BGR 196
BGR 196
BGR 196
1724–1733, 2011
Advance Access publication September 1, 2011
Activation of the mTOR pathway by low levels of xenoestrogens in breast epithelial cells
from high-risk women
the unaffected contralateral breast of high-risk women undergoing breast surgery. Quantitation of endogenous reactive oxygen species
We use the acronym HRBEC to represent ‘high-risk donor breast epithelial cells’. Endogenous cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) accrual was determined
HRBEC donors were recruited based on personal or family history of breast using live cell cultures loaded with the fluorogenic dye, carboxy-H2DCFDA
cancer, atypical or neoplastic histopathology on biopsy and/or high mammo- (5-(and-6)-carboxy-2#7#-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate), also known as
graphic density (30). Specimen size was 0.2 ml per volunteer including extra- C-400 (Invitrogen) in phenol red-free medium for 1 h followed by 30 min
neous fat, blood and debris. Random periareolar fine needle aspirate (RPFNA) cell incubation in regular growth medium. After dye removal, cells were counter-
suspension was divided into aliquots for cytopathology and cell culture. stained with PI, and intracellular oxidation of C-400 was measured by FACS-
The cytology aliquot was collected in CytolytTM, centrifuged at 600 r.p.m. for can with the FL1 filter. Experiments were done in triplicate and 10 000 cells
10 min, transferred under vacuum to 20 mm circles on ThinPrepTM microscope were acquired for each sample. ROS activity was expressed as mean fluores-
slides using the ThinPrepTM 2000 processor (Cytec Corp., Boxborough, MA), cence intensity (MFI) of the C400 dye. MFI of PI-negative (non-necrotic) cells
fixed in 95% alcohol for 10 min and processed through an automated staining was corrected for autofluorescence of unlabeled cells.
and mounting set up (Sakura Finetek USA, Torrance, CA). The entire 20 mm
circle was evaluated by a board-certified cytopathologist (I.J.) for cytological
atypia, and the number of epithelial and stromal cell clusters was counted.
Aliquots for cell culture were transferred into DME-F12 serum-free growth
medium and transported on ice to the laboratory for delivery within 2 h. Live HRBEC cultures display non-malignant breast epithelial
Propagation and chemical exposure of HRBECs attributes
W.H.Goodson III et al.
on RNA amplification, for example by quantitative polymerase chain BPA exposure modulates the signal transduction cascade of the
reaction (QPCR) or by microarrays (reported by us previously). Sim- PI3K–mTOR pathway within non-malignant breast epithelial cells
ilarly, early passage HRBEC-derived protein lysates are often insuf- By QPCR analysis of the subset of critical mTOR pathway genes,
ficient for quantitative sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel early passage HRBECs derived from six individuals demonstrated
electrophoresis and western blot analysis. Therefore, we have in- identifiable shifts in expression associated with BPA exposure (Figure
cluded immortalized-HRBEC lines in protein quantitation studies. 2A). Considerable inter-subject variability in relative transcript levels
XE-induced hallmarks of cancer
Fig. 2. BPA exposure modulates expression of mTOR pathway components and induces functional changes in breast epithelial cells. (A) QPCR measurements of
relative transcript levels of mTOR pathway genes in early passage HRBEC cultures (PA024, PA025, PA072, PA075, PA081 and PA112) normalized to
housekeeping genes. Data represent exposure to a low dose range of BPA or to a luteal serum estradiol (E2) level. Plotted values represent fold change for each
gene in treated samples, relative to the corresponding untreated control sample. Each data point is an average of triplicate QPCRs. (B) BPA-induced alterations in
mTOR pathway proteins in early passage (PA138 and PA140), immortalized HRBECs (IMM-PA024, IMM-PA025 and IMM-115) and breast cancer cells (T47D).
