1 s2.0 0009250986850813 Main
1 s2.0 0009250986850813 Main
1 s2.0 0009250986850813 Main
Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Journals Ltd.
(Received 24 May 1985; in revised form 23 September 1985; accepted 25 November 1985)
Abstract-Small CO, bubbles have been generated in quiescent water and 8.0 and 21.0 wt.:/ aqueous
sucrose solutions supersaturated with CO*. Measurements have been made of the free rise velocity and
growth rate of the bubbles in the range&l 170 pm in diameter by a photographic method. The experimental
results for the COs-water system agree well with theoretical and empirical equations for rigid spheres in
creeping flow when d, is less than about 15Oj1m and begin to approach the equations for partially
contaminated or clean fluid spheres as d, or Re increases. Similar results are obtained for CO1 bubbles in
aqueous sucrose solutions. The critical Reynolds number at which the bubble surface begins to move
decreases with increase in liquid viscosity and this can be interpreted in terms of the stagnant cap model. As
Re further increases, experimental results agree well with the predictions for spherical bubbles free from
surfactant in potential flow before finally beginning to deviate from them.
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of experimental apparatus. (1), (2) CO, cylinder, (3) pressure regulator, (4)
pressure vessel, (5) sparger, (6) safety valve, (7) pressure gauge, (8) water vapor saturator, (9), (17) gas flow
meter, (10) motor and cam, (11) vibrating rod, (12) observation cell, (13) capillary (inlet of supersaturated
liquid), (14) lamp house, (15) stroboscope, (16) manometer, (18) gas analyser, (19) constant temperature room.
VI-VL2. valves.
1978), but there is little information available on Side view Front view
motion and mass transfer of very small bubbles less Ian 78
than 1 mm in diameter, which play an important role in
the bubble desorption process.
As a fundamental study to clarify the mechanism of
bubble desorption, we measure in this paper the mass
transfer and drag coefficients for single CO2 bubbles in
free rise generated in quiescent supersaturated water
and aqueous sucrose solutions with diameters from 60
to 1170pm. t 1
least two to three images of bubbles were captured on The second term in the brackets is the correction
one frame by adjusting the flash interval. Vibration of necessary for the change in bubble size due to the
the rod was stopped just before taking photographs in change in hydrostatic pressure.
order to minimize the effect of liquid turbulence due to The mass transfer coefficient was calculated from eq.
vibration of the rod on movement and mass transfer of (9) by substituting the measured bubble rise velocity U,
bubbles. Usually five frames were taken at one position and the experimental bubble growth rate determined
2312 H. ISHIKAWA et al.
L = 0.15-c (I; -&)/W. (11) The viscosity and density of water were taken from the
International Critical Tables (1963) and the Perry’s
The bubble rise velocity, the bubble growth rate, and Chemical Engineers’ Handbook (1963), and those of
the drag and the mass transfer coefficients were then aqueous sucrose solutions were measured by conven-
determined by the same method as mentioned above. tional methods. The surface tension of the three
However, the second term in the brackets of eq. (9) solvents were taken from the International Critical
could not be neglected in this case. Tables (1963). These physical properties are sum-
Liquid samples were taken from V, and Vs in Fig. 1 marized in Table 1.
and 6 in Fig. 3, and were analysed by either measuring
the CO, volume liberated in gas burette 17 in Fig. 1 or
Drag coeficients and mass transfer coeficients
by a titration method where a liquid sample of 10 cc
First we checked the shape of bubbles dealt with in
was discharged into a flask containing a mixture of
our experiments, because most theoretical equations
standard NaOH and BaCl,, and the excess NaOH was
for bubble motion and mass transfer have been derived
then titrated with standard HCl using phenoIphthalein
for spherical bubbles. Grace (1973) has given a con-
as indicator.
venient chart for determining the shape regime for
Solvents used were distilled water and aqueous
bubbles and drops in terms of the three dimensionless
sucrose solutions whose concentrations are shown in
numbers, i.e. Eotvos, Morton and Reynolds numbers.
Table 1.
Under the present experimental conditions, the maxi-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION mum Eotvos number and the minimum Morton
Prediction of physical properties number were 0.191 and 1.11 x lo- ‘I, respectively, and
In order to analyse and correlate the experimental the bubbles in the present experiments were found to
results, it is necessary to know the values of the be complete spheres.
