Titanic Playscript

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Rose : Joseph
Jack: Sereywat
Big Billy: Gen
Rose mother : Malya
Olaf : Sowithyear
Sven: Piseth
Janitor: Long
Narrator : William

[Scene 1] : A Card Game

Poker scene changed to card game scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=152Roh-

Scene summary :
While the audience sees young Rose getting dragged onto Titanic, a young man named Jack is
playing a card game—and tickets to get on the Titanic are in the pot. He wins the game with a
full house, and so he has to rush to make it in time—but he gets on board.

It turns out that the Swedish dudes who lost the poker game ended up winning…their lives.

OLAF : You moron. I can't believe you bet our Tickets. Ya donkey!

SVEN : You lost our money. I'm just trying to get it back. Now shut up and take a card.

JACK : Hit me again, you beggar!

OLAF : who’re you calling a beggar?!

JACK : The moment of truth boys. Somebody's life is about to change.

JACK : Let's see... Olaf, you've got squat. Sven, uh oh... two pair... mmm..

JACK : Sorry, you're not going to see your mama again for a long time…

OLAF: Excuse me?!

JACK : Sorry boys. Three of a kind and a pair. I'm high and you're dry and...... we're going to –
OLAF: We are?

SVEN: I thought we lost.

JACK: I know the dealer he gave me a few extra.

SVEN & OLAF: Why didn’t you say so!?

NARRATOR: The trio proceeds to hurriedly get on board the titanic.

[Scene 2]:
Jack and Rose first meeting (Jack and Rose first meeting. Rose was trying to commit suicide.
She jumped off the deck and landed on Jack. People misunderstood what they were doing.)
Rose trying to commit suicide scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Scene summary :
Rose and Jack meet when Jack comes upon Rose trying to work up the nerve to throw herself
off the back of the ship. Yes, that's how miserable she is. He succeeds in convincing her to
come back over the railing, but she slips in the process. Jack hauls her back on board, landing
on top of her—and of course, this is when other people come upon them and entirely
misunderstand the situation.

Billy and Rose’s mother appear from the comotion, and Rose is (of course) reluctant to explain
what she was actually doing. However, as the crew prepares to detain Jack for trying to assault
her, she manages to come up with a story about how she leaned too far overboard, staring at
the propellers, and Jack saved her.

As a result of all this, Cal ends up inviting Jack to dinner with them as a thank you. Lovejoy,
however, doesn't seem convinced that Jack is the big hero everyone is making him out to be. In
fact, he seems to have taken an immediate dislike to the boy.

NARRATOR: As Jack approaches the deck of the ship, he sees a scene that would end up
changing his life forever.

JACK: WAIT!! Don’t do it!

ROSE: Stay back! Don't get any closer!

JACK : Take my hand. I'll pull you back in.

ROSE: No! Stay where you are. I mean it. I'll jump!!

JACK: No you won't.

ROSE: oh, Yes I will!!

JACK: No you definitely won’t.

ROSE: What do you mean no definitely I won't? Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not
do. You don't know me.

JACK: Well if you were, you would have done it already. Now come on, take my hand.

ROSE: You're distracting me. Go away!

JACK: I can't. I'm involved now. If you let go I have to jump in after you.

ROSE: Don't be absurd. You'll be killed.

JACK: I'm a good swimmer.

NARRATOR: He in fact is not.

ROSE: The fall alone would kill you!

JACK: It would hurt. I'm not saying it wouldn't. To be honest I'm a lot more concerned about the
water being so cold.

ROSE: How cold?!

JACK: Freezing.

ROSE: …..

JACK: Second thoughts?

ROSE: AHH!! (Rose slips and falls)

JACK: Hold on!!

ROSE: OK! OK! I’ll go back.

JACK: What's that? I can’t hear you clearly.

ROSE: Oh pull me up already! I said I’ll go back, I won't jump!

JACK: Say no more. (Pulls Rose up to the deck)

ROSE MOTHER: Rose! What are you doing?!

BILLY: Get your dirty hands off her!

ROSE: Wait! He saved me. I slipped and fell off the deck and he caught me.

ROSE MOTHER: Oh did he now? Tell me why is it that you are so conveniently present when
Rose slipped?

BILLY: Well that doesn’t matter. We should be glad she’s safe and as thank you, I shall invite
you to dinner with us.

JACK: Oh…Thank you! Thank you very much!

ROSE MOTHER : (Whispers to Billy) Why are you inviting him over? He’s ragged and dirty.
He’s one of them.

BILLY: (Whispers back) That may be so. However, we owe him and a man makes good with his
promise. Even when it's to somebody like him.

* They all go to dinner.

[Scene 3]: my heart will go on

My heart will go on scene:

Scene summary:

TITANIC STEAMS TOWARD US, in the dusk light, as if lit by the embers of a giant fire. As the
ship looms, FILLING FRAME, we push in on the bow. Jack is there, right at the apex of the bow
railing, his favorite spot. He closes his eyes, letting the chill wind clear his head.
Rose closes her eyes, feeling herself floating weightless far above the sea. She smiles
dreamily, then leans back, gently pressing her back against his chest. He pushes forward
slightly against her.

Slowly he raises his hands, arms outstretched, and they meet hers... fingertips gently touching.
Then their fingers intertwine. Moving slowly, their fingers caress through and around each other
like the bodies of two lovers.

ROSE : Hello, Jack.

ROSE : I changed my mind.

NARRATOR: He smiles at her, his eyes drinking her in. Her cheeks are red with the chill wind,
and her eyes sparkle. Her hair blows wildly about her face.

ROSE : I knew you might be up--

JACK : Sssshh. Come here.

