weak state, in June, 1773.
Thenceforward Linne was found in constant attend-
ance till the day before his death, entertaining him
with the account of new discoveries in Natural His¬
tory. “ I can never forget,” says one of their conjoint
pupils, J. G. Acrel, “ the conversations of these two
great men on certain medicaments, their use and
application, Rosenstein on his sick-bed with an old
man’s experience, but with the fortitude and continu¬
ance of one of middle age.” On the 16th July of the
same year, Linne journeyed from Uppsala to wait
upon the King at Ekolsund, and on his return the
next day, found that Rosen had ended his days. His
sorrow for the departed was moving. He hastened
to the house of death, standing by the bed where his
dead friend lay, and burst out with, “ Here has a
whole university closed its eyes.” It had been the
wish of the University that Linne should deliver the
memorial oration for the “ man of strictest probity in
medicine in Sweden,” who had “ both learning and
experience,” and it was only with the greatest trouble,
in view of Linne’s age and greatly weakened health,
that he was induced by his friends to forego that duty.
Among the many who might be reckoned as in¬
timates during Linne’s professorship, a few may be
briefly mentioned. During the early years after his
removal to Uppsala, there were two, already recorded,
namely the eminent astronomer, Professor A. Celsius,
and his powerful advocate in the Wallerian dispu¬
tation, Professor Magnus Beronius. Both friendships
were of short duration, as the former in 1744 quitted
worldly scenes, and the latter in 1745 went to Kalmar
to become Bishop. In 1764 he came back to Uppsala
as Archbishop, but died in 1775, two years before
Linne, so that he was unable to deliver the funeral
oration as he had promised. Two other professors
in later years were on the most familiar terms with
Linne, namely the celebrated mathematician, Samuel
Klingenstierna, and the not less famous orientalist,
Johan Ihre. The former was almost a constant
member of Linne’s household, even going so far as

sharing linen and garments at Hammarby. The

latter was a neighbour, his estate being Edeby close
by. Linne showed them both much sympathy, sharing
their sorrows, when the former lost his wife, and,
through drowning, his dearest son; while the latter,
Ihre, also became a widower.
Yet another one must be mentioned, who during
a long succession of years was closely connected with
Linne in his authorship; this was Lars Salvius, the
publisher of the greater number of Linne’s printed
books. The first connection between them seems to
have been in May, 1745, when an author’s honorarium
of 18 copper dalers [nine shillings] for each printed
sheet of the “Flora” and “Fauna suecica ” was
granted by Salvius, and proved so satisfactory to
both, that Salvius undertook the issue also of the
tenth and twelfth editions of “ Systema Naturae,”
“ Genera plantarum,” Editions V. and VI., both
editions of “ Species plantarum,” “ Hortus Up-
saliensis,” “ Materia medica,” “ Amoenitates ” and
others, and the “ Mantissa ” of 1771, as long as
Linne’s strength held out, but Salvius died in 1773.
There was no unpleasantness between them, though
in later days Linne complained that there was “ bad
paper, worn-out type, and carelessness as to correc¬
tions,” but on the other hand, “ he always paid as
promised, and always promptly.” He also acted as
commissioner for Linne, in distributing letters and
packets of the greatest importance. Agreements
about the issue of new works were verbally made, and
written contracts appear never to have been drawn
up, Linne observing, “ My days are running out, and
what I have to do must be done quickly. We are
both old, and I believe equally old.”

linn£ as a private person and his family relations

The portraits of Linne show that as he advanced in

life his appearance changed considerably. He speaks
of himself as: “ Linne was moderately big, rather
short than tall, more lean than fat, with fairly mus¬
cular limbs and prominent veins from childhood. . . .
Large head, the back of it with a transverse depression
along the lambdoid suture. Forehead moderately
high, wrinkled in old age. Hair neither straight nor
curly, in childhood flaxen, afterwards brown, ruddy
about the temples, grey in old age. Eyebrows brown.
Pale in face. Eyes brown, very sharp, lively, glad¬
some; sight excellent, descrying the smallest object.
Nose straight. A little wart on the right nostril, and
a somewhat larger one on the right cheek. Teeth
bad, decayed from severe toothache from youth to
fifty years of age, entirely toothless before sixty. No
ear for music. Weight in 1734 9^ lispund, or Stock¬
holm’s weight [178 lbs. avoirdupois]. Walk very
easy, quick and lively.”
“ He was not luxurious, but lived moderately and
was no toper. Housekeeping he left entirely to his
wife, occupying himself solely with the productions
of nature. He was neither rich nor poor, but lived
in dread of debt ”; his works were written not for
gain but for honour. He slept in winter from nine
till seven [in old age from eight to eight], but in
summer from ten to three.
To his own account of his appearance and habits
the following may be added, written by one of his
pupils, J. G. Acrel, who, during the later years of life,
often met him. “ Linne was short and squarely built,
not fat but muscular, the back of his head unusually
big. In a not unpleasing countenance he had quick
and fiery brown eyes, somewhat short-sighted and
blinking, more from habit and work on delicate
objects than naturally; in the course of years he
developed deep wrinkles round the eyes, through
muscular contraction. Went somewhat bent as to
body, but otherwise when young had an easy gait,
which gradually disappeared, so that at fifty he began
to shuffle his feet forward in place of lifting them.”
As to his clothes, the same authority states that
he was neat, but never magnificent; sometimes he was
fine, but always wore shoes; in his house he was mostly
dressed in a short dressing-gown and velvet skull-cap.
He was moderate in food, extremely abstemious in
drink, but he drank coffee and used tobacco with
avidity, almost to excess. In winter time he slept
from nine to seven, but in summer from ten to three,
when he began work, in the garden or in the fields;
not infrequently he even in winter rose, lit his pipe,
and sat down to work, till he was tired. His books
did not produce so much money as reputation, though
they certainly contributed to his moderate income.
From the time when he removed to Uppsala as pro¬
fessor, he never practised medicine, except the giving
of some simple advice to a poor person or dependent.
There is little to add except one or two things
from his letters. As to diet, he wrote to Back in 1772.
“ I never taste brandy, except when I am away, and
then only a sup with plenty of water, often not a drop
for a whole month. I have truly not drunk a tankard
altogether in six months, for fear of acidity. I take
three cups of tea each morning and two cups of coffee
each afternoon.” He was equally abstemious as to
wine. “ My motto is : I never drink wine at another
person's house, for I will never treat others to wine.”
An exception was at Back's, where he enjoyed ex-
cellent wine. In conclusion, an extract from a letter
of the younger Linne in July, 1778, to Back may be
added. “ My late father never worked unless he was
in good humour. He rose early in the morning,
when he awoke, lit his fire, and sat down to work, but
as soon as he felt the least tired, he left his work and
rested while he smoked a pipe of tobacco, or else
threw himself on his bed, for he had the knack of
sleeping at once, and snoring; in a quarter of an hour
he was up again, alert, and returned to his pen. This
happened several times in the day, till about four in
the afternoon, when he would have some society to
clear away what had till then occupied his thoughts.
He readily joined in a laugh with comrades or pupils
as he c could digest a little of anything,7 adding, ‘ It
was well said by the old Romans, that one ought to
have an understanding throat, such as mine, for I can
digest anything, and I can also go without.7 77
Another of his peculiarities must not be passed
by, namely, a certain amount of absent-mindedness,
as when he visited Back, he would often leave behind
him a sword or a nightcap, manuscript or letter, while
taking away something belonging to his host, and
would excuse himself in his next letter.
His character may be summed up thus : In his
youth he was merry and glad, in his age never surly;
easily moved to joy, sorrow, or anger, and was soon
placated. Not hasty in judging, he held fast to his
opinion. He had an excellent memory till he was
sixty, when proper names began to be forgotten; to
learn a modern language was never his custom; he
did not begin tasks which he did not finish; inde¬
fatigable in observing everything, he never went into
or out of the garden without noting something.
He was far from quarrelsome, would not willingly
dissemble or deceive, hated everything that tended
to pride, stood firm to his promise, and could not
easily be disturbed from it. He was not inquisitive;
he always had respect and admiration for his Creator,

and sought to deduce his science from its Author, and

had inscribed over the door of his bed-chamber,
“ Innocue vivito\ Numen adest ” [Live innocently;
God is here ”].
Such is the character which Linne has left of
himself. As no one can be regarded as a competent
judge in his own case, it will be well to adduce the
testimony of others.
As to his merry and glad disposition, all accounts
agree that he delighted to see happy faces round him.
“ In society he was cheerful and gay and would
gladly listen to anecdotes with enjoyment,” says his
pupil Hedin, and Acrel adds, “ In youth he was
frolicsome, in middle age ever mirthful, quick and
ready in words, and in jolly society shared laughter
with the others, which lasted to his latest year.” He
did not talk much, but enjoyed hearing others talk,
and sometimes struck in with special short interesting
remarks. Weary of work, he felt the need of refresh¬
ing laughter, and therefore amongst his pupils,
Tidstrom was a favourite, whom he had as a guest
at Hammarby at Christmas, “ simply to laugh and be
free from care.” He particularly wished young
people to enjoy themselves, and it is related that
when the newly appointed Archbishop Mennander
forbade the accustomed dance assemblies, the young
girls of Uppsala got the old Linne to obtain
permission for their retention.
He quickly flamed up, but soon abated his anger,
and it was well known among his friends and pupils,
that he was entirely free from rancour. His habit
was never to delay anything which ought to be done,
and to note down his thoughts at once, on paper in
pithy expressions, which needed to be somewhat
pruned. This appears evident, that judgments on
the same person or event sometimes were recorded in
a short time from each other, as not unimportantly
diverse. As soon as the roused feelings had subsided,
a calm ensued, and he expressed in a letter written
in 1754, “ I have learned in forty-seven years of life
that if others are let alone in peace, the world goes on
without disturbance, but as soon as commotion is
made, friction arises, and a little hornet will often
produce a dangerous wound.55
His compassion towards the unhappy was very
striking, his eyes often filling with tears on hearing
of sad cases, especially when it was little children
who were afflicted.
Then his statement that he was not hasty in judg¬
ment must be taken with a certain modification so far
as it concerns scientific questions. A striking instance
of this was his suspicion that the prohibition of
printing Swedish authors5 books abroad was aimed
directly and exclusively against him. Among those
who took part in this prohibition were Tessin and
Ekeblad, and it needed but little reflection to realize
that these friends and admirers would not have
willingly caused him harm or anxiety.
“ He did not possess the art of dissembling,55
records Acrel, “ his face showed at once whether a
person pleased him or not, the surest proof of his dis¬
like being his silence, but he hated most, quarrels and
coarse answers.55 Many instances of his straight¬
forwardness might be given, but two such may suffice,
preserved by tradition in the family. When Queen
Lovisa Ulrika, whom he so highly admired, expressed
her wish to receive one of his daughters at Court, he
answered with a positive refusal. The Queen being
startled, asked if he could not entrust his daughter to
her care; he readily assented, but said that he thought
the matter had not been rightly understood. Another
time when he was staying at Drottningholm, to arrange
the Queen’s Museum, he was called in to play blind-
man’s bluff with the courtiers. In such cases it was
strictly against etiquette to catch the Queen, but Linne,
who thought he could better employ his time than in
playing, took care, when he became blindman, to see
a little, and then caught the Queen* as vsoon as he

could. She cried out at once, “ It is I ”; but without

in the least allowing that to deter him, he clapped her
on the head, and said, “ Clap, woman, sit on the
bench,” as the custom was when anyone was caught,
and added, “ Those who play, must put up with
play ”; and afterwards he ceased to play blindman’s
The first public distinction he received was the
title of Archiater, bestowed in 1747, without his know¬
ledge or request. That he should be gratified at this
mark of appreciation is easily understood, though other
Professors of Medicine, Rosen amongst them, had
previously been thus honoured, and soon after, a
barber-surgeon was distinguished in the same manner;
but Linne looked upon it as a recognition of his deserts.
On the other hand, he felt far from pleased at having
to pay for the title the fee which was annually demanded
of him. Upon a request he put forward, he was freed
from this, and later, his previously paid fees were
returned to him.
As regards his being dubbed “ Knight of the Polar
Star ” in 1753, it was certainly in his time a very
unusual mark of royal grace to any Doctor, Archiater
or Professor; and was correspondingly appreciated by
the recipient. His ennoblement was such as was
frequent at the time when prominent professors found
a place in the House of Nobles. His turn came in
November, 1761, when he assumed the change of
name as “ Von Linne,” though the grant was ante¬
dated to August, 1757. Next the question arose as
to the arms he should bear. Quick in application as
he always was, he suggested them thus : “ My little
Linncea in the helmet, but three fields in the shield,
black, green and red, the three kingdoms of nature,
and upon it an egg cut in two, or a half-egg to denote
nature, which is continued and perpetuated in the
egg.” This design was forwarded to the Governor,
Baron Daniel Tilas, who, as State Herald, had to
frame or define such matters, but it was rejected. In
its place another was designed, in its three crowns
recalling the Tessin medal. Linne was not pleased
with it, and to gain his end he applied to Wargentin
and his wife, begging their help, to get rid of Tilas’s
“ absurdities,” but this appeal not being sent before a
new letter from Tilas had come with a final decision,
Linne felt himself obliged to acquiesce, afterwards
finding that the blazon “ was truly honourable and
beautiful, more than I deserved,” and thus it was
It may be asked if Linne was proud at changing
his name and status with the addition of “ von.” In
that case it must be answered, that if he were so, he
at least managed effectually to conceal it. It is certain
that he showed no haste to enter the House of Nobles,
for he did not pay the fee due till 23rd April, 1776.
These payments were for the patent (Charta sigillata),
200 dalers, for the Chancery fee, 150 dalers in
silver [£i7 10s. together], and 25 and 40 dalers
\_£ 1 12s. 6d.] for soldier’s fee. Linne quite as often
signed his name without as with the “ von,” as may be
noted on page 307.
With all his actual greatness in many respects he
was as pleased as a child at his hard-won distinction,
but between this and pride is a long step. He wrote
to Bishop Mennander in his autobiography, “ I can¬
not send personal details for self-praise is offensive,
and self-love may creep in here and there. Be so
good as to alter or preface, as you may see fit in your
wisdom.” What he really thought of these honours
we see by his calling them “ empty nuts,” and in his
“ Nemesis divina,” where he expresses his deepest
thoughts, they certainly witness to no pride when one
reads, “ There is no greater character than to be an
honest man,” and in another place, “ I gave myself no
rest day or night. What had I for it? Call it wind,
which is annihilated by another. Titles are wind:
Noble, Knight, Archiater ”; and again, “What is
greatness, when the wheel of success turns? What is

wisdom? To realize one’s own ignorance. What is

power? The foremost place among fools. What
are riches ? Guardianship for other fools. What are
clothes? Parts in a comedy to frighten children.”
There is more truth in the claims that he heard and
read praises of his writings and views with satisfaction,
and disliked to find that questions which he had

4. £>**4 j^yr/nJL,





thoroughly settled, were sometimes denied or assailed
with bitter words. It must be admitted that few men
of eminence exist of whom that cannot be said. Some
have asserted that he wished to elevate himself to a
position as absolute in natural history, and have cited
such instances in his “ Species plantarum,” where he
omitted mention of plants discovered by others, or
transferred them to other genera, when he had had no
opportunity of examining them himself. There is an
element of truth in this, but we must consider how
many doubtful species were described wrongly by the
old authors, to explain his unwillingness to recognize
all their statements. Acrel assures us that “ no one
could be better pleased than he at being corrected, and
the disciple who by research could convince him of a
mistake, became his best friend.”
The strongest ground upon which people taxed him
with pride, is derived from his remarks on his own
merits and work in Afzelius’s “ Egenhandiga anteck-
ningar af Carl Linnaeus om sig sjelf ” [Remarks under
Linne’s own hand], but these were jotted down for a
special purpose. At that time, much importance was
given to the memorial oration after death, and it was
not unusual for the man himself to write and leave
biographies which would spare the speaker special
trouble. This was the case here; Linne had provided
his friends Back and M. Beronius with what he wished
them to say. How could he be expected not to give
a short summary of what had been expressed in many
writings on the most varied occasions; if he had
omitted, denied or lessened these praises, would not
that have been transparent hypocrisy ?
Another accusation was of avarice ; but nothing can
be less admitted than that. Considering his generous
goodwill to pupils, studious fellow-countrymen, and
other needy people, the support that he gave to
scientific travels, and the purchase of costly books, it
is clear that he thought too little of his own advantage
or his family requirements. How such an opinion
could arise was due to the peculiarity of his fondness
for ducats, especially Dutch. When he received any,
he hid them carefully in the drawers of his writing-
table. “ This was only a freak of his,” relates his pupil
Hedin; whilst Back declares, “ The noblest of metals
gladdened his eyes, and why should he not collect them,
as naturally as other things ? ”

In another aspect he was more greedy than his

pupils wished, and that was regarding the plants in the
garden; but that was due to the large number of his
pupils. If he had permitted every one to make a
herbarium of the plants there flowering, the garden
would have been stripped, to the injury of himself and
the institution. He was greedy in adding to his
collection, and thankfully received any contribution to
it. He considered that he had a right to receive the
plants collected by his pupils, at home or abroad, and
valued them highly; if he missed such confidence he
could not conceal his displeasure.
Without doubt the most noteworthy trait of Linne’s
character was his ardent piety. He rarely missed
attending church on Sundays and holy days, and on
those mornings his daughters or granddaughter would
come into his room, and sing “ Papa’s Song,” probably
of his own composition. This gives a clear impres¬
sion of the rules of life which he set before himself, and
carefully followed. Amongst his memoranda, never
meant to be read by any but his children, he, in his
simple, childlike piety, gave expression to his feelings
of humility, respect and thankfulness to Him, who had
so wonderfully and happily directed his way unto his
old age. Thus he wrote:

“ God has conducted him with his own Almighty

has let him grow up from a trunk without
root, planted him in a distant, splendid spot,
let him grow to a considerable tree;
has given him so ardent a mind for science,
that it became the most desirable aim in
ordained that all suitable means should be
available in his time, to aid his progress;
so directed him that his failure to win what
he wanted became his greatest advantage;
caused him to be taken up by patrons of
Science, even by the highest in the King’s
God gave him the best and most honourable
duty; precisely what he most desired in the
gave him the wife he most desired, who kept
house while he worked;
gave him children, who were good and
gave him a son as successor;
provided him with the greatest herbarium in
the world, his greatest delight;
bestowed goods and other possessions, so
that there was nothing superfluous, nothing
honoured him with a title of honour
(Archiater), Star (Knight), Shield (Noble¬
man), name in the learned world;
preserved him from fire;
preserved his life beyond sixty years;
let him gaze in His secret Council Chamber;
let him see more of His created world than
any mortal before him;
bestowed upon him the greatest insight into
the knowledge of Nature, more than anyone
had hitherto enjoyed.
“ The Lord has been with him whithersoever he
went, and cut off all his enemies and has made him
a great name, such as the greatest on earth.
—2 Sam. vii. 9.”