Distilled water 303 8.01 x 10-h 995.7 7.12 x IO-’ 28.5 2.24 x 10-g 364
8.0 wt. % aqueous
sucrose solution 303 9.85 x 10-b 1027 7.16 x lo-* 26.5 1.93 x 1o-9 49s
21.0 wt. y0 aqueous
sucrose solution 303 1.57 X 10-3 1098 7.22 x lo-’ 23.2 1.43 X 10-q 998
Gas desorption from liquids 2313
By the use of the figures given by Clift et al. (1978), particle Reynolds number Re (= pcdsU/pc)_ The re-
the retardation of the velocity of the bubbles was sults of the mass transfer coefficients are reported as
estimated to be less than 2% under the present plots of Sherwood number Sh against Re in Figs 7-9.
experimental condition. Thus, the effect of natural
convection on the bubble rise velocity was neglected in
the present work. Transport models for bubbles
The effect of natural convection on heat transfer was In Figs 4-9, the theoretical equations for drag
analysed theoretically by Acrivos (1960, 1966). By coefficient C, and Sherwood number Sh are compared
analogy, the mass transfer coefficient due to natural with the experimental data.
convection is given by The gas inside a rising bubble usually circulates
because of the external liquid flow, so that a finite
Sh, = 0.5827(GrS~)“~ (14) velocity exists at the gas-liquid boundary. For creep-
where Gr represents the Grashof number for mass ing flow around a fluid sphere with its interface
transfer. In the present work, the ratio Sk/Sh,,, assumed to be completely free from surface-active
(= k,,,lk,,otJ ranged from 0.01 (large bubbles) to contaminants, Hadamard (1911) and Rybczinski
0.11 (small bubbles). The mass transfer coefficients (1911) independently obtained solutions to the
measured can be corrected for the contribution of mass Navier-Stokes and continuity equations. These lead to
transfer due to natural convection according to the the expression
relation (Acrivos, 1966)
C, = 16/Re (Re c 1). (16)
Sh = (Sh,,s4 + Sh.P)l14 . (15) For creeping flow around a fluid sphere with the
From eq. (1 S), the effect of natural convection on mass Hadamard-Rybczinski velocity distribution, Oellrich
transfer was also found to be negligible. et al. (1973) obtained the mass transfer coefficients
The effect of cell wall on the bubble rise velocity and numerically.
the mass transfer coefficient may be present in our The above theoretical equation and numerical sol-
experiments. The maximum ratio of the bubble di- ution hold for the creeping flow around a bubble at Re
ameter to the cell width or to the column diameter was -c 1. However, when the Reynolds number increases,
observed in the observation cell shown in Fig. 2 and the contribution of the inertia term in the
was about 0.04. The value was observed when the Navier-Stokes equation becomes considerable com-
Reynolds number ranged from 10 to 20, the value pared with the viscosity term. In the intermediate
depending on the system. In this range, the bubble Reynolds number region, Hamielec et al. (1962, 1963)
behaves as if it has almost no contamination, as applied the Galerkin method to fluid spheres, and
discussed later. According to Clift et al. (1978), the presented the correlation for the drag coefficient on
effect of the wall on terminal velocity is negligible in the spherical bubbles:
above range of Re and bubble-to-column diameter
C, = 13.75/Re0.‘4 (4 < Re < 100). (17)
ratio. Further, the effect of the wall on mass transfer is
considered to be negligible since the wall has a much In the region 10 c Re < 104, Lochiel and Calderbank
smaller effect on mass transfer than on drag. (1964) solved the thin concentration boundary layer
Figures 4-6 show plots of the drag coefficient C, vs. problem using surface velocity from boundary layer
1. Stokes
1- 2. Hadamard-Rybczinski
6- 3. Levich
4. Hamielec et al.
u” 6
2 2. Hadamard-Rybczinski
I 4. Hamielec et al.
0.t 2 4 6 1 2 4 6 10 2 4 6 100 200
Fig. 5. Drag coefficientsfor the CO,-8.0 wt. % aqueous sucrose solution system at 303 K.
U” 6-
1. stokes
2- 2. Wamard-Rybczimki
3. Levi&
1- 4. Hamielei et al.
0.41 b ’ I I I III
0.06 0.1 2 4 6 I 2 4610 2 4 6 100
Fig. 6. Drag coefficients for the CO,-21.0 wt. % aqueous sucrose solution system at 303 K.
0 Present work
l Motarjemi -Jameson
5 2
10 1. Oellrich et al. _
2. Clift et al.
6 3. Ranz-Marshall
4 4. Boussinesa
5. Lochiel-Cal~erbank
6. Ueyama-Hatanaka
A.2 4I 6II I 21 4610
I 4I 6,I1 100 2I 4
Fig. 8. Mass transfer coefficients for the C02-8.0 wt. % aqueous sucrose solution at 303 K.
from a stagnant sphere, Sh = 2, as Re --* 0. Miyauchi partially covered with a stagnant layer of surfactant.
and Nomura (197 1) carried out an experiment on mass They derived a simple equation for the drag coefficient
transfer by using a single platinum sphere and showed on fluid spheres as
that eq. (23) could be extrapolated to low Re of order of
0.01 and high SC.