Pretreatment with BPA reduces steady-state PTEN protein levels and promotes functional inactivation by increased phosphorylation (indicated by ‘P’) at sites
S380/T382/T383 compared with untreated controls. Increased expression of total and phosphorylated AKT1 (at S473), RPS6 (at S235/236) and 4EBP1 (at multiple
sites) is detectable in both non-malignant and malignant breast cells. Asterisks indicate shift in the molecular weight of phosphorylated 4EBP1. (C) Effects of BPA
pretreatment in the induction of resistance to the mTOR inhibitor, rapamycin. Data plotted to represent Annexin V-positive apoptotic populations within breast
cancer cell lines (T47D, SKBR3—left panel) and HRBEC lines (IMM-PA024, IMM-PA025, IMM-PA115—right panel). Each bar represents the mean and
standard deviation of triplicate values. Increased apoptotic ratios were observed with increasing doses of rapamycin in all cultures without BPA pretreatment.
Values demonstrating the effect of BPA in reducing rapamycin-induced apoptosis were statistically significant in all cell lines (P . 0.001).
W.H.Goodson III et al.
was associated with the cellular BPA response, due to which dose– XE exposure modulates cellular oxidative stress in HRBEC cultures
response relationships were not detectable in this small sample size. To determine whether functional changes in apoptosis evasion and
However, normalized to housekeeping genes, a consistent decline was cell survival were with a reflection of oxidative stress reduction, levels
noted in transcript levels of the suppressor genes, PTEN (P 5 0.02, of endogenous ROS were quantified in early passage HRBECs, IMM-
two-tailed t-test against theoretical ratio 5 1.0), TSC1 and TSC2 (P 5 HRBEC lines and breast cancer cell lines. The MFI of C400-stained
0.03). Conversely, downstream activators of the mTOR pathway, cells was used as an indicator of ROS. OHT treatment was used as
e1F4B and e1F4E, were upregulated in the presence of BPA (P 5 a positive control for ROS induction. Both BPA and MP induced
0.003). Expression of PIK3R1, another mTOR activator, was ele- a detectable decline in endogenously accumulated ROS in all cell
vated (P 5 0.02), transcript levels of RPS6, a downstream effector of cultures during the 7 day exposure period (Figure 4A). Representative
mTOR that is activated by phosphorylation, were unexpectedly FACS data are illustrated in Figure 4B.
lower (P 5 0.03) and there was a trend (P 5 0.07) toward increased In further experiments, neutralization of ROS was measured in re-
mTOR transcripts. sponse to increasing log concentrations of BPA and MP exclusively in
Confirmation of the observed transcriptional alterations was sub- early passage HRBECs (Figure 4C as averaged data and supplemen-
sequently pursued at the protein level comparing two early passage tary Figure S2 is available at Carcinogenesis Online for each sample).
HRBEC cultures, three immortalized HRBEC lines and an ERa-pos- The average reduction in ROS by BPA treatment was 26% (95% CI
itive breast cancer cell line, T47D (Figure 2B). As predicted by gene 24–28%; P , 0.001, two-sided t-test against theoretical ratio 5 1.0,
XE-induced hallmarks of cancer
Fig. 3. XE exposure promotes apoptosis evasion in HRBEC cultures. (A) Potential for XE-induced apoptosis evasion measured as percent reduction in Annexin V-
positive cells by FACS analysis. Breast cancer cell lines (T47D and SKBR3), HRBEC cell lines (IMM-PA024, IMM-PA025 and IMM-PA115) and early passage
HRBEC (PA094, PA099, PA103, PA106, PA107 and PA130) exposed to BPA or MP were treated with OHT for 24 h prior to Annexin V staining and compared
with untreated controls. All experiments were performed in triplicate. Plots illustrate average values and the standard deviation for each culture group under
conditions of no treatment, XE exposure followed by OHT or OHT treatment alone. Values demonstrating the effect of XEs in reducing OHT-induced apoptosis are
statistically significant in all cases (P , 0.002). (B) FACS profiles of representative samples. M1 fraction—autofluorescence; M2—Annexin V-positive cells
(which increase with OHT treatment). (C) Dose–response measurements (shown as decreasing XE concentrations from left to right) in early passage HRBECs. In
W.H.Goodson III et al.
lines, HRBECs more closely reflect the diversity of genetics, exoge- subjects displayed prosurvival changes after XE exposure does not
nous hormone use, life events such as pregnancy, etc. of women en- claim that all exposed persons will develop cancer, only that such
countered in clinical practice. Our demonstration that HRBECs from all exposure can cause changes that may facilitate malignant progression.
all cases, the protection from OHT-induced apoptosis (apoptotic evasion) was calculated as a fraction of the apoptotic response in the absence of XEs (set to 1).