Thus clearly does his view appear in his “ Nemesis

divina,” that God punishes transgression. A bad
action must bear bad fruit, and punishment follows,
often in the most striking manner. He did not leave
an ordered account of this doctrine, but collected
certain facts, which he considered supported his views,
and as he expressly said, to warn his son against the
sins which Nemesis would specially avenge. He
often adverted to this in his lectures and writings, such
as the preface to the later editions of his “ Systema
Naturae.” Though these accounts were not published
in his lifetime, they have been printed twice in recent
This sincere piety of Linne did not impel him to a
slavish assertion of everything which the orthodox
divines of his time regarded as indisputable articles of
faith. It is true that he, like most naturalists of the
day, looked upon the Bible as the main source of
information, even in natural science questions, but he
sometimes allowed himself to interpret passages in his
own way, although they were not in accordance with
the church’s doctrine. Thus, he doubted the existence
of a universal flood, or that only six thousand years
have passed since the creation of the world, also that
the elements existed before the Mosaic account
narrated their creation. Though he did not print
these views, they could not remain unknown, and
many priests and laymen thought him a secret atheist,
or at least heretical in some degree.
Before closing this account of Linne’s personality,
his political interests and views may be mentioned.
Of the two political parties, he sympathized most with
the “ Hats,” but regretted the persecution which pre¬
vailed. Only once did he awake from his political
apathy, and that was when the revolution under
Gustaf III. caused high hopes for the prosperity of
the country. He called his pupils together, and after
delivering an oration, all sang “Jubilaeum” on the
occasion, Linne joining in most lustily.
In 1743, Linne removed to the dwelling-house
erected in the botanic garden, and he felt himself then
more than happy. In one of his autobiographies he
wrote: “ Now had Linne honour, the office he was born
for, sufficient money, partly from his marriage, a dear
wife, pretty children, and an honoured name, he lived
in a palace built by him close to the University, and
he completed the garden. What more can a man
desire who has all he wants, though it is impossible
for it to continue. So many stones, which are in his
collection, so many plants in his herbarium and garden,
so many insects which he collected and set on pins,
so many fishes which he had glued on paper like
plants, all besides his own library, were his pastime.”
A description of the house may be given; on the
walls were hung the portraits of the two Rudbecks,
so lifelike, that they could not be excelled, two worthy
predecessors, beside drawings of the greatest botanists,
Tournefort, Ray, Morison, Rivinus, Vaillant, Boer-
haave, Burman, Plukenet, Breynius, Columella,
Jungermann, Koenig, Simon Paulli, Camerarius,
Tilli, C. Bauhin, Sloane. It is known that at first the
family had the ground floor, and part of the first floor,
the other rooms being used as a museum, and for
private lectures. In the corner room towards the
garden, he had his library where he worked, and where
he could also keep a watchful eye on the workmen and
the visitors in the garden. As the family increased,
and more room was wanted, the museum was moved
to the orangery, even the mineral collection finding
its place there. This was done by leave of the Con¬
sistory, who stipulated that it should not be mixed with
the University collection.
As to the arrangements in the house, Linne did
not trouble himself, his time not permitting any inter¬
ference ; therefore he regarded it as God’s gracious gift
that he had a wife who kept house while he worked.
In the course of years she altered considerably, both
in appearance and disposition. The smart lively
young wife became a big, corpulent, rough matron,
with coarse features. During her early years in
Uppsala, she seems to have devoted herself to enjoy¬
ment, had dances in her house and, above all, was
addicted to card-playing. When Linne was absent
in Stockholm, nearly every evening there was a card-
party, including the wife of Professor Klingenstierna
and Magister Berge Frondin, when the play became
so jolly and free that Linne, who did not entirely lack
suspicion, evinced a certain degree of jealousy. That
this feeling was not justified and soon passed away, is
shown by a friendly letter to the suspected young man,
who continued to be a frequent guest in his house.
As years passed on, Madame Sara Lisa became
an altogether prosaic, but able house-mother. The
education which she received in her parents’ house was
without doubt scanty; and though at this time all
ladies’ letters, even in the highest circles, showed little
ability in the use of their mother tongue, Linne’s wife
displayed her entire ignorance of spelling and syntax
of Swedish usage. Hence arose dislike for more
intellectual employments and a liking for dissipation.
It was truly a sacrifice when she, on Linne’s earnest
invitation to Back to pay them a visit at Uppsala,
promised her husband she would refrain from all
pursuits during the visit likely to displease him. Card¬
playing was excepted, but afterwards, when Back
returned an evasive answer, she declared herself ready
to give up even cards, “ if only my Brother will come.”
Even if she could not, nor even tried in the
slightest degree to interest herself in her husband’s
views and occupations, she was an industrious, strong,
able and domineering house-mother, and a useful
manager when the increasing family demanded more
outlay and expense. In the house there was shown a
liberal hospitality, especially during the two great
events in academic life, at each promotion (granting
degrees), the house being crowded with guests, who
did not make short visits, but stayed for many days.
The food was certainly simple, but it was good and
abundant, both for the family and the servants.
Furniture, as the years progressed, became handsomer,
and to judge from what has come down to the present
day, the Linnean household bore the stamp of elegance
and comfort, though in some degree it was simple and
unpretentious. Clothes for everyday use were plain
^enough, but the girls also had silk dresses, silk stock-
ings and pointed shoes, which could compete with
present-day fashions. On special occasions, such as
royal visits, artificial and high erection of hair-dressing
was adopted, which could not be completed in one
day. Tradition has it that two of the daughters had
to spend a night in chairs, lest the master-work of the
hair-dresser should be spoiled.
Add to this, that during the last twenty years of
Linne’s life, the housekeeping cares were doubled by
the increase of family, both in the town and in the
country, in the latter place being joined to extensive
farming, with whose prosecution Linne did not con¬
cern himself, so that this demanded a thrifty house¬
mother’s thoughts and untiring care. In this respect
Sara Lisa deserved all honour, and her merits being
known and recognized, the Consistory invited State
Councillor Petraeus, who had presented to them a
valuable shell cabinet, to dinner, it was the wife of
Linne who was commissioned to undertake this.
Among the academic accounts there was an item for
this dinner of 77 dalers in copper [38s.].
In her house order reigned everywhere. Careless¬
ness and bad housekeeping not being tolerated, nothing
which could be turned to use was wasted. At four in
the morning the spinning-wheel began to hum, one of
the daughters being always engaged upon it. A
family tradition is preserved, that when at work on
her dowry, the eldest daughter shortly before her
wedding, oversleeping herself one morning, she
received a box on the ear from her mother as a reminder
of her unbecoming behaviour. Similar strict discipline
was maintained with the servants, who, when the old
woman was confined to her bed by some illness due to
her years, were obliged to come into her chamber to
spin under her supervision; those who, during the
winter, spun the most, received the best present from
their mistress. No carelessness was permitted in
spinning, and so long as she was able, she examined
carefully every piece. She had great pride, as the
times required, in an ample linen closet, full of home¬
made linen.
This unresting occupation in housekeeping with
the oversight of many servants, caused a certain rough¬
ness of speech and moroseness, Fabricius mentioning
that she “ often drove pleasure from our society.”
This must not be ascribed to want of good feeling, but
rather to a certain unpolished straightforwardness of
character. Thus, when Gustaf III. on the 12th
August, 1775, visited Linne in Uppsala, and his escort
remained mounted on their horses in pouring rain by
the yard, she thought it ought not to be, and when
the King, after a time, asked her if she had any wish
which he could fulfil, answered straight out, that she
wished that His Majesty would allow his people to
dismount, dry their clothes, and take some refreshment.
The King knit his brows at the unexpected reply, but
the result was that the fellows, to their great delight,
emptied the water out of their boots, and before a big
kitchen fire dried their soaked garments and enjoyed
a hearty meal with beer. Among her descendants the
idea prevailed that “ the old woman Linne ” was some¬
what rough and overpowering in her manner, but was
good and friendly at bottom.
It is not to be supposed that dissensions and
misunderstandings between husband and wife never
occurred; they did sometimes happen, as was natural,
for each of them was hasty and easily provoked.
From this, other folk surmised that Linne “ stood
under the slipper,” i.e., petticoat government, and
that his home was not entirely happy. As has before
been mentioned, Linne let his wife direct household
matters as she wished, and if he was comfortable he
never complained. He had so little interest in
household affairs, that he did not know his own
people, and once asked a man-servant “ Who are
you?” Once when Professor Melanderhielm came
before his time to a party, he and Linne engaged in
a lively discussion, quite forgetting the occasion, and
drew various figures with charcoal on the clean floor,
which was more than the hostess’s patience could
stand, outraging her sense of orderliness. When
sometimes the wife let fall some hasty words, saying
that it was the money she brought into the home, and
therefore she had a right to be the determining party,
it was only a passing cloud over their usually sunny
married life. If Linne had felt himself oppressed or
unhappy at home he surely would not have had that
glad and free humour nor the indomitable love of
work, which he retained to his old age. It is known
that he sometimes wished to surprise his wife with
something pleasant. Thus, when she once uttered
a wish to have a little silk for a pinafore, he went out
unknown to her, and came back with a whole piece.
What she said is not known, but with part of it she
made a cape, which is still extant.
How warmly Linne was attached to her was
shown during a severe illness; on Christmas Eve of
1754 she sickened with the malignant epidemic fever,
and then followed more than a month, which was the
severest trial he had ever had. The whole house was
in confusion, the children complaining and crying, and
he himself sat by her bedside weakened by disquiet,
sorrow and want of sleep. It was not till the 26th
day that she showed signs of improvement, but a
relapse soon followed. At last on the 31st January he
was able to tell Back, that he was now like a prisoner
liberated from prison, as his little wife was gradually
With his children Linne was a too indulgent
father, the elder son especially being spoiled by him
for life. He said his principle was to hold a tight
hand over a young man, and encourage him to fare
hardly, thus making a man of him, but he did not act
so with his own son. This is shown by his appoint¬
ment while quite young as Demonstrator and Pro¬
fessor, partly because he did not oppose it nor show
other wishes for a profession. He was certainly not
chosen on the ground of special fitness, but for his
position as his father's son. It must be specially
borne in mind, that without having undergone any
examination or ever disputed, by the Crown Prince
Gustaf's order he was promoted honorary doctor in
the medical faculty. In 1765, when he was only
twenty-four years of age, this brought him into an
awkward position with his equals in age, who felt a
certain ill-will towards him, nicknaming him “ the
young Dauphin.”
Still more unfortunate was the effect on the young
man himself of these lightly won advancements.
Although he did not lack a good disposition and
possessed an uncommonly fine memory, he found it
difficult to apply himself to serious work. For a short
time he would do well, and seriously attack scientific
problems, but his ardour soon slackened. His pre¬
possessing appearance and polite manners made him
welcome in society, and it was difficult to drag him
from it. In the letter of a contemporary it is written:
“ The young gentleman enjoys himself every day,
enquiring less after Flora than after the Nymphs; he
has a proud gait, dresses and powders in the fashion,
and is a constant visitor where handsome ladies are.”
That his father did not shut his eyes to this, and still
less his mother, is well known. Probably they hoped
that a change would take place if he married well.
The young elegant's pretensions in this respect were
meanwhile not easy to satisfy; “ difficulties,'' he
said, “ arise in securing a girl who has money, and is
at the same time beautiful and amiable; I have not
found these qualities in one person : I was near it
with Archbishop Troil’s daughter, who is a beauty,
and we became fast friends, but her father’s sudden
death showed that there was not much to divide
among ten children and a stepmother.” Accordingly
his father dissuaded him from this marriage, and
suggested another lady, S. Asp, who was rich and
pretty, but had not had smallpox, so he could not be
certain of her future looks. Still another lady was
suggested, but she was disfigured with pock-marks,
the result being that he never found his ideal, and
remained unmarried.
Linne’s other son, Johan, born in 1754, only lived
three years, and a daughter, Sara Lina, lived but a
fortnight after her birth.
The four daughters who grew up were described
by Fabricius as being “ all quick, but raw children of
Nature, without those fine manners with which their
bringing up should have provided them.” How far
this is true cannot be determined, but it may be taken
that the children’s training could only be faulty, as the
mother herself was rough and uneducated, so naturally
she could not direct her children wisely. Oppor¬
tunities of acquiring book learning and society’s polite
ways were few in so small a town, consequently
Linne’s wish was that they should grow up hearty,
strong housekeepers, and not as fashionable dolls.
So when poor students, as often happened, were
invited to dinner in the Linnean home, it was with the
distinct proviso that they should not lend the girls
any books by which they might learn French or any
other useless accomplishments. This went so far,
that Linne himself prevented his wife when she did
her best to provide more tuition for the young girls.
It is said that once when he was in Stockholm, the
mother placed the youngest, Sophia, in a school, but
when the father came home and missed his favourite
he betook himself at once to the school, and begged
the teacher to grant an hour’s leave. This could not
be denied to the Archiater and Knight, and he thus
enjoyed the society of his girl. The same thing
happening the next day, it was repeated day after
Towards his daughters he was very tender, almost
too weak, allowing them to do whatever they liked.
Great was his trouble when Sara Christina, aged three,
was so ill that one day they despaired of life. Two

days after, however, he wrote to Back “ I have received

my daughter up out of the grave, when both feet were
in it, up to the knees. She is now out of all danger
with this remittent fever/’ Thus he retained his
beloved child, who in her liveliness and gaiety,
excelled all of her own age.
But the especial favourite seems to have been the
youngest, Sophia, possibly from the time of her birth.
In 1757 he wrote to Back, “ On Tuesday evening my
wife was delivered of a daughter after severe labour.
The girl was apparently stillborn, but we used
artificial respiration and after a quarter of an hour she
showed signs of life, and is now tolerably well. My
wife is still weak. God help her/’
Sophia became his special darling. When she
grew older, he often took her to his lectures, where
she remained all the time between his knees; some¬
times her head, neck, and arms being bare, that she
should not catch cold he tied his handkerchief round
her neck. She was also protected by him from the
mother’s roughness. Once when going upstairs with
a pile of crockery she chanced to fall down and break
all the pieces. In her distress she ran to her father,
who bade her not to be sorry at the accident, himself
going out and buying new porcelain. It can easily be
imagined that Madame Linne opened her eyes at
dinner time, and suspected that Sophia had “ done it
again,” but was assured that the old porcelain was so
ugly, he had broken it and bought more in its place.
His eldest daughter, Elizabeth Christina, was
married on the 24th June, 1764, to Carl Fr. Bergen-
crantz, a lieutenant in the Upland Regiment. The
marriage was unfortunate, owing to the brutality and
laxity of her husband, so the wife escaped to her
parents with her little girl. As Linne’s daughters
were now grown up, the granddaughter, as the
smallest, became the object of Linne’s special regard.
Other relations visited Uppsala, as for instance
Samuel Linnaeus in 1741, and later, his very poor

and sickly nephew S. N. Hook, who was often at

Hammarby, dying there in 1773, as the result of
drinking ice-cold table beer when heated by dancing.
Linne also kept up a correspondence with his brother
and sisters in Smaland, as well as with his mother-in-
law at Falun. The long visits which he made with
his family at Christmas in 1743, 1752 and 1755 to
Falun, and his mother-in-law’s journeys to Uppsala,
show the affectionate relations between them.
Mention should be made of the animals he had at
various times, such as the monkey “ Grinn ” which
was a present from the Queen, and a weasel, provided
with a bell for its neck, which had its lair among the
rocks at Hammarby, and hunted the rats; he even
kept crickets in the bake-house, which sang him to
sleep at night, to the no small disgust of his wife, who
could not make out whence they came, and spared no
trouble to try and banish them.
His dogs were special favourites, especially a big
one named “ Pompey,” who was so attached to him
as to follow him everywhere, even to church. When
Linne was living at Hammarby, he went to Danmark
church on Sundays, when he used to stop and rest
a while on a certain big stone, to smoke a pipe, which
on resuming his walk he hid under a bush, to take up
again on the way home. Linne stayed in church
about an hour, but when he thought the sermon was
too long, he went out, followed by his dog. This
became so constant a habit of his, that the dog would
go alone the same way, stop by the same stone, go
into church, and then seat himself quietly on the
Hammarby bench; this when Linne from some cause
was prevented from going himself. The parson
noticed this, and when he complained to Linne, he
was answered jokingly, that he could see that his
sermons were altogether too long, when even a dumb
animal went out.
Linne’s economic position must now be mentioned.
A certain pecuniary advantage followed his removal
from Stockholm to Uppsala, though on the other hand,
he lost his position at the Admiralty, and his medical
practice. The professorial salary was not available,
as though his predecessor had resigned, he had
retained the entire proceeds, which Linne would only
have after Roberg’s death. Until this took place, he
had only a ioo ducats or 600 dalers in copper [^15]
from the Mining College.
It was, however, not long before Roberg died, on
the 21 st May, 1742. Thereupon Linne informed the
Consistory that the Mining College had intimated that
as soon as he was in receipt of the professorial salary,
their contribution would cease. The accounts of the
University show that at all events during part of 1743,
the Professor’s salary was paid to Linne. This was
made up of the first sum of 700 silver dalers,
the value of the Prebendal farm of Torneby in
Vaksala, reckoned at 53 dalers 20 ore, partly from the
Royal bounty of 50, afterwards 100 barrels of grain,
for which the Consistory each year fixed the money
equivalent. Of this account the salary during various
years differed considerably, the most being in 1773,
2,903 [^217 ns. 6d.], the lowest in 1751, 1,053 [^79].
The average for 1745-75 was 1,780 dalers \_£ 133 10s.],
small additions being received from the minor offices
he held, such as Inspector of Stipends, 33 dalers
[£2 gs. 6d.], and as a member of the Inspection
of Monies, now the Finance Board, 75 dalers
[^*5 12 s. 6d.]. Finally a part of income was
receivable in kind, being official sales from the
hop-garden, and rent-free house.
Additions to these lawfully determined amounts
were receivable from examination fees in the medical
faculty, also the fees as the promotor of the doctorate
in medicine. Each one promoted was liable to pay
down 600 dalers in copper [^15], and the surplus,
after certain expenses were met, was the promoter’s,
later on to be divided between the professors of that
To these academic sources of income must be
added the sums received for private and “ most
private 55 coaching lectures, from the office of President
at disputations, which amounted to a fair sum,
according to the ideas of the time. Linne’s active
authorship contributed also a not inconsiderable total.
After his father-in-law’s death, a goodly amount came
to his wife, although the bulk was bequeathed to his
mother-in-law, which afterwards came to the Linnean
household. Consequently the Professor’s income,
especially during the last two decades, was decidedly
comfortable, whilst the amount of the savings effected
by his wife increased.
A further increment came from investments; thus
in 1746 Linne paid 6,000 copper dalers [£150],
(probably the bequest from his father-in-law) to Nils
Kyronius for certain fields outside Svartbackstullen,
which he, or rather his wife, made use of for her
farming, and several such transactions are on record.
Far more important was the purchase made in
1758, “ of a little residence near Uppsala for 40,000
dalers [£3,000] with five farms and a village costing
40,000 more; 200 barrels of grain was the produce of
the farms, “ but four men in war time will suffice
for their cultivation.” Both estates, Hammarby and
Safja, were in the parish of Danmark near Uppsala.
In March, 1759, he acquired by purchase from
Professor John Ihre, the neighbouring estate of
Edeby. In consequence of these transactions, he
had to borrow in 1759, 40,000 copper dalers [,£1,000]
of the Consistory with his chair and the rents for
The purchase of these landed estates was advan¬
tageous as producing even now a larger income than
before, but it was mainly due to his declining health,
and his wish to provide a certain sum for his wife and
children, if he should soon be called away. In letters
to his friends he bewailed the small income, and
added: “ It was an unlucky hour when I obtained the

professorate; if I had kept to the golden practice, I

should have well provided for my family.”
It was under these circumstances that in 1761 he
gladly received a letter from Colonel Baron C. Funck,
President of the State Committee on Economy and
Commerce, in which he was informed that the pearl
fisheries of the kingdom were under consideration.
In his reply Linne stated that he had heard of people
who made gold, but had never heard of any who were
able to make pearls, but he knew the art, and could
readily impart the simple procedure. He had busied
himself with the problem since his visit to Purkijaur
during his Lapland journey, though he had no
opportunity of experimenting with the true pearl
mussels, only using lake mussels, but even with these,
he had produced beautiful pearls. In 1748 he had
communicated with Haller and Harleman, but the
latter had cooled his ardour by saying he must not
expect help from any future government in the
production of pearls, for as soon as the secret art
became known, as no reliance could be placed on the
officials, they would fall in value.
The Committee before mentioned not taking the
same view, called Linne to a meeting in the following
July, when under promise of secrecy, he described
his procedure. It was to bore a small hole in the
shell, and introduce a small round object of plaster of
Paris or uncalcined limestone, attached to a silver
wire and then fastened to the shell. Round the intro¬
duced body the pearl substance was deposited, and
after five or six years, one had true pearls as large as
peas. Finally he showed five mussel shells thus
treated, and also nine pearls thus produced. These
had been tested by a jeweller who found them to be
quite beautiful, and of especial quality. The Com¬
mittee reported, and recommended a national reward
to Linne of 12,000 dalers in silver [^900]. A
sympathetic reception was accorded to this report,
less with regard to the economic gain, than for the
value as a natural history fact, deserving of honour
and national reward. The Committee determined to
find out how the money could be raised, but wrote
down the reward to one half [^450].
One person who played a not unimportant part
in these negotiations, though he was not on the
Committee, was Linne’s old friend, Bishop Mennander,
who put forward the catalogue of Linne’s merits, and
did his best to advance the project. But Linne’s
concern was not for himself but for his son’s future,
hoping he might obtain the chair in the University
after his own death, and urging that nobody but his
son could in future better take care of the botanic
garden, now in such condition, that it could be
valued at a “barrel of gold” [,£1,400]. Mennander
then told him in confidence that a reward was being
discussed. Meanwhile negotiations were opened with
a member of the Pearl Committee, P. Bagge, a
merchant at Gothenburg, with a view to his advancing
the said sum, promising that he should enjoy the
monopoly of artificially made pearls, except with the
obligation of sharing half of the proceeds with the
The next day Mennander related to Linne how
matters stood, the latter being delighted. “ If I
should get that, there would be nobody happier than I;
free from all debt, my children well to do, what can
mortal man wish for more?” The proposal passed
three of the Estates, but the House of Nobles post¬
poned it to see if the manufacture actually took place.
Confirmed by the King, however, a national reward
was made to Linne, which had not cost the Committee
a farthing!
The right to nominate his successor in the botanic
garden which Linne had gained, he used at the close
of 1762. He wrote privately to the Chancellor,
Hopken, “ that he felt a desire for rest after his heavy
academic difficulties.” The Chancellor agreed that
the request was reasonable, but put two considerations

before him: (i) that Linne during his period of rest,

should work for science and the national credit, and
(2) he should during his lifetime see that his successor
did not depart from the methods introduced by Linne,
and upon which he built, so that science should not
suffer loss for several generations. In a later letter,
he added, that if Linne continued his tasks, he advised
that the Archiater should not stay his important
instruction, for the times were troublesome, and
conspiracies and intrigues everywhere. This advice
Linne hastened to follow and informed the Chancellor
in an official memorial, that as he had regarded science
more than his life, he had worn out his body, shortened
his days, and brought on too soon the infirmity of old
age. On account of this, he begged that his son,
Demonstrator Carl von Linne, whom he had reared
from childhood as his successor, though with the
proviso that so long as his own powers lasted for
academic affairs, he should continue his professorial
labours, to give his son time to improve himself in his
duties, to travel, and work under his own supervision,
and he hoped that the science which he had worked
so hard for, should also, in his time, attain widespread
prominence. This letter was submitted to the King
by the Chancellor, the Royal intimation expressing a
hope that the Archiater would continue his duties for
a time, but as he could not escape the application, the
appointment of the younger Linne as professor was
This appointment, whereby a young man, who had
only just completed his twenty-second year, and who
had not undergone any academic examination, was
made professor, could not fail to rouse in high
measure both remark and disapprobation, especially
among Linne’s pupils. Complaints were therefore
made, and with some reason. But it must not be
forgotten that Linne for his method of producing
pearls had never enjoyed both pecuniary reward and
the right to name his successor, but declared himself
that the plan of his son succeeding him might be
surrendered. The complaint should therefore rather
be directed against the Secret Committee, and the
Estates. Further, it may be noted that a similar
right, without observing the legal forms for the creation
of professor at that time had been granted to others,
as to Rosen von Rosenstein, and Stromer, whose
merits were less than those of Linne. Consequently,
it was excusable that Linne, in his paternal love,
thought that his precious botanic garden would be
prosperous, if its maintenance were once given to his
son, who had better opportunity than anyone else of
developing into an eminent botanist. “ If I live three
years longer,” he wrote to Mennander in 1761, “I am
sure that nobody in Europe will discharge his duties
better than my son.” When it came to a decision, he
may have had some doubts, as he wrote to his pupil
Solander, then living in London, inviting him to be
his successor. The latter in July, 1762, answered that
he would be back in Sweden in October; he did not
come, however, writing in November that the author¬
ities in London had promised him a salary in the
British Museum, so Linne reverted to his original plan
for his son, for whom he promised he would be
Thus no change took place in the title of the
younger Linne in his professorship. His salary
remained that of a Demonstrator, for the father was
assured that whether he resigned or not, his salary,
with its accustomed privileges, would be continued.
Of the permanent release from duty which was open
to him, he never availed himself, except when ill, or
on some other piece of work. For more than ten
years he continued with increased, rather than
diminished, fervour to devote himself to all of a
professor’s labours. Few of his pupils would have
been willing to accept the position, with the title, but
without salary, and without prospect of improvement.
When the younger Linne was thirty-six, he first

received from the King formal permission to discharge

the office to which he had been appointed fourteen
years before, and it was two years before he received
the appropriate salary.
Of the various estates he possessed, Hammarby
pleased Linne the most, and it was there that he
preferred to live. The former possessor inhabited a
little wooden house of one story, and here Linne lived
with his family until, in 1762, he built the larger
central dwelling, simply but comfortably furnished.
The best rooms being on the first floor, he used them,
for there was the drawing-room, with paintings of
plants from the tropics on the walls, his bedroom being
adorned in the same fashion. Above the door of his
bedroom was inscribed “ Innocue vivito, Numen
adest! ” On a big boulder behind the house, he had
engraved in runic letters, “ Riddar Karl Linn6 kopte
Hammarby-Safja 1758 55 [The Knight Carl Linne
bought Hammarby and Safja in 1758].
Thus Linne obtained a convenient and quiet
home in the country to which he could go during the
holidays, away from the unhealthy part of Uppsala
where his official house was situated, and where
epidemics, such as the so-called Uppsala fever, often
raged. No further building was intended, before an
extensive fire in 1766 in Uppsala threatened to des¬
troy his house. In haste his collections and books
were taken out and stored in a barn outside the town.
Writing to Back, he said, “ Our Lord was gracious
and preserved me this time. Actually one-third of
the town was burnt down. I removed all my pos¬
sessions to a barn outside the town and then to the
country, where they now lie in the utmost confusion/'
Fear for a similar fate caused him in 1768 to build a
museum on an eminence on his property, having the
most splendid view. Here he had his herbarium,
zoophytes, shells, insects and minerals, and thither all
curious people came to see them. This “ little back¬
room/’ “ pleasure house on my hill,” “ my castle
which I built in the air,” as he called it in varying
phrases, had truly, according to our present-day ideas,
almost laughably small dimensions; but was never¬
theless his delight and pride. Among the visitors
was Lord Baltimore, who came in a great carriage he
had brought from England and for which, in order
to get to Hammarby in it, all the gate-posts in the
byways had to be removed. Another tale is that
Linne, asking why he had not stopped in Stockholm
to see the King, he was answered, that he did not care
to see him, as he had never even seen his own King
[George III.] The size of the museum is given as
a square, 478 m. [15 ft. 8 in.] and 275 m. high [9 ft.
1 in.] having three windows, but no fireplace for fear
of fire. This produced its own dangers, as will be
shown hereafter. Here he worked in summer and
held his private lectures, unless the beauty of the
weather induced him to move the lecture-chair out¬
side. His pupils sat on benches (yet preserved),
unless they preferred to throw themselves down upon
the grass, or on the rocks around.
During Linne’s possession, the estate naturally
underwent a complete change. There was an old
garden, but this, through neglect, became overgrown
and tangled, so in this wild forest grove he planted
rare plants without special order. This grove, or as
the grandchildren called it, mother’s father’s bower,
was a square place surrounded by trees, not far
from Hammarby, towards the near-lying Hubby
driving road to the left, as one comes from Ham¬
marby. Here in summer time was placed the dinner
table, when the weather permitted; here Linne sat and
smoked his pipe, and listened, when the wind stirred,
to the music of the glass bells hung upon the branches
of the trees. How dear this place was to him appears
from the following direction to his wife on a paper
left behind him : “ Keep my grove which I planted
during your time, and if a tree dies, plant another in
its place.”
In another contrivance, meant exclusively for
scientific purposes, one may yet see traces on the slope
consisting of rocky ground and open towards the
south-west below the museum, he naming it “ Siberia.”
Here he planted preferably plants from Russia, seeds
being sent to him by the Czarina. In May, eyen yet,
it is glorious from the yellow flowered Corydalis
nobilis. Linne became more and more attached to
the place, and the quiet countryside, and he hastened
“ to my rusticity ” as he called it, as soon as the holi¬
days began, using it even in winter, though the
temperature of the unheated museum did not allow
him to stay long among his collections and books.
Not less did his daughters enjoy the fresh life in free
nature, in the cherry and plum orchards, where each
of them had her own trees. Here particular friends
were often invited, and there too the silver wedding
of the parents was celebrated on the 9th July, 1764.
After Linne’s death, Hammarby belonged to his
widow who lived there till her own death in 1806. It
passed then to the youngest daughter, Sophia, and
her husband, Proctor Chr. Duse, then to their
daughter, Johanna Elizabeth Sophia, married to Chief
Director F. M. Ridderbjelke, and next to their son,
Master of the Chase, Carl Ridderbjelke. In the
Riksdag of 1844, a motion by Baron J. G. von Pay-
kull that the Linnean estate should be acquired by
the State as a memorial to the great naturalist, was
brought forward, but eventually thrown out. The
question was again raised by F. Asker in 1878, which
led to an appeal to the King; later, both Houses
decided without a yote that the whole property should
be bought for 30,000 kronor [about1,656]. The
rest of the property, not then bought, was acquired by
the Uppsala University.
After the purchase was concluded, certain work
had to be carried out, partly to preserve the buildings,
partly for their restoration to their former condition.
This was specially needed as regards the wings; the
western one, mainly built before Linne’s time, had a
stairway at each end, and was then in a most lament¬
able state; in place of the eastern wing, low and
turf-thatched, which was falling, had been erected a
new two-storied house, which had become the prin¬
cipal building on the estate. All this was altered in
consonance with the old drawings and trustworthy
traditions. With regard to planting, an inexorable
rule was made that not a single plant should be
allowed which was not cultivated at Hammarby or in
the Uppsala garden in Linne’s time. It was seen
that many of the tall grown elms, ash trees, and
maples round the buildings, must be thinned, as they
had in later times grown up where formerly fruit trees
had flourished.
This description gives a very good representation
of how the place looked in Linne’s time. In front of
the main building were two horse chestnuts (the last
one being blown down in 1907) under which he used
to smoke his evening pipe, and there was also a
Siberian crab, crooked with age. On the gable of the
western wing was the “ porridge ” bell, which used
in his time to summon the labourers to their meals,
and round about is a luxuriant carpet of Aquilegia,
Myrrhis, Mercunalis perennis, Tulipa silvestris,
Lilium Martagon, Epimedium alpinum, Crepis
sibirica, Asarum europceum, Corydalis nobilis, Cam¬
panula latifolia, Galanthus nivalis, Leucoium vernum,
and other plants, persisting from his time. On enter¬
ing the main building there are to be seen articles of
furniture, portraits, and other objects, which once
belonged to him. In the dining-room there is still
to be seen an unwieldy dinner table, a simple yellow-
painted cupboard, and the same clock that Linne
used still records the passage of time. In a room
on the first floor, is a bed with bedclothes, on which
he died. There is kept his big peculiar inkpot, his
everyday and Sunday sticks, his leather-covered
favourite chair, his bed with hangings of Chinese
stuff, pieces of Chinese porcelain with trails of
Linncza, his doctor’s hat and red velvet skull-cap, and
much besides. Turning into the narrow path which
threads among the boulders to the museum, rosettes
of Sempervwum globiferum on the mossy stones are
found, with scions of a Finland beam-tree, S or bus
fennica, dead fifty years before. On the little
museum building may be seen in the corners of the
walls, inserted porcelain plates on which the Linnean
coat-of-arms are burnt, many of which, some decades
ago, being loosened from the walls and stolen. In¬
side the museum are now only a few empty cupboards,
a low bookcase with volumes from Linne’s library
at the Academy of Science, 260 of which were re¬
turned to Sweden in 1894, from the Linnean Society
of London, as not pertaining to natural history, and
from the roof is suspended a dried fish, Regalecus
glesne, probably sent by Bishop N. C. Friis from
Trondhjem. The whole imparts a feeling of vener¬
ation. One feels treading on classic ground, and can
only with astonishment reflect that from this little
insignificant spot, light was once spread over the
whole field of natural research; that it was hither
from all parts of the world that students came to
hear from the master’s own lips words of wisdom,
to be cherished by them all their lives.



