Received: 18 February 2019 / Accepted: 21 June 2019 / Published online: 8 July 2019
# The Author(s) 2019
Purpose Adequately informing patients is considered crucial in cancer care, but need for information and information seeking
behaviour of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients in the Netherlands are currently not well known.
Methods In a prospective study, patients participating in a specialty, hospital-based follow-up program completed three consec-
utive surveys over a 6-month period to analyse their information need and information seeking behaviour.
Results Patients (n = 259) felt well informed about their treatment (86%), disease (84%), and follow-up program (80%), but less
well informed about future expectations (49%), nutrition (43%), recommended physical activity (42%), and heredity of cancer
(40%). The need for more information on these subjects remained constant over the first five postoperative years. Patients who
were younger, who had undergone chemotherapy, or who had comorbid conditions needed more information on several subjects.
One in three patients searched for information themselves, mostly on the Internet. One in four patients consulted a health care
provider for information, mostly their GP. Younger and more educated patients more often searched for information themselves,
while patients undergoing chemotherapy more often consulted the hospital nurse. Information seeking behaviour remained
constant over time.
Conclusions This study showed where current information provision is perceived as adequate and on which subject improve-
ments can be made. It identifies information seeking behaviour and proposes ways to personalize information provision.
Implications for Cancer Survivors The GP is most frequently consulted for information; involving GPs in CRC follow-up could
improve information provision on several subjects for several patients.
Keywords Colorectal cancer . Follow-up . General practitioners . Patients . Information needs . Information seeking behaviour
Patients (N = 259)
SD standard deviation
IQR interquartile range
Tumour stage was defined using the TNM5 criteria
Given only in rectal carcinoma
Reported by less than 5% of respondents; renal failure, liver disease, skin disease, peptic ulcers, and various other disorders
606 J Cancer Surviv (2019) 13:603–610
consultation rate remained constant over time. Most patients intended to eat (even) healthier. Only a small percentage need-
had a regular surgeon or oncology specialist, and about half ed guidance to eat healthier. About one in five patients had
of patients had a regular specialized hospital nurse. Most become physically more active because of their cancer, and
patients reported to feel reassured by their surgeon or oncol- one in three intended to get more active. The need for guid-
ogy specialist and specialized hospital nurse, and most pa- ance to get more active was low. The cancer diagnosis had
tients reported being involved in making their own treatment made two thirds of patients stop smoking, but only between 6
decisions (Table 2). and 12 months after treatment. The intention to stop smoking
Figure 1 shows how many patients reported feeling in- and the need for help to stop smoking were low.
formed about various subjects, and whether they thought they Patients younger than 65 years felt more informed about
needed more information on these subjects. Patients who re- the heredity of cancer (OR 2.04, 95% CI 1.39–3.00), and
cently (< 6 months) had surgery felt more informed about their needed more information than older patients on the follow-
treatment (odds ratio (OR) 2.17, 95% confidence interval up program (OR 1.61, 95% CI 1.06–2.46), what to expect in
1.25–3.76), and disease (OR 2.17, 95% CI 1.28–3.65), but the future (OR 1.57, 95% CI 1.06–2.31), nutrition (OR 1.53,
no other differences over time were found on any of the sub- 95% CI 1.00–2.34), and ways to improve their symptoms (OR
jects or needs. Patients felt most informed about their treat- 1.79, 95% CI 1.18–2.71). Patients that had undergone chemo-
ment (86%), disease (84%), follow-up program (80%), and therapy or were currently undergoing chemotherapy felt more
how to contact the hospital if necessary (68%). Need for more informed about (physical) symptoms to be aware of (OR 1.54,
information on these subjects was low. Patients felt less in- 95% CI 1.05–2.25), what to expect in the future (OR 1.60,
formed about what to expect in the future (49%), nutrition 95% CI 1.09–2.33), nutrition (OR 1.48, 95% CI 1.02–2.13),
(43%), recommended physical activity (42%), the heredity recommended physical activity (OR 1.71, 95% CI 1.18–2.48),
of cancer (40%), and how to improve their symptoms ways to improve their (physical/mental) symptoms (OR 1.79,
(36%). Need for more information was especially high on 95% CI 1.24–2.57), but also needed more information on their
the heredity of cancer (39%), what to expect in the future treatment (OR 1.69, 95% CI 1.04–2.73), and follow-up pro-
(36%), and nutrition (26%) (Fig. 1). gram (OR 1.90, 95% CI 1.25–2.89). Patients with a chronic
To examine the need for more information on lifestyle, comorbid condition needed more information on how to con-
patients responded to several statements. About half of the tact the hospital if necessary (OR 2.46, 95% CI 1.23–4.90),
patients reported that cancer had made them eat healthier, or what to expect in the future (OR 1.55, 95% CI 1.06–2.25),
How many times have you visited your GP in the last 12 months? N (%) N (%) N (%)
Fig. 1 Number of patients who reported feeling informed about various subjects, and whether they thought they needed more information on these
recommended physical activity (OR 1.74, 95% CI 1.10–2.75), themselves, mostly on the Internet (65%), by asking friends
and the heredity of cancer (OR 1.81, 95% CI 1.26–2.61). (28%), or by reading an information brochure (25%). Patients
Table 3 shows information seeking behaviour over time. younger than 65 years more frequently searched for informa-
One in three patients reported searching for information tion themselves (OR 1.66, 95% CI 1.13–2.43), and more often
< 6 months after treatment 6–12 months after treatment > 1 year after treatment
(N = 187) (N = 239) (N = 198)
used the Internet (OR 2.58, 95% CI 1.66–3.99). Patients with information themselves, or consult a health care provider for
a university education also more frequently searched for in- more information.
