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Oh No British English Student BW

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1 Warm up

Match the words and pictures.

A) hit my head B) break my arm C) cut my finger D) burn my hand E) sprain my


F) spill a hot G) fall off my H) slip on the ice I) break a glass J) trip over the
drink bike pavement

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Now answer these questions:

1. Which phrases relate to injuries to your body? Example: break my arm

2. Which phrases relate to accidents? Example: break a glass
3. Do you have any experiences of these accidents or injuries? Did you have to go to the hospital?

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2 Listening

When people have accidents, they visit the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department of the hospital.
Listen to the three dialogues and decide if the sentences are true or false. If they are false, be ready
to explain why.

Dialogue 1

1. The man slipped on the ice.

2. He broke his foot.

Dialogue 2

1. The man had a car accident.

2. He broke his arm.

Dialogue 3

1. The accident happened in the kitchen.

2. One person is hurt.

Listen again and circle the word that you hear.

1. I’ve recently / just /now slipped on the ice.

2. Have I break / breaking / broken it?
3. What have you done / did you do / are you doing to yourself?
4. I’ve felt / fallen / falling off my bicycle.
5. We’ve have / had / having a bit of an accident at home.
6. You weren’t / aren’t / haven’t been very lucky.

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3 Language point

These sentences from the listening use the present perfect form. Study the sentences and choose
the best option to complete the information or answer the questions.

• What’s happened to you?

• You’ve broken your arm.
• You haven’t been very lucky....

Now pick the best option:

1. These sentences refer to actions or states in the present / the past.

2. We make the present perfect with the auxiliary verbs do or does / have or has / was or were + past
3. When we study verbs, we need to learn three forms: the infinitive, the past simple and the past
participle. What ending does the past participle have for regular verbs?
4. Which verbs in the examples above have an irregular past participle?

Look at the table of irregular verbs in the Appendix. You need to study these forms.

Study these sentences. Notice the contractions and practise saying all the sentences out loud.

positive sentences I/you/we/they ’ve/have He/she/it ’s/has slipped on

slipped on the ice. the ice.

negative sentences I/you/we/they haven’t/have He/she/it hasn’t/has not

not slipped on the ice. slipped on the ice.

yes/no questions Have I/you/we/they slipped Has he/she/it slipped on the

on the ice? ice?

short answers Yes, I/you/we/they have. No, Yes, he/she/it has. No,
I/you/we/they haven’t. he/she/it hasn’t.

question-word question What’s happened to you?

What have you done to

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There are several ways to use the present perfect. Read these sentences and answer the questions.

A: That doesn’t look good! What have you done to yourself?

B: I’ve just fallen off my bicycle. I’ve hurt my arm.

Circle the correct word:

• The present perfect indicates that we can / can’t see the present results of something that happened
in the past.

I’ve just slipped on the ice.

It happened an hour ago.

Circle the correct word:

• We use the word just in present perfect sentences to talk about things that happened a long /
short time ago.
• In present perfect sentences, just goes before the main verb / has or have.

4 Practice

Complete these sentences with have/has and the past participle of the verb in brackets. Use contractions
where you can.

1. She the window. (break)

2. Sorry about all the smoke. We the toast. (burn)
3. Ouch! I just my hand. (cut)
4. He all his homework. (do)
5. he off his bike? (fall)
6. They’re very hungry because they any lunch. (not have)
7. You yourself. You should call the doctor. (hurt)
8. Who on the ice? (slip)
9. She her ankle, she’s broken it. (not sprain)
10. they over the pavement? (trip)

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5 Speaking

Work in pairs. Student A: look at the instructions on this page. Student B: look at the instructions on
the next page.

• You are going to play an acting or drawing game to practise the vocabulary and grammar from this
lesson. There are two ways to play the game. You can act or you can draw. You can use each item
in your list only once.
• Acting: without speaking, take turns to act out one accident and the resulting injury from your list
for your partner.
• Drawing: without using any words or letters, draw a picture of one accident and the resulting
injury from your list for your partner.
• Your partner will guess the accident and injury, using present perfect with just. Make sentences
like this, "You’ve just ... and ... ".
• If you have time, use these ideas to roleplay a dialogue between a doctor and a patient, as in the
listening. Start like this: What’s happened to you? Or What have you done to yourself?

Student A

accidents: fall off a horse, have a car accident, slip on a banana peel, trip over the
pavement, your own idea

injuries: break your arm, cut your knee, hit your head, sprain your wrist, your own idea

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Work in pairs. Student B: look at the instructions on this page. Student A: look at the instructions on
the previous page.

• You are going to play an acting or drawing game to practise the vocabulary and grammar from this
lesson. There are two ways to play the game. You can act or you can draw. You can use each item
in your list only once.
• Acting: without speaking, take turns to act out one accident and the resulting injury from your list
for your partner.
• Drawing: without using any words or letters, draw a picture of one accident and the resulting
injury from your list for your partner.
• Your partner will guess the accident and injury, using present perfect with just. Make sentences
like this, "You’ve just ... and ... ".
• If you have time, use these ideas to roleplay a dialogue between a doctor and a patient, as in the
listening. Start like this: What’s happened to you? Or What have you done to yourself?

Student B

accidents: break a glass, fall in the shower, spill a hot cup of tea, slip on the ice, your own

injuries: burn your hand, cut your finger, hurt your arm, sprain your ankle, your own idea

6 Extra practice/homework

Find and correct mistakes in some of these sentences. If the sentence is correct write a tick ✓next to

1. Oh no! He’s cutted his hand very badly.

2. They’s fallen down the stairs, but they’re ok.
3. Ouch! I just have hit my head on the shelf.
4. She hasn’t had a good time, I’m afraid.
5. I haven’t broke my leg, it’s only sprained.
6. Have sprained you your ankle?
7. She has just tripped on the pavement?
8. What have you did to yourself?
9. I haven’t spilled my coffee, but someone has.
10. I haven’t made my homework, so I don’t know the answer.

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7 Optional extension

For minor injuries, doctors or pharmacists often suggest these treatments. Match the words and the

bandage cream or ointment ice

medicine/painkillers plaster / band aid (US) (plaster) cast

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Which treatments are best for these injuries?

break your arm / burn your hand / cut your finger / hit your head / sprain your ankle

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8 Appendix

Irregular verbs

infinitive past simple past participle

be was/were been

become became become

blow blew blown

break broke broken

burn burnt/burned burnt/burned

buy bought bought

choose chose chosen

cut cut cut

do did done

fall fell fallen

forget forgot forgotten

get got got (US gotten)

go went gone

have had had

hit hit hit

hurt hurt hurt

know knew known

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make made made

meet met met

put put put

ride rode ridden

run ran run

see saw seen

sing sang sung

shoot shot shot

spend spent spent

spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled

swim swam swum

take took taken

tell told told

throw threw thrown

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