The colossal activity which Linne exerted in various

directions, seems, after the event, to have been due
to an iron constitution, which endowed him with
bodily strength and mental buoyancy. It is un¬
questionable that though on some days he could not
work because of slight ailments from errors in diet,
colds or mental shocks, often causing megrim (which
he called “ my old comrade ”), yet up to his sixtieth
year he could rejoice at having, as a whole, enjoyed
good health. Even during that period, he had to
suffer several severe attacks of illness, as shown by
his letters to Back, whose skill as a physician often
stood him in good stead. Thus in 1746 and 1750 he
was laid aside by angina, which nearly suffocated
him, in the latter year being followed by gout. For
this ailment he found that wild strawberries were
curative, and every year afterwards he ate as many
as his stomach would bear, to his entire relief from
that excruciating disorder. In June, 1751, when in
bed, and refusing relief by the then prevalent bleed¬
ing, he was restored to health by the return of Kalm
from America, bringing with him ample collections.
He rose from his bed, and forgot his troubles. On
another occasion, the prescribed remedies not avail¬
ing, he cured himself with Cinchona bark. In 1752,
he had a chest complaint, and in 1753 in consequence
of constant writing—his “ Species plantarum ”
appearing that year—he suffered from pain in the

right side, but his cure came again from strawberries.

After a few uneventful years as regards illness, he
had symptoms of scurvy in 1756, and gave up coffee
for a whole month. During the following years,
in 1764 he had pleurisy; in 1767, he was yery weak
for six months, an attack of Uppsala fever following.
In 1770, and each year after, he was not without
some sickness. At the beginning of 1772, he in¬
formed Back that his end was approaching, appre¬
hending apoplexy, as his head swam when he bent
forward. Back prescribed special diet, rest from
lecturing, lessened work and bleeding. Linne
promised to follow this advice in part. After some
rest, he declared that giving up lecturing was im¬
possible, as it made him forget things, rendering him
dumb, and had he continued so another term, he
might have forgotten his own name.
In the early part of 1773, Linne suffered from an
angina, and later from sciatica, “ from the hip to the
knee.” May 1774, when he was lecturing in private,
he had what he called his first “ messenger of death,”
a stroke of apoplexy, so that he could not raise
himself from fiis chair, move himself, nor hold up
his head; he gradually improved, though slowly.
Therefore in 1775, he asked for release from lec¬
turing, “ because I, old and tottering, can hardly bear
the autumn cold, and am toothless, so it is hard to
The early months of 1776 showed gradual but
continuous deterioration. “ Linne limps, can hardly
walk, talks confusedly, can scarcely write,” is an
entry from one of his autobiographies. Three pupils
came from Denmark and Hamburg. “ But Linne is
so sick, that he can scarcely speak to them, for he
also has had tertian in addition to his lameness and
weakness.” And with this his notes close.
The increasing weakness of old age and sickness
necessarily prevented him from fulfilling the duties
of his chair; therefore in the spring of 1776, there
was laid before the King a memorial, begging that
his successor should enter upon his duties, but he
wished to continue inspection of the botanic garden,
and so far as his strength permitted, to take part in
the Consistory and the Medical Faculty. To this
appeal was added another request. Through the
death of Rosen von Rosenstein, the position of an
emeritus professor had become vacant. Linne asked
for this position and salary in place of the ordinary
professor’s, and the other emoluments he had hither¬
to enjoyed. He ventured to hope for a gracious
reception of this request, which was not unusual in
other countries, and had been granted to a few
Swedes, among whom might be named N. Rosen von
Rosenstein, “ who, besides his salary as Archiater, was
granted that of an emeritus professor.”
The answer was given in a letter from the King
to the Chancellor, that he was unwilling that so dis¬
tinguished a professor should lay aside any part of
his functions; and he wished that Linne should
receive the vacant position of emeritus professor,
and that the Consistory should consider how far his
income could be increased, without prejudice to the
Linne thus had obtained only part of his request,
but that in so flattering a manner, that he felt himself
obliged to follow His Majesty’s wishes with thank¬
fulness. In a letter to the Chancellor, he therefore
recalled his resignation, and a copy was sent to the
The Consistory at once took steps to augment
Linne’s privileges, and recalling that the University’s
farm “ Hubby ” in the parish of Danmark, was close
to the Archiater’s country seat of Hammarby, thought
it would be a great convenience for him to possess
it. For this reason the Consistory resolved that the
Archiater should have the right of possession, with
the stipulation that the same rent as before should
be paid. Linne accepted the proposal with thanks

(Portrait by A. Rosliu, 1775, from the oil-painting at the Royal Academy

of Science, Stockholm).
for the kindness of the Consistory, and it was
confirmed by the King.
The economic gain which thus accrued to Linne
and his family was of small importance. Only one
and a half year’s doubled salary was received by him
before he died, and as regards the rent from Hubby,
the return cannot be considered much, as it was the
same which was paid by the former tenant. It is
now impossible to determine how much Linne hoped
for when accepting the Consistory’s offer.
His health soon became lamentable. Even in
May his appearance was much altered by his wasting
away, and his powers of thought so weakened that
his last letter to Back, 24th May, 1776, was practically
unintelligible. His memory was so muddled, that
at times he could not remember letters, but when
writing, mingled Latin and Greek characters together.
A short period of improvement followed, and
then he had the pleasure of a visit from the President
of the Academy of Science, J. L. Odhelius, who was
commissioned to acquaint himself as to his condition,
and show him the tenderness which so great a man
deserved. Odhelius found him actually greatly
weakened in health, but not so ill as reported, and
especially in good spirits and livelier than could be
expected; but soon afterwards he had another apo¬
plectic seizure, causing paralysis of the right side,
and such diminished power of speech, that he could
only utter words of one syllable. “ Although,” re¬
lated J. G. Acrel, “ he is now in that condition as
more dead than alive, and can hardly talk, one noticed
a special gladness in his face when he saw any of
his pupils, or when the talk turned on natural
history.” This is confirmed by a letter from A.
Sparrman to Wargentin: “ He ventured to go a few
steps from his chair without help, but with extreme
difficulty. If anyone takes him into the garden, he
is pleased to look at the plants, but cannot recognize
any. He laughs at almost everything, but sometimes
weeps, can speak only three or four words, but listens
to all.” And A. Afzelius adds : “ All his limbs and
organs, the tongue especially, the lower extremities,
and his bladder, were paralyzed. His speech was
unconnected, and sometimes unintelligible. With¬
out the help of others, he cannot stir from the place
where he sits or lies, cannot dress himself, eat, or
carry out the least thing he wishes. Of his organic
life, only his respiration, digestion, and circulation
are yet in tolerably good state. Everything else is
more or less destroyed. He had forgotten his own
name, and mostly seems to be unconscious of both
absence and presence. For a few short periods
here and there, his power of thought returned, as
when he found lying near him some books of botani¬
cal or zoological contents, even his own, of which
he would turn the leaves with evident pleasure, and
let it be understood that he would think himself
happy if he could have been the author of such useful
The summer of 1777, which he spent at Hammarby,
seems to have brought some improvement. He was
carried out every day when the weather permitted,
either in the garden or to his museum, where he would
enjoy himself for hours together with the sight of the
treasures there, to his great satisfaction, and was
carried back again. He came back in the autumn to
Uppsala, with better health, so that he could walk
several steps supported by another person, and smoke
his pipe with enjoyment. By the physician’s orders,
during fine weather, he drove out to obtain fresh air,
but the coachman was strictly forbidden to drive out¬
side the town. Once in December when sleighing, he
ordered the servant to drive him the three miles to
Safja, and the man thought he was bound to obey his
master’s repeated orders. When the accustomed time
of his return home passed, the family became very
uneasy, and sent out messengers in every direction to
seek for him. He was at last found at Safja, where

he had had the little sleigh taken into the kitchen, and
there he lay in front of a blazing fire, quite happy with
his little pipe in his mouth. Here he was ready to
pass the night, and much trouble was experienced in
driving him home safely, as it was already dark, and
a thaw with steady rain had set in. This was the last
time he passed out of the town’s gateways, and very
few times afterwards did he go outside his own house.
Shortly afterwards, his strength visibly waned, and
his pains increased. The only thing which gave him
any relief was beer, which he drank with such pleasure,
that he did not take his mouth from the tankard, so
long as a drop was left. On the 30th December he
had a terrible attack of convulsions, so that each breath
seemed as if it would be his last; but his wasted body
still had so much resistance, that death only came on
the 10th January, 1778, at eight in the morning, and
freed him from his suffering; the actual cause of death
being ulceration of the bladder. At his death-bed were
only the University Proctor his son-in-law elect,
Samuel Duse, betrothed to his youngest daughter
and his English pupil, John Rotheram.
During the last year of Linne’s life, dark shadows
had rested on his home, becoming darker owing
to the circumstances then prevalent. An unhappy
contributory reason, according to many unanimous
reports, was his wife’s frugality, which in later days
degenerated into avarice. She was particularly
blamed, for, without regard to her husband’s grievous
condition, she did not prevent him from giving coach¬
ing lectures, which, however, no one could understand.
In the autumn term of 1776 he attempted to act as
dean and examiner in the medical faculty, etc., and
this only because of the insignificant pecuniary
advantages which could thereby be gained. Confirma¬
tion of this accusation is strengthened by an event
happening at the end of 1776, which arouses in a high
degree both astonishment and compassion. When at
the meeting of the Consistory on the 13th December
of that year, the members of the Inspection of Finance
were to be chosen, the Secretary stated that Linne,
whose turn it was to serve, declared that he was not
willing to decline the trouble. As his broken health
was well known, the Rector and Treasurer were
requested to call upon him to obtain closer knowledge
of his condition.
At the next meeting, 23rd December, the Rector
reported that they had found Linne so feeble, that he
certainly could not fill so responsible an office. Dis¬
cussion ensued as to what should be done, and after
much doubt, the Consistory decided to remit the matter
to the Chancellor for his decision.
Before the Chancellor had this put before him, he
had received a memorial, written by the younger Linne,
but signed by the father, declaring himself ready for
the Finance duties, but if prevented by ill-health from
discharging them, he requested that Professor Berch
might be entrusted with them. No official letter came
from the Chancellor, but a private note was sent to
the Rector, expressing his wish that the matter should
be settled amicably; so Professor Berch was named
with the Archiater to fulfil the duties. This arrange¬
ment also affected the disposal of the fees, which did
not amount to more than 12 riksdalers 24 skillings
[18s. 9d.]. It was no doubt the son who had raised
this question, for his father was now so broken down,
that he could not even intelligibly write a letter to his
best friend, whose name had escaped him. Perhaps it
was also due to the fact, that the Hubby rent came to
Linne and his younger children, excluding his son
and his wife, who bitterly complained of this arrange¬
But this was not the only complaint against her; it
was reported that she did not devote due care and
attention to her invalid husband, who when he tried to
rise from his easy-chair, fell down, and remained lying
on the floor. “ She neglected to assist him, entirely
forgetting that it was he who had given lustre to the
family name. But unquestionably it was also deplor¬
able, that between mother and son should rage an
enmity of such unnatural intensity. This was so
notorious, that the younger naturalists talked about it
in very contemptuous expressions, compassionately
lamenting that “ she should persecute and hate him so
much.” But the son did not escape blame, as he
made use of his father’s feebleness to advance his
own interests, by requesting the King to appoint him
ordinary professor. This being granted, on the 27th
October, 1777, the younger Linne was inducted with
the customary ceremonies. But as this request was
not, as customary, first laid before the Chancellor, it
is not surprising that it aroused his displeasure. Also
in another quarter the son’s intrigues attracted
unpleasant comment among the community, and
especially among the younger naturalists, who regarded
the younger Linne as a “ lazy loon in a superlative
degree,” and by no means worthy to take his father’s
professorial chair. He himself realizing his in¬
capacity, wrote that he “ wished to be separated from
the whole concern.” “ Wretched boy,” and “ He seems
to see that he is out of his depth,” etc., were current
expressions among his detractors. It was hoped that
J. A. Murray would leave Gottingen and become
professor at Uppsala, but his brother had a letter from
him saying that he was not desirous of the change.
Several years before his death, Linne had in writing
arranged about his funeral and the observances.
Shortly after he passed away, the envelope was broken,
and it was found that he had laid down the following
for his wife’s guidance.
1. Put me in the coffin unshaved, unwashed, un¬
clad, enveloped with a sheet; and close the coffin
immediately, so that no one may see my wretchedness.
2. Let the great bell [of the Cathedral] be tolled, but
not in any of the other churches, or the Peasant
Church or Hospital, but do so in Danmark’s Church.
3. Let a thanksgiving be held both in the Cathedral

and Danmark’s Church to God, who granted me so

many years and blessings. 4. Let my countrymen
carry me to the grave, and give them each a little
medal, one of those with my portrait. 5. Entertain
nobody at my funeral.” In the summer of 1775» he
had a big elm at Hammarby felled, with the remark
that his coffin should be made of it. These instructions
were carried out except number 5. His widow, against
his wishes, provided on the day after the funeral,
January 23rd, an ample dinner.
An account of the funeral itself on the 22nd
January, in the Cathedral, is given by two who were
present. A. Afzelius relates, “ It was a dark and
still evening, the darkness only dispersed by the
torches and lanterns carried by the mourners, the slow
progression of the procession whose silence was only
disturbed by the murmur of the multitude of people
assembled in the streets and the great bell’s majestic
heavy tolling, were the only sounds to be heard. This
great bell, annoying to Linne in his lifetime, now for
the first time was heard only as an unusual and
impressive accompaniment in the procession to the
grave of a distinguished man, forming an example for
future important funerals. The entire University and
a great company were in the procession, many doctors
of medicine (all former pupils of Linne) bearing the
dust of the great man.” This may be completed by
the following extract from a letter by J. ITallenberg to
C. G. Gjorwell: “ Archiater Linne’s burial taking
place about six o’clock in the evening, was lit up on the
way to the church by lanterns, accompanying twenty-
one carriages, and in the church by candles, with which
all the candelabra were filled; besides these and the
organ there was no other preparation in the church. I
never saw so many people in the building as on this
occasion. Dean Hydren buried the late professor,
and that in so striking a manner, that everyone
wondered at his ability in so old a man; he then being
eighty-three years of age. The Chancellor’s Secretary,

Wallenstrale, carried the Order [of the Polar Star].

In the absence of other relatives besides the son, his
countryman, Professor Floderus, Adjunct Hageman
and I were the mourners, Professors Melander and
Sidren being staff-bearers. About twenty people of
the procession remained to supper, and the day
following, the whole Smaland Nation was invited to
dinner.” The coffin was put down in the walled-in
grave, at the north side under the organ loft, between
the first and second pillars behind the women’s
benches, which grave Linne had so far back as 1745
bought of Councillor Nils Kyronius for 100 copper
dalers \_£2 10s.]; the grave was at once closed down.
After the son’s death in 1783, the widow had an inscrip¬
tion made, stating that Carl von Linne, father and son
and herself here had their resting place. Linne had
ordered that close to his grave, a bronze medallion
from his museum should be placed, with “ Princeps
Botanicorum,” and dates of birth and death. It
seems to have been taken away at the time when the
memorial of Alfdal porphyry, with a bronze medallion
by Sergei, was erected in 1798, by “ amici et
discipuli ” in the Ban6r Chapel adjoining.
In connection with the funeral, was the sending out
of notifications, of which Linne had himself prepared
two, the longer being chosen by the widow.
Linne’s death was not unexpected, but when it
took place, there was much grief in wide circles for the
great loss which science and his country had sustained,
found expression in many ways. The Academy of
Science hastened to decide that a Memorial Oration
should be given, and Archiater Back was invited to
undertake it. This he did on the 5th December in the
round saloon in the old castle, before the King and
a numerous auditory. The Uppsala students decided
to have a bronze medal struck, but postponed it until
Sergei should return to Sweden; perhaps it resulted
in the plaque now on his memorial.
The King of Sweden, Gustaf III., made himself
the mouthpiece of the nation, when from the throne
in the Estates in October, 1778, he specially referred
to Linne with the words: “ I have lost a man who
did honour to his fatherland as a worthy citizen, being
celebrated all over the world. Long will Uppsala
recall the reputation which Linne’s name conferred
upon it.” Nine years later, on the 17th August, 1787*
he laid in the new botanic garden, given by the
University, the foundation stone of the building of the
institution, which he declared should be erected to
honour Linne’s memory. The King marked out the
place where afterwards a marble statue by J. N.
Bystrom was erected in 1822, by the students. But
what did the Consistory do to express their feel¬
ings of gratitude and respect to their departed
colleague? There was no talk about any “ Parenta-
tion ” which had often been held at the deaths of other
eminent professors, till March, 1779, when the question
was raised in the medical faculty. Meanwhile a
Memorial Oration had taken place in the Academy of
Science, and it was stated that the public would think
it strange if the University gave one after that. For
this reason the faculty decided that the best memorial
would be a marble bust, but ultimately nothing was
After the funeral came the usual business of making
an inventory, bestowing the bequests and the like. It
may briefly be said that though no great wealth was
willed by Linne some family bickering ensued. Thus
Captain Bergencrantz, who married his eldest
daughter, threatened legal process, and demanded that
his wife, from whom he had lived apart for many years,
should, against her will, be compelled to resume
cohabitation with him. Upon this the widow of Linne
petitioned the King, that as her late husband had left
but little wealth, she and her unprovided-for children
might receive an emeritus professor’s salary and an
annual pension; and as this petition was supported by
the Chancellor and Consistory, the King decreed that

she and her children should receive an annual pension

of 200 riksdalers [^45 i6s. 6d.].
The question of Linne’s scientific effects, library,
and collections, must be considered at some length. It
must be first noted that in a document which he had
tendered to the Chancellor in 1759, recommending his
son's appointment as Demonstrater, he urged as a
reason that as the holder of the aforesaid position, he
could consult daily the valuable botanic library and
collection of plants, which he himself possessed, and of
which his son would eventually become the possessor.
This view of the future fate of the library and
collections he seems to have abandoned soon after,
probably because the son would thus have been unduly
favoured at the expense of the daughters. In a will
prepared on the 17th July, 1769, and witnessed by
his wife, he provided that his son should receive only
the library, with a simple share in the house and
effects, the reason being given that as his son was
to succeed him in the chair, he would thereby be
benefited more than his sisters altogether; he therefore
ordered that his herbarium, the largest the world had
ever seen, should be sold on account of the daughters,
and hoped that the University would acquire it, as it
might never again have the chance of possessing a
similar collection. The other parts, such as the
shells, insects and minerals his son was to possess.
This will was renewed on the 20th August, 1776, with
a few trifling alterations; it being in 1778 produced in
the Svea Court, and, in October of that year,
recognized by the son.
The provisions of Linne as to his scientific
belongings are summarized in a document he left
behind him thus:

“ Voice from the grave to her who was my dear wife.

“ 1. The two herbaria in the museum : let no rats
or moth injure them. Let no naturalist steal a single
plant. Be firm and careful as to whom they are shown.
Invaluable as they are, they will increase in value as
time goes on. They are the greatest [collection] the
world has ever seen. Do not sell them for less than
1,000 ducats [£458 6s. 8d.]. My son should not have
them, as he never helped me in botany, and has no
love for it, but keep it for some son-in-law who may
be a botanist.
“ 2. The shell cabinet is valued at least at 12,000
dalers [£300].
“ 3. The insect cabinet cannot be kept long,
because of moth.
“ 4. Mineral cabinet contains some valuable things.
“ 5. Library in my museum with all my books.
The price is at least 3,000 copper dalers [£75]. Do
not sell it, but give it to the Uppsala library. But my
library in Uppsala, my son should have at a valuation.
“ Carl Linn£.
“ Uppsala,
“ 2nd March, 1776.”

