2 System Analysis and Design

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Data records are allowed to accumulate over a period of time or up to a pre-determined number
prior to them being processed as a single batch.
Once the batch processing starts, no user interaction is needed.
Data entry of batch processing can be on-line or off-line.
Off-line data entry data is keyed and kept on tape/disk using the another computer not the main
computer which will process the data later.
The method used is key-to-disk/key-to-tape technique.
On-line data entry data is input directly on the main computer but is stored on the transaction
file before processing later.

The steps in batch processing

1. The documents are scrutinised by a data control clerk. She will make sure that documents are
2. The source documents are then counted into batches and a batch header is filled in for each
batch and attached to the front of the batch, each batch is given a number which is entered on
batch header slip and recorded in a batch register.
3. Control totals are calculated manually for the batch and entered on batch header e.g. the total
of all payments would be calculated in a batch recording customer payments.
4. The batch of data is keyed in by a data preparation clerk and stored on disk or tape.
5. The batch is passed to the second data preparation clerk who switches the terminal to verify
mode and key the data for the second time. If any discrepancies are detected, the clerk will
check the source documents and make a correction if necessary.
6. The batch of data on a disk or tape is now ready to be validated by means of a computer
program. This is done on the computer used for processing.
7. If any errors are discovered by the validation program, these will be printed on a validation
report and the incorrect records in the batch will be retrieved and rekeyed.
8. The valid data is now held on a transaction file on a disk or tape and is ready to be processed.

Batch processing is used for applications where:

There are large amounts to be processed.
The data are similar in nature and require similar processing.
There is no timing constraint e.g. files don’t need to be updated immediately or a response from
the computer is not needed straight away.
The application does not need interaction by the user.

Examples of applications which use batch processing

Production of bank statements from customers files at periodic intervals.
The production of utility (gas, electricity and telephone) bills from customer records.

Jobs can be processed when the computer system is less busy (e.g. overnight), so the use of
resources is being optimised.
Up-to-the minute information is not available e.g. information on whether a particular book is in
the library or out on loan is not available.
Is a way of preventing errors when data is copied from one medium to another? There are two
common ways that verification checks are carried out:
 Double entry: in this method, data is entered twice, using two different people. The computer
compares the two entries, either after data entry or during the data entry process, and identifies
any differences.
 Visual check: this is the checking of errors by comparing entered data on the screen with the
data in the original document.

Is a process where data is checked to see if it satisfies certain criteria when input into a computer/ A
process of checking data to see if it is sensible in the context in which it is being used, e.g. to see if
the data falls within accepted boundaries.

Common validation methods

Validation check Description Examples

Range check Checks whether data is within A person’s age should be in the range >0
given/acceptable values but <50
Length check Checks if the input data contains If a field needs six digits then inputting a
the required number of five- and seven-digit number, for example,
characters should cause an error message.
Character/type Checks that the input data does A person’s name should not contain any
not contain invalid characters number but a person’s height should only
contain digits.
Format/picture check Checks that data is in a specific Date should be in the form dd/mm/yyyy.
Limit check Similar to range check except Input data must be >0
that only one limits is checked
Presence check Checks if data is actually present
In a electronic form, a person’s telephone
and has not been missed out. number may be a required field and if no
data is present this should give rise to an
error message.
Consistency check Checks if fields correspond with If ‘Mr’ has been typed into a field called
each other. title then the gender field must contain
either ‘M’ or ‘Male’.
Check digit Looks an extra digit which is Checks digits can identify three types of
calculated from the digits of a error:
number and then put on the end  If two digits have been inverted during
of the number input, e.g. 13597 instead of 13579
 An incorrect digit entered twice, e.g.
13559 typed instead of 13579
 A digit missed out altogether, e.g. 1359
typed instead of13579.
On-line system
The input devices (which may be terminal, a barcode reader, a device to read the
magnetic strip on credit card etc.) must be connected to the computer which held the
information to be accessed.
The basic principle behind this approach is that as transactions takes place, all associated
files are updated
Real-time transaction processing is an example of on-line processing, e.g. flight
bookings and use of ATM (automatic teller machine) when getting money.
1Real-time process control is another example of online processing.
NB In real time transaction processing, files are updated in real-time but in real-real-time process
control, physical quantities such as temperature are continuously monitored and the input
processed sufficiently quickly to influence the input source

Distributed Processing
 A system is one that allows software and data files to be distributed around a system.
 An ordinary network will have a server controlling it and the access to the hard drive, which is
connected to the server.
 A distributed system might store the word processing software on one computer’s hard drive,
while the files of work are stored somewhere else, and the spreadsheet software is stored on a
third disk drive.
 This can speed access to files because there is no single bottle neck which all the information
must pass through; however the security and maintenance of the system are more complicated.
 Another type of distributed system is to distribute the entire programs and data to more than
one place on the network.
 This speeds up access to the data but means that if data is updated on one part of the system it
may not be on others, which means that the different versions of the data need to be compared
and amended on a regular basis.

Centralised processing
 Characterised by the presents of processing intelligence only at the central computer/machine
 The central machine is called the host and the peripherals called the dumb terminals.


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