1 Course Overview

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CQI-IRCA Certified

PT 236 : QMS ISO 9001:2015

Internal Auditor Training Course
(Course ID : 17962)

Chapter 1– Course Introduction

Course introduction - BVC

Bureau Veritas
 Established in 1828  Offices in 140 countries
 Turnover over 4.6 billion Euros  1400 offices incl laboratories
 Over 400 000 customers worldwide  Over 80 000 employees

Our Vision
Become the leader in our industry and a major player in each of our
market segments and key geographical markets.

Our Mission
Deliver economic value to customers through QHSESA management of
their assets, projects, products and systems, resulting in licence to
operate, risk reduction and performance improvement.

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Course introduction-BVC

One of the most widely recognised certification bodies in the World

• Global Leadership in Management Systems Certification services

 6500+ auditors worldwide in 140 countries

 100,000+ companies certified
 World leader for Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) certification
 World leader for ethical and social certification (SA 8000)
 Most widely accredited Certification Body
 Global market leader in accredited training
 Global reach with local expertise
 Common sense and pragmatic audits

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Classification and certification Risk management, quality Periodic inspection of Conformity assessment of
of ships and offshore assurance, quality control and asset equipment & facilities in buildings and infrastructures
integrity management of facilities
floating units operation
and equipment



Certification of QHSE Commodities inspection and Testing, inspection and Trade facilitation services
management systems and testing: oil & petrochemicals, certification of consumer
second party auditing services metals & minerals, agriculture goods

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 Management System  Sustainability and Corporate

Certification Social Responsibility
Quality (ISO 9001) / Environmental (ISO 14001) Assurance of CSR Reports
Health & Safety (OHSAS 18001) Organic food & sustainable agriculture
Social Responsibility (SA 8000, ISO 26000) Carbon footprint and Carbon credit verification (CDM / JI / VCS)
Energy management systems (ISO 50001)
Biomass and biofuel sustainability

 International Certification
Programs  Sector specific standards
Multi-sites / Multi-schemes Food Safety (HACCP, ISO 22000, BRC, IFS, etc.)
Security in IT and Logistics (ISO 27001, ISO 28000)
Auditing programs Forestry management (FSC, PEFC, etc.)
based on customer-specific standards for Aerospace (AS/EN 9100, etc.)
Suppliers Network, Internal Transportation (TS 16949, IRIS, etc.)




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Bureau Veritas is your historical trustful partner


VALID ISO 9001 & ISO 14001

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Total Bureau Veritas Certification Offer

Food Safety Health & Safety

► BRC Global Food Standard ► BS OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001
► IFS International Food Standard ► Compliance Audits
► EurepGAP
Social Accountability
► Dutch HACCP and Danish HACCP DS 3027
► SA8000
► GMP+ and QS and GMO
► Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
► Fami-QS
► Bio-terrorism
► Supply Chain Management / Confidence Sustainability Services
► ISO 14064
► ISO 14046
► ISO 9001
► ISO 14067
► AS/EN-9100
► ISO 50001
► TL 9000
► ISO 55001
► ISO/TS 16949
► ISO 20000 Others:
► Second Party Audits
► Integrated Management Systems\
► ISO 14001/EMAS
► ISO 39001
► Forestry -PEFC, FSC
► ISO 29990
Security ► ISO 37001
► ISO 27001
► ISO 28000
• And Training services on all the above schemes……!!!
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Course introduction

Course Timing

Day 1 09:00-18:00 hrs

Day 2 09:00- 18:00 hrs

Lunch breaks: TBD each country

Coffee breaks: mid morning & mid afternoon

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Course introduction

House rules
► Facilities

► Safety rules & evacuation routes

► Courtesy
(mobile phones, pagers, recording devices)
► Local arrangements

Appeal & Complaints

* A delegate has the right to make a complaint or an appeal. Link to BV complaints and appeals
procedure is given below using which the delegate can fill an online form and submit.

** A delegate has the right to make a complaint or an appeal to CQI IRCA @ www.quality.org

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Course introduction

►Learning Methods ►Evaluation Methods

 Tutorials Continuous Assessment:

 Discussions Throughout the course, & feedback

to delegates to allow improvement.
 Exercises and Workshops Final Test :
 Case study Duration : 45 minutes
 Direct Tutor- Delegate A copy of ISO 9001:2015 standard AND
A bilingual dictionary, if brought by the
delegate would be available for reference
during the test

Questions in the examination may be related to any of the pre course knowledge required
to attend this course

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Course introduction Delegate assessment

Element Result

Pass Pass Fail Fail

Written Exam Pass Fail Pass Fail

Result Pass Fail ** Fail ** Fail **

Re- Take Re- Take Re- Take

Action None
the course the course the course

•* There is no Re-Sit examination for this course

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Course introduction

 Learning Objectives (Knowledge):

On completion, successful delegates will have the

knowledge and skills to:

Understand the process-based QMS model for ISO 9001 and the role of an
internal audit in the maintenance and improvement of QMS, With reference to the
PDCA cycle,

Understand the role and responsibilities of an auditor to plan, conduct, report and
follow-up an internal quality management system audit, in accordance with ISO

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Course introduction

 Learning Objective (Skills)

Undertake the role of an auditor / audit team leader to

 Plan an audit (including choice and management of the audit team)

 conduct an audit
 Report audit findings
 Follow up the audit

in accordance with ISO 19011 and establish conformity or

non conformity with of ISO 9001 standard

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Course introduction

Enabling Objectives (Knowledge & Skills)

 Complementary to learning objectives
 Know the purpose and benefits of implementing and improving the performance
of a QMS to your business
 With reference to ISO 9001:
 Outline the model of a process based QMS and the structure and content of ISO 9001
 Understand the relationship between the QMS purpose, internal and external issues,
relevant interested parties, relevant requirements, scope, top management leadership
and commitment quality policy, quality objectives resources operation, monitoring,
measurement, analysis, evaluation and improvement
 Process, process criteria, process controls and ouputs involved in QM and the
significance of these for QMS Auditors

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Course introduction

Enabling Objectives (Knowledge & Skills)

► Define an internal quality management system audit including:

a) The terms and definitions used in auditing, referencing ISO 19011 and ISO 9001 as
b) Typical objectives for internal quality management system audits, including determination of
conformance, evaluation of capability, evaluation of effectiveness and identification of potential
improvement, and suggest how these different types of audit can contribute to the maintenance
and improvement of quality management systems.

► Explain the role and responsibilities of an auditor to plan, conduct, report and
follow up an internal quality management system audit in accordance with ISO
► Plan, conduct, report and follow-up an internal audit of part of a quality
management system based on ISO 9001 and in accordance with ISO 19011.
► Skills necessary for planning, & performing an audit, reporting and follow up the

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