There is extant an earlier document in which he

reckoned the values thus: Herbarium 50,000 dalers
[.£1,250], Insects 10,000 dalers [,£250], Amphibia
10,000 dalers [£250], Minerals 10,000 dalers [,£250].
According to the will of 1776, the younger Linne
came into possession of the great library, the natural
history collections (the herbarium being excepted), and
his share in the rest of the estate. To his credit it
must be stated that he did all he could to obviate their
sale, but at first with poor prospect of success. He
wrote to Back, “ If my mother and sisters were more
reasonable and just, I could hope to prevent the sale,
but they suspect everything, so soon as I want some¬
thing/7 His mother locked up everything she could,
to prevent his access to such things as manuscripts,
etc. Happily the Court of Justice appointed Pro¬
fessors J. Floderus and E. Ekman as trustees for the
unmarried daughters, and they saw that the sale of the
herbarium would discredit the family. The remain-
ing brother-in-law, Duse, who had the confidence of the
women, held the same view, namely that the son should
get the plants. In the end, an agreement was reached,
that the younger Linne should have the herbarium,
library, manuscripts, and the cabinets in which they
were kept, but resign to his sisters his share in the
Hubby property, by paying to them altogether 6,000
dalers in copper, or 333 riksdalers 16 skillings [_£ 150].
Fortunately, this transaction was concluded before
news came that Sir Joseph Banks, in London, was
willing to buy the herbarium for 14 or 16,000 dalers in
silver [£ 1,050 or £ 1,200], which “ cruel offer ” made
the son as soon as possible remove the herbarium for
safety into the town. It was also necessary, for the
rats had caused terrible damage to the plants, also
moth and mould had destroyed some, and to avoid
further loss the younger Linne “ laboured from morn¬
ing till night so that by the evening he was as tired as
a day labourer.” The remaining objects were brought
from Hammarby in 1780, from the damp stone house
or museum, and during Christmas in the same year,
he busied himself upon those “ which the wood-mice
had already begun to damage.”
Thus Linne’s collections remained in Sweden, and
were not at this time sold to England, but fate had
decided that they should be in the future. After the
death of the younger Linne from an apoplectic stroke
on the 1 st November, 1783, they again came into the
possession of his mother and sisters. Their wish was
that the collections and library should realize the most
that could be obtained for them. To this they were
inclined, partly from necessity, or at least from the
desirability of the sale being effected before the
deceased’s house was taken over by some other person,
partly because after the elder Linne’s death it was
found that the collections without expert handling had
suffered much damage. They therefore applied to the
family’s intimate friend, J. G. Acrel, who took upon
himself the responsibility of the sale.
His first object was to apply to Sir Joseph Banks,
who five years before had made so liberal an offer for
the collections. The application was made by Acrel,
who also requested Dr. L. Montin in Halmstad to
write to his sister’s son, J. Dryander, to help them in
this matter, which accordingly was done. Before any
answer came from London, Acrel turned to Dr. J. H.
Engelhardt, then in London, with the request that he
should put the matter direct to Banks. This was
effected by a letter received by Banks on the morning
of the 23rd of December, 1783, while he was at break¬
fast with friends in his hospitable house. Among the
guests was the twenty-four-year-old ardent naturalist,
James Edward Smith, son of a rich manufacturer in
Norwich, and to him Banks handed Engelhardt’s
letter, saying that it was something suitable for him,
and earnestly recommending him to make use of the
opportunity to gain advantage and credit. Fired by
enthusiasm, the young man hastened to Engelhardt,
whose acquaintance he had made during their common
studies in Edinburgh, the result of their talk being
that both, the same day, communicated with Acrel.
James Edward Smith wrote declaring that if, after
receiving a full catalogue, he found that it
corresponded with his expectations, he was willing to
pay the sum of 1,000 guineas. The offer thus hurriedly
made was somewhat rash, for to complete the purchase
money he had offered, his father would have to provide
the necessary funds. To him he wrote the next day,
but the reply was indefinite and advised caution.
Without being cast down, young Smith, supported by
Banks, endeavoured again to persuade his father, and
by the middle of January, had the pleasure of receiving
a letter giving him freedom of action, but at the same
time containing the advice: “ But await calmly the
answer to your letter to Dr. Acrel, till you see and
examine the catalogue with care, and then determine
as circumstances require, and I hope it will please
Heaven to direct you for the best in a matter of so

very great importance. I would caution you against

the enthusiasm of a lover; or the heat of an ambitious
By the middle of February, Acrel’s answer, accom¬
panied by the desired catalogue, arrived, and a still
later letter came a fortnight afterwards. In this it was
related that the younger Linne had ordered that the
collection of plants he possessed before his father’s
death, the so-called small herbarium, should be given
up to Baron C. Alstromer in satisfaction of 200 riks-
dalers [^45 16s. 6d.] which the Baron had advanced
for his travels abroad, and that therefore for this, a
reduction of 100 guineas should be made. At the
same time, Acrel felt himself bound to say, that the
heirs, to avoid dividing the collections, considered that
they ought to offer the whole to Alstromer, also that a
rich Russian nobleman, acting on a commission of
Catherine II., offered an unlimited sum, but would wait
until the decision of Smith’s reply. The latter, which
was at once sent off, contained some dissatisfaction at
the changes made, but definitely accepted the offer
just received. In May, Acrel proposed his terms,
namely, half of the purchase money, i.e., 450 guineas,
to be paid at once, and the remainder to be defrayed
three months later. After Smith had agreed to this,
and stated that the money was already in the hands of
a trading firm in Amsterdam, who would transmit the
same without delay, the matter was completely settled.
Acrel now began the packing up, which was pushed on
with such ardour, that altogether twenty-six large cases
were sent off from Uppsala to Stockholm, where they
lay for safety in a warehouse. Here they remained
for six weeks, for it was not till the 17th September that
they left Stockholm on the English brig, Appear¬
ance, commanded by the Swedish captain, Axel
Daniel Svederus, arriving in London at the end of
October. The English Government waived the
customs duty, except a trifling sum for the books. For
freight, Smith paid ■£ 50, with five per cent, to the

captain as his fee, the costs coming in all to

During the transactions just recounted, there
appeared a new speculator, namely the English
botanist, Dr. John Sibthorp, who first offered to buy
only the herbarium, but afterwards, all the collections,
if time were allowed for him to reach Uppsala.
Although Acrel stated that he was bound by his
preliminary dealings with Smith (who, at Acrel’s
request, immediately wrote to him that the purchase
was definitely concluded), Sibthorp maintained his
right to become the possessor of the collections, and
in his first letter, written before the sale was effected,
offered to purchase the whole. Afterwards, Sibthorp
acknowledged the proper transaction, and congratulated
Smith on his good fortune in securing the treasures.
But—what happened in Sweden at the time to try
and prevent the sale, which even then was regarded
as a stain on Sweden’s honour? To this it must be
replied, that no one was indifferent, and that though
many wished to retain the collections, it could not be
effected. Especially among the pupils of Linne, who
devoted themselves to the study of Nature, was there
the greatest dissatisfaction at the sale, considering it a
national scandal.
The first who stirred in the matter was the then
Demonstrator of Botany, C. P. Thunberg. As soon
as he knew that Acrel had moved Montin to write
to Dryander, offering the collections to Banks, he
hastened to incite Montin to write another letter, in
which he should either dissuade Banks from buying or
persuade him to leave them the English collections,
acquired by the younger Linne from Banks and others.
On the 17th November, Montin reported that he had
carried out these instructions. Very probably it was
this action of Thunberg that caused Banks to declare
that he would not buy the Linnean collection, if a
purchaser were found in Sweden, because he felt
that they ought not to go out of the country, but if

it must be to a foreigner, he was as willing as any

It is certain that Acrel would not have been
unwilling for the collections to remain in the country,
if only the heirs had shown some strong desire on that
point. He applied, probably in January, 1784, to the
Secretary of State, E. Schroderheim, asking him to
invite the King, then in Italy, to buy them. However,
it is probable that the King never received any such
Acrel applied yet to another person in Sweden,
namely Baron C. Alstromer. In a letter dated
26th January, 1784, he represented that the natural
historian’s most enlightened Maecenas in Sweden
should either permit the bereaved family to retain the
small herbarium, which Linne the younger had
promised, or, as the family considered far more desir¬
able, for Alstromer to buy the collection in their
entirety, in order to prevent their falling into
foreigners’ hands and thus arousing constant jealousy.
This appeal was refused by Alstromer, because, on
account of his failing health, he could not make as
much use of it as he otherwise might do. This was
further emphasized by Alstromer’s secretary, Student
A. Dahl, that as the heirs would not accept 2,220
riksdalers [^462 10s.], that is, less than half the sum
which Smith was ready to give, Alstromer would not
on any account abate his claim to the small herbarium.
Alstromer was not content with this negative
decision regarding the entire collections, but he sent
Acrel’s letter to the Chancellor, Count G. P. Creutz,
reiterating at the same time his view that the Linnean
collections should be kept by the University. In
consequence of this, the Chancellor’s Secretary, J. E.
Noreen, requested Thunberg to state his opinion as to
the value of the collections, and explain how the
University should purchase them. Acrel, in May of
the same year, seems to have applied to the Chancellor
direct, but when he mentioned the sum that Smith had
declared his willingness to pay, the Chancellor found
that he could not compete with this offer, so the
University must regretfully dispense with them.
About this time (the date not being ascertainable),
the previously mentioned Anders Dahl came forward
with a proposal to buy the collections, the Gothenburg
merchant, J. Mauhle, providing the means. He
wanted to obtain them at his own estimate, and was
especially solicitous that the Alstromers should know
that before the transaction was completed. This much
is certain, that Dahl declared he was empowered to pay
as much as the foreigner offered, and that Acrel was
simply his commissionaire, since the heirs, though only
verbally, had assured him (Acrel) precedence in this
transaction. On the other hand, Acrel distinctly
denied this connection between the two, saying that
nobody had made this statement till three years after¬
wards, and that only in a Gradual disputation. But
however that may be, it must be conceded that Dahl
more than any other Swede, was most active in
opposing the sale of the collections overseas, whether
his offer came too late or not.
His ardour in this subject continued to the last
minute, so to speak, even when the collections had
been sent off from Uppsala. In an undated document,
probably at the end of September, he considered that
the King should be graciously moved to reclaim these
collections, not only while they were in Stockholm, but
even while they were on board ship ready to start. As
a reason for this, Dahl maintained that he had the
assertion from the heirs before “ Herr Smidt ” had
made his offer, that foreigners would always taunt the
Swedes with their inability to retain such precious
collections; that the possessor would become a
Dictator in Science, and lovers of it would be obliged
to impart their discoveries to him, in order to compare
them with the Linnean cabinet, and that no one but
himself could put in order the late Archiater’s remark¬
able manuscripts. With no lack of self-approbation,
as the above shows, he asserted that he had had the
good fortune for many years, until the summons of
death, to live in the house of the late Archiater, the
great von Linne, assisting him in his scientific work.
What the King was able to do after this hint,
appears from a certificate issued by the Stockholm
Export Sea Customs Chamber. This paper, dated
the 8th October, explains that the vessel with the
collections passed Dalaro, the last customs post, on
the 29th September, sailing seawards, so it was quite
too late for anyone to do anything in the matter.
Now the people of Sweden at last awakened to the
full meaning of the shame and damage which had
befallen their country through the loss of the “ State
Jewel,” and an investigation began endeavouring, by
some means or other, to fasten the blame on someone.
People turned against Linne’s friends, Back and
Mennander, because they did not, or at least, did not
sufficiently realize the importance of the loss to the
country while the negotiations for the sale were going
on; against the Academic Consistory and the medical
faculty in Uppsala, to whom the question was never
referred, but who were supposed to have seen with
pleasure an end put to the dominating influence on
studious youths, which natural history had exercised
during Linne’s time. These charges, however cleverly
constructed, have no evident grounds for support, but
are only guesses on the part of the accusers.
With yet greater force have the charges of
unpatriotic dealing been directed against two persons,
Acrel and Thunberg. As regards the former, people
did not hesitate to accuse him of having been bribed
with the sum of £ 100, a ridiculous accusation to bring
against a man who was defined by Smith as a true
gentleman, and defended also by Linne’s widow, who
strongly and indignantly protested against the accus¬
ation ; at the present day no one could entertain such
a belief. It has even been thought by some that
by causing the Linnean collections to be sent out of
Sweden, he calculated he would gain a better chance
of obtaining the vacant professorship after the young
Linne. It will, however, be seen, that if he counted
on this Thunberg would be a formidable competitor
for the position. He had brought home from his long
and extensive travels, rich and valuable collections,
which, remembering the University’s total want of
botanic collections, and their small zoological ones,
would certainly have weighed heavily in the nomination
to the position. Professor T. M. Fries, after long
and careful reflection, was convinced that Acrel in his
negotiations was entirely desirous that the fullest
advantage should follow from his trusteeship, which
as the friend of the family for many years he had taken
upon himself; this view agreeing with his trustworthy
character, which was generally known and accepted.
How he also made attempts to conserve the collection
in the country, either in the University or in the
possession of private persons, has been narrated
previously, the only point not being clear, is, why
he did not let Dahl buy them, but in this we have
his word against the latter’s, and one may be as
valuable as the other. It was said by some that
Dahl’s offer being expressed in such vague terms,
Acrel, and perhaps the heirs, found themselves obliged
to prefer the certainty of the English offer, especially
as they felt themselves bound by the contract practic¬
ally completed. With regard to the unjust judgment
upon Acrel when he wrote his final statement to the
heirs that he demanded an unreasonably high com¬
mission of six per cent., with, in addition, credit for
half of the disbursements, it is necessary to remember
that no complaint was made by the heirs for his
selfishness in pecuniary matters, so that we are entitled
to believe that the scale of the commission was decided
beforehand, and that the other disbursements were
also settled and approved by the family. This is
strengthened still further by the fact that he continued
to be one of the family friends.
The other who was the object of bitter censure, was
Thunberg, though it was acknowledged even by his
accusers, that he was free from direct participation in
the sale. But the burden was laid upon him, the
accusations being chiefly based on his answer regard¬
ing the value of the collections and the necessity for
the Chancellor’s action. Here it may be noted, that
no one knows whether anyone else was asked to buy
them, whose word would have been better than that
of the Demonstrator Thunberg, and probably the
Chancellor did not abstain from buying only
because of Thunberg’s dissuasive advice, but was
really frightened at the amount of the sum asked.
Thunberg’s reply, notwithstanding all search, could
not be found, but that did not prevent people from
imagining its entire contents. It may have been,
that in his self-satisfaction at the extent and elegance
of his own collections, he may have despised the
Linnean herbarium, and thereby unwittingly have
helped the sale. At this time, Acrel and Thunberg
stood in a somewhat strained relation to each other, but
they were agreed in wishing the Linnean collections to
go abroad. The remark of Thunberg as to the far
better paper in his herbarium was made in his old age,
thirty or forty years later, and therefore cannot serve
as testimony for his thoughts immediately after the
death of the younger Linne. That the threatened
destruction by damp of his plants, after removal to the
new building, was looked upon as a kind of Nemesis,
deserves no other comment than that they still remain
in good condition. Still, both before and after the sale,
he bitterly attacked Acrel, who resented his attitude
for two years. The ardour for collecting which he
ever showed, and his warm interest in the University
Museum, took shape in the splendid gift of his own
valuable collections, which show that he would not
have opposed the conservation of the Linnean
collections in the Museum, if it could have been
If thus both Acrel and Thunberg must be
acquitted from the accusations levelled against them,
what were the causes which brought about this
deplorable transaction? There are two which seem
to be the most important.
The first must be sought in the then prevalent
defective appreciation of the value of such collections,
which increases with the passing of years—an
ignorance which then prevailed, not only with the
general public, but even with eminent naturalists. It
was much later that experience showed the great
value of original specimens such as the type-specimens
of Linne or of other distinguished men, especially
when more complete and better preserved examples
were obtained. The sale of these collections was
regarded as something praiseworthy, and it was even
reckoned as being meritorious in Acrel, that before
they left the country he put the collections in order
and catalogued them. When the Consistory voted
upon the question of a successor to the younger Linne,
Acrel obtained eleven votes and Thunberg twelve; so
the latter was subsequently appointed by the King.
The other and probably more important reason
for the unhappy scientific loss was the King’s absence
in Italy and France, whence he returned to Stockholm
on the 2nd August, 1784. It has never been known
whether any intimation of the negotiations ever
reached him during his absence. He remained in
Stockholm till the 28th September, when he started on
a journey to the southern provinces of the kingdom,
returning on the 10th October to his palace of
Gripsholm. How much the King during this journey
learned of what had taken place is uncertain, but it is
probable that it was from C. Alstromer at Gothenburg
—or after his return, from Dahl’s petition, that he
became informed as to these transactions. It is
certain that the Chancellor, then at Gripsholm, on the
nth October (the day following the arrival of the
King), sent a letter to Acrel with a request for an

explanation “ how it could happen that these collec¬

tions were sold to a foreigner when a Swede offered
to pay the like amount.” The answer, which was
requested by return, was to be laid by the Chancellor
before His Majesty for his gracious consideration.
Acrel’s answer, dated the 13th October, related all that
had happened, and stated that the heirs had already
received one half of the purchase money, adding, that
since the collections were sold, a student named Dahl
desired to negotiate for their purchase, but as the sale
had already been concluded with the foreigner, this
offer could not be considered. Probably the King
considering the explanation afforded to be satisfactory,
concluded that nothing then could be done, as the
vessel had already sailed.
What Gustaf III. did in this matter, shrank to
pure insignificance. But had he been informed in
proper time it is certain that he would have strongly
exerted himself and rescued these precious collections
for the fatherland, especially when one considers his
care for Sweden’s honour, and the great admiration he
entertained for Linne. Such was the conviction
among the people that they for a long time believed
the rumour that directly he had information of the
brig’s departure, he despatched a warship to follow it
and bring it back, but it did not succeed. Whether
this rumour arose in Sweden or England, matters not.
That Dr. Smith, three years later, after receipt
of the collections, had no knowledge of it, is certain,
although afterwards he spoke of it and believed it.
Another statement also obtained currency, that Smith,
in his delight in the story, had a medal struck, which
showed on one side the little English vessel pursued
by the Swedish frigate, and on the other side an
inscription “ The pursuit of the ship containing the
Linnean collection by order of the King of Sweden.”
No such medal has been discovered, in spite of a
hundred years’ search. The origin of this story is
probably due to an engraving of a portrait of Smith in
Thornton’s “ New Illustration of the Sexual System
of Linnaeus,” the plate being dated 1800; underneath
Smith’s portrait is a representation of the two vessels
within hailing distance, with the legend just quoted.
This was copied into Schrader’s “Journal fur die
Botanik,” iii. (1800), and the German version of
Smith’s “ Compendium Florae Britannicae,” Erlangen,
Linne’s collections, his delight and pride, thus
came to England, where their preservation is regarded
as almost a national honour. The young naturalist,
Smith, previously an unknown medical student,
became at once famous and esteemed. In so much
honour was he held that in the following May he was
unanimously elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.
However pleased he may have been at this
distinction, he was still more so with the Linnean
treasures, which, when putting them in order, he
found more valuable than he expected. He was
especially surprised when he found among them the
whole of Linne’s extensive and valuable corres¬
pondence, with all the manuscripts he left, said, rightly
or wrongly, to be put in to fill up empty spaces in the
ample cases. Among Smith’s own valuable collec¬
tions, the Linnean acquisitions took the place of
honour. After his death on the 17th March, 1828,
they were bought by the Linnean Society of London,
where they are still preserved at Burlington House,
Piccadilly, but not in their entirety. The specimens in
spirit are entirely wanting, also all stuffed mammals,
birds and so on. What zoological collections remain,
are placed in three cabinets, whose drawers contain
the shells and insects, and considering the age
of the specimens, are in wonderfully good conserva¬
tion. Nothing remains of the mineralogical collections,
because on the ground of their weight and bulk,
Smith decided to dispose of them, before he removed
in 1796 from London to his birthplace, Norwich;
they were sold by public auction on the 1st and 2nd
of March, and thus were completely dispersed.
Traces of them have been met with, as late as 1830.

What, on the other hand, has been preserved with

pious care, is the herbarium. The three unassuming,
green painted cabinets, of Swedish make, contained
till recently the priceless contents of Linnean types,
carefully secured against London smoke and dust by
specially devised envelopes. But in 1915, when the
menace of air-raids from the enemy caused much
anxiety to the Linnean Society, the outside cabinets
were lined with steel and asbestos, the packets of
plants being put into steel boxes, so that in case of
fire from enemy-bombs, they could be rescued easily.
Similar precautions were taken as regards the Linnean
correspondence, and his annotated copies of his own
works, which were lodged in steel boxes for quick
removal in case of danger.
Though the Swedes may, with sorrow and shame,
reflect upon the fate of the Linnean collections, it can
yet be admitted that their transference to London has
contributed in no small degree to the spread of
knowledge in natural history, so that the Swedes them¬
selves share in the diffusion of Linne’s beloved
science. It was this event which led to the foundation
of the Linnean Society of London on the 18th March,
1788, which scientific society has since then flourished
and borne rich fruit.

The great reputation enjoyed by Linne both at

home and abroad, not among naturalists only, has
been described in the foregoing pages. Many further
proofs could be adduced, but only a few more may be
Linne, during his residence abroad, was offered
inducements to stay in foreign countries; Holland,
England and France being already mentioned in
this respect. These temptations to forsake his father-
land were not the only offers made. One of his
correspondents was Baron Otto von Miinchhausen,
Chancellor of the University of Gottingen, where
Haller was a professor. When the latter, because of
his restless disposition, quitted his post, Miinchhausen,
offered it to Linne, although Haller threatened to
return, an event which the Chancellor considered
undesirable, as Haller had shown himself intolerant of
his colleagues. Certainly, the Swedish King would
have done his utmost to retain Linne, but the offer
was received. Linne at first seemed somewhat
irresolute; he had already heard the complaint in
Uppsala that natural science was put in too high a
position, and therefore feared a future decadence, but
on the other hand, he hoped if he undertook this
professorship, that he would be able to draw half
Germany’s youths to Gottingen for the sake of natural
history, where, during the vacancy, the deputy teacher
of botany had had no more than a dozen hearers, and
these so ignorant that one can hardly credit it. These
feelings soon vanished, and Uppsala retained her
Another temptation came shortly afterwards from
Spain. Linne kept this offer so secret that in Sweden
it only became known through a German scientific
journal. Back, who saw this announcement, was
greatly astonished, but upon his questioning Linne he
confirmed it, and added, that though he could not
write about it, he would impart the news verbally on
a visit to Stockholm. It was explained that he was
invited to become president of the medical college
and museum, with the botanic garden in Madrid, with
a salary not below that of a Swedish Councillor of
State. Linne decided to withstand this temptation and
refuse the offer which seems to have been made with¬
out any doubt as to its acceptance.