formation themselves (OR 2.18, 95% CI 1.24–3.82), and used
the Internet (OR 3.08, 95% CI 1.69–5.62) and friends (OR Comparison to previous literature
3.26, 95% CI 1.58–6.72) more frequently as sources. One in
four patients consulted one or more health care providers for The subjects on which the patients in this study felt well
information, mostly their GP (50%), surgeon or oncology spe- informed are in line with previous reports [6, 7, 13, 15]. The
cialist (45%), or hospital nurse (26%). Patients currently un- provision of information could be improved most where
dergoing chemotherapy were more likely to consult their spe- patients’ unmet need for information is highest. As con-
cialized hospital nurse for information (OR 3.30, 95% CI cluded by Salz et al., it would appear that CRC patients
1.33–8.21). Information seeking behaviour and sources of in- need more information that allows them to plan for the
formation remained constant over time. future, as opposed to more information on the treatment
they have undergone [13]. For instance, more information
on nutrition, recommended physical activity, and ways to
Discussion improve long-term physical and mental symptoms could
possibly serve these needs [4, 7, 13, 16–19]. Information
This paper reports on the information needs and information on the heredity of cancer appeared to be the most prominent
seeking behaviour of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients after unmet need in our patients. CRC follow-up care providers
initial treatment. By means of three consecutive surveys, we should take note of this need for information on heredity
prospectively evaluated (1) whether patients felt informed and address the issue, even if they think heredity does not
about the different subjects of follow-up and if they needed apply to the medical situation of their patient. The patients
more information on any subject, (2) whether and how pa- in our study reported a low need for information on work
tients looked for information themselves, and (3) whether resumption even after correction for working status, which
there were any differences in subgroups of patients. differs from previous reports [19]. Possibly, this difference
is due to the different cancer types included in other studies
Main findings (such as breast cancer and melanoma) with a lower average
age of patients, whereas our study population consisted
CRC patients in the current health care situation feel well mainly of older patients, who are more at the end of their
informed about their treatment, disease, follow-up program, working lives.
and how to contact the hospital if necessary. Other subjects, Previous studies have shown that CRC patients that have
such as future expectations, nutrition, recommended physical received dietary advice were more likely to change their diet,
activity, and heredity of cancer are perceived to be less well although lifestyle issued are not always adequately addressed
addressed. Especially high was the need for more information by health care providers [20, 21]. Tan et al. state that “clini-
on heredity and what to expect in the future. Patients felt least cians could consider addressing issues including smoking ces-
informed about work resumption and patient organizations, sation, physical activity, or other risk behaviours with their
but the need for more information on these subjects was also patients during the early survivorship period when patients
low. Apart from patients that have recently undergone surgery are likely to be more receptive to information about managing
being more informed about their treatment and disease, there risks of recurrence” [6]. However, the low percentage of pa-
were no significant changes over time for any of the subjects tients in our study that intend to improve their lifestyle or need
or needs described in this study. guidance in doing so indicates that these subjects are not
One in three patients in our study searched for information something they are keen on addressing. And yet, combined
themselves, mostly by using the Internet. One in four pa- with the unmet need on information about nutrition in partic-
tients reported visiting a health care provider specifically ular, this observation could be a starting point to improve
for more information, most frequently the GP. The informa- information on lifestyle that could contribute to an improved
tion seeking behaviour did not change with time after lifestyle and higher quality of life in CRC patients, certainly in
surgery. the long run.
Younger patients and patients with a university education Previous studies vary widely in the reported use of the
were more informed, and more frequently looked for informa- Internet [7, 22–24], but this probably has to do with differ-
tion themselves. Patients who had undergone chemotherapy ences in study populations and the increasing familiarity
were also more informed about several subjects, but also need- with the Internet as a medium over time. More important is
ed more information on their treatment and follow-up pro- a concern expressed by Cumbo et al. and Sajid et al. about
gram. Patients with chronic comorbid conditions needed more the lack of quality control on the information found on the
information on several subjects, but did not search for more Internet [22, 23]. Anticipating this concern, there have been
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