SEM Instructions

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Recommended centering conditions

The centering is always done by

means of a special centering
specimen, which is included in the
microscope accessories and is marked
as ADJ. The surface of this specimen
has a fine structure, making the
centering easier. If this specimen is not available, it is possible to use a common specimen stub. Once
you start centering, the image must be focused perfectly.
Centering of the Electron Gun
The centering is done by automatic procedure. It is always necessary to perform this auto centering
after high voltage value changes inside a specified range with the item High Voltage on the Pad panel.
1. Insert the centering specimen.
2. Set up the recommended working conditions.
3. Use the Adjustment >>> Auto Gun Centering function in the Electron Beam panel.
Automatic Centering
The automatic procedure of column centering is very fast and suitable for low magnifications. For very
precise work at high magnifications manual centering is more suitable (see chapter
1. Insert the centering specimen.
2. Set up the recommended working conditions and focus the image in the RESOLUTION mode.
3. Use the Adjustment >>> Auto Column Centering function in the Electron Beam panel.
Manual Centering
1. Insert the centering specimen.
2. Set up the recommended working conditions and focus the image in the RESOLUTION mode.
Note: Manual centering is for experienced users and it is necessary to perform it individually
for each from four HV indexes.
3.Use the Adjustment >>> Manual Column Centering function in the Electron Beam panel. Press
Next>> button. The image starts wobbling, that is, periodically changing the working distance.
4. Minimize the image movement by changing the OBJ Centering (select in the Pad panel) using the
trackball and F11 and F12 keys. Press the Finish button.
It might also be necessary to have FIELD or DEPTH modes precisely centered if working on higher
magnifications. If needed proceed with the following steps:
5. Switch to the FIELD mode. Set the same magnification for the modes RESOLUTION and FIELD.
Use the Adjustment >>> Manual Column Centering function in the Electron Beam panel. Press
Next>> button. Minimize the image movement by changing the IML Centering (select in the Pad
panel) using the trackball and the F11 and F12 keys. Press Next>> button. Adjust the OBJ Centering
so that the image is the same as in the RESOLUTION mode (use the trackball and the F11 and F12
keys). Press the Finish button.
6. Switch to the DEPTH mode. Use again the procedure with Manual Column Centering and OBJ
Centering (steps 3. and 4.).
7. Switch to the WIDE FIELD mode and set the same magnification for the modes RESOLUTION and
WIDE FIELD. Use the Adjustment >>> Manual Column Centering function in the Electron Beam
panel. Press Next>> button. Adjust the OBJ Centering so that the image is the same as in the
RESOLUTION mode (use the trackball and the F11 and F12 keys). Press the Finish button.
Note: RESOLUTION mode is the basic and most common displaying mode. The procedure described
above is sufficient for work in the RESOLUTION mode on high magnifications.
It might also be necessary to have FIELD or DEPTH modes precisely centered if working on higher
magnifications. If needed proceed with the following steps:
1. Switch to the DEPTH mode and centre this mode as usual.
2. Switch to the FIELD mode and only set the same field of view by changing the OBJ Centering.
3. Switch to the mode WIDE FIELD mode and centre this mode as usual.
Note: If you want to align field of view for the DEPTH mode exactly with the RESOLUTION mode (for
magnifications > ~10000), set the same magnification in the RESOLUTION and DEPTH modes and
then set the same field of view by means of changing the IML Centering parameter.
WARNING: This procedure has a strong influence on the other centering parameters and thus is
recommended only for experienced users.

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