Ejar Volume 101 Issue 2 Pages 274-281 Erm Rachel
Ejar Volume 101 Issue 2 Pages 274-281 Erm Rachel
Ejar Volume 101 Issue 2 Pages 274-281 Erm Rachel
Palm oil is a popular commodity from the plantation sub-sector in Indonesia. Palm oil is a main non-oil and gas
export commodity in many industries and an important foreign exchange earner for the Indonesian economy.
Palm oil is economically essential, and versatile edible oil is critical for food and non-food industries. All of the
destinations of Indonesian palm oil export countries; wherein have personal desires and characteristics in
processing Indonesian palm oil because those commodities have numerous advantages (Rosyadi et al., 2021).
One of the substantial Indonesian palm oil export markets is Egypt; this country is developing rapidly and is now
vital for Indonesian palm oil export. Indonesia believes that controlling the trade in palm oil commodities in Egypt
will be the entry point to dominate the African market. Palm oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil are important
vegetable oils imported into Egypt for food consumption with a total import value of 8,8 billion pounds,
representing about 90.6% of the total import value of oils and fats. (Kamel and Muhammad, 2015). Indonesian
Palm oil continues to maintain its competitive position in Egypt for food consumption and raw material of
industrial because of its relatively low price compared to other vegetable oils. The Egyptian food and derivative
product industry is heavily dependent on Indonesian palm oil. Egypt has shown an increase in Indonesian palm
oil export since 2006, and there was a sharp increase in 2014, which tends to be stable at above 90 thousand
tons until 2020. It happened because the domestic production of vegetable oil in Egypt has not been able to fulfill
the local demand. According to the Ministry of Trade Indonesia (2021), the demand for Indonesian palm oil in
Egypt continues to increase, in line with the increasing Indonesian palm oil consumption by the Egyptian people.
Indonesia is expected to increase the supply of export volume to Egypt to fulfill the Egyptian market demand.
According to previous research on palm oil export modeling, the most influencing factors to explain the
export supply of plantation products are production volume, interest rates, consumer income in the destination
market, domestic prices, international prices of exported products, and exchange rates (Mulyani et al., 2021). In
case of an increase in production volume, they result in more availability of products, which causes an abundance
supply of domestic and foreign products. The fluctuating volume of palm oil production will affect the export
volume. The interest rate is assumed to be part of the production and export financing, affecting costs that will
impact the value of exports. High-interest rates will also tend to increase the cost of financing production,
thereby reducing the ability of domestic producers to borrow and finance their business productivity (Cookey &
Eniekezimene, 2020).
In the literature on agricultural trade, income is the primary driver of agricultural trade in the international
market (Baiardi et al., 2015). A larger GDP and a more remarkable similarity between countries are associated
Oktaviana, and Darsono, Egypt. J. Agric. Res., (2023) 101 (2),274-281
with a more significant probability of trade creation (Baier et al., 2019). Apart from income, prices are also an
essential determinant of exports. Price is one of the variables in the export destination market; it is widely
recognized that the price in the export destination country become a key role in international trade. Stable prices
and a favorable exchange rate can be more significant drivers of exports (Sugiharti et al., 2020). Commodity
prices usually are divided into domestic and international prices. Unexpected changes in prices can cause
behavioral variations in export volumes. Palm oil has the highest price uncertainty risk, affecting fluctuating world
price (Setyowati et al., 2021). On the other hand, due to price fluctuations, fluctuating exchange rates seem to
influence exports of agricultural products (raw or at least unprocessed) more significantly, especially in
developing countries (Baiardi et al., 2015). According to Álvarez-Díaz et al., (2018), there are contradictions
because several studies show that fluctuations in exchange rates are not directly reflected in export prices;
exporters usually tend to maintain prices to increase or maintain their market share.