Each data point represents an average of eight independent HRBEC samples (shown individually in supplementary Figure S1 is available at Carcinogenesis
Online). Error bars display the variation between cases (triplicate values for each case). Note a striking dose–response effect for both XEs, despite variability
between samples in the protection from OHT-induced apoptosis.
XE-induced hallmarks of cancer
Human cell samples that maintain phenotypes relevant to clinical in Matrigel, pAKT localizes to peripheral cells, away from the central
targets of interest are essential for carcinogenicity testing. For exam- apoptotic region (38). Moreover, constitutive pAKT expression pre-
ple, to evaluate the role of XEs in the initiation of breast cancer, vents lactogenic differentiation (39). Expectedly therefore, pAKT is
HRBECs are particularly well suited because they consistently ex- increased during RAS-induced carcinogenesis of MCF10 xenografts
press low/moderate levels of both ERa and ERb. Earlier studies that (40) and pAKT is necessary for carcinogenic progression in this
did not distinguish ER isoforms (as continues in current clinical prac- model since blocking pAKT results in apoptotic cell death (40). Clin-
tice where primarily ERa is measured) typically reported low ER ically, a similar progression is observed whereby pAKT is signifi-
positivity in normal or benign breast tissue (32–34), suggesting that cantly higher in malignant than benign breast tissue (41) and pAKT
this phenotype is sufficient for agonistic activity of natural and syn- levels in cancer correlate directly with poor prognosis (42,43). Con-
thetic estrogens, as well as for antagonistic effects of tamoxifen in versely, in vitro PTEN inactivation by phosphorylation and reduction
reducing breast cancer incidence in randomized trials (35,36), even in in protein levels parallel Cowden’s syndrome where PTEN loss of
patients harboring ER-negative atypia (37). Thus, high ERa levels are function is associated with an increase in breast and other cancers
not a prerequisite for XEs to exert their biological effects either clin- (44,45). Downstream, mTOR acts by phosphorylating (activating)
ically or in vitro. Similarly, reversal of tamoxifen toxicity by exposure 4EBP1 and RPS6 (indirectly through p70S6K activation). Both
to the common XEs, BPA and MP, implies that the ER profile of p4EBP1 and its target eIF4E increase during experimental carcino-
HRBECs is also sufficient for the induction of cancer-associated phe- genesis (40); p4EBP1 is higher in cancer than in benign biopsies (41)
notypes by estrogenic chemicals. and associated with higher tumor grade (46); and consequently,
Against the backdrop of non-malignant ER levels simulated by p4EBP1 correlates directly with tumor recurrence in women (46).
HRBECs, BPA-induced transcriptional and protein alterations char- In vitro, pRPS6 is downregulated by exposure to rapamycin (a de-
acteristic of breast cancer were discernible. For example, activation fining mTOR inhibitor) in 12/12 cell lines (46,47). In one series,
by phosphorylation of AKT is a key regulatory step in subsequent pRPS6 did not correlate with prognosis, but it was upregulated in
mTOR activation and induction of cell growth (25). During in vitro the majority (77%) of breast cancers (46). mTOR activation by
morphogenesis and differentiation of acini from non-malignant cells BPA exposure is further defined by inhibition of rapamycin-induced
W.H.Goodson III et al.
apoptosis (48), which is the converse of the therapeutic benefit of experiments and data analysis. D.H.M.—biostatistics. I.M.J.–cytopathology.
rapamycin analogs achieved through suppression of the mTOR path- All authors approved the final manuscript.
way (49,50). In vitro pretreatment of HRBECs with BPA essentially
replicates the continuous environmental exposure underlying positive Conflict of Interest Statement: None declared.
urine tests in the general population. The failure of rapamycin to
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of mTOR by continuous XE exposure could limit the effectiveness of References
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