The contemporaneous idea of Linne’s life-work

has already been narrated; there now remains only to
answer the question: how he and his work were

appraised in his time, and confirmed by later gener¬

ations, or, if the splendour which surrounded his
name, has now faded? As answer it may be well to
recall the many scientific societies, even in distant
parts of the world, which bear his name: the memorial
festivals celebrated in his honour in different quarters
of the world, and in some places even annually; his
busts and statues, especially in botanic gardens : the
streets in many great towns which bear his name;
and the numerous medals which at home and abroad
have been struck in his memory. But more important
are the panegyrics delivered by naturalists of the most
distinguished eminence. These have, with very few
exceptions, joined in the expressions of admiration and
gratitude to him who brought order out of chaos in
which science was at that time nearly drowned, and
who framed settled laws, which are still valid, and
probably will be so for all future time.
It must not be concealed, however, that in the
years after his death, voices were raised protesting
against the hymns of praise sung in his honour. But
one is entitled to ask, has anyone been found on our
earth, being a truly great man, who has not sooner or
later been the object for attack and blame? And
have not these detractors usually been insignificant
persons themselves, who have come forward as
iconoclasts? Themselves unable to achieve any great
thing, and powerless to form an idea of their victim’s
actual merits, they have made themselves notorious
by their daring statements and want of consideration.
In most cases their names are forgotten, or only
mentioned sometimes by reason of the evil reputation
which they gained by their conduct.
So with regard to Linne; but few were they who
in their petty power sought to diminish the regard he
so generally enjoyed, and does enjoy. One may
except from these people an inconsiderable minority of
real scientific workers, who, though they do not dispute
Linne’s merits, yet, according to their own ideas,
honestly criticized his methods and system. The
rest of the objectors are negligible, and not seldom
only repeaters of what others had said. Mention
should here be made of J. Sachs, who was without
doubt a very eminent researcher, but whose history of
botany suffers from a one-sidedness of conception and
contempt of other branches of botany, besides the few
upon which he wrote. His book “ Geschichte der
Botanik ” has been the quarry whence certain persons
have obtained their information; while neglecting the
actual productions of Linne, they have ventured to
pronounce judgment on him and his authorship. The
contempt shown by Sachs for botanists of other
nationalities is lamentable and reprehensible.
If one takes the trouble to investigate a number
of these anti-Linneans, the first place must be assigned
to those lacking knowledge of Linne’s works. Soon
after his death, Vicq d'Azyr criticized his medical
writings, and accused him of touching on matters he
did not understand, as for instance, that he wrote on
the use of the muscles. Unhappily for his own credit,
he was dealing with the thesis “ De usu muscorum ”—
the use of Mosses, not as he misread it, “ De usu
musculorum ”; and he has not lacked successors, who
negligently turned over the leaves of books which
demanded attentive study. Even Professor T. M.
Fries admits, that after repeated perusals of Linne’s
writings, he often came upon matters which had easily
escaped notice.
Again, a want of reflection is the cause of some
complaints levied against Linne, as without careful
study, it is easy to condemn him for a statement, which
later he publicly abandoned; for he never stood still,
but was always learning. Thus he is reproached for
his belief in the permanence of species, vital conditions,
etc., and in his “ Philosophia Botanica ” he says,
“ Species tot numeramus quot diversae formae in
primitio sunt creatae ” (We reckon so many species as
were created of diverse form in the beginning), but in

later writings, he speaks of species, as being <c temporis

filia,” “ filia prsecedentis ” (the daughter of the time,
the daughter of the last mentioned), clearly showing
that he believed in the appearance of evolved species.
A recent author, A. Hansen (Giessen, 1902), has
issued a small volume packed with blunders, in which
he has the assurance to state, that Linne “ from our
standpoint can no more be considered a botanist.”
Censure is often directed against Linne, because
he did not busy himself in such important departments
as the anatomy and physiology of plants. It may be
noted that to be a great man in this science, it is
necessary to do something in these branches, it is
impossible to find anybody who can be recognized as
having done so. Linne’s activities fell principally in
that department which was most important in his time,
and in that he produced great work. That he thereby
was obliged to leave on one side other branches, which
then attracted but little notice, is easily explained, for
with full reason one may ask: has anyone the right to
demand more of a single man? Is it not marvellous
that he achieved so much as he did ?
He has also been accused of slight valuation of
researches concerning the inner construction of plants,
and it has been recalled that Linne in his “ Philosophia
botanica,” does not reckon plant-anatomists and
physiologists as botanists but as botanophilists. These
are to be found in his “ Bibliotheca,” evidently from
the order in which such works can be suitably arranged.
But he put all who investigated plants as phytologists,
divided into two principal groups, (1) botanists, who
occupied themselves in describing plants, (2) botano¬
philists, who devoted themselves to plant-anatomy, etc.
These complaints are based simply on this, that the
word “ botanist ” is now the same as his “ phytologist,”
and that Linn6 concerned himself chiefly with system¬
atizing and description as a botanist is natural, for the
number of the others was then inconsiderable.
The chief cause of a perverted appreciation of
Linne’s scientific work lies not in a retrospective com¬
parison between him and his forerunners, but between
him and later investigators, when new, unsuspected
fields of work were opened, previously neglected owing
to want of means. How wrong it would be to blame
Berzelius, Lavoisier and other chemists because they
did not even know the composition of the atmosphere,
and made use of chemical formulae now abandoned.
How insignificant are Newton, Franklin, Galvani and
other physicists, who had not the slightest knowledge
of spectrum analysis, telegraphy and the like, which
are now part of an elementary school education ? And
what a bad soldier—to borrow the comparison of a
Norwegian author, N. Wille—was Caesar, who did not
employ artillery? One thinks of the old story of the
dwarf who sat on the giant’s shoulder, and boasted that
he could see farther than the latter.
Finally it may be mentioned, that false judgment
of nationality has probably sometimes been the cause
of detraction. For instance, persons—not naturalists
—created a smoke-screen against Linne by speaking of
him as “ our celebrated compatriot ” (French), or “ the
renowned German naturalist ” (German). These were
attempts to claim Linne as of local celebrity, “ a genius
the like of whom the great civilized countries could
show a hundred.” It recalls the tale of the birds
disputing who should be king. The eagle, with
powerful flight, mounted high, and leaving the others
of the winged troop beneath him, cried out, “Now I
am king,” but unwillingly heard the protest of a little
feeble kingfisher, who had crouched all the time on
the eagle’s back, and now fluttered some yards higher.
Probably if any Linne-censor should read this, he
may compassionately or contemptuously smile at this
account, but besides a Swedish author in a field where
Linne was a pioneer, two writers of the highest
eminence may be quoted. Franz Unger, an Austrian,
in 1852 wrote: “ One of the most eminent men of the
previous century was the great reformer of natural
history, Carl von Linne. On his shoulders the genius
of that science now before us rests.” And M. J.
Schleiden (the universally recognized reformer, and
strenuous, sometimes ruthless judge of predecessors)
closes his faithful and sympathetic record of Linne
“ Truly if we compare the work of Johannes Miiller,
Agassiz, Milne Edwards, Owen and others with that of
Linne, from the six folios in which he first published
his system of Nature, we may see the difference as
between the brilliant and luxurious New York liner of
the present day and the small Spanish caravel, which
in 1492, first landed at San Salvador. One must not
forget that it was this caravel, guided by Columbus,
which discovered the New World, and laid the way
by which the captain can now travel with safety and
ease, but which without Columbus he would have
found difficult. No development in the knowledge of
geography can obliterate the name of Columbus from
the memory of mankind, so never can a step in the
development of natural science be reached, when it will
be possible to forget, that without Linne’s ‘ Funda¬
mental it could never have taken place.”
There now remains a report on Linne’s scientific
importance. To set out a complete and trustworthy
account, would demand more space than is at our
disposal; all that can be done, is to present in a brief
form, the role Linne played in the history of botany,
zoology, mineralogy and medicine.
Botany was his first love, and he remained true to
it till death. The chief part of his unresting industry
he devoted to his “ scientia amabilis ” [lovable science],
and it is with this, therefore, that his name is indis¬
solubly connected. Hence the illuminating epigram
which admiring contemporaries used, “ Deus creavit,
Linnaeus disposuit ” [God created, Linne set in order],
The best known of all his works to the general
public, is his “ Sexual System,” which undoubtedly of
all those before and after the so-called artificial system,
by its simplicity and applicability possessed an unques¬
tionable advantage. It was put forward just at the
moment when such a plan was most required; when
earnest searchers for two centuries had amassed so
many plants of various forms, that they resembled a
planless, heaped-up mass of materials in the temple of
the Flower Goddess, for the disentangling of which no
thoughtful and practicable plan had until then been
laid down. Now when all this material threatened to
overwhelm the Builder, the sexual system was pro¬
duced, by which plants could easily be examined and
determined, thus forming an Ariadne thread in the
labyrinth. Long after Linne’s death, those who
proudly termed themselves “ true Linneans,” regarded
that as his chief accomplishment, and trampled under¬
foot as heresy, each attempt to bring about another
These people were more Linnean than Linne him¬
self. Soon he saw the weakness of his system and set
himself to work upon another, in which plants would
not be arranged according to a single or to a few
organs; when in the same class were included forms
widely different, but in which the nearer or more
distant relationships of dissimilar forms should be the
only determining principle. During the whole of his
life he laboured to discover this, and recommended
others to take part in the work. The relatively small
number of discovered forms made this for him an
impossibility. Linne was too honest to issue his con¬
clusions as complete, as he himself found them wanting,
and therefore he pleased himself with merely creating
natural families, leaving it to others to finish these and
others into a systematic whole. From that time till
our own days, botanists have been framing a natural
system, without attaining their aim, or even finding a
ground plan for the same. Concerning this, all are
agreed that the contributions to it made by Linne are
of uncommon yalue, and bear witness to his sharp¬
sightedness, sometimes showing the greatest power of

divination possible to a mortal. They are also at

one, that he was the first who (in opposition to the
artificial system) clearly set forth the natural families,
staked out the path of progress and made certain of
its dominance. It was remarkable that Linne at
once brought the sexual system to its greatest height,
and also laid the firm foundations for the natural
system, and strongly showed the unquestionable
necessity for this, as he himself said, “ The A[lpha]
and 0[mega] among desirable botanic objects.”
With clear-sightedness, without fear, but without
arrogance, he undertook to elucidate all questions which
previous botanists had put forward, and thus he effected
a revolution. Botanic language he sorted out from its
barbaric confusion, giving the requisite precision to
each botanic concept; for descriptive purposes he
decided and settled simple and still valid laws,
established by accurate investigation of the structure of
flowers and fruits in many thousands of plants, thus
laying down the only right method for circumscription
of relationship. In definite opposition to his pre¬
decessors, he drew a sharp distinction between what he
regarded as independent species and mere accidental
former varieties. To about 8,000 then known plants,
he gave not only new names, but new descriptions, in
which he separated the essential from the non-essential,
and to which he added critical differentiating remarks
on their names by the old authors, and made reports on
their native countries, occurrence, properties, applica¬
tion, etc. During all these labours, he constantly set
himself to attain his end by the most natural, and for
each, the most easy way, by which many of his most
striking changes in descriptive botany and zoology,
readily suggest the egg of Columbus. Briefly, in small
things and great, he showed himself an unsurpassed
master in bringing order, light and system where
ignorance and indifference had produced obscurity and
confusion. In connection with his work in descriptive
botany, we must remember his activity in obtaining a
wide knowledge of the plant-world in different foreign
countries, which, at that time, were entirely unknown,
or only insufficiently explored. What he obtained by
dispatching his pupils abroad on research work has been
narrated in earlier pages. We must also remember
his own work concerning the flora and fauna of Sweden,
for which he obtained and worked up the material
placed at his disposal by others.
In various quarters there has grown up an article of
faith, that Linne devoted his time and strength to such
work as laid him open to the charge of regarding
giving of names, describing and classifying as the only,
or at least the highest, attainment. But he declared
in distinct words that he held quite a different view.
The works specified were only drawn up as necessary
stipulations for the study of botany in its still important
parts. For the acquisition of a foreign language, he
says in his noteworthy speech on “ Deliciae naturae,”
are needed knowledge of its letters, and grammar; only
when those are learned, can one enjoy all that it offers.
Such is the case with the speech in which the plant-
world’s history is written, being comparable to botanic
letters, plant-naming to words, and system to grammar.
This was not an empty comparison idly made by
Linne. On the contrary, it would be hard to find a
single botanic cultivator who studied the world of plants
from so many sides, and who displayed so many new
points of view from which plants ought to be observed.
It is quite erroneous to deny or conceal this, because if
Linne, in many cases, after full investigation of details,
was not able to settle certain questions, he enjoyed
bringing them forward and in quick, striking words,
gave a first sketch to be filled by his successors, who
not seldom obtained credit for the whole explanation.
It may be pointed out that it was Linne who first
laid down the lines of geographic distribution of plants,
though Humboldt and Wahlenberg have usually
gained the credit. Also the first to introduce the
doctrine of metamorphosis, though many believe the

poet Goethe to be its originator. How many important

contributions on biology did he bring to light which
previously had been overlooked ! He set forth in his
books, after renewed observations, the phenomena of
fertilization, and its attendant manifestations, hybrid¬
ization, seed-dispersal, development of vegetation at
different times of year, the day and night position of
leaves (sleep of plants), the opening and closing of
flowers at different hours, anomalous growths, pro-
tectives against enemies and unfavourable weather,
the formation of buds, different kinds of plant com¬
munities, the relations of plants and animals,
protective covering, etc. Questions earnestly debated
later, were not strange to him, such as Darwin’s
“ Origin of Species,” and “ Struggle for Existence,”
although he, in some cases, gave a different interpre¬
tation to those now current. In some of these
disputations the last word has not been said, and it may
be that Linne’s ideas may yet prove correct.
If we count the many blunders in the older authors
which he set right, the false legends which he cleared
up, the defective statements which he completed, it is
easy to see how he received the epithet “ princeps
For the wider development of zoology, Linne’s
activity was of fundamental value, even if he here
almost entirely restricted himself to systematics,
applying the principles which he made use of in his
botanic writings. “ The Linnean system’s greatest
merit,” observes Wiren (Zoological principles) con¬
sists in the introduction of a definite terminology,
and very practical naming of animals, partly in his
excellent descriptions both of species and genera as
well as the higher groups, by which it became possible
to retain order in the increasing number of new
forms; partly and not least, in the consistent carrying
out of divisions in the upper and lower categories,
and referring species to their natural genera, by
which the path was opened out for the modern con-
ception of system. Here too he subjected the
statements of older authors to careful criticism, and
numerous are the mistakes which he rectified, the
extravagances which he pruned. The boundaries of
knowledge were extended by his descriptions of a
most important multitude of previously unknown
forms, from the most widely separated tracts. An
instance may be made of the removal of the whales
from the fishes to a mammalian class, the employ¬
ment as a guide of the different structures of the
teeth in classifying mammals, the forming of new
bases for arranging reptiles, fishes, snails and
mussels and their description, etc., while for know¬
ledge of animals, particularly insects and their
habits of life, he made contributions of no small
Turning to minerals, it will be found that Linne
took a most important place, especially by the system
he introduced. That it has been superseded by a
better, is a natural sequence of the marvellous de¬
velopments since his time; it made, however, a
stepping-stone, without which present enquirers
might not have reached their eminence. It must be
emphasized that Linne’s views on the origin of
crystals, and their application for the classification
of minerals, has been regarded of such importance,
that he has been styled the founder of crystal¬
lography. Geology also owes no small gratitude to
him, especially by the astonishing accuracy of his
reports on that science from various Swedish prov¬
inces. Thus, drawing a correct profile of Kinnekulle,
he compared its strata with the corresponding strata
elsewhere, and by accepting the existence over the
entire globe of a certain succession of strata, which
were formed in or from the ocean, he laid the
foundations of the geological system which was
afterwards put forward by the celebrated A. G.
Werner. The true nature of petrifactions was not
unknown to him. In place of regarding them as

instances of “ lusus naturse/’ nature’s playwork, or

products of unnatural origin, he studied them and
concluded that they were really the remains of
animals and plants, which sank to the bottom of the
sea or lakes, and there were covered by mud, which
afterwards hardened to stone. On these grounds he
showed that Gotland is chiefly built of coral, to which
he devoted special attention. That the petrification¬
bearing beds occurred above the present level of the
sea, he attributed to an ever-proceeding diminution
of water.
Still more eminent was Linne’s activity in the
domain of medicine. His attempt to arrange
various diseases in systematic order, like everything
else from his hand, bore the stamp of genius, and
gives him a position higher than many of his pre¬
decessors ; his “ Materia medica ” being always
reckoned as a classic in pharmacological literature.
In many respects he was ahead of his contemporaries
in medicine, as proved subsequently. Thus he
wrote on the subject of certain skin affections caused
by parasitic “ small animals ” or bacteria, on the
proper nursing of young children, on public health,
on tuberculosis infection, and conveyance of the
infective particles in the clothes of patients, on the
hurtfulness of unnecessary bleeding (then so univer¬
sally practised), the value of electricity in certain
complaints, on polypus, on the treatment of ague by
quinine, etc., etc. Bacteria in his writings, appear
as the cause of many diseases, especially small-pox,
measles and other eruptive fevers, also of fer¬
mentation and putrefaction. Probably he himself
never saw these microscopically small organisms,
but he had no doubt that the above-mentioned
diseases were due to “ nothing else than living
Great spirits impress their stamp on their times,
and it is not difficult to discover many a Linnean
influence in the eighteenth century, especially in its
latter half. Such, for instance, was the prevailing
lively desire for increased knowledge of nature's
productions in different quarters. Linne had
imparted his glowing naturalist ardour to those
seeking education, both men and women, high and
low, and beyond the boundaries of Sweden. False
impressions prevailed even among the learned of his
own country, for instance, that nature could only
be understood from hair-splitting interpretation of
Biblical Hebrew and Greek texts, or from the
classical writers. Then appeared Linne, and his
activity can be likened to a fresh wind, driving away
mists and showing a free prospect over a sunny land¬
scape. Natural science, formerly a neglected child,
who seldom came into view, soon became a cherished
possession of high and low, old and young. The
consideration now bestowed on natural history forms
a sharp contrast to the neglect it often encountered
in former days, and proceeds in no small degree from
the glory of its days of rejoicing during the Linnean
period. The memory of Sweden's celebrated son
will be treasured by his countrymen,

So long as a flower its scent shall exhale,

On mountain, in woodland, in calm-sheltered vale.
—After Frondin.

The foregoing pages had been set in type, when

an interesting article by Dr. Emil Lindell appeared
in the “ Svensk Linne-Sallskapets Arsskrift,” vi.
(1923) pp. 136 seqq. entitled “ Rashult Sodregard ”
—the southern house at Rashult—which gives
additional information concerning the history of the
birthplace of Linnaeus. From this paper we learn
that when Nils Linnaeus in 1705 became assistant to
the rector of Stenbrohult, he took up his abode in the
rectory, but during the winter of 1705-6, he had the
modest dwelling at Rashult erected, which became
famous for all future time as the Linnean birthplace.
To this house Nils Linnaeus moved soon after his
marriage, and in the following May, his elder son was
born here. Less than two years later, in 1709, N.
Linnaeus having succeeded his father-in-law as rector
of Stenbrohult, he and his family moved into the
rectory, being succeeded in the small house four
years later by his brother-in-law, P. Zelander. On
his death in 1725 his widow in 1726 married the new
comminister, T. Nicander, who, however, died in
1748, a few months after the death of Nils Linnaeus.
In 1731, the birthplace of Linnaeus was rebuilt after
a fire which destroyed the original house, but for
economical reasons being rebuilt of old wood, it was
condemned in 1751. It is strange that Carl Linnaeus,
who came home on Christmas Eve, 1731, and stayed
there till the spring of 1732, never alludes to the
changes at Rashult, nor did he in 1741, even when
mentioning the burning of the rectory.
For illustrations of the Rashult buildings refer to
the above named journal, “ Ett besok yjd Rashult ”
—a visit to Rashult—in vol. iii. (1920) pp. 103-116,
by Professor C. A. M. Lindman, and in vol. iv. (1921)
pp. 34-64, “ I Linne’s fotspar ”—In Linne’s foot¬
steps—by Professor R. Senander.
B. D. J.

June, 1923.


Almost the only sources from which Linne’s biographers

can draw, are some autobiographic notes, which he made
in leisure hours, chiefly to please his memory with the
distant events, sometimes brought down to later years.
Unquestionably these must be regarded as especially
weighty and valuable, but they cannot be reckoned as
perfectly true materials. The various biographies con¬
cerning the same occurrences vary much, probably because
they were written long after the events.
Nevertheless, these autobiographies are of such great
importance as to deserve an account of them, and so much
the more, as that published by Afzelius is not only
incomplete, but somewhat confused and partially erroneous.
The autobiographies known to the author are the following:
1. Vita Caroli Linnaei, with the heading: Ens entium
miserere mei (Being of Beings, have mercy upon me).
This is the oldest and therefore for a knowledge of his
younger years, the most important; it extends to 1734.
The original manuscript is in the library of the Linnean
Society of London, where it was discovered in 1881, by the
unwearied and enthusiastic enquirer, Dr. E. Ahrling, who
afterwards published the same in “ Carl von Linne’s
Juvenile Writings,” in 1888. That it remained so long
unregarded is due to the fact that it is bound in at
the end of an interleaved copy of J. Scheuchzer’s
“ Operis Agrostographici Idea,” Tiguri, 1719, with many
annotations of Linne.
2. Historiola vitae meae, contributed by Linne in a
letter to Haller, dated 12th Sept., 1739, which was, without
the writer’s permission, printed in Haller’s correspondence,
vol. i., Bern, 1773, a want of tact which greatly hurt
Linne. It is of small extent, embracing the years 1730-39,
but notable by its lively style and certain small details
which do not appear elsewhere.
3. Vita Caroli Linnaei. This, apparently begun before
1745, and added to in 1751, is entirely written in Linne’s
hand, as a note on the back of the title-page states, and
was meant to serve as a guide for the “ Parentation,” or
address, which should, according to the custom of the time,
be delivered after his death, partly in Uppsala (by Professor
Beronius) partly in the Academy of Science, Stockholm.
It belonged to Linne’s son-in-law, S. C. Duse, the Proctor
of the University; and remained with his family till it was
sold by his daughter’s son, Engineer M. Ridderbielke, to
the British Museum in London. Two copies are in
Sweden; one by Afzelius in the library of Uppsala
University (MS. X. 274 b.), the other by E. Ahrling, in
the Academy of Science.
In Afzelius’s work: “ Egenhandiga anteckningar,” it
is ranked as III., and a “ complete ” extract is there given
on pages 101-123, but the differences between this and the
next (No. 4) are many and greater than appears from
Afzelius’s statement, through alterations, omissions, and
additions, he allowing himself great freedom in quoting
Linne’s words, though he has marked these with quotation
4. Vita Caroli Linnaei, was published by Afzelius and
ranked by him as VI. It was found in the house after the
death of the younger Linne, but when the other manuscripts
were sent to England, it was kept back by J. G. Acrel,
whether by permission or not is uncertain, together with
Linne’s “ Nemesis divina.” The loose sheets of paper of
which it was composed, were arranged by him, added to
here and there, a written title-page provided, and all
bound in one volume. After Acrel’s death, P. von
Afzelius became the owner, and he presented it to the
library of Uppsala University, where it is now kept
(MS. X. 274 a.). It may be added that a somewhat
fragmentary title-page, in Linne’s own handwriting (MS.
G. 152 a.), certainly belongs to it.
This autobiography is the fullest, coming down to 1776.
The beginning, about 1751, is written by another person,
probably Linn6’s pupil, P. Lofling, to whom, when recover¬
ing from a severe illness in that year, he was accustomed
to dictate what he wanted written down. The rest is in
his own hand, clearly betraying the weakness of old age.
A note on the back of the title-page expresses his wish
that this autobiography should serve as a basis for the
Memorial Oration, which he hoped “ Archiater Back, my
truest friend in life,” should give after his death, in the
Academy of Science. This wish was duly carried out.
A copy of this down to 1771, was taken by Linne’s
pupil, A. Murray; this is numbered as V. by Afzelius, and
is now in the Uppsala University library (MS. X. 274 d.).
In this is a genealogy palpably prepared by Linne, which is
wanting in the original.
Yet another copy, noted by Afzelius as IV. and coming
down to some time in 1769, was made by Linne’s pupil,
J. Lindvall, but has here and there between the lines, small
corrections and additions in Linne’s own hand. This was
delivered to Bishop Mennander in January, 1770, with the
request that he would make a Latin translation to be sent
to the French Academy, of which Linne had been elected
a member. In 1799, it was sent by Mennander’s son to a
Mr. Robert Gordon, a merchant or banker in Cadiz, to be
published. Gordon died soon afterwards, and Dr. W. G.
Maton bought the manuscript and included an English
translation of it in his 1805 edition of Pulteney’s “ General
View of the Writings of Linnaeus.” This manuscript now
belongs to the Linnean Society of London; another copy
down to 1764, with part of an English version, being in
the library of the Academy of Science.
5. Fragment of a life-description, clear copied by some
other person, with an addition in Linne’s own hand. The
contents are practically the same as the foregoing, though
with a few errors here and there, unhappily stopping at
1728. It was in the possession of the late Professor
T. Tullberg.
These Linnean manuscripts can be regarded as life-
sketches, but there are, besides, small notices by himself,
in some degree of biographic style. Usually, they are
merely notes of important events in his life, authorship,
teaching, etc. The following may be named:
(a) “ Memorial concerning my small services,” sent in
January, 1762, to Bishop Mennander to be delivered by
him to the Secret Committee, with reference to a national
payment to Linne; a copy is in the possession of the
Linnean Society, presented by Baron Oscar Dickson.
(b) “ Merit list, concerning those who were in 1767 on
the Academic list ”; the original seems lost, but a transcript
is possessed by the Academy of Science.
(c) A similar list for the Academy of Science, the
original being in the library of Gothenburg.
(d) Caroli Linnsei Vita, translated by Professor C.
Aurivillius, and intended for the French Academy.
A copy, sent in 1776, was used by Condorcet for his
“ Eloge ” in 1778.
(e) Two short notes about his appearance, mode of life,
properties, etc., written by Linne.
(/) A leaf in folio; no title, but with biographic notes
down to 1753; ends with the characteristic words “ God
has graciously shown me more of His handiwork than any
other person; I cannot say that I am free from faults, but
I was never a parricide/’
It need hardly be said that all these Linnean manuscripts
have been diligently made use of in the present work.



The tables here printed have been compiled from others

previously published, but are now corrected; they are
supported by statements by Nils Linnaeus from the
archives of the parish of Stenbrohult, by Samuel Linnaeus,
from the same; at a later period, from the Vaxjo library,
church entries, and official documents. Among the various
members named more fully than in the tables, it may suffice
to extract this notice concerning Carl Linnaeus’s only
brother Samuel. He was born in 1718, became student at
Lund in 1738, visited his brother in Uppsala in 1743,
ordained priest 1744, the following year was made
Philosophiae Magister at Lund, and succeeded his father
as Rector of Stenbrohult in 1749, where he died in 1790.
He was celebrated for his skilful and successful manage¬
ment of bees, of which he published a complete account,
printed at Vaxjo in 1768, wherefore he was generally called
the “ bee-king ” or “ bee-priest.”
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The first dates are when instructions began; an asterisk

denotes private lectures.


