Technical Data Sheet FIBRANgeo BP-ETICS Plus
Technical Data Sheet FIBRANgeo BP-ETICS Plus
Technical Data Sheet FIBRANgeo BP-ETICS Plus
Boards designed for thermal insulation, fire resistance and
sound insulation applications on External Thermal Insulations • Excellent themal insulation
Composite Systems (E.T.I.C.S.): • Non-combustible material with
excellent fire resistance
• External walls • Excellent sound absorption and sound
Complementary to the E.T.I.C.S. application, FIBRANgeo CAPs • Open hive structure material with very
(rigid stonewool insulation discs) are installed over the mechanical low water vapour diffusion resistance
anchors’ heads, where FIBRANgeo ΒP-ETICS or FIBRANgeo ΒP- that enchances the building element’s
ETICSplus stonewool is used as part of a composite external breathability
thermal insulation system (ETICS), in order to eliminate thermal
bridges and optimize application of final render. • Excellent dimensional stability and
• Water repellent and non-hygroscopic
• Easy to handle, cut and install
• Natural, inorganic, odourless, chemically
inert (practically neautral PH)
• Recyclable, friendly to the enviroment
and to the end user
Technical characteristics
Designation Code:
MW (Mineral Wool) -EN 13162 – T5 – DS(90,70) – CS(10)20 – TR7,5 – WS – WL(P) – MU1 – AW0,95 – AFr50
Technical Characteristics Unit Value EN Standard
EN 13162
EN 13162
Declared thermal conductivity at 10°C λD W/(mK) 0,034 EN 12667
EN 12939
Fire classification - Class ΕΝ 13501-1
Thickness tolerance Τ Class (<100mm: -1 , +3 mm) EN 12431
(≥ 100mm: +1% , +3 mm)
Long term water absorption for 28 days WL(P) kg/m2 <3 EN 12087
Thermal resistance R
Nominal thickness dN mm 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 150 160 180 200 EN 823
Declared thermal RD m2K/W 1,45 1,75 2,05 2,35 2,90 3,50 4,10 4,40 4,70 5,25 5,85 EN 13162
Acoustic properties
Sound absorption coefficient α (EN ISO 354) on boards with thickness 50mm
Frequency (Hz) αs αP αw
FIBRANgeo ΒP-ETICSplus stonewool insulation products have been certified according to European Norms ΕΝ 13162 και
ΕΝ 13172 and hold the CE marking that derives from the Declaration of Performance DoP.
All FIBRANgeo stonewool insulation products meet the quality and safety requirements of the European Standards and
complies with the European Regulations 305/2011 (CPR).
Furthermore, all FIBRANgeo stonewool products, carry the certification mark EUCEB (European Certification Board for Mineral
Wool Products), whose procedures ensure compliance of mineral wool insulation products with the “Note Q” of Directive
97/69/EC, regarding their fibres biosolubility and their non-classification as dangerous materials.
Moreover, according to EC Regulation 790/2009 they are not classified as products that cause skin irritation (R38).
FIBRAN S.A. implements a system of quality management according to ISO 9001:2015 and environmental management
according to ISO 14001:2015.
Products with facing AL, AX, YM ή YA are not suggested for application with service temperature on the surface Rinse in cold water before was
more than 90°C while those with surface XA are not suggested for more than 66°C. Ξεπλύνετε με κρύο νερό καλά
πριν από την κυρίως πλύση.
Sufficient ventilation of the working areas should be ensured, whilst power cutting tools should always be
equipped or supplemented with a mechanical system of dust intake. Ventilate working area if possib
Αερίζετε το χώρο εργασίας, εά
Stonewool products are not dangerous materials for disposal. They are covered by code 17.06.04 of the waste
list, of Decision 2000/532 / EC and are disposed of in accordance with applicable environmental regulations. Wear goggles when working o
Φοράτε προστατευτικά γυαλιά
More informations on the Safety Data Sheet of product. προϊόν τοποθετείται ψηλά.
FIBRANgeo products should be stored indoors. If stored outdoors, they must be protected from impregnation. Handling,
loading and unloading of the products should be carried out with care to avoid damage to both the packaging and the
board’s edges.
6th km Thessaloniki - Oreokastro Rd.
P.O. Box 40306, A.C. 564 10
Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel. +30 2310 682 425. 692 700
Fax. +30 2310 683 131
FIBRAN reserves the right to alter or amend product specifications without notice. The information included in this publication is correct to the best of our knowledge at the
time of printing. Whilst FIBRAN will endeavour to ensure publications are up to date, it is the user’s responsibility to check with the company the validity of the information
prior to the material’s use.