On the other side, it founds that only a few cases of Egypt are relevant to studying determinants of
international agriculture trade, especially vegetable oil commodities. The research about Egyptian agriculture by
El-Rasoul et al. (2021), found between real agriculture GDP and real agriculture imports have a positive influence,
also for real agricultural imports and the dollar exchange rate, which no longer applies the economic principle,
proves that the floating exchange rate become not effective as Egypt imports commodities and services at high
costs because the depreciation of the Egyptian pound. Zaki et al. (2019) found that the depreciation real
exchange rate increases the value of exports without affecting the total exports; fact that the price has a more
significant effect than a quantity effect: depreciation lowers the export price of foreign currency, but does not
increase its export quantity. Many factors are suspected to influence and can impact the supply of Indonesian
palm oil exports to Egypt, and it is crucial to know their influence. The results of this research are expected to
provide policy recommendations and helpful information regarding palm oil export supply to Egypt for the
government, readers, and related parties.
Notes :
Dyt : First Difference of Y
Oktaviana, and Darsono, Egypt. J. Agric. Res., (2023) 101 (2),274-281
yt : Dependent Variable
Dxt : First Difference of X
xt : Independent Variable
t : Error term
To find out the specifications of the ECM as a valid model can be seen in the results of the residual
statistical test of the regression equation (4). If the ECT coefficient is negatively significant, the model
specifications observed in ECM are valid. Following Granger's method, the researcher defines the related Error
Correction Model (ECM) in equation (3). So the ECM model in this research can be seen in equation (5).
D(LnQE) = β0 + β1D(LnPPi) + β2D(LnPPd) + β3D(LnQD) + β4D(LnER)+ β5D(LnIR) + β6D(LnGDP) +Β7ECT(t-1) ………(5)
Notes :
QE = volume of Indonesian palm oil exports to Egypt (tons)
PPi = international palm oil price (US$/kg)
PPd = domestic palm oil price (Rp/kg)
QD = volume of domestic palm oil production (tonnes)
ER = exchange rate (exchange rate) Rupiah against Egyptian Pound
GDP = Real GDP Egypt
IR = Indonesia Interest rate
ECT =Error Correction Term
0 = constant
D = (first difference)
The above equation is built based on the test results that all variables are stationary within a certain
degree (difference) shown by D notation. The ECT coefficient must have a negative sign and be statistically
significant (Granger et al., 2000). This condition is needed to strengthen the long-term relationship between the
dependent variable (QE) and the independent variables (PPi, PPd, QD, IR, ER, and GDP). If the ECT value is small,
the correction process towards long-term equilibrium will be fast. Furthermore, the regression model was tested
using the classical assumption tests and statistical tests (coefficient of determination, simultaneous test, and
partial test).
Overview of Indonesian Palm Oil Export Supply Volume:
In the last two decades, Indonesia has become a dominant palm oil importer on the global market. However, not
all countries consistently import Indonesian palm oil due to various factors. Egypt is an important destination for
Indonesian palm oil export country because it has had an increasing volume of Indonesian palm oil export supply
to this country since 2006 and it increased significantly in 2014. There has been a significant demand from Egypt
due to the price of Indonesian palm oil, which is more competitive than other vegetable oils.
Fig. 1. Development of Indonesian Palm Oil Export Supply Volume to Egypt for the period 1990-2020
Based on the figure above, it can describe that the volume of Indonesian palm oil exports in 1990 – 2005 to Egypt
tended to be low, with an average is only 48 thousand tons; the lowest export volume also occurred during this
period in 1991 with the total quantity of only 25 tons. A sharp increase in the volume of palm oil exports occurred
from 2005 to 2006, from 151 thousand tons to 476 thousand tons. It is interesting because Indonesia has
expanded its market share to Egypt since 2005 with an increase in significant value. Furthermore, the volume of
palm oil exports tended to be stable from 2006 to 2020, during which time there was an insignificant increase
and decrease in palm oil exports.