Anker, Peder, 1764 (1749-1824).

Ascanius, Peder, 1769 (1723-1803). Professor at Copen¬
*Borchgrevink, Janus Finne, 1766 (1736-1819).
Hagerup, Eiler, 1762 (1736-95).
*Tislef, Johannes, 1771.
*Tonning, Henrik, 1766-68 (1732-96).
*Vahl, Martin, 1769-74 (1749-1804). Professor at
Wellemsen, Gert von der Lith, 1754 (b. 1738).
Wellemsen, Wellem Friedrich Kolner, 1754 (1740-94).


Berger, Johann Wilhelm von, 1776 (1754-1779).

*Eding, Peder Wilhelm, 1771 (b. 1746).
*Fabricius, Johan Christian, 1762-64 (1745-1808). Professor
at Copenhagen, afterwards at Kiel; famous entomolo¬
gist. See p. 219.
Hagen, Mathias, 1760-62 (d. 1802 aged 63).
Holm, Jorgen Tyge (1726-59). One of Linne’s best
Horrebow, Peder, 1776 (1756-78).
Konig, Johan Gerard (1728-85). In Iceland and India.
Mangor, Christian Elovius, 1760-62 (1739-1801).
Moltke, Friderik Ludvig, 1764 (1745-1824).
Rottboll, Christian Friis (1727-97). Professor at Copen¬
*Zoega, Johan, 1762-64 (1742-88). See p. 220.

*Beckman, Johann, 1765 (1739-1811). Professor in
*Giseke, Paul Dietrich. See p. 224.
Grlino, Isaac, 1776-77 (1756-83).
Leppertin, — (Stover, i. p. 347).
*Meyer, Johan Karl Friedrich, 1764 or 1766 (1739-1811).
Nathorst, Theophil Erdmann, 1755-56 (1734-1804).
*Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel (1739-1810). See p. 223.

Ehrhart, Friedrich (1742-1795). See p. 225.
Valltravers, Johann Rodolph von, 1760-61 (b. 1723).

Rotheram, John. See p. 224.

*Burman, Nicolaus Laurens, 1760 (1734-93). Professor at

Missa, Henri. See p. 222.


Manie, — 1758.

*Aphonin, Mathaeus, 1761-69 (b. 1740). Professor at
Moscow. See p. 223.
Demidoras, — (Stover, i. 31).
Demidoff, — 1760-61. Three brothers, Paul, Gregorey
and-. See p. 219.
Hoppius, Christian Emanuel, 1757-62 (b. 1736).
Hornborg, Bogislaus, 1757.
*Homborg, Henrik, 1768 (b. 1745).
*Hornborg, Johan, 1768-74 (b. 1750).
Karamyschew, Alexander, 1761-67 (b. 1744). See p. 223.
Lepechin, Ivan (1737-1802.) Afterwards director of the
botanic garden at what is now known as Petrograd.
Lada, Christian, 1760.

African (Algiers)
*Logie, Fredrik, 1756-58 (1739-68).

*Kuhn, Adam, 1761-65 (1741-1817). Professor at

Prominent Swedes and Finns

(In addition to those enumerated on pp. 218-244.)
Afzelius, Adam (1750-1837). Professor at Uppsala.
Afzelius, Johan (1753-1837). Professor at Uppsala.
Bergman, Torbern (1735-84). Professor at Uppsala;
famous chemist.
Bjerkander, Clas (1735-95).
Bjerchen, Pehr, ennobled as Bjerken (1731-74). Eminent
Blom, Carl Magnus (1737-1815).
Casstrom, Samuel Niklas (1763-1827).
Dalberg, Nils (1736-1820).
Dubb, Pehr (1750-1834).
Fagraeus, Jonas Theodor (1729-97).
Ferber, Johan Jacob (1743-90).
Fornander, Anders Niclas (1715-94).
Gyllenhaal, Leonard (1752-1840). Famous entomologist.
Hallman, Johan Gustaf (1726-97).
Haartman, Johan Johansson (1752-87). Professor at Abo.
Hagstrom, Anders Johan, ennobled as Hagstromer (1753-
1830). Professor and eminent physician.
Hall, Birger Martin (1741-1814), the only mycological
student of Linne.
Hallenberg, Jonas (1748-1834).
Hedin, Sven Anders (1750-1821). See p. 397.
Hellenius, Carl Niklas (ennobled as von Hellens) (1745-
.1820). Professor at Abo.
Hoffberg, Carl Fredrik (1729-90).
Hoffman, Anton (1739-82).
Holmberger, Pehr (1745-1807).
Jorlin, Engelbert (1733-1810).
Ljungh, Sven Ingemar (1757-1828).
Martin, Anton Rolandsson (1726-88). See p. 236.
Odhelius, Johan Lorens (1737-1816).

Odman, Samuel (1750-1829).

Samzelius, Abraham (1723-73).
Scheidenburg, Daniel (b. circa 1720).
Schulz, David, ennobled as von Schulzenheim (1732-1823).
Swederus, Nils Samuel (1751-1833). Entomologist.
Tidstrom, Andreas Philip (1723-79). See p. 303.
Westring, Johan Peter (1753-1833).
Winbom, Johan (1746-1826).
Wollin, Christian (1730-98).
Wahlin, Anders Magnus (1731-97).




These were drawn up for his son's guidance; after the

father's death they were lost sight of, till in 1844 they were
found at Kalmar in the house of the deceased Olof Acrel,
the son of J. G. Acrel. The manuscript now is in the
library of Uppsala University.
When found, they consisted of slips in a case, but are
now bound in a volume. The work was first published in
1848 by E. M. Fries, in the “ Botaniska Utflygter
again by T. M. Fries in 1878. The manuscript was written
in a mixture of Swedish and Latin. A few extracts are
given; the style is terse and abrupt.

1. Be persuaded by nature and experience in God, who
made, maintains and governs all; who sees, hears,
knows all, thou art in his sight.
2. Never take God to witness in an unjust thing, nor
swear falsely.
3. Look upon God’s purpose in creation; believe that
God guides and keeps thee daily, and all good and
evil comes from His hand.
4. Be not ungrateful, that thou mayest live long.
5. Beware of manslaughter, sin is not suffered, unless
restitution is done, and that cannot be, so not
6. Dishonour no woman, and steal no man’s heart.
7. Procure no unjust advantage.
8. Be honest and a man of ancient virtue and faith, then
you will be loved of all.
9. Plot not to overturn others, that thou fall not into
a pit.
10. Have nothing to do with intrigue.


Revenge persecutes him; all things go against the

guilty. No calamity by itself.
Everything went badly with me, when I harboured
revenge, but [I] changed, and left everything in God’s
hands: since then all happily. 1734. See p. 124.

Crimes punished by Nemesis

Beware of great sins.

Sin is not forgiven, unless restitution is made.
1. Beware of manslaughter or murder.
2. ,, ,, blood guiltiness.
3. ,, ,, contempt of God.
4. ,, ,, ingratitude to parents.
5. ,, ,, ruining one’s welfare.
6. ,, ,, injuring the defenceless.

Many of my colleagues took holidays from lectures,

came up for half-time, enjoyed themselves in society
every day (Frondin), many had double salary.
I gave myself no repose night or day, had no rest,
lectured, wrote, examined. What had I more ? Name is
wind, annihilated by others. Obs., what I did, others
copied as their own. Titles are wind; Noble, Knight,

Miinnich in Russia, Premier Minister, had Birong

taken to Siberia and lodged permanently in prison. The
house in which B. was, M. had boarded up so that no
sunlight should get in to lighten his solitude. After some
years, Birong came out, and Miinnich was put in the same
prison. Miinnich . . . caused the Russian captain Keller
to murder Cinder [Sinclair] on his journey back from

Examples of “ Nemesis ”

Mans of Sannaboke in Smaland, a hard man; evil

against his father. Man’s son dragged his father by the
hair to throw him out of his own house. When the
father came to the door, he cried out, “ Drag me no farther;
I did not drag my father any farther.” The son answered
God’s death, thou dragged thy father to the door, I will
drag thee out of the door.” This happened in my birth¬
place, in my childhood.

Two unmarried women, Friesendorf, lived at Hammarby

before me, died 1725. Were always so perverse that they
could not bear each other; they divided the estate in two.
When one died, the other rejoiced and said she would
mourn in scarlet, but in four days she too lay dead; they
were buried on the same day in one grave. Then they
first agreed.

Captain Cinder [Sinclair] when imprisoned, stabbed to

death an under officer, Lod, and by legal process escaped
[judgment for] the murder. Captain Cinder had so
mortal a hatred for the Russians, that he said he did
not wish to go to heaven if any Russians went there.
(Similarly Artedi had mortal hatred of the Dutch, when he
was drowned at Amsterdam.) He was sent with despatches
to Turkey, to stir up the Turks against the Russians.
Miinnich, Premier Minister in Petersburg, had his portrait
made, set four officers in ambush at Ingerstedt in Germany,
one of whom, Keller, murdered him.

A man freed a thief from the gallows. The same man

was taken by enemies and was to be hanged, but a rope
was wanting; the thief came and gave a rope.

Carl XII. had his fortune told by General Carl Cronstedt
by “ puncture ” that he would be killed before the end of
November, though amongst his trusty friends, the officers.
One of Cronstedt’s friends said to him on the last day of
November: “ It is now the last day of November, and
the 'King is still alive.” Cronstedt answered:: “That is
so, but the time is not past.” At night he was killed at
Fredrikshald. But some think that it was the same
Cronstedt who shot the King at Fredrikshald, but really
the French colonel Stickart.
A woman was carried round to all houses as sick and
poor, but could tell fortunes. She said that the house [at
Stenbrohult] stood in danger of destruction by fire. My
mother was alarmed; she [the soothsayer] said pray God to
postpone it in your time. The house was burned after her
death. My brother Samuel, brisk, was at Wexio school; I
was newly come to Lund. Everybody called my brother
Professor, and said he would become a Professor. She,
who had seen neither of us, asked to see some of our
clothes, and said of brother Samuel that he would be
priest; of me, he would be professor, travel far, be more
famous than anyone in the kingdom, and swore thereto.
My mother to deceive her, showed another coat, saying
it was my brother’s. “ No, that is his which will be
professor and live far away.”
My father saw one night as it were a human form in a
sheet sitting by the fireplace; talked about it to everybody.
Two days after came the dancing master, Sobrant, who
sickened the next day and died.
A week before my wife was confined of our daughter
Helena [Sara Magdalena], the neighbours saw at night,
lights in all our windows, as if illuminated; they talked about
it to everybody My wife got to know about it, and feared
that it portended she should die in childbed; but she came
through. The girl died soon after her birth.

1765 at midnight between 22nd and 23rd July, my wife

heard [somebody] outside our bedroom; it went into the
upper chamber, my museum. Something went heavily to
and fro. Wakened me, and I heard it also. I knew that
nobody was there, the doors were locked, and the keys with
me. After a few days I learned that my special friend and
trusty commissary, Carl Clerck, died the 22nd July at nine
at night, and really the walk was so like his, that if I had
heard it at Stockholm, I should have known him by his
walk, but I was then at Hammarby, six miles from
Stockholm [really about thirty-six English miles].

When Lofling before starting for Spain, came to take

leave of me, he stumbled [on the threshold] came not back.
Forskal likewise.

[A long account of Alexander Blackwell, a native of

Aberdeen, will be found translated in the “ Journal of
Botany,” xlviii. (1910) pp. 193-195.]


Adjunct, Assistant Professor; sometimes a Curate.

Akademiska forsamling, Convocation of the body of
Archiater, a Chief Physician.
Assessor, primarily an assistant to a Board or Council, but
used in various senses; in Linne’s time usually an
honorary title.
Auscultant, a special assistant in the Medical College.
Candidate, see Kandidate.
Consistorium, Academic Consistory, greater or lesser,
according to the number of Professors on it.
Decanus, or Dean, the presiding officer in a faculty.
Dissertation, a formal discourse supported by a Respondent
before the President (Prseses).
Docent, lecturer; Docentstipendier, lecturer fellowships.
Doctor, a recipient of the highest academic honour.
Harad, hundred or district; Haradsratt, district court.
Hosttermin, autumn term, ist September—16th December.
Hovratt, Court of Appeal.
Informator, private tutor; Information, private tuition.
Justitierad, Chief Justice.
Kakelugn, earthenware stove.
Kandidate, Bachelor; a graduate in any faculty.
Kansler, Chancellor, the chief officer of a university; an
honorary office, the duties usually devolving on the
Kansli, Secretary’s Office.
Kollegier, coaching lectures, for extra payment by pupils.
Komminister, Perpetual Curate.
Kondition, private tutorship.
Kronofogde, Crown Bailiff.
Kyrkoherde, Rector of a parish.
Kyrkomotet, the Convocation of Clergy.
Laborator, Demonstrator.
Lakare, Physician, Medical Practitioner.
Lan, county or district, twenty-five in number.
Landmarschalk, Speaker of the House of Nobles, in the
Landshofding, Governor of a Province.
Landskap, see Nation.
Larare, Teacher, Professor, or Schoolmaster.
Larjungar (pi.), pupils.
Lasaret, the academic year.
Lektor, native teacher of a foreign language in a school or
Licentiate, a graduate, having passed the final honour
Lifmedicus, a Body-Physician.
Nation (Landskap, Nationsforening), a provincial club at
a university.
Ofverstathallare, the High Governor at Stockholm.
Ombudsman, Commissioner or Proctor.
Opponent, the critic of a thesis.
Parentation, a memorial oration on the death of a person
of eminence.
Prseses, President at a disputation; in the time of Linne he
usually dictated the substance of the thesis to be
defended by the Respondens.
Prokansler, Vice-Chancellor.
Prorector, Deputy for the University Rector.
Prosector, Demonstrator in Anatomy.
Provins, Province, the old divisions of Sweden.
Rantmastare, Bursar (or Treasurer).
Rektor (Rector Magnificus), Head of the University; held
six months during Linne’s time, now for three years.
Respondens, one who maintains or answers for the thesis
or disputation put forward.
Ridderhus, House of Knights or Nobles.
Riksdag, Parliament, organized in four estates down to
1809, the Nobility, Clergy, Burgesses and Peasants.
Riksrad, Councillor of the Realm.
Secret Committee [Sekret utskottet], consisted of 100
delegates of the Estates or four houses of the Riksdag.
Stadsphysicus, old term for Stadslakare, a borough officer
of health.
Statsrad, Cabinet of Ministers.
Stander, the Estates in the Riksdag.
Stipendium (pi. Stipendier) a fellowship bursary or scholar¬
ship; not an exhibition.
Student, undergraduate; Student examination, matricula¬
tion examination.
Thesis, the proposition to be maintained by the respondent.

Tullhus, Custom-house; Tullport, the town gate where

customs were levied.
Vice-Rektor, the Dean or Prorektor.
Vartermin, spring term, 15th January—1st June.

The value of Swedish money varied during the “ Era of

Liberty,’’ but the following values have been assigned as
the average:
1 daler, copper coinage, equalled 6 pence.
1 daler, silver coinage, equalled 18 pence.
1 plat (pi. platar), 2 silver dalers, equalled 3 shillings.
3 silver dalers equalled 1 riksdaler; in 1761, 4 shillings
and pence (later about 4 shillings and 5 pence).
1 ducat equalled 9 shillings and 2 pence.

The length of the Swedish mile was 6‘6423, or nearly 6§

of an English statute mile; as the Swedish mile was so long,
it was often reckoned by the quarter mile, rather less than
one mile and three-quarters English.
Other measures were:
1 inch (turn) = 0*97 English inch
1 foot (fot) = 11*69 >> inches
2 feet = 1 (aln) ell= 1*95 ,, feet
1 quarter (of wine), slightly more than half-a-pint.


The following short sketch of Swedish history, including

the life-time of Linne, may help to recall the circumstances
under which his work was done, and some of the influences
which moulded public life at that period.
In 1682 the Diet had entrusted Carl XI. with sole
executive power, and one of his latest decrees was intended
to reform the Calendar (see p. 2). Dying in 1697, he
was succeeded by his son Carl XII, whose personal
absolutism was fraught with disastrous consequences. He
was clever, well educated, and energetic, but reckless and
self-willed; succeeding his father when only fifteen, his
autocratic power became exercised from early youth. In
1699, an alliance between Denmark, Russia and Poland was
concluded against Sweden, leading to the great northern
war, but helped by Britain and the Netherlands, Carl
successfully compelled the Danes to make peace at Travendal
in 1700. He defeated the Russians at Narva, took Curland
from the Poles, and obliged the Elector Augustus of Saxony
to sign the peace of Altranstadt. Meanwhile Tsar Peter
(Peter the Great) had, on the other hand, gained Kexholm,
Ingermanland, and Esthonia. Instead of a direct attempt
to regain these provinces, Carl, tempted by a promise of help
from Mazeppa, a Cossack chief, marched to the Ukraine,
but sustained a signal defeat at Poltava in 1709, largely due
to the fact that the Swedish army had expended all its
ammunition, and had only cold steel for its defence.
Though wounded, Carl escaped into Turkey and resided at
Bender, while Denmark and Saxony again declared war
against Sweden, and the Tsar occupied Finland. Swedish
resources being now exhausted, the nobility began to plot
against their king. Carl escaped from Turkey, and return¬
ing to Sweden in 1715, found that Britain, Hanover and
Prussia had also declared war against him. Having with
great difficulty raised some money, Carl invaded Norway
and besieged Fredrikshald, midway between Christiania and
Gothenburg, but was shot in the trenches, dying at the early
age of thirty-six. With his death absolutism came to an
end, and the “ Era of Liberty ” succeeded, lasting from
1719 to 1772.
Carl XII. was succeeded by his sister, Ulrika Eleanora,
who, shortly afterwards, abdicated in favour of her husband,
the Crown Prince of Cassel, who ascended the throne as
Fredrik I., a new constitution being framed in 1720. In the
course of two years, peace being concluded with the
surrounding nations, a period of repose followed; a new
code of laws was drawn up in 1734, and efforts were made to
revive commerce. Meanwhile the people became divided
into two parties, namely the “ Hats,” who, under Counts
Gyllenborg and Tessin, advocated an alliance with France
and war with Russia, and the “ Caps,” who preferred to
form an alliance with Britain and keep France at a distance.
In 1741, the “ Hats ” were supreme in power, and after the
death in 1751 of Fredrik I., who had no issue, they plunged
in 1757 into the Seven Years’ War, with ruinous results
to themselves, and by 1760, impeachment was imminent.
Adolf Fredrik had succeeded Fredrik I. as King, his queen
being the masterful Lovisa Ulrika, sister of Frederick the
Great. With these personages Linne was in constant
communication, as both King and Queen were amassing
rich collections of natural history, and often invoked the

aid of the great naturalist in arranging and classifying

The ** Caps ” came into power in 1765, but their
administration (though taking an opposite course to that of
the “ Hats ” whom they displaced) was so unfortunate,
that, three years later, they had to yield once more to the
supremacy of the “ Hats.”
Adolf Fredrik died in 1771, and his son Gustaf III.
succeeded. In a few months, by a bloodless military
revolution in 1772, he ended the “ Era of Liberty,” and
acquired the sole executive power. He, however, used
his victory with moderation, abolished torture, brought in
liberty of the press, and promoted commerce, science and
art. During his early years on the throne, his relations
with Linne were cordial and generous until the death of
the great naturalist, who had been in his grave for nearly
twenty years, when the King was shot at a masked ball, by
Count Ankarstrom, dying a few days afterward. The
assassin was scourged during three successive days, and
then executed.

A paragraph may be devoted to reminding the reader of

current European history outside Sweden during the period
of 1707-78.
The political union of Scotland with England took place
in 1707; the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, closing the war of
the Spanish succession; the death of Louis XIV. occurred in
1715, and in the same year the Earl of Mar conducted the
rising in Scotland in favour of the son of James II., the
“ Old Pretender.” The excitement of the South Sea
Bubble reached its height in 1720; the Quadruple Alliance
was formed in 1721, and war with Spain began in 1739;
battles were fought at Dettingen in 1743, and Fontenoy in
1745; the latter year also witnessed the attempt of the
“ Young Pretender,” who suffered a total defeat at
Culloden in 1746. The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle closed
the war of the Austrian succession, the Seven Years’ War
lasting from 1756 to 1763, the battle of Rossbach being
fought in 1756; the conquest of India began under Clive in
1757 culminating in his victory at Plassey; the victory and
death of Wolfe took place at Quebec in 1759, with the
conquest of Canada the year after, and the war for the
independence of North America began in 1773. The
period thus briefly traced extended from the middle of the
reign of Queen Anne, the whole of those of George I. and
George II., and the first eighteen years of George III.


Part I—Linnean Books

Fuller particulars and titles of minor works are given
in Dr. J. M. Hulth’s “ Bibliographia Linnaeana,” 1907 (see
Part II). All 8vo unless otherwise noted.

Linn^us (after 1761 von Linn£), Carl.

D. botanica de planta Sceptrum Carolinum dicta . . .
Praes. L. Robergio . . . Auctor J. O. Rudbeck,
Upsalis, 1731. 4to.
De febrium intermittentium causa. Harderovici, 1735*
4to. Reimpr. in Am. Acad. i. 1749. 1-19. ib. ed.
III. x. (1790), 1-22.
Systema Naturae. Lugd. Bat. 1735, fol. Repr. Paris,
1830. 8vo; ib. 1881. Facsimile, Stockholm, 1907,
fol. Ed. II. Stockh. 1740. 4to; ed. VI. ib.
1748; ed. X. Holmiae, 1758-59, 2 vols.—Reimpr.
Regnum animale. Ed. X. cura societatis
zoologicae Germanicae iterum edita. Lipsiae, 1894.
Ed. XII. Holmiae, 1766-67. 3 vols.
(The intermediate editions were not revised by
Bibliotheca botanica. Amstel. 1736—ed. II. ib. 1751.
Fundamenta botanica. Amstel. 1736; ed. II. Stockh.
1740. 4to; ed. III. Amstel. 1741. 4to.
Musa Cliffortiana florens Hartecampi, 1736, prope
Haarlemum. Lugd. Bat. 1737.
Critica botanica. Accedit J. Browallii, De necessitate
historiae naturalis discursus. Lugd. Bat. 1737.
Flora lapponica. Amstel. 1737; ed. II. cura J. E.
Smith. Lond. 1792.
Genera plantarum. Lugd. Bat. 1737; ed. II. ib. 1742;
ed. V. Holmiae, 1754; ed. VI. ib. 1764—
Corollarium Generum plantarum, ib. 1737.
Methodus sexualis sistens genera plantarum. Lugd.
Bat. 1737.

Hortus Cliff ortianus. Amstel. 1737, fol. (Paged 1-231,

. .30i;507) •
Viridarium Cliffortianum, ib. 1737.
Classes plantarum. Lugd. Bat. 1738.
P. Artedi, Ichthyologia . . . postuma, ed. a Linnaeo.
ib. 1738.
J. E. Ferber. Hortus agerumensis. Holmiae, 1739.
Tal, om markwardigheter uti insecterne. Stockh. 1739.
(Reimpr. multoties.)
Orbis eruditi judicium de C. L. scriptis [Stockh. 1741].
Reimp. in facsimile a W. Junk. Berol. 1901 et 1907.
Oratio de necessitate peregrinationum intra patriam.
Accedunt J. Browallii Examen epicriseos Sieges-
beckianae . . . et J. Gesneri D. partium vegeta-
tionis. Lugd. Bat. 1743.
Flora suecica. Stockh. 1745; ed. II. ib. 1755.
Olandska och Gothlandska resa. Stockh. och Uppsala,
1745; ed. II. Stockh. 1907. (In German, Halle,
1764; in Dutch, Dordregt, 1770.)
Gothlandska resa . . . 1741 . . . Ny Upplaga,
Visby, 1890.
Fauna suecica. Stockh. 1746; ed. II. ib. 1761.
Flora zeylanica . . . fuere a P. Hermanno. Holmiae,

Wastgota resa. Stockh. 1747.