NARRATOR: He whispers to her.

JACK: Close your eyes.

JACK : Now hold on to the railing , keep your eyes close dont peek

ROSE : I won't

JACK : step up onto the rail , hold on, keep ur eyes closed,.... trust me?

ROSE : I trust you

JACK : alright open your eyes

ROSE : I'm flying jack !

NARRATOR: Says the 25 year old.

She leans forward, arching her back. He puts his hands on her waist to steady her.

JACK : (singing softly) Come Josephine in my flying machine…

NARRATOR: Billy sees them and quietly pulls out his gun.


NARRATOR: Jack sees Billy and starts running away while Billy gives chase.


ROSE: THAT'S ENOUGH! Need I remind you that he saved me? What happened to being
honorable and making good with your promise?

NARRATOR: Jack and Billy stood there quietly though Billy seems more agitated now.

[Scene 4]: titanic sinking

Titanic stern sinks scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd53_7n-

Scene summary:
As all this love drama is going on, Titanic is having her own woes.the ship's powers-that-be had
agreed to speed the ship up and reach New York earlier than expected. That would have been
super impressive...

However, that extra speed makes it a lot harder to spot icebergs in time to do anything about
them, and so Titanic ends up smacking into one. The Titanic is definitely going to sink in an hour
or two, despite the crew's best efforts to save her.

Evacuation efforts kick into gear, but they're pretty disorganized and favor the richer
passengers. Lots of the steerage passengers end up locked below deck as the water flows up
through the bottom of the ship, and the crew loads lifeboats pretty sparsely—wouldn't want to
overcrowd the posh folks, after all.

As the boat sinks further and further, and it becomes clear that most people aren't going to
make it into a boat, panic sets in. Despite her indiscretions with Jack, Billy makes an effort to get
Rose and leave with her.

During the dinner, Jack is eating dinner together with Rose , a disgruntled Billy and Rose’s

Jack: Is it me or did the ship

Rose Mother: Oh! Don't be an idiot!

Rose: Mom! Please!

Billy: Rose, Your mother is right. This is the Titanic, the unsinkable ship. Nothing ever goes
wrong with the ship.

Narrator: Oh, is that so?

SVEN: I don’t feel so good.

OLAF: I told you not to eat ten servings of the lobster!

Narrator: oh how did they get here.

SVEN: Ugghh.

OLAF: Okay let's go up to the deck and see the view that’ll get you back to shape.

SVEN: Ok lets go.

OLAF: Lucky us, if Jack didn’t win, we wouldn't be here.

SVEN: I know and what a fine ship this is! Nothing can sink it!

NARRATOR: Oh how wrong they are. The ship hits the iceberg in 3, 2, 1. (loud noise) Perfect


SVEN: Look, the ship hit an iceberg!

[Scene 5]: jack and rose stranded in the water

Jack and Rose in water scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Jack dies scene:

JACK: We have to move!

Narrator: He climbs over the stern rail and reaches back for Rose. She is terrified
to move. He grabs her hand.

JACK: Come on! I've got you!

Narrator: Jack pulls her over the rail. The stern is now straight up in the air.

Rose: What's that?

Narrator: Jack sees what she is pointing to, and asks her to swim together since Jack sucks at
it.. There is a piece of wooden debris. It is clearly only big enough to support her. OLAF swims
toward them, homing in on the piece of debris. Jack warns him

JACK: OLAF? WAIT STOP! It's just enough for this lady... you'll push it under.

OLAF: What happened to mates before rakes.

JACK: You calling her a rake?!

OLAF: Fine! Then , I’ll go somewhere else.

(Olaf swimming off)

ROSE: It's getting quiet.

JACK: Just a few more minutes. It'll take them a while to get the boats

Narrator: Rose is unmoving, just staring into space.

JACK: I don't know about you, but I intend to write a strongly worded letter to
the White Star Line about all.

Narrator: Lucky for him. 76 years later their love life is being made into a movie

ROSE: I love you Jack.

Narrator: He takes her hand.

JACK: No... don't say your good-byes, Rose. Don't you give up. Don't do it.

ROSE: I'm so cold.

JACK: You're going to get out of this... you're going to go on and you're going
to make babies and watch them grow and you're going to die an old lady,
warm in your bed. Not here. Do you understand me?

ROSE: I can't feel my body.

JACK: Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that ticket was the best thing that
ever happened to me.

Narrator: Jack is having trouble getting the breath to speak.

JACK: It brought me to you. And I'm thankful, Rose. I'm thankful.

Narrator: His voice is trembling with the cold which is working tis way to his heart.
But his eyes are unwavering.

JACK: You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will
never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless...
promise me now, and never let go of that promise.

ROSE: I promise.

JACK: Never let go.

ROSE: I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.

Narrator: She grips his hand and they lie with their heads together. It is quiet now,
except for the lapping of the water.

ROSE: (barely audible) Jack.

Narrator: She touches his shoulder with her free hand. He doesn't respond. He seems to be
sleeping peacefully. But he is not asleep.

ROSE: Oh, Jack.

Narrator: All hope, will and spirit leave her. The boat is invisible now. ROSE struggles to move.
Her hand, she realizes, is actually frozen to Jack's. She breaths on it, melting the ice a little, and
gently unclasps their hands, breaking away a thin tinkling film.

ROSE: I won't let go. I promise.

Narrator: She sees him slowly close his eyes. Knowing the worst, she releases him and he
sinks into the black water.


● Don’t judge people because they are poor like Rose’s mother
● Don’t eat 10 servings of lobster or anything for that matter
● Don’t force your children to marry someone they don’t like
● Know how to swim

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