Oktaviana, and Darsono, Egypt. J. Agric. Res., (2023) 101 (2),274-281
Oktaviana, and Darsono, Egypt. J. Agric. Res., (2023) 101 (2),274-281
Oktaviana, and Darsono, Egypt. J. Agric. Res., (2023) 101 (2),274-281
The Influencing Factors of Palm Oil Export Supply
Based on the above analysis results, international palm oil prices significantly influence Indonesian palm oil
volume exports supply to Egypt. The positive value of the regression analysis follows the theory. Suppose
international prices are higher than the domestic prices; in that case, producers in that country are interested in
taking advantage of high prices in the global markets and selling their commodities to buyers in other countries
(Mankiw, 2008). The relationship between commodity prices and supply has a positive sign, so the high price of
global market will encourage producers to offer more commodities and vice versa; If the price increases, the
supply of products will also increase.
As expected, domestic palm oil production of Indonesia positively significant influences Indonesian palm
oil volume exports to Egypt. Estimating the positive direction on the variable coefficient indicates that any
increase in production volume will increase the Indonesian palm oil volume exports to Egypt. When importers
like Indonesian palm oil, the demand for the commodity will also increase, so meeting the requirements of
foreign demand will generate more profits. The results on the same commodity by Rosyadi et al., (2021) also get
a positive effect and significant value of the regression analysis. This follows the theory put forward by Smith
regarding the Theory of Absolute Advantage, which proves that high production will affect to the volume of
exports. So that when production increases, the availability of palm oil also increases, and foreign supply
increases too.
The interest rate has a significant and negative influence on the volume of Indonesian palm oil exports to
Egypt. Estimating the negative direction on the variable coefficients indicates that any increase in the interest
rate will reduce the Indonesian palm oil volume exports to Egypt. Companies rely on credit markets to borrow
in countries with well-developed credit markets. Exports are vulnerable to changes in interest rates, and interest
rates negatively influence exports (Chen et al., 2015). A negative influence is assumed where the interest rate as
part of production and export financing has a negative influence. When loan interest rates are higher, production
costs will increase, reducing the value of exports. Besides that, the export burden is higher, reducing the volume
of exports. So artificially low-interest rates can work as an export promotion policy (Tomoda & Kurata, 2015).
Another factor influencing Indonesian palm oil export supply is the Exchange Rate. The Rupiah exchange rate to
the Egyptian Pound has a positively significant influence on the volume of Indonesian palm oil exports to Egypt.
The estimation of the positive direction on the variable coefficients indicates that any increase in the Rupiah
exchange rate against the Egyptian Pound will increase the volume of Indonesian palm oil exports to Egypt.
Theoretically, an increase in the exchange rate will reduce the domestic currency in nominal terms and negatively
influence export supply. The strengthening exchange rate will result in domestic products being more expensive
than foreign products so that the number of exports of a country tends to decrease. On the other hand, there is
a possibility of a positive relationship, as quoted from the research by (Berman et al., 2012). In case of currency
depreciation for high-performing exporters, it will increase price markup but reduce export volume. So there is
a possibility that both have a negative and positive relationship between exports and the exchange rate in various
export sectors (Yee et al., 2016). Several studies show an increase in the exchange rate where the depreciation
of the domestic currency does not necessarily increase exports in certain domestic countries.
Following the results and discussions, the dependent and independent variables had a long-term equilibrium
relationship. The volume of Indonesian palm oil export supply to Egypt is positively and significantly influenced
by international prices, domestic production volumes, and the Rupiah exchange rate against the Egyptian
Pound. On the other side, the volume of Indonesian palm oil export supply to Egypt is negatively significantly
influenced by interest rates.
Indonesia must pay more attention to palm oil, especially to countries with great potential, such as Egypt;
maintaining palm oil exports can be an advantage. Government and exporters must commit to being more
intensive in developing palm oil exports. The policy of maintaining the exchange rate at a reasonable level
needs to carry out to increase Indonesian palm oil export supply to Egypt. On the other hand, a low-interest
Oktaviana, and Darsono, Egypt. J. Agric. Res., (2023) 101 (2),274-281
rate can be an alternative to promoting policies to increase exports to Egypt. All parties in the Indonesia palm
oil supply chain will be motivated to get a reasonable price and be recognized by the global market.
Funding: Not applicable.
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest
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