Lars Robergs Tal. ib. 1747.
Hortus Upsaliensis. Vol. i. (all issued), ib. 1748.
Materia medica. Holmiae, 1749; Materies medica, lib.
2 [et 3] ib. 1763.
Amoenitates Academicae. Holmiae, tom. i.-vii. 1749-
1769; ed. Schreber, i.-x. Erlangae, 1785-89.
Miscellaneous Tracts . . . transl. by B. Stilling-
fleet, Lond. 1759; ed. IV. ib. 1791.
Select dissertations . . . transl. by the Rev. F. J.
Brand, ib. 1781.
Druce, G. C. Linnaeus’s “ Flora anglica.” In
Scot. Bot. Rev. (1912) 154-161.
Philosophia botanica. Stockh. 1751. Reimp. Viennae
Austriae, 1755, 1763, 1770, 1783; cura Gleditsch
Berol, 1780; ed. III.; cura Willdenow, ib. 1790.
Skanska resa. Stockh. 1751. Reimpr. Lund, 1874, ib.
1907. Ed. II. av J. Sahlgren. Stockholm, 1920.
In German, Leipzig, 1756.
Museum Tessinianum. Holmiae, 1753, fol.
Species plantarum. Holmiae, 1753, 2 vols.; facsimile,
Berlin, 1907. Ed. II. Holmiae, 1762-63; ed. “ III.”
Vindobonae, 1764, 2 vols. Index perfectus ad C. L.
Species plantarum . . . 1753 collatore F. de
Mueller, Melbourne, 1880. Index abecedarius;
an alphabetical index to the first edition of the
“ Species plantarum ”... compiled by W. P.
Hiern (Journ. Bot. 1906). Indices nominum
trivialium ad Linnaei species plantarum, ed. I.
Berlin (Junk), 1907. Hulth, J. M. Linne’s
forsta utkast till Species plantarum (Sv. Bot. Tidsk.
vi. 1912).
Museum S. R. M. Adolphi Friderici regis. Holmiae,
1754, fob; Tomi secundi prodromus, ib. 1764.
Hasselquists Iter palaestinum. Stockh. 1759. In
German, Rostock, 1762; in English, Lond. 1766;
in French, Paris, 1769; in Dutch, Amstel. 1771.
P. Lofling. Iter hispanicum. Stockh. 1758. In
German, Berlin, 1766 and 1776.
Disquisitio de quaestione . . . proposita . . . sexum
plantarum, etc. Petropoli, 1760. 4to. In English,
Lond. 1786.
Museum S. R. M. Ludovicse Ulricae Reginse . . .
Holmise, 1764.
Clavis medicinse duplex. Holmise, 1766. Reimpr.
Longosalissa, 1767; Uppsala, 1907.
Mantissa plantarum. Holmise, 1767.
Mantissa altera. Ib. 1771.
Delicise Naturse. Stockh. 1773.
Systema vegetabilium ... a J. A. Murray, ed. XIII.
Gottingse et Gothae, 1774; ed. XIV. Gottingse, 1784.
Supplementum plantarum . . . ed. a C. a Linne [filio].
Brunsvigae, 1781.
[D. Vandelli]. Florse Lusitaniae . . . specimen. Et
epistolae a Carolo a Linne. Conimbricae, 1788.
4to; ed. Roemer.
Haller, A. von. Epistolarum ab eruditis viris ad A.
H. scriptarum [partes i.-vi.]. Bernae, 1773-75-
(The letters from Linne are contained in vols. i.-iii.)
Fabricius, J. C., and P. D. Giseke. C. a Linne,
Praelectiones in ordines naturales plantarum, ed.
P. D. Giseke. Hamburgi, 1792.
Collectio epistolarum . . . ed. D. H. Stoever.
Hamburgi, 1792.
Smith, Sir J. E. A selection of the correspondence
of Linnaeus ... 2 vols., Lond. 1821.
Epistolae ineditae . . . annis 1736-93 . . . ed. H. C. van
Hall. Groningae, 1830.
Epistolae ad N. J. Jacquin . . . praef. S. Endlicher,
Vindobonae, 1841.
C. a L. ad Bernardum de Jussieu ineditae, ab mutuae
Bernardi ad Linnaeum epistolae, curante Adriano de
Jussieu. In: Mem. Amer. Acad. N. S. v. (1853)
pp. 179-234.
Lettres inedites de Linne a Boissier de la Croix de
Sauvages, rec. par M. le Baron D’Hombres-Firmas,
ed. par M.C.C. Alais, i860.
Lachesis lapponica, transl. by C. Troilius ed. by Sir
J. E. Smith, 2 vols. Lond. 1811.
Exercitatio botanico-physica de Nuptiis et sexu
plantarum . . . latine vertit M. J. A. Afzelius.
Upsaliae, 1828.
Systema, Genera, species plantarum uno volumine . . .
sive Codex botanicus Linnaeanus . . . edidit H. E.
Richter, Lipsiae, 1835. In Codicem botanicum
Linnaeanum Index alphabeticus . . . composuit G.
L. Petermann, ib. 1840.
Anteckningar ofver Nemesis divina. Uppsala, 1848,
fob; Reimpr. in Bot. Utflygter, ii. (1852) 299-344;
Ny uppl. Uppsala, 1878.
Flora dalekarlica . . . ed. E. Ahrling. Orebroae, 1873.
Hortus uplandicus . . . af T. M. Fries. Uppsala, 1899.
Hortus uplandicus 1730: Manuscriptum autoris
quod in bibliotheca Degeeriana Leufstadiensi
adservatur arte photo-lithographica expressum
[Holmiae, 1907]. 4to.
Adonis uplandicus . . . manuscriptum. ib. 1907. 4to.
Catalogus plantarum rariorum Scanise, item Catalogus
plantarum . . . Smolandiae, 1728, manuscriptum
expressum [ib. 1907].
(These three MSS. were facsimiled by Count
Carl De Geer for the Linnean bicentenial celebration
of 1907.)
Carl von Linne’s Ungdomskrifter samlade af E. Ahrling
och efter hans dod med statsunderstod av K.
V etenskapsakademien.
Forsta Serien. Stockh. [1888].
En sjelfbiografi . . . till ar 1734.
Skanes sallsyntare vaxter, 1728.
Spolia botanica, 1729.
Hortus uplandicus, 1729.
Id. 1730 et 1731.
Adonis uplandicus, 1731.
Andra Serien, ib. [1889].
Iter lapponicum; Iter ad fodinas.
Iter dalecarlicum; Iter ad exteros.
Skriften af Carl von Linne utgifna af Kungl. Svenska
I. Flora lapponica, ofversatt till svensk spraket af
T. M. Fries. Uppsala, 1905.
II. Valda smarre skrifter, ib. 1906.
III. Classes plantarum, ib. 1906.
IV. . Valda smarre skrifter af botaniska innehall,
ib. 1908.
V. Iter lapponicum; andra upplagan . . . af T. M.
Fries, ib. 1913.
[Letter to P. Arduino.] Proc. Linn. Soc. 1906-7 (1907)
pp. 83-87.
Pluto svecicus, utgifna af C. Benedicks. LTppsala, 1907.
Beskrifning ofwer stenriket, utgifna af [densamme],
ib. 1907.
Methodus avium sveticarum, utgifna af E. Lonnberg,
ib. 1907.
Vorlesungen iiber die Cultur des Pflanzen, utgifna af
M. B. Swederus, ib. 1907.
Linne och vaxtodlinger, af [densamme], ib. 1907.
Linne’s Dietetik . . . ordnad och utgifna af A. O.
Lindfors, ib. 1907.
Bref och skrifvelser af och till Carl von Linne.
I. Afdeln. Svenskar; Stockh. i.-viii., 1907-22.
II. Afdeln. Utlanskor, af J. M. Hulth, Uppsala,
i. 1916. (Ed. by T. M. Fries, and after his death
in 1913, by J. M. Hulth; in progress.)
Forelasningar ofver djurriket . . . utgifna och forsedda
med forklarende anmarkningar af E. Lonnberg,
ib. [1913]-

Part II

Works relating to Linne; arranged in chronological

order of writers.
Botanosophia verioris brevis sciagraphia . . . Accedit
. . . Epicrisis in Cl. Linnaei nuperrime evulgatum
Systema plantarum sexuale. Petropoli, 1737. 4to.
Vaniloquentiae botanicae specimen a M. J. G. Gleditsch
in Consideratione Epicriseos Siegesbeckianae, ib.
1741. 4to.
Brovall, J.
Examen Epicriseos . . . auctore J. G. Siegesbeck.
Aboae [1739]. Reimp. in Linnaei Oratio de necessi¬
tate peregrinationum in patriam. App. 1-53.
Lugd. Bat. 1743.
Curriculum vitae Caroli Linnaei. Den forsta biografien
ofver Linne. Utg. pa svenska af Joh. Bergman.
Stockh. 1820.
Gleditsch, J. G.
Consideratio Epicriseos Siegesbeckianae . . . Berol,
Wallerius, J. G.
Decades binae thesium medicarum. Uppsal. 1741.
Reimpr. De injurioso contra Linnaeum libello . . .
In: Stoever, Coll. Epist. 119-158.
Back, A.
Aminnelse tal. . . . Stockh. 1779. In German, ib. 1779.
A general view of the writings of Linnaeus. Lond.
1781; ed. II. by W. G. Maton, with “Diary”;
1805. 4to. In French, Paris, 1789, 2 vols.;
in German, 1798. 2 vols.
[Ratte, E. H. de].
Eloge de M. de Linne. In :; Assemblee publique de la
Societe royale des sciences, tenue a Montpellier, le
28 Decembre, 1779 (1780) pp. 100-116. 4to.
Hedin, S. A.
Quid Linnaeo patri debeat medicina. D. . . . proponit
S. A. H. . . . resp. C. Carlander, 1784.
Saint-Amans, J. F. B.
Eloge de Charles de Linne. Agen. 1791.
Stoever, D. H.
Leben des Ritters Carl von Linne. Hamburg, 1792,
2 vols.; Nachtrag, ib. 1793. In English by J.
Trapp. Lond. 1794. 4to.
Acrel, J. G.
Tal om lakare-vetenskaps grund-laggning och tillvaxt
vid rikets alsta larosate i Upsala. Stockh. 1796.
Carolus von Linne; Nils Rosen von Rosenstein;
Carl von Linne, sonen; Olof Rudbeck, sonen; Lars
Turton, W.
Some account of the life and writings of Sir Charles
Linne. In Gen. Syst. Nature, vii., 1806.
Aikin, J.
Linnaeus, Carl. In: General Biography vi. (1807)

Thunberg, C. P.
Tal vid invignings acten af den nya Akademiska
tradgarden ... d. 25 Maji, 1807. Uppsala, 1807.
Hedin, S.
Minne af von Linne; fader och son. Stockh. 1808.

Smith, Sir J. E.
Linnaeus. In Rees’s Cyclopaedia xxi. “ 1819 ” [recte
1812]. Lond. 4to. Chalmers, A. Linnaeus. In:
Biographical Dictionary. Lond. 1815, 294-312
[Abbrev. from preceding] Rose, Rev. H. J.
Linnaeus. In: New General Biographical
Dictionary. Lond. 1857, ix. 282-286 [Entirely
derived from Smith].
Afzelius, A.
Egenhandiga anteckningar af C. L. om sig sjelf med
anmarkningar och tillagg. Uppsala, 1823. 4to.
In German, Berlin, 1826.
Wahlenberg, G.
Linne och hans vetenskap. In “ Svea,” 1822, pp.
Historisk underrattelse om Upsala Universitets botaniska
tradgard. 1836 [pp. 51-74]. [Uppsala? 1836.]
Agardh, C. A.
Antiquitates Linnaeanae. Programma. Lund, 1826, fol.
Areminne. In: Sv. Akad. Handl. x. (1826) 49-108.

Fee, A. L. A.
Vie de Linne, redigee sur les documents autographes.
Paris, 1832 (Lille, imp.). In: Mem. Soc. Royale
des Sciences de Lille. 1832. i.

Smith, Pleasance, Lady, nee Reeves.

Memoir and correspondence of the late Sir J. E. Smith.
Lond. 2 vols. 1832. (Linnean Collections, i. 92-106,
110-118, 122-128).
Myrin, C. G.
Om Linne’s naturhistoriska samlingar. In: Tids.
Skandin. ii. (1833) 242-288.
Jardine, Sir W.
Memoir of Linnaeus. In the Naturalists’ Library:
Ornithology, Edinb. 1833. i. 13-48.
Carr, D. C.
The Life of Linnaeus . . . [with] a short account of the
botanical systems of Linnaeus and Jussieu. Holt,
i837 -

[—] Linnaeus and Jussieu; or, the rise and progress of

systematic botany. Lond. 1844.
Martius, C. F. P. von.
Reden und Vortrage [fiber Linne u.s.v.]. Stuttg. 1838.
Pontin, M. af.
A visit to Hammarby, the country seat of Linnaeus in
the spring of 1834. (From the Transactions of the
Swedish Horticultural Society for 1834) . . .
German by Dannfelt . . . English by J. C. Loudon.
In: Loudon, Gard. Mag. xiv. (1838) 98-101.
Hartman, C.
Annotationes de plantis scandinavicis herbarii Linneani
in Museo Societ. Linnaeanae Londin. asservati. In.
Sv. Akad. Handl. (1849) 145-193; (1851) 211-426.
Brightwell, Miss C. L.
The life of Linnaeus. Lond. 1858.
Fee, A. L. A.
On the question whether Linnaeus in a spirit of ill-will,
altered the spelling of the name of the genus
Buffoniaf In Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. ii. (1858)
183-187. (“ The error was due to Sauvages, not
Linne ”: J. J. Bennett—Note on the preceding
communication, ib. 188-190.)
Hanley, S. C. T.
Ipsa Linnaei conchylia. Lond. 1855 [In English].
On the Linnean manuscript of the Museum Ulricae.
London, 1859.
Fries, T. M.
Anteckningar rorande en i Paris befintlig Linneansk
vaxtsamling. In: Stockh. Vet. Akad. Ofvers. xviii.
(1861) 255-272.
Fries, T. M.
Om ett Linneanskt herbarium in Sverige. In: Bot.
Notiser, 1887. 141-143.
Eulogium on Linnaeus. In: Proc. Linn. Soc. 1887-88.
[1890] 45-54.
Bidrag [1-8] till en lefnadsteckning ofver C. v. L.
Uppsala, 1893-98.
C. L. Hortus uplandicus. Uppsala, 1899.
Linne: lefnadsteckning. Stockh. 2 vols. [1903].
Linneminnen i Uppsala botaniska tradgard. Antikritic.
In Ark. bot. iv. (1905) No. 5. 1-54 (cf. Kjellman).
Ett och annat om Linncea borealis. In: Fauna och
Flora, iii. (1908).
Nagra akademiska befordringsfragor i Uppsala
under Linne’s tid [Mathesius sasom Prseses].
In Nordisk Tidskrift, Stockh. 1910. 99-117.
Cf. Hemmensdorff; Kjellman.
Schiodt, J. M. C.
Af. Linne’s Brefvexling. Aktstykker til Naturstudiets
Histone i Danmark. In: Naturhist. Tidsskr. IHe.
Raekke, vii. (1870-71) 333-522.
Ahrling, J. E. E.
Studier i den Linneanska nomenclaturen och synony-
miken. Orebro, 1872.
Nagra af de i Sverige befintliga Linneanska handskrif-
terna, kritiskt skarskade. Akad. Afh. Lund, 1878.
Linnes Svenska arbeten. Stockh. vols. i. and ii. part I.
Carl von Linne’s Svenska arbeten i urval och med noter
utgifna [vol. i. in five parts]. Stockh. 1879.
Carl von Linne’s brefvexling, ib. 1885.
Om Karl von Linne; Linne d.y., Linnean Society of
London; Linneska Institut. Linneska samfundet
och Linneska samlingar. In : Nordisk Familjebok,
ib. 1885.
Ahnfelt, A.
Carl von Linne’s lefnadsminnen tecknade af honom
sjelf. Stockholm, 1877.
Hjelt, O. E. A.
Carl von Linne som lakare, och hans betydelse for den
medicinska vetenskapen i Sverige. Helsingfors,
1877. In German, Leipzig, 1882.
Gistel, J. F. X.
Carolus Linnaeus, ein Lebensbild. Frankfurt am
Main. 1873.
Botaniska tradgarden i Upsala, 1655-1807. 1877.
Lundstrom, A. N.
Carl Linnaei resa till Lappland, 1732; nagra skizzer.
£ Uppsala, 1878.]
Sahlin, Y.
Inbjudning-skrift till den festen K. Univ. i Uppsala
kommer att lira minnet af C. v. Linne. 1878.

Ljunggren, G.
Carl v. Linne’s vistande i Lund. Lund, 1878. 4to.

[Ljungstedt, A. L.]
Linne i Upsala och Amsterdam; Skizz af Claude
Gerard. Stockh. 1878.

Agardh, J. G.
Om Linne’s betydelse i botanikens historia. Lund,
Linnei lara 0m1 i natura bestamda och bestaende arter
hos vaxtema. 1885.
Festen till C. v. Linne’s minne i Upsala den
10 Januari, 1878. Upsala [1878]. (Contains
amongst other items:; Tullberg, T. Familje
traditioner om Linne.) Reimpr. 1919; cf. p. 405.
Malmsten, P. H.
Minnesord ofver Carl von Linne. Stockh. 1878.
Oudemans, C. A. J. A.
Rede ter herdenking van den sterfdag van Carolus
Linnaeus, eine eeuw na diens verscheiden in felix
meritis op den 10 den Januari, 1878. Amst. 1878.
Satherberg, H.
Blomster konungen; bilder ur Linne’s lif [Poems].
[Stockh. 1879].

Jackson, B. D.
Linnaeus. In: Encyc. Brit. ed. IX. vol. xiv. (1883)
671-674 [revised and compressed in] ed. XI. vol.
xvi. (1911) 732-733-
History of the Linnean Collections. ... In: Proc.
Linn. Soc. 1887-88 (Centenary Celebration of the
Foundation of the Society).
On Linnean specimens presented to Sir J. Banks [by
Sir J. E. Smith] ib. 1902-3.
Jackson, B. D.
On a manuscript list of the Linnean herbarium in the
handwriting of C. v. Linne . . . 1755. ib. 1906-7.
Index to the Linnean herbarium . . . ib. 1911-12 (1912)
[With bibliography, 1805-1912].
Catalogue of the Linnean [zoological specimens] ib.
1912-13 (1913)-
Correspondence between C. v. Linne and C. R. Tulbagh,
ib. 1917-18 (1918).
Notes on a catalogue of the Linnean herbarium [in
manuscript]. (Bibliography revised, brought down
to date and printed, ib. 1921-22 (1922).
Alberg, A.
The floral king; a life of Linnaeus. Lond. 1888.
Carruthers, W.
[On the portraits of Linnaeus.] Proc. Linn. Soc.
1888-90 (1890) 14-31.
On the original portraits of Linnaeus, ib. 1905-6 (1906)
59-69; pi. 1-8.
Loven, S. L.
On the species of Echinoidea described by Linnaeus in
his work “ Museum Ludovicae Ulricae.” 1887.
Linnean Society of London.
Catalogue of the Memorials of Linnaeus exhibited at the
Conversazione ... of the Linnean Society . . .
25th May, 1888. Lond. 1888.
Catalogue of the Library. Lond. 1896. (Pp. 388-403
contain an enumeration of Linne’s own copies of his
works, many of them interleaved and with copious
Lonnberg, E.
Linnean type specimens of birds, reptiles, batrachians
and fishes in the zoological museum of the R.
University in Uppsala. Stockh. 1896 [1897]. 4to.
Peter Artedi [and his close friendship with Linnaeus]
transl. by W. E. Harlock. Uppsala and Stockh.
Anderson, L. G.
Catalogue of Linnean type specimens of Snakes in the
Royal Museum in Stockholm. Stockh. 1899. 4to*
Junk, W.
Bibliographia Linnaeana. Berlin, 1902. 4to.
C. v. Linne und seine Bedeutung fur die Bibliographic.
Festschrift. Berlin, 1907. 4to.
Junk, W.
In memoriam bisaecularem C. a Linnaei scientia naturalis
usque ad finem seculi XVIII. [Berol. 1907.]
Middleton, R. M.
[Two letters from Linnaeus to R. Warner, 1748, and
to D. van Royen, 1769.] In: Proc. Linn. Soc. 114
(1902) 48-51.
[Letter from Linnaeus to Haller, 1747] ib. 116 (1904)
41-42; now in possession of B. D. Jackson.
Olsson-Seffer, P.
The place of Linnaeus in the history of botany.
Journ. Bot. (1904).
Kjellman, F. R.
Linneminnen i Uppsala botaniska tradgard. In: Ark.
bot. iii. (1904) N.7. pp. 1-33, 3 pi.
Parlatore, F.
Sopra l’erbario di Linneo, manuscritto inedito . . .
pubblicato da E. Borone. In: Webbia (1903) 75-83.
Wittrock, V. B.
Linnaeus, Carolus, nobilit. von Linne. In: Act. Horti
Berg. iii. 11. (1903) 49-60, tt. 2-3 [ = 8].
Nagra ord om Linne och hans betydelse for den
botaniska vetenskapen, ib. iv. 1. (1907).
Vines, S. H.
[The career of Linnaeus.] In: Proc. Linn. Soc. 116
(1904) 22-30.
Herdman, W. A.
[Linnaeus on pearls] ib. 117 (1905) 25-30.
Radl, E.
Die Linnesche Systematik. In : Gesch. der biologischen
Theorien. Leipzig, 1905, i. 129-149.
Linneska Institutets skrifter . . . anyo utgifvet [af J. M.
Hulth] Uppsala, 1906.
Dahl, O.
Carl von Linne’s Forbindelse med Norge (Iv. Norske
Vidensk Selsk.). Trondhjem’, 1907. 4to.
Elfving, F.
Carl von Linne. Ett tvahundredarsminne. In:; F.
Tidskr. Helsingfors, lxii. (1907) 337-354.
Enander, S. J.
Studier ofver Salices i Linne’s herbarium. Uppsala,
Fries, R. E.
von Linne. Zum Andenken an die 2ooste
Wiederkehr seiner Geburtstages. In: Bot. Jahrb.
41 (1907) I-54.
Holland, W. J.
Address of the Carnegie Museum . . . 23rd May, 1907
[with plate of microscope presented by C. v. Linne
to Bernard de Jussieu, August, 1738, now possessed
by the Carnegie Museum, Washington, D.C.].
Holm, T.
Linnaeus: 23rd May, 1707—10th January, 1778. In:
Bot. Gaz. xliii. (1907) 336-340.
Hulth, J. M.
Bibliographia Linnaeana; materiaux pour servir a une
bibliographic Linneenne. Partie I., livraison 1.
Uppsala, 1907 [Tout paru].
Uppsala Universitetetsbiblioteks forwarf av Linneanska
originalmanuskript. In: Uppsala Univ. Minneskr.
1621-1921. pp. 407-424.
Leersum, E.
En souvenir du jour de naissance de C. Linne [2 lettres.
Amst. 1907].
Leveille, A. A. H.
Linneo en Espana; Homaje . . . 1707-1907. In: Bot.
Soc. Arag. Cienc. Nat. vi. Zaragoza, 1907 [55
Levertin, O.
Carl von Linne [a fragment]. Stockh. [1907].
London; British Museum. A Catalogue of the works of
Linnaeus . . . preserved in the libraries of the British
Museum (Bloomsbury) and . . . (Natural History)
South Kensington [by B. B. Woodward and W. R.
Wilson]. Lond. 1907. 4to.
Carl von Linne’s betydelse sasom naturforskare och lakare.
Uppsala, 1907.
I. C. v. L. sasom lakare och medicinisk forfattare af
O. E. A. Hjelt. Bilag: Clavis medicinae [reimpr.].
II. C. v. L. sasom zoolog af E. Lonnberg och C.
III. C. v. L. sasom botanist af C. A. M. Lindman (also
in German).
IV. C. v. L. sasom geolog af A. G. Nathorst.
V. C. v. L. sasom mineralog af H. Sjogren (also in
[Rendle, A. B.].
Memorials of Linnaeus; a collection of portraits,
manuscripts, specimens and books exhibited to
commemorate the bicentenary of his birth (Special
Guides, No. 3, British Museum—Natural History).
Lond. 1907.
Tullberg, T. F. H.
Linneportratt; vid Uppsala Universitets minnefest pa
tvahundredarsdagen af Carl von Linne’s fodelse.
Stockh. 1907. 4to.
Linne’s Hammarby. In: Sv. Linne-sallsk. i. (1918) 1-79,
tt; 1-5-
Familjetraditioner om Linne upptecknad af T. T. In:
Sv. Linne-sallskapet ii (1919) ib. 1919 [Reimpr., cf.
Goteborg [Gothenburg]. Gemensamma fest till Linne’s
minne, den 23 Maj, 1907 [Tal af L. Stavenow och
L. Wolff]. Goteborg [1907]. 4to.
Ribbing, S.
Inbjudning till . . . 200 arsminnet af Carl v. Linne’s
fodelse. Lund, 1907. 4to.
[Stjernstrom, L. E.].
Karl von Linne’s levnadsaga . . . af K. Blint.
Mariestad, 1907.
Wittmack, L.
Linne und seiner Vorganger; Festrede. In. Sitzb.
Ges. Naturf. Berlin, 1907. 120-156. 2 Taf.
Wittrock, V. B.
Nagra ord om Linne och hans betydelse for den
botaniska vetenskapen. In: Act. Hort. Berg.
Stockh. iv. No. I, 1907.
Gregory, W. K.
Linnaeus as an intermediary between ancient and
modern zoology; his views on the class Mammalia.
In: New York Acad. Sc. xviii. (1908) 21-32.
Lucas, F. A.
Linnaeus and American Natural History, ib. 52-56.
Rydberg, P. A.
Linnaeus and American botany, ib. 32-40.
Suringar, J. V.
Linnaeus, ’s Gravenhaag, 1908.
Greene, E. L.
Linnaeus as an evolutionist. In: Wash. Acad. Proc.
xi. (1909) 17-26.
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Carl Linnaeus (Linne). In: The early naturalists.
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Juel, H. O.
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Wille, J. N. F.
Linne som Laege. In: Naturen xlv. (1921) 97-106.
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(Arranged in order of the English alphabet)

