Alarm Management May 2022 Technical Bulletin - 508
Alarm Management May 2022 Technical Bulletin - 508
Alarm Management May 2022 Technical Bulletin - 508
Alarm Management
Introduction Bad actor or nuisance alarms are notifications that don’t meet the
In a plant, an alarm acts as an intentional interruption to an definition of an alarm (such as alarms without a required operator
operator indicating an abnormal condition. Meaningful alarms action) and are thus not meaningful; those that are triggered by
notify the operator to take action to prevent or mitigate the normal operations (e.g., status alarms); or those that are chattering
impact of an occurrence with an associated negative (rapidly repeating) or fleeting (occurring and clearing in very short
consequence, such as a forced equipment outage. intervals). Once identified, these bad actors may be resolved by the
alarm management team through the introduction of one or several
Active alarms are presented to a human operator by an alarm control tools – primarily deadbands (which prevent alarms from
display, which may be located on a computer monitor or an returning to normal until the alarm condition is cleared by a defined
annunciator panel. The operator’s ability to view, acknowledge, increment, preventing successive alarms), process filters, and
and respond to each alarm is limited by the human factor of delays.
cognition, notably the individual’s ability to filter out data that is
extraneous to making appropriate decisions. This cognitive As nuisance alarms are controlled, valid alarms are prioritized
ability may become overloaded during an alarm flood, which is a through documentation and rationalization (D&R). D&R is the
period of excessive and rapid alarm rates, resulting in an methodology of alarm rationalization by which alarms are
operator unintentionally missing or ignoring important alarms determined to be valid, assigned meaningful priority and setpoint
because they are overwhelmed by the number of alarms. Alarm values, and then documented to ensure consistent alarm
floods can grow in intensity and frequency if the system is configuration in accordance with the alarm philosophy. The most
configured with poor alarming practices – such as bad actor frequent method of alarm rationalization is the grid‐based method,
alarms and poor alarm prioritization – which hinder the operator which combines the severity of the alarm’s consequences with the
in assessing and resolving the source of the abnormal situation. maximum time available for response and mitigation.
Alarm management addresses the flaws in alarm system Real Time Alarm Management
controls, processes, and designs to allow the plant to promote Advanced alarm capabilities may be necessary to resolve certain
good stewardship and usability by the operations staff. The alarming issues. Equipment may have different operating modes
concepts can be applied in plants as well as building operations (e.g., running, startup, tripped) where a static alarm configuration
or other processes where alarm use is critical. would produce inconsistent results; a static configuration can result
in an alarm triggering despite the condition being normal for the
Alarm Philosophy equipment’s current state. To rectify this, state‐based alarming
An alarm philosophy is an alarm management handbook algorithms dynamically alter equipment alarm configurations (e.g.,
developed by the plant’s alarm team and customized specifically alarm setpoint and priority) based on changes to the equipment’s
for their site. This comprehensive document provides guidance detected operating state. Alarm flood suppression temporarily
to ensure that the alarm system is developed, implemented, and eliminates expected and distracting alarms from a unit trip or forced
maintained to effectively help the operator take the correct outage, displaying only the most relevant alarms to assist the
action at the correct time. The handbook compiles the rules for operator in managing the post‐trip resolution.
alarm selection, priority setting, configuration, response,
handling methods, system monitoring, roles and responsibilities, Conclusion
and system maintenance. Alarm management is a continuous improvement process that
requires an ongoing – and frequently automated – program of
Benchmarking/Reporting/Analysis system analyses and monitoring by a dedicated alarm management
The data collected by the alarm system is used to build analyses team. Effective alarm management helps maintain an improved
that reflect the system’s health and performance as an operator level of performance and prevent various alarm problems from
tool. These analyses are compared to target performance being reintroduced into the alarm system.
metrics and the alarm management program’s initial
benchmarking to identify critical issues and gauge the Additional Reading
effectiveness of mitigations and improvements. Hollifield, Bill R., and Eddie Habibi. Alarm Management: A
Comprehensive Guide: Practical and Proven Methods to Optimize
Alarm Change Management the Performance of Alarm Management Systems. International
Alarm reporting may highlight alarms with behaviors that are Society of Automation, 2011.
categorized as a nuisance or are irrelevant to the operator. These
are interchangeably classified as nuisance alarms or bad actor ANSI/ISA‐18.2‐2016, Management of Alarm Systems for the Process
alarms. Industries Copyright: 2016