In systems of intermediate purity, the interface may
be partially covered with surfactants and there may be
a non-uniform surface tension distribution. The effects -sin 34)+.2)2~
of surface-active contaminants on bubble motion and
mass transfer have been analysed by many investi- where 4 is the cap angle. Equation (24) reduces to eq.
gators (Savic, 1953; Levich, 1962; Harper, 1973; (16) when 4 = 0 (no surfactant) and to eq. (21) when
Agrawal and Wasan 1979). Sadhal and Johnson (1983) $J = rr (surface completely covered with surfac-
analysed the creeping flow due to the motion of a fluid tant). Thus, eq. (24) expresses the relation between
sphere in another immiscible fluid when the interface is the drag coefficient on bubbles with surfaces par-
2316 H. ISHIKAWA et al.
1. Lochiel-
et al.
2. Clift et al.
6. Ueyama Hatanaka
,__?, ...n-5.
Fig. 9. Mass Transfer coeficients for the CO,-210 wt. % aqueous sucrose solution system at 303 K.
tially covered with contaminants and the cap angle. experimental values decrease with Re in the same way
Ueyama and Hatanaka (1973, 1976) extended the as predicted by eq. (17), which is derived for a spherical
stagnant cap model for a contaminated fluid sphere at bubble with its surface completely free from surfact-
low Reynolds numbers and presented an equation for ant, but are somewhat larger than the predictions. As
mass transfer Re increases further, the experimental drag coefficients
come to agree with the Levich equation, eq. (19). and
Sh = 2 + 0.6~Re’1Z Scrf3 (25) finally begin to deviate from it.
Similar results were obtained for CO1 bubbles in
where j? is the ratio of the local mass transfer coefficient
aqueous sucrose solutions as shown in Figs 5 and 6.
at the front stagnation points of fluid spheres to that of
These figures show more clearly that the experimental
equivalent rigid spheres, and can be approximately
drag coefficients agree well with those predicted by the
expressed as
Hadamard-Rybczinski equation, at small Re.
jl= 1.13Pe’/6f’/2 (1 +0.717B7/g)3/7 (26) These results for the drag coefficient suggest that
when bubbles are very small, their surfaces are fully
where B is a correction factor for the effect of the
covered with surface-active contaminants and behave
interfacial velocity gradient on the velocity profile
like those of rigid spheres, and that the degree of
given by
contamination decreases with an increase in bubble
I3 = q/(8&f 3)1f2. (27) diameter or in bubble rise velocity. Similar results were
The parameters f and q in eqs (26) and (27) are the reported by Garner and Hammerton (1951) who
dimensionless interfacial velocity and the dimension- measured the bubble rise velocities in glycerol, white
less velocity gradient, respectively, at the front stag- hydrocarbon and water. According to their results,
nation point and are approximately expressed by drag coefficients for air bubbles in glycerol agreed with
the Stokes equation when bubble diameter was small,
f= 0.725(1 -A*/3)“’ (1 +K) (d* > 2.5) (28) and then deviated to reach the Hadamard-Rylxzinski
f = 0.5(1 -0.025j1*3)/(1 + K) (A* < 2.5) (29) equation, eq. (16), as bubble diameter increased. In the
present experiments, both the change of the flow
q = 2f+3K/(l+K) (30) regime from the creeping flow to the potential flow and
where A* is a dimensionless interfacial pressure at the the change of the degree of surface contamination
rear stagnation point of the fluid sphere defined by (from heavily to partially contaminated) are consid-
ered to have occurred simultaneously with the increase
A.* = lI*//&u . (31) in bubble diameter.
The Sherwood numbers for the CO1-water system
Discussion shown in Fig. 7 agree well with the Ranz-Marshall
As shown in Fig. 4, the experimental drag coef- equation, eq. (23), when Re is less than about 3. The
ficients for COs bubbles rising in quiescent water agree reasons why the experimental results of Sh in such a
with the Stokes equation, eq. (21), for rigid spheres low Re region as Re -K 1 were lower than the theor-
where Re is small, and approach the Hadamard- etical values given by eq. (22) and came to agree with
Rybczinski equation, eq. (16) at around Re = 3. the Ranz-Marshall equation are not clear. Further
In the intermediate Reynolds number region, the theoretical and experimental investigations are needed
Gas desorption from liquids 2317
to clarify the mechanism of mass transfer in this low Re COz-water, and - 8.0 and - 21.0 wt. y_ for the
region. aqueous sucrose solution systems, respectively.
As Re exceeds 3, Sh begins to deviate sharply from Further, the surface pressure at the rear stagnation
eq. (23), and finally agrees with the Boussinesq equa- points for the CO*-aqueous sucrose solution systems
tion, eq. (20), or the Lochiel-Calderbank equation, eq. is 2.4 x low5 N/m, one half that for the CO,-water
(18), when Re > 20. This dependence of Sh on Re is in system.
accordance with that of C, on Re mentioned above, Let us try to interpret these experimental results by
that is, CO2 bubbles in water are contaminated with the stagnant cap model. According to the mode1
surfaceactive impurities almost completely and behave (Saville, 1973; Ueyama and Hatanaka, 1973; Sadhal
like rigid spheres when Re < 3 (corresponding to and Johnson, 1983), the cap angle or the extent of
bubble diameters less than about 150 pm). contamination depends only on 1* in the Stokes flow
Furthermore, the C, results revealed that when 3 region, with the behaviour of bubbles deviating from
< Re < 20, bubbles were partially contaminated, the that of solid spheres at the same R* value irrespective of
degree of contamination depending on Re, and the system. In the Stokes flow region, the terminal velocity
flow regime changed from creeping flow to potential of a spherical gas bubble (no circulation) is given by
flow. The solid line 6 in Fig. 7, which was calculated
from Ueyama-Hatanaka equations, eqs (25)-(3 l), cor- u = dg=pcsll&, (32)
relates well with our experimental results for 3 < Re Equation (3 1) and the equality of the 1* value yield for
< 100, if we assume a constant value of 4.8 two liquid systems the relation
x 10s5 N/m for the parameter, II*, which is the
surface pressure at the rear stagnation point. Such
agreement between the Ueyama-Hatanaka equations
and the present experimental results for the wide
By use of eqs (32) and (33), the ratio of the critical
Reynolds number region may be because their analysis
Rey;lolds numbers for two systems is
was conducted originally in the creeping flow region.
In Fig. 7, experimental mass transfer coefficient for
2 = (~>““(~>“‘(~>‘. (34)
the O,-water system measured by Motarjemi and
Jameson (1978) are also plotted for comparison,
For the 8.0 and 21.0 wt. % aqueous sucrose sol-
though the Schmidt number differs a little from that of
utions system, eq. (34) predicts:
the COz-water system. The results at Re of about 10
agree well with the Ranz-Marshall equation, eq. (23), Re,2 Re,(2 1.O wt. %)
and deviate from it to approach the Boussinesq and the
Lochiel-Calderbank equations, eqs (20) and (IS),
respectively, as Re increases. The Reynolds number at Rec1
which the values of Sh measured by Motarjemi and
Jameson begin to deviate from the Ranz-Marshall
The value of 0.41 agrees well with the experimental
equation is about 15, considerably larger than that of
value of 0.43. Furthermore, for the water and 8.0 wt. %
the present experiments (Re N 3). Furthermore, their
aqueous sucrose solution system, the ratio is estimated
values of Sh are smaller than ours at similar Re values.
These discrepancies cannot be attributed to the dif-
ference in the direction of the mass flux (Bird et al.,
1960), and probably occurred due to a different degree
of contamination of the water; Motarjemi and
Jameson used tap water while we used distilled \;ater.
The experimental results for the dependence of Sh
on Re for the Cot-aqueous sucrose solution systems This value is in good agreement with the experimental
shown in Figs 8 and 9 are similar to those for the value of 4.3. Thus, we consider that the stagnant cap
CO,-water system. When Re < 1, C, shown in Figs 5 model can interpret the experimental results for mass
and 6 indicates that bubble surfaces are almost free transfer.
from surfactants. However, almost all the data points
of the Sherwood number for Re < 1 fall between the Acknowledgments-The authors would like to thank Dr.
numerical solution obtained by Oellrich et al. and eq. Hatanaka and Dr. Ishimi for very helpful discussions.
(22) or the Ram-Marshall equation, eq. (23), indicat-
ing that the bubble surfaces are not completely free
from surfactants. These experimental results are
reasonable, because the effect of surfacecontamination NOTATION
on mass transfer is more sensitive than on bubble A concentration of CO2 in solution, mol/m’
motion. Ai solubility of CO2 in solution, mol/m3
The critical Reynolds numbers at which the CD drag coefficient, dimensionless
Sherwood number begins to deviate from the Ranz- C, concentration of sucrose in solution, mol/m”
Marshall equation are about 3, 0.7 and 0.3 for the d, bubble diameter, m
2318 H. ISHIKAWA et al.
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