Abo, return home by Aland Archiater in 1747, 305

Islands, 84 Arms, 305
Abuse in Latin, at disputation, Artedi, P., fellow student, 35-
I74E 195 36; his death by drowning,
Academie des Sciences, Foreign 152; manuscripts published
Correspondent, 173 by Linnaeus, 152; work for
Academy of Science, Stockholm, Seba on fishes, 150
founded, 180 Assaying learned, 83; lectures
Accident on travels, 202 on, 92; — at Falun, 106
Acharius, Erik, his last pupil, Aurivillius, S., on medical
244 faculty, 259
Aconitum, eaten in Medelpad, Autobiographies, 373-376
Acrel, J. G., defended by Smith, Back, A., aspirant for professor¬
351; endeavoured to keep ship, 193, 291; Linnd’s dearest
Linnean collections in Sweden, friend, 283, 290-293
349; Linnean disputations, 275; Baltimore, Frederick Calvert,
on medical faculty, 260; sale Lord, visit from, 328
of Linnean collections, 345 Banks, Sir Joseph, Bt., Acrel’s
Acrel, O., 262 offer of collections, 346;
Advantages to Science of earlier offer to purchase, 345;
Linnean collections in London, letter passed to J. E. Smith,
357 346
Alstromer, Baron C., invited Bartsch, J., member of club at
to buy Linnean collections, Leyden, 165; went to Surinam,
349; small herbarium only 164
taken, 347; traveller, 238 Benefactors, 283-290
“ Amoenitates Academicse,” Bergian Garden, 262
authorship, 275 Bergius, P. J., established the
Amsterdam visited, 139 Bergian Garden, 262; a pupil,
Anatomical demonstration in 243
Stockholm, 36 Berlin, A., pupil, 240; travelled
Anatomy, Rosen Adjunct, 186 to Guinea, 240; visited Banks
Angina suffered, 332, 333 in London, 240
Ankarcrona, Vice-Admiral, his Beronius, M., a warm supporter
offer, 177 of Linne, 191, 194; Kalmar a9
Aphonin, M., a pupil, 223 Bishop, 298; Uppsala as Arch¬
Apoplexy feared, 333; strokes, bishop, 298
333, 335 Bible Commission, member, 273
** Apostles,” Linnean, 227-238 Bibliography, 392-407
Appearance, English brig Birth at R&shult, 2, 371
brought Linnean collections to Bjelke, Baron C. S., influential
London, 347 friend, 296
Blackwell, A., executed, 205; warm friend, 38-44, 46;
visited, 205 supports Linnaeus, 189
Blakulla visited, 203 Chancellor, political contest, 266
Boerhaave, H., his garden, 144; Children, 316, 379
Leyden botanic garden, 163; Clerck, C. A., work on insects, 271
Linnaeus recommended to G. Clifford, G., garden at Harte-
Clifford, 147; pathetic death, camp, 148; engages Linnaeus
164; professor at Leyden, 143 on Boerhaave’s advice, 149;
Books about Linne, 396-407; life at Hartecamp, 150-155,
writing begun, 51 158-162, 167; nursed by, 166;
Borje, Sceptrum Carolinum at, works printed when at Harte¬
43, 53 camp, 167
Botanic excursions, 179; Garden Clingenberg, C., on Wallerius’s
at Uppsala, 31; language, 365; thesis, 195
lectures, 49; Linne as Prefect, Club at Leyden, 165
246-256; present condition, 255 ; Cochineal insects on host plant,
removal to new garden, 256; destroyed, 249
specimens acquired, 258 Collections in 1778, 343-344;
Botany, influence on, 363-368 after Linne’s death, 345;
Broberg, L., gardener at hardly appreciated in Sweden,
Uppsala, 252 354; sent to London, 347
Brodersonia, C., Linnaeus’s Consistory, Academic, Linne as
mother, 2, 5; her death, 89 member, 264; his attendances,
Brodersonius, S., rector of 264; contest for Chancellor,
Stenbrohult, 2 266; quiet rectorship of Linne,
Browne, P., West Indian 268
herbarium bought by Linne, Correspondence, 276-280
258 Creutz, Chancellor, Count C. K.,
Brovall or Browallius, J., 94, 293; refusal to buy collections for
defends Linnaeus, 183; fable the University, 349, 350
about Browallia, 294; letters Critics of Linne’s work, 360-363;
to Falun through him, 131; answered, 362-363
recommends Linnaeus to take Crown Prince, Adolf Fredrik,
a foreign degree, 107 Chancellor, 286; — celebration
Burman, —, intercepts manure of event, 281; King, 286
for University garden, 253
Burman, J. (1707-80), call made Daht, A., efforts to keep
on, 146; Linnaeus’s help in collections in Sweden, 348,
herbarium, 160 350
Dalecarlia (Dalarne), tour in,
Cactus with living cochineal 98-103
insects, cleaned off by Dannemora, tame mice in
gardener, 249 mines, 43
Calendar, Swedish, in 1707, 2 Date of birth, at Rashult, 2
“ Caps ” party, favoured Daughters of Linne, 318, 379
Britain, 390; in power, 391 Death of Linne, 10th January,
Carl XII., career, 2-3, 389-390; 1778, 337
his death, 385 Decline in health, 333
Carolina Louisa of Baden De Geer, C., entomologist, 333
Durlach, Margravine, 288 Demidoffs, kindness shown to
Celsius, A., powerful supporter, Swedes, 221; pupils, 219
191, 298; thermometer adapted Demonstrator in botany, 48;
by Linne, 254 regulations for the younger
Celsius, O., hospitality, 40; Linn6, 251, 252
Dillenius, J. J., at Oxford, Forsk&l, P., traveller in Arabia,
reception, 156, 157 237
Discipline among students, 268 France, offer from, 173, 357
Disposal of effects, 343 French Academy, foreign mem¬
Disputation, Academic, 59; as ber, 272
qualification, 190-192; Linne Friends and helpers, 283
absolved from, 193 ; Wallerius’s Funeral arrangements, 339-341
thesis, 194-196 Furia inj emails, modern inter¬
Divining rod test, 207 pretation, 24
Divinity examination, 107
Doctorate, authorized but not Garden at Stenbrohult, 7;
granted in Sweden, 96; Linne’s — Uppsala botanic garden, 31,
degree at Harderwijk, 141 56; Prefect of, 246-256; suc¬
Dobeln or Dobelius, against ceeded by younger Linne, 251-
fagging at Lund, 19 252, 256
Drottningholm, Queen’s cabinet, Genealogies, maternal, 278;
286; Linne’s visit to, concern¬ paternal, 277; record of his
ing spurious degrees, 261 children, 279
Drugs of native growth, 182 Geology, 368
Duse, S., and J. Rotheram
Giseke, P. D., free lectures to,
present at Linne’s death, 337 218; pupil, 224
Gleditsch, J. G., defended
Education, at home, 9; Lund, Linnaeus, 183
19; Uppsala, 26-129; Vaxjo Gotland journey, 197
School, 10 Gottingen, Haller suggests
Ehrenvard, Count A., 295; his Linnaeus should remove
portrait of Linne, 295 thither, 175, 358
Ehrhart, F., pupil, 225 Gout, wild strawberries a cure,
Elm tree prepared for coffin, 340 332
England, call on Sir H. Sloane, Grave in Cathedral, 341
155; gorse on Putney Heath, Gronovius, J. F., “ Flora lap-
fabulous story, 158; P. Miller ponica,” great assistance in
at Chelsea, 153, 158; trip to its production, 168; “ Flora
Oxford, Dillenius’s reception, virginica,” 165; printing
136-157; —• offers to share “ Systema Naturae ” borne by
salary, 157 him and Lawson, 142; special
Examination in divinity, 107 chamber reserved for Linnaeus,
Gustaf III., gifts to Linne, 288;
Fagging, 19, 109
in Italy when collections were
Falck, J. P., pupil, 239
disposed of, 354; remarks on
Falun, betrothal at, 173;
great loss by death of Linne,
holidays at, 92, 129; journey
abroad from, 131; marriage at, 34i
Gyllenborg, Count C., his death,
178; mines, 93
289; intervenes, 196; plan for
Family life, 300-312
dividing professors’ functions,
Fever, Uppsala, 333^
190; successor, 266-267
Finance duties, Linne’s inability,
Finland, on homeward journey, Hagstrom, J. O., his “ Pan
apum,” 242
Fogelsang, poisoned arm at, 23 Haller, A. von, offers his chair,
Fontainbleau, plants noted at, 174, 185^ mentioned, 358;
172 quarrel with, 277
Hamburg, stay at, 136; the KahlER, M., traveller, 234
“ Hydra,” 138 Kalin, P., American journey,
Hammarby (now known as 228; his return curative, 332
“ Linne’s Hammarby ”), best Karamyschew, A., pupil, 223
liked as residence, 327; bought Klingenstierna, S., 298
for State in 1878, 329; museum Kofso, flora of, 57
at, 327; no plants in present Krok, N., leaving certificate, 16
garden not grown by Linne,
330; restored to former con¬
dition, 330; Siberia, so-called, Lannerus, D., 11
329; widow lived there, 329 Lapland, arranged to travel in,
Harderwijk University, declared 64; —. application for a grant,
Doctor, 141; examined in 65-67 ; cattle epidemic, 82 ; due
medicine, with thesis, 140 to eating Cicuta, 85; equip¬
H&rleman, Baron C., 296; ment, 67-68 ; forest fires, 82 ;
University Garden designed glacier accident, 79; Jockmock
by, 246 reached, 78; — two local ignor¬
Hartecamp garden, 148-149 amuses, 84; Kalix, 83 ; Kemi,
Hasselquist, F., oriental journey, 83; Lapp hospitality, 75, 79;
229; printed “ Iter,” 231 — woman, interview, 76; Lapps
“ Hats ” party, favoured France, met in Medelpad, 67 ; Lycksele,
176, 390; Linnaeus styled attempt to reach, 72; Pitei
“ Hats’ Arehiater,” 177 reached, 77; Purkijaur,. its
Helsingor, port of departure, pearl fishery, 81; Qvickjoek,
134 78; return to, 81; shot at by
Herbarium, begun at Lund, 23; Lapp, 81; Skulberg, accident,
in Hammarby Museum, 343; 70; Sorsele, impracticable, 76;
instructions, 344; present state, strawberries, 80, 81; Tuggan
356; — due to pious care, 357 force, Linncea recorded at,
“ Herbationes Upsalienses,” 214; 73
map, 215 Latin abuse at Wallerius’s dis¬
Hernquist, P., veterinary sur¬ putation, 195; disputation
geon, 263 demanded, 190-192; Linne
History, European, during absolved from, 193
Linne’s time, 391; Swedish, Lawson, I., his liberality, 166
389-391 Lectures on botany for Rudbeek,
Holland, life in, 141-171; offer 49; on minerals, 92, 106
for foreign employment. Cape, Leyden, Boerhaave at, 143; club
Spain, Surinam, 145, 357 at, 164; friends found, 142;
“ Hortus Uplandicus,” 52 Roijen gets Linnaeus to re¬
Hospital at Uppsala, 30 arrange garden, 162
Hubby farm granted, 334 Lidbeck or Liidbeck, E. G.,
Humerus, Professor B., his Professor at Lund, 243
death, 20 Linncea mentioned in “ Spolia
Hydren, Dean, buried Linne, 340 botanica,” 54; in “ Lachesis
lapponica,” 78 (Genera plan-
Ihre, J., 298 tarum in 1737, Gronovius as
Illness at Leyden, 166; at Lund, ostensible author)
23; nursed at Hartecamp, 166; Linnaea, Fru S. L., as house¬
illnesses in after life, 332 keeper, 312-316; illness, 316;
Indulgence to his children, 316 lived as widow at Hammarby
Inspector of Smaland’s Nation, till her death in 1806, 329
281 Linnaeus (von Linne), Carl,
Intrigues, so-called, 112-113 applied for post as gardener,
41; authorship, 271; bone- 174-197; students, 210-244; —
factors, 283-329; bibliography, list of, 382; wife and children,
392-396; botanic garden at 312-319
Stenbrohult, 7; — Uppsala, 31, (For fuller details, see subject
56; Consistory work, 264; entries)
correspondence, 276-280; Dale- Linnaeus (Linne) the younger,
carlian tour, 98-103; date of Carl, as Demonstrator, 251;
birth, 2; education at home, — regulations for him, 251-252;
9; —• Lund, 19; Vaxjo school death in 1783, 345; his
and gymnasium, 10; — Uppsala, library, etc., 344; purchase
26-129; England visited, 154; of herbarium, 345; spoiled by
— calls on Miller, 153, 158; — his father, 316-318
Sir H. Sloane, 155; gorse (Ulex) Linnaeus, N. I., career, 2, 5;
on Putney Heath, fabulous death-bed scene, 207
story, 158; Oxford, Dillenius Linnaeus, S., 18, 207; visit to
surly then civil, 156, 157; Uppsala, 319
— willing to share salary, 157; Linnean Society of London,
ennobled, 305; Falun visits, founded in 1788, 357; its career,
92, 129; friends, 283; gardens, 356-3571 260 medical books
Smaland, 7; — Uppsala, 31, 56; returned to Sweden, now at
generosity to students, 218; Hammarby, 331
Hammarby, 327; Hartecamp, Lofling, P., his favourite pupil,
148-149; herbarium, 23, 356; 231-234
Holland, life in, 141-171; London, Linnean collections
household life, 300-312 ; honours arrived, 347; Linnean Society,
received, 305-307; Holland life, 357
166; illnesses, Lund, 23; — Lovisa Ulrika, Queen, cabinet
Uppsala, 297, 332; influence, at Drottningliolm, 286
364-370; Inspector of Smaland’s Liibeck, fine display of gorse
Nation, 281; intrigues, so- noted, 135
called, against him, 112-113; Lund, arrival at, 19; fagging,
Lapland journey, 68-84; lectures 19; herbarium begun, 23;
on botany, 49, 179; — minerals, illness, 23; matriculation at,
92, 106, 179; Leyden life, 160- 19; Stobaeus, 21-23; Wallerius
166; Lund, 19-23; methods of Adjunct, 125-126
work, 219-222, 301-304; manu¬
scripts, 276; museum, 94; name, Marriage at Falun, 178
its derivation, 1; Netherlands Martin, A. R., traveller, 237
life, 139-171; parentage, 1; Martin, P., botanical lectures,
personal appearance, 301; 28; his death, 29
piety, 311; priesthood declined, Mathesius, Prof., his indolence,
13 ; Professor at Uppsala, 197; 279; museum objects stored in
pupils, 210-244; — list of, 382; his house, 257
Rashult, his birthplace, 1, 371; Mauhle, J., asserted offer to buy
Rosen, relations with, 54-57, Linnean collection, 350
112-127, 297-298; salary, 320- Measures, Swedish, 389
323; SmMand’s Nation, 280- Medical College, 258
284; Stobaeus, Dr. K., 21- Medical faculty at Uppsala, 259;
23; teacher, 210-222; travels, Rosen frequently absent, 259;
abroad, 134-173; — Lapland, 68- — Aurivillius and Sidr6n his
84; — Oland and Gotland, 200- successors, 259-260; Wallerius
204; — Sk&ne, 206-209; — West as Adjunct, 260; training
Gotland, 205; scientific import¬ defective, 32
ance, 364-370; Stockholm life, Medicine, activity in, 369
Memory in last days gone, 335 “ Orbis eruditi,” its effect, 193
Mennander, C. F., an intimate Osbeck, P., traveller, 231
friend, 295; suggestion to Oxford, visit to, 156-158; Dil-
Linnaeus about Brovall, 166 lenius offered to share salary,
Mineralogy, lectures on, 92, 106, 157
177; services to, 368
Mines. See Dannemora, Falun Paralysis, general, 336
Mining College, lectures at, 177 Parentage, 1. See also 377, 378
Missa, H., failure as a student, Paris, friends made in, 171, 172
222 Parrot in house, its tricks, 253
Moklen, Lake, 8 Patients in Stockholm, 175, 184
Moklenas, picnic at, 8 Pearls, manufacture of, 323
Montin, L-, letters about col¬ Pcdicularis Sceptrum, 43, 53, 216
lections, 348 Penalism or fagging, 19, 109
Monument in Uppsala Cathedral, Pension for family, 343
34i Pet animals, 320
Moraea, S. E., 130; betrothed, Pharmacopaea, 262
131; married, 178; — in later Pihlgren, censor of papers, 181
life, 312-316 “ Pinax ” of C. Bauhin, now in
Moraeus, Dr. J., provisional con¬ Linnean Society, 50
sent to Linnaeus’s engagement, Polar Star in 1753, 305
130 Popes in relation to Linne’s
Mother died, 89 system, 279
Murray, A., pupil, 244 President of Academy of Science,
Murray, J. A., pupil, 242; edits 178
“ Syst. Veg.,” 242 Preutz, E-, Rudbeck’s first
Musa, flowered in Holland, 153; deputy, 29, 48
growing at Uppsala, 211 Priesthood declined, 12
Museum, 256-257 Principal pupils, their careers,
Name, its derivation, 1 218-244
Names, bestowal of appropriate, Private life, 300-312
278 Professor at Uppsala, 197; duties
Nations at Lund, 20 assumed, 210; peculiar power,
Natural System, Linne’s attempt 213
Pupils, list of, 380-383
at, 365
Naval hospital work, 177-179
“ Nemesis divina,” extracts RAshult, birth at, 2, 371; re¬
from, 383-386 moval from, 4, 5; note on its
history, 371
Netherlands, books printed in,
159; labour accomplished in, Resignation tendered, 334
167 Retzius, A. J., 244
New Botanic Garden, 342 Reuterholm, Gov. N. E., 98
Nietzel, D., 153; gardener at Riddarhus, lectures at, 178
Uppsala, 189, 246 Roberg, L., 26, 34; few lectures
Norway reached from Dalecarlia, by, 186; resignation, 190
102; from Lapland, 80 Roijen, A. van, induces Linnaeus
to delay journey, 162
Odhelius, J. L., visit to Linne, Rolander, D., traveller, 235
335 Rome, Linnean system taught
Offers of service abroad, 357-358 there, 279
Oland and Gotland journey, 197 Rosen von Rosenstein, Adjunct,
Oration, on Linn6’s death, by A. 29; appointed Professor, 189;
Back, 341; on quitting the asserted intrigues, 112-113;
Presidency, 181 — rebutted, 114-129; deputy for
Rudbeck, 185; dispute with, ! vSidren, J., on medical faculty,
98, 120-129; “ duel,” 116-120; 258; with Linne to Drottning-
exchanged duties with Linne, holm, 261
210; returned from abroad, 54 Siegesbeck’s attack, 170; defence
Rotheram, J., present at Linne’s by Brovall, 183; —• by Gleditsch,
death-bed, 337; pupil, 224 ,i83
Rothman, J., failure to return to Signatures, 1728-77, 307
duty, 241, 269 Skane journey, 206-208
Rothman, J. S., advice, n, 14, Smaland’s Nation, as member,
15; urges Linnaeus to leave 109; Inspector, 281-282; iron
Lund for Uppsala, 25, 26 chest, no; meetings, no;
Royal Bible Commission, 273 regulations, in
Rudbeck, O., the elder, 27 Smith, J. E., purchase of
Rudbeck, O., the younger, 26, collections, 346-34S, 355~357
33; collections burned, 27, 61; Solander, D., in London, 238-239
death, 189; deputises for, 49, Sophia, pet daughter, 319
185; house room for Linnaeus, Spain, Lofling m, 233; offer to
49; — leaves it, 59; in Lapland, Linne, 358
61; sex of plants, 48 Sparrman, A., traveller, 241
Rndbeckia = Linncea, 54 Speech, unconnected, 336
Rudbeckiana, a genus of birds, Stenbrohult, early associations,
54 ' 6; visited in 1731, — before
Rumour of attempt to keep journey abroad, 132; — after
collections, 358 return, 173; — after Lapland,
Russian offer for collections, 89; — last visit, 206-207; — on
347 Gland and Gotland journey,
204; — on Skfine journey, 208
Safja, last visit to, 336 vStobaeus, K., at Lund, 21-25;
Salary, 321-323 visited, 65
Salvius, L., printer, 299 Stockholm, anatomy at, 36, 37;
Samzelius, gardener, followed life at, 174-190
by Nietzel, 188 Successor, his son appointed,
Sceptrum Carolinum (Pedicularis 325-327
Sceptrum), 43, 53, 216; dis¬ Surgical Society, 261
sertation on, 53 Surinam, post offered, 163;
Scholarships gained, Royal Bartsch appointed, 164
Medical, 37; — second class, 40; Svanberg, S., assay-master, 83
— first class, 41; double Royal Sweden, Moraeus’s house at
stipend, 50; — its cessation, 88; Falun, 178
Wrede surplus, 88-89 Swedish calendar in 1707, 2;
School at Vaxjo, 10-17 opinion as to sale, 351-355;
Schreber, J. C. D., pupil, 223 titles, etc., in, 387
Schroderheim, E-, application to,
for the King to buy the
Linnean collections, 349 Tea-plant, attempts to introduce,
Sciatica attack, 333 248
Scientific importance, 363-369; Telander, J., first tutor to
— works, 273 Linnaeus, 9
Seba, A., Artedi’s work for, 151 Ternstrom, C., traveller, 227
Sex in plants, 45, 46; “ Sponsalia Tessin, Count C. G., dedication
plantarum,” 46 of works to him, 284; his last
Sexual system, 363 years, 283-285; patron, 176,
Sibthorp’s offer for collections, 177
34S Thermometer, centigrade, ad-
apted by Linnaeus to common 179; — papers to, 185; scholar¬
needs, 235 ships, Royal, 37, 40, 50; —
Thunberg, C. P., endeavours to Wrede, 88
avoid sale of collection abroad,
348; new botanic garden, 256; Vaillant, S., on sex in plants,
own collections, 351-353; 45
travels, 240 Vaxjo school, 10-17
Tiliander, 6, 377 Visby in Gotland visited, 204
Titles current in Sweden, 387
Toren, O., traveller, 231 Wahlbom, J. G., pupil, 243
Travels by Linne, abroad, 131- Wallerius, J. G., Adjunct at
173; Dalecarlia, 98-106; Lap- Lund, 125; applied for pro¬
land, 61-89; southern Sweden, fessorship at Uppsala, 192;
200-209 paper on gadflies, 182; thesis,
Triewald, M., 176-177 an attack on Linnean writings,
Ugla, P., Dalecarlian flora, 104; West Gotland journey, 205-206
“ Nuptise arborum,” 45 Wexio. See Vaxjo
Ulex europceus, fable of his Withdrawal from chair requested,
astonishment on Putney Heath, 334; not granted, but salary
158; previously observed in increased, 334
Germany, 135 Work in term-time, 221
University Garden, its state, Writing and signatures, 1728-77,
39, 188; renovated by Linne, 307
Uppsala (in Latin, Upsala), Zoology, museum in botanic
matriculation, 26; Professor at, garden, 253, 257; services to
197; Royal Society of Science, the science, 367-368

Printed for Messrs. H. F. <V G. Witherby by the

Northumberland Press, Ltd., Nevucastle-en